Lilly s got a good Smile
- 3 years ago
- 54
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Saturday afternoon, Greg arrived home. He changed out of his suit and unpacked his suitcases. While he was unpacking, he shook his head. It was really stupid, the way that Megan had haunted his thoughts since the party. Even more since he took Amy and Megan to lunch. And then talking to her the other night had made it even worse. Every night that week as he lay in bed in his hotel room, he'd found himself wondering what she was doing. What she was wearing. If she was thinking of him. He said, "God, I'd like to see her again." He sighed. "You stupid, sad old bastard," he said to himself, "obsessing on a young girl. You should be locked up. And if that's not bad enough, now you're talking to yourself." He finished unpacking and put the suitcases away in his walk-in closet.
Greg went downstairs, looking forward to making himself a martini and having a quiet, restful evening at home. Just as he got a good rhythm going with the cocktail shaker, the doorbell rang. "Fuck," he said vehemently. The doorbell at this time on a Saturday was hardly ever a good omen. Often it meant that some solicitor or religious fanatic was on the other side of the door. Of course, it might be Amy. Perhaps she'd forgotten something when she'd packed her stuff.
Reluctantly, Greg went to the front door. He opened the door. It wasn't a solicitor. Nor was it Amy. It was Megan. He looked into her eyes and felt the same shock as before. More. He felt that he should look away but couldn't.
"Oh shit," she said, "I'm sorry, Greg. I got the day wrong. I thought that Amy was still here and that you'd be home tomorrow. I'm such an idiot. Crap. I even brought a bottle of wine to share with her." She held up the bag in her hand, feeling like a fool. Were her legs shaking? Maybe she should just make a break for it and run.
Greg stood there for a moment looking at her. He gathered his wits. He took a deep breath. He smiled. "Well, we can't let a good bottle of wine go to waste, can we? Come in out of the cold." Megan smiled timidly and came in, handing Greg the wine. Greg pulled the bottle from its bag and grunted his approval of a respectable Chardonnay. "This will be great later," he said, "right now, I have a shaker full of martinis in the study. How about it?"
Megan ruefully shook her head. "I'm afraid I'll have to decline the martini," she said, "I have the Japanese curse." She took off her coat and handed it to Greg. She was dressed much as she had been at Amy's party, in a very nice skirt and sweater
As Greg hung up her coat, he raised his eyebrows quizzically. He said, "What's the 'Japanese curse?'"
Megan laughed. She said, "I turn bright red when I drink. Especially when I drink something strong like a martini."
"Is it an allergy or what?"
"I don't know. It's just something that happens to a lot of Japanese people. I'm only half Japanese. But the curse was included in my half."
"What if I don't mind drinking with a red woman?"
Megan laughed. "OK. Just no staring or laughter. Please."
"Don't worry. If I'm caught staring it won't be because you're red."
At that, Megan did turn red. As she followed Greg to the study, she thought to herself, "What are you doing, girl? Well, in for a penny, as they say. I guess I'll just hold my breath and see what happens."
Greg said, "Olives, onions or a twist?"
"Twist, please."
"Rocks or straight up?"
"Just a couple of rocks."
Greg gave the tumbler a last shake, poured the drinks, garnished them and handed one to Megan. He said, "Here you are. Sit down and make yourself comfortable." Megan sat on the chesterfield, tucking one leg beneath her. Greg sat beside her. "Cheers," he said. Megan clinked glasses with Greg. They both sipped their drinks. And again, there was that indefinable tingle between them.
Greg thought about it. Here she was, this girl who'd haunted his dreams for weeks, live, in the flesh and sitting beside him. She'd said that she came by accident. He hoped that wasn't true. He knew it wasn't true. What the hell. Let's go for it. Double or nothing. He took another sip and said, "Tell me what circumstance brings you to my door."
Megan blushed. She said, "I told you," she said, "I expected to find Amy here."
Greg smiled. When Megan blushed, it was very apparent because of her light complexion. Greg couldn't help thinking how cute it made her look. And her blush gave her away. He said, "Bullshit. You're not the sort of ditzy dame who forgets what day it is. Far from it. It didn't take me long when we first met to realize that you were very bright and quick on your feet. You gave me back everything I threw at you. And more. Let's start with this premise: you're not stupid, and neither am I. You knew I'd be here and hoped, or perhaps expected, to be invited in. OK?"
Megan blushed again, taking a drink to cover her confusion. She took a deep breath and looked Greg full in the face. "You caught me," she said. "I wanted to see you again. Is that so awful?"
He smiled and shook his head. "Not awful at all. And I'll admit that I wanted to see you. In fact, I've thought of little else but you since Amy's party. You're my niece's best friend. But the feelings I'm getting for you are hardly avuncular. And certainly not fatherly. It's all very confusing."
Megan gulped her drink. She didn't care if she turned beet-red. She needed the fortification. "Confusing is a good word," she said. "I'm at least confused. More like terrified."
"Yeah. I know what you mean," Greg said. "If you're getting the same vibe I am, it's scary." Greg sighed and sipped his martini. He looked into Megan's blue eyes. Again, he felt himself falling into them. Should he ask her to stay? Well, it was now or never. He said, "Would you like to stay for supper?"
Megan smiled. Greg thought her smile was beautiful. Radiant was the word.
Megan said, "Thanks. I would, if it's not too much trouble."
"No trouble at all, " Greg said. "I'll appreciate the company of a lovely lady. And especially the company of this beautiful lady." He felt silly as soon as he'd said it.
Megan's blush deepened. Her cheeks burned with the combination of booze and embarrassment. She was tempted to ask for a mirror. Or perhaps not. Did she really want to see how terrible she looked? Instead, she simply said, "Can I help?"
"You bet. I think I'll grill some salmon. I've got some great filets in the freezer. Caught 'em myself last summer. But you can certainly lend a hand with the other stuff."
"What's the 'other stuff?'"
"Whatever we can find in the fridge. I literally just arrived home. As you know, I've been away for a week and haven't had a chance to scout things out."
Megan said, "There are some nice veggies in the pantry. At least there were the other day." Greg looked at her with a grin. She felt her blush deepen. God! What did she look like now? A clown? She continued quickly, "And there's rice in the cupboard. I can make a terrific veggie stir-fry with rice. My mum's recipe. It'll go great with salmon."
"Sounds great. If you need help finding anything, just call out." Greg took the wine bucket from the shelf, filled it with ice and carefully put in Megan's Chardonnay. Then he opened the patio door and went out to light the inbuilt gas grill.
When he returned Megan was busily chopping vegetables. She grinned at him and said, "Amy told me that you barbecue all year long, even in the dead of winter. I think that's..."
"No. Unusual, perhaps. But charming."
"In other words, you like eccentricity."
"Who am I to call anyone eccentric? Remember, I'm the girl who dresses like this all the time." She swept her hand to indicate her clothes.
Greg couldn't help teasing her. "And as I recall, there's another possible eccentricity about your mode of dress. One that's not perhaps so obvious to the naked eye."
Once again, Megan's cheeks burned. She turned her attention to her vegetables. Greg went into the dining room to set the table.
Amazingly, everything came together at the same time. They took the food into the dining room. As Greg held Megan's chair for her, she felt herself blushing again. "Goddam it," she thought, "what is there about this guy? He makes me feel embarrassed and special all at the same time."
Greg opened the wine and poured a trickle into her glass. He said, "Would you care to do the honours, my lady?"
Another blush. Megan raised her glass and sipped. "I'm no expert," she said, "but I'd say that's wine. White wine, to be specific."
Greg laughed as he filled their glasses. "And I'd say that you're right on," he said. "Bon appetit, fair lady."
The two ate in silence for a moment. Then Greg said, "The stir-fry is excellent. My compliments to the chef."
"Make that the sous-chef," Megan said. "The chef made the real pièce de résistance: the salmon."
"To the chefs," Greg said, raising his glass. The two clinked glasses and drank. "So tell me how you met Amy."
"Well, it's a fairly short story. I was her supervisor at the pool where she used to lifeguard and teach swimming. One day, she came storming into my office all in a lather about the coordinator of the swimming instruction programme. I agreed that he was an idiot, but, short of his being convicted of a crime, there was no way that I could fire him. Union protection. I said that I'd help her as much as I could, and I invited her to lunch. That was about three years ago. We've been buddies ever since."
Greg pursed his lips. "Let's see," he said. "Three years ago, Amy was 19. And you were already a supervisor for the Toronto department of recreation. You must have been quite a prodigy."
Megan blushed yet again. "I'm a bit older than Amy," she said. "How old do you think I am?"
Greg furrowed his brow. "I guess I assumed that you and Amy were about the same age," he said. "How old are you?"
"I'm twenty-seven," she said. "I'll be twenty-eight in July."
"I see," he said teasingly, "to quote James Joyce, 'mutton dressed as lamb.' An old broad, in other words."
"Don't be a pig," she said. "How old are you? I told you mine. Now you tell me yours."
"Must I?"
"It's only fair."
He sighed. "OK. I hate to be reminded of it. I'm forty-five. Nearly twice your age."
Megan pursed her lips and pretended to write in the air with her forefinger. "By my figuring," she said, "that's almost 10 years short of twice my age. I hope that your job doesn't require math skills."
Greg laughed. "Only to add up time and money," he said. "I'm in broadcasting."
Megan smiled as she sipped her wine. "I know," she said. "You were a producer for CBC TV. Now you have your own production company. In the past three years, you've sold two TV series to CBC and one to the Global network. And a couple of specials to CTV."
"Goddam it, woman, do you and Amy ever talk about anything but me? Is there anything about me that you don't know?"
"Oh, a few things. But I hope to learn more."
Greg grinned. "Perhaps you will, little lady. But one thing's for sure: I'll get to the bottom of you yet." Megan blushed again at the obvious double entendre. Greg's next remark made her blush even more. "Now what about this aversion to underwear?"
The two continued to chat and fence verbally throughout supper. Time passed quickly. Greg was amazed to discover that his plate was empty. He said as much to Megan, who replied, "Well I'll be damned, so's mine. Do you suppose someone sneaked in here and stole the food right under our noses?"
"Must have. Best check and see if they remembered to lock the door after themselves. Now, let's clear this mess and throw everything in the dishwasher. Then I'll tutor you in the finer points of single-malt Scotch whisky."
"OK," Megan said, "but if you think I'm red now, just wait."
"Do you mean it gets better?"
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People have recently been saying that soon the world will end. Their fortune has come true. The world has ended and zombies are about to take over it. People are dying in increasing numbers every day. It was only a matter of days until the virus spread over all of America. The virus shuts off the higher functions, and as such bypasses the conscious mind. All that is left is one basic script: Breed and Feed. In its final stages, it reworks the body's digestive system to a worm like state where...
MatureIt was just before ten o-clock on Friday evening and James Henry was sitting alone in his bedroom nursing his scotch. His usually tidy brown hair, was ruffled from him consistently running his hands through it. He had arrived at tonight’s gala event late and unaccompanied. He had stayed only an hour before heading home, alone. He was not in a good mood, and hadn’t been for the past month. He couldn’t keep his thoughts off of Alexandra Morgan. It kept him in a continuous state of anger and...
I woke up startled. I couldn’t figure out why I was naked as a baby. Then I looked around. When what to my wondering eyes should appear. Was this Christmas? What the hell did I do to deserve two gorgeous, naked, sleeping, girls lying aside of me. Then my memory cells started firing. WOW, did that really happen? And if it did, could I repeat it? Taking stock of myself I realized that, yes, maybe I could, but not right now. I was goin’ to have to recuperate a while first. I cleared my throat...
About a month ago I was away at a course. I noticed a guy across the room named Devin who was well dressed and had very feminine features. I sat with him at lunch because I had a feeling that he was a cross dresser or at least gay. Now I've been bi curious for a long time and have had close encounters, but nothing so far as to satisfy my appetite for cock/cum. Over lunch we had a lot of discussions about the course and finally led to a conversation about what we do for fun. Devin told me...
Maisie was 16, a very pretty girl, 5’5 with long wavy blonde hair, deep blue eyes and a cute little body. She had 32C firm breasts, and was a virgin but was always pleasuring herself when on her own in the house. She hated school so much, the only thing keeping her awake at school was the cute teacher in her biology class. Although she knew he was way too old for her, around his mid forties, she could easily tell that he used to be amazingly sexy when he was younger. His name was Mr. Smith, he...
Plaything Well there I was. 25 years old, out of work, living in a scruffy old bedsit with no future and no prospects. Born in Gloucester , living in Buckinghamshire. Five foot six inches, slim with shoulder length brown hair, tied back in a pony when I’m working (which I’m not at the moment). Friends say I have a feminine face, but I’m not sure of that. Sexuality ? Not sure. Love women, but, I’ve had a few passes at blokes, mostly older. Once I met a bloke at his house and he tied me up and...
My friends are often amazed when I tell them the stories of erotic adventures that I have either been lucky enough to be involved in, or delighted to be told about. As I’m new to this site, I suppose I must begin by telling you about the Society of the Black Swan. It was in this community, this group, that my sexuality blossomed as my inhibitions were broken down. You see, I had been working at the University in the library after graduation and though I had only been there a year, I could...
Wife abused by doctor- 100% trueYears ago my ex wife confessed to me a story that made me v v horny if slightly horrified!After our daughter was born she was having problems with her vagina. A cock inside caused her pain. She went to the doctor to see if she could find out if something was wrong.She turned up and found that the doc was from her class in school. He was the school nerd. Intelligent but very unattractive, uncharismatic and now, 20 years later, ugly, bald and fat! She found he was...
Once again comments are appreciated. After I had brought her to orgasm with my mouth and hands we lay there on the futon together, her half naked and me with a terrible hard on, for a few minutes watching the rest of the movie. After a bit she grabbed her underwear and put them back on and then pulled the blanket back over us as she snuggled back into my arms. My hard on never did go away as we lay there together but that was ok, I had a feeling I would be able to satisfy myself soon...
Jessica's Story - Part 7 Jessica left school feeling a little happier. Her new friends now knew her past but had accepted her. It was just a question of how Anne would cope when two more girls came by for the afternoon. Being invited to a birthday party was another thing to be happy about. Sandra was a bit earlier leaving and met Jessica along the path, complete with Rachel, Lisa and Kelly. "Hi Sandra! We like your new sister!" said Lisa. Sandra stopped and looked at her. "What...
Edited by Mirabeau Pumping. Thumping. Jumping. The sun shone on the fields and on the grass as Kirsten jumped and swung and swirled in the mass of all the other revellers at the festival. Around her the sounds of trance and house bounced and beat and thumped and pumped, as she and the others jumped and boogied and grooved and moved. Behind her and on both sides was a sea of dancers, absorbed like herself into the music, letting it take them where it wanted, interpreted by many different wavy...
Phlegmatic! That would be the most appropriate word I could use the describe Travis. There were times that he would be engaging and other times he would scarcely acknowledge my existence. He spent a great deal of time in the shop across the road and I would see him coming and going on a daily basis.Travis was a stutterer; this was particularly bad when he got excited. Travis must have been in his mid-forties and was a sexy man. Travis stood around six-feet tall and had a slight paunch. He had...
Gay MaleAfter that flurry of activity over the weekend, both Kristen and I needed to take a few days of being normal. I was starting to think I needed a vacation from being a Master, let alone my job. That ended when Jeremy called saying he wanted to update me on some of the things he had been working on. I told him to come over tonight and we could discuss it. Work didn't cooperate though and I got home a bit later than expected. Kristen had Jeremy kneeling in the corner of the kitchen with his...
Jake and I rested for a while as we both gathered our strengths. He served me a nice mixed drink and I began to relax more as I sat on the sofa. Jake looked at me, "So you like being abused?" he asked me. I looked at him and smiled a little, "Yes" I replied "It makes life interesting at times" I added as I sipped my drink. I could see his mind working overtime and I knew he was thinking of what he could do to me. We were both still naked and the drink was making feel even more relaxed when Jake...
....thank fuck,I hear all you guys who've endured this rambling retelling of my very first bisexual/gay experience.I have to say I've so love reliving it as I've wrote about it and that's why it's taken me so long.It maybe because it was only 9 years ago or perhaps because having any sexual interest or feeling for other/another men was so totally opposed to what i've felt for the vast majority of my life and how i saw myself that makes losing my virginity to a man far more significant than when...
About three years ago, I was lying on the couch one night, watching TV and posting on social media. A former High School student that I had taught about ten years ago messaged me out of the blue. Her name was Caroline and I always knew she had a crush on me when I taught her. Being a professional, I avoided all contact with her except as a student. I had been retired from teaching and was pushing 60 and she was 27.We carried on the usual small talk and she said, “I need some wind therapy.” She...
Oral SexShips Log: SS Rochester - First Officer Scott reporting. The crews' recovery is almost completed and Captain Reilly is almost ready to take up his position although there are some residue problems with lack of breath, but this is only a short term problem according to Molly. Aboard the SS San Francisco the ship computer is now integrated into the system and reports that all is functioning correctly. Under the laws of salvage we have had half the cargo of the SS San Francisco transferred...