DóchasChapter 13 free porn video

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As they approached the buildings, Sarah said to the lions, "Why don't you walk along with us? I think, that would convey a better message than anything we could say or do."

The looks on the faces of those on the patio were priceless when they saw Sarah's group coming up the path with the lions mingling among them like friendly kittens.

Ignoring the looks when they neared the buildings Sarah asked, "Donna, how long until dinner?"

"You timed your return well. In about an hour."

"Great. We are going to do exercises then freshen up. By the way, would you tell Ann we have six more guests for dinner? Their diet is a little different, so ask her to provide a raw steak of about 12 pounds on a plate for each."

"Did I understand you to say a 12 pound raw steak on each plate?"

"Yes. Roasts would work just as well but our new guests prefer their meat raw."


When they reached the exercise room, they found an additional exerciser for Alison. Jill said, "Are our needs always anticipated this well?"

"So far, it has happened a lot," replied Sarah. "I attributed it to there being so few of us."

When their exercises were complete, Jill, Janet, Joyce and Judy were huffing and puffing. They had to be helped to the shower. Judy said, "Maybe it was my imagination but that seemed much more strenuous than this morning."

"The second day we were up the exercise intensity increased dramatically," said Rusty. "Terry and Sally had a similar experience the second day they were up."

As Joyce gasped for breath she said, "My first thought was that I was on the wrong one. So why the sudden surge?"

"Our impression is that it is done to increase our stamina, as a part of the transition to being up and around. Donna did tell us that the step change on the second day was normal and we could have it dialed back later. Since the big increase, I've noticed small increases each day."

"Interesting," responded Judy. "I'll talk to Betsy or Connie about it. Alison, how was yours?"

"It didn't seem any different. I think it is a great way to let our milk down. It is definitely much better than where we were before."

On their way to eat Lion Ja said, "Could you all give us a tour? We think it would help us in an emergency."

Sarah and Rusty nodded to one another. "Sure. It is too close to meal time now, so let's do it afterward. We will introduce you before dinner starts and there will be a group meeting after we eat"

"Is it my imagination or do you guys have a special connection to the lions?" said Alison.

"Yes," replied Rusty with Sally nodding yes.

"Alison, we would like to keep that quiet for the time being," said Joyce.

"Okay," said Alison. "Erin and Tara are sort of linked with me. I don't think it is a mind-link, but since we've been here, we are nearly always aware of the other's activity, so I suspect, they've heard us."

"Shouldn't be a problem," responded Ja. "Would you introduce them to us at dinner, or right afterward?"


When they reached the patio, Nancy was standing near the door. Seeing them she stepped over and gave Sarah and Rusty a big hug and kiss. Alice came over to greet Terry and Judy the same way.

Sarah said, "With a welcome like this, we should go on more picnics."

Everyone laughed as the rest of Nancy's group came over to welcome them. While greetings were being exchanged, the lions quietly observed the activity going on around them. After a few minutes, Ja stood up, put his paw on Rusty's shoulder, then licked Nancy's cheek, startling her. Quickly recovering, she put her arm around him, then gave him a hug. The lion purred. Their interaction was so natural it was as if she had been doing it all her life. The commotion drew others over toward them. Rusty, Sally and Terry quietly watched the response to the lions. They were surprised that no one exhibited any fear, although a couple of people were hesitant. Clearly everyone was curious.

Ann came out of the kitchen, "Well now I see why Sarah wanted 6 plates of raw meat," causing everyone to chuckle a bit. "Dinner is ready, so as soon as the crowd moves away from the serving table so we will set it up."

Everybody moved to the side, giving them room to set up the serving table. Sarah took the opportunity to introduce everyone to the lions. Just as she was finishing up Amy's group arrived. Erica raised an eyebrow on seeing the lions. Both Amy and Jim gave her questioning looks.

Sarah said, "You guys look puzzled."

"Surprised," responded Erica, "to see them in here."

"We met them while on our picnic today. They seem to be quite gentle and a little bit protective of us. Erica, we have the impression these are not the lions you usually work with."

Amy said, "We generally wouldn't have them here due to what we've read about Earth. The response I am seeing is not quite the response we would expect, which is good."

Terry said, "Contrary to popular belief lions generally don't bother humans unless provoked. There are some differences in appearance between these and the photos I've seen. As to being dangerous, these are quite dangerous to anyone who would threaten any of us."

Erica said, "Now that I've looked closer, these aren't my group here on the island. How did you say, they come to be with you?" Lil was rubbing against her leg.

"Well it was sort of strange, after lunch, we were tired, so we took a nap," said Sally. "When we woke up, they were sitting around us watching. We were a bit startled at first but their actions made it obvious, that they were friendly. When we started back, we invited them to join us."

"Interesting. Looks like I need to check the archives."

"Why?" asked Janet with a puzzled expression.

"To learn more about them. My instincts are telling me that their presence is significant and they are more capable than the ones I brought here."

Ja and Lil slightly nodded their heads just enough for Sarah and Rusty to feel it.

Ann called out, "The food is on the table. I'll set your friends' plates out in a few minutes while the rest of you get your dinner." As they moved to the serving line, several patted or stoked the lions' heads as they passed by.

Rusty sat with Bob and Stan, then Erica joined them. While they ate they brought Rusty up to date on the security issues, they had found while he was gone. As they talked, he shared the conversation with the rest of his group.

Sarah sat with Betsy and Amy and was joined by the rest of the women in her group including Alison. "Amy you wouldn't believe the wonderful location we found today for our picnic," said Sarah. Everyone nodded their agreement. "In fact, we may want to go back again in the near future."

Joyce added, "The time we spent together relaxing I think really brought all of us closer to each other."

"That's great," said Amy. "The location sounds great, but I don't know that we could relax enough to enjoy it."

"Why?" asked Sarah.

"Mostly because Jim and I are concerned about our security. I know Erica has not been sleeping well because it."

"What's changed?"

"Nothing that we know about. We see it as a weakness, especially now that we know more about the people who used this island before us. We are fairly certain that there is no one else in the area, but ... nothing is perfect. Added to that are the issues Donna is having."

Sally smiled and said, "I think, I understand the basis of your worry and agree that security is a concern. But aren't you really concerned that the progress you've made in the last week will evaporate?"

"Well there is that." She paused then added, "You are right, but after everything that has happened, then to make this much progress in such a short a time, is well, scary."

"We've sensed that," said Terry. "Earlier Erica said the lions were different to yours. What does she mean?"

"She was referring to the cats we have on the ship. They are about the size of Earth's German Sheppards. Since we've been here, we sometimes bring them down so they can exercise in a natural habitat. Besides being smaller, they are different from Earth's lions in that they have a longer jawbone. The presence of these really surprised us." She looked over at them and added, "I believe their eyes are positioned a little differently."

"Interesting," responded Sally. "Initially, I thought they were the lions Erica referred to the other night. If I understand you correctly, you don't think they are part of the group on the ship. They are definitely different than Earth's. So that must mean there is an entity who wants us to succeed."

"Either you know something or you are fantasizing," said Betsy.

"Hey ... here on Earth telepathy is fantasy," replied Sally with a smile.

Everyone chuckled as Betsy responded with, "I can't disagree with that."

"We would like to know more about your culture and related items," said Jill shifting the conversation. "Where would we find the history of that?"

"It is available through the terminals in the library," replied Betsy. "Actually, I think there are several guided studies. Donna can help you."

Amy added, "There is that, but we would like for you to use the learning helmet first. Sarah, Rusty, Sally and Terry have already used it. Generally it is worn while you sleep. The guided studies will augment what you learn using the helmets."

"For us to be effective in evaluating Donna's resource issues, we need to have access to her systems and their design criteria. Is that included?"

Amy hesitated for just a moment, then said, "We can do that but we don't have access to some of the information, however we can give you access to what's available."

"Can Donna provide training sessions tonight?"

"Okay. Who do you want to do this?"

"Our group plus Alison, Erin and Tara."

"But Alison hasn't had her physical yet," responded Betsy. "Erin and Tara just had theirs. As far as I know none of them have decided what they want to do. Most importantly, we don't know if they meet the criteria."

"Alison, tell them how you feel," said Sarah. "Start off verbally then switch to telepathic."

"I told Sarah's group today when they came back that I had really missed them," said Alison. "I told them I had not been able to concentrate with them gone. That is primarily the reason I postponed my physical. I already know that I want to stay here and with this group. If acceptable, I would like to have the genetic treatment as soon as possible, as long as it doesn't hurt my babies. And lastly, if they will have me I would like to join their group. I like Jean's group and they are great friends, but I feel much closer to Sarah's group."

"Did Sarah put you up to that?" asked Betsy.

"Yes, for switching between speech and telepathy," replied Alison with a grin. "I would have done it on my own but she made the suggestion before I thought of it."

"Okay. I agree that you've met a prime requirement. What about the other two?"

"I don't know their plans. I am not sure they are telepathic but we always seem to know what each other is doing."

"We haven't noticed them using it either."

"I think Tara and Erin heard thoughts and attributed the result to intuition. It wouldn't surprise me if they were listening now." As she said the last, she felt their connection.

"Interesting thought."

"Our society or race does not believe in 'mind-link'. Knowing what I know now, I suspect those labeled as witches, and some who were considered mentally ill, were actually telepathic. In most cultures here, history is riddled with tales of people with those labels being killed off."

"We've noticed that. Sarah and Rusty are what we consider to be natural or inherent telepaths. There are likely more but we don't see Earth's tolerance of that changing. Getting back to the issue at hand, Sarah, I don't see any problem with including these three in the systems learning session." She paused for a moment and then added, "We will include Alison in the history section as well."

"Betsy," said Alison, "can I be given the genetic treatment now or do I need to wait until the babies are born?"

"No, you don't need to wait. However, the treatment will also change the babies. Additionally, you will need to follow a specific set of health, rest and exercise instructions for the next six months. If you can't you will need to be sedated."

"Oh, she will follow the instructions, because Jill, Janet and I will make sure she does," said Judy. This caused everyone to laugh. Alison shivered at the warmth and love conveyed in the comment.

"Would it be better to use the incubators?" asked Rusty.

"They have some advantages. In this case, she can receive the treatments as an outpatient with some overnight stays in the clinic."

"Incubators?" said Judy.

"It is a way to treat the whole body," responded Betsy. "Basically the patient is totally immersed and essentially unconscious while in the incubator."

"Interesting, when can I learn more?"

"The first step would be a learning session while you sleep. After that, spending time on the interactive training terminals. You would need to go to the ship for that as Donna can't currently support them here."

"In that case, why not a learning session on this tomorrow night?"

"We can do that."

"Sarah, was there something else?" asked Amy.

"Yes. We would like to become pregnant this week. Is that a problem?"

"I don't think so. Every one of you have responded very well to the genetic virus treatment. May I ask why all at once?"

"Intuitively, I think it will be best to begin now. We would all like to do it about the same time. Betsy, do you know if there would be a problem, if we each have 3 sets of twins?"

"Oh my. That will be 42 babies all within a couple of days of each other. We should be able to manage it; however Ann's and Jean's groups will also be delivering over the next eight months or so. We can manage it, but it would be better, I think, if it was just 2 sets a piece. In any case the first month or two will keep all of you quite busy."

"When were you going to do this?" asked Amy.

"Well we hadn't talked about the timing, but we probably will later. My guess is, that it would be Sally, Terry and myself as a group and then Joyce, Janet, Jill and Judy. But we haven't gotten to those details yet."

"Connie and I haven't worked with that many new babies at one time before, but it is not an uncommon occurrence. Usually the only issue is milk supply, but here that should not be a problem."

Sarah's group was beaming. The thought of becoming pregnant and carrying their babies was really exciting.

As they began to clear the table, "Alison," said Betsy, "based on what we found on your friends physicals and what we have just learned from you, it will be up to you to tell us when you want make the change. As to joining Sarah's group, if they accept you, then you need to explain it to Jean's group. Okay?" Her comment caused Alison's face lite up along with a smile.

Just then Ge rubbed up against Alison distracting her. She heard him say, "Relax before you explode. The babies have had enough excitement for a while." She bent down and hugged him. He licked her cheek and then nuzzled his head between her breasts. She shivered at the feeling of his soft hair between them.

After the tables had been cleaned, they sat back down in their family groups. Jim and Amy sat in the middle of the gathering. They all waited quietly.

Rusty and Sarah stood and began to speak at the same time. They looked at each other and giggled which caused everyone to laugh. Then together they began, "We had the good fortune to go on a picnic today and found a most wonderful location. It was in a canyon. There was a field of soft grass surrounding a small pond and waterfall. It was probably the best picnic any of us has ever experienced. Since the area was quite level and open, we took the opportunity to try out some of our new physical attributes. We were quite pleased. After that experience, we would like to again express our thanks for the care Betsy and her group gave us. However, we don't think they will let us participate in the Olympics." That caused everyone to laugh. "We did take a nap after lunch. When we awoke, there were 6 lions with us. At first we were shocked, as some of you were when you first saw them. It didn't take us long to realize that they meant us no harm. I think each of you have had a chance to meet them by now. Their names are Ja, Ta, Ge, Mi, Lil and Sas."

Amy stood, "Thank you Sarah. Seeing the lions was a definite surprise, but I have to admit I do feel very comfortable around them." With that everyone nodded in agreement.

"We expect all the renovations to be completed in five days. This should make things a bit easier for everyone."

Sam and Ann raised their hands and Amy nodded giving them the floor. "We would like to accept responsibility for providing the meals and taking care of the dining area. We would hope that all of you will assist from time to time, in particular, when we have our babies."

Patricia and Sophia stood. "Oh you won't have a problem with caring for the babies as I'm sure all of us will help." Turning to Jim and Amy they continued, "Our next planning exercise should be toward child care and learning facilities. If we stagger our sleep periods, we can assist each other with our babies. Even so it will be a challenge to provide them with all the necessary nurturing as they grow up."

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Although they came from the same planet, lived in the same town, and were both Seniors in the same high school, they were from different worlds. Clarissa was a brain. Smart as a whip, turned on by anything scientific or informational. Her favorite activity was learning, and her mind was constantly analyzing her world and how she was living in it. Her grades were good, but not perfect, because she operated above the concept that she needed to prove her intellect to other people, especially a...

3 years ago
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Sweetie Part II

Sweetie Part II By Belinda Williams Copyright June 2001 Nicole let go of me and took a step back. She started looking me over from my toes to my head, as I stood still up against the wall. My dress was riding up my ass, my hair felt like it was a mess. My knees seemed to feel a bit wobbly from the on slot of passion, which came from Nicole. She continued to look me up and down, not saying a thing. I tried to fix my hair with my hands then reached down to straighten out my...

1 year ago
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Tara 2 CuttailsChapter 8

The young couple finally arrived at the estate close to lunchtime. Kat had been here once before. She and Olive had been friendly before Olive had taken up with Dewar, so she knocked for them. Kat was surprised when Olive opened the door herself. “What are you two doing out here?” she spat. “Haven’t you done enough damage? Do you want to gloat to my face?” Kat was a bit taken aback, but she didn’t get to answer as Olive’s mother, Fran, had also come to the door. “Who is it dear?” Fran...

2 years ago
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There Goes the Neighborhood

As usual I'd like to thank mikothebaby for her brilliant work making this story readable. The sun had barely risen as my eyes opened on a day that filled me with dread. There was nothing that could happen today that could hurt me very much, but if things didn't go as I wanted, they might still steal a bit of the icing from my cake. As I stirred preparing to rise, she too awoke and reached for my arm. She pulled it back onto her breasts and very pregnant tummy. "Let those bastards wait,"...

1 year ago
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The Spirit of 66Chapter 5

After helping Tiffany dress in loose fitting clothes; Melody called a family meeting in the living room! Things had to be sorted and she needed to find out if the other two girls had experienced anything like this too. Not really knowing how to approach the subject; Melody began, "Herm! Have either of you two had any weird experiences here at home?" Cassandra and Abigail blushed and looked at each other before shaking their head; "Come on; it's ok to tell me as I too have had them!"...

4 years ago
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The Handyman

It was as if a prayer had been answered when Carla heard the doorbell ring and found a workman standing on the doorstep when she answered. “Sal at number seven said you needed a plumber,” he told her. “I was round there fixing her dishwasher.” Sal was a neighbour and she had sounded off to her in the supermarket the day before about Jo, her husband, blocking her sink up. She looked him up and down. He seemed genuine enough. He was wearing work clothes and carrying a tool bag. She spotted his...

Wife Lovers
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08 TogetherChapter 84

Flashback – Ben – Back at the formerly captured hospital George joined us on the roof along with the radio operator. We didn’t have to wait long. As the first rounds fell, George called in the azimuth changes and ordered, “Fire for effect.” My hunch was correct: Towelheads flew out of the building like cockroaches and we shot the fuckers. The other Marines were damn good shots - they were only hindered by the limited range of their M4’s. That was a problem I didn’t have with my sniper...

2 years ago
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From The Depths of My Mind

This is just a small first story to see what people think of my style. Behind-the-story stuff in comments. But warning, it’s kind of a dream-esque style. she doesn’t really have an age, but I’m judging from my random images of her she’s 18 too. ——————————- I’m already naked as she pushes me down onto the bed. I can’t see her face, as always. It’s in shadows. All I see is her pale skin and red lips. She smiles behind pressed lips as she lightly drags her nails up my chest. She is also naked as...

1 year ago
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Sleep Over Part 20

Right after Kev said that, he moved back into a sitting posistion Followed by Ray and myself And we all took sips of our sodas And looked at each other and started to laugh Fuck me , that was fun Ray said Kev was moving his head in agreement as he downed the rest of his soda His eyes looking right at my cock Ray asked me my thoughts on what just happened I said, i want girls/women to do that with, But for now, you fags will have to do And we all burst out laughing. Ray got up to go...

4 years ago
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Taken By MistakeChapter 4

Sally propped herself up, reached down between them and started rubbing. At first I thought she was rubbing her clit until I heard Mary say "Hmmm, that's nice." Sally looked at Mary laying back with her eyes shut and moaning softly, then she looked over at the camera. She then said "tell me Mary, how do you feel right now, I mean have you ever been this turned on before in your life?" Mary softly said "no" Sally then said, "have you ever felt this sexually turned on before in your...

2 years ago
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Youre Such A Wimp

"You know, you can never go wrong with a black cotton Hanes Her Way panty brief." Karen stood behind me as I sat at my desk typing. "Excuse me?" I stuttered. "Except if she was wearing white slacks and you'd possible see the dark panty material through the slacks, but you're wearing appropriate slacks, so those panties are a perfect for your outfit." "I'm not sure what you are talking about." I turned my chair and faced her while talking. "You're wearing Hanes Her Way black high...

3 years ago
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Catching my sister inlaw part 3

After I had caught my sexy sister in-law having sex with her own brother and then when it came out that my brother is a lousing lover and I confided to Tina that my wife is nothing more then a ice berg, and with us finding love in each others arms. We just couldn't stay away from each other. I got one of those prepaid cell phones for Tina so she could call and if my wife happened to answer she could pretend to be someone else. I think Tina and me have been with each other 2 to 3 times a week...

1 year ago
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PromiseChapter 19 Tootsie Explains

I HAD THE VISA APPLICATION on my desk. It sat there in the middle of the blotter like a fly on a hamburger. I turned it over. She’d signed the application, at least I hoped she’d been the one to sign. I turned the paper back over to read the name again. “María Fernanda Dolores Vasquez,” born March 23rd, never mind the year. Old enough to travel alone, at any rate. The whole thing smelled. Even if she was of age, or said she was, girls her age rarely had a good reason to travel alone to the...

3 years ago
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My Sons First TimeChapter 2

"It's not going in, Robbie, push some more," and he shoved forward once more. "Maybe you're not wet enough?" "Oh, I am so wet, just push harder, just make it go in," she said as she lifted her hips up and he arched forward pushing. "Oh, it's going in, keep pushing, oh, yes, that's better," and I can see that she's raised up on her elbows looking down. Robbie's cock must be inside her because he was now thrusting in and out of her and she was meeting every movement with those...

4 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 8 Decade Remembered Decade StartedChapter 4 SousChefs

The Friday night crowd was thick and mostly male. Many of the men seemed in the construction trades. The city continued to expand even despite the increasing number of articles in the news about rising tides and water levels. Club Ecstasy was packed. A number of Circle members were associated with the nightclub a.k.a. strip club at most times. About thirty members of the Circle had pushed together several tables to park their drinks and snacks on while they watched some of their friends and...

4 years ago
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Brittanys Evaluation

Brittany sat in her chair behind the receptionist desk outside of Mr. Giltwad's office. The slender twenty-five-year-old was checking on the final itinerary for his trip next month. She knew it was still weeks away, but wasn’t chancing an error in his schedule. She checked the time, seeing that she still had thirty minutes before he was to arrive.She had only been employed here for eighty-nine days. She was assigned from her temp agency, but she really wanted to become a full-time employee. She...

Office Sex
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TommyChapter 9

I made a split-second decision; hopped up off the floor, and locked my knees. “Whoa.” To-my-self. “Girl, I’m going to head down. It’s not what you think, it really isn’t. You guys need some time and so do I. It’s alright, it really is. It’s not in fright, please believe me.” “Cully, no, honey.” She’d turned from him. “I’m here for you. Don’t go, Cul.” “Girl, seriously, it’s not that. I promise, it’s not. I’m fine.” The whole damn room was spinning. “I’m fine, I really am.” “Move.”...

1 year ago
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A boring party

I had dressed especially slutty that night, since I was getting really horny and figured that Victor would be nasty and hot with me when getting back home after the party…I chose a short black skirt, a low cut top, showing off a nice cleavage; a red garter belt with stockings and a lacy red thong. I made sure that my skirt could ride up just enough so that my beloved hubby could notice what was underneath. As Victor drove us there, I reached over and rubbed his leg, making sure that my hand...

2 years ago
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High TidesChapter 32 Cool Frugal Conscience

Carla? Of course, Carla! She’s mine again. Alive again. I missed her so much. I gave Kathy’s reanimated dispossessed body to my murdered wife Carla. Holding her n my arms again, kissing her, is a joy. Carla clings just as tightly to me. Why give her Kathy’s body? Same size and very similar around her eyes as the original Carla. Carla wasn’t blond of course, but she can dye her hair if she wants. Carla’s skin was light brown. Kathy’s lost her suntan, her present pallor is frozen turkey pale....

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 31 March 14 15

March 14 I kind of slept in today, since I knew Becky wasn’t going to pick me up until ten or so. At nine, I grabbed me a shower and was in the kitchen having a bowl of cereal when Mom came in carrying two coffee mugs. It must have been their second helping. “Looking forward to another day with Katie?” she asked as she came over to where I was sitting and bent down to kiss my cheek. “Yeah,” I nodded, “I hardly get to see her during the week at school since our schedules are so...

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Confession Of Indian Wife

Hi friends, this is Bobby here again after a long time. For the people.” Who don’t know me; I am male 37 from Delhi. I am big fan of ISS and written previous episodes in ISS and got good replies from number of people. This story is not about me but my friend Neeru whom you guys can read in my previous post. She was a hot erotic lady in late thirties with a very sexy figure and is always ready to fuck. I was with her nearly a month back at her office where we just finished our action. We were...

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Link Part 21

Faye awoke to the sound of metal of metal, clunks and clashes coming from somewhere in the darkness. Faye sat up and rubbed her eyes. Someone approached the metal bars of her cell. She could clearly see the out-line, and at once she knew who it was. "Link!!" She shreiked. "Shhhhh!!" Link said. "Oh.. sorry" She said as Link opened the door. Faye threw her arms around him and kissed him, but he didn't kiss her back, her unwound her arms quickly. "Umm... we don't have much time we...

3 years ago
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Shastas TaleChapter 5

Nesho's order to evacuate resulted in action somewhat reminiscent of an anthill being kicked over or maybe a beehive that had been whacked by a stick. People were scurrying here and there in what would look to an outside observer to be complete chaos. Chaos it may have been, but a very controlled and productive chaos. Within hours the files pertaining to Dent's shipping business and governmental records were loaded into a cart and hustled off to a predetermined safe location. Most of the...

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Rubies Gladiatorial Club

Rain permeates the night of a dark and dismal alley in an unrecognizable city. Lights appear in the alley through the rainy night, illuminating the alley?s darkness away for the briefest moment. Limo after line of limo, pull up to a rusting steel door, unloading its passenger with each stop. No identity is given to the passengers , only their appearances give any truth to their existence, as they step from each limo. Diamonds, rubies, gold, and other forms of extravagance, decorate the heels of...

2 years ago
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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 139

Tuesday morning I did a VCATS with Jenny and Marcy. They were over the open Atlantic on their way to Thimble Shoals. They were carrying more gold and diamonds to the meeting to keep the accounts up to Marcy’s liking. Andy, Vicky and Ching Lee were headed to Dubai then taking one of the Blackhawks to the Boxer. Andy had the military records for our ships’ captains for the Admiral to review if he wanted. I did a VCATS with Marcy and Lorrie, then settled into my day. The Congressional leaders...

4 years ago
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Nangi Wife

By : Asmit222 Hello meri id meri wife ki age 26 hai aur meri 29 saal.hum gurgaon mai rehte hai aur hamari marriage ko 3 saal hogaye hain meri wife ka naam sonam hai aur woh dikhne mai bhut he sexy hai uske momme ka size 36 aur gaand 34 hai pink nipples aur gore badan ki wajha se woh bhut he sexy lagti hai mera yeh story 6 month pehle ki hai sex karke mai bore hoo chuka tha aur mai kuch new chata tha mujhe ek alag si talab lag gayi thi ki Sonam ke moome ka dedaar aur bhi ladke karen matlab...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 721

A tough looking group of bikers were out riding when they saw a girl about to jump off a bridge so they stopped. The leader, a big burly man, gets off his bike and says, “What are you doing?” “I’m going to commit suicide,” she says. While he did not want to appear insensitive, he didn’t want to miss an opportunity so he asked, “Well, before you jump, why don’t you give me a kiss?” So she does, and it was a long, deep lingering kiss. After she’s finished, the biker says, “Wow! That was the...

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Sister Mary Jeans StruggleChapter 12

Vespers could not end soon enough, Sister Mary Margaret and my self informed Mother Superior that we were going to go visit Cheryl, the new PE teacher, after giving her the address we left. The rule is we had to return by 9:30 PM. It was only 6:45, so we had all kinds of time. On the way over Sister asked me what she should do when we got there. I told her we would just play it by ear. I had no idea, and I did not know what Cheryl had in mind. All I knew was, we were going over to have the...

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Wild in the CountryChapter 11

Priscilla Devereaux watched morosely from the cafe across the street as Nancy Pace left the sheriff's office where her dark- skinned fiancee worked. Everyone seemed to be happy but her. Even that no good law officer had a steady girl that she was sure he was fucking. Only she was alone, it seemed, and she didn't like it. Priscilla was very unused to being deprived of anything, and having been spurned by Mark Denning at the conference at the Radisson, the fire of envy and resentment burned...

1 year ago
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Serendipity Part I

This is a true story, the names and places are changed, but everything else is just as it happened... Shit. 33 years old, divorced, living alone, and now I've started to wonder about men....sexually, I mean. I've always dug the chicks, you know? I mean, some nice hairy bush....what could be better than that? But then why do I get so hard during the blow job closeups in a good porno? Well, I guess I found my answer, just about a year ago now...... It was late. I had taken a drive into the Sierra...

2 years ago
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First gay bj

First gay experience Hi I am John I am 20 and am in college. I decided to take classes over the summer to make up for failed classes. The only problem is at my school during the summer there is like 20 times more guys then girls. Last week I was in my dorm talkin to my roommate. I was just bullshitting about how long it's been since I got a bj and what I would do for one.I said I would give someone $200 to suck my cock right now. My roommate tommy said really $200 i might know someone who...

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Aunties Panties

Sam was a bright, 20 year old, radiant young man. He far surpassed his classmates in their studies. Spending long hours in his room completing assignments working many hours into the night. Sam had a somewhat clumsily hidden secret. Sam had a great deal of interest in the under-wears of his mother and aunts. He was obsessed. Swiping clothes from the house's only drier, walking quietly and containing his excitement. Sam would even go as far as to reach into the drawers on his mother's bedroom...

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