ComrieChapter 25 free porn video

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"Flight Operations," said Sabrina, as her group was flying near the Carrier Strike Group, "I think we are going to need some support."

"Could you elaborate?"

"The Command Staff indicated they sensed a problem on the aircraft carrier in the CSG near Comrie. Since I've been here, I am sensing distress and discomfort from two women. Let's try mind-linking, so you can see what I am trying to tell you." Sabrina opened her mind-link to the FOC AI, including Gwendolyn, Angus, and Caitriona, the other pilots in their sortie.

"I am adding the Intelligence Department, Sally and Terry, into the link," said the FOC AI.

It was only moments before Sally said, "Briana's team, take a shuttle and join Sabrina's flight group with the CSG." Although her words were calm, the security team could sense the urgency and they immediately began jogging toward their shuttle.

"Cathan's team, you are now on standby."

"We are launching," said Adam, a few moments later.

"We are going to standby, and suiting up," said Cathan's Clan.

"We just went back through the recordings from the aircraft carrier's ready room," said the Intelligence department AI. "A conversation was recorded a couple of days ago in the pilots briefing room. It appears to be between two or three officers. One said they needed to fix the bitch before this went too far. They were talking very softly, so the exact wording is difficult to extract from the background noise, without some additional work, and even that may not help. In a following comment, it sounds like one man cautioned them that the bitch's boyfriend worked with the Special Ops group. Late yesterday, there was a comment between two sailors, one saying he had heard that there were two new bitches at the fuck-fest in the corner hangar."

"When did the last conversation take place?" asked Briana, with venom dripping from her voice.

"About 12 hours ago. Now Sabrina is sensing anxiety."

"On station, 300 meters behind the carrier," said Briana to Sally on Dóchas' bridge. "It is still fairly dark although the sun will be up before long."

To her clan, "We haven't used our eBriana ability lately, nor in this kind of situation, but I think this is a time it's required." With that, her clan joined together to become one, forming their ethereal entity eBriana. She then projected her vision toward the carrier. As her vision focused on the carrier's stern, she saw two people in dark clothes push carts out on to the walkway. While focusing her vision, the two people moved to the middle of the stern. There they tipped the carts dumping the contents into the carrier's wake.

eBriana at first thought they were dumping garbage, then she saw two large objects in the stream of debris. When those hit the water there was a much larger splash. She quickly turned her focus to where the splash occurred but the objects were soon engulfed in the carrier's churning wake. The shuttle AI, sensing her change in focus, moved the shuttle in that direction and positioned it so that it hovered just above the ocean's surface. Moments later, eBriana spotted two bodies tumbling several meters below the surface. She could tell that the turbulence was keeping them there. Neither body appeared to be making any effort to swim.

Sensing their distress eBriana split into two ethereal entities. Briana, Cass, Ellie and Charlotte shifted to form one entity, and then reached out to stabilize one body. While they did that, Adam, Anita, Abaigeal and Cindy did the same with the other body. As soon as each team had stabilized the bodies, their ethereal entity reached out with kinetic hands to nudge them to the surface. As soon as they touched them, they knew that they were two women. The eBriana entities could sense their panic, as they had no control of their arms and were quickly growing short of breath. Both segments of eBriana sent calming thoughts to the women while they sought to push them to the surface. Once the women were floating, they were turned onto their backs so that their faces were above the water.

The eBriana entities quickly surveyed each woman's condition. It was apparent that both were injured before being dumped into ocean. She was surprised that the two had not been killed, or more severely injured, when they hit the water from the height that they had dropped. The eBriana entities continued to hold the two women on the surface floating on their backs.

"Sabrina," said eBriana, "we are going to need medical technicians, and quickly."

Just then, Sabrina said, "It looks like there is a fight on the walkway. The two that dumped the carts are fighting with another man. He seems to be winning. Oh, shit. Another person just came out on the walkway, holding a long pole over his head. He appears to be helping the two who dumped the bins. He has hit the man from behind, knocking him against the rail. He has hit him again, and their victim has fallen, but he is hanging onto the rail with one hand. The man with the pole has now hit him again, on the hand that he was holding onto the walkway with. He's falling. He hit the water, hard."

At Sabrina's first comment, eBriana rearranged their ethereal teams again, leaving Cass and Abaigeal to maintain the two women on their backs floating on the ocean. They were now out of the turbulent wake, so it didn't take much effort to keep them floating. eBriana struggled with the man, even with the larger team it was difficult to stabilize him, once they found him. Together, they breathed a sigh of relief when they managed to get him floating on his back. The fall had apparently knocked him out. A quick check showed that his injuries were much more severe than the two women had suffered.

"Would you like some assistance?" asked Brigit, as she appeared with them in the cabin of the shuttle and slipped into eBriana to add her energy. This eased the strain on the Clan in maintaining 3 separate ethereal entities.

"Yes, as I think we now have ourselves in a corner," said Adam.

"Not really. The simplest thing to do is to have Star teleport them to Dóchas' Medical Facility. Considering their condition and our circumstances, that is also the most risky. The man seems to have the most severe injuries, and needs some attention even before risking a teleport. From a preliminary assessment of the damage, he was hit with something very hard."

"If we could get a stretcher underneath him, we could lift him into the cabin," said Cindy.

"Let's have Briana, Adam and Charlotte take the stretcher out and place it under him, while Anita and Cindy stabilize him. Ellie can monitor all three groups, and provide extra energy where needed."

The three visualized and planned out how they would move the stretcher. As they went through the steps, a stretcher floated out the, now open, shuttle door. Together they lowered it down into the water next to the man, before sliding it underneath him. The shuttle AI now had the shuttle just touching the water, as if it were an air boat. With the stretcher in place, Anita and Cindy joined with the other three to lift it up out of the water and move it into the shuttle. They had hardly set the stretcher down when three medical technicians appeared in the cabin to assist.

"Now, we need to get the two women out of the water," said Abaigeal. "They are rapidly losing body heat." While she was talking, the shuttle AI moved closer to the women.

"Can they walk, or stand up?" asked Briana.

"Maybe, but they are kind of groggy. We don't sense any broken limbs, though."

"Anita, come with me," said Briana, as she headed out the shuttle door, followed by Anita. The two of them walked down the shuttle steps into the water and swam the short distance over to the women. They put the least responsive of the two between them and pulled her toward the steps. Once they had her on the steps, Adam and Charlotte picked her up and carried her into the cabin. After she was on a stretcher, they went back to assist with the other woman.

When everyone was on board, the shuttle rose up, and hovered above the water. The medical technicians quickly examined the three. Brigit and Briana's Clan rested while they watched the technicians. It took them a few moments to recover their energy levels.

"Sabrina," asked Adam, "were you able to record the action on the walkway?"

"Sure did, and I sent it to the Intelligence department."

"Thanks. I think we should take these three to Dóchas for a medical review."

"Okay. We will hang around here for a while, and then have FOC AI send another flight to take our place. I guess we should keep a close eye on the carrier for a while."


"Are any of them awake?" asked Adam, looking at Jo one of the medical technicians.

"No, not really. The women are closest to being awake. The man's ID shows his name as Chester O'Callahan." The mention of the man's name caused the women to move slightly. "The women were nude with no identification. Their skin is severely abraded to the point it is raw. It could be from being flogged but doesn't look quite like that. Their shoulders were dislocated, but we eased them back into place. Their arms seemed to slip right back in place, so they should be fine. The autodoc on Dóchas will check that area very carefully. Both the women have large pins through their breasts, just behind the areola. The pins are welded closed and the wounds appear to be fresh. The shank on the pins appears to be very rough, so they will be difficult to remove without causing further pain. From the looks of their vagina and ass, they've experienced a lot of sexual activity in the last several hours. The only difference between the two women is that one of them no longer has her front teeth. They appear to have been recently pulled. From the way the gums are damaged, there could be parts of the roots still in the gums."

"Yes, we were raped continuously for a very long time," said the second woman they brought into the cabin. "It seemed like it would never end." She shuddered.

"Good, you are awake," said Briana. "My name is Briana, and this is Adam. We want to take you to see our medical staff. Before we do, do you feel strong enough to tell us a bit about what happened?"

"You mean, I am still alive?"

"Oh, yes, very much so. The man appears to have the most severe injuries," said the medical technician.

The woman started to turn her head, but stopped when she winced from the pain. "I think a medical checkup would be a good idea. Where are we?"

"You are on what we call a shuttle."

"A what?"

"A shuttle. You remember the large, strange, aircraft that flew by the carrier about 2 weeks ago."


"Well, you are now riding in one."

"You're kidding."

"Not in the least," said Adam.

As Keriann became more alert, she began to look around the cabin. Many questions began to form in her mind, especially since her rescuers appearance looked strange. However, she didn't feel threatened, in fact, she felt very safe. The medical technicians were naked except for a jacket. She then realized that several of others were naked, as well.

"I sense you have some questions," said Abaigeal. "Our society only wears a covering if our activity needs it. The suits several us are wearing are what we call tactical suits. We are all much more comfortable naked."

"Oh, that didn't bother me," said Keriann. "If it was on the carrier it would. Here, it feels natural. All of you are somehow different."

"Yes, we are," said Abaigeal. "We would prefer to hold that discussion until after we get medical attention for you."

Keriann again looked around at the group in the cabin, pausing to study each person for a moment. "You're right, we need to take care of the medical issues. If we don't I suspect Kelly and I will be very uncomfortable in a short while. I am looking forward to learning more about all of you. I can sense you are very unique."

"Where do you want us to take you?" said Charlotte. "All three of you need medical attention. We can attempt to approach the carrier, or we can take you to our clinic, which is about 30 minutes away. How do you want us to address you?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. My name is Keriann O'Connell and the other lady is Kelly McDonnell. She is the pilot for our plane and I'm the ECM. Her boyfriend is going to really be upset when he finds out she disappeared." She paused a moment before continuing. "Your clinic would probably be the best choice. Based upon what we heard as we were prepared for our torment, there are some on the carrier who want us to disappear. I think they had planned on us disappearing in different manner today, like permanently."

"If her boyfriend is named Chester O'Callahan, then he may have already found out about part of it," said Briana. "According to his ID, that is Chester on the stretcher."

"Oh, my. The last I remember was being dumped into a garbage bin and then covered with more garbage. How did we get here?"

"We picked you up out of the ocean a short time ago," said Abaigeal. "A part of our crew had alerted us to a potential problem on the carrier. As we approached, we saw two men dump what appeared to be garbage bins off the carrier's walkway. When everything hit the water, the two of you made a very big splash so we went to investigate. Do you remember what happened before then?"

"Well, some of it. I remember going back to my compartment after breakfast. When I got there, I found a note from Kelly, asking me to meet her on the rear hangar deck. When I got there, I couldn't find her nor could I find the location in the note. While I was looking, someone grabbed me from behind covering my mouth, then I felt a sharp pain and everything went dark. When I woke up, it took me a few minutes to realize my predicament. I was standing with by legs spread and my bare feet on the deck. When I tried to move them, I felt something tighten around my ankles. I could feel pressure on my wrists holding my arms over my head. There was something behind my teeth holding my mouth open apparently held there by a strap around my head. When I opened my eyes everything was blurry but I could see shapes like people. I tried to scream, but couldn't make a sound. I was scared. The quietness was eerie. Even though my vision was blurred, when I moved my head I saw another person next to me standing like I was. It was obviously a woman and now I know it was Kelly.

"Four people came into view. About the time, I figured out that it was two women and two men, they began cutting our clothes off. I was scared and wondered what was going on. I knew there was some gang issues, but had not heard of anything like this, although there was also a rumor about weekly sex parties on the hangar deck. The story was that some of the NCOs and female sailors organized the parties for a fee.

"Just as they finished cutting our clothes off a man came in. I was surprised that I could hear what was being said but not well enough to be able to identify the voice. The man who entered was apparently the leader as he began giving orders to those who stripped us. He told them to bag our clothes and anything we had with us then take it to the incinerator where they were to be certain it was burned. After a man left with the bag, a tube was forced into my ass and they used it to give us several enemas. It must have been a closed system as I didn't smell anything. From what I heard, they did them until the water was clear. After that they placed us on a bench then my hands were placed on my ankles and something was wrapped tightly around each forearm and leg. After that our legs were hooked over something which prevented us from closing them. I felt really exposed. A panel was placed so our head was hidden from view. Once we were in position it wasn't long before there were lots of voices. This was followed by rude comments along with groping then the fucking started. They used both our pussy and ass. It seemed like it went on for hours with hardly a pause before it abruptly stopped. After the panel was taken down it looked like there was still about a dozen people in the area. My gag was removed. I had hardly flexed my jaw when two legs straddled my head and a pussy covered my mouth. A woman told me to make her cum or it would be painful. This was followed by a snap then a sharp pain in tender crouch. After taking care of several women, a gag was placed in my mouth with a tube attached. A woman told me to drink as she lifted an inverted bottle over me. As I began to swallow, she told me to enjoy it as it would be a major part of my diet now. It tasted like cum but the flavor was different.

"Once the bottle was empty, they released my arms and legs and stood me up. Again my feet were fastened to the floor and my wrists tied overhead. Kelly was still lying on the bench when I heard the man in charge tell them to put a jaw spreader in Kelly's mouth and strap her head down. Once that was done, he handed something to one of the women and told the women they were to each pull a tooth. It was awful to watch and hear her moans. When they were done, he told them to put the pins in our breasts just behind the areola. I was surprised when I looked down and could clearly see their hands grab my breast then puncture it with the large pin. After it was welded shut, the group was told to wash then rinse us off. Our feet were released from the deck and we were lifted up. After a tub was placed under us, hot soapy water was poured over us. From the smell I knew it was GI soap but the worst part was them scrubbing us with scouring pads. They scrubbed us from our shoulders to our feet. The pain and burning sensation was awful. It was soon even worse because after rinsing the soap off with very hot water, they rubbed lineament all over us from our shoulders down. While the women were rubbing the lineament on us, I learned what they intended with us. We were to be placed in crates and shipped back to base as special equipment for repair. Once on base we would be taken to a location near the base and held their until the ships docked. It wasn't clear what would happen during our wait but it was clear that what we had experienced already was only the beginning.

"As they were finishing up with the lineament, I heard a heated conversation. From the parts I could understand, it seemed like the supply aircraft was delayed by several days. I could tell by the tone that the delay was a problem but I didn't hear any more. When I looked around I could tell that most of the people had left and it was quiet.

"Well it was until I heard bins rolling toward us. I could tell they were garbage bins by the smell. Something covered my mouth and everything soon went black. When I woke up, my head was covered by a burlap bag with a large rope holding it between my teeth and tied apparently tied behind my head. What felt like burlap was wrapped around my legs then the bindings on my ankles were removed. As soon as my wrists were untied, someone twisted my arms behind me until they popped out of the shoulder joints. The pain was horrible and I hardly noticed a sharp pain in each shoulder. Moments later the pain was gone but I couldn't feel my shoulders or feel my arms. Three of them lifted me up then dropped me into a garbage bin. It was awful, lying in the cold slimy garbage. Before pouring more cold wet garbage on top of me, I felt the rope around my head loosen. It didn't help as the garbage was nearly over my head and with the way I was positioned I couldn't move. The combination of bag and rope let me have just enough air to breathe. I was scared as I couldn't imagine what they intended to do.

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The Temp Belladonna Constance Dawson shook her head as she thought about the call she was going to have to make. She had retained a divorce lawyer, but she wanted to be the one who let her husband know it was over. Although she felt it was more than she owed him, given everything she brought to their marriage, as well as the circumstances under which he was forced from their home, she still wanted him to hear it from her and not a process server. As Sebastian Dawson phone...

2 years ago
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Politicians Wife

It is a couple days before the election, you being Republican in dominant liberal section plus your gorgeous wife, she is brunette with long leg and tits as big as honey dew with green eyes, you believe that she has left him since he has not seen her in a week, you believe that she has sided with her family whom strong supporter of his opposition and mayor of the town. It was miracle that you still has a chance, when he hears a knock. You sees two hired goons and Claudia, mob queen and your...

4 years ago
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Grappling With SurvivalChapter 6 Distractions

"Today we have some more information on the animal front: as expected, cattle, deer and the majority of pigs are officially history, as are corn and potatoes. Other species were impacted, but they seem to have survived to an extent. We're sure there were a lot of mass extinctions, like insects, carnivores, frogs, mice, rats as well as other vermin. It'll be years before we have any kind of official list. If anyone is so inclined, we desperately need people to take over existing farms...

3 years ago
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Alone Time

As most parents will tell you, kids complicate things. This is probably true on a lot of levels but especially when it comes to sex and especially when the kids are teenagers. Whether that’s being modest enough not to embarrass them, being quiet enough when you’re orgasming or just having to wear something around the house it can be a real pain. And as every parent also knows, when the opportunity for some ‘alone time’ presents itself, you grab it with both hands. My girlfriend’s son visits...

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Went to new job dressed a woman when boss was away

Hi, just started a new job working all week and occasional saturday. On friday, he told me, that i would work saturday and would have to work alone. So i figured, hell, I hadnt dressed in awhile, normally don't go out dressed in public. So I said F This, going to do it.So i made my self passable, make up, hair, everything, but oh what to wear? I put on my new black bra, thru on a white panty, along with a cute top and jeans to start out with. Had a few cust's come in, didn't say anything on...

2 years ago
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River PiratesChapter 6

We made it! We managed to beat the ice, but it was close. We could see small chunks of ice floating passed us as we traveled down the Missouri River below the Sioux River. Capt. Johnson was pushing as hard as he could to get to St. Louis before other shippers had gotten there and depressed the price of furs. Again, we made it, though we were not the first ones there. Capt. Johnson got a very good price for his furs, but the word was that this might be the last year for the high prices he was...

3 years ago
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Hot Trisha In Mumbai Rains

Hi, readers, I am Hardy from Mumbai, 21 years old Male. The heroine of this story is Trisha (name changed) 21 years old from Mumbai too. She is very fair and has an hourglass body, perfect for the best fuck of your life that any man could desire. So without wasting much of your time, let me get straight to the sex story to get your dicks hard and pussies wet. This incident happened to me last month, as you guys must have read in the news, Mumbai was surrounded by dark clouds and it was raining,...

2 years ago
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Breaking the Rules

I usually make a rule of never getting involved with co workers. It's just too dangerous with potential sexual harassment suits and what not, but I made the exception one time.I was working for a poorly-run advertising firm in Southern California. There was a high turn over and they were always hiring new people. One day, I was coming back from lunch when I spied a hot-looking dark-skinned sister in the lobby. I must admit that I gave her more than the once over. She was tall with flowing hair,...

3 years ago
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Beautiful Lee II

Beautiful Lee Part 2 I wrote the first segment several months ago. Since then Lee and I have been exclusive. One day, about six weeks after we met, when we weren’t seeing each other because of the kids, Lee’s ex came to the house. I was outside working in my yard and saw his Mercedes pull up. His blond bimbo was in the passenger seat. I thought it odd he was showing up since Lee hadn’t mentioned anything to me the night before when we spoke. Anna answered the door and look surprised, then...

2 years ago
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RunChapter 38 Unexpected Returns

“How the fuck does anyone put up with this?” Gene grumbled. The darkness of the tunnel was becoming a prison, the only lights along the tracks hung every quarter mile or so, and the instruments and interior lights in the train car did little to push back the blackness around them. It was making him moody even as he’d napped a couple of times. They’d been in the tunnel for almost a day already. The train seemed to randomly slow and stop, sometimes for an hour at a time, no station or platform...

1 year ago
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A chance encounter

A chance encounterA chance encounter.It was late in the summer and the last weekend at the beach house. I was almost ready to go back to the city. One last walk along the beach to soak salt air into my lungs so I would remember it. I walked along the water's edge to get the sound of the sloshing waves inside me. Far away a dark-haired woman was walking in the opposite direction. Against me. She walked in an almost causual manner, yet with her head high up and a straight back. Dangling. As we...

4 years ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 78

The problem with spending the night in San Diego was that it put us three hours behind Miami. We had to get out of our comfortable bed at 6 a.m. to start the car ride northward in time to greet Liz’s downtrodden “friend.” Liz had made arrangements for a car service to pick us up and drive us to the center, and we watched Caley’s performance on her tablet. I had to admit, it was inspiring. I could see a real future on reality TV for Miss Cross. I would need to make sure that didn’t...

2 years ago
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Saturdays Alright for Blowing

The bright line in the chat box pulsed iridescently. The small, black type came through and punched me in the gut. I hadn’t expected the question. ‘Do you want to come over?’ I stared at the words, almost breathless, my heart pounding. How often did women invite men over after chatting with them online? Most women I knew were afraid online guys would turn out to be stalkers, rapists, and axe-murderers. ‘Yes,’ I responded. I left it at that. Saturday night sitting at a computer and typing...

1 year ago
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Sister finds a surprise at swing party

Note : This story is completely fictional! I am 28 years old. Strawberry hair and 36c tits. My husband got me started in swinging. I am very open minded and gave it a try. Now we are hooked. Anytime there is a party we are sure to be there. This party was somewhat different and invitation only. It was at this large house with 8 rooms. When we got there the lights were very low, very difficult to see. I was escorted to a different room where the women were and my husband to where the men were....

1 year ago
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Older Woman in Coffee Shop Part 8

When she ground on his cock he took control, handcuffed her to the bed, removed the condom and came inside of her, offering little fanfair or tenderness as he satiated his need. Having finally cum. James brings up the fact that Angella is both ovulating and against abortion. Furious, she threatens to ruin him, but he remains unphased by her threats. In response to her outrage he places a piece of paper from his wallet next to her and then leaves, without setting her...

2 years ago
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My Ladyboy LittleLi Part 2

After LittleLi had finished swallowing my cum, she fell back and i noticed she still had on her frilly ankle socks and MJ,s. Now that I knew LittleLi was a ladyboy i could tell her about my collection of stockings, panties, shoes and dresses that i liked to get dresssed in. LittleLi loved the the fact and took off the rest of my man clothes. I got up off the bed in front of her naked and went to my cabinet with all my fave clothes in it. I lay out satin frilly panties, stockings of all...

4 years ago
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With nephew1

Hi am saraswathi. Am 36 years old, fair, living a happy married life with two children. My assets were 34-30-32. Though I had a wonderful life, the only thing that was missing was sex. I and my husband used to have sex twice a week, which gradually reduced when my son was born. After the birth of my daughter we never had sex. I was craving for sex for nearly 10 years until this incident took place a year ago. The incident I am going to explain is purely true. It took place between me and my...

3 years ago
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Coke Cock Dilemma 6

When he opened the door a tall asian man in his late twenties, he was rather good looking and looked fit. He was wearing just a tee-shirt and sweat pants and was holding a small lap board. “This is Natalie’s brother Alex, he brought us our party favors and he’s going to be keeping you company till you make your entrance downstairs. Have fun.” He said with a smile and closed the door behind him as he left.“Hi, Mike is it,” he asked. His voice was deep and smooth. “Is it alright if I sit down?”...

1 year ago
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Thanksgiving vacation

It was a wednesday, loading the van, dressing warm, packing warm clothes, and I knew my nieces and nephews would want to play outsidebut the only thing I had on my mind was playing football in the snow. Its kind of a get together tradition, rain, snow, didn't matter, it was a friendly game while dinner was cooking, tackle, no pads, guys from 10-50, usually a great time. "If this takes any longerwe'll be getting there in time for bed!" said my dad. "She's on her phone in her room" I told my dad,...

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Gaping First Day of College

I walked out ino the quad and receognized some people from move in I saw on my floor and went to introduce myself. We talked about where we were from, thoughts on majors, the dorm, everything that was so new to us! We all decided to go get food from the vendors the school set up and chowed down. The group of other students were great and I think I found a friend group. As we were getting up to leave, the girl to my left swung around and knocked her drink onto my shoes soaking them. She...

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Persephone in Winter

 ????????????????????????? Persephone in Winter??????????????????????????? by Night Writer   ??????????????????????????????? Prologue Elyse waited patiently by the open trunk of the car as the boy placedthe last bag of groceries inside. She found herself smiling, for noparticular reason.? The sun was warm on her face, and a slight breezeplayed with her hair, tickling her cheek, teasing her in and out of herdaydream. The soft knit of the light sweater fell away from the firm swell of...

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wife fucked by shemale

This is the story of me Rittu married to a guy named Harvinder in 1996. We had 2 k**s from our marriage .Harvinder was very fond of girls and even before my marriage he use to fuck prostitutes right from young girls to middle aged women. He used to get his cock sucked and even used to fuck these prostitutes in their ass. After getting married to him he used to apply all the tricks on me. He made me watch blue films and he get his cock sucked as women in bluefilm. He even used to make me drink...

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Unexpected Cuckolding Part II

So, three days had now passed since this all happened. We'd been slightly awkward with each other, her eager to please and clearly remorseful, me still a bit head in the clouds and confused. To be cuckolded was my fantasy but that was it, a fantasy. I just wasn't sure and still couldn't define whether the overall sensation when I thought I about it was pleasure or pain. One thing I did know, however, was I needed more details. There was still some aspects that I wanted to know more about,...

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A fake professor

Hi there, I am about 35 years old and here is the story that took place not long ago, I remember everything vividly and I still can’t believe it really happened to me. All my life, I was working as a driver, not a cab driver but driving some big shots. I received decent salary and was happy with my life. What is more, I always has a luxurious car by my side, the better part was that the gasoline and repairs were covered by my employer. So, in short, I could drive wherever I wanted and enjoy the...

2 years ago
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Faith Hope and Charity 2 Smoking in the Boys Room

  Where we left off last time, the trinity of Faith, Hope and Charity had been born all bonded by our mutual love of debauchery , and of course us all being in the same school and grade. I am Charity Jones, your humble author. At this point in my life I was sixteen an at the beginning of my incredible journey into both womanhood and sluthood. I have sparkling blue eyes and corn-silk blonde hair. My pin up figure over the year hasn’t changed much, my hips aren’t as small as they were when...

4 years ago
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Thats Never Forget Me

I am.change my real name am i Sarasi(its not my real name).i leaving with my mum & dad get after thats my mum get 2nd marriage.mum age 38 his age is 34 so my age is 16 steady at OKI inter:girls school .ok Thats story is tow month mum get lion club award its function held at Hotel Hilton.thats day my 2nd dad dint go with us .he go to the funeral at Kandy.tits day night at 10.30 mum told me baby u well go home with Driver becoz.tomorrow yore exeam.i came home...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Angela White Natural National Treasure Angela White Means Business

Angela White is an appraising banker turning viewers into wankers. The blue-eyed Aussie is at Jule’s house to assess value. White is adorned in juicy red business attire. Displaying cleavage that would make giving out free toasters completely unnecessary… Angela, who is used to clients eyeballing her rack says “So you want to get serious about this breast worship?”. Angela allows Jordan to squeeze the golden orbs. She then executes a brutal tease. Sliding one heaving breast out with a nipple...

3 years ago
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The Way of the WorldChapter 4

Naked, we went down the hall to the communal bath. I carried a knife though there shouldn't be any issues in a bath. It was considered impolite. Women entered these places knowing that they would be having sex with any men who wanted them. It was the way of the world. We walked in and there were two men who had obviously arrived just before us. One of them raised his hand in salute. "Hello, I am Morri, a trader from the Western mountains." The other was quieter. He said, "I am Frustic...

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The Balance Ch 0105

Chapter 1 Ariana watched her son as they gathered fruit in the warm autumn sun. Summer was ending, but the Deity had seen fit to bless them with a last spell of fine weather before the inevitable chill set in. Abiron was a fine looking lad, she had to admit. No, not a lad, anymore, or not for long. He was of medium height, medium weight, but he was lithe and strong, the flush of adolescence gradually giving way to a man’s dignity. The Deity would let her know when the time had come, but she...

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Hide Seek Winter JenningsChapter 7 A Siege of Herons

I sent Clint some suggestions for the name of our firm. For incorporation purposes, he would be the equivalent of a CEO, but no one seemed to be interested in titles. To the clients, potential clients, each one of us would be the Indian Chief in our home town. As for a corporate name, I was leaning toward Winter Jennings & Associates, LLC. A second stolen print ended up for sale in Omaha, then a third in Des Moines. Little Rock, Denver, St. Louis. I push-pinned a map and noted that...

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Fun on the Class Trip Ch 3

Finished checking out the room, I stepped into the hallway to see which rooms my friends were in. I was walking down the hall when one of my friends, Kyle, from the football team passed me going towards the elevator followed by a large group of students. "Hey man, where are you all headed?" I said, stopping him in the hall. "We're all going swimming before bed. There's a pool downstairs." He replied before continuing on his way. I considered going swimming and thought it might...

4 years ago
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My Wife a Reluctant Slut for Black Cock

I never dreamed I would be able to write about the actual fulfillment of a long held fantasy of mine! For years I have wanted to see my wife with a black man. Amy and I married over 12 years ago when we were quite young. She is 32 years old and has medium length wavy brown hair and green eyes. She has an attractive figure with C-cup breasts. She does aerobics and keeps her self in shape. We married young so she had only been with a few guys in all her life, three in all though she is quite...

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Moms still my first

My name is Trish (not real obviously) and I have been reading lots ofstories on various pages of late. Most of them are really exciting and someare quite different. If half of them are true, some of you are leadingextraordinary lives - I guess that mine is a little out of the norm as well.What I have wanted to write about for quite some time now, and am finallylegally old enough to do so (at least from a socially set "norm"perspective) is a true story about the lead up to and the first time...

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