Billionaire And The SisterhoodChapter 9: Playing On St. Croix Then Moving In Together free porn video

Watching Tom make out and then fuck with Cindy and Elsa did amazing things for me. I got amazing jolts of arousal that made my cock as hard as it had ever been, and it felt longer and thicker too. I also felt as though I could cum a dozen times in a row. My brain went into high gear with sexual excitement and desire for the women and the whole miniature orgy we were eagerly sharing with one another. I was sexed up beyond my wildest dreams or comprehension. I wondered how this lifestyle had eluded me.
I had always been consumed by business, but not that night. I was consumed by sex. I had come close the first night that Elsa AND Cindy came to my bed, but this was waaaay over the top. Not for one millisecond did a business thought cross my mind. I was focused on every detail of what was happening.
At one point in the evening as I had Elsa riding my cock and burying my face between her breasts, I remember thinking how lucky I was that I had chatted to Elsa at that party and followed-through with a date, and then even pursued her sister, although at the time as a means to regain my lost momentum with Elsa. Since then I had a deep relationship with both of them, and we were apparently comfortable playing together in a sexual way.
My own arousal and ease surprised me. I had expected pangs of jealousy and angst. I had prepared myself for fears to rise up that either or both girls would leave me for our handsome companion, or that he would be a far superior lover that made my meager skills pale by comparison. None of that happened.
The evening with Tom really stretched me in many ways. Going into the evening I had a thousand questions for myself. Would I get jealous? How would I think of Cindy and Elsa after we swapped with another man? Were any of my values dented or seriously damaged? I realized as the evening went on and as Tom and I fucked the girls, that I had no negative feelings. I just never wanted the experience to end.
Additionally, when Elsa came to me with a mouth full of the combined body fluids of Cindy, Tom, me, and her, and expected me to French kiss with her. I had watched Cindy and Elsa playfully and quite visibly swap the fluids back and forth, one even standing above the other and letting the mix dribble from her mouth into her sister’s. As I was asked to participate, I figured it couldn’t be too bad. As one of my minions said, ‘You can live through anything for sixty seconds.’ It wasn’t as bad as I had thought, and I’d do it again, especially in a highly charged sexual situation.
Tom eventually left the villa a tired but sated new friend. I took steps to make sure we could contact him in the future. Cindy, Elsa, and I just crashed into the large bed in our suite and slept until about ten the next morning.
I awoke to a fantastic double blowjob with the sisters mouthing up and down my morning wood with their talented mouths. The result of what they started took another ninety minutes to finish.
Still horny, the three of us ate a simple breakfast and then went down to the beach where we slathered suntan lotion on each other, and then laid back and napped. We didn’t even make the pretense of wearing bathing suits; we just went naked. Cindy and Elsa didn’t want tan lines. I can’t remember my excuse except to bow to peer pressure.
I glanced around looking for my security detail, but they were not to be seen. Lucas had apparently made sure that our privacy was secured.
We barbecued a late lunch on a grill off the edge of the patio – chicken breasts and burgers. We had fun standing around semi-nude and chatting while I played chef. Everything else we needed for dinner seemed to already be prepared in the refrigerator.
Cindy asked me, “Mark, you’ve now watched another man fuck us. What did you think? Are we in trouble or in disgrace with you?” I stood at the grill watching the meat.
I shook my head. “No, you are far from being in trouble with me. I still love the two of you more than ever.” I pulled Cindy to me and kissed her, allowing her bare breasts to stroke against my chest. I thought, my God this is a sexy woman I’m so lucky to have in my life.
I went on, “I was the most turned on I’ve ever been by what happened last night. I plan to figure out how to be a better sex partner for the two of you as a result. I wanted to keep going all night long, but ... well, males tend to be performance limited.”
From my other side, Elsa posed, “And nothing else changed as a result of last night?”
I chuckled, “Oh, I didn’t say that; a lot did change. I think we kicked down the door to open relationships. We have to talk and experiment to see what the new boundaries are going to be, but I can tell already that we are open to sex and even affectionate feelings for others.
“Elsa, I’ve had a myopic focus on my business for twenty or more years. Because I thought I should, I made modest attempts at dating. I confess that part of that was so I didn’t get a reputation as gay and part because I needed sexual release. The other 99.99-percent of the time I focused on business.
“Because of this weekend and what went on with Tom, you’ve broken that model of success. I want to be more well-rounded. Having a loving family around me, like you and Cindy provide, is part of that, but also having fun – sexual fun has got to be part of my life. I don’t want to sublimate or suppress any more. Let’s have fun. Specifically, last night I totally enjoyed watching you both fuck Tom – or him fuck you – or however it went.”
Cindy teased, “So if we did Andy, you wouldn’t mind?”
“Not a bit. I might do Margo. Would you mind? She got my attention a week or so ago with her goodbye kiss. I felt there was something going on there.”
Elsa added, “Not a bit. We might do her too. What about Melanie, your new secretary? She sounded interesting too.”
I chuckled, “We’ll just have to see about all of them. I’m surprised you didn’t mention Sheila too.”
“Oops, I forgot. Any other interesting people we’re missing? What about Lucas?”
I shrugged. He seems pretty dedicated. I don’t know whether you can divert his attention from the job at hand.” I glanced off in the direction where I suspected Lucas was watching the shoreline – and us.
“Will he be flying back with us or going commercial?”
“Usually, he comes back with me.”
“Well, maybe Cindy and I can introduce him to the Mile High Club.” She gave me a teasing glance, but I could tell there was a serious thought there.
I warned, “The dynamic in the cabin will be different with him there. You may feel compelled to behave, unlike our trip home from Chicago. Lucas can be very intimidating when he has to be.”
Elsa and Cindy just smirked.
Later, I saw a very topless Cindy flirting with Lucas. I wasn’t sure he knew what was going on; he could be very serious. He was also a tall, ruddy, and handsome man, but he had an air about him that signaled ‘I’m dangerous.’ She reached up and ran a finger along his cheek in a sexy way. I think she’d made her nipples stand-up before going to see him.
In the afternoon, we took a funky-looking Jeep that came with the villa and drove into Christiansted to poke around and so the girls could go shopping for souvenirs. There seemed to be a surfeit of jewelry shops. Following behind the Jeep came my security team in a black Hummer.
I pulled Elsa and Cindy into one shop and asked the pretty black sales woman if she had three identical rings in our sizes. She measured each of us and then started to bring out trays of matching rings.
The girls were so excited I thought they’d burst, but they tried to keep a lid on themselves.
Eventually, I saw a trio of rings that I liked and I asked the girls what they thought. They gushed over my selection: engraved platinum bands about three-sixteenths of an inch wide trimmed with silver. On each ring were three serious diamonds embedded in the band.
After trying on the selections for size, I paid for them with a credit card. We didn’t wear the rings. Instead, I had the clerk put each in a velvet ring box. The girls looked puzzled, but I explained that we needed a ceremony and that they’d see the rings later that evening. I thought they’d burst with the anticipation of what would come later.
After that we prowled around the town another hour, enjoyed a wonderful margarita on the deck of a seedy looking restaurant and watched the other tourists stroll by. Lucas sat a few feet away also watching the tourists and watching us.
We went to dinner in Frederiksted, the other major town on the Caribbean island. This time, however, Elsa asked that Lucas accompany us, ostensibly so that he could get to know Cindy and her better, since they’d be around me more and more in the future. I ratified that request and assumption on their part to him. He looked uncertain about the shift in relationship, but went along with things.
After a great seafood dinner we strolled around the town. Elsa hung on my arm, and Cindy latched solidly onto Lucas’. I felt sure he knew he could get lucky that night. Cindy all but jumped his bones in the restaurant booth: rubbing him all over and often kissing his cheek or neck. Lucas could blush up to a nice scarlet hue.
We were back at the villa by eleven o’clock. Instead of hanging around, Lucas almost ran off, thanking us for our company and dinner before vanishing outside to make security rounds. He had four other men in the detail, so we knew he just didn’t want to confront some sexually laden situation. I laughed at my bodyguard, but didn’t insist he stay.
We had some Grand Marnier, and I did my sexy liquid kisses with them – kisses that got the girls in a really heated and sexually needy mood. We hadn’t been home fifteen minutes when some of their clothing started to pile up on one end of the sofa. Mine soon followed, but I led them into the bedroom before we were completely nude.
As we kissed and made out, I made them pause. I then got the ring boxes we’d bought earlier in the day. I took each of the girl’s rings and put it on their ring finger. I repeated to each of them, “This ring is a symbol of the love I feel for you. Please wear in with pride, but not out of unwanted obligation. This is not meant to restrict, but to celebrate our togetherness and openness with each other. I love you.” I then kissed the recipient.
When each girl had her ring, I gave my ring to Elsa. She and Cindy jointly put the ring on my finger and repeated the same vow. I kissed both of them.
Elsa tentatively asked, “Are we like married?”
I teased, “Do you want to be?”
“I’m not sure, but I think so. I have friends that had lived together for ten years and then married; now they can’t stand each other and have divorced. I don’t want that. Can we just ‘be’ for a while?”
I nodded, “That would be my preference for now. You need to see if I can be the man you hope for – the man you want to spend the rest of your life with.” I chuckled and added, “But not to the exclusion of all others – as we talked about before.”

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