Somewhere In Time - A Trip To WacoBook 3, Chapter 12 free porn video

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The auburn haired woman was feeling much better, and introduced herself a Jeanine Jessop. The blond girl was introduced as her daughter, Hildegard. The baby was Hildegard's child Reagan. The real shocker came when Hildy told them her age. She was born twenty-one years ago, when Jeanine was fourteen. When asked about the husband, both women became silent and withdrawn. Elizabeth could see that they were shaken by the disappearance of the father of the baby. She didn't know the half of it.

As the adults talked, the actual dynamics of the families became apparent to Jeanine. This allowed her to relax a little. More of their story was related to the newcomers as the women dismissed the men to tend to other chores. With the wagon fixed, the expanded wagon train headed east once more. They traveled about four more miles, when they came upon a grizzly sight. Tied to one of the many mesquite trees that dotted the landscape, was the body of a man. David had stopped the lead wagon and kept the others back. Since the newly repaired wagon was next to the last in line, the features of the body were not easy to see. As David was getting down, Rhoda handed him a sheet to cover the body.

David approached, but was sick to his stomach when he took in the full view of what had happened. The naked man was stretched out, his torso tied to the tree and his legs splayed wide. His eyes had been gouged out, and he'd been scalped. Between his legs was a large anthill and his lower body was covered in ants. The ants had done their worst and angry red welts covered his body. His genitals were swarming with the vicious little creatures and David knew it must have been an agonizing death. David covered the body with the cloth so they could drive by without Jeanine and Hildy witnessing the horrid specter.

David walked back to their wagon to tell them what he'd found.

"I have to see" Jeanine told him. She made to get down and David tried to stop her, but she would not be dissuaded. Elizabeth was recruited to assist her. The two women walked arm in arm, as if supporting each other to where the covered body lay. David moved the sheet enough to show the face, empty eye sockets staring blankly. Elizabeth turned her head away, but Jeanine stared right back.

"Good!" was all she said as she turned and strode away, still in company with Elizabeth.

David was both amazed and confused at the reaction, but he said nothing for now. He watched as Elizabeth detached herself from Jeanine and the women climbed up on their respective wagons. Noting that they were now waiting on him, he leapt to the seat of the lead wagon and started forward once more. It was late in the afternoon when they arrived at Fort Franklin.

There was an area set aside for travelers to camp near the Fort. There were no other amenities present. The group circled their wagons in a grove of trees on the east side of the Fort. They efficiently set camp. The men and older children cared for the livestock, as the women were cooking the food. Jeanine and Hildegard both joined in. The women talked as they worked. The food was ready as the sun was setting. It had been a long day but the sunset was a real Bob Ross moment.

The sleeping arrangements hadn't changed, so when the sun was set, everyone was ready to hit the hay. Of course, the Jessop's were bedding down in their own wagon. Throughout the evening Jeanine had noticed the byplay between David and his wives and Gil and his wives. She was able to relax more as she got to know the group.

In the morning the group acted with practiced efficiency and the train was leaving out about an hour after sunrise. The next two days were uneventful, with Jeanine and Hildegard becoming more relaxed and integrated within the extended family structure. It was during this time that the Jessop story finally came out.

The wagon train finally entered Texas. Franklin stage stop was a small way station for the stage line. (A hundred and twenty five years from now it would be the 6th largest city in Texas and 19th largest in the nation. It was renamed El Paso in 1855) It was located at the core of what would become Modern day El Paso.

However, today is was just a small stage stop north of Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico. The family camped at the stage stop and paid the camp fee of one dollar, which gave them access to the water well. That night when everyone was well sated, Angela snuggled up to David. Her large breast resting on his chest as she lay on her side, her arm draped over his body. She caressed Rhoda's small body as she lay on David's right side, cuddled up in his arm.

"You need to know about Jeanine and Hildegard. They have opened up to us and it's time you know everything," Angela began. "It's hard but you have to know. Elizabeth is telling Gil tonight, too. We are going to take these beautiful souls into our families. They deserve a little happiness and I know that you and Gil will provide that for them. I don't want it left to chance and that's final. There will be no discussion or arguing."

David squeezed Angela in a hug, but remained silent. He knew she would continue. At the same time, Elizabeth was talking with Gil. She had given him the same ultimatum and like David, Gil had also just hugged his wife. He, too, knew it was useless to argue. Elizabeth continued telling the story.

Elizabeth told Gil, "Jeanine was raised on a farm in Missouri. Her father started abusing her sexually when she was ten. He continued abusing her until at thirteen she got pregnant. She was too young and small to handle a baby well. She didn't get her growth until later. She probably would have not had problems if she had already gotten her growth spurt. That, unfortunately, hadn't happened. The birth was hard and she was torn up really bad. It's so sad, really. She can't have any more children and no respectable man would have her."

Angela snuggled closer to David as she continued to relate the story to David.

"After Jeanine gave birth to little Hildegard, she almost died. The birthing was really hard on her, but she did survive. Jeanine's mother died when the baby was two months old and her father forced her to move west with him. She survived with him, acting as his wife. When Hildegard was fourteen, he began having sex with her. Jeanine was prepared. She had a friend who was half Cheyenne, who knew ways to prevent pregnancy. They mostly worked, but Hildi still miscarried twice."

Elizabeth continued relating the story to Gil.

"Despite all her attempts to prevent it, a little over eighteen months ago, she got pregnant again. This time she carried the baby to full term. She named her daughter/sister Reagan Hope. That's the little baby they have now."

David listened to the story Adele was telling. He grew angrier and angrier as the story unfolded. She soothed him as best she could. She pointed out that he did receive his just rewards at the hands of the Indians. This placated David a little bit. As he lay there thinking about what he had just heard he formulated his question carefully. He learned both daughter and granddaughter were relieved when the Indians took him. They were finally free.

"Well, don't keep me in suspense, please tell me who you've decided will become my wife?"

"That's easy. You and Jeanine will hit it off just fine. I know she has become comfortable with my sister-wives and she will make an excellent addition to our family. Although she can't have children, she loves them a lot, and will make a great mother when the rest of us start supplying you with offspring. And Gil will just love Hildegard. She has admitted being attracted to him ever since she first saw him in the wagon that day. It was as if her knight in shining armor had arrived. And he will be very surprised when he sees her on the marriage bed. We've seen her when nursing Reagan. She is almost as big up top as I am!" she added gleefully. "She keeps herself well hidden. That's the way the bastard wanted it. He was mad when she developed those melons and refused to take her any way except back sided."

"I do have two question that I can think of." He said, looking into her loving eyes. "What do the women think about this proposition and what about Sarah?"

"I approached Jeanine and Hildegard about this with Elizabeth yesterday evening. They had the time to talk together about it and they both came to me this evening while you men were working with the livestock. They wanted to know when the weddings were going to be," she said gleefully.

"So what did you tell them?" he pressed.

"Well, I told them we'd arrange for that on the trail. Perhaps we'd have to wait 'till we got to Waco if we had to. I guess some of it will depend on if and when we can find a preacher. And we'll just surprise Sarah."

Angela lightly punched him on his arm, then rubbed her body over his. He responded in the usual male way, and they kept their loving as quiet as the could.

"Are you two finished, now?" came a small voice close by.

Rhoda rolled back over to face David and reached across his chest to pinch and pull on Angela's nipple. Angela let out a moan as her muscles contracted with the added stimulation.

"If you keep that up, we won't be finished for quite a while," she responded with words as well as a small orgasm. "Go to sleep my little minx. I'm through for the night." Angela said, reaching across to pet her sister-wife. Their hands met in the middle and they held hands as they drifted off.

Peggy Sue was restlessly thrashing about in her sleep. She tossed and turned on the big bed. Fortunately, she was on the outside of the pile and wasn't disturbing the others. When the lightning and thunder appeared to burst directly outside the house, she woke with a start, sitting up with a jerk. The scenes she dreamed were still vivid. Two women, one tall and one short with a baby were there. A man tied naked to a tree. Ants.

"What is it," a nearby voice whispered.

"Oh, nothing, Darlene. Go back to sleep. It must have been a nightmare and the lightning woke me," Peggy Sue replied.

The two women cuddled their naked bodies together and soon were back asleep.

The wagon train pulled out early the next morning. The trek had gone so smoothly that the men decided to continue following the old Butterfield stage line. The first day out they made it to the Socorro station. The trail was following the Rio Grande River, so they didn't have a problem with water. The route was sparsely traveled, but every so often they would pass a group headed west.

Three days later they pulled in to Fort Quitman, which was manned by Company B of the 25th Infantry Division. They decided to rest the stock and stayed two days. Once rested they loaded up with extra water and made the cross country trek from Fort Quitman to Van Horns Wells Station, a total of fifty mile which took them three and a half days. They had to be very cautious as the Apache's roamed this area, and they weren't exactly friendly.

The wagons took four days to travel to Fort Davis Station, located near Fort Davis. They rested up a day and then set out for Camp Stockton, later known as Fort Stockton, a trek of seventy-two miles that would take the little group ten days. Two wheels, one each on two different wagons, broke during this portion of the trek. Fortunately, the wagons all had two spare wheels and it only cost them a half day, total time, in delay. They were parched and low on water when they finally arrived because the wells at Limpia station and Barela Springs were both dry from drought. Hackberry Hole station was almost as bad off, but they were able to finagle two barrels of water, at a price of ten dollars a barrel. Gil wanted to just shoot the stationmaster but thought better of it when he noticed the guards with rifles pointed his way. They transferred the water to their own barrels and headed out immediately.

They arrived late in the day at Camp Stockton much to the relief of the women. The soldiers at the Fort were gracious and welcoming to the weary (and thirsty) travelers. The women decide they would stay here and rest the livestock and refresh themselves as well. The trip had been hard on everyone and tempers had flared more than once.

Angela and Adele came out of their wagons the next morning dressed to kill. They both had on their best dresses. Those displayed their bodies to the best advantage. The men knew something was up because the dresses had been altered. Now, even though the dresses were completely buttoned, anyone could see the top half of each woman's breasts. Their erect nipples were only hidden by a small strip of cloth and a little lace on the scoop neckline of their dresses. Their waists were cinched tight with whalebone and satin corsets and their womanly figures made them stand out among the rest.

"Why the fancy dresses," Gil asked. "Did we miss something?"

"Of course you did, you ninny!" came Adele's tart reply. "Get cleaned up and put on a clean shirt. It might be nice if you shaved as well!"

"You too, husband," Angela added. "Get pretty for me."

She batted her eyes at him in such a way that he couldn't resist. He advanced to her and wrapped her up in his arms. He gently lifted her off the ground a bit as he kissed her.

"As you wish," was his response.

The women told them they would be back in awhile and that the other women would have their breakfast ready by the time they were cleaned up. They both turned and walked towards the small settlement that had established itself around the fort proper. The men looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders. They both knew that if mama wasn't happy, no one was happy. They did as they were told.

David was using the strop on his razor when Stephanie came over to him. He looked at her without saying a word. Without comment she took the razor from his hand and sat him on the barrel that they were using for a seat. She silently lathered up the horsehair brush and soaped up his face with lather. She proceeded to shave him. She did a perfect job, nary a nick or razor burn anywhere. David was impressed.

"Before grandpa died I had to learn to shave him," she explained. "In the end, he was clean-shaven when they laid him to rest."

She ran her hand over his cheek and jawline as she felt for strays. Yes, she had done an excellent job. David pulled her close and their lips met. He pushed fervently into her body and she responded. His one hand was squeezing and massaging her butt cheek while the other hand came up to massage her breast and tweak her nipple. She moaned softly into his mouth. She hadn't felt him inside her in three days and she missed him. She knew she would have to wait a little longer, too.

About that time, Rhoda called out for breakfast and a flurry of activity abounded. The children appeared almost out of thin air, and the general ruckus spoiled the mood. Stephanie sent David to eat while she took care of the shaving accouterments. Breakfast was almost over when Adele and Angela appeared. The women looked expectantly at them and caught the slight nod that both women gave. David and Gil on the other hand, missed the byplay.

The women set into motion their plan. The older children handled the cleanup for breakfast. The women themselves disappeared one or two at a time and showed up dressed in their best dresses. After about ten minutes, the men suspected the worst (or best if you look at it from the distance). Sure enough, about the time the women had changed, a man entered the campsite. Right away, the men knew what was up. The man had on a clerical collar. The Right Reverend Richard Burton of the Episcopal Church fourth circuit of West Central Texas introduced himself to the men. The men looked around and only then noticed that they had not seen Jeanine or Hildegard this morning.

"I am taken to understand" he began "that there are nuptials for me to perform here today. Can you be so kind as to point out the groom and bride?"

Laughter broke out at that statement. Adele stepped forward.

"These two scruffy looking characters are the grooms. The brides are in their wagons. After all, Reverend, it's bad luck for the grooms to see their brides before the wedding. You should know that. Your wives told us about that," Adele accented the term wives as she spoke.

The Reverend Mr. Burton's eyes grew wide. How did she know that both sisters, Beatrice and Emma Stepford, had married him and shared his marriage bed? A little nonplussed, the reverend sputtered a little but said no more. While they had been talking, the older children had set up a place under the biggest tree. There were seats for everyone and even an aisle to walk down.

The reverend and the two men took their positions in front. Stephanie and Hannah played their violins. The wedding march began and the brides came out from behind the wagons. Each one had on a simple white dress with a veil of lace. Like Adele and Angela's dresses, the wedding dresses were cut low. A slight flaw in Jeanine's dress allowed just a small hint of her darker areola to show when she moved just right. The short procession ended with the brides standing to the left of the soon to be husbands.

"Before you start, there's just one little thing we need to change." Angela said. She turned and signaled Stephanie. She, in turn, knocked on the back of the wagon she was standing near. Out from the wagon came Sarah, dressed in a simple white dress with a lace veil. She was beaming as she walked purposefully toward David. She took her place on David's right side.

This turn of events didn't seem to phase Pastor Burton. The Reverend gave a beautiful sermon before the couples and then got down to brass tacks, as it were. After they got the "I do's" out of the way, he told them to kiss their brides.

Gil turned Hildegard in to his body and wrapped his long arms around her short torso. He lifted her off the ground as she threw her arms around his neck. He hands held he butt cheeks and they kissed. Her legs wrapped around his as she smothered him with kisses. Not to be outdone, David turned to Jeanine and pulled the tall woman close. Kissing with all the passion he could put in, she almost swooned. The kiss had affected her to the extent that her nipples became rock hard and were pointing the way from her bodice. The complete nipple popped out of the dress at the flaw. As she stepped back a little, another figure interposed between them taking the nip into her mouth. David bent his head down and his lips captured Sarah's. His tongue danced in her mouth, tickling her cheeks and dueling with her tongue for supremacy. The kiss had the same effect on her as it had on Jeanine. The women turned to each other and embraced. Their lips met and the electricity of the kiss caused small explosions in their innermost beings. Sarah tenderly replaced the errant nipple into the bodice of Jeanine's gown.

Suddenly, the other wives swamped them and everyone was taking a turn kissing husbands and wives. The Reverend Burton just stood there smiling. David broke off long enough to hand him a Double Eagle for the double wedding ceremony, It was way too much, but David was happy to have it completed with no fuss. He did take a little time to thank Angela for taking care of the problem. Angela told him he was welcome as she embraced Sarah, rubbing her breasts against her new sister-wife and swapping spit in a searing kiss that left no doubt in anyone's mind that good things were going to happen.

The Reverend didn't tarry. He headed home on the double. When he arrived there, he locked up the church and went into the back rooms, where they lived. Locking the back door as well, he treated both wives to a morning delight. In the afterglow of their lovemaking Burton related the events of the morning to his wives. They were duly impressed by what they were told. They looked at each other and nodded as one.

Beatrice said, "Richard, our cousin Maybelline is only seventeen, but she is in need of a husband. She is such a lovely girl, I think we need to send for her. You know her. She was at our wedding three years ago. Tall willowy blond. Big titties. Blue eyes. Lovely girl. You couldn't take your eyes off her as she danced by. We talked to her and she said she always had a thing for you. We wrote her a letter awhile back and she said she was ready to join us."

Richard discussed the possibility of having her come out and agreed that it would be a good thing.

Emma then said, "Good. I wired her money for the stage. She should be here next week."

Beatrice looked smugly at her husband.

"We knew it wouldn't take much. That's why we told that Adele woman that she should get you to perform the wedding when we saw her at the millinery shop this yesterday. She was picking up lace for the veils for the new brides."

Burton knew he was in for it, then. When it came right down to it, he was pussy whipped. He knew it and admitted it ... to himself, anyway. The pussy was really good, too. He had a lovely pair of sisters who loved him and each other. Now there was to be a cousin, too. Maybelline did have a younger sister, too. Corabeth. She was fourteen. Maybe he should get Corabeth too. That would be fun, two sisters and two cousins.

The wagon train stayed two more days at Fort Stockton. During that time, little was seen of Gil or David. The women switched in and out during the day and night keeping the men and their brides busy, providing food and drink and a little extra sisterly loving as well. Elizabeth and Jessica were heading up the schedule and everyone was given time to get to know their new sister wife intimately. Sarah finally realized her full potential as a wife when David gently entered her steamy body. The sharp sting of losing her virginity was abated by Angela's loving caresses on her sensitive nipples as Georgette kissed her with her tongue delving deep into her mouth. Sarah's hands were busy pleasuring her two sister-wives as they played. This took the sting out of David's entry. By the time she really felt it, the sting was almost past, and his dipping into her honeypot was beginning to light her fire. By the morning of the second day, Jeanine, Sarah and Hildegard were all walking funny. Not to mention David and Gil who were very tender down below.

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Somewhere in Time A Trip to WacoBook 2 Chapter 19

Bob and Hank watched as the traumatized young ladies were pampered by Bob's "harem" as he had started to think of them. He estimated that they were all around twenty years old. Blonde, brunette and red head. They had similar features and he guessed they were sisters, or cousins at least. They stood between 5'2" and 5'8" tall. He could see that Dana and her crew had taken most of the upset out of the three. After a short time, the women started heading straight for Bob. "Uh oh," Hank...

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Somewhere in Time A Trip to WacoChapter 16

Peggy Sue gave the family the bad news. June had spontaneously aborted during the night. The doctor said she was fine and could have more children. She would need rest and no stress for a week. Then she ought to be fine. Jesse woke up a few hours after breakfast. He was hungry and the kitchen brought some soup and a light sandwich. Lisa Marie was on duty. She put down her tatting to feed him until Betsy came in. She took over duties and fed her husband and comforted her sister-wife. Lisa...

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Somewhere in Time A Trip to WacoBook 3 Chapter 4

Waite rolled over in the bed. Peggy Sue was on that side by herself. The others were in assorted other beds except for Carol Ann. Her sleep was undisturbed and he could feel her large melons as they pressed against his body. "Husband, what's the matter? You seemed restless all night, even after Carol Ann and I cleaned your pipes and then let you fuck us into oblivion. Such a wonderful way to go, I might add." She was smiling at him with her pixy face close to him as she whispered. She...

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Somewhere in Time A Trip to WacoChapter 18

Peggy Sue directed the women over to Delmonico's, again. Waite caught one of the boys that seemed to be constantly under foot, and told him to take a message to room sixteen in the hotel. He gave the boy two bits, and told him that if he delivered the message and returned with an answer, he would have a whole dollar waiting. The boy was out of there in a flash. A few minutes later, he returned with the reply. Jesse had sent a note along with the boy, as proof that the message was...

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Somewhere in Time A Trip to WacoBook 3 Chapter 8

"Oh, boy, someone's in trouble!" Gil said under his breath. "I think more than one of us, Gil old boy!" David replied as he vigorously waved to the family. There at the front of the group stood Angela and Adele. Both had their hands on their hips and their stance showed they would broach no flimsy excuses. They were mad. Well, not quite true. They were relieved, elated that their family came through unscathed, and pissed off that they took so long to do it. "Where the hell have you...

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Somewhere in Time A Trip to WacoBook 3 Chapter 11

Once back in the shack, Gil whispered, "We've got to get out of here." "I agree," Tom said, "but it might be better if we wait until sunup. I think we will be all right until then, and we might just be able to escape." "I hope you're right about that." "I'm sure I am. Just be patient. It might be best if you can get a little more sleep. The stock should be okay until then. If not, we will just have to deal with it." The two men lay back down on their cots. The blankets did...

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Somewhere in Time A Trip to WacoChapter 6

With that business out of the way, we sat back and just relaxed for a little while. We talked about various subjects until there was a commotion at the door. The headwaiter was blocking the view, and adamant about not letting whomever it was in. There was a flurry of activity, and the urchin on guard suddenly burst into view. He spotted us and made a beeline to the table. When he caught his breath he informed Waite of the problem. "Sir, Mr. Waite. I'd sat on that box fur a long time. I'm...

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Somewhere in Time A Trip to WacoBook 3 Chapter 9

"Well done. I'll take both! And throw in another ten boxes of cartridges, too," David said, still chuckling. The men went back into the store and David got a bill of sale for the rifles. The second was still packed in the shipping box. It had been sent by boat and was coated with the waxy cosmoline used to protect metal during ocean voyages. Well, it wasn't exactly cosmoline, but the substance was like the treating material found in 3rd and 5th dynasty Egyptian mummies. Later refinement...

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Somewhere in Time A Trip to WacoChapter 17

Within the confines of the Conestoga wagon, the wives of Waite Phillips had arranged a bedroom. It was not elaborate but it was functional. They had been making love to Waite nightly and they loved every minute of it. He was gentle and fierce with his lovemaking. Add to that the tactile sensations of the sister-wives as they also make love to each other and it becomes a firestorm of sensations. For Waite it was fantasy and reality. He now had Peggy Sue, Carol Ann, Lisa Marie, Annabel Lee,...

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Mortimer and Myrtle A Love Story

Note: This is not your usual Lush story. It is an experimental play in a theater of the absurd style. There is no sex but it is an entertaining comment on marriage. I encourage you to indulge in something different. I think it will make you laugh and maybe cry. Scene: A formal living room. Mortimer is seated on a sofa in the center of the room when Myrtle enters and sits on the sofa next to him. She is wearing a blue floral dress and a pearl necklace, her gray hair is tied in a bun. Mortimer is...

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Dads Trip Made My Mom Strip

by Oediplex 8==3~ Based on an il-lust-ration by Pandora's Box, If sauce for the gander is sauce for the goose, what does a good gosling get? Lena was furious, Lena was horny. Lena was hurt, Lena was frustrated. Lena was unhappy, Lena was in heat. Lena had a husband, she hadn't had sex in two weeks. Lena hadn't seen her husband in that time because of a business trip, now he had called to say he had to stay a few extra days, unexpectedly. They had a good boy, Jeff; they...

4 years ago
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Dads Trip Made My Mom Strip

by Oediplex With an il-lust-ration by Pandora’s Box, used with permission both text and picture are copyrighted material (Incest, F/m mother & son) If sauce for the gander is sauce for the goose, what does a good gosling get? Lena was furious, Lena was horny. Lena was hurt, Lena was frustrated. Lena was unhappy, Lena was in heat. Lena had a husband, she hadn’t had sex in two weeks. Lena hadn’t seen her husband in that time because of a business trip, now he had called to say...

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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 6 Across The Pond Of SexChapter 20 Luck of the Irish AND The Mistress Bridal Shower

Lana sat down in the center of the bed and looked lovingly at her Wild Kat sitting right in front of her. Lana was feeling more than horny that day, she was feeling romantic. She looked into Katrina's eyes and pulled her over to kiss her a while, rubbing their tits together as they did. They had been talking for some time that day about the clothes they would be buying to wear to John, Debbie, Ron and Hannah's weddings and it had left them feeling envious and desirous of joining their...

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Candy Striper

Special thanks to Phil Gorman 2014 for his expertise in re-editing and proofing. I have always enjoyed helping people and being a candy striper at the hospital gives me an opportunity to do just that. It all started nearly two years ago when mom and I visited one of my aunts who had an operation. I saw a number of young candy stripers assisting a group of young patients. Mom told me that, at fourteen, I was too young to volunteer. Being persistent, I manage to get an application and a booklet...

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Charlotta The Candy StriperChapter 2

The young, blonde, Charlotte was wearing the brand spanking new pink striped above the knee dress worn by all the candy stripers in the hospital. However, Charlotta had washed it in hot water and it had shrunk prominently now showing her visible panty line. Doctor R. Robin Shepherd, the ‘R’ stood for Robin. She told Charlotta to now call her as the newest member of the hospital staff, Robin. The pretty blond with long hair, now twenty-three became the hospital’s newest candy...

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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 2 Sex HighChapter 3 The Mistress of Pain and her Secret Lair

The next afternoon John called a meeting of the band in the studio, he seemed extra happy about something. The concert the night before had been a—well the words 'complete success'—just doesn't start to cover what the night had been. However, by the end of the concert all the Anderson household, even the adults that were not on stage working, were pretty tired out. When they finally got home, everyone went straight to bed for once and ended up sleeping in late. Now, as all the kids...

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Lunchtime Munchtime

As was his habit at lunchtime, Hal left the building and walked through the office park for exercise. It was a partly cloudy day, and for the moment it seemed overcast. On his way to a small path through the woods, he saw her. Sandy was an attractive redhead with a sensual voice who almost always wore a tailored blouse, a roomy ankle-length skirt, and one-inch pumps. Her wardrobe varied in color, patterns, and material, depending upon the season, but always the same ensemble. Hal watched as...

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Somewhere in Time A Trip to WacoBook 2 Chapter 10

For a moment the silence was stifling. Clementine looked from woman to woman questioningly. The wives were temporarily frozen in time. Not one made a move. Then Dana stepped forward. She knelt down to eye level with Clementine, gazing for a moment into her clear blue eyes. "Sweetie, you are so pretty, I don't know how any of us could NOT choose to be your mother. So if it's all right with you, we ALL will be your mother. Is that all right?" Dana asked. "Oh, yes!" she exclaimed,...

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Somewhere in Time A Trip to WacoBook 3 Chapter 1

David Morgan was a young man, just twenty-five years old. He had worked for the Golden Palace saloon in San Francisco for the last four years. His mother had died of the fever that had swept through the town, ravaging the inhabitants and decimating the population. Since his father had left when he was but two years old, he'd had no other recourse than to go to work. David was extremely unhappy with his job. Last night was the last straw. No more would he be the butt of the jokes of the...

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Somewhere in Time A Trip to WacoBook 2 Chapter 13

Waite was restless in his sleep. Peggy Sue was sharing the bed with him and Doreen. His restlessness had disturbed her sleep just enough. She was awake, watching her husband. He was mumbling something, but she couldn't quite understand what it was. He continued to toss and turn as the dream he was having ate away at his psyché. He rolled over, again. This time he bumped into Peggy Sue. She grabbed at him, to keep from being shoved out of the bed. Waite awoke with a start. Sweat was dripping...

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Somewhere in Time A Trip to WacoBook 3 Chapter 7

David took the lead, followed by Adele. Jessica was working the other small wagon and Gil took the second Conestoga. The wagon train was growing. As it grew, their travel became more dangerous. A single wagon or even two might go unnoticed and maybe even untouched if noticed. But a train of four wagons with all those extra horses and mules, it was an invitation to a gunfight. As the morning progressed, David decided they needed a scout. He handed over the reins to Angela and mounted Midnight....

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Somewhere in Time A Trip to WacoBook 2 Chapter 3

Dana and Rebecca were up early, getting the traditional gather breakfast ready. They'd joined the other ladies in the cooking line. Rebecca was helping with the pancakes. Dana was heading up the biscuit crew. She'd brought a full bag of old time flour (non-self-rising), and was making the biscuits from scratch. Some of the other women were standing around watching, in hopes that they could learn the technique. She explained what she was doing, with each step of the process, so the other...

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Somewhere in Time A Trip to WacoBook 2 Chapter 18

The first marker was a split in the trail. Bob guessed rightly that turning left would have taken them into Hempstead, while going to the right was a cross cut to the stage trail from Houston to Bryan. So, everyone took the turn to the right, and they were on their way again. The women were mostly chatting with each other. The ride was a little too bumpy to do anything else. They couldn't read, or work on those little sewing projects that always seem to pop up, so they talked and enjoyed...

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Somewhere in Time A Trip to WacoBook 2 Chapter 7

Bob took the honors, and even though it wasn't required, introduced himself and his family to Alice. "Are you planning to stay long, here in North Platte?" she inquired. Dana took over and explained they were headed to Texas but were going to the Mississippi to ferry their belongings and livestock down the river, saving several months of overland travel and avoiding the wild savages. Alice nodded her head knowingly. She related the story of how she lost her family to an attack before...

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Somewhere in Time A Trip to WacoChapter 19

They could return to Dodge with the women, or they could go on to Waco. The women would have to decide, tonight sometime. It the morning the wagon train had to move on, one way or the other. Waite offered the women safety and shelter to travel to Waco. He also assured them they could return to Dodge if they wanted. The mood was quite subdued. Jim offered to take the first watch. He only had one wife and he could take care of her needs later. Jesse took second watch and that made Waite third...

2 years ago
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Somewhere in Time A Trip to WacoBook 2 Chapter 17

Bob and his family spent the next three days taking in the sights of Houston, while they waited for their wagons and livestock to arrive. They went to the theater one night. Another was spent in the hotel, with everyone enjoying each other's company. Bob got into a high stakes poker game at one of the gambling houses. It was actually an honest game, and all the players were also honest. They were also good. They played until one in the morning and Bob managed to stay even for the night. When...

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Somewhere in Time A Trip to WacoChapter 11

Bright and early the next morning, Waite arose from sleep rested and satisfied. He had serviced each of his wives until they could take no more. His curiosity was running rampant at what he saw and heard last night, just before going to bed. Now he had to check it out. He quickly dressed and hurried to the door. He listened to the still sleeping hotel. There was a click. He waited until the count of three and threw open the door. Across the hall the door was partially open. There were two...

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Somewhere in Time A Trip to WacoChapter 14

The sound was barely audible. A second knock followed. Waite got out of bed and crossed the distance to the door and opened it a crack. His eyes were assaulted with a vision of loveliness. Standing on the other side of the door was Millie. She had on a sheer robe that hid none of the treasures under it. For a woman of sixty-one years, she was remarkably well put together. Her breasts were of medium size but still mounted high on her chest. He thought of the illusion that her dress produced....

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Somewhere in Time A Trip to WacoBook 3 Chapter 10

The next morning, everyone somehow woke up rested. The women rushed to get freshened up before leaving for town. David and Gil were in the kitchen with Georgette and Adele when Sarah came rushing in. She stopped short when she saw David and turned crimson. Her chest was heaving as if she had been running. Truthfully, some of it was from the running and some of it was from her memory of last night. "Whoa, girl. Slow down," Georgette admonished as she worked. She hadn't looked closely, or...

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Somewhere in Time A Trip to WacoChapter 15

There, lying on top of the stack of cards in front of him, was the only way Waite was going to win the hand. It was the nine of clubs. That gave him the seven, eight, nine, ten and Jack of clubs: a straight flush. Only a few hands could beat it. Among these were the jack high straight flush of another suit, the queen high and king high straight flushes, and the royal flushes (an ace high straight flush). A roar of applause exploded from the onlookers. Waite stood slowly, and reached onto the...

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Somewhere in Time A Trip to WacoBook 2 Chapter 6

They trotted off towards the woods. Andy showed his father where they had entered the woods. He'd thought to mark the trail with his knife, so it was easy to find. They came to the clearing and Bob was appalled at the mess. He signaled Andrew to circle around to the left and he'd go right, towards the back of the wagon. He'd just eased passed the edge of the big wagon, when something crashed down on his head. He saw stars, momentarily, just before everything went black. A short time...

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Somewhere in Time A Trip to WacoBook 2 Chapter 8

At the other end of the valley, they saw the source of the smoke. There was a homestead ablaze. The barn was fully engulfed, and the left end of the farmhouse was burning. The sound of gunfire reached the group. Scanning the scene, puffs of smoke from the weapons were evident. Bob counted five distinct areas of gunfire in the trees to the south of the house. There were two locations in the house where return fire was being offered. The fire at the north end of the house did not help...

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Somewhere in Time A Trip to WacoChapter 8

They were ready to go a bit after noontime. Peggy Sue arranged the wagons. Karen rode with Jessie and Betsy. Kenny went with her, Lisa Marie, and Carol Ann. Patty was on the big seat next to Waite, and Annabel Lee rode in the bedroom. They hit the road and managed to travel unmolested the rest of the day. They made camp beside the road as the sun was approaching the horizon, shooting red and golden rays streaking across the sky. 'Now that's a real Bob Ross moment, ' Waite thought. Waite...

5 years ago
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Somewhere in Time A Trip to WacoChapter 12

A big yawn escaped Waite's mouth as he stretched his thoroughly used body in the gray dawn light. Two soft bodies lay up against his. He looked at the sleeping face of Peggy Sue as she slept with her body pressed against his. Her generous chest crushed against his side. He kissed her lightly on her forehead. Her eyes fluttered open. "Good morning, husband," whispering as she smiled up at him. "Morning, wife" he whispered back. He turned his head to the other wife vying for his...

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Somewhere in Time A Trip to WacoBook 2 Chapter 11

"Three..." "All right, you varmint, here it comes," Rob said as he cocked his revolver. "Don't shoot," came a voice from the bedding as the cocking of the handgun was heard. It was moment before the pile of bedding was tossed aside by the person caught in them. Finally, the covers fell away, and the young man stood up. "Hey, aren't you the guy that Mr. McGrew was about to kill?" Rob asked. "Please don't kill me," he asked. "When you guys started arguing, I ran into the...

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Somewhere in Time A Trip to WacoBook 3 Chapter 3

"Lord o' mercy, but it shore sounded like you had a good time last night, children." Lucille chuckled as the trio came straggling into the kitchen, much later than normal. "Did you get your differences all worked out?" Lucille just stood there, not really waiting for her rhetorical question to be answered. She knew the answer already. She'd given herself a double just listening to them. She could only imagine the feeling. She gazed longingly at David's middle. Jessica noticed the...

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Somewhere in Time A Trip to WacoBook 3 Chapter 15

There in the kitchen were Adele, Angela, Jessica and Jeanine. They were busy working on getting breakfast. They had raided Maybelle's pantry. Biscuits were baking in the stove, while gravy was gently simmering on the stovetop. Jeanine was making omelets while Adele chopped peppers and onions. Angela was cooking some bacon slices, and Jessica was gathering up a pail to go milk the cow. Maybelle took the bucket and told her George would milk and told her to come along. She showed Jessica the...

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Somewhere in Time A Trip to WacoChapter 10

"You sniveling four-flusher. You were cheating last night, and I know it! I want my money back. You give it to me or I'll beat you to within an inch of your life. I know your were cheating cause no one draws to an inside royal flush. It just isn't done. No tinhorn gambler is going to cheat me. Whar's my dough?" he shouted. "M-M-Mister, I ain't got your dough, and I ain't a cheat. You were drunk and could hardly hold your cards. Plus, I wasn't even dealing. You can't blame me if you...

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Somewhere in Time A Trip to WacoChapter 2

Phillips woke up with a morning piss hard-on, just as he had done for the last who knows how long. Since he was 11? Maybe even before that. All he knew for sure was that he wasn't in Kansas anymore, Toto. Everything was just peachy until he woke up yesterday. He had lost his job a few weeks back, had been reading books and stories on the internet, and even played at being a rancher in Central Texas until this happened. He found out yesterday that he had been somehow transported back in time...

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