TalentChapter The Second: Being The Continuing Adventures With Nurse S free porn video

My injuries were a puzzle to the doctor. He came in that afternoon to give me the benefit of his refrigerator-style of bedside manner. He dealt with me as some kind of mannequin to be pulled and prodded but, as he began to actually register the details of my injuries, he began to take more care.
"This is odd Mr... Ah... Harvey" he muttered as he looked closely through the bottoms of his bifocals at what lay under the bandages on my chest. I craned my neck to see, but failed.
"What's the matter?" I asked, worried there was something serious. Was he going to call the ER. Team?
"Well, that's the odd thing, there's nothing really the matter here; except that according to your x-rays, you were supposedly suffering from some significant number of broken ribs and now there's not even much of a bruise. Is there much in the way of pain here?" He carefully pushed on my chest with his middle two fingers, I felt no discomfort. "I think there's been some sort of mistake made in Radiology," he began "I'm sorry about the bandaging, it appears it was unnecessary" He began to strip the sticky bandages off my side and succeeded in doing so without too much of my hair going with it. "Now, let me have a look at that mouth injury" He squinted into my face. Again, his eyes showed a glint of curiosity. "This is quite remarkable, I don't think I would have expected the sutures to have mended so quickly." He took up the clipboard and scanned the details. "You seem to have some remarkable recuperation rate Mr. Harvey, I am impressed. The soft tissue damage must have confused the emergency team. Even the dental damage is not as bad as first thought"
I was pleased to hear that, I had been hoping the crash hadn't messed my features too badly and I guessed the desire to get myself looking better again had had a direct effect on my recuperation.
"I've been wondering what my teeth look like" I said hopefully. He brought a mirror over from the table at the side of the room and allowed me to hold it up to my face. Apart from the colours and the puffiness around my eyes, the shape I saw looking back at me was roughly the same as usually helps me shave in the morning.
"Thanks doctor" I handed him the mirror.
"Not at all - it seems your body has been very busy getting better." The doctor seemed very pleased with the findings and left me with a suggestion I would be out of there a lot quicker than at first thought. Trouble was, Until I could get someone home to look after me, it was more expedient to move me into a private room and keep me in the hospital, the doctor reckoned on something like two weeks before I could be moved out but the way my legs were going it might be sooner. That was fine by me, I could do with the rest anyhow and with my insurance cover there was no shortage of attention.
I really did feel fine, apart from having some ugly lumps where my bones were trying to mend and some rather fetching bruises. On top of which, the way my head was working seemed to promise even more in the way of some pretty intense 'opportunities.' I had fun with every visitor who called in to see me. The staff all agreed I was very lucky to have come out of a car crash such as mine and survived with such light injuries. The female nurses also seemed to consider me as a very attractive patient. Which was in no small way due to the fact I made sure every one of the nurses who came to see to me, got turned on as soon as they walked into the room. It meant I got some very careful attention; extra fluffing of the pillows, resetting the bedclothes or closer assistance when being moved to the bedside chair. Once or twice, when they thought I was dozing, I caught sight of a couple of them bringing other friends to see the special patient they were looking after in room twelve.
Nurse Martin, was still on prime shift and so it was her I saw mostly, and I was having some fun. She would enter the room in her normal polished way but always leave in a state of some arousal. After a few sessions, She began to look at me in a way which showed she was beginning to consider me as a very attractive subject.
I was obviously able to make her feel pretty sexy around me. It was a big turn-on to make her itch so much her hair would drop out of its bun and she'd be flustered enough she couldn't seem to get it out of her face. I'd get such a buzz, I'd be 'polishing' my bell-end soon after she'd left (for someone without the flu' I sure put a lot of Kleenex in the trash can!) I progressed in my discovery of what it was I could actually do with my new-found abilities. It was evident I could effect changes in my own body and the knitting of the broken bones was something I did as a sort of pastime in the evenings. I also reached a new level of concentration which enabled me to literally 'let my mind wander.' Bit by bit, I was able to move my point of focus further and further out. It seemed that so long as I could maintain concentration, I could generate a full definition of my presence outside my body.
At first I was only any good trying to do things around my room, but soon increased to the hallway. If I let my mind clear with a bit of meditation, I was able to "see" the place from a new vantage point. It was dreadfully arousing to be able to let my view crawl into the other parts of the ward and go where I pleased; like following the women into the bathrooms or into the changing rooms of the nurses' stations. I especially liked the experience, during the night shift, of taking a 'stroll' and finding myself between the knees of a cute little oriental nurse whose white cotton panties stretched tightly across a perfectly shaved pussy; the lips of which were clearly distinguishable and just demanded to be stroked with my tongue. I opened my eyes (my real ones) and used them to see what she was doing as she sat there when this sort of feeling was happening in her crotch.
Li-Ann had a faraway look on her face and her hands were placed rigidly on the desk. She was certainly looking distracted in the extreme! I concentrated and got back to the teasing sensations in her clitoris, an action which led her to surreptitiously slip one hand down to ease her fingers into the leg of her panties and stroke the tips around the hard little nubbin. I could hear her humming tunelessly to herself as she opened up her flower and let her oils coat her knuckles. I began to give her kisses all over the soft skin of her upper legs and thighs, slipping into her bra with my phantom mouth and gently nibbling her pencil-eraser sized nipples.
I managed to split my attention and let my consciousness filter into her body.
There was a slightly disorienting feeling of constriction, the vertical hold and then the horizontal seemed to come together, things cleared and there I was in the cockpit receiving all her input too. She was still in there but it was like I was living in some sort of attic in her mind. The flood of new sensations was enough to make my body squirm. All the sensations were coming to unusual parts of my anatomy. I had to begin a swift set of re-mappings of the impulses before I could match my male body to hers. It was as if I could identify her thoughts as well as mine and, clumsily at first but then with added fluidity I began to post my images over those of her own. She began to sense flashes of my erotic thoughts as if they were hers and soon she saw me as the main object of the desire which was spearing through her. Sure enough, through my half-closed eyes, I saw her looking at me across from her station with lusty interest. Li-Ann gave up on trying to keep this frigging session covered up and leaned back in her chair, her arm showing the movements which were rubbing the hood of her clitty in circles. Her other hand was a balled fist in her mouth and she used it to smother her gasps, (this girl was usually a vocal cummer for sure!).
I realised just how real my presence was when I actually felt the wetness of her cunt on my face as her orgasm hit, and the beautifully pungent smell of her cum as she peaked and slowly regained her composure. She appeared to be surprised at what had happened but pleased no-one had seen anything. She glanced about quickly to confirm and then looked skywards with a 'Whew!' as she blew the hair out of her eyes. She readjusted her underwear and got back to looking over her paperwork. She wasn't used to having that sort of urgent desire hit her so hard at work. So I placed the suggestion it was just a good way to relieve the boredom of a quiet night shift, "this paperwork is dry stuff." She smiled to herself at her secret little bit of naughtiness. A special thrill for me was the way she absently ran her fingers under her nose for a while and then used her tongue to gently draw the secretions off each one in turn. I couldn't be sure if it was just a leftover desire which I had given her, but she sure looked to be enjoying the taste.
Later, I could feel her eyes on me, when we passed in the corridor, crossing at the door to the bathroom, "I gotta go" I said pantomiming a grimace as she held open the communal door. She'd been in to tidy up and I was on my way in for a massive tug. It would have been too much to hope she would follow me in to give me a hand :) Each time Staff Nurse Sara (as I found out her colleagues called her) came in to deal with me I would make a suggestion about the colour of her panties. She was intrigued about how I could make such good 'guess' each time (although I was careful to make my guesses either ambiguous or slightly less than exact) she always responded with a smile which was more flirtatious than simply tolerant.
We even progressed to her sitting on the edge of my bed if she had time to rest during her busy shift as we chatted abut this and that. I had stopped my game of 'stripping' her every time she came in because she was becoming more of a friend to me rather than an object of lust (well, that's what I tried to convince myself, but I still liked to see those perky little nipples swell into hard buttons as I turned up the heat).
After a week of flirting with her and making sure she was hot enough to ignite by the time she left my room, she came in one morning to make sure I was comfortable in my chair. My broken ankle was doing fine already, I'd made sure there was not much pain coming from there and anyhow I didn't fancy rushing myself out of such a fortuitous place. It was a simple task to allow them to find my body in a worse state than it really was. It was also nicer to sit up than it was to be on my back all the time. She bustled around the room, trying to be efficient but her face disclosed she was excitedly concealing something. I gave her a pretty heavy urge, she gasped a little, looking at me under heavy lids, her breath heavier with arousal. At one point, her face blushed beautifully and I could see the flush spread down through her nipples, which stood out proud from the deeper brown aureoles, her bra must've felt uncomfortable with the extra pressure since she surreptitiously shrugged her shoulders and took the opportunity to readjust herself as she leant a bit heavier on the bed frame. As I looked lower down the smooth magnificence of her downy tummy, I was amused to see she wore a pair of sheer thigh-highs and no panties at all! The naughty minx was going to see if I could guess something which wasn't there!
As she finished her ministrations, she stood up and returned to the door where she stood, hand on the handle. I realised she was waiting for me to make my usual guess. I made a display of concentrating.
"Hmmm, today is... what colour today? Hmmm..." stroking my chin and theatrically gazing into the air for inspiration.
She stood with her hands on her hips, lips turned up at their edge in a genuine smile "yes?" she asked, cocking her head to one side. She was really going to test me today, she was having her own silent joke to herself.
"I think its another pink day today" I said, looking straight into her eyes.
She smiled. "Maybe you're right" she said, eyes alight.
I brought another flush through her pussy and she reddened and smiled with eyes heavy with a conspiratorial lust. She couldn't believe how much she was turned on by this guy, there hadn't been anyone since high school who could illicit such a response just by being there!
I looked directly at her and said "definitely, a pink day today." Our eyes locked, her pupils were dilated enough they looked black.
I pursued the sensations further, making sure she was able to feel the moisture against the insides of her thighs as I mentally strummed lightly on her clitoris. She blinked lazily and drew in a ragged breath. She obviously came to a decision and I could see the strong pulse in her throat as she carefully pulled the curtain across the door and let herself walk towards me. This was a really dangerous thing to do in her professional position, but she was acting on the lust which had built up over the past days. She drew up to the side of my chair and with a trembling in her voice which betrayed the full extent of her excitement, asked me if I wanted to check to make sure.
"Sara?" I asked in mock innocence, and increased the arousal she was feeling as it spread out from her clitoris, up through her stomach and breasts and coloured her face a beautiful coral pink She clenched her tummy muscles in response and her hand grasped the back of my chair next to my ear.
"Would you... " she hesitated in embarrassment for a moment "... Would you like to check the colour yourself?"
She stood rooted, her body trembling with the stimulation. I looked down at her skirt, stretched a little tighter as she posed with her slender legs slightly parted. My robe was having a tough time covering the straining boner which was trying to see the light of day. Sara glanced at him and her eyebrows arched slightly. She was up there, flying with the sexy-birds.
There was no way she was in the mood to stop this now and it was clear she was excited beyond reasoning. Keeping our eye contact again, I slowly moved my hand from the armrest and slid my fingers under the hem of her skirt. Sara gave a slight gasp as my fingers brushed against the smoothness of the side of her knees. I couldn't tell if it was my heartbeat or hers which I could hear.
"I don't know what you've been doing to me..." She moaned, "... but I can't stop thinking about you." Her skin was hot to touch and I gently ran my palm up the nylons and caressed the strong muscles above. Her face was serious in her arousal, she stared at me, breathing heavily as I let my hand glide across the top of her stockings and onto the softness of her bare thigh. Her tongue licked her dry lips and she shuddered slightly.
"You really shouldn't..." she began, but didn't finish.
I could feel my heartbeat in my throat as I tried to control the excitement. The moisture and heat increased as I neared the swollen lips of her bare pussy. "Oh my goodness" was about all she could mutter as she let out a long sigh. She shifted her weight forwards in anticipation of my finger coming into contact with her sex and I was rewarded with a kiss on my hand from a hot pair of wet, pink, juicy lips. I smiled up at her and feigned surprise
"My, my!" I chided, "I was right, definitely a pink day today!" my voice gruff with excitement. "Nurse Martin! You're not wearing any panties!" I grinned at her and pressed the edge of my hand directly into the furrow of her crotch, "I am touching your pussy" I stated, putting the emphasis on the word which made her shudder. "You're soooo wet!" I explained with a pretence I was shocked.
Sara blushed furiously and her knees bent slightly as I sent a wash of lust through her body. I swept my thumb up and across her clit as my forefinger slipped inside her. She nearly sobbed with the stimulus and her eyelids fluttered closed. She muttered a hissing, long drawn out expletive and drew in a deep breath through her nose. I felt the muscles in the oiled velvet of her cunt squeeze down on my finger as she tilted her pelvis forward to meet my flicking thumb.
"Ah shit, keep... it... there... there!" she began to tremble even more and lent in closer towards my face. In all her experience she'd not met any man who could do bring her off like this. I could almost drink in the feelings she was battling with. Sara felt as if she was losing control completely and was not used to that. I let a second finger join the first and pinched down onto the sensitive trigger of her clitoris with my thumb. She dropped her forehead onto my shoulder and leaned her body into me.
"Fuuuuck! Oh oh oh!" she choked as her hips spasmed forward.
I had been pushing her buttons since she'd walked in and so she was close to popping over the top. I twisted around and reached behind her with my other hand, grasping her firm buttock and pulling her close. My fingers pushed hard up into her and I planted a deep kiss on her neck. I wanted her to feel my control on her and on as strong a voice as I could manage in my own unsteady condition I whispered into the perfumed shell of her ear; "come on Sara, cum for me. I want you to cum for me" and gently bit the pink engorged lobe.
"Ah!" was all she could strangle out in her gentle voice as her hips bucked against my hand and she fell into a deep series of orgasmic spasms.
Her hands wildly searched out my cock which was nearly bumping my stomach.
"Where are you?" she said, mostly to herself, looking down between her legs at my groin with an urgency, "I think you need this too..."
She closed her cool fingers around the shaft and squeezed firmly. I just growled in the back of my throat and we turned our heads together and our mouths met in as sloppy a kiss as I could have hoped for. Gently jacking me, she was obviously building to another fast cum of her own and hummed her appreciation into my ear.
I brushed her skirt up so it was flicked over her back. Her stocking-clad legs and her spread ass were completely bare and exposed to anyone who might come into the room. Sara stiffened for a second as the cool air gave away her predicament she groaned with the thrill of the potential for her discovery. "Oh Christ Danny... " she began, her speech interrupted by powerful gulps of air,
"I'll... get... the... sack!" I pressed her cunt with a surge and she leaned into me, spreading her legs and tipping her buttocks up. I caught the idea this action was the result of an exhibitionist streak which was pushing her excitement to a new higher level. She shifted her weight from one foot to the other, effectively wiggling the glistening globes of her buttocks at anyone who might be lucky enough to be an audience, of course the curtain was across the door but there was no lock.
Her mouth was soft from her passion, I knew the whole of my shoulder was wet with her saliva and she was using her top teeth to scrape across the sensitive back of my neck as she tried desperately to control her urge to suck up a hickey on my throat. I allowed my body to slip forward off the front of my chair as I squatted into a crouch between her knees My cock pulled from her grip and she looked up quickly to see what was happening. The chair scraped away from behind me and, as Sara realised where I was going, she held me with both hands behind my head. Even in her state, she was still worried about my injuries (my legs were perfectly able to cope with this but I wasn't going to tell anyone about that yet) and began to protest. As soon as my chin forced its way into the cleft of her vagina though, she stopped her talking, sighed again and practically heaved my head off as she tried to press my tongue harder into her. I was kneeling with my arms around her knees and my head tipped back as she literally rode my face. Her skirt fell around my shoulders and I was encased in the warm scented gloom, making a pig of myself with her snatch.

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