My Niece Allison Part III Tutoring Allison
- 3 years ago
- 43
- 0
Fifty million dollars.
No one wanted to turn it over to the Feds, even any of locally stationed ones we were fairly comfortable with. It wasn’t their money, they had done nothing to earn it. They had never even dreamed of its existence and they would probably only waste it senselessly if they ever got their hands on it. There was agreement that a reasonable case could be made for seeing that SDPD got at least a piece of it. Officers had died and been hurt in the line of duty fighting these guys, and at least a chunk of the money was from Syndicate crime activities in their area. Ok, I think they deserved a slice.
It was unanimous that this money was probably so stained in blood that it could never be washed entirely clean, but maybe it could get put to some good use anyway. Tammy didn’t want a penny of it, nor really did Myra. I didn’t want it for myself much either, I made good money buying, fixing and reselling houses and my current regular HFD salary alone was more than ample for Allison and I to live more than comfortably. There was just one remaining issue stuck in the back of my mind – what legitimate compensation would a judge or jury offer Allison for a civil judgment against the assets of the Syndicate to repay her for her years of servitude and unpaid prostitution? That case would never get heard in any courtroom… but that didn’t mean that she wasn’t entitled to something for her ordeal.
My attitude about the money boiled down to this. Allison had been kidnapped and subject to emotional and actual rape directly due to the intentional actions of the members of the Syndicate. She had lost several of the best years of her life, faced physical and emotion ruin, and she was very likely to require psychological counseling and assistance for the rest of life.
They owed her something. What would be fair?
We kicked this around for awhile and then I had everyone write down a number on a piece of paper. I had Myra name her figure first and then Tammy, I and last Allison revealed their numbers. We discarded the highest figure (Tammy’s) and the lowest figure (Allison had written only $1 – God I love that woman!). We split the difference down the middle and it was still a frightening sum of money. We then agreed that the entire remainder would go to establish and perpetually endow the ‘Alfred and May Foundation.’ SDPD would be the first benefactor and would receive a large anonymous grant. We hugged and kissed to seal the deal.
Now that we had apportioned the fortune we hadn’t actually found and claimed yet, I arose and said to no one in particular, ‘I’m hungry. I think will go grab some lunch downstairs in the cafeteria and it’ll probably take a least an hour. Oh I’m sure of it, definitely an hour or more. Then, Tammy can you come with me to run an errand or two? You’ll have to get redressed first though.’
I gave everyone a conspiratorial wink and loudly blew Myra a kiss over the phone before leaving the room. I asked the floor charge nurse if they could give Allison a bit of peace and quiet for awhile with no interruptions as the ladies were trying to work out some serious lega. She agreed and wrote a note on their door’s whiteboard for them not to be disturbed until after 3 p.m. Perfect!
To kill a little time I used the bathroom, combed my hair a few times, checked my smile, washed my hands a second time and then decided I’d given them at least another five minutes for them to restart what they had been doing before I had interrupted them earlier.
After waiting a total of fifteen minutes, I snuck back to their room, cracked the door a tiny fraction and took a peek inside. Yep, they had restarted where they had left off. Allison sheet was off exposing her cute delectable nude body and she was suckling on Tammy’s now topless left tit (very nice tits by the way) while her hands were groping for the zipper of Tammy’s shorts. Tammy was sucking loudly on Allison’s right breast and had all of her fingers inside Allison’s super wet cunt, her thumb caressing Allison’s erect clit. I could plainly hear Myra’s voice giving instructions to her obedient performers and from the tone of her voice she was indeed rubbing her clit as hard and fast as she could. As much as I greatly enjoyed the scene I had promised them an hour’s privacy. I quietly re-shut the door and went downstairs and had my delayed luncheon.
When I did return just before 3 p.m. and peeked once again quietly into the room, I discovered the ladies still engaged in their amusements. Allison and Tammy were locked in a deep sideways 69, lost to the world eating each other to what must have been at least their tenth orgasm each. Never had these two women looked more beautiful!
Entering swiftly (before knocking) I went to the bedside and gave each woman a surprise kiss (deliciously cunt flavored) on the mouth. I playfully slapped Tammy’s cute bare ass and handed her clothes.
‘Hurry up good looking and get dressed, we’ve got places to visit.’ She wiggled her inviting looking cunt off of Allison’s teasing mouth and very reluctantly got up and started to get dressed. She wasn’t nearly as embarrassed as she ought to have been.
Getting a much closer look at Tammy’s nude body, I decided that she was very high grade dalliance material indeed, but if she was going to become Tiny’s girl I didn’t want to do anything more than just look and admire, without a direct and blatant invitation. He probably wouldn’t object to Allison’s handling of his merchandise, but I won’t take that chance myself. Myra howled her frustration at the other end of the phone, she had been just on the verge of coming again herself when the party was interrupted.
Tammy finished dressing and we left right afterwards. I gave Allison another kiss on her cunt soaked mouth, gave a well nibbled tit a squeeze, and told her I loved her and would be back soon. She called me a bastard, but with a smile and hint of pride.
Tammy and I went to my rental car (yep, I still had one checked out along with that nice hotel suite I’d hardly seen in weeks). Uncle Sam was apparently still very grateful for my help. Tammy hadn’t said a word since we left the hospital room, so before I put the key into the ignition I turned to face her and gently touched my hand to her shoulder.
I told her I had not the slightest objection to what she and Allison had done, it appeared to me to be nothing but an act of love and comfort between women that were very fond of each other. She had no cause or need to hide anything EVER from either one of us. If she and Allison ever desired to repeat their experience, just do so. Right in front of me was fine, heck, if they even wanted to they could do it right on our lawn in broad daylight then I’d set up a lemonade stand to sell drinks to all of the onlookers. Tammy laughed and laughed. She had known I would not be offended, but was used to conducting her romantic affairs rather privately, secrets and old habits died hard with her.
She thanked me for being her friend and asked if she could be my friend and perhaps lover as well. She was NOT committed to Tiny (their peculiar relationship continued to spin in circles and he was now back in Lovett). In fact they had never once had sex and, despite nearly 20 years of history between them, had never gotten much beyond 2nd base. She admitted having a few frigidity issues and in fact had actually never had full penetration sex with any male. She did enjoy dildos, vibrators and, once, even a strap-on fucking from an old girlfriend. I decided that this was definitely another Myra project – give her all of the facts and let her genius get to work on the right solution… and for me to stay as much out of the way as possible.
We sealed our eternal friendship with another hug and kiss, then a much warmer kiss that which soon involved frantically intermingled tongues as I got to enjoy the last tastes of Allison’s cunt. I remarked on this to Tammy and she blushed a
ll over, but admitted she was becoming rather fond of the taste too. We laughed and kissed one more time and drove off before the situation got any further out of control.
Cars are swell for deflowering teenaged virgins at drive-in movies, but less appropriate for 38 year old ones. I needed to talk to Myra first about this issue anyway. Also any further delay could prevent completion of our critical errands.
Good God, I just realized as I drove off, I’m starting to acquire a harem!
As we drove I explained my deductions concerning the whereabouts of Albert’s hidden loot, and the clues May had indirectly left me. She could never quite bring herself to completely disobey her now dead Master, but since she had knelt in bondage to me (however relatively briefly) she owed some me some slight consideration and had hinted in the strongest way she could.
The key, figuratively and literally, was in her collar or rather carefully sewed inside the leather. I had noticed upon close detailed examination that the top stitching of her leather collar was slightly different and a bit newer than the bottom stitching. When unraveled, a small safety deposit box key with ‘CB’ was found carefully concealed inside. Checking a listing of local banks, I found that Coastal Bank fit the initials, and that is where Tammy and I now headed.
Inside of the safety deposit box, there were three sealed envelopes, each with Alfred’s carefully written comments and contained in total two more safety deposit box keys, for different banks in the area. The last envelope contained a folded business card from an overseas bank, with a hand-written account number and password ‘I Believe in Fairies’ written in Mays handwriting on the back. Here was Alfred’s & May’s stash, the treasure that he and May had given their lives to amass and then protect, even with their lives.
The closest bank was not far from the hospital and was in fact quite near the hotel I had briefly stayed at for the medical convention. With a key and a smile we were admitted into the security box storage area but passed by all of the normal consumer small boxes and into a heavily secure area that handled large commercial and big family accounts. Our key led to a very large wall mounted bottom drawer that was probably big enough to hold a dead body. Surely there wasn’t THAT much cash in there! Fortunately that wasn’t the case, instead we seemed to have hit upon Albert’s ‘insurance’ records.
Here was a copy of every major financial transaction that the Syndicate had made during the last ten years before his death. There was enough evidence here to blackmail his bosses if he chose, and certainly more than enough to be the protected star witness if the Feds ever grabbed him.
It took us the rest of the day to review and sort this pile of paperwork, but there was a reward waiting for me. I found a photocopy of a handwritten receipt that a ‘J. Douglas had paid $6,000 to purchase one ‘entertainer Allison B. from a certain ‘M,’ delivered on this day and etc.’ I saved this and gave it to Allison later that night. It’s not everyday you find a Sales slip for your fiancée.
She choked back more than a few tears (clearly some very bad memories there), and remained quiet the rest of the night and needed me to hold her while she slept. I usually did anyway (I made a note to myself to find out more about ‘M’). She later had it expensively framed along with a newer sales receipt selling a certain Allison Blair to one Peter Wells, which she hung proudly over the center of our bed. She jokes that it gave her a proven pedigree while most visitors, seeing it for the first time, usually don’t get the joke but we never explain it to them.
It was decided that this large collection of boxes would be given to SDPD for them to get the credit. There was enough paper trail here to incriminate hundreds of people (clearly Albert’s intention) and it disclosed the whereabouts of an extremely large chunk of Syndicate money, enough to cripple their operations elsewhere for years. There were enough tantalizing leads about Interstate crime and International drug running operations to keep both the FBI and DEA happily busy for years. Good luck to them but they could do it from now on without our help.
The second key was for another bank close to the airport and the container was of a slightly more modest size, just about right for a pair large carry-on bags and that’s exactly what it held. That and $750,000 dollars, mostly in $100 bills, but there was a packet each on top of $20’s, $10’s and $5’s, small change perfect for fast getaways when you don’t want to attract a lot of attention. Also inside were a pair of passports under assumed names, one bearing a younger picture of May and the other a gentleman, presumably that of Alfred.
No bets that the offshore bank account would be under these new names. This getaway money became Allison’s first installment of our de facto default civil judgment claim against the Syndicate for her mistreatment.
No, I’m not going to tell you how much or little it was. She never spent much of it, even on herself, but it was her money and she deserved and was entitled to every red cent of it.
We grabbed the bags and left whistling a cheery air, arm in arm. After making arrangements for a few of our SDPD friends to ‘find’ Alfred’s insurance files ‘after an exhaustive search resulting from a tip from an informant’. Tammy even wrapped a big blue bow on the top of one of boxes and sealed it with a kiss. We had done everything we needed to and wrapped up the last loose end as far as I was concerned.
We headed back to the hospital to give Allison and Myra (who was still on the phone) the good news. Badness had been vanquished, right had prevailed and God willing there would soon be a series of very prominent arrests. Best of all, we were a ‘go’ for funding for the charitable foundation and, just possibly, we had enough pocket money to perhaps pay the expected outrageous long distance telephone bill.
Myra snorted, called me a few bad names and hinted that since perhaps she was unwanted and unloved she should hang up the phone now in a tiff. We all then pledged our eternal love to her and, slightly mollified, she said goodbye for the evening. Allison and I gave Tammy a more proper goodbye sendoff that could have blistered lips, we just barely got her pushed out the door before either one of could tear of her clothes and ravished her. She appeared quite ready for another round of ravishing, but we told her that we’d have a bit of fun tomorrow at my unused hotel suite after checking Allison out from the hospital in the morning.
Once we were alone I explained to Allison what I had learned about Tammy’s situation, so naturally we got right back on the phone to Myra, adding to our heaping long distance bill, but we soon got a practical solution from her that everyone could live with.
Allison got her medical release in the morning. We were given an armload of prescriptions (some she would have to take for the rest of life) and got a double earful of medical cautions, what she can do, what she cannot do ever again (including any drinking).
She got a referral to a top Houston area specialist whom she would have to visit weekly at first, but later just monthly. We were surprised to find that her hospital bill, which I had expected to eat a big chunk of my savings, had been covered largely in full (excepting the long distance bill of course). With a little digging Tammy found out that the FBI had politely asked the hospital to handle us pro bono with a vague hint of a possible fat government medical research grant. I don’t know if they ever got the grant but I added the hospital to near the top of our own grant list for our new Foundation.
We arrived at my hotel suite about noon and surveyed our array of suitcases. All I had was my one bag of clothes, but Allison had her small suitcase of old
clothes, the new bag carrying our overflow, her prescriptions and the Foundation bag of ‘travel money’.
Since it is patently impossible to get any decent rest or quality sleep in a hospital, especially with two of us squeezed close (alas clothed) in a hospital bed. We saw my huge king sized bed, did the only thing that popped into our minds. We jumped right into bed and fell fast asleep without any sort of fooling around.
At about 5 p.m., when someone started banging on the door and wouldn’t take silence for an answer, we very reluctantly dragged ourselves out of bed. It was the best sleep I’d had in over three weeks, and probably even longer than that for Allison. I threw on some shorts and opened the door to reveal Tammy as our obtrusive knocker.
She was dressed to play with a pair of high heel shoes, a short leather skirt that showed acres of delicious creamy thigh, a white silk blouse unbuttoned halfway to heaven that clearly displayed her braless large dark areolas and very hard nipples through the thin fine silk material. Naturally I had to kiss her hello.
While doing a thorough job of that I noticed that her hand was caressing the rising bulge in my shorts and one of my hands had easily found a way inside her open shirt to cup one of her delightful breasts. Allison woke up enough to discover our newcomer and, in a very unsubtle manner, sat up and stretched to uncover her own very bare breasts. We moved the welcoming party over to the bed so Allison could also properly greet her friend and remove some her very unnecessary clothing.
Things were about to get extremely interesting when another loud knock on the door occurred and two loud voices calling for us. Damn! The Girls grabbed their clothes and ran for the bathroom to dress. I still had my shorts on and quickly found a presentable shirt that wasn’t too wrinkled (you live for a month out of a suitcase and see what your shirts end up looking like).
This new collection of well-wishers were pair of narcotics officers from the SDPD that we had come to know well, one had been at our earliest skull session here in this room with the Feds my first day in town.
They were a couple of good Joes and had brought a tray of snacks along with a few bottles of wine for me and some expensive Italian mineral water for Allison (that she soon grew hopelessly addicted to). They were joined a few minutes later by a few other officers of our acquaintance (this time from Vice) bearing a case of beer and an intimidating array of bagged snacks. Everyone asked about Allison and I said she was in the bathroom. Someone then asked if anyone had seen Navy Gal (most folks hadn’t known Tammy’s real name either) and I replied she’d gone into the bathroom with Allison.
That got a few strange looks until I commented, ‘Don’t you guys have wives or girlfriends other than the blow-up doll kind? Women always go the bathroom in groups, sometime even in entire herds. They live there! That way they can gossip about us in smug secure feminine superiority while in their most sacred of hideaways.’
The married guys all nodded that this was indeed a very true statement.
More folks arrived (Major Case, the guys who had received Alfred’s belated Christmas present) brought along even more food and drink and the start of a great party was had by all! Except for two extremely sexually frustrated women who couldn’t wait for the last well-wisher to hurry up and leave. Some folks did leave early, but even more new folks kept arriving and soon the locally stationed Feds started to make their appearance.
Everyone was worshiping the ground we walked on for all of the goodies they were now getting from Alfred’s insurance policy. Careers were about to be made, and with minimal legwork work they were going to be able to decapitate an entire criminal organization with hundreds of high profile arrests. If they could pull it off their careers would be set for life, with nice corner offices waiting for them in DC and reservations for them and their wives at the best Georgetown cocktail parties. They showed their appreciation by bringing some superb restaurant catering and some decent top-shelf booze, and if they tried to take over and play the big shot hosts for the party, no one complained or interfered and a good time was had by all.
I never believed finding romance and love online was possible but that's exactly what happened to me. Her name was Allison and the minute I saw her picture I was hooked. She was simply stunning, with the prettiest face and smile I could have possibly imagined. While she lived in Oregon and I lived in England , the distance didn't really matter. After all, it was just a chat site, wasn't it? I thought for ages about a way to say hello that would at least ensure she replied to me. It was pretty...
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When the day finally came, she was awfully nervous. After such a long wait, she hadn’t expected to have any second thoughts—but she did. She was worried about what might happen afterwards, she was worried about getting caught, but most of all, she was worried that he wouldn’t show up. It was a constant source of anxiety for poor little Allison, who had waited for this day for three years. As the final bell rang and she left the building through the back entrance and headed off into the field,...
I never believed finding romance and love online was possible but that’s exactly what happened to me. Her name was Allison and the minute I saw her picture I was hooked. She was simply stunning, with the prettiest face and smile I could have possibly imagined. While she lived in Oregon and I lived in England , the distance didn’t really matter. After all, it was just a chat site, wasn’t it? I thought for ages about a way to say hello that would at least ensure she replied to me. It was pretty...
‘Are you absolutely sure that this is what Allison told you she wanted us to do?’ I asked Tammy for what must have been the eighth or tenth time since arriving at Myra’s. ‘Yes, silly. Now calm down or I’ll have to calm you down myself before the fun starts and that could reduce the amount of fun you’re likely to have later,’ she giggled, clearly enjoying herself far too much. I was going to have to ask Allison to give her a good spanking later so I could watch and get a little revenge....
Just at the crack of dawn, the driver stopped long enough for my captor to put a dark heavy hood over my head, and then we drove some more. Eventually I heard the sound of a large metal gate opening. I could smell the fresh sea air and heard the sound of a few gulls. No bets, this was probably the old sewage plant that May had spoken of. Taken inside, my hood was removed we walked seemingly forever down repeated flights of stairs, across catwalks and finally down a long sub-basement corridor...
Just at the crack of dawn, the driver stopped long enough for my captor to put a dark heavy hood over my head, and then we drove some more. Eventually I heard the sound of a large metal gate opening. I could smell the fresh sea air and heard the sound of a few gulls. No bets, this was probably the old sewage plant that May had spoken of. Taken inside, my hood was removed we walked seemingly forever down repeated flights of stairs, across catwalks and finally down a long sub-basement corridor...
"Are you absolutely sure that this is what Allison told you she wanted us to do?" I asked Tammy for what must have been the eighth or tenth time since arriving at Myra's. "Yes, silly. Now calm down or I'll have to calm you down myself before the fun starts and that could reduce the amount of fun you're likely to have later," she giggled, clearly enjoying herself far too much. I was going to have to ask Allison to give her a good spanking later so I could watch and get a little...
After I hadn’t heard from either of them for nearly two weeks, I determined to hunt down Myra and get some answers before I did another thing! It took me three days to track her down and I had to do it the old fashioned private eye way with a 24 hour stakeout and tailing them that eventually led me to the serpent’s lair, literally. The Serpents Lair (wasn’t that also the name of a late 70’s video game?) was down in the basement of the old Psych building on the Rice University campus. In the...
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My ladies, having unusual difficulty in restraining themselves, had skipped most of the usual foreplay (I guess the interlude in the elevator was quite enough) and had jumped directly into a ferocious 69 near the end of the bed. Allison was on top this time and I began to amuse myself by giving her the same neck, back, ass and cunt caressing that I had done earlier that afternoon to Tammy. As I stuck my first finger into her ass she cooed and in-between mouthfuls of moist cunt she muttered,...
My ladies, having unusual difficulty in restraining themselves, had skipped most of the usual foreplay (I guess the interlude in the elevator was quite enough) and had jumped directly into a ferocious 69 near the end of the bed. Allison was on top this time and I began to amuse myself by giving her the same neck, back, ass and cunt caressing that I had done earlier that afternoon to Tammy. As I stuck my first finger into her ass she cooed and in-between mouthfuls of moist cunt she muttered,...
After I hadn't heard from either of them for nearly two weeks, I determined to hunt down Myra and get some answers before I did another thing! It took me three days to track her down and I had to do it the old fashioned private eye way with a 24 hour stakeout and tailing them that eventually led me to the serpent's lair, literally. The Serpents Lair (wasn't that also the name of a late 70's video game?) was down in the basement of the old Psych building on the Rice University campus. In...
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If there is a worse day than New Years Eve to have an emergency at home, I don’t know what it is. The entire New Years weekend is fondly referred to by us working professionals as ‘amateur night’. Everyone drinks too much, and too many folks think they are ok enough to drive only to end up killing themselves or others in record numbers. Even the ones that stay at home end up playing with their firearms and shooting them up in the air, forgetting that what goes up must indeed come down. Or the...
The rest of the San Francisco trip was pretty much a blur, we shopped and went sightseeing every day, ate at a superb restaurant every night. No one wanted the visit to end and we all left little bits of our heart behind at that wonderful city by the bay. We’ve thought often about moving back there but the timing hasn’t ever been right to do so, although we certainly hope to someday and we all visit at least twice a year now. There was really now only two pieces left of important unfinished...
If there is a worse day than New Years Eve to have an emergency at home, I don't know what it is. The entire New Years weekend is fondly referred to by us working professionals as 'amateur night'. Everyone drinks too much, and too many folks think they are ok enough to drive only to end up killing themselves or others in record numbers. Even the ones that stay at home end up playing with their firearms and shooting them up in the air, forgetting that what goes up must indeed come down. Or...
The circus got off to a roaring start from the moment that I walked off the plane. A fellow in a good suit, expensive shoes and a chauffeur's hat was holding a sign with my name on it, 'Mr. P. Wells', or at least most of it. He asked for my Texas Driver's License and actually examined it closely (another sure sign that he was really FBI), then he grabbed my one carry-on bag and we were soon driving off towards downtown in a large black SUV that couldn't have screamed 'Government' more...
The rest of the San Francisco trip was pretty much a blur, we shopped and went sightseeing every day, ate at a superb restaurant every night. No one wanted the visit to end and we all left little bits of our heart behind at that wonderful city by the bay. We've thought often about moving back there but the timing hasn't ever been right to do so, although we certainly hope to someday and we all visit at least twice a year now. There was really now only two pieces left of important...
'The Club' itself was elaborately furnished for both antique style and comfort; clearly it was the major local playground for the very kinky and very rich. We had been advised that some but not all members belonged to the "10,000", and since we didn't know the passwords we shouldn't try to force any acquitances. Most of the members cheerfully greeted us, everyone male and female admired our ladies, who wasted little time in downing a few quick glasses of excellent champagne (there was a...
Fifty million dollars. No one wanted to turn it over to the Feds, even any of locally stationed ones we were fairly comfortable with. It wasn't their money; they had done nothing to earn it. They had never even dreamed of its existence and they would probably only waste it senselessly if they ever got their hands on it. There was agreement that a reasonable case could be made for seeing that SDPD got at least a piece of it. Officers had died and been hurt in the line of duty fighting these...
It was at the beginning of the summer, circa 1985, and Pete had just returned home from university. He would have enjoyed spending the entire summer lazing around and taking it easy, but he needed a job. University was expensive and although his parents helped out with the bulk of the cost, they didn’t have the money to allow for anything other than the essentials. He wanted to earn some extra cash for clothing, movies, social events, and a myriad of other things that you can’t get without...
Eventually Janet L. Stickney [email protected] The first time I wore a dress I was eight. It was a Halloween party, and I went as Little Bo Peep. What did I know? I was just a kid at the time, but once I wore it, something came over me, which is when I found out I liked it, more than a little, and wore that outfit almost an entire week after the party, until mom finally told me to quit wearing it. The next time came when I was 12, and once again, I became a storybook...
Sahi and I have been friends for as long as I would care to remember. It’s been a relationship that is almost right out of a sitcom, best friends that love each other more than anything else in the world but are afraid that accepting and acknowledging it would ruin the special bond they share. I suppose both of us have known for an eternity how much we both love each other but still we choose to turn a blind eye and treat each other as nothing more than friends. I remember the first day I saw...
Hello everyone Rahul 24 m from Mumbai, height 5ft 10 inch cock size 7 inch, back again with my another story which happened with my Punjabi reader Gurpreet Kaur (name changed as suggested by her). Thanks a lot everyone for appreciating my first story which is https://www.Indiansexstories.Net/desi/bhabhi-ka-dairy-milk-tastes-perfect/ Bhabhi’s and girls hope your pussy is getting wet while reading this story and my dear male friends hope your pole must be so tight and rest moothmaar friends enjoy...
“I’m sorry, sir, for doubting your knowledge” the Office Communicator Instant Message from Allison said. She had earlier chosen not to take my advice on how to do something, and after wasting several hours and having to work late, had just now taken my advice. “That’s I’m sorry, MISTER Sir.” I typed back, with a smiley. “I’m sorry, MISTER Sir. So very sorry, MISTER Sir.” She typed back. “Ok, that’s better.” I replied. “I’m glad we’ve had this little chat!” “I’m sorry, Mister Sir,...
Hi everyone. Mera naam minu hai. Main ek housewife hoon. Meri age 42 hai. Meri shadi kaafi young age mein hi ho gayi thi. Shadi ke baad hi main husband ke sath Mumbai aa gayi. Mere husband 45 age ke hain. Shadi ke 1 saal mein hi hamara ek beta bhi ho gaya tha. Aaj mera beta 21 saal ka ho gaya hai. Anyway jyada bore na karte hue, main direct kaam ki baat pe aati hoon. Shadi ke pahle se hi mujhe sex bahut pasand tha. Shadi se pahle bhi 2 ladkon se main chudwa chuki thi. Jaanti thi ki shadi to...
Connoisseur of Cocks By Cal Y. Pygia Some girls like men's asses and, I must admit, they're nice - nice to look at, nice to spank, nice to massage, nice to kiss. There's nothing wrong with a man's butt, but, for me, its his cock and balls. There's nothing sexier. What do I like about a man's genitals? Everything! (What's not to like?) I admit that I prefer a circumcised prick. I love the way that, without the foreskin, the glans is always exposed. I love the bubblegum-pink,...
After Daniel's group mouth-fuck at the pool, he went to the tanning boothas John had instructed. He was just about to get started when Justinentered behind him; a big smile pasted across his face as he stared atDaniel's naked body."John wants me to oil you up," he stated as he grabbed a bottle of lotionfrom the shelf.Daniel didn't move. "I can do it myself," he insisted, glaring at Justin."Shut up and lie down," Justin ordered.Daniel lay on the bed remembering when he'd tried to resist...
Disclaimer: This is my third story, and the first draft got deleted when I accidentally refreshed the page. So apologies if this was not as good as the original draft, you never read it anyway... All photos belong to Miley Cyrus or their rightful owners. And so we begin...Wonder how she went from a sweet, innocent girl to become the queen of twerking? Well, it might have something to do with her parents and Liam... but I have to admit that I was the other part of the reason.I was the...
Hi my name is David and I am a 22 year old man who's now just startingto really enjoy watching his young wife with much older men.Now this is my first story about what happened the very first time thatI had ever watched my young wife with a much older man.I was sitting in my chair and getting bored while waiting for my wife toget dressed. So I then called out. "Come on Jenny hurry up, or we willbe late for your little office party."I then heard my wife Jenny answer me from upstairs. "Ok, I'll...
Her darkest hour ... Her recollections. My Master Bill has told me to write down my recollections about the night I was my natural self and a whore of the worst kind; so here goes. As you know he took me to the woods where I was bound and gagged and fastened to a tree; well the simple act of being bound in the manner he did made me feel so sexually alive my cunt betrayed me by flooding with juices before he even touched me, I can still recall the way the binding on my wrists to my elbows...
Part # 2 I had Kathy completely undressed except for her little white thong and I asked her stay that way as we ate dinner. She sat at the table as I served her dinner and told me: "OK! If that's what you want Lou. I'll just hang my clothes over the kitchen chair. I took them and neatly laid then over the chair not in use. I was topless but still had on my jean short. So I wiggled out of them and was now naked except for my dark blue thong. I keep my body tight by working out 3 times a week and...
LesbianLike most everyone, my husband and I have a favorite place we like to go for a cocktail after work or for a night out. One afternoon, about 4 years ago my husband I met for a drink at our normal place. It was fairly busy and the only seats were at the bar. We sat down and ordered our drinks. Before long the very handsome, older guy sitting next to me started up a conversation. He was one of those nice looking, in shape older men and you could tell that he was a successful man. I was attracted...
SwingerHelen discovered, at their age of fourteen, Bob had no idea of even the concept of money. One could question what teenager really does, but between the ages nine to eighteen years, Bob was being paid a minimum of £A500 and up a hit, which at that time, in the mid to late '50s, was the going price of a three bedroom brick bungalow in the inner suburbia of the most expensive real estate city of the country. Mother Harrison in her heyday had him doing three to four hits a week. Bob simply...
They stumbled inside, laughing and joking, and somehow ended on the carpet in the living room. The game had been incredible, they had stuffed their faces with hot dogs and they had spent their evening in a dive, drinking and singing with other fans. “Fuck, this was the most amazing night out in forever, Alex,” Aron said breathily, as somehow he managed to disentangle himself from Carter’s limbs, only to adjust his position and make his placeholder of a husband spread his legs so they could...
When Tabitha was sixteen, she lost her virginity to Ralph, the head boy of her brother’s all-male school. He wasn’t particularly keen – he was quite happy rummaging around in her knickers and wasn’t expecting to get his dick inside a girl until he went to university, but she more or less insisted.After all, they had been going out together for several months and people assumed they had done it, which was what really mattered. It was all about image, and Ralph was captain of the rugby team and...
Oral SexThe Body Swap Clinic: I'll Guess I'll Have to Adapt By Allison Pettman 2003 "A girl should never ask a man out." this saying is popular and most girls believe it, what a load of bullshit thought Grace Ratcliffe. Grace was not one of the hottest girls in her school but she still pretty hot. Grace was pretty much underrated, Grace is a beautiful 14 years old, has brown hair that just passes her shoulders, about 150cms tall, has lovely hazel eyes, B-Cup developing breasts and a...
It was 3am. She sat alone on the only barstool still left in place, inhaling deeply and smiling as if to congratulate herself on a successful party. The empty room smelled of a mixture… It was 3am. She sat alone on the only barstool still left in place, inhaling deeply and smiling as if to congratulate herself on a successful party. The empty room smelled of a mixture of wine and whiskey with a splash of vanilla from a nearby smoldering candle. A parade of various shaped half empty...
SwingerA royal salute, to the creator of this web site and publishers of the great stories and fantasies. I am a daily visitor to this fabulous site and have been inspired to put down my experience with a maid at my uncle’s place. I used to work for my uncle at his construction company when I was 29. I was given a flat to stay near to the flat where my uncle and family stayed. One labour family was very close to us, who stayed at our construction site. The father and mother worked as labour at the...
Offering my nephew a helping hand, cunt, ass and mouth: I am a 50 yrs old housewife. I have a23 yrs old nephew who has just graduated and was preparing to start a career. One day he came to visit me. My husband was away so I asked him to spend the night in my place. I have a habit of sleeping while watching TV so he kept watching it while I went into deep sleep. As he told me later, my dress went up so he was able to see my voluptuous thighs. My underpants shifted so he was able to see the slit...
IncestWas sure he was now interested, or at least curious about what it would be like to receive a blow job. The fact that we were both horny made me more confident of that. Told him am horny as all get out and sure need to get off. Hap said never had a guy do anything like that to me but think a couple of times guys wanted to just by the way they kept looking at me. Had noticed he had started moving his hand along his cock shaft a bit faster than before, if he kept that up knew he would shoot a load...
Gay"Ummm..." Lisa sighed into my mouth as she reached between us. The thirteen year old girl smiled at me, nodding her head and she had the most amazing hazel eyes. Her auburn hair was beautiful too, not very long, but kind of loose and wild around her cute face. Her breasts were small, just hard bumps topped with incredible nipples. I loved her nipples, all puffy and dark now that I'd been rubbing and kissing them for almost an hour. Lisa had a soft, warm body too and I held her perfectly...