BSC02 The Adventures Of Janet And BeckyChapter 5: Naughty Day Dreams free porn video

If the quartet that left the carpark of Blanke Schande College that Friday morning thought they were going to have a quiet weekend at home they were mistaken. If they thought they were going to take it easy while their friends and family adjusted to Janet and Becky’s new nude way of life they were mistaken again. If they thought the townsfolk of Aurora Hills were going to let two gorgeous, nude girls wonder around their streets alone and undisturbed without affecting the town then again they were badly mistaken.
When Danny, Peter, Janet and Becky set off that morning they had no idea that word had already reached Aurora Hills about their visit and the REASON for the visit. As the four headed out along the freeway things were unfolding in the quiet town of Aurora Hills that they would never have suspected or dreamed about.
The day started off as a fairly straight forward drive in Danny’s red Mustang. The car was still performing really well as he stopped to fill the gas tank right to the top and get some snack food. The gas station attendants got quite excited when they saw two lovely girls with all their womanly charms on full display step out of the car and into the shop. They all kept looking around for the ‘hidden cameras’. They were convinced they were on some kookie kind of TV show. One guy stood between Becky and Janet and got his gangly buddy to take a few snapshots with his i-phone.
“Wait till the guys at the club see this!” he whined. The photos never actually made it to the club. They got enlarged and stuck up on the wall over his bed in his lonely little one bedroom apartment. Somehow jerking off to two REAL nude models that he had actually stood between was much more exciting than jerking off to magazine pictures.
The quartet made one more stop when just one hour out of Aurora Hills. They were all a bit hot and bothered and needed some fresh air and a stretch. This would put them in a better state of mind before introducing the Miss Nude Janet Rivers and the Miss Nude Rebecca Bartell to the town. They found a grassy field by a stream with a shady tree to park under. Danny spread a picnic rug under the tree for the girls to lie on while he went for a walk with Peter along the water’s edge.
The girls rested under the tree with their knees up and their legs wide apart allowing the breeze to do its work over their bodies and between their legs. It was very, very refreshing.
The girls were still in this state when the boys returned from their walk. Both Becky and Janet looked so innocent and vulnerable with their eyes closed and their nude bodies on full display.
Danny once again found himself looking at Becky. He really would like to have a bit of ‘extra fun’ with her one day ... just once. He allowed his eyes to trace the full curve of her round breasts with those pretty pink nipples - perfectly centered. His eyes traveled up to her knees, down to her toes then straight back up to her soft, blonde, pussy fur. A gentle line of soft pink had opened up between her pussy lips and he could see the glisten of perspiration in the folds between her inner and outer lips.
Once again he was remembering all the years that they had played together in hers, Peter’s and his backyards. He remembered noticing how she had started to fill out in the bust and hips. Danny also remembered how he would sometimes wonder just what it would feel like to touch those nice round breasts or hold those hips in his hands. He didn’t think he had ever been in love with Becky – certainly not in the same way he had fallen in love with Janet but she was very attractive and this was a fact that was not lost on Danny.

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