Alexa Chapter 33 Planning
- 4 years ago
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Note to the reader: This is a sixth in my “Home Alone For The Weekend” series. This story varies from the others in that Jason is arrow-straight, without a whisper of gender confusion. Like the others, this story includes occurrences of incest, specifically between Jason and Kendal, his year-older sister. This story incorporates elements of all the other stories, so readers familiar with the series will recognize these occurrences.
Although sex is a major underpinning of the story, I should warn you that it contains no detailed sex acts. Everything is revealed through remembrance, and/or dialog between Jason and Kendal. The story also features a strong Sci-Fi element, as Jason can teleport objects, and control events. (Hence the name, Event Planning.) If either of these elements bothers you, perhaps you should pass up this story for another. It’s distressing to get a low score from a disgruntled reader. To everyone else, I hope you enjoy the story.
Further note: I am currently working on a 7th ‘Home Alone’ story, this one centering on Stephanie McCardle, a 28 year old, 8th-grade English teacher. She is alone on a Friday night, and decides to get high on the balcony. As with her fellow protagonists, things get decidedly weird. The name of the story is Infidelity’s Bedroom. I’ll post it in a few weeks.
The other stories in the Home Alone series are: World’s Record, Apparition, Power Failure, Star Light, Star Bright, & Mrs. Dexter’s Magic.
The weekend Jason’s life changed forever actually began the preceding night, on Thursday, January 7, 2016. Jason sat hunched at his desk, trying to decipher a trig problem when his mom dropped by.
“You want to stay home this weekend?”
Distracted, Jason looked up, refocusing on his mom in the bedroom doorway. What had she asked?
“Kayla is desperate to get away for the weekend with Aaron, and wanted to know if you’d baby-sit the twins.”
Jason struggled to get his head around the statement. Kayla was his aunt, Mom’s younger sister, and had never asked for baby-sitting assistance before, not from him, at least. “What?” he asked dumbly. He’d yet to fathom the import of her question.
“She actually asked for Bell, but Bell is the reason we’re headed for Philipsburg, tomorrow, so that’s a no go. I suggested maybe Kendal, but Grandpa promised Kendal a tour of the campus this weekend, so that leaves you. Interested?”
Kayla and Aaron lived in Gaithersburg in the Rich family home, where she and Kayla had grown up. It was a split level on a corner lot with a huge yard, both front and back. Aaron was helpless against the twins and gave them anything they asked for, sometimes against Kayla’s wishes. They were 11 years old, Donny and Patricia, and pretty well behaved--despite Aaron’s lack of parenting ability. The cats, though!
“Noooo!” he protested, shaking his hands. “Not if I have to watch them there, Mom, no way!”
Mom nodded in understanding. Jason was allergic to cats, and Kayla had half a dozen in the house. Jason could never manage a weekend in Gaithersburg; no matter what allergy medicine he took. He’d break out in hives within minutes.
“She’d drop them off on the way out of town, tomorrow night.” She leaned against the jamb. “I can tell her no, if you’d rather not.”
Conflicted on the plus and minus points of the situation, Jason swung around in the chair and gripped his knees. “Where would they stay?”
“Patricia in Kendal’s room; Donny in the front den?”
“That’ll go over well,” he muttered. Mom gave a wry grin. Kendal was not half as possessive as her older sister--Bell would never agree to anyone invading her bedroom, 11-year-old cousin, or not--and could imagine Kendal’s initial push-back.
“They’d have to come in clean clothes,” he warned. “And have clean clothes to change into Saturday, and Sunday morning.” He shivered at the thought of clothing contaminating the condo. That had happened on previous visits, most recently over the Christmas holidays. “That includes stuff you wouldn’t normally think of, Mom, like their backpacks, and stuff.”
“I already went over that with your aunt. She’s willing to do anything to get away this weekend, including new backpacks for them both. She promises you won’t suffer. Plus, you’ll make $100, what do you think of that?”
Jason whistled softly. “Can I order pizza tomorrow night?”
Mom laughed. “I’ll leave you money for both nights.” She pushed off the jamb and folded her arms. “No funny business. I know how you and Donny can be when you get down to planning sneaky business.” Spock-like, she raised her right eyebrow at Jason’s put-upon reaction. “You also need to be inclusive of Patty. She won’t have anyone to play with if you and Donny commandeer the Xbox to play Call to Duty all day long.” She raised both eyebrows at his eye-roll. “There is also the matter of Patty being 11 years old, and alone with two older boys.” She lowered her head to fix him a stare over her lenses. “Do you know what I mean by that, Jace?”
Jason squirmed under her intense gaze. “She’s 11 years old,” he protested. “I don’t play doctor with 11-year-olds, Mom.”
“And neither will Donny. You are to make sure of that, okay?
Jason raised a brow of his own. “Is that, like ... a danger?”
Mom raised and dropped her shoulders. “Just be mindful, is all. 11 years old is a bad age.”
As it happened, no opportunity for hi-jinks ever presented itself.
Mom called at quarter to five. Jason was cleaning his bedroom, as ordered. He didn’t expect to be hit with the best news of his life.
“Jason, I’m gonna kill your effing aunt!”
Caught up short, Jason blurted, “Huh?”
Yelling over a passing semi, Mom complained: “She, Donny, and Patricia are all sick with a stomach bug! Donny came home with it from school yesterday afternoon, and Kayla didn’t think it was any big deal. Thought he’d be over it in a day. Instead, he gave it to everyone else, and I am so angry with her!”
Jason looked distractedly around his bedroom. Was Mom about to say... ?
“Where are you now?” he asked.
“We just got onto I-99.”
Too far away to turn back, Jason thought.
Bella attended Dad’s Alma Mater, Penn State. Gramp’s lived the other side of State College in Philipsburg, PA, half an hour’s drive from the college. It’s where the family was headed now, to drop Bella off at her dorm for the second semester of school, and then visit Grandma and Gramps for the weekend. Gramps had promised to drive Kendal around campus Saturday morning, the same guided tour he’d given Bella the winter before. Kendal graduated the following spring, and planned to follow Bella to Penn State. Her dad was so proud. Jason had two more years of high school to decide where to go.
“So, they’re not coming at all,” he guessed.
“Not unless it clears up by tomorrow, and that looks less likely by the moment. Donny’s been throwing up since two, and now Patricia is too. Kayla said that Aaron looks pretty green, though he isn’t actively sick, yet.”
“Aunt Kayla’s OK?”
“Aunt Kayla’s OK,” she confirmed. “Until I get my effing hands on her.”
Growing up, Kayla was the wild child, the undisciplined younger sister, always in trouble, blowing off school, messing around with the wrong boys. Twice she’d gotten pregnant in high school and gotten abortions. She’d been diagnosed with syphilis twice, gonorrhea, and then genital herpes. Kayla wasn’t aware he knew all this.
“Am I here all weekend alone?” Behind his back, he crossed his index and middle fingers, and his ring finger and pinkie. Unwillingly, he let his eyes stray to the closet where he had five grams of weed stashed on the top shelf.
“I don’t see any way around it,” Mom allowed, dourly. “We’ll head home first thing Sunday morning.” She paused. “This is not a Get Out of Jail Free card, young man. I expect you to behave yourself the next two nights. No one over, and no one knowing you’re alone. Mrs. Hannity knows to watch out for anything I wouldn’t approve of--” Which is just about anything I’d want to do, Jason thought wryly. “--and is authorized to take you over her knee for a good, hard, bare-bottom paddling.”
Caught by surprise, Jason laughed. “Okay, that’s enough to keep me in line the entire weekend.” His grin widened at the laughter of his older siblings in the background. What he wouldn’t give to put Brat Bella over his knee, the cunt, and light up her rear end. Kendal he’d never consider upending and embarrassing like that; you couldn’t ask for a better sister than Kendal. He unwillingly allowed his eyes to stray in the direction of her bedroom across the condo. Cut that out, he told himself.
“So I have to be good,” he confirmed. “Does that mean I can’t get drunk and smoke all your dope and parade around in Bella’s unwearable’s all night!”
When Bella hollered, “You stay out of my bedroom, you freak!” Jason realized Mom had him on speakerphone. He laughed as Kendal chimed in: “My bedroom too, freakazoid”, responding, “Whatever, Chloe Grace. Your bras wouldn’t fit me anyway.”
To steal a phrase from Twilight, Bella Bows was everything that Bella Swan was not: Tall, blonde, sporty, big-boobed. Kendal, by comparison was two inches shorter than Jason, 20 pounds lighter, an unreasonable facsimile of her older sister in the breast department: she wore a humiliating size 28AA bra. Though perfectly excusable as her younger sibling, Jason rarely taunted Kendal about her small breasts. Their relationship was borderline incestuous: they’d impetuously kissed twice, and Jason had fondled her breasts the second occasion. Kendal and Jason had a problem.
“My bedroom is off limits as well, young man,” Mom quipped. “And as far as you drinking--” There was a hushed back and forth with his dad. “--you can have two beers tonight, and two tomorrow night, and no dancing in anyone’s underwear, yours or otherwise.”
More laughter from Bitch Bella, and a titter from Kendal. Jason unwontedly flashed on Kendal’s small breasts, captured inside a lace bra. Would they ever have sex, he wondered? They’d talked about it ... more rightly, talked around it. He alternately hoped yes, and no.
Mom chose not to address the dope-smoking crack, and Jason wisely avoided a second mention. He’d been busted before, smoking after school with Tim, and he and Kendal had lit up before on the rear balcony. It said a lot that your 1-1/2 year older sister smoked dope with you.
Mom hung up at 4:55 pm. Giddy with excitement--he’d never been alone in the condo over a weekend, certainly not with 5 grams of exceptional weed--he gazed again at his closet. It was past sunset, though not yet full dark. It made no difference, as the earliest he’d ever consider lighting up on the balcony was 11:00 pm. Still, it gave him a tingle strong enough to stir his cock into wakefulness. “Easy boy,” he muttered, thinking about calling Tim and suggesting they party.
Should he? Take the chance his mom would find out? He snorted: nothing ever escaped Mom. Not with busybodies like Mrs. Hannity and Mrs. Robb at her disposal. Nothing went on at 8700 Belvedere that Nosy Parker One and Nosy Parker Two didn’t know about. Still, the desire to text his best friend was nearly irresistible.
To distract himself, Jason returned to cleaning his room, no longer struggling against a deadline. Mom and Dad had left minutes after he’d arrived home from school; it surprised him they’d made such good time. The memory of his last trip to PA put them a good half-hour ahead of schedule. Amazing, considering the BMW contained three of the tiniest bladders in Maryland. Kendal griped constantly about how often she had to go pee. Stop drinking Diet Coke, he’d told her last time. Right, she responded with a disgusted eye-role.
Kendal could almost be his twin: dark-haired like their dad, small features on an oval face, high forehead, slightly protuberant ears, thin lips and a slight overbite. Both wore braces, Kendal looking decidedly cuter in hers. Where Jason was athletic, excelling at soccer, baseball, and lacrosse (sports where shortness of stature and slightness of frame weren’t automatic exclusionary factors), pigeon-toed Kendal was bumbling, slow, and stumble-footed. Very much the actual version of Bella Swan. She was also a virgin.
At 6:30, having rendered his bedroom Waldorf-Astoria presentable, Jason grabbed up his phone and headed for the kitchen. Like all 5th thru 12th floor units at 8700 Belvedere, the condo was a four bedroom floor plan, just shy of 1500 square feet, built around the central kitchen/dining room complex. The condo had front and rear balconies, the rear balcony nearly twice the size of the front. Jason’s miniscule bedroom, adjacent the front den, was the only bedroom this side of the condo. The balcony ran the length of his bedroom, but offered no access. That was offered via the den, and a sliding glass door. Ditto the balcony out back, also accessible from Mom and Dad’s balcony door. Bella resided across and down the hall from Mom, with Kendal next door. Either den could act as a spare bedroom in a pinch. Had Donny not taken sick, he’d have sacked out Friday and Saturday night on the front den’s convertible couch.
The refrigerator contained a 12-pack and a half of Heineken bottles. Not Jason’s favorite beer, but suitable in lieu of Samuel Adams. Snatching out a bottle, he rolled it appreciatively in his right hand, enjoying the cold, slightly moist glass. Beer-wise, the parents were Heineken exclusives. Mom also liked wine, however, and the refrigerator contained an unopened bottle of Chardonnay, a three-quarter’s full bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon, and a bottle of Yellow Tail Moscato, a gift. He liked the Chardonnay best.
Call Tim, he thought furtively, get him over here for some fun. Tim looked 21 and had a fake ID. Tim could fill the fridge with stuff they could drink. Tim would convince him to invite girls, party all night, or late as the girls could manage to stay out. Not for the first time, Jason wished he had a car.
Closing the refrigerator door, he punched it lightly. “This fucking beats all,” he muttered. “All alone, and no one to party with.” Again, his eyes crept toward Kendal’s empty bedroom. He was also a virgin, determined to preserve that gift for the one girl that mattered in his life. Whom he wished were home with him now, whom he was certain would hold out to accept his gift, giving hers in return. His lips tingled, imagining her kiss, and that triggered an unwanted reaction below the belt. “Cut it out,” he grumbled.
Frustrated, he dug out his iPhone, dialed Papa John’s Pizza, and ordered a medium, hand-tossed pepperoni with a side of breadsticks and a 2-liter Diet Pepsi. Chances were the two bottles of Diet Coke in the fridge would last all weekend--he checked the pantry on a hunch and discovered a third bottle--and he much preferred the taste of Diet Coke. His mom preferred he not drink carbonated drinks at all, but that wasn’t likely to happen, not in her lifetime, was it? Still grumbling, he dispensed ice into a glass and filled it with soda.
The dope in his closet he’d scored from a friend of Bella’s over the holidays. He’d smoked a joint with Kendal, getting momentously high. It was supposedly imported from southern Congo, though Jason wasn’t sure he believed that. No denying the veracity of the weed’s potency, though; he’d never smoked anything like it before. He anxiously looked forward to toking it again tonight, unfortunately, minus Kendal.
On the way to the bedroom, Jason stopped up short. Tim had the papers. Grimacing, he banged the wall with his fist and muttered invective. He’d need to use a page from his Sunday School bible, which he disliked doing. It was the only acceptable paper substitute at his disposal, though, and would have to do. In October, he’d been caught with the pipe (and consequently gotten grounded for two weeks), and had never gotten around to finding a replacement.
The bible had two blank pages left: one in the front, and one in back. Chagrined, he continued to his bedroom and snatched the bible off his two-tier bookshelf. It was the only non-sci-fi book on the shelves.
He had spare paper, it turned out: half a page, which he didn’t remember being in the book. Blessing his good luck, using Zig-Zag paper dimensions as a guide, he cut the half-sheet into six, joint-sized papers, wisely flushing the remaining bits of paper down the toilet. At his desk, he pinched out a line of finely ground marijuana along the center of each paper, cautiously rolled each paper into a joint, licking and sealing the edge. He was much better at joint making than Tim, a point of pride. Done, he sealed the six joints into a Ziploc bag and stashed it away, pending 11:00 pm. Two of his five grams of weed, gone; he couldn’t wait to light up.
The pizza was here. Thumbing the buzzer, Jason yanked out his wallet and went to wait at the front door. The young Pakistani stepping off the elevator didn’t faze him at all. Ahmed had made deliveries to the condo twice before, and Jason had spotted him driving a Honda Prelude with a Papa John’s fixture on the roof. He recognized Jason in return, nodding.
“Dude. You ordered this lousy pizza?”
Jason laughed; noting and pointing out that Ahmed had forgotten the 2-liter bottle of Diet Pepsi.
“Fuck!” Flustered, he looked around, as though expecting the bottle to appear via messenger. “I left it down in the car. I gotta go get it real quick, dude.”
Jason waved it off. “I hate Diet Pepsi, anyway. Keep it for yourself. I won’t even deduct it from your tip.” He extended a dollar bill, and then laughing, added the twenty-five he’d palmed. The order total was $20.22.
“I am seriously sorry, I really am, dude. I feel lousy about this.”
“Don’t worry. I got Diet Coke to drink.”
Ahmed grimaced. “You sure?”
Jason clapped him on the shoulder. “Enjoy the bottle. Or launch it out the window at some effing redneck’s head, maybe. One less Alt-righter in the world would not ruin my night, you know?”
Ahmed grinned crookedly. “Want to get me lynched, man?”
“In Chevy Chase?” Jason scratched his head, grinning. “I guess you’d have to drive to Rockville, for that.”
Waving good-naturedly, Jason watched Ahmed board the elevator to head downstairs. He considered the challenges a foreigner faced in present-day America. His reflection was cut short by the ping of a text message.
“We are safely ensconced at your gramps,” the note read. “Your sister undoubtedly plans to celebrate her emancipation tonight, back on campus. Gramps says hello; Grandma ran down to the market for biscuits. She correctly assumes we will demand biscuits with our breakfast in the morning. I am so sorry to strand you in that empty condo for the weekend, Jason. I have no forgiveness in my heart for that stupid sister of mine, and you shouldn’t either. Are you behaving yourself?”
Jason shook his head, marveling that only an adult would compose a text without the single use of an abbreviation, contraction, or emoji. In clear English, he responded: “I have pizza and Game of Thrones to watch. I do not suffer unjustly.”
“LOL. Watch anything you like. On Demand if you want. You don’t have to sit home and be bored.”
“I plan to commit genocide in Call of Duty tonight. Any particular species you’d like to see wiped out?”
“Aunts would be nice.”
Jason let that go. He was grateful for his aunt’s major blunder. “You all enjoy yourself. Tell Pocahontas I said hello. I haven’t drywalled over her bedroom door yet, but I have all weekend, right?”
“Pocahontas says you’re an a-hole, for which I plan to paddle her skinny behind. What is it between you two, anyway? I swear you two are male and female identical twins. I worry about you sometimes, Jason Bows.”
“I’d worry about me too,” Jason admitted (wisely, or otherwise), deciding not to shy from the subject. “You know I wear her underwear to school, right? I especially like her pink set with the furry white bunnies. Tell her I have them on now.”
“You are incorrigible. I’ll text you later. Behave yourself tonight. Love, Mom.”
Pocketing his phone, he briefly tried to recall what the text round had interrupted, and then shrugged it off in favor of a slice of cooled pepperoni pizza. The breadsticks went into the microwave for a good dose of radiation, making them too hot to touch, much less risk burning his palate. Nuking two more pizza slices, he surrendered the remainder to the refrigerator, and finished eating in his bedroom. He remembered his interrupted reflection on Ahmed in America, letting it go for lack of interest. Over the next three hours, he slaughtered divisions of Kraut soldiers and legions of zombies.
Mom texted at 10:45 p.m. “Your sister is binge-watching The Walking Dead with Grandpa. I can’t imagine a more bizarre sight than those two side-by-side on the family room couch, sharing a tub of popcorn and yelling together at the TV. Their hatred of the dead is monumental, nearly as obsessive as their disgust and anger at the remaining humans, none of who are apparently capable of making a single intelligent decision. Never would I have imagined your sister a Dead-head.”
Jason chuckled appreciatively. He’d watched every episode of The Walking Dead religiously, always to the scorn and ridicule of both sisters. He’d make Kendal’s return to Rancho Bows Sunday afternoon a misery.
“Which of the Walker’s does she most resemble?” he typed. “Tell her she’ll catch her twin sister in episode six of the second season. I did a screen capture and printed it off for her last year. Remind her of that.”
Mom replied, “I’ll let that tiger lie, thank you. Did you enjoy your pizza?”
“Excellent,” he wrote back. “Just about to start in on your beer.”
“Two. Then it’s off to bed with you, young man. I mean it though ... do not stay up all night playing video games or watching Game of Thrones. Show some restraint.”
“All the restraint I require is locked away in Bella’s closet. I have scars on my back to prove it, Mom.”
“BIG EYE-ROLL! Anyway, I retire to my bedroom for some binge watching of my own. Thank you again for putting me onto Heartland. I know how difficult that was, especially while controlling the urge to jam fingers down your throat. You find so little wholesome entertainment on TV nowadays. Especially cable. Dad says goodnight.”
“Night,” he wrote, thinking wistfully about Kendal kicked back on the couch, watching TV with Grandpa. Had she thought about him at all, he wondered? God, he wanted to see her. Aloud, though in a low voice, he gave voice to those words. Kendal didn’t answer.
Donning his parka, Jason crossed the condo to the rear den, unlocked the balcony door, slid it open, and slipped outside. According to the thermometer attached to the glass, it was twenty-eight degrees. The wind was brisk, hailing from the northwest, portending a teeth-chattering experience. He wouldn’t complain about the chill breeze, however (not yet, anyway); it would efficiently carry away the cannabis-laden smoke.
Hugging the balcony divider, he confirmed no one lurked on Mrs. Hannity’s side. It amused him, his neighbor sharing the name of the reviled right-wing commentator. Not that Mrs. Hannity wasn’t a right-winger herself; she only hated his continued haranguing of the left, to the detriment of her party’s conservative beliefs. Him and that moron What’s His Name: they’d be so much better off without them.
Lighting up in the corner, Jason cautiously inhaled and struggled to keep his lungs inflated. This weed was potent but harsh: inflaming the alveoli, burning his throat, triggering an almost irresistible urge to cough. He’d nearly hacked his lungs up the first time, smoking this stuff with Kendal and Tim on the balcony. He’d been super-cautious since.
Slowly, carefully, he emptied his lungs of smoke. “God, this stuff’s good,” he rasped.
Taking a second hit, and a third, he kept his back to the parking lot, feeling the leach of THC into his bloodstream. Closing his eyes and expelling a thin streamer of smoke, he imagined tiny molecules of the intoxicant reaching his brain and penetrating the blood/brain barrier, assaulting his defenseless neurons. He was feeling it now, a tingle of numbness in his fingertips and lips, the false sense of his tongue thickening, a quickening heartbeat. Extinguishing the tip between thumb and forefinger, he turned and eyed the adjacent buildings.
The development of Covenant Place consisted of six buildings, four of which were 20-story condos like Jason’s. The two original buildings were sixteen and eighteen stories tall. Constructed in the early 1960’s, 8400, and 8500 Belvedere stood alone until 1992, when adjoining acreage in Chevy Chase was secured. 20-story buildings were added as financing and land acquisition allowed, until 8900 Belvedere, the most recent addition (and assumed to be the last) was completed in 2001. Jason had lived at 8700 Belvedere all his life. He idly gazed at 8600 Belvedere, now, the neighboring building. 8500 stood beyond, then 8400, its shorter, older mate. It was 11:20 pm. He wished Kendal were with him.
The sky was clear, the cold air crisp and clean. Despite the inherent light pollution of west Chevy Chase, he effortlessly identified the bright point of Polaris to the north, the adjoining Little Dipper constellation, and overhead, Orion, the Hunter. Hung from the belt, the scabbard was easily discernible, a rarity under any viewing conditions. “Star Light, Star Bright,” he muttered.
At the balcony rail, he craned, gazing upward. In ten seconds, he identified a pinpoint of light marking a satellite in low orbit. American, he wondered? Russian, or Chinese? It wasn’t large or bright enough for the ISS, which he’d spotted twice over the summer, the last time with binoculars. That was so cool.
In the parking lot below, bearing no lights, a car ghosted along, almost unseen. He tentatively identified the gray form as a Toyota or Nissan sedan. Good way to get creamed, he thought wryly. Following the serpentine roadway, the vehicle disappeared behind 8600 Belvedere, reappearing moments later to slowly enter 8500’s underground parking garage. He leaned on the rail, wondering if the driver was male or female, sober or drunk, maybe getting high like him. The absence of lights indicated possible impairment. Dumb as a brick, in any case.
Pulling out a chair, he sat with his back to the balcony doors. The vertical blinds were closed, allowing no escape of light. The balcony was perfectly dark, his presence a presumed secret. So his impaired thought processes fantasized, anyway. He knew in reality that anyone looking would spot him without much difficulty at all. Good thing he wasn’t nude, he thought, snorting in amusement. Folding his arms over the parka, he stretched out, crossing his ankles. Damn, it was cold.
No longer caring to hide, he relit the joint and filled his lungs. The potent cannabis was triggering tunnel vision; everything pulsed along with his heartbeat, edges turning wavery, windows, and lights growing halos. A spot-on rendition of ‘Hello’ played in his head. He tapped his foot to the melody. He didn’t normally care for Adele.
Snuffing the nearly dead ember between his molars, Jason swallowed the roach and produced a second joint from his right coat pocket, and a bottle of Heineken from the left. The purple lighter belonged to Tim. Wishing his buddy well, Jason lit the tip of the thinly-rolled construct and again filled his lungs to capacity. It felt like his eyes would pop out. Squinting, he waited a 10-count and exhaled at the ceiling.
A light mid-way up 8600 winked out, and one beside it winked on. A kitchen window, he thought, and one in the adjacent den? Squinting again, he caught movement behind sheer curtains, someone walking about and bending to retrieve something on a table. A female? He couldn’t be sure, but hoped so. Maybe she’s nude, he thought, willing it so. He was no Jean Luc Piccard.
His cell phone pinged. Shifting, he dug it free of his rear pocket and checked the screen. It was Kendal.
“RU behaving yourself?”
“What a stupid question,” he wrote. “I haven’t even opened a beer yet, dummy.”
“I bet you smoked a joint though.”
Snorting, he responded: “I wish! Can I raid your stash?”
“You can have Bella’s stash. She keeps it in her lingerie drawer.”
Jason hoped that wasn’t true. Mom had a habit of reviewing her younger brat’s texts and emails for compliance.
“I didn’t see it when I executed a panty raid just now. Are you sure?”
“LOL. You stay out of my bedroom, bae!”
“Too late! The pretty purple ones are mine.”
“I haven’t even worn them yet! You better skurt my room, bruh!”
“Make me,” he taunted.
“Wanna get curved?”
Jason winced. Getting curved was teen-speak for being romantically rejected. Assuming Mom wouldn’t know the term was taking a big chance. He veered the conversation away.
“I found that website you were looking for,” he wrote. “It’s Home is Where the Art is. The girl from Arlington, right?”
“I can’t believe you found it! Hold on ... I gotta Google it.”
Waiting, Jason twisted off the lid and downed a big swig of beer. He’d pinched out the joint after reading Kendal’s first text; brandishing the lighter, he now relit the tip and sucked in a chestful of smoke. Kendal would undoubtedly be awhile.
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The circus got off to a roaring start from the moment that I walked off the plane. A fellow in a good suit, expensive shoes and a chauffeur’s hat was holding a sign with my name on it, ‘Mr. P. Wells’, or at least most of it. He asked for my Texas Driver’s License and actually examined it closely (another sure sign that he was really FBI), then he grabbed my one carry-on bag and we were soon driving off towards downtown in a large black SUV that couldn’t have screamed ‘Government’ more if it...
If there is a worse day than New Years Eve to have an emergency at home, I don’t know what it is. The entire New Years weekend is fondly referred to by us working professionals as ‘amateur night’. Everyone drinks too much, and too many folks think they are ok enough to drive only to end up killing themselves or others in record numbers. Even the ones that stay at home end up playing with their firearms and shooting them up in the air, forgetting that what goes up must indeed come down. Or the...
The rest of the San Francisco trip was pretty much a blur, we shopped and went sightseeing every day, ate at a superb restaurant every night. No one wanted the visit to end and we all left little bits of our heart behind at that wonderful city by the bay. We’ve thought often about moving back there but the timing hasn’t ever been right to do so, although we certainly hope to someday and we all visit at least twice a year now. There was really now only two pieces left of important unfinished...
My ladies, having unusual difficulty in restraining themselves, had skipped most of the usual foreplay (I guess the interlude in the elevator was quite enough) and had jumped directly into a ferocious 69 near the end of the bed. Allison was on top this time and I began to amuse myself by giving her the same neck, back, ass and cunt caressing that I had done earlier that afternoon to Tammy. As I stuck my first finger into her ass she cooed and in-between mouthfuls of moist cunt she muttered,...
If there is a worse day than New Years Eve to have an emergency at home, I don't know what it is. The entire New Years weekend is fondly referred to by us working professionals as 'amateur night'. Everyone drinks too much, and too many folks think they are ok enough to drive only to end up killing themselves or others in record numbers. Even the ones that stay at home end up playing with their firearms and shooting them up in the air, forgetting that what goes up must indeed come down. Or...
The circus got off to a roaring start from the moment that I walked off the plane. A fellow in a good suit, expensive shoes and a chauffeur's hat was holding a sign with my name on it, 'Mr. P. Wells', or at least most of it. He asked for my Texas Driver's License and actually examined it closely (another sure sign that he was really FBI), then he grabbed my one carry-on bag and we were soon driving off towards downtown in a large black SUV that couldn't have screamed 'Government' more...
Just at the crack of dawn, the driver stopped long enough for my captor to put a dark heavy hood over my head, and then we drove some more. Eventually I heard the sound of a large metal gate opening. I could smell the fresh sea air and heard the sound of a few gulls. No bets, this was probably the old sewage plant that May had spoken of. Taken inside, my hood was removed we walked seemingly forever down repeated flights of stairs, across catwalks and finally down a long sub-basement corridor...
Fifty million dollars. No one wanted to turn it over to the Feds, even any of locally stationed ones we were fairly comfortable with. It wasn't their money; they had done nothing to earn it. They had never even dreamed of its existence and they would probably only waste it senselessly if they ever got their hands on it. There was agreement that a reasonable case could be made for seeing that SDPD got at least a piece of it. Officers had died and been hurt in the line of duty fighting these...
My ladies, having unusual difficulty in restraining themselves, had skipped most of the usual foreplay (I guess the interlude in the elevator was quite enough) and had jumped directly into a ferocious 69 near the end of the bed. Allison was on top this time and I began to amuse myself by giving her the same neck, back, ass and cunt caressing that I had done earlier that afternoon to Tammy. As I stuck my first finger into her ass she cooed and in-between mouthfuls of moist cunt she muttered,...
After I hadn't heard from either of them for nearly two weeks, I determined to hunt down Myra and get some answers before I did another thing! It took me three days to track her down and I had to do it the old fashioned private eye way with a 24 hour stakeout and tailing them that eventually led me to the serpent's lair, literally. The Serpents Lair (wasn't that also the name of a late 70's video game?) was down in the basement of the old Psych building on the Rice University campus. In...
"Are you absolutely sure that this is what Allison told you she wanted us to do?" I asked Tammy for what must have been the eighth or tenth time since arriving at Myra's. "Yes, silly. Now calm down or I'll have to calm you down myself before the fun starts and that could reduce the amount of fun you're likely to have later," she giggled, clearly enjoying herself far too much. I was going to have to ask Allison to give her a good spanking later so I could watch and get a little...
The rest of the San Francisco trip was pretty much a blur, we shopped and went sightseeing every day, ate at a superb restaurant every night. No one wanted the visit to end and we all left little bits of our heart behind at that wonderful city by the bay. We've thought often about moving back there but the timing hasn't ever been right to do so, although we certainly hope to someday and we all visit at least twice a year now. There was really now only two pieces left of important...
'The Club' itself was elaborately furnished for both antique style and comfort; clearly it was the major local playground for the very kinky and very rich. We had been advised that some but not all members belonged to the "10,000", and since we didn't know the passwords we shouldn't try to force any acquitances. Most of the members cheerfully greeted us, everyone male and female admired our ladies, who wasted little time in downing a few quick glasses of excellent champagne (there was a...
This is 'Sleep Training Module F-18-43b: Willful Planning' which describes what can happen out there and explains why good wills are important. It is mandatory for all sponsors in the Bedford Military District. There are good ways and bad ways to write your will. The module also explains why some of the clauses in these wills exist. I am Rear Admiral Frank Jefferies and I am currently commander of the 181st fleet out of the Bedford District. My task today is to explain to you why wills are...
"Family Planning" The bright sunlight streamed through the window sheers on a mid Saturday morning as Madge stood in her boudoir of a bedroom in front of her dresser. She tied the black satin sash at the waist of her floor length black nylon robe, her slender fingers working and swishing the sash into a gleaming bow as her long gloss red fingernails flashed in the light. She smiled slightly, with satisfaction at her always flawless, feminine appearance as she noticed the light...
What a Planning!Dad4Luv> hisexy.Dulhan> hidad4luv> how r u, sweetiedad4luv> age sex location?Sexy.Dulhan> I m fine, thanks, 21F, NJ/USA, an nridad4luv> and u married?Sexy.Dulhan> not yet, single now, expecting marriage with my BF any time, my mom insists.. ..Dad4Luv> what your nickname “Dulhan” means thansexy.Dulhan> catches attention… This name gives me gud lot of response 4 chat, hehedad4luv> hehe, nicedad4luv> r u daddies girlsexy.Dulhan> Not considered 4 that; do u like it? Do u like...
IncestI am Aryan from Chd so directly coming to story after reading many of the stories of incest from iss I also started thinking of fucking my sis but never dare to do so till 18 but after I pass my +2 in the Holidays I got this lucky chance to have the fun in my life and those were the golden days of my life which I cannot forget I n my whole and it was a big time for me as it was 3 months holidays for me it was like a heaven to me In those days life coming to story As due to some business work my...
Introduction My name is Sir Graham Stoddart. I'm 40 years old, good looking (allegedly) and very very rich. Oh, and I'm a psychopath. Not, you understand a Jack the Ripper, or a Dexter, with an uncontrollable urge to kill. I'm a real psycho. I have absolutely NO empathy with people. I really don't care about other people. I don't understand their feelings, sympathy, love, pity or any other of the social attributes. As a result, from a very early age, I learned to act out, or mimic what I...
BEYOND HUMILIATION Chapter 1 - Holiday Planning Back in November 2012 I wrote a story called "How Humiliating". It told how Stephen, an occasional and secret cross-dresser, was caught out by his wife Sandra and forced, through a series of humiliating experiences, to confront and come to terms with his obsession. Although angry with Stephen for him not being open and honest about his desires, Sandra found the whole idea of cross-dressing strangely exciting and...
“What was going on over at your place the other night?” asked Lauren. It was early evening and Lauren had just arrived home. “Oh, God! What a nightmare!” exclaimed Heather. Lauren continued looking at the teen, waiting for an explanation. At nine the previous night, the television at the MacKenzie house suddenly had the volume turned up. It was so loud, in fact, that one of the neighbors across the street had called the police, complaining about the noise level, and a sheriff’s deputy had...
Well readers this is a story of how deception and careful planning led to sex with Charu my batch mate.Lets begin.. THE SETUP The story begins in the summer of 2016 and in the state of Ohio in the US where I had gone to do my summer internship. Well a little about myself, I am a 21 year old boy who spends his time programming or writing stories. I am an introvert by nature and seldom talk to girls except when asking for assignments or project submissions. My dedication made me a pet with the...
Hello, this is Rohit. I am 24 years old and currently pursuing my engineering degree. I am a regular reader of this amazing website since last 7 months and I love it. I am a true incest lover. I want to share a true and real incident happened between me and my mom a couple of months ago. Each and every part of this story mentioned below is true. I haven’t skipped any part of the real incident so it has become a little bit longer. I hope you all like it. We belong to a middle-class family where...
IncestI was in the staff bar chatting with Rick. "Just wanted to give you a bit of feed-back," I said. "The Kalinin called last night. He's as pleased as punch with the girls you set up for his councillor's project. Said they were working out really well with their new owners. He'd been a bit worried whether women of that age could be made sufficiently obedient to appeal to a Kushtian — they wouldn't want to have to bother with too much training and punishment. But it seems your...
We finally, reluctantly climbed out of the now-cool water and got dressed, teasing each other and laughing the whole time. When we finally made it out of the bathing room, a passing servant pointed us to a small private dining room that Aedan had apparently rented after the brawl fiasco from the night before. Everyone had cleaned up, and we had a wonderful dinner just talking and laughing. Everyone avoided talking business, and it felt like a wonderful preview of what it might be like when...
I stayed the night at Katie’s house over the weekend. Her mother was going to go camping with her boyfriend and had decided to leave us at home. While I was there, I took a shower, but got half of my bra wet. Setting it over the side of the bathtub to dry, Katie gave me a loose fitting shirt to wear. It felt weird to be without a bra, I always had mine on, even when I slept. My breasts felt kind of heavy and exposed, and I began to wonder if Katie had looked. Apparently she had because she...
I stayed the night at Katie's house over the weekend. Her mother was going to go camping with her boyfriend and had decided to leave us at home. While I was there, I took a shower, but got half of my bra wet. Setting it over the side of the bathtub to dry, Katie gave me a loose fitting shirt to wear. It felt weird to be without a bra; I always had mine on, even when I slept. My breasts felt kind of heavy and exposed, and I began to wonder if Katie had looked. Apparently she had because she...
LesbianSEVENTY AND STILL SEXY I have to admit I hadn't really taken much notice of Hazel, even though we'd been neighbours for over two years. She was already living in the small block of retirement flats when I'd moved in. It was probably because of the age difference, I was in my late fifties, I'd retired early due to ill health, and I guessed that she was in her seventies. Don't get me wrong, she was an attractive woman, about five and a half feet tall, with shoulder length blonde hair with...
I'm a computer guy as I've already explained. But once in a while when I'm faced with a problem that isn't easy to solve I revert to pen and paper. I was determined to develop a plan that would allow me to extract every last dime I could from my modest wealth. I was going to need it in my new life, whatever that would be. So I began to make a list of things. Date: Mar. 25/07 Home Equity: ± $500k Home Value: ± $600k Debt: $100k Mortgage Term: expires 31/5/07 Problem: Joint...
LubnaErach was looking at a likeness of their very own prince Rustum. The princess Lubna was showing an image of the Persian prince, and he deduced that she had painted it herself. The implication was clear.He didn’t know how he should tell the poor smitten princess that Rustum was a rogue who slept with every woman who crossed his path. The fact that he looked stunningly handsome helped him satisfy his lusty appetite. To seek an alliance with Rustum would mean that the princess’ kohl would...
NovelsMeeting Room 4.1 Castle of the Queen in the Capital Gresh on the Planet Drak Attendees: • Ghoul Queen Parbath Kabal. • Biqalak Kabilal her Secretary and Assistant. • Gen. Etzil Tsanak – Chief of Intelligence. • Adm. Namenal Kabilaqua – Intelligence Division Acquisitions. • Bilulus Gelex – Elevated Admiral in charge of Armed Forces. “Members of Council, do you appreciate we are one year away from disaster? We have placed a billion citizens into stasis in the last six months,” screamed...
Pru, Lia, Maeve and Xing Lao-Tan met in the command post for a field-kitchen dinner. Surprisingly, it was excellent Chinese cooking. Pru looked up at Lia with raised eyebrows after her first mouthful. Lia grinned. "I like good food, and when you consider how much OSG spends on ingredients, there's only one reason why military rations aren't healthy and tasty." "And?" Pru lead her. "Poor cooking, of course. So, I get the best cooks in OSG and then I send them out for additional...
Hello dosto, mera naam Samir hai, aur meri wife ka naam Preeti hai. Preeti ka rang gora hai, aur figure 26″32″38″ ka hai. Hamari sex life kaafi achi chal rahi thi. Hum log sex karte waqt porn film dekhte, aur gandi baate karte the. Ab meri fantasy ban gayi thi, ki wife ko kisi aur ke saath mil kar chodu. Fir maine wife ko convince karne ka try kiya, par wo maani nahi. Dheere-dheere meri fantasy badhti jaa rahi thi. Maine Preeti ko porn mein bahut saare threesome aur gangbang video dikha kar...
So who’s Katie? I didn’t know what to say. Despite having spent the morning pretending to fuck my make-believe sister, I was still unsure whether or not I wanted to admit to fantasizing about my real one. Nobody in present company seemed to mind so much, and Riley had even admitted to finding her mom sexy, but I cared very much about what Derek or Drew would say, and didn’t want them to think I was somehow demented. Because, let’s face it, fucking your sister is like the worst thing you can...
The rest of that day was uncomfortable for Matt. He was starting to plan a raid on people who logic supposed could be completely innocent, but his gut feeling told him that his wife, under some malign influence either hypnosis, drugs or both, had got into a situation that was beyond her control. He could no longer label her actions betrayal, many would of course, but Matt had greater understanding of human frailties. If nothing else the sights he had seen in his army career convinced him that...
Seventeen Hours By Belle Gordon "'Bye dear" I said dutifully kissing my wife on the cheek, "I should be back tomorrow evening at the latest. I'll call you if there is a problem. You know which hotel I'm staying in?" "Yes I do." "Good; sure you'll be alright?" "Yes of course I will." She said with a touch of irritation. "You know perfectly well that Sophie has a friend from college staying so I won't be alone." As I turned to go she said "Good luck with your speech,...
"Hello" "Hey bro" the voice on the other end of the line said "Do you realize what time it is" I said without really recognizing who it was "Ohh I’m sorry but I wanted to know if you'd be interested in going to Vegas?" "Who is this?" I said with a little attitude. "It's your cousin Bob" "Vegas? Now? Are you crazy? "No not now, we leave in the morning. It's for my 21st birthday." "Ohh shit man I totally forgot. Happy b day. Sure I'll go. Who else is going? "Umm your...
His wife cheated, and he did what had to be done.SCENE 1His name was Carl. Carl Montefiore. He was a tall, angular guy--good-looking, I guess--with a smug look. Even if he hadn't been fucking my wife I would probably have wanted to kick the shit out of him.But at the moment his look wasn't smug--it was stunned. When I came into his office he thought he was meeting a prospective client for his software firm, not coming face-to-face with a cuckolded husband. He stood to greet me with an affable...
When my wife and I were dating in the late seventies,we were invited to a party by one of my friends from school. We were about 20 years old or so. My wife is white and I an Asian so some times when we are out people are not aware we are a couple. While at the party I was talking to some new friends I met and one guy told me he thought that blonde was hot. I looked and he was referring to my girlfriend. I told him that she was my girlfriend and she came with me. He got embarrassed and...
Tuesday, April 19, 2005 (Continued) "Mark!" "Sorry Prof, what was that?" Prof asked, "We set your study up for you to study in it, so why would we get grumpy at your doing so?" "Huh? Oh, that's right. If I woke you up at 2:15 every morning to let me in. Wouldn't you lock your frontdoor before you went to sleep?" "Of course, but you don't need to wake us. We'll give you a key and you can come and go as you please. You might as well have a key now, so I'll give you our spare...
Charlotte knocks at the doorway to Kyle’s bedroom. When he looks up to see who’s there she feels pain emanating from the depths of his soul. She’s never seen her son like this before. Being a good mother she naturally tries to console her son, even if she’s in the dark as to the problem. She sits beside him, and wraps him in her arms while she asks, “What’s wrong, Kyle?” “We went down to open the CyberFun safe for Stanley. The new owners refused to even shake our hands. What’s worse, they...
From a woman's view point :It was the party of the century, a hundred of us celebrating in style. A pool party with alcohol and very little clothing, plenty of d**gs and sex going on in dark corners, sometimes out in the open too. It was wild and fantastic, the perfect way to spend a hot summer's night. Graham's parents were away for a few days, and he had decided to make the most of it, but there was no way he would be able to clear up all the mess we were making.Aaron and I had been friends...
I started renting a small executive office space for my business in the downtown area. I eventually met my office neighbor Jan, who was an older lady, a tad odd, but very nice. She was a very interesting person after I got to know her, especially when I heard her talking to herself through the shared wall of our two offices. After a year or so of talking to her and getting to know her methodology of investing, I decided to let her invest some of my money in one of my 401k accounts. Jan and I...
Office SexHelena pleased with outcome of the day finished her cups of coffee. Helena decided to go downstairs to the steak house for an early dinner. It was only 5pm. Sitting in the corner looking around at couples and families enjoying their meals, this is the time she misses Fred. Helena finished her meal and started to walk towards Kirra. Plenty of people around tonight. Continuing to walk along Pacific Parade, Helena noticed some units near Mills Street. Helena rang Zac to find out what he is...
Our sex life was mostly fun then. For a day or two after being apart for so long, we would have sex for hours, and he would make me feel sexy and wanted…always bringing home pretty outfits from fancy boutiques sought out during his travels…black, pink and blue lingerie ensembles…a Chinese geisha gown…and even a St. Pauli Girl get up from Europe that I wore on Halloween one year. Only occasionally back then would he bring up someone different during our bedroom time, and when he did he...
(1 of 3) :Having been longtime close friends, Priya and Mark started dating in high school. The two made quite the couple. By the time they entered college, their relationship was well known and revered by friends and family alike.It felt like they were perfect for each other and it came as no surprise when they got married shortly after graduating.They later moved to Manchester for work, where after three years, the two mutually decided that it was time for them to start their family. Priya...
CuckoldHello story reader Sonu here.I want to describe my real happened.Now I am 19 years old carrying 7 inch cock.Reside in Bangalore with my family.Woh mera behan 18 saal ki larki hai having figure 32-26-32.Her name is Lucy.mein 5ft 6″ aur woh 5ft4″ in height.She is live near our house.Woh apne maa Baap ki ek hi aulad hai.Once woh hamari gharko ai thi aur maine darbaza khola aur dekha woh khadi with scott .meine use dekha aur uske tanga ko dekh ke hairan reh gaya aur uske doodh ko dekha bhi.woh boli...
IncestWe are all walking up toward the house. The front door opened up, and Nancy came walking out, and She screams “Omg!” Nancy ran off the front porch and straight into Heather’s arms and they hugged each other. She then looked at Becky and Kate, she turned to me and said; “are they your daughters?” “Yes, they are my daughters.” “Michael I’m so sorry, I didn’t know. I’m guessing we are all in the same boat!” “That we are,” I said looking at the house. “I’m not sure if it’s safe to talk inside...
Martha found Kate's technique for handling the prisoners not all that different from her own with new girls in the House of Joy. Having shown them her power by using the neural whip on one of them, she processed each one rapidly through to the medibot, ignoring the protests of innocence, error, mistreatment, and cheating which they variously expected her to correct. While they were in the medibot all their belongings were hidden away in a cupboard and an overall was issued. Then they were...
Laura and Stan were lying side by side on their cabin's bed looking up at the ceiling. They had returned there after dinner, both fully intending to finally have a much needed talk, but as usual, had only ended up being able to have some intense sex until their bodies gave up and they had to take a break. They'd been staring at the ceiling now for almost 15 minutes without once turning to look at each other. They were both thinking about what the Carters had said to each of them, but the...
The transport tube doors opened and they stepped out into the hallway outside of the medical bay. Turning she led them down the short corridor and into the medical section. Molly was helping a young man to sit up in his bed as they entered. She was holding a glass in her hand. Once the patient had taken a drink from the glass, she set it down on the table. "Molly, I have some guests for you," Tammy said. "Be right there, Tammy." Looking at the young man she said, "Lieutenant Myers,...
"Any sign of them yet?" Tobias turned at Jody's query. He was waiting for some indication of what was occurring inside the clinic where Monique was conducting the treatments. "Nah, I haven't seen anything for five solid days. I've been restocking their supplies, so I know they're still alive, but I have no clue how they're doing." "Well, don't worry. Monique's a nurse, so she's better equipped for complications than most. Plus, she's been through this a few times." They both...
Judy Bondi stood with Tanda Havra and Tazi, unsure if she'd been relegated to the rear because she was a girl or because it was dangerous. Tanda seemed to understand her thoughts. "My uncle says cannon are dangerous to those who shoot them, if they are not careful. Too much fireseed, too heavy a shot, they can burst and kill everyone around. New guns are the most dangerous of all. A single gun bursting, in a row of guns, can make the others burst. And the sound hurts the ears." Judy...
Aedan took one look at the papers in my lap, growled something incomprehensible, and then punched his brother right in the face. The two men went down, fists flying, knocking into the desk and upending a pile of books and papers as they fell. A crash sounded as they knocked over the heavy chair. After a brief, shocked moment, I jumped up off the couch where I sat, dropping the journal and letter onto the floor. I screamed, horrified by the sight of blood on the two men scrapping like feral...