A Twilight KnockoffChapter 25 free porn video

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I felt sluggish and weak, cold and uncomfortable and distinctly unhappy. There was a bright light stabbing my eyes, something hard was jabbing into my side and I couldn't move.

I wiggled experimentally but still couldn't move. Growling in frustration, I gathered my strength to fling myself to the side. No such luck, I was held fast.

"What's wrong with her?" The voice was worried and I felt myself held tighter.

"I want to move is what's wrong with me," I croaked and wiggled again. I felt joy even as I was crushed against something hard and uncomfortable that I vaguely realized was a chest. My eyes opened but I couldn't make out anything other than the bright light.

"I'll go get Marcus," I heard a male voice say and followed the sounds of his passage down a hall.

"I told you she would make it." I recognized the musical voice and smiled.

"Did anyone really doubt you, Morgan?" I asked and felt a shift as I was released from the vice and gently lowered down to a soft surface. My hands stroked the surface and identified it as a blanket. I inhaled and smelled sandalwood and something else. "Connor?"

"Right here, Trish. I'm right here." There was relief in his voice that spoke of a great fear being overcome. I blinked a little more in an effort to see. Thinking it hopeless, I closed my eyes and counted to ten, then opened them one last time.

And I could see. His beautiful face loomed above me, his skin glowing like a sun and his smile the most welcome sight. He reached out and caressed my cheek in a familiar gesture and I sighed, content.

I closed my eyes and tried to roll over, but something tugged on my arm. I looked down and saw an I.V. tapped to my hand, the nearby bag dripping something into my bloodstream. I tried to shift but gasped as a sharp pain traveled the length of my body.

"What happened?" I asked, my memories a little fuzzy.

"We almost lost you," Connor whispered, gently stroking my hair. "We almost didn't make it in time."

"I'm sorry," I whispered hoarsely. "I couldn't think of anything else. I thought she had him." My eyes started to fill and I swallowed a sob.

"Shhh, Tricia, its all right," his voice was like a balm as the tears rolled down my cheeks. The memories came flooding in and I sobbed as all the terror I'd ignored returned. Connor once again picked me up, carefully cradling me in his arms and humming softly.

When I finished, I was weaker, tired and embarrassed and in pain. He laid me back down on the bed and pulled up a nearby chair.

"You look like hell," I croaked and he gave me my favorite crooked smile.

"I'll look better when you've finished healing," he told me, carefully grabbing my hand.

"How?" I asked, gesturing gingerly at my body and he nodded his understanding.

"Morgan. She was trying to staunch the bleeding from your ribs and noticed something none of us ever had or knew." His eyes were like melting chocolate and I was glad; that meant that he was okay.

"I had the hunter's blood on me," she said and the satisfied look on her face needed no explanation. "I was concentrating on not breathing and noticed that your wound wasn't bleeding as much. I took my hands away and the torn flesh I'd been holding together was half-healed." My stomach turned as she described what had been done to me, though the excited look in her eyes and the speed with which she spoke made it hard to concentrate on anything but her words.

"What are you saying?" I asked, not making the connection.

"Our blood can heal," Marcus' voice, the calm voice I'd heard before, proceeded him into the room with Chadwick on his heels, both of them giving me wide smiles. "It was something I've never thought of before, though I'm not sure why. Our bodies heal almost instantly," he explained, "and we can survive almost anything because of that. I never thought to try to heal other beings with it."

"So what does that mean, exactly?" I asked after Connor presented me with a glass of cool water to sip from.

"It means that our blood kept you alive," Marcus said softly, coming to sit beside me, across from Connor. "I don't know if it will have any side effects but, for now, it keeps you with us."

"How bad was it?" I asked him and not the others because, as a doctor, I knew he would give it to me straight.

"Bad enough," he said with a grimace. "You broke two ribs along with gashing them open, fractured your left femur, barely missed your heart and sustained multiple abrasions and bruises." Despite his professional tone, I could tell that he was worried, I could almost feel it.

"So what's left?" I asked, ignoring the unsettling sensations that were streaming in, sensations I didn't think were coming from me.

"A few bruises, a scrape or three and scars; it wasn't clear how much of your blood we could replace so we only gave you enough to begin healing." I thought about that as Marcus checked my bandages, a few questions forming in my head.

"How long have I been asleep?" I asked quietly. Nobody answered and the tension was tangible in a way that made me worry. "How long?"

"Two weeks," Connor finally spoke up and I gasped. "And you weren't asleep, you were in a coma. It happens sometimes after a particularly traumatic situation."

"Where am I?" My eyes couldn't seem to focus right, but it didn't look like any hospital I'd ever been to.

"In one of our guest bedrooms," Marcus said. "Your-," he paused, visibly groping for a word, "condition- would have proved very awkward to try to explain, so we brought you here to monitor your recovery. We were also hoping that you would awaken more quickly if you were in a semi-familiar environment."

"I think it worked." My eyes continued to wander the room, but I still couldn't see very well. "Why am I having trouble seeing?" Everything was bright and fuzzy.

"I have an idea," Morgan exclaimed and I felt her move off the bed. The sounds of curtains being drawn was loud but it dimmed the light from both the sun and the vampires. "Better?" she asked and I nodded. "I thought so. My eyes were extraordinarily sensitive at first, too." I looked a question at her and she smiled. "I can See a difference in your aura; its like ours," she waved at the four of them, "but not as strong."

"You mean I'm one of you?" I asked, surprised at the hopeful feeling that accompanied that thought.

"No, but I think you may temporarily exhibit some of our characteristics," she told me. I tried not to show my disappointment, but I couldn't help it. So I changed the subject.

"What did you tell my father and Claire? About what happened and why I'm here, I mean?"

"You got into an accident," Connor said quietly, his eyes sad. "My father, sister, brother and myself went down there to help you look for him. You met us at the airport, since we know nothing about Oklahoma and it would just be easier to pick us up than try to rent a car and find your house." The small smile that had peaked through suddenly disappeared. "You were struck by a car. The driver took the turn too quickly, lost control and hit you head on, slamming you into a support pillar. It was fortuitous that Marcus was there."

"How did you come up with that?"

"I've seen my share of hit and runs," Marcus put in as he felt along my ribs. "It was either that or you fell off a cliff, which would work here, but not in Oklahoma. Tender?" he asked as I sucked in a breath.

"A little," I said breathlessly. "I could almost believe I got hit by a car."

"Just be glad that the worst is over with; I'm not sure how long it would have taken to put you back together using conventional medical treatment, nor the amount of pain involved in the attempt." Marcus shooed his children away from the bed and pulled a curtain around the bed so he could continue his examination.

"I'm grateful we didn't have to find out," I told him and he smiled.

"So am I." He poked and prodded my various sore spots, checking bandages and reapplying medicine and wrappings where they were needed. "A few more days in bed would be advisable, though it will be possible to move you about," he said ten minutes later, opening the curtain once again. "I don't want you to try to walk yet; your body will be weak and easily over-exerted for some time yet because of the amount of time you've spent unconscious. Don't worry, though. All it will take is a little physical therapy and you'll be fine."

"Thanks, Doc," I told him and he grinned, setting his equipment on a nearby table before writing something on a clipboard.

"So how did you find my father? You did find him?"

"Oh, yes, it was rather easy," Morgan replied cheerfully as she sat next to my feet. "One of the messages on your phone was from your aunt telling you that your father was in a hospital."

"What?! Why?" I sat up quickly, nearly spilling the glass of water Connor had been trying to give to me.

"Its seems that you two have quite a bit in common, at least in the bad luck department." Her ironic tone confused me.

"Quit torturing the girl," Marcus chastised her and it was her turn to look confused. "He was hit by a drunk driver at a stop light." He pulled out a stethoscope and proceeded to check my lungs and heart, the cold metal giving me chills. "He suffered a concussion, multiple cuts from broken glass, cracked his ribs when he collided with the telephone pole and broke his arm in three places." He moved the metal end around as he spoke. "They had to keep him sedated for a while, after the worst of the swelling went down so that he wouldn't inadvertently hurt himself."

"That's what caused his call to be cut off so suddenly," I said as things started making sense.

"Near as we can figure, yes. He wasn't allowed any visitors or phone calls until a few days ago, when the doctors were sure that he was stable." He pulled out the blood pressure cuff and began to pump it up as I sighed in relief, even though it hurt. He'd been fine, well, kind of, and he'd been relatively protected. I felt a large knot of tension drain away, leaving me slightly light-headed and giddy.

"Well," Marcus declared after taking my temperature and checking my blood sugar, sitting beside Morgan on my bed, "I think you're healing just fine. You will probably be stuck using a leg brace and crutches for a couple of weeks," I made a face and they laughed.

"Its better than a cast," Chadwick told me cheerfully and we all laughed.

"It will be better to favor it for now, until you get your strength back and for show," he told me seriously. "I don't expect any problems but, like I said, I really don't know what effects, if any, will come from your healing." Connor and Marcus shared a glance and he nodded, standing. "Send Connor down when you need me," he told me with a smile, gently patting my arm. Chadwick and Morgan followed him out, quietly closing the door behind them. It was kind of eerie to hear them as they continued down the hall when I could barely tell they were in the room before.

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There’s another dream in the middle of this chapter. I swear there won’t be another after this chapter, but I had to give Maisie her share of flashback time. ,) —————————————- Maisie slid the last of the empty produce crates into the back of the pickup truck. She huffed out a long breath as she closed her eyes and wiped her brow on her sleeve. She was exhausted, the summer sun was bright and hot, and her long day had been full of chores on the farm and customers at the Wednesday farmers’...

2 years ago
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To Be or Not To Be a Doctor Chapter 2

In math class, Tony usually sat on the far-left side of the room, that being the only place where left-handed desks could be found. But on Wednesday’s class, he scanned the room anxiously looking for Manjula.She was wearing the revealing sundress he’d picked for her. Stretching out her legs in the front row, she looked irresistible. And few guys could resist her — there were two flanking her on each side, each vying in assorted ways for her attention. Tony smiled sadly in her direction and went...

First Time
2 years ago
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More Goody episode 3

I was 22 when I arrived at my new duty station in Wiesbaden, Germany in the summer of 1960. I was assigned to a headquarters squadron that consisted of sixty or so enlisted men and officers. We worked and lived in former German military administrative buildings. The dormitories were spacious and offered us much more privacy than standard American military barracks.  In the military, and especially overseas, you tend to socialize with the people you pull duty with. The single enlisted males had...

2 years ago
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Barbara Ch 06

Chapter 6: The Prison Farm (part1) This is intended for adults 21 and over only. If you are offended by graphic descriptions of a sexual nature, please, don’t read this or download it. If this is illegal where ever you are reading this stop now. * * * * * When Barbara awoke she looked out the front window to see where she was. The van was parked at what looked like a farm. There was a barn off in the distance and from the van Barbara could see plenty of open fields, some planted and some...

3 years ago
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Moving Help

John lived across the street from Mr. and Mrs. Smith for as long as he could remember. She and her husband had been nice enough people. He even mowed their lawn a few times for extra money during the summer. John always noticed how Mrs. Smith would go jogging every morning, in her jogging shorts and athletic top. So did every other guy in the neighborhood. After John turned 15 he had fantasies of having sex with her and would masturbate with those dreams. After John turned 16, Mr. Smith had...

1 year ago
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Glory Hole

this one is abit short but I hope you like it I have always liked to go to boookstores and love the gloryhole idea. I have been going to my favorite adult bookstore for years and always get off on sucking off married guys on their way home from to their wives and k**s. It was just a normal day and I was in the booth inserting quarters when I heard the door next to my booth open. I waited for him to get situated and drop his quarters and open his pants….they always do. I rubbed my finger...

1 year ago
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StasyQ VR

StasyQVR! Looking for some erotic striptease in VR? The new wave of virtual reality pornography brings a new level of realism to the game and with it an unprecedented level of intimacy previously unheard of in sex films. It’s hard not to feel like the sluts are really into you when they stare directly into your eyes while slurping your penis clean. It’s this feeling of familiarity that breathes new life into relatively softcore solo and striptease scenes, like the kind you’ll find on...

VR Porn Sites
2 years ago
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That SummerChapter 7

At breakfast the next morning, Jill announced that she would be going to be with Kyle's mom in the hospital when she comes out of her surgery. She said that she would stay overnight and probably return the next day. She made it very clear to Kyle and Emma that there would be no parties in the house or the pool while she was gone. That didn't bother Kyle much because he didn't know anyone except a bunch of young cheerleaders anyway, so not having a party was no great shakes. Emma had mixed...

3 years ago
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A Shocking Surprise

I lay sleeping in bed, dreaming. Dreaming of the girl that hated my guts - Natalie Harvey, who thought she was god's gift to men. I could see her in my dream vividly - long, glossy, black hair, perfectly round bosoms, slender figure with a silver dress on. She was winking at me and showing her leg. I felt myself begin to breathe heavily as I saw in my dream Natalie was touching herself and then lifting her fingers to her mouth. Suddenly my eyes burst open when I felt something strain against my...

1 year ago
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Sisters Part 2

Note: I have been asked by several fans to continue this story so I am putting Sisters Part 2 out there for you to enjoy I hope. It has been over a year and a half since I added part one so I added a few paragraphs from the first part. Thanks again for all your support. Hugs, Princess Pantyboy Sisters Part 2 By Princess Panty boy Me, Barry, Carrie 10 year old Miley 4 year old little sister Beth 17 year old twin sisters Cathy ...

3 years ago
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A Long Evening

Last night, my husband & I were both in the mood to make love. It had been a while; my husband was always shy in the bedroom department, and it took courage for him to make a move, even knowing that I was always hot and bothered and always, always, wanting him. My husband Mic began by half-heartedly kissing me, and since I was wearing a nightgown but no underwear, fingering me. I hate being fingered right away, unless I was already very hot and bothered. He quickly realized my displeasure and...

3 years ago
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Slots V

Slots V By Julie O. Joe the mechanic was sitting at his desk in the office of the Empire Garage. Joe wasn?t his name but it really didn?t matter, it was no better or worse than his original name, whatever that was. The garage existed not to fix broken cars but to transform men into women. Well that wasn?t exactly true. They became sex toys, addicted to lust and to sex. He had forgotten how many he had transformed over the years. There was his video library of each...

3 years ago
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Daddys Breeder

Mara dropped her school bag by the front door and slid out of her uniform black shoes. It had been a long week of final exams and Mara was tired of everything she had to deal with at school. She was eighteen years old and about to graduate from high school. Depending on her grades on the exams she had just taken, she hoped that they were good enough to get her into the biochemistry course she wanted at University.The Catholic school she currently attended pushed her hard, but she knew it would...

1 year ago
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Golden GirlChapter 1

My mom is a Jane Mansfield look-alike, and I look like her, only my hair is much lighter and I am a foot shorter. She also has that look of a woman, born with class and elegance. She would look natural on a billionaire's arm, and she did, in fact, marry local wealth. We are very close, closer now than ever. After the divorce, when I was twelve, we became more like best friends. I am fifteen, now, and that friendship has grown beyond the norm. Our story is bizarre. Mom didn't date after she...

1 year ago
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surprised meet up

Zara knew what I wanted. I told her the things would turn me on. And today, she used them all to surprise me Zara texted me that she was in town and she wondered if we could meet up. I said ,’of course.’ We had good few sex sessions few years back. She had amazing mouth skill that I admired. I didn’t mind fucking pussies, but I alwayas had a thing with blow jobs. First time we had sex, I didn’t tell her about my preference. It took us a long painful hours to get me cum...

1 year ago
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Meri Mami Meri Pehli Biwi 8211 Part ll

Hi to all again….thanks for replying me back…..it felt good to hear your positive thoughts about my 1st story….now here is the continuation of the same story…..i hope u will like this story too….n will be waiting for your replies… At the same night…..rat me kuch 3 baje hoge….mai washroom jane ke liye utha….wapas aake dekha to mami ki bhi nind khul chuki thi….mami dusri aur karwat karke soyi thi…mai bhi jake mami ko chipak ke let gaya….maine right hand mami ke pet pe rakha tha…..dhire dhire use...

2 years ago
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Love Never ChangesChapter 4

“You know, you’re going to spoil me, with the showers and ... well, everything else. I love the feel of your skin on mine, the way our bodies fit together.” Gwen shook her head. “From what you’ve told me, you deserve every bit of that, and even more. While you were showering, rather than join you this time, I issued Edwards some orders to take three of his best guards and go through the hidden Vault. If you want to roll over and let me out of bed, we can get dressed and go see what he’s...

4 years ago
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Pick up at the Grocery Store

One day she was shopping in a grocery store when she caught the attention of a guy . She was looking at the frozen foods when he walked by her, then he walked by again and she could see in the reflection in the glass that he was checking her out from behind, he was looking right at her perfect tight high round sexy ass in her tight low-rider jeans. That always went right to her pussy when a sexy guy looked at her ass. He then came back yet again, but stood near the other frozen food cases...

1 year ago
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My Fantasy My Marriage

This is a fantasy of mine, but if anyone here wants make it cum true, you're certainly welcomed. The beginning of this could start any way, like when we are just in bed together or on a date. But here is just one beginning , onescenario on how I was proposed to and eventually got married...again just a fantasy, but knows?...I met "Jim" on Craigslist, not Craigslist, back when it had a personals section (damn government), he was exactly what I like: old, in his 70s, tall (I'm 6 feet and he stood...

4 years ago
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Jacks detail

The low quality gravelled mountain road forces Jack to drive at a frustratingly low speed. This landscape is devoid of life; all that can be seen in grey boulders and rocks. There are no other vehicles on this lonely road. Distance countdown markers provide the only bit of company. After four agonizing hours, he crosses the last ridge. Across the shallow valley, there’s finally some color! It looks like a white airliner; but an airport at this location? Jack’s brain gives up trying to figure...


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