ProeliatorChapter 2 free porn video

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Sextus Aquilinus had the document ready the next day and it was full of errors. All of the errors seemed to favour Sextus though. On new papyrus I wrote out, in detail, what I would do. Some were done for no charge and some were at cost. I was very explicit in that I was the one that was to determine what the cost really was. This too was written down.

The ships I drew up were large to the Romans but had a limited tonnage. I could use barges when working in inland waters and turn a better profit. I also wanted to improve ports, shipyards, and rivers. Canals and locks had to be made as did hydro electric projects. If Sextus wanted to use the canals I built then he would have to pay the going rate. There were so many ways to get back at him and all of them were not only legal but ethical.

When I handed the eight page document I said, "This is in my writing. I would be angry if any of it was altered. I would like to talk to your investors when it is convenient for all of you."

Sextus went over the document and I could see that he was angry but held it in. I asked, "Is there something that I said that was not written in the document? Was there something that was not as I originally said it?"

"I do not remember all the things that I have to pay for."

"I remember them well. I am not a Roman. I say my words simply and clearly. You were to support Julian. The gods, as you know, want Julian as your Augustus. What you can offer me is very limited but I want all of it. You may try to get favours for your support when you speak to Julian but remember that you have nothing to offer. You have already sold your support to me. A ship takes a long time to build. If you cannot complete your side of the agreement then I am not under any compulsion to do what I have stated I would."

"Julian is the Augustus already."

"And he will need your continued support. That is the same way you need my continued support."

"Why do you speak like this? Are we not friends?"

"We are businessmen. If you want to say we are friends then we are friends the same way you are friends with the other senators."

"They are my friends, Jón."

"Your definition of a friend is different from mine. Think of me as a person you have business with. In the long run we will both be happier that way." It was difficult to get Sextus out but he did go. I made it abundantly clear that I did not like the man but he did not know what I knew about him yet.

Later that day AsA and I had a private chat. She said, "What is it that you do to my daughter? No woman could be made that happy."

"I have healed myself. I am stronger and quicker than any other man. Men are not usually concerned if their lover is pleased or not. I do care. My body has changed in this regard too so that I can last longer than any other man. Lastly, your daughter and Patricia know that I love them. Having sex is fun for us but usually we make love which is not the same."

"KhAvar says that she gets so excited when you are around that... that she responds very quickly."

"That can be learned. If your daughter or Patricia see me then we make love they will soon feel the urge by just seeing me. This is a well understood fact from my time."

"No woman could get that excited."

"I love your daughter and she loves me. I would not hurt her and I do not think she would harm me."

"She says that you may want other women."

"Mother, my body is young. Even when I am old I know that I can keep my mates happy. I am on a quest to bring the entire world together. To do that I have to travel and meet people. Taking a woman that will be a wife in all but the name is a way of cementing relations."

Asa said, "You have two women that are closely related to two powerful empires. Is that how you will bring the people together?"

"Patricia I loved because of the woman she is. She is the illegitimate daughter of Julian. She would not be in line to inherit other than a gift of gold. I would want her if she were a poor man's daughter. I found KhAvar in the home of a pirate. I was asked to see what I could do to help her when asked by a caring older woman. I fell in love with the girl that was sent off with a dowery and had the misfortune to loose the gift and be taken captive. She just happens to be a young Persian woman."

I looked at her and she finally said, "I do not believe that you knew of her family. You seem honest enough, though you still hide things."

I replied, "We all have something we can hide. You are no different."

"What do you know?" she said quickly.

"I now know that you have a deep dark secret. I do not know what it is and frankly it is your business, not mine. I was just saying that we all have actions and feelings we want to keep hidden."

"So you are going off to find a wife in India and one in China?"

"No, I am not. I will go to both places. I may find a woman that will be interested in me. If she is good enough, I will bring her home so she can enter my family. I will learn from her and she will teach Patricia and KhAvar about her race. They will teach her about the Persians and the Romans. It is also true that I may find nobody that will be good enough."

"You make it sound like this is disagreeable."

"It is far from disagreeable. I have the capacity to love more than one woman and I have the body that can make love to them all too. The women will come to me one way or another. Whether they stay with us or not will have to be decided yet."

"I figured that the gods would be involved. They may have had a hand in KhAvar finding you."

"They might. Look at the great prizes I found. I had to do a great deal to gain their love and keep them safe."

AsA left the room a short time after. I had to attribute her talk to trying to find the best for her daughter. Sharing with Patricia was bad enough but now she understood the reasons for more. She may also think that I was holding her daughter through the use of magic but the only magic I really used was love. The conditioning with sex may be something I would have to reduce but it did make our lovemaking much more stimulating.

Later that afternoon, Klement came to me and whispered, "Did you know that KhAvar's mother and the other two women can work magic?"

This surprised me but then a few pieces of information fell into place. It was quite possible. Those that could really do magic were rare. Klement had said that he thought that only one in ten thousand had the ability and only some of those could develop to be a mage. The person had to then realise that he or she had a small ability then they had to have a mind that would allow it to grow. AsA or Sapor may have gathered those he found to be with him or they may have come to Sapor of their own volition.

The fact that they were here now could mean a lot. AsA would be my mother-in-law but that did not mean that she would love me. I liked and admired all of the women but they could still have their own agendas.

I heard from Klement that there were occasions where people were swayed by magic or they died quite abruptly. This led me back to Sapor. The man may make a play for a large portion of the Roman empire since so many legions were dead and an new Augustus was taking the reins soon. Sapor was known to have used magic himself but all the mages were weak and male.

"I did not know, Klement. Your words sound very true to me now that you pointed this out."

"Are you safe?"

I smiled and said, "I think so. Don't mention what you told me to anybody else for the moment. I get the feeling that this is not a good thing for a Persian woman to be delving into. You and I are going to have to talk more about magic. People of my time did not believe in magic and that may have been the reason it didn't work very well."

"The mages may just have kept their abilities hidden."

"That could be the case. Magic can be a great tool but it has to be understood and controlled. I do not want a person running around like I have done and making large waves in people's lives."

"I guess you have been doing that. Most of the things you have done are good. I don't think I could... kill as many people as you have."

"It is not easy either. When a man is pushed, he does what he has to do. By the way Klement, do you have a job to do?"

"I have been helping Mithridates sometimes."

"I need to understand magic. Will you help me find out about the subject and write the information down?"

"I will if you ask but I am not good at writing. There is not much to write because they are done by feel."

"Then list what you have heard that mages could do. List what you can do too so we can study this. The information you write will be very valuable."

"I will do that if you wish."

An hour later I found HidA when she was by herself and I walked up to her with a smile. "Hello, HidA. May we talk for a moment?"

"I don't see why not. You are being formal all of a sudden. Is there something wrong?"

"Something may be very right. Klement was one of the mages that tried to capture me. I captured him instead and got him to leave the city so I would not have to kill him."

"That was a good but mages are dangerous."

"They may be but he says that you are a mage too."


"Yes, you. AsA and Mehrnoosh are too. I think you were trying to hide this for some reason. I want to learn about magic. The quickest way I think is to have a tutor. Will you teach me what you know?"

"I cannot teach you this."

"Why not?"

"It... it is not done. It is not good to be known that you can perform magic."

"Klement and I know. I am trying to learn magic. I want to do it my way where we do experiments and measure the results. Will you help me?"

"I cannot. People will know."

"You, Mehrnoosh, AsA, Klement and I will do this. Nobody will know but us. It is easy to just talk and do some experiments."

"You are very strong in your power. Why do you need us?"

"When I came back from the land of the gods, I had the ability to heal myself. I was not told about this and I had to learn on my own. I still do not know much. That is why I want to learn."

"You would get too much power. You..."

"Yes, I could go crazy with the power. That is why we need an organisation that will police those that use magic. You could be one of those."

"But... I am a woman."

"You know my views on women. They are just as capable as men though not always in the same way. Your talent may make you stronger."

I paused and it took HidA a few minutes to say, "I will have to discuss this with the others."

"I hope you do. I gave Klement the job of listing what a magician could do and then another list of what he can do. He is going to investigate for me and I would like all of you to help."

HidA was a little more contemplative now and said with less worry, "I will mention that."

That night I was resting between my ladies when I heard a knock at the door. The girls were quite sated and didn't even know that I was getting up. I went to a small reception room. The man that usually relayed messages for the Augustus and now me stood at attention. He still wanted to bow and then spew paragraphs of flowery phrases but was learning to do without.

"My lord, a messenger from the Augustus is here."

"Send him in."

"Do you wish to dress?"

"It is a soldier and if it isn't then he has to take me the way I am."

"Yes... my lord."

The messenger came in with four other men. He was tired and dirty but had taken some time to get himself cleaned. "My lord, Julian..."

When the titles were over I knew that Julian was in the port of Constanta because he had just left the Danube. He had three legions with him this time but there was little to fight.

I asked questions and they were answered quickly as if the man knew the questions ahead of time. I also read the letter Julian sent me. He seemed quite pleased that he had to fight so little and could not wait to catch up on all the interesting events he missed while fighting a civil war.

I got the men a place to wash up then a bed. My girls and I were going to be evicted from the suite and we would have to find another room for ourselves.

More sleep was out of the question though I had little so far. There was a lot to get in order and little time to do it. I picked out a good guest room for us but it was nowhere as large or flashy. The cooks and the cleaners could sleep until five but they too would have to get up early and start to prepare.

When I went to wake up my ladies, I was pulled into bed but it took a moment until they found out that I had clothes on. Patricia said, "You going to take those off? We need you."

"I would love to but your father will be here today."


"Around noon give or take a few hours. He still has an army to quarter."

"I have so much to do."

"Let's start by moving our things down the hall. This bed does not belong to us."

We looked at KhAvar and she looked a bit apprehensive. Patricia said, "You do not have to worry. It's my father." It was something she knew very well but still did not feel complacent with.

"But he is the Augustus."

"This is not the affairs of state. This is family. We have to get this place cleaned out. We have to clean the new room and they we have to clean ourselves. I want to fix my hair and yours too. Maybe we can get our nails done if there is time."

"You said he was family."

"He is but we still have to look good. Let's go."

The city and the palace were in an uproar. Everybody wanted to make a good impression on the new Augustus. Meals had to be prepared but this time I made sure the more exotic dishes were not made. Julian did not like this sort of food.

Laundry, sweeping, cleaning and the gathering of flowers became major operations. I did what I could for the girls and even worked on painting their toenails. The two talked over my head about this being a proper job for me. I simpered like a slave and they kept up the act.

The girls were excited and watched from the walls. The boats were not seen by eleven. I pulled them from AsA and Afrasiab long enough to quiet them down without spoiling their hair, nails or clothing. We came back in forty-five minutes and AsA looked closely at each of the girls. They were more serine now and I too felt better.

"You did a good job Jón. I wish you were around when I was a girl."

"There are still some good men out there. You just have to find them and then train them."

"Did you really paint their toes?"

"Yes I did. Everybody was busy but I like doing nice things for my family."

"Yes, yes I think you do."

I was the first to see the masts in the distance. There were a lot of them and they were all coming from the north. The curvature of the earth said that for every hundred metres the masts would raise on centimetre. I made a guess at the mast size and told them my estimate. I had time to take the girls back for the second stage in relaxation.

The population was out in force and lined the cleaned roads that led to the palace. I had to fight the senators to get to the front of the line even after I said that Patricia belonged there as his daughter. I pulled KhAvar with us along with her mother and friends.

A boat load of guards got off first then came Julian and his higher echelon officers. The guard passed our position and then stopped. Julian came to us and Patricia had to break ranks and cry as she hugged her father.

She recovered fairly quickly because Roman women were supposed to be stronger than that and a public display like that was unseemly. Julian kissed his daughter though and helped her get back beside me.

I looked for one steam driven vessel but I did not see it. There were some important people on that ship too.

I said, "Welcome to Constantinople Flavius Claudius Julianus, Augustus of the Roman people."

"Welcome to you too, Jón." He turned to smile at his daughter then at KhAvar and said, "Is this your other woman, KhAvar?"

"Yes she is. She wants to show you her painted toes that I spent all morning colouring."

Julian backed up and looked at the ground and said, "You did a good job Jón."

"Thank you. The girls thought I could make a living doing this for the ladies."

"Maybe you could. Who are these other lovely ladies beside you? You are not taking more women are you?"

"No, I have no time for that. I want you to meet AsA. She is KhAvar's mother."

I then introduced the two older women then Afrasiab as the Persian emissary. This took but a moment and Julian pulled us with him as he walked down the line of senators and their families. It took a long time to get to the palace even with some chariots readied for him.

I saw him look far above the walls and see a lot of kites. Most of them had a flaming figure painted on them. He had seen kites before but never this large.

The procession did not end at the gates. Julian now had to greet those that were within the walls. He came in the opening in the wall that I made with the sword. He looked up at the perfectly cut stone for minutes but neither said nor asked anything.

After a long time, Julian and his officers were free of the crowds. He looked tired and I just led him to his suite and pointed to a hot bath. It was ready and he smiled at me in appreciation. We gave him some time to recover and relax because the next few days would be hectic. Some of the more comely female slaves that had bathed Constantius, now bathed the new Augustus. His own guards still had to be in attendance because high ranking figures still died when they let their guard down.

Tertius had pulled in his kites and anxiously said, "Where is my father? I thought he would be with... the Augustus."

"I did not have time to ask but your father is not a high ranking officer. We will just have to wait."

"Do you think he was hurt?"

I put my hand on the young man that was actually a bit taller than me. "He is all right. I asked about him last night."

He smiled for a second then his face clouded and a tear came to his eye. He said, "They may have killed my mother."

"Your mother was very healthy. If there was a chance then she would recover."

Patricia was nearby and put her arm around the boy not much younger than she was and said, "Trust in Woden. He may have needed her in Asgard but he may have wanted her here too."

I didn't like this sort of platitude. Promising something that could not be given and no way for somebody to know the truth. This was also part and parcel of the way a religion operated. It did give solace to those that needed it and a way for a grieving person to think that there was some plan in the leaving of a loved one.

The meal was still lavish. I had to be the one that set out the seating. The senators could not be snubbed even though some of them were traitors to their country. My family, Asa and Afrasiab would sit near Julian but at different table. This would show that I was not as important but I had a plan. We would converse loud enough for everybody to hear and this would be our way of letting the senators know how weak their position really was.

Julian emerged from his room looking good and I told him of my plan. He did not like it. "You should eat beside me to show people that I think the most of you."

"We can do that at later times but my father and Lucius should be honoured too."

During the meal some people came into the room and I excused myself and went over to greet them. Tertius came with me because he had seen one of the guests. I welcomed Clovis first and some of his men. With them were Lucius, and some of his men. Tertius greeted them too and did so in German for Clovis' benefit.

I counted heads and said, "I saved room so you could eat with us."

When we were sated, Julian started to tell some of the stories of his campaign. At various points he would stop and get somebody else to speak about this particular facet. The men also talked about how well Julian fought but this was the Roman way of doing things.

Clovis was introduced and he had to talk about his part in the fighting. I found that a great many men had picked the Patricia up and dragged her across the land and put her into the waters that fed the Danube. A narrow barge was constructed though some of it was prefabbed. This was the actual fighting portion because it carried many barrels of powder, shot and shells along with a multitude of cannon. The barge sat low in the water because we had two ballast tanks that allowed it to be extra stable when fighting.

There were only a few times it was used because news of its ability spread quickly and it was hard to fight against it. Attack craft sent against it were cut to shreds. Land based attack could only be large rocks, flaming oil or large heavy spears thrown by siege machines.

Clovis spoke from his feet so all could hear which is the way most Germans spoke when talking of fighting. "After the first battle we had nothing to do. The Augustus sent calvary ahead of us and any time there was a trap we got word of it first and used mortars on them. If we have another campaign like this I am going to ride a horse so I can get in on the fighting. I never got scratched and I don't think my armour got touched."

Lucius was the captain of the Patricia. He had to speak too. "I at least did not have to wear armour. I was in a room with glass walls. In the narrow sections of the river we used the telescopes and got our share and more of Constantius' men but all at a distance. I too would like to ride a horse in battle but I think we did more harm to the enemy than a thousand calvary. No city opposed us though one town was held by Constantius' supporters. My good friend Clovis spoke to them with his cannon and they opened the doors to us."

One of Clovis men said, "Yes, because we put a hole in their wall fifty paces wide."

The mutual admiration society was in full swing but usually Julian was the target and he enjoyed this. I was brought into the discussion many times but I tried to get the talk put off until tomorrow. One war was enough for one meal.

The meal never really ended though most of the food was taken away. The provocations for the war were then given sadly.

Lucius spoke of the deaths of his sons and even daughters. I was relieved to hear that Licinia was still alive though scarred. Her left hand had to be amputated. Many of my extended family had died or been wounded because they had risen up to fight the Romans. Some of my property was destroyed because the Romans were after booty. Anything that was iron that was not nailed down was taken. Usually it was dropped later as they were pursued.

I had thought that the Romans had only come to raid but the numbers showed that they were planning on staying. It was the fact that our people were so well armed that tipped the balance.

Julian usually liked his wine but today he drank in moderation. We left to find a smaller venue. When he could get rid of more of his guests he called for me. I brought my people and family with me because they had lots to say too.

Julian asked me, "What happened in Antioch, Jón?"

"I was preparing to fight the legion and made some new explosives." I turned to Clovis and said, "The type I used was more powerful than your powder. I made tonnes of it and spread it around the city so that the attackers would set it off without me being there. Because of this battle, I had tried my hardest to evacuate the city. Some people are just too hard headed to leave and hid when I sent people out to remove them.

"When the legion came, the soldiers tried hard to find me and found all of the families that didn't want to leave along with the slaves and servants of the rich. They were held in that arena for questioning. The general asked them about my whereabouts and they could not answer. I was actually hiding under the seats at the time. The general got angry because he could not catch me. I had inflicted a lot of casualties on his men. He took out his anger on the innocents."

I had paused and Julian asked, "What happened then?"

"Woden spoke to me and demanded that I leave the city. He too was not pleased with the slaughter of innocents. I climbed the mountain and started to descend the other side of the plateau when Thor's hammer fell. Even at that distance I had to hold onto a tree or be flung about. Rock fell from the sky a long time and it was good that I had my armour on.

"I staggered back to Antioch and saw a ring of flames extending far from the city. The city itself was flattened. I heard that Constantius was caught in this but he was saved by being under water when the shockwave and then the flames came his way. As it was, almost all of his guards died."

Julian asked questions for a few minutes but I could see that he already had reports. "Tell me about Aldúlfr?"

"Constantius used mages to find KhAvar, MehrAk. He then tried to find me with them. Constantius had made the head mage, Felix, the pope for political reasons. He was the strongest mage I have met. My people were being crucified, MehrAk was murdered and KhAvar was next. I had been severely beaten and lost an eye and had many broken bones. I had found a way to fight and it involved my ability to heal. The mages kept me from using this weapon.

"Aldúlfr came to me then when he was needed most. He destroyed my enemies. Aldúlfr took us to the palace and told everybody that you were his choice for Augustus."

Julian thought for a moment and asked, "My cousin?"

"Your cousin escaped when Aldúlfr appeared. It was the crowd that found him and his guards."

Julian said, "You will have to tell me the details later."

"The details will take weeks to tell you. I was thinking of writing a book on what has been done here."

"You can make books very quickly. Your fame should spread."

"It is not my fame that I want," I lied. "The story of Woden and his help for mankind is what I am trying to write." Notoriety was beneficial to promote my causes.

Clovis was quiet seeing that he was but a king. He said to me, "We brought some copies of your third book with us. There are not too many because you said you want to check them first with some others."

"Thank you, Father."

I was cross-examined by almost all of the newcomers until all of the details came out about my trip down the Danube and my efforts to drum up support for Julian. The run-in with the pirates was known but the details were sketchy. Mithridates was not here so I had to talk about the attack myself. I tried to keep the specifics to myself because I had not finished with some of the pirates yet or their Roman masters.

The discussion about Sapor was brought in next and I talked about my time with him. I was not ashamed to say that I gave some stingers to the king but they were not many.

As soon as I could I introduced AsA once more and let her talk. It did not take long for her to get used to her audience. She talked at length about how I appeared from the Persian perspective. She mentioned that I was a disturbing influence but that over a period of time I showed them that I was not there to harm their people but to help them.

Afrasiab was then asked to say what he knew. He said what he believed his king felt and what he was commanded to say and do. He put a good coating on it when he talked about how Sapor was not disposing of the Roman slaves, but getting them to tutor the Persian youth.

Julian asked him, "What are the peace terms you were mentioning earlier?"

"Armenia will be a test of friendship for the Roman and the Parthian Empires. Taxes and public works will be administered by a group composed of people elected by the Roman and the Parthian people. Rome may not demand military levies from this land but neither may my king. If this works out then we will look at a closer cooperation with the Roman Empire."

"What about trade and commerce?"

"They are free to trade but there will be port taxes the same as Rome now has but the gold will be used to improve the ports."

"Jón," Julian said, "what do you think of this?"

"I am one of those that helped draught this plan. It gets Rome out of the war without losing face. The same is true of the Persians. The mountains to the north and east will be a natural barrier to the Huns. I have mentioned before that the Huns will carve out an empire larger than the Persians and some of this will come from those lands now controlled by the Romans and the Persians. Much of what is now called Germania will fall to the Huns too. When the time comes, I think that the three of you should band together against a common enemy and restrict them to lands in the east."

"Armenia is a rich province and we will lose a lot of taxes."

"So will the Persian Empire. The gold will still be collected but it will now go to the people of that region. In time the province will be very rich. At the same time trade will flourish. King Sapor will build some ships to travel east. They will bring back the spices that Romans enjoy. The quantity will be so much that the price will fall. Persia will be the middlemen now but do so in a way to get much of the trade that goes in that direction."

Same as Proeliator
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Wife and He black CoWorker

The last words I said to her as she went out for her works Christmas party were have fun. How little I knew.....She was all dressed up looking her usual sexy self as she does when we go out together but this time she was going out on her own.She was wearing a short black dress which had a plunging neckline, giving the perfect view of her cleavage. She looked stunning.Her taxi arrived and she gave me a kiss and told me she'd not be back too late, and left.After a few hours of watching the TV and...

3 years ago
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My sexy wife has a secret

My wife, what can I say she is tall and leggy with thick, natural wavey orange red head with beautiful porceline skin and just enough freckles to tell you she is a ginger. Add to that smokey green eyes and thin sexy lips and you can see why people refer to her as Gorgeous Gwen. From the time we started dating my friends all expressed their envy at me landing such a smoking hot piece of ass. She is a freelance writer for fashion magazines and on-line blogs so she is pretty dressed up where...

3 years ago
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Do you dream about little girls

She would never tell me why but she never had any relationship with my biological father. She wouldn’t tell me who he was or anything about him. So the first several years of my life were spent without any type of father figure. Really other then my mother I had no other family to think of. I’m not sure why but she didn’t really seem to have much of a relationship with any of her family including her own mom. Because of that and a lack of much of an education she always worked more...

2 years ago
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Helping Sister Satisfy Her Needs 8211 Part 2

After setting everything up for di, I went to the coffee shop where I was to meet Akanksha, my date. She was the sales girl who helped me buy that lovely bridal saree for di. I was still early. Then Akanksha called and said she’d be late as her boss made her do some extra work. I sat in the coffee shop waiting for her. I was thinking about di. She must be ready by now. Hope it works out. Hell, it’s got to. If all of that doesn’t then what will. I was lost in my thoughts. Finally, Akanksha...

1 year ago
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The Neighborhood Chapter Two Getting to Know the Neighbors

Shortly after we moved in, we went roving around our clothing-optional neighborhood. We just knew there would be gorgeous young naked chicks on every corner begging for us to satisfy their lustful needs. Think again. In a clothing optional environment, most people should opt for clothing. Honestly. There were few people our age, whether male or female, clothed or naked, living, dead, or anywhere in between. The neighbor’s on one side were a middle-aged couple who had consumed about three too...

3 years ago
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Fucking A Grandmother

Sam had been around Betty Williams several times over the last few months and he was actually surprised when he found himself thinking about her in a sexual way. Sam was in his late 20s and he was an active guy and had several girlfriends that he alternated between with none of them being "the one" in his life. The surprising thing about him thinking about Betty and even imagining her naked sometimes was the fact that Betty was in her early 60s and she was a grandmother. Yeah, she was...

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Dragon Flight 330 From Quang Lang 75

Are you the reporter who wanted to talk to me? Yeah, I'm the one you talked to on the phone. What paper did you say you were with? Oh, a journal? Journal of the Unexplained? Never heard of it, but never mind, let's find a booth. You're a family publication, aren't you? Okay, good. I'll do my best to keep it clean, that way you won't have to do much editing. No, never really talked about it, except, you know, once in a while here in the O Club Bar. But, you know how it is. If I'd said...

3 years ago
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Max is a freak part 8

Chapter 1 Joyce and Carol were both ballgagged , naked & tied up downstairs in the dungeon. Meanwhile Max and Joan were upstairs waiting for Arthur and his sexy slave mom Sonia. Joan wore nothing but her dog-collar, leash & heels and Max had purposely ballgagged her also. Joan would speak when he determinied it to be necessary Chapter 2 As Charlie pulled into Max's driveway, Arthur unloaded a massive load of jism all over his moms's face. It was so large Sonia could hardly see. As...

4 years ago
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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 15

"Imogen! Why aren't you at Hogsmeade with your friends?" Professor Flitwick had heard noises in an unused classroom, and investigating, he had found Imogen working on some fourth-year charms that she had been having trouble mastering. Taken by surprise, she looked down at him, her hair a bit out of order as a result of her exertions. She had not troubled to put on her full uniform, and was wearing only a blouse and a skirt, her face flushed red with effort. Professor Flitwick was glad that...

1 year ago
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Magic Ink II the ChildrenChapter 21

Thursday, the 20th of October, dawned cool and bright. We saw no sign of the FBPI that day. There were, however, other concerns to be dealt with. Among the first were money and food. Most of our employees had been shopping on Monday for the week, but few of them had enough food on hand for a prolonged period without additional shopping. Dad and Thomas Stuart transferred down to a local rental location and rented a small bus and a van. Thomas had a license to drive a bus. They drove out to...

1 year ago
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The interview

Jane Crawford looked nervously around the outer office of PIG studios while trying to maintain her outer calm. "Judas priest," she mumbled under her breath. "What the hell am I doing here?" She picked up a two year old copy of People magazine to try and take her mind off the reason for her appointment. She was just getting interested in an article about face lifts, tummy tucks, and breast implants of the stars when like a gun shot a woman from the half open door to the inner offices called out...

3 years ago
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True Mage ChroniclesChapter 14

I froze at Terrance’s exclamation. My magic training had paid dividends allowing me to access my core in a heartbeat. I briefly touched the red cord to check on Shalyndria, and all I felt was fear and worry for her friends. I then pushed fully into Petra’s blue thread. I was almost crushed by the amount of anxiety I felt from my mate. I shoved it aside and focused on what she could see. I shuddered in disgust at what was revealed. The dirt floor was covered in old blood and other bodily...

1 year ago
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Being Happy

A number of you have asked me what I have been up to. One thing I can tell you my friends is that I have been busy - but happy! School's a bitch and with heavy (hairless) hips, i have never been sportsy type thus making it harder for me to earn my grades. What's keeping me satisfied is that I am still good at studies and my mother rewards me nicely when I do well. Just recently, she picked up a new boyfriend - hispanic and muscular he is a short guy with lot of energy. Night after night i hear...

1 year ago
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Pleasing The God Of Lust 8211 Part 4

Preview: The last part ended with Ramanan getting ready to pleasure Meena, who acted as the goddess of pleasure. They were to please the god of lust now. The Sage then stood up and came behind Meena, “Oh, goddess of pleasure, please raise and accept your gift from Ramanan.” Meena stood up, and the Sage signaled Ramanan to stand up too. “Come face to face with her,” said the Sage. Ramanan did as he was told and stood a mere inch away from the naked Meena. The Sage pressed his body from behind to...

4 years ago
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Lost at Sea Book 2 DriftersChapter 23

The crescent shaped cliffside was littered with walkways and bridges, and dotted throughout with caves. Platforms made from a hodgepodge of materials were anchored into the walls, and stacked on each other haphazardly. Thick ropes and chains made an elaborate net that reminded Will of rigging designed by a madman. The largest platform hung in the center of it all, ringed with crane arms and hoist tackle. The whole web looked unstable, but figures walked throughout the tangle without a hint of...

1 year ago
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The Incredible Journey

This is a story of when me, Sarah and my friend Tony went camping to the lakes. My name is Karl and I have the sexiest wife on this planet. We had a long weekend break organised for a couple of months, we had a 3 man tent to share and all our supplies in our rucksacks packed and ready to go. Tony had been a good close friend for about 10 years, I got to know him from where I used to work, we hit it off straight away with our interests in motor sports and hiking. He was also the same age as me....

Group Sex
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My Sister JeanChapter 15

The behavior that my sister and I exhibited after our last erotic encounter was a Xerox copy of every other time we'd come together with the energy of two freight trains in the night. We had pulled back a little and our old approach-avoidance dance was played out one more time. Oh, we didn't ignore each other and we certainly didn't engage in the silent treatment, but there was a certain tender, eggshells-tip-toeing around with us. The morning after our last unplanned sexual tussle, I'd...

4 years ago
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Danny Phantom The Sex Craze

EDIT: 1. I just found out that I have been wrongly thinking that Danny's mom is called "Matty" when in fact her name is Madeline Fenton, therefore her nickname isn't "Matty" but "Maddie". 2. Since I have been accused of having stolen this idea from some comic, I wanted to apologize if any of it sounds familiar to you, but if so I never realized it. I assure you that I came up with this idea myself. Thx. P.S: Feel free to add your own pages, as long as it stays in the spirit of this...

1 year ago
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Brooke Gets Black Mailed

Brooke woke up full of energy, the kind only a nineteen year old could have after partying into the wee hours.   She had some errands to run that day before she could indulge in her evening plans, so she could hardly wait to get out on the road and get started. She stepped out the shower and grabbed her towel. She began pat drying her curvy nineteen year old body as she walked toward her room. Her roomie Alice noticed her flash by and became curious about Brooke’s schedule for the day. ...

2 years ago
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Running Scared

The Song Just runnin’ scared each place we go So afraid that he might show Yeah, runnin’ scared, what would I do If he came back and wanted you Just runnin’ scared, feelin’ low Runnin’ scared, you love him so Just runnin’ scared, afraid to lose If he came back which one would you choose Then all at once he was standing there So sure of himself, his head in the air My heart was breaking, which one would it be You turned around and walked away with me. R. Orbison, J. Melson The...

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Wicked stepmother Part 16

The first phase of the works on Sal's house finished slightly ahead of schedule this allowed Alex and Linda to move into their little apartment. From Sal and Ella's viewpoint far more important was that they could use the indoor pool again. They were still staying with Stancia because the roof was being renovated at the front to put in dormer windows and the other new wing was still being constructed.At the same time Quentin and Jennifer moved in to the Old Farm House down the road. Everything...

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House Slut 11

“Where’s Angus?” “He texted to say he’d be late and grab his own dinner on the way home.” Sam answered. “Oh.” Tegan’s thoughts wandered while they ate in relative silence, the TV news blathering to itself about the state of the world. She guessed it wasn’t uncommon that Angus might work late but it struck her as out of place. Maybe because it had just been a weird day for her, maybe because he’d passed on the opportunity to have sex with her that morning and she had been anticipating his...

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wife goes black

It all started a few years ago. My wife came home early from class one night and saw me watching porn on the lap top. No big deal she didn't see what it was just heard the moans. I was embarrassed and she got mad at me, said she felt betrayed. That I shouldn't have to watch that kinda stuff. She never asked me what it was or what was going on. I told her I was lonely and just needed to get off , that it was normal. She has never even seen porn. Well other than that on HBO. We talked...

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Always Ask Permission

I didn’t hear the first, discrete tap on the door. I was too taken up with the view from my balcony. It was an untypical English summer’s day. Blue from horizon to horizon and the temperatures well over what we normally enjoy. Spread out before me was a vista of fields and trees. The patchwork of neatly, but randomly divided land, with hedges and the occasional small copse. But my mind was elsewhere today. I could focus on little beyond the low boundary wall of the garden. My attention was on...

2 years ago
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mai mera dost aar uski wife

Dost ke sath uski bibi… Hi ISS ke pathak dosto aur pyari sahelio mera naam Anil hai aur meri umr 34 sal h maine IT BHU se Engineering karney key bad Kanpur mein apney parivaar ke sath rah raha hu.Mujhe pichle week hi ISS ke bare me pata challa pichle 7 dino me stories padne k alawa koi ark am nahi kia.mai apni pahli story likh raha hu.Ye story ak real story h bas name me change kie h. Bat un dino ki h.meri shadi ho chuki thi lekin meri wife sex ka maza nahi de pa rahi thi use sex me maza nahi...

1 year ago
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My Life With My FatherChapter 11

Lights up! JESSICA "Even though you told me all about your disability, I still care so very much about you, and how you feel, Daddy!" ROBERT "J-bird, I don't have a clue what would've happened to me, if I hadn't had your mother back then! She was my rock ... my guiding light! She took care of me after I came home from the hospital, cleaning and redressing my bandages. I had stitches above my right eye, a one-inch gash in my left leg where I landed on a railroad spike, along with my...

2 years ago
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By : Priyanandini അന്ന് അപ്പൂപ്പന്‍റെ ആണ്ട് ബലി ദിവസം ആയിരുന്നു .ഞാന്‍ ഒന്‍പതില്‍ പഠിക്കുന്ന സമയം .എല്ലാവരും അസ്ഥി കടലില്‍ ഒഴുക്കാന്‍ വീട്ടിലെ ചടങ്ങുകള്‍ക്ക് ശേഷം കടലില്‍ ഒഴുക്കന്‍ പോയി.എനിക്ക് ചെറിയ പനി ഉണ്ടായിരുന്നത് കാരണം എന്നെ കൊണ്ടുപോയില്ല .അവരെല്ലാവരും പോയി കഴിഞ്ഞപ്പൊളാണ് അങ്കിള്‍ വന്നത്. എന്നെ വീട്ടില്‍ ഒറ്റക്കിരുത്താണ്ട എന്ന് കരുതി അങ്കിളും പിന്നെ പോയില്ല. അങ്കിള്‍ വീട്ടില്‍ വരുമ്പോളൊക്കെ അങ്കിളിനു പ്രത്യേകം മുറിയുണ്ട്.അങ്കിള്‍ അകത്തു കയറി ടി .വി വെച്ചു കണ്ടുകൊണ്ടിരുന്നു .ഞാന്‍ ആ സമയം...

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It seemed to Ken that time had slowed down to a snails pace as he watched the events unfold before him. The door to his sister's bedroom seemed to take forever to open and for Connie to step inside. Connie's head was down as she placed something in her purse before it rose up. That act also seemed to take forever as did her eyes growing wide as she took in the scene in front of her.Ken could blame no one but himself as had been pushing his luck as of late, but never imagined that he would...

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Last night

I need to tell about one of the hottest nights I had last night. First, I am a female to male trans man meaning that I identify as male and take hormones and have had surgery (top not bottom). I had posted an ad online for a guy who wanted to fool around with an FTM (he would have to know what that meant). I started sending dirty emails with this guy who really wanted to hook up with a guy, suck cock and fuck but was a bit nervous. He figured I’d be a great starting point and I didn’t care...

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I thought I was straight until I fucked my best friend

Ok here's my story of how I became gay. I was 17 at the time and me and friend bradley would always invite lisa and brook around to fuck the shit out of them, well this friday didn't go to plan, me and brad were waiting at my house after school on a friday for the girls to rock up as always, me and brad had a fair bit to drink when we noticed it was getting late and wondered where the girls where, Brad came up with this idea that we should go skinny dipping so when the girls rock up we where...

1 year ago
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The Eighth Warden Book 1Chapter 8

Present day... “Thank you for allowing us to camp out here,” Corec said to the farmer as he handed over five copper coins, on top of the two silver he’d given the man the night before for additional supplies. With the pack mule to carry everything, and by supplementing their meals with what they could find or catch along the way, they’d have enough food to get to the elven border camp and then back to the West Road before needing to buy more. After saying their farewells, Corec and his...

3 years ago
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Allison and Emanuel Naked In School2nd Monday Morning Part 1

2nd Monday Morning: Part 1 Emanuel The alarm begin to blare as Emanuel’s eyes opened. “Is it really morning already? I don’t want to get up.” Allison turned toward him. “Neither do I. I’m very comfortable right where I am. But, we have to.” “Especially since I need to pee. I love holding both my muse and my pillar, but I really do need both of you to get up so I can.” Allison groaned. “Can we have just a few more minutes?” “Only if you’re okay with me going right here.” “No. The last...

1 year ago
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A kinky fascination

It was a bitterly cold, early spring afternoon. I had arrived after lunch, in my thickest fluffy coat and furry hat. The noise from the crowd, which was like a kind of baying – a feverish swell of cheers and applause met my ears. I responded with a shiver of excitement. The tribal allegiance of spectator sports was alien to me, but I flashed my VIP pass at the turnstile, and took a seat at the back. Rugby was, I suppose the posh guy's soccer. You were allowed to pick the ball up and run. It was...

Oral Sex
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Girlfriend and Boyfriend Abducted Part 5

The wind howled outside, sometimes even rattling the windows of the house. Remote, tucked away in wooded hills, the home’s log cabin style exterior helped it blend in completely. Inside, a college girl and her boyfriend were being held captive. The hours of their captivity had turned into days, and the days into weeks…although for Ashley and her boyfriend, Brad, all sense of time had begun to blur together. For all they knew, their sadistic captor might have been keeping them for months. Time...

1 year ago
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Second First Time

Note : This story is completely fictional! This is a story of how my intimate relationship started with my mother. My mother Carol is 5' 9" tall with a medium build with brown hair. She is a very unassuming lady; she would not stand out in a crowd when it comes to looks. Don't get me wrong I am not saying she unattractive. She was married to my father for 21 years when he decide that he was not happy with what he had left one day for work and never came home. We got a phone call from him a day...

1 year ago
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TeacherFucksTeens Lilly Bell Sheena Ryder Whos Being Inappropriate

Sheena Ryder has leant some sports equipment to her students, Tyler Nixon and Lilly Bell. As Tyler and Lilly go to return the equipment, Tyler brings up that all girls crave the D. Lilly brushes Tyler off, but Sheena overhears the conversation. She decides she needs to intervene in Tyler’s bad attitude. When Tyler won’t take a hint that he’s out of line, Sheena tells him that men that talk like that have tiny dicks. Tyler claims he doesn’t, so Sheena tells him to drop...

2 years ago
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Miss Mabel Ch 06

My gratitude to Creativetalent for her help and advice. Miss Mabel – a story in six parts. Part 6. The consequences of a letter. After two months at my lodgings at Boscastle Street, the front sitting room had been tacitly recognised as my province, at least in the evenings and weekends. I could write letters and check accounts at the bureau-bookcase, which also held my few books and folders of press-cuttings. I could sit at my ease in the armchair with the newspaper, ever alert for the news...

2 years ago
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The Club

I was restless. My friends had coaxed me into coming to the club when I really had other things to do. I loved to dance, but they were more interested in just chatting and gossiping. We took turns shooting down guys as they came to our table, trying to ply us with drinks and hoping for a pick-up. I was getting bored and began planning a tactful way of bowing-out, but I had been watching a hauntingly attractive girl sitting in the far corner who seemed as out of place here as I felt.  She had...

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The Teacher Learns A Lesson Chapter 4

‘Okay, it’s dessert time, follow me,’ said Erica as she began walking toward her bedroom. Once we were all in her room, she announced, ‘Well, we had a nice dinner, then some fun, now dessert. In honor of our new member, who has a very nice member of his own, he’s our dessert. Adam?’ and she waved me to her bed. I laid down, my bare cock ready for whatever may come as Erica produced two cans of whipped cream. Aha. I thought this was only in porn flicks. She leaned over me, sprayed a dollop on...

2 years ago
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Twenty Third Century Sex Part 2

Twenty Third Century Sex – Part 2 It was a few days after the experience with Frank, after all, it was Melissa’s and Jenny’s first time as a threesome in E-sex. They both agreed that it was brilliant and that they should branch out and try some more, maybe foursomes and even orgies. Jenny had been viewing some strange entries in the E-sex listings that involved spanking. Melissa wasn’t too sure about that, not yet anyway. At the weekend, Melissa found herself in the library once more. She had...

4 years ago
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Golden Time With My Reader Part 3 Owning Her

Spandana said that she wanted to use my cum as a facial cream. I said that I want my semen to be applied to her whole body too. She said laughingly that she will try it too. She came back to the bed and kissed my dick again. She started rubbing it again and it was getting erect again. She told me to lay down on the bed and she wanted to come on top of me. She herself was adjusting my dick into her vagina and started moving front and back. Her pussy was again getting wet and my dick was going...

2 years ago
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Babysitting brothers Daughters

My older brother called and said he needed a big favor. His company was sending him on a business trip overseas and he will be gone for the next couple of months. He could take his daughters with him but Cat, short for Cathy, will be graduating from high school in a month and she didn’t want to leave and miss it. Mel, short for Melody, is a star pitcher for the school’s softball team and they stand a good chance of going to the playoffs and she doesn’t want to miss our either.He wanted to know...

4 years ago
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Fun in the woods

We’re walking through the woods hand in hand, trying to keep to the path. I veer off dragging you with me by our connected hands. We walk deeper into the woods, its dark the only light is from the full moon shining on us. We hear a twig snap, you grab onto my arm refusing to let go. We’re passing a big oak tree, I spin you around to push you up against the tree, pinning you there rendering you helpless.  I nudge your neck with my nose, my lips trailing along your jaw line moving down your neck...

3 years ago
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Meine Mutter und mein Freund

Meine Mutter ist Kellnerin und hatte einen Arbeitskollegen der war damals 28 Jahre alt und ich 23. Manchmal war ich bei meiner Mutter im Lokal und so habe ich ihn auch kennengelernt. Wir waren uns sympathisch und fingen an uns zu befreunden was trinken gehen und solche Dinge. Ich habe aber immer mitgekriegt wie meine Mutter über ihn geredet hat wie lustig er ist und wie sie mit ihm in der Arbeit geflirtet hat. Einmal waren wir was trinken und haben über Frauen gesprochen und irgendwie fiel das...

2 years ago
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A surpise for me

Sandy had gone off for the day for a walk with her friend. Now, to be honest, I have always had the hots for her friend but never had the opportunity to do anything about it. Sandy is 70 and her friends about 65. Both are very good for age (as the saying goes). Both Sandy and Mags fuck like rabbits! I now this cos Sandy has told me while we were fucking once that Mags and she describe their times with relative husbands and finger each other on some of their long walks (for fun).When she goes...

3 years ago
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A better Cuckold Contract

Cuckold ContractThis contract forms a binding agreement between the two parties named below in respect to their cuckold marriage:Hotwife _________________ & Cuckold ____________________agree to comply with the following agreement.This agreement creates a 3 month trial period whereby the hotwife will become a black only cock slut, and the husband will become a chastity cuckold. This means that the hotwife will not have sexual relations with little white dick (her husband) and is obligated...

2 years ago
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Stick in the mud

It was Valentine’s Day, the day of love and affection. I was in my European-style kitchen cooking up some oxtails, brown rice, and vegetables. The meal was for my woman, Drew. She was a short brown-skinned Ebony goddess with a great body, long black straight hair, and lovely brown eyes. I knew this was the night where we finally have the greatest sex!The doorbell rang; I opened the door and there was my goddess clad in a sexy red dress. She smiled at me and gave me a passionate kiss. Her...

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Glen WisemanChapter 13

Cliff sat on the couch and said, “We have to do something.” Glen shook his head and stated, “There’s nothing we can do. They haven’t broken any laws.” Cliff said, “They are interfering with our ability to do business.” “This is a normal tactic. They first start to protest the business they don’t like. If that doesn’t work, then they try to get the sources of income to back away from them. In our case, that means they try to get our advertisers to back out.” Cliff fumed and didn’t reply....

1 year ago
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MomWantsToBreed Bunny Madison Way Better Than Class

Jay Romero is acting up in sex ed, which means that his stepmom Bunny Romero had to come to school to get him. She lectures Jay about being better in school, then sits him down on the couch. When Bunny gives Jay a pop quiz to have him start naming parts of the female anatomy, she’s horrified at what her stepson doesn’t know. When Jay eventually agrees to take his cock out so that Bunny can quiz him on his own anatomy, Bunny realizes that he is completely ignorant of the birds and...

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The Mystery of MagicChapter 4 Not the Best Outcome

They returned to the inn and Bridgette spent most of the day in her room, contemplating things. She could only speculate; she couldn't be sure. That evening they rode escorted by a young man far more polite than the earlier messenger. They were led through the palace. The man who was introduced to them as the seneschal, bowed to King Jotan. "My lord has commanded that principals may remain armed but their retainers, sir, may not." The dwarves surrendered their weapons, and the...

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