OVERBOARD!Chapter 39: I Go To Denver. free porn video

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Monday morning I headed for the resort offices and to the I.T. offices. Things were somewhat unsettled there. The manager was packing out his desk. I acted like I didn't see anything out of the ordinary and went over to Garrett's desk.

"Garrett, I need to get into the computer room here to check the connections."

He looked at me funny for a moment before snapping out of it. "This way." He got up and started leading me to the back of the office where the computer room was. When we got to the door we went through it and closed it behind us.

"Is this what I think it is?"

"Yeah, my boss got the boot this morning. The call came from Ian Thompson first thing. He spoke with the local Operations Manager and my boss was called into the office. Five minutes later he was in the H.R. offices getting his walking papers and termination paperwork. He's supposed to be gone by lunch time."

"Ian didn't waste time, did he?"

"Apparently Ian was waiting for us to complete the installation before dropping the axe. Do you really need to check anything in here?"

"No, I just said that to get us both out of sight and ear shot from everyone else. I'm supposed to talk with Ian this morning. Do you want me to put you up for the manager's position?"

"I've been talking with Joyce about it all week. Do you really think I can do it?"

"I don't know enough about the office politics or admin requirements here, so I can't speak with you one way or the other about them. I DO know you can handle the technical part of the job, easily. If you want it, you can do it, I'm sure."

"That's what Joyce said. If you're willing to stick your neck out and recommend me, I'll go for it. Of course they may have somebody else in mind already."

"They might but it won't hurt any for me to put your name up."

"Thanks, Rob."

"Let's go back in. I still have to give my report to your office and to Ian in Denver. I'd like to get out of here today if I can."

We went in and the manager's desk was clear; he was nowhere in sight. I headed to the executive suite. There'd be someone there to take my report. I went to the Executive V.P.'s office. His secretary (assistant?) knew who I was and greeted me.

"Good morning Mister Lister, I've been expecting you. Will you please come with me?" She got out from behind her desk.

"Certainly, who am I going to see?"

"I'm supposed to bring you to the conference room and connect you to Mister Thompson in the Denver offices; he's waiting on your call."

We went to the conference room where she gave me a seat near the speaker phone and offered to get me coffee before she placed the call to Ian's office. As soon as his secretary answered she put me through to Ian; apparently he really was waiting on my call.

"Good morning, Rob, thank you for calling this morning, thank you also for emailing your report to me. I've already gone through it enough to get the gist of it. I've passed it to Hank Stein, our I.T. Manager here, to go through it in depth this morning."

"Ian that's the type of report I always do when I've done any sort of major work for a client. If your I.T. Manager there has any questions, please have him email me and I will answer them to the best of my ability."

"Actually, Rob, I'd like you to come to our offices here and meet with him today. I've had some discussion with him about what you said regarding backup files and having them at an offsite location from the original files. He tells me we are not as protected or safe as I thought we were. Do you think you can be here for lunch? I want the three of us to sit down and discuss this whole incident, its ramifications and the dangers it has brought to my attention."

"Ian, I'd be happy to come to Denver and meet with you but before I commit to doing that this morning, or even today, I need to make a few phone calls and check my schedule. Can I call you back in an hour or so? I've spent all of my time this past week working on your systems and I have to make sure none of my other clients have any issues that require my immediate attention. Please don't misunderstand, I appreciate the business opportunity with you but I can't neglect any of my other clients."

"Rob, I can understand that and I respect the commitment to your clients, all your clients. If we reach a working agreement for you to take us on as a client here in Denver, I would expect the same level of commitment, so I can't begrudge it to any of your existing clients. I can tell you, though, after my discussions with Hank, our I.T. Manager, we're looking at doing business with you for more than just the resort you're calling from."

"Thank you, Ian. I'd appreciate the business. Let me check on my other clients and I'll get back to you within an hour."

"I'll be waiting on your call. In the meantime, I'll direct the offices there to give you any support you need while you're there."

"Thank you, Ian. I'll get back to you shortly."

"I'll be waiting." He terminated the call.

I sat back thinking about the conversation I'd just had. Wow, who'd have thought this would mushroom the way it has? How big was this holding company? About that time, the secretary stuck her head in the door.

"Is there anything I can get you, Mister Lister?"

"No, I'm good with the coffee still. I do have a question. How far away are the offices where I'm supposed to meet Mister Thompson, time wise?"

"Uh, they're about two hours away, maybe two and a half, depending on traffic."

"Can you please get me directions there? I'll be driving myself later today."

"Certainly, give me a few minutes. Anything else?"

"Not right now, thank you."

She left and I opened my laptop. When I was on-line, I accessed my home office system to review logs. I went over the logs for the past week. I had been looking them over each evening but that was more a fast scan than it was an in depth review. Now I was looking over each day's logs closely: there were specific triggers that I looked for on the fast scan because they meant trouble. What I was doing now involved specific metrics and they were different for each of my clients. They were more indications of pending problems than they were flags of specific issues.

The secretary came back in. She had a fresh cup of coffee for me and a sheet of instructions. When I looked them over I could see I would have to work hard to get lost. These instructions would make Google Maps jealous if they knew of them. "I talked with our courier service to get these; they told me if you follow them and travel at the posted speed limits, they'll bring you to the office door in Denver in one hour and fifty-eight minutes if you leave here after ten but before two-thirty."

"Thank you, this is more than I was expecting."

"I was told to give you any support you needed directly by Mister Thompson. It was the first time he spoke to me and he was rather emphatic about giving you anything you might need. Is there anything else I can do for you? Take your laundry out? Shine your shoes? Wash your car? I got the impression that if you asked me to jump I better learn levitation if I like my job. If you don't mind my asking, what did you do or what are you going to do?"

"I'm just a computer nerd who helped bail you guys out of a mess that was caused by insufficient or improper planning but I'm a very good computer nerd."

"Somehow I don't think that's all you are but who am I to argue."

"Thanks for the coffee. Now, I've got to get back to this so I can go to Denver."

"I'll leave you be but if you need anything just pick up the phone; my extension is two-six-two." She left me again.

I turned back to my computer and returned to my work. Twenty minutes later I was through. Fortunately there was nothing to upset my apple cart. I sent out six emails to clients making recommendations before I closed up the computer. I thought about calling Kay but decided to send her a text instead; I didn't want to affect her work day by interrupting her. I picked up the phone and called Ian's office. When I identified myself to his secretary she asked me to hold, Mister Thompson was waiting on my call.

"Rob, you must be good or you must need the work. Which is it?"

"Excuse me?

"Either you're good at what you do and were able to check on your other clients quickly or you don't have that many clients, so which is it?"

"If you ask me, I'm good at what I do, very good. By the way, what did you say to the young lady who has been giving me anything I ask for and even some things I haven't asked for. I think if I ask her to get out of her skin and dance in her bones she will."

"I know you're good. I did some checking on you and you have an excellent reputation. I told her you were to get all the support you needed and then some. When can you come see me?"

"I should be there by twelve-thirty unless I get lost. With the directions I've been given, I'd have to work at getting lost."

"We'll have lunch when you get here. I'll see you then."

"Yes sir, for lunch." We hung up and I stopped by the secretary to thank her again before I left, headed for Denver.

Two hours and five minutes later I walked into the offices where I expected to see Ian. He was actually waiting for me at the elevator when the doors opened. He had a young lady waiting with him; she was behind him and just to his side so I could see her clearly.

He reached out to shake my hand. "Hello, Rob, I hope you haven't eaten yet. Hank is waiting for us at the restaurant. Do you need to set anything down?"

"If we're coming back here, I won't need my computer until then." I handed my computer bag to him and he in turn gave it to his assistant.

We went back into the elevator and there was a car waiting for us at the curb. At the restaurant we walked in and past the maître d' to a small private dining room. I was impressed; apparently Ian really did want something from me.

Ian introduced me to the gentleman obviously waiting for us. "Rob, this is Henry Stein, our corporate I.T. Manager, he's responsible for our I.T. operations and those of all our daughter companies. He would have been there last week but he was on vacation and out of the area when things went south at that resort. Hank, this is Robert Lister of Lister I.T. Service. He's the one that came out to get that resort back on-line for us. When I went there he didn't hold anything back and told me what we needed; when I gave him the go ahead he took care of everything for us."

"Hank, it's nice to meet you. I hope you enjoyed your vacation."

"I did, thank you. I understand we now have a whole new installation at that particular resort and it's thanks to you. I want you to know that setup was there when we bought the resort in the first place. I should have known about that weak point in the setup and I didn't. Mea culpa. I did some research and found there had been a previous recommendation for a remote backup service and it had been quashed by the local I.T. Manager to save money."

"I understand he's no longer with the company."

Ian spoke up, "As of eleven o'clock this morning. It's one of the things we wanted to talk with you about, Rob."

We sat down and a waitress took our drink order. When we had our drinks, they rolled in a carving table with a nice looking prime rib on it. It was set up in front of us and we each ordered the cut we wanted. When we had our plates and were seated at the table, the conversation resumed.

Hank started again, "As we were saying, Rob, we wanted to talk to you about the I.T. Manager's position at that resort. As of this morning it's vacant and we need to fill it. While you were doing some very good work for us this past week we did some checking on you and your company. We're quite impressed. There's an aerospace company and an airline that both have offices in San Diego and when I spoke with them, among others, those company I.T. people couldn't speak highly enough about you, your work and what you've done for them."

Ian stepped back into the conversation, "We would like you to join us and take that newly vacant position. We know you have your own company and although it's a small company, it's very successful and well thought of. I also have a good idea of your income from that company. We're willing to match that and add another twenty percent to it. The position will start at the resort but will end up here. Hank is leaving us in about a year and you would be moving up to his position."

"I've been diagnosed with a slow growing cancer, nothing significant at this point but I'm taking an early retirement. The timing here is coincidental but fortuitous for our company and hopefully you'll see it that way as well, for yourself."

"We knew we were going to have to find a replacement for Hank this coming year. Things have fallen in place right now and are well aligned, if you agree. We don't expect you to answer us right now but we do want you for the position."

I sat there for a moment, kind of in shock because this was out of the blue as far as I was concerned. "Ian, thank you for the consideration, I appreciate it. I'm honored you would even think of me but I'm sorry to say I can't take the position. I'm happy with my company and the work I do with it. I also like the flexibility it gives me and the freedom from corporate pressures. I can make a recommendation for your position at the resort, if you'd like."

"We'd really like you for the position, Rob. Is there anything we can do to induce you to take our position? Hank really does want to retire next year."

"I'm afraid not. There are two big stumbling blocks you can't overcome. I sail and I have a thirty-six foot, ocean going, sailboat that is a key to my relaxation. Colorado doesn't offer much in the way of an ocean front. I also have a fiancée who works for that aerospace company you mentioned, Ian."

"That's disappointing, Rob, but I can understand. Hank, we're going to have to do that search for your replacement after all. That is unless you think this recommendation of yours could step up, Rob."

"I don't think he's up to Hank's position, not yet anyway and truthfully I don't think he'd be ready for it in a year, so I'm not able to help you there. He's very good, though, at what he does. The I.T. Manager position at that resort would be a step up for him that I think he can handle. You already know him, Ian."

"I do?"

"It's Garrett Johnson; he's currently the senior I.T. tech at the resort. He was with me when I first met you in the board room there, Ian."

He thought for a minute. "I remember him. He was kind of quiet at that meeting."

"It wasn't his meeting, he was my escort at the meeting and he was a huge help all week long in making the equipment change out and alignment. He's been at that resort since it was built, including that computer system installation. He's very good. He may need a little help in administration but not much. I don't think you can beat him on the technical side."

"Is he interested in the position?"

"I know he's discussed it with his wife and yes, he's interested. If you don't have someone else in mind for the position, I highly recommend you at least interview him. He has an advantage over anyone else you might consider. He knows the operations of the resort intimately and knows everything there is to know about the computer installation. I highly recommend him to be the I.T. Manager at that resort."

"We'll take a serious look at him and do an interview. Thank you for the recommendation."

The rest of the time we were at the restaurant our conversation was not as intense. We finished the meal and went back to their offices. When we got back I went with Ian to the conference room while Hank went to his office to pick up some papers before he rejoined us.

Ian and I were standing around in the conference room waiting on Hank. "Rob, I know you already said no to our job offer but is there ANY possibility you might change your mind? I was serious when I said we were very impressed with you and your accomplishments. We would REALLY like you to come on board with us."

"Ian, I really appreciate the consideration and the offer but I'm afraid not. I think it's a very nice offer, I'm sure you would compensate me appropriately and I'm flattered. If you've checked on me and my company I'm sure you know I'm a one man operation. I'm very happy with my present situation and I don't see any way you could make me an offer that will make me as happy. If you consider Maslow's hierarchy of needs, I'm at the very top of that pyramid."

"I had to try at least one more time and I'll warn you now, I'll probably try yet again." He smiled at me.

I smiled back at him. "So noted."

At this point Hank rejoined us. We settled in around the conference table and got to work.

Hank started, "Rob, if you won't join us and take the position we're offering, will you help us to bring our systems up to appropriate levels, so we don't have to go through this disaster ever again? I don't mean at that resort only, either. We have seven other resort properties that are ultimately my responsibility. Since we can't get you to come to work for us we want to contract with you, to have you go to each of those properties to survey them and make recommendations for any and all system modifications and upgrades you think would be beneficial."

"I can do that, Hank, but I need to know what sort of time frame you're considering. I'm getting married the first weekend of August and there is nothing I can allow to interfere with that. My fiancée, her family and mine would take a severe exception to anything that interferes and probably kill me."

Ian spoke up, "Rob, we're very flexible on the time frame and sequence of things. We'll leave that all up to you. The only stipulation we'll put out is we'd like it to be complete by a week before Halloween. That is the unofficial start of our winter season."

Chapter 39: I Go to Denver. Videos

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I was in my last year at school and the rest of my life was stretching out before me, a featureless landscape and me without a map. The boarding school I attended was all boys so interaction with the opposite sex was restricted and girls remained a mystery to most of us. Not that this stopped us from endlessly discussing girls and their anatomy. Like most seventeen-year-old boys, my pals and I were obsessed with the subject. My own experience was limited although, in my view at that time,...

First Time
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The Ordinary Girl0

Jimmmy D. "You've just got to remember to let the right one in." "That's it!" was what Felicity yelled into her cellular phone. Whoever might have been on the other end of the phone tried to splutter some sort of apology or excuse, but Felicity wasn't having it. She'd had enough. "Fuck you, Fuck your friends, and Fuck that shriveled roll of dimes you call a dick!" were the last words she would ever speak to the person on the other end of the phone, and she punctuated it...

2 years ago
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Erotic Escort Experience With A Rich Indian Woman

Hi, I am Amit, living in an amazing society in city Meerut, UP. I am a tall, handsome and very very sarcastic, 6 feet 5, fit body and have a serious look on my face most of the time. I have been living here since 1999, completed all my education here and went to another city in southern India for work. I worked for 4 years and saved a little money. I got back to the city in May 2019 for higher education which I am still taking in 2 fields from distance mode. I was not very fit in my student...

3 years ago
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Hiking in the woods

This is a true story that happened to us just a few years ago. I was 57 at the time and my wife 53. Time had taken it's toll and we were both a little overweight, not fat but in need of more exersize. We had decided to go to one of the state parks for a bit of a hike since it was a beautiful day. We had been out on the trail for about 20 minutes and had not seen anyone which wasn't really surprising since it was midweek. We had stopped for a bit of a rest and I was as usual, feeling very horny....

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Lovely Looking Leah Lesbian Love 2

Lovely Leah and juicy Lucy practise ballet together - bare at the barre in Leah's bedroomSlender sexy sweet tender tasty teens together - Leah licks Lucy's juicy slit for first timeSoon Lucy longs to stay longer at Leah, hoping to get more sexual practise at her foxy friendLeah looks for advise from her dearest - he's abroad now, so she can only consult him from farShe talks to her elder sibling only on the phone once a week - back then no internet for chats yetSweet Pete likes the idea of Leah...

4 years ago
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The Summer Ill Never Forget Day 2 Part 1

Day 2 The next morning came. Stephanie woke up to the smell of coffee more to the point espresso. She lifted her head. Holy hell. Her head was splitting. Man did she get wasted last night. Everything was a blur. After a few moments of holding her head she took the first step and sat up. What the??? Her room was trashed. She felt something move and she looked over and saw him, Jack. Jack was all tied up. She guessed she did win last night she thought to herself. Much good it did her to enjoy...

2 years ago
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fun with bhua in Agra

Fun in Agra .We left Gopals house to go to Agra to see Taz Mahal one of the beautifulbuilding. The King made it in the memory of his beloved wife who died giving birth. One the way we stopped at Mathra- Vindravan. The place of Krishna. It is said that Krishana hade more then 360 wives. Wonder how he managed 360 women? We stayed for one night. We seen many places there.We reached Agra in the afternoon. Checked in hotel and rested. Pari and bhua (aunt) started to do 69.I was getting excited...

3 years ago
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Into It Book 2Chapter 6

In the morning, we rose, cleaned up, and went into the dining room for breakfast. Marianne had a happy look on her face. My parents joined us moments later. I smiled as we were all served. "Marianne, what are you so happy about?" "Tom's going to take me to the prom. He's such a nice guy. We sat in the den and talked for a long time." My father looked at her for a moment and then smiled. "Perhaps we need to meet and talk to this young man more and soon." Marianne said, "Dad, he...

4 years ago
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A Young Girls Introduction To SexChapter 11

Ellie didn't linger in Greensboro. Her first night cost her $105 for meals and hotel room. Worse, she found the competition hustling men shocking. There were girls working the park she walked through, and the street corners were busy with young girls plying their wares to passing motorists. And she was not welcomed by any of them; instead she found them hostile to her perceived encroachment of their territories. In a diner, over breakfast, she met a girl of about fourteen, who was kind...

4 years ago
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My Girlfriends Daughter Ch 5

For the next several days Monica and I had sex at least twice each day in different rooms of the house. We even had sex on the basement steps on the way up from doing laundry. Even with all this, we still had a lust that could not be satisfied.I had stopped on the way home from work and bought Monica the vibrating dildo that she asked for. I bought her one similar to the one her mother's had, since I knew that it had worked to increase Monica's climaxes earlier. I also bought Monica a set of...

4 years ago
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Fantasy on the train

Another train journey to work, half an hour in a hot sweaty carriage, everyone trying their best not to end up in conversation with the other passengers. Yet always the same faces. For five years I have wondered why I do this every day. I glance around the carriage, people reading the newspaper, most with headphones on, some looking blankly out the window as the train speeds into the city. Each one of us becoming one of the millions of ants racing through the warrens of the city. Nameless...

2 years ago
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Soon To Be More Than Friends

My best friend, Kelsey, was the love of my life and she knew it too. For three years I had been dying to get my hands on her and now was my perfect chance. For days we had been catching up on things since we'd last talked. With her now living two hours away, we rarely talked but still maintained our tight friendship. Last night I was home alone and feeling pretty lonely. Sadly the weather was horrible and my friend just couldn't make the trip to see me no matter how much I begged. She promised...

2 years ago
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my Dad part six

Chapter sixMy DadI woke up a few hours later because I had to have a pee, Ana was still asleep and had her hand on my right breast, her other hand was between her legs, and I thought yes we have something in common, both of us like sleeping with a hand on our pussy;s, she looked very beautiful just lying there naked, she had a lovely body and I wondered if she would remember what had happened between us earlier, I went to the toilet and sat down I started to have a pee and Ana said you will...

3 years ago
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The GauntletChapter 18

River Tweed, Northumberland, England Near the Scottish Frontier August 21, 1385 The English Army had advanced to the mouth of the valley, careful to remain outside of bow range. The first few who had ventured too far learned the accuracy of the French archers quickly. A stalemate ensued, with neither side wishing to budge. Finally, the front lines of the English parted, and a single rider emerged. He appeared to be a knight of some renown, wearing a bright yellow surcoat with blue trim...

2 years ago
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Band on the Run Part III

Band on the Run Part III: Why we hate Nano-bliminals! by [email protected] I awoke, head on fire, temples throbbing, wondering where I'd ended up, wondering how much I'd drank and why I kept doing this to myself. I was surprised to find the bed empty. I was used to finding one or two tarts passed out beside me, clothes torn, bite marks on their fleshy bits coincidentally identical to my dental...

4 years ago
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Snuff Flight

Snuff Flight by Impaler49152 in October 2014   Sandy was excited. Her first flight as an official trainee stewardess  would take off in a couple of minutes. She still could not belive she got  this job. As a college dropout her chances of getting a well paid job were  very narrow. But somehow she managed to get this job, with a little help  from her college friend Jennifer who got her the job interview with her boss.   The fact that she agreed to meet him after work at one of the...

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Elevator Blackout

The day was especially quiet—not that much happened in those cubicles anyway but on this particularly bland day when even the clouded sky tried to blend in with the monotonous gray of the city's concrete jungle. The office was so quiet, Julian thought he'd even hear the synchronized blinking of an entire floor of expendable office workers he ignored the names of. He would have tried to give them funny nicknames like 'big tiddies' or 'total dick' if they had not all been so perfectly...

Office Sex
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Roger Dildo

ROGER DILDO By Tired Old Man This is an expanded and modified version of my story "Denise's Dildo". This story is about sex, sex, sex and more sex. If such stories offend you, then please read no further. Prologue: As the head of "Advanced Bio-Gen Applied Technologies", Denise Smith was one of the most powerful women in the world. Her company was by far the most technologically advanced of all the biogenetic companies. And it wasn't by luck or sheer brilliance that it was...

2 years ago
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A Fantasy to Remember

Halloween was rapidly approaching and my girlfriend of 2 years was planning something big. She had been a stripper for 10 years and was as kinky as they come. She and I had done a lot, so only a few of her fantasies were left unfulfilled. She had already had women and men, group sex, bondage, been a submissive and a dominate. We had a no holes barred policy. I could have any hole I wanted, anywhere, anytime. And I had! I was the only guy to ever wear lingerie for her though. Once she found...

1 year ago
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Rest Stop Services

It was 10:30 P.M. when I pulled my car off I-80. The rest stop was all but empty, except for a few Big Trucks hat idled in the parking lot. That was as good of place as any, to satisfy my lust for cock. I waited until another Eighteen Wheeler pulled up and parked. A well built, Black Man exited his truck a few minutes later and headed for the restrooms. This was my cue. Waiting until the Trucker entered the men’s restroom. I stepped out of my car and headed on in. I was looking to lighten this...

2 years ago
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Sexual Shenanigans of the Trump Administration Darkening Lindsay Walterss Alley

I’m cursing in my thoughts. “Where the fuck is she?” I’m hidden in a dark alley and wait for that pretty former Deputy Press Secretary to come walking through. I’m anxious as hell as I hold the garrote in my right hand. I need to have her tonight. I’ve studied Lindsay’s schedule and habits over the last few weeks; she always takes this shortcut in Friday nights. As I think of this, I hear brisk walking. Peeking from the dark corner, I see her coming towards me, dressed in skinny pants and a...

1 year ago
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TrikePatrol Avery Black Step Sibling Porn Gets Kinky With Two Cumshots

In this steamy patrol, Chuck and Avery become related by marriage. Their parents fell in love and now Step Sibling Porn is born. That’s right, nothing is stopping these two from getting down and dirty and they take full advantage. Actually, quite convenient if you think about it. The result is a very hot suck and fuck fest which results in not one, but two cumshots. Avery Black tends to have that effect on men. For example, her smooth silky skin and shapely body are big-time turn-ons. On top of...

1 year ago
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My husbands overseas part 3

Jenna returnsI fetched my daughter from crèche and headed home. I bathed my daughter and soon started making dinner, when the doorbell rang. It was Jenna she returned to hear the rest of the story from earlier. Not being able to chat yet about my affair with Nick as my daughter was still awake, we chatted regarding work etc. Jen kept giving me this naughty dirty smirk. We soon ate dinner and afterwards put a movie on for my daughter to watch in the lounge while jen and I chatted in the kitchen....

4 years ago
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Sean A NightClub Conquest

I was on one of my visits to Liverpool, one of my favourite cities in the UK and one for which I have long had a sentimental affection. The people are sometimes a little wayward, in a cheeky, loveable way but they are so friendly and I never feel at risk walking the city streets late at night – even though, perhaps I should not be so naive. It’s always more fun to be ‘naughty’ when you’re on holiday, rather than on your home turf, so tonight I decided to go against my usual instincts by...

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Boxing Clever

It’s unbearably hot as the mid afternoon sun beats down onto the garden. We certainly made a bad decision to re-lay the lawn on this particular Sunday. The sweat is pouring out of me as I lay down another roll of grass. Thankfully, the job is nearly over. “One more roll should do it, Alf. Will you do the honours mate?”Alf nods and heads off in the direction of the garage where the turf has been stored. I decide to take a breather and pull up a seat at the garden table. Alf is soon back, a huge...

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I Work in a Doctors Office XV

Robert, one of my male patients, who I cured of erectile dysfunction, had approached me about providing some private tutoring to his 16-year old son. The son was painfully shy and also very ashamed of his quite large penis. The son was convinced he was some kind of freak with a nearly nine-inch long and very thick penis plus a really oversized head on his cock. My full name is Kelly Wainwright but everybody calls me Miss Kelly. I am currently single and am not seeing anybody regularly but am...

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My mother and me XXX

I am 23 years old and I live with my mom (47) and litle brother (20). This story is about me and my mom so i'm going to discribe us a little. I am 1.79 meters tall, have short dark hair, weight 75 kg. My mom is a short women, she is 1,54 meters tall, she is about 53 Kg, has long dark hair. It all started when I was 16 years old, I came home from school one day and ran straight to my room. I had a lot of homework so I wanted to make very quickly, around 6 pm evening my mother came home...

3 years ago
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Megan At Last

Hey, my name is Cory, and to start, I should probably tell you a little about myself at the time of the story. I was 16; a Junior at my local high school. I was a tall 6' 2", had deep hazel eyes, and I weighed in at about 200lbs and had an athletic build. I lived with my mom and my fourteen year-old sister, as my dad had divorced mom and left us about 5 years prior to the events of this story. It was the beginning of the new school year, and I was more concentrated on trying to...

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Lovin Auntie

My Auntie Beth had been staying with my family for a few months. She was here to find work and settle in to a new life after her another relationship went sour. I loved sneaking into her room and handling her underwear. I found her sexy lingerie and I would put them on enjoying the feel of the material on my cock and ass knowing that it had been on her tits and ass and pussy and now its touching me. I was always careful to put things back just as i found them. I was a geeky 18 year old still...

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Trouble on the Way to Zekala 6

Nirantrilin Yistolk was happily munching on the variety of foods on his plate. He loved the Feast of Community, indeed almost all Dizyntk did. In Trilin's case it brought back his happiest memories of home. Having grown up in a very rural area on the frontier world of Zekala, it was only during this hakin long holiday that he was usually able to spend time with many of his neighbors. It was during the Feast of his eighth cyanka that he met the Dizyntk that eventually became his first lover. He...

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My ongoing sissy story part 2

As some of you liked my story (my first time as a sissy) I thought I would follow it up with my next encounter.Some 10 years had passed since my affair with Andy and I was now happily married with a family although I used to sometimes reflect on the lovely times I had with him but had decided that my bi crossdressing side was firmly locked away and that Nicole, my alter ego, was locked away with it. The only thing that remained from that era was my dislike of body hair so I was super smooth all...

2 years ago
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Mae Aur Meri Reader Friend

Hello everyone mae rahul ranchi se… Thanks sabhi ko jinho ne meri pichli kahani-‘meri friend aur uski mom’ ko pasand kiya aur muje bohat saari mails bhi aayi… Yae kahani esi mae se ek reader aur mere bich ki hai… Hope aap sabhi enjoy karege.. Apne feedback jarur de meri mail id aap muje hangout mae bhi mere msg kae through baat kar skte.. Jyada bor nhi karte hue mae kahani pae aata hu… Mera naam rahul hai aur mae ranchi se hu. Height -5’9″ hai dikhta sweet sa aur handsome bhi hu jo mere dost...

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