- 4 years ago
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I felt sluggish and weak, cold and uncomfortable and distinctly unhappy. There was a bright light stabbing my eyes, something hard was jabbing into my side and I couldn't move.
I wiggled experimentally but still couldn't move. Growling in frustration, I gathered my strength to fling myself to the side. No such luck, I was held fast.
"What's wrong with her?" The voice was worried and I felt myself held tighter.
"I want to move is what's wrong with me," I croaked and wiggled again. I felt joy even as I was crushed against something hard and uncomfortable that I vaguely realized was a chest. My eyes opened but I couldn't make out anything other than the bright light.
"I'll go get Marcus," I heard a male voice say and followed the sounds of his passage down a hall.
"I told you she would make it." I recognized the musical voice and smiled.
"Did anyone really doubt you, Morgan?" I asked and felt a shift as I was released from the vice and gently lowered down to a soft surface. My hands stroked the surface and identified it as a blanket. I inhaled and smelled sandalwood and something else. "Connor?"
"Right here, Trish. I'm right here." There was relief in his voice that spoke of a great fear being overcome. I blinked a little more in an effort to see. Thinking it hopeless, I closed my eyes and counted to ten, then opened them one last time.
And I could see. His beautiful face loomed above me, his skin glowing like a sun and his smile the most welcome sight. He reached out and caressed my cheek in a familiar gesture and I sighed, content.
I closed my eyes and tried to roll over, but something tugged on my arm. I looked down and saw an I.V. tapped to my hand, the nearby bag dripping something into my bloodstream. I tried to shift but gasped as a sharp pain traveled the length of my body.
"What happened?" I asked, my memories a little fuzzy.
"We almost lost you," Connor whispered, gently stroking my hair. "We almost didn't make it in time."
"I'm sorry," I whispered hoarsely. "I couldn't think of anything else. I thought she had him." My eyes started to fill and I swallowed a sob.
"Shhh, Tricia, its all right," his voice was like a balm as the tears rolled down my cheeks. The memories came flooding in and I sobbed as all the terror I'd ignored returned. Connor once again picked me up, carefully cradling me in his arms and humming softly.
When I finished, I was weaker, tired and embarrassed and in pain. He laid me back down on the bed and pulled up a nearby chair.
"You look like hell," I croaked and he gave me my favorite crooked smile.
"I'll look better when you've finished healing," he told me, carefully grabbing my hand.
"How?" I asked, gesturing gingerly at my body and he nodded his understanding.
"Morgan. She was trying to staunch the bleeding from your ribs and noticed something none of us ever had or knew." His eyes were like melting chocolate and I was glad; that meant that he was okay.
"I had the hunter's blood on me," she said and the satisfied look on her face needed no explanation. "I was concentrating on not breathing and noticed that your wound wasn't bleeding as much. I took my hands away and the torn flesh I'd been holding together was half-healed." My stomach turned as she described what had been done to me, though the excited look in her eyes and the speed with which she spoke made it hard to concentrate on anything but her words.
"What are you saying?" I asked, not making the connection.
"Our blood can heal," Marcus' voice, the calm voice I'd heard before, proceeded him into the room with Chadwick on his heels, both of them giving me wide smiles. "It was something I've never thought of before, though I'm not sure why. Our bodies heal almost instantly," he explained, "and we can survive almost anything because of that. I never thought to try to heal other beings with it."
"So what does that mean, exactly?" I asked after Connor presented me with a glass of cool water to sip from.
"It means that our blood kept you alive," Marcus said softly, coming to sit beside me, across from Connor. "I don't know if it will have any side effects but, for now, it keeps you with us."
"How bad was it?" I asked him and not the others because, as a doctor, I knew he would give it to me straight.
"Bad enough," he said with a grimace. "You broke two ribs along with gashing them open, fractured your left femur, barely missed your heart and sustained multiple abrasions and bruises." Despite his professional tone, I could tell that he was worried, I could almost feel it.
"So what's left?" I asked, ignoring the unsettling sensations that were streaming in, sensations I didn't think were coming from me.
"A few bruises, a scrape or three and scars; it wasn't clear how much of your blood we could replace so we only gave you enough to begin healing." I thought about that as Marcus checked my bandages, a few questions forming in my head.
"How long have I been asleep?" I asked quietly. Nobody answered and the tension was tangible in a way that made me worry. "How long?"
"Two weeks," Connor finally spoke up and I gasped. "And you weren't asleep, you were in a coma. It happens sometimes after a particularly traumatic situation."
"Where am I?" My eyes couldn't seem to focus right, but it didn't look like any hospital I'd ever been to.
"In one of our guest bedrooms," Marcus said. "Your-," he paused, visibly groping for a word, "condition- would have proved very awkward to try to explain, so we brought you here to monitor your recovery. We were also hoping that you would awaken more quickly if you were in a semi-familiar environment."
"I think it worked." My eyes continued to wander the room, but I still couldn't see very well. "Why am I having trouble seeing?" Everything was bright and fuzzy.
"I have an idea," Morgan exclaimed and I felt her move off the bed. The sounds of curtains being drawn was loud but it dimmed the light from both the sun and the vampires. "Better?" she asked and I nodded. "I thought so. My eyes were extraordinarily sensitive at first, too." I looked a question at her and she smiled. "I can See a difference in your aura; its like ours," she waved at the four of them, "but not as strong."
"You mean I'm one of you?" I asked, surprised at the hopeful feeling that accompanied that thought.
"No, but I think you may temporarily exhibit some of our characteristics," she told me. I tried not to show my disappointment, but I couldn't help it. So I changed the subject.
"What did you tell my father and Claire? About what happened and why I'm here, I mean?"
"You got into an accident," Connor said quietly, his eyes sad. "My father, sister, brother and myself went down there to help you look for him. You met us at the airport, since we know nothing about Oklahoma and it would just be easier to pick us up than try to rent a car and find your house." The small smile that had peaked through suddenly disappeared. "You were struck by a car. The driver took the turn too quickly, lost control and hit you head on, slamming you into a support pillar. It was fortuitous that Marcus was there."
"How did you come up with that?"
"I've seen my share of hit and runs," Marcus put in as he felt along my ribs. "It was either that or you fell off a cliff, which would work here, but not in Oklahoma. Tender?" he asked as I sucked in a breath.
"A little," I said breathlessly. "I could almost believe I got hit by a car."
"Just be glad that the worst is over with; I'm not sure how long it would have taken to put you back together using conventional medical treatment, nor the amount of pain involved in the attempt." Marcus shooed his children away from the bed and pulled a curtain around the bed so he could continue his examination.
"I'm grateful we didn't have to find out," I told him and he smiled.
"So am I." He poked and prodded my various sore spots, checking bandages and reapplying medicine and wrappings where they were needed. "A few more days in bed would be advisable, though it will be possible to move you about," he said ten minutes later, opening the curtain once again. "I don't want you to try to walk yet; your body will be weak and easily over-exerted for some time yet because of the amount of time you've spent unconscious. Don't worry, though. All it will take is a little physical therapy and you'll be fine."
"Thanks, Doc," I told him and he grinned, setting his equipment on a nearby table before writing something on a clipboard.
"So how did you find my father? You did find him?"
"Oh, yes, it was rather easy," Morgan replied cheerfully as she sat next to my feet. "One of the messages on your phone was from your aunt telling you that your father was in a hospital."
"What?! Why?" I sat up quickly, nearly spilling the glass of water Connor had been trying to give to me.
"Its seems that you two have quite a bit in common, at least in the bad luck department." Her ironic tone confused me.
"Quit torturing the girl," Marcus chastised her and it was her turn to look confused. "He was hit by a drunk driver at a stop light." He pulled out a stethoscope and proceeded to check my lungs and heart, the cold metal giving me chills. "He suffered a concussion, multiple cuts from broken glass, cracked his ribs when he collided with the telephone pole and broke his arm in three places." He moved the metal end around as he spoke. "They had to keep him sedated for a while, after the worst of the swelling went down so that he wouldn't inadvertently hurt himself."
"That's what caused his call to be cut off so suddenly," I said as things started making sense.
"Near as we can figure, yes. He wasn't allowed any visitors or phone calls until a few days ago, when the doctors were sure that he was stable." He pulled out the blood pressure cuff and began to pump it up as I sighed in relief, even though it hurt. He'd been fine, well, kind of, and he'd been relatively protected. I felt a large knot of tension drain away, leaving me slightly light-headed and giddy.
"Well," Marcus declared after taking my temperature and checking my blood sugar, sitting beside Morgan on my bed, "I think you're healing just fine. You will probably be stuck using a leg brace and crutches for a couple of weeks," I made a face and they laughed.
"Its better than a cast," Chadwick told me cheerfully and we all laughed.
"It will be better to favor it for now, until you get your strength back and for show," he told me seriously. "I don't expect any problems but, like I said, I really don't know what effects, if any, will come from your healing." Connor and Marcus shared a glance and he nodded, standing. "Send Connor down when you need me," he told me with a smile, gently patting my arm. Chadwick and Morgan followed him out, quietly closing the door behind them. It was kind of eerie to hear them as they continued down the hall when I could barely tell they were in the room before.
{[email protected] a = 100001}The story contains heavy use of Choya's Conditional Variables; you need to press Start Game for the story to work.{endif} IMPORTANT: If you have time after reading or have read the story previously please take the time to contribute at If you enjoy a chapter, please give it a like, it helps me work harder on the story. It also lets me know that someone is enjoying my story; as that was the goal and the main reason...
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The heat had been stifling all day, making it far too hot to work outside. I had spent the day inside doing laundry, cleaning and watching a movie. As evening approached, it became shady and cool in the back yard.I grabbed a few beers and my phone as I stepped out into the hot, humid air and onto the patio. The stones were hot on my feet so I quickly took a seat in the closest chair under the shade of the fruit trees next to the fence. The slight breeze felt good on my bare skin as I relaxed in...
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It had been almost three weeks since Ellen watched me through the gap in the fence. Each time I went out into the yard I looked to see if she was out there, hoping she might be waiting for another show. The memory of her watching me jerk off was stuck in my head, replaying time and again.Her blue eyes wide and bright, her gaze so focused on my cock as I stroked it. The intensity of the orgasm when my cock exploded and shot the huge load across my torso. The quiver she gave as she reached climax...
VoyeurI pressed the doorbell and waited. The sound of the chime echoed through the door followed by the tapping of footsteps approaching. The door opened and I was greeted with a sharp gasp."Hi, Ellen," I said with a smile."Uh... hi," she replied quietly as she looked over her shoulder towards the back of the house and then at me."What are you doing here?" she asked nervously in a hushed voice."Is Brian around?" I asked loudly as I gave her a wink.I heard a chair move in the other room followed by...
VoyeurI smiled to myself as I looked out the window of the spare bedroom on the second floor of our house. Through it, I could clearly see into Ellen and Brian's kitchen and dining area. The open design of the room put the kitchen table in the middle of the large window and in full view from my perch above.Ellen had texted me an hour after our last encounter at the fence as I had requested."I was reluctant to text you... but here I am. I don't believe I'm doing this.."I waited as >>> displayed on my...
VoyeurFor two weeks, Ellen had texted me as I requested.I just sucked him off in the shower.I let him fuck me on the couch with the front drapes open.We fucked in the kitchen again - did you see us?I fingered myself in the car today when I went shopping - LOL. I feel so dirty, so naughty.Each time, I had replied in an excited and supportive manner, reinforcing her new behaviour with praise and reminders of what was to come. I would prod her for details and each time she became more descriptive and...
VoyeurEllen was quiet on the drive home from the park. She was slumped in the seat with her head back and her eyes closed as I pulled the car into the driveway and stopped."That was so exciting," she said as she sat up and reached for the door handle. "I don't believe it really happened.. that I really did that.""You loved it," I stated. "So did I.""Yeah, I did," she admitted. "I feel so sexy... so slutty. I've never felt like that before.""It turns you on," I said as I reached over and stroked her...
VoyeurThe morning was devoid of sunshine when I awoke. Heavy rain and cloud darkened the day and interrupted the plans I had laid out in my mind the night before. I poured a large mug of steaming black coffee, took a seat at the kitchen table and stared out the garden doors as the raindrops spattered the glass."You look deep in thought," Bonnie teased. "Something on your mind?""Good morning, beautiful," I replied. "Just thinking."She poured herself a mug and came over to the table, kissing me on the...
VoyeurIt had been three weeks since Ellen and I watched Brian and Bonnie through the window. Brian had loved his encounter with Bonnie and felt renewed as a result of the past few weeks. He was prepared to go along with whatever came in the future.Ellen had been texting me, telling me of their sexual romps and discussions on their new lifestyle as I had asked her to. She appeared to be willing to do whatever I asked of her, even phoning me while Brian fucked her."Yes, he's fucking me right now," she...
VoyeurWhen Bonnie called before dinner, I told her about the fun with Ellen on the deck, the visit from Gary, and his interest in getting involved. She was excited to hear about it and asked what Jen had said."I haven't talked to her yet, but obviously he has no idea about her visits to our place." Jen and Bonnie had hooked up one night after an evening of wine and girl talk. This had led to a few encounters between them before Bonnie had included me in the mix."I'll talk to her," Bonnie advised....
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The world of genetic researching has blossomed after the third enlightenment of the common era, and with it creatures now roam the Earth that would have once been deemed "abominations" by those who could not understand the physical and emotional attraction between man and his fellow animals. Now, these "animals" lead humanic lives of their own, forming families, working jobs, voting, and most importantly, creating a diverse society in which humans and these new "anthros" live together in...
FantasyTheodore arrived home around 9:30 that Thursday night. Wendy was watching television mindlessly as per usual, and she barely noticed that he’d walked in. She heard his keys clink on the granite countertop and looked at him. She saw a man on the edge of sanity. Wendy became instantly worried. Ted’s eyes were puffy and red, and he looked positively exhausted. She turned the TV off and stood. His suit was wrinkled and ill-fitting, his face was long and sallow, and his eyes pierced hers with...
Hello, My name is Rajesh. I am a first year student at the University of Sydney. A brief description about me . I am 5ft 2 , very skinny and wear heavy glasses. I can easily be described as a nerd, typically stereotyped as someone who is always into video games, math and some more math. When I was in school I was always the pushover. I was never into sports and always got picked last for every match in physical education. Also I used to spend a significant amount of time watching porn. A few...
I am 23 from Mumbai have a 6 inch tool. To say about my ex Laxmi (name changed) she had a dark complexion but very hot structure with big boobs curvy figure and round ass which always attracted me. Before starting the story just to let everyone know i had a very good sex life with my ex whenever we used to get a chance sometime at my home sometime in car also and also had phone sex regularly But the incident that i am narrating today took place a year back at her house. So that was a Sunday and...
Zaid hatte letzte Woche seinen fünfzigsten Geburtstag gefeiert. Er hatte einiges zu bieten, auf das er stolz sein konnte, seit er vor fünfundzwanzig Jahren mit seiner Frau Jamilia und ihren beiden ältesten Kindern aus Somalia nach England gekommen war. Sie hatten zusammen vier weitere Kinder. Alle seine Kinder waren gesund und erfolgreich, alle hatten die Schule erfolgreich besucht, und obwohl er in seinen drei Geschäften hart und lange arbeiten musste, bescherten sie ihm sie ihn und seine...
InterracialXarah knew her assignment would be a difficult one which was due to last a long time in Oberon years any way.She was pleased that the inhabitants of the planet called Earth were similar in physical appearance to her, but she had powers and abilities no human possessed. The fact she was entrusted to pilot a CHQZR cart on her own was quite amazing in it,s own right and after studying the habits and behaviour of earth people she now felt confident she could not only blend in, but be accepted by...
Dominus stood in the flickering torch-lit entryway awaiting the call into his master's presence. He had no way of knowing that at that exact same moment, in a place immeasurably distant, another servant of another, and far brighter lord, was awaiting permission to enter his master's presence. He was, of course, aware of the existence and cunning of his enemies. His hatred of them was unrivaled, even among his compatriots. Dominus never allowed an opportunity to destroy one of them pass...
SINFULLLena Denson, 45yo, white female, 5'06, 135lbs, 34Bx27x37; brown eyes, and short, spiky hair was bored was ready to go home after being at work less than an hour. She worked the graveyard shift, and since it was a Tuesday night, she was sure that the hours were going to move as quickly as the hot dog rollers that were sweating juices from weenies at that very moment not two feet from her. She was working with Tawny Hobbs, 28yo black female, 5'02, 160lbs, 38Dx38x48, with brown eyes, and...
I watched as my wife struggled against the tight ropes that bound her thick legs and ankles covered in black knee high stockings to the hotel chair. With her wrists tightly bound behind her, she struggled to free herself. Chris slipped each bra strap down past her shoulders from behind and pullied Heathers bra down under her breasts exposing them. He was pleased at the sight of my wife and grinned over at me as he felt her breasts. Heather tried to move away squeemishly as Chris man handled her...
My heart was still racing as Ihung up the phone, his voice still in my head. I stretched out on my bed with a silly grin on my face. I know it’s something that will probably never happen, and maybe that’s what makes it all the more exciting. I began to play back our conversation in my head, nothing really sexual ever came up but his voice made my body tingle. I let my hands begin to wander, first teasing my nipples through my thin cotton t-shirt, making them hard and then moving down my flat...
My name is Marie. I have long, curly brown hair and green-blue-gray eyes. I’m 5’2′ tall and I am bra size 38D. Also, since I was 13 years old, I’vs been in love with my best friend. Let me explain to you our relationship. We first started to date in High School when we were in grade 9, we broke up after a week. I think it’s because we were too young for a relation. Two years later, in grade 11, we started to date again. We were going to the movie, to the restaurant…. It was at that moment I...
About two o'clock the following day a calash, drawn by a pair of magnificent English horses, stopped at the door of Monte Cristo and a person, dressed in a blue coat, with buttons of a similar color, a white waistcoat, over which was displayed a massive gold chain, brown trousers, and a quantity of black hair descending so low over his eyebrows as to leave it doubtful whether it were not artificial so little did its jetty glossiness assimilate with the deep wrinkles stamped on his...
I started fucking Pete after a bar-b-cue at my house when he kept staring at my tits in my skimpy halter top. At one time I went in the house to get more food and he followed me in and said to me "How about we go in the back room and take that top off and let me ravage those big jugs of yours." I laughed and replied "What's the matter? Do you need your dick sucked? If you need a blow job come back after every one goes home. You can suck my tits and I will suck that dick." I then reached down...