A Flawed DiamondChapter 10 free porn video

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Six female forms stepped out of the house as Brock's SUV pulled into the driveway – behind Merie's identical model.

The Fearsome Foursome (Jen, Susan, Melanie and Tara) were a little nervous about meeting Chastity Durant. In fact, they were more nervous about meeting Chastity than they were about meeting Randi Raver.

Randi was far more famous but Susan had assured everyone that, underneath, she was just a normal teenaged girl. Chastity was an unknown. They had seriously underestimated Chastity more than once. First they didn't realize how quickly she would carve out a niche in Brock's life – a niche that almost all of them once thought rightfully belonged to one of them.

Then they were completely blindsided when she and Brock had parted. The fact that she had hurt Brock meant she would have to go a long way to gain their favor. The same way Meredith Van Landingham would have to go out of her way before they would accept her again.

The moments after Brock left for the airport had been tense at his house. Meredith had done her best to act as though they were back in their teens. The group had put up with this for as long as they could. Still, everyone was surprised when it was Tara who snapped first.

"You don't get it," she said in a harsh voice. "You're not our friend, Merie. You were never my friend and after what you did to Brock, you might not ever be. You were gone. You had put yourself away and you didn't have to watch what you'd done to him. I know I don't have room to talk after what I did but I'm not going to stand here and let you pretend that everyone here is your best buddy."

"I'm not trying to pretend that," Meredith protested.

"Yes, you are," Tara said. The other girls had shared a look and decided to let Tara say what needed to be said. In the car on the way up, they had discussed the situation and had agreed that they wouldn't gang up on anyone – Brock or Meredith. They decided to hold firm to that resolve as much as they didn't want to.

"You sent him back to where he was when he got there," Tara continued. "You didn't even have the guts to tell him face to face. Then you were gone. Just flat, fucking gone, for years. For the last seven years, he has wondered about you. He has worried about you. But you didn't even have the decency to let him know that you were OK. You didn't have the decency to let him know that you hadn't committed suicide. You know that's what he thought, don't you?

"When your dad told him you were gone he thought that you'd killed yourself. Now you just show up here and act as though you didn't send his world crashing down on him again. We almost lost him. He had decided he was going to go live in a cabin in the woods and avoid people for the rest of his life. Can you imagine that, Meredith? I can't. I can't imagine what my life would be like without Brock Miller in it. So for his sake, we'll put up with you. For some ungodly reason he still thinks the world of you. So we'll put on our best face and hang around with you while we're out here. But if you think we're friends then you had best, by God, think again."

Meredith closed her eyes to stem the flow of tears. She didn't know why she was crying. She had expected nothing less. She not only had abandoned Brock but also the rest of the group.

"Merie, I know you did what you needed to do," Susan said, "but you didn't think about what it would do to the rest of us. Of all of us, I think I understand that reasoning best of all. We all need to get to know each other again. Once we do, it might go back to where we were before. It's not like we can flick a switch and just forgive you for leaving so abruptly. Just like you can't flick a switch and forgive us for the pain we put Brock through in the past. You see, that's the one thing that we all have in common. We all care about him. We all know exactly how fragile he is."

"I think you're wrong," Randi said. She had been leaning on the counter watching the byplay. Suddenly all eyes turned to her. "I don't think he's fragile. I think he maybe once was but not anymore. I think you've all probably had a hand in making sure he's better now. But he is better. I'm not saying his feelings can't get hurt or that he's immune to pain but he's not a little boy who needs to be protected from the big, bad world. I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe the relationship he and I have doesn't really let me see the real him.

"Still, I don't think he lets Meredith hang out here because of some sense of nostalgia. I think he has come to genuinely like the person she has become. I know I like her. She's like a cool older sister, you know. But I also know that Brock has no trouble standing up for himself. I was right outside the second time Meredith showed up here. He told her a lot of what you just did. He said he can't let her insinuate herself into his life unless they were going to be equals.

"That means she doesn't show up unannounced and then leave like a thief. That means he can contact her when he wants to chat just as easily as she can contact him. I didn't really understand a lot of it until Meredith put it into context for me. I can understand why you're mad but I think you should try to understand that Meredith didn't hurt anyone on purpose. She did what she did because it was the only way she could come up with to save her sanity."

Meredith gave Randi a friendly smile but the other four didn't look as though they were happy with Randi's assessment.

"I spend more time with Brock than any of you," Randi pointed out. "I see him almost every day and I talk to him almost every day when he's on the road. You may think I'm full of it but I'm around him enough to know that none of you is blameless when it comes to Brock. I also know that each of you also played a big role in helping him find the person he's become."

"I guess you're right," Jen said, surprising everyone by being rational. "I think some of it is because I was just as hurt as Brock was when Meredith disappeared. We were friends, Merie, but I guess we weren't close enough friends for you to come to us when you needed help."

"We weren't," Meredith said. "The truth is, I wasn't even close enough with Brock to go to him for help. Looking back, I wish I would have done things differently. I'm sure all of us feel that way. If I would have thought of how this would affect him, I probably would have. But at the time, all I could focus on was me. Brock and I have started to come to terms with how things were. We both know things probably won't ever go back to what we once had. So we're trying to become something new. I hope we can all try that – for Brock's sake as much as anything else.

"That's why I'm determined to be nice to Chastity when she arrives. I got a firsthand look at him right after they split up. That's what made me put away my fears and talk to him. In some ways, Randi is correct. He is stronger than we give him credit for. In other ways, he still fears that everyone he cares about will eventually abandon him. I know I'm to blame for part of that. But outside of Melanie, we all had a hand it."

"I had a hand in it, too," Melanie said softly. "When I finally figured out that he and I weren't going to be together, I ran off and got married just to spite him. It was stupid and I know it. Hell, I knew it then. I relished the look on his face when I told everyone. So I guess we're all in the same boat."

"Not me," Randi said brightly to try to lighten the mood.

"No, you're in the opposite boat," Meredith said with a slight smile. "You're the one he wishes would go away."

Randi's smile wavered slightly but Susan put her arm around her.

"Don't worry, we've all been in that boat, too," she said. "It won't be long before you're just as indispensable to Brock as we are."

Randi raced to the vehicle when she saw J.C. Michaels exit the backseat. The others hung back, four of them wondering who the stranger was.

"J.C.!" Randi screamed as she gave the startled man a hug. The girl had grown quite a bit in the nine months since he'd seen her.

"Hi, Randi," he said, giving her a small hug and then pulling away. He knew photographers hung out in parked cars at the gate with their long lenses trained on the house. He didn't see any when they arrived but the last thing he wanted was to be viewed as a predator.

Brock picked up both J.C. and Chastity's suitcases to carry to the house.

"I can get that," J.C. insisted, hoping to break away from Randi's embrace.

"Not until you get your shoulder looked at," Brock said softly so as not to be overheard. He stopped on his way into the house to give all the women stationed there a kiss on the cheek. It did not go unnoticed that Meredith got one, too.

"Folks, this is J.C. Michaels," he said. "He is the guy who actually owns this house. He's in L.A. for a while so he's going to stay here, too."

"My Dad and I were big fans when you were here," Meredith said, extending her hand. "We were really sad when they traded you – except when we found out who they got in return."

J.C. laughed and chatted with Meredith about some of the games he'd played while with the Dodgers.

The group was still trying to figure out the sleeping arrangements when Brock's cell phone chirped. He glanced at it to see it was Al Perez who had called.

"Hey, Al," Brock said brightly. The buzz of activity at his house reminded him of how nice it was to have friends around.

"Hi, Brock," Al responded. "Esmi and I were planning a late supper over here and I thought I would call and invite you and Chastity out. You did get her from the airport, didn't you?"

"I got her," Brock assured Al. "But I picked up a straggler, too. J.C. Michaels is here – along with a half dozen of my friends from out of town. So I think a late supper is probably out of the question. Do you guys want to come over to say hi to J.C.? I think we're just going to order in some food and hang out for a while."

"J.C. is in town?" Al asked. "Is he just stopping in on his way to San Diego?"

"I'll let him tell you why he's here if he wants to," Brock replied. "I'm not sure he wants anyone to know. I hope you understand."

Al understood completely without Brock saying a word. There was some sort of medical problem that J.C. wanted looked at without the Indians – or the media – finding out.

"Let's plan a blowout tomorrow afternoon at my place," Al said. "Invite whoever you want."

"Why don't we do it here?" Brock asked. "You can bring the kids and they can swim. Plus, well, I know they're big fans of Chastity and Randi. We'll fire up the grill and that way Esmi won't have to clean up stuff while you're in San Diego for the game."

"I'm sure she'll appreciate that and I'm sure the kids would love to swim – not to mention spend time with people in the posters over their beds," Al answered. "What should we bring?"

"Just show up," Brock said. "It will be my treat this time."

He turned to the group after he'd closed his phone.

"If no one has other plans, I'm hosting a picnic tomorrow for my friends and for Al and Esmi and their kids," Brock announced.

"Cool!" Randi said. "Can I invite my Mom over?"

"Of course," Brock answered. "Meredith, would Sam like to spend the afternoon with Al and J.C.? I know you've said he was really appreciative of their talents."

Meredith considered her reply. Brock had accepted Sam's reasons for cutting off contact without explanation but she knew it hurt him that a man he'd considered a friend would push him away so easily. She knew it would hurt him more if he understood that it was her mother who had insisted that Sam cut off contact with Brock as a condition of their attempted reconciliation.

"I'll call and ask him," she decided. She had long known it was stupid of her mother to insist that Sam avoid Brock. She knew her father genuinely liked Brock. Jean had never quite gotten over the scene at the hospital many years before.

"Your Mom is invited, too, if you want," Brock put in.

"No, she's not," Meredith said. "This is a pleasant gathering of former and future friends. My mother falls into neither category."

"Your choice," Brock said and returned to his task of arranging sleeping assignments.

"Hey, Brock," J.C. said. "Where did you put my stuff? My contacts are drying out and I need my solution."

"Master bedroom," Brock said without looking up from his list.

J.C. laughed.

"I don't mind sharing quarters with you but I think you can find someone better to snuggle up to," he said.

Brock looked up questioningly before what J.C. said settled into his brain.

"No, you're in there alone," he said. "Or, well, you and someone else if they decide they want to share. I'm on the couch."

"It's your house now, Brock," J.C. said. "I'm just visiting. The couch is fine."

"Not until you get that $12 million body part checked out," Brock insisted. "I know you're still using the same type mattress in Cleveland because Stan called to check the manufacturer. If everything is good, we might switch up tomorrow night. By the way, the keys to my car are on the shelf. Do you need me to go with you in the morning?"

"I'm good but thanks," J.C. said. "I mean it. Thanks for everything. I admit I was a little surprised that you were still in town for the break. Most folks go home for a while. Then I remembered what I knew about you. This could have been really weird, you know. But it's not. Your friends act like they've known me all their lives and you've been really nice about having me crash your reunion."

"We're all glad to have you here," Brock said sincerely. "I've been looking forward to getting to know you for a while. Stan Balsam said we have a lot in common. Al says you're one of the nicest people he ever met."

Despite his itching eyes, J.C. sat down across from Brock.

"How are you getting along with some of the others?" he asked. J.C. had not developed more than one or two friendships in his time in Los Angeles. He just hadn't fit in. In Cleveland, it was completely different. It was nothing to have half the team over to his rented townhouse for a video game tournament or just to drink a beer and watch a movie.

Brock shrugged. He was in the same situation as J.C. had been. Outside of Al Perez, he had no other close friends on the team. The team's catcher was a nice guy who had gone out of his way to be nice to the rookie. The team's first baseman was the same way. But he wasn't really close to them.

A few players went out of their way to ignore Brock. He had harsh words with the third baseman at the opening of Spring Training and the man hadn't spoken to him since. Brock didn't have to wipe away tears when he thought about being snubbed.

A few other players seemed nice but they had nothing in common. He didn't enjoy the same activities and their personalities were far different. It was much the same with the coaching staff. The Dodgers were a veteran team and the coaching staff had little interaction with the players.

"Al and I hang out," Brock said. "The rest of them, not so much. It's a mutual thing. They're all in their late 20s and early 30s. I'm the youngest guy on the team by almost three years. A couple of them made overtures at the start of the season about going to clubs and stuff. That's not really my thing. The others are married and want to spend time with their family. I've developed a relatively solitary life over the past few years."

J.C. laughed and glanced around at the group of women who were looking through a stack of magazines that Randi had brought over and laughing uproariously every few minutes.

"Yeah, I can see that," he joked. "It will get better in the next couple of months. Right now, they're bringing rookies up for a day or a week and then sending them down. Once the trade deadline deals shake out, there will be a couple of other younger guys up here. Those guys will look to you for how to interact with the veteran players. Al is a great guy, really solid. He is the one who helped me learn my way out here. Josh Hart and Wade Watson are solid, too. Cesar and Milton are pretty decent once you get to know them. I just, well, I just never really got into the life out here. I tried but things are a lot different here than what I'm used to.

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Am 28 yr experienced single delhi male. I m 6ft 70kgs clean Shavenwith ahtletic body. I have lots of wild n erotic fantasies and Trueexprnce which i wud like to share with like minded ppls. My e mail id is””… Main ab apko jo kahani sunane ja raha hu vo aksachhi ghatna hai. Mera pahla sexual exp 6 saal pahle ak couple(cpl) kesath hi hua tha. Main unke ghar main peing guest tha. Tabhi se mujhesirf three some yani 2 male 1 female main hee maza aata hai. Main ab tak4 cpl se mil chuka hu. Lekin kai...

4 years ago
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Anticipation and Fulfillment

Unusually for me, I never told Gary about my late-night webcam flash while he was asleep. I kept it to myself, probably because I was both surprised at myself and also a little ashamed. I had come so far from the shy, faithful wife and mother that I was for so many years.But I didn't regret a thing, well, apart from not starting to come out of my shell a lot sooner. Here I was in my sixties greedily searching for more and more sexual adventures, and being lucky enough to find them on a pretty...

2 years ago
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My Girl Kathy

It all started at my birthday party when her family and her came over to my party. She was wearing tight jeans and a sweater, and was looking very good. She came over and told me happy birthday and the whole bit. She gave me a hug and a little kiss on the cheek which of course drove me absolutely insane. As I sat at the table waiting for my cake she put her hand around me and she was standing right next to me and i was sitting so when i returned the favor my hand was right about her ass....

2 years ago
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Online Love Ch 01

One night I was on the computer just chatting with people, flirting with everyone, as is my style. In the room, a man caught my eye. His screen name was lover_of_women. Of course, I began flirting with him, but I let my chance with him slip through my fingers. He began going out with another girl, and I was simply left to watch even though I wanted him. A few weeks later, Mike broke up with this girl. I made my move quickly, I wasn’t letting this pass me up again. Immediately I messaged him,...

4 years ago
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Gini likes Gin and cock

Again: English isn't my mother tongue. Be nice, honest but constructive :) James was standing underneath the light cone of a street light, leaning against the pole and rolling up a joint with a lot of routine. He was a small slender guy with skinny arms and legs and although he wore glasses, his face was pretty which made him look much younger than the 28 years he was old. His frame underlined this youthful impression; James was very sporty, but not muscular. As Mike turned up in his roaring...

2 years ago
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Getting MedievalChapter 2

“So, who’s this, me bairn?” I heard a rather gravelly voice pose the query. Rising from the bed, whereupon I lay with Derwa, his daughter, I looked up to see a man who already had crouch in his back, probably due to malnourishment and long hours of smelting weapons and tools in the forge. It had to be Kenal, father of Derwa, and sure enough, it was. Given that I was naked, I could nearly have been any man to him, but my cleanliness raised obvious questions from the man. I had a shaved head...

4 years ago
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My wife, Desiree, and I were visiting in the home of two friends -- Mary and her husband Tom. The four of us had drunk quite a lot. Mary was a beautiful, eighteen-year old who was a sexy blonde with pear-shaped, upward-pointing breasts. She wore a tight T shirt with no bra. The outlines of her breasts and nipples were plain. Her very tight short shorts clung to her round butt. When she walked, her firm tits bounced and her sweet butt swung. I enjoyed watching...

3 years ago
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Gotta love a bomb threat, it got us out of school at ten. If it hadn't been so cold outside I would have headed for the mall to hang out but instead I just went home figuring to play some video games. I hadn't seen Becky on the bus so I thought I'd be home all alone but I was wrong. Becky could be bossy sometimes and I didn't want to deal with her telling me what to do all day so I though I'd just sneak up to my room. Entering the back door I could hear her typing away on the computer. I...

3 years ago
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My New Dildo

Last night, I was headed to the shower when i thought "This would be a great time to test out my new dildo". So I got it, and my lube, and got naked as fast as i could. I stuck the dildo to the side of the tub, got and my hands and knees, and started sucking it for about 5 minutes as i jerked myself off. I then got the lube and lubed it up nice and slow, building the suspense. I pressed it slowly into my tight hole, a little at a time. This was the first time i had something this big in my...

4 years ago
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Meine Padosen Didi Ko Choda

By : Loveugirlz Hi friends I’m Gurmeet from Delhi nick name is Guru. Ye meri iss per pehli story hai. Ki kese meine apni padosen didi ko choda. Pehle mein apko apne bare mein bata du. Mein du mein padhta hu. 6.2” height, good luking & having a big dick of 7” jo ki har ladki ki chahat hai. If any girl or bhabhi want friendship with mein vo mujhe email kar sakti hai . Ab mein apko apni padosen didi preeti ke bare mein batata hu very sexy and hot. 36 30 38 figure. Ab mein apni story per ata hu....

2 years ago
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Sylvias Sample Session

Sylvia stretched and enjoyed the Saturday morning feeling of not having to leap out of bed. She could still feel the cane lines on her bottom and the constant stimulus made her feel turned on. Her hands slid down to her crotch and she replayed the previous evening’s events in her mind as she rubbed. After she climaxed, she lay in the warm sheets enjoying the feeling of well-being.Eventually, she got out of bed and caught sight of her bottom in the mirror; the marks from the cane were still very...

1 year ago
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CuckoldSessions Karlee Grey 10022016

Karlee Grey’s boyfriend, Brad, is a freaky voyeur. There’s nothing he likes better than his significant other getting banged out by his black buddies. He’s a Southern Boy, and he knows the taboo factor raises significantly when a white girl is getting down with the Brothas. Today he’s invited Rico Strong and JC Power over for a “gamer session”…but he’s got something up his sleeve. Karlee’s a slutty, busty babe who embraces Brad’s...

2 years ago
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1930s A Sex Story

Man, when you close your eyes, you can still remember the taste of being rich. You used to be the shit, to have moxie. Simply put, no other man in the 20s had more of a presence in New York high society than you, the one and only John Doe. Your father was born from a poor working-class family, of making it big as a theatre actor. As for your mother, she was...well, rich. And hot. She was rich and hot. Because of a clause in my narrating contract whoever, I am legally obligated to also mention...

1 year ago
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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 8

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 8 Par Loulou Note: cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. ***** Chapitre 29 - La Nouvelle Fille de l'Agence Le soir venu, Samantha rentra chez elle et attendit impatiemment Kathy. Quand elle arriva, elle trouva Sam si adorable dans son ensemble rose bonbon qu'elle ne put r?sister ? la tentation de la caresser. Comme Chris...

3 years ago
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My busty aunt Rebecca

Note: I reuploaded this because of fixing paragraphs, so that it will be more comfortable to read.“Sorry to bother you,” Emma repeated again.“It’s okay,” I smiled at her, “If anything happens again, call me.”With a wave of my hand, I turned around and walked down the street.It was a warm April day; a light breeze gently touched my face and body. I passed Jefferson Street, past the magnolia bushes. A sweetish smell hit my nostrils. Jackie lived here; she was my mother's work colleague. Once I...

1 year ago
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Thunder and LighteningChapter 19

During the drive to the house, Jerry was worried about how Jenny would take to the neighborhood. Jenny was trying to put on a brave face at going into such a dangerous part of town. Bill sat in the back watching the scenery pass by totally oblivious to the tension in the front seat. Jerry said, “Don’t worry about the neighbors. You’ve already met Martin and Abe at the store.” Trying to hide her concern, Jenny smiled back and said, “I’m not worried.” “Right,” he replied knowing how worried...

2 years ago
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Pickup Loop HoleChapter 9 Tess Educates

Tess and I were cuddled together in the afterglow of sex. I had returned from a forty-hour mission on Earth picking up some artifacts and an experienced dog handler—a medically-retired Air Force woman. The Air Force can't use anybody minus both legs, one arm and most of her face. Tech Sergeant Candice "Candi" Crossman was in medical being rebuilt. I was staving off neo-adrenaline backlash and forty-four hours of fatigue—I had been on the go without sleep for two days. I had been making...

1 year ago
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California Business Trip Ch 03

That whole day at work I was useless, I couldn't concentrate, my mind kept wondering what my wife was doing. I didn't know what was happening at my sister-in-law's house. Perhaps my nightmare was over, one night of my wife fucking another man was all I'd have to deal with... perhaps not. My mind kept coming back to the worst possibilities.I returned from work that first day to my nightmare confirmed. My wife and Todd were out by the pool, laying in the shade of an umbrella naked. My wife was on...

1 year ago
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Dream Came True With Mature Woman

Hi, I am kiran from bangalore, karnataka. I’m 28 years old with athletic body and white in complexion with a hot rod of 8” inch which is sufficient to satisfy any woman and I am basically a lover of big boobs and mature woman.   Any aunties interested in sexual satisfaction and want to chat or have fun can contact me I can assure you 100% satisfaction and secrecy maintained– “ ”   This incident happened last june with neighbor aunty asha(name changed) who is widow and she was 35 that time....

2 years ago
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Mausi Ki Pyaas Bujaai

Hi everyone. Mera naam shlok hai aur iss par yeh mere 1st story hai waise toh mein is site ka regular reader hu. Aap mujhe apni feedback ya contact karna chahte ho toh par kijiye. I wil also satisfy any kind of girl or women with pleasure. Mein mumbai ka rehne wala hu. Story aise start hothi hai. Mere mom ki 3 sisters hai aur jo mere chotti mausi hai woh mujhse sirf 5 saal badi hai age mein aur unka naam hai meghna bohot gori beautiful aur hot figure hai uska. Waise i m 23 yrs old. Meghna...

4 years ago
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Case Of The Missing Inmates

CASE OF THE MISSING INMATES It just another sunny warm day in the great state of NEWYORK. Olivia Stalling and her partner Officer Stacy Mack had just startedon their way upstate to pick up two inmates for and up coming trial hearing.They were to bring the two lady inmates back for the trial. The prisonwhere they were housed was a maximum security facility where only the hardestoffenders were kept such were Mary Cross and Cindy Banks both in for brutalsex crimes and each in for 25years. They...

2 years ago
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Through a Glass Dimly Book 3Chapter 2

"Mitch, let us go first. We have the training. Stay close. You're our backup. Watch our backs for surprises." He wasn't happy but nodded. We snuck into the yard and to the side of the house. There was an open window. Ben pointed at it and at himself. I nodded. I went to the back door and tried the handle. To my surprise, it wasn't locked. I opened it carefully watching for traps but saw none. I went inside followed closely by Mitch. They had Melody stripped to the waist and were laying...

4 years ago
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Surrendering to BBC

You catch my attention from across the empty locker room. I am sitting on the bench, tying my shoes you emerge from the shower room. My eyes drift over your muscular body, glistening under the lights. I feel a stirring inside my belly as I realize that I am staring at you. I try to break my gaze but my eyes are now fixed on your exposed cock and balls.Like the rest of you, your cock is quite an eyeful. It is clear, even from a short distance, that you aren’t even remotely hard and, even...

2 years ago
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The Flesh Is StrongChapter 4

Shirley drove the sedan up the driveway, and parked to the right of the garage. It's interesting, she thought, getting out, what silly traditions families build up. They had a garage ... but never put the car in it. Why? Well ... just because. There was space for two cars side by side outside the one-car garage, and neither she nor Tom wanted to appear weak by insisting they couldn't deal with the weather, thus... She felt wet snow fall on her nose, and looked up into the sky. Yup. She was...

2 years ago
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Distant CousinsChapter 7

The party was in full swing, with a modicum of celebrities from the sports world and the entertainment industry, and unfortunately also, their cadre of hangers-on, which included a few drug pushers. Cocaine was the optimum drug choice for two main reasons: it didn't emit aromas that might serve as probale cause, and only a "consumption amount" was there, easy to flush, if necessary. Stuffy neighbors are more likely to rat out these types of parties when they are not invited, and they...

3 years ago
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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 140

I was up early and had a light breakfast before going to the oval desk. I was there even before Connie and Troy arrived. I practiced tonight’s speech on the teleprompter; I was satisfied with the speech. Aides started arriving with notes and information I needed to look at. One of them stated that Oregon’s legislature had worked until midnight. I wondered if burning the midnight oil was moving towards a solution or just for show. Twelve more hours would tell. Another extended email was from...

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Pins and Needles

You follow your master on your hands and knees along the cold hard floorof the dimly lit corridor. Your knees ache dully as you struggle over thehard surface. You sigh with discomfort as the thought enters your mind thatyou are in for far worse. The leash tugs against your collar as you Masterstriding slowly beside you urges you on with a sharp pull as you all behinda little. You reach the door at the end of the corridor, a hidden passageform the bottom of the wine cellar of the house. The door...

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Two Fantasies

Two Fantasies Mitch Struthers picked up his favourite fountain pen, paused for a moment and then hastily scrawled his signature on the line his lawyer indicated. He gave a sigh of satisfaction and relief and felt that a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. This weight was immediately replaced by another as his wife, Andie, flung her arms around his neck and gave him a crushing hug. "Congratulations Mitch," said his lawyer as he extended his hand for a firm shake. "The money...

2 years ago
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Somali MILF In Ottawa

Adam Stanford sighed as he sat inside the office of Dr. Yasmin Hussein on the third floor of the Bank Street office building overlooking Parliament Hill. Located in downtown Ottawa, the good doctor’s office was in a prime location. Tall, lean and athletic, with dark brown skin and curly Black hair, Adam Stanford was a fine specimen of man, but he was also troubled. The young Jamaican had been restless lately, and it had nothing to do with his demanding job at the call center or his studies in...

3 years ago
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Good Day At The Massage Parlour

Hi, You must be have read some of my stories that I have posted on ISS. All the sex stories that I post are real and there is no fiction in these stories. As mentioned before, I am a 48-year-old man. I love my massage, whether clean or with a happy ending. When I am tired and my muscles need healing, I go for the regular bellaniese massage, and when I feel horny, then I go for the other kind of massage. Coming back to the story, on this day I was not feeling like going for a standard massage...

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Fly Blackbird Fly

Derek could not believe it. Standing in the performing area of his bar were the three surviving members of the greatest rock band in the world: The Beatles. The thirteen or fourteen patrons were all just as surprised as Derek at this wonderful, but unexpected, surprise. A supposedly normal Tuesday night of beers and chicken wings turned into a reunion of mythical proportions. The Beatles were here and for all practical purposes looked like they might do a set. Paul, George, and Ringo had...

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It is a beautiful autumn day a week before the big game with the homecoming dance afterward.Rebecca is a freshman at this college who is cute as a button but, oh, so shy. She is five feet tall with long red hair and bright green eyes. She is curvy and could stop traffic if she really wanted to. But she dresses for comfort not to impress anyone. There are enough other girls that dress to get attention.She has decided to go ahead and invest in a sexy off the shoulder red dress for Homecoming. She...

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