Somewhere in Time A Trip to WacoBook 2 Chapter 1
- 2 years ago
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At the other end of the valley, they saw the source of the smoke. There was a homestead ablaze. The barn was fully engulfed, and the left end of the farmhouse was burning. The sound of gunfire reached the group.
Scanning the scene, puffs of smoke from the weapons were evident. Bob counted five distinct areas of gunfire in the trees to the south of the house. There were two locations in the house where return fire was being offered. The fire at the north end of the house did not help any.
"We'll head south and come up behind them if we can. Follow me," Bob told the boys. He spurred his mount forward and led them south, keeping the hill between them and the house as much as possible. When they were at the edge of the forested area on the south side of the valley, they crossed over the hill, and went into the woods. Moving as rapidly as possible Rob led the way, always finding the best, least restrictive path. Within five minutes they were behind the shooters in the woods.
Bob signaled dismount with hand signals. They tied the horses to trees and checked their weapons. Each pulled their long guns out of the scabbard and they approached the tree line. Bob whispered to the boys.
"Andy, you take the shooter on the far left, Rob you have the far right. I'll take whoever I can in the middle. We all fire at the same time. Load the Winchesters with smokeless cartridges. I'll use the Pyrodex loads. We should be able to keep hidden. If we are spotted, I want you both to retreat back into the woods. Got it?"
Both boys nodded, understanding well that this was a life or death situation. They set themselves in covered positions. Bob looked left and Andy gave him a 'thumbs up'. He looked right and Rob nodded. They were set. Bob selected his target. He started a five count. At two, he turned to his target.
Almost as one, the three rifles exploded. Three of the men attacking the farmhouse fell. There were still three men in the cover of the trees. They knew their numbers had been reduced, but they had no idea that Bob and his sons were the cause.
They were still persistent. The house was now more than half engulfed and the situation was getting desperate for the occupants. Bob whispered to the boys to do it one more time. Again, he gave them time to locate their targets.
Rob was ready, but Andy was having trouble. It seemed that there were two sheltering behind the same tree and he wasn't sure which one to shoot. Bob told him to take the one on the left and he'd take the one on the right. They were all set and Bob again gave the five count. Again, as one, the shots were taken.
That should have taken care of the bandits, so Bob stood up. As he did, a shot rang out from the copse of trees. Bob spun around as the slug entered his upper arm. Andy looked shocked and grabbed his dad's arm, applying direct pressure to the wound.
Rob was watching the trees for signs of movement. Carefully searching, he finally found the culprit. He took careful aim and fired. Unfortunately, the man moved just as Rob fired. Rob managed to blow the man's right shoulder to smithereens.
Rob was intent on the man as he moved forward in a crouch. Andy had taken his bandana and tied a tourniquet above Bob's wound. He helped his dad up, and they collected their rifles. They took them back to the horses, and they mounted up. Bob and Andy moved slowly forward with Andy leading Rob's Morgan.
Rob reached the tree line and found the man he had wounded. He kept him covered as Andy and Bob approached. Bob told Rob to tie the man up. Rob was not gentle. Once the bandit was hogtied, they trio made their way forward.
"Hello the house?" Bob shouted. "Don't shoot. We're friends and we've killed or captured the men responsible."
"How do we know that?" a voice responded.
They heard coughing come from the house. Bob surmised it was from the smoke.
"You'll just have to trust us. We will come out so you can see us. You need to make up your minds in a hurry, though. The house is already burnt more than halfway. You need to get out, before the flames and the smoke hurt you. Look now, we are coming out. We've put our rifles away and we are making the first gesture. Please, get out of the house before you get hurt."
There was no reply, but shortly they saw a woman come out, rifle at the ready. Next, out came a young man, then a young woman, and finally another young man. They, too, were equipped with rifles.
"Hand's up," she called out. Bob nodded to the boys and they complied with the request. "Who are you and why are you here?
"Ma'am, if you will look to the other end of the valley you'll see our wagons. We're just a family traveling to Texas. We saw your fire and came to help. When we got to the top of the rise, my son Rob saw the smoke of your attacker's guns. We mounted our horses and flanked the bandits. I miscounted, and took a round in my arm because of it."
"Oh," the woman exclaimed. She hadn't noticed until he mentioned it. She handed her rifle to the older boy and hurried over to Bob. With concern on her face, she examined his wound. She discovered it was a clean 'through and through', with an entrance and exit wound. It had missed the bone. This was a good thing. Unfortunately, the house was now fully enveloped in flames. It would be a total loss. Bob inhaled her essence as she fussed over his wound. She smelled like wildflowers, tinged with smoke. It wasn't an unpleasant smell.
Bob sent Andy to ride to the wagons and bring the family back. Rob took the other two horses to a training corral, about a hundred meters from the farmhouse. They were a bit jittery. Other horses were in there, and more were out in a pasture to the north of the compound.
The two boys got permission from their mother, took two mounts, and rounded up the loose stock. While they were gone, the girl ran to the well to get a bucket of water. She returned and handed it to her mother. She had stopped by the clothesline and brought a sheet with her.
Just as she approached Bob and her mother the first wagon pulled up. It was the big Conestoga. Dana had the reins wrapped around the brake and was off the seat by the time the wagon stopped. She ran up to Bob, anxious about her man. She watched with a critical eye as the woman bandaged his wound.
When the woman was done, Dana kissed Bob fiercely. Then she stepped back and slugged his good arm as hard as she could. For the next ten minutes she lit into him about being safe and not taking chances. He knew he had it coming, and he took it in good stead. The women from the house stood back and listened, a huge smile on her face all the while.
The other wagons were parked and the rest of the family had joined the gaggle. The woman was startled when other women in the group fawned over Bob. She was even more surprised when each of the older women kissed on him, in turn. June was first, followed closely by May then April. He assured them it hurt but that he was all right. Stephanie, Jackie and Rebecca were next. He assured them also. The older man from the homestead noticed Stephanie and stared at her.
Bob introduced his family, including using the term wife for each of his wives. The woman's eyes said everything. She had made the connection before being told. Then it was her turn. She introduced herself and her children. Ginger Gibson was forty. Her son Frank was nineteen, and daughter Jennifer was eighteen. Her son Charles was just thirteen. She was well proportioned with a 38D bustline and strong womanly hips. Her daughter Jennifer was just 2 inches smaller. Her sons were handsome. Dana scrutinized each one as the wheels in her mind turned.
Truth be told, Ginger was checking out Bob. She definitely liked what she saw. He was tall and muscular, light haired, honest (after all he did tell her about his wives), and a good-deed-doer (he came to their rescue). This one would be a keeper. She secretly wondered if there was room for one more wife.
Mindy and Rebecca had started setting up a camp near the woods. That's when they discovered the bandit. He'd been tied and was still bleeding from the wound Rob had inflicted on him. Mindy called out and the group moved over to where the bandit was tied.
Bob interrogated the man. He was the second in command of a group of raiders that was left over from Quantrill's group. He told Bob they had a wagon and prisoners about a mile east of the house. One guard was left with them. On further questioning, Bob found out it was a young mother with children and a baby at the breast. The man was killed and they were going to have a bit of fun with the woman this evening. Bob sent the women back to the wagons. He completed his questioning and the man requested mercy. Bob obliged him, using his Bowie.
Frank had returned with the rest of the horses. With Andy and Rob's help, he and Charles got all the horses into the training corral.
Bob gathered everyone back together. He told the group the situation. He'd gotten enough information to find the hidden place where the woman and children were being held. He said he was going to get them and asked if anyone wanted to go along. All the boys raised their hands. He looked at Dana and she nodded. He noticed that Rebecca, Mindy and Vanessa also raised their hands.
"On reconsideration, I think it would be advisable to bring a female or two. Mindy and Rebecca, you are coming. Vanessa, thank you for offering but I would rather you stay here and help guard against any other intrusion by raiders. There are enough guns and shooters to keep everyone safe here. We should not be gone over a couple of hours, so please, stay here with the rest."
Vanessa looked dejected, but April came over to her and wrapped her up in her arms and held her close. She was placated and agreed to stay at the farmstead to help. The men mounted up and saluted the women as they left. They started up at a trot, and after they rode out of sight of the family, they pushed into a gallop. Rob scanned the left side of the road as Bob scanned the right. As they neared the place where the bandit described, Bob called a halt. They slipped into the woods and tied their horses.
Bob had a thought, and called Andy over to him. He drew him aside and a quiet discussion ensued. They talked in hushed tones for several moments, and then Andy remounted his Morgan. He took off up the road at a gallop. He passed the supposed turnoff, continued up the road and disappeared over the next rise. Bob just grinned as the others looked questioningly at him.
"Insurance," was all he said.
He then directed Rob to scout in and see just what the situation was. It's a good thing he did that. Five minutes later, Rob returned to the clearing they were using.
"Five," he said, catching his breath. "There are five armed men in that clearing. They do have a woman with a baby. There are also two little girls and a boy of about ten. There are two wagons, a Conestoga and another wagon like ours, outfitted for long-term travel. They are set up in the clearing so the Conestoga is on the south side of the clearing, opposite the trail that leads in."
"To the west of that is the other wagon. It's perpendicular to the Conestoga and parallel to the trail. Their campfire is on the east side and the north is clear. When I was there, two were at the fire, one was sitting on the Conestoga, and one was on the other wagon. There was a guard at the entrance to the clearing. They all are heavily armed."
"So the scudder was lying when he said one man was guarding the woman. Okay, let me think a minute," his dad said. "Oh, and good scouting report, Rob,"
Bob sat on a downed tree and drew a diagram with a stick on the ground. He drew the clearing with the wagons and put X's where the men were stationed. He took some rocks and placed them around the outside of the circle. He figured they outnumbered the men seven to five.
He determined that Rebecca would pare up with Ralph, and Mindy could pair with him. He called everyone over and explained his plan. Frank, Charles and Rob would go to the far side of the clearing with Rob leading the way. They would handle the two at the fire. Rebecca and Ralph would cover the guard, and Mindy and he would take the ones on the wagons. He looked at the group and asked the question.
"Are you absolutely sure you can shoot these men, without hesitation? All our lives depend on it."
He looked at each one of his posse, and they each nodded their heads. They were steadfast. They were resolved. They were resolute. Each one of them would do what they needed to do, to clean up the countryside of these despicable men. He used his diagram to explain the plan further.
When he was sure they knew what to do, he started the plan in motion. Rob took the Gibson boys first. Bob gave them a three-minute head start. He was sure they would all get in position without being seen, since Rob was leading the way. Then he motioned for the others to follow him.
Since everyone knew where everyone else was going to be, when they were in position, Rob could see his father's position. They communicated with hand signals. Bob indicated his watch and signaled one minute. Rob passed the signal on to Frank and Charles. They all knew that Bob's signal would be the first shot. He would take out the man on the high seat.
The tension mounted as the clock counted down. Bob fired. The man on the Conestoga fell off, dead. The deadly rain of lead only lasted about thirty seconds. Ralph and Rebecca only winged the guard, and he ran off, up the trail. There was a horse tied close and the man got on the nag and lit out. Bob signaled for the group to come out, since all the other bandits were dead. As they entered the clearing, a single shot rang out in the distance.
Andy was stationed on the road to pick off any escapee's. Bob had told him to ride over the rise, then take to the woods and come back. He was to station himself at the mouth of the passage. He was told to take out anyone not associated with his family's group.
When the bandit rode out of the trail, Andrew eliminated the threat to the safety and security of Nebraska, with a well-placed bullet to the man's chest. He quickly retrieved his horse, stripped the body of valuables, and captured the bandit's horse. He then rode up the trail, to the outlaw camp, whistling the theme to 'Bridge Over the River Kwai'.
The Gibson boys turned toward the trail as they heard the horse approach. Rob stopped them when he heard the whistle. He knew it was his brother. He decided that the tune would work well as an IFF, because it hadn't been written yet. ['IFF'= Identification: Friend/Foe]
In the mean time Bob and Rebecca started checking out the wagons. The smaller wagon had a lot of goods in it, but no people. The Conestoga was next. Bob climbed up the back ladder, and was rewarded with an iron skillet almost bashing in his brains.
"Whoa!" he shouted as he ducked the pan. It just missed. "We're here to rescue you! Cease fire with the pan!"
"Oh, I'm so sorry," came a lyrical voice from inside the wagon. "I was just so scared. Those men..."
Her voice trailed off a minute. Rebecca climbed up and into the wagon just then. The woman broke down in tears. She took up the baby, who had started crying. She was joined by Mindy who gathered in the young girls to her arms. They had started to tear up, also. Bob had everyone disembark the wagon so they could sort things out.
Once on the ground, introductions were made. The woman was a widow named Shirley Partridge. She and her family were headed in the Conestoga for North Platte where her brother Reuben was waiting. His wife had died and she was bringing her family to join with his.
She introduced her children. David was the man of the family for now. He was nine on his last birthday. Next were the girls Tracy and Laurie They were three and five. The baby's name was Danny.
Bob did the honors introducing everyone else. Then he asked the boys to drag the men into the woods to the east, strip them of valuables and leave them for the animals.
Bob asked Shirley about the other wagon. She said she knew nothing about it. Bob claimed the booty as spoils and he'd search it later. Charles came rushing in, announcing he'd found the livestock. He brought a couple Missouri mules into the camp. These were hitched to the wagon as others joined Charles in fetching the rest of the teams.
Ten minutes later both wagons were ready to leave. Bob told Rob to get his horse and meet the wagons on the trail. The posse took off through the woods to reclaim their mounts as the wagons slowly made their way back out of the clearing. As the wagons left the track and entered the main road, the riders burst forth from the woods to the west. They rode up to the wagons and stopped for a moment.
"All right, people. Let's get back to the farmstead and take stock. Mrs. Partridge, you're welcome to travel with us. I can offer hospitality from my group, and I'm pretty sure I can speak for the Gibson's as well."
Frank nodded his head in agreement. The group headed back together. It had taken them a couple hours to complete their rescue, as Bob had estimated, but there still was excitement when they returned. More introductions were made all around. Bob told the family they had gained another wagon and it was over by the others. This was a good travel wagon that would be better that the buckboard for family travel.
The family started to set about making dinner for the group. While this was going on, Bob and Dana took Ginger and her family aside. They found a quiet place in the grove of trees that was perfect for their discussion.
"What are you going to do now, Mrs. Gibson? Rebuild?"
Tears came to her eyes. She sobbed quietly as Dana moved to comfort her. The children just sat there not speaking. Bob patiently waited until Ginger was ready to go on.
"We don't have any money. The last of it went for taxes. But they will come due again in a couple of months and Mr. Whiplash will finally get the ranch. After Tom's accident, we did OK for a while. Lately though, there have been a series of setbacks and accidents that I'm afraid we won't overcome. I'm at my wit's end trying to figure out what we can do. Today's attack and fire is just the icing on the cake."
Dana rubbed her back in sympathy. She looked sternly at Bob and nodded her head. Twice. A light went on over Bob's head and he spoke
"Mrs. Gibson, I have an idea. We have an extra wagon now and we've got room on our train. Why don't you and your family come with us to Texas? There's plenty of room down there and we'd really enjoy your company. You can sell your place to this Whiplash character and he'll have what he wants and you won't lose everything. We can take along the best of your horses and you can set up a ranch when we get there. What do you say to that?"
"She'd be a fool not to take up your offer," a voice came from behind. "She's been so foolish since my Tom died, or rather, was killed. She needs to take up your offer and get her ass to Texas. I'm coming with you, regardless."
They all turned toward the voice. Standing behind them was a tall, older woman. She was voluptuous in her proportions and quite pleasing to the eyes. Bob guessed she was in her mid fifties, but her skin was not wrinkled like so many of the women he'd met in this time line. Her light brown hair had gray streaks at the temples, but Bob felt Junior rise as he gazed at her.
Their eyes locked for a moment, then as he looked on, her eyes dropped down and then back to stare at him again. A wisp of a smile crossed her lips and as he watched, she licked her lips seductively. Bob's reaction was immediate. He was hard and straining against the fabric of his jeans. She purposefully looked down again with a stare that lasted an uncomfortably long time.
"Mother Gibson!" Ginger cried. "Do you really mean it? I've always looked to you for advice."
"Yes, but you didn't always follow it," came the response. "Now, let's sell this white elephant and get out of here. We can sell what we can't take with us. Most of the household stuff is gone, burned in the fire. We've only got the clothes we're wearing and those that are on the clothesline. I've got about $2000 in the bank which I will throw in with whatever you raise, and we'll partner a ranch together, as a legacy for my grandsons."
"If you want, ma'am, I'd like to offer my services in dealing with this Whiplash character. I've had a little experience with negotiations of this sort. I promise I'll get you the best price for your land. Just how many acres do you have here?"
"We've got six hundred and forty acres, with good water and all. There's plenty of graze land, but we had to sell most of the cattle to pay the taxes last year. We only got ten dollars a head when the other ranchers were getting almost forty."
"Okay, how far is it to town? I'd like to go in and start the process."
"It's only about four miles past the hideout place," Frank offered. "We could make it there in less than an hour."
"Great. I'd like my family to get acquainted with our new traveling companions, while Frank and I go in to town. We should be back before sundown," he looked to Frank who nodded his head. "Hopefully we will have word by then."
"Well, if we are going to be traveling together, I reckon we should know each other better," the older Gibson woman said. "My name is Anastasia. I am real pleased to meet you. You can call me Ana if you want."
She stepped close to Bob and looked him square in the eye. Her stare was penetrating and he started to flinch. She reached her left hand up and grasped the back of his neck. She pulled him to her and their lips met. There was a spark unlike anything since the night in the cave. She felt it too and her eyes went wide.
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Peggy Sue directed the women over to Delmonico's, again. Waite caught one of the boys that seemed to be constantly under foot, and told him to take a message to room sixteen in the hotel. He gave the boy two bits, and told him that if he delivered the message and returned with an answer, he would have a whole dollar waiting. The boy was out of there in a flash. A few minutes later, he returned with the reply. Jesse had sent a note along with the boy, as proof that the message was...
"Oh, boy, someone's in trouble!" Gil said under his breath. "I think more than one of us, Gil old boy!" David replied as he vigorously waved to the family. There at the front of the group stood Angela and Adele. Both had their hands on their hips and their stance showed they would broach no flimsy excuses. They were mad. Well, not quite true. They were relieved, elated that their family came through unscathed, and pissed off that they took so long to do it. "Where the hell have you...
Once back in the shack, Gil whispered, "We've got to get out of here." "I agree," Tom said, "but it might be better if we wait until sunup. I think we will be all right until then, and we might just be able to escape." "I hope you're right about that." "I'm sure I am. Just be patient. It might be best if you can get a little more sleep. The stock should be okay until then. If not, we will just have to deal with it." The two men lay back down on their cots. The blankets did...
With that business out of the way, we sat back and just relaxed for a little while. We talked about various subjects until there was a commotion at the door. The headwaiter was blocking the view, and adamant about not letting whomever it was in. There was a flurry of activity, and the urchin on guard suddenly burst into view. He spotted us and made a beeline to the table. When he caught his breath he informed Waite of the problem. "Sir, Mr. Waite. I'd sat on that box fur a long time. I'm...
"Well done. I'll take both! And throw in another ten boxes of cartridges, too," David said, still chuckling. The men went back into the store and David got a bill of sale for the rifles. The second was still packed in the shipping box. It had been sent by boat and was coated with the waxy cosmoline used to protect metal during ocean voyages. Well, it wasn't exactly cosmoline, but the substance was like the treating material found in 3rd and 5th dynasty Egyptian mummies. Later refinement...
Within the confines of the Conestoga wagon, the wives of Waite Phillips had arranged a bedroom. It was not elaborate but it was functional. They had been making love to Waite nightly and they loved every minute of it. He was gentle and fierce with his lovemaking. Add to that the tactile sensations of the sister-wives as they also make love to each other and it becomes a firestorm of sensations. For Waite it was fantasy and reality. He now had Peggy Sue, Carol Ann, Lisa Marie, Annabel Lee,...
Note: This is not your usual Lush story. It is an experimental play in a theater of the absurd style. There is no sex but it is an entertaining comment on marriage. I encourage you to indulge in something different. I think it will make you laugh and maybe cry. Scene: A formal living room. Mortimer is seated on a sofa in the center of the room when Myrtle enters and sits on the sofa next to him. She is wearing a blue floral dress and a pearl necklace, her gray hair is tied in a bun. Mortimer is...
by Oediplex 8==3~ Based on an il-lust-ration by Pandora's Box, If sauce for the gander is sauce for the goose, what does a good gosling get? Lena was furious, Lena was horny. Lena was hurt, Lena was frustrated. Lena was unhappy, Lena was in heat. Lena had a husband, she hadn't had sex in two weeks. Lena hadn't seen her husband in that time because of a business trip, now he had called to say he had to stay a few extra days, unexpectedly. They had a good boy, Jeff; they...
by Oediplex With an il-lust-ration by Pandora’s Box, used with permission both text and picture are copyrighted material (Incest, F/m mother & son) If sauce for the gander is sauce for the goose, what does a good gosling get? Lena was furious, Lena was horny. Lena was hurt, Lena was frustrated. Lena was unhappy, Lena was in heat. Lena had a husband, she hadn’t had sex in two weeks. Lena hadn’t seen her husband in that time because of a business trip, now he had called to say...
Lana sat down in the center of the bed and looked lovingly at her Wild Kat sitting right in front of her. Lana was feeling more than horny that day, she was feeling romantic. She looked into Katrina's eyes and pulled her over to kiss her a while, rubbing their tits together as they did. They had been talking for some time that day about the clothes they would be buying to wear to John, Debbie, Ron and Hannah's weddings and it had left them feeling envious and desirous of joining their...
Special thanks to Phil Gorman 2014 for his expertise in re-editing and proofing. I have always enjoyed helping people and being a candy striper at the hospital gives me an opportunity to do just that. It all started nearly two years ago when mom and I visited one of my aunts who had an operation. I saw a number of young candy stripers assisting a group of young patients. Mom told me that, at fourteen, I was too young to volunteer. Being persistent, I manage to get an application and a booklet...
The young, blonde, Charlotte was wearing the brand spanking new pink striped above the knee dress worn by all the candy stripers in the hospital. However, Charlotta had washed it in hot water and it had shrunk prominently now showing her visible panty line. Doctor R. Robin Shepherd, the ‘R’ stood for Robin. She told Charlotta to now call her as the newest member of the hospital staff, Robin. The pretty blond with long hair, now twenty-three became the hospital’s newest candy...
The next afternoon John called a meeting of the band in the studio, he seemed extra happy about something. The concert the night before had been a—well the words 'complete success'—just doesn't start to cover what the night had been. However, by the end of the concert all the Anderson household, even the adults that were not on stage working, were pretty tired out. When they finally got home, everyone went straight to bed for once and ended up sleeping in late. Now, as all the kids...
As was his habit at lunchtime, Hal left the building and walked through the office park for exercise. It was a partly cloudy day, and for the moment it seemed overcast. On his way to a small path through the woods, he saw her. Sandy was an attractive redhead with a sensual voice who almost always wore a tailored blouse, a roomy ankle-length skirt, and one-inch pumps. Her wardrobe varied in color, patterns, and material, depending upon the season, but always the same ensemble. Hal watched as...
For a moment the silence was stifling. Clementine looked from woman to woman questioningly. The wives were temporarily frozen in time. Not one made a move. Then Dana stepped forward. She knelt down to eye level with Clementine, gazing for a moment into her clear blue eyes. "Sweetie, you are so pretty, I don't know how any of us could NOT choose to be your mother. So if it's all right with you, we ALL will be your mother. Is that all right?" Dana asked. "Oh, yes!" she exclaimed,...
David Morgan was a young man, just twenty-five years old. He had worked for the Golden Palace saloon in San Francisco for the last four years. His mother had died of the fever that had swept through the town, ravaging the inhabitants and decimating the population. Since his father had left when he was but two years old, he'd had no other recourse than to go to work. David was extremely unhappy with his job. Last night was the last straw. No more would he be the butt of the jokes of the...
Waite was restless in his sleep. Peggy Sue was sharing the bed with him and Doreen. His restlessness had disturbed her sleep just enough. She was awake, watching her husband. He was mumbling something, but she couldn't quite understand what it was. He continued to toss and turn as the dream he was having ate away at his psyché. He rolled over, again. This time he bumped into Peggy Sue. She grabbed at him, to keep from being shoved out of the bed. Waite awoke with a start. Sweat was dripping...
David took the lead, followed by Adele. Jessica was working the other small wagon and Gil took the second Conestoga. The wagon train was growing. As it grew, their travel became more dangerous. A single wagon or even two might go unnoticed and maybe even untouched if noticed. But a train of four wagons with all those extra horses and mules, it was an invitation to a gunfight. As the morning progressed, David decided they needed a scout. He handed over the reins to Angela and mounted Midnight....
Dana and Rebecca were up early, getting the traditional gather breakfast ready. They'd joined the other ladies in the cooking line. Rebecca was helping with the pancakes. Dana was heading up the biscuit crew. She'd brought a full bag of old time flour (non-self-rising), and was making the biscuits from scratch. Some of the other women were standing around watching, in hopes that they could learn the technique. She explained what she was doing, with each step of the process, so the other...
The first marker was a split in the trail. Bob guessed rightly that turning left would have taken them into Hempstead, while going to the right was a cross cut to the stage trail from Houston to Bryan. So, everyone took the turn to the right, and they were on their way again. The women were mostly chatting with each other. The ride was a little too bumpy to do anything else. They couldn't read, or work on those little sewing projects that always seem to pop up, so they talked and enjoyed...
Bob took the honors, and even though it wasn't required, introduced himself and his family to Alice. "Are you planning to stay long, here in North Platte?" she inquired. Dana took over and explained they were headed to Texas but were going to the Mississippi to ferry their belongings and livestock down the river, saving several months of overland travel and avoiding the wild savages. Alice nodded her head knowingly. She related the story of how she lost her family to an attack before...
They could return to Dodge with the women, or they could go on to Waco. The women would have to decide, tonight sometime. It the morning the wagon train had to move on, one way or the other. Waite offered the women safety and shelter to travel to Waco. He also assured them they could return to Dodge if they wanted. The mood was quite subdued. Jim offered to take the first watch. He only had one wife and he could take care of her needs later. Jesse took second watch and that made Waite third...
Bob and his family spent the next three days taking in the sights of Houston, while they waited for their wagons and livestock to arrive. They went to the theater one night. Another was spent in the hotel, with everyone enjoying each other's company. Bob got into a high stakes poker game at one of the gambling houses. It was actually an honest game, and all the players were also honest. They were also good. They played until one in the morning and Bob managed to stay even for the night. When...
Bright and early the next morning, Waite arose from sleep rested and satisfied. He had serviced each of his wives until they could take no more. His curiosity was running rampant at what he saw and heard last night, just before going to bed. Now he had to check it out. He quickly dressed and hurried to the door. He listened to the still sleeping hotel. There was a click. He waited until the count of three and threw open the door. Across the hall the door was partially open. There were two...
The sound was barely audible. A second knock followed. Waite got out of bed and crossed the distance to the door and opened it a crack. His eyes were assaulted with a vision of loveliness. Standing on the other side of the door was Millie. She had on a sheer robe that hid none of the treasures under it. For a woman of sixty-one years, she was remarkably well put together. Her breasts were of medium size but still mounted high on her chest. He thought of the illusion that her dress produced....
The next morning, everyone somehow woke up rested. The women rushed to get freshened up before leaving for town. David and Gil were in the kitchen with Georgette and Adele when Sarah came rushing in. She stopped short when she saw David and turned crimson. Her chest was heaving as if she had been running. Truthfully, some of it was from the running and some of it was from her memory of last night. "Whoa, girl. Slow down," Georgette admonished as she worked. She hadn't looked closely, or...
There, lying on top of the stack of cards in front of him, was the only way Waite was going to win the hand. It was the nine of clubs. That gave him the seven, eight, nine, ten and Jack of clubs: a straight flush. Only a few hands could beat it. Among these were the jack high straight flush of another suit, the queen high and king high straight flushes, and the royal flushes (an ace high straight flush). A roar of applause exploded from the onlookers. Waite stood slowly, and reached onto the...
They trotted off towards the woods. Andy showed his father where they had entered the woods. He'd thought to mark the trail with his knife, so it was easy to find. They came to the clearing and Bob was appalled at the mess. He signaled Andrew to circle around to the left and he'd go right, towards the back of the wagon. He'd just eased passed the edge of the big wagon, when something crashed down on his head. He saw stars, momentarily, just before everything went black. A short time...
They were ready to go a bit after noontime. Peggy Sue arranged the wagons. Karen rode with Jessie and Betsy. Kenny went with her, Lisa Marie, and Carol Ann. Patty was on the big seat next to Waite, and Annabel Lee rode in the bedroom. They hit the road and managed to travel unmolested the rest of the day. They made camp beside the road as the sun was approaching the horizon, shooting red and golden rays streaking across the sky. 'Now that's a real Bob Ross moment, ' Waite thought. Waite...
A big yawn escaped Waite's mouth as he stretched his thoroughly used body in the gray dawn light. Two soft bodies lay up against his. He looked at the sleeping face of Peggy Sue as she slept with her body pressed against his. Her generous chest crushed against his side. He kissed her lightly on her forehead. Her eyes fluttered open. "Good morning, husband," whispering as she smiled up at him. "Morning, wife" he whispered back. He turned his head to the other wife vying for his...
"Three..." "All right, you varmint, here it comes," Rob said as he cocked his revolver. "Don't shoot," came a voice from the bedding as the cocking of the handgun was heard. It was moment before the pile of bedding was tossed aside by the person caught in them. Finally, the covers fell away, and the young man stood up. "Hey, aren't you the guy that Mr. McGrew was about to kill?" Rob asked. "Please don't kill me," he asked. "When you guys started arguing, I ran into the...
"Lord o' mercy, but it shore sounded like you had a good time last night, children." Lucille chuckled as the trio came straggling into the kitchen, much later than normal. "Did you get your differences all worked out?" Lucille just stood there, not really waiting for her rhetorical question to be answered. She knew the answer already. She'd given herself a double just listening to them. She could only imagine the feeling. She gazed longingly at David's middle. Jessica noticed the...
There in the kitchen were Adele, Angela, Jessica and Jeanine. They were busy working on getting breakfast. They had raided Maybelle's pantry. Biscuits were baking in the stove, while gravy was gently simmering on the stovetop. Jeanine was making omelets while Adele chopped peppers and onions. Angela was cooking some bacon slices, and Jessica was gathering up a pail to go milk the cow. Maybelle took the bucket and told her George would milk and told her to come along. She showed Jessica the...
"You sniveling four-flusher. You were cheating last night, and I know it! I want my money back. You give it to me or I'll beat you to within an inch of your life. I know your were cheating cause no one draws to an inside royal flush. It just isn't done. No tinhorn gambler is going to cheat me. Whar's my dough?" he shouted. "M-M-Mister, I ain't got your dough, and I ain't a cheat. You were drunk and could hardly hold your cards. Plus, I wasn't even dealing. You can't blame me if you...
Phillips woke up with a morning piss hard-on, just as he had done for the last who knows how long. Since he was 11? Maybe even before that. All he knew for sure was that he wasn't in Kansas anymore, Toto. Everything was just peachy until he woke up yesterday. He had lost his job a few weeks back, had been reading books and stories on the internet, and even played at being a rancher in Central Texas until this happened. He found out yesterday that he had been somehow transported back in time...