Pagan O'RourkeChapter 4 free porn video

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The attack, when it came, failed to catch them unprepared.

Shliiiiiiist, Shliiiiiiist, Shliiiiiiist, the smoking blade whispered, as it sliced through flesh and bone - leaving cauterized ruin in its forge-spawned wake. Spinning, almost too fast for the eye to follow, Pagan performed his deadly dance. His opponents barely had time to replace the fallen, ere he sent them on their way.

The twins were a whirling pair of roaring Tasmanian Devils. "O'Rourke!", they shouted, as their flashing daggers sliced and diced their hapless prey. The attackers may as well have been unarmed toddlers, for all the effect they had upon the Dual Divas of Death. Occasionally giggling and ragging each other on, The Lethal Lolitas left death and mayhem in their wake.

Blackjack and team were left with little, save an occasional brief engagement, as the Dragon Spawned threesome took center stage. Not to say they were idle - far from it - but in comparison to their young cousins, they could just as well have sat the whole thing out on the sidelines.

Flanked by his rampaging Shields, wired to the max by adrenaline euphoria, Pagan was free to tramp out a bloody vintage from the human crop in his path.

Quite a few of the demoralized antagonists attempted to turn and flee, only to be confronted by Blackjack's efficient crew. The back door had been slammed shut, and bolted fast!

With no alternative destination, the desperate assailants took their seats, one by one, on the Hellbound Express

Running out of available targets, Pagan turned to seek fresh prey.

It was all over! Save for twitching, bloody corpses, there wasn't an enemy in sight. The twins were happily engaged in cleaning their daggers, wiping them with strips torn from the clothing of the slain. Blackjack, and his crew, were already beginning to dispose of bodies, dragging them to a nearby crevasse, except for one woman, who was calmly stitching up a gash in her own arm.

The entire engagement hadn't lasted more than a few minutes. The final tally was; fifty three dead would-be-assassins, and one moderately wounded Shade.

"How progresses the new Forging, Mother?", inquired the beautiful young woman.

"See for yourself Rhiannon.", Brighid replied, "Our grandchildren are near approaching the proper temper. Soon, they'll be ready to take the field."

"They bring honor to their Houses!", came another voice, "It's wonderful, to see that time's ravaging assault has failed to pollute their Blood!"

"Yes, old friend,", Brighid agreed with the scarred, regal warrior at her side, "The House of The Dragon and your own noble House of The Phoenix, are well championed by those three young scions of our combined lines. They only await the quenching, to achieve their true mettle."

Nodding her agreement, Boadicca, erstwhile Queen of the Iceni, returned to her contemplation of the mortal plane.

"Believe me! The secret of reaping the greatest fruitfulness, and the greatest enjoyment, from life, is to live dangerously!" - Nietzsche

The place was one of those dark, moldy dens, which cater to the lowest dregs of London's slums. There was no dancing, nor laughter, as such was not the nature of those who sought, in alcoholic oblivion, escape from the weary burden of existance.

One patron, however, did not blend in with the faded décor.

Seated alone, in a booth at the rear, was a large, well dressed, middle-aged man. He alternated between watching the entrance, and taking an occasional sip of the poor-quality sherry, sitting on the scarred table before him. His eyes constantly scanned the crowded room, ever alert for possible threats.

Clayton Andrew Madison, Lord Bramley, was not a happy camper. In point of fact, if such a common term could be applied to a Peer of the Realm, one could say that he was pissed! He berated himself constantly, for having paid those incompetent fools in advance.

He still found it inconcievable, that fifty three well-armed men had been annihilated by nine defenders - five of whom were bitches. He didn't even consider including the boy, and his sisters, in the affair. It was bad enough that five sluts had dared attack his men - he certainly wasn't going to entertain the notion that three children might have been involved as well.

Suddenly, his attention was focused on an approaching figure.

"About time!" he snapped to the man, who'd just joined him in the booth, "You're late!"

"Sorry, Milord," the man responded, "But you did say to make sure I wasn't followed. That's time consuming, it is."

"Never mind!" Bramley exclaimed, "What did you find out? Who are they?"

"Nobody knows, Milord!" the man replied, "My usual sources haven't got a clue. Everyone agrees that such a highly trained group can't possibly have slipped past the experts' notice, but they obviously have. There are only a rare few who might've pulled it off the way they did, and we know who all of them are. They're certainly not from any of the regular agencies, none of whom utilize women on assault teams. I'll keep digging, if you wish, but I don't have any idea of where to look next.

"What about the terrorist community, could they be one of the fringe groups we know little about?"

"Doubtful, Milord, though I'll look into that possibility," the man continued, "Don't have any resemblance to normal terrorist techniques. That crowd isn't into stand up, knock down and drag out tactics. They're hit and run specialists, not combat assault troops. As I said, I'll look into it, but expect to be disappointed. Whoever that bunch is, they're ghosts, as far as anyone can determine. They've vanished without a trace, leaving no spoor for our hounds to follow,"

"Very well," Bramley conceded, "What about the other matter? Have you located anyone who might be able to comprehend that strange script?"

"Perhaps, Milord. There's a professor in Wales, at the university, who specializes in old Celtic artifacts. But we'll have to convince him to go to Scotland, and he's too well known to just disappear. We'll have to find some alternative method of persuasion."

"Offer him an endowment," Bramley directed, "Those college chaps are always desperate for more funding. Ten thousand pounds to make the trip, and an additional fifty thousand if he succeeds in making a translation."

"Very well, Milord. I'll get right on it." the man concluded, and departed the room.

Bramley waited a few minutes, then made his own exit from the scene.

As darkness descended upon the Scottish Highlands, a neon-blue, brilliant light emanated from the entrance to the small cave. Gradually, it coalesced into a dimly glowing, dark-blue barrier, which denied access to any mortal who was not of The Blood.

Once the entrance was sealed, the six lines of ancient script began to reform and multiply, until the entire wall beside the picture, was covered with fine lines of script, which were incomprehensible to all mortals, save one.

"Rhiannon!", came the phantom voice, "Wake up you lazy layabout. Tempus fugit, and we have much to discuss. Come on, shake a leg, ere I have to find myself a new High Priest!"

Rhiannon ap Draigh, High Priest of The Sacred Grove, Master Harper to The Twenty Seven Clans, and Ambassador to the Mortal Plane, snapped one eye open, and considered ignoring the summons, which roused her in the depth of the night.

Unfortunately, as she had long ago discovered, a determined deity was impossible to ignore. Emitting an exaggerated sigh, she sat up and surrendered to the inevitable.

"And just what service does my divinely glorious goddess require of her poor humble servant?"

"Laying it on a little thick, aren't you?" Brighid resumed, with a chuckle, "There aren't any gullible mortals around to admire your exceptional piety. And, since you're obviously experiencing a bad-hair day, not to mention bare skin for ceremonial array, I much doubt they'd be all that impressed anyway."

"I surrender," Rhiannon chuckled, "What's so urgent, that it compels you to interrupt my sleep?"

"The conquering heroes are almost returned," Brighid continued, "They'll be here within two hours time, and will be consulting the council about a part of my riddle which confuses them. Pretend ignorance about the tree, as I'm not ready for them to open the way just yet."

"Tree?" Rhiannon exclaimed, "What tree are you going on about? I don't know anything about any damned tree!"

"Don't concern yourself too much about it," Brighid soothed, "The solution will occur to you, after you've read the riddle. Just remember to dissemble about it, when they ask for help. Several critical players have yet to take their positions upon the board."

"As you wish Milady, though I'm still a little confused." Rhiannon complied.

"Excellent, a little confusion is good for you, as it keeps you from getting too self-satisfied." Brighid chortled, as her presence faded from the room.

"Self-satisfied? Me?" the grumpy High Priest muttered to the empty room, "Nahhh!"

Pagan and the others were really glad to get back home. It was still lacking an hour till sunrise, when they disembarked from the bus, and everyone hastily sought out their quarters, for a good long soak in hot, reviving water. They all wanted to be at their best for the forthcoming meeting.

"Well child, we're all assembled, as you requested. What do you have for us?", began the High Priest.

Pagan presented himself, and handed over his notebook. As his grandmother read the contents, he reported their conclusions, and asked for further clarification.

Reading the translation, it suddeenly hit her. 'Of course, THAT tree!', she thought, 'I'd better caution some of the others, as they probably will get the connection as well. Many of them have spent a great deal of time there, especially the women.'

"Well, I'm glad the Bookends finally had something of value to contribute.", she chuckled, "But as for the rest of it, I'm as much in the dark as you are. Leave it with me, and I'll try to discover the identity of this elusive tree."

Nodding his compliance, Pagan retreated to stand with his sisters and Blackjack's crew.

"Liam Draigh, present yourself before the council!", Rhiannon commanded.

Blackjack advanced to the table, snapped to attention, and saluted his High Priest.

"Now, what's this I hear about you and the children cavorting with a bunch of Sassons?", she demanded, "Weren't you supposed to keep them from stirring up trouble? And Pagan's just as bad as those two double-demons. He was supposed to be your backup babysitter!"

"BABYSITTER!", came the indignant girlish chorus from Pagan's vicinity.

Blackjack fought an internal battle, to keep a grin from appearing on his face.

"I'm sorry Reverend One, but it was all the rest of us could do, just to keep out of their way. You know how greedy children are. They wanted all the Sassons for themselves, and barely let the rest of us have any at all."

Fighting her own battle, the High Priest merely nodded, and motioned dismissal.

"Master Healer, how are our newest residents doing?", she resumed, turning to R'hee, "Are they settling in yet?"

"Yes, Reverend One.", R'hee reported, "Peg is fully recovered now, and they've all expressed a desire to remain among us. The cook's a welcome addition in the kitchens, and the others are happily lending a hand wherever it's needed. The Demon O'Rourkes are probably in for some heavy competition, as they've all been licking their chops whenever Pagan walks by."

She paused briefly to direct a smirk toward her irate nieces, then resumed.

"They fit in well, and have already made a lot of friends among his other devoted conquests."

This last was the final straw for the crowd, and everyone, save the fuming twins, convulsed in unrestrained hilarity. Didi and Dierdre failed to see anthing at all humorous in the situation, which served to redouble the laughter.

Finally regaining her wind, the High Priest dismissed the council.

Lord Bramley was sitting in his study, inwardly raging over the waste of ten thousand pounds, when his butler announced that he had a visitor. Still smarting over the fact that no one could reenter the cave, he motioned the butler to show the man in.

"I may have found a possible source for our recent troubles, Milord.", the man began, without preamble, "The professor says that there are vague rumors of an unknown group in the upper Cambrian Mountains. His research has brought to light quite a few unsubstantiated reports which have occasionly been recorded over the last thousand years. He believes it to be superstitious myth, but it occurred to me that such a remote location could well conceal some sort of hidden base."

"How soon can you verify it, one way or the other?", Bramley perked up. Perhaps his money hadn't been thrown away, after all.

"It merely requires your approval, Milord. I can have a team up there in a couple of days."

"That's an awful lot of ground to cover. Won't it take a very long time to do a thorough search.", Bramley querried.

"We should be able to narrow it fairly quickly, once we're up there Milord. Surely the locals will be able to narrow the search for us.", the man concluded.

"Very well, but make sure they know to keep a very low profile. No sense issuing a warning, should our quarry be up there.", Bramley concluded.

"Consider it done, Milord.", The man acknowledged.

As his visitor departed, Bramley retrieved a large map of Wales from his cabinet, and focused his attention upon the Cambrian Mountains.

Sassons at The Gate

"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." - K'ung-fu Tzu (Confucius)

Historical note; in this next segment I refer to Longshanks' Folly (a fictional place). Longshanks was Edward I, King of England 1272 - 1307 C.E. He conquered and annexed Wales in 1284 C.E. His son, Edward II, became the first Prince of Wales in 1301 C.E., a title still applied to the heir-apparent of the English Throne. - Source; "Encarta Encyclopedia"

The scouts were absolutely amazed at the sight which met their gaze. Spanning the narrow pass, was a formidable wall. Easily fifty feet high, made up of massive stone blocks, and surmounted by two mirror-glazed watchposts, it was a truly intimidating aspect.

The narrow, stone-paved roadway passed through a barred archway, to continue beyond the horizon.

The four men had no way of knowing that the barricade was only fifteen years old, (having been built following the abduction of baby Pagan) as it appeared to have been there for centuries.

Carefully, being sure not to break cover, they retreated back to their vehicle. They were excited at finally having something to report, after weeks of fruitless search.

"Sion, Sion wake up!", Maefys hissed, as she shook her husband's shoulder, "Blackjack's in the hall, with an urgent message for you!"

Coming instantly awake, Sion leapt from the bed and began getting dressed.

"Have him wait for me in the study, and check on the children.", he replied, "See if you can pry Pagan from betwixt those two ferrets, without waking them up. We can always tell them anything they need to know later. I want Pagan present, as I've been working toward his eventually replacing me, but I don't need those magpies constantly interrupting us."

She nodded her agreement, as she hurried out the door.

Didi whispered to her sister, "Are you awake?"

"Oh no, I slept right through mom's sneaky little act!" Dierdre hissed, "Surely she doesn't think we're letting Bubba get very far from our sight."

Grinning at each other, the irrepressable duo jumped out of bed, hurriedly dressed, and crept toward the study, drawn by the light coming through the door.

"All right Blackjack, now that we're all here, what do you have?" Sion said.

"The watch at Phoenix Pass just posted an alert," Blackjack began, "Four hostiles just reconned their position, and withdrew."

"What makes them believe they were hostile?" Sion inquired.

"What else would they be? They were nightclad, well armed, and were actually fairly competent at concealment. We might have missed them entirely, if not for the IR beams. Besides, it's just gone three o'clock. No one with honorable intentions would've been prowling about this time of night." Blackjack replied.

"Alert the base at Longshanks' Folly. Have them intercept our curious visitors." he ordered.

"Already done Sir. We should be hearing from them shortly."

"Good man! Now, if there's nothing more, I'm putting my weary bones back to bed. I'm getting too old for this middle of the night shit." Sion declared, as he rose to leave.

Pagan and Blackjack traded grins, as the robust thirty eight year old Clan Chieftain left the room.

Pagan couldn't help smiling to himself, as the twins scrambled back to their room, barely evading their father.

"I wonder if I should let them know that, since the ordeal in Derbyshire, I always know where they are, and what they're doing.', he thought, "Nah, no sense giving up my advantage, as it keeps them from springing any of their little surprises on me, '

The snatch went off without a hitch. Dressed in the uniforms of local constables, the Shades blocked the road with their official-appearing patrol car, and settled in to await their prey.

When the four men arrived at the roadblock, the driver carefully brought the vehicle to a gentle stop. He wasn't worried about the coppers, so long as they didn't want to search the boot.

Checking to be sure the nasal filters were well seated, the Shade approached the driver's open window. Leaning down to speak, he placed his cupped palm upon the sill.

"Good morning gents, might I have a look at your papers, please?", he requested, surreptiously rupturing the small plastic ampule, concealed in his palm.

As the men reached for their wallets, an odorless, tasteless vapor inundated the confined space. As they succumbed to the narcotic influence of the gas, the faux Constable motioned the others to approach.

In less than five minutes, a black van was speeding away, bearing four unconscious bodies, and the pseudo squad car was returning to base. The scouts' car was towed behind the van.

"What do you have for us, Dragon Chieftain?" inquired the High Priest.

Sion rose to his feet, and addressed his mother-in-law.

"The men are fairly low ranking subordinates, Reverend One," he began, "They only know that they were assigned to do a search of the upper Cambrian Mountains, for any suspicious installations. They have no knowledge of who their ultimate superior may be. Their commanding officer, however, is a known lackey of Bramley's, so we can conclude that His Lordship's is the guiding hand behind their efforts. We know he's gone to ground somewhere in London, but constant surveillance of his townhouse, and known haunts, has failed to turn up a trace of him."

"What do you recommend, Clan Leader?" she requested.

"We wait for the hounds to be unleashed, Reverend One.", he continued, "Let him come to us! The Master Healer has performed a short-term memory alteration upon our guests, but their actual memories will resurface within a matter of several days. We propose to free them several kilometers beyond the capture point, and wait for the response occasioned by their restored memories. This will allow us ample time in which to prepare for their sortie. If we play with them long enough, Bramley's impatience will impel him to break cover, and he'll show up to take personal charge of the operation."

"Very well, do as you believe best. Needless to say, you are in possession of our absolute confidence." she concluded.

Bowing his acceptance, Sion reseated himself.

"From this point forward, all leaves and holidays are cancelled. Issue a recall to our absent kinsmen," she addressed the gathering, "We are now at full alert status. Craft Masters will report to The Dragon for their assignments. Master Healer, you will lay in a sufficient supply of trauma-treatment paraphernalia - prepare for the worst case scenario. School will continue as normal, but training excercises will be altered to fit The Dragon's needs. Clan Chieftains will get their houses in order, as per doctrine. I see no need to disrupt daily domestic routines at this point, but check with your Clan Leaders for any necessary changes. You are dismissed!"

As the assembly broke up, several individuals made their way to Sion's side, Pagan and the twins accompanying them.

Pagan, the twins, and Blackjack's crew, were having the time of their collective lives. Maintaining discipline, they had no problem evading detection by the hostile force, which had assembled below Phoenix Pass. They limited their excursions to the hours of darkness, and were wreaking havoc among Bramley's troops.

Slipping past unconscious senteries, they happily pilfered arms, ammunition, rations, clothing, and anything else which wasn't nailed down, even taking personal jewelry from the sleeping men.

By sunrise, the resulting tally of their depredations was truly staggering. A well-armed, disciplined force was reduced to an unarmed, almost naked, hungry mob.

Clayton Andrew Madison WAS pissed! The cost, in missing supplies, was unbelievable. Over one hundred thousand pounds worth had gone missing, not to mention salaries and benefits, and his people hadn't even scented the prey.

Enough was enough! He prepared for a speedy trip to Wales, looking forward to wreaking his vengeance upon the perpetrators of his recent defeat.

"It's time granddaughter," whispered the ephemeral voice, "When you awaken, lead the children to the appointed place. The cast is assembled, and the oil awaits the quenching. Our young Heroes are ready for the final tempering - only the final honing will remain. Finish your repose, for now, but remember when the night has run its course."

Same as Pagan O'Rourke
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"You're so tiny," I said. "I know you are a fully grown woman and I've got no call to be talking about how small someone else is, but I'm so afraid I'll hurt you." "I'm tougher than I look. I'm nineteen today, Brian. I know I look little. It's why I don't shave my pubes. Without hair there I still look twelve. But I'm not twelve. And I'm not scared," Judy said. We'd had a lovely birthday celebration in the studio, combined with end of semester relief—for many clan members,...

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just been fucked properly

I have just got back from Inferno sauna in manchester, where for once instead of everyone just standing around and stareing at each other i found my self walking strait up to a guy who did’nt just fumble with my dick for a bit n then cum but a guy who took me into a side room n nailed me for almost an hour!!! i hav’nt had this much cock action for 18 months!!!!!! He had a n 8′ cut cock which i could have happily sucked on all day, but we were eager to fuck so he turned me round bent me over n...

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Ladds Exchange Mall Book 2

PETTICOATING FLOURISHES LADD'S EXCHANGE MALL BOOK TWO BY JENNIFER SUE By the middle of May; Louise, Tammy, Jamie, Brenda, and Tracy were competing to see who could be the biggest tease. The perky eighth grade girls had talked their parents into letting them take dancing lessons together at METAMORPHOSIS SCHOOL OF DANCE. They wanted Tina Bemis, the owner, to teach them jazz and aerobic dancing so they could all make the cheerleader squad for the upcoming school year. ...

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Pep Spirit and Facials Chapter 3

With her heart racing harder than when she stepped up in front of the judge’s table during tryouts, lowered herself down onto her knees until she felt the cool tile, still wet from the shower, against her skin. Within moments, the cocks that she had been nearly salivating over were the only thing she could see. The girls had essentially pounced on her, shouldering their way into the shower stall so they could surround her. Alice, with her showpiece of a latina dick now in full frame of...

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Sex With Anusha Hottie

Hello readers, this is my first post here with my sexy Anusha. Am 25 years old, undergrad stud now running my own show. Anusha is 28 years old, was married for a year and a half before her husband passed away in a road accident. She lives right next door in my apartment and we have known each other for almost 3 years now. Anusha is alone now as hers was a love marriage and both their parents didn’t like them and still they haven’t accepted her back. She had faced a lot of problems in life and...

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ExploitedCollegeGirls Elena 02082018

Every once in awhile we come across the quiet ones, but they’re also the ones you have to watch out for! If you like having fun and trying out new things, what do you do? Well if you’re 20 year old Elena, you go shoot a porn video! She’s a Vegas girl, so she does know how to have a good time. Her last hook up was with with a random guy she met on the strip, so don’t let the shy thing fool you, she knows how to fuck. That being said, she’s a porn newbie, so it was...

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The other day I was in the park with my friends, doing our routine exercises. Since I was with a couple, I figured after we got limbered up and ran around a bit they'd want to get some time alone elsewhere, so I wandered down to the restroom while they snuck off to tug at each other in the forest. The girls room was out of order. Being the adventurous spirit I am, I decided to risk the boys bathroom to see what sort of naughty things might be written on the walls, maybe flick my bean.The whole...

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Horse sexchapter 2

Omar, the caretaker, smiled. "You are some dirty little teenagers aren't you?" Sheila was defiant. She said, "What the fuck do you want?" "the same as you apparently," he replied. He continued, "You like sex with animals? Let's do some more." "Fuck you," screamed Sheila, "I am not doing anything." Omar calmly said, "I think you both will, or I will tell your parents what little perverts you are. You will do exactly what I say. Do you understand?" John and Sheila had a look...

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The VoiceChapter 5

Scott was doing primarily three activities during the summer months of fishing, narrating audiobooks and working on his second book. He was at the stage in writing his second book that the outline was done and he was starting to dictate the story. Outside of doing those activities he would occasionally visit the casino for dinner and a little gambling. Because of the summer crowds he was trying to avoid going into the Dells. His cellphone buzzed and he saw it was a call from Lynn Reynolds,...

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My First Gay Experience

I first met Keith when he came from Pennsylvania to visit his cousin Bob who was a very good friend of mine. We learned that he wanted to move here to northeast Ohio and was here to house hunt. He found a place and within a couple of weeks he moved in. It wasn’t long before Keith involved himself in many of our recreational activities, including joining our scuba club. Almost from the beginning I knew something was different about Keith. It was the way he talked, his body language and...

First Time
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They That Have Power Book IIChapter 29

Wednesday, June 30, 2010 Jake checked his email before the girls woke up. While he was waiting for them to stir, he replied to the message he had received from Donna on Sunday evening. From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: re: Sometimes old bones need warm waters Dear Donna, The idea of enjoying the company of a pretty woman like yourself for an entire baseball game sounds wonderful. Sadly we can never meet. Or at least not before October 2015. That’s my...

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Destination AzaharChapter 12 Planning Ahead

Kozlowski was surprised and elated when he contacted Dothan upon entering normal space near Haru. His orders had changed in the three weeks it took to get from Azahar to Haru. He was ordered to collect his original pods and begin mapping the Orion Spur. Mission reports from an expedition deep into Sa'arm space were examined by Nic who advised Kozlowski to study them. These reports included detailed surveys for about a dozen planetary systems and observation data on several hundred other...

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Lake Cabin Part 31

INTRODUCTION My wife and I had taken a vacation of 7 to 9 days at a lake cabin for the last 20 years. After last year’s vacation we discovered my wife had advanced cancer. She dies a couple of months later. A few days before she died, she made me promise I would go at least one last time without her. I had arrived on Saturday. Sunday I had sex with Sarah, one of the young housekeeping staff, who wanted to thank me for helping her with her basketball skills the last five years. Monday I had...

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The Sappho Virus

The Sappho Virus, most peope viewed it as an Urban Legend, a sexualy trasmitted vius that turned women into beautiful lesbians and men into werewolves? It sounded unlikely to me. But that was before, I used to be a bookworm really, small breasts, plain face and clothes, I wore glasses even, my name is Casey by the way. I had a few friends, but I perfered to keep to myself. Yesterday, just before gym class started I had come into the locker room, stripping off my usual clothes, I'm just about to...

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The Enticement pt1

The EnticementJennifer didn't have too many activities after school and Teri always seemed like she had more things for both of them to do after school anyway. Teri told Jenn about a major discovery she found in her mother's closet. They didn't live to far from each other and the invite to dinner wednesday night was perfect. That day after school Teri told Jenn they had to head straight for her home cause they only had an hour before her mom would come home. When they got to Teri's place she...

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My Tiny Skirt Part Three

Having understood this, I didn’t feel angry anymore, in fact I requested Sis Mary to accompany me to give Eric’s house to give him a surprised visit. She said she can’t, she needed to prepare dinner in an hours time. I pested her, promising we will return at 5.30pm. I also told her that Eric parents went overseas for holiday leaving only Eric and their maid at home. She knew she couldn’t avoid my stubbornness. She agreed and asked me to get change first while she take out some fishes and meat...

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Online fun part 5

Part 4 : Feedback is certainly appreciated! Either as a review here, or feel free to message me on kik (albatrossiv), I'm trying to keep each section shortish and easy, drawing on personal experiences, from here out there will be a bit more fantasy...but still trying to keep it within reason... Riley's face flushed as he looked over at this gorgeous women, her hand still dancing across his chastity cage over his pants. "I said, would you care for another round?" she asked,...

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My Wife In Threesome

By: Vicky_gill Hi I am Vikram 27 years old from Nagpur. I am telling you the true experiance of my life, there is no fiction in this story. When I was in college I was in love with Soniya. Basically she blongs to a Gujrati family, so she was having a typical gujrathi looks and figure. After a long affair of 4 years we got married in Dec 2007. We were having a very good relationship, we loves each other we have not planned a kid yet our sex life is also good, but it is not like before. She is...

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HotwifeXXX Heather Honey Sexy Wife Heather Is Pretty In Pink

Beautiful blonde curvy wife Heather Honey is very anxious for her Spanish stud Ramon to arrive and show her the good time her husband promised her. When Ramon was greeted by Heather at the door in her sexy pretty pink dress showing off her big tits and sweet big ass, Ramon could not wait to pull her juicy tits out and suck on them. As he made his way pleasuring her body he finally was face deep in her big sweet butt cheeks getting her pussy dripping wet and ripe for his throbbing big cock to...

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This story is completely fictional. The alarm clock rang. 5:00 am. I reached over and slapped the snooze. It was May 1st, the time of year that I hated getting up early. I am a teacher, and while I love my job, between Spring Break in March and Memorial Day, we had no days off. Everyone, teachers included, were ready for a break and the end of the school year. I got up, showered, dressed and headed to the kitchen to eat breakfast and get my lunch ready.  Though I didn’t like getting up early,...

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445 life at mellow manor pt3

445 life at mellow manor pt3. His excitement rising he turned to face his own Mother, hung as Bessy, her arms held secure above her head, her smooth silk covered body his to strike, her expectant face fixed on his, knowing full-well she could expect no quarter from this eager young man, her son her own flesh and blood, who was now so sexually charged, so hyped up and so near and yet so far away in his fantasy world that he was as an automaton. She became aware he was speaking, asking her where...

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Specialist MooreChapter 7

Darkness, I was floating in darkness, or I assumed I was floating, I could sense nothing, it was a weird deja vu feeling Id had been here before ... SON OF A BITCH. Anger for being so stupid, I should of thought it was a trap, I had been confident and also distracted by Sunny, her energy and excitement had blinded me to the dangers of what we had been doing, I drifted for an unknown amount of time, I couldn't tell, I was absently singing 9000 bottles of beer on the wall when I felt it. It...

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Cricket Match Lead To Bed

Hi friends this is my first story and I will be eager to get your responses. I’m from Kolkata let’s come to the story it was 1st January and we were playing cricket in the ground of our residential campus being a medical student and I have a good reputation in the locality and there are 26 families in our complex suddenly and I hit a ball for a six and the ball landed in the balcony of the 2nd floor of type c quarters in that particular quarter resides. A lady called Jyoti a 26 years old beauty...

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Seduced by older man

At the time this event happened I was just becoming aware of my sexuality. I knew I enjoyed women but also found I was increasingly attracted to men. The reason for this was probably because a lot of men had been hitting on me for some years and I wasnt really aware of it but thinking back I was always being groped in the swimming baths and on more than one occasion had been brushed against in a public loo.I was a very fit tennis player and did club cycling so had shaved legs. I had short blond...

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Doctor Patient

Here is the biggest mistake I made in my life. I slept with a patient. That is due to the second biggest mistake in my life. I am a doctor.Of course, there is a story involved. Here goes.As a k**, I wanted to be a doctor. But not to people. I wanted to be a vet. That didn't work out. My old man pointed at medical school. I loved my dog, and my dog died, and soon, I found my dream dead. I was a people doctor. I studied my ass off, read as much as I could and finally made it to medical school. On...

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Candid Camera

At least life at home was good. Her daughter Evelyn was growing up to be a beautiful young lady, she had been so excited last weekend to get her driver’s license. She looked a lot like Suzanne in the eyes, and a bit in the butt, and her hair was obviously of her mother’s heritage, but everything else . . . it had to come from her father. Suzanne had never met any of Frederico’s family, because he really didn’t have any. His parents died young and he was an only child. Evelyn had followed...

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A Dream

My wife was gone for the weekend helping her sister decorated a bedroom for our nieces new born baby, and I was on line doing some research for a project I was working on when I got an "incoming call alert". I usually let the call go to the voice mail, but since I was ready to call it quits for the night, I answered the call. "Hello" "Hey Greg, it's Roger, Roger Johnson, from the old neighborhood." "Hi Rog. Wow it's been a while. What, about ten or fifteen years at...

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Desperate Indian Housewives Part 1

“Who is a husband? Is it he who marries a woman, lives with her under one roof, and fails to satiate her? Or is it he who fulfils her deepest darkest desires whenever he takes her to bed?” Yasmin asked Shalini, puffing a cigarette. The question made Shalini uncomfortable yet made her zone out. Yasmin and Shalini were next-door neighbours and have been friends ever since Shalini moved to her new flat. They bonded like sisters, although they were the exact polar opposite of each other. Yasmin was...

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Spoiled Vacation

Edited by Barney R. Messed with by me. The argument started when she said “Honey, can we change the hotel reservations to Sunday night?’ I am furious and hurt. We had this vacation planned since the last vacation last summer. We planned to leave early Saturday morning to make Minneapolis by 4:30. Now my wife of 14 years is telling me she has a “mandatory” cocktail party for employees only Saturday night. Let’s start at how Donna and I met. I, Carl Allen, was a junior in high school...

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Other Peoples Problems

“So, I’m balls deep and just as I let loose there’s this loud crashing noise, right? I hear the noise, but I’m not paying any attention. You know how it is, just as you’re getting your nut? Nope, nothing’s getting through to my brain. The door bursts open, and there he is, and the kid is seriously pissed.” The cop looked at the nurse, then back to me and nodded before speaking. “It was a kid?” “Well, no, I guess not. Teenager. Probably 15, 16, something like that.” He nodded again. “Okay, go...

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A Night at the Strip Club

Barry and I took Peggy out to a strip club for our first “date”. I had been waiting for this moment ever since we connected via an adult internet site dedicated to wife sharing. I had not had the pleasure of “sharing” Peggy yet, but I am patient man and she is definitely worth waiting for the right moment. I flew into town and they both picked me up at the hotel. I was very excited to finally meet them. Photos and emails will only give you a limited amount of information about people, so it...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 21 The Option of Last Resort

July 6, 1990, Chicago, Illinois “Steve, this is Sam Kassan. I spoke to the detectives.” “And?” “I don’t rightly believe it myself. You’re being investigated for open, notorious adultery, which is a Class A misdemeanor in Illinois, and punishable by up to year in jail.” “Come off it!” I exclaimed in complete bewilderment. “I kid you not. Melanie will be back from court within the hour, and I’ve set an appointment with the detectives at our office for 3:00pm today.” “I thought stuff like...

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DeAnns Submissive Weekend PART TEN

DeAnn's Submissive WeekendPART TEN======================================================================Suzy escorted me downstairs via the elevator and into the home's lounge. Aswe entered the room I could see about a dozen round tables with white tablecloths and seating for six at each table. There was a bar too, and Debbiewas acting as the bartender while Becky waited tables. They were both stillwearing maid uniforms, but tonight the uniforms were a bare breasts design.The high heels and the...

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Doing it with Dave

This story is a take off of Closing down the cottage. While some of this story is true there is added fiction too make this story totally erotic. Please feel free to vote and comment either way makes my future stories better. It was three days since my get together with Lee as i was getting ready to do wash when i came across a crumpled slip of paper. On the paper was a phone number i then realized it was from Dave who three days earlier i had the pleasure of sucking his cock until he shot his...

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The General

© Copywrite 2003 by Girl Friday, all rights reserved. Prologue "There she is! That's her, the General!" "Who's the General?" "There - the tall one, long brown hair, perfect breasts. Oh man what I wouldn't give..." I smiled to myself when I heard this whispered exchange on my way out of the dining hall. Two guys, sophomores maybe, were following me with their eyes as I walked by them. "Why is she called the General?" I chuckled quietly and thought, if you only knew......

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Setting up wife

If you are from kerala and share the same views as mine. You can contact me at by email or through messenger After the episode I mentioned in my writing in the setting up wife -5 I was always thinking of how to fulfil the desire of letting priya’s uncle see me fucking priya and how I could see aunty being fucked by uncle. As if things were going as I was thinking, Priya,s uncle gave me a call on last thursday to tell me that his daughter has a PSC exam on saturday at our place as center. I...

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The Butler Didnt Do ItChapter 6

“No, sir, but she would like to believe that her husband died that way, and who am I – indeed, who are we – to say otherwise? If you wish to conclude that the President died fighting the assailants, I shall be happy to step into the background, as a butler should.” “Thank you, John. Your consideration for sensibilities does you proud. It may indeed, for political reasons, be best to have the story come out in that way. You would be amenable to that arrangement?” “Certainly, sir. As his...

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BugsChapter 10

The humans had plenty of time to get ready for an attack from ants if it ever came. They had even gone so far as to cut loopholes in the walls of the house and to refit the "master bedroom" into a pillbox. The windows in the door still worked on their hand-cranks (that's how old the car was when it made its last trip), so it was an ideal fighting position when the bed was removed and a bench was constructed running from front to back. Two crossbows and 60 poisoned bolts were stored there...

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SecretsChapter 13

The next morning dawned bright and clear and Linda was at her desk early hoping there might have been some news overnight. Alas, however, Shelia, who Brad swore actually lived in the office, was there well ahead of her, but had nothing to report. “Well, I guess Iʼm out of here,” smiled a sleepy Brad reaching for his hat and starting for the door. He met Nikki at the door, but instead of her usual smile she held her head low and turned away from him, uncharacteristically wearing sunglasses...

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