Destination Paradise
- 2 years ago
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Bobby was getting restless. Attending school and engaging in physical activity that was limited to recreational sports weren't enough to fulfill his need to contribute. He continued to get more than enough attention from Roni and Shelly. Shelly was every bit as hot as her mother Rebecca and was enthusiastic with every opportunity to expand and practice her sexual skills anywhere, anytime. Bobby was thrilled that both of them also encouraged him to engage in physical activity outside the bedroom, and not just sexual antics.
Shelly had scored a 6.1 on her CAP evaluation and had begged to be Bobby's number two sex toy. Marvin had left instructions that gave Shelly freedom of choice regardless of her score. Kim's bedroom in her father's pod was getting a bit crowded which added to Bobby's restlessness and his need to be independent even though he was only fourteen.
Kim and Sara had gotten really tight, especially since Sara had turned fourteen. Unlike the others Sarita had postponed her birthday celebration until after she had her first CAP evaluation. She had matched Kim's 7.2 average score, which was very impressive for a young female.
Lesa was convinced that the birthday celebration would end in an orgy with Sara pulling a train, but nothing happened beyond some hot kissing and playful fondling. Lesa was certain that Sara had remained virgin throughout the first thirty hours she had been legal. It was very confusing after all the lengths Sara had gone to earlier as she attempted to lose her virginity.
Sara picked up on her mother's confusion, but didn't volunteer an explanation when she shared the breakfast table with her mother, siblings, and extended family the next morning. Her mother had gotten her alone several times that morning, but didn't ask any personal questions before the youngsters left for school.
When all of the kids, including Sara, were fed and gone Lesa couldn't stand it any longer and asked the males of the house, "Have any of you fucked Sara in the last couple of days?"
Jake choked on his coffee, but shook his head in denial. "I feel terrible about avoiding her, but I really don't want to be the one who takes her virginity. That needs to be someone she can have a long-term relationship with."
Ito and Sven also gave negative responses.
"The way she's been behaving for the last six months I was sure there would be bloody sheets to deal with at the stroke of midnight ... yesterday morning." Lesa was sexually uninhibited, but never used crude language in a group that was fully dressed making her comments all the more shocking when she added, "Does anyone have a clue about who popped her cherry or where it happened?"
Consuela had known the girl longer than anyone present, excepting Lesa. "I think she remains a virgin." She offered. "Now that it is no longer forbidden, it doesn't have as much appeal. She is more of an adult than most who are twice her age. I often wish I had her strengths."
Consuela had done things as a concubine on Azahar that she would never have dreamed of doing on Earth. She was a devout Catholic and was feeling a considerable amount of guilt for enjoying the depraved things she had been expected to do. She really wanted to speak with a priest, more because she looked forward to her next adventure than because she was ashamed of what she had already done.
She had experienced sex with seven men in the last three months without being married to any of them. She had even had sex with more than one at a time! And then there were the women she had lain with! Her master was very kind and considerate. He gave her choices, but she believed it was her duty to please him, not just obey him.
Jake furrowed his brow in a mixture of concern and confusion, "What would you do differently if you had the strength, Consuela?"
How can I tell him? Should I tell him? Consuela felt dizzy as lewd images swirled through her thoughts. The rose colored flush deepened the rich brown skin tone of her face and chest. She lowered her eyes in order to breathe. It was impossible for her to look her master in the eye and say what she needed to say. "I would be less reluctant to entertain you and your guests with my body. I would take a more active role in activities that would have me shunned by the people of my village."
"She feels guilty because she enjoys being used a sex object," Reiko offered. "Isn't that right, pretty one?"
Consuela could only nod. She was too embarrassed to speak.
Reiko put her hand on Consuela's bare knee and began sliding it up her inner thigh. Consuela groaned and slid forward on the barstool to make herself more accessible to her seductress. Reiko turned and looked at Jake for permission. Consuela turned pleading eyes on the young man when she felt the invading hand stop inches from her pouting labia.
Jake shrugged, "Tell Reiko and Ito what you want them to do, Consuela. I have an appointment this morning and as much as I'd like to, I can't stay to watch or participate. I really have to go. You can ask Lesa to let Sven stand in for me."
Lesa was laughing after Jake kissed her goodbye. She was standing in the doorway between the foyer and dining area when Consuela's voice carried all the way to the pod's entrance. "Go ahead and ... Oh, my God!"
Jake looked into the breakfast nook on his way out. Sven was sitting on a barstool with a naked Consuela impaled on his impressive tool. Reiko was on her knees guiding Ito's shaft between the firm brown cheeks that Sven was gripping with his large hands.
Ito snapped his hips and Consuela screamed, "Si, Si, Si! "
Jake watched for a few seconds before crossing the foyer. He quickly closed the front door behind him to keep the screams from disturbing the neighbors. The sight and smell had put a flare in his nostrils and a painful lump in his slacks. He really wished he could blow off his morning appointment with the other researchers.
Sara hooked up with Kim before their first class. "Kim, I've been thinking about the future and want your opinion."
"Get Bobby to scratch your itch before he runs off and joins the Marines," she advised. "He could be a bit much for a virgin to handle after his enhancements."
Sara put her hands on her hips, "Not that! Get your mind out of my panties, not that I'm wearing any. I'm thinking about what I can contribute to the cause other than spitting out a kid every couple of years. I think I want to captain a starship. A colony transport might be okay, but I think I really want to be on a warship. How about you?"
"I haven't thought much beyond the big gun in Bobby's pants," Kim replied with a giggle. "Well, maybe a little now that he's accepted Roni and Shelly as his concubines. I spent a little time watching Captain Cooper while Othello was being completed. We could do worse than using her as a role model. Do you really want to be out there getting shot at?" Kim gave Sara a sour look. "I saw what the Sa'arm did to Sir Galahad. It didn't look like they were having much fun with the Sa'arm at all!"
"Probably not, but ships that get to shoot back have to have some gratified crews," Sara countered. "Is there anyone we can talk to about joining the Navy?"
"There haven't been any navy people here since Sir Galahad left four months ago," Kim said thoughtfully. "But my dad talks with Captain Lee of the Fleet Auxiliary a lot. Captain Lee is going to take my dad to Dargo and hang around with him until they get a colony started. Want to come over tonight and see what he thinks?"
"Yeah, I guess so," Sara said noncommittally.
"Bring a toothbrush," Kim advised. "I'll bet you can think a whole lot better if you get Bobby to eliminate your distraction."
Sara backhanded Kim on the shoulder, "I'm sure I can get that taken care of any time I want, with anyone I want."
"I'll bet you can't get my dad to fuck you," Kim challenged with a giggle.
"Good grief, girl!" Sara exclaimed. "Don't you ever think of anything but sex?"
"No, well, sometimes when I..." She started to say before taking on a thoughtful expression. She couldn't hold a straight face and giggled as she said, "No, not really."
Except for Kim's bad mood from not getting enough male attention, things got a lot less stressful in Tuan's residence when Bobby moved into his own pod after joining the Marines as a private. Colonel Bryant and the AI assured Bobby that he would complete high school before being called to duty anywhere that would interfere with his schooling.
Bobby agreed to enough enhancements to his speed and agility to keep him from being hurt or humiliated in training, but didn't go for the two meter standard. He didn't want his dick to took ridiculously small and wasn't ready to sport an intimidating trouser snake. He was becoming an expert at giving timid virgins confidence in themselves and wanted to collect a lot more cherries before up-sizing himself and his women.
Kim and Sara were given Fleet Auxiliary midshipman appointments under Captain Lee. They would be expected to keep up with their schoolwork, qualify as shuttle pilots, and learn the basics of astronavigation and ship's systems while away from Azahar.
Sara had been spending a lot more time with Arliss ever since the shy boy had emerged from his room on the trip from Earth. She had helped him get over his homesickness. Arliss was the oldest son of her mom's concubine, Rhonda. He was big for his age, but very gentle and easily intimidated even by kids much younger and smaller than he.
What Arliss lacked in book smarts he made up for in empathy and loyalty. He was slow to defend himself in a confrontation, but didn't hesitate to step into the middle of a fracas between a bully and his victim. It also turned out that he was a passable kisser and a talented cunnilinguist.
Arliss' talented tongue was the tool that had kept Sara's hymen intact. She had been quietly slipping into the boy's bedroom for weeks and had come close to impaling herself on him while they were both thirteen.
Arliss only scored a 5.9 average when he was CAP tested on his birthday. He was disappointed with, but not surprised by his score. He was not at all disappointed when Sara asked him to be her companion and quickly said, "Yes."
While Arliss wasn't surprised by the offer, Lesa was shocked when Sara asked her mom to give her the boy. "Why are you interested in Arliss?"
"He's nice to me and we haven't had a cross word since I met him," she told her mother. "Plus, he has a beautiful dick that should be a perfect fit for my tiny little twat."
"You've been holding out for him!" Lesa exclaimed.
Sara nodded, "Yep. Why is that shocking?"
"I don't know," Lesa admitted. "Maybe because he's so quiet, and you're so ... not quiet."
Sara scowled, but Lesa was looking at Rhonda who was crying because her baby had grown up too soon. "What do you think, Rhonda? Is it okay with you for Sara to rob your cradle?"
"Please, Mom," Arliss spoke for the first time during this visit in front of his mom and her sponsor.
Rhonda nodded, "I guess it'll be okay."
Sara was clinging to Arliss' arm with both of hers. His muscular biceps was crushed between her firm breasts. "So, can I keep him, Mom?"
Lesa laughed, "He's not a puppy, Sara. You'll have to look after him and clean up his messes." She looked into Sara's pleading eyes and capitulated, "Oh, all right. You can have him."
"Transfer recorded," the AI's voice startled everyone.
Sara was feeling very grown up. She had joined the crew of a ship and had her very own concubine. She had to show him off to someone. "AI, please connect me with Kim Nguyen."
"Hey Sara, what's up?" the perky voice in her head asked.
"Can you meet me at the pavilion behind the basketball courts in five minutes? You know the place."
Kim could feel the excitement in her new friend's voice, "Sure, why?"
"Just be there. I want to show you something," Sara said somewhat cryptically before disconnecting.
Sara stood on her toes and nibbled Arliss's earlobe. She was all but humping his right arm when she whispered, "Think you can handle two of us, lover?" She giggled as she slid down his arm until she could take his hand in both of hers. "Come with me."
She led him to his room and picked out an outfit that made him look older before they headed out to meet Kim.
Kim was waiting in the pavilion when Sara appeared with Arliss in tow. "Kim, this is my concubine, Arliss. He has the most amazing tongue. It's just to die for. He and I are both virgins, and since you're not, I'm hoping you won't mind showing us what to do. I don't mind sharing him with you."
"What!" Kim shouted and started laughing. "You're crazy, Sara." Turning to Arliss she added, "I'm pleased to meet you. Arliss, is it?" Kim gave him an appraising look from head to toe. "I've seen you at school, haven't I?"
Arliss nodded without saying anything.
"Can you talk, or is your tongue reserved for other things?" Kim asked.
Arliss blushed and wanted to hide, but managed to say, "I can talk."
"How did you land such a cute guy, Sara?"
Sara giggled, "I've been living with him for months. His mom is one of my mom's concubines. We've helped each other through some rough times, haven't we love?"
Arliss just nodded again.
Kim laughed, "You sure don't waste any energy on talking, Arliss. Are you saving your strength to show off when we get naked?"
Arliss turned crimson red and gave Sara a pleading look before his gaze dropped to his feet.
"Be nice, Kim!" Sara admonished. "Arliss is very shy." Turning to the blushing young man she added, "I'm sorry, Arliss. Would you like to go back home now?"
"Please don't go," Kim pled, "I promise to be nice. Sara confused me by offering to share. My main squeeze moved out a few days ago and I'm incredibly horny. How can both of you live together and still be virgins? Are you too shy to... ? I'm sorry. I promised to be nice." Kim had straightened and then curled her index finger to mime a wilting penis.
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I heard a joke once, “If you want to make God laugh, tell Him you have a plan.” Well, I can vouch for that one. After three months at sea working on a Norwegian freighter, I finally signed off in Alicante, Spain and made my way to the north of Europe, my original destination three months earlier. I had signed on as a galley boy in Brooklyn with twenty bucks to my name and planned to sign off in Lisbon. Unfortunately, two days out at sea Lisbon was cancelled and the first port would be Beirut,...
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The Pageant She was the product of a small rural southern town. Popular, good student, church member, cheerleader, and overall great girl. She had married out of high school only to become a widow at 24 due to a car accident. They were planning on having a family but had not started. Like most people in her town, she and her husband had worked paycheck to paycheck. With no savings or insurance, she had their small house they had purchased and her job. To her family she was known as Barbara...
Zoot was so excited. At last, after all these years, she was at that age, that special age, that coming of age, where she could drink, take drugs and have sex. Now, she could share the physical love, which until now she could only practise on herself. She hoped that all her practising had prepared her well for her new life, where her vagina could at last be penetrated. Her mother marked the day, as was the custom, by shaving off the hairs that had grown so wild and full in these years of...
CHAPTER 2: COMING OF AGEAfter two weeks on the mountains she thought she had found it, she was sure. She saw a landslide of rocks and what appeared to be an opening in the rock face, a cave perhaps that led to an escape. But, it wasn’t. It was a small cave, but not an entrance to a new, safe, and free world. She stayed at the cave for the remainder of the day and the night, but there was no nourishment available there, no water. In the morning, she had to abandon the cave and move to food and...
A Blonde in Copenhagen I arrived in Copenhagen one cold December morning with the equivalent of a dollar to my name. After working on a Norwegian freighter for several months, I signed off in Alicante, Spain and made my way north stopping here and there along the way, spent a week or so in Paris living in a small room on the Left Bank where many of my favorite expatriate writers lived, walked the streets, sat in cafes then made my way to Denmark where I somehow managed to live for several...
Womanless Pageant by Rogergirl Allen was at his girlfriend Jamie's house one Friday after school. Her parents were away for the weekend, so they went to her bedroom to do their homework and relax. Jamie was 18 and was a varsity cheerleader and in the student council. She was 5'7" with medium length blonde hair, a nice tan, and slender body from years of cheerleading. Allen was also 18 and was on the swim team and was 5'8" and thin without much muscle, no prominent Adam's apple, long...
Read the previous parts to get a better understanding of the story The sunlight shone as I woke up. She was still sleeping, naked. The sunshine was falling on her naked body and she was glowing. I checked my phone. That day’s date automatically grabbed my attention. It was 5th September- Teacher’s Day. Not everyone is as lucky to sleep beside their hottest teacher naked, on teacher’s day. This got me immediately hard and I pounced on her navel and started licking it. She woke up and started...
After two weeks on the mountains she thought she had found it, she was sure. She saw a landslide of rocks and what appeared to be an opening in the rock face, a cave perhaps that led to an escape. But, it wasn’t. It was a small cave, but not an entrance to a new, safe, and free world. She stayed at the cave for the remainder of the day and the night, but there was no nourishment available there, no water. In the morning, she had to abandon the cave and move to food and water and that...
Katie Jackson, the current reigning Mrs. Missouri, arrived at the Westgate Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas in her limousine that was supplied by Alan McConough. The wealthy businessman and potential partner of her husband had paid for her flight and hotel to be upgraded to first class. She saw the other contestants turn and stare as her limo pulled up while they exited an Uber or a taxi. She felt like a celebrity and loved every minute of it. Katie desperately wanted to win the title of Mrs....
Chapter 1 "Shit, shit, shit, Tom, how the hell did we let ourselves get into this situation?" "Greed and overconfidence, love, greed and overconfidence, we only have ourselves to blame." "Yes, but we knew that little shit Justin was not to be trusted. Sooner or later he was going to catch us out." Justin had originally been my closest friend, right from primary school days. We had always been hugely competitive and I generally had the upper hand. We had indulged in dares and...
Hard Hal's Homage by Pamela [email protected] On a beautiful spring Sunday morning Hal and Debbie rode their bicycles on their favorite path around the town where they lived. The cherry trees were in full bloom and there was an intoxicating fragrance in the air. Hal felt deliriously happy since it was their first good ride of the season, and he was madly in love with Debbie and it was such a pleasure to be spending a romantic day with her. On one part of the route that...
Book Two: Magic's Clash Chapter Six: The Grieving Mage By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Journeyman Mage Faoril – Esh-Esh, Magery of Thosi My head lay on the rough wood of the table watching the retreating barmaid. The world was blurry from my drinks. I couldn't believe this day. How could it keep getting worse? I failed my test, I lost my dream, I was broke, and now I owed an inn money for food and drink. They would throw me in...
He awoke with a start. Fumbling with the alarm clock he could not get it to shut up, only to realize it was the damn cell phone ringing. Just as he reached for it, the ringing stopped. Shit! Now he was awake and ticked off. He looked at the number, nothing he recognized, no voicemail, Damn sales call. He started to set the phone down when he heard a small chirp, the notification alert. He glanced at the phone. She had posted something on Facebook again. He had retired after 30 years...
The College Wager ? By VaVaVoom ******************************************************************************************************* Two college girls have a winner takes all wager to end their rivalry, withthe forfeit for the loser meaning she becomes????????? ******************************************************************************************************* Chapter 1 The five girls sat there in the cafe around the corner from college discussingor arguing in the case of Elissa &...
Katherine Jackson stood behind the curtain with two other contestants as they waited to be ushered onstage. As she went through the Mrs. Missouri pageant; she thought about dropping out multiple times. It was an unforeseen financial strain but Fred was excited to have his sexy wife compete. He encouraged and supported her during the entire process. She wanted to win for him but enjoyed the attention that the pageant gave her but yet her mind reflected on the past few months. The fear and...
The five girls sat there in the café around the corner from campus discussing, or arguing in the case of Elissa & Louisa, about the exam they had taken only an hour ago. As usual Elissa & Louisa had found the exam easy; both girls normally got high marks with only a few percent separating their scores. The two girls were part of the lucky few: good looking, great figures and hardly studied and still got top marks. Their competitive rivalry had slowly built up over the last 6 months, ever since...
BDSMHi ISS readers ami Mayukh from kolkata.Ami ISS er khub fan r ami daily ISS er story pori.Ami generally ISS er golpo pore bara khiche mal out korte bhalo bashi.Ami janina Story gulo satti kina kintu ei golpo gulo amake real golper swad dei.Basically amar hobby holo mainly breast massage kora r massage kore meyeder such deoya. ISS e story gulo porar por ami breast massage korar plan kori r sei hisebe ami internet e ad dei.Kintu bahudin porjonto kono response na peye ami asha chere dei.Kintu...
I was thirty five and looked maybe sixteen when I left Mage Seth. He had been my master since I entered puberty at ten. Now I was a master and a mage and going out into the federation. Mages were not popular so I did not use my mage name when I left. I did use a little magic to change a few things when I decided to join fleet as an officer. The training was physically demanding but not as bad as mage training. I went through basic and the basic officer course before going to a company as a...
"Thank goodness it's Friday," said Mary. "You got that right," added Kevin. Mary and Kevin were on their way to dinner and then to a movie. They both had had a grueling week and looked forward to a relaxing evening out. It was July, it was hot and Kevin had begun to perspire. As Kevin fiddled with the truck's air conditioner Mary went down a mental list of restaurants that the couple liked. Kevin couldn't help noticing Mary's sexy legs as he adjusted the air. They were covered...
Do you harken to the days when no one shaved their pubes? What about the days when men wore pounds of gold chains while sporting wrap-around sunglasses? Do you get a raging boner when you see women with giant goddamn permed hair and waist-high pants so tight that you can see the outline of their asshole?If so, then you probably grew up in an era where someone with a fanny pack and a cell phone guaranteed that they were a drug dealer. Or maybe you have a fetish for fucking atrocious fashions....
Vintage Porn SitesSometimes, the old ways are the best. No, that’s not me channeling your Boomer father as they bitch about the good ol’ days. It happens to be true in some cases – especially when it comes to porn.Now you might be saying to yourself, “ThePornDude, the fuck are you talking about?” Vintage porn is better than today’s smut? Hell no! We have 4K pornography and more porn released hourly than you could possibly jerk off to. These are some of the best days in porn, and they keep getting better!But...
Vintage Porn Sites