Flawed Red Silk 12 linked stories
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As he had so many times in the past, Brock shared a ride home with Al. The pair barely spoke for the first half of the ride home.
"You're going to have to get over that," Al said cautiously. "You can't go off on a reporter each time they ask you something you don't like."
"Why not?" Brock asked.
"They have a lot of power," Al replied.
"They think they have power but it's an illusion," Brock told him. "What are they going to do? If they make up something and run it, I'll put them out of business. If they harass me, I'll find them sometime when they're alone and make them pay for it in another way. Seriously, Al, what are they going to do?"
"Ignore you," Al answered. "Tarnish your reputation, wait until you do something stupid and then pile on top of you. There are any number of things they can do. Right now, you're a fan favorite. No one is going to try to deny that. But you don't sign every autograph or chat with every person who approaches you on the street. Say tomorrow you walk past the autograph line and there is some kid with cerebral palsy there. The next morning, you'll read about how you snubbed a kid whose last wish in life was a few minutes of your time. It's close enough to the facts that it isn't actionable. If a story or two like that pops up every week, suddenly, the fans don't think you're such hot shit any more. Or worse, say you actually do something stupid – like get into a fight or get a DUI. The next thing you know, you'll be seeing your mug shot pop up on television 30 times an hour. Brock, these people are petty and vindictive. They also have long memories. I'm just saying that if you make this personal, it's liable to create as many problems for you as it does for them."
"So I'm just supposed to eat a shit sandwich because these bastards were too stupid to get into law school?" Brock asked bitterly.
"I didn't say that," Al said. "You can do what I do. I learned it from Esmi. You can pick it up from Meredith. What does Meredith do when you say or do something stupid?"
"Smacks me on the arm," Brock answered.
Al laughed.
"Well, I guess that won't work in this case," he admitted, still smiling. "Anyway, Esmi gives me this look. It's like a question, 'Are you really that stupid?' and a statement, 'You really are that stupid.' rolled into one."
"Yeah, Meredith has that one, too," Brock said.
"When I get a question like that last one, I give them the look and shake my head sadly," Al told him. "I'll either ignore the question or simply tell them that I'm not going to answer it. You seem to think if one of these guys asks you something that you're obligated to answer them. You're not. The real journalists who cover us know about the problems in their profession. Find one or two of them that you can stomach and just roll your eyes at the rest of them. Right now, you sort of treat them all the same. Well, except for Tara and she can't really go to bat for you week-in and week-out. Make friends with one or two of the guys we see every day. They'll make sure that your side of the story gets out. I'm not saying you invite them over for Christmas dinner or even get to know their kids' names. Just sort of cultivate them, give them a scoop or two – the ones that you usually give to Tara. Let them get to know the real you."
"What does that mean?" Brock asked.
Al sighed.
"Well, it's like this," he said. "Off the field, no one had a bad word to say about you. On the field, you're kind of a dick. We play for the same team, so I appreciate it. If we didn't, I'd probably hate you if all I saw of you was between the lines."
"Really?" Brock asked.
"On the field, yeah," Al said. "It's not that you're arrogant or condescending. It's that you play hard. You get invested in the outcome of every game. You don't have a problem calling out other players or even other organizations for their shortcomings. I hate to even mention his name but look at Carter Repling. In the grand scheme of things, he should never even enter a conversation about baseball. The Diamondbacks are two or three years away from being contenders – and by the time they are, Repling will be long gone. But he pissed you off and you've made it your mission to belittle him every chance you get."
"I know this sounds childish, but he started it," Brock said.
"Yes, but it's still going on a year later," Al replied. "At the All-Star Game, you could have just said that everyone is entitled to his opinion and let it go. Instead, you pointed out to anyone who would listen that Repling only got on the team because he's a baby who threatened to file a grievance. We all know it's true – everyone who knows baseball knows it's true. It wasn't necessary to continue saying it in every interview you gave. He's got supporters in the league. He was on the union council for a number of years. Because you kept piling it on, he somehow went from being the bad guy to being the good guy. It got to the point where the All-Star manager didn't dare play him. He was afraid that if Repling made an error that cost the National League the game – and we managed to make it to the World Series – you'd ask the league to investigate if Repling threw the game on purpose."
"That's ridiculous," Brock said.
"It's the way it is," Al said. "It's how you are perceived outside of Los Angeles – well, and probably Cleveland. The Phillies manager came to him before the game even started and told him he wouldn't play unless the game went into extra innings. My point is, Repling isn't the only one. You could have just as easily answered the question tonight with the standard response: 'It's a play that happens sometimes in baseball and it's unfortunate that someone was injured.' You know, you didn't even say you were sorry Zapruda got hurt?"
"I'm not sorry," Brock replied. "If he got hurt, it's because he was somewhere he shouldn't have been. If the same situation occurs tomorrow, I'll do the same thing, Al. And I'm not going to couch my answers to the media in some PC bullshit to appease people. That's not who I am. If I come off as a dick, then I guess it's because I probably am a dick. But I'm not going to pretend to like someone when I don't."
"What about Driesbach?" Al pressed.
"That was different," Brock replied. "Yeah, he was a douche when he first came over. But no one gave him a chance, either. Everyone took one look at him and decided he was a pecker. I just gave him enough room to figure out how things were on his own and to decide if he wanted to fit in or not. I can say that after the first week or two, I didn't dislike him in the slightest. So that isn't a valid example."
"So if it's a teammate, he gets some slack," Al tried. "If it's an opponent, he doesn't."
"Pretty much," Brock answered with a shrug. "When I was in prison – and really until a few months after I was out – I thought I could depend on no one but myself. I figured out later that I was wrong but it took a lot of patience from the people I consider my friends. They had every reason to drop me and forget about me. But they didn't. They stuck up for me and they stood up to me. They did for me what I did for Matt. I gave him a chance to look at what he'd become and to decide if this is how he wants to go through life. When I was younger, those girls were my teammates. Not Meredith necessarily, but Jen, Mel, Susan and Tara.
"I know some people think I'm stupid for remaining close to them in spite of some of the things that have happened. But they had my back when no one else did. Now I have theirs. When Jen was a freshman in college, she got into a philosophical dispute with one of her professors. The woman took it out on her when she graded her assignments. I could have jumped in and made a scene. Instead, I stayed out of it except to let her know I'd help her in any way she needed. She finally had to threaten a lawsuit to get the woman off her back. The university appointed a special proctor to grade Jen's work. The same was true when Mel and her husband had problems and when Susan came back to California. The only time I intervened directly was when Tara was being sexually harassed by a member of the basketball team. But she never found out about that so it doesn't count."
"I'm not sure I see the correlation to what we're talking about," Al admitted.
"They were my teammates and I supported them whenever they needed it," Brock said. "If it was money or time or space or whatever, I gave it to them for no other reason than we were part of a team – or at least I considered us part of a team. Those outside of the team? Fuck them. If they got in our way we steamrolled them. We bypassed them or we buried them. The professor didn't get tenure. The last I heard, she was working at a college that is far less prestigious. Mel's husband can't find a job washing dishes in a restaurant right now. Susan found a role in life that suits her."
"And the basketball player?" Al asked.
"He got the chance to learn to play with a mask on his face," Brock replied casually. "I put a pretty good hurting on him but he claimed it happened in a pickup basketball game. I told the coach it didn't mean shit to me what he said so long as the guy left Tara alone."
"So you don't care how the rest of the world views you?" Al asked with a resigned sigh.
"See, that's not a yes or no question," Brock replied. "I care greatly what certain people think of me. I hope you know that you're one of them. But the world at large? Their opinion doesn't mean a thing to me. Do I care if the sports writers think I'm a jerk? No. Do I care if the Diamondbacks or the Marlins or the Astros think I'm a jerk? Not in the slightest. But I do care what the guys on the team and what the fans in Los Angeles think of me. Because I care about those two groups, I will do my best to tone down my comments and to think about how the rest of the league might view me. But only because those things affect how the team at large might be viewed."
It was more than Al had hoped for when he sat down opposite Brock.
Meredith was solicitous to Brock's injuries when he got home.
She checked to make sure his ribs felt OK – despite the fact the trainers had done that in the locker room – and she asked about shoulder stiffness and range of motion for his arm.
"I'm fine," Brock said. "I'll be sore tomorrow but they checked to make sure nothing was damaged before I ever went out for the next inning."
Meredith looked chagrined but she nodded.
"Hey, it's good to know you're looking out for me," Brock said, kissing her on the forehead. "But I should probably warn you that you might be getting some calls in the morning – as my publicist, I mean."
Brock noticed Meredith went from concerned to peeved in world-record .0002 seconds.
"What did you do?" she inquired.
"Do?" Brock asked. "I didn't really do anything. It was more of what I said. I got into a slight verbal altercation with one of the trolls in the locker room."
"Trolls?" Meredith wondered.
"Writers, TV journalists, bloggers, whatever," Brock admitted.
Meredith shook her head helplessly.
"Brock," she began but then cut herself off. "Well, let's see how bad it is."
She turned on the TV to the ASN News Network then collected her laptop from its case and opened Mozilla. She typed in "Brock Miller Locker Room Tirade" and seven videos were at the top. She knew that any of the cameramen in the room would have uploaded the content not only to their employer but also to the internet.
She and Brock watched for the 24 seconds the clip aired.
"Well, you only cursed once," she said with a sigh. "Of course it was the big one but I've seen worse. I'll get a statement out in a little while. What was your beef with her?"
"She's an idiot," Brock replied. "I thought it would be obvious what my beef is."
Meredith chuckled.
"I suppose I should have asked what specifically did she ask you," Meredith admitted.
"It wasn't what she asked," Brock clarified. "It's never what she asks. Her questions are always stupid and have nothing to do with anything. She takes rumors and gossip and then asks a question to get you to step into a hole. That's her gig. It's what her online magazine does to everyone. Do you remember the question right before the season about how the fans were treating Driesbach? That was her. Harris' ex-wife was arrested in Michigan for embezzling money from a charity. She asked him if he thought it was because he fought the amount of alimony he paid during the divorce.
"It's how she asks the question that insults everyone. Tonight, she asked about the little tiff I got into with the first baseman after I was hit by a pitch. I had just explained that the catcher got hurt, in part, because of the poor throw to home. She asked if he and I were bickering because of how I was unprofessional when I was batting. I explained it before I told her to fuck off. Then Al came over and told me I couldn't say things like that. That pissed me off even more so I went off on him, telling that I wasn't going to take shit from the media any more than I would from some idiot on the street. I told him that I had no plans to answer a question from that bitch again. She turned around when I said it and smirked. You saw the rest."
Meredith nodded. She glanced up as the Dodgers highlights came on "This Night in Baseball." Of course they showed the ball dropping in front of Brock for the first run. Then they showed him running over the catcher to tie the game. Before they showed the rest of the highlights, they went to a clip of the Giants' manager. Meredith turned the volume up.
"There is no place in baseball for plays like that," the man stated. "That was classless. He had ample opportunity to slide but instead he hit a defenseless player. They don't allow hits like that in football. I don't know why we insist upon allowing them in baseball."
The scene cut back to the commentators.
"As might be expected, Dodgers manager Jim LaCross had a slightly different viewpoint," the announcer said.
The TV moved to a clip of Jim sitting in his office.
"It's a problem that the Giants instigated," LaCross said with a shrug. "They've done it for years. They teach their catchers to stand in the baseline, and then they cry when he gets the (bleep) knocked out of him. You don't hear anyone else (bleep)ing about this (bleep). Every other team in baseball shows the catcher the proper way to play the position. We sure as (bleep) do. I can't remember our catcher getting hit like that in the entire seven (bleep)ing years I've been here. (Bleep) the Giants."
"Brock Miller's take was similar to his manager's," the commentator stated.
"Here are the facts," Brock said from the TV. "You have two people you can blame for the severity of Zapruda's injuries. You can blame the catcher for blocking the base path or you can blame your first baseman for making a lousy throw. I will not accept the blame for what happened when it isn't my fault. You will note, in the eighth inning, that I slid when it was appropriate."
"We'll come back to this in a moment, Seth," the announcer continued. "But let's see what happened in the eighth inning."
The screen showed Brock getting drilled in the ribs and him jawing with the pitcher on his way to first base.
"That was clearly a 'purpose' pitch," Seth Adams cut in. "That was the Giants manager and the pitcher taking exception to Miller's behavior in the sixth." "Yes, but Miller and the Dodgers made him pay for it," the lead announcer stated. "Matt Driesbach followed with a single to right, chasing Miller to third. Here is what the Dodgers' outfielder referred to in his comments."
The scene cut to the ASN's play-by-play of the event.
"Two-and-oh on Sanchez," the Dodgers announcer said. "Up and away and it gets away to the screen. He comes Miller, play at the plate, oh my! A picture-perfect slide and the Dodgers lead 2-1. Rex, that was pure hustle."
"The ball got there in plenty of time," the color man said. "It bounced off the wall and directly into the catcher's hand. By all rights, Miller should have been out."
"The pitcher closed his eyes!" the play-by-play man said. "Look at the replay, Rex. Miller slid to the outside and the pitcher had no idea of where he went. That is beautiful!"
The screen flashed to the abbreviated box score and then back to the set of "This Night in Baseball" where Seth Adams and Curtis Duey sat.
"Seth, you said you think Miller should have slid in the sixth," Duey intoned. "The replay seems to uphold Miller's take. Zapruda was well up the line and straddling the baseline."
"He's entitled to the baseline on a play like that," Adams opined.
"And the base runner isn't?" Duey wondered.
"It's the runner's job to avoid contact in that situation," Adams said.
"Since when?" Duey asked.
Adams looked confused by the question.
"Why is it the base runner's responsibility?" Duey said again. "It would seem to me it would the fielder's responsibility to set up in a way he can make the play and avoid the hit. It's the second baseman's job to get out of the way on a double play. No one bats an eye if the base runner dumps him on a double play if he's anywhere close to the base path. I wonder why you say it's the base runner's job at home and nowhere else."
"It's the base runner's job everywhere," Adams said. "If there is a bouncer on the infield, the runner can't obstruct the fielder even if he is in the base path."
"That's a batted ball," Duey said dismissively. "This is a live-action play. The rules are completely different. If the second baseman has fielded the ball and stands in the line, he's fair game. You know that. Or at least you should know that."
"I do know that," Adams said forcefully. The look on his face made Brock wonder if he was telling the truth.
"Also, Jim LaCross made a valid point – one that Miller echoed in his remarks," Duey said. "This appears to be a problem that exists solely with the Giants. Oh, there have been other collisions at home plate. But they are relatively rare. Rough research shows us that this no less than the eighth time in two seasons that the Giants have been involved. That doesn't even include the gruesome injury that Chris Meadows suffered in Milwaukee two years ago. You played for the Giants for two years. Is this something they teach there?"
"I wasn't a catcher," Adams said.
"True, but you were around the infield," Duey pressed. "Is this something they practiced?"
"That's something I don't want to get into," Adams replied with a frown. "It's not the point."
"It is the point," Duey said. "You might not want it to be the point, but I'm afraid it is the main issue that needs to be considered."
"The main issue is whether Brock Miller is a dirty player," Adams countered. "You don't need to look past the replay to answer that."
Duey shook his head as he looked at the camera in disgust.
"Well, I think you might have trouble backing up that contention," he said. "We'll have more on this contest when we come back after the break."
"I'm going to find Seth Adams somewhere and pound his face into silly putty," Brock declared when the segment ended. "What a tool."
"Let it go," Meredith advised. "He's a tool and now everyone knows it. At least they didn't have anything from the locker room."
"Wait until after the commercial," Brock said with a frown.
But the station went to highlights from the Orioles and Yankees when it returned. Brock and Meredith watched the rest of the half-hour highlight show but not a word was spoken about the locker room incident.
"We'll that's something," Brock said. "Maybe it wasn't as bad as I thought it was."
"Maybe everyone agrees with you," Meredith suggested with a smile. "Come on, let's go to bed."
Meredith found out early the next morning that she was wrong. Not everyone agreed with Brock's assessment of the talents of The Daily Sports Report writer. The news organization played it up and linked to a video they acquired the rights to.
It wasn't until the third or fourth call that Meredith got the chance to look at what the website had posted. When she saw the video, she was even angrier than Brock had been the night before.
The video had been edited, omitting the reporter's comment that Brock's behavior was unprofessional. It also cut out some of his comments explaining why he didn't like the woman.
Brock was in shower so Meredith made a call to Stan Balsam herself. Like Meredith, Stan had received a host of calls on the subject but he had shrugged them off. Things like that happened all the time in the sporting world. When Meredith told him the site was presenting an edited version of what happened he was livid.
"I'll handle it," he promised.
Meredith knew Stan was good at what he did but she also knew he had limits to what he could accomplish. She decided to go proactive, just like Brock would do.
She logged onto the website and went to the comments section. There were the usually internet trolls, claiming that things like this epitomized everything was wrong with sports. There were fans of other teams – notably the Giants and Diamondbacks – who made unkind comments about Brock and the Dodgers.
But a larger group seemed to understand the blog was notorious for presenting only one side of a story. Meredith registered on the site – as much as she hated to – just for the purpose of posting a comment. She transcribed the interaction verbatim from another version of the video and found several other videos of the reporter in question that showed some of her other provocative statements disguised as questions.
She imbedded the links in her comment and hit send to post it just as Randi came through the front door. Randi had spent the evening with Hailey and Karen after the game. They were closer to her age and they were what she considered typical college girls. She felt more comfortable acting crazy around them than she did around her older, more established friends.
"What the hell is up with Brock?" she asked. "Chris turned to a sports station on the way home and we had to spend 10 minutes listening to the announcer defending Brock. What did he do this time?"
Meredith showed Randi the link to the video on the site and then what Brock had really said.
"What a bitch," Randi said.
"That's what I said," Meredith muttered. "I got Stan trying his hand at getting the real story out. But I posted this just to make sure."
"The site will pull it in a heartbeat," Randi said.
"That's what I hope," Meredith replied. "I don't think Brock cares if what he said is actually out there. But to chop it up to make him look stupid will really piss him off."
"I meant your comment," Randi said. She reached over and copied the contents of the post and then hit refresh. Sure enough, the comment was gone when the site came back.
"Cocksuckers," Meredith said.
"Watch this," Randi said. She repeated the process Meredith had done. Then she repeated the post until her fingers go tired. "Let them delete all of those. Douche bags."
"What's going on?" Brock asked when he came out. He saw Randi's fingers flying over the keyboard.
"I've got it handled," Meredith said. "Don't worry about it."
"I wasn't worried until you told me not to," Brock said, raising his eyebrows.
"They edited your comments to make you look like a peckerhead," Randi said. She ignored Meredith and turned the computer so Brock could view it. Brock didn't speak but simply clenched his teeth and nodded.
When the video had finished he picked up his phone.
"I've already called Stan," Meredith said.
"Good, he needs to know about it," Brock said. "Thanks for thinking of it. I'm calling the team. I told her last night that if I had my way, they'd pull her credentials. Well, I think she just gave me all I needed to get it done."
Brock's call to Media Relations didn't go as he thought it would. Pulling the credentials of an established media organization had to be approved by the Commissioner's Office. The woman Brock spoke to was sympathetic but she was honest. She didn't think it would be possible to get a ruling from the commissioner for several days on the matter.
Brock formulated another plan as he drove to the stadium for the second game of the series.
Brock went upstairs to the team offices upon his arrival at Dodgers Stadium. Meredith had compiled 10 or 12 clips of the woman from 'The Daily Sports Report' mixing incendiary statements thinly veiled as questions.
The woman accepted the DVD with a heavy sigh.
"The commissioner made his ruling," she informed Brock. "He said although it was unethical, it didn't create reasonable grounds for removing the credentials. The best we could do was to request that the company sends a different representative. We made that request and the company laughed at us. She will be in the locker room after the game. I'm sorry."
Brock nodded. It would do no good for him to get angry with the team's employee. It was obvious that she had done what she could.
"Thank you for trying," Brock said instead of screaming like he wanted to.
"I am sorry," the woman replied. "It's a travesty. Sadly, this isn't the last time that something you say will be taken out of context. I worked in the industry for several years. This is one of the reasons I quit. You and I agree on this, Mr. Miller. I've become embarrassed to tell anyone that my degree is in journalism."
Brock gave a half smile.
"Well, at least you got to use your degree," he said. "I might as well have majored in baseball."
"Do you know that you are one of only five players on the team with a college degree?" she asked, apropos of nothing. "In our entire organization, more than 200 players, we have a dozen who graduated college. We have a higher number of players without a high school diploma or equivalent than we have with bachelor's degrees. I find that to be an absolute shame."
Brock wasn't sure if she expected a reply so he simply frowned and nodded his agreement.
"I'm sorry," the woman said again. "I had a point. I'm trying to convince the team to give a series of lessons on public speaking next Spring Training. I want to teach the players to stop using 'uh' and 'you know' as crutches. That's what's so funny about what you said. You didn't stammer or stutter. In fact, you even used a few words that I'm sure that woman had to run home to look up. Last year, our security protocols were copied throughout the league. I hope that next year, it could be how we interact with the media."
"Present company excluded," Brock said with a chuckle.
"Absolutely not," the woman replied. "Present company most certainly included. You are perhaps the best public speaker we have on the team. You look at the person who asked the question and you answer it. You do not delve into what I term 'sports colloquialisms.' You do not cast your eyes upon your shoes and keep them there. You keep your voice level and project it so even those in the back of the gathering can hear you. And you do not shy away from questions. If it asked, it is answered. It might not always be the answer someone expects or wants, but it is answered. I review every player interview. It's part of my job but it also lets me make suggestions about who we use to front the franchise, as it were. When Al Perez first arrived in Los Angeles, he was terrified to speak.
"He had an accent that was part New York and part Hispanic. His vocabulary was deficient and he rarely said anything more than the tried and truisms of all sports: 'We'll take it one day at a time;' 'We just tried to play within ourselves.' I hate them. I absolutely hate those phrases. I hated them when I was working for a newspaper and I hate them now that I'm on the other side of the coin. But Al learned and progressed. As he became more comfortable with himself, he became more comfortable around others. When that happened, he took a step forward. It is not only his play that makes him the team's franchise player. It's not only that he donates money and time to the city. It's because he can stand in any forum and speak knowledgeably about whatever he wants to discuss.
"In the past, we have tried to find others to take some of the burden off of Al. Wade is too shy; Josh is too flippant. Some of the others were either ill-prepared for the tasks or were considered too much of a risk by the team. But now you're here. You've given the city a second face to associate with the Dodgers. It helps tremendously that you're willing to be seen. You do not shy away from living your life. Your publicist is among the best I've dealt with. I sent your agent a note telling him that she deserves a raise. He said I should discuss it with you because you hired her and she works directly for you. So, I'll mention it while it is on my mind. The young woman deserves a substantial raise."
Brock smiled.
"Well, she'll get half my net worth in January," he joked. "That's about all I can do."
The woman looked confused.
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If you have not ready part 1, please do first. It's called "Fun During Gum Part 1
This is Maddysab, a 24-year-old handsome young energetic man from Bangalore In my previous story of I had shared my threesome experience with daughter and mom. I didn’t contact them afterward. Then one day I got a call from a new number and Truecaller’s name showed Sapna (name changed). Then I heard that hot MILF voice again, “Beta kaisa ho? Hum yaad hai? Ye mera number hai save karo.” Then after some formal discussion, she told me that she is visiting Bangalore again. This time she told that...
Diary of the Suspicious By Xoop "Start here." "Here?" "Yeah." -- * x * -- AUGUST 26 Finally, everything's moved in! Not that there was all that much -- one of several advantages to having lived in a furnished apartment. The only really major things I brought with me were my computer desk and a couple of bookshelves. Even so, it was a real bitch. God, do I ache. Big thanks (again) to Ian. Couldn't have done it without his pickup. And, of course, he's...
As my taxi pulled up behind a strange car on my drive, I could hear the ‘boom-banga-bang’ music coming from my 16-year-old daughters’ bedroom. “Kids? What can you do?” the taxi driver laughed, as I gave him his fare. He was right, since my divorce, two years ago; Kylie had become a ‘wild child’ and a brat! She dressed in short skirts, tight tops, and she showed too much leg and cleavage, for a girl of her age. In the last year, she had started going to pubs, in town, with her friend...
Hello fuckers, this Ajit back with yet another real sex-adventure just for all you sexy peoples out there. I received a mail from an aunty called shilpa and she wanted some massage therapy at her home to which I confirmed the dates and timing and went to her home accordingly. I reached at her home on the specified date and time and she guided me to a room and asked me to start the massage. I asked her to remove all her clothes except her undergarments and lie down on the bed on stomach.I must...
I was heading into the country to visit a girl the next day, had some time to kill so I hit up a trans girl I met on tinder the week before. She would come stay with me if I got us our own place.I checked in and got a bottle of wine and set it on the bedside table.She was dark skinned and beautiful. Toned body, black hair, thick lips. She came in the room and we kissed. We sat for a minute drinking wine and smoking a joint. I kissed her big glossed lips. It tasted good. My heart was beating in...
Her alarm clock blared. She reached one arm out in search of the snooze button, but ultimately she was unsuccessful. Amara sat up in bed and covered her mouth as she yawned, and squinted her eyes as they adjusted to the mild sunlight shining in through the window. She had turned off the alarm and pulled the sheets off of her, as she knew she wouldn't go back to sleep now that she was fully awake. She plopped back down, and lay there as already a thin layer of glistening sweat had formed on her...
Some idiot once said, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." Well, life has been giving me shit lately and I'm finding out that making shit sandwiches just doesn't cut it. First, I lost my job. Another company bought out the company I work for and 150 of us were downsized. I found another job, but at half the pay and no benefits. Next, an uninsured drunk ran a red light and broadsided my car. Yeah, I've got insurance, but I've also got a thousand-dollar deductible. The washing...
It's been a month since the evening Lucy told Linus and Kevin. Lucy is starting to settle into her new life. She filed for a legal name change as well as her gender marker; she mastered her first period. But she hasn't heard anything from Kevin and Linus. Ellie was really pissed at them. Lucy wasn't mad at them. But heavily disappointed. She couldn't believe the just went silent, not a word or anything. They were friends. But friends would stick together, they wouldn't do stuff...
A secret online love is always fun, spontaneous and enticing. Jennifer, a 19-year-old girl, has had bad luck with love in her life, always having her boyfriends cheat on her. She got tired of the immature males from around her area being interested in nothing but sex, so she turns to the Internet. She quickly learns how to turn a guy on without being able to touch them, a talent she already had. She found many, many guys online to play with when she felt aroused. She even found a few that...
I walked into the hallway after my 3rd block class. Looking around, I couldn’t find my 5th block class. Finally finding the door to go in, 5 feet away, the teacher closes the door and I’m sent to the cafeteria to get a tardy slip. I go get one because I didn’t care nor feel like explaining it was my first day. So when I get back to class I give the teacher my slip and I find my way to my chair. Noticing people sitting around me, except one. I didn’t even notice her at first, too bad. After a...
Fall 2029 Nature was teasing them with a delightful Indian summer. The days and weeks remained warm and dry, and the leaves refused to change color. The conditions worked to Clark’s and Sally’s advantage as they harvested the crops, picked several bushels of apples, and got all the remaining vegetables from the garden. The only thing left was to haul what they needed for the winter months up to the cabin. They had already brought up about a third of their needs. Clark was confident that over...
THE FRENCH SLAVE Capitan Omar Aydin, commander of Company C of the Second Battalion of the Sultans Janissary Cavalry stood idly in the antechamber of the Emir of South East France' office. He had been summoned the previous evening to appear for consultation with the Emir. It was very unusual for junior officers to be summoned by the Emir. He was wearing his dress uniform, blue riding pantaloons, black riding boots, white shirt, red jacket, closed at the throat, red fez with gold...
First i will establish each person in the story. theres me a 6 inch dick. Then my date in the story is a very liitle 5′ maybe 100lbs cute and sexy girl. Part indian so beautiful hair and a little darker tint to her skin tone. She had pirky little a cup boobs but stil nice and round adn full. A cute little ass and nice toned legs. Like most people i couldn’t wait for my senior prom. It was comng down to the end of the year and everyone just wanted to have fun and to be honest everyone just...
As I exited her bedroom after having fucked Samatha three times to finally render her comatose, the most serene feeling of my life washed over me like a gentle wave in the Caribbean. All that was left was the complete humiliation of that asshole that started me on my quest. Sorry, I was just thinking back on one of the most satisfying experiences of my life, and I know that you have no idea what I’m talking about, so let me give you the background before I relate my tale. At the time this...
Wife LoversNewt Kennedy looked like a college professor, the absentminded kind. His thin gray hair flew wild in every direction, and his thick spectacles magnified his dark eyes. His clothes didn't fit his gangly body, and his socks didn't match. Still, when he spoke, his sonorous, calming voice removed all the concerns I'd manufactured from his appearance and gave me comfort I needed. Right or wrong, I trusted him. The protector arriving with Kennedy said his name was Rubin Perez, a pseudonym, I...
Hi! I am Toby. I have a full head of shoulder length, dark blonde and grey hair that I tie back. I am very slim, and very, very healthy. I always used to be quite healthy, but now I am unbelievably healthy, and very much into supplements. I am in my early fifties now. When I was in my early forties I had a very, very bad motorbike accident. I spent a few days in intensive care and a few days in hospital.Physically, I was fine, I had just suffered a massive bump on the head, which had resulted...
ExhibitionismOne day I was working on my property when I decided to walk down to the local river. As I approached the river bank, on my property, I saw a ATV parked. I slowly approached and looked out on the sandbar and in the sun I saw my neighbors daughters. They were actually step sister. One I knew just turned 18 and was in high school and the other I knew was older and had been away in college for a year. They are both hot, one brunette with large tits and shapely ass and a hot red head, the...
Monday at school Bev caught me coming into Scot Hal and asked me to meet her in the cafeteria after our ten o’clock class. I told her I would and then naturally I wondered what was up for most of the morning. I was there sitting at a table when she came in, saw me and came over, sat down and said “I need a really big favor Rob. I need a date for Saturday. It’s my cousin’s wedding and I don’t want to show up alone and get paired up with one of the dorks that are the best man and the...
It was a Saturday night after dinner at home and my sweet wife surprised me by saying she wanted to go to a peep show with me, at one of these adult book stores, with booths and glory holes…Anita asked me if I had ever put a stranger cock in my mouth through a glory hole in those booths. I said of course no…She insisted if I was sure. And I said I was pretty sure…Ana laughed and asked if I had ever wanted it. I said again no.Then she ordered me to put on black stockings, garter belt and a...
The evening was hot and steamy and while the rain had ended, the humidity was high, too uncomfortable for an evening stroll. It didn't take long for a bus to appear and John hopped on and sat in a seat behind the driver. He felt a bit uneasy, as if something was trying to get his attention but kept slipping from the front of his mind. The bus ride didn't take long and John exited the vehicle and casually strode the couple of blocks to Patty's place. He rang the bell and waited for her to...
When I heard the door slam shut, I stopped typing. In the six months since my girlfriend Debra and I moved in together, I had learned that you could tell what kind of day she had just by listening to the sounds she made in the first thirty seconds after she got home. So I saved the piece I was writing, sat still at my desk and listened. The slammed door didn't mean much in itself. In fact, it might even bode well for me. On many previous occasions, after that slamming sound, I had heard the...
Shelly growled at Darcy with a threat. She had expected the male to roll over and submit to her. Stray Dogs were not welcome. They kept a watch for the Dogs of the other packs but they rarely ventured this close to their home. Darcy, however, just sat as if he had every right to be where he was. She noticed that he was not coated the same as the other Dog. She watched warily as the other Dog joined the first and sat just to the side and slightly behind him. This was odd behaviour. He was...
A hot sunny summer’s day, let’s go for a picnic and a ride into the country…. We jump in the car and head out to the countryside taking in the warm air and the smell of hay lingering in the air. We follow the winding lanes until we turn up a side road and stop at a dead end. We turn off the engine and I lean in for a kiss before getting out of the car. We start to walk, its so quiet, and very warm. It’s a good job I decided to wear a short dress and no underwear, to which you discover as you...
Chapter Two: 1101 Dellmar ——- ‘1101 Dellmar,’ Alice repeated the street name as she walked along the sidewalk, glancing down at her cell phone where she had taken her naughty picture. It wasn’t too far from the convention hall, it turned out, which was nice since she had been able to get in at least enough time to merit her two-day pass. It had been a little awkward with her friend Jacob when she had suddenly taken off early, but she could always explain it away at work tomorrow that she had...
When Roy arrived home after his trip to the library, he was surprised to find the whole family waiting for him. His father and twin sister were already sitting at their places at the dinner table when Roy trudged down the front hall. “Hello,” Roy said into the dining room. Nathanial had the paper open on the table in front of him. Roy’s father raised his hand in a gesture that always meant not right now. Roy looked to his sister. Annie hid behind one of her teen mystery novels. She ignored...
After convincing my wife Andrea to become a hot wife she and I have found lots of ways to enjoy her new found freedom. In the beginning she would let me watch her get dressed to go out to meet her lover then when she returned home she would describe in detail what she had done as I cleaned her freshly fucked pussy with my mouth. After she was cleaned I was allowed to try to have sex with her very relaxed pussy. The feeling of her loose pussy almost made me orgasm immediately.She discovered I...
This story contains interracial sex, bisexuality, incest and probably few more taboos that the characters engage in that might offend the more sensitive reader. However, they are all over eighteen so they can do whatever they want! Part One Todd Crane glanced nervously around the sparsely occupied bus station. He had been here before. Not this bus station. Not this town. But this situation. His life seemed to be a series of hurried exits from dangerous and/or compromising situations....
Lauren was a stunning young woman. She turned heads all the time, attracting both male and female attention and often jealousy. This was due to several things. For one, she was beautiful. She had a stunning face with snow white skin, large doe eyes and a cute mouth with lush, pout lips. She kept her wavy brown hair long, which accented her almond shaped face. Her body appeared to be perfect. Her narrow torso was lean and curvy, with a surprisingly large chest off her small frame. Her leg's were...
(Sunday morning) Bobby knew that his mother was hitting her steaming point last night while his dad acted like an idiot. In his dreams, he had not stayed to gawk at Mrs Davison. Instead, he had gone after his mother, to comfort her, to let her know that she was still fully as pretty as Annie Layton ever would be. He had wiped the tears off her cheek and she had hugged him. Then she had kissed him, not on the cheek, but on the lips. And then her tongue had entered his mouth. Bobby realized...
Asiya and I were friends for almost 5 years, since the time she hadmoved into our apartments. We were rather close, close enough to satisfy our sexual urges with no strings attached. I was 20 and she was 22, if we couldn't get laid we would end up at the apartment terrace and make out. Once a while in the afternoons when we were sure no one else would come around she would end up giving me head. It was one of those days when neither of us had anything much to do, afew of us friends decided to...
My final semester was my busiest. Jeff’s trainer helped me develop my own strength training program which I followed with dedication. I wasn’t in bad shape but I wanted to show Jeff I supported him. I called Sandy at least once a week just to chat. Jen and I were getting together regularly as well. After only twenty-one years I had real friends. I guess I had to count Sunny in that category too. I spoke regularly with my mother about wedding plans. Then I would call Sunny to settle me down...
I am a 38 yrs old sex pest turned gentleman leading a cursed love life. My life has turned a new leaf after my marriage, which was a turn for the worst. I am leading my horrible days with an ugly wife who rations my doses of sex.My sex life is now incredibly depressing to the extent that my only maid goes around the house with her forehead fully covered with a pallu and comes to work wearing a full-sleeve & full-back length blouse. Forget her hanging boobs; she even keeps her blouse fully...
Mini doesn’t know what it is. But she’s been up all nite. It’s been impossible to get sum shut eye. And it’s really fuqn irritating. She was up all night watching dumb movies and talking on the phone. Didn’t get tired. They just helped her realize she needs to cancel her Internetflix account. But now its daytime and she STILL can’t go to bed. Talking on the phone doesn’t help. Reading doesn’t help. Maybe television again? A different app mite...
xmoviesforyouIntroduction: This is my first story, I wrote it for him to read while in jail… please enjoy! She waited anxiously for his release. Two months of expensive, brief calls and visits led up to this. As she sat in the lobby she thought of his gorgeous brown eyes and his warm smile. She gleamed in anticipation. Being on the receiving end of those visits, he realized just how long it had been since he had a really good look at his young wife. She was only nineteen after all, and she was being...
It's raining today, an indoor day, and I'm in a cloud, kind of. I'd call it pensive, except that my thoughts aren't really coherent enough for that. It's a sit-in-front-of-the-fire day, and my spouse and the cat and I are doing just that. She's on one couch reading today's New York Times (my wife, I mean, not the cat), and I'm on the couch opposite her, my laptop on my lap, the cat between us at a comfortable distance from the fire. I know that if I put my hand down on the cat's...
The Rider by: ExtremeDom The boy, a slight fellow, just turned 18 years of age, looked over his shoulder to see if the vehicle was still coming his direction. He had set out on his own after another fight with his father. The man who he hated because he had never been able to live up to his expectations. Being of small size,the boy had never been the athletic star his father wanted. He had tried of course, sitting on the bench for 4 long years through highschool. Tonight had...
Chapter 1 - The SwapNot that he was complaining, or was he? But this was completely out of character for Sarah. Not that he could do much about it. His hands were thread through the iron railings of the bed and tied with a scarf, his wife’s pussy was an inch from his face, whilst he strained to lick it. She teased him on and off, a few minutes of licking, a few minutes of her rubbing her clit, fucking her pussy with her hand. Occasionally, she would stroke his rock hard member. All the time his...
Note: This story is complete fictional! Never try to do it in real live! Cathy never stirred, so the girls didn't wake her to tell her where they were going. When we got back, Andrea was still on the steps reading a book. I introduced the girls and left them to talk as I climbed in my tent to try to take my nap. Unashamedly, I removed my gym shorts in full view of the girls. I heard them say something in Deutsch, and all three giggled. I took the last sip of my beer and laid back, putting my...
First TimeI don’t mind telling you that I was excited. It was my eighteenth birthday and my first trip to an adult movie theater. When I’d moved across the lobby and walked into the darkened theater the smell had been overwhelming. The pungent aroma of sex was thick in the air. The room reeked of the quasi-chlorine smell of cum, cigarettes, sweat and the pungent ammonia smell of piss. As my eyes adjusted to the dark, I crept down the aisle like a thief in the night and grabbed a seat. I was awestruck...
Gay MaleThere are few women in the adult industry that can really be considered ICON’s. Briana Banks is one of those women. This busty, blonde, pornstar is a household name…and for good reason. She’s been sucking and fucking better than anyone for over a decade. Get to see a side of her you’ve never seen as well as the side you love to see. We talk about the past, the future and the present moment. Then she does what she does best and spreads her legs for an eager excited stud...
xmoviesforyouMy Wonderful Obsession Part 38: The Wedding Crasher Just as high school was winding down, preparations for the big wedding were winding up - Phil and Natalie's big day was now only a month away, and with Natalie's penchant for organization, everything was falling neatly into place. I'd done my first dress fitting and the second and final one was on the last day of June. Natalie's friend Keri, who was also one of the bridesmaids, met me at the shop so we could both do our fitting at...
"Can you believe she's wearing those?" Greg flashed out of his day dreaming and looked to find a man sitting across from him at his sidewalk cafe table. Oblivious, he asked, "Excuse me...? Wearing what?" The man glanced toward the unbelievable woman Greg had been transfixed upon, then leaned toward the 30-something, bored with life, perpetually single bank teller and waved his opened palm upwards before his face as if raising a stage curtain. He tilted his head toward the woman again and...
‘Let’s play statues.’ My God it would be so embarrassing if anyone had walked in and found them playing such a childish game, but Ellie was finding it fun and she thought this would be good therapy for the maid. She must stop thinking of it as a robot. The maid had her standing still and staring in front of her while she tried to provoke a reaction out of her. At first, Ellie was hopeless and squealed and squawked each time the maid surprised her or shouted ‘boo!’ behind her. But she was...
It was when I came back from playing football that my mother told me about this news. It was summer vacation and I was a keen football player, spending almost the entire day on the ground. That is why I didn’t like the idea when my mother told that I will have to stay out of home for the night to give company to an aunty who is our distant relative. It is like her husband had to suddenly go out of town on account of a close relative’s death. In emergency he was able get only one flight ticket,...
A husband's mistress in my bedMy fingers spread her full anger, and then I was overwhelmed with kisses all over it, and with that I pushed my finger slightly into her asshole. She liked her very much, so she was tempted to exhale. I started to fuck her with her cheeky tongue, which I was pushing as much as I could, and then into her anus. I was scared of it, not believing that such passion is happening to me. Instead, I sucked her a swollen clit and licked all the suckling pussy until she came...
Roy said, “A keg of whiskey and a good drunk would be more fitting for this quagmire.” “All right you guys have your brandy let me think,” and as I thought mom and Mary laughed as they seen the steno pad come out and the balls of paper hit the floor like rain. Marie and Mary picked up the balls and looked at each other shaking there head and said, “He can’t he wouldn’t.” I finished and came back to the table Mary said, “My husband you can’t we will be famous but not in a good...
The atmosphere in the Manchester Walker mansion was so cold and austere—and judgmental—that Ada could feel herself drying up and withering away from the inside. But this is exactly what she wanted, if she had known how to enter a convent, she would have done so. She wanted this cancer of sensuality inside her to be lanced and to flow away. The Walker sisters were more than willing to oblige her. That sat stonily, day after day, in their drafty drawing room overlooking the sluggish Merrimack...
I living in an Indian village named kuch it is situated in northern state of India State name is Gujarat in our culture incest is forbidden sin. But it happens in my life it is changed me all of sexual thoughts in my life. I never thinks it happens in my life. When the situations changed in my life I am 21 and my mom was 44 she is very sexy in that age 5 .7 ft. Height and 82 kg weight with big size boobs and heavy large as cheeks it is jiggling when she walk I looks it jig-jag moves from her...
IncestIf there is one cliché’ to describe how I feel in Milan during Fashion Week, it would be like a kid in a candy store! I was there on business though but I could not help but scheduling my meetings in the mornings so that I could at least catch some of the shows: Sander, Armani, Prada, etc., beautiful clothes worn by some of the most beautiful women in the world. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not one of those shallow men who goes entirely in for the model type. I think beauty comes in a variety of...