Amissum Codex The Book of LossChapter 2 Desideratus Regret
- 2 years ago
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It was Sunday morning, and Jen was making a wonderful breakfast. Deb, Linda, and I were at the table, and talking finances. Each breakfast alone was costing us a surprising amount of money -- okay, it was actually not that surprising considering the number of people who would eat it -- the surprise was what it was doing to our budget.
The previous night was very cuddly, due to the number of bodies in the bed; even the giant Alaskan king size bed was getting cramped. Not that anyone seemed to mind over-much, it was just that there wasn’t choice in whether or not to share intimate space, it was simply going to happen if you were in the bed. This was the largest bed sold, and definitely the largest bed I’d ever slept in, and if we added anyone else, it simply wasn’t going to be big enough!
It was time for an all-hands-on-deck family meeting. “If we’re all going to live together, we’re going to have to!%++ pool our money,” I said to Deb and Linda, “because we’re going to need more space, especially with babies coming! Our utilities bill and food bills are becoming scary.”
“We’re definitely going to need a new house!” exclaimed Linda. “I love our home, but with everyone here now, all having just one baby each, our little house will burst at the seams! I grew up with brothers and sisters and one bathroom, but can you imagine fourteen or more people using two bathrooms every morning? And the children! They’ll need bedrooms! And the way things are going, it could be twenty or thirty people living with us! We have to get a new house with all this in mind! With maybe options to add on!”
“What if we put our money together?” asked Maryanne, walking in and sitting down. “I could sell my house. I don’t really want to go back there. I feel like my ... everything ... is here, with the family.”
“Maryanne,” I said, “Don’t you think you’re making that kind of decision a bit quickly? You just got here!”
“Dave, I know what I want, and I know what I need. And our child will need his or her father, not across several states, and not even across town. He or she will also need their family. All of them. Besides, I have never been as ... happy, or felt as complete as I do here with everyone. I need the family, too!”
Deb looked at me and nodded. “Everyone will feel like that. It’s part of the programming I gave everyone. Family first. Think about it, can you really imagine sending any of us away? Can you imagine going away?”
I tried. It felt a bit strange, like imagining telling someone to sing green and purple polka dots -- it was absurd, and I knew it could never come out of my mouth, or that it would be easier to fall up into the sky and hang there like a brick for me to try to leave my family. I tried harder, and found I could imagine the children growing up and moving away, but our core family, here, now, never. Of course, I thought, even Ellie being away for school was painful, but I knew she’d be back. I felt Ellie’s concern, reacting to the pain and worry she was feeling from me. I felt as if she were hugging me to comfort me. I mentally hugged her back.
“I see,” I said. “Well, we’ll need to work out a new budget, see what we can afford...”
I was a bit surprised that once we’d discussed it with everyone, everyone was on board. It felt both strange and weirdly normal that everyone happily put in whatever they had to purchase a house and land and support the household and family without even blinking. Some of us had careers, some were old enough to be drawing Social Security. I wondered if the government would eventually change the rules so that being able to draw it was based on biological age, not chronological age, what with medical advancements and so on, or if there would wind up being a maximum you could draw in your lifetime, or if you had enough income, you would have to stop drawing and pay into the system instead. Fortunately, those were not my headaches! Was it fair? That is an argument that many have had, and the government so far had decided yes, it was, for there have been millionaires and billionaires drawing Social Security throughout my entire life. If you had paid in, you could draw out as long as you were over 65 or not disabled, no matter how young you looked and felt. So far, only Deb, Trish, and Maryanne qualified.
We set up our finances as a commune, with any of the members able to draw out up to $400 in a day, and larger payouts required three signatures of the members. The bank manager didn’t bat an eye, acted as though this were all completely normal having a guy with seven women opening interconnected accounts.
The neighbors, too, were acting like everything was perfectly usual, like what should probably look like something illegal was happening in our house with so many women there. Nope. Not at all. Just as with the youthening, everyone acted like it was normal and natural, even though no one else lived like this. Well, not outside of Utah, and I’m fairly certain that the resemblance ended at one guy with multiple women; I can’t imagine any Fundamentalist Mormons participating in family activities like ours. On the other hand, I was currently only legally married to one of the women in the house, though I had been married to another years before, but we were now divorced. As far as I know, there aren’t any laws about how many baby-mamas a guy could have, or how many women he could have sex with at a given time. Or how many could have sex together, for that matter. But the fact that no one, and I mean no one, was even raising an eyebrow, that was strange. It was like the social norms just didn’t apply to us, somehow. It seemed like ti everyone else, whatever we did was normal, and not even worth commenting on.
Sera and Trish were our task leaders on house hunting. They found a real estate agent that had a reputation for finding special homes, and she was suitably impressed with the specialness of our requirements. She put together a list of properties to look at, but Sera and Trish dismissed many of them out of hand -- they were sets of duplexes or small apartment complexes, and those were just too divided, separating the family into separate units. The agent found an old summer camp that was closer to what we wanted -- the land was good, there was a pool and even a bathhouse, and cabins which could be converted, but it just wasn’t right.
They finally found a white elephant of a house that had been on the market for over three years that was perfect. It was on the edge of the city limits, and had been built by a couple with a large family with lots of kids, and their two sets of in-law parents. The main kitchen was massive and there were two smaller kitchenettes, ten bathrooms, a huge great room, and a huge game room that we could convert into a giant bedroom for us. The adults, I mean. There were bedrooms aplenty for the coming children, with nearby rooms for adults to keep an eye on the kids. It had a lot of surrounding land, a barn, and a swimming pool. It could not have been more perfect.
It wasn’t a mansion, and it wasn’t priced like one -- it had been built for a very large middle class family -- those who were looking for premium homes filled with marble and the finest furnishings were not interested. It was far too specialized, and real estate agents were just about ready to tear their hair out in trying to turn it over. The price had been lowered several times. We were a godsend for them! As it was, it was going to be a bit big for all of us, but we were expecting at least a couple of additional family members.
We put in an offer which was gratefully, almost desperately, accepted, and we started making plans for everyone to move in as soon as we closed the deal. Again, in arranging the financing, no one batted an eye or raised an eyebrow at the unconventional financial arrangements. Really, we thought someone somewhere should at least say “Huh?!”, but it was all smiles, handshakes and congratulations. Nope, it got handled like any other home purchase, even with a lot of names on the paperwork and title.
Deb joked that we could probably have an orgy on the front lawn and no one would object, or even be surprised or pay any attention. While one of the ladies thought that was kind of a turn-on, no one felt quite that comfortable, or really wanted to test the theory. And Sera said she thought no one noticing would be a real let-down and kind of killed the fantasy for her.
At this point, I was starting to think seriously about buying stock in Nabisco as there was a lot of morning sickness happening. Fortunately, perhaps even suspiciously, it was only for a brief period for each of the ladies. Again, things seemed so ... easy. Incredibly easy. I kept recalling a scene in a popular movie from a decade back in which a character who was part of a plot to use humanity as a power source said that they had tried to make humanity’s world a paradise, but the humans rejected it as being too perfect.
I wondered if I’d stumbled into such a movie, but I was certainly not ready to reject what was happening in my world! I might wonder, but I was damn sure going to enjoy it! And who enjoys a bunch of women throwing up?
It turns out, pregnancy can make some women very horny, with all the hormonal changes. It was beginning to look like all my ladies had this ... blessing. Their normally high sex drive kicked up a notch as they began to show the slightest beginnings of bumps. It was impressive. Fortunately, the ladies were very happy to help each other out. It was like seeing the other women showing the signs of pregnancy excited them sexually as well. There was a lot of touching and stroking and caressing and comparing.
Ellie got home from grad school, finally, and she was showing the most, such as it was. This was something that we discovered by comparison later, as the moment she arrived, she and I went directly to the bedroom, locked everyone else out, and ignored the pouting sounds the others made when they couldn’t get in. We got her undressed so fast that we may have torn her clothes, but neither of us noticed or cared. I had my baby back, naked against me, and kissing me like she was as starved for me as I was for her. Frankly, it lost of what happened in the next few minutes was, and still is, a blur.
We were all over each other like teenagers with an urgency that absolutely could not be denied.
At some point, she literally shoved me backwards onto the bed and straddled me, sinking her absolutely profoundly wet pussy onto my cock in one smooth stroke. She cried out “Yes!” and paused, holding me down, and savoring having my real cock in her rather than the ghost she’d been feeling for the last few weeks. I was doing some serious savoring myself! God, to have her actually here was ... like a chorus of angels should have been singing!
After that moment, we both began moving together, synchronized perfectly, each moving exactly right together, no pauses or doubts, neither directing the other, it was all just right. Perfection. Glorious perfection. It was like we were one person with two bodies. The feelings were indescribable -- I felt what she felt and she felt what I felt and it all felt so, so ... amazing, rapturous, there just aren’t words! The connection we shared was instantaneous and powerful.
We felt each other’s climaxes approaching, and each pulled the other into synchrony, and we... “climax” is I guess the best word, because “came” just isn’t strong enough. I had felt her orgasms before, but they were like, on my skin, like she and I were having sex together. This was mind-blowing. We felt each other cum, and the two were like exponential in power. Like we multiplied the joy and pleasure for each other. And those pale weak words just don’t do the experience justice.
“Ho-leee fuck!” Ellie said, as we cuddled and caught our breath.
“Not to be cute, but I think that was,” I said. “I ... have never felt anything like that!” Then, “Well, I mean our first ... but that was so ... uhm...”
“I know,” she said. “You were so drugged on all that stuff Mom gave you, your pupils were the size of dinner plates, and I was pretty doped on what came out of you because of it, but this was ... not like that.”
“No, this was much more, um, intimate and close.” I looked at her, and said, “Honey, how are you? I am so happy to have you home my heart could break! I have missed you so!”
“Me, too, Daddy!” she smiled. She then gave me the most undaughterly kiss ever, eyes open until the last second, closing as her lips came in, with pure love and sex.
As her lips touched mine, my cock jumped inside her and we began moving together slowly again. This time, we took our time, moving slowly, focused on the feelings and sensations. We both felt each other’s sensations. I felt what it was like to have a pussy filled, and she felt what it was like to thrust a cock inside one, while simultaneously feeling our normal body parts. It was... amazing, even more amazing than what had happened moments before.
Some kind of psychic wall between us had collapsed. I suppose that the wall had been weakened starting with Deb’s enema concoction a month and a bit before, the stuff that Ellie had been referring to when she said my pupils had been the size of dinner plates. That bit of overkill was designed to overcome my objections to impregnating my step-daughter. It had worked, but had side-effects, connecting the two of us on some deep level that I’d never heard of or imagined. She and I had started to feel each other during sex or masturbation sessions though separated by states. We’d started to feel other things, like smiles or concerns as well. Whatever people have that keeps them from feeling people around them or close to them emotionally was damaged or destroyed between the two of us. I would later hope there was nothing else that could come down, otherwise we would wind up being one person in two bodies!
But at that moment, it was beyond anything either of us had ever imagined. I cupped her breasts as we moved, and she gasped and smiled as I tweaked her nipples as I had felt she wanted, I felt the pleasure arc from her nipples to her clit, and she felt my answering thrill as her pussy rippled around my cock. I felt her like that feeling, and felt her grip my shaft harder as she slid down it. Her incredible brown eyes smiled into mine, and I moved my hands to her back, and drew her body down on mine. We kissed again, eyes open, need and love and pleasure in them and each other. We each drew apart, arching our backs as orgasm approached like an avalanche sweeping down on us. We each screamed in joy, the same cry, the same note, as energy flew out of and into, and rolled out from our joining like a wave from a giant meteor strike into the ocean. We were both swept away with it.
We came to in each other’s arms, still connected. If she hadn’t already been pregnant, we felt she would have been after that. There was a pounding at the door, and it opened so that Deb and Linda could enter in a rush. Behind them stood the rest of the ladies peering in.
“What the fuck was that?” asked Deb, obviously partly concerned, but there were other emotions chasing themselves across her face. “Are you okay?”
I looked at Ellie, and she answered, “Well, we think so.” I nodded. She continued, “Mom, whatever you did to us has gotten ... stronger. We’re feeling ... together ... not just each other, but together.”
“We, ah, couldn’t wait when she got home,” I said, wondering if that was a concern. “We, um, had to ... celebrate her homecoming together immediately. You know. It ... things have changed. Whatever started the night we first ... well, it keeps getting stronger.”
“Us yelling was us cumming. It was scary strong,” said Ellie. We were still holding each other tenderly, still connected, like each was the most precious thing in the world.
Deb answered, “We had that part figured out, dear. It was the other thing, the ... thing ... that happened. It was, kind of contagious. We all came when you did.”
“We were all doing other things, like, Sera and I were in the hot tub, and it suddenly started to feel like we were having sex, no ... making love. Not with each other, I mean, just like, it was just happening. And then...” said Maryanne.
“Mmm-hmmn!” nodded Jen, who was very damp down her entire front, nipples to toes.
Linda walked to us and kissed us both. “Wow,” was all she said, impressed.
“That was the ... well, ‘wierdest’ is the word I was going to use, but, maybe ‘most amazing thing’ is more polite!” said Trish from the doorway behind Jen.
“Trish!” exclaimed Ellie. “Wow, you are looking good! Last I saw you, you were feeling pretty sick. I felt Daddy make love to you last night! I about had a wreck! I had to pull over at a rest stop for the duration!”
“Uh... ?” said Trish.
“It’s a long story,” said Linda. “Let’s go have a cup of coffee, and I’ll explain,” she said, leading Trish away from the door, towards the kitchen. Jen smiled at us, then followed, probably to make and/or serve the coffee. She did enjoy serving the cream! Most of the others took the hint and left as well.
Deb, however, sat down on the bed next to Ellie and I.
“Deb, if this wasn’t the most mind-blowingly wonderful, joyous, and above all loving experience of my life, and you know damn well how much that is saying, I would be terrified. What the fuck is happening to us?”
“I don’t know. I wonder ... you said you made that wish, right?”
“Yes, go on... ?”
“Well, it seemed to hit Linda and I hardest first, and we focused so much on Ellie as the answer to our baby-need. Maybe ... maybe we all put so much focus on her that it changed the wish somehow? Like, maybe the family, the wish, the drugs, and maybe the two of you bonding like that ... well, I don’t know. It sort of feels like maybe we did something to the wish? I mean, I have no idea who we could ask about it. I’m pretty sure your little girl will be the center of the family once she’s born, though.”
“Uh, little girl... ?” I asked.
“I did say that, didn’t I? I have no idea why. It should be too early to know.”
“It feels right, though, Mommy,” said Ellie, with a smile and a palm to her belly. “And she seems to like the love and sex. She wants us close.” She said this to me.
I simply couldn’t doubt it. It wasn’t possible, but nothing that had happened since Halloween was possible.
The doorbell rang. “Oh, shit,” I said. “We’re not expecting any deliveries today, are we?”
Mother and daughter shook their heads.
“I have this feeling...” I said.
I pulled on my robe, conscious that I reeked of sex, and that there were an awful lot of naked women in the house that I really couldn’t hide.
I went to the door, and peeped through the hole. I sighed. It was an ex, and we hadn’t parted on the best of terms.
I opened the door, but only partway. “Hi, Janice! I wasn’t expecting to see you! I sent you a letter a couple of years ago. Did you get it?”
“Hello, Dave. Yes. I got it.”
Janice was looking like she did when we had started dating, twenty-five years before. She was not looking happy to see me. “What can I do for you?” I asked, dreading the answer.
“Can I come in? I need to talk with you.”
“Well, it isn’t really a good time...” I started.
“Look. This is important. I need to talk to you now.”
“Um, there’s a lot going on here, right now...” I tried again.
“Dave, this is important. I don’t care if you’ve got a woman in there. She’ll have to understand. I won’t be too bitchy, I promise.”
Well, this would be interesting... “Uh, okay. It’s more than a woman, though...” I opened the door wider and she stalked in, and stopped in her tracks as she saw four naked women looking at her. I closed the door.
“Janice, this is Linda, my wife, Seraphina and Trish, and this is Jen.” Deb and Ellie walked out of the bedroom, Ellie still dabbing at her crotch with a towel. “And this is Ellie and Debra. Where is Maryanne?”
She’s in the bathroom. She’ll be out in a moment.” said Linda.
“This is Janice, ladies,” I said. “We had a relationship quite a while back.”
There was an assortment of “Hi”s and “Hello”s and Linda asked “Can we get you something to drink? A glass of wine, perhaps?”
“Uh, thank you, that would be lovely,” said Janice, looking a bit taken aback. She looked at me and said, “Look, I thought you were good, but this... !”
Jen nodded at Linda and went to get a glass of white for our guest.
“‘Not a good time’...” said Janice. “Well, I walked into this one, didn’t I?”
“Let’s sit down at the dining room table,” I said. “Deb, Linda?”
Maryanne came out of the bathroom and looked startled. I introduced her to Janice, who said, “I am definitely feeling overdressed.”
A couple of the ladies turned the sofa around, and Janice looked alarmed that there would be an audience. A naked audience of women. Folks took seats and made themselves comfortable. Janice sat down on my right, and Linda and Deb were on my right, and I was at the end of the table. Jen sat a the other end, and Ellie sat next to Janice, next to Jen. The focus went to Janice, and I asked, “So, what’s up?”
Janice was flushed red with embarrassment. “I ... um ... wasn’t expecting this ... may In ask what’s going on here?”
I smiled. “We may get to that, later.”
Deb and Linda’s faces didn’t change, but I could feel the change in their attitude. They knew this may be someone who might be less than friendly. I felt Ellie’s face harden.
“I got your letter,” Janice said. “I ... wasn’t ready to forgive you for being a jerk when we dated.”
I turned to explain to the audience, “I was young and dumb when Janice and I dated. I was very immature, and made a decision that wound up hurting us both. And as time went on, it took me time to find my way into what wisdom I have acquired. When I had to break up with the woman I was with before Deb, Janice found someone who confirmed all of her poorer opinions of me. You’ll notice that she hasn’t shown up, and I am quite certain that she won’t. She thoroughly killed any of love I ever had for her. I sent a letter to Janice a few years ago apologizing for my poor choices when I was with her. As I said, I was young and dumb, and I could have and should have had much more respect for Janice and treated her with far more care in all our time together. I am sorry about it.”
“Yes, well ... I’ve had a couple of years to think about it, and I’m ready to forgive you.”
“I’m very glad to hear that! I have felt very guilty about some of my choices for years. I would have made some different choices had I been older and wiser. On the other hand, I would have missed out on the loves of my life.”
Deb, Linda, and Ellie smiled at those last words.
“And you would have missed out on years of happiness with Bob.” I turned to explain, “Bob married her after we broke up, and from what I hear, they’ve been happy for years.” I turned back to Janice. “You are looking well. Life and Bob must have been treating you well!”
“I’m 80 years old, and you know it. I haven’t looked this good since before we met! And Deb has to be getting closer to my age, so she’s doing pretty damn well, herself! And you! You should be in your mid-50s, not looking like you’re a very healthy 25!”
“You’ve met Deb?”
“A couple of times years and years ago, and she didn’t look this young then! What is going on, here?”
I sighed. “It’s a long story, Janice. Longer than I really want to tell, at this point. Look, we didn’t part on the best of terms, and you kind of burned the bridges years ago. What do you really want?”
“A baby. Your baby, damn it!” Janice almost snarled.
“What? I thought you’d had a hysterectomy long before we ever met!”
“I did, damn it! If I could have had one with you way back when, I would have! But ... things have changed ... inside me. I’m ... having periods again. And Bob can’t seem to ... cope ... with me anymore.”
“Got your sex drive back, huh?”
“Janice had the highest sex drive of any woman I’d ever met when we dated. One man would never be enough to satisfy her. She kept several men on the line at any one time. She’d go out ‘hunting’ at bars at night ... it was impressive,” I explained to the rest of the room.
“Looks like you followed my example!” she said.
“I can see why you might think so, but this ... is a recent development, and I didn’t go looking.”
“They need to have your babies, too, don’t they?”
“It seems so.”
“Look, I ... just need ... this from you. I don’t want to join a harem, and while I may forgive you, I haven’t forgotten you ditched me to go back to your ex! And then put me in the ‘friend zone’ for years when I wouldn’t narrow myself down to just one man -- you!”
I looked at her. “I understand. I wouldn’t ask you to forget anything.” I considered a moment. “I don’t know. This is more than just my decision. This, Janice, is a family. Each of these women is going to be a mother to my children. We consider things that affect the family together. We’re going to have to talk about this, together, for a while. Give me your number, and I will call you, or just text you if you’d prefer, with our decision.”
For the first time, Janice looked frightened. Her face paled, and then her eyes flashed with wounded pride.
“Look,” I said, “I never stopped loving you. I just couldn’t live with you. You were always a loose cannon. I’ve loved you as a friend, for who you are, and as a lover, and had things gone just a bit differently, I probably would have married you and made both of us unhappy for years until you finally left me, or vice versa. Let me talk with my family about this. They understand where you are more than you know.”
Janice stared at me a minute, and then nodded. She looked at the other ladies with measurement of their character in her eyes. She jotted down her number and slid it over to me. As she did, she muttered, “I can’t even fuck anyone else, because it has to be your baby, damn it! This is driving me mad!”
She left, and the door closed behind her. Loudly, but not a slam.
“Well, that was interesting!” said Ellie. “You’re sad, Daddy. You love her, but she’s too bitter and angry, isn’t she?”
I nodded. “She has ... cause. I both messed up with her and probably saved both our lives. I was too much of a naive and stupid romantic back then, and I hurt her deeply in going back to Teri. And when Teri and I divorced, I didn’t fall into Janice’s arms and pledge my undying love to her, because of Teri leaving me for another man. And when she got together with Belle after Belle and I broke up, well, Belle was very angry that I had left her because she was abusive and paranoiacally possessive, and they got together, compared wounds, and decided I was the antiChrist. But we did love each other quite deeply, Janice and I, for a while, and I love her still, years later. Not as a wife or potential mother of my children! But for who she was, and who she is under the bitterness.” I paused, and reflected, “She was never the mothering type. I have no idea how she’d cope with a baby or a child. Not well, I suspect.”
“Hmm,” was the response I got from the ladies, with a lot of looks exchanged between them.
“If she doesn’t have his baby, it will drive her crazy,” said Ellie to the group. “On the other hand, it bothers me that she might not be a good mother to that baby. I don’t like her very much,” she admitted.
Deb said, “I met her years ago, as she said, and I didn’t care much for her then, either. She was very ambitious and control-oriented, and sucked up to those above her in the hierarchy and was cold to those below her.”
“She is ... um, pragmatic. She was pretty logic and reason-oriented when we dated. She didn’t have a lot of women friends, but got along really well with guys, even those she wasn’t interested in sleeping with. Women didn’t seem to like her much. They could work with and associate with her, they just weren’t exactly ‘friendly’. There was a lot of eye-rolling when women discussed her, if you know what I mean.”
There was another general “Hmmm.”
“She won’t be a good fit, here,” said Linda, looking at Deb.
Ellie spoke up, “Maybe ... something on an extended basis? Sort of at-a-distance? I mean, maybe, if she just has to have the baby, maybe we could care for him or her? Raise the baby if she she’s not really maternal?”
“Is it limited to one baby, or will we need to have more afterwards?” asked Sera.
“A very good question,” said Deb. “One we won’t know the answer to for about a year, I expect.”
“Oh, God!” I said without meaning to. The thought of all these women having baby after baby for years was daunting.
“What do you want to do about Janice?” asked Deb, refocusing the conversation.
“Thanks,” I said, and meant it. “I do not want her to be hurt. From what you’ve told me, the need is enough to drive someone crazy. On the other hand, I want the baby to have the best loving care possible. Now, having said that, I don’t know how she’d fit in here. She been ... hard on groups she’s been in. She is independent-minded, which I like, but we disagree on some important things. She is also likely to want to have a lot of sex with a lot of different guys. She’ll want to have several who are specifically devoted to her. At least, that is what she insisted on years ago. I can’t imagine she would have changed.”
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October 11th, 1993 "So, Carter." Lynn looks up at me from the breakfast table in the penthouse suite of the Sand-Dune. "Claudio will arrive about noon. What will you tell him?" I smile and look out the window at Vegas. "Thank you very much, Claudio ... all that jazz." I close one eye from the morning glare and think about something else for a minute. "And ... don't ever come back here or I'll take an apple corer to your eye sockets." Lynn winces. "Is that wise?" "I don't...
They let me finish my cigarette and glass of wine which I appreciated very much. I sat very still on the bed smoking and sipping the wine while they watched me intently. A few minutes earlier when he locked the motel room door and I heard the lock click, I felt just a little fear, but that now gave way to excitement. The guys remaining in the room of this cheap, motel had seen me perform for about an hour. They saw what I could do, what I could take and what I had to offer. So, I did not think...
CrossdressingHelo "insert name hear" welcome to hypnosis high school whare you lirn all you need for the world and evry student can freely control the minds of thaor fellow students and even the teachers any form of mind control is alowed and you can make them do anything lets say agesnt all odds you have control of a whole class you can have them become your loyal cult or just make them compleat morons the intire town is under the control of the princible who in his old age wants to make a new genoration...
Mind ControlEine weitere Story aus der Feder meines Freundes - dies mal aus der anderen Perspektive des Cuckoldings. Ebenfalls frei erfunden und auf Englisch.---So the thing is that I actually never really cared much for other men. I was happy in the relationship I was in so I never understood the concept of cheating. So I never did. Having a history of checking my husbands browser history, looking for the porn he'd watched however, I stumbled across something called cuckold porn. The strange thing was...
On rare occasions, one of us slave girls might be rented out for a night at a location other than the club, presumably at some significant expense to the client. This was primarily done for clients who could not risk accidental discovery at the club - men, or women, whose political, business, or other connections would not permit them to be seen indulging in the soft, captive flesh of girls such as I. As a new slave girl I had understandably few of these appointments, but as the months wore...
Join the CHYOA Fan Server and discuss this story and many more with the community: If you want to support me and my work, please check out my Patreon: This is the first and last chapter out of context. Here the premise will be explained, and all characters you may choose from are listed, each with a reference picture and a description! Premise: A new website by the name On it users may buy and sell anal fuck...
FetishChance took a moment or two to calm himself before trying to talk to his fiance. He was still shaky from Cari's ball-draining performance. Then he began to talk. Apparently taking a cue from the sound of his voice, Cari slipped from the bed and went trotting off into the bathroom. He was grateful for the privacy. He was also grateful for the fact Tanya's call was merely a "good morning" call, nothing important, except that she was double-checking on the time he was to pick her up that...
The remainder of the day was spent exploring a small trail around the camp and basking in the pool. It must have done the trick, because the kids made no fuss about going to bed at 8:30. Unfortunately, my wife was also ready for sleep at that time. I was a little sad, as I thought it would be nice to hang out a little by the fire. I told my wife I would be in shortly, after I put out the fire. With that, she retired in to the tent and commenced ready a story to the kids. When I came in...
IN late 2007 while living in South Carolina, I had begun talking with a girl named Laney. Now from what I had seen of here online she had a cute smile and inviting brown eyes. We never met in person until one night I bumped into her at a bar while I was with my ex-wife. When I saw her, I recognized the face but she definitely had put on quite a large amount of weight. We talked for a few minutes and we went along our merry ways.Fast forward a few years to 2010. I am going through a divorce...
This is the first story I write so please provide honest feedback as I'm looking to improve, I hope you enjoy!My name is Marc, I'm 38 years old and been married to my wife for 12 years but been together for 21 years. She is the love of my life and the only women I've ever been with, we met in high school and it took all the courage I could muster to ask this beautiful girl out. On our first date, I knew I would spend the rest of my life with her. It took 9 years to get married as we both went...
IncestThe Hazing Experience- Part 2 Life is simple. Simplicity hidden in complexity. Everything made of tiny particles with rules that govern their actions and reactions. Understand the rules to understand the past, present and future. That's not to say some chance and luck aren't present but it is an often overlooked recipe for making a God. Chapter 1 - Nick It was hard to avoid being noticed as Psi Members were positioned everywhere. I was sure they had cameras and microphones...
‘Don’t resist. Don’t talk.’ I had just pounced on her, wrapping one arm and one leg over her, pressing my hard cock against her thigh, and gripping her against my chest as she tensed up at my words. I wait to see what she does. She says nothing and does not resist. I feel her relax. I am a predator and she is prey. On a scale of one to ten, my predatory urge is at level ten. If she resists, my conscious will would contest my urge, and it would win. I am not a monster, but she doesn’t know me...
We were at Young Life camp when the youth pastor caught us. Mindy and I had been flirting for weeks. We were the ones who snuck off to the woods to smoke when the others were off doing their little brainwash activities. She was really developed. Every chance she got she was leaning into me, brushing her tits against me. Finally on one of our excursions, having lit our Camels, I got up the nerve and kissed her. She kissed back like she had been waiting for it. Unfortunately, we had...
LesbianTrish - The Submissive Stranger - The Prelude by Lewis Chappelle (Authors note: This story was inspired by the song ?Treat Me like A Stranger?) 'Treat Me Like A Stranger' By Michael Bonogura and Peter McCann Copyright 1990 Popularized by Baillie and The Boys Sometimes I get worried, If you'll get tired of me. I hope I'm still the lover, That you want me to be. You're the one I fell in love with, And we're still the best of friends. We haven't changed a bit, all the pieces fit, But...
Say thanks to Pepere An old lady went into a bar in Dallas, TX and saw a cowboy with his feet propped upon a table. He had the biggest boots she’d ever seen. The old woman asked the man if it’s true what they say about men with big feet being well endowed. The man grinned and said, ‘Sure is, little lady. Why don’t you come to my apartment and let me prove it to you?’ The old woman considered she might never get an offer like this again and was curious to find out for herself, so she spent...
The following your about to read is a real and true sexual encounter my wife and I had. We both hope you enjoy it. Rick n Jeannie. Well Used Later that night I asked my wife what she thought of Casey her reply was you want to watch him fuck me well maybe. The next day Casey came by while Jeannie was gone. The conversation started about him fucking my wife. I told him I positive he would be fucking her very soon and then showed him some naughty pics of Jeannie. Casey...
Darlene stepped around the front bumper and gave me a hug as she whispered "Did I mention that this is an all-woman survival commune?" in my ear."You forgot to share that little detail with me. What the fuck are we going to do now?" I whispered back.Darlene was like that. She tended to skimp on the details and fill the void with trivia or useless information. Darleen held my hand as we broke from our embrace, and spoke to the assembled women on the porch. "I would like you to meet my lover,...
Fantasy & Sci-FiI will never forget that fateful day; it was my first year in junior highschool, and I discovered a lot that year; not only about friends, but myfamily and myself, as well! My name is Daniel; I just turned 18 and I livewith my parents and two older brothers, Todd and David, in a small town inNew England.It so happened that swim practice had been canceled, so I got home earlierthan expected. I knew Mom and Dad wouldn't be there, and both my brotherswould be out with some friends, or still at...
es, I was more than just upset. Fuming would be a good word. Why? Well because we were in Las Vegas, on our second day of a two week trip, and my husband had already lost close to five hundred dollars. And the asshole went back this afternoon to try to win it back! I did check on him, after about an hour or so, and he had already added another hundred to the total. In the negative! So yes, I was beside myself with anger, wanting some sort of release. I was sitting by the pool in the late...
Dan had a trial in the morning. He had to figure out how to defend some stupid kid who broke into an old woman’s apartment and then got conked over the head with a frying pan. But it might as well have been him on trial, sitting in that chair next to the judge, trying to explain to his wife and three sons how he violated the same rules he had imposed on them. Dan tilted his head back and rubbed his eyes. It was late, past two in the morning. The rest of the house was asleep and he was alone...
First Timefeel compelled to start with a warning. If you've read my stuff before, you've probably noticed the frequent apologies for long wait times between chapters due to medical school. I haven't actually used much of that experience in my writing up until this story. It is also based on my time volunteering in a field hospital (though not one as extreme as this one). As such please be aware that this story will touch on some pretty tragic and traumatic topics that will not be comfortable for all...
Introduction: part 2 of my favourite story First of all thanks to everyone out there who like my stories, it means a lot that ppl are out there that have the same fantasies as me. I always thought I was just sick or something. So I seriously appreciate it. It had been 2 weeks since I had my first really truly fantastic orgasm, it was forced on me by the dirty old resident hobo, the bearded scraggly old man had ambushed me on my way to the park and molested and groped me until I came into his...
THE DAYS WERE A BLUR of confusion and if not for Kate and Bree, I wouldn’t be able to remember any of it. Police. Doctors. Reporters. Some of this probably isn’t in the right order, but it’s what I remember. Neither Kate nor I left Wendy. Bree slipped in and out to get us food and fresh clothes. Word spread that I was the one who called 911 and alerted the camp before the explosion and they cut me a little slack. I think they admitted me instead of treating and releasing so I could stay. I...
'That's the best needle you'll ever get, you fuckin' slut.'He pulled his jeans up and looked down at her as she struggled to untie the knot her panties were getting into around her cheap and glorious fuck me stilettos.She looked up at him and stared. She did not hate them anymore, but she did not like them either. It was pure economics. She immunised herself with heroine, but she always needed more. d**gs, like sex: you always need more. That was why she was kneeling in One Lamp Alley playing...
The next day I drove the short distance to Harpers Ferry, West Virginia. That’s my primary destination for the first leg of my trip. I’ve always wanted to visit there. It’s in that scenic, historic little town that my life would take a strange turn. I checked into an RV park just outside of town and got the RV set up on a pleasant site with no problems. I spent the next two days exploring the town and taking pictures. Before leaving town on the morning of the third day I got up very early,...
It started on a stormy night, the lightening brightening the sky, the thunder rolling across the hills; she turns to look in her empty bed and wonders why, why does he stay away Seductive Nights It started on a stormy night, the lightening brightening the sky, the thunder rolling across the hills; she turns to look in her empty bed and wonders why, why does he stay away. Crossing her arms across her breasts she moves away from the window and back to the middle of the room. She...
A Favor for Dorinebyromanticwench©Okay. I have no excuses. I won’t even try to defend myself. But I don’t really feel I have to either.I’m just an average manager at a music store. I’m in my early twenties and not all that bad looking of a guy. I can’t be, and have the girls chase after me. Maybe they just want a free CD, I don’t know.My life was going fine. No serious relationships, although a lot of fun ones. Job was going great, I was Mr. Popularity down at the shop. Everyone that worked for...
Hi folks. Hand shake for boys and boobs shake for girls. This time I’m going to narrate another fictional story. This is actually a sex chat conversation between me and one of the female reader (Kriti, name changed of course for obvious reasons) of my stories. The other day we were chatting on kik about sex. After introducing ourselves, we decided to sex chat. She liked beach sex a lot and she was sounding very romantic. Alright lets go straight into the sex chat. It is very romantic if you...
My name’s Angela. I’m a slut and a swinger and I make no apologies for it. I’ve read many stories on the ‘net about Cap d’Agde Naturiste Village and have enjoyed them. Not because they were funny or outrageous but because they were so very similar to my first trip. A strong feeling of deja vu! As I said at the top – I’m a slut and a swinger. It’s a situation that suits both my husband and myself. Not that he’s a swinger, as far as I know....
This all started a couple years ago. Lauren was someone I've known and love photographing for. Sometimes I ask her to pose for me, other times she has asked me to photograph her. We have had this relationship since she was 16. Lauren is now almost 20 and so full of life. She's a joy to be around. She's the type of person who lights up a room and puts a smile to your face without having to say a word. During one such photographing session I mentioned I was leaving on another one of my trips. She...
VO EK DIN I am huma at your service. Thanks for your comments on my previous stories. This the story of a close friend of mine named Sudha. I hope you like it. You may email me oyur comments if youlike it at Mera naam Sudha hai, umar 24 saal, rang sanwla, kad 5 feet 5 inch, sharir bhara hua, aur bal lambe kale. Main dikhne mein sunder hoon. Mere boobs kafi bade hai, pet patla, kamar patli aur gaand badi hi gadrayi hui. Main apne maa baap ki eklauti ladki hoon aur kuchh hi dino mein meri shadi...
My First TimeSnuggling close to you, your arms pull me closer, even in your sleep. I kiss your lips softly, smiling to myself. My heart, mind, and soul are full of you. I'm happier than I've ever been, more content. All is right and wonderful in my world.I lay next to you, thinking of the things we have shared, everything that you have done for me, taken and made the time to do. Images from the video you sent last week linger in mind and I am instantly filled with desire. I try to settle and...
Introduction: its going to be a series about a teenager who gets superpowers. im sure you can guess what he does with them. so i am a girl but i wanted to try writing from a male perspective, that said our main character here, Joseph, will be going through some pretty major bodily changes so dony worry about that. next, most chapters will be longer than this, im expecting it to be a long~ish series but well see. my first real upload. wish me luck. 1 In 1975 ww3 started. The whole world got a...
Hello geleyare, Naanu nanna kaledu hoda dinagalannu savistaravagi rasabharithvagi vivarisalu bandiddene. Na hela horatiro kathe nadedaddu 2006 year nalli. Jagala saligege hogi, salige preethige thirugi, prethi karune ella konege kama thruptige koneyada katheya heluthiruve. ge nimma abhipraya thilisi. Edu nanna jivanadalli nadeda sathya kathe edannu nimma munde ondu conversation thara helthini , maja eruthe, kanditha nimge leak aguthe ☺. Nanna hesru shivu , maneli elru nanna hage karithare,...
Mera nam rohit hai mai m.P. Ke satna city ka rahne wala hu aur mai b.Com final year ka student hu ek din jab mai computer chala raha tha toh mai ye sex story padhi toh maine bhi socha ki ku na mai bhi apne saath hua kuch aap logo se share karu toh mai story par aata hu ye story meri maa rajni ki meri mare frend anil aur uski maa kavita ki hai meri maa ki umar year ki hai par unko dekh kar koi nahi kah sakta ki unki age 35 se aadhik ki hogi wo dekhne mai khub gori hai ek din mai jab ghar se...
I glanced around at the stream before heading into the burning forest. I knew the fire would not burn to long with all the moisture but we needed to get further away from the colony. The animals might or might not respond to the fire this time but the Cariss sure would. I started a long circle back to the south and glanced at the scout, “Stay behind me. If I stop, you stop.” She opened her mouth but I was already moving again. I moved through the brush as quietly as I could. The scout on the...
Hi, I am Sami 25 years old at that time. I was attending my maternal cousin’s wedding with one of my friend. Champa was a divorced maid about my age not very beautiful but with a voluptuous chubby body. I caught her pressing own boobs while watching a sexy movie. I told Rabi about it.I asked her few question and wanted to know where she slept at night. She told me about the store room where I invaded her later. Now you know the rest of the story. When I realised Robi was sleeping I slowly got...
The feisty little elf ran into the rear office shouting, "The cookies are burning. The cookies are burning. What should I do, Mama Kringle?" Martha Kringle looked up from the stacks of invoices and bills on the jumbled desktop and followed the excited full bearded adult elf who was still hopping up and down like he was on fire himself. She grabbed the oven gloves and pulled the obviously well-done chocolate chip cookies from the double oven. "Bennie, you saved the day. They are still...
Inspired by my story And the later rebooted Welcome to the Mixed wrestling league. It is a wrestling league where fights are run by the traditional pin fall or sexual battle. First one who cums loses, or sometime it is last person standing. First one to pass out loses. There a couple of belts. The mixed belt champ, The Tag team mixed belt champ, The woman’s belt champ and the tag team women’s...
FetishJustice Nelson began fiddling with the course selected by Merlin almost immediately. They were small changes, but as soon as one was entered and took effect, she made another. Merlin: 'Jay, aren't we going to be awfully close to the sun. Well inside normal military parameters.' Jay: 'Do you consider the pinnace to be a USN ship, Merlin? Or are we half of the space navy of Yerowl, now?' Merlin: 'I think that is a distinction without a difference. You and Robertson are USN personnel; I...
© Copyright 2013, by Leslie P. Lowe. All rights reserved. [email protected] Caught in A Good Romance, 5 of 10 By Leslie Lowe Chapter 5 Early the next morning, I dressed in jeans, tennies and a white polo shirt and arrived at the marina on time, having no trouble finding Lance's boat. After I announced who I was to several buff guys standing on the deck, they invited me to jump aboard, which I tried to do, almost falling in before one of them caught me by the hand and...
Hello mere pyare dosto, kese ho aap? aap sab logo ko mera pyar bhara salam. mera nam raj he or me aap sab logo ko mery pehly story “manju ne devar ko choda” read karne ke liye or mery pe coments bhajne ke liye me aap sabko mera pyar bhara salam karta hu. pehli story ke bad muje kafi sari ladkiyo ke mail aye or kafi sare logo ne koments bhi diye.agar koi bhi mujse freandship karna chahti he to muje mail kare .ab me mery dusry ghatana apke sath sheir karna chahta hu.huva yu ki…. Pehle din mery...
she nibbled on my ear then slowly moved on to kissing me down my neck and chest. she loved my chest hair and ran her fingers through it as she passed by down to my abs. she kept kissing my body until she got to my lower stomach and needed to stop to pull down my sleeping pants. she grabbed the waist of my pants and boxers and pulled them down as I lifted my hips to help the process. now completely naked I just laid my head back against the pillow and enjoyed the feel of my skin against the soft...
“You’re staring again,” my best friend Casey whispered, elbowing me in the ribs.I grunted and gave her a sideways look. “I am not. I’m thinking. You know I space out and look like I’m staring when I’m thinking.” We were at the campus library after classes doing homework and I was thinking about quadrilaterals.“Yeah, well, does Arabella know that?”Arabella Stevens was one of those girls you don’t want to be caught staring at. Everyone knew who she was and no one wanted to cross her. Rumor had it...
LesbianI suppose this story starts with the love of my life; my sweet wife, Claire. She is truly the most amazing woman I have ever met. Everybody loves Claire. And aside from being a great wife and mother to our three k**s, she also has an amazing libido- always eager to have sex. She is 34 years old, and even after having three k**s, still has rocking body. She is 5'4", has great legs, and beautiful "C" cups. We have been married for five years and have enjoyed amazing sex from day one. You would...
Sue one of the "wine" ladies in her forties invited me back to her apartment one day and raped me for 6 months (just kidding she taught me everything). Eventually Sue's job got her transferred out of state. This left me looking, the girls at school were ok, but I was spoiled by my mature lover. The one person who started to garner my attention was Mom. My mom Peggy was 54 and still looked good in a bikini, her boobs were a D-cup with a little sag, tummy with a little curve, hips with some...
My name is donny i am 19. this is the story of how i got my power. and what happend next. one day i was walking home from work i had a jod at a fast food place. it was about 10:00pm as i walked down the road. i heard something behind a bush. i walked over to the bush and as i looked down there was a small bottle it looked gold. i grabbed the bottle to pick it up when smoke started to come out of it an a man then stood right in front of me. my name is rock i am a warlord who was trapped in that...
Mind ControlWe have all seen them or at one point in our lives have been one. They are at the library, gym, office, school and super market. Maybe I have noticed them because in many ways I'm like them to a point. Any way, I have particularly noticed the female of this social order. You know the one around the office that doesn't know how to dress, keeps to her self, never gets the office joke, never wears make up and if you don't bump into her time after time you wouldn't know she was there. One day I...
Straight SexWTF!!!! Did this really happen? We stroll on the beach and as we walk by we notice a young lady tanning on her belly. As we look closer we realize that she may not have on a top or bottom and this is a public non-nude beach. Shes with a friend (lucky guy) and we had to confirm that she indeed did not have on anything. We thought she might be wearing a tiny thong because from the looks of it her pierced pussy tricked us into thinking she was wearing a tiny gstring. So we quickly found a good...
After completion of graduation all the pressure was what to do next, as I am a guy also need some break for sex and some other fantasizes with other girls so I always in a search of that , one day my girlfriend told me to join IFBI a pist graduation course and we applied for it so. My story is about how I got a love from a girl whose name is Rashi and how she achieved her satisfaction through me. Guys and gals this is my first story in iss please forgive me for my grammatical mistakes and...
Time: 8:11 AM Ricardo pulled up from his hard run and stood panting as the stared down the locked corridor. He glanced at his watch and estimated he had run eighteen kilometers in fifty-five minutes. Not his personal best but not bad, especially when he considered he was running with a fairly heavy pistol. But he felt exhausted now, and the last kilometer before he stopped he had been reduced to jogging at half his former speed. Water, he thought. He had done distance running before, but...
Just before breaking camp I spent a few minutes studying the lay of the forest to the south. The full moon was a Holy-send, a tremendous asset. I had been worrying about the bears as I slept, and had wakened regretting the necessity of leaving the rifle behind. The bears' attack had demonstrated not only coordination, but also a knowledge of how to fool a proximity detector. That was absolutely unheard of. I realized I'd have to file a detailed report on this as soon as we got to...
I'm sitting on the sofa with my friend dave and his room mate Tia.Were just all watching a horror flick.Tia is covered up in a blanked sitting between me dave. After a while I notice that Tia I scared.So I decide it's time to make a move.So I ask Tia if I can get under her blanked.Tia shakes her head yes.So as i cover my self I can feel Tia grabbing on to me arm.From that moment I knew I had her.Soon after that I start to rub her inner thigh.She giggled as if she wanted me to do more then...
This is a true story about my niece and I, we were alone living our fantasy that had been festering for years between her and I, she didn't know how to start it until one day I went to her house, because her husband was out of town on business for the week. I arrived and we are both as nervous as can be not knowing what will happen, read on...We are related as family but never lovers. This is about to change. The age difference between us is only 18 years, earlier in our lives that was a big...