An ClochánChapter 8 free porn video

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Sarah's Clan waited at the entrance to Dóchas' hanger bay watching the Iridien transport approach. They were a bit apprehensive about the four Iridien fighters escorting it. When the transport latched onto the docking beam, its escort turned away. They moved to a holding position near Dóchas at the direction of Dóchas FOC.

Once the Iridien transport had settled onto the deck and its door opened, Sarah's Clan stepped out into the hangar bay. They immediately recognized the first man exiting the transport as the one they had spoken to telepathically the night before the Iridien's FTL transition. He stood about 168 cm tall, and apart from the fact that his body was covered with a fine short hair, with physical features similar to a human. He had a long narrow face. His face, hands and feet were hairless. The hair on his head was similar to that covering his body, only considerably longer. His ears were pointed and extended through his hair which flowed around them. He said, "Greetings, my name is Orgaine."

"Greetings," replied Sarah's Clan in unison, "it is good to put a name and face with a voice."

"So, you recognize me?"

"Yes, in the broadest sense."

"We understand that you do not have a single commander, but function as a group."

"Yes. We suspect you are concerned about how to handle introductions and not offend us."

"Yes, we are."

"We're aware of the complications that can be created when formal introductions and greetings don't meet everybody's expectations." Orgaine smiled. "When Earth's various heads of state have visited, we simply formed a line and greeted each one as they exited their ship. However, you should know that we had met most of them before they visited here, but not all."

"Your proposal is quite acceptable." With that Orgaine stepped back into the transport for a moment as Sarah's Clan formed a line along the walkway. In moments, Orgaine reappeared with Egulle immediately following him. As they went down the line, they introduced themselves as they clasped hands.

Once the introductions were complete, Sarah said, "Welcome to Dóchas. You are the first visitors from outside this solar system that we've been able to meet. We have a conference room set up a short distance away where we can become better acquainted." With that Sally asked the person nearest her to accompany her and they led the group to the conference room. As they exited the hangar, the two groups paired up.

Entering the conference room Sally said, "Please take a seating arrangement you are comfortable with. On the counter are some refreshments, please help yourselves. If you would like something else, please let us know."

"Thank you," replied Orgaine, with Egulle nodding in agreement. Members of Sarah's Clan went with them to the refreshments and each took a small sampling of the items. Orgaine sensed Sarah's intent and did likewise, encouraging the others with him to do the same.

Sally was the first to sit at one of the small tables arranged in a circle. Once she sat down others began to follow her lead. When they were all seated, Sarah's Clan was pleased to see some mixing of the groups. Sarah began by saying, "Now that we are all seated, we would like to introduce ourselves again, along with our areas of interest."

Once Sarah's Clan had finished, Orgaine said, "We will follow your lead. My primary responsibility is intelligence and strategy."

After saying his name Egulle said, "My responsibility is that of mission commander." The other members of the Iridien contingent introduced themselves with Antopolis being the last.

After saying his name Antopolis said, "I am the Spec Ops Commander for the group that was challenged by Cathan and Ciar yesterday. Thank you for the invitation to visit."

"Commander Antopolis," said Rusty, "as we told your commander, we think you handled that situation very well."

"If Commander Egulle will permit, I have a question to ask before we begin." Egulle nodded. "I am curious as to why you didn't challenge us immediately after FTL transition."

"We did not see your group as an immediate threat and wanted to see what your intentions were. It concerned us when you headed for the projected arrival point of Commander Egulle's group. We decided to wait, and challenge you after you had past the third planet's orbit."

"See, or sense?" said Orgaine just as soon as Rusty quit speaking.

Rusty smiled and let Maeve respond with, "Orgaine, there isn't any difference."

"I agree," added Antopolis and looked closely at Rusty before saying, "I suspect you were in Spec Ops at one time."

"Yes. Our family has quite a few members with Spec Ops experience on Earth prior to joining us." Seeing several puzzled looks, he added, "Let us move on to the presentations that we planned to show you, as those should clear up the puzzled expressions I see." Several nodded their heads in agreement.

Sarah then said, "Since you likely know very little about us, we would like to start this meeting by giving you some background on us. To do this, we propose showing a series of videos. The first will give you an overview of how we came to be here, the second covers what we know of the people who built this ship. The last is one that compares our physiology to that of humans, we are not sure whether you would want to see this one."

Orgaine and Egulle looked at each other, then Egulle said, "Why do you show the last video to those from Earth?"

"There are some subtle differences between us and humans. Subtle differences have caused difficulties between ethnic groups on Earth. This is an attempt to avoid that aspect of potential friction. So, we think it is best to share with our visitors how we differ in physiology in the hope that this information will minimize misunderstandings. There are some parts of our bodies that are significantly different from humans. In particular, we are significantly taller than most of those on Earth which makes many of them uncomfortable. Our legs and feet are connected differently and there are a number of other differences. We are a clothing optional culture which many on Earth find abhorrent."

"We would like to see all three videos," said Orgaine. "One of our objectives in coming here is to meet those living on Earth and this could help us with those meetings. You probably noticed that there are several species on the bridge of our ship."

"Yes, we did. We noticed that they seem to work in pairs."

"Yes, they do," replied Egulle. "Besides having specific duties and roles on the bridge of our flagship, they also serve as the contact point between their ships and the flagship. In that role, they relay their observations to their ships. Each worlds group of ships has its own commander in charge of their ships."

"Star, please start the videos."

"Who is Star?" questioned Egulle.

"Star is this ships primary AI," replied Aoife. Each of Sarah's Clan watched the expressions on the visitors faces but there wasn't any noticeable change. "AI stands for artificial intelligence."

"We would like to talk about the use of AIs at some point."

"Sure," replied Sarah's Clan in unison. Sarah's Clan noticed that this time it registered with their visitors that they had spoken as one, with 16 different voices in perfect registration.

"Star, I think we are ready," said Aoife.

Sarah's Clan watched the holographic projections of the videos but also cautiously observed the expressions and body language of their guests.

When the videos finished, Orgaine said, "Egulle, their video explaining the differences between the two species could work for us as well. We should consider doing something similar for our fleet as it could ease crew operations and improve team work."

"I agree," replied Egulle with several of the visitors nodding in agreement. "Sarah's Clan, the information in your videos answers many of the questions we were going to ask. They were very well done."

"Thank you."

One of the visitors motioned to Commander Egulle that they wanted to speak. Commander Egulle held up his hand indicating that they should wait a moment. "Staff, please do not be hesitant in asking questions or offering the Órarduine information of mutual benefit. Let's just keep it orderly. If Orgaine or I think we are going too far we will interrupt. Seschun you had a question."

"More of a statement, sir. Sarah's Clan, one of my responsibilities is that of scribe for our mission. A part of the requirement for that role is that you need to be a historian. In my studies, I seem to remember a group with origins in what you describe as the 'Beyond Andromeda galaxy'. I don't recall the name Connemara, but they had characteristics similar to the description in your presentation of who built this ship. Those entries date back well over 800 years the way we track time."

"Seschun," said Orgaine, "are you suggesting a time jump when the incident on this ship took place?"

"We would need to compare the two sources of information after allowing for the difference in time accounting. At the moment, I don't remember if the information we have is from direct contact or just from reports. It would be interesting to follow up. Before we go further, I should note that those people no longer exist. As to a time jump, our technologists would need to answer that."

"Let's pursue this another time as we have other topics to discuss today," said Orgaine. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"My name is Arenta and I am responsible for medical services. The melding of the DNA from two species to yield a new fully functional species in mid-life is exciting and unexpected. Without the evidence in front of me, I don't know that I would have believed it was possible. In fact, I think all of our knowledge indicates new species have come about through a more evolutionary process. I will search our core libraries to see if there is any record regarding a rapid melding together of two species. Can you tell me more about the process?"

"My name is Judy and I am one of the physicians. How this occurred is a rather complex series of events, so my answer maybe a little long. The initial melding took place in a gel immersion procedure that we inherited. It was designed and developed by the Connemare. They developed it to correct genetic errors, cure chronic health problems and repair severe injuries. Eight of our clan were the first non Connemare to be treated this way. Prior to arriving at Comrie, these eight had been treated with a complex series of growth factors. The medical staff on the ship determined that the treatments were inappropriate, and if not corrected would result in serious health problems. A health assessment by the medical staff showed that while the gel immersion procedure was risky, it had benefits far outweighing doing nothing. Fortunately, the treatments were a success. The melding of the species was not noticed at that time. We used the gel immersion procedure sometime later to address another emergency situation. This time, it was to treat several members of Amy's Clan who were exposed to a deadly virus. Medical evaluation at the time said that it was their only chance of recovery; otherwise the victims would have suffered a slow painful death. Amy's Clan were members of Dóchas' original crew and are currently the Command Staff for our Mars habitat. That sort of summarizes how we first used the procedure.

"Let me point out now that the systems on Dóchas were designed to be operated by Connemara, who were physically very similar to us and telepathic. Humans, or those from Earth, can operate most of the systems, but not to their full effectiveness. Safety can be an issue. Robots and androids can cover some of the short-comings of humans, but not all. You likely have similar situations on your ships when another species fills the role of a crewman.

"Before we recognized the difficulties humans faced in filling the Connemara roles, we sought and employed a lot of college graduates as temporary crew members. The college students we focused on recruiting were those with a high aptitude for learning and creativeness. Many came to us right after graduation, and others came before finishing their final year.

"In a similar time frame we rescued a number of people from involuntary servitude. These people had been given growth factors by their captors. These growth factors were used to alter their appearance for monetary reasons with no consideration of long term health effects. In seeking to correct their health issues we found the gel immersion to be the best solution, and in many cases the only viable solution. One side effect was that their physical features changed so that they were like us. A second issue was long term health. In our literature there was no indication of the procedure having a negative impact on long term health for Connemare. So we offered the treatment to those needing it, with the appropriate disclosure of the risks and side effects. Thankfully it worked. Everyone came out of the treatment healthy and having the same physical features we do.

"Our contract crew members saw this and several broached the idea of receiving the treatment themselves. They felt that undergoing the treatment would improve their effectiveness as a crew member. All were interested in staying with us and were not particularly interested in returning to Earth. So a few received the treatment, and were quite pleased with the change. It grew from there, but it is always a procedure that has to be requested. We have since made it a requirement that to become a crew member you must receive the treatment. We go to significant trouble to make sure that applicants truly want to make the change as we don't believe it can be undone.

"Keep in mind that those coming here from Earth are likely a narrow sliver of the human gene pool. And, except for the children born here, every Órarduine has received the gel immersion treatment, even those who arrived with the ship. For those who arrived with the ship, it had the benefit of repairing their reproductive capability.

"All of those who chose to become Órarduine share some common characteristics. One is that they are all telepathically capable. They are all highly intelligent.

"Let's review some of the changes occurring during gel immersion. The patient's body is reshaped to have features similar to ours, with a typical height of between 195 and 213 cm. All of our clan are just a little over 226 cm. There is a gain in muscle mass with some significant growth to some muscle groups. Nearly all patients gain a second heart, which we think relates to the capacity of their original heart. When there are two hearts, they work in parallel. Females are essentially equal to males in terms of strength and endurance. This is not the case for humans but it was for the Connemara. Females also have a change in the muscles that support their breasts and in the breast tissue. The other obvious features are our feet; the addition of a short tail; a mane and no body hair except for the mane and head. A patient's senses change to extend their previous capability. One interesting aspect is conversion doesn't alter the person's facial features.

"We believe the reason we are a little taller than normal is due to some drugs given to us before we arrived at Comrie.

"In the time we have been using the gel immersion procedure, we have come to more fully understand some aspects of the treatment. We have not had time to delve into the fundamentals that the green gel immersion is based on." Arenta frowned. "By your expression I suspect you have some concerns. Those are likely the same as ours. However, it works and we have found no harmful side effects. There are many positive benefits; some are subtle while others are obvious. And thanks to one of our physicians, we have extended the gel immersion technique to repair broken limbs by partial immersion."

"Thank you for the detail. You noted that everyone who asked to join your family was telepathically capable and that after conversion they are all telepathically active. Is that true?"

"Close. Many, if not all, were telepathically active before conversion. We offer assistance in activating the telepathic ability of anyone living here, if they have the capability. On our ships and at the habitat it is preferable that you be an active telepath as all of our emergency procedures are dependent on that ability. We do have a device residents can carry that is a partial substitute otherwise you must have an escort whenever you leave your quarters.

"Anyone who decides to return to Earth at the end of their contract is shown how to change their telepathic ability so that it just acts as a danger detector. A known telepath living on Earth would likely be shunned, killed, or turned into a lab specimen before they could respond. With the knowledge we have now, we suspect that some of the people killed on Earth as witches had some psionic ability." Judy looked at Orgaine and he nodded before she continued. "At least one of your crew is telepathic."

"Arenta, as Judy noted, we do not encourage anyone to undergo the conversion," said Sarah. "A spaceship is too small a place to have someone who regrets a change like that. We go to considerable effort to make sure an individual chooses the conversion because it is something that they want to do. It must also fit with their long term goals. Undergoing the conversion does remove any restrictions on activities they can pursue with us. It also strengthens their telepathic ability, to the point that speaking is not necessary to share information. Telepathic communication is instantaneous and clear, and it is for this reason that our emergency communication is all telepathic."

"Even though I am not telepathically active," replied Arenta, "I find your reasoning sound. My initial concern was that long term the immersion treatment would narrow your genetic makeup. After hearing more, I am moving away from that concern. Could we explore this some more at another time?"

"Certainly," replied Judy. "How do you treat severe health issues?"

"Briefly, we have an array of artificial microbes. Some refer to them as nanites. From your description, the end result seems similar to the gel immersion procedure."

"We would be very interested in learning more about your nanites."

Maeve said, "Lets plan on Arenta and Judy getting together at a future date to continue sharing. We do need to finalize an agenda for today. Do we want to do that before giving you a tour of Dóchas, or afterward?"

"Arenta," replied Egulle, "your staff sharing medical technology is an excellent idea. As to an agenda, Orgaine and I have one or two questions, after which, I suggest doing the tour. This way some of what we have learned can settle before we talk of an agenda. One thing I hope we achieve today is the beginning of a friendship." Sarah's Clan all nodded their heads in agreement.

Orgaine said, "Sarah's Clan, there have been several instances when you spoke as one. Does this mean that you are mentally linked to each other?"

"Yes, we are mentally linked," replied Sarah's Clan in unison with a smile.

Sarah and each of her spouses in turn said one word of the sentence: "Speaking in unison is not that difficult, but if we weren't linked, this would be difficult to do smoothly without a lot of practice."

"Okay, I am convinced. How did you know I was looking over your ships?"

"We are not sure. You are the first that we have sensed checking us out in that manner. We consider your action as being similar to a psionic probe. Our meeting in the hangar was a variation on what we call a dream walk. Dream walks are something that we have utilized several times. What you were doing we would consider being a variation of our dream walk."

"If I understand your meaning correctly, you are right in categorizing it as a dream walk."

"One more question," said Egulle, "then the tour. Am I correct in believing you did not check us out before we arrived?"

"Oh, but we did," said Rusty with a smile. "It was done in a more traditional fashion. Several reconnaissance drones were sent to monitor your fleet, once we knew that you were on your way here." Egulle glanced at several of his group. "We had trouble identifying your reconnaissance drones until your fleet launched one while our drones were shadowing you. Also, earlier today, one of our Star Fighters appeared to have a collision with an object. We think that object was one of your drones."

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Twitter Stories

So, I asked my followers for ideas and if they would like me to write something for them. "Can I interest anyone else in a free, naughty little personalised story? I can write it from whichever perspective you'd like and whatever fetish you'd like me to write."

3 years ago
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Our Tattered LivesChapter 11

The Christmas present With the pass of time and paying attention to her, her moods and how she behaved when problems or difficulties in the ranch arises, her reactions, her tantrums and her forlorn attitude I had realized that she was a lonely woman a very lonely woman, a woman with the need to have someone to lean on, a love-starved woman; a woman in need of someone who would love her. And in the closed boundaries of the ranch house with a particularly inclement weather on the outside that...

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Nikki Jonathans Surprise BBC Gangbang

When my wife Nikki & I got our new big screen TV, we figured out how to pair our phones to it so we could watch porn in gigantic HD. Nikki picked the porn. She put on some lesbian stuff first, then an MFF 3some with two tiny hot blondes and one very well hung white guy. After that, she picked one with a black MF couple and an Asian girl. This one was 48 minutes long, and changed our lives forever. It featured a very sexy black girl, a very tiny slutty Asian, and a HUGE black cock. She...

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JudgementsChapter 78

"What exactly is the problem?" Marcus whispered, wincing at another high-pitched exchange from the kitchen. Lotty and Hope stared at him incredulously for a moment, until Hope realised he genuinely didn't understand. "Shawna's just told her mother about the three of us." "I TOLD YOU SHE WAS COMING TO STAY!" Shawna yelled back over her shoulder as she stormed back into the room. "THIS IS A HELL OF A LOT MORE THAN 'COMING TO STAY'!" her mother yelled, following her. Both of...

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Big Body And Small Package 8211 Part 1

Dear friends, today I am going to narrate another incident from my book of life which is capable enough of giving anyone a hard on. This incident is about a neighbor, named Dhruv, who moved in recently to an apartment next to mine. He must be 6 and got a nice huge chest and strong biceps. He is always in a loose shirt and trousers. We had a common balcony and common main entrance so it was inevitable that we greet each other whenever we cross paths. So it has been almost 3 weeks and I used the...

Gay Male
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Town Of Sins

Town of Sins sounds like exactly my kind of place, which is why I was so excited to take a little trip to see for myself when I heard Hooligaps had developed a game with exactly that name. If you’re a regular consumer of their titles, you probably already know why I’m so eager to get inside, though I don’t think it’ll take long for the newbies to catch on either. With a couple of million players a month, it’s one of the most popular porn games in the has been live for a...

Best Porn Games
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I Cleaned Her Up

My wife had a guy we had a 3way with over one night while I was working. They had fucked for hours. She and I had agreed to take the next day off together. When I got home I let her sleep in and I got our k** ready for school. She had said she would come to drop her off with me the previous night. I went in to our room to wake her.I could smell their sex as soon as I opened the door. He had left after having his way with her that night. I woke her and told her how good it smelled in there. She...

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Sweet Tuesday

We love to have fun with my wife’s sexy body. She has been very open sexually since a k*d in school. I have enjoyed her open attitude for over 15 years now and it has been wild sometimes. Yesterday we were home after a work day and she was very flirty. Being many years older than her I was quick to cum and she was not satisfied. She was on the phone and by dark three guys pulled down our drive ready for some of her sexy body. Living out in the country she stays naked all of the time at...

3 years ago
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swinger holidej

do not know who first came to my mind, but it was extremely uncommon although druskanje in a bar, drink a little, looked spontanao, I do not think that's really the point of maximum. Sex, Threesomes, that we some time, a couple months put on side lane, first of all it was Tina's request, I understand, although I did not have these problems, but the fact that it recently became osnovmi kind of sex, there have been more we deal with it every weekend. At the same time our sponsors probs + variant...

4 years ago
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Travel Agent Taken To Bed

Hi ISS Readers, I am Ballu (Balwant) again this is my second story, It happened in my last narration was “Enjoyment With Adviser” and was a very short and loving story… Next incident happened couple of years back @ Ahmedabad, you can contact me at This happened when I was working in a reputed institute (Educational Institute) as a Faculty Assistant. Where in for conference I had to coordinate with Travel Agent, there was one particular Agent Her Name further I will mention as “Amrita” (Name...

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NubilesPorn Zoey Laine Anya Olsen Rally Race 4

The weekend of debauchery continues at the cabin in the “Afterhours” as Anya Olsen, Sydney Cole, Tiffany Watson, and Zoey Laine do whatever it takes to satisfy their escorts Damon Dice and T Stone. Things keep on going hot and heavy no matter what activities the girls have planned for the day. Whether it’s naked cooking, flashing their titties in the woods, or simply enjoying some fresh air while delivering succulent blowjobs, there’s pleasure for all. After being...

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How El the GILF became a cougar

Eleanor is a mature woman known as El to her friends and family. This is the story of how Eleanor the G.I.L.F. became a cougar. El stepped out of the shower after using her new massage showerhead to get off. She still was thinking of Nick the boy who mowed her lawn. El had fantasized about Nick, while directing the pulsating water of her showerhead at her pussy. Recalling memories of sex with her recently deceased husband Bud were still too painful. Memories of Bud would kill any sexual mood...

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His MuseChapter 1

“Erika, I don’t know how much longer I can take this job. I can’t stand it. There’s no creativity; it’s the same old thing over and over again. Tick this, double check that, foot these columns of numbers and if I have to do one more bank reconciliation, or post another general ledger, I’m going to go out of my mind. I knew I should never have promised my mother that I would become an accountant. The only reason why she wanted me to be one was because she saw the guy up the street, a partner...

3 years ago
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Winning A Genie Harem Chapter 1 Hot Harem Opportunity

Chapter One: Hot Harem Opportunity By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Corey Derrickson – Saturday, July 4th I opened the front door of my Saturn Ion. It was an older car, my first. I kept it in great condition, the red body freshly washed this afternoon. The day was warm and looked to be a great Fourth of July. I smiled as my two sex slaves slipped inside. “Master,” Aleah Buckley said, her auburn hair, gathered in a pair of pigtails, swaying about...

2 years ago
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AllGirlMassage Darcie Dolce Sabina Rouge Bring Your Own Bolster

Masseuse Sabina Rouge welcomes her next client Darcie Dolce to the parlor. Darcie’s brought her own bolster with her since she’s an avid fan of bolsters and wants it to be used. Sabina is surprised, and a bit offended since she feels Darcie’s implying her style of massage isn’t good enough, but Sabina gives a strained smile and stays professional. Sabina places the bolster on the massage table, giving it a brief distasteful look when Darcie isn’t looking. After...

3 years ago
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University days freshers week fuck

The car was packed and I had said my goodbyes to friends and f****y. I was off to start a new chapter in my life. I was looking forward to it but I was also a little nervous, after all I was leaving home for the first time in my life to live with people I did’nt know. As I arrived there was a hive of activity around the halls of residence carpark. Parents helping their sons and daughters with their stuff, carrying all kinds of things into the halls of res. There was me with hardly anything in...

4 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 601

The Prime sat in his command seat on Ship’s bridge as she remained in geosynchronous orbit twenty-two thousand miles and change above the Earth. The scouts had warped back and forth, giving updates on the alien ship’s speed and location, always with at least one continuing to follow the alien ship. Jeff shared his thoughts with Ship. Surely the aliens will launch their Paladins long before the ship reaches Earth. If I were in charge of those things, I would launch them well away, scattering...

2 years ago
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cum in my arse

went swimming the other day and met up with an old school friend,she was there with her k**s and i was there doing my daily swim, not seen you for years donna hows tricks, see you have 3 little brats (joking) donna laughed and agreed. and you dave you got k**s-wife, no not me been working away so not had chance to settle down.donna asked if i would like a coffee to catch up.after the swim we met for a coffee and the k**s were on the amusements donna said it must 10 years since we seen each...

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Busting Her Ass part 1 Holding It In

Walking was almost as painful as sitting, especially in a hurry. The hallway deserted, she allowed herself to use the unseemly crouched saunter she had perfected over many months. Like a zombie who died because it couldn't get to a bathroom in time, Melody shambled between the rows of lockers, all senses on alert, a hand up the back of her outrageously short skirt, another holding the liquid content of her tender navel bump steady. She was not heading for the bathroom, though; that was a lie...

3 years ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 140 The Grand Marshal

"What I would like to know!" Misaki conferred angrily as she fairly stalked along besides Azusa. "Is how they always seemed to know our comings and goings!" They were moving towards 'the boardwalk' that spanned the small section lake almost touching the house. Now surrounded by a healthy selection of the imperial guard. "Come now good wife." Azusa soothed, seeming far less concerned. "They most certainly have their sources as indeed do we." Misaki seemed to consider, digesting...

4 years ago
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Memories of A Mortician Virgin Conception Concrete Love

26. VIRGIN CONCEPTION (2013) Name: Y.J.Y. Age: 18 Cause of Death: Blood loss from incision on abdomen. Severe damage to internal organs. Other Injuries: Slight chloroform burns on lips and nose. Time between death and delivery to mortician: 13hrs Notes: This young woman was the victim of a violent but somewhat sexy occult ritual. Your belly was cut Impregnated with a goat I impregnate you In all my years as a mortician, I have only come across one incident of an occult...

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Taste Of Village Maid Shanti

Hi it’s Somar from North Bengal. It was during the summer when I passed my MBA and selected in a pharmaceutical company in Marketing and between the time of leaving my college and joining the company, I was on a Vacation or a preparatory leave at my village. My village is a joyous place, I have been ever gone through. Large paddy fields, good number of canals, ponds and lots fruit or vegetable garden lying across the road. As I was the only son of my family I was pretty naughty, elder sister...

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Mom Ki Diary 8211 Part 2

Hello friend , I am Ap and I am writing the second part of “ mom ki diary ”. Got a good response for my earlier stories,so thank you to all of you.For girls who want to have sex with me mail me at “Maine jaise hi pages palte ,to wahan mom ne apni life ka ek aur incident likha tha.Main chaunk gaya ki pehle student se,ab kisse? “21st October 2015 Roz ki tarah aaj bhi main subah jaldi uthi .Mujhe bahut lonely lag raha thakyunki aayush aur uske dad ek week ke liye bahar gaye hai.Ham log recently...

3 years ago
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Fantasy or Curiosity

Well, where do I even begin………I’m sure, I’ll figure it out…. I have been in my relationship with a wonderful man for 3 years and I can honestly say it has been the best. He has taught me quite a few things about fucking that I never even knew existed. Food, Fruit and toys, well I can say they play a big role in having fun when it comes to sex. Let alone, a video cam corder makes it even more fun. This man, oh my god, he has got the biggest cock I have ever laid my lips upon. I never...

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The Sorority HouseChapter 5 Beach Party

What have I done? Friday morning and I awoke to a strange room. The walls and ceiling were all painted a matte black, with hundreds of little plastic glow-in-the-dark stars and moons hanging everywhere. The only light came in from a solitary window where the shade had been pulled up. Sitting on a loveseat with her feet pulled up and under her, Quyen was bathed in the glow of the morning light. Her long, dark hair hung loosely over her shoulder and cascaded down her back as her deep eyes...

2 years ago
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NubileFilms Sybil Better Together

Oliver Trunk is hanging out on his phone when Sybil joins him wearing only a sheer bra and thong. Her lingerie look inspires a series of selfies as they make out for the camera. Oliver can’t even look at the phone because he’s too busy staring at Sybil’s tits and tight body. As Oliver peels her bra off, Sybil keeps the camera going. She doesn’t stop even as he pulls her underwear away. Getting Sybil on her hands and knees, Oliver takes over the camera so he can fill his...

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The Omega PathChapter 19 Reconstruction and Creativity

He didn't know what it was that tipped her off. He tried to be quiet, to show no response, but she still noticed. Maybe he sighed. Maybe it was some magical sense she had. Or maybe it was just plain old God-damned feminine intuition. Whatever it was, when she turned her head and stared at him with her beautiful violet eyes, Joey knew that Sarah had sensed something was wrong. "You don't want to go out with me," he sighed. "Do you?" She opened her mouth to speak, sighed, and rested her...

2 years ago
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Mountain ManChapter 6

Around about midnight, I got back to the cabin. As I was getting close, I heard Shadow start barking. Not his intruder alert bark, but the welcome home bark. I called out, “Yo, the cabin. Is anybody there?” A quiet voice behind me and to my left startled me, “It’s about time. I was about to take your dinner off the stove.” I looked her way but danged if I could spot her. “Lady, you’re good. Can I get down and take care of my critters?” She stood up from behind the fern she had been using...

4 years ago
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A Winter Dance

She set the final touches with her hair. A couple puffs of perfume and she was ready to go. Stepping out of the bathroom, ready at last she smoothed her hands over her thighs while looking eagerly at his face. Sucking in his breath, he slowly released his breath while walking up to her. Smiling broadly he runs his hands down her arms catching her hands to pull her close. Kissing her gently he whispers ‘you look amazing. Let’s go, I want to show you off.’ She giggles as they walk out the door...

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Ritu ki mast chudai barsat ki wo raat

Hi Iss readrs Kaise hai aap log Meri story Barsaat ki wo raat par aap logo ka bahut aacha responce mila kai logo ne uska english translet bhi manga par meri english itni aachi nahi isliye mujhe maf kar de.aur kuch log ne janna chaha ki maine Priya ki chhoti bahan yani ki Ritu ko kaisi bhi ek majedar story hai.jaisa ki Priya ke ghar mera aana jana tha.aur uski shaadi ke baad bhi maine aksar uske ghar jata tha Ritu ki age kabir 22 yr ki hogi wo ek samnye hight health ki gori uske boobs...

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With Mrs Sharma Mom And Maid 8211 Part II

By : Shanu41 Hi guys this is Shanu again I really-really hope that you enjoyed the first part of my story and I am thankful to all those who sent me emails and commented on my story. I am here as promised with the second part. For those who didn’t read the first part of my story I request them to read it before reading this one. It’s posted on and for those who couldn’t find it I will be glad to send those personally on request through my email id you have to just...

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Diwali Celebration With Horny Neighbour Bhabhi 8211 Part 1

Hello everyone, I hope you all are fine and doing good. I thought to share my experience from Last year’s Diwali which was the best one of my life. I was at my sister’s place in Indore last year for Diwali. I was there for almost a month and My sister used to live in a nice society with 4 Flats on the same floor. One day, I was sitting in my room and watching TV when my sister called me into the hall and introduced me to her neighbor friends. They were two women in their mid to late 30s. One of...

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The New Start 3

The New Start 3 By Paul G. Jutras A New Begining It all started when Jack was moving to a new town with his mother Janet and his sister June after the death of his father. His mother was forced to go back to work and the only job she could get was in another state. ?Jack, I want you to pick out something nice for Saturday mass.? Janet said as he stood and looked at the three piece suit in his closet. With a sigh, she walked in and put a hand on his shoulder. ?I?ve seen you...

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Blue RibbonChapter 8

I stank of exertion and sex, as did Lisa. Holly had the sex smell, Anna the exertion, yet the two sophomores still smelled sweet. This was the most exciting day of my life. I chewed the last of my whopper as Lisa ate the last of my fries and Anna passed my coke to Holly. “Is this diet?” She worried. “No,” Glory shook her head. She had Alice’s keys, opening her classroom. I may have nudged her impolitely aside as I entered. Beth slalomed around Lisa and myself running to her bag. My clothes...

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