An ClochánChapter 8 free porn video

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Sarah's Clan waited at the entrance to Dóchas' hanger bay watching the Iridien transport approach. They were a bit apprehensive about the four Iridien fighters escorting it. When the transport latched onto the docking beam, its escort turned away. They moved to a holding position near Dóchas at the direction of Dóchas FOC.

Once the Iridien transport had settled onto the deck and its door opened, Sarah's Clan stepped out into the hangar bay. They immediately recognized the first man exiting the transport as the one they had spoken to telepathically the night before the Iridien's FTL transition. He stood about 168 cm tall, and apart from the fact that his body was covered with a fine short hair, with physical features similar to a human. He had a long narrow face. His face, hands and feet were hairless. The hair on his head was similar to that covering his body, only considerably longer. His ears were pointed and extended through his hair which flowed around them. He said, "Greetings, my name is Orgaine."

"Greetings," replied Sarah's Clan in unison, "it is good to put a name and face with a voice."

"So, you recognize me?"

"Yes, in the broadest sense."

"We understand that you do not have a single commander, but function as a group."

"Yes. We suspect you are concerned about how to handle introductions and not offend us."

"Yes, we are."

"We're aware of the complications that can be created when formal introductions and greetings don't meet everybody's expectations." Orgaine smiled. "When Earth's various heads of state have visited, we simply formed a line and greeted each one as they exited their ship. However, you should know that we had met most of them before they visited here, but not all."

"Your proposal is quite acceptable." With that Orgaine stepped back into the transport for a moment as Sarah's Clan formed a line along the walkway. In moments, Orgaine reappeared with Egulle immediately following him. As they went down the line, they introduced themselves as they clasped hands.

Once the introductions were complete, Sarah said, "Welcome to Dóchas. You are the first visitors from outside this solar system that we've been able to meet. We have a conference room set up a short distance away where we can become better acquainted." With that Sally asked the person nearest her to accompany her and they led the group to the conference room. As they exited the hangar, the two groups paired up.

Entering the conference room Sally said, "Please take a seating arrangement you are comfortable with. On the counter are some refreshments, please help yourselves. If you would like something else, please let us know."

"Thank you," replied Orgaine, with Egulle nodding in agreement. Members of Sarah's Clan went with them to the refreshments and each took a small sampling of the items. Orgaine sensed Sarah's intent and did likewise, encouraging the others with him to do the same.

Sally was the first to sit at one of the small tables arranged in a circle. Once she sat down others began to follow her lead. When they were all seated, Sarah's Clan was pleased to see some mixing of the groups. Sarah began by saying, "Now that we are all seated, we would like to introduce ourselves again, along with our areas of interest."

Once Sarah's Clan had finished, Orgaine said, "We will follow your lead. My primary responsibility is intelligence and strategy."

After saying his name Egulle said, "My responsibility is that of mission commander." The other members of the Iridien contingent introduced themselves with Antopolis being the last.

After saying his name Antopolis said, "I am the Spec Ops Commander for the group that was challenged by Cathan and Ciar yesterday. Thank you for the invitation to visit."

"Commander Antopolis," said Rusty, "as we told your commander, we think you handled that situation very well."

"If Commander Egulle will permit, I have a question to ask before we begin." Egulle nodded. "I am curious as to why you didn't challenge us immediately after FTL transition."

"We did not see your group as an immediate threat and wanted to see what your intentions were. It concerned us when you headed for the projected arrival point of Commander Egulle's group. We decided to wait, and challenge you after you had past the third planet's orbit."

"See, or sense?" said Orgaine just as soon as Rusty quit speaking.

Rusty smiled and let Maeve respond with, "Orgaine, there isn't any difference."

"I agree," added Antopolis and looked closely at Rusty before saying, "I suspect you were in Spec Ops at one time."

"Yes. Our family has quite a few members with Spec Ops experience on Earth prior to joining us." Seeing several puzzled looks, he added, "Let us move on to the presentations that we planned to show you, as those should clear up the puzzled expressions I see." Several nodded their heads in agreement.

Sarah then said, "Since you likely know very little about us, we would like to start this meeting by giving you some background on us. To do this, we propose showing a series of videos. The first will give you an overview of how we came to be here, the second covers what we know of the people who built this ship. The last is one that compares our physiology to that of humans, we are not sure whether you would want to see this one."

Orgaine and Egulle looked at each other, then Egulle said, "Why do you show the last video to those from Earth?"

"There are some subtle differences between us and humans. Subtle differences have caused difficulties between ethnic groups on Earth. This is an attempt to avoid that aspect of potential friction. So, we think it is best to share with our visitors how we differ in physiology in the hope that this information will minimize misunderstandings. There are some parts of our bodies that are significantly different from humans. In particular, we are significantly taller than most of those on Earth which makes many of them uncomfortable. Our legs and feet are connected differently and there are a number of other differences. We are a clothing optional culture which many on Earth find abhorrent."

"We would like to see all three videos," said Orgaine. "One of our objectives in coming here is to meet those living on Earth and this could help us with those meetings. You probably noticed that there are several species on the bridge of our ship."

"Yes, we did. We noticed that they seem to work in pairs."

"Yes, they do," replied Egulle. "Besides having specific duties and roles on the bridge of our flagship, they also serve as the contact point between their ships and the flagship. In that role, they relay their observations to their ships. Each worlds group of ships has its own commander in charge of their ships."

"Star, please start the videos."

"Who is Star?" questioned Egulle.

"Star is this ships primary AI," replied Aoife. Each of Sarah's Clan watched the expressions on the visitors faces but there wasn't any noticeable change. "AI stands for artificial intelligence."

"We would like to talk about the use of AIs at some point."

"Sure," replied Sarah's Clan in unison. Sarah's Clan noticed that this time it registered with their visitors that they had spoken as one, with 16 different voices in perfect registration.

"Star, I think we are ready," said Aoife.

Sarah's Clan watched the holographic projections of the videos but also cautiously observed the expressions and body language of their guests.

When the videos finished, Orgaine said, "Egulle, their video explaining the differences between the two species could work for us as well. We should consider doing something similar for our fleet as it could ease crew operations and improve team work."

"I agree," replied Egulle with several of the visitors nodding in agreement. "Sarah's Clan, the information in your videos answers many of the questions we were going to ask. They were very well done."

"Thank you."

One of the visitors motioned to Commander Egulle that they wanted to speak. Commander Egulle held up his hand indicating that they should wait a moment. "Staff, please do not be hesitant in asking questions or offering the Órarduine information of mutual benefit. Let's just keep it orderly. If Orgaine or I think we are going too far we will interrupt. Seschun you had a question."

"More of a statement, sir. Sarah's Clan, one of my responsibilities is that of scribe for our mission. A part of the requirement for that role is that you need to be a historian. In my studies, I seem to remember a group with origins in what you describe as the 'Beyond Andromeda galaxy'. I don't recall the name Connemara, but they had characteristics similar to the description in your presentation of who built this ship. Those entries date back well over 800 years the way we track time."

"Seschun," said Orgaine, "are you suggesting a time jump when the incident on this ship took place?"

"We would need to compare the two sources of information after allowing for the difference in time accounting. At the moment, I don't remember if the information we have is from direct contact or just from reports. It would be interesting to follow up. Before we go further, I should note that those people no longer exist. As to a time jump, our technologists would need to answer that."

"Let's pursue this another time as we have other topics to discuss today," said Orgaine. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"My name is Arenta and I am responsible for medical services. The melding of the DNA from two species to yield a new fully functional species in mid-life is exciting and unexpected. Without the evidence in front of me, I don't know that I would have believed it was possible. In fact, I think all of our knowledge indicates new species have come about through a more evolutionary process. I will search our core libraries to see if there is any record regarding a rapid melding together of two species. Can you tell me more about the process?"

"My name is Judy and I am one of the physicians. How this occurred is a rather complex series of events, so my answer maybe a little long. The initial melding took place in a gel immersion procedure that we inherited. It was designed and developed by the Connemare. They developed it to correct genetic errors, cure chronic health problems and repair severe injuries. Eight of our clan were the first non Connemare to be treated this way. Prior to arriving at Comrie, these eight had been treated with a complex series of growth factors. The medical staff on the ship determined that the treatments were inappropriate, and if not corrected would result in serious health problems. A health assessment by the medical staff showed that while the gel immersion procedure was risky, it had benefits far outweighing doing nothing. Fortunately, the treatments were a success. The melding of the species was not noticed at that time. We used the gel immersion procedure sometime later to address another emergency situation. This time, it was to treat several members of Amy's Clan who were exposed to a deadly virus. Medical evaluation at the time said that it was their only chance of recovery; otherwise the victims would have suffered a slow painful death. Amy's Clan were members of Dóchas' original crew and are currently the Command Staff for our Mars habitat. That sort of summarizes how we first used the procedure.

"Let me point out now that the systems on Dóchas were designed to be operated by Connemara, who were physically very similar to us and telepathic. Humans, or those from Earth, can operate most of the systems, but not to their full effectiveness. Safety can be an issue. Robots and androids can cover some of the short-comings of humans, but not all. You likely have similar situations on your ships when another species fills the role of a crewman.

"Before we recognized the difficulties humans faced in filling the Connemara roles, we sought and employed a lot of college graduates as temporary crew members. The college students we focused on recruiting were those with a high aptitude for learning and creativeness. Many came to us right after graduation, and others came before finishing their final year.

"In a similar time frame we rescued a number of people from involuntary servitude. These people had been given growth factors by their captors. These growth factors were used to alter their appearance for monetary reasons with no consideration of long term health effects. In seeking to correct their health issues we found the gel immersion to be the best solution, and in many cases the only viable solution. One side effect was that their physical features changed so that they were like us. A second issue was long term health. In our literature there was no indication of the procedure having a negative impact on long term health for Connemare. So we offered the treatment to those needing it, with the appropriate disclosure of the risks and side effects. Thankfully it worked. Everyone came out of the treatment healthy and having the same physical features we do.

"Our contract crew members saw this and several broached the idea of receiving the treatment themselves. They felt that undergoing the treatment would improve their effectiveness as a crew member. All were interested in staying with us and were not particularly interested in returning to Earth. So a few received the treatment, and were quite pleased with the change. It grew from there, but it is always a procedure that has to be requested. We have since made it a requirement that to become a crew member you must receive the treatment. We go to significant trouble to make sure that applicants truly want to make the change as we don't believe it can be undone.

"Keep in mind that those coming here from Earth are likely a narrow sliver of the human gene pool. And, except for the children born here, every Órarduine has received the gel immersion treatment, even those who arrived with the ship. For those who arrived with the ship, it had the benefit of repairing their reproductive capability.

"All of those who chose to become Órarduine share some common characteristics. One is that they are all telepathically capable. They are all highly intelligent.

"Let's review some of the changes occurring during gel immersion. The patient's body is reshaped to have features similar to ours, with a typical height of between 195 and 213 cm. All of our clan are just a little over 226 cm. There is a gain in muscle mass with some significant growth to some muscle groups. Nearly all patients gain a second heart, which we think relates to the capacity of their original heart. When there are two hearts, they work in parallel. Females are essentially equal to males in terms of strength and endurance. This is not the case for humans but it was for the Connemara. Females also have a change in the muscles that support their breasts and in the breast tissue. The other obvious features are our feet; the addition of a short tail; a mane and no body hair except for the mane and head. A patient's senses change to extend their previous capability. One interesting aspect is conversion doesn't alter the person's facial features.

"We believe the reason we are a little taller than normal is due to some drugs given to us before we arrived at Comrie.

"In the time we have been using the gel immersion procedure, we have come to more fully understand some aspects of the treatment. We have not had time to delve into the fundamentals that the green gel immersion is based on." Arenta frowned. "By your expression I suspect you have some concerns. Those are likely the same as ours. However, it works and we have found no harmful side effects. There are many positive benefits; some are subtle while others are obvious. And thanks to one of our physicians, we have extended the gel immersion technique to repair broken limbs by partial immersion."

"Thank you for the detail. You noted that everyone who asked to join your family was telepathically capable and that after conversion they are all telepathically active. Is that true?"

"Close. Many, if not all, were telepathically active before conversion. We offer assistance in activating the telepathic ability of anyone living here, if they have the capability. On our ships and at the habitat it is preferable that you be an active telepath as all of our emergency procedures are dependent on that ability. We do have a device residents can carry that is a partial substitute otherwise you must have an escort whenever you leave your quarters.

"Anyone who decides to return to Earth at the end of their contract is shown how to change their telepathic ability so that it just acts as a danger detector. A known telepath living on Earth would likely be shunned, killed, or turned into a lab specimen before they could respond. With the knowledge we have now, we suspect that some of the people killed on Earth as witches had some psionic ability." Judy looked at Orgaine and he nodded before she continued. "At least one of your crew is telepathic."

"Arenta, as Judy noted, we do not encourage anyone to undergo the conversion," said Sarah. "A spaceship is too small a place to have someone who regrets a change like that. We go to considerable effort to make sure an individual chooses the conversion because it is something that they want to do. It must also fit with their long term goals. Undergoing the conversion does remove any restrictions on activities they can pursue with us. It also strengthens their telepathic ability, to the point that speaking is not necessary to share information. Telepathic communication is instantaneous and clear, and it is for this reason that our emergency communication is all telepathic."

"Even though I am not telepathically active," replied Arenta, "I find your reasoning sound. My initial concern was that long term the immersion treatment would narrow your genetic makeup. After hearing more, I am moving away from that concern. Could we explore this some more at another time?"

"Certainly," replied Judy. "How do you treat severe health issues?"

"Briefly, we have an array of artificial microbes. Some refer to them as nanites. From your description, the end result seems similar to the gel immersion procedure."

"We would be very interested in learning more about your nanites."

Maeve said, "Lets plan on Arenta and Judy getting together at a future date to continue sharing. We do need to finalize an agenda for today. Do we want to do that before giving you a tour of Dóchas, or afterward?"

"Arenta," replied Egulle, "your staff sharing medical technology is an excellent idea. As to an agenda, Orgaine and I have one or two questions, after which, I suggest doing the tour. This way some of what we have learned can settle before we talk of an agenda. One thing I hope we achieve today is the beginning of a friendship." Sarah's Clan all nodded their heads in agreement.

Orgaine said, "Sarah's Clan, there have been several instances when you spoke as one. Does this mean that you are mentally linked to each other?"

"Yes, we are mentally linked," replied Sarah's Clan in unison with a smile.

Sarah and each of her spouses in turn said one word of the sentence: "Speaking in unison is not that difficult, but if we weren't linked, this would be difficult to do smoothly without a lot of practice."

"Okay, I am convinced. How did you know I was looking over your ships?"

"We are not sure. You are the first that we have sensed checking us out in that manner. We consider your action as being similar to a psionic probe. Our meeting in the hangar was a variation on what we call a dream walk. Dream walks are something that we have utilized several times. What you were doing we would consider being a variation of our dream walk."

"If I understand your meaning correctly, you are right in categorizing it as a dream walk."

"One more question," said Egulle, "then the tour. Am I correct in believing you did not check us out before we arrived?"

"Oh, but we did," said Rusty with a smile. "It was done in a more traditional fashion. Several reconnaissance drones were sent to monitor your fleet, once we knew that you were on your way here." Egulle glanced at several of his group. "We had trouble identifying your reconnaissance drones until your fleet launched one while our drones were shadowing you. Also, earlier today, one of our Star Fighters appeared to have a collision with an object. We think that object was one of your drones."

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Tante Belle Dating Dad part 15

Both of my parents worked, and had very little time for me. With the exception of our evening meals, we hardly saw one another. They were not bad parents, they just didn't want to be parents. Mom was a very renowned french photographer, sometimes she would travel and be gone for weeks at a time. She was, and always will be absolutely stunning. She had an eye for beauty, whether in other women, or in nature, and she was able to capture it with a lense. Father was one of those...

3 years ago
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Student AssistanceChapter 18

The four of us went to bed. Karen went into her room and I went into mine. We met in the bathroom naked. I took her by the hand and led her to my bed. We eased into it together resting comfortably. We kissed and touched each other lovingly. I had a bedside lamp on. “Lover, do you think your mother knew we would be like this tonight?” “Yes or, at least, she thought it probable. I also think it’s her way of expressing her approval of our relationship. She likes you as does my dad. Suzie-Q is...

3 years ago
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A New Level

Greg and I had been seeing each other for a little while at this point, and things were going great. We had gone on a few dates and I loved how he always treated me like a lady. He made me feel so sweet, sexy, and vulnerable. Tonight was four months since our first night together and I wanted to surprise him with something a little special. I bought a long coat, and I thought it would be fun to show up at his door wearing nothing but the coat and some sexy lingerie. I slid on a sexy pink and...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Aria Logan Piece Of Me

A simple sundress that covers her red lingerie are all that Aria Logan is wearing as she walks into the kitchen to grab some coffee. She doesn’t make it to her goal before Raul Costa has come up from behind to start peppering her neck and then her lips with kisses. Hitching Aria onto the counter, Raul explores the territory beneath her miniskirt as he slides her dress to the ground. Taking his time now that he has unveiled Aria’s bodysuit, Raul unsnaps the crotch to flick...

3 years ago
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I Enjoy Her Body Ch 04 Final

I’m thinking about my experience in her body all weekend long. I can’t believe how beautiful and well put together she actually is. Her tits were as firm and perky as I imagined and her pussy was well shaved, tight, wet and very tasty (at least from what I could taste). I must have jerked off 10 times over the weekend thinking about her. As much as I really enjoyed using her body, I really hoped she dealt with situation of ‘waking’ up being doubled teamed in the boxing gym well. I’m sure she...

1 year ago
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Happy Valentines Day

‘Yes, two dozen roses. No, I don’t need em delivered: I’ll pick em up. OK. Bye.’ Brad ended the call and slipped his cell back into its holder. The lanky blonde stared up at him from where she was sitting on the expensive, Italian leather sofa. ‘You’re such the helpless romantic,’ she cooed. ‘Hopeless: I’m a hopeless romantic, honey,’ he corrected. ‘You’re hopeless, all right!’ she agreed. Brad looked at his watch. ‘I gotta go. Have a great day, hun.’ He leaned over and gave her a warm...

3 years ago
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Home Early from work by chattysf

Home Early from work by chattysfFiction, Cheating, Consensual Sex, i****t, Male / Older Female, Wife, Written by womenIntroduction:It's been awhile, hope you likeI am your typical middle aged mom. I was sexy once but after a couple k**s my breasts had grown to a full D cup and were sagging a bit. My tummy was no longer flat and my ass was more than a handful as I weighed in at 160 for my 5’6” frame. My long blond hair was usually just pulled back into a pony tail because that was the easiest...

1 year ago
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SweetheartVideo Darcie Dolce Victoria June Cellphone Rehab

Darci welcomes Victoria to the Lush Sprigs Day Spa, and invites her to the treatment room. Victoria undresses and is ready on the massage table as Darci returns and begins the massage. Darci’s deft hands are making Victoria feel so good until her phone goes off. Victoria jumps up and grabs it, telling the caller that she will call them back. Darci continues until Victoria’s phone buzzes with another interruption and Victoria jumps up and checks it, then asks Darci if she can just...

2 years ago
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Weekend lovers Pt1

Mandy walked over to the back door of her neighbor’s house. She looked around the backyard and surrounding bushes, making sure that no one had seen her enter through the side gate. A devious smirk played over her lips as she entered the doorway, her whole body tingling in anticipation of what was to come. The Dietrich family had lived next to Mandy’s family for the past two years and they had gotten on rather well from the start. Michael and Ellen Dietrich were in their mid-fifties and had two...

1 year ago
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Teddys WorldChapter 48 Dad and I Both Can Say that We Have Been Here Before

(FRIDAY, MORNING.) Mr. West had called and asked to meet with the parents concerning our testing out of school. So we had my Dad come to represent the parents that were not present along with Mika also, Dad arrived just before the bell rang for first hour. “While I understand that you have a family issue of some kind concerning Teddy, I was asked why Cathy, Sharon, Sasha, Snowdove, can’t please stay in town as they are vital to the softball teams success. They have all but locked up the...

2 years ago
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Sisterly LoveChapter 17

I felt guilty about having fucked someone else and leaving my mother home and horny, and so on getting home around 7:30 or so, I asked her if she wanted to go out and share a pizza with me. She lit up like a Christmas tree and hugged me as she agreed that it would be a wonderful idea. “I go change. I promise I won’t be long. I’ve been dying to wear this dress I bought before you got mono. Your aunt and I were going to take you out ... but, you know...” “Anyway, I won’t fuss too much. You...

3 years ago
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Matts Crazy Corner of the WorldChapter 26 The Emergency Drill

Despite the physical toll Vivian took on Matt earlier in the day, he managed to make Carla and Sue, and even Laura happy before drifting off to sleep to the sounds of the rest of the women enjoying each other--and enjoying making Vivian practice. Carla and Sue made her lick his cum out of them. Vivian woke with a start when Matt crawled out of bed in the morning. He could see that it took her a couple of seconds to remember where she was, and she looked at him warily when she remembered....

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Jill Kassidy Heat Of The Moment

Seductive babe Jill Kassidy cleans the house in short shorts and a crop top with no bra. Her swaying hips and sweet singing attract Tyler Nixon’s attention. Approaching her, he makes his intentions known with a deep kiss that causes Jill to lead him to the couch. Laying Tyler down, Jill kisses her way down his body and then tugs his jeans down until his hardon springs free. She takes him in her mouth, sucking and stroking for the ultimate delight. Tyler can’t keep his hands out of...

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Ever heard of Gyotaku? Well it’s an art form started by Japanese fishermen in the eighteen hundreds. They recorded their fish catches by rubbing the fish with an edible ink, before making a print of the fish on paper. Naturally, as time went on they began painting in the eyes etcetera. I won’t bore you with too many details, suffice to say, that as an artist this process captured my imagination and I was beginning to dabble more and more with this technique. My greatest problem, however, was...

Gay Male
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Amy Learns Sex From Her Stepfather

It was a little before sunrise and he was lying in bed, wearing only his boxers, as usual, when his bedroom door opened. There was his daughter. She was sixteen, and developing beautifully. Her firm breasts were beautiful mounds topped with her stiff little nipples. They showed through the thin nightshirt she was wearing. He had seen her in that nightshirt before, and he had wondered if her mother would have permitted her to walk about the house wearing only that. Her mother had passed away...

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How I Seduced My Sexy Maid Kinnah

I have been a huge fan of Indian sex stories for a very long time that i have now decided to out up a story of my own. My name is Emperor and the name of my maid is Kinnah. She has been working for my family for six years now. She has a curvy figure with big boobs and a fantastic fat round ass. She is very beautiful so she is the perfect woman. She seems to be twenty something. I wanted to fuck her for a long time but i was too young but after my 18th birthday and graduating from college i made...

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GoddessChapter 10 Tuolumne Meadows

I TOOK OVER DRIVING AFTER lunch. Oscar wanted his turn, but in his post-frolic with Mrs. D and post-tuna sandwich stupor he didn't put up much of a fight. Hebe took shotgun, and Oscar tilted the vehicle a little as he settled into the right rear passenger seat. He turned to Persephone and kissed her. "Hey, Persephone." Persephone edged a little away from him, just enough to signal, "Don't touch." "Hey, yourself, big guy." Oscar got the message. It didn't stop him from looking...

4 years ago
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No Rules Part 9

They ordered their second drinks and Brad gave the waitress money to put in the jukebox. A slow song came on and he dragged Ashley onto the small dance floor. So far Ashley had been surprised by Brad. While they had been talking he had kept his hands on top of the table. Now that they were dancing, he was being entirely too polite, especially for a slow song. Ashley finally blurted, “You know I don't break. I am about to get real upset if you don't quit treating me like some china doll.” Brad...

Straight Sex
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MyFamilyPies Danni Rivers Zoe Bloom Pussy Potion

Danni Rivers and her friend Zoe Bloom are hanging out when Danni’s stepbrother Justin Hunt comes in to ask if Danni knows where the aloe is. He was sunbathing naked and his dick got burnt. Danni claims to know where it is, but when she brings it to him she really has a bottle of Icy Hot. She applies it right to Justin’s dick, much to his surprise. Justin calls his mom Alana Cruise, who chastises Danni but doesn’t do anything. When his mom leaves, Justin insists Danni fix it....

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One Last Job With VengeanceChapter 8

Before sun-up, Ray was already mobile. Needing to make sure he catches The Rat at home, he makes an early start. "I always get the fucking dirty job" he mutters to himself as he shuffled through the piles of bird shit and rotting maggot infested rat corpses. Working his way through the corridors of an old long abandoned building, he cannot help but imagine how grand and pompous the rooms would have looked in its heyday. The many rooms, with their high ceilings and huge picture windows...

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Bumping into Hailey

One morning before heading to varsity I decided to go to the mall, to get myself a new pair of jeans and maybe new shoes. While walking around looking in different shops for what I wanted, I bumped into Gabby's friend Hailey who I recently met at Gabby's house. She really was sexy, greeting her with a hug, we had a quick chat. Just before saying goodbye I teased as well as flirted asking if I would get to see the sexy lingerie that was in the packet. She flirtously replied say you more than...

1 year ago
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The Erotic Encounters of Melinda and Christian Part 1

Christian Delivers The Passion Melinda Needed. I normally hate delivering the sappy gifts and trinkets between husbands and wives. Not that I am bitter or anything, I just find it absurdly ironic how much men and women light up over the delivery of gifts. If they really cared they'd find time in the day to deliver it themselves, or just give the gift when they're at home together. Of course, it's about the spectacle. All of their loved one's coworkers get to bear witness to this "grand" gesture...

Office Sex
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Journey Of The Corporate Guy 8211 Part 4

Hi I am Praveen (name changed) 26 years of age, Bangalore and this is the Continuation of my previous saga Journey of a corporate Guy Part 3. Readers Above links are for the previous stories. Thank u readers for Ur valuable comments and suggestions, I will start from here. These episode is about the Hot & Steamy Three Some sex with Two Beauties (Smitha & Laura). As u guys know about me im a party animal. I and smitha used to hang out a lot in pubs, one such evening we were in Sky Bar enjoying...

2 years ago
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Wife her sister have fun1

My wife is of Indian descent; 34 years old; athletic body with boobs that accommodate her good looks. Short black shoulder length hair; which now is in a boy’s cut; average height and a killer smile. I on the other hand frequent the gym; so at the age of 39 my body still seems to be in good shape. I am bald headed; well built and of average height. Her sister is short; chest height; with shoulder length hair; well built legs (anyone would want to wrap those legs around their head). Nice...

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Anger Not Those Wild Wyldewood BoysChapter 5

After about a week, March Madness was absolutely living up to its codename. Carrie and her three roommates were absolutely madder than a group of March hares locked into laboratory cages and fed a non-stop diet of raw cocaine. The hardware store had never been more crowded in its entire history, as even family members outside the loop of the operation got the word that Carrie was putting on a 24/7 comedy show, and everyone was constantly dropping by to listen in to her madcaps. I would have...

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A storie my aunt just wrote about our sexual encou

I'd woken up with a headache and in a bit of a fog after a night of drinking, with family staying over. I couldn't handle putting on a bra so I just threw on one of my husbands extra-large sweatshirts to cover my very large tits. I wondered into the kitchen where I found my niece sitting at the kitchen table in the same condition. We'd always done the giggling girls thing and were very comfortable in close contact with each other. I'm in my late thirties and still have a good sex life with my...

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My night with Meghan A dream I had

The story could be better, and there could be more dialogue. Let me know what you think. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My name is Will. I'm a fairly average looking bisexual hispanic guy. though the girls probably don't agree. I'm 25 years old, 5' 7", and i have an olive complexion. Now that you know about me, let me tell you about my friend Meghan I'm not sure where to begin? She's maybe 5' 6-7", with a...

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Team Spirit The Second Half Ch 3034

TEAM SPIRIT: THE SECOND HALF By Meps98 CHAPTER THIRTY Everything has been pretty normal at the club this week, particularly after the drama from last week. The honeymoon period from my return is starting to wear off. The crowd is still paying attention during my sets, but their reaction is not as lusty. Unfortunately, there is still a line to have sex with me most days, but it isn't as long. Everyone is starting to fall back into old routines, which is good and bad. I...

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A Warm Summers Day

It is a lovely warm sunny day and you have taken your lunch into the park, at the top end, past the birdcage and toilets, past the bowls lawn and into the quiet seclusion of the area round the little memorial. There is only one other elderly lady there reading a book who doesn’t look up as you sit at another seat some distance away. It is peaceful here and the warm sunlight is dappled by the leaves of the many trees, moving gently in the light breeze and the sound is pleasant and relaxing. You...

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Bottom Feeders Part 1 of 2

“Hey, Layla, are you busy Saturday night? Rod asked.Rod had called his sister on the phone. The summer was winding down and soon they would both be heading back to their respective colleges for the fall semester. Their parents were divorced. Layla was a year older and entering her senior year, and had spent the summer with their mother and her new husband. Rod had stayed with his father. They were both ready to escape the family drama and get back to school and be on their own.“No plans yet,”...

2 years ago
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With Irina

A few months ago, I had to go to Amsterdam for business, and I decided that I would meet with a trans. I was really excited at the time and thought of it for like a week before the trip. As I did not know the trans escort scene in Ams, I checked and checked to finally cole across the profile of Irina. A fiercy look, mature, a breat body mixing male and female traits nicely, a smile that seemed to say: I am going to play with you baby. I looked deeper and found sole very nice pics and amazing...

2 years ago
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A Threesome Turns to Cuckoldry Part 1

My wife Sherri and I have been married for 8 years. We have a very loving relationship. Sex is good but over the last few years has become less frequent. My wife insists on me using condoms when we have sex; certainly birth control is the main reason but we have found without a condom I don’t last very long. On occasion, she’ll let me fuck her without protection. Of course I cum quickly, but she then insists that I eat her pussy to orgasm. I am good with my tongue so she certainly enjoys the...

Wife Lovers

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