An Amiss WishChapter 7 free porn video

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It was Sunday morning, and Jen was making a wonderful breakfast. Deb, Linda, and I were at the table, and talking finances. Each breakfast alone was costing us a surprising amount of money -- okay, it was actually not that surprising considering the number of people who would eat it -- the surprise was what it was doing to our budget.

The previous night was very cuddly, due to the number of bodies in the bed; even the giant Alaskan king size bed was getting cramped. Not that anyone seemed to mind over-much, it was just that there wasn’t choice in whether or not to share intimate space, it was simply going to happen if you were in the bed. This was the largest bed sold, and definitely the largest bed I’d ever slept in, and if we added anyone else, it simply wasn’t going to be big enough!

It was time for an all-hands-on-deck family meeting. “If we’re all going to live together, we’re going to have to!%++ pool our money,” I said to Deb and Linda, “because we’re going to need more space, especially with babies coming! Our utilities bill and food bills are becoming scary.”

“We’re definitely going to need a new house!” exclaimed Linda. “I love our home, but with everyone here now, all having just one baby each, our little house will burst at the seams! I grew up with brothers and sisters and one bathroom, but can you imagine fourteen or more people using two bathrooms every morning? And the children! They’ll need bedrooms! And the way things are going, it could be twenty or thirty people living with us! We have to get a new house with all this in mind! With maybe options to add on!”

“What if we put our money together?” asked Maryanne, walking in and sitting down. “I could sell my house. I don’t really want to go back there. I feel like my ... everything ... is here, with the family.”

“Maryanne,” I said, “Don’t you think you’re making that kind of decision a bit quickly? You just got here!”

“Dave, I know what I want, and I know what I need. And our child will need his or her father, not across several states, and not even across town. He or she will also need their family. All of them. Besides, I have never been as ... happy, or felt as complete as I do here with everyone. I need the family, too!”

Deb looked at me and nodded. “Everyone will feel like that. It’s part of the programming I gave everyone. Family first. Think about it, can you really imagine sending any of us away? Can you imagine going away?”

I tried. It felt a bit strange, like imagining telling someone to sing green and purple polka dots -- it was absurd, and I knew it could never come out of my mouth, or that it would be easier to fall up into the sky and hang there like a brick for me to try to leave my family. I tried harder, and found I could imagine the children growing up and moving away, but our core family, here, now, never. Of course, I thought, even Ellie being away for school was painful, but I knew she’d be back. I felt Ellie’s concern, reacting to the pain and worry she was feeling from me. I felt as if she were hugging me to comfort me. I mentally hugged her back.

“I see,” I said. “Well, we’ll need to work out a new budget, see what we can afford...”

I was a bit surprised that once we’d discussed it with everyone, everyone was on board. It felt both strange and weirdly normal that everyone happily put in whatever they had to purchase a house and land and support the household and family without even blinking. Some of us had careers, some were old enough to be drawing Social Security. I wondered if the government would eventually change the rules so that being able to draw it was based on biological age, not chronological age, what with medical advancements and so on, or if there would wind up being a maximum you could draw in your lifetime, or if you had enough income, you would have to stop drawing and pay into the system instead. Fortunately, those were not my headaches! Was it fair? That is an argument that many have had, and the government so far had decided yes, it was, for there have been millionaires and billionaires drawing Social Security throughout my entire life. If you had paid in, you could draw out as long as you were over 65 or not disabled, no matter how young you looked and felt. So far, only Deb, Trish, and Maryanne qualified.

We set up our finances as a commune, with any of the members able to draw out up to $400 in a day, and larger payouts required three signatures of the members. The bank manager didn’t bat an eye, acted as though this were all completely normal having a guy with seven women opening interconnected accounts.

The neighbors, too, were acting like everything was perfectly usual, like what should probably look like something illegal was happening in our house with so many women there. Nope. Not at all. Just as with the youthening, everyone acted like it was normal and natural, even though no one else lived like this. Well, not outside of Utah, and I’m fairly certain that the resemblance ended at one guy with multiple women; I can’t imagine any Fundamentalist Mormons participating in family activities like ours. On the other hand, I was currently only legally married to one of the women in the house, though I had been married to another years before, but we were now divorced. As far as I know, there aren’t any laws about how many baby-mamas a guy could have, or how many women he could have sex with at a given time. Or how many could have sex together, for that matter. But the fact that no one, and I mean no one, was even raising an eyebrow, that was strange. It was like the social norms just didn’t apply to us, somehow. It seemed like ti everyone else, whatever we did was normal, and not even worth commenting on.

Sera and Trish were our task leaders on house hunting. They found a real estate agent that had a reputation for finding special homes, and she was suitably impressed with the specialness of our requirements. She put together a list of properties to look at, but Sera and Trish dismissed many of them out of hand -- they were sets of duplexes or small apartment complexes, and those were just too divided, separating the family into separate units. The agent found an old summer camp that was closer to what we wanted -- the land was good, there was a pool and even a bathhouse, and cabins which could be converted, but it just wasn’t right.

They finally found a white elephant of a house that had been on the market for over three years that was perfect. It was on the edge of the city limits, and had been built by a couple with a large family with lots of kids, and their two sets of in-law parents. The main kitchen was massive and there were two smaller kitchenettes, ten bathrooms, a huge great room, and a huge game room that we could convert into a giant bedroom for us. The adults, I mean. There were bedrooms aplenty for the coming children, with nearby rooms for adults to keep an eye on the kids. It had a lot of surrounding land, a barn, and a swimming pool. It could not have been more perfect.

It wasn’t a mansion, and it wasn’t priced like one -- it had been built for a very large middle class family -- those who were looking for premium homes filled with marble and the finest furnishings were not interested. It was far too specialized, and real estate agents were just about ready to tear their hair out in trying to turn it over. The price had been lowered several times. We were a godsend for them! As it was, it was going to be a bit big for all of us, but we were expecting at least a couple of additional family members.

We put in an offer which was gratefully, almost desperately, accepted, and we started making plans for everyone to move in as soon as we closed the deal. Again, in arranging the financing, no one batted an eye or raised an eyebrow at the unconventional financial arrangements. Really, we thought someone somewhere should at least say “Huh?!”, but it was all smiles, handshakes and congratulations. Nope, it got handled like any other home purchase, even with a lot of names on the paperwork and title.

Deb joked that we could probably have an orgy on the front lawn and no one would object, or even be surprised or pay any attention. While one of the ladies thought that was kind of a turn-on, no one felt quite that comfortable, or really wanted to test the theory. And Sera said she thought no one noticing would be a real let-down and kind of killed the fantasy for her.

At this point, I was starting to think seriously about buying stock in Nabisco as there was a lot of morning sickness happening. Fortunately, perhaps even suspiciously, it was only for a brief period for each of the ladies. Again, things seemed so ... easy. Incredibly easy. I kept recalling a scene in a popular movie from a decade back in which a character who was part of a plot to use humanity as a power source said that they had tried to make humanity’s world a paradise, but the humans rejected it as being too perfect.

I wondered if I’d stumbled into such a movie, but I was certainly not ready to reject what was happening in my world! I might wonder, but I was damn sure going to enjoy it! And who enjoys a bunch of women throwing up?

It turns out, pregnancy can make some women very horny, with all the hormonal changes. It was beginning to look like all my ladies had this ... blessing. Their normally high sex drive kicked up a notch as they began to show the slightest beginnings of bumps. It was impressive. Fortunately, the ladies were very happy to help each other out. It was like seeing the other women showing the signs of pregnancy excited them sexually as well. There was a lot of touching and stroking and caressing and comparing.

Ellie got home from grad school, finally, and she was showing the most, such as it was. This was something that we discovered by comparison later, as the moment she arrived, she and I went directly to the bedroom, locked everyone else out, and ignored the pouting sounds the others made when they couldn’t get in. We got her undressed so fast that we may have torn her clothes, but neither of us noticed or cared. I had my baby back, naked against me, and kissing me like she was as starved for me as I was for her. Frankly, it lost of what happened in the next few minutes was, and still is, a blur.

We were all over each other like teenagers with an urgency that absolutely could not be denied.

At some point, she literally shoved me backwards onto the bed and straddled me, sinking her absolutely profoundly wet pussy onto my cock in one smooth stroke. She cried out “Yes!” and paused, holding me down, and savoring having my real cock in her rather than the ghost she’d been feeling for the last few weeks. I was doing some serious savoring myself! God, to have her actually here was ... like a chorus of angels should have been singing!

After that moment, we both began moving together, synchronized perfectly, each moving exactly right together, no pauses or doubts, neither directing the other, it was all just right. Perfection. Glorious perfection. It was like we were one person with two bodies. The feelings were indescribable -- I felt what she felt and she felt what I felt and it all felt so, so ... amazing, rapturous, there just aren’t words! The connection we shared was instantaneous and powerful.

We felt each other’s climaxes approaching, and each pulled the other into synchrony, and we... “climax” is I guess the best word, because “came” just isn’t strong enough. I had felt her orgasms before, but they were like, on my skin, like she and I were having sex together. This was mind-blowing. We felt each other cum, and the two were like exponential in power. Like we multiplied the joy and pleasure for each other. And those pale weak words just don’t do the experience justice.

“Ho-leee fuck!” Ellie said, as we cuddled and caught our breath.

“Not to be cute, but I think that was,” I said. “I ... have never felt anything like that!” Then, “Well, I mean our first ... but that was so ... uhm...”

“I know,” she said. “You were so drugged on all that stuff Mom gave you, your pupils were the size of dinner plates, and I was pretty doped on what came out of you because of it, but this was ... not like that.”

“No, this was much more, um, intimate and close.” I looked at her, and said, “Honey, how are you? I am so happy to have you home my heart could break! I have missed you so!”

“Me, too, Daddy!” she smiled. She then gave me the most undaughterly kiss ever, eyes open until the last second, closing as her lips came in, with pure love and sex.

As her lips touched mine, my cock jumped inside her and we began moving together slowly again. This time, we took our time, moving slowly, focused on the feelings and sensations. We both felt each other’s sensations. I felt what it was like to have a pussy filled, and she felt what it was like to thrust a cock inside one, while simultaneously feeling our normal body parts. It was... amazing, even more amazing than what had happened moments before.

Some kind of psychic wall between us had collapsed. I suppose that the wall had been weakened starting with Deb’s enema concoction a month and a bit before, the stuff that Ellie had been referring to when she said my pupils had been the size of dinner plates. That bit of overkill was designed to overcome my objections to impregnating my step-daughter. It had worked, but had side-effects, connecting the two of us on some deep level that I’d never heard of or imagined. She and I had started to feel each other during sex or masturbation sessions though separated by states. We’d started to feel other things, like smiles or concerns as well. Whatever people have that keeps them from feeling people around them or close to them emotionally was damaged or destroyed between the two of us. I would later hope there was nothing else that could come down, otherwise we would wind up being one person in two bodies!

But at that moment, it was beyond anything either of us had ever imagined. I cupped her breasts as we moved, and she gasped and smiled as I tweaked her nipples as I had felt she wanted, I felt the pleasure arc from her nipples to her clit, and she felt my answering thrill as her pussy rippled around my cock. I felt her like that feeling, and felt her grip my shaft harder as she slid down it. Her incredible brown eyes smiled into mine, and I moved my hands to her back, and drew her body down on mine. We kissed again, eyes open, need and love and pleasure in them and each other. We each drew apart, arching our backs as orgasm approached like an avalanche sweeping down on us. We each screamed in joy, the same cry, the same note, as energy flew out of and into, and rolled out from our joining like a wave from a giant meteor strike into the ocean. We were both swept away with it.

We came to in each other’s arms, still connected. If she hadn’t already been pregnant, we felt she would have been after that. There was a pounding at the door, and it opened so that Deb and Linda could enter in a rush. Behind them stood the rest of the ladies peering in.

“What the fuck was that?” asked Deb, obviously partly concerned, but there were other emotions chasing themselves across her face. “Are you okay?”

I looked at Ellie, and she answered, “Well, we think so.” I nodded. She continued, “Mom, whatever you did to us has gotten ... stronger. We’re feeling ... together ... not just each other, but together.”

“We, ah, couldn’t wait when she got home,” I said, wondering if that was a concern. “We, um, had to ... celebrate her homecoming together immediately. You know. It ... things have changed. Whatever started the night we first ... well, it keeps getting stronger.”

“Us yelling was us cumming. It was scary strong,” said Ellie. We were still holding each other tenderly, still connected, like each was the most precious thing in the world.

Deb answered, “We had that part figured out, dear. It was the other thing, the ... thing ... that happened. It was, kind of contagious. We all came when you did.”

“We were all doing other things, like, Sera and I were in the hot tub, and it suddenly started to feel like we were having sex, no ... making love. Not with each other, I mean, just like, it was just happening. And then...” said Maryanne.

“Mmm-hmmn!” nodded Jen, who was very damp down her entire front, nipples to toes.

Linda walked to us and kissed us both. “Wow,” was all she said, impressed.

“That was the ... well, ‘wierdest’ is the word I was going to use, but, maybe ‘most amazing thing’ is more polite!” said Trish from the doorway behind Jen.

“Trish!” exclaimed Ellie. “Wow, you are looking good! Last I saw you, you were feeling pretty sick. I felt Daddy make love to you last night! I about had a wreck! I had to pull over at a rest stop for the duration!”

“Uh... ?” said Trish.

“It’s a long story,” said Linda. “Let’s go have a cup of coffee, and I’ll explain,” she said, leading Trish away from the door, towards the kitchen. Jen smiled at us, then followed, probably to make and/or serve the coffee. She did enjoy serving the cream! Most of the others took the hint and left as well.

Deb, however, sat down on the bed next to Ellie and I.

“Deb, if this wasn’t the most mind-blowingly wonderful, joyous, and above all loving experience of my life, and you know damn well how much that is saying, I would be terrified. What the fuck is happening to us?”

“I don’t know. I wonder ... you said you made that wish, right?”

“Yes, go on... ?”

“Well, it seemed to hit Linda and I hardest first, and we focused so much on Ellie as the answer to our baby-need. Maybe ... maybe we all put so much focus on her that it changed the wish somehow? Like, maybe the family, the wish, the drugs, and maybe the two of you bonding like that ... well, I don’t know. It sort of feels like maybe we did something to the wish? I mean, I have no idea who we could ask about it. I’m pretty sure your little girl will be the center of the family once she’s born, though.”

“Uh, little girl... ?” I asked.

“I did say that, didn’t I? I have no idea why. It should be too early to know.”

“It feels right, though, Mommy,” said Ellie, with a smile and a palm to her belly. “And she seems to like the love and sex. She wants us close.” She said this to me.

I simply couldn’t doubt it. It wasn’t possible, but nothing that had happened since Halloween was possible.

The doorbell rang. “Oh, shit,” I said. “We’re not expecting any deliveries today, are we?”

Mother and daughter shook their heads.

“I have this feeling...” I said.

I pulled on my robe, conscious that I reeked of sex, and that there were an awful lot of naked women in the house that I really couldn’t hide.

I went to the door, and peeped through the hole. I sighed. It was an ex, and we hadn’t parted on the best of terms.

I opened the door, but only partway. “Hi, Janice! I wasn’t expecting to see you! I sent you a letter a couple of years ago. Did you get it?”

“Hello, Dave. Yes. I got it.”

Janice was looking like she did when we had started dating, twenty-five years before. She was not looking happy to see me. “What can I do for you?” I asked, dreading the answer.

“Can I come in? I need to talk with you.”

“Well, it isn’t really a good time...” I started.

“Look. This is important. I need to talk to you now.”

“Um, there’s a lot going on here, right now...” I tried again.

“Dave, this is important. I don’t care if you’ve got a woman in there. She’ll have to understand. I won’t be too bitchy, I promise.”

Well, this would be interesting... “Uh, okay. It’s more than a woman, though...” I opened the door wider and she stalked in, and stopped in her tracks as she saw four naked women looking at her. I closed the door.

“Janice, this is Linda, my wife, Seraphina and Trish, and this is Jen.” Deb and Ellie walked out of the bedroom, Ellie still dabbing at her crotch with a towel. “And this is Ellie and Debra. Where is Maryanne?”

She’s in the bathroom. She’ll be out in a moment.” said Linda.

“This is Janice, ladies,” I said. “We had a relationship quite a while back.”

There was an assortment of “Hi”s and “Hello”s and Linda asked “Can we get you something to drink? A glass of wine, perhaps?”

“Uh, thank you, that would be lovely,” said Janice, looking a bit taken aback. She looked at me and said, “Look, I thought you were good, but this... !”

Jen nodded at Linda and went to get a glass of white for our guest.

“‘Not a good time’...” said Janice. “Well, I walked into this one, didn’t I?”

“Let’s sit down at the dining room table,” I said. “Deb, Linda?”

Maryanne came out of the bathroom and looked startled. I introduced her to Janice, who said, “I am definitely feeling overdressed.”

A couple of the ladies turned the sofa around, and Janice looked alarmed that there would be an audience. A naked audience of women. Folks took seats and made themselves comfortable. Janice sat down on my right, and Linda and Deb were on my right, and I was at the end of the table. Jen sat a the other end, and Ellie sat next to Janice, next to Jen. The focus went to Janice, and I asked, “So, what’s up?”

Janice was flushed red with embarrassment. “I ... um ... wasn’t expecting this ... may In ask what’s going on here?”

I smiled. “We may get to that, later.”

Deb and Linda’s faces didn’t change, but I could feel the change in their attitude. They knew this may be someone who might be less than friendly. I felt Ellie’s face harden.

“I got your letter,” Janice said. “I ... wasn’t ready to forgive you for being a jerk when we dated.”

I turned to explain to the audience, “I was young and dumb when Janice and I dated. I was very immature, and made a decision that wound up hurting us both. And as time went on, it took me time to find my way into what wisdom I have acquired. When I had to break up with the woman I was with before Deb, Janice found someone who confirmed all of her poorer opinions of me. You’ll notice that she hasn’t shown up, and I am quite certain that she won’t. She thoroughly killed any of love I ever had for her. I sent a letter to Janice a few years ago apologizing for my poor choices when I was with her. As I said, I was young and dumb, and I could have and should have had much more respect for Janice and treated her with far more care in all our time together. I am sorry about it.”

“Yes, well ... I’ve had a couple of years to think about it, and I’m ready to forgive you.”

“I’m very glad to hear that! I have felt very guilty about some of my choices for years. I would have made some different choices had I been older and wiser. On the other hand, I would have missed out on the loves of my life.”

Deb, Linda, and Ellie smiled at those last words.

“And you would have missed out on years of happiness with Bob.” I turned to explain, “Bob married her after we broke up, and from what I hear, they’ve been happy for years.” I turned back to Janice. “You are looking well. Life and Bob must have been treating you well!”

“I’m 80 years old, and you know it. I haven’t looked this good since before we met! And Deb has to be getting closer to my age, so she’s doing pretty damn well, herself! And you! You should be in your mid-50s, not looking like you’re a very healthy 25!”

“You’ve met Deb?”

“A couple of times years and years ago, and she didn’t look this young then! What is going on, here?”

I sighed. “It’s a long story, Janice. Longer than I really want to tell, at this point. Look, we didn’t part on the best of terms, and you kind of burned the bridges years ago. What do you really want?”

“A baby. Your baby, damn it!” Janice almost snarled.

“What? I thought you’d had a hysterectomy long before we ever met!”

“I did, damn it! If I could have had one with you way back when, I would have! But ... things have changed ... inside me. I’m ... having periods again. And Bob can’t seem to ... cope ... with me anymore.”

“Got your sex drive back, huh?”


“Janice had the highest sex drive of any woman I’d ever met when we dated. One man would never be enough to satisfy her. She kept several men on the line at any one time. She’d go out ‘hunting’ at bars at night ... it was impressive,” I explained to the rest of the room.

“Looks like you followed my example!” she said.

“I can see why you might think so, but this ... is a recent development, and I didn’t go looking.”

“They need to have your babies, too, don’t they?”

“It seems so.”

“Look, I ... just need ... this from you. I don’t want to join a harem, and while I may forgive you, I haven’t forgotten you ditched me to go back to your ex! And then put me in the ‘friend zone’ for years when I wouldn’t narrow myself down to just one man -- you!”

I looked at her. “I understand. I wouldn’t ask you to forget anything.” I considered a moment. “I don’t know. This is more than just my decision. This, Janice, is a family. Each of these women is going to be a mother to my children. We consider things that affect the family together. We’re going to have to talk about this, together, for a while. Give me your number, and I will call you, or just text you if you’d prefer, with our decision.”

For the first time, Janice looked frightened. Her face paled, and then her eyes flashed with wounded pride.

“Look,” I said, “I never stopped loving you. I just couldn’t live with you. You were always a loose cannon. I’ve loved you as a friend, for who you are, and as a lover, and had things gone just a bit differently, I probably would have married you and made both of us unhappy for years until you finally left me, or vice versa. Let me talk with my family about this. They understand where you are more than you know.”

Janice stared at me a minute, and then nodded. She looked at the other ladies with measurement of their character in her eyes. She jotted down her number and slid it over to me. As she did, she muttered, “I can’t even fuck anyone else, because it has to be your baby, damn it! This is driving me mad!”

She left, and the door closed behind her. Loudly, but not a slam.

“Well, that was interesting!” said Ellie. “You’re sad, Daddy. You love her, but she’s too bitter and angry, isn’t she?”

I nodded. “She has ... cause. I both messed up with her and probably saved both our lives. I was too much of a naive and stupid romantic back then, and I hurt her deeply in going back to Teri. And when Teri and I divorced, I didn’t fall into Janice’s arms and pledge my undying love to her, because of Teri leaving me for another man. And when she got together with Belle after Belle and I broke up, well, Belle was very angry that I had left her because she was abusive and paranoiacally possessive, and they got together, compared wounds, and decided I was the antiChrist. But we did love each other quite deeply, Janice and I, for a while, and I love her still, years later. Not as a wife or potential mother of my children! But for who she was, and who she is under the bitterness.” I paused, and reflected, “She was never the mothering type. I have no idea how she’d cope with a baby or a child. Not well, I suspect.”

“Hmm,” was the response I got from the ladies, with a lot of looks exchanged between them.

“If she doesn’t have his baby, it will drive her crazy,” said Ellie to the group. “On the other hand, it bothers me that she might not be a good mother to that baby. I don’t like her very much,” she admitted.

Deb said, “I met her years ago, as she said, and I didn’t care much for her then, either. She was very ambitious and control-oriented, and sucked up to those above her in the hierarchy and was cold to those below her.”

“She is ... um, pragmatic. She was pretty logic and reason-oriented when we dated. She didn’t have a lot of women friends, but got along really well with guys, even those she wasn’t interested in sleeping with. Women didn’t seem to like her much. They could work with and associate with her, they just weren’t exactly ‘friendly’. There was a lot of eye-rolling when women discussed her, if you know what I mean.”

There was another general “Hmmm.”

“She won’t be a good fit, here,” said Linda, looking at Deb.

Ellie spoke up, “Maybe ... something on an extended basis? Sort of at-a-distance? I mean, maybe, if she just has to have the baby, maybe we could care for him or her? Raise the baby if she she’s not really maternal?”

“Is it limited to one baby, or will we need to have more afterwards?” asked Sera.

“A very good question,” said Deb. “One we won’t know the answer to for about a year, I expect.”

“Oh, God!” I said without meaning to. The thought of all these women having baby after baby for years was daunting.

“What do you want to do about Janice?” asked Deb, refocusing the conversation.

“Thanks,” I said, and meant it. “I do not want her to be hurt. From what you’ve told me, the need is enough to drive someone crazy. On the other hand, I want the baby to have the best loving care possible. Now, having said that, I don’t know how she’d fit in here. She been ... hard on groups she’s been in. She is independent-minded, which I like, but we disagree on some important things. She is also likely to want to have a lot of sex with a lot of different guys. She’ll want to have several who are specifically devoted to her. At least, that is what she insisted on years ago. I can’t imagine she would have changed.”

Same as An Amiss Wish
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My Name is Kitten by RH Music Colin gets ensnared by an executive dating service to fill the very particular needs of a wealthy, high-end client. Soon, Colin is giving the client the full "Girlfriend Experience"... Chapter 1: My name is Colin I was new in town and was starting my first job out of University and had met Amy and Todd in a local pub. We fell into conversation about Man United and I discovered they were relatively new in town as well. Amy was a bright and...

2 years ago
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Educating the TwinsChapter 14

Psychologists say mothers and daughters should do things together. It imparts some of the life-experience to the daughter, and helps form a bond that will last a lifetime. Our parents were very diligent in doing that. This afternoon Dad and Liz went off to do something, leaving me at loose ends. I was riding my bike down Main Street when Mom and I got to have one of those Mother-Daughter experiences, just not the one those magazine articles imagined. I'd mentioned that the parks in town had...

1 year ago
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Transformation Pt3 The Sissy

The Sissy. I open my eyes and stare into the mirror. It is a male face but distinctly feminine. I am just applying the last touches to my makeup. Bright red glossy lipstick. I pucker my lips and think. "Beautiful cock sucker red lips." I notice the ever present band around my head with its glowing lights. My makeup is rather slutty, dark eye shadow, big eyelashes and my cheek bones rouged to accentuate them and of course the cock suck red lipstick. I can hear the boys getting...

4 years ago
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My First Threesome

Five years ago my store won a floral contest and the prize was an all inclusive trip to Miami. Even though I was just about the only guy going I looked forward to getting away from the wife and family for several days mainly just to get some sleep. I love my family dearly but with young k**s you always seem to be on the go and a trip to sunny Miami seemed to be just what the doctor ordered. When I got to the hotel on Southbeach I grabbed a beer and sat out on the balcony to people watch and...

1 year ago
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Fucking a Married Man

So after receiving a call from Bill letting me know that he was running late due to the lack of parking, I quickly called the front desk and let them know that my friend was on his way and please send him up. Anna at the front desk said, “No worries, we will let him up.” I texted my man Alex and let him know that my afternoon trick was on his way up and grabbed myself a cold drink from the fridge. Swallowing half of it down in one swallow, I went to the master bathroom to take a quick piss....

3 years ago
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Uncle Takes Over FamilyChapter 15

Several days later, Beth called Russell and told him that she had talked to Cynthia Stevens, Spencer’s cousin’s wife, and that she would be expecting a visit from him. She said she had told Cynthia that he needed to talk to her about some arrangements he had made with Spencer to help her out before he went to prison. One of the videos on Spencer’s computer showed Cynthia doing a line of cocaine before she performed oral sex for him. In another video, Cynthia did a line of cocaine and then...

2 years ago
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Settling Down Part 2 finale

Skye and Miguel left for the night and went directly to Skye's apartment to pack Tatum's things. They were able to take all of her clothes and some of her toys before calling it a night. She took her lingerie and cloths as well, with Miguel joking that he'd love to see her dance for him. At Miguel's apartment, she did just that. She put on some music and danced for him, with Miguel in a daze over Skye's amazing abilities to show her body while moving gracefully around him. He was left...

2 years ago
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Glorias Sex Diary 71908 part two

Last week, my boyfriend David and I had sex in the hardware store that his dad owns. It was all captured on the surveillance video. Both Mr Chang (my boss, David’s dad) and Mr Kwan (Mr Chang’s brother-in-law) had both watched it. Mr Chang seduced me into having sex with him on the same table that his son and I had sex on the week before. Even though Mr Chang had cum inside me, he left me unsatisfied and hungry for more. He left, but now Mr Kwan had arrived. How about that for a recap? I lay...

2 years ago
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TimepieceChapter 10

Timepiece: 10. "I ... T," we shouted like twins. Seven gave us such a look. Six said, "If you had clicked your heels you might have ended up in the closet at the Addams Family mansion. "Now ... repeat it with me, There's no place like home, there's no place like home, there's no place like home." "Hello, Tom. Hi, Six. Were you supposed to come?" The look on his face told me he wasn't. OOPS. There was a mass invasion of next-door neighbor. "Hi, Doc." She swung her shotgun...

3 years ago
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Glorydaze 5

I crawled between Dennis’ legs lapping at his balls and between his legs. I spread his cheeks with my hands and worked my tongue into his tight hole. He squirmed and pressed against me. I rolled my tongue tight and started darting it in.Dennis stood and turned, leaning over the chair. I pressed my face to his ass he pressed back and began to bounce on my tongue. I couldn’t take it anymore; I stood and wrapped my arm around his stomach sliding my hard dick up and down between his cheeks. Just as...

3 years ago
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diary pt3

"Shh..." is all she said before she rolled on top of me and kissed me. It was then that I knew where the expression 'seeing stars' had come from. Jeanie kissed me senseless. Her lips were ravenous as they attacked mine. She massaged my lips with hers until I opened up to give her access into my depths. Pushing her tongue through my open lips, she explored slowly, licked and sucked until she had stolen all my oxygen. Pulling away, we were both breathing hard. "Jeanie, you're hurt right now, I...

2 years ago
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Erotica Sexy Stories Hot Tips My Pouty Lips

Introduction: Erotica, Sexy Stories, Hot Tips | My Pouty Lips Many erotica stories on this site for your pleasure! – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – — – – – – – – – – – – – – – – — Many erotica stories on this site for your pleasure! – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – — – – – – – – – – – – – – – – — Many erotica stories on this site for your pleasure! – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – — – – – –...

1 year ago
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Teased And Fucked Busty Neighbour Bhabhi

Hello, dear readers its the first time I am sharing my real experience so pardon for any mistake. I have been following the iss for a long time. I have had a rather active sex life till now. This experience with bhabhi was amazing. I happy to share some more experience. Please rate and review. I live in Ahmedabad Gujarat. I am a doctor by profession 27 years old male, with decent dick size. I have had fantasies about having sex with bhabhi and aunt for a long time. My neighbor bhabhi Komal...

2 years ago
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Norma Jeans Invasion Force

Norma Jean's Invasion Force. I thought this one up and it sounds out of this world. Peace. Belle. Hello everyone. Thirty years ago my name was Norman. Now it is Norma Jean Baker. No not that Norma Jean. My actting skills couldnot fill an egg timer if I was in the Mojave Desert. I was working late one night at the factory and it was shift change. It was the weekend and I didn't feel like cooking. I stopped at a local burger joint called Eat. Dot was working and she said, "Norm...

2 years ago
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Son in Law

I am a mature lady now in her 70s, have always dressed well, and always flirted.I had always noticed my son in law trying to get peeks down my blouse, and up my skirt whenever I called in on my way home from work before I retired, and never really gave it a second thought, I did enjoy the attention, but what woman doesn't.It wasn't until one Saturday, when George (my son in law), was around cutting back the hedge in my garden, on one of those gorgeous sunny summer days, he had started to get...

3 years ago
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Corona Quarantine Mein Padosan Ke Sath Maze Kiye

Hi friends. I’m Raj, 26 years Maharashtrian guy from Mumbai. I was told about this site by my gorgeous neighbour aunty. I started reading this. I really enjoy reading the amazing erotic experiences. This is my first story. I hope you like it. I’m narrating the story from the women’s perspective. Main Komal Singh. Main shadi shuda hu aur meri umar 36 sal hai. Mere pati Sales aur Marketing manager hai. Is karan woh kam ke silsile se out of city hote hai. Is liya abhi tak humne bachhe bhi nahi...

3 years ago
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J J Enterprises Myras StoryChapter 6

There's a lot of false glorification in the world. Some people call it hype. Jerry used to call it B.S. Thanks to Madison Avenue and its penchant for making each new product sound like the answer to everything that has plagued mankind since the creation, the bar has been lowered across the board. People who don't deserve it are touted as something special. I'm not saying it's evil or malicious or anything like that. But when a particular brand of lipstick is supposed to solve all problems...

1 year ago
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Dress With An Effect Chapter 3 The Next Day

The sunlight streaming through the window woke me from a deep sleep.  'Did last night really happen or was it just a wonderful dream?' I thought to myself.  'Had I really had the best sex of my life with my former boss, Jack?'  The stickiness of our juices in my pubic hair confirmed that it was not all just a dream.I made my way to the kitchen and found my dress and panties that had been left in a pile on the floor the night before neatly folded on the counter along with a note from Jack...

2 years ago
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Lesbian Massage

Lesbian Massage part1 My ex to be had been spending all our hard earned money on massage parlours that’s why I divorced him now I’m no prude to any of this so i decided to check out his little black book he had left behind after I had kicked him and his belongings out. A few days later I looked thru it and found one such name unlined amongst the rest of other names and addresses of parlours so taking my intrigue I rung the number and the voice on the other side of the phone sent a tingle thru...

1 year ago
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My Brothers RevengeChapter Three

We were just entering the living room when the doorbell rang. Jeff picked up the movie camera. There was a huge grin on his face when he ordered Tawney to go let her brother in. I noticed that he had pulled his jeans back on. Tawney and I remained naked. Her face was white with terror. But she didn't even bother to plead with the bastard. She turned and he followed her to the door with the camera to his eye. Tawney grabbed the doorknob. She took a deep breath and then pulled the door...

2 years ago
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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 20

Myrtle Beach We joined Mike and Jessie while they played Frisbee after we were all cleaned up. We ran after the stray ones, and occasionally, they threw them right at us but forbade us from catching them. They’d hit us directly in the tits or ass and luckily, never in the face. At one point, we noticed a father and son who started throwing a football back and forth. I think the father was a little jealous of how much fun Mike and Jessie were having, and that inspired him to get up and play....

3 years ago
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My Employee Shabu And Her Aunt

Dear Readers, This is a yet another story of my sexual relation with my employee Shabu. It had been around one month since I have had sex with Shabu. I rang Shabu on Saturday late in the evening with intent to have sex over video chat because my wife was on her two day stay with her parents. She told me why not to have a real one since she too was alone in her home. Majority of her family members were gone out to attend the marriage ceremony of one of their relatives except her grandmother and...

3 years ago
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Summer HeatChapter 12

We motored off. I followed her instructions to her church and parked in the lot. I got out with my Bible and went around to help her out. She had her Bible also. She took my hand and we walked into the building with me following her guidance into a Sunday school class. There were four others there, three girls and a guy. Rachel was the best looking of the four of them. The one guy saw me holding Rachel’s hand and gave me a dirty look. Rachel said, “Good morning, everyone. I want you to meet...

2 years ago
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Just a dirty fantasy I have

On the drive back to my apartment we stop at a red light, my attention turns to you, the lights of the city shine upon you, in such a way as I have never seen before, I begin to drink you in with my eyes, your flowing crimson hair, your gorgeous emerald eyes; I brush through your hair with my hand gently leaving it on your rosie cheeks, I draw you in for a kiss, as we embrace your lips quivers ,slightly, with anticipation, my kiss tender and soft, as tasting of the chocolate cake we shared for...

1 year ago
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LateLate Family ShowChapter 2

While dinner was cooking, Lola decided to take a quick shower. She felt good, buoyed up with that happy feeling she always had after making love. But this happiness was to the joy she felt knowing that Andy was going to see old Foster about her brother. This made her feel like singing, and the pretty weather girl could hardly wait to call Rudy up and tell him the good news. "Hungry?" she asked sweetly as she emerged sometime later from the kitchen. "I think you'll like what I have...

2 years ago
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Mistis Adventures Part 89

Rick and Sue, after making sure the 2 sisters and their babies were well taken care of, kissed the others, ESPECIALLY the 2 new Mothers, and went to take care of their own unfinished business. They had a bit more shopping that they wanted to do. They went to the various stores, plus to the Mall, and found the things they needed and wanted, and decided to go for a ride. Both were still feeling lusty, even after their intense sessions last night and this morning. They went into the nearby...

3 years ago
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The Cure

Gentle reader endure a poor bard with tales of life's ills. A moment of yours is all I ask a lending of your wills Man lives too short this world of woe The reaper becomes friend instead of foe The prologue matters not save as a start The world will gnaw and chafe a gentle heart The Cure By Juliette Lima The store was owned by Joanna, a mature beauty I had met at our health club. She had been easy to talk to, very attractive, and very fit. She had approached me while I was...

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The Fattorusso Curse

This year, my senior year, I’ve had the honor to be in Mrs. Fattorusso’s class. She quickly became my favorite teacher. It took a couple months, but by May, I had become her favorite student. Unfortunately, I started to develop a massive crush on her which made it harder to pay attention in class. That’s when I began staying with Mrs. Fattorusso after school for extra help to ensure my grades wouldn’t slip. I thought it would be awful if liking a teacher was the reason why my grades dropped....

1 year ago
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EuroGirlsOnGirls Amber Jayne Anastasia Brokelyn XXXmas Celebration

British blonde bombshell Amber Jayne and sizzling Spanish sensation Anastasia Brokelyn have a lesbian XXXmas celebration together filled with hardcore fingering and pussy insertion with a glass dildo. The brunette beauty Anastasia tries some sexy holiday dresses for the busty Milf Amber who can’t keep her mouth or hands off the slim babe. Soon it’s titty play and pussy licking time for the horny pair in just their thigh high stockings. Then Anastasia unwraps her gift from her curvy...

2 years ago
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Husband Ne Lund Dilwaya

Hi friends thanks for reply & comments on my stories, again I am Lalit with my new story which is Next incident with me & my wife Priya. As per my promise I have to arrange new sex partner for my wife .Now again narrates this in my desi language. Maine priya ko aap logo ke reply or comments dikhaye to priya ne bola lalit kahi hum ye sab jyada.To nahin kar rahe or hamari family hain or hum teenage bhi nahi hain ki log humein bacha kahe is liye ye sab hum apne tak rakhte hain inhe online post mat...

4 years ago
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Wally World DelightChapter 16

The next few days were hectic because I still had work to do and the kids had school to attend. It was almost as if we had adopted Debbie and we spent a lot of our spare time at the hospital with her mother, too. I was sitting with Lucy in her hospital room while Debbie, Jimmy, Natty and Suzie were home slogging through their school work. She looked at me with half closed eyes and said, "Jeff, you must think that I'm really self-centered and don't give a damn about my kids." I hesitated...

2 years ago
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That Bitch Suguna Addicted To My Cum

Hi guys, my name is Dinesh. I am a very frustrated guy. Don’t ask but I will tell you. In my heart, I am a really nice guy, or at least I was. Maybe my niceness is why all these bitches took advantage of me. There have been countless sluts that have misused me and then dumped me like a piece of garbage. Now, this is my time to get back to them. These stories are my way of defaming them for doing these wrong things to me. I’ll start with my cum-slut colleague Suguna. That slut is desperate for...

2 years ago
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keva i cerka

detinjstvo pamtim po kevinim jebacima koji su svako vece dolazili u nasu kucu i jebavali je,keva nije bas mnogo birala,matore mladje lepe ili neke rugobe samo ako imaju jak i veliki kurac.Cula sam iz svoje sobe njene komentare da ima ovakav i onakav kurac.Jedan od tih jebaca je i mene napravio ali ni sama ne zna ko bi to mogo biti.Kad sam ulazla u pubertet i pocele da mi rastu sise ona mi je govorila da cu biti prava sisata kurvica za koju godinu. Kad su me videli njeni neki jebaci govorili su...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Jill Kassidy Sucks Three Cocks At The Same Time

Sitting in the kitchen while playing on her phone, Jill Kassidy gets questioned by her step-father about why she didn’t go to school today. When there’s someone at the door, Jill’s surprised to see that her principal and one of her teachers have come to check to see if she has an excuse for her absence. Without a good reason for skipping school, her principal, Steve, recommends that Jill gets a spanking as her punishment. They make Jill stick her ass out as she grabs onto the table and when she...

2 years ago
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The Imposter

Harmon Miller was not a nice guy. He had to leave Chicago in a hurry because he’d tried to scam the wrong person – the teenage son of a Mafia boss. He got in his rattletrap Ford and hit the road with his worldly possessions in a couple of boxes. Looking back on it, life in Chicago had been tolerable. He’d made a decent living between his handyman work and his occasional forays into illegality. He tried anything that would make him a quick buck. He’d stolen the occasional expensive possession,...

4 years ago
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How I fucked my guy friends while our girlfriends

One night my friend called and invited me and my girlfriend over to his parents house for a get together. Everybody had fun we all drank a it was a good time but by the end of the night we were drunk so me and my girlfriend asked if we could spend the night. Of course my friend said yes, that's the logical thing to do. My girlfriend and I cuddled up on the floor to go to sleep. In the middle of the night I had woken up and apparently me and my girlfriend had been bumping our bodies together or...

2 years ago
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Jackie gets drugged Chapter three

Introduction: A sexy young girl named Jackie gets drugged by her baby sitter. This story is entirely fiction and the characters used are in no way real persons. This story contains underage sex and is only intended for entertainment purposes. If you have a problem with under age sex then please do not read this story. This is the third chapter to a story that I started. Please feel free to read my first two chapters. Chapter Three Sitting on the couch day dreaming about what I was about to...

2 years ago
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Inspiration Ch 04

(Author Note) The acts of the fetish known as Breath Play performed in this and other stories by ME are not recommended to be attempted by those without experience, not educated concerning this fetish, and without an experienced and trustworthy partner. Thank you. ***** He couldn’t sleep, tossed and turned as his mind was consumed. Victor found himself seated in his favorite chair by lamp light, a glass of wine atop the chair side table and a cigar tucked between his lips. In his hand...

3 years ago
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jasmine becomes a slave

Jasmine becomes a slave part 1 Chapter 1 The betRacheal was going to the B&D party at Shelia’s that Monday night and was picking out her outfit.  She selected the black leather cat suit that hugged her body and while it covered her, it allowed everyone to know she had a hot body.  Shelia was a fellow Domme and was the area’s leading supplier of fetish gear, from clothes to dungeon items and all of her parties were events not to be missed as she loved to demonstrate new items on her slaves.  As...

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My Maria Scene 3B

It is Thursday and I have been busy working outside sweating profusely. My phone was ringing and I ran to answer it. It was from a number I did not recognize. I picked up the handset. “Hello,” I said hesitantly. “Cal? This is Karen. How are you doing? I am nearby and would like to stop by. Is that all right?” she asked. “I was just coming in to take a shower. Come on by. That would be nice,” I said softly. “Good, I will be there in 5 minutes. We can shower together,” Karen said seductively....

Oral Sex
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The Wonderfully Naughty Wizard of Oz Chapter 4

Dorothy and Leandra stood there silent, then a slate of rock moved down, opening up a way out of the circle of rocks that imprisoned them. "Well theres the way out what do we do Dorothy""I don't know Leandra, we have to decided before they trap us here forever"Leandra went over and grabbed their things. Picking up their clothes and her bag. She brought them over to the opening and tossed them out. She stood there looking out at the freedom her clothes had, but she still felt trapped. She didn't...

3 years ago
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Emilys Embarrassing ProblemsChapter 3

School That amazing week long sleep-over at Sara's changed my life, and my outlook on life. I finally realised that because most of the girls, and lots of the boys, at school thought I was a slut and a whore then I may as well act like one. Sara had introduced me to the wonderful world of blow-jobs and I wanted more. The next time that one of the girl bullies started giving me some verbal abuse I turned to one of the older boys that was watching and told him to meet me in the park after...

2 years ago
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Anything to Make Money

Hey everyone! This is my first story and its currently a WIP. I would love for people to add onto it and help me out, so go wild! all i ask is that you stay true to the cheating and degradation themes.

1 year ago
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Femdom part one

"Of course you'll train Thomas just as I have your father," commented Priscilla to her daughter, Amanda, "once you have him broken, he'll never raise his voice to you again!" "Naturally, mother," Amanda answered a matter of factly, "once the wedding is over, I'll control him by his balls, just as you have father!!!" Her mother thought about that for a second and replied, "I'm not sure you should wait, dear, it would be a much more enjoyable honeymoon if Thomas was already broken and ready to...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Sex with Mom and Her Friend

My mom called me down to the living room where she and her girlfriend had been drinking wine all afternoon. Dad was away at my uncle's place for the weekend. "Hi Arun." Mom said. "You know Sarika, right?"Sarika was an office administrator at the production house my mom worked in. She was only 32 to my mom's 45 years, but they got along like schoolgirls. Sarika was a very attractive with full breasts that I had to resist looking at, especially the way they were currently outlined by her tight...

2 years ago
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Karen and her SonChapter 7

"Do you want to do something different Steven?" They were strolling along the shoreline, enjoying the water splashing around their feet, the beach was deserted apart from one or two fishermen casting out into the surf in search of a nice fat cod for breakfast. (Hasn't anyone told them that the cod is now an endangered species?) Steven was casually resting his hand on his mother's bottom as they walked, enjoying her sexy curves through the thin material of her hopelessly inadequate...

4 years ago
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Reign of the Dark Queen

It is said that beauty of a woman can save the world. The beauty of Queen Catherine, however, is not that kind of beauty - it is not the beauty of a caring mother that settles disputes between men and cools their passions, or a youthful, tender girl that can make a boy's heart bloom and the man inside him awaken, or the beauty of a wife that gives her husband the strength to carry on. No, hers is the beauty of a huntress, a seductress, a vile she-demon. Hers is the beauty of a that dooms, that...

2 years ago
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She Came Home

 I felt my lips first, it was as if they were caked in mud or a scab or something. I tried to move them and felt them crack, there was no moisture in my mouth.I heard a slow drip nearby and tried to move to see what it was but I couldn't move, then I remembered.I remembered the big ugly guy bursting out of the bank's twin ddoors. I remembered shouting and in that millisecond of time I remembered wondering why the British police were expected to face people like that with just a...

2 years ago
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One Gloryhole Outside Breeding Kentucky

Somewhere, in the cosmos, lies the truth of our existence. It's siren song drives us forward, forward into the unknowable reaches of space, and time. Hoping to boldly discover their secrets. What is it about the unknown that drives us so? What is the appeal of knowing? Is it the value of the knowledge we will gain? Is it the thrill of the risk we take? Or is it the superiority we feel from having something others can not? Perhaps it's just the value of a new experience? Or something else...

1 year ago
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LoveHerFeet Winter Jade Feet On The Table

I love to be barefoot. I noticed for a while now that my new stepdad has been checking me out with special attention to my feet. I love to put my feet up on the table but he acts like he doesn’t like it saying it’s disrespectful, blah blah blah. But I know, I can just tell, that he would love to suck on my sexy toes and lick my soft soles. So one evening when my mom wasn’t home and we were watching a movie together, I put my legs and feet up on his lap. I watched him get...

2 years ago
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In The Eyes Of His Father

IN THE EYES OF HIS FATHER Ken, at 18 had been raised to understand his Father's attitude towards the need for discipline for boys and in particular his need for it. Sir Lawrence Hammond had always been strict, but his stern attitude increased with Ken's age and he knew it would just continue that way. Mr. Hammond had no intention of letting up on his son and was always finding ways to increase the young boy's shame and humiliation along with the regularity of his now routine...

1 year ago
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Sex With A Hot Girl Part 8211 1

Hi Indian Sex Stories readers, I am Abinash from Bangalore. I am 5ft 10inch tall with 6.5-inch dick size. I am working in MNC. Today I am going to share one of my unimaginable stories. I was a bit hesitant to share as I have never shared stories. But finally decided to dedicate to all readers. I am big fans of Indian Sex Stories. Please forgive me for my spelling mistakes. If any girls/bhabhis/aunties from Bangalore wants to have fun with me, then drop a mail to my email id I am expecting some...

3 years ago
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Week At Camp BrowningChapter 6

It was shortly after dinner that Shelly kissed Lisa goodbye from their cabin doorway, and set off for the nightly counselor's meeting. Lisa hated being apart from the older teen and she clung to her for several long seconds before letting her go. Shelly promised to be back as soon as she could and headed off for the dining hall. Lisa undressed and showered soon after Lisa left, wanting to prepare herself for her seventeen-year-old lover's return and hopefully an evening of deliciously...

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