ProeliatorChapter 4 free porn video

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The people present were all aware of the politics behind this though three of us were also influenced but love. I laid down what I wanted to happen. The wedding would be in the latter portion of the summer when the crops were in. The location would be my property on the Rhine but by then I may have some steam powered ships that could take the guests to Lutetia or down the Weser to my school. I was not going to be caught with my pants down when it came to guests because I had to bring some barbarians into the fold and this meant a lot of Germans from other tribes.

The next day and with the level of hostility low enough I was able to meet the Persian army. Part of this was political but I wanted to see what my former bodyguards were doing. They had turned fanatics like a portion of them had been already but for the Christian cause. It didn't matter what I said through my books, they still acted the way they did before.

When I met up with them I hugged them to me. Some saw this as sacrilege and I had to take a few minutes to straighten them out. Even then they were not ready to put down the cause of the Möbius strip.

I now kept the men with me but the ones that acted more sane were allowed a lot more freedom. I would have to find a way to alter the way the rest acted. Some people were predisposed to go off the deep end no matter what the religion was.

I had talked about how their brothers had died in Berytus when it was attacked but they did not seem bothered. The souls would have gone to Valhalla they figured. Kings and others would like this because it gained them strong followers but I wanted sane individuals not fanatics.

They were told they had to learn more than how to guard me and a portion sat with Mehrnoosh or HidA to learn mathematics. Engineering would come next and perhaps their fervour could be used to learn.

I continued to work on other projects too. The alcohol burning engine was difficult to get working. I had to make a still to obtain some higher fractions that would burn better. The engine finally did work though. When it did the noise was deafening but the engine spun very quickly and the needle valve had to throttle the engine back.

The noise inside the room was too much so the motor was shut off and arrangements were made to move it outside with a hastily fabricated muffler of sorts. There was a lot of shaking because the motor was seriously out of balance. We had made a prop to fit the motor. Everything was mounted as firmly as possible or people would get hurt if the engine fell apart.

The engine was much more difficult to start with the prop in place and I had to do some fiddling. A hot block of copper had to be placed over the head so that the cylinder would have more heat to start the dieseling process. Another thin portion in the cylinder was there so it would get hot and keep the process going.

We were trying to start the engine for over an hour and we were getting tired when it finally started then stopped. Ten minutes later it was running again and everybody was out of the way in case the prop had a fault in it. The noise was reduced some but it was still very loud.

There was a lot of wind coming from the machine and it blew toward those that were watching.

It was Clovis that said, "I am very happy to see this. You made the toys in Hildestun but I now see it working. When will you have an aeroplane ready for us?"

Over the noise I said, "This is a poorly made toy. There is a lot of work to do before a reliable engine will be available and perhaps even more work before we have an airframe." The last term had to be explained. There were a lot of words I was bringing into the new Roman language and I had to make sure they were done correctly.

It would not be long before I had to commission a dictionary to be put together that would also have all the terms I could remember from the future.

Few people tried to talk louder than the motor and I gave Lazeez the signal and he cut off the flow of the fuel. My ears were still ringing when the noise slowly abated.

Sapor said, "I will need some of your flying craft too. Could you make them quieter?"

"It will be years before we have a plane. It will be more years to test them. Aeroplanes are not safe until they have been perfected and to do that we need a lot of time. People have to be trained to make changes in an airframe and see what effect the changes do to the plane's stability. I do not know much about this type of construction and we will all have to learn."

Now was a good time to ask Sapor to give me some help. "I need some people like Lazeez and Tertius to work at making better engines. I want a portion of them to be Persian and some to be girls. The future is upon us and I do not want to exclude half of the population. We also need a lot of brass, bronze and copper. To build the engines."

"I can supply both if you wish to have them. I do not know about females. Few parents would allow their girls to come to this place without a chaperone."

"I will accept both with much thanks but I am not going to have chaperones here. There will be no pregnancies. Perhaps you have heard of my cadets. Nobody fools with them."

"I have heard of them. They are all famous because what they have done. Will they be coming here too?"

"Some will come but they also have to do a lot of travelling. Those you send will be assessed. If they pass then they will join the academy. From then on they are in my army. The girls or boys will be sent to the Rhine, Gaul, Britannia, Hispania and here. Those you send will have the same glory attached to their name that the others have. Roman young people will make another portion as will the Germans. As time goes on we will have Indian and Chinese."

"I had thought you were going to do that. Will they learn about the powder that is used in your cannon?"

I had to pause here a few seconds. "They will learn everything. They may take years though. You may not know it but an aeroplane is much more important than a cannon."

"But the cannon is so powerful."

"An aeroplane flying over three miles in the sky can still see those on the ground. Explosives could be dropped from the sky to destroy those on the ground and nobody can strike those that fly. Even without explosives, a man or a woman in a plane can report to their commander where the enemy is and how numerous they are. This leaves the infantry to do the fighting."

"Is this the Luftwaffe you were mentioning before?"

"Yes it is. The people you send will one day fly if they survive but some people are not good at handling a machine like this and they cannot all be pilots."

"All men could do this with practice."

"One mistake means that the plane crashes. Many crashes are fatal. Look at it this way. Some men are naturally good on a horse. Would you like to have a man that is only a mediocre horsemen to be in control of your life?"

"I see your point. But if I were to learn to fly then I would be in charge of my life. Are there not some vehicles that do not fall to the earth?"

"There are some vehicles that are very large. They have a covering like that used on sausage. It is filled with a light gas and it naturally floats in the air. Some engines like we saw today are used to push it from one place to another."

"Build me one of those too."

"The building will take years. You are going to have to help too. Your men will have to build it and help you fly it too. How else can you repair it?"

"I see that. How much gold do you want?"

"I have no idea of the cost. The first one will cost a lot because I have many tests. The covering will be expensive. I have to extract the gas that is lighter than air and store it. Giant engines will have to be designed and many failures thrown away until we get something that is good. In the far future this took a long time and there was still a lot of room to make improvements."

"That is alright. I don't care how much it costs. I want to fly."

"You may think that the 'air ship' will be made of gold before you are done. I am warning you again that it costs a lot to do everything that is needed. Some of that gold will have to be used on your roads and railroads. Not too long ago you wanted a ship like the Enterprise. You could beggar your country as you try to pull your people into the future."

"It would cost that much!"

"Railways cost a lot but I could build them. The problem is in building a large steel plant to make the rails and the things needed to build the train cars and locomotives."

"You said if we lay the track then the country will prosper."

"It sure will."

"I could get more tax then."

"If you do that then the people that want to start a business will suffer. You need a new way of getting tax that allows a person that is running or starting a business to see a way that he will still prosper. When he makes more gold, then so do you."

"That will be hard to do."

"What if you were the one that was starting the new businesses?"

I got a big smile. "That is different. Before we continue I want to know about that sugar and molasses that you gave me."

"What about it?"

"I liked it. I want to make it too."

"I can make you a partner in this. In fact I think Julian and Clovis should do this too."

"Why can I not make it myself?"

"You could. This is a very valuable piece of knowledge but we could all use the gold it brings to expand. You have to grow the cane but you still have to have enough land to feed your people. The cane goes by train or road to a place where it is changed into sugar. You sell the sugar to the people on this side of the Bosporus but not to India and eastward. Julian has the rest of the Mediterranean plus Hispania. Clovis has Germania, Gaul and all he can reach as he goes east."

"Why can't I get India?"

"The Indians will have India."

At mid day we had our kite contest. Lazeez and Tertius showed off with their large varieties that went quite high. The fiery god was prominent on both. Anoushak, Sapor's oldest remaining unmarried daughter was to take Sapor's place. I guess the father did not want to loose to young men so he had his daughter do the honours. The kite though was even larger than the two the boys used.

Anoushak wore a harness much like those used to support a mountaineer. From time to time this was necessary because the silk would cut her hands even with the heavy gloves. She too joined the pilot's club by being carried upward and down wind on occasion.

When she had finished showing off all three tried to outdo each other. I knew that as soon as I talked about box kites that they would be made too. It was much later that the kites were pulled in and I heard Sapor whisper, "Where did that kite come from. It was not mine."

Anoushak whispered back that the women folk had conspired to make sure she won or placed very high. Sapor was not averse to this at all.

The game of one-upmanship had not died because the boys brought out a glider that had a wing spread of two metres. It flew a long distance and looked very graceful. I was surprised that Anoushak had a smaller glider. It was much better than the one we had used with the mouse. It flew just as well but not as far. A few minutes later a gust of wind caught it and it was dashed against the ground and broke.

The boys looked genuinely concerned and tried to not only congratulate Anoushak, but to volunteer to assist her in repairing the plane.

I walked near Sapor as his daughter came with a tear streaked cheeks and a broken plane.

"Look what happened Father. It broke and it was so beautiful."

I suggested quickly, "Will you allow the young men to escort your daughter to the shop? They have the skill and the tools to make a good repair?"

He just nodded his head and Anoushak turned around with tears still in her eyes. The boys and her guards left for the short trip.

I said to Sapor, "The competition was not Romans against Persians but boys against girls. The girls did very well I think."

"I do to."

With the event over I met with Julian and Clovis to discuss sugar production. Julian could see gold in this but not as strongly as Sapor. It was Clovis that saw it only like a spice that was nice, expensive but unnecessary.

I said to all three, "I will build the first mill in this city. My part will be the ideas. The total cost including the land will be split three ways. Each of you will have a portion. The profits will be split four ways.

Clovis asked, "How much will this cost me?"

I gave him the cost and said, "This will be multiplied by the number of factories I have to build to meet the demand. The next factory or the ones after, will probably be built with the funds from the first ones."

Clovis put out his hand and we shook. In seconds the other two did the same then with each other. The cost of this was not that great and any of the men could afford it.

With this out of the way I started on the railway. Maps were brought out and I showed where a short railway would come in handy to tranship goods to the Red Sea or to the Nile.

Sapor asked, "How much will that cost?"

"At a guess I would say that this will be ninety miles long. I would say that I should get a thousand square miles of land for my expenses. I spoke earlier to Julian here about the scale of compensation varying to reflect the cost of building portions of the railway. On top of that land I need a mile on each side of the tracks. More track will have to go in and I will need a place to build some of my industry. I am going to pay to build roads that cross this property but they are not going to be close together."

Sapor asked, "Where will this thousand square miles of land be?"

"We have not discussed this yet. I do not want desert land or swamp but I may take that. One day a major canal is dug twenty metres deep and a hundred metres wide that will link the Mediterranean to the Red sea through the salt lakes. It will be many years until the land will be needed."

"What about the land you would need from me for the cost of the railway?"

"You gave me the Arabian Peninsula. There is a lot of arable land there. All I have to do is claim it. If not I have to purchase it from those that use it now."

"It is yours, you do not have to pay anything."

"You gave me ownership over the land. It may still be owned by others. I do not want sovereignty."

Clovis asked, "What is this about sovereignty?"

"I need the black liquid and the gas that burns when it escapes the ground. Sapor has given me this area." I pointed to the peninsula. "This is mostly sand but there are some areas that can grow crops."

"That is bigger than all of Germania even with the Inferior and Superior portions."

"It is a hard life to live in the desert. An animal needs large areas to graze and to survive never mind flourish. The only arable land is near the coast."

"You can have it if it were up to me."

Sapor said a bit snappishly, "I did give it to him. He said I will get some of the fertiliser from this area."

It was Julian that said, "Why do you want this land? It looks useless."

"The land is worth very little without water. The value is in the black liquid and the gas."

Nobody commented then so I figured they would let it ride. This transaction had to get put on paper soon.

We wrote sugar contracts in Latin and used the simplest terms I could. I wanted no misunderstandings with those in the room or their successors. To make the business stable, my partnership was to the two empires and to Germania. That way the rights could not be sold or stolen. I remember how Egypt had built the Suez canal and when it ran into trouble it was snapped up by the English and then troops came in to 'protect' their asset.

The contract with Sapor that gave me the rights to the Arabian Peninsula were witnessed by the other two men. The contract with three men and me concerning the amount of land I would get when I built the railway was spelled out. I would still get the Ruhr Valley and a goodly amount of land around it.

We had not finished when we heard a disturbance in the hallway. The guards had been told to keep people away but three young people wanted us now.

We adjourned the meeting and went outside. It was a shock to see that it was now night. Lazeez excitedly said we repaired the plane.

Anoushak held out her glider and I saw that it was not a glider any more. A small engine was mounted in the nose. The engine was too large for the size of the plane because it was one that I had been working on to explain how the motor worked when we were not working with the larger engine.

"We will have to try this in the morning. It will make too much noise tonight. I turned to Tertius and said, "Find a strong piece of wood about fifteen centimetres long. I need two silk cords like what you use on the smaller kites. They have to be at least fifteen metres long. We can finish this after everybody gets up in the morning.

Tertius said, "But we worked hard to..."

"Tomorrow Tertius." I pointed to two spots on the plane and said, "You can put something here, and here to tie the silk to."

"Yes sir came from him but he sounded very sad."

When the three left, Sapor said, "Will that thing fly?"

"We are going to have to wait and see."

The room we left, drew us back. The men got construction contracts to build steamers even if they were made of wood. The size I wanted was twice the length of the Enterprise but this would make them difficult to get far up a river. Ships of the Patricia class had already been made. They even had more powerful engines but I doubted if they were any better than the old engine. I wanted a tug and this had to have a few thousand horsepower to push the larger barges up and down the rivers with any speed.

Engine development was linked to the ships but whatever ideas we found would go into the aircraft and other vehicles. The senators would be footing part of this bill so this would reduce the exposure the rest of us received.

Canal traffic was mentioned and I had to use maps of Germania now to show where they would go. Their cost though would be high but this would be something we would only undertake after we had large ships. This lead to roads. I mentioned my bitumen that would be heated in a large drum with a lot of small pieces of crushed stone then rolled with a heavy machine. They liked the idea but could not see the product in their minds yet.

Sapor said, "There is a lake of bitumen in Palestine. You do not have to even dig for it."

"I had already heard of that. It is under the authority of the Romans. My problem will be in gathering it. It is already quite thick but I think it can still be pumped."

Julian said, "What are your plans?"

"It is too heavy to put in carts and carry so the best way is to make a large pipe and force it into a large tank near the shore of the Mediterranean. A metal ship could pick it up and transport it to where it can be stored. Smaller cities could come and purchase some of the bitumen for their own uses. The main highways I want to build will need a lot."

We had not finished by the time Clovis yawned. I said, "Let's discuss this further after we have rested."

The girls were asleep when I got to bed but woke up enough to give me a little bit of lovemaking and then went back to sleep. From the smell in the room, they had been pleasing each other as they waited my arrival. I nestled between them and thought how lucky I was.

The girls got up before I did then they came back to get me. The three anxious people of the night before wanted to try their plane. I had my breakfast as five expectant people watched me chew. Only when I was finished did they describe what they had done to the glider.

I picked the plane up and saw that it was nose heavy and balanced the plane on the wings and told the three where to put some weight in the tail to bring it into balance. I then tried to balance it along the fuselage and saw that one side was heavier. This might have no bearing on the flight characteristics because it was going to be controlled by the silk cords. One day we would have to even compensate the engine torque.

The three ran out and left me in peace so I could have another cup of coffee.

Patricia asked, "Is that going to fly?"

"I do not know if we can start the engine. It worked only some times when we had it on the bench. It has enough power but there are a lot of other considerations that have to make before it can fly."

In ten minutes they were back and I went out with them. I tried to start the engine with no success. As a final resort I went to the larger engine we used before and worked on getting this going. This was almost as bad. Once it coughed then started and I had lots of people around me now. I put the plane backwards to the large spinning prop. The wind was very strong and it turned the smaller prop on the plane until it finally caught. I adjusted the fuel so the engine would not self-destruct. This was done away from the wind but not the noise.

Sapor, Julian and Clovis came out to see what was happening after hearing all the noise. I tied the silk to the two points though it was difficulty because the cord was being blown but the strong little motor.

When it looked like we would make it, the large motor was shut off and the people cleared out of the way as I played out the string as Tertius held he plane. I tied the cords to the end of the piece of wood and looked around before yelling to Tertius, "Let it go."

The plane bounced over the uneven ground but took to the air before we went half of a circle. I got the plane to two metres altitude and kept it there as I turned around to face the plane all the time. Most of the crowd had their mouth open.

I yelled out, "Anoushak, when it goes by next time, run to me quickly."

I had to go around five more times before the girl ran to me. I had difficulty getting her to take control of the plane but she did even as I held her hands on the wood. I finally let go and stayed behind her as she turned slowly. The plane lost altitude and Anoushak brought it up just like a pro without oversteering.

When the fuel ran out the plane finally started to descend and Anoushak brought it to a good landing. It was only the rough ground that made the plane go nose down in the dirt.

Nobody moved but all eyes were on the plane. I put my hand on the girl's shoulder and whispered, "You did a great job."

In a few seconds the spell was broken and both Lazeez and Tertius ran to get the plane.

Sapor hurried to me even without his guards and said excitedly, "I would like to try that."

The ground was levelled by a lot of feet and done so very quickly. Lazeez had the plane fuelled as Tertius did the inspections. Anoushak was giving pointers to her father as if she were an old pro which in a way she was.

The motor started quicker this time because it was hot. Sapor got the plane to lift off in a shorter distance. After only ten laps he tried to gain altitude then bring it down again. Again everybody had their mouths open in wonder. When the fuel ran out the plane landed gently on the ground and Sapor smiled more as if he had done it perfectly.

Sapor had two more turns until he let the Augustus of the Roman Empire have his turn. This man had two turns himself until the king of the Frisians complained and he had to have his turn. It went on until all the fuel was used up and it was well into the afternoon.

I had two emperors and a king that wanted engines and I had to get three young people to get to work making them. Sapor didn't complain when one of them was his daughter Anoushak.

Same as Proeliator
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To the UpTight Wives of Black Men

I told this to some one I met on XHamster who’s considering meeting me.I hope he says yes. Darrel and I have been lovers for 15 years.He’s been married for 10.As a long time Mason he attends meetings frequently.When he wants to hook up, he simply calls me and we arrange to meet.He keeps my name in his cell under my male name,one of his white buddies. There’s a Mc Intosh motel near my house.I check into a room there a couple of hours before Darrel to get ready.I start with a long,hot bath and...

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A Night in a Moorish Harem part 2

He began to undress me rapidly, his hand trembling with eagerness. Could it be that he wanted to pierce my loins so soon again, as he had done in the orange garden? An hour ago I would have dreaded it; now the thought caused a throb of welcome just where the pain had been sharpest. Stripped to my chemise, and even that unbuttoned by the eager hand of my lover, I darted from his arms and concealed my confusion beneath the bedcover. He soon undressed and followed me--then, bestowing one kiss on...

4 years ago
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Debbie does Alabama Part One

Taking my finger I wrapped it around the precum as one would use a fork to gather up spaghetti. I put the coated finger into my mouth to taste my body fluid. Sucking it clean my palate registered: slimy, not much taste, not as salty with that distinctive chlorine taste of my cum but still kind of erotic to consume your own freshly harvested pre cum. My short, white uncut cock jerked in anticipation of cumming again. What had caused this early morning arousal? Being young and newly married I...

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Kahani Zubani

Hi. Mera naam hasan ha or ma Lahore ma rehta hon. Actually ma kisi or city se hon or Lahore perne k liye aya hon. Aaj jo ma app ko story sunane jar aha hon ye 5 month pehle ki baat ha. 1 raat ma Lahore ma bahir gumne k liye nikla apne saare dosto k sath or different places par gaie wahan 1 larki thi jo k baar baar hamare group ki taraf daikh rahi thi ma ne to notice nahi kiya lakin mere 1 dost ne notice kiya iss ne sab ko bataya. Ma ne phr bas isi waqat se ise daikhna suru kr diya. Bohat notice...

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Spandex Dreams Pt 2 Home Alone

Nothing changed between us after that one incredible night. We acted as if nothing happened at all even though we both remembered it very well. Not that we were ashamed of the nights events, no, not at all. We just had to be careful so no one would suspect anything. But, on those rare occasions when Chad and I did find ourselves alone, we made sure to use it wisely with a flirt or quick tease. The three of us were the best of friends and we did what every normal kid would do at that age. This...

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Sorcerer the Inner CircleChapter 7

BOB (Saturday 10/1) One Saturday morning, Don and I made a tour through the house and garage looking for potential earthquake issues. I spotted a few, mainly bookcases and stuff which could fall over, so I dug out my cordless drill and strapping and tagged them into the wall. I noticed a bookshelf over the head of their bed, full of books. I told him, "Unless you want to attempt to read them all at once in the middle of the night, I'd recommend you replace them with those stuffed animals...

3 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 19 Three Out Of Three

“Wait a moment, are you him?!” Zechariah exclaimed in outrage. Due to both his and Linor’s turbulent mental state, the Companion’s Link formation became instable, the invisible energy agitated and in a “BANG!” they were thrown sideways. Waving his hand, Zax dissolved the rampant energy and helped Zechariah and Linor back to their seats before crossing the boundary of the table’s formation. He speculated that Rockwell and Riv had disclosed the details of the Event in Demirva Ridge and the...

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Roller Coaster Ride

About two years ago I told my wife what I felt at the time was a very deep dark secret. I shyly told her about my little fantasy I had been hiding for a few years which evolved watching her with another man. Her reaction was not as bad as I had feared, she told me that it was one weird fantasy and jokingly told me to get some professional help. As time went on I was able at least to get her to play along a bit with me and call me by another name in bed but that was about it. She was very open...

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School Become Fun

I'll start off by telling you I'm honestly a nice guy most of the time. Thisstory happened the day after I found out my girl friend of two years had fuckedat least 18 other guys. Five of which serval times and 3 at the same time inthe middle of a party last weekend when she was "sick". I alwaysknew I had the powers but since age five I stopped using them for anythingmajor. You know little things. Like getting someone to walk over and grab younapkins or to pick up the trash on the ground....

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Hijabi Bengali slut UK fucked Please comment

Hijabi Bengali slut UK fucked. Please comment.This is a true story about a bengali slut getting fucked. More to follow.She was 5ft 3 and weighed 50kg. She had all the curves in the right places. She was dress size 8 to 10. Her breast size was 32c. She has almond eyes and wears hijab. She has wore tight jeans show of her ass as loved the attention from the guys perving on...

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Camping with Stepdaughter 20

While I had been cooking supper Lesly and Susan had been busy in the van. Both girls had on little tank tops that they had cut off just below their firm young breasts. Their nipples were hard and their areolas were clearly visible. They had cut away all the material from the crotches of their little shorts until all that was left was the narrow strip formed by the seam. The seam disappeared into the folds of their smooth young pussies, parting their inner lips and leaving them totally exposed....

1 year ago
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Wife Being Watched

As stated previously, Jeannie loves to be watched. She loves her tits to be seen, and she loves being watched as she cums. By men, or women. It is great turn-on for men watching her to jerk off as they watch her. And I must say, she is very exciting to watch. Her tits are fantastic, and she cums loud and hard and many times. Especially using her Magic Wand, which is her favorite way to cum. On a weekend trip out of town, we spied a motel with cottages, one floor, each kind of secluded. We...

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A Flawed DiamondChapter 11

Tara hung up from talking to the production agent at SportsNet. She frowned. "They don't have anyone available until later tonight," she said. "Almost all their crew is down in San Diego for the All-Star Game. I forgot that NET has the TV rights." "You're available," Chastity said. "I don't actually work for them," Tara replied with a smile. "That means I can't use their studios." "Randi has a makeshift studio in her basement," J.C. put in. "At least she did last...

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Lady Cecelia Ch 02 Pt 04

The house of the Dauphin of Agincourt was rife with corruption and debauchery. Know all at the outset that never in French history was one more decadent than this. In France, King Henry’s men languished in Agincourt castle prison. Their humiliation at the hands of the French was ceaseless. English Knights of higher order found themselves visited for the sole purpose of the French Court’s entertainment. French men, some of them, lost interest in these Anglican nobles who soon found themselves...

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LittleAsians Honey Gold Orgasmic Asian Sensation

Sometimes a hot girl can communicate all her sexual passion with a single look. Asian sex queen Honey Gold is one of those special ladies, and today she makes her hard dick desires clear as day. She bends over in a see through skirt as her pussy gets soaking wet. Then, she spreads her legs and pleasures herself sensually. When our stud shows up, she opens her throat for him to fuck her beautiful face. Then, she goes for an enthusiastic dick ride that makes her orgasm multiple times. This Asian...

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I want to FUCK

Wife strips in car during football game.Nicole was not a sports fan. Her family was never into sports. That had been fine, until she met Matt, who loved sports. They got along well in all other areas – beliefs, goals, physical activity, dreams – everything but sports. Matt was a big football fan, and spent every Sunday (or Monday) watching his favorite team, the Green Bay Packers. This was fine with her, as she spent that time studying and reading journals for her career. Their relationship...

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New York

New York (Escordgirl findet ihre wahre Bestimmung) Die Straße war menschenleer. Jill klemmte ihre Handtasche fester unter den Arm, während sie in die enge Gasse bog. Vor einem Schaufenster, das ihre Aufmerksamkeit erregt hatte, blieb sie einen Moment stehen. Sie bewunderte die filigranen handgefertigten Figürchen aus Glas und bemerkte nicht, das sie selbst mit interessiertem Auge gemustert wurde. „Wunderschön“, die raue männliche Stimme ließ Jill erschauern. Nervös drehte sie ihren Kopf und...

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Finding Something in the Woods

Hi all! I recently reconnected with a guy from my highschool and we shared a tale or 2. He is now a successful legal executive and very fit! So this is a story from his first time and the awakening of his confidence and sexual exploration, enjoy! Mark was; 18, fit, smart, funny and rich. Nearly all of those qualities were down to his highly successful lawyer-parents and his dads charm and good looks (good enough to bag an ex-model!). Now many would make Mark as near-perfect, but there were 2...

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University StepDaughter Exchange

It was a cold snow filled Monday morning and I had just arrived at my Step-Daughter Mandy`s University campus, it was the first time I had been there and was convinced I had picked up several fines for driving down streets that were meant for push bikes only; there were thousands of them seemingly abandoned in the snow white town. As I pulled up at the University gates, Mandy jumped out and grabbed her rucksack, she instructed me to bring her other belongings.“What did your last servant die...

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Bumping Into My Neighbors Wifeover and o

I’ve lived in this second story apartment for three months now and finally have it furnished comfortably: big screen TV, Wi-Fi, couple of big leather recliners for football games. In one corner, I even have a little bar that I bought at an estate auction. Art of my own choice hangs on the walls—ex-wife be-damned.And, since I do a lot of work from home, as this apartment is a one bedroom, one bath with a study, I also have a nice work space with desktop and laptop computers, little TV for the...

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Little Sister

I was at the post office the other day and I had quite a blast from the past as I ran into a woman I use to know named Stacey. Stacey is the little sister of my hot blonde ex-girlfriend Shelby who I have not seen in about ten years. Shelby and I dated for a little over a year before she broke up with me due to my inability to commit. Shelby is pretty family oriented so I saw her little sister Stacey a lot. Stacey was only two years younger than Shelby but that was just one of the many ways...

4 years ago
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Swear To God Chapter 3

I got her call a half hour after setting up shop at the kitchen table in front of the telephone."Cully, I'm okay, honey. It's okay. I'm fine." She sounded genuine."Where are you?""At his place. We walked in five minutes ago. I..."I cut her off."Where is he?""He just left to get some take-out for us. He thought it might be better if he wasn't here when we talked. He didn't want us to feel badly, Cully. He's very considerate, honey.""He left you alone in his apartment?" I was...

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An Evening Out With Trish

As a confirmed cuckold, I am blessed with a wife who understands my needs and enjoys fulfilling them. What began as an accommodation on her part to my tastes gradually became something she enjoys as much as I do. We both are excited to be with a man who lusts for her sex, the kind of man who enjoys using a woman, dominating her, even punishing her. And when this man, or men, finish with her and turn to putting me in my place, the thrills continue.Trish spends a lot of time getting dressed and...

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Mr Magnfico Episode1

Mr. Magnífico {Episode-1} by Mogrim =================================================================== [[Writer's Words: English language/grammar isn’t my strongest side. The spelling is OK, I guess. This story is very slow, I think. So impatient readers are advised not to read, or start reading backwards;) Look for the...

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The Best Birthday Present EverChapter 4

“Damn, that is so fucking hot, watching Tamara peg Jordan like that ... fucking awesome!” I laughed as we saw the way that Tamara ruthlessly sodomized her second husband. He was still gagged, while she wasn’t at this point, and both of us chuckled at some of the taunts that she sent Jordan’s way as she ravaged his cornhole. “Come on, slimeball ... take it ... take it ... it’s what you deserve, no, better than you deserve! Take it and quit whimpering, you wuss, you cuck! You wimp! You slimy,...

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Mind the TimeChapter 34

"Where it's supposed to be ... in my hot little hand. Mother, I'm the Princess now. You are out," Vee said. Her voice was vindictive and authoritarian. Junior and The Wanzor looked at each other. As one they turned to the newly fifteen year old girl and said, "Who are you and what have you done with our Vee?" "You old hags ... get out of my life!" she said, "I'm running this show now." She wound the watch and disappeared. The Wanzor and Junior looked shocked, "Who was that?"...

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Dear Dirty Diary part 15

Dear Dirty Diary, By the following morning the three had checked out and we were all alone. Louise was strangely quiet upstairs as I laundered yesterday’s towels and bedding. I made some coffee and tiptoed upstairs with hers. All was quiet on the second floor but I heard a chair creak upstairs in my apartment. I stepped loudly up the stairs and glimpsed her from the landing with her nose in my laptop computer. She peered over the top of her reading glasses at me and said, “This segment...

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Fortunate Sexual Encounter With My Coworker

My name is Rahul 25 years old, 6 feet tall, working in Chennai. To know more about me read . Thanks for all your feedback. So I’m penning down my unexpected sexual encounter for you. The heroine of the story is Sangeetha (changed), in the mid-thirties, divorced, mother of a first standard boy, my chief in hospital. She is a strict woman who doesn’t compromise on her work and everybody used to get their ass whipped. Unfortunately, I had to work under her. There was a rumor that her husband...

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feet suck

I woke up with my cousin ive always thought she had sexy feet. one day i went to her house to play. and she was alone and bare foot. i walked in to her room and i sat on her bed slowly reaching for her feet. i grabed her feet and started sucking on them and spitting on them she got horn and started to suck my perfectly painted hot pink toes. and we suck on eachothers feet for about two hours. she then asked me if she could call her boyfriend to come and fuck us and i said yes.he walked in and...

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My Birthday Surprise Part Eleven

Part Eleven When we arrived home, another car was already in the driveway. We parked next to it. As we did, I could see a man my wife's age and his daughter sitting there smiling and waiting for us. My wife got out and greeted them. I didn't recognize either of them and was feeling very self-conscious in my school girl outfit. I looked so obviously lascivious with my transparent blouse revealing my pierced nipples, large aureoles, and modest breasts. My plaid micro mini skirt was...

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Bangalore 18 Year Boy And His Maid

Hi, Indian Sex Stories readers.This is my real sex story which happened a few months ago. Before coming to the sex story, if any girls or aunties want to have fun in Bangalore, please do contact me Myself Arun, this incident happened on my summer vacation I.E after my 2nd public exams. I am a young boy of age just 18.Usually, I used to watch porn from my young age, so I was always thinking about having sex.My house maid was working in our house for the past 6 years. Her name is Vani (name...

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MY sister EVE PART 2

Our folks kept us busy with trips out, Eve and I didn’t get a chance to enjoy each other’s ‘company’ for a long time. Every morning we looked at each other over breakfast. We could each see the desire burning in each other’s eyes, and could feel it as we stroked each other’s thighs and sex with our feet under the table every morning. But, unfortunately, this only ever lasted a few seconds as our folks would walk into the room and we stopped for fear of being caught. This quick and secret...

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Taking the Road TogetherChapter 11 In the Office

"No, Stephanie, I don't know what time I'll be done here," Darren said, half staring at the report he was trying to finish up for his boss. "No, I think they all left. Even Steve, he left an hour ago. Oh, okay. I'll try to be home by ten. Yes, I love you too. Good-bye, Stephanie." He began revising the text on his screen, blocking out all other noises. Not that there were any. Everyone had long since gone home. He heard the elevator ding in the distance and then open. Cleaning crew,...

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Freindly Adice IV team sports

Kyle’s dick was more than I had hoped for, it had felt so good in my mouth; I couldn’t wait to let him in, but… Kris and Kyle wanted to fuck….each other???? How was I supposed to process that? Kris had been so eager and into it when we had fucked in the greenhouse. He had taken both his sister and I and given us exactly what we had wanted. A perfect little brother – my best friend’s little brother – ready willing and able to experiment with Georgia and I… but he was bi … and so was his...

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Episode 9 Where was Gemma

Thirteen year old Gemma could not attend the Junior Porn Club School as she was back in St. Lucia topping up her tan and getting pregnant. The journeyDad dropped Gemma off at the Coach Station, chattering about usual Passport / tickets / money stuff and dreamily watched her bare black bum under a very short dress as she mounted the coach steps. Gemma flopped into a seat near the back, blew a kiss to Dad and selected a very graphic porn movie starring Molly and Becki to 'watch' on her...

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The Night I Lost My Virginity

I empty my pockets on the coffee table and walk over to the answering machine which read zero more times than an actual number. Continuing my walk, I head for the bedroom. I remove my socks and shoes, making a small pile. Re-hanging my suit and tie, I take off the dress shirt and add it to the pile of my shoes and socks as I make my way to the bathroom. I start to take a steaming hot scented bubble bath so that my body would be relaxed and smelling great from the night ahead. I finished my bath...

2 years ago
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mom 3rd part

Hello my friends.Mom & s*s taking charge of sex in our home.As most of you know that I , s*s and mom fucked with s*s’s friend’s helpOne day after we had supper. We were just relaxing and chatting.Mom said you should go to church with me.s*s and I said we are not into religion as you know by now.Mom said the preacher is very good he explain thing in details. No other preacher explain the way he explain. Just one time you should go, please.I looked at s*s. We both kind of agree that we should...

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Sex Education

I've put this in the 'celebrities' category but it would have easily fit in a number of others.Entirely a work of fiction although the shows, characters and the interview referred to are all real.Our characters:AimeeGillian deleted

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EvilAngel Alexia Anders 22YO8217s XXX Initiation

In black lingerie, adorable Alexia Anders shows off her natural body — the hot, natural tits, the lovely legs, the tan skin, the brown hair tumbling down to her ass. Director/top stud Mick Blue interviews the porn novice; she’s 22, from L.A., and she loves to express herself sexually. They oil up her breasts, butt and shaved pussy, and Alexia masturbates. Mick’s uncut meat fills her lube-shiny twat as Alexia smiles and moans. They kiss as they fuck intimately. Alexia rides...

3 years ago
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Countryside sex

I love that countryside airAs we drive the country side. She shows me countryside. Rolling hills, a farm here an there speckle the landscape. A gorgeous morning. Clean wholesome country air.I look over and I notice how she is grinding her ass into the seat ever-so-discretely. I can see her tits as she's unbuttoned her blouse, showing plenty of cleavage.I pull over. "what are you doing"? She stops moving her hips and looks at me with an embarrassed, puzzled look To her relief, I...

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