Devlin's StoryChapter 74 free porn video

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Friday dawned bright and clear. The snowstorm of the night before had ended, leaving the outside world covered in a white blanket. Devlin slowly stretched, tensing and releasing every muscle in her body. It had been quite a week, but now she was on the homestretch.

She had finished Finals the preceding Thursday. It was the last set of Finals she would have to take. All the papers had been turned in, all the tests finished, there was nothing left but the graduation ceremony. Her grades were more than good enough. She was graduating 15th in her class, which was better than she'd expected. The important thing, though, was that she was graduating. She'd get her diploma and officially be a college graduate.

It was going to feel strange not going to school. She'd been going to one type of school or another for as long as she could remember, and now she'd have to take all of those years and put them to use. From here on she'd be earning her living in the real world; from here on she was going to be a businesswoman with a career of her own. And after her honeymoon she was going to spend two months in Chicago learning about the business from the inside. Starting in April she and two other gals were going to be in the Bay Area opening up a new territory for the company. It was quite a task, and she could hardly wait to get started.

She spent the day closing out her student accounts and finishing the paperwork that ended her time as a student. She went over to the Athletic Club and did a mile in the pool, then took a really long hot shower and washed her hair. She cleaned out her locker, slowly folding and storing things in a box. Krissi was going to ship this to Chicago and the apartment she'd be sharing there.

When she emerged from the locker room she practically tripped over Denise O'Connor. "Fancy meeting you here," Devlin said.

"I got your invitation," Denise replied after a hug. "I wish we could attend, but..."

"Oh, I understand. All of my relatives are up here, and I've been getting barraged by phone calls about why we were getting married in the Keys."

"My husband and I went to Key West once," Denise said as they braved the weather. "He'd been stationed there when he was in the Marines, and he told me all about it." She paused to brush some snow off of her arm. "We're going to get down there, just not right now."

"So how's life treating you?" Devlin asked.

"This is the quiet season," Denise said. "Students are heading home, and with it a lot of the weird problems we get. We'll just be down to routine assault and batteries, robberies, and the like."

Devlin laughed. "Sounds boring... not!"

"Yeah, I know. Coffee?"

"Why not?"

They chatted away for a few cups of coffee, and parted after having exchanged addresses. She was going to miss Denise, even if she'd had to evade the truth from time to time with her.

Commencement was a blur--she'd followed more of Krissi's. She only wished Evan could have made it, but he was pitching that evening. Krissi was on a book tour and couldn't get away. Steve had been there, and Amnita came, along with Lisa and Jo. They all joined in the graduation party, and relived some of the fun things they'd done.

Amnita reduced Jo to near terminal embarrassment with some of her stories, especially from Olangopo. Jo hadn't considered some of the possibilities involving two guys and four girls. Lisa, who'd seen a few things like that at Emma's, could only laugh at her friend's expression.

"They get more bizarre than that," she said. "They have this thing called a pile, where you get everyone in the room involved with each other."

"You didn't... you never..."

"Never did it," Lisa said. "But both Devlin and Amnita have."

"You lose all sense of self," Amnita said. "By the time everything ends you're exhausted, but it's a happy exhaustion."

"And you're a mess," Devlin added. "Half the time you never know who you're involved with, but that doesn't matter. Oh, and did you tell her about the random sprays of come?"

"What?!" Jo looked at Lisa in shock.

"You'll be going to town on someone," Amnita said, "and some guy will get too excited and spray the whole group when he comes."

"Accidents happen," Devlin said. She saw her mother standing by the door. "I think it's time to do the parental unit thing. I'll talk to you guys later."

After a quick round of hugs she made her way across the floor to her mother. Another hug, and they left for the dinner they'd planned. She watched her mother closely as they ate and talked, not sure if she was going to cry, or laugh. She felt much the same way. Graduation was the end of a phase in her life, and they both knew it.

On Monday she drove to Chicago, where she turned her sales territory over to another gal. They waded through the paperwork, changing the names on the accounts and other things. All of it was necessary, and it seemed to drag on and on. Finally, though, she was officially a Territory Manager, though she didn't have a Territory just yet. She now had the authority to hire people--though that was still subject to approval by her boss. Full authority would come as she built her Territory.

When she was done at work she walked through the evening gloom, jostled by the occasional shopper. It was snowing, a fine drifting powder that promised much more to come. She still had things to do in Chicago--find an apartment for the next two months was the most important--and they were keeping her from Key West. She also had meetings, including with one of the gals who would report to her. She was on a deadline, and she wasn't sure if she was looking forward to Saturday night when her friends were taking her out to a bachelorette party.

Sunday morning, too early Sunday morning, she was going to catch a flight from Chicago O'Hare to New Orleans, and from there to Key West. Bright and early, well, 9:30 or so, she'd arrive in Key West. She'd probably be tired and a little out of sorts, but there would be no time for that, because on Sunday afternoon she and Evan were going to be married on Sugarloaf Key.


She turned that word over in her mind. She was going to be married. She was going to be a wife. She was going to have a husband. After all this time she and Evan were going to make it official.

She wasn't quite sure she was used to the idea yet. She stared at her reflection in the window of a store. She'd better get used to the idea, because at the end of the week it was going to be a reality. She'd have the ring and everything, all of the things a girl was supposed to have that officially made her happy.

"I wish it was over with and we were married," she murmured. She could already feel her nerves buzzing. If it was just over and done with... Oh well, the bride was supposed to look forward to the ceremony. After all, it was her big day.

Somehow she got through the week of meetings, spiced with a nightly phone call to Evan. There were a lot of things involved in being a Territory Manager. She'd have to do some selling, too, and probably take the lead on bra fittings, at least for a while. She smiled at that. Same old--same old. Some things just didn't change.

Sunset on Saturday night found her on the freeway. Traffic was agreeably light. It had snowed again, just a little over an inch, but the streets and highways were already cleaned off. She ran over her list of things to do. It looked like everything was complete. It was time to relax and enjoy the process. It was her day coming up, and she was going to have fun with it.

But first she was going to visit her mother.

"You look so composed," her mother said when she opened the apartment door. Devlin could hear her sister squalling in the background, a noise that died to a gurgle as Tom did something or other. "And you're all dressed up, too."

"I'm meeting some friends," Devlin said. She was wearing a black turtleneck sweater, jeans, and her winter boots. It wasn't very fashionable, but in the Midwest keeping warm trumped everything else.

"Sounds fun," her mother said, inviting her in. "I wish I could join you."

"Most of it would bore you," Devlin said. She took off her coat and draped it over the back of a chair. "It'll just be a bunch of girls sitting around talking about guys they'd dated and things that had happened in college. We'll tell a bunch of stories, lie a little, and things like that."

"So they're not taking you to a male strip bar?" Her mother's eyes twinkled as she said that.

"I don't know of any around here," Devlin said. "There may be one in Chicago, but none of us want to go that far. No, we'll sit in some watering hole, eating and talking half the night away."

"Yeah, but..." Her mother stopped, shaking her head. She gestured for Devlin to sit, and brought her a cup of tea. "We're all set for Sunday morning," she said. She and Tom had made their own travel arrangements and were flying out of Peoria, leaving at the crack of dawn, or actually a little before.

"Well, I thought I'd go over the directions one last time," Devlin said. She put the paper with the directions on the coffee table. "The church isn't hard to get to. I mean there aren't many ways to get lost in the Keys. There's only one main road, and..."

"No need to explain," her mother said. "I've talked with Evan's mother, and she's going to have someone meet us at the airport." Then she gave Devlin a careful look. "Nervous?"

"Scared is more like it."

"It's a big step for a gal. Nothing is ever the same after your wedding day."

"I know."

"No matter what happens, Devlin, you're still my little girl."

"Oh, Mom, I..." Whatever else she was going to say was lost as her mother opened her arms and Devlin buried herself in them. "Everything's happening at once," she confessed after a good cry and a few minutes to check her make-up.

"You'll have time to relax on that cruise," her mother said. "Phone me when you get back." Devlin nodded, snuffling back her tears again. "And be sure to let me know where in Oakland you finally settle."

"Actually I can do that right now," Devlin said. She scribbled the address of Evan's apartment on another piece of paper. "When I move to Oakland, that's where I'll be staying. Of course that won't be until the end of March."

"I thought your company was only keeping you to the end of February... oh yeah, Spring Training."

"Only for a week. I'll be driving there from Chicago, which should be an adventure in itself."

"Too bad Evan can't help you with that."

"Team wives have to be somewhat independent."

"That you are," her mother said. "You've always been more than a little independent. If it hadn't been for Sue and Danny helping out, I don't think it would have been possible."

"That reminds me, I'll have to call them when I get back to town."

"I thought you invited them to the wedding."

"I did, but Sue sent their regrets. Their kids are in school."

"That's too bad. I liked Sue. I'm glad you got her to do that surgery."

"I'm glad it worked out." Devlin glanced at the clock. "Oh, I've got to be running. I told the other gals I'd be there before 8:00, and it's nearly 7:30 now." She grabbed her coat and wrestled it on.

"Well, have fun tonight, and I'll see you Sunday about noon, okay?"

"I love you, Mom." She gave her mother a quick hug, stuck her head in the baby's room to say hello/good-bye to her sister, and hurried out the door.

Devlin dozed on the flight to New Orleans. Her dreams were confused, a jumble of eroticism and a little nervousness. She arrived in New Orleans at 7:15 local time. She had to run to catch the Key West flight, but having no luggage helped. When she emerged from the jetway in Key West Evan and his family were there to meet her.

"You look rushed," he said after a quick kiss.

"So do you. When did you get in?"

"About 20 minutes ago."

"Now, now," Georgia said, pushing them apart. "There'll be plenty of time for kissing and talking later. Devlin has a lot of things to do, and not much time to do them."

They separated there. Evan and his Dad went one way, Devlin and Georgia, with Jenny and Sandy in tow, went the other.

Devlin glanced at Jenny, who was sporting a ring on her finger. "You didn't have that on when I was here over Thanksgiving," she said. "When's your big day?"

"June," Jenny said. "Right after graduation. Well, 10 days after graduation." She smiled. "He asked me Friday night."

"Well, congratulations!" Devlin gave her a quick hug.

"When does your mother get in?" Georgia asked as they drove over the bridge to Boca Chica Key. Off to one side a pair of Navy fighters split the sky as they took off.

"Their flight gets in about 10:45," Devlin said. "They got up at the crack of dawn and are connecting through Mobile."

"I know that flight," Georgia said. "Jenny's going to pick them up and bring them to our house. She'll also run any last minute errands for you."

"I'll do the same for you," Devlin told her. "You'd be surprised what can go wrong at a wedding."

"Something always goes wrong," Georgia said. "I have a friend on stand-by with spare flowers and a spare cake just in case."

"You didn't have to," Devlin said.

Georgia laughed. "Listen, at my wedding the cake and flowers got delivered to the wrong church. We only got through it all because my aunt was prepared in just the same way." She shrugged. "Anyway, she'll bring the flowers whether they're needed or not. It'd be a shame to let perfectly good flowers go to waste like that. And if we don't need the cake, don't worry. It'll go to a good home."

Devlin laughed. "If you say so."

The wedding was at 2:00. Georgia and Sandy helped her start to get ready. Her mother appeared, youngest daughter in tow, when Devlin was about half-dressed.

"She looks just darling," Devlin said, kneeling to look at her sister. Her sister was wearing a white dress with ruffles, white tights and brand new black shoes. She'd been walking for several months, only now she wasn't falling down all the time. She peered at Devlin curiously, then smiled as Devlin poked her sister's cheek and drew a dimple. A moment later the early hour was forgotten as she hugged Devlin.

Devlin finally put on her wedding dress. It was sleeveless--though not strapless--with a tight bodice. It flared at her hips in a cascade of white over several layers of petticoats. It was all topped off with a white lace wrap and a white head piece with its own train that wrapped around her hair and flowed down her back. It had taken four different fittings before both she and the dressmaker were satisfied.

After a couple of pictures everyone else changed. Her mother held her hand on the way to the church. Devlin was shaking so hard from nervousness that anything else, flowers for instance, would have been shaken to pieces by the time they got there.

There were a lot of things she was still worrying about--bridesmaids were way up on her list. Because the wedding was being held in the Keys she'd asked her mother about it.

"Well it can't be me," her mother said. "I'd love to, but I can't."


"I'm the mother of the bride. It's my job to sit in the front row and cry. A bridesmaid's supposed to be supportive, not a bundle of nerves."

"Well, who, then? I don't know anyone down there."

"Ask Sandy and Jenny."

That night she did, in a conference call. "Maybe," Sandy said. "If you can't get someone else, I'll do it."

"Same here," Jenny said. "I'll do it, but..."

"Well, it can't be my sister, she's barely walking, and anyway, she's going to be the ring bearer."

She called Mary, the woman she'd worked with before. She was setting up her own sales territory in New Orleans, but quickly agreed. "Maybe I'll even get my boyfriend Brian to come along," she said. "We need time together, and this'll be just the thing."

"Hasn't he asked you yet? I know the last time we talked you said he was close."

She laughed. "He's nervin' himself up to ask me."

"I'll warn you, this is on the weekend, so you'll have to wear a nice dress, not the stuff you usually wear."

"Just don' make it taffeta. I had to do that when I was younger, an' I hated it. Anyway, I'll make flight reservations an' see you the day of the wedding. I figure I can catch the early mornin' flight an' get there about 8:00 or 8:30."

"You'll beat me," Devlin said. "I'll send you directions and everything. And the dress."

"What's it look like?"

"It's a white satin sheath."

"Well okay, then. White satin I can do. I'll see you then."

Mary was as good as her word. She greeted Devlin at the door of the waiting room with open arms. "You look marvelous," she said, "an' that dress is absolutely you. I've already checked your flowers," she added. "An' the photographer is already here an' settin' up."

"Did Brian make the trip?"

Mary nodded. "He's out front right now." She glanced at Devlin. "I can't get over it. You're a knockout in that dress."

"It fits because I haven't eaten lately. I've been too busy."

Mary laughed. "I bet. When we were workin' together last summer you didn't eat enough. New Orleans food has to be savored." Somebody said something behind her, and she turned her head. "Oops, got to go."

"I have a surprise for you," her mother said as Devlin eased down on a stool in the corner.

"As if I have enough surprises," Devlin said sourly. "Okay, what is it?"

"You know Jenny and Sandy said they didn't want to be bridesmaids, but they would if nobody else would?" Devlin nodded. "Fortunately a couple of your friends said they could fly down and help."

"Who? The only one other one I know down here is Mary."

"There's me," Krissi said, peeking around the door. "I couldn't let you get married without my help."

"But... but you're on that book tour. You're supposed to be in Denver this week"

"Still am," Krissi said. "But today's an off day. I'm flying back tonight after the reception. I'll be dead tired tomorrow, but all I have to do tomorrow is sit, smile, and sign my name. I can do that. And, anyway, you didn't think I'd miss my best friend's wedding, did you?"

"I remembered what a help she was when I got married," her mother said. "And I knew you two are good friends, so I called her and asked her if she could possibly make it, and she agreed."

"Steve's over with Evan," Krissi said. "He flew down with Marie and Rick. They all came down on the same flight as your Mom. Rick and Marie said they needed time off from the snow, and Marie said that her school was out for the holidays. Oh, and Marie said she'd go find your bouquet."

"My bouquet's missing?" Devlin got up and began opening boxes. Her bouquet was supposed to be with her headpiece.

"I didn't know Marie and Rick," her mother said. "But Krissi introduced us at the airport."

"Marie owns a cosmetology school," Devlin said, still looking for her bouquet. "She used to do make-up out in Hollywood, and now she teaches it back home. She also owns something like half a dozen beauty parlors, which may be where you know her."

"Marie as in Marie's Curls & Gossip?" her mother asked. Devlin nodded. "There's one that just opened in Peru. I just had my hair cut there last week."

"That's the one."

"And her husband Rick plays professional volleyball," Krissi added.

"You mean that dreamboat out front?" Sandy asked. "Ooh, he's quite a hunk."

Devlin had the sudden urge to add that Rick and Marie were both dynamite in bed. Marie had the softest breasts, and got really turned on when you rubbed her nipples with your own. Her skin didn't have the delicate porcelain look of Krissi's, but she was just as orgasmic. And Rick... Rick had a manhood that was a foot long and 3" across, and he could do it for hours on end, reducing her to a puddle of satisfied woman-flesh. Of course that would mean telling everyone about Rick, and Marie, and Krissi... and the lifestyle, and all of the men she'd had sex with since she was 14. She decided that some things just shouldn't be shared with her mother.

"You ought to see him in a wet tee-shirt and shorts," Devlin said. She gave Sandy a wicked grin. "We were at a barbecue last summer and he'd been playing volleyball. Everybody was all hot and sweaty, and somebody turned on a sprinkler so they could cool off. When I saw him I practically melted."

"Ooh, I can see why," Sandy said. Her eyes were dreamy. She was obviously having very specific fantasies about Rick right now. "He looks pretty good in a tuxedo, too."

"He's happily married," Marie said from the other side of the room. She had the missing bouquet in her hands. "Guess what I found!" Like Krissi she was wearing a white sleeveless sheath, long white gloves and white heels. "Your flowers, girl," she added with a curtsy. She reached up and did a couple of things to Devlin's hair. "Let me get a pin, you have some curls trying to escape."

Devlin smiled as Marie pinned the errant curls back under her headpiece.

"I brought my make-up kit," Marie added. "You could use some touching-up, girl." She got it and set it up next to the stool Devlin was using. "This'll take just a couple of minutes." She tossed a sheet around Devlin and got busy with her brush and eyeliner. A touch more mascara, a little refreshing here and there, and she blended it all with her brush.

"There, that should do."

Devlin inspected the results in a mirror. Marie had somehow brought out the features on her face, accentuating them just a little more. She looked better than she expected.

"We've got a couple of minutes, still," her mother said. "On your feet, Devlin. Okay, everyone, last check."

Devlin dutifully climbed up on the stool. Everyone did a careful walk-around inspection. "The dress looks nicer than when you tried it on back home," Krissi said as she plucked the train out a little more.

"I think so, too," her mother said. "I can't think of anything more left to do."

"Checklist time," Krissi said. "Something old: the headpiece. Something new: the choker. Borrowed..."

"Those earrings of mine she's wearing," Georgia said.

"Something blue: my garter," Devlin said.

"Penny in the shoe for luck," her mother said. "It is there, isn't it?" Devlin took her foot out of her shoe and showed them the penny.

"That's it," Marie said. She gave Devlin a quick hug, perhaps just a hair warmer than she had before. Devlin returned it, keeping a proper cheek to cheek touch. Another hug from Krissi, just as warm, and both headed for the front of the church with Mary right behind them.

Marie stuck her head back in. "Evan looks great," she said with a wicked grin, and winked.

Devlin saw the clock--1:55. "Oh. It's almost..." She swallowed, wishing she wasn't shaking so much. "It's almost time." That last came out as a squeak.

"You'll do fine, dear," her mother said. She gave her a hug and a kiss. "I wish your father was here to be with you today."

"I've never missed him more than right now," Devlin replied quietly. She took a breath to try to calm her nerves. It didn't work. "I'm okay, I guess."

"I'll be right there in the front row for you."

Sandy handed Devlin her bouquet while Jenny fiddled with the wrap and something on the dress. "Ready?" Jenny asked.

"No, but it's a little late to back out, now, isn't it?"

Jenny gave her a quick hug. "You'll do fine. Mom said at her wedding they gave her a straight shot of rum to steady her before she walked down the aisle." She draped Devlin's veil over her face, tugged at a couple of things, and nodded.

"I did the same for my Mom," Devlin said. She swallowed. Her throat was suddenly dry. The organ did a couple of bars, and then broke into the wedding march.

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I had been dating Stephanie for about 2 months when things made a drastic change I had been dating Stephanie for about 2 months when things made a drastic change.? Our relationship was going very good, but as far as making out we had not gone beyond kissing.? We went out to eat once a week and spent the other evenings together.? We would alternate who cooked, and we usually went to the park each evening for a walk.? We truly enjoyed being together. It was a Tuesday evening when...

2 years ago
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Star Wars The Tie FighterChapter 3 From the Badlands to the Death Star

GUSTAV had been in orbit about Resead for three days. Our mission during this time was to fly patrols in the surrounding system to guard against any further Rebel attacks, while the stormtroopers and other ground personnel solidified Imperial control of the planet. The badly damaged orbiting platform was also undergoing repairs. In addition to the patrols, I used the time for training. Our TIE squadrons and those of our sister frigate SHAMUS, which had been badly damaged in the attack on...

2 years ago
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Camping out to spice up an affair

It's a super hot sticky day...late Friday afternoon in fact. Humidity hangs like a blanket in the air but the sun is finally sinking to the horizon. There’s not a breath of wind anywhere, nor a cloud in the sky,and so even just sitting down doing nothing, makes the sweat trickle off us both. I’m sitting on a log surveying our surroundings and waiting for the sun to go down. Hopefully there will be at least a little relief from the stifling heat.You are opposite me, also on a log. Between us is...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Grey EyesChapter 8

"Moria Watson will you marry me?" She could see all the hope and love for her in his brown eyes. Her hand felt like sand paper in his big, warm, and now sweaty hands. Her mind went blank. Had she even thought this was possible? They had been dating for a long time but she'd never even considered him when she thought about marriage or the future. He was just here, now... not there. When she had dreamed of children they did not look like him, they had blonde hair and dark blue eyes. When...

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Sex And The City 8211 Part 1 8211 Introduction

This is a fantasy. Background: Saurabh’s father lands a new job in a company. The company boasts of an island that houses all the employees and the owners of the company. Saurabh and his family move to the island to live. Over 10000 people live on the island. All the people living on the island believed in the freedom of sex and that sex ,love and relationships are different and need not be tied together. Saurabh woke up to the sound of the alarm clock,rubbed his eyes and went to the toilet to...

1 year ago
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Fun With Mum

I was startled when Jim told me that he discovered a guy in our neighborhood that dominated his mother like I did to Katie, and thought that we should get together and party with our moms. I was apprehensive about turning my mom over to some random guy for a party. This was some guy that I didn't know, to do what he wanted to MY prized possession, and for what? Initially, I was against any kind of trading, because, with ownership comes responsibility. Of course I wanted to play games with...

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Evas introduction

It was her first time meeting me. We had been speaking online for some time and i had spent most of it psycologically preparing her and encouraging her. This was what we both wanted.. but more than anything, it is what she NEEDED. It had been a long time coming, and after some very some very carefully worded emails, i finally convinced her to make the long journey to my place.She arrived 2 hours later. The entire journey she was texting me nervously, asking for reassurance that she was doing...

2 years ago
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black banged

we both rip off our clothes in an instant & even in the dark i can see that his long black cock is exactly what i want. still completely flaccid it hangs halfway 2 his knee with a road-map of twisted pulsing veins & a long 4skin covering a huge well-defined glans. i reach out with a trembling hand & grasp his long spongy shaft & am amazed by its unbelievable thickness." oh... my... god... yessssssss... this is what i want... " i moan " your cock is fucking huge !!! " my hand...

1 year ago
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Sister with a helping hand

sister with a helping hand. It was just a week before my 17th birthday when I went out rollerblading with my cousins. To cut it short I went underneath a car and I broke my collar bone. I was pretty devastated I didn't want to be that one k** in class that looked like a fool. Especially the reason. Lucky enough my parents were cool to let me stay home from school for a week to 'rest' up. It was a Friday morning when I woke up I knew nobody was home. My parents were at work and my sister was...

3 years ago
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Wanna Bet Gay

I couldn't believe what I'd heard. "Two months?! Your brother will be here for two months?!"My girlfriend and I had just bought an apartment together in Manhattan and we finally had a place to ourselves. For years, we'd lived with roommates in the close confines of New York City. Now that we finally had a studio apartment to ourselves, Stacy had invited her little punk brother to come stay with us."Please," she begged me. "He can't afford to do an internship without us."When Ayden arrived at...

2 years ago
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A Real Wet Day for an Open House

Working an Open House in the Real Estate business can be really great or it can be a complete bomb. This Sunday paid no billls but definately made me want more Opens. I often work with a Mortgage broker that I have a close business relationship with and this weekend was no different than others. Sarah is a sweet 30 something girl who’s been in the business for a while and she has been successful for her brains but also because she is very sexy and she knowns it. Infact we talk about how we...

2 years ago
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Sweet Revenge Chapter 2

We'd been there long enough for Frank to fix us all a drink when I saw that Shelly had ushered Cindy off into a corner somewhere. Like a sister, she seemed to always know when something was bothering Cindy, and she would always seem to draw Cindy off to one side and ferret out from her whatever it was that was going on. I knew neither of them kept secrets from one another, though I doubted Shelly had nearly as many to share with Cindy as my wife did with her."How's business going for you Tom?"...

3 years ago
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Dungeoneering HaremChapter 6

The airship flies high in the sky as it Elinore peeks over the edge, watching cautiously. She sighs as the ship sails over the water, anxious as they draw closer to their destination. All the while Bonny watches waiting for a moment to snatch away the armlet kept on her at almost all times. “Bonny!” Elinore yells out. “Is the bath ready?” “What?” “The bath? You never let me ready it so I was wondering if it was ready yet.” Bonny sighs. “Yes, the bath is ready. You can get in it whenever...

3 years ago
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Worlds Record

I was too young to stay home by myself. I pleaded for it anyway, knowing I'd end up with Aunt Jo and Uncle Al, or maybe at my best friend David's for the weekend. Or as a last resort, with Aunt Donna and her new husband Phil. That was the last place I wanted to go. I loved Donna to death, but Phil was an absolute asshole. "Forget it," Mom said disgustedly. "No 14-year-old is staying home by himself." This was on Wednesday, the last time I made the appeal. I was shocked shitless then,...

2 years ago
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Bullies Part 4

Bullies Part 4. I thought, that to make the school more peaceful and more of a bully free zone, that not just the big bullies should be tamed, but some other's too. The popular people have become too arrogant and I think they need to be taught some humility so I will make some changes to the rules of the school. During Gloria's free time she had to do a service. Gloria was one of the most popular girls in the school. According to the school handbook: "Being popular is a privilege...

4 years ago
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Recluse and GhostChapter 39

I woke holding Millie's growing belly, but had a hand holding Little Mike. That's when I remembered Sheryl. She sure was persistent. I wondered how I managed to be between Millie and Sheryl after going to sleep between Millie and Marita. Who knows? Sliding from bed is easy when you are getting up from between two women who want to stay asleep. I let the dogs out and quickly dressed to get the chores done. I couldn't remember whether the girls from down the hill were going to be able to...

4 years ago
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Adventures With Traci A New Lifestyle Part 2

PreviouslyA year after our wedding, my young wife Traci caught me looking at a cuckold porn video on my computer. I was afraid that she'd be mad when she learned about my fantasies. She wasn't. She was curious, interested, and most surprising of all, excited. Prior to our marriage, my wife had been sexually adventurous, very adventurous, but on our wedding day, she stopped playing around. She explained that she loved me and didn't want to do anything that might jeopardize our relationship. I...

1 year ago
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Naughty Bad Girls First Time

Reading all the first time stories, really go me to thinking about mine.. It was with my then at the time boyfriend, Who I had met through my cousin, Sheena. I was seventeen and he was eighteen. His name was Patrick. He was not the usual type of guy I went for at the time. He was tall, built and a bad boy. He had blue eyes and brown hair. It was a cool day in september and I was visiting my cousin for a week or two. Patrick and I had been dating for about a month by then, up to that point it...

3 years ago
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Haley Forever

Haley Forever Belladonna Chapter 1 Hal finished tying the shoe laces of his white and baby blue sneakers. As he finished readying himself with the cheap wig on his head, Hal's two coworkers came by his home and honked the car's horn. Hal grabbed his pompoms and his purse and headed for the door. The two men started to laugh as he walked out, to which Hal responded, "Hey, at least I look good in this." Hal's two coworkers made nearly obligatory derogatory remarks about...

2 years ago
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Dad Caught With My Best Friend

Dad Caught With My Best Friend----------I have known this girl for quite some time, and we have had some very good times together, partying and playing around. It was not uncommon for her to show up unexpectedly and my family as my best friend always welcomed her. She is a 36D girl with I would call a swimmer's body, wide shoulders, well toned muscles from exercising and carrying the weight of her breasts on her short 5'3" frame. She always wore bras, but I swear, they were the flimsiest things...

3 years ago
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Meating My Fiance

Everybody’s got stories about how they met their future wife. Besides the usual routine, there are some that are pretty nonstandard, like clicking with your friend’s date on a double and taking up with them, or possibly being offered a piece of your buddy’s girlfriend and you fall in love with her. A bit wilder is being one of many when she is being gangbanged and going back for more and ending up dating the slut. Well, my story is even different than that. It was my first spring break and I...

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At My Friends Steves House

December 2015Steve’s HouseI met Steve when I was 25 years old, while teaching school and he was the Principal at the same school. Steve is 21 years older than, never married, lives alone, goes to strip clubs, has strippers over his house every Super Bowl Sunday, he is into porn and just a horny guy, but a super nice guy. I had just broken up with an old boyfriend of 2 years, who was a jerk and was not interested in dating anyone. So Steve invited me and a few other teachers to meet him after...

2 years ago
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The carer gets her freak on

Um miss Lewis, we really are running short of time - I’m going to need you to finish dressing meBut mr B I’m not sure I can fasten your trousers at the moment, your um quite erect at the moment and I have to clean you before you dress. Shall we wait?No, please at least try. Ok mr B. Oh god you think yo yourself, I’m never going to get that thick, long dick away. But you try, you take it in your hands,first cleaning the length with a wipe. It really is quite thick and heavy in your hands, the...

3 years ago
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Photo Shoot In Tights

I had a phone call from my agency saying a customer wanted to book me for a glamour / topless photo shoot and he had booked me for an hour.The pay was good and as it was a Sunday it wouldn’t interfere with my work, I told them I would do it and was given the details, I was to go to a engineering company the following Sunday at 2 pm.It did appear to be a bit strange but I set off on my own with a bag of clothes, my boyfriend was playing football so could not drive me for once.I turned up at the...

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Bobs Great AdventureChapter 69

I went in and showered and crawled into bed among my many naked women. Barb was still awake as she also heard my conversation with Kilnary, and Fred had connected her to our conversation too. She wanted to ask the secret question and told her honestly I didn’t know. “I just did it, it seemed like a good idea at the time, and I thought it would let him know that I may have powers above his. I think that I scare him, here I am a lowly level 5 telepath, and a level 2 everything else and then he...

3 years ago
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Christmas vibe

Isnt this time of the year great !looking at my freshly shaved small white girly body in the mirrormy cute fairy pink kit i received from amzone on the counter eager to feel it around me and how i always feel sexy and ready to suck nice daddies getting out of the shower smelling girly coconut , only wearing my hello kitty chastity cage putting on my little collar with the QoS little trinket , the cute little camisole with Disney tinker bell and the very cute made for sissy girl string, with a...

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Alien Invasion

For eons, mankind has looked to the sky and wondered that great question: are we alone? Imagine then, if one day that question was answered, that we discovered beyond any shadow of a doubt that there was in fact intelligent life out there. Imagine, if you will, what they might be like. Would they be friendly? Would they have the secrets of the universe to share with us? Would they be benevolent, godlike, ushering in a new age of peace and advancement for the human race. In a small town in...

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Lost at Sea Book 2 DriftersChapter 12

The night was everything an evening on ship should be. Clear skies, calm seas, land distant flecks on the horizon close enough that they could faintly hear the cries of seabirds. The sunset had been long and gorgeous, full of oranges and pinks that gave way to darker reds and purples before disappearing into dusk. The western horizon was a glowing purple haze that slowly faded revealing more and more stars above. The Nivalese had a strong musical tradition full of drums and guitars, and many...

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The Naomi Chronicles 1

Tired of the normal "fuck-suck" stories I read, I decided to write some my own way. They are much longer than most, and have (I feel) more character development than most other adult stories. This story is intended only to be enjoyed by consenting adults. It is based on both real life experiences and fantasy. Any similarities to anybody, living or dead, is intentional. Only the names have been changed to protect the involved parties. Thank you, and enjoy. ---------------- The Naomi Chronicles...

4 years ago
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Gabriels Revenge Part 3

Gabriel's Revenge Part 3 By C.A. Grey This story is a continuation, obviously, from where I left off before. Sorry about the time lag, but my work restricts my time at home. It's been so long in between stories that I'm not sure I can capture the same spirit that may have been there previously, but this is my best effort at present, so I hope you enjoy. Rebekah woke to the sound of a knocking noise coming from downstairs. She was a little disoriented at first, not recognizing her...

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Black Cheerleaders

You should have seen the way they reacted when I walked onto the field the day of tryouts. I guess they really weren’t expecting me. Like most Cheerleading squads in the United States of America, the ladies of the Easton University Cheerleading Squad were all skinny blondes. Well, I guess that’s why I decided to give Cheerleading a try. My name is Emilie Jeanne Etienne. And I wrote this song, as they say. I’ve always been considered unusual pretty much everywhere I went. When I lived in my...

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Poker With Cousin Sister And Her Friend

Hello everybody,this is rahul from bangalore,age 19,studying Eng now.i am a big fan of iss and have been reading stories from this site from past 2 years.this is my first story at this site,so if any mistakes sorry for that.This is the story of how i fucked my cousin sister riya and her friend pooja in mysore. I am an average built guy,with decent dick size staying in bangalore riya is my uncle’s daughter,age 18,the best part about her body is her 32d boobs and her round ass,i would always...

1 year ago
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BBW Seeking A Cock to Suck

Cherry urges and needs had finally gotten the better of her. She had a deep need to suck a cock, it had been way too long. The bars had too many games going on, she had found. So here she was staring at the Craig’s List ad she had created. BBW Seeking A Cock to Suck SWF 41 5ft 3in 44-38-44 looking for well hung male to suck. Please send picture of your hard cock with ‘Am I Big Enough’ in the subject line. Before she could second guess her choice, she hit submit. Her mind was still second...

1 year ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 9

It takes more than an hour to buy a suit, usually at least two days if the place has any volume at all. When it’s necessary to get clothes for a funeral in a hurry, the only option is to purchase dress pants and a sports coat. Add a tie and a new shirt, and it’s possible to show up at a funeral and look halfway decent. Wandering alone and lost in a shopping mall, Ed had no clue as to what he was doing or where to go. There were so many stores here carrying all different kinds of things, that...

1 year ago
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My Birthday Present

I finished my Saturday morning yard work about twelve-thirty; grass mowed and edged, water-feature cleaned and water added; barbecue scrubbed down for steaks, later; patio hosed off, and the few weeds along the fence-line, pulled. Ruby and Roxy, my two, three-year-old basset hounds, romped on the new-mown lawn. Roxy took off running, Ruby close on her heal, baying for all she was worth. Up the hill they went, around water-feature and back down to swarm around my legs. Roxy ducked under the...

3 years ago
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Family Affairs Ch 35

Dianna couldn’t stop trembling as her lover’s hand moved over her. She’d never felt this good! He knew just how to touch her, how to really turn her on! No one had ever made love to her like this! It was unreal! ‘Dianna!’ Why was he calling her name? ‘Dianna!’ She opened her mouth to warn her lover to be quiet. If her mother caught them like this… ‘We’ve got to…’ Dianna opened her eyes and sat up, and was immediately disappointed. She was alone. She must have been dreaming. ‘Dianna, are you...

1 year ago
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Emilys Sozialstunden

Emily Sophie Johanna Weise, war mal ein so liebes Mädchen gewesen. Doch dies war schon lange her, inzwischen nannte sie sich nur noch Em und ihre ehemals engelsblonden Haare waren inzwischen zu einem pechschwarzen Sidecut frisiert, die Nase und die linke Unterlippe zierten jeweils ein Ring, sowie jedes Ohr 4-5 Ohrstecker und Ringe. Immerhin war sie inzwischen 24, da wusste man ja genau was man wollte, und so war sie 1,62 großes pures Rebellentum, und so stampfte sie auch gerade durch den Regen,...

1 year ago
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The Ride Home

Late night. Lights glisten on the surface of the road where it rained not long before. I’m about to put my foot down on leaving the village when I catch sight of her. I bring the car to a halt, watching in the mirror as the rear lights redden the black nylon on her legs. Her skirt is short, jacket only waist-length. High heels. Something’s odd about this. You don’t really see hitch-hikers anymore, certainly not ones that look like her. I press the button, letting the window slide down. She...

4 years ago
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Magic Ink III the Other RealityChapter 20

We were all having breakfast the next morning at 9:30 in Pat's kitchen when our Sisters showed up to talk to our girlfriends about their gardens. We had gotten to sleep very late last night after a lot of loving and sex. Our Sisters noticed the rings on our girlfriends' fingers, as soon as they were close enough. "You have engagement rings!!" they said excitedly. Our women held up their hands for them to examine the rings. They quickly lost their excitement. "You couldn't get rings...

3 years ago
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Just Another Lesson to Be Learned

The sun was about to set as Ann and I walked along the beach in front of our home. The sunsets are spectacular here in Southern California. We built our home sixteen years ago and would never live in another place. After a while of walking barefooted along the waters edge we stopped and sat down on a dune to watch the magnificent colors of pinks, red, and orange streak through the sky as though the creator painted this scene just for us. The reflection on the water of the setting sun looked...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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The Favor 5

Chapter 5 I was already quite giddy when we got into the cab. Champagne had that effect on me. Tom had told me how well we had come across a young couple in love, and that if we did the same this weekend the mission would be accomplished. I was so happy that I had pulled it off, and I told Tom: "I had a nice evening tonight, even though I was forced to wear a thong and kiss a man in public." Tom laughed heartily, and we spent the rest of the trip joking about. I nearly tripped as I got...

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My Least Favorite Aunt

Copyright © 2003, TooMuchTime. All rights reserved. I wasn't happy. For months, I'd been looking forward to my parents' vacation, if only because it meant I'd have the house to myself for two weeks -- the big dream of any 14 year old boy. Then, at the last minute, my stupid aunt had to go and move back into the area and need a place to stay. I barely knew the woman. I mean, I knew she was family and everything, but she hadn't been around since I was a kid. Her ex-husband had moved...

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Hot And Sexy Friend Of Wife

Hi, My name is Sanjay Kumar., from Bangalore and am a great fan of ISS. This incident which happened with me last year and I thought it to be a great opportunity to submit my own story. It was a cool morning, when I was alone at home. The doorbell rang and there was a lady standing at the door and she is friend of my wife’s came to visit her. Rahila (her name) and my wife spent a lot of their time with each other, going shopping together, to the beauty parlor and to occasional social functions....

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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 28

All four of the children began thrashing, trying to push the masks off their faces. I got to my feet, hurried over and, one by one, lifted the masks off and disconnected the hoses that plugged into the wall outlets. I picked up a fresh cloth and began mopping the sweat from their brows and cheeks. First from AJ, then Tink, then I moved across to Rose and finally Belle. The instant the cloth touched her forehead, her eyelids opened half way and she looked up. She felt stronger. They all did,...

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