The Demons Within07 Learning to Dance Again
- 2 years ago
- 22
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I went back to hide in my old existence. I worked to repair the damage to my body as the rest of my mind dealt with the automatic functions. I thought of MehrAk most of all. She was part of my family even if it was because KhAvar brought her in.
I ventured out when I completed each stage of the healing. My hearing was still poor. I could not see out of one healing eye and the other was not much better. Thankfully I was now able to mumble to the girls that I was healing.
The girls and Tertius talked to me during my healing. They understood that I could not answer very well. There had been a lot of death. Many of Tertius' family had died as well as the servants. There had been a lot of guards but not enough for the number of attackers. There was a limited supply of stingers and they had been all used to keep them from falling into enemy hands.
Julian and Lucius had not been near when the attack came. Licinia had been hurt and may now be dead. Not much was known because the attackers made a hasty retreat with their captives.
Patricia was the most damaged mentally and I hoped that she could recover. She had reverted again to her seeing me as her master once more. KhAvar was little better. She cried much of the time and I guessed that this was because of the death of MehrAk.
Tertius eagerly told me that Constantius had died. Apparently there were enough Wodenists in the city to take him down along with the remnants of the Praetorian guard.
Bodies could not stay around for long and MehrAk was cremated along with the dead Wodenists. Sermons were going on around the clock now and I could do little to stop this. The city in a way demanded this. There was a religious frenzy now and very few people were not ardent Wodenists. I heard that those that were not, were not persecuted. People were being scrupulous in how the words in the books were treated. I had tried to close all the loopholes but I knew that in time some would be found and abused.
In four days I was up or at least sitting up in bed. My body was healing much quicker than it ever had before. Patricia and KhAvar let people come to see me but they didn't like it. I treated a few people that needed further treatment. These were the people that were in the arena and had suffered too extensive injuries to heal completely on their own.
The visitors wanted to bow or kneel and I again had to correct them on the proper protocol. I was polite and even sounded meek as I said this so as to not hurt feelings. The Augustus demanded some of this and he was just a man while I was the Hand.
I was very well guarded now but none of them wore Praetorian armour. I had to go to a balcony window to wave to them much like the popes did in Rome. The courtyard was always crowded now and the noise was loud even if they tried to be quiet. I performed another sermon and gathered the people to me but I could not call forth the avatar. I could handle more people now and my range was greater but that was it.
Mithridates and Lazeez returned and were admitted by KhAvar. With them was the mage Klement but I did not see him as a threat even though he was near me.
Mithridates said, "Jón tell me the name of the god that came down to rescue you?"
I had found a way to explain this even though I did not understand it myself. "Aldúlfr helped me. Thor is too strong and would have killed too many. I think Woden must have sent Aldúlfr because he is companionate. "
"Companionate? I heard he was very angry."
"I think he was too. Anger gives strength too."
"I believe that this is the first time the people have seen a god. It is talked about before but it is always one person that is supposed to have seen him. It could be almost thought of as the dreams of a fanatic. This time it was different."
"Is the city frightened?"
"They were at the time but not now. Those that left feared for their lives but now regret leaving."
To get off this subject I asked, "What have you been doing while all this was going on?"
"We went to Perinthus. We worked with the true believers there and found a mage you sent."
I looked at Klement and he took this for a request for information. "I had been given the descriptions of your two friends. When I found them, I told them everything I knew. They accepted me into their group. You told me to stay in Perinthus but I heard that you were victorious. I was asked by Mithridates to accompany them here."
"That is ok. Felix had one more mage with him that escaped Aldúlfr. Will you see if you can find him? I need some questions answered. I am not going to have him punished."
"I heard of the man but he's dead. The people did not like him for who he worked for."
"Are you safe?"
"Now I am. Your wife, KhAvar, has introduced me to the people of the city."
I tried to keep the surprise out of my voice but I saw KhAvar turn red and look at the floor. Patricia was beside her and she did the same thing. At least one woman was not trying to exclude the other.
Lazeez had to get in, "We did our best for our god but why did you leave me in that house here in the city for so long?"
"What was the problem? I thought it was the best place for you."
"It was good. When my money ran out I..."
"I gave you lots of gold. What happened to it?"
"Well... I bought things for the girls and they got me to buy more. When I had no more they told me I had to leave... unless I did things for them."
"What things, Lazeez?"
"I... I had... to use my tongue on them."
"What's wrong with that?"
"A man does not do that sort of thing. They worked to teach me how I was wrong. The lessons almost killed me. There were a great many women. I had to please all of them."
"Ah... so you were pleased by a lot of women and then to pay them back, you pleased them in return?"
"They were pleased some of the time before. They wanted it all the time later." He got closer and whispered, "When my jaw and tongue got too sore they had me lay on my back and they did things to me. When that part got too sore they turned me over and used one of their toys on me. They treated me like a piece of meat at the market."
Mithridates and even Klement smiled but didn't break down and laugh. I said, "Lazeez, I think they were just training you like a soldier does. A few more months of that and you would be in demand by most of the ladies in the city. Soon the entire empire would want to try you out."
"I would die long before that. I want to chase women. I don't want them chasing me."
This time I laughed and my jaw hurt. It took a while before I got control of myself and said, "I am sorry Lazeez. You got what you always wanted and found that it was too much for you." Lazeez looked so pitiful I almost laughed again.
My own love affaires were not going so well. Patricia was acting funny but the fact was that I had to heal again. My own testicles had to be rebuilt. Like my bones, muscles and reflexes, I worked here for a few improvements. I wanted to space out my own joy so I would stay excited longer. This also meant that I had to work at producing more. When the time came I could fill both KhAvar and Patricia many more times to our enjoyment.
Messages were sent all over and I usurped the courier service now for my own uses. The letters just gave the current news and the fact that I would not be more than a month in Constantinople. Some of the messages went to Sapor. I wanted to meet with him. Battles were still fought between Persians and Romans which meant that men were dying for nothing. I knew that Sapor was not always the aggressor nor was he the leader of the fighting. The Persian empire was just too large to be adequately governed which was the same as the Roman empire.
Nine days after the fight I was able to walk on my own two feet. The people in the courtyard came and went but the numbers stayed almost constant. The portal I had made was roped off now and the people saw it as a holy relic because the sword cleaved the stone to a polished sheen. There were some people under the wall but nobody wanted to move it to get the bodies out.
I ordered the broken portion broken into smaller portions and given to everybody in the city. This still left a bit which I saved for those that would like a piece. Lazeez was ready to sell the pieces for an aureus each. He was the son of a trader and could not help himself sometimes.
I still had my own gold and recovered what I had. There was some good land that I could build a temple on. This area suffered from earthquakes all the time so any building had to be built strong. I did not have the technology necessary to put a building up on giant springs like what was done in Japan.
Tertius was kicked out and told to build something. He took Lazeez with him. The two had become friends especially after Tertius made some favourable comments about the art that Lazeez showed him. I just hoped that Tertius would not come home complaining of a sore dick the way Lazeez did. Tertius was not that old but he should know enough to not get led astray with Lazeez's art, stories or actions.
When I felt strong enough I gave my own sermons. They were held to capacity crowds in the arena. The damage I had done to the wall had not been repaired but the crosses were now gone. I heard that all the nails that I had removed were now holy relics and stashed away by souvenir hunters. The ends were all squashed by the force used to grasp them.
The service was long because it was the first after Aldúlfr was shown to the people. I stressed about how we had to treat the other religions with respect. A lot of people had taken up the new belief without understanding even a fraction of it. The excesses were mentioned and what I felt about them. I was sure that there were some worried people in the audience.
Because Aldúlfr was taking most of the blame I had to talk about him and mentioned in more detail that was not in my books. He was my patron in a way to the land of the gods. I talked about him with love and respect. I tried to make him out as an average god that just got pissed off at a very fallible human population.
Healings did not tire me out as much because I seemed to be able to gather strength from the audience. A long line of the sick or hurt came by. They were carried in someone's arms or on a litter. In a Pavlovian experiment, I bestowed the blessing of Woden but kept it away from those that were near the platform. I hoped that those that came here for this joy would learn to stay further back and thus give me room to work.
That night I wanted to check out my own equipment. I figured I was healed enough for the test. Patricia seemed happy but I got the feeling that she thought it was her duty. I got her to change into simple clothing and took her and KhAvar down to the courtyard after whispering a request to a servant.
I held the hand of each of the women I loved and said, "We have something to do first." They didn't even ask questions. As we walked through the halls people stopped and bowed their heads and I had to tell them it was ok to just nod and continue with what they were doing. For some it was hard to change since they had to do much more when the Augustus lived here.
It had occurred to me that the girls may also be reluctant to push themselves on me because they had been raped by the people that captured them. I had to show them that this did not matter to me and there was only one good method.
We left through the kitchen which I do not think any Augustus had ever visited. When we were just inside an outside door I said to Patricia, "Patricia, do you remember how you acted when we were in Lutetia?"
Patricia was quick to answer but still answered sombrely, "I remember..." She would have said my lord or some other term.
"It is good that you recall that." I pulled them both out onto the paving stones and looked around.
I found two wooden buckets filled with water where I had asked them to be put. I tried not to draw attention to them but I positioned both girls where I wanted and said, "Both of you, close your eyes."
The were like lambs coming to the slaughter and I picked up a bucket and held both the rim and the bottom and threw the cool water at both women. When the cool water hit, they opened their eyes quickly. I put down the bucket and hurried to the other bucket. By the time I came back the girls had moved and I started to chase them. Somehow they reacted like I wanted and ran. I chased them until they started to split up and tried to hit both with at least some of the remaining water.
With me unarmed so to speak, they stopped and returned with a serious look on their damp features. KhAvar said, "Why did you do that?"
I turned to Patricia and asked, "Will you tell her the whole story, starting with the way you acted before and after?"
"I was... acting in a way that Jón did not approve of. He..."
"Tell her the way you acted."
"I... I acted... like a servant, I guess."
"Tell her more," I said.
"I... guess I pulled away from Jón. I was worried that such an important man would not want the bastard daughter..."
"Patricia! Never mention that again. It hurts you and it hurt me when you feel pain. Tell me how many people that are married with Woden's blessing?"
"Many people... Jón."
"In the world not just those we know."
"I think very few then."
"Then almost every child could be seen as a bastard then."
"But the parents were married."
"They were not married according to Woden therefore almost every person alive is a bastard."
Patricia hung her head. "I said before, that you were pulling yourself away from me. You are doing the same thing again. Do you want to slowly pull away until you think you could leave me without hurting me too much?"
"No! Never."
"You may not mean to but you are doing the same thing again. I am a man. The only difference is that Woden has chosen me to help him. I do not want people bowing to me and I do not want the women I love to be servants."
Patricia looked at the ground and I turned on KhAvar and said, "You were taking your cues from Patricia. She was wrong. I want both of you to love me like women not whores that are obligated because they are paid."
"I would never do that."
"Would you go to bed with me so we can have some fun and make love or for an obligation to a man that serves your god?"
"Well... it may be a bit of both."
"I do not want both. I want you to love me for being me."
"I do love you. You know that."
"I do but you have to treat me like a man."
I looked at both women and said, "I avoided the commitment of marriage for a few reasons. My body was young but my mind was old enough to make commitments. I did not think I would change, and in a way I have not. I wanted to leave enough time for both of you to see what you were getting into. It looks like my love for two women may not allow me to marry just one of you. We can still have something like a marriage but I have to avoid the words wife and husband. Our religion only allows one woman to each man. I cannot flout that law."
Patricia said, "You could still have me any way you want."
"I want you as a hot blooded woman. You have been through a lot but will you love me as a man?"
Patricia put on a sorrowful face and ran to me. She pulled me too her and I looked at KhAvar and held out an arm for her. She ran to me and we hugged.
We walked tightly together back through the kitchen. People from all over were watching us but I did not care. I stopped momentarily to sit the girls down while I went looking for a snack. I figured I needed all the energy I could get tonight.
Later in our rooms I took off the wet clothes a piece at a time from one woman then from another. To help out my cause, I stirred them up with my mind. Soon they were more than eager to jump me.
It took only a finger to slide through each of their creases to set them off. They held me and each other as they shook. I got them to lay on the bed and I licked one then the other and the orgasms came close together.
In a way to bind the two I put KhAvar on top or Patricia and I licked them one after the other and used my hands on both at the same time. They shook and held each other. I stood awkwardly and slipped into Patricia for a few strokes then into KhAvar for a few more. I went back and forth until I emptied into KhAvar.
They had so many orgasms that they did not know about me. I was still hard and began again and again until the needle on the gauge read close to empty.
The girls were turned around and then placed in a sixty nine position. KhAvar was used to girl/girl sex so I worked on Patricia to make sure she did her share. She had done this before but it was something she had to get used to once more.
I allowed the girls to sleep but after a few hours I woke them up for more love. The stimulation never ended even in sleep and the girls clung to each other all the time if they were not holding me.
I sawed slowly into KhAvar's anus as she ate Patricia. Later it was the other way around. They didn't have many rational thoughts but I would rather they now see me as a man than the Hand.
We woke up around noon. I had to heal myself a few times and the girls too. The bed was sticky but none of us cared. It just took a touch to Patricia's thigh and she parted her legs. I rolled over and slipped in once more.
After a few strokes I said, "Have you decided whether to be a hot blooded woman or a servant of the Hand?" I bent over and sucked on one of her nipples and nibbled it just a bit.
"Ohhhhh yes. Do that."
After a few more thrusts I pulled away from her breast and said, "Woman or servant?"
"Oh, I will be your woman."
"What about my other mate? Will you love her like I do?"
I pushed a few more times and said, "Patricia."
When she opened her eyes she breathed out a deep, "Yes?" because she was close to her orgasm.
"Will you lick her pussy as she licks your's?" Before she could answer I added, "You will have her as a mate too. You have to keep her happy."
She unexpectedly smiled and said, "We will keep each other very happy."
"Then I will make you happy now."
I pushed faster and she just pulled me to her and said, "Oh, yes!"
Patricia had been stimulated by more than my body and her orgasm was very intense. My own orgasm was protracted and I pushed forcefully into her as I filled her womb.
KhAvar was waiting for her good morning fuck and I did not disappoint her. I asked her the same questions and she was less reluctant to commit herself to Patricia. "I will make your other woman wail and thrash till the guards think she is being murdered."
"Now I want to hear what you sound like when you are being murdered." Her screams were more than satisfactory and I unloaded myself into this woman too.
My equipment passed the test. I had two sated women and I was feeling good with myself and what was happening.
I washed up with a basin of water and left to find breakfast. I again ate in the kitchen and talked to the staff. They were getting over this and answered my simple questions easily and even asked me a few. I returned with a large tray of food for the girls. I hoped that this would be enough to keep them occupied until tonight.
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I really almost do not know how to start except that my horny now-ex-husband could not handle what I needed on a regular basis. Even with his beautiful 9 inch cock he could stay hard enough to take care of me. So, after the final conversation he drank till he passed out. I put on a summer sun dress with no straps, no bra and no panties and left.Town had several clubs but I was not into clubs at the moment so I thought as the burning between my legs got worse. I was rubbing my clit that was...
Hi I am Nasila again. I want to tell you about my bf who fucked me for over three hours and make me nude until he get a thought that he has licked my each and every part of my body. My story begins with after the incident in the cafe he always ask me to spare some time with him but I know that if I go with him he will talk any thing hot and make me wild and he will fuck me so I always ignore when he calls me. But one day he told me that if I have sincere love with him I want to go with him...
By : Robin9 Hi this is Robin I would like to narrate my own experience which happened a few years back. I came to Delhi bout the same time and was really looking forward to my time in college. I had rented an apartment close to my college and was staying with 2 other room mates. Initially it was very frustrating as most of my friends had gone to pune mumbai or banaglore where getting an admission was easy, Especially the girls as their parent thought of Delhi to be a very unsafe city. Virgin...
It was a tradition at Mt. Blue High to make the first wrestling practice match be between the most senior, and the most junior members of the team, which happened to be the two aforementioned boys. The new captain overtook Dexter quickly, having 5 years of wrestling practice easily under his belt, and had him pinned to the mats and begging for release. “That was so fuckin’ hilarious, man. There ain’t nothin’ big about him.” Bryan’s crude friend Brandon quipped in the locker room after...
Recently I found out that Kay and Don had broken up after three years together, and that she was coming down for a visit with her folks and would like to come and visit me at the same time.I talked with James about her visit and having spent time with her on our own in the past, masturbating together and knowing she would be sad at breaking up with Don, I suggested to James that I would be happy for him to do whatever he wanted, to make her visit a memorable one for her.“Does that mean what I...
First TimeWednesday Night We went back downstairs to grab a few things including a clock and then headed back up to test out the king size bed. Pillow talk 3 way style is much more comfy on a king size. When the alarm went off the next morning, Ellen hit the snooze button. We were in the new standard configuration. I was spooned up against Ellen and Carolyn was spooned up against me. It was very cosy and nobody was too adventurous so no morning sex occurred. We all agreed the bed was fine and that we...
It had only been intended as a fun night out on the town, my husband's first attempt at going out dressed as his persona Tammy. He had revealed to me very early in our relationship that he liked to dress up in women's clothing. I have to admit, while most women might be horrified by the prospect, I was bit intrigued and even a little turned on. In college I had explored my lesbian side, and it seemed like with Tammy I'd get the best of both worlds. It had been by my encouragement that...
During the week end Ana and I had gone to Savannah to see a good rock concert. We got a nice hotel near downtown. My sensual wife looked stunning in a tight white dress that really showed off her tits and body well. The concert show had been great and after we had hit the bar across the street from the hotel for a few drinks before going to bed... A few margaritas turned into a lot and my sweet Ana soon got a little tipsy.I said we better could get back to our room if I wanted to get sex from...
Sarah Paling sat quietly at her workstation, and carefully soldered a connection. Still, as she worked, she listened to the talk around her. "He thought buying me dinner entitled him to me as desert." Brandy laughed. "I'm not that cheap!" "Sure you are girlfriend." Misty giggled. "Look at how you dress." "Hey, I dress to impress. Is that a problem?" Sarah glanced over as Brandy sat up tall, her ample assets straining mightily at her sheer silk blouse. She quickly looked back at...
ISS ke sabhi readers or dosto ko mera ek baar phir se namaskar, aur unn sabhi to tahe dil se sukriya jinhone mere likhe first part “Landd aur chute ka koi rishta nahi hoota- I” ki tareef ki aur mujhe bohot se mail kiye, vaise to maine sabhi ko reply kiya hai par phir bhi koi chhut gaya ho to please iss baat ko dil par naa le. Aur mujhe vaise hi response kare jaise first part me kiya tha. Dosto vaade ke mutaabik aaj main apni first story “Landd aur chute ka koi rishta nahi hota-I” ka Second part...
I am a free lance photographer and an artist who has managed to combine my two talents into a one of a kind, new media that represents the artist in me in the form of photographic imaging. I do landscapes mostly, although I have been known to stray into other subjects on occasion, but my landscape work is what brought these people to the table to discuss the possibility of this very large set of works that they want commissioned and now this damn phone will not shut up with its constant...
I like being tied up in speedos, I like tying other people up in speedos. I think this comes from some of my very first sexual experiences where a friend and I would get horny, watch porn together and fool around (summer in Australia and, of course, we would end up wearing only our speedos). We both put our cocks in each other's mouths, I’m not entirely sure why but we would sit on a chair, tie our hands behind our backs, turn off the lights… maybe we thought it wasn’t as gay that way –...
Gay MaleNote : This story is complete fictional! Never try to do it in real live! Kristen, half awake rolled to one side and fell off her bed. She yawned and looked up at her clock, 7:00 AM. "Crap...I missed my damn bus." Kristen murmured and crawled to her closet, she held on to her desk and pulled herself up. She yanked a top and jeans randomly in the dark, and put them on, just hoping they matched. She didn't want to turn on the lights and wake her sister up, since they shared a room. Kristen...
IncestThat is right …she knew she was going to fuck her old schoolmate but not like this. She had been out dancing and drinking when her old school chum showed up at the club and they began rehashing old times. Will said ‘I always wanted to date you but never got the chance to ask’. She replied ‘well you don’t have to miss out now’. Will said ‘I always thought you were sexy as hell and everyone wanted to , well, go to bed with you’. She said ‘Why not tonight, we’re older, not attached to anyone and...
The rest of her gang, soon realised that we were an item, they had seemed a bit shocked that straight-laced Helen had a girlfriend, but they appeared to accept it with good grace, if not a bit of piss taking. I quickly found that I had allowed my feelings to get carried away, something I avoided with holiday-makers, I was falling for this girl. It somewhat shook me when I realised. Shit! The last thing I needed was a permanent relationship and a long distance one at that. No way, was I about...
This story might be challenging to film.I like to have stories that seem plausible. I think this is probably the least plausible script I've written but it's also a fantasy I've thought of for a long, long time.We see an attractive woman in her mid-20s driving on a wet road late at night in the country and dressed in a professional business attire - blouse, skirt just above the knees, & heels. The road is not lit except by her headlights. Several warning lights including the engine light...
Uluch al-Rashid was a Mameluke, a member of the great warrior elite that had ruled Egypt for centuries. He had a great reputation as a tactician and disciplinarian, knowing to command and inspire his troops. He also had a terribly dangerous secret, which he could ill afford to have revealed in Islamic Egypt- he was a homosexual. The penalty for sodomy under Sharia law was death by stoning, and it was quite eagerly enforced for someone whose behavior "disgraced" the great Mameluke army. When...
Group SexThe ball took one hop and seemed to home in on my glove. I'd been playing up close, right on the edge of the grass. I pulled the ball out of my glove and tossed it backward. As I turned, I saw Robbie take the toss from just behind second base. She stepped forward onto the bag and made a hard throw to first as the runner slid into the base. Ricky, his foot on first, leaned forward. The ball slapped into his glove a good second before the batter got there. I grinned at Robbie. Two pitches and...
Cindy sat across the table from Dr. Lomac with fire in her eyes. "Okay, Okay, slow down let me put this on tape." Syd told her, and fumbled sleepily through the desk until he retrieved the small tape recorder. "I need to tell you all this in case I forget it again." Cindy said urgently, frustrated that he was taking so long. Finally Syd found the recorder and a new tape, "Okay start from the beginning." Cindy began to recount every detail of how Neil had taken advantage of her. Syd...
Since we were little, my cousin and I had been close. We lived in the same cities as our fathers were always working together, so if they moved, we moved. We were always in the same schools, had the same friends (mostly) and we always knew what the other one was up to. There were no secrets between us. We told each other everything and trusted each other with our lives. When puberty hit we started drifting apart and even though we still spoke regularly, we knew things were changing between us....
Wife Ashley and I have been married for several years. She has a younger sister named Kate that is 19 and always in trouble. She’s been picked up shoplifting, with drugs, drinking under age and other stuff. Kate was attending a college about an hour from our house, and I use the term “attending” very loosely. A little while back Kate was at our house for the weekend as she is every once in a while. Her and Ashley have fun together shopping and stuff. This time it was a Saturday morning and I...
IncestMami ka gyan by ronak. Hi friends mera naam ronak patel hai or me 19salka hu aur me iss ka bhot hi bada fan hu. Aaj me aap ke saath apani ek sachi kahani share karna chata hu jo aaj se 5sal pahele mere sath ghati thi. Baat un dino ki hai jab mai apane mama ke ghar me rahata tha mere mama ahmedabad me rahate hai unke ghar me mama aur mami do hi log rahate hai unki shadi ko 8sal ho chuke the magar unke yehan koi bacha nahi tha aur mai apne parivar ke sath ahmedabad ke karib ek gaon me rahate the...
All day long your mind had been churning at what the hell I meant with the term "reminder".....remind you of what???? Guess you'll find out later, all you can do is struggle to get through work without slipping off to the bathroom to run your clit to ease your building tension.Finally lunchtime comes around and you hurriedly drive to our meeting spot behind a building. Your pussy throbs a little at the sight of my car already parked there. I get out and walk over to your car, you notice that I...
Sarah poured herself a cup of coffee and sighed, looking at the time. It was just past 9:00 a.m. and Don wasn't due back until 7 tonight. He had already been gone two days. She had tried keeping busy with work, but with having today off she feared the day would go incredibly slow. Stirring the sugar into her mug, she silently wished she had something to do to pass the time quicker. Startled, she jumped when the doorbell rang. She wasn't expecting anyone but welcomed the interruption.Looking...
Quickie Sex“Danny…” Sarah whined. It was embarrassing to be made to stand there like meat on display, which she was. Thankfully, after a moment more, he stepped in. She felt trashy and aroused, but pushed the thought out, at least as much as she could. Sarah found herself suppressing a smile at what was to come. Was it me, or did I almost see a smile? I briefly thought. Normally I would ask, but ‘the little head was doing thinking’ at t the moment, so I waltzed on in. If this was to be the “Last...
Reddit GettingHerselfOff, aka r/GettingHerselfOff! Is there anything fucking hotter than watching a dirty bitch make herself cum? Sure, we all have our kinks, but universally, is there a straight dude alive that is incapable of getting off to a slut rubbing her pussy, riding a giant dildo that’s bigger than you could ever hope to be, or vibrating her clit to climax? That’s like saying the more food you eat, the more you feel hungry: it’s an oxymoron, and it’s downright impossible.That’s why I...
Reddit NSFW ListAfter catching up on my jet lag, I return to your house where I am warmly welcomed by your girlfriend again. She is once again wearing a robe as she lets me into the house but is making no attempt to keep it closed. As soon as she closes the door she throws off the robe to reveal her outfit. She is wearing tan pantyhose over dark tan stockings and black garter belt. Her lovely big breasts are hanging out of the green satin top that she is wearing. I can't wait to get my hands( and mouth) on her...
Painting a Picture of Dominance By :Blmorticia “I’m missing you honey. I can’t wait to get back and make love to you.” “I know, baby, but it’s only been one night.” “Yeah, one lonely night,” he said. Distracted, I looked at our wedding photo on my desk. Here I was, at home because I had a deadline to meet while he was enjoying a trip to England to visit family. As I listened to my loving husband and slave on the other end, I chuckled, “You’ll be back in our bed before you know it, besides...
BisexualAnnie’s phone call had left him unsettled. He didn’t know what to make of her now. Helen, he understood just as he had understood Karen and the majority of the other women he had known but with Annie – he was lost. Yet, he felt drawn to her. Larry felt helplessly drawn to her. With her it was rather like watching a flower open up; petal by petal revealing new and interesting facets.He rescheduled his work and travelled down to see her late Thursday afternoon. There was no way that he was going...
CuckoldZoe Bloom has a bit of an oral fixation and a thing for her hot stepbrother. She makes sure that her bro knows she’s interested as she walks around sucking things and lingers over him while checking him out after she walks in on him in the bathroom. When her overtures don’t get Zoe the result she’s after, she decides to just take the straightforward approach. Her stepbro wakes up one day to find Zoe in bed with him sucking off his morning wood! Despite her brother’s...
xmoviesforyouમેં તેને કહ્યું કે ‘કેમ છે’. તો તેને કહ્યું કે હું મજા માં છું . પછી મારી સામે જોઇને તે બોલી કે ‘તમારી પાસે આજે કાર છે? ‘ મેં પૂછ્યું, ‘કેમ? ક્યાય જવું છે?’ તો કહે કે મારી ગાડી આજે બગડી ગઈ છે અને કોઈની રાઈડ લેવા જેટલો સમય નથી . ‘ મેં પૂછ્યું કે ‘તારે ક્યાં જાવું છે? ‘ તો મને કહે કે, ‘ગુલાબવાડી’. મેં કહ્યું કે હું પણ ઈ જ બાજુ જાઉં છું . તો કહે કે ‘તમને વાંધો નો હોય તો’ . મેં તેનો મસ્ત એકદમ લાંબો લાંબો લાંબો ચોટલો જોતાંની સાથે જ મારો લંડ મારા પેન્ટ માં જ ઉભો થઈ ગયો, મેં તેને જોઈ ને કીધું કે, ‘ચાલ...