A Rainy Night With a Cherry
- 2 years ago
- 32
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The wine drunk during the meal left Karl slightly tipsy. He stretched lazily as Kathy cleared away the dishes, her tolerance for alcohol evidently a lot higher than his own. She seemed to have almost taken up residence over the past few weeks, accepting much of the domestic load and allowing him to focus on work and spend more time with the girls. He'd just received a promotion to team leader and welcomed the extra money that accompanied it.
Kathy had made a play for him the previous evening but he'd politely declined, citing it as too soon since Claire's disappearance. He knew that he was only delaying the inevitable; sooner or later he'd sleep with her. It would take great finesse as the girls would surely not approve in the slightest.
The insurance had paid out on Claire's scrapped SUV and the money was sitting in a savings account gathering interest. It would pay for a welcome holiday and help finally lay Claire's ghost to rest. The car's Datacore had confirmed what he already knew. After dropping the children off at school, she had driven around randomly before heading over to the east side. Picking up speed, the vehicle had shot off the dock and quickly become engulfed in the deep water. The police had not recovered a body but Sikorski had told him that the river currents ran strong and could easily have carried her as far as the coast and then out to sea. Claire was the love of his life but now he'd lost her forever.
Kathy returned from the kitchen and he made the appropriate gesture of gratitude whilst leaving her in no doubt that she'd be sleeping alone. She made an excuse to leave and he escorted her to the door, watching as she safely crossed the street to her own front door. She was a good woman but he still couldn't let Claire go sufficiently to commit to another relationship, even a casual one.
Grace had settled into a comfortable routine. When she wasn't with a client, she would relax in Sierra's company. Their frequent lovemaking had become an integral part of her life and she'd developed a strong attachment to the older woman. Leonard visited often and both she and Sierra regularly revelled in the comfort that his body provided. He frequently told them that they were his favourite people in the entire world and they never had cause to doubt him.
A deeply embedded desire to please provided Grace a degree of fulfilment and Mason seemed happy with how well she'd adjusted to life at the club.
She'd learned that punters fell into a number of distinct categories. The obviously unattached were easily pleased; eager just to have her warm body pressed against them whilst they panted and expended their energies inside her. The married type usually sought something not obtainable at home; she'd dutifully service them with her mouth or occasionally allow them to take her from behind. It was the third category that generally caused her the most concern. Insular and cold, they were unpredictable and potentially dangerous.
Most of Mason's men belonged in the latter group. They would use her callously and take great pleasure in inventing perverse acts for her to perform. Grace complied, even though an inner voice told her that she should protest.
The man sitting beside Mason fell decidedly into the troublesome category. With his lean physique, closely cropped hair and chiselled features, his aspect conveyed both authority and arrogance. Mason deferred respectfully to the stranger and she gathered from their conversation that he worked for the local law enforcement.
"She's new," Detective Harwood observed, scrutinizing Grace coldly. "Can she dance?"
Mason gestured and Grace made her way to the raised dais then gyrated gently in time to the music. At his signal, she slipped her gown to the floor and danced nude. Heads around the bar turned and watched her alluring form with keen interest.
"Why don't you find a friend to keep her company?" Harwood suggested.
Looking irate, Mason walked over to Sierra and spoke a few quiet words in her ear. The woman shed her robe and joined Grace. Each danced in their own space but cast one another sultry glances from time to time.
"Happy now?" Mason spat, aggrieved at having to indulge his unwelcome guest.
"For now," Harwood replied, easing out of his chair and taking up position beside the stage to observe the naked pair more closely.
"Get them to play with one another," the detective demanded.
Grace overheard his words and sneaked up on Sierra from behind. She wrapped her arms around her lover's waist then smoothed them over her flesh until she lovingly cupped the brunette's breasts. Grinding her crotch lewdly against Sierra's rump, she undulated seductively whilst trailing her tongue along the nape of the woman's neck. Sierra purred contentedly, oblivious to the gathering hoard of admirers and their cries of encouragement.
"Get the blonde down on her knees," Harwood snarled. "I want to see her tongue at work."
"We're not supposed to do that in the main room," Mason informed him indignantly.
"I don't give a flying fuck. I make the law around here."
"Do as he says," Mason reluctantly commanded, loath to provide the punters with a free floor show.
Dropping to the ground, Grace pressed her face against Sierra's sex. She licked enthusiastically whilst ensuring the detective had an unobstructed view of the action. Although slightly perturbed at exhibiting herself so publicly, Sierra's misgivings soon evaporated as Grace ignited her passion. Entwining her fingers in her friend's mane, she pulled Grace's face forcibly against her crotch.
Sierra groaned as she perceived pressure against her anus and cried out when a slim finger eased inside the tight sheath. The crowd cheered the pair on, enjoying the spectacle almost as much as Sierra who gasped ecstatically as she rapidly approached climax. Several men rubbed themselves through their clothes, unable to restrain their baser instincts when confronted with such licentiousness. Sierra's legs turned to jelly as her orgasm peaked and she collapsed prostrate across the stage. Grace looked towards Mason for further instructions, her flushed face glistening with her friend's slick juices.
Mason smiled and held out his hand to help Grace down from the stage then led her back towards the table that he currently shared with Harwood. The crowd dispersed except for two men who began haggling for Sierra's favour. Harry accepted a large wad of cash from each and the pair led the enervated woman away up the stairs.
"I can arrange a room for you if you'd like to get to know her a little better," Mason informed his guest, indicating Grace who stood nude and expectantly beside them.
"You think that I'd risk one of your disease ridden hovels?" Harwood spat maliciously. "Pardon me if I decline."
"As you wish," Mason muttered.
"She can suck me off under the table as we talk."
Mason bristled visibly but indicated for Grace to comply. The girl crawled under the table, the heavy cloth hiding her actions from casual observation. The detective felt his zipper pulled down and delicate fingers extract his manhood. He smiled as warmth enveloped his cock and reached down to control the pace.
"Perhaps you heard about my colleague?" Harwood enquired. "Sergeant Grant."
It took all Mason's resolve not to react. It was the same man that had raided the club repeatedly during the previous month. Several days ago, Harry and two of his men had caught up with the off-duty officer. They had beaten him severely and from all accounts the man lay comatose in the local hospital.
"I heard that he got mugged. How is he doing?"
"He died this morning without regaining consciousness."
"I am so sorry to hear that," Mason replied unsympathetically. "You can't be too careful these days."
"If you had a problem with him, you should come to me rather than take the law into your own hands."
"You don't honestly believe that I had anything to do with it?" Mason was indignant.
"If I could prove anything, we wouldn't be even having this conversation. We can resolve this like men; blood for blood."
He paused then pulled Grace into his crotch, forcing himself deeply down her throat. Pressing her nose firmly against his belly, he cut off her air supply and sighed as the girl struggled desperately to draw breath. Her throat muscles convulsing around his girth provided him immense delight.
"Believe me when I say that her death will bring me great pleasure," Harwood sighed as he neared climax.
Mason looked on impotently as the corrupt cop choked away the girl's life. The man gasped as he came but kept the girl pinned in place until her motions slackened.
"Bastard," Mason spat.
"Don't be such a sore loser."
"You didn't need to do that."
"I'll grant you she was a sexy little thing, but the point had to be made."
He withdrew and released Grace, who slumped lifelessly to the ground.
"Times are hard. Grant told you what the new terms were and I expect them to be honoured. I'll await your first instalment."
Harwood rearranged his fly then stood. Smiling wickedly, he walked away leaving Mason with the dilemma of what to do with Grace. Devastated and enraged, he crouched on the floor and cradled the girl's head in his lap. Harry crept closer to help but both were surprised when moments later Grace's eyes fluttered open and she coughed violently, clearing her throat of the man's viscous seed.
"Grace," Mason gasped. "I thought..."
"Water," Grace croaked.
Harry disappeared to return with a tall glass. The disconsolate girl drank, grimacing as her traumatized muscles were forced to swallow. They helped her to sit up and it soon became clear that despite her ordeal, she was otherwise unharmed.
"Where's Sierra?" she asked quietly.
"She's entertaining," Mason informed her. "Why don't you go up to your room and wait for her?"
Grace nodded and left the bar, relieved to have survived the encounter with the sadistic detective. She had struggled for breath as he raped her throat, passing out when he clogged her windpipe with his cloying deposit. When she awoke, the man had thankfully departed, leaving her with a painful legacy.
Reclining atop the thin mattress, she dozed until the door creaked open and Sierra joined her. The older woman looked pale and wan; her make-up smeared by the tears that coursed down her cheeks.
"Sierra, are you okay?" Grace exclaimed as she jumped up to comfort her friend.
"Let me lie down," she whimpered. "I'm so sore."
"What happened?"
"There were two of them. They treated me like I was nothing. One of them insisted on fucking my backside. I think I'm bleeding."
Grace eased the dejected woman onto the bed, face down. Sierra's anus was raw and inflamed, with traces of blood oozing from small cuts. Grace rushed to apply antiseptic before the wounds became infected. The woman gasped in agony as her friend treated her, hardly able to stand any contact against the tortured flesh.
"I'm getting too old for this," Sierra grumbled morosely.
The younger girl sympathized, finding it incredible that her companion had lived this life for as long as she had.
A week later, in the lounge, Grace had been serving drinks all evening to Nabu, a visiting trader from Caliban. The vast country located in the northern hemisphere still hosted a thriving slave trade, and it was renowned as a source of cheap labour. The Oceania authorities placed heavy import duties on their goods but with lax and corrupt customs controls, rampant smuggling proliferated.
Nabu had plied her with drinks but she'd taken an instant dislike to the arrogant foreigner, realizing immediately that he was one of the unpredictable minority. She feigned drunkenness and soon planned to pass out to release her from any possible obligations.
Mason appeared at her table with Sierra. He was eagerly chasing a steady supply of cheap consumer electronics to flood the domestic market through a chain of front companies. He'd already corrupted the local trade officials and just needed to negotiate a suitably low price of supply from the trader.
"I thank you for your generous offer," the trader ventured unctuously, "but first I think I will partake of your famed hospitality."
"Which of my beautiful girls would you like?" Mason offered grudgingly.
"Why the two ladies seated at this table of course."
Mason's obsequious smile froze for an instant but his greed overrode any prevalent concerns.
"Both?" he asked inquisitively.
"Is it too much to ask?"
"Of course not, please, be my guest."
Nabu rose and Grace realized that she'd missed the opportunity to employ her scam. She took solace from the fact she'd have Sierra for company once the boorish trader had finished with them. They walked upstairs arm in arm with Grace dropping the pretence of inebriation. Nabu opened the door to the suite then followed them inside, bolting the door to prevent any interruption.
"Get undressed," he ordered, all display of civility abandoned once beyond sight of his host. His eyes held a cruel, sadistic look and Grace felt a sense of foreboding about his intentions.
Nevertheless, both girls shed what little they wore and stood defenceless before him. He positioned Sierra on the bed facing downwards and Grace had a sinking feeling about how he planned to use her. Nabu stood a pace behind the prostrate girl and removed his belt before pushing his trousers to the ground.
"You know what to do baby," he told Grace.
She bristled at his words but obediently dropped to her knees and took him in her mouth. The man raised his arm and viciously slashed the belt across Sierra's buttocks. Grace heard the crack and the shrill cry of pain as the woman suffered under the shock of the blow and immediately abandoned her duties.
"Did I say stop?" Nabu growled, holding up the belt menacingly.
Despite the sobbing wail from the bed, Grace complied. When he lashed Sierra a second time however, her concerns for her friend's welfare overcame her, and she stood up to make her objections known.
"Stop that! You're hurting her!"
He pushed Grace heavily to the ground then whipped Sierra savagely across her back with the flat of the belt. Unwilling to tolerate the abuse any longer, Grace jumped to her feet and forcibly shoved the man away, but this only served to further antagonize him. He slammed his fist into her stomach causing her to double over in agony.
The sound of the belt striking Sierra's flesh once more, and the ensuing pitiful wail galvanized her into action. She straightened up and punched the trader in the face, bloodying his eye and sending him reeling backwards. Like a raging bull, Nabu charged her and they exchanged several heavy blows which left them both dazed and panting breathlessly. She felt a trickle of blood run from her nose but stood her ground defiantly.
"Leave her alone, you bastard!"
Grace momentarily took her attention off her opponent and glanced at Sierra, lying motionless on the bed. The shock of the unexpected assault had rendered her incapable of movement.
Nabu made to strike Grace again and she jumped sideways to dodge his blow. His move was a feint to cover the lateral slash of the belt that tore across her flank. White hot pain engulfed her side and she quickly retreated to avoid further punishment. She examined herself, discovering a deep welt that broke the flesh and from which blood now flowed freely.
The murderous look of intent in the trader's eyes convinced her that she must stop him before he caused even greater injury. She attacked, ducking under his guard and gathering all her strength into one forceful blow. Her fist struck home with a sickening crunch that lifted him slightly off his feet. He staggered across the room, arms flailing, to land atop a flimsy wooden dresser. The table collapsed beneath his weight and Grace quickly advanced, ready to strike again if he attempted to rise.
"Don't call me baby," Grace spat.
Several seconds later, the man still hadn't stirred and she staggered to unbolt the door and call for help. Harry and another man swept into the room and surveyed the carnage.
"Get Mason," Harry instructed his colleague, bending down to examine the fallen trader.
As her anger subsided, Grace observed for the first time the unnatural angle of the man's head. Her worst fears were confirmed when Harry confirmed that the man was dead.
"He was hurting Sierra," Grace protested vehemently. "He attacked me when I tried to stop him."
Mason assessed the situation instantly on entering the room. Grace backed against the wall to avoid his wrath but much to her surprise he went straight over to comfort Sierra. Two vivid welts decorated each buttock and blood tinged the vertical slashes across her back and thighs.
Enraged at what had transpired, Mason strode toward the trader and kicked the corpse several times with all his strength. Harry restrained him, desperately trying to convince his boss that the Caliban was already dead and further abuse counter-productive.
"Get rid of this piece of shit," Mason exclaimed. "Drop him down a deep hole where nobody will find his filthy, rotten carcass."
Mason finally turned his attention to Grace and winced at her injuries. Both her eyes were blackened and crimson rivulets dribbled down her face from her bloodied nose and split lip. The left side of her body was bleeding badly from the deep gash produced by the edge of the trader's belt.
"That looks painful," he remarked.
"It looks worse than it is," Grace replied, amazed that the pain was not overwhelming. She wondered whether once the initial shock wore off she'd really begin to suffer.
"Help me with Sierra," Mason directed.
Between him and Grace, they half walked, half carried the distraught woman along the corridor to her room and laid her face down upon the bed. Mason carefully cleaned her lacerations and applied an antiseptic salve that caused her to cry out from the intense stinging. He sedated her with strong sleeping tablets then waited by her side until she lapsed into a deep slumber. Only then did Mason examine Grace and realize the severity of her injuries.
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So I was on tenterhooks all morning, waiting to be summoned to the storage area under the gallery. But the text, at lunchtime, was for something else: “Find somewhere comfy tonight pls. After dinner, pick us up from mine 7:30. Oral + fuck x2. B ready :)) M” Did she need to be quite so explicit? My mind swam with the implications. Texts could be traced, couldn’t they? I wasn’t sure but I’d seen news stories about guys being locked up on text evidence they thought they’d got rid of. Now I had...
So far the weekend was more than any young man just learning the ropes of sex should be allowed to experience. But life was just about to get wicked when Jen's Mamma and my own Grammy joined her in seeing just how much of a man I could be!Millie was not just a talented kisser, she was the best! And though she probably had at least 60 years on me (remember, she was much older than my 50 year old Grammy) she had me wanting to drown in her embrace! She put my hands on her breasts and slid me...
The School. Part Four. “Now this happens with every intake of students, so that is why the bar is open early for you to discuss this between you. You all filled out the questionnaire and signed it. One line read that if you had any problems of any interaction because of class, colour or creed or with members of the same sex, do not bother to fill out the form etc. Interaction with members of the same sex! Now I’m not saying this in a nasty way, but it is very difficult to put it any other way....
Group SexFeeling really hungry on arising Helena walked around the beach to the Elephant rock cafe and ordered a large breakfast together with a large juice. She did not realise that she could eat so much and not put on any weight. Ordering another large juice and a bottle of water, sat looking over the beach at the lovely waves. Seeing all the family and children running around, it brought a smile to her thinking how good the world is. I know I will buy a lottery ticket and see what my luck is....
Space, what a great place to be. Humanity sure came a long way, now with transporting capabilities, we are able to ship cargo and other shit across the stars in literally no time at all. The idea of shipping other people's junk didn't appeal to me after a while, so I decided to keep all of it. Of course, the United Space Law Enforcement Agency for Space or the USLEA or 'useless', thought that me doing this was evil. So I was arrested and tried. The sentence, life on a prison planet on the rim...
A couple of years ago I found myself in a very enviable position. I belong to a Medieval group that dresses up in costumes of the middle ages. We recreate and even try to live as they did then, trying to talk like that era, bowing to the nobles, etc. We try to stick as close to realism as possible without all the dirt and disease. As one of the older members of the group (I'm in my mid 40s) I cheat. I like my creature comforts and am too old to enjoy sleeping on the ground any longer so I have...
On Saturday morning Helena awoke and realised what was troubling her. She needed a board of directors for the airline business here. Getting up and having a shower Fred joined her, with the look in Helena’s eyes he just knew something was troubling her. He just did the right thing and accompanied her to breakfast. Coincidence William and his wife together with their son, Paul were having breakfast in the hotel. They all sat at the same large table. Helena asked them to join her in her room...
by newbie2008The Unaffordable Vacation Continues...*You know? Wanting your wife to go along with your fantasy is one thing, but hearing her come around to it, actually explain that she's now okay with it, even enjoying it, is a pill you'll have to swallow if you roll down this path.I suppose a man feels more in control when she is reluctant about it. After hearing her utterly going along with the wildest things I could throw out, I began to seriously backtrack in absolute fear that she actually...
I had just turned 21 and needed a job. I ended up getting a job at a very shady bar called Marco's Bar. The place was a hell hole, filled with scumbag old men and old, gross women. When I walked in my first day, it was obvious that I was the youngest piece of ass that had been in the place in a very long time. I had perky tits, a thick ass and a cute, innocent smile. My long dark hair rested on my bare shoulders and my young skin glowed with youth. I had my share of lovers but...
I contacted Julie later that day. I didn't want her to be alone. She told me that she had talked with her kids and told them that their father was filing for a divorce. She told me that her kids said that they would be there for her. They told her they heard that their dad was having affairs and that it was only a matter of time. When she told them that she had an affair, they didn't act surprised. "Mom, we noticed how happy you've been the last month. You were like our old mom before...
I was stiff and sore and there was a bit of a bruise on my right chest where I'd taken the recoil of the rifle yesterday. I flexed that side a few times and then went off and showered. I met Vicky in there drying off. A glance showed me that she'd taken a hell of a lot more punishment than I had. Her right front shoulder had a nice dark welt on it. I winced on seeing it. "You okay?" I asked as she started getting dressed. "Stiff and sore," Vicky replied dismissively, "but I'll...
I am 35 years of age and married to sexy woman for years but I love cock too. I often visit my local gay/bi sauna when I get the urge for cock. On this particular time it was an hour or so befor it closed. The man who worked there did tell me that it was empty as he was shutting in a hour but I said it was ok as I could entertain myself and enjoy the steam room and jacuzzi. He gave me my towel and locker key as normal. I always wear s pair of my wife's panties when I go as I love the chance of...
The legend of the white wolf explained Story tells of a white wolf, pure as the moon, and his mate black as the night sky. The purity of the white wolf was said to even out the evil in the black one. Their love was one of legends, it was told then when the time of the white wolf came there would be peace among all packs. The two mates were to be so loved by all that they would conquer the world. This story was translated from an ancient wolven script and part of the legend was lost along the...
“Fuck,” she thought to herself, trying the door anyway and finding it definitely secure. Whomever had left after her must have locked the bolt and she probably locked the knob. “Damn,” she fumed and struggled back to the car, setting her bags down in the back frustrated, fishing out her phone to call up a family member was her first thought. This would have been a great option had anyone answered. She left voice and text messages. “Shit,” she swore, frustrated, standing there in her...
Chase wasn’t tired, so he just quietly lay there, holding Elizabeth, basking in the fact that this beautiful woman was going to be his wife. He smiled as he inhaled her scent, his nose in her hair. He tried to figure out what comprised the exotic florally scent, orchids maybe. Later, he counted the little band of freckles that ran across her nose, tallying thirty-seven. He wanted to memorize every curve and line of her face, to engrain it in his mind. Around 10pm, his bladder took over and he...
100% fiction! My MIL has just left after our weekly lovemaking session and this has been the wildest yet, in my opinion. It started normal enough, she said she had had a really hard day at work, so I rolled her onto her belly grabbed some lotion and started rubbing the kinks out of back. Each time my erect penis rubbed against the crack of her ass she instinctively pushed back(since our she has grown to love anal sex). Even though I really wantedsome of that that sweet ass, I kept rubbing her...
IncestI wake up to find myself on your couch. I remember the dinner party you threw last night. I remember enjoying the party and the company, perhaps a little too much wine, but enjoyed that too.I look around and you are not up yet. I use the bathroom, then clean up a little and head towards your bedroom to see if you are awake.I quietly open your door and peak in. You lie in bed, I can tell you are naked under the single sheet, lying on your side, looking so beautiful. Without a thought, I enter...
LesbianA small babe like Skylar Valentine loves a big dick inside her petite pussy, and sometimes she likes to add a little spice to the fun. Today, she wears a lusty black cat mask as she sucks and fucks a huge cock. The sexy bleach blonde stuffs her cunt with a big dildo and then gives our stud a drooling blowjob. Then, she pops her pussy on the couch as he strokes inside her aggressively. Skylar closes her eyes and feels waves of pleasure wash over her nubile body. She cums multiple times and then...
xmoviesforyou"OOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMYYYYYGGGGOOOOSSSSHHHHH!!!" she screamed out. "Don't stop please, keep fucking that tight pussy harder!" I sped up inside her wet dripping goldmine. I loved fucking her from behind. "You like that fat black dick in your pussy?" I yelled as I smacked her ass. "Yes!! Yes! I love it! Please f*ck this tight asian pussy!" I loved the sound of that. It made me want to ram her into the wall. I grabbed her hair and pulled her head back. "Ughhhh, so good!" she yelled. I twisted...
In the mean time John was as horny as Jim had been, after seeing how Paul was with his mother, he ran her he controlled her! The idea, the concept was so erotic, that John, just like Jim knew he had to find a way to get his own mom to submit to him and his friends. The idea of swapping moms casually with his friends was his latest beat off fantasy! Now Irene his mother was a classic tall blond, slender, more like a Lauren Bacall, but with bigger breasts, than a Betty Grable. Since his...
It was a typical early morning. I always check my messages first, from the porno-social site which I belong to, then check the friends invitations, look over the “news” from the site before perusing the fresh she-male videos as I start my day. I take smoke breaks out-of doors to feel the wind seep through my sheer, lovely girl clothes and I had just returned from watching the dawn’s pink and red display in the east. I was dressed in a sheer, lacy thong and a sheer leopard-print throw that I...
Rob had seen enough, "how to proceed without scaring her off and humiliate her and to reassure her that it is ok, should I be soft and gentle or firm and harsh and surprise her even more?" Rob thought. He walked back to his car, went to a nearby seven-eleven, bought some water and started to fill himself up. Before leaving he bought a few beers, went to his car to think! He felt free, he did not have to hide his desires anymore and just as the first sign of his bladder filling up he just...
This Story is not mine, But this Story make me Cum while i read it....Mom Took the family to a Nude Beach What I am about to tell you happened last year. I never expected to share it with anyone, but I read a family i****t story in this site and decided also to share our incredible experience with the readers.My name is Janet, I am 39 and I am married to Logan, 48. We have two k**s, Teddy, 17 and Allie, 15. I consider myself a beautiful woman, I exercise daily and my family genes helped: I have...
The day was hot and the sun was very bright and high in the sky. The Great River sparkled like sapphire, and the well-tended fields of wheat and barley shone like gold. It was the height of summer and the sweltering heat had sent most people indoors into the cool shade but out here in the countryside and farmlands, beyond the ancient capital, there were at least two people who were revelling in the warmth and sun. Alya laughed joyously, her head tossed back as her long raven hair streamed...
I am a 46 year-old mother of teenage boy. I am 5’1” tall, with curly black hair, brown eyes and I pretty thick. I am 46GG with large areolas and large nipples. My husband is a oil engineer who contracts with several large companies and is away from home from time to time. We have with years got an average sex life and I have had only a few men before I met my husband. My husband was leaving on a trip to Colorado during holidays to meet some friends, he ask if me and my son would come too, but...