Destination Paradise
- 2 years ago
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Kozlowski was surprised and elated when he contacted Dothan upon entering normal space near Haru. His orders had changed in the three weeks it took to get from Azahar to Haru. He was ordered to collect his original pods and begin mapping the Orion Spur.
Mission reports from an expedition deep into Sa'arm space were examined by Nic who advised Kozlowski to study them. These reports included detailed surveys for about a dozen planetary systems and observation data on several hundred other stars that probably had planets. Kozlowski was very excited by such a profound amount of unexpected data and called everyone to the CIC to share the treasure trove of celestial jewels.
It was a challenge for enough crew members to break away from studying and analyzing data that could only excite an astronomer, to safely park Copernicus into orbit and rendezvous with the station that was holding their pods. As soon as the pods were being shuffled by the dock workers to accommodate the radio telescope pods in their operational positions, Kozlowski asked his four officers to join him in the wardroom.
Ensign Johnson started speaking even before everyone was seated. "I've looked at the positions of the newly mapped stars and don't believe we should deviate from our original path through the Spur, but the data does impact the stars we want to concentrate on with our own observations."
"Thank you, Mr. Johnson," Kozlowski commented formally, but the effect was torpedoed by his laughter and follow-up, "It's good to know that navigation is your priority, since you are our navigator. I believe that the rest of us are as excited about these reports as you, but our first priority is to ensure we have all of the instruments and information we need to take advantage of the new data. Mr. Atanas?"
Atanas opened the discussion with, "Our telescope array is far superior to anything carried by the ships making these reports. However, they had some rather sophisticated instrumentation for detecting hyperspace anomalies and gravitational disturbances. We should consider adding these instruments to our kit before leaving. The ability to add black holes and rogue bodies to the new charts could be extremely valuable. We might also consider installing a machine shop next to the shuttle bay in the multi-purpose pod and pack several tons of raw materials below the machine shop and the shuttle bay in case we need to manufacture new equipment or make major changes or repairs to the existing equipment."
Ensign Stayton added, "We could lay in additional stores and manufacture these instruments during the three-month jump to our first observation position. We wouldn't have to delay our departure waiting for these items to be built and installed."
"Are we in that much of a hurry, Mr. Stayton?" Kozlowski was again chuckling. His crew was reverting to excited teenagers getting ready for their first prom. "I'm as anxious to get out of reach as the rest of you before a stray admiral decides to give us another errand to run, but I'd like to be certain that we're prepared before we skip town."
"The additional instruments and base data from these reports will impact our original observation plan," Ensign Wallaby interjected. "We can use these observations and following visits to refine and calibrate our sightings. Being able to compare our observations with actual data from these planetary system surveys is a very exciting prospect."
When everyone had been given an opportunity to speak, Captain Kozlowski made specific assignments to each officer. He and Atanas had a good bit of work ahead of them as they rewrote the plan for each scheduled observation position.
While he was in as big a hurry to get started as anyone else aboard Copernicus, Captain Kozlowski opted to have the new instrumentation installed and calibrated by professionals. It only delayed their departure by two weeks and gave him greater confidence in the reliability of the instruments and the integrity of his ship. He balanced his concern about being diverted by another special project against the safety of his crew and success of their mission.
Rather than carrying a large supply of supraluminal drones, Ensign Stayton suggested that they only load a dozen. They could construct additional drones as they were used. They would need five times the twelve they would keep on hand for the five-year mission they were initiating. Kozlowski agreed, provided that they built one and tested it before leaving Haruat.
Kozlowski took up a bit more valuable space in the multi-purpose pod with two additional medical treatment capsules. They were going to be very far away and would be delivering several babies over the next five years. Ten of the dependents would reach their majority during the mission. They would need to have CAP tests administered before returning to a colony. The ship's AI, Nic, assured him that they had complete files and protocols on Copernicus for administering the tests. Even with the CAP tests administered on Copernicus, the new adults might or might not receive an opportunity to form independent family units aboard Copernicus before the ship returned to Haruat.
Captain Kozlowski asked his first officer to join him for a private meeting while the dock technicians were installing the new sensors and integrating them into the CIC displays. "Alec, I've been thinking about the attachment Kim and Roni seemed to have made with Frank, and I'm a bit concerned."
"I'm sure it was only puppy love, Captain; nothing to worry about," Atanas assured his Captain. "They may not be happy about us not returning to Azahar before disappearing for five years, but they'll get over it."
DESTINATION JAPAN CHAPTER 4 Nara was founded in 710, it was known back then as Heijo-kyo, Citadel of Peace, and for 74 years it was Japan's first capital. It was one of my favourite places to go and it was there I found myself. The hunt for the third embezzler had been going on for a week and still no luck. Miyoshi and I were staying at his estate on the Ise Penninsula, that overlooked Ago Bay. He had sent me to Nara to collect a packet of information on a potential corporate...
The mission, code named DESTINATION MARS, was an attempt to discover the feasibility of setting up and maintaining a colony of humans on another planet in our solar system. Mars was the best choice. Our objectives were simple, first to arrive at the planet and determine if it could in fact sustain life. Second was to build habitats and have them waiting for the colonists who would follow in the years to come. Our communication antenna was destroyed in a Martian desert storm and we have not...
Destination Unknown By: Miss K Jeff slid into the seat on the airplane. He always hated traveling. It wasn't so much the comfort factor as he was relatively small at only five foot eight. But nonetheless Jeff always seemed to attract the most undesirable people on the plane who somehow always had to be sitting next to him. To make matter even worse was the fact that he knew just how long this trip would be. Jeff had recently moved to England from the United States and the long...
DESTINATION JAPAN Chapter 1 Travel is something that everyone should do at least once, but to get a real sense about a place, you have to live with the people and work as well. that's what I decided when I went on my own travels. I worked in camp USA in America for 3 months, I got to meet the people there and learn a lot. After that, I worked in Whistler, Canada for 3 months on the ski fields, that was more fun than I realised. I did have to actually work at times, but when I...
Before I start, I want to thank everyone who posted reviews to part one. When I write a story set somewhere that I know very little about, I buy a guide book, in this case, it was a dk guidebook of japan, as well as a culture smart book, and some novels that were set in japan, partly or in whole. Ive never been to japan, I don't know if I will, but I hope so. I wont get this story 100% accurate, I know and accept that. As one reviewer said, Im not being paid for this, none of us are,...
DESTINATION JAPAN CHAPTER 3 Every city has a pulse, a song, depending on its place in the world and the customs of the people. Osaka's pulse differs from San Francisco's pulse, Sydney's differs from Tokyo's. Once you find that pulse, you can be happy. It had taken me 4 years, but I was settled into my life as Courtney and a woman. One thing I could never get used to was my regular monthly friend, that would take longer for me to get used to, but time I had. Miyoshi was on one of...
DESTINATION JAPAN CHAPTER 5 Paris, sweet Paris, one of the main cities in Europe and a place where a lot of people dream of coming. I had travelled a lot of miles since flying out of Japan, now I found myself in Paris. I was used to looking my best, but to look the part of an american backpacker, I had to look the part. Upon my arrival in Paris two nights ago, I had found an apartment to stay in for a while, I had seen it advertised in one of the many papers and had seen to it...
"May I have everyone's attention, please?" The noise level in the transporter room quickly dropped to whispered murmurs. Sgt. Landry continued, "Sponsors, please collect the CAP ID from each of your concubines. Ask them if they have any immediate medical issues such as high blood pressure, HIV, diabetes and the like. Also ask them if they have children under fourteen and where they might be found if you elect to have them extracted. Once you have those questions answered and everyone in...
After the initial briefings in the transporter room and mess hall, Constance quickly settled her group in Blue Twelve. She didn't even take time for a tour of their assigned pod before escorting an anxious Aswani back to the transporter room with only a few requests for directions from the PDA she had been issued. The pair were waiting in the transporter room when Sgt. Landry entered. Before moving toward the nexus, Constance took Sgt. Landry aside. "Do you know anything about the man that...
Thirteen-year-old Sara Crews was thrilled to be out of the confines of the ship she had been imprisoned in for two months. She had a nice room and was able to spend some time with Jake, but he still refused to give her a ride on his shaft. It was even becoming a challenge to talk him into a little 69 action. She wanted to make him jealous, but that was so juvenile and she was about to turn fourteen. Besides, with all of the casual sex going on in their double pod — as well as all over the...
As we drove through Vancouver to pick up the girls I noticed Sandi had a disturbed look on her face. "Ok, what's up Sandi?" "Oh nothing I was just thinking." she replied. "About what?" I inquired. She turned to me and asked, "Do you think there are more people out there as powerful as you are?" I wasn't sure how to respond. "I... I don't... know. I guess there could be. Why do you ask?" She smiled at me as she said. "Well you are really a good-hearted man unless you are...
"This feels great. The sun is not to hot on my skin but it's a bright clear day, the ladies are running like clockwork and so am I. Ten, I think ten moms have strolled by, just like yesterday. I'm so glad I decided to workout in my garage. Chicks love to see a man workout, especially a single guy like me. Last minute of my work out and this new workout DVD "Get Slim 4 Fem" Has me in top shape. And the host, Princess!, her highness. What a bitch but if I could fuck her I'd never stop. Last...
[Note to reader: This chapter is a continuation of The Starbucks Aftermath. It also picks up the story of some of the survivors from Behind Enemy Lines.] Asimov arrived from Earth ahead of schedule after one of the strangest pickup missions on record. Along with the typical mix of military volunteers there were four decidedly non-military types. Botany Professor Naveen Avalareddy and his two associates were having a preliminary meeting with the curator of the Atlanta Botanical Gardens, Dr....
Admiral Grayson was not pleased with the direction that the conference at Truman had taken. There was too much effort directed at who was to blame and what they should have done from Monday morning quarterbacks. He did manage some productive meetings with Admiral Gunn and his staff, though. The upshot was a list of ships that would be made available for the exercise that included two carrier groups and a squadron of corvettes. Commodore Murphy had demonstrated what twelve Castle-class...
Alexa Chapter 33: Planning Getting off the plane might have been the harshest thing I have ever felt next to the rejection of my father. Going from plus 68 degrees in Palm Beach to the minus 3 degrees temperature of Minneapolis when we landed was not something that either me or Jenny were prepared for. Sure, we had our long North Face Jackets in the Delta Club locker, but the light cotton dresses and then sweaters were no match for the Minnesota winter we encountered as we made our...
We decided to start at the present, since only a few minutes had passed since we ALMOST managed to drown Akbar and Viktor. Rex was eager to see Viktor’s reaction. Viktor was still dripping on the floor and apparently having a mental conversation with someone. Rex asked me to ‘back it up’ until Viktor ‘re-materialized’. We all laughed when Viktor and Akbar appeared laying on the floor looking like two drowned rats. Rex asked, just to make sure, “They CAN’T hear us, right?” I laughed, NOPE....
Note to the reader: This is a sixth in my “Home Alone For The Weekend” series. This story varies from the others in that Jason is arrow-straight, without a whisper of gender confusion. Like the others, this story includes occurrences of incest, specifically between Jason and Kendal, his year-older sister. This story incorporates elements of all the other stories, so readers familiar with the series will recognize these occurrences. Although sex is a major underpinning of the story, I should...
Thursday, March 31, 2005 (Continued) Dinner and the dishes were finished later than normal, and I was about to talk with Dad about the problems caused by predatory girls, when I was buttonholed by all the females to talk about my date tomorrow. #3: If I wrote that, "I was looking forward to it", that'd be the same as saying, "the Pacific Ocean is damp." I had spent years desperately longing for tomorrow night. I would've been wildly...
I was disoriented when I awoke to sunlight coming through the partially opened curtains. I was alone in bed and climbed out quickly when I saw it was 9:30am. I took care of two of the three ‘S’s’, since I was growing my beard back, again. I wondered why nobody woke me up. I flashed Greg and Bob, wondering why they hadn’t summoned me yet. Greg chuckled, “Bob and I have just been listening to tunes and decided to let you sleep. We’re almost to Springfield.” “Missouri?” I asked, hoping I was...
(Kate and I had just revisited an event that started 10 years ago when we were both married. As I stated in part one of the story, my wife Ella had passed away and Kate divorced her idiot husband.) * Kate and I just got finished with a wonderful love making session. Before she went into the master suite, Kate went to get a small bag from her luggage. We were both still naked and I was enjoying seeing her walk around. My cock was feeling like it could go another round. As Kate took her bag...
by Salacious © 2002 It was a risk, but she was willing to take it. She had been talking with Kage for months now, chatting, camming, and phoning – the banter was good and the sex was hot. He could make her drip so easily. With carefully selected words he would type and send them via instant messenger, he would watch her as she read them. Instruct her, guide her, lead her, taunt her, tease her – he enjoyed the look of heat on her face and they both longed to share the union of their desires....
I closed my eyes when the plane touched the ground. After the thoughts in my head had been spinning around for a moment I heard the pilots voice “Welcome to Baltimore Maryland, home of the Superbowl-Champions, the Baltimore Ravens, and of course Edgar Allen Poe.” I smiled, thinking of the superbowl-party with my Reynas husband and his friends but as well thinking about all the Poe-Stories I read to my Reyna, while she was bathing, while I've been brushing her hair gentyl again and again, or in...
It's five years from today. Five years of wonderful training and control from you. You made me lose a lot of weight and trained me well. I've been waiting for a green card hoping I can follow you to the US very soon. Finally I got one and I quit my job, so everything I own except for some few things and I get my one way ticket to the USA.After three years of our relationship you met this guy home again. You've been like fire and ice but there was this incredible attraction between each other...
by Salacious © 2002It was a risk, but she was willing to take it. She had been talking with Kage for months now, chatting, camming, and phoning - the banter was good and the sex was hot. He could make her drip so easily. With carefully selected words he would type and send them via instant messenger, he would watch her as she read them. Instruct her, guide her, lead her, taunt her, tease her - he enjoyed the look of heat on her face and they both longed to share the union of their desires....
InterracialAfter living his childhood on a government ordered rural farm with his parents, Hardy Cochran at the age of seventeen had been ***********ed for a special academy; training young men and women for an astronaut program. Mankind had squandered almost all of the world’s resources and now governments were collecting gifted children and training them to save the planet. Some were sent to colleges where forestry was taught. These youngsters job would be to figure out a way to stop deforestation,...
After living his childhood on a government ordered rural farm with his parents, Hardy Cochran at the age of seventeen had been recruited for a special academy; training young men and women for an astronaut program. Mankind had squandered almost all of the world’s resources and now governments were collecting gifted children and training them to save the planet. Some were sent to colleges where forestry was taught. These youngsters job would be to figure out a way to stop deforestation, speed...
My inner circle happened to be comprised of all male gay members. We were a good team but as time went on, one by one my fellow hopefuls either dropped out of, or were rejected by the powers to be, and kicked out of the program until only I was left. I graduated with top honors and was given my first job in the military as lead engineer in charge of organizing mission details from scratch on how our team would successfully complete the mission to Mars. This was a prestigious position for...
Whenever Hardy was with the general on campus or when the general was entertaining, Hardy always addressed him as General Dustin or Dean Dustin. The dean would likewise address Hardy as Cadet Cochran. However whenever they were alone or with a small grouping of the general’s inner circle of friends, Hardy fondly called the dean, general daddy or daddy general, and the general called Hardy, son. Although Hardy was given a room of his own, at the mansion, he preferred to accept the invitation to...
As we were going to be together as a team in outer space for quite a few years, I decided to set up living quarters for us outside of Dallas Texas, in the interim; a place where we would live together while we completed final launch preparations at the NASA space training center and see how we would get along as roommates. Even though our project was under the umbrella of the World Aeronautical space Administration, I demanded as the Commander of the flight that my home country would take...
Constance McKinsey left the Confederacy testing center in Jackson with her first CAP ID card and was very pleased with her score. She had been putting off the trip to the testing center for over a year, dreading the outcome of a clearly gender-biased grading system. She was surprised by her 7.9 average score. She was sure that she would have gotten a higher score if her reproductive organs were on the outside instead of inside her body. She didn't think they would let her qualify for four...
The spine of Copernicus was laid down as a K'treel class explorer but it wasn't yet completed when production of K'treel class ships was finally cancelled. Rather than being scrapped, it was completed as a deep-space observatory that was never intended to enter a planetary system during a mission, much less enter an atmosphere. The shuttle bay was completed as a machine shop and gymnasium. It had no armament, but the same amount of weight was taken up with instrumentation. Copernicus's...
Captain Kozlowski invited the two green ensigns and their families to meet with him in the wardroom of Copernicus for dinner the day after all of the logistics had been settled and the pods assigned to McKinsey and Nguyen had been secured to Copernicus. The three ship's officers that McKinsey and Nguyen had not yet met introduced themselves while waiting for the captain to arrive. They had barely finished the exchange of social pleasantries when Captain Kozlowski stepped into the...
Exactly two weeks after it arrived, Copernicus left Dothan with the five officers and fourteen enlisted rated concubines who had trained together as a crew for the small ship along with their twenty-one children. The ship also carried two very green ensigns with their eight concubines and eleven children. The permanent crew occupied the four pods in the center ring plus the forward dorsal pod of the small ship. They had elected to bring their children on this mission thinking that it would be...
Kozlowski and most of his crew were getting bored once all of the pods except their five habitats had been moved from the ship to the small settlement on the planet or to the core structure of the space station that was being fabricated in orbit. Raw materials were pouring into the space station's replicator units from the planet below. It was more than a bit strange to watch the items being built "grow" out of the side openings of the industrial replicators. To pass the time, the crew...
The first pod that was constructed on the surface was really nothing more than a hollow shell with enough replicator power to bury itself, scrub the air, and alter its floor plan. The industrial replicator had built it in a couple of hours. It was sunk just across the corridor from Constance and Tuan's pods and was just a big, open room with a booming echo, but it gave the kids plenty of room to run, and run they did. Constance headed toward Judith, but Tuan just stood and watched the kids....
The Nguyen residence was entertained by a good bit of screaming wafting from the master suite the next morning before the smiling pair emerged for breakfast. Kim was the first to send a salvo in Tuan's direction, "My God, Pop! You need to cut us some slack. It was bad enough with you and Bea on Copernicus. You and Nancy had the whole planet shaking enough to throw me out of bed this morning." She jumped out of his reach and giggled when Tuan tried to swat her retreating butt. Tensions...
"Ladies and gentlemen," Atanas began, "my shipmates and I are looking for concubines with children between the ages of nine and twelve to accompany us on a five-year mission to map the Orion Spur, primarily the area occupied by the Sa'arm." There was a murmuring among the shift-wearing occupants of the room. He held up his hand to stave off the questions that were forming. "We're not going out there to fight. We're going out there to map their stars. We're not planning to get...
Asimov was laying over at Dothan for a few days to give her crew a bit of time away from the Darjee. Working with the incredibly sensitive and easily shocked creatures put quite a strain on the average human. Even laid back and straight-laced proper humans began showing signs of stress after tiptoeing around Darjee sensitivities for more than three or four months. The pods that would be transferred to Sir Galahad remained attached to Asimov, which was orbiting near the space docks that were...
The morning before he could move back into his own pod Naveen asked the AI, "Please connect me with Josh Rawlins." An exasperated voice appeared in Naveen's implant, "What do you want now, Naveen?" Naveen recoiled mentally, but persevered, "I am in the meeting room near the greenhouses that Captain Collins allows us to use for our research. May I know when to expect you?" Josh was still upset with the reprimand Naveen had given him the day before for not completing a research...
Lt. Col. Joseph Collins initiated radio contact with Azahar as soon as Sir Galahad entered normal space at the inbound jump point with the message, "Good day, Azahar. This is Lieutenant Colonel Collins, Captain of Sir Galahad. I have some equipment for you along with about fifty souls to help with your construction activities." McKinsey barely had time to get nervous when the alarm caused by the station's sensors detecting a ship exiting hyperspace in the vicinity of Azahar before the...
As soon as the space station AI came online it began supervising the construction effort and several small tugs appeared from the replicators. The tugs began arranging the raw material stockpiles and the intermediate structures in the vicinity of the factory replicator and shipyard facility. When the AI requested control of the lighter in the hangar bay rather than building another one, Celeste asked, "Why didn't you tell us you could operate the lighters?" The AI replied, "You seemed...
The first order of business for the newly operational factory was to extrude the core components of its first clone. Fully half of the station's replicators were tasked with fabricating the supporting equipment and containers that would preprocess the raw materials consumed by the factory. The two factory replicators would be positioned in a line with the raw material entry ends facing one another. The structure housing the 48 industrial replicators that were currently in orbit was...
Ensign Clark's pod had been habitable in Barcino for less than week when sounds of sex could be heard originating from the kitchen one morning when Marvin, Millie, and Rebecca had slept later than usual. Jason was merrily pounding away in Sasha as she sat on a barstool. Sasha waved at the trio without taking her elbows off the countertop she was leaning against for balance. She had her bare heels hooked on the top outside rungs of the stool maximizing the spread of her thighs. Jason had...
Colonel Andrew Bryant, Commander of 504th Battalion, had elected to travel with the first wave of his troops being transferred from Demeter. As soon as transportation between Asimov and the surface was available, Colonel Bryant sent for Sergeant Budzinski to accompany him to the planet. He then asked the AI to locate Lieutenant Clark without alerting him to his own presence and was given directions to the dojo where Clark was training with Lieutenant Wallace and Corporal Miller. When...
The next morning found a different group of marines touring the underground facility with Margret and Nancy. Margret was taking notes as those who had been in Sa'arm tunnels pointed out details that could be improved upon for a more accurate facility. Master Gunnery Sergeant Raymond Budzinski, Corporal Cynthia Miller, Corporal Walter Fitzgerald, and Lance Corporal James Thiele of Second Platoon and Sergeant Ronald Carson, who had been in Second Platoon before taking over Third Platoon, were...
Commander Kehoe called Corporal Miller into his office at company headquarters shortly after approving her request to delay her pregnancy leave for three months. Miller was surprised to see Lieutenant Clark in the office with Kehoe and began to worry that she had pushed the young ensign just a bit too far and was about to get an ass-chewing. "Miller," Kehoe spoke in a very professional, down-to-business tone. "I see that you've put in a request to accompany Second Platoon's cruise to...
Wallace was having some second thoughts about bringing Annita and the kids along with him to the outpost on Hielo. It was going to be another year-long mission, maybe more, and all three of his female concubines were pregnant and would deliver before they returned. Annita interrupted his thoughts. "We're supposed to be at the Nguyen residence in fifteen minutes for Kim's fourteenth birthday party. Bobby has his room all arranged. He tells me that he'll be having an overnight guest no...
[Note to reader: This chapter is a continuation of The Librarian. It picks up where the previous story ends. While it should not be necessary to have read The Librarian to understand the characters and relationships that follow, it is recommended.] The small fleet of transport ships was getting close to Azahar. The colonists were getting a bit restless after spending two months in the confines of the three Aurora-class vessels. All of the standard briefings, enhancements, and cosmetic...
Henry Cohen was reflecting on the changes in his life since being extracted from Earth. He abhorred violence. He didn't even watch American football, and hockey was totally out of the question. Had it not been for his intelligence and overdeveloped senses of loyalty and compassion he would not have qualified as a volunteer. His distaste for violence was noted during his placement interviews, and the AI tactfully suggested that he be offered a Civil Service posting. Henry's sophistication...
With her experience as a multi-engine pilot on Earth, it didn't take Misty long to master the shuttle's controls. Once she began flying it more like a helicopter than an airplane it didn't take her much time to perform a few standard maneuvers to her own satisfaction. Like Nancy, Misty had an aversion to flying into a hangar, but even that hurdle didn't take more than a dozen approaches for her to overcome her instinctive reluctance. Misty was impressed by the skill and confidence of her...
It took Commander Denise Williams three days to modify the basic Aurora-class specifications to be configurable for bulk loads and heavy pods as well as standard pods. The AI was getting easier to work with and Celeste had replicator files created by the end of the week. Williams didn't have much to do while the drawings were being converted and accepted a lunch invitation from Constance McKinsey. She was a little surprised to see Kim Nguyen and Bobby Wallace at the table. Bobby had taken...
Colonel Dean Gotti was shaking his head as he looked over the strategy proposed by Commander McGregor. "From what I've read about encounters with Sa'arm units on the ground, we won't win even if we win. They'll set off some kind of planet-killing device." "After they have become established," McGregor admitted, "they'll take steps to prevent a disease from infecting other gestalts by attempting to cleanse the planet before being overrun. But we don't know how they react to...
Bobby was getting restless. Attending school and engaging in physical activity that was limited to recreational sports weren't enough to fulfill his need to contribute. He continued to get more than enough attention from Roni and Shelly. Shelly was every bit as hot as her mother Rebecca and was enthusiastic with every opportunity to expand and practice her sexual skills anywhere, anytime. Bobby was thrilled that both of them also encouraged him to engage in physical activity outside the...
[Note to readers: This chapter was previously published as A Pickup in Texas and has been included here for convenience and continuity. Those of you who are familiar with the story can skip this chapter. There's nothing new.] There is no geographic location on Earth that more clearly demonstrates how a few men with guns can change the course of history than the state of Texas. But, with their opening gambit being The Alamo, and its example being the standard for all that followed, what else...
Captain Cooper left most of the quartering assignments to Lieutenant Edward Murphy who had been promoted when he accepted a transfer to Othello. He had remained with Major Amanda Cooper when she left the Asimov and now had two officers and eight ratings to help him manage the logistical needs of the Kilo-class colony transport ship. "Captain, the preliminary report from the AI scan of the arena crowd shows a disproportionate number of volunteers with naval experience among the rodeo...
Zephyrus received clearance to approach the Azahar spaceport behind Chronos. The two ships had arrived within an hour of each other. Chronos had already advised Azahar control that Othello was still in Earth orbit when they left and could be expected within a week or so. Some of the CSM volunteers had opted for the standard augmentation package, but others followed Ensign Clark's lead and went for strength and speed, but less mass and a lower center of gravity. Chester's den mother,...
Midshipmen Kim Nguyen and Sara Crews had no difficulty passing their high-school equivalency examinations when they returned from Dargo. The sleep trainer had packed four years of schooling into a year. They were a little behind on history, art, and literature but neither one sat on her laurels. Both were absorbing William and Leonardo while backfilling the gaps they had in the evolution of human societies. They no longer looked like school kids, having used the medical tubes on William Penn...
Colonel Gotti was surprised by the swelling ranks of the Home Guard Militia. Shortly after his units began training with Commanders Kehoe, Porter, Rawlings and Diego at Camp Timmons, Governor Grayson declared that concubines with scores of six point zero and higher could volunteer for militia service. They would be granted sponsor privileges after six month's service and retain them for as long as they remained in the militia on Azahar. The qualified concubine volunteers would be required to...