ComrieChapter 14 free porn video

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2200 Day 641 Afghanistan – 1430 Day 641 Comrie

As the soldiers were preparing to go to bed at Comrie, Caoilinn's group was watching a C130 land near the bandit's warehouse. Earlier the Star Fighters had detected it when it crossed the Pakistan border at low altitude. A flight of Star Fighters circled around and approached it from the rear. In this position, they could monitor their electronics while confirming its identity. The C130 did not have any markings.

When it began its descent, a series of lights appeared along the wide road near the warehouse. Sabrina said, "Caoilinn, do you see any lights along the road?"


"Well we see some, although they aren't very bright."

Rusty said, "Are you all ready for them?"

"Yes," replied Caoilinn. "The crates are loaded on the truck and it is in its normal position. While they are being loaded, the plane's transponder will be adjusted. Edana's group is monitoring the loading area. Darcy's group is monitoring the approaches. Wish we had some of the lions."

"They'd've been a very good addition, however they are not a total solution."

"Agree. I noticed their transponder isn't on, which is consistent with what we learned from Chuck."

"The plane is touching down," said Sabrina.

Sixty minutes later Caoilinn said, "Loading is complete and it is departing."

"Dóchas FOC, have someone follow it," said Rusty.

Dóchas FOC said, "Eagle01, tail the C130 and monitor communications. Keep your sensors active as there will be other traffic."

"Copy, we are on it."

Two hours later Eagle01 reported, "Dóchas FOC, C130 is being forced to land with two F-16s tailing it."

"Copy. Stay with them."


–-- –-- –--

0500 Day 643 Afghanistan – 2130 Day 643 Comrie

The next morning after breakfast Rusty said, "Muireann, what happened with the C130?"

"Good morning. It was forced to land at a US base as the transponder code was for plane that crashed several months ago. The pilots are being detained but the others are in lock up. The plane is supposedly leased by US intelligence, but no one is claiming it. The crates containing raw heroin probably have something to do with that. They found the bandits in the crates and they are being questioned. Chuck met with the Colonel this morning but it was brief and Chuck looked worried."


–-- –-- –--

0800 Day 643 Afghanistan – 0030 Day 643 Comrie

It was several hours after breaking camp on the last day of their mission when Captain O'Brien's unit saw the warehouse. The only indication of anyone there was the flat-bed truck parked near the loading dock. Even though they had been assured that it was empty, they approached as if it was occupied and defended.

Once the site was secure, Kurt, Sal and Leo went to the two shuttles containing their spouses. As soon as they stepped inside, they were surrounded by them and given hugs and kisses.

Darcy said, "I know you have to go back but it is so good to see and hug you."

"That it is," replied Leo. "Thanks for being there for us."

"Always," responded all their ladies.

"We'll come see you as soon as we can," said Kurt. They gave each one a last hug and kiss then stepped back outside.

As they did so the shuttles from Comrie arrived. When the cloaked shuttles set down, they took positions so that their passengers could exit without being easily seen. With the captives in the courtyard naked, Captain O'Brien had Sal's squad set off all three rescue beacons. Meanwhile the soldiers went through their packs looking for items the captives could wear.

Once the signal was sent, he went to Kaelee and without saying a word wrapped his arms around her. The two stood there for some time just holding each other before they relaxed.

In less than an hour, six Apache helicopters appeared, coming up the valley toward them. As soon, as they heard the helicopters Pat and Kaelee kissed and stepped apart. The helicopters stopped some distance away and hovered. Guessing at their hesitation Adam picked up the radio and made hand signs indicating it was broken. The lead helicopter dipped, acknowledging them, then they shifted positions to cover the area and still watch those on the ground.

Six Black Hawk helicopters arrived as a C-130 began circling overhead. As the Black Hawks approached, the Apache pilot informed Colonel Samuel of the radio issue. He quickly scanned the soldiers near the naked people and saw several he recognized. He said into the mike, "It is Captain O'Brien's unit. Reinforce their perimeter." When his helicopter set down, he let the soldiers exit before stepping out and motioning for them to come with him.

As the Colonel started toward him, Captain O'Brien walked out to meet him. As the Colonel looked at the group of semi-naked women and men, he wondered what the hell had happened. Just as Captain O'Brien saluted, he recognized some of them as the missing soldiers.

"I am sure the hell glad you came, Sir."

While Captain O'Brien was talking to Colonel Samuel, Adam and Todd went to get emergency blankets from the helicopters. Once the other soldiers saw what they were doing, they joined them and quickly found enough blankets so most of the ex-captives had some covering.

Colonel Samuel said, "Well initially there was a lot of head scratching in the Command and Air Rescue Center when those three rescue beacons went off. A lot more when someone realized we weren't supposed to have anyone in this area. When I saw your e-mail, it caught my attention right away, as we hadn't received any reports from you for a few days. After reading it I called the Ops Center to ask if they had any air crew rescue alarms they couldn't account for. They said yes, and asked how I knew. I just told him I would be there in a few minutes.

"I told my staff that I needed at least two squads for immediate departure and four would be better. Someone asked what the mission was. I replied, 'O'Brien's unit needs help. Meet me at the departure area with standard load'. By the time, I reached the door everyone the room was in an uproar as they responded. In the Ops Center, I told them I needed transportation immediately for up to 4 squads. The OIC demanded to know what the mission plan was and to see our orders. I told him that it was a rescue and we were responding to those rescue beacons as they were from our unit. I also told him that the significance of the three signals was that you needed reinforcements and medical support immediately. We were going, one way or another, just as soon as the squads from my unit began arriving. The OIC was about to blowup, when your friend walked in and saw me, his first words were, 'Is this about O'Brien's team'. As soon as I said yes, things suddenly changed. Several copter jockeys on standby had heard the exchange with the OIC. When they heard which unit was involved, they just picked up their gear and headed for the flight line where their crew chiefs were standing by. On the way out, one of them pulled the alert alarm.

"From what I heard, the pilots had a quick conference with their crew chiefs. The pilots started the pre-flights while the crew finished arming the weapons systems. It wasn't long after they started, the flight line became a beehive of activity as the other aircraft crews arrived. Following the lead of the crews on stand-by, they began preparing other helicopters. I must say Captain O'Brien; your team has one hell of a reputation. Once the word was out on who sent the distress call, there were no end of volunteers. And a good thing too, as the First Sergeant couldn't find a lot of our unit."

While the Colonel was talking, he kept scanning the area. He was pleased with what he saw. He had just finished talking when 4 more Black Hawk helicopters appeared, coming from the other end of the valley. Seeing Adam and Todd walking over toward the officers, Leo and Kurt sent soldiers to get the emergency blankets from these helicopters.

On exiting the helicopters, the medics began caring for the former captives. They checked their injuries then redressed them. Adam and Todd watched the activity surrounding them and received updates through their mind-link with their girlfriends.

Seeing Todd and Adam approach, Colonel Samuel motioned them and Captain O'Brien to step away from all the activity. When they were some distance away he said, "Guys, I suspect this is going to be a long debriefing. How about a short summary that I can give headquarters to keep them happy until we get back? We created quite a disturbance when we left, which is probably an understatement."

The three looked at each other, then Captain O'Brien nodded to Adam. He described their experiences since arriving in the valley, the attempt to capture them and then finding their people restrained in the warehouse. He then relayed what they had learnt from the captives regarding their treatment. When told of the amputations, Colonel Samuel glanced over toward the group and gasped as the lack of fingers registered. Adam watched and waited for him to deal with his emotions. When he did, Adam finished the outline, pointing out what the bandits did with the captives.

Once he stopped speaking the Colonel was quiet for a few moments then said, "Thanks, Sgt. O'Connell. Sgt. Jackson, do you have anything to add?"

Todd said, "From the captive's descriptions of conditions in the warehouse, it was pretty ugly. We haven't done a thorough search of it, as we've been focusing on taking care of them."

"Sgt. Jackson, tell one of the squad leaders the location of the place they were using to capture people. Tell them to take a helicopter and check it out. Sgt. O'Connell, get these people on board copters, including your squads, as all of you are going back."

"Yes, Sir," replied both.

Once the two had left Captain O'Brien added, "Lt. Allen told me that their location was switched at the last minute, although the mission was the same. From her description it was Colonel Matel from Intelligence and Chuck from the embassy. They are the same two who provided us with the change in location for our mission."

"How many are there here all together?"

"I believe there are 104. Thirty-four with me and 70 captives, but not all of them are soldiers. Of those who are not, all are women."

"Out of curiosity, did they say anything about an airplane?"

"Several commented about hearing comments by the bandits which indicated they were to be shipped out by air sometime soon. Which is puzzling as there isn't an airfield near here, although I guess they could use the road."


"Most of them were to be shipped to an auction where they would be sold as pleasure toys. Apparently in order to do that they were to be placed in crates about the size of large trunks and sedated. The men who weren't to be auctioned were to be taken to work in mines nearby. They presumed the mines are across the border."

Colonel Samuel turned on his head-set. He confirmed with the Black Hawk pilots that they were taking those rescued, along with Captain O'Brien's unit, back to base. However, they were to wait for his instructions before departing. He then pulled the satellite radio out of his pack and turned away from the activity.

Briana's and Cathan's Clans, with Adam and Todd in their mind-link, listened as Colonel Samuel connected to the Ops Center in Afghanistan and then to the Command Center in the States. He shared everything that Adam, Todd and O'Brien had told him. There was a discussion on how this information fit with the other information they had. He was told to have those rescued, and O'Brien's unit, taken directly to Hangar A1 where a transport would be waiting.

Adam and Todd watched Colonel Samuel approach where they waited with the helicopters. They already had a pretty good idea what he was going to say. He said, "Captain O'Brien, everyone, listen up. The helicopters will take you to Hangar A1 on base. As soon as the medics give the clearance, a troop transport will take all of you directly to our base in the states. The only intermediate stops will be for fuel only, at which time everyone will stay on the plane. The hospital stateside is being alerted, and all of you should expect to begin debriefing soon after the medics are satisfied."

As soon as he stepped back and gave the pilots the okay, the helicopters began winding up. In only a few moments, they were aloft and headed toward their base in Afghanistan.

Adam and Todd smiled at each other after they looked back. Two shuttles were following the Black Hawks. "Yes, we are following you. Two Star Fighters are along as well."

Once the helicopters were out of sight, Colonel Samuel walked over to the group of soldiers. "Gentlemen, you may wish you had stayed at the base. We will be here for a while and everything we do or find here is classified. I am going to tell you some things that could arouse your anger. You need to keep it under control and direct it where it counts." Noticing one remaining Black Hawk crew, he motioned for them to join the group.

"Air crews please patch in the Apache crews if you can. Now, listen up. All the information that we find on this site is classified top secret. The fact we are here and have recovered some captive Westerners should be widely known by now." Several chuckled. "Yea, we made a lot of noise when we left."

"This site was used by a group of bandits who sold the people they captured to slavers. They were currently specializing in capturing and training Westerners to be sex toys or slaves. Many went to an auction out of the country. Some were paid for by a Westerner living in Kabul. Some of those that fell into their clutches were fellow soldiers, in particular those from TTC units. A few of you noticed the captive's hands." Several looked questioningly and then realized what they had seen. "Yes, they were all missing their little fingers. They were forced to watch as they were removed." The anger showed in the hardened faces of the group.

"Now we need to carefully go over this site looking for clues. Work in pairs, no better yet, work in threes. One person takes notes on what you find and where you found it. Be careful you don't miss something. We are interested in names and locations. Who were the victims? Where were the captives sent? Who supported this operation? Who were the customers? Send out patrols to see if there are any caves nearby and cautiously check them out." He paused letting it all sink in. "If you meet any resistance deal with it, no restrictions.

"Two Black Hawks are bringing enough gear that we can stay a couple of days. Those not in my unit tell the Master Sergeant so he can have you temporarily reassigned.

"Does anyone know Chuck, the civilian that works with the spooks?"

"Yes, sir. The head of his unit was looking for him late yesterday. It seems a civilian was at the gate with a box for him."

"Box? What did they do with it?"

"The supervisor went to the gate and picked it up. I heard that when they opened it in the section they found it was full of bloody bags. In each bag was a dog tag and two fingers." It dawned on him what he said. "Oh, shit. They were theirs."

"Quite possibly. I have a suspicion this is not the only operation like this. So let's get to work while it's still light. We might want to search the grounds for possible graves or burial pits. Sargent Schmidt, when the Apaches get back tell the pilots to keep three at the ready at all times. If they're up and see a target, do what's necessary."

"Yes, sir."

"Sargent Thomas, set up a security perimeter. We don't want any surprises."

"Yes, sir. Weapons rules?"

"No restrictions, but make sure of your targets. There could be civilians in the area."

–-- –-- –--

Seeing Colonel Samuel had the site follow up well under way, the last two shuttles quietly left. The one with Sarah's Clan headed toward Dóchas. Sarah said to those with her, "We ought to relax for a couple of days. We have been going almost non-stop for several days."

"Sounds like a great idea to me," said Joyce as she yawned.

When Caoilinn heard Sarah's suggestion she said, "Sarah's Clan, we would prefer to follow them back to the States. We would feel much better if we saw them safely back. During the trip, we can switch off resting."

"That is fine. Keep Intelligence appraised of your status."

"Aye, we will."

"Sarah's Clan," said Danny, "we would like to assign drones to monitor four people in Washington, DC and possibly two others. We may need to add bots as well."


"Each of the locations appears very frequently in our data analysis, either by phone number or IP address. Traffic on both increased around the time that any of the known events involving the slavers occurred. Recently there was a significant increase in traffic about the time the C130 was forced down."

"Do it," they said. "Why not put a packet sniffer on the Internet line? And, record the calls."

"The phone calls are double encrypted. There appear to be sensors on these lines looking for packet sniffing."

"Looks like someone has done their homework. How are you going to get around sniffers in the office?"

"Since the monitors only transmit when outside, we will rotate monitors. It creates a delay, but don't see another option."

"We agree with your choice. Nice work."

1600 Day 643 Afghanistan – 0830 Day 643 Comrie

As the Black Hawk helicopters lifted off with those rescued and O'Brien's unit, they were joined by four Apaches and four other heavily armed Black Hawks. Adam, Todd, Leo, Kurt, and Sal were amazed to see this much support. Their girlfriends told them that from what their systems were telling them, their arrival would be interesting.

When they neared their base, the helicopters were directed to Hangar A1, which was the VIP hangar. Even though they were over the base their escorts continued to hover and monitor the surrounding area. The Black Hawks hovered and only one approached the landing area one at a time with the others held back. As each landed the pilot turned it so no one could see the passengers exit. Laurin understood why the pilot had done it as the blankets didn't cover very much. Before exiting she kissed the crew chief and patted the pilots' shoulders then blew them a kiss when she was on the ground. This set an example for the others who followed her out although the men chose to offer a salute.

Once on the ground they waited then walked together into the tent, where they found several nurses and doctors waiting along with a selection of clothes. The nurses and doctors were shocked to see them just drop the blankets as they checked their wounds. After checking their injuries the soldiers began sorting through the clothes. Several tired putting on uniforms but they felt too tight and uncomfortable. Eryn then tried a sari and found it very comfortable. The other women followed her lead and they were all soon dressed in saris. The men found loose shorts and shirts that felt reasonably comfortable.

"Eryn, Laurin, Kaelee, you look great in those," said Captain O'Brien. "I don't think I have seen dresses like those around here."

"Sir," said the supply Sergeant, "they showed up in one of our shipments. We don't know why, but they seem to have found an excellent use."

"Yes, they have."

Captain O'Brien's unit changed into clean fatigues while waiting for the others to finish. A Master Sergeant stepped into the tent once everyone was dressed. "When you are all ready, we have hot-packs in the next section along with tables where you can eat. As soon as you're finished, the air crew on the troop transport is ready to depart for the States."

They had just finished eating when a General and several officers came into the tent. Before anyone could move, he said, "At ease." His expression changed just for a moment as he began to look at each person in the room. "Captain O'Brien, based on the reports we are receiving, all of us owe you a big thank you."

"Begging your pardon General Emory," said Captain O'Brien. "If it was not for the unusual abilities of this team, we would not be here. A good part of the credit for our success is due to Adam, Todd, Leo, Sal, and Kurt's insight and their ability to anticipate events. That, and the way they all work together, made our accomplishments possible."

"Well apparently you had help, if we can believe what we have been hearing. The chatter among the terrorists is that they were attacked by a group at least four times your size, with some kind of weapons that flashed like lightening. They also spoke of naked women and men appearing and disappearing in the middle of the valley."

It was quiet for a moment, then the General continued. "As soon as you're ready, the transport will take you back to the States. The only stop will be for fuel in the Azores. We would like all of you to stay on board the aircraft during the stop. Your families are being notified that you will be returning home shortly. Have a safe trip. To all of O'Brien's unit, thank you very much for finding our people."

The General went around the room to greet each person. Many times he had tears in his eyes as he talked to those that were missing fingers. As soon as he had met everyone, Captain O'Brien nodded to the squad leaders. They began gathering up their things ready to board the aircraft. Seeing what they were doing, the others followed them out into the waiting airplane.

Once they were all inside the aircraft, the rear door was raised and a tug pulled it away from the hangar toward the ramp. Once clear of the bystanders the engines began to wind up, before the tug had even stopped. After a short pause for the tug to disconnect, the aircraft began to taxi toward the runway.

"Everyone please fasten your seat belts," said the Crew Chief. "Looks like we are on our way." Just as he said that they felt the aircraft slow and turn. It began accelerating even before it had straightened up on the runway. Adam, Todd, Sal, Kurt, and Leo enjoyed the multiple viewpoints as they could see what those on the shuttles were seeing as well.

–-- –-- –--

1000 Day 644 Afghanistan – 0230 Day 644 Comrie

Those on the transport had dozed off and on until they began their approach to Lajes Field Azores. On landing the plane was directed to taxi directly to the fueling area. Those on board took turns looking out the windows. They could see a contingent of Air Police vehicles surrounding their aircraft. When the rear door began to open they were startled. With the door down, the Crew Chief and Load Master slid two large boxes on board then tied them down.

O'Brien, Adam and Todd, were puzzled by the activity, as it had been stated several times that they were to be the only ones on the plane. The rear doors closed and soon the engines wound up again. The aircraft was soon in the air. Todd heard a click from one of the boxes as the cabin pressurized.

"Adam did you hear a click from the crate?"

"Yes. Briana, what can you determine about these two crates? I have an uneasy feeling."

While they waited for Briana to respond, they stepped over to the crates. They appeared to have been opened and then resealed. Todd was examining the labels when the Load Master came over and asked, "Is there a problem?"

"When the cabin pressurized, we heard a distinct click from one of these crates," responded Adam as the Crew Chief joined them. "Besides when we left Afghanistan, we were given the impression that we were going to be the only occupants."

"That's what I was told as well, but these were waiting for us at the base," said the Crew Chief. "I double checked the documents and they looked to be in order." Just then Todd pealed back a label. Underneath was stenciled "Nitrous oxide – Poison".

"Shit, that wasn't on the manifest."

Todd said firmly, "I suggest you have everyone put their emergency air packs on now," pushing his thoughts out with much more urgency than his voice conveyed.

"Todd, Adam, that fits with our perceptions of the contents for that crate. The other crate has a high density in the center. Both crates look like they contain some type of timing mechanism."

"Airman, have the pilot slow the plane so we can lower the ramp."

"What? We can't do that."

"Give me your headset and then start getting masks on everybody. What's the pilot's name?"

"Colonel Gordon."

Captain O'Brien had walked over to them by now. "What's up?" said O'Brien. Todd just pointed to the label.


"Colonel Gordon, this is Sergeant Adam O'Connell. We have a problem back here."

"Where is the Crew Chief or Load Master?"

"Right now, they are passing out emergency air packs."


Adam repeated his comment and added, "You might want to put yours on as well. One of those two crates you picked up at the Lajes AFB contains Nitrous oxide."

"What two fucking crates?"

"The Load Master was given two crates to load during refueling at Lajes. He and the Crew Chief said the manifest was all in order. Our real concern is that we heard a click in the crate with the Nitrous oxide label when you passed 10 thousand feet." He paused. "Sir, I really think we ought to dump them and be quick about it."

Before Adam quit speaking, he felt the plane slow. The crew chief handed him a mask and took the headset. They felt the quick pressure change as their ears popped. The Load Master initiated the ramp sequence for an air drop. Adam, Todd, the Crew Chief and Load Master worked together to quickly released the tie downs on the crates. With the door open, it soon became very cold in the cargo area.

The Crew Chief grabbed a restraining strap and signaled everyone else to do the same. He looked around the area and then spoke into the mike. Just after he did the aircraft nose was pointed steeply upward and the airplane surged forward. The crates slid out onto the ramp, then out into the air stream. As soon as the crates cleared the ramp, the Load Master initiated the sequence to close it as the aircraft leveled off again. The group cuddled together under blankets while they waited for the compartment to warm up.

"Adam, Todd, one package exploded a short time after it was dropped."

"We are sure glad you decided to escort us. We love you."

"We love you, too."

"Adam, the Colonel would like you to come up on the flight deck," said the Crew Chief.

Adam made his way to the flight deck with O'Brien and Todd tagging along. When they reached it they were awed by the view. The Aircraft Commander turned in his seat and looked at Adam for a long moment.

"Sergeant O'Connell, normally I wouldn't thank someone for effectively taking over my aircraft. Today has been very unusual. All of us are very thankful you did what you did. We asked Azores what was in those crates they put on board. They don't have any record of us picking up two crates. In fact their orders were very clear, refuel us immediately on arrival and no access to the aircraft. We had priority over anything else."

"So where did they come from?" asked Captain O'Brien. "The Load Master is certain the manifest was correct."

"I am sure it was. This is the best crew I have ever had under my command. We need to think about what we say about the crates. Since the Azores has no record of them being put aboard, and they are somewhere in the Atlantic, we just might want to forget to say anything."

"That is fine by me, sir," said Adam. Todd and Captain O'Brien nodded in agreement.

The radio operator coughed and said, "Sir, I don't think that will be possible. There is a radio report from a ship, indicating that they saw a flash of light near an aircraft. We are the only aircraft in the area."

"Well, I guess one crate must have been a bomb."

"Go back and get some sleep. I suspect you will not get much for a few days after you arrive. A number of people are waiting to talk to you before they let the families know you are in country. Again, a most sincere thanks."

–-- –-- –--

Sarah's Clan gathered in their quarters for the first time in several days. The children were thrilled to see all their parents and clamored for attention. They spent the next several hours playing with them as well as feeding them. Soon after they were fed, the children quieted down and drifted off to sleep.

Sitting around the room they cuddled up with their spouses. They enjoyed the quiet comfort of being able to cuddle again, and thought about how fortunate they were to have found each other. The last several days was the first time they had been physically separated for an extended time since they had formed their clan.

"Being separated is interesting, or at least, a different sensation," said Aoife. "I know it sounds strange but when we were off doing our different tasks, I could still sense everyone in our family. It didn't keep me from focusing on my task. It was very comforting to have you with me even though I couldn't physically touch you."

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If I Told You Part 2

II. Yes, I did call Tony later that day and we agreed to spread out the next photo session over two days so that Tony could get several different layouts for different parts of the ad campaign. Peggy had agreed to let me have the Thursday and Friday off which meant that I could be at Tony's earlier in the day. Denise met me and she and I really got down to work. Shower and shave from my neck to my toes. "Look's like you could use a laser treatment or at least a body wax," Denise...

2 years ago
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Introducing Amy to the life style with a bbc

Introduction: First threesome with my young gf and older BBC My ex Amy was only 20 years old her first time she got a taste of the swinging life,meeting a couple online Tony and Jane we planned to meet on the weekend and they told us stories about this guy Jim they see for mfm fun and having his own place in the city its a great place to meet. So Amy and I messaged him on the site we used telling him about our plans and about ourselfs. Now the couple were in their 40s so telling Jim a couple...

1 year ago
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The Panties Affair

Hi, I’m Nat or Natalia, this is a second little story about my life, if you haven’t read the first one, feel free to do it now, if you don’t want, just read this little explanation. When I was young my parents died in a car accident, I survived, then, my aunt, Helena took care of me, I live with her and her two sons. Thomas and David, both are two years younger than me and are at that age. We live in a small village, between two country borders, that’s why I have a Spanish name, while my...

2 years ago
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Penultimate Sacrifice

Penultimate Sacrifice By (Miss) Zagros Carolyn Mingmei Kimiko Wu Copyright 2000 by (Miss) Zagros Carolyn Mingmei Kimiko Wu Michael Odum was looking to see the world. The 18 year old brown haired blue eyed American with a southern accent was curious to learn Japanese, having been fascinated by anime and manga since before he was a teenager. Now, the first chance he had to get away from home, he was going to take it. His parents were, at first, against his decision to attend...

4 years ago
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History 300Chapter 4 Empires Rise

"You can't not go, Lizzie!" Sally grabbed her friend and pulled her into an alcove between lockers. Her snarl sent another freshman hurrying down to the next water fountain. "It's the party. There won't be anything this big for months. This is our last chance to show the school where we intend to stand in the food chain for senior year!" "That's just it Sal," Liz sighed, "I don't care where I stand. It's not like you're going to stop being my friend and none of the boys left...

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Another World Another Life

Paul laid down on the patio lounge to rest a moment. His 49 year old body was already tired and it was still only early afternoon. The day was excessively hot and he was wearing just a pair of tattered faded red shorts that must have been 15 years old.. but faithfully comfortable. As the sweat slowly beaded upon his forehead he could feel his eyes close sleepily. Maybe for just a moment he thought. Then he heard the clank of the latch on his good neighbor gate open in his sideyard fence. He...

3 years ago
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What in the Hell Was ThatChapter 34

“YES - OH FUCK YES ... MY GOD - I love your cock. Shove it deep inside my pussy and fill me with your sperm.” Sherry and Marie hurried around to put something in Nancy’s mouth. But Angie beat them to it, as she shoved a titty in her mouth. “Suck my titty, Nancy. Now that we have these beautiful, sexy bodies, we’ll have even more fun together.” I was still behind Nancy, pounding her pussy when I reached out to grab Angie by her hair and pull her around so I could kiss her. “YES, YES, kiss...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life Book 1 BirgitChapter 21 Grounded

January 1, 1978 Becky wasn’t allowed to ride with us when her dad dove me home. I was permitted to hug her and she took the opportunity to kiss me, briefly, on the lips. We received disapproving looks from her parents, but no further comment. The ride home was silent. After Mr. van Hoek left my house, I was called into my dad’s office. Fortunately, it was just him. But I knew he’d tell my mom. And I didn’t think I’d get off the hook with her. “Steve, what were you thinking?” Dad...

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Sex with Lactating mother

SEX WITH LACTATING MOTHER By Cimon This story (true incident) and the next three stories are dedicated to USHA who left the comment BEST ONE. VERY INTERESTING AND EROTIC on April 16, 2008 when I fist published LACTATING SURROGATE MOTHER by Cimon. Comments are welcome: One Friday my friend Paul, a young Swedish Protestant priest invited me to accompany him to Northern Finland to attend church services on Sunday. I was a teacher teaching mathematics and physics at a Swedish high school close...

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Our Alaskan cruise and another couple Part 2

Michael and I were holding hands as we headed up and Denise and Jim were walking ahead of us. Michael looked over at me and said it was my last chance to change my mind about fucking Jim without birth control. I smiled and said that it was a little late to be thinking about that now. I hugged him and whispered that Jims cock was hard already and I had already said that I was ready for it. I asked Michael if he was sure I should still let him cum inside of me and he said I should have fun...

4 years ago
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Whores for the Horde

A twist of magics ancient and the World of Warcraft takes new drastic form. The bloody history of the Horde changes… a lifestyle… a freedom… becomes The Way of the Horde. The prudish Alliance think it wrong and uncivilized, but for the races of the Horde they revel in it. What is the Way of the Horde? Quite simply that any female who is of age is free to be ‘bred’ by any male who is of age. Whether the act of breeding produces offspring or not is irrelevant. The act itself (or any ‘breeding...

1 year ago
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Weekend Chores 6

Yesterday, I had fingered my mother to orgasm and then face-fucked her and came in her mouth.  We were almost caught by my father.  After that day, we were like rabbits.  Mom and I couldn't get enough of each other!We were touching each other every chance we got.  Sometimes she would just flash her tits or ass whenever she could do so.I took her to the Post Office one afternoon, and when she got back in the car, I had my hard cock out for her to see.  She just smiled and gave me a hand job all...

2 years ago
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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 26

Clara was indeed pissed off with me when I showed up at the enclosure with the injured man, but then she got over it. In truth, Clara was just happy I’d come back alive. Gabby was happy as well. I ended up giving them both hugs and comfort, before Clara got down to work treating Carlos, the injured man. I’d driven one of the ATVs back to the enclosure, bringing Carlos and Cora with me. They were brother and sister and Cora had no intentions of letting her brother out of her sight. She told...

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Used by My Friends bygypseeroze©SURPRISE GANGBANG It had been a week since I'd been in the store room. I'd taken off 2 shifts so I wouldn't have to see Cliff. I couldn't bear the thought of seeing him and knowing what he must be thinking of me. How could I have let him humiliate me like that? As much as I hated him for doing that to me, I couldn't get it out of my head. I was so constantly turned on by the mere thought of him cumin on my face that I was soaking wet all the time. The day I went...

2 years ago
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While My Husband Was Away Part Four

Bill"Hi, Bill. Listen, I'm going to spend the night at my girlfriend's place. I just wanted to let you know so you wouldn't worry. I'll see you tomorrow."Bill had listened to Beth's voicemail message last night, after he woke up in his living room. He had fallen asleep watching TV, waiting for his daughter-in-law to come home from her night out. As soon as he got out of bed this morning, he went to her room to see if she had returned. Her bed had not been slept in.Bill's first reaction upon...

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A Glimpse Through the Mist of TimeChapter 21

LADY ADELAIDE'S STORY CONTINUED My marriage was a farce. I made vows to my husband, as he did to me, knowing that at the first opportunity I would break those vows. The man who would assist me in breaking those vows stood as my husband's best man. Sir Dashwood was some twenty-five years older than me, the same age as my father. For a brief moment I gave thought to his being unmarried at such an advanced age. My father gave me away with, I am sure, mixed feelings. The idea of his daughter...

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Kevin transferred to our school from California in the Venice/Santa Monica area. The first thing I noticed about him was how he had those chiseled good looks that made me think of Keanu Reeves a lot. He was more buffed than most of the guys in our school and filled the tee shirt well enough that you just knew he was the guy you wanted on your team. He had the muscles of a light heavy weight wrestler or a dedicated swimmer. Not that our guys were a bunch of pantywaists. I mean, in a town like...

2 years ago
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Delivery Boy Laddoo With Sallu

Readers I am Salman Khan from Pakistan….my parents and school and neighborhood all call me Sallu…I am 28 years old strong sporty built and good handsome looks. A strange thing about me is…. I always love fucking Gaand for young Boys only…. I just fuck young age guys with cute and sexy looking boys only….and that’s all…. I have relatively big Laura it is almost 11 inches long and thick pointed dick head around 5 ½ inches round. It gets very hard and swells to full width when I am turned on…. my...

Gay Male
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Growing up without a mother is all I remember. It was just my dad and me. I don’t remember my mother walking out on him and me because I was all of two years of age at the time. Dad tried his best at being a single parent and I tried not to rattle his cage very often because he had a temper. He never beat me, but he sure did toss a few of those fatherly stares at me, the ones only fathers can dish out. If you all know that old saying, “If Looks Could Kill” then you know what I mean. Fathers...

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Brendas PhotographsChapter 12

Brenda woke in the middle of the night, thinking, "Anne called him Gordon." At first she was completely confused, but over the next sleepless hours lying beside her softly snoring lover and Master, she worked out pretty well exactly what Gordon, who she now knew was also Mr Bennett, had done. She was shocked and a bit ashamed at her gullibility, but also she was delighted by his imagination and his manipulative skills. Gordon had ruled her life for months now, and turned her from a dowdy...

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The Drowning of the Mermaid

  Winston McNeil was pissed off.   He had been sacked from yet another job in the tourist resort of Runaway Springs.   This time it was for taking home a half finished bottle of port one of the rich white hotel guests had left in their room when they left.   Now all three of the main hotels had sacked him he was unlikely to find another job at the resort.   He would,  reluctantly, have to try to get a job back on the sugar plantation, where he was brought up. Before leaving Runaway Springs he...

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This is a recollection of what happened between my sister and me last year. As a forty year old man my sex life is regular but somewhat routine with my wife of 16 years. I secretly craved excitment but never really went looking for sexual adventure, so what happened with my sister was accidental.I had booked a holiday for my wife and I to relax after a hectic year, our plan was to go to the sun for 2 weeks chill out and do nothing spectacular, the one thing we do enjoy is nude sunbathing and...

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les michelle and barbara

her 127 pounds are not skinny. She wears her deep brown hair short and curly, and dresses for business in tailored pantsuits, with just a touch of color in her accessories. Although she appears to be in her early thirties, she will celebrate her forty-second birthday this coming November. Her body is soft and curvy. Her waist is small, accenting the firm roundness of her hips, the small mound of her belly. She has been known to freeze uncooperative subordinates with her grey-green...

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Pensive Fifties

* * * * * Copyright Oggbashan November 2005 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. * * * * * The following are 15 fifty-word stories with a Christmas theme. The title isn’t counted. _________________________________ 01. Brotherhood. I stood watching as the civic leaders...

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Memoirs of a Rapist

Chapter 1: The Bunny-girl She was not one of my first; I had been perfecting my perversion for many years before her. No, she was just one of the most memorable and that's why I start with her. So why did I name her that? Was it her real name. Not. I spotted her one summer day working in her front flowerbed as I was on my way to a client. Her red hair almost glowed in the morning sun. It was beautiful, thick and waistlength, tied in two pigtails like big floppy ears. As I approached her...

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E101 Somethings blue

Similarly, Donald knows that Emma likes the anal sex, her longing for plug up in her seems to be a regular thing now.  So like Emma with her strapon for Donald happening every several weeks, more regularly, Emma will enter the bathroom to see the enema bag set out for her.Each times delight runs through her knowing what this is going to lead to.Sometimes Donald will come in to help her.  Then it would be at least three bagfuls filling her abdomen so completely that Emma feels like she will soon...

Love Stories
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Her Victorian Bottom Shared Part 1

In the pale moonlight of an early December dawn, Henry Chambers was deep fucking his panting wife for the third time that night. Prudence lay eagerly beneath her husband as he pummeled her well ploughed furrow with the urgent stabbings of an oncoming spend. His sweat laden face was pressed against her right cheek as she urged him on in their animalistic passion and the need to reach their climax in unison. Prudence sensed his loss of rhythm and lifted herself higher so that her woolen...

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BrotherInLawChapter 5

Three weeks can be an awfully long time in the North country, where the nights are six months long, and the only television comes in over the government channel, and listening to the radio is something reserved for those late-night hours, provided the antenna is up and there's no interference from the Northern Lights. But these particular three weeks crept by unusually slowly, as if they would never end, and Arnie grew restless and jumpy like a pent-up animal. Flo did her best to stay away...

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The Pastors WifeChapter 3

On the way home from the shore Phillip wanted to stop along the way for dinner but Aggie said she wasn’t feeling well and wanted to get home. The house was quiet; Malcolm was working the afternoon shift at the gas station. Penny must have been in her room. Walking upstairs to her bedroom she heard music coming from behind her daughter’s bedroom door. It was a cd of two professionals playing the duet that Penny would be playing with her piano teacher at her upcoming piano recital. Knocking on...

4 years ago
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Skeletons in my Closet part G or part 7

Part 7 Finding Keith's skeletons and creating more of my own. When we got home from my mother's funeral. I walked my daughter to her room telling her to lie down for a while as she was upset from burying her grandmother. I walked out to find Keith once again standing at his war wall. I saw his hand go to that picture of him and those 5 men. I went over to him. I wrapped my arm around his waist as I asked, ”How many of those men had he not forgotten?” Keith looked me in my eyes as he...

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love its only love

seems like yesterday to me though... it was the month of jan ... chilly weather .. cold winds... stylish jackets .. and a book fair ... was roaming around.. eyeing every other girl ... watching girls more than the books :P :P suddenly an angel flew past me... like she has descended from the heaven just to mesmerize me ... i stood their in awe... felt like a stupefying spell was hit on me... ( thank god she didnt have the broom :P :P ) .. it seemed there was only she .. n...

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You Should Always Be Nice To Your Neighbours Chapter three

I left Debbi soundly asleep in her bed. Our night of lust had taken its toll on us both. I dressed quickly and walked across the yard and into my own house next door. As I climbed to the top of the stairs, I looked into our bedroom and saw DeeDee still bound, gagged, and tied to our bed. The only difference from last evening was that she was lying in a huge wet spot, with a gushing, white cream pie protruding from her reddened pussy. She was trying to say something, but the ring gag was doing...

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The Twelve Lays of Christmas Ch 02

Day Two While his beautiful playmate lay sleeping, Thomas ran out and got supplies for a lovely breakfast. By the time Cherie woke, he’d prepared Belgian waffles with all the trimmings. He was pleased to see that Cherie had a hearty appetite, he hated women who just nibbled at their food. She relished a hearty meal as much as he did, it was one of the fun things about her. They talked a bit over their food and coffee, neither of them was much of a morning person. Thomas kissed Cherie on the...

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Fantasy That Needs Heroine

Hi readers, I am Magic Mike 20 years old (still a virgin) want to share the fantasy I have had, through my point of view, things I want to do in bed which not only make you feel wet but I want you to put some fingers in already. Before I start, a brief description about myself, I’m 20 years old guy (straight as an arrow) with a rod of more than 6″(never measured) 6’4″, one of the best compliment I’ve received is from a girl who said to her friends that I have one of the biggest dicks she ever...

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Angel Becky Gangbanged in Reno part 15

Then we grabbed our things & went back out to the car. The girls got in asCarl & me put the bags in the trunk this time Carl also put Beckys blouse intheir bag while I put Angels skirt & blouse in ours. All the girls had in thecar to wear was their coats.As we were getting close to the freeway I handed each girl a vibrator & toldthem to put them in their cunts. I then instructed them that they had to leavethese in their cunts for the whole ride to Reno & whenever a trucker...

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Stepping Out With Steph

Note : This story is completely fictional! Blair and Stephanie grew up in a household with a divorced mom, who was fairly conservative in her beliefs, being the sister of a minister. Blair was only 16 when his older sister caught him staring at her and her friends, and responded to this "lewdness" with an atypical sisterly gesture- she teased him by flashing him her breasts. No doubt their mother would have disapproved of this action, but she never learned of it. In any case, Blair's reaction...

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Missed opportunity

I traveled often for my work and stayed two or three nights a week in hotels.  Needless to say, I got very horny and soon began a routine that was exciting to me.  That was to check into the motels and get a first floor room.  After a few visits to the same motels I got the feeling of safety as I did a few exciting things.  One was to fully open the curtains on my first floor room making it easy for passersby to see into the room.  The second was to go to the swimming pool area that wasn't...

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The New Teacher

The following story should be the last to take place in this continuum until I write the explanation story so everyone will know why the Hell every bad thing goes on at this school. Have fun with this one though. The New Teacher By Wolverine Things were definitely changing around Arelyn V. Carley Memorial High School, but you had to be in the know to realize it. Douglas Panner was in the know. It wasn't that hard to see if you paid attention to such things. The softball team, a...

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Mr Davis

Disclaimer update April 2020: Disclaimer stuff: This story and all the stories I write are a work of fiction. Each and every story line comes from my imagination, from a world that I have built in my head. By reading my story lines you are taking a peek into my imagination. Any characters, places, businesses and/or circumstances etc. described herein are entirely fictional and are a product of my imagination. None of the following is based on real organisms or organizations, and any semblance...

1 year ago
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Mama Ki Ladki Ko Choda

Hello friends. mai iss ka bht purana reader hu.kafi time se soch rha tha ki mai bhi kuch apna experience share kru.mera name rohit hai.mai 23 years ka hu.delhi mai pichle 8 saalo se hu.mai average ladka hu.jyada handsome ar na jayada khrab.mai phli bar likh rha hu agr kuch glti ho to maf krna aap log. Chalo khani pea ate hai.khani tb ki hai jab mai 18 saal ka time pta nhi tha mujhe kuch sex ke bare mai.ek bar mai mam ke ghar gya hua tha.shadi thi wanha pe.unka ghar bhut bda hai.shadi...

3 years ago
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Be Gentle Daddy

Here I was in my final year at high school, eighteen years old and I was still a virgin. No guys seemed interested in me and it left me depressed. I know I wasn't the prettiest girl. I looked nerdy and I wore glasses. I was basically flat chested as well. I thought my love life was going to be hopeless. That was when my Daddy took an interest in me. I think he overheard me talking to Mom. I needed someone to tell me what to do.My mother was no help. She told me to be patient and some guy will...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 315

We refueled in Madrid as planned and had lousy airport food at the restaurant. Then we began the two planes 8 hour trek across the Atlantic. The airport was so busy Vance did the takeoff this time and I was glad of it. The wheels left the runway at 7 PM. Vance flew at a reduced speed until Josh and Vicky caught up to us, then we flew in a staggered side by side formation with a mile between the planes. The winds were more favorable at 45,000, close to the maximum ceiling the G5's could...

1 year ago
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My Home 8211 3

Hi Readers, This is Suma again; continuing with my story. For 1st time readers – I am 26yr old lady from Kerala, 5’ 6’’ tall with a 36 30 36 fair skinned body, married to a moderately high class family at Cochin where I was turned into a horny cock loving slut (which I was even before longing for) by my Father in Law and a couple of his friends. My stories would be partly from true life and partly from my imagination. Do give me reviews about my stories on I am not planning to meet anyone in...

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A Mercenarys TaleChapter 7

The following day was Sunday. Father Patrick invited the Bishop to celebrate mass, and give the sermon. The church was packed as the townsfolk flocked to see the Bishop and his travelling companions. Isabella sent Brianna down early to collect Miriam. “Miriam, what are you planing on wearing to church this morning?” “Well, I was planning on wearing my best dress, but I have to get breakfast first.” “Leave that for the priest’s servants. We want to look our best this morning. Let’s give the...

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Meeting my future husband

I was finishing my second year at university. Somehow, despite all the partying…the booze… the sex and the travel trips…I managed to keep a good GPA. I was still a sort of a rock and roll hippie…these were the golden days of GnR, Metallica and all those bands…and I felt privileged to have been able to assist to some of those concerts. We were still hanging around with friends…partying mainly on Friday nights…or even on weekdays. Sex of course…but also drinking, joint smoking…playing music and...

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EvilAngel Aria Alexander Smiling Aria8217s Pussy And Mouth Drilled

Longhaired, exotic brunette Aria Alexander has a trim body, natural tits and a bubbly personality. The Texas girl teases stud Mike Adriano with her shaved pussy, visible clit and hot white ass; he eats her spread, bald beaver and tongues bunghole as she rubs her butt on his face. Aria’s cocksucking leaves lipstick on Mike’s jumbo boner, and her monster webs of gag spit cascade like a waterfall. He crams his cock in her wet cunt; she masturbates and howls as she’s porked. Her...

2 years ago
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The Multiversal Traveller

The multiverse is the theory that there exists an infinite number of universes, where each and ever possible outcome of every decision ever made is played out. These universes may be incredibly similar to our own, or completely different. According to the theory, everything that can exist, does exist somewhere in the multiverse. And what will someone do when they discover the truth of the multiverse, and how to traverse its many branches? Use it for debauchery and depravity, of course. First of...

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Professor Linskys Blow Job Papers

All the women in Professor Linsky's World Economics class knew that he was a lecherous pig. He would stare at them during his lectures admiring their bodies if they were lax enough to wear anything even remotely revealing to his class. They were sure that the wearing of his long black Lecture Robe as he stood in front of the students was to hide his erections. His smile was lewd when one of his female students posed an answer to his questions. His female students had heard rumors of his...

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