- 4 years ago
- 74
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‘It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.’
That was the line that Jamie’s father had fed him, followed by a lecture about how he shouldn’t mope and how he needed to come out of his room because he was missing practice. Everyone treated their relationship like puppy love, a phase that Jamie would grow out of, as though the connection that he and Liz had shared hadn’t been genuine. It made him bitter and angry on top of being heartbroken by Liz’s absence. He had rushed to her house as soon as he had composed himself enough to wash and dress, but had found the building empty. She really had gone, off to a planet that was over seventy light-years away for an indeterminate period of time, maybe forever.
Her absence had left a hole in his life that could not be filled. He had other friends, but none in whom he could confide in the way that he had with Liz. She was his best friend, nobody knew him better than she did, and there was simply no replacing that kind of closeness. Whenever he was upset, he found comfort in her company, but she was no longer there.
As the days turned to weeks, her absence did not grow any easier to bear. Still, he held out a faint hope that she might find a way to get in contact. If she still had her phone, there would be no way to reach it, as there was no coverage off-planet. Any messages that were sent had to be transmitted through conventional means, by laser or radio, which would be subject to light-speed delay.
Jamie had paid enough attention in physics class to understand the basics of how FTL travel worked. Jump-capable ships could bypass the speed of light by leapfrogging between dimensions, covering dozens of light-years in a single bound, then coasting while their drive recharged. If they were twenty light-years away, and they sent a transmission via tight-beam laser, it would take a minimum of twenty years to arrive at its destination. Taking a trip on a jump liner wasn’t like taking a flight to Hawaii for a vacation, either. A journey from Earth to Borealis was seventy-five light-years, and it could take months depending on the speed of the ship. Liz probably hadn’t even arrived yet.
In order for different colonies and planets to stay in contact, they employed quantum communications, entangled satellites that could only transmit short bursts of data. Civilian messages could sit in the buffer for enormous lengths of time while higher-priority transmissions were bumped up the queue, so there was no telling when he might hear from Liz, assuming that Borealis was even equipped with such a satellite. Any message that he sent her would be similarly delayed, but it wasn’t like he had her new address anyway. He had her email, but that server was located on Earth, and she would have to wait in the queue for both buffers before she could access it.
Freighters often carried mail between planets as part of their cargo, as long as the sender didn’t mind their message taking six months to arrive, but he had no idea where Liz was going.
He considered running away, booking passage to the planet on a freighter, but the idea was both absurd and financially impossible. Even if he sold everything that he owned, he wouldn’t make a fraction of the money required to afford such a journey, and it wasn’t like he could hitchhike his way there. He was as muddy as they came, he had no idea about space travel, he knew nothing of alien planets. All that he could do was wait and hope...
“How long are you going to keep this up, Jamie?” his mother asked. She was leaning on the counter in their tiny kitchen, glaring at him as he sat at the table nearby. He glanced over at her, shoveling another spoonful of cereal into his mouth pointedly. She tossed aside the dishcloth that she had been holding, throwing up her hands in exasperation.
“Your grades have tanked,” she continued, Jamie staring into his bowl as his mother lectured him. “At this rate, you’ll have to repeat the year if you want to stand any chance of graduating. You’re throwing away your future, and for what? Sulking over a ... a childhood fling?” she added with a shake of her head. “When I was your age, I got dumped by my boyfriend, and do you know what I did? I carried on. I didn’t mope around for months because-”
Jamie tuned her out, eating another mouthful of cereal as her voice droned in the background. His parents had been sympathetic at first. They knew that he and Liz had been close, but they were becoming frustrated with him as more time passed. Most of his friends had reacted the same way, offering empty platitudes in an attempt to comfort him, then responding with anger when he didn’t suddenly perk up. They only seemed to care about his mood to the extent that it inconvenienced them. He found it impossible to focus on his schoolwork, and his academic performance had suffered as a result. It was so hard to find the motivation to do much of anything. Every day, he was reminded of Liz’s absence. The diner that he had to pass on his way to and from school, the picnic table beneath their favorite tree on the college campus, the steps where he had always waited for her after her classes. He couldn’t avoid being reminded of her constantly, but somehow, everyone just expected him to forget.
These days, the only thing that brought him any comfort was going down to the track. He was spending more and more time there, figuratively running from his problems.
He finished the last of his cereal, picking up his rucksack as he made for the door, giving his mother insincere promises that he would do better as he went.
Jamie ran, his sneakers kicking up dust on the oval track, sweat soaking his mesh tank top. It felt good to run, to feel his muscles burning, to feel the wind on his face. At least for a while, it helped curb his frustration, elevate his dour mood. It helped to jog his brain, too. Somehow, he always had more clarity when he was running. Maybe the extra blood flow and oxygen did something to his brain.
He wasn’t going to just sit around and wait for Liz to contact him. Maybe she couldn’t, maybe her parents were actively preventing it. There must be some way for him to find out where she was. Information was a commodity, after all, it was always available for the right price. Hopefully for less than passage on a freighter would have cost.
The mag-lev train came to a stop, Jamie stepping out of the car, and onto an elevated platform that protruded from the glass facade of a skyscraper. A crowd of people soon pushed past him, filling the available space, packing themselves shoulder-to-shoulder like sardines in a can. He watched as the automatic doors closed, a low hum filling the air as the train sped off again, sliding along its winding rail. It soon vanished between two towering buildings in the distance, the sky a maze of interconnected walkways and magnetic rails at this elevation. He was at least two hundred floors above street level, protected from the wind by a glass canopy.
He made his way through a turnstile and into the building, another residential tower block not unlike his own, emerging onto a commercial plaza. Planters filled with carefully-tended trees and shrubs added some much welcome greenery to the vast edifice of glass and metal, myriad stores and eateries packing the available space. The center of the building was an open shaft, bridged by curving walkways, escalators leading to the upper and lower levels.
It didn’t take long for him to find the elevator terminal, taking one down to ground level. Even in the evening, this part of the city was pretty packed, throngs of pedestrians crowding the sidewalks. The sirens of a police car rose above the chorus of voices, Jamie pausing to watch it pass by. The other cars on the road moved aside in perfect sync to clear a path for it, the city’s transit system taking control of their navigation computers, filling in the opening behind the vehicle just as quickly as it blazed by.
He pulled his phone from his pocket, checking that he was at the right stop. If the address that he had found on the city’s intranet was correct, his destination was nearby.
Jamie pushed his way through the throngs of people, heading into the Old Town, the glittering glass and steel of the skyscrapers slowly giving way to older brickwork. When sea levels had begun to rise in the twenty-second century, many of the coastal cities had been largely abandoned, new construction beginning on modern metropolises further inland. There were still buildings dating from prior centuries, going all the way back to the colonial period, but many of the oldest structures were now submerged beyond the coastline.
While still tall, they were dwarfed by the kilometer-high edifices to his back, their facades weathered over the centuries to leave the bricks stained and irregular. Even the asphalt on the roads was cracked and uneven, neglected because so few vehicles came down this way. An old highway towered above him to the right, casting its shadow on the buildings below, no longer in use. It probably led to a part of the city that was now underwater.
His destination was an old tower block, maybe ten storeys tall, probably far cheaper to rent out than the fancy offices in the high-rises. Flashing neon signs advertised various services, from payday loans to personal injury lawyers. He spied the one that he was looking for, a private detective agency.
He mounted the steps, entering into an old lobby, the walls covered in cracked tiles. It smelled of damp, like old wood, the room lit by a solitary bulb that hung from the ceiling. It wasn’t all archaic, however. To his right was a modern computer terminal, a kiosk with an embedded touch panel. Jamie walked over to it and pulled up a list of the offices, keying in a code to put a call through to the right one. There was a brief delay, then a woman’s face appeared on the other end of the feed. She had a dark complexion, her curly hair tied up in a tight bun, the beginnings of a white collar visible at the bottom of the frame.
“Hi,” Jamie began, not sure what to say. “Is this the ... detective agency?”
“Do you have an appointment?” the woman asked, the glow of a computer display lighting up her face as she tapped at a keyboard.
“No,” he admitted, “I didn’t know I needed one.”
“One moment, please,” she added, turning to look off-camera. She had a short conversation with someone, too far away from the mic for him to make anything out. “Mister Bradley will see you now,” she said. “Fourth floor, second door on your right as you leave the stairwell.”
“Thank you,” he replied, the woman quickly ending the call. He looked for the stairs, finding them at the end of the lobby. As he made his way over to them, he noted that there was an old bank of mailboxes on one wall, the kind you’d find in old apartment buildings. Some of them were hanging ajar, likely no longer in use, the labels so faded that he couldn’t make them out.
He climbed the stairs, the old banister creaking, eventually arriving at the fourth level. The floor here was lined with peeling linoleum, the walls whitewashed, making him feel like he was in some kind of abandoned insane asylum. It was hard to tell if this building had once housed offices, apartments, or both. Most of the rooms were certainly vacant. He was starting to feel as though he shouldn’t be here, but he pressed on.
There was a buzzer beside the door to the detective agency, and he pressed the button, the panel opening automatically to let him pass. Inside was a rather small waiting room, the walls lined with chairs, a solitary potted plant standing in one corner. The woman who he had spoken to on the kiosk must be the secretary, she was sitting behind a wooden desk, a computer terminal perched atop it. She glanced at him through the holographic display, waving him in.
“Go right on through,” she said, gesturing to another door at the back of the room to her right. There was nobody else in the waiting room, business wasn’t exactly booming. He opened the door and stepped inside. The dingy office was even smaller than the waiting room, furnished with only a desk and two chairs. There were a few papers strewn about on its surface, along with an ashtray that hadn’t been emptied in a good while. A man rose to greet him, extending a hand through the holographic display of another computer terminal. Jamie shook it, then took a seat, his eyes drawn by the lazy motion of a ceiling fan.
“What can I do for you?” the man asked. He was middle-aged, with a scruffy beard, clad in a dress shirt with a loose tie. He certainly didn’t look like a sleuth to Jamie, but if he had been wearing a trench coat and a fedora, that would probably have been even weirder.
“I read that you know how to find people,” Jamie began. “You’re a detective, right?”
“That’s what it says on the sign,” he replied, looking Jamie up and down skeptically. “You’re pretty young to be looking for a private eye. Most of my clients want me to keep tabs on an unfaithful spouse, or find an illegitimate child, but something tells me you aren’t a divorcee. What brings you all the way down to Old Town?”
“I was hoping that you could find a friend of mine,” he replied, fishing in his pocket for his phone. “She isn’t missing. Well, not exactly. Her parents took her off-planet, and I don’t know where she went.” He pulled up a picture of Liz, handing the phone off to Bradley, who held it up to examine the screen. “I have no way to contact her right now, no address, no number.”
“This ... this isn’t a human,” Bradley said, eyeing Jamie curiously.
“I’m aware of that,” he replied. “She’s a Borealan, and she went back to their homeworld.”
“So, you want me to track down an alien that went back to Borealis? That’s ... what?” he asked, examining the picture again. “Seventy light-years away?”
“That’s what I was hoping,” Jamie replied with a nod.
“Kid,” Bradley began with a sigh, handing the phone back to him. “I operate within the city limits. If this was a teenager who had run away to join a corporate mining op on Ganymede, maybe I could pull some strings, find some info. But Borealis ... that’s way out of my jurisdiction. I wouldn’t even know where to begin.”
Jamie placed the phone back in his pocket, his face falling.
“Do you know anyone who could help?” he asked.
“Help find an alien off-world? Nope,” Bradley said with a shake of his head. “What you need is Naval Intelligence, not a private detective. Even if a PI did take the case, for the money it would cost to get them all the way out there, you could probably buy your own freighter and fly it there yourself.”
“Thanks anyway,” Jamie muttered, starting to rise from his seat. A flash of sympathy crossed the detective’s face, and he motioned for the boy to sit back down.
“You like this girl, yeah?”
“Yeah,” Jamie replied, his cheeks starting to warm. Cross-species relationships weren’t exactly common, and it wasn’t something he wanted to gush about to a total stranger.
“Have you tried to contact her any other way? I’m guessing her phone isn’t working out there, there won’t be any coverage, even if you could get through the buffer. Did you try sending her a letter by freighter?”
“That’s the issue,” Jamie replied, “I have no idea where she went. If I had an address, maybe I could do something, but...”
Bradley pulled up a window on his terminal, Jamie watching the inverted display as he searched for information on Borealis.
“Place is a fucking backwater,” he muttered, his eyes scanning the page. “Most of the planet isn’t even charted. Do you have an idea of what region she’s in, at least?”
“Elysia,” he replied. “That’s where her family is from, it’s the only place I can think of that they might go.”
“The planet has an FTL satellite,” the detective continued, “and Elysia looks like the most developed region. You got the device ID for her phone?”
“Huh?” Jamie asked. The detective gestured for him to hand over his phone again, tapping at the screen as he searched through the call history.
“There you go, device ID,” he said as he leaned over to show Jamie. “When you’re on a network, you have an IP address, but every physical device also has a hardware ID. If you can get a message through to Elysia, and she has some kind of data connection, she can receive it. The message will float around on whatever network they have until the correct device connects. I don’t know if they even have a public intranet there, but it’s your best shot.”
“I can’t believe it’s really that simple!” Jamie exclaimed, a fresh surge of hope perking him up.
“I doubt there’s much civilian traffic between Borealis and Earth,” Bradley continued, examining the data on his readout. “You could send a message through public channels, and it’ll just wait in the satellite’s buffer until there’s bandwidth available, but who knows how long that might take. There are also companies that operate their own FTL satellites, but those come with a pretty heavy premium.”
“Is there another option?” Jamie asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Perhaps,” the detective replied, leaning back in his chair. “Maybe I know a guy who works for the Navy, and maybe he can encrypt your message using UNN protocols, bump it up to the top of the queue. It’ll cost you,” he warned, “but ... less than using a commercial satellite.” He typed in an address and saved it to Jamie’s phone, passing it back to him. “Write your message, then have him send it to this device ID. Make sure to specify that you’re sending it to the ID, not the number.”
“Thank you, so, so much,” Jamie stammered as he rose from the chair to shake the man’s hand again. “You have no idea what this means to me.”
“I think I have some idea,” Bradley replied with a smirk.
“What do I owe you?”
“Eh, nothing,” the detective said with a shrug. “You took up ten minutes of my time, it’s no problem. Besides, you’ll need the money for your message. Better make it a good one, kid.”
It took Jamie a good two hours to compose his message, this might be his one chance to get across everything that he wanted to say. He told Liz that she was stupid to apologize in the note that she had left him all those months ago, he explained how much he had valued their time together, how he wouldn’t trade it for anything.
If she hadn’t contacted him so far, it was either because something was preventing her from doing so, or her message was just stuck in the buffer. As such, he didn’t expect a reply, but he could always hope. She had promised that she would find a way to reach him if one existed, and Liz was a smart girl, far smarter than he was.
The next step was to get in touch with Bradley’s contact at the UNN. If what the detective had said was true, then this person should be able to encrypt his message, passing it off as a higher priority communication so that it could get through the buffer faster. All Jamie had been given was a phone number, audio only, with an anonymous ID. Messing around with the Navy’s encrypted communications wasn’t a trivial affair, it was probably all kinds of illegal, but what other choice did he have?
He had looked into private satellite services, the technology involved was incredibly complex. The storage devices of two satellites had to be paired in a lab, so that what changes were made in one were instantly reflected in the other, regardless of their distance. It was all quantum mechanics, stuff that Jamie couldn’t hope to wrap his head around. One of the satellites then had to be shipped to whatever planet or station needed it. The costs involved were astronomical, and the price of securing a place in the queue was similarly extortionate.
Jamie opened his bedroom door, checking that his parents were still out, then called the number. It rang for a good minute before someone picked up, a garbled voice coming through on the other end. It was being run through a synthesizer, just enough to mask the person’s identity. It was hard to tell if it was even male or female.
“Who is this?” the voice demanded.
“I was given this number by ... a mutual acquaintance,” Jamie began. “They told me that you can get messages through the satellite buffers. Is that true?”
“Five K,” the robotic voice replied.
“Five thousand credits?” Jamie asked, trying not to sound too surprised.
“You want a message sent? This is how it goes. You send me the payment, and once I get it, I ask you for the file. I encrypt the file, I bump it up the queue, and it gets sent off. Smaller is better. The larger the file size, the higher the chance someone notices. If it’s too big, I won’t risk it.”
“Alright,” Jamie replied. He didn’t have five thousand credits, and he had no idea where he was going to get it, but he wasn’t about to tell this person that. “I want to send a text file, that’s all. A few kilobytes.”
“No bank accounts,” the voice added, “nothing traceable. You buy online gift cards, you send me the codes.”
“I’ll need some time to get the money together,” Jamie replied.
“I ain’t going anywhere,” the voice replied, hanging up.
“Five thousand creds,” Jamie muttered to himself, staring at his phone. “Where the hell am I going to get that kind of money?”
He was an eighteen-year-old college student, he lived with his parents, he didn’t even own a car. He looked around his room, wondering if there was even anything that he could sell. A computer terminal, a game console, a VR kit. His phone was easily the most expensive thing that he owned, but pawning it would defeat the purpose. There was maybe two thousand credits worth of electronics, but that still left him three thousand short of his target.
Maybe he could get a part-time job? Even working minimum wage, he could probably raise the money in a few months. That would leave even less time for schoolwork and practice, he was already having issues in that area, but what else could he do?
A few more months crawled by. Jamie had been able to secure a part-time job at a supermarket in a nearby building, and he took all the hours that his employer was legally allowed to give him, squirreling the money away in a savings account. His parents were initially encouraged by what they saw as him taking charge, finding a new direction in life, but his academic performance wasn’t improving.
There had still been no word from Liz, and it was coming up on six months since her departure. His desire to contact her had not diminished, and after weeks of tedious work and frantic cramming to keep up with his classes, he managed to raise enough money to pay his contact at the UNN.
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Jamie awoke the next morning feeling energized, as though someone was running an electrical current through his body. How long had it been since he had felt this way? Excited, hopeful, like all of the color was bleeding back into his grey world. He didn’t bother with breakfast, taking a quick shower, and getting dressed. He considered wearing something presentable but eventually decided that Liz wouldn’t care, settling on a jacket and sweatpants. It was a brisk morning, so he decided to jog...
They rode a mag-lev train down to the spaceport, which was on the outskirts of the city to protect its inhabitants from the eventuality of a crash. The green fields and farmland abruptly gave way to a massive, sprawling complex, practically a self-contained city in its own right. There were several terminals of curving glass and steel, each one linked by a complex network of mag-lev rails and roads. The surrounding area was occupied by long runways and huge landing pads that were encircled by...
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BDSMJust after I turned 60, for some strange reason, I just couldn't get enough sex! I was masturbating all the time and all I wanted was to orgasm as much as possible! I frigged myself while bathing, in the bed and even while watching TV and just couldn't stop. I was even using a huge dildo up my ass while another was buried in my pussy. Once I got so horny that I fucked my next door neighbors 18 year old son but that's another story!Finally I had had enough so I went to a swingers place to see if...
They soon arrived at the residential skyscraper where Jamie lived, entering into the lobby, which occupied almost the entire ground floor. It was all towering pillars of concrete, glittering glass, and steel support beams. The entire core of the building was an open shaft that rose all the way to the roof some five hundred floors above, walkways crisscrossing high above their heads, bridging the various levels. Every twenty floors or so, there was a commercial plaza with stores where the...
Liz arrived right on time, Jamie opening the door to see her massive frame blocking it completely. She leaned down so that she could see him, waving a clawed hand in greeting. He invited her in, and she carefully lowered herself down onto his couch, her hips so wide that she could take up almost the entire thing by herself. “Want anything to drink?” he asked, finishing off the last mouthful of his morning coffee. “Nah, let’s get some breakfast somewhere,” she replied. “There are no pigs on...
Now that Jason had found a way to make a unit which would return from wherever it was going he began construction of a new and larger unit. This new unit would provide enough space for a video camera, a small control computer, and a larger battery to handle the increased power consumption from the added components. Once the new unit was completed he was ready for a more detailed exploration of his new discovery. In addition to the video camera, Jason had also added a circuit to monitor the...
Now that Jason had some information about the process of translating between probability levels and what to expect in some of them he began making plans for a transfer pod which would be large enough to carry him between levels. While he had some idea of what he might encounter during a transfer he thought it would be prudent to be as prepared as possible for anything he might encounter. To this end he set to work designing and building a suitable vehicle which would allow him to visit and...
With all his stores laid in, his air tanks filled, and batteries charged he was ready to attempt his first exploratory trip. To begin with Jason decided to simply repeat the same translation he had used for his exploratory probe. If he happened to notice anything interesting or unusual during the translation he would cut power to the translation engine and make a more detailed observation. To start his exploration Jason used his truck to haul the pod to an isolated area of forest which was...
For his next trip Jason decided to make a translation much further away from his home node, one which would take more than an hour. This trip would require more caution and more attention to what was going on as Jason was pretty sure the place he would end up at the end of the translation would be a significantly different universe from his own. Perhaps even so different that it would not be possible for Jason to leave the transfer pod. Because of this he was especially careful in his...
The next day Jason took the day off from exploring the nodes, he needed to go into town to restock his food and other supplies. He pulled into the shopping center with the large chain grocery and drug stores to pick up what he needed. Jason walked through the aisles of the store filling his cart with the items he needed. He steered the loaded cart toward the checkout to pay for his purchases and as he turned to enter a line he immediately noticed the woman in front of him. The first thing he...
The next morning Jason was up early and he started work on prepping for the trip he would be making with Michelle that day. He hoisted the transfer pod onto the truck and secured it so that he could transport it to the remote location from which he would depart upon the inter-nodal trip. When Michelle arrived Jason wanted to be able to just hop into the truck and go. As part of the equipment strapped to the outside of the transfer pod was a second bicycle for Michelle. This would allow her to...
100% fiction! This "mother in law fantasy" ex mother in law actually is more an ex son in law fantasy and differs from most you'll read in two ways. One it's coming from the Mother in Law, two, it's actually true. First, quick background. I was a fairly young mom and my ex son in law was a few years older than my daughter so the age diff is only 15, I am now 58 he is 43. She left him for another and nothing other than some flirting ever happened when they were together. I always thought he was...
IncestWhen my girlfriend and me broke up, I moved in to some apartments that was on the other side of town. It was a nice apartment, it overlooked the pool, and it was on the second… When my girlfriend and me broke up, I moved in to some apartments that was on the other side of town. It was a nice apartment, it overlooked the pool, and it was on the second floor. The bad thing was the glass door leading to the deck outside and the drive to my job. The drive to my job was a 30 minutes without...
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As I round the corner and head down the ramp that leads to the airport terminal, I see you almost the same moment you see me. My heart soars and my stomach turns to butterflies not only because I’m seeing you, my love, again after nearly a month apart, but also from seeing your reaction. Your eyes sparkle, your smile is a mile wide and you can’t help but do an excited jig as I close the distance between us. The moment I pass through the door and enter the terminal, you can’t hold back. I...
"Mary, there is no easy way to say this but I have been thinking about having sex with another woman. We married when we were quite young and we have been together since eighth grade. I have never had sex with anyone apart from you. I know this is an unusual request but I hope you love me enough to give me this one thing that I so desire." Mark said as he sat down with Mary. Mark and Mary are your regular suburban couple in their early thirties. He is a smart handsome man and she is a...
Aubree’s First ApartmentChapter 1: PoolsideThe postman finished delivering the daily mail to Green Meadow Apartments. Closing the last mailbox, he turned and walked across the parking lot towards his van. He glanced at his watch. Three fifteen? Damn! My shift ends at four! Looking over towards the apartment pool, he noticed a beautiful girl wearing an extremely small bikini preparing to dive into the swimming pool. She looked young. Maybe eighteen or nineteen? Her long dark hair cascaded over...
TV2B - A2Z Chapter 1 - Alarm from Alan's Apartment My divorce was messy and traumatic, but I must admit that it was ultimately the best thing for both of us. Candice and I had been married for nearly a decade, but we hadn't really been "in love" with each other for the past three or four years. Candice put on a lot of weight right after we were married, and then ate some more when she realized that I didn't find her as attractive as on our wedding night. Three years in,...
Everet walked through his apartment complex’s Hallway, his AR-15 In his right hand, his Colt 45 on his hip, and his Texas Ranger badge hanging proudly from his shirt. As he walked past a certain apartment, he heard the argument going on inside.“There’s trouble in that paradise," he thought as he walked by.Everet continued on to his apartment. He unlocked the door, stepped in, hung his hat and had his first slave Arianna, who greeted him, took off his gun belt. She then then took it and his...
BDSMRenée took me to Davis Hall and the administration office. After I mulled over some choices, I signed up for a few classes: Psych 101, College Algebra, English 101, History 101 and Basic Art. Most of them were required for most college degrees. I chose the art course just for something relaxing. I'd always enjoyed drawing; maybe a course in it would allow me to explore other mediums. After looking over my arrangement of classes Renée asked, "Why Art? I thought you would be majoring in...
This story is a little embarrassing for me to tell, because some of the things that Carmen and I did could easily be considered perverted. I don’t embarrass easily, and I like most things to do with sex, but even I blush a little when I think about what I did to my boyfriend without his consent. It started about three months ago when Carmen and Peter Mallory moved into the apartment next to mine… Although I have a great boyfriend, I enjoy the freedom of living alone. Jeff (my...
“DAN WHAT THE FUCK!” Maria jumped off his cock and meekly tried to cover herself with her hands. That was a futile enterprise, though. Her breasts were solid double Ds. Plus, Ashley had seen whatever she had to see. “Baby, what are you doing here?”, Dan stammered as he got up, not bothering to hide his erection. The clear picture of guilt on his face confirmed what Ashley hoped for: he hadn’t seen the images Jane sent him yet. He was just screwing his secretary – not taking revenge. This...
‘Have you gone to sleep?’ ‘What?’ Jane was startled out of her reverie. She looked at her companion. ‘I’m sorry, Michael. What did you say?’ ‘I asked if you’d gone to sleep.’ ‘No….no, I don’t think so. It’s warm and stuffy in the car, though. I’m feeling a bit dozy. I’m sorry, Michael. I’m not being very good company.’ ‘It’s all right, love.’ He squeezed her hand. ‘Just being with you is enough.’ ‘You’re sweet.’ Jane made an attempt at a smile. Sweet. Yes, Michael was certainly that, but...
"This should be perfect for your needs, Mr. Parker. It's exactly what you specified. Don't you agree?"The realtor stands in the center of the main room of the empty apartment. The place is bright and airy with an eastern exposure. All the lights are on and none of the wide windows are covered. The sun shines into the space and only a few dust motes can be seen drifting in the scattered rays. Having so much sun and light is a selling point for Blaine Parker. The apartment is immaculate and...
ExhibitionismHaving danced since she was about 6, Andrea was very flexible and she didn’t let it go to waste, finding no trouble applying her skills to improve and spice up the already amazing sex she had with Jack. They hadn’t seen each other for three weeks and the last time they’d had sex, due to time constraints, had only lasted 5 minutes (although a very good five minutes) with their plans for their last time together before their separation being interrupted beforehand due to her premature time of...
I picked her up and we went to a townhouse off campus where the party was in full swing like college kids do. I was a bit older than them but noticed no one cared and even some girls were flirting with me. Guess being older does help sometimes. We started drinking beer and she danced with me and alot of different guys, the music was loud and even saw her smoking some weed with a group of people. She was at one time drinking a beer bong and getting it all over her at the same time so she...
Introduction: Making up for lost time When my wife and I were separated we had began to once again see one another but hadnt made that commitment yet. She asked me if I wanted to go with her to a college party some of her co-workers were attending and I said yes. She said We are not together so what ever happens with you or me is fine, ok? I agreed I picked her up and we went to a townhouse off campus where the party was in full swing like college kids do. I was a bit older than them but...
Chapter 1“Are you completely blind!?” yelled Erik behind the counter. “Don't you see the guests that have practically sat down? They might want to eat. We are a restaurant and you are being paid to at least pretend to be a waiter. God forbid you actually serve the guests,” he snarled angrily. This woke me up from my daydream. I looked at him with a surprised look that I assume, somehow made him think that I questioned the tone in his voice. That seemed to anger him even more. This realization...
CuckoldI'm not sure how to write up stories like this but I guess I'll start with telling you about the people involved. Let me start with my husband and me. I'm Diane, hubby is Ron, I work as a mortgage loan officer for a local credit union, Ron is a project engineer for a commercial construction company. We met in college, he was a year older than me and a year ahead. I'm now thirty-one, so he's thirty-two. He's six-one, one-eighty and it's mostly solid, and one of the aspects of my hubby that I...
IncestAfter leaving college I found myself working for a small firm of about 20 employees, I was initially based in their main office and within a few months was offered a promotion. Unfortunately the promotion would mean moving to a town about 2 hours away for a couple of months. Part of the deal was that I would get the use of an apartment the company owned. When I told my girlfriend she wasn’t too happy, although with a wedding being planned she was looking forward to the pay rise.We decided...
Hi, all Indian sex story readers, this is Madhan here, first of all, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback for the story. Please share your views and correction if any. I always enjoy pleasuring mature housewives. About Me: I am a Madhan of 27 years, 6″ tall, south Indian complexion, broad shoulder, and a well-built body. I basically belong to one of the cleanest city in India Mysuru, but currently working in Bangalore (which has all varieties of...
First, a few comments: I apologize to the readers and fans of my unfinished story -"Surprised". I have, as they say, been "experiencing technical difficulties". My original intent was to do a series. Several things occurred which stopped me dead in my tracks. First, this is a format I just could not keep up with. What with Computer problems, a semi-major car crash, but most significantly, a story by another author which I felt was not only going where I had intended my characters...
Everet walked through his apartment complex’s Hallway, his AR-15 In his right hand, his Colt 45 on his hip, and his Texas Ranger badge hanging proudly from his shirt. As he walked past a certain apartment, he heard the argument going on inside. “There’s trouble in that paradise,’ he thought as he walked by. Everet continued on to his apartment. He unlocked the door, stepped in, hung his hat and had his first slave Arianna, who greeted him, took off his gun belt. She then then took it and his...
Dave stood in the middle of the room, surrounded by boxes to be unpacked and some furniture, looking out the floor to ceiling windows at the view. He could not believe he had won the auction. He had moved the sparse amount of furniture he had in to the relevant spaces. As he walked in to the kitchen with a box marked kitchen there was a knock at the door. Dave opened the door to see the Real Estate agent standing there with a bottle of wine. Vicky had been most helpful she had opened his eyes...
Keda My head was spinning; I just watched my young receptionist strip naked and masturbate. I worked for a small construction company. During one of our growth spurts we hired a new receptionist. Her name was Kelly. She was 19 and had just graduated from a tech school. She was beautiful, just loosing her baby fat and turning into a stunning young lady. She was about 5 feet 6 inches tall. She had the shiniest brown hair. Whitest perfect teeth. Great smile. Full lush lips. She had been a...
Over the years I’ve gotten my fair share of pussy, but none of it was anything really special — just a bunch of good, enthusiastic fucking. Maybe I was just unlucky or something, but the girls I managed to go to bed with were not really into the kind of free-form sex I would have liked. Money and power, maybe… but not true sex aficionados. Anyway, I was transferred to my advertising agency’s corporate offices in Los Angeles last summer. Rental rates for...
Apartment – I would dress from time to time when I could be alone in the house. I also began stealing girlfriends’ lingerie when I could. I would take if from their drawers or hampers. I was careful never to take more than one thing over a long period of time. As far as I know no one ever suspected it was me. As time went by and dating became more sexual I would make out and pet with a girl until she was came in her panties or at least was very wet. I’d sneak into her hamper the next evening...
Jase moved into his new apartment and was standing on the small entrance balcony when he saw someone coming up the stairs. His eyes opened wide when he saw the tall, slender, and very attractive woman and thought, things are looking up! She got to the top of the stairs and spotted him, but then she looked down.He held out his hand, “Hi, I’m Jase, I guess we are neighbors.”She looked at his hand, “Look, I’m sure you’re a nice guy, but once the other people start talking about me, I’m the last...
WatersportsI had just been hired at a new job working for a law firm. I was making a good chunk of money, so I moved into a higher-end apartment located closer to where I was working. It was great for a while, high paying job, cushy apartment, I was set. However, then COVID hit and I was let go from my job. I was not one to save, and my rent was due in a week. I heard things about the government handing out checks, so I decided to just wait. My rent day came and I still had no money. Halfway through the...
It was 1983 I was 19 I grew up in Southern California, being the 80's I had long hair was into rock music had a girlfriend. At the time I was 6'1" 190 macho type, but since my early teens had fantasized about men, always older men with grayish hair, I do remember once when was around 10-11 I found a bunch of magazines in this ravine where we used to play in by my house, most were penthouse but there was one that was of men naked mostly just posing but a few where in 69 positions I remember it...
Even though Jordan was exhausted he found it nearly impossible to fall asleep. He tossed and turned all night attempting to keep his distance from his friend. Eric had an old box spring for a mattress that he had since he first moved in. As a result, there was a permanent indent where Eric slept every night. It was this indent that Jordan had to fight against for hours. Every time he would find a nice distance from his friend Jordan would be close to pressing his face to the wall,...
Note : This story is completely fictional! I was so proud that I finally got my first apartment even though I was sad that it had to be half way across the country from my family. I called my parents nightly, even though there wasn't really much to talk about. I guess they knew that I was a little homesick because they both decided to come and visit me. They gave me pretty short notice so I had to clean up my messy bachelorette pad and make up the spare bed for them. I felt happy and excited to...
IncestThe end of the reunion was now here. I drove back to our apartment. It was about eleven o' clock at night. The children should be asleep by now. Claire was a great babysitter, and her having a child herself for the kids helped a lot too. "Hey Claire.. How were they tonight?" I asked her as she opened up her apartment door. "They were great Jeffrey!" Claire said energetically. Claire was a single mother. Her child's father ran out on them after their child, Victor, was born. I walked...
Right after I graduated high school, I moved out into my first apartment. It was a one bedroom basement apartment located in a very large old house. The rent included utilities and was cheap…mainly because it had only one egress window (which was the only source of natural light in the entire apartment). I only had a queen size mattress (no box or frame) and a fold table with four chairs for furniture. I had two jobs one at a pizza cook ( just weekends) and working third shift at a foundry. I...
“I can’t believe the day has finally come!” I exclaimed excitedly, barely containing my urge to jump up and down. “Well, it has. I have waited all my life to finally be on my own, and I am so glad it has finally come to the point of fruition.” James beamed, while finishing off the last of his breakfast- maple cooked bacon and sausage patties. “So, the plans are all settled then?” I questioned him, sipping at my warm tea. “Yes, Moriah, Damien will be here momentarily with his truck. He said...
Oral SexTonight is the night that I am going to try a daring crossdressing self bondage experience that I have been planning for some time.First of all I start with my complete feminisation. As I am going to be a total slut tonight I apply my make-up accordingly. Once I have applied foundation and powder, I use a dark eye shadow to give me a smokey eye look. Then black eye-liner under the eye and I apply long false eye-lashes. I paint my lips a deep red and then lip gloss on top, making them full and...
We'd just returned from helping Jason, my brother, move into his newapartment. Mother was telling every one that would listen to her howwonderful Jason was, and how close he and his little brother were. Shekept telling people it was because that Jason had a hand in caring for hislittle brother. Jason had even been the one to suggest Mark for my name.Damn, I hated it when she talked about us like we were still c***dren. Iwas almost twenty-one and Jason was twenty-four and I was his lover. ...
"I have a rape fantasy," Andrea had told him as they walked toward her apartment. "If you want," he said, "I can slap you around." She stopped walking and turned to face him. "I can handle that." They began walking again. "I can spank you too." "Um, how about biting?" "Yes, I can bite you." "Maybe I'll need a safe word," she said, pensively. "A safe word?" "You might go too far, so I can use a safe word, like Yellow. You hear it, you stop." He nodded in...