MasterbuilderChapter 10: Elise's Romp free porn video

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After taking my leave from Alfred I took great pleasure in announcing to Elise that D-day had arrived. We would go to the island this very afternoon.

"Let us have some nice lunch here, parcel our goodies, send them off to the other side and be gone as well."

"Oh no, Berthold. I can't just go like this. I will have to make an appointment with my hairdresser. Sort out the clothing I want to take, the houseplants need to be taken care of, so many things to do. Will we have enough to eat and drink? I can't just leave like that, can I?"

"Elise, we will be gone from here for only five minutes. You do not need a haircut, the plants and the entire house will be fine. The food I can take care of right now, since you prepared everything. Clothing is not only casual all the way but also optional, only the two of us will be there. Why worry so much?"

"But they will be able to watch over us, won't they? It is easy for you to say 'Don't worry' now but I do remember your misgivings about Alfred only too well."

Again, women's complaints but valid, come to think. So I told her a little more about Alfred and Wilbur, the kind of bond the two shared and what I shared now as well.

"Better, kinder and friendlier people you will not find anywhere. Yes, I do know how difficult this must be for you. And while you may have doubts about many things, you should not for one moment doubt their integrity. Neither of them will snoop on us. Trust me at least."

Lunch was a very subdued affair. This, I realised, was no time for light banter. We ate in silence, I did not stop her from tidying up the kitchen and took her hand when she started to fret, wring the dishcloth and look about her furtively like a cornered hare.

"Come, love, let us change into our holiday gear. There is no need whatsoever for those dismal winter outfits. Too warm and restricting. Put on something summery comfortable, easy shoes, pack up your toiletries, don't forget some sun lotion, and let's be away."

However, Elise was unable to think and act straight. I had to guide her, help her gather a few things, sort out some appropriate clothing and in the end had to tell her that it wouldn't matter at all if we forgot something. I could always go back and pick it up.

She wailed again.

"You would leave me stranded at the island?"

"No, I will not leave you at all. We can both travel backwards and forwards as much as we like after we got you healthy as well. Come now, let's go. The island is waiting."

Of course I had to lock up the house completely, turn down the central heating, boost the fridge a notch, put the car into the garage. Silly things, really, but gladly done to calm her down. The computer was still running and ready, of course, and I let her watch as I sent our provisions on their way.

"Here you go, Elise. I shall put you down right at the top of our hill, outside the cave. See you there."

Before she could answer me, she was gone. My good intentions notwithstanding, I felt like a heel, just as if I had done away with her for real. To save her any more anxiety I made the jump after her right away.

"Hi, Elise, do you like our island?" Bewildered, she spun around and let me have it for surprising her.

"Damn you, Berthold. You scared me out of my wits. This moving business is so spooky, I will never get used to it. How anybody could think of doing something like this is beyond my understanding. But this ... your island is so lovely and look what Alfred and Wilbur have done."

Looking at the caves, Alfred's was to the left of the large, communal room, to the right was Wilbur's, and Sabreena's I suppose, with 'our' cave on the outside of the semi-circle. The guys had been very busy once more. At least I presumed that they had joined forces. A table and chairs were placed outside with a beautiful vase full of wild flowers, next to the entrance was a polished-brass shingle stating 'Doktor Eisenbart — Speed Healing — Consultations at all Hours and Places'. Alfred's doing obviously, along with a card which he had affixed to the closed netting, welcoming Elise to our place, not only in words but with a caricature of circus director Alfred Alfredino with just the outlines of three figures behind him, egghead Wilbur, Sabreena and Lexa, all displaying face-splitting grins and raised drinks.

Tears of joy were flooding Elise's eyes as she turned and hugged me, for once not able to utter a single word. I released her and opened the mesh screen, showing her the inside of the cave: the large bed, the easy chairs, books, lamps, a table, a few paintings even. The room itself was but a replica of our first effort at cave design. The kitchenette was there, rather basic, since we had the full kitchen now, as well as the recess for cooling food and drinks. The earthenware pitcher and two mugs took pride of place on the table and, yes, more of that incredibly delicious planter's punch. The island hosts at their very best. I missed them.

"Elise, let's store our things away quickly. We will have our drinks then and I will show you everything."

By now Elise was very happy with her comfortable clothing and together we took occupation of our home from home. Afterwards, as we sat under the shade trees I told her first about the ponds. Clean, fix and heal, in that order. Pointed to the 'gym' trees, lugged the telescope out and let her find the lake, the 'roos, ostriches and buck. She was totally enthralled when I took her up on top for a view of the whole island and even more so when we went down to the waterfall.

"Berthold, I have waited so long for this. Unable to believe that it could be real, always suspicious that you were having me on. But you have not exaggerated. What you guys have achieved here is beyond compare even if it is beyond understanding. Wilbur to think it out, Alfred to expand on it: pure genius. I could die happy now."

"No, Elise, we will live very happily. Not forever after but certainly for some time to come. Let's jump in the pond for a quick refresh and then go down to the beach, find the bikes and go exploring."

Elise took a long time to convince that it was alright to strip down to the buff, she kept looking around as if she suspected all kinds of perverts hiding in the shrubbery. However, once she had overcome her shyness she revelled in the softness of the water, the pleasant tingles it gave her and was much surprised to see the water flowing off her body completely. She mentioned that Alfred was entitled to giving me short shrift so often, it being well nigh impossible for him to understand that anybody could fail to immediately see the largesse of his project.

"Yes, well, we sorted that out. I admitted to being dumb, he allowed that he was maybe not the best of teachers. It was Wilbur, though, who brought it all together. He is a superlative teacher, able to explain in plain language what it is all about. Leaving out the complex details when only a large view of things was required."

While saying this I had filled two bottles each of nos. 2 and 3 water.

"Elise, this is the first, perhaps the only real and hard rule on this island: we do not go away from here without healing to hand. Alfred will tell you what happened to him, I couldn't. But we do know now that we will be able to fix most everything, short of sudden death. You carry yours, I carry mine."

I had thought to include two carrier belts in our luggage. We strapped them on, stuck in the plastic bottles and went down towards the beach. Of course I also packed a bottle of wine, screw cap, and some dried sausage for sustenance. Ready for action we were.

Ever so often during the stroll down, Elise would stop and just look about her as the island unfolded, marvelling at the flowering shrubs, listening to the birds and insects, to small animals scurrying away, appreciating the warm sun, so welcome after the ghastly weather we 'enjoyed'.

She found Albert's idea of a gym hilarious.

"How can he always come up with such ingenious ideas, Berthold? It would have been much easier for him to move a few pieces of equipment, wouldn't it?"

"Of course he could have done that. But he mentioned to me that he had always had this dream of living in an unspoiled part of nature. When I decided to 'create' the island he saw his chance of making that dream come true. Of course he had to compromise here and there. He got rid of the solar panels but had to install a generator to drive the kitchen and lighting stuff. Then there are the bikes, the kayaks and the fishing rods. But we will never have anything powered by combustion engines, no radio or television, we leave our watches behind. We don't need glasses any longer, you will get rid of yours too, and the only extravagances we allow, sometimes even excessively so, are food and drink. But this is an agreeable deviation, do you not agree?"

While talking we moved through the gym, pushing a little here, testing there. And then Elise was positioned just right. I let go of the low branch that I had politely held back for her and swatted her behind. A yelp and looks like daggers.

"I keep forgetting that you are enjoying your second youth, Berthold. Don't pull pranks too often, I will certainly retaliate at the slightest chance." Her face lit up. "I am sure Alfred and Wilbur will side with me."

We took to the bikes for a spin around the island. I had to show her Wilbur's pond, we greeted the ostriches while the kangaroos stuck to a sceptic distance, the tortoises couldn't care less about us as always. The antelopes played 'Catch me, if you can' in the background. A perfect little world and Elise said as much.

"You, or Alfred rather, have thought of practically everything. The climate is most enjoyable, plants and animals seem to thrive. I have been made welcome. Yet, why do I not feel as complete as I should?"

I understood immediately what she felt. When I had been here on my own with only the virtual Alfred for company, I had experienced the same 'too much for one person' sensation. The solution was obvious but I dared not mention it.

"Berthold, we have only been here for a few hours. Please don't take this wrong," Elise stammered, groping for words. "But I would like to meet your friends. Now. Have them meet me before you do any changes to me. I am sorry, but I do feel overwhelmed. Something to do with safety in numbers, I guess. Can we do it? You are not upset?"

"No, Elise, I am not upset. To be honest, I had the same urge to share. We will have lots of time to be together here in the future. Let's go back up after I get us a few big prawns. Maybe you can make up something nice. Prepare a cold buffet, lots of everything, drinks we have aplenty already."

After putting the bikes back in the shed we set out for the beach. I knew exactly where to go hunting for the prawns and I swear they had grown to royal dimensions in the meantime. I crammed the whole bucket full of the monsters, grabbed some of Alfred's favourite seaweed and away we were.

Elise was enamoured with the beautiful kitchen in the main cave, the lounge as she called it, and was soon humming and cooking and generally felt at home, despite the quite American layout and gadgetry. I put a drink in her hand and told her, after kissing her soundly, that she was doing great indeed.

"Alfred, Wilbur? Are you fellows listening?"

"Yes, Bert, we are. Is everything alright? Surely there can't be any problems?"

"No, no problems whatsoever, apart from the fact that the place is too big for us. Elise and I would like you and your mates to join us. She wants to meet you before she is made over, as she phrased it, and is now busy preparing for a feast, if not an orgy of gluttony. Will you come?"

"Why, Bert, we will certainly come if you wish. Although I had thought you would want more time for yourselves first."

"Don't let him pull the wool over your eyes, Bert. Alfred has been a bloody nuisance all day, forever calling me up, wondering how you fared and whether everything was as Elise had hoped for."

"Listen you two. Come right now, you will be just in time for pre-prandial drinks. I will lay the table for six. Berthold signing off now. I have to do all the menial tasks here."

They must have agreed to meet on the beach. We first heard their voices, then saw them make their way towards our hill. Four of them, thank God. Even though the sun had just begun to touch the horizon I lit a few large candles on the table. They should be able to see their glow from down there.

"Come on, Elise, let us go and meet them. The food can wait a little while."

She washed her hands at the sink, looked for a mirror, found none of course and gave me one half-despairing, half-hopeful look.

"How do I look? Am I presentable at all?"

She looked fine to me, flushed as she was from her work. She would do and I told her so. I took her hand and we walked down towards our guests, gathering speed as we went. We met halfway, hesitant over the last few metres separating us, then, suddenly, rushing together into a windmill of bodies.

We all had tears to fight, throats to clear, all our pent-up emotions breaking out after waiting for this very moment for so long.

I grasped the hand of the tall, Hispanic-looking woman and with the other hand reached out towards Lexa, a lovely blonde, not much taller than Alfred.

"Sabreena, Lexa, no guessing who I am, but I would like you to meet Elise. Alfred, Wilbur, so good to see you again. Let us all go up quickly, my throat is so parched all of a sudden."

We shared one more hug, the women talking softly amongst them already and soon came out on top. Great exclamations from our female visitors and some 'Ohs' and 'Ahs' and 'What do you know' from Alfred and Wilbur as well. To celebrate just this occasion I had made up various parcels of our family silver, some heavy candle sticks, crystal glasses, a tablecloth or two with serviettes thrown in to boot. Our boys-only feasts had been great if a bit rustic and for this day our best would just barely do. The drinks were ready: a heady concoction of Vana Tallinn liqueur, spritzed up with very dry champagne and a slice of orange thrown in.

"Wilbur, you claimed once to hate 'mushy' but I do not know of a better way to say it: here's to friends, and to science and the joy the two can bring."

"Too much talk," Wilbur mumbled. "Way too much talk, but since this is special indeed I am generous enough to forgive you once more."

And raised his glass, took a long sip, smiled hugely, smacked his lips and stated categorically.

"Bert, as long as you serve drinks like this you may talk as much as you want. Heavenly, no other word for it. More please, I got to have more."

"See, Elise, I didn't promise you too much, did I now? Wilbur larger than life."

Elise acknowledged my words with a smile and a happy nod towards Wilbur but turned to Alfred. Softly she held his face, softly she kissed him on the mouth and softly she said: "Thank you, Alfred. Thank you for everything but most of all for being here now and with Lexa, too."

The lot of us felt moved beyond all reason and even Wilbur was quiet for once. Elise broke our reverie, however.

"Oh, the food. I forgot about the food."

Sabreena and Lexa, leaving us to our own devices, joined her rush into the kitchen. With a nod towards us Wilbur collected the drinks and we followed him up towards the top.

We sat down on our perch, Alfred bringing out his pre-mades. A few puffs all round, some measured sips and we were ready.

"Way to go, Alfred. Lexa is made for you, this much is obvious. You must have spent quite some time here together. She is so familiar with everything."

Alfred was fidgeting a bit.

"I was upset about Wilbur's messing with my affairs, but you were right. Lexa will tell her own story eventually, so I will just say now that she has been orphaned since before her teens, lately working in that dreary store to put herself through university. Law she studies, nearly finished too. Smart girl. Yes, we have been here before. For a long time. She needed it.

"She was very sceptic about everything Wilbur had told her and had her own reasons for not wanting to get involved. She is very shy as well and till this moment I do not know how I managed to convince her to trust me. Obviously it worked. But the Lexa here is not the Lexa she was. No, I did no healing on her as yet, she did not even use the second pool. Like Elise, I suspect she wanted to meet you people unchanged. Good thing too, I agree. The experience of all this is what changed her. She maintains that the world cannot be all bad, if it is possible to create something as beautiful as our island.

"And you know, Bert, that she got very upset, even cross with me over the way I treated you? I had to tell her everything of course and she rejected my excuses, that you were very abusive in return, out of hand and claimed that I used excessive force. I should be ashamed and make up to you."

We shared a good laugh over that but I had more questions.

"Wilbur, you and Sabreena, getting to know her will be a pleasure, are very relaxed and playful. Has Alfred found a place for you? Have you settled down? Are your problems over?"

Wilbur chuckled softly and moistened his gullet some before he spoke.

"Whereas I was 'meddling' in Alfred's life, he fixed mine. He did find the perfect place for us, a derelict mill house way out in the boonies, complete with waterwheel and pond, and no neighbours within 10 miles. A gem of a place, and I am now doing masonry, carpentry and lots of other rough crafts to restore the building. The wheel is coupled to some heavy stuff, well hidden of course. We even buy in minimal electricity to keep up appearances. And sell about four times that amount back to them. Sabreena is fine too. There wasn't much to heal in her case and it went relatively smooth. I won't tell you my new name. The handle dear Alfred stuck me with is too ridiculous. Funny to him, to be sure. Yes, all is very well with us, thanks to that same Alfred, and he should be the one to tell you the rest of it."

"Things did not go all that smoothly on my side, Bert. I was right, that Kevin-bloke did act malevolently. But he was just a tool of the bad guys on our side. The manager was in on it as well, that came as a surprise. He had you fooled there and it is just as well we checked everything. The latest I heard they now do regret their actions. As they should. I got them both a transfer to the eastern-most computer store in Germany, a desolate spot, almost in Poland. Take it or be fired.

Same as Masterbuilder
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College Romp

My name is Malcolm. I was a virgin until one amazing night in my sophomore year of college. There were a lot of hot girls at my school and I was friends with a lot of them, but I had never been able to turn it into a sexual thing. My first girlfriend in high school, who I was still with my entire freshman year, never let me get past feeling her tits outside her bra, then she dumped me. During the first couple months of my sophomore year I looked at a lot of girls that I wanted to get naked...

Group Sex
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Pats day time romp

Pat came around the other day for me to fix the TV set she had brought to tune it in, I sat on the floor to tune Pat came and sat by me as I tuned it I look up and watch her face I could not help and kissed her as she look sad what did you do that for she ask I said you look very sad. She did not say stop so I kiss her again and again as I layed back on the floor I pulled her to me so she was across my chest and kissed her more and more I then put my hand up her tee shirt at the back rubbing...

1 year ago
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A Boy Scout Romp

I had never felt a penis before, so this was thrilling for me. I could feel my panties getting wet from my arousal, and it started to feel hot, like I wanted him, sex pheromones filled the air. it was my own sex arousing me, and I could tell it was affecting him too. It was about 11:30 at night, it had just rained, so me, four other girls and the older guys (all about 18-19 years old) from my troop decided to meet up with a couple of the older guys from another troop we hang out with a lot. We...

First Time
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Steam Room Romp

I get to the and began my workout as normal. I get a lot of stares from men and women when I'm at the gym. I am 5'10 a dark skinned black male, 190 lbs and very sexy. Anyway I am working out and I see one of the personal trainers, named Antonio, with one of his clients. He happened to be one of the sexiest men at the gym. He was a 6'3 latin male with a body and the sexiest eyes. I try not to stare but I can't help it. I am doing the hip abductor work out and I start to feel my cock filling with...

2 years ago
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Elise employee of the year

Graduating college and joining the real world turned out to be less stressful than I anticipated. There were lots of changes, like my girlfriend Elise and I getting our own place together and starting to make a life for ourselves. Luckily money wasn't an issue for us as I got hired on full-time at the same company I worked for while I was in school. At first Elise and I worried about keeping in touch with all our old friends, but that turned out not to be an issue either. We still see them all...

2 years ago
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Elise and my roommates Chapter 4

I guess you could say the day after the "pretend girlfriend act" was a little tense around the house. Although I told Elise I was okay, everyone could tell I was pissed and stayed out of my way. I'm a pretty easy going guy and don't hold onto things for long so by Sunday I was already feeling better.Jeff apologized for the whole evening, but conveniently claimed he was too drunk to remember much of what happened. He said he remembered Sara and Elise making out for a little bit then the next...

3 years ago
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Elise and my roommates Chapter 3

Weekdays had a way of wearing me down. School work was killing me this week, it seemed every class had a major paper or project due at the same time. It was Friday again and I was actually looking forward to the weekend, even though that's when Elise seemed to get in the most trouble.Over the last week she had been wearing less and less around the house, if that was at all possible. Last night she was walking around in just a bra and a tiny thong. The back of the panties was basically just a...

3 years ago
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Elise employee of the year chapter 2

Life with Elise is always unpredictable, and tonight was no different. First, her bikini top broke while playing in the pool, then she somehow lost the bottoms while teasing the guys in the hot tub. Now she was only left with a small towel to cover herself as we left the pool to head back to our rooms."Hey Elise," Shawn said with a big grin and pointing to a sign. "No breaking the rules."There was a sign by the door that read: "Do not remove towels from the pool area."Elise looked at me and...

4 years ago
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Elise and my roommates Chapter 2

Things quieted down after the weekend. Classes and part-time jobs kept us busy during the days and most evenings. The times we were all at home together I kept a close eye on Elise to make sure nothing funny was going on with my roommates.Elise's new favorite thing seemed to be taking selfies and I'd receive them at random times throughout the day. It seemed like whenever she had a free moment she'd slip off to a bathroom, store changing room, or who knows where, take a quick pic and send it to...

2 years ago
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My girlfriend Elise gets naked for my roommates C

My beautiful girlfriend Elise and I had been going out for about six months and things were going really well. So well in fact that we were even considering moving in together after we finished college.Elise is a complete knockout and every day I thanked my lucky stars that I found someone like her. She was fairly short, just a little over five feet tall and very slender. Elise's boobs weren't huge, but they were definitely a handful and matched her petite frame perfectly. They might have been...

2 years ago
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Victoria and Elise part 2

One evening, Victoria’s phone rang and Elise was on the other end of the line.Elise asked her friend if she remembered their special time together and if she would be interested in coming over again. Victoria responded positively to both questions and so the ladies agreed to meet up again for a special rendezvous at the weekend. “If you want, we can go one step further, “ Elise suggested to Victoria.Victoria asked what her friend meant, but Elise refused to be drawn, saying that she would have...

2 years ago
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Slaves The Capture of Elise

She regained consciousness to the sound of the truck's air brakes hissing. The chain pinching her narrow waist locked behind her. Attached cuffs held her hands against her belly. Her ankles were crossed and chained. A third chain drew her into a ball. Reinforced adhesive bandages covered her eyes and mouth. The air was rank, a combination of sweat, exhaust fumes and perfumes. (What happened? Think, Elise! Think! We left the tournament. The girls were excited because they'd placed second. We...

3 years ago
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Rob and Elise An Unexpected Romance

‘He’s away for work again?’ Robert asked his good friend Elise when she showed up to softball without her boyfriend. ‘Yeah,’ she said with a minimally audible sigh. ‘The calibrations were off again or something like that. He left a couple days ago. Thankfully it’s a short trip, so he should be back before the weekend.’ ‘Sweet! Do you have any plans?’ Robert asked enthusiastically. Elise smiled at her friend. ‘We’re going on a wine-tasting weekend. You?’ ‘Sam and I are going to Wasaga....

2 years ago
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It had been a few weeks since Victoria had been with her aunt and Olivia (see In the family). Victoria had just returned home from work, when there was a knock at the door of her flat.Walking to open the door, she was greeted by Elise, a nasty woman, disliked by Victoria’s family. She held a strange sense of power over Victoria, which we didn’t like. “Hello, hun,” smiled Victoria. Elise’s face didn’t crack, in fact she had that usual sour look on it (nobody within the family knew what her...

4 years ago
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I arrive a little early and right on the appointed time a knockout looking impeccably groomed woman strides very confidently across the foyer. Sun tanned brunette, sixty-six inches tall, voluptuous size 12-14, high heels, black silk blouse, wearing the tightest white slacks I have ever seen which highlight her brilliant thighs and arse; poetry in motion I muse. “You must be Jon, you come highly recommended. We are leaving for London tomorrow and I have never had sex in this country, so I want...

4 years ago
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I arrive a little early and right on the appointed time a knockout looking impeccably groomed woman strides very confidently across the foyer. Sun tanned brunette, sixty-six inches tall, voluptuous size 12-14, high heels, black silk blouse, wearing the tightest white slacks I have ever seen which highlight her brilliant thighs and ass; poetry in motion I muse. “You must be Jon, you come highly recommended. We are leaving for London tomorrow and I have never had sex in this country, so I want...

2 years ago
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Elise and Rod

Not all stories that start out with "Once upon a time" have happy endings. The characters do not necessarily live happily ever after as was the case in this one. It started as a fair tale that my wife tried to tell me, but unfortunately for her (or me — depending on how you look at it) I knew the game she was going to play. Once upon a time there was a marriage planned. Elise and I had grown up together and it had always been expected, at least by our mothers, that we would marry when we...

3 years ago
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Rob and Elise Ch 02

Elise woke Thursday morning with a numb emptiness where thoughts of Christian normally resided. The previous night she and Christian came to the end of their relationship. Christian had told her in their video chat that he’d been offered the chance of a lifetime to head up the mining project, a goal he’d invested over a decade of his life for. They’d both agreed that it was too good a chance for him to pass up, they’d only had about a year invested in their time compared to his dozen as an...

3 years ago
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Rob and Elise Ch 03 Endings and Beginnings

Robert woke partway in the night, the memory of what he’d done with his friend just hours earlier flooding back, eliciting feelings of both arousal and guilt. Then he felt the hot flesh of her breast against the palm of his hand, her nipple pressing into his skin. In her sleep, her hand had gripped his and held it against her chest, against her breast. He lay there a moment, savouring her silken skin, making his erection, currently pressed into the crack of her ass, throb painfully. Not wanting...

4 years ago
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Elise and Harvey Barrios

Elise and I met at a college frat party during our senior year at State. She a Business major, me a Techie, we hit it off, and while the courtship wasn't exactly whirlwind, we did become a pretty hot item pretty quick. Two months after graduation we made it legal, and for the past sixteen years we've been as happy as could be: her, apparently, because she was getting what she wanted and needed, and me in my ignorance that she was getting what she wanted and needed; go figure. Elise is...

3 years ago
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True Swingers Elise and Andy

Some people say that the past is the past – let it go. But there are some things in my past that I can’t forget. As soon as they start to get buried my mind brings them back to the front and I remember. It can go one of two ways after that: either I forget, just as quickly, or I start to ponder on all of those ‘what if’s?’These events are over fifteen years ago and my time with a relatively new girlfriend was one of those times that I keep going back to. They were special times and I instantly...

4 years ago
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Neighborhood sex orgy Elise confronts Tim

The first two parts of this story were well received and told the story of something akin to a BD blind date that was suddenly ended when the women discovered they were related to the men! Part 3 told of the Father and daughter who had some issues to work through. This story tells how the older woman and her step-son worked out their situation.If you are interested in exploring this taboo subject, settle in and enjoy!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Elise pulled on her sports bra and her pink and...

2 years ago
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“Hi, I'm Elise! I'll be your server tonight. Do you know what you'll be having, or would you like to hear the specials this evening?”“I think we're ready to order,” says Carrie, her brunette hair framing her face perfectly, and bringing attention to her wide smile and hazel eyes.Elise takes Carrie's order first, then her cousin Melinda's, and finally, their friend David's, before turning to another table. As she walks away, Carrie and Melinda notice that David can't stop staring at Elise, and...

4 years ago
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Elise Plans a Wedding

Author's Note: Most of the characters in this story have been introduced in my other writings (sort of a story ecosystem). All of those stories are somewhat linked in that they all take place in the same locales in a progressive mid-American city even though the characters usually only have a peripheral relationship (eg hang out at the same bar, work at the same company, go to the same school). The main characters here, Elena and Zoe, were introduced in "Bianca" as two homeless kids...

3 years ago
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MasterbuilderChapter 11 Healing Elise

When Elise and I woke up in the morning, we felt that everything seemed much too quiet for six people to be living here. We were right. Stuck to the netting of the main cave, our notice board as it were, was a brief message telling us that Wilbur, Sabreena, Alfred and Lexa had gone back already to let us do the healing and whatever else we felt like doing in privacy. "Thank you both for a splendid time. Let us know when you are back home. We will meet again. Soon." Signed with lots of...

1 year ago
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Everyone in this story is over eighteen. It is far and away my most ambitious work to date, tracing the metamorphosis of a young married woman from being a downtrodden wife, through a chance encounter, eventually into a spiral leading her into a world she had never dreamt of. I hope someone bothers to read it. My story begins in the following way, but that is really only a ‘preface.’ ‘Where’s my dinner then?’ was my greeting when Gerry, my husband of some eight years, walked in from work,...

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Pictures and Prompts

Welcome to Pictures and Prompts, a place where you can post some pictures and an accompanying prompt/idea, so people can pick them up and do some short stories with them, before posting their own combination of pictures and prompts. Some rules to make it work: 1) This is a give-and-take, so the whole concept lives from people participating. If you feel inspired by a picture and a prompt, add an chapter and write your story there. Afterwards, add another chapter, where you post your pictures and...

4 years ago
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Elise and Her Boyfriends Older Brother1

Today, I was sitting on the couch with some movie on in the background. I’m in the middle, and Daniel was to the left of me. Sitting on my right was his big brother, Jackson, who’s 26. I turn to my left and start making out with my boyfriend. I feel his finger slip inside me under the blanket we have over us. This has always been our game: To try to get ourselves to cum without no one else noticing. His large fingers get deeper into my already wet cunt, slowly rubbing against my clit. I moan...

3 years ago
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For Elise

For Elise. "You know," I said. "you were my first." Lexia was silent. Maybe it was too soon for such intimacy; I'd been such a complete bitch. Like old times she was painting my toenails in my bedroom. In this new world I had already done hers, after some gentle persuasion. First, fascinated, searching for my Alex, I'd watched Lexia reach under her skirt to skim off her tights. With braided hair, mascara and subtle lipstick, my ex-boyfriend was self-consciously feminine. The...

2 years ago
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Riordan and Elise

Riordan and Elise Riordan and Elise "I would like a woman to love me," Riordan mused, between sips of his drink. His friends could tell by the glaze in his eyes that he was tipsy. It didn't stop them from pouring him more wine. "You've taken them all to bed," Andrew said, stoically, "and they aren't impressed." Riordan only looked into his cup and sloshed the fluid around a little. "I'm tired of women." "Perhaps you should try men," Ernest suggested, slyly nudging at his young...

2 years ago
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For Elise

------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING! THIS IS A WORK OF EROTIC BDSM FICTION. IT IS ADULT ORIENTED MATERIAL OF A SEXUAL NATURE. The copyright of this story remains with the author, Night Owl. This posting does not give you the rights to post this on any website. You must obtain the author's permission prior to posting. -------------------------------------------------------------------For Elise by Night Owl Posted: 4/04(Story Content:  M/f, Abduction,...

3 years ago
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The Hitchhiker Elise

It had been one of my longer hauls - Denver to Seattle to Los Angeles to St. Louis and the back to Denver. I had stopped at the Flying J Travel Plaza in Salina, Kansas for food and fuel and I was browsing the aisles in the convenience store when I noticed a stunning brunette standing at the bank of pay phones. What intrigued me was the way that she was dressed - mini-skirt and 'come fuck me' high heels. Not the normal attire you see in a truck stop unless the lady is a hooker. But this woman...

1 year ago
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Elise Ch 02

It is to be assumed that you have already read part 1. Everyone in this story is over 18. We awaited eagerly the arrival of our first clients at the Abadía, and were excited when a limousine bumped its way up the stony track, a uniformed chauffeuse opened a rear door, and out stepped an elegant lady, wearing an obviously authentic mink coat over a black trouser-suit and patent heels. Her black hair was coiffed in a sophisticated chiñon, and her make-up looked immaculate. As Judith and I...

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