ΔvChapter 15 free porn video

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Helen, during her training in the USAF, had been taught history. She had found most of it a snoozer – but one fact that floated from the hazy depths of her brain was that, back in the day, naval officers would help to lead their troops onto enemy ships. But in the era where getting onto an enemy ship involved jumping from one deck to another, with a sword in one hand and a pistol in the other, that was easy. Any dumbass could jump. Modern marine protocols were nearly as three times more complex than the old breach and clear methods of the 21st century during the endless oil wars, as they had to take into account shifting from one inimically hostile environment to an equally hostile one, the two separated by aluminum and airlocks, and one filled with people armed with guns and close combat weapons.

It was not a pretty job.

They had specialists trained to do it for a reason.

And yet, here she was - stumbling away from a burned patch of grass and up against a tree, panting and shuddering with the aftershock of teleportation. The elven eggheads had said that there was going to be more of a shock in the transport from the fleet to the ground than there would have been normally. The differences in distance, the sheer difference in speeds, the momentum transference alone was going to put her through a ringer. Still, she was shocked at how awful she felt. Her stomach tried to crawl out of her throat, her fingers refused to close around anything, and her whole body felt cold and clammy and shivery.

Then she lifted her head and saw an arm, a leg, and half of a face looking out of a tree. The wood was smoothly merged with the helmet and face of some poor Russian bastard, his arm hanging limp. His eye was sightless – the one that was fully out of the tree. The other merged just as smoothly as the rest of him, the pupil bisected by a line of molded wood. He had appeared inside of the tree. Helen’s stomach lurched and she bent forward, vomit spilling past her lips and onto the ground. She heard other sounds from the rest of the forest – vomit and coughing and spitting and groaning and cries.

She staggered over to the nearest cry and found that a US marine had landed badly. The armor’s impact plating had done its best to spread the kinetic energy through his body, but it had still left him on his back, his teeth clenched. “Ow,” he groaned. His nameplate said Chesterfield. Helen grabbed his hand and tugged him to his feet.

“Come on, Private, on your feet,” Helen said, then tapped her com. “All US squads, check in. Elven warbands, check in.”

A string of of affirmations came into her earbud – but she noticed the lack. “Where’s Colonel Cune?” she asked.

“Dead,” a familiar, gruff voice spoke. Gunnery Sergeant Malinowski sounded as matter of fact as NCOs throughout history during shitty, shitty days. “Orbspec says that we’ve still got a hostile sky.”

“How many?”

“Unknown,” Malinowski said. “Farrows, get the scopes online.”

Sergeants – and the elven equivalents – began to order up the troops. Despite the number of corpses that she saw, pinned by trees and fused with rocks, Helen was still feeling moderately comfortable. They had gotten most of their troops onto the ground. It was a better percentage than some orbital drops – though no orbital drop had ever been pulled at such a scale, such a relative velocity and, of course, using fucking magic.

Since the Colonel was dead, Helen ended up being in the small knot of allied officers. The Chinese officer, a senior lieutenant, was looking rather grumpy – but Helen was pretty sure that was just her normal expression. The Russian held a small tablet in his hands and was frowning. “The GPS link is up – we’re only going to have telemetry for the next few minutes before the last of the ships is out of range. Less if they jam us. We’ve landed near the San Fransisco arcology...” He nodded. “Now we just need to get to it.”

“Has OrbSpec gotten an eye on the birds up there?”

“Twenty. A few railgun frigates, a drone carrier, a laser ship, some fuel and ammo tenders,” the Chinese officer said, nodding. Helen frowned and glanced over her shoulder. The elven warriors who had crossed two solar systems and a dimensional barrier were forming up around Squire Fireheart, who had her longsword in her hand. She pursed her lips slightly. “They’ll detect us eventually-”

“Wait,” Helen said, looking over – the Chinese officer glared at her, clearly upset at being interrupted. “Orbital accuracy drops pretty fuckin’ low when they don’t have line of sight. We have some battle-mages down here. Why not brew up a storm to cover this area?”

“It’ll slow a laser down,” the Russian said.

The Chinese officer pursed her lips.

Helen sighed. “Any run at the arc is going to be a nightmare...” She shook her head. “But I think we can make two assumptions: They used most of their nukes in the fast pass. So, they won’t just hit us with a citybuster.”

The Chinese officer snorted. “It’s always good to depend on hope when it comes to a twenty megaton warhead.”

“All right, it’s decided,” the Russian said, looking at Helen. She grinned, then turned to Fireheart. Fireheart listened to her, her brow furrowing. Behind the elf, Helen could see the Prince emerging from the forest. She had heard him check in, but it was comforting to see him – even if it was downright surreal to see his dragon prancing around his ankles, like this was some kind of fun field trip. Helen focused her eyes on Fireheart, who was looking pissed.

“The ships can strike us from above?” the elf asked, pursing her lips. “I thought this was why the fleet would shoot them down. Why did we even have a space battle if they’re still going to be above us?” She tossed her head. “Human foolishness.”

“Would you rather there be a hundred ships, with full ammo and every nuke they had in the sky?” Helen asked, her voice sharp. “Now get the fucking mages to work, Fire.”

The Prince gave her a nod. Helen grinned back at him.

The eleven battle mages gathered in a small knot under the trees. They began to incant as Helen checked over her gear. She was wearing a light exoskeleton, the same that she had qualified on in basic. It carried armor plating around her vital parts and didn’t enhance strength – that took a few extra courses and a lot of hard work to learn how to use. She had seen enough hideous videos of people snapping their own bones with a strength enhancing exo. But it did negate the weight of her armor and a good chunk of her kit, which included a sidearm and the standard USAF carbine, cut down for the close quarters of a ship fight. She had two bricks of caseless ammo and some rations. Helen glanced over at OrbSpec. The three incredibly nerdy looking marines were clustered around their portable optics set – and one of them hissed, snapped his head up, then put his head to his coms.

“Everyone! Down! Down! Down!”

Helen flung herself flat – and across the woods, others did the same. Prince Qasim shoved his dragon under him as he dropped.

The first railgun slug struck before the sound did, hammering into the forest and sending up a spray of dirt and debris and chunks of tree. Whizzing fragments shot by overhead and the craka-boom of the supersonic projectile. It hit like a smallish artillery shell, since it lacked explosives, was relatively small, and did most of its damage through kinetic energy. That didn’t matter much because a railgun frigate could fire hundreds of them every few seconds. However, the deflections caused by atmosphere and wind and imperfections in the barrel and the orbital angle of the frigate meant that while the slugs started off coming down directly overhead, within a few minutes, they were coming in at an angle, digging furrows through the forest, punching into the hillside beyond, and finally, ceasing.

Helen’s ears rang and her throat was raw from screaming – screaming because there was nothing to do but scream and scream and scream as the world came to an end around you. She lifted her head – groaning softly, and saw that the once beautiful forest had been turned into a smoldering wreck. There were almost no fires, as the explosions had been force alone, but the dust kicked up hung like a pal. A pal that was beginning to glow like ruby red light. The railgun frigates were out of angle, but the laser frigate must have been in a higher orbit. More time.

Helen forced herself to her feet, and sprinted for where the elven mages had been. One of them was sprawled, dead on the ground with a splinter the size of an arm stuck through their head, but the others were merely stunned. Marines were getting up across the forest, despite the fact it looked like it should have been nothing but a graveyard. “Storm! Now! Now! Now!”

“But-” The mage looked dazed. “It won’t be big enough.”

“It doesn’t need to be big, it just needs to be here!” Helen shouted. The ruby light was fading, the dust was clearing, and the world was beginning to get hotter and hotter. What began as a mildly comfortable warmth was turning to something sharper and more fierce as the targeting lasers and the ship adjusted themselves, bringing more and more emitters to bear on the forest. Flames caught and Helen turned so that her back faced the heat, knowing she couldn’t outrun light. The eleven mage screamed their incantation – and then blessed coolness came as storm-clouds appeared from a point above their heads, spreading outwards and fanning around the forest.

“Everyone! Under the clouds!” Helen shouted into the coms. “Go! Go! Go! We have to get to the arc!”

The marines sprinted forward – and the laser light kept on the cloud, causing it to roil and twist. It tried to break apart as heat forced the molecules apart, and the magic – the magic that said this is a storm and it will rain said that it would stay in place. The rain didn’t fall. Instead it boiled outwards as steam, filling the air with a hissing, sizzling sound. The laser light winked out all at once as the ship overhead hit the terminal point, where atmospheric density was too thick to make the laser effective. It would be over the horizon soon.

Without OrbSpec to tell them, Helen did a quick guess based on a gut instinct – the ship had been overhead for so long, and that meant it had to be so high up, which meant...

“We have between fifty to ninety two minutes. Less if they apply some angular momentum,” she muttered, then said into the com-net. “All right everyone, lets get a leg on. Move, move, move!” She pointed – and the marines broke out with the casual, mile eating lope of exoskeleton equipped troops. They looked grim and determined – and then blinked as the elves bounded out past them. The elves didn’t run as humans ran. They leaped over rough terrain, landed on the small rises in the earth, darted past trees, and then scrambled over rather than around any obstruction in their way. Their glittering armor positively glowed under the light of the sun, now that they were out and away from the magical stormcloud.

Helen tapped her com, snarling. “Gunny, get those idiots back here so they don’t get fucking fried on the next orbital pass.”

“You heard Lord Winsom!” Gunnery Sergeant Malinowski bellowed at the top of his lungs. Helen was snapped right back to her hideous months at boot camp and started to stiffen up – and the elves, for a moment, lost their grace as they stumbled and turned back to look at him, wide eyed. “Get the fuck under cover – those lasers are coming back!”

The run to the San Fran arc was easily the longest, shittiest hour and a half of Helen’s life. She had worked out on the Enterprise and, before that, when she had been posted to the Eisenhower, one of their non-centrifuge ships, she had worked out in the gym centrifuge. And while she could jog the same distance in a gym, jogging it through the broken terrain of the crumbling suburbs around the arco, while under the constant knowledge that any second now, an orbital fleet of undead ships was going to clear the horizon, come into firing range, and lash you with railguns and lasers, was...

It was less than fun.

But the worst part was, as she came closer to the arc, she started to hope they’d make it before the slinging orbit brought the frigates back in. She bounded forward.

And the ground leaped up, smacking her ankles and sending her sprawling next to a house that had been half overrun by moss and greens. An ancient, rusted hulk of a car flipped into the air and smashed into the ground as the rest of the railgun slugs started to pepper the area. Qasim, the prince, dropped to the ground next to her, holding his dragon grimly against his chest. He looked at her with a kind of intent, unreadable expression – placid, almost. He looked for all the world like he was under orbital bombardment every single day of his life. But then the dust pal and the explosions became louder, fiercer, and Helen felt hideously certain that one would land right on her and blow her and the prophesied hero into red ruin.

And then...

The explosions continued – roaring and exploding. But the shaking and the quaking stopped. The dust drifted to the ground, no longer stirred by the slugs as they hammered home. Helen lifted her head and Qasim looked up, while his dragon stuck his head out from under the muscular uyghur’s chest. The railgun slugs were impacting into the air about twenty feet above their head, sending out rippling impacts on a shield of nearly invisible, blue-white energy. The shield cupped over the entire bombardment area, save for the very very edge, where slugs came only ocassionally. And striding down the street, her eyes focused, her palms moving in a slow, twisting pattern, was Annabelle Herman DuPont, the Dark Queen of Stark.

Helen whistled, slowly.

The Captain’s niece was hot.

Annabelle had been altered from the earlier broadcasts that Helen had seen her in. Her skin was now a pale blue-white, while her floated about her head as if she was underwater. In the drifting movements, the chalk white hair revealed and concealed her ears intermittently, showing that they came to sharp points. Her eyes were blood red and her lips were full, giving her face a haughty, aristocratic vibe. She was clothed in a flowing dress, tattered around the hem and flickering around her feet, showing that she was not actually walking down the street.

She was floating. Her arms spread wider as the railgun impacts sped up – surpassing even the constant drumfire of before. Then, all at once, they stopped. The angle hadn’t changed, not enough for them to have decided to stop firing. No.

They were out of ammo.

Annie came to a stop beside Qasim and Helen and Helen stood, then grinned slightly. “Lt. Helen Trevor. I know your ... uncle?” She held out her hand, as if she met otherworldly banshees with enough raw magical power to stop a railgun bombardment every day in her life. It was the same way she had brazened her way through her adventures on Arcadia.

“He ... mentioned you once in one of his letters,” Annie said, her voice shockingly normal. She took Helen’s hand and squeezed – her hand felt cool, but solid. “You were the one with the shark and-”

“No! Not me!” Helen yelped.

“Wait, there was a shark?” The dragon asked, springing up onto his shoulder.

“It was two years ago and didn’t happen,” Helen snapped at the dragon – causing Annie to giggle, her hand covering her mouth.

“Weren’t you an ensign?” Annie asked as the marines started to emerge from the rubble and the smoke. They looked more stunned that the bombardment had ended than at the sight of Annie – and once again, Helen was struck by how many of them had made it. She could still hear the screams of the wounded, but she could also hear the incantation of the elven war mages. Healing was happening. She focused, instead, on Annie, scowling at her.

“I got promoted,” she said, her voice severe. “If the end of the world and becoming an elven noble won’t get you fucking promoted in the United States AstroForce, what the fuck will?”

Annie shook her head. “So...” She looked at her. “Where is this chosen one.”

“Oh! Oh! Oh!” The dragon waved his scaled paw, then flapped into the air. He circled around Qasim’s head. “This is the Glorious Prince of Heaven, the one who was foretold to kill the Dark Lord and bring peace and justice to the world and also, to give me candy, specifically, those super awesome sour ones, and also, he’s really good in bed.” He landed on Qasim’s head. Helen could hear the Gunny chuckling – and when she shot him a glance, he was shaking his head, and when their eyes met, he mouthed the word ‘nephew.’ Helen wondered just how insane Malinowski’s Christmas leave got.

“Well,” Annie said, her voice wry. “Lets head inside before they decide to start bombing us again. The arcology has a shield spell that can stand up to nuclear warheads. But, uh, I hope I won’t have to test that.” She chewed her lower lip. “Oh! Also, what was your name, oh Glorious Prince of Heaven?”

She held her hand out to Qasim. Qasim took it. “Jianhong Qasim,” he said, his voice so serious and so grim that Annie flinched as he shook her hand.

“Auuuhhh!” Annie clutched at her wrist. “Dying! Ack.” She paused, then blushed. “Sorry, just ... trying to ... lighten. Come on!” She clapped her hands, turning and floating through the now heavily cratered suburb. Helen giggled and shot Qasim. But then, from the rubble, Squire Fireheart stepped up to her side. She put her hands on her hips, then shook her head.

“So far?” she asked. “I have to say, the way you Starkers do war sucks.” She spat. “And meeting the Dark Lord is a huge disappointment.”

“Welcome to Stark,” Helen said, then slapped her back.

Hua sat on Qasim’s shoulder as Annie laid her hands on the table in the middle of the room and a glowing map of the world – projected in the classic, eurocentric style that left the Mediterranean shrunk, China twisted, and Africa reduced to the equal of North America. While Hua oohed at the map – different from the piecemeal maps of the Arcadian world that he was used too – Qasim kept his gaze on the ghost that leaned against the wall at the other side of the room. He was a thin, short man with European features and a guarded, haunted look.

Qasim had expected to feel something more when he was in the presence of the undead. The monsters that he had, apparently, been born to fight. But the only thing he felt was the tiny aches and bruises from repeatedly being knocked around by artillery, the throbbing of his feet from the long run from the forest to the arcology, and the now unfamiliar press of Stark’s gravity on his bones. He pursed his lips as Annie pointed down at Europe.

“Heydrich has made attacks here, here, here, here and here – he’s claiming all the factories that we, that, that...” She hesitated. “That Dale and I were fitting out for automated production. Those he cannot control, he blows up, forcing the locals to go to him for support.” She ducked her head forward, her eyes closing. “We were trying to go soft, to not ... to not hurt people unless we had too. But I am already getting reports that he’s been shuffling his forces around. The ghosts that like to hurt people are on the front lines. The ones that would prefer not, he’s making them handle logistics. Fortunately, his power conduits are easily tracked magically, even if they’re not strong enough to serve as a teleportation foci.” The map flared with a red light on Berlin.

“And your undead?” Helen asked.

“I freed them,” Annie said.

“You what?” Helen’s eyes bugged slightly.

Fireheart scowled. “Liar,” she said.

“Nope,” the ghost that was leaning against the wall spoke up. He stepped forward, ambling casually, his hands deep in his pockets. “She’s not lying. I’m free.” He paused. “Mordechai, by the way.” He coughed, his voice growing awkward. “I know that it may be hard to believe, coming from someone whose dead. But, uh ... that’s how it is.” He sighed then looked down at the map. “Right now, most of the undead on our side are still trying to figure out how to manage things.”

“So, now you know where he is,” Annie said. “His fleet’s in ruins, and your fleet is coming back to mop them up.”

“Within a few days,” Helen said, frowning. “Can you keep us secure until then.”

Qasim crossed his arms over his chest – looking down at a pale flare of golden light that had appeared in Europe. He had seen the designs and diagrams for maps like these while he had been taught magic in the Oni capital. The only difference was the amount of sophisticated magic that had gone into this – the effort, the skill. He pursed his lips, then looked over at Helen and Annie, who were both looking at one another. “I mean, I can,” she said. “But those days will give Heydrich time to hurt more people. To seize the nuclear silos – most of them are shut down, Dale made sure to defang them, immediately.” She sighed. “But Heydrich is smart, and he has hundreds of millions of undead servants. He can get them working again. My shields can stop laserfire and they can stop railguns and they can stop a nuke. But they can’t stop the doomsday stockpiles in Russia or China or the United States or India.”

Helen scowled. “We can’t just fly to him, though. Any airforce we can cobble together will get shot down. Teleportation?”

“Maybe? But we’d need some way to target the area,” Annie said. “You know, the distance equations.”

Qasim placed his finger on the golden flare of light. Hua bumped his head against his cheek, encouraging, as Qasim let the magic flow through him. He whispered, under his breath, and felt the spark of connection. An uncertain, female voice came into his ear, as if they were leaning in close. They spoke with the unaccented Cantonese that he was used to hearing from translation spells: “Hello?”

“Hello,” Qasim said – drawing Helen and Fireheart and Annie’s attentions. “You have connected to the council chambers of the Dark Lord. I am the Glorious Prince of Heaven, Qasim. Who are you?”

The silence that stretched from that statement was thick enough one could cut it with a knife.

“Oh bullshit,” the voice said. “No way those fucking Oni were right about this. Seriously?”

Qasim shrugged one shoulder. “Thus far, I have just been playing it by ear. What is your name and why have you attempted to contact us?”

A long sigh came to his ear. “I am Cinder Spiderblood, I was brought to Stark as part of a ... a diplomatic meeting.” She sighed again. “Picked a real bad time for it. But I was able to sense the local fields of magic. I felt the ... I felt the spells of the Dark Lord. Made a connection to it. I wasn’t really sure what I was going to do with it – but the ghosts are fighting one another.” She paused, then asked, her voice growing hopeful. “Is the Dark Lord...”

“Yes,” Qasim said. “It’s complicated. We’ll explain in person.” He looked over at Annie – who was blinking at him, wide eyed. “We need two kinds of transport. The first would be magical, teleporting to here.” He tapped France. “The second would have to be technological, because we must then get from here ... to here.” He drew the line from France to Germany, to the throbbing red point on the map, to Berlin. Helen frowned.

“While being shot at,” she said. “By ghost planes. And ghost spaceships. And ghost tanks.”

“Most of those planes and tanks are old,” Annie said, her voice somewhat hopeful. “And we can make things a little bit easier for us with some prepatory magic.”

“I don’t want to take an infantry force through what we were hit by,” Fireheart said. “Not my elven warriors. If you had cavalry...”

“What if we had something better?” Mordechai said, his voice growing wry. His lips had skinned back – and everyone looked at him with a frown. Mordechai shrugged one shoulder a bit and cocked his head. “I was in general command of security for Annie – but I was also listening in on the generals and the leaders. And I know who we have in custody, and who we can talk too.” He nodded to Annie. “How do you feel about a trip to the east coast?”

Annie frowned. “This isn’t another trap, is it?”

“Wait, trap?” Helen asked. Hua’s wings flared out in alarm.

“No,” Mordechai said, then put his hand over his face. “Though I suppose I do deserve that.”

Annie nodded. “You do,” she said, her voice tight.

Silence hung in the air. Hua whispered in Qasim’s ear. “Awwwkward.”

Helen came to attention as the prisoner stepped from the cell and looked her up and down. He frowned. General Tybor Briggs looked pretty good, considering he had spent several months in the wilderness, fighting an on again, off again guerrilla campaign against the undead, before then spending two weeks in a county jail with his captured soldiers surrounded by a small detachment of ghostly slaves who were more than happy to serve as guards for the white men whose ancestors had kidnapped them from Africa and enslaved them. The fact that Tybor himself was African-American had done very little to thaw them – the slaves in question remembered their tribes, their languages, and the vast tapestry that was the African continent of the 18th century.

It was rather like Frenchmen guarding a German. Just because the German was also European didn’t mean shit to them.

“Lieutenant,” he said, his voice censorious. “I take it that there’s an explanation for what the hell is going on.”

Helen knew how this must have looked: A USAF lieutenant, with her new rank insignia still looking freshly sewn on, dressed in marine exoskeleton, with an elf to her left, the Dark Lord herself to her right, and a dragon sitting on her head like a hat. Qasim entered into the prison corridor, and how he didn’t look harried considering his pet dragon had gone winging off ahead with an excited giggle, Helen didn’t know. Helen dropped her arm slowly, then said: “The Dark Lord is dead. His power has been claimed by Reinhardt Heydrich, some old 20th century Nazi fuck, and that guy is sitting in Berlin, consolidating power with every undead he’s controlling indirectly. Annie-” She jerked her thumb at the banshee. “Is going to drop us into eastern France with a direct teleport thanks to an on the site t’row wizardess that’s with the resistance. We’re going to need a battalion of armored personal carrierss and M88 tanks to blitz through the raised dead of both world wars to smash into the Berlin arco so Qasim-” She jerked her thumb at Qasim. “Can kill that Nazi puke and we can save the fuckin’ day. Sir.”

General Tybor Briggs pursed his lips.

“You do know that that is the most insane paragraph I have heard in my entire life, correct?” he asked.

Helen nodded. “It’s been kind of a weird year for all of us, sir.”

Tybor glared daggers at Annie. “You will, of course, be surrendering your control of the United States after this little engagement?”

“No,” Annie said, lifting her chin.

Helen pinched the bridge of her nose – but before she could say anything, Annie continued: “I believe in what Dale and I were trying to do. We’re trying to make the world a better place, and-”

“I will not work with this traitor,” Tybor said, his voice tight with fury.

“Just because someone disagrees with you doesn’t make you a traitor,” Hua, the dragon, said. He sounded like he was trying to be helpful. Tybor’s eyebrow twitched and Helen could see that his temple was throbbing.

“She turned an army on the citizens and people of the United States, took over territory, and declared herself as the dictator,” Tybor said, his voice growing more and more heated. “That makes her a traitor and a criminal and-”

“Fine!” Annie said. “Fine! I’ll surrender myself to the authorities after this – just get us some fucking tanks and the troops to drive them – please. We have to move as quick as we can and there’s a limit to what I can do, even with the teleport gates we have set up in this fucking country.”

Tybor frowned. He looked as if he trusted Annie as far as he could throw her – but slowly, he inclined his head. “I want her in restraints,” he said, quietly. “Magical ones, if they’re the only ones that will work.”

Annie looked even more exasperated.

Cinder paced back and forth in the shadows of the forest, her hands clasped behind her back. Lata and Kaleb were both seated. Kaleb was on a stump that some woodcutter had chopped down ages back, and was checking over his newly captured SMG. He was figuring out what every single piece did, his brow furrowed, his pursed lips tight. Lata was simply enjoying the breeze, her scarred face relaxed. Reposed. Her eyes were closed and she had tilted her head back just so. Cinder watched her and wondered, for a moment, if ... what they had was anything more than what it was.

Because looking at that scarred, tough face, and seeing it relax into a smoothness she hadn’t thought possible...

“It has been years since I have been on Earth this long. And in wilderness, too,” Lata murmured.

Kaleb lifted his head. “Didn’t Arcadia count?”

“No,” Lata said. “Arcadia is not my home.”

Cinder began to pace again, her hands clasped behind her back, her brow furrowing a bit. “I hope that that call wasn’t a mistake,” she whispered. “I hope, I hope...” A low droning noise filled her ears. She looked upwards and saw that a flight of planes were buzzing by. The swastikas on their wings looked daubed on in fresh paint, and they were flying low enough that she could see the flanges of their bomb bays. Cinder’s stomach tightened – and her worst fears were answered in a few minutes. Beyond the curve of the horizon, flashes and rumbles began to ring out.

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NewSensations Emma Hix Emma Has A Going Away Present

Emma’s boyfriends best friend came by to have one last drink before he heads out of the country for a while but James is not home. Emma invites him to hang and is sad to see him go before she could hook him up with one of her friends. Having an open relationship she decides to give Jason a nice going away present but he feels it is a test of loyalty. Once Emma grabs his cock telling him this is no joke, his cock flops out and right into her hot hungry mouth for a good face fuck and...

3 years ago
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A Man of the Modern Era

I am become, without choice, a modern kind of guy though I'm over fifty. I recall the heady days of JFK and his Camelot, when all seemed right with the world. As a kid back then, I had a head full of pie-in-the-sky ideals; everything seemed magical. I later watched men walk on the moon live-as-it-happened, with Walter Cronkite on TV gushing about the greatness of another uniquely-American achievement. That's when there was a world to speak of. Not quite such a thing any more. We...

2 years ago
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The Inches Between UsChapter 21

As we walked into church, holding hands, the following morning, I tried not to spend too much time thinking about the apparent disconnect between two unmarried people sharing a night of intimacy on Saturday night and then sharing Communion with the rest of the church on Sunday morning. On the other hand, I was fairly sure there were people sitting in pews across the world on Sunday morning who did worse on Saturday night than be intimate with someone with whom they are in a committed...

3 years ago
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SecretsChapter 15

Hours later Linda was as stumped as ever. Larry Connors had been cooperative but insisted he could shed no light on who would want to harm his wife and certainly no idea as to why they would torture and mutilate her body. Doc Slayton had performed an immediate autopsy and concluded that Helen Connors and Susan Landry had indeed been murdered by the same person. Time of death ruled out Larry Connors who had been at work while his wife was tortured and murdered. This left Linda and her staff...

3 years ago
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Sexy Sarah from the Gym

I use to work across from a gym in Chicago; I won’t mention the name but its open 24hrs a day. Now I tried to be professional when I worked out there, but it was extremely difficult with the hotties working the front desk running around in their tight tee shirts, sports bra and yoga pants. Now Sarah is this sexy red headed little gal who was always friendly but professional. She was my shake girl, she always wanted to make my protein shakes after my work outs. We always chatted about stuff,...

1 year ago
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Living The Dope Life style

For many years I have been using drugs and I have had many amazing sexual encounters, and this is only one of many. On this particular night I was just hanging out at the local bar playing a few games of pool when I noticed this hot blonde looking at me. I continued to play the rest of my game of pool, which I won. Thats when this hot blonde walked over to the table and asked if she could play the next game, which I immeaditly said yes to. As we played the game I couldn't help myself from...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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A Day In The Life Of A Slave Part 1

I slowly walk to my master and mistress's room and open their door quietly. I sigh as I gently crawl up onto the bed and start to pull down the sheets from them. Master moans slightly and I stop and see if he is awake or not. He isn't. "Thank goodness," I say quietly as I take master's cock in my hands and start to massage it gently. While I continue to slowly stroke his shaft and head, my other hand starts to fondle with his balls as he moans. Once he is half erect, I start to give him a blow...

2 years ago
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Earning His Mark

Earning His Mark She was lying next to him, headbetween his thighs, busily licking and sucking at his cock. This was oneof his favorite ways to have her pleasure him; it put her pussy and assnear his face, where he could easily play with them, pushing her into a frenzythat she took out on his cock. She went lower to grab his balls in hermouth, and he slowly slid a finger deep into her ass drawing, a moan fromdeep down in her throat. He sighed contentedly as she bathedhis balls with her warm...

2 years ago
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Two Callers

Introduction: She set the whole thing up… She had set the whole thing up. It was one of those, strengthen the marriage type of antics that I was lucky enough to be the recipient of. I knew something was up as soon as I opened the door from the garage into the house. The kids were nowhere to be found, and she was dressed in my favorite outfit&hellip,old blue jeans and a white, bra-less t-shirt. She greeted me with a warm, wet kiss and tasted like what she had in her right hand, a cool, crisp,...

4 years ago
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Stuck in the Storeroom

Chapter 1: Trapped "Hi Ryan," Lucy called out as he entered the office. "How are you this afternoon?" Ryan looked around to see the lovely blonde secretary kneeling next to several boxes of holiday decorations she was packing up for storage. Her smile always made him feel all tingly inside. He had never dated a girl as pretty as she was. So having her treat him nice was, well nice. If only Scott wasn't her boyfriend. "Hi Lucy," he replied returning her smile. "Those boxes look heavy...

3 years ago
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Dream Meeting

It had been a long day at work and the fatigue and stress was starting to take it’s toll. You finish up the paperwork and head for the door waving good night to your colleagues as you leave. On the drive home the exhaustion starts to hit you and you dream of the long, hot shower that awaits you when you get there. As you open the door to your apartment all is quiet. No one is home. You head straight to the shower, shed your clothes, step under the hot spray and feel the stress wash away with...

2 years ago
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Cheating sister in law

One of the sidelights of having a long-time relationship with someone is that one also becomes entrenched with other members of their partner’s friends or family. As frequency of interaction increases, those others become more familiar and, certainly, the comfort level of being around them rises. In some cases, familiarity breeds comfort, which, in turn, breeds flirtations and some good secret fun. This is about one of those cases in my own life. Having been with my wife for a total of 5 years...

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Sea KingChapter 24

"Master, there is someone here to see you." "I don't wish to be disturbed," Garishnie said miserably from behind his desk. He looked up to see his seneschal still standing in the doorway. "Didn't you hear me? I said I didn't want to be disturbed." "Yes, Master," the man said nervously, "but they're from the Guild and they said they must see you now." "The Guild?" Garishnie whispered. "Gods, no!" Slowly he stood and waved his man to precede him. Garishnie found Jon and...

2 years ago
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My Girls III Truth Power and HopeChapter 7

I saw Elizabeth leave the bathroom after her shower out of the corner of my eye. I wasn't really paying attention to her. I was too busy lightly stroking my fingers over every inch of Megan's body. Although she seemed to like it a lot, she especially seemed to enjoy it when I ran my fingers lightly between her legs. I can't imagine why. Elizabeth came out in a terrycloth bathrobe that was tied tightly at the waist. I couldn't see what she had underneath, and in the circumstances, I...

3 years ago
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When You Go Down In The Woods

All heads in the area turn as she marches past. The graceful, elegant figure she cuts through the crowd cause all and sundry to admire the swish and glide of her step. She’s beautiful and confident, radiating an elegance most women could only hope for. There’s a purpose to her gait, her mind focussed on her destination – on her prize. Her long dark hair billows out behind her as she walks. Her small red dress clings to her tight, hourglass frame. It ends halfway down her smooth, tanned thighs....

4 years ago
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Thanks to LadyCibelle and my friend SH for sorting my foul-ups and editing for me. "Something really weird happened today Kevin." Trudy my wife of eighteen years said to me as we were eating dinner one evening. "What was it mum?" Cassie, our thirteen-year-old daughter asked, before I had time to react myself. I'd stopped eating and was sitting there looking at Trudy with an expression of concerned interest on my face. "Some young man took my picture as we came out of the restaurant at...

4 years ago
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Neighborhood Good Boy

Brian had recently turned eighteen, he was finally a man. Although he didn't quite feel it. He was much smaller than the other boys around his age being only 5'4" and weighing in at a measly 120 lbs. With black hair, pale smooth complexion, skinny but proportionate limbs and wide hips that contoured his firm bubbly butt, his effeminate features didn't quite demand respect from his peers. He tried all his life to make friends but kids are cruel and are quick to dismiss the awkward. Brian...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Turn Of Events At Office

Hi , this is Suraj here going to narrate an Incident. I was working in a MNC Software company at Bangalore. I got assigned to a New Project and when I entered the Offshore centre of that Project I saw lots of known faces , many friends and few unknown ones. Among the unknown faces was a late twenties lady . She was like steal a glance on me. Anyways I thought maybe as I came new to this Project , might be she is just seeing how we see a Newcomer. Time passed , I was getting Knowledge transfer...

4 years ago
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Dirty Panties Dirty Fun

I was helping a friend move not long ago. The three of us (me, him, and his wife) had been working all morning, packing stuff and loading it onto the rented truck. He'd just left with a full load, headed to the new house across town to unload and grab some lunch. She and I stayed to keep packing and stacking.Their laundry room was in the bathroom, and I'd gone in to start packing things in there. On top of the dirty laundry basket was a light blue pair of panties, obviously soaked at the...

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My Husbands Nieces

They were my husband's nieces for God's sake, and I couldn't stop thinking about them. Kim and Melanie. Both eighteen years old, the daughters of Eric's sisters, visiting our home for Thanksgiving. It was the first time we'd seen them in five years and they'd changed beyond all recognition. No longer the gawky, awkward, chubby thirteen year olds from that family vacation in Florida. The pair had grown into beautiful women, sensual creatures with full breasts and long, long legs.Oh God, why did...

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My Race Is RoyalChapter 15

Donnie argued with the goddess of course – about stopping the attack on the plane - but she told him that it was something that just had to be. Donnie was unhappy about her response to say the least. There had also been some soul-searching for Donnie before deciding to use the future information to generate money. Uppermost in his mind was whether it was morally right to use the knowledge to do this. Was it dishonest? He eventually came to the conclusion that having access to the information...

1 year ago
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Patience or Finding the Pearl

As she walked, Patience Gardiner was a bit surprised to find herself remembering passion. She could call it that now though she would have not then. She had been raised, as was proper, to think of these things modestly, if at all. That morning when he had stroked her hip she had crossed her legs very firmly and turned her face into the pillow even as he touched her oh so gently and she felt her will leave her. As Patience skirted the boulders perched along the cliff’s edge, she smiled to find...

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Cheating With the NeighborChapter 3

I managed to make it through the party without letting on that I knew my wife and Anne were having an affair. I put on my brave face and played dumb the remainder of the night, but when we got home I decided that I had to come clean about my fling with Anne. I couldn't very well confront her about Anne without confessing what I had done. Molly was sitting up in bed when I came into the bedroom. "Honey," I began. "I heard you and Anne talking in the kitchen tonight. I know you've been sleeping...

4 years ago
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New Fun In Bus

Hi I am regular reader of SSI stories, I am I am 30 year old and run Computer institute. This story happened a week before. I was working in my institute and a couple boy and girl come to me for internet they were a marking person for some network marketing a product of some educational software. They were filling some form of their customers, I just saw to them and they are starting to me about their product. The boy was Mahesh and girl was Mira. They told me that there is seminar of company...

3 years ago
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Slut Olympics Part 1

After graduating on May 26th, six best friends sat around the living room of Lauren’s house drinking their various beverages. They weren't dressed up very sexy or slutty, as they weren't going to one of the many graduation night parties happening. Instead, they were all dressed casually as it was just the six of them just like it had been many times over the years they had all been friends. Things were about to change however, high school was over, and the real world awaited them, taking each...

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Exhibitionist Wife

Me & the wife recently went away for a few days in Dorset, we stayed in a lovely executive caravan. The owners of the caravan assured us that if we had any issues they would contact a neighbour who would be happy to help with any problems. On the 1st morning we discovered the TV in the main bedroom wasn't working properly, my wife emailed the owners regarding the problem. We heard nothing back until the following morning when shortly after getting out of bed a chap knocked on the caravan...

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POLL Replacement for Ambers pink toy

My pink friend needs replacing very soon.She is my first dildo, hot pink in color, and has been thoroughly used (and abused) over the years. She has been to many places with me. Even to the beach! (Note: I call it a "she" because of her hot pink color.)Pictures of her can be found in our gallery:http://xhamster.com/photos/gallery/831796/poll_kinky_replacement_for_amber_039_s_old_toy.htmlThe rubber that covers the button to control the speed or vibration has already worn out, exposing the true...

2 years ago
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A husband doesnrsquot mind his wife getting fucked by

3 months ago we moved to another city due to my new job. I was assigned to a new department, and we, my wife and I, rented a new apartment, just in downtown. It was a quite nice place, with lots boutiques, shops, cafés, and galleries. Although we were new people here and didn’t have any friends or relatives, we soon got used to a new beginning and started spending most of our evening walking, meeting the sites of interest, etc.Just a couple of weeks later I found an adult video shop a few miles...

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Building a LegacyChapter 6 Paying for a New Religion

Walking into La Folie, Alex was glad they'd taken the time to get spruced up. The girls kept asking Alex just how formal this dinner was. While he didn't know, he asked Patricia, who'd set it up. 'It's VERY formal, ' she warned him. 'You'll need to buy a very nice suit. Try the hotel, if they can't get you situated, they'll at least know who to contact. The girls will likely need new dresses as well.' 'This is starting to sound like a very expensive dinner, especially...

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Hawaiian Retreat 2

The walk down the twelve stairs from my second floor to my first was the longest walk of my life. The butterflies had moved from my stomach to my chest and then on up to my head, and my knees were actually weak and shaking. When we reached the first floor, Mitch had his back to us, talking to Hilda. "I believe your date is here," she said to him as she indicated that Marie and I were behind him. My stomach sank to my knees when he turned and the smile on his face dissolved into a slack...

2 years ago
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Becoming Dirty Diana Chapter Two

As Diana rounded the corner she saw Robert already waiting. When he turned and saw her, he beamed.“Wow, you look great,” he said cheerfully.Diana smiled and replied, “Thanks, and to think I didn’t even put on makeup.”“I think women, in general, wear too much makeup. I like your freckles.”At that, they started walking to their destination in a comfortable cadence and talking about their favorite springtime activities like hiking, the weather, and skinny dipping.“Wait, you’ve never been?” Robert...

Love Stories
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 409 Government Issues

Wednesday, November 21 to month end, 2007 Three significant government-related activities occurred around this time. The first was to do with our $216 billion lawsuits. To be accurate, they weren't lawsuits yet. It had taken a few days after I blew the lid off the Surveillance Problem for enough of the facts provided by the Guardian Angel to be verified, and then our lawyers sent the Government twenty four bills each of $216 billion, as the settlement contract entitled us to do. The bills...

3 years ago
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Married At Midnight

Be sure to hit "Start Game" to track your progress... *Skreeeech-Crash!* "Bee-woooop-woooop! Wheeooo-wheeooo-wheeooo---!" "What the Hell was THAT?" You ask yourself, though you have a sinking feeling you already know, and looking out the kitchen window of the enormous Victorian farmhouse you inherited from your estranged great-grandfather a month ago confirms it. It's the first day of spring in South-Central Ohio, and it's been raining fit to cause a flood all day. This makes the old country...

1 year ago
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Fiona puts on a show Chapter 5

Adrian led me down to the pens. “Claire has begun to train two more dogs and they are almost ready” he said. So his wife was the trainer. “What you need to do is just work them and get them used to someone else. Maybe you can start with the Great Dane. There is no-one booked today so you don’t have to rush”. I smiled and headed for the pen holding the Great Dane. “Hello boy. I am so glad to see you” I said “we are going to have so much fun”. I let him out of the pen and let him follow me into...

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Spring Breakers with Selena Gomez Vanessa Hu

written by jerojerome It's my first full story and English isn't my first language...therefore sorry if there are some (or many) mistakes ... I always wanted to become a stage director or film producer since i saw girls like Victoria Justice (my dream girl), Selena Gomez or Vanessa Hudgens on tv (and i can't count how many times i jerked off to them). For that reason i moved immediately to hollywood after i finished school. It was hard to get one of these good jobs for a 19 year old guy like...

2 years ago
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AdriftChapter 12

Eventually, we succumbed to boredom. Life is not always exciting ... money isn't everything. Pentwater and its winters insured a stable population of what my friend Mark calls, little breeders. There were NO student-less grades in the consolidated school. Mom ... Mrs. Phillips ... always had children in story hour and I had to work every Saturday. Mr. Phillips expended his braincells contending with recalcitrant math students ... boring ... boring ... boring. He loved it. "Junie Moonie,...

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Sherry in Public

Sherry and I have become an adventurous couple in the last couple of months. It all began one evening when we went to dinner at the local Chili’s Restaurant, right across the street from the football stadium at the local university. We had played around a little with Sherry showing off some to truckers. Once we even got down to both of us being nearly nude. She got on her knees and began giving me a blow job on the freeway. I reciprocated by reaching over and fingering her pussy as we drove...

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help brother

first chapter My name is JJ and I have cerebral palsy. Right now I'm in the hospital. I have 2 wonderful fat sisters named Jesse and Nicole. They both take care of me. I really appreciate all they do for me. They help me go to the bathroom and give me sponge baths as well. I really love them and they love me too. I have a small incestuous crush on them. I have ever since I was about 16. I'm 20 now and having cerebral palsy makes them wanna take care of me even more. I love them more and more...

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Sex Life With Chachi 8211 Part I

Hi this is Shekhar p from mumbai, i am doing m.com and i like to suck women ass. To me time pass na karate direct story pe aata hu, Ye bat lagbhag 3 years purani he jab hamari family and Chacha ki family mumbai se villege diwali ki holiday enjoy karane ke liye hamari gadi se ja rahe the,chacha our chachi ki shadi ko sirf 3 month hu the, Mere papa drive karne ke liye drive site par baite, age ki sit par chacha bet gaye, middle ki sit pe meri mom, bua or bua ki ladki jo piche bait ne vali thi...

1 year ago
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A High Class Whore0

The smell of bacon woke me the next morning and I eagerly hopped out of bed and rushed downstairs. Wearing nothing but a long sleeved top and white panties, I tried to look sexy as I walked around the corner to the kitchen. There he was, a tall man of six foot three inches with sea foam eyes and honey brown hair. He was the most attractive trucker that any one had ever laid eyes on. We ate and talked and once we had finished and cleared the table, he told me how much he missed me as a firm...

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A Different Kind of a Valentines Day

Most women love Valentine’s Day. Their lovers buy them flowers and chocolates. Some go out to dinner and receive sexy lingerie. Some men write poems and songs for their loved ones. For Katie Smalls, her husband is really into sex. During the year, he doesn’t bother Katie for doing crazy sex things. Katie is a bit timid and only likes to do the missionary style of lovemaking. Her husband Max is fine with that, except on Valentine’s day. On Valentine’s Day, Max likes her to masturbate with toys...

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An Unforgettable MelodyChapter 4

For this chapter, I decided to have a little fun with the fantasy in the first half, setting it in the Star Wars universe. In case it isn’t clear, for the first portion, Burke is Mike and Kana is Melody. No song titles for this chapter, so please sit back and enjoy! An Unforgettable Melody Ch. 04 Sand. Sand. Sand everywhere. Such was life for Burkateer Lark. Eighteen years ago, he had been a promising seven-year-old Padawan learner in the Jedi Order of the Old Republic. That, of...

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Sensualize Secrets

Sensualize SecretsHello everyone, I’m Julie from Sensualize and I’ve decided to start writing a Blog (weekly) to share just a selection of sexy sensual and quite often very funny sexual encounters I have been fortunate enough to experience. Real people’s names have been changed the only name that’s real is mine! Hope you enjoy my very first ‘Sensualize Secrets’The BeginningI met my now husband about 5 years ago, when we first met he was very open about his previous swinging lifestyle (at first,...

3 years ago
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The Snowglobe Conspiracy 008 Insatiable Curiosity

With sudden force I snap back into the reality which holds me captive.  I am sadly not even confused.  It seems as real as anything else, despite it’s multitudinous artificial qualities.  There is still something kind of hot about being trapped here, though…  About not knowing how I’ve come to this place, and having less idea still of how such a place could even come to be.  It’s hard to see why, but there’s even a mysterious something that turns me on about not knowing who or what has taken...

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What an aunt

My marriage wasn't much of one. It felt more like a partnership than a marriage. I was on the road a lot to make ends meet and my wife was working part time, being homemaker and raising our daughter. Needless to say, we both were pretty miserable without being able to spend much time together. Then the unthinkable happened. While traveling through Kansas toward a South Carolina destination, I got a call from my sister that no sister should have to make. My wife and daughter perished in a car...

2 years ago
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The Way BackChapter 9

I awoke at dawn, which in mid February is about seven, so I had time for a shower and breakfast before the taxi containing David arrived. The journey was uneventful. As the train sped from Stockholm to Vasteras, I was intrigued, not so much by the red painted houses as by the feeling that this was all somehow familiar. I wondered if I had spent any time as a child or youth in Sweden. The hotel was comfortable and the staff efficient and attentive, and in the case of the receptionist...

1 year ago
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The Island SMC part 4

Introduction: The fourth part of this fictional story, and an intro of new models This is a fictional story, all characters and actions are not real nor condoned. The preface to the story is in part one. The discreet summer modeling camp for budding beauties continues. Almost two weeks after Amys birthday, the camp was coming to an end. Amanda was longing to leave, after feeling a bit guilty for what she got her 10 year old sister for her birthday. Amy was starting to show a slight bulge in...

2 years ago
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Left for Dead

I was ten when my parents and brother went out to the summer estate. I had a series of tests and would be brought out the next morning. Only there was the accident no one would talk about and my parents died. My brother was fine but he acted different after that. He was meaner and crueler and more of a bully. I was the scholar and he was the handsome stud. He was into sports and fitness and hung around with a few guys that were as bad as he was. When our parents died our grandfather became our...

4 years ago
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Pretty thoroughly fiction, based in part on a few events from my life, though I will keep them private. There’s no sex in this story, more a relationship entry. * I’ve never liked the concept of abortion. Now, before you hit the panic button, let me explain. I’m no religious zealot, looking for a clinic to bomb, neither am I going to hand out pamphlets and scream, ‘Murderer!’ when women walk into them. For me it’s far more personal. My dad and I never really got along. He didn’t even want...

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StripChat Spy Shows

Sometimes, you want to watch beautiful cam models stripping and getting nasty on the camera for you. And other times, you want to watch them do all of that without their knowledge that you are watching. I know the idea of creeping into other people’s live shows and watching them without getting caught will get a lot of you fucks off.Stripchat.com/Spy enables perverts like yourself to spy on the amazing camgirls on Stripchat. It is where you are going to find all kinds of cam girls that you can...

Live Voyeur Cams
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Nerd Sex By Blueheatt A woman moved in next door to my girlfriend and I. A real nerd. I could tell she had a hot body, big tits, nice ass and legs through her lab coat she always wore. She wore no makeup, piled her hair up sloppy, dumb looking glasses and was not into guys much. She was 23, and only had a few dates with other nerds. My girlfriend and I took and interest in her and soon she spent a lot of time at our house. &hellip, She was the ultimate nave girl. My girlfriend got close to...

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