Pagan O'RourkeChapter 4 free porn video

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The attack, when it came, failed to catch them unprepared.

Shliiiiiiist, Shliiiiiiist, Shliiiiiiist, the smoking blade whispered, as it sliced through flesh and bone - leaving cauterized ruin in its forge-spawned wake. Spinning, almost too fast for the eye to follow, Pagan performed his deadly dance. His opponents barely had time to replace the fallen, ere he sent them on their way.

The twins were a whirling pair of roaring Tasmanian Devils. "O'Rourke!", they shouted, as their flashing daggers sliced and diced their hapless prey. The attackers may as well have been unarmed toddlers, for all the effect they had upon the Dual Divas of Death. Occasionally giggling and ragging each other on, The Lethal Lolitas left death and mayhem in their wake.

Blackjack and team were left with little, save an occasional brief engagement, as the Dragon Spawned threesome took center stage. Not to say they were idle - far from it - but in comparison to their young cousins, they could just as well have sat the whole thing out on the sidelines.

Flanked by his rampaging Shields, wired to the max by adrenaline euphoria, Pagan was free to tramp out a bloody vintage from the human crop in his path.

Quite a few of the demoralized antagonists attempted to turn and flee, only to be confronted by Blackjack's efficient crew. The back door had been slammed shut, and bolted fast!

With no alternative destination, the desperate assailants took their seats, one by one, on the Hellbound Express

Running out of available targets, Pagan turned to seek fresh prey.

It was all over! Save for twitching, bloody corpses, there wasn't an enemy in sight. The twins were happily engaged in cleaning their daggers, wiping them with strips torn from the clothing of the slain. Blackjack, and his crew, were already beginning to dispose of bodies, dragging them to a nearby crevasse, except for one woman, who was calmly stitching up a gash in her own arm.

The entire engagement hadn't lasted more than a few minutes. The final tally was; fifty three dead would-be-assassins, and one moderately wounded Shade.

"How progresses the new Forging, Mother?", inquired the beautiful young woman.

"See for yourself Rhiannon.", Brighid replied, "Our grandchildren are near approaching the proper temper. Soon, they'll be ready to take the field."

"They bring honor to their Houses!", came another voice, "It's wonderful, to see that time's ravaging assault has failed to pollute their Blood!"

"Yes, old friend,", Brighid agreed with the scarred, regal warrior at her side, "The House of The Dragon and your own noble House of The Phoenix, are well championed by those three young scions of our combined lines. They only await the quenching, to achieve their true mettle."

Nodding her agreement, Boadicca, erstwhile Queen of the Iceni, returned to her contemplation of the mortal plane.

"Believe me! The secret of reaping the greatest fruitfulness, and the greatest enjoyment, from life, is to live dangerously!" - Nietzsche

The place was one of those dark, moldy dens, which cater to the lowest dregs of London's slums. There was no dancing, nor laughter, as such was not the nature of those who sought, in alcoholic oblivion, escape from the weary burden of existance.

One patron, however, did not blend in with the faded décor.

Seated alone, in a booth at the rear, was a large, well dressed, middle-aged man. He alternated between watching the entrance, and taking an occasional sip of the poor-quality sherry, sitting on the scarred table before him. His eyes constantly scanned the crowded room, ever alert for possible threats.

Clayton Andrew Madison, Lord Bramley, was not a happy camper. In point of fact, if such a common term could be applied to a Peer of the Realm, one could say that he was pissed! He berated himself constantly, for having paid those incompetent fools in advance.

He still found it inconcievable, that fifty three well-armed men had been annihilated by nine defenders - five of whom were bitches. He didn't even consider including the boy, and his sisters, in the affair. It was bad enough that five sluts had dared attack his men - he certainly wasn't going to entertain the notion that three children might have been involved as well.

Suddenly, his attention was focused on an approaching figure.

"About time!" he snapped to the man, who'd just joined him in the booth, "You're late!"

"Sorry, Milord," the man responded, "But you did say to make sure I wasn't followed. That's time consuming, it is."

"Never mind!" Bramley exclaimed, "What did you find out? Who are they?"

"Nobody knows, Milord!" the man replied, "My usual sources haven't got a clue. Everyone agrees that such a highly trained group can't possibly have slipped past the experts' notice, but they obviously have. There are only a rare few who might've pulled it off the way they did, and we know who all of them are. They're certainly not from any of the regular agencies, none of whom utilize women on assault teams. I'll keep digging, if you wish, but I don't have any idea of where to look next.

"What about the terrorist community, could they be one of the fringe groups we know little about?"

"Doubtful, Milord, though I'll look into that possibility," the man continued, "Don't have any resemblance to normal terrorist techniques. That crowd isn't into stand up, knock down and drag out tactics. They're hit and run specialists, not combat assault troops. As I said, I'll look into it, but expect to be disappointed. Whoever that bunch is, they're ghosts, as far as anyone can determine. They've vanished without a trace, leaving no spoor for our hounds to follow,"

"Very well," Bramley conceded, "What about the other matter? Have you located anyone who might be able to comprehend that strange script?"

"Perhaps, Milord. There's a professor in Wales, at the university, who specializes in old Celtic artifacts. But we'll have to convince him to go to Scotland, and he's too well known to just disappear. We'll have to find some alternative method of persuasion."

"Offer him an endowment," Bramley directed, "Those college chaps are always desperate for more funding. Ten thousand pounds to make the trip, and an additional fifty thousand if he succeeds in making a translation."

"Very well, Milord. I'll get right on it." the man concluded, and departed the room.

Bramley waited a few minutes, then made his own exit from the scene.

As darkness descended upon the Scottish Highlands, a neon-blue, brilliant light emanated from the entrance to the small cave. Gradually, it coalesced into a dimly glowing, dark-blue barrier, which denied access to any mortal who was not of The Blood.

Once the entrance was sealed, the six lines of ancient script began to reform and multiply, until the entire wall beside the picture, was covered with fine lines of script, which were incomprehensible to all mortals, save one.

"Rhiannon!", came the phantom voice, "Wake up you lazy layabout. Tempus fugit, and we have much to discuss. Come on, shake a leg, ere I have to find myself a new High Priest!"

Rhiannon ap Draigh, High Priest of The Sacred Grove, Master Harper to The Twenty Seven Clans, and Ambassador to the Mortal Plane, snapped one eye open, and considered ignoring the summons, which roused her in the depth of the night.

Unfortunately, as she had long ago discovered, a determined deity was impossible to ignore. Emitting an exaggerated sigh, she sat up and surrendered to the inevitable.

"And just what service does my divinely glorious goddess require of her poor humble servant?"

"Laying it on a little thick, aren't you?" Brighid resumed, with a chuckle, "There aren't any gullible mortals around to admire your exceptional piety. And, since you're obviously experiencing a bad-hair day, not to mention bare skin for ceremonial array, I much doubt they'd be all that impressed anyway."

"I surrender," Rhiannon chuckled, "What's so urgent, that it compels you to interrupt my sleep?"

"The conquering heroes are almost returned," Brighid continued, "They'll be here within two hours time, and will be consulting the council about a part of my riddle which confuses them. Pretend ignorance about the tree, as I'm not ready for them to open the way just yet."

"Tree?" Rhiannon exclaimed, "What tree are you going on about? I don't know anything about any damned tree!"

"Don't concern yourself too much about it," Brighid soothed, "The solution will occur to you, after you've read the riddle. Just remember to dissemble about it, when they ask for help. Several critical players have yet to take their positions upon the board."

"As you wish Milady, though I'm still a little confused." Rhiannon complied.

"Excellent, a little confusion is good for you, as it keeps you from getting too self-satisfied." Brighid chortled, as her presence faded from the room.

"Self-satisfied? Me?" the grumpy High Priest muttered to the empty room, "Nahhh!"

Pagan and the others were really glad to get back home. It was still lacking an hour till sunrise, when they disembarked from the bus, and everyone hastily sought out their quarters, for a good long soak in hot, reviving water. They all wanted to be at their best for the forthcoming meeting.

"Well child, we're all assembled, as you requested. What do you have for us?", began the High Priest.

Pagan presented himself, and handed over his notebook. As his grandmother read the contents, he reported their conclusions, and asked for further clarification.

Reading the translation, it suddeenly hit her. 'Of course, THAT tree!', she thought, 'I'd better caution some of the others, as they probably will get the connection as well. Many of them have spent a great deal of time there, especially the women.'

"Well, I'm glad the Bookends finally had something of value to contribute.", she chuckled, "But as for the rest of it, I'm as much in the dark as you are. Leave it with me, and I'll try to discover the identity of this elusive tree."

Nodding his compliance, Pagan retreated to stand with his sisters and Blackjack's crew.

"Liam Draigh, present yourself before the council!", Rhiannon commanded.

Blackjack advanced to the table, snapped to attention, and saluted his High Priest.

"Now, what's this I hear about you and the children cavorting with a bunch of Sassons?", she demanded, "Weren't you supposed to keep them from stirring up trouble? And Pagan's just as bad as those two double-demons. He was supposed to be your backup babysitter!"

"BABYSITTER!", came the indignant girlish chorus from Pagan's vicinity.

Blackjack fought an internal battle, to keep a grin from appearing on his face.

"I'm sorry Reverend One, but it was all the rest of us could do, just to keep out of their way. You know how greedy children are. They wanted all the Sassons for themselves, and barely let the rest of us have any at all."

Fighting her own battle, the High Priest merely nodded, and motioned dismissal.

"Master Healer, how are our newest residents doing?", she resumed, turning to R'hee, "Are they settling in yet?"

"Yes, Reverend One.", R'hee reported, "Peg is fully recovered now, and they've all expressed a desire to remain among us. The cook's a welcome addition in the kitchens, and the others are happily lending a hand wherever it's needed. The Demon O'Rourkes are probably in for some heavy competition, as they've all been licking their chops whenever Pagan walks by."

She paused briefly to direct a smirk toward her irate nieces, then resumed.

"They fit in well, and have already made a lot of friends among his other devoted conquests."

This last was the final straw for the crowd, and everyone, save the fuming twins, convulsed in unrestrained hilarity. Didi and Dierdre failed to see anthing at all humorous in the situation, which served to redouble the laughter.

Finally regaining her wind, the High Priest dismissed the council.

Lord Bramley was sitting in his study, inwardly raging over the waste of ten thousand pounds, when his butler announced that he had a visitor. Still smarting over the fact that no one could reenter the cave, he motioned the butler to show the man in.

"I may have found a possible source for our recent troubles, Milord.", the man began, without preamble, "The professor says that there are vague rumors of an unknown group in the upper Cambrian Mountains. His research has brought to light quite a few unsubstantiated reports which have occasionly been recorded over the last thousand years. He believes it to be superstitious myth, but it occurred to me that such a remote location could well conceal some sort of hidden base."

"How soon can you verify it, one way or the other?", Bramley perked up. Perhaps his money hadn't been thrown away, after all.

"It merely requires your approval, Milord. I can have a team up there in a couple of days."

"That's an awful lot of ground to cover. Won't it take a very long time to do a thorough search.", Bramley querried.

"We should be able to narrow it fairly quickly, once we're up there Milord. Surely the locals will be able to narrow the search for us.", the man concluded.

"Very well, but make sure they know to keep a very low profile. No sense issuing a warning, should our quarry be up there.", Bramley concluded.

"Consider it done, Milord.", The man acknowledged.

As his visitor departed, Bramley retrieved a large map of Wales from his cabinet, and focused his attention upon the Cambrian Mountains.

Sassons at The Gate

"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." - K'ung-fu Tzu (Confucius)

Historical note; in this next segment I refer to Longshanks' Folly (a fictional place). Longshanks was Edward I, King of England 1272 - 1307 C.E. He conquered and annexed Wales in 1284 C.E. His son, Edward II, became the first Prince of Wales in 1301 C.E., a title still applied to the heir-apparent of the English Throne. - Source; "Encarta Encyclopedia"

The scouts were absolutely amazed at the sight which met their gaze. Spanning the narrow pass, was a formidable wall. Easily fifty feet high, made up of massive stone blocks, and surmounted by two mirror-glazed watchposts, it was a truly intimidating aspect.

The narrow, stone-paved roadway passed through a barred archway, to continue beyond the horizon.

The four men had no way of knowing that the barricade was only fifteen years old, (having been built following the abduction of baby Pagan) as it appeared to have been there for centuries.

Carefully, being sure not to break cover, they retreated back to their vehicle. They were excited at finally having something to report, after weeks of fruitless search.

"Sion, Sion wake up!", Maefys hissed, as she shook her husband's shoulder, "Blackjack's in the hall, with an urgent message for you!"

Coming instantly awake, Sion leapt from the bed and began getting dressed.

"Have him wait for me in the study, and check on the children.", he replied, "See if you can pry Pagan from betwixt those two ferrets, without waking them up. We can always tell them anything they need to know later. I want Pagan present, as I've been working toward his eventually replacing me, but I don't need those magpies constantly interrupting us."

She nodded her agreement, as she hurried out the door.

Didi whispered to her sister, "Are you awake?"

"Oh no, I slept right through mom's sneaky little act!" Dierdre hissed, "Surely she doesn't think we're letting Bubba get very far from our sight."

Grinning at each other, the irrepressable duo jumped out of bed, hurriedly dressed, and crept toward the study, drawn by the light coming through the door.

"All right Blackjack, now that we're all here, what do you have?" Sion said.

"The watch at Phoenix Pass just posted an alert," Blackjack began, "Four hostiles just reconned their position, and withdrew."

"What makes them believe they were hostile?" Sion inquired.

"What else would they be? They were nightclad, well armed, and were actually fairly competent at concealment. We might have missed them entirely, if not for the IR beams. Besides, it's just gone three o'clock. No one with honorable intentions would've been prowling about this time of night." Blackjack replied.

"Alert the base at Longshanks' Folly. Have them intercept our curious visitors." he ordered.

"Already done Sir. We should be hearing from them shortly."

"Good man! Now, if there's nothing more, I'm putting my weary bones back to bed. I'm getting too old for this middle of the night shit." Sion declared, as he rose to leave.

Pagan and Blackjack traded grins, as the robust thirty eight year old Clan Chieftain left the room.

Pagan couldn't help smiling to himself, as the twins scrambled back to their room, barely evading their father.

"I wonder if I should let them know that, since the ordeal in Derbyshire, I always know where they are, and what they're doing.', he thought, "Nah, no sense giving up my advantage, as it keeps them from springing any of their little surprises on me, '

The snatch went off without a hitch. Dressed in the uniforms of local constables, the Shades blocked the road with their official-appearing patrol car, and settled in to await their prey.

When the four men arrived at the roadblock, the driver carefully brought the vehicle to a gentle stop. He wasn't worried about the coppers, so long as they didn't want to search the boot.

Checking to be sure the nasal filters were well seated, the Shade approached the driver's open window. Leaning down to speak, he placed his cupped palm upon the sill.

"Good morning gents, might I have a look at your papers, please?", he requested, surreptiously rupturing the small plastic ampule, concealed in his palm.

As the men reached for their wallets, an odorless, tasteless vapor inundated the confined space. As they succumbed to the narcotic influence of the gas, the faux Constable motioned the others to approach.

In less than five minutes, a black van was speeding away, bearing four unconscious bodies, and the pseudo squad car was returning to base. The scouts' car was towed behind the van.

"What do you have for us, Dragon Chieftain?" inquired the High Priest.

Sion rose to his feet, and addressed his mother-in-law.

"The men are fairly low ranking subordinates, Reverend One," he began, "They only know that they were assigned to do a search of the upper Cambrian Mountains, for any suspicious installations. They have no knowledge of who their ultimate superior may be. Their commanding officer, however, is a known lackey of Bramley's, so we can conclude that His Lordship's is the guiding hand behind their efforts. We know he's gone to ground somewhere in London, but constant surveillance of his townhouse, and known haunts, has failed to turn up a trace of him."

"What do you recommend, Clan Leader?" she requested.

"We wait for the hounds to be unleashed, Reverend One.", he continued, "Let him come to us! The Master Healer has performed a short-term memory alteration upon our guests, but their actual memories will resurface within a matter of several days. We propose to free them several kilometers beyond the capture point, and wait for the response occasioned by their restored memories. This will allow us ample time in which to prepare for their sortie. If we play with them long enough, Bramley's impatience will impel him to break cover, and he'll show up to take personal charge of the operation."

"Very well, do as you believe best. Needless to say, you are in possession of our absolute confidence." she concluded.

Bowing his acceptance, Sion reseated himself.

"From this point forward, all leaves and holidays are cancelled. Issue a recall to our absent kinsmen," she addressed the gathering, "We are now at full alert status. Craft Masters will report to The Dragon for their assignments. Master Healer, you will lay in a sufficient supply of trauma-treatment paraphernalia - prepare for the worst case scenario. School will continue as normal, but training excercises will be altered to fit The Dragon's needs. Clan Chieftains will get their houses in order, as per doctrine. I see no need to disrupt daily domestic routines at this point, but check with your Clan Leaders for any necessary changes. You are dismissed!"

As the assembly broke up, several individuals made their way to Sion's side, Pagan and the twins accompanying them.

Pagan, the twins, and Blackjack's crew, were having the time of their collective lives. Maintaining discipline, they had no problem evading detection by the hostile force, which had assembled below Phoenix Pass. They limited their excursions to the hours of darkness, and were wreaking havoc among Bramley's troops.

Slipping past unconscious senteries, they happily pilfered arms, ammunition, rations, clothing, and anything else which wasn't nailed down, even taking personal jewelry from the sleeping men.

By sunrise, the resulting tally of their depredations was truly staggering. A well-armed, disciplined force was reduced to an unarmed, almost naked, hungry mob.

Clayton Andrew Madison WAS pissed! The cost, in missing supplies, was unbelievable. Over one hundred thousand pounds worth had gone missing, not to mention salaries and benefits, and his people hadn't even scented the prey.

Enough was enough! He prepared for a speedy trip to Wales, looking forward to wreaking his vengeance upon the perpetrators of his recent defeat.

"It's time granddaughter," whispered the ephemeral voice, "When you awaken, lead the children to the appointed place. The cast is assembled, and the oil awaits the quenching. Our young Heroes are ready for the final tempering - only the final honing will remain. Finish your repose, for now, but remember when the night has run its course."

Same as Pagan O'Rourke
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I heard Tim close the front door. “Tim, can you come here for a moment, please,” I called out.I watched as Tim came into the lounge. He was wearing just a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. I had chosen a sleeveless top and short skirt and I had bare legs.Tim looked me up and down with his usual longing look for me. He was used to me being there and letting myself in. I was the cleaner and came every day and his mum trusted me with the key and I often had the house cleaned before she got back from...

1 year ago
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First job

Frank and Chris were on their own since Chris’s mom walked out when he was young. Chris grew up a loner, always bouncing from trailer park to trailer park. They were the definition of white trash. In his free time he sat in his room reading hentai and magna, surfing the internet usually looking at porn. He was failing all his classes and had adhd. Being a weird k** already he only wore women’s panties as underwear. He stole them from franks girlfriend’s. Frank was in his 40’s. He couldn’t hold...

3 years ago
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Port City of Retreat

The port city of Retreat was full of rogues, thieves and killers. It was one place in the whole world where every man carried a sword and most knew how to use them. My name is Killian and I came here after killing a man for calling me a breed. I am half elven and half human and do not like being treated less than either. I was a smith but do not really look like it. I wiped my sweaty hands when I saw the cart behind the dwarves and moved out of my shop and grinned, "Delf." The wide dwarf in...

2 years ago
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Rapes ProgressChapter 11

On my sixteenth birthday I moved out of the warehouse complex from which my halfbrother, Conrad, and his wife, Kim, ran their 'import and export' business, into an isolated studio above an old boathouse further up the harbor. Conrad home from a long voyage had decided I was too young to take part in their debtcollecting and white slavery activities. I was to attend nightschool to learn basic bookkeeping and navigation! After my adventures helping Kim, life was dull. I sent a message to...

1 year ago
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First time bottoming

First time writing a story on here it's completely true an it was amazing. I was eighte*n at the time an he was 22, I'm nineteen now lol but met this guy on grinder only lived 3 houses down worked out pretty good. Started talking for awhile I went to his house an hung out then we made plans he come over later that night . Now I was very nervous because at the time all I've done was sucked a few times an got blown. I Didn't know what to expect anyway he came over at night I was staying in the...

1 year ago
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Jenna from the club ch 2

We sat at a booth that faced the DJ booth on the other side of the dance floor. The girls were chatting away about the latest episode of Big brother. I didn't watch it so it made me feel a little out of the loop when the girls were deep in conversation and I was left to think of a new topic of conversation. > > Mandy sat to my left. She was my most recent friend. She was really beautiful and had a reputation of being rather gender blind after she had had a few drinks in her. I saw her...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 60 Unplanned Mission

With all of the stuff in the news about how terrorists were using burner phones, I would have expected more problems getting me a new cell phone and setting it up as a pre-paid account. The woman at the counter could have cared less after I pulled out a credit card with my Jacob David Smith name on it and a fake ID from a high school somewhere in Maine. She seemed more than happy to ring up close to a thousand dollars for the Samsung Galaxy Note Edge, SIM Card and case. A few minutes to get...

3 years ago
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Surefoot Ch 04 Friendly Counsel

USS Surefoot, Deck 2 – Cadets’ Quarters Alpha Squad’s quarters were unevenly bisected, with the smaller side taken up by three sets of bunk beds and storage spaces for each occupant, and the larger side by a desks, chairs, information and entertainment wall screens, and the door to the corridor, and the door to the toilet, sink and sonic shower. ‘I only had to share with one person back at the Academy,’ Neraxea groused, sitting on a bean bag on the floor, her boots and socks removed, rubbing...

4 years ago
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Mom dream

Mom dreamI am 21 yrs of age named rahul I feel that sex becom interesting and exiting when we are doing it our relatives expecially blood I am going to write abut my mom- let me first introduce my mom to u she is abut 42yrs of age has a typical indian womens look plump always were saree here fig is 38 36 38 she is also a teacher she has a very sexy story starts many yrs earlier when I was in 9th standard. one day during the lunch break I hered some of my frnds talking...

3 years ago
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Home run 2

After the game she greeted me outside of the dugout before I hit the showers. She gave me a hug and congratulated me on the win. I said that I'm happy we won, but I played like shit. She then embarrassed me in front of my friends by scolding me for using bad language. I told her that I'd see her at the house.Jeff gave me a ride home after the game. On the way he dropped a bomb on me."So I heard Sean is going to be at your house watching a movie tonight," Jeff said."Huh?" I replied as I felt a...

3 years ago
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Jessicas NipplesChapter 3

Ron and Leslie stayed another night. Leslie slept with me and Ron slept with Jess. Jess was walking a little stiffly in the morning and I asked why. She said, "Bro', he fucked my ass three times last night and never took his cock out at all. I feel totally stretched out." I said, "We'll see. Leslie, come here. Jess, lay on your stomach and open your legs. We were all naked. Leslie, finger Jess's ass." Leslie pushed a finger into Jess's ass easily. I looked down at Leslie and...

3 years ago
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My Sister and Me Swinging into the New Year 2 Happy New Year

Rita was already in costume. She had on the flapper outfit I had seen her wearing at the Great Halloween orgy. I'd been working, and watched her take on all cummers. She became my fantasy girl, and I longed for the day I could fuck her. Of course that was before I learned that the flapper was my 16-year-old sister. That put a bit of a damper on that fantasy. My original date cancelled on me, and I settled on not joining as a participant. No date, no play. So, when my sister proposed that...

4 years ago
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Fifty Shades 8211 The Beginning

Hey guys. This is Animesh back with a new story this time. This story was submitted by one of my followers. So here it goes. ‌My name is Tanya. I am doing my engineering at Bangalore. I wouldn’t brag about my physique ( its 30-28-32). This story is about one of my real adventures that I had with a friend whom I met on OKC( ok cupid). I created an id there just for sake of browsing and fun and used to get a hell lot of messages (perks of being a female). I came across this guy who was also from...

4 years ago
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wife friend

Nancy looked great today.We were going to the airport to pick an old friend of hers.He was her boyfriend 25yrs ago.He was on a business trip and had contacted her on an Old friends reunited site.Jay and Nancy were about 18 when she left to come to the UK.Due to Indian customs they had never had sex and were hoping to get married.Unfortunately they were of different castes and her mother did not approve so she packed her off and sent her to stay with her sister in Birmingham.That was when I met...

3 years ago
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The Dream

The Dream By Mr. Pec "Joanne, I just had the weirdest dream." "Tell me about it, Dan." "Well, I was just lying in bed at my mom's house, watching Letterman and eating Pringles. There I was, 5'8", nappy brown hair, skinny as a beanpole, wearing boxers and a T-shirt, but something just didn't feel right. I sat up in bed and set the chips on the nightstand when I felt a cool tingle rush through my whole body. At first I didn't think anything of it, but then I realized I...

2 years ago
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It all seemed like yesterday. He, bouncing her on his knees, dressing her up in small girlish clothes and buying dolls for her pleasure and she, lovely as any five year-old. Their days together in the full blossom of the Arizona-summer, the sun shining through her blond locks of hair. Their picknicks out in the wild, tenting in the wilderness and fishing in Lake Oregon. Memories that seemed to only had been yesterday. Funny, he thought, about how life changes, how the years passes by without...

4 years ago
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My Second ChanceChapter 18 2 and 2 more

After our Saturday morning bike ride, Carol complains about needing a shower before she gets to work. I stop her. “You will need a shower in a couple hours again anyway.” I hand her a smaller pair of coveralls. “Put this on. It’s time you leant all about fibreglass.” In reality, it isn’t fibreglass at all. If it were, then the frame would be too stiff. It’s the same resin, but I teach her how to apply it to a more suitable material. We move the boat into the smallest bay in our big...

1 year ago
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Power Absolute

A/N: A couple chapters of not-necessarily-relevant drama to introduce John's powers. You can skip ahead if you wish. I groaned as I rubbed my temples in discomfort. The headache was becoming worse as the days passed. I had hoped that it would pass soon but so far it showed no signed of going away. It all started on my eighteenth birthday two days ago. Back then, it had been only a minor annoyance as I passed the day celebrating with my friends. The next day, it hadn’t gone away. I simply...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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The Unexpected

The wife and I had a helluva a spat, so I took off to the pool area at our apartment complex to cool off. I knew that if we spent a little bit of time apart, one or the two of us would eventually come to our senses and apologize- which means I was usually the first one to admit my part in the argument. Even if I was right, I knew better than to push the issue. It was always easier to just apologize. Last night was no exception, except I think I got my just rewards without even feeling the least...

1 year ago
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What the Night WhispersChapter 5

We spent the day on the couch, Kira and I, cuddled together, just mother and daughter, innocent and lovely. I really enjoyed holding Kira against me like I had so often before she hit puberty. Even as my thoughts about her turned more intimate, I loved feeling her skin on mine, knowing my child was safe in my arms. The movie we watched ended and neither of us moved, both half-asleep, Kira leaning against me, her head resting on my breast. I rubbed her shoulders and felt her stir as the...

2 years ago
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Papa Ne Chodaaaaa

Main ussi din se badal gayee jab mere baap ne mujhe nanga kar ke chod diya.Yeh uss din kee kahani hain jab mere mummy aur bhaiyya riste main door banglore gaye hue the.Mera naam Ruchi hain aur main apne baap ke badi santan huun. Aaj main 23 kee huun mera badan bahut hee gathila hain( 36 26 38) badi badi chuchiya.Aur high heel pahane se bade hue chutad. Main chaltee phirtee sex ke gudiya lagtee thee aur log mujhe dekh kar aahe bharte the par sab kuch khatam ho gaya.Jo mere sapne the Suhagraat ke...

1 year ago
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TouchMyWife Callie Brooks Red White Bang My Wife

I was home visiting my knockout wife Callie Brooks on Veteran’s Day. We went to the beach to catch some rays but Callie seemed more interested in RayRays. She scoped this swole guy working out at the beach and I knew what she was thinking, but she was too shy to approach him – so I did it for her! Chris Blaccwood seemed pretty receptive, especially when my wife showed off her massive tits. We went back to your hotel room and Callie started sucking & jerking this strange BBC...

1 year ago
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Wife Treated Properly by Black BULL

Tom and Lisa met Max at the casino. Max, a powerful and dominant Bull told the couple to take him to their home.Max made Lisa sit in the backseat with him. He had a way with her that made her want to do everything he said."I see fat whores like you all the time at the casino and I knew right from the get go that you was gonna be my slut. Your pathetic husband gonna listen to me fuck you right."Max grabbed her hand and placed it into his crotch. He was rock hard and she could feel it. ...

2 years ago
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Threesome with Asians on New Year

Last New Year’s Day I went out with a Japanese woman name Mayuko. It started out just the two of us going to a pub called ‘Three Wise Monkeys’, but she asked if it would be ok for her friend, Yoko, to join us.I told her, “Sure, no problem. It’ll be fun, we have a lot in common.”I’m thirty-four-years-old, Mayuko is thirty-six and Yoko, forty-one. Mayuko and I had been having sex as we had been dating for almost five months.That night I was dancing with both girls and Mayuko asked me, “Is it okay...

3 years ago
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Her Secret Life The Sequel

As they lay in the bed he turned, still hugging her, and asked, “So, what were you doing on the bus with your pants open,” his tone held a bit of surprise, “And no panties.”“Aren’t you angry? Upset?” she asked.“Well, I was at the beginning, then all the blood went south and, you know, I can’t think with both heads at the same time,” he said chuckling.“You want the truth?” she asked, but it wasn’t a question that needed an answer. So, she went on explaining to him what happened. She sat up,...

Love Stories
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First of the new year

We both went back to work this week, and thank goodness it’s Friday. You walk through our front door, but it’s pretty dark. Since my car is in the garage you know I’m home so you call out for me. “Up here” you hear softly. You climb the few steps and start down the hall, the only light coming from the playroom. You push open the door and see me sitting on the edge of the bed; my shoulders hunched and my head hanging. You stand in the doorway and lean against the frame, crossing your arms,...

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Chud Gayee Train Main

Hi.. How are u all people… My name is Roopa Barot.. Main 34 sal ki married lady hoon.. Mera sasural Ahmedeabad main hai.. Aur main Mumbai ki hun.. Mere pati mujse bahut pyaar karte hai..woh ek izzatdar business man hai.. Lekin kam ke sisl sile main unko aksar tour pe jana padta hai.. Woh dino main unko bahut miss karti hun.. Kyonki sex ke bina main ek bhi din rah nahi pati hun… Ek din muje mere mayke se phone aaya ke “tumhari babuji ki tabiyeet kharab hai unko hospital main admit kiya hai”. Woh...

4 years ago
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Mystic Night PART ONE

He was walking through the forest, deep within his thoughts. The last peace-making mission took a lot out of him. He was tired of the world and sleepless nights were taking a toll on him. He looked at the hidden moon lurking behind the clouds and sighed. He was hoping that the nightmares would end soon. He did not want to go to any psychologist, because it was not his thing to talk to strangers about his feelings. He did not talk about them with anyone. Then he heard a scream, and he turned...

2 years ago
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Yes To my Mistress

Yes To my MistressLooking out my window, I saw the Cal-Trans truck parked along the curb. Swell, I thought to myself, another fine day with my street closed. But then, I noticed a lovely female worker who stepped out of a truck in front of my sidewalk. She was wearing the standard bright orange reflector safety vest over her blue jeans and a work shirt. Even from across my front yard I could see that she was stunning, with long beautiful brown hair and a gorgeous young face.All morning long, I...

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Pyar ki nai paribhasha

Hai mera naam Hemanshu hai main CHHATTISGARH Ke Durg sehar mein rahta hoon aaj main aap ko apni life ki sabse badi sex ki ghatna bata raha hoon baat tab ki hai jab mai 12th me padh raha tha mere class mein ek ladki thi jisse main bahut pyaar karta tha uska naam seema tha lekin wo mujhe ignore karti thi mujhe maloom tha ki uski life mein koi nahin tha ek din maine use school se jaate waqt rok kar bola ki main use pyaar karta hoon usne mujhe dhakka mara aur waha se bhaag gai tab main eek plan...

1 year ago
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When I Became A Woman Chap Two

Mommy lifted my head off her lap, said “Just a minute, honey,” and stood up beside the bed while Daddy laid down on it. I watched her hold her hands to the front of her blouse and rub her breasts. Her hands moved down her front, watching Daddy closely as he laid on the bed. Mommy lifted her arms and pulled her top off, then reached back and unsnapped her bra. She tossed it to him and I saw her titties hang free. That’s what the girls in the gym showers called them. I only have bumps,...

1 year ago
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“Look, Henry, all I am saying is, we are playing two characters who are deeply in love and they have a very hot sex scene in the second act, so we need to be convincing lovers for the audience.” “I know all that, Audrey,” Henry said, “I’ve read the manuscript, twice, and my part through twice more since we were selected for the roles.” “It’s a big part for you, Henry.” “I know, it’s the biggest role I’ve ever played, I just hope I can deliver.” “You’ll be fine, you and I are in it pretty...

2 years ago
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Youre Not Wearing Any ClothesChapter 3

Doc "This has been waaaaay too easy!" I think to myself, as I unbuckle my belt. Pulling off my t-shirt, I gaze down at the delightful naked body now curled up on her side on the examining table with her legs pulled up under her. A light sheen of sweat makes her skin glisten. The look on her face is one of languid relaxation and total satisfaction. Such a pretty little thing. And her last orgasm was massive. I almost drowned in her juices. I kneel down to unbuckle my sandals and kick...

1 year ago
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Mere Chudai Ke Kisse Part 2

Asha karta hun aapko meri pehli kahani achi lagi. Jaisa ki aapko pata hai ki pub outing ke bad maine Asha ki bharpur chudai ki. Us raat ke baad hum dono ek open relationship mein aa gaye the. Jab milte to chudai karte, par koi relationship nahi. Asha ka course khatam hone wala tha aur woh agle mahine Delhi wapas ja rahi thi. Wahi uska job laga tha. Ek baar jane ke baad fir milna kab hoga pata nahi tha. To humne weekend Goa jaane ka plan banaya. Friday shaam hum saath mein airport gaye aur...

2 years ago
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BonnieChapter 3

I checked out the kitchen and prepared a bowl of fruit and some unsalted mixed nuts for Bonnie. I found a microwave meal in the freezer and popped it into the zapper. I figured Bonnie would want to play in the tree for a while so I took her bowl out to the enclosure. "Bonnie!" I shouted and held up the bowl for her to see, then set it on the grass by the fence. My watch said it was almost eight and it was starting to turn dark. It had been a very long day and I was really beat. I planned...

3 years ago
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Sexciting Trips Compilation Part II

Part II( Is a long one as I have tried to put in details so You call can enjoy reading as being the character you want to be)I had my breakfast and boarded my cab and went for the first meeting of the day. !) mins into the drive and cabbie asked' you were doing sex so early in morning?' .' yes ' I replied. ' Was it your friend or hotel guy ?' he asked. ' It was a friend from my facebook' I said. We didn't talk on that topic during the rest of the day between trips to meetings. I finished my...

2 years ago
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Crisis at IshtarChapter 60 The Tensions Grow even Higher

"I'm still trying to figure out what just happened," the admiral replied. "It sounds like there was a battle down there." "You might call it that," Yvette replied with a sniff. "Heck, if you want we could provide video of most of it." "That would prove nothing!" Colonel Johanes snapped. "It would be doctored before you sent it." "How?" Tamara asked. "You know, you are frighteningly inconsistent. First you claim we are untrained and have no rank but now we are supposedly...

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Ashley and Jason Part 22

As he arrived at Ashley's dorm room he knocked politely and waited for Ashley to open the door. As soon as Ashley opened the door she stepped to the side and allowed Jason to enter her dorm room. Jason started looking around at how neat and tidy Ashley's room was. "Thank's for coming here" Ashley said as she closed the door. "Sorry to make you come on such short notice" Ashley said to Jason. "It's no issue I wasn't doing anything anyway, So what's up why'd you want me to come over...

4 years ago
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My first sexual experience with girl

After the experience with my friend on new years eve, I stop with playing with my anus after some time. Got a girlfriend, break up and again and again... I wanted so bad to have sex with some but never got any chance. One summer, I was solo, broke up with girlfriend few days ago, I went out with one older female friend. We knew eachother for some time, and I kinda liked her, but she was older few years and I thought I have no chance with her. We bought some beers and went into the park. We sat...

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