DóchasChapter 19 free porn video

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It was daybreak when Sally woke up between Sarah and Tara. She shifted slightly closer to Tara, when she did Sarah moved to maintain their contact. Through their mind-link she checked the rest of her "friends". She smiled when she realized her "friends" were still asleep, but not for much longer. "An interesting question," she thought, "while we are all very close "friends", should we now consider each other to be spouses as others have intimated." She softly chuckled at the idea of trying not to wake her "friends". "The idea of being an equal member in a clan of twelve spouses would have been laughable before coming here. Although, the five of us were moving in that direction before we were brought here, but twelve ... I can't deny that crossing paths with Sarah was the best thing that's happened to me. I've felt a link with her from the very beginning at Alice's and it grew while we worked on that project. When she came to live with us, we reconnected again. Then when she met Rusty, it was almost magical seeing the link form between them instantly. Even now my link with them seems slightly stronger than those with our other "friends". We are more than "friends". Being known as Sarah's Clan seems appropriate, since it is around Sarah we gathered to begin our relationship. I do love every one of them, as I know they love me."

"And we feel the same about you," responded her other spouses startling her.

"I didn't think the rest you were awake yet."

Each of them indicated that they had woken at different times during her introspective thoughts and had remained quiet so as not to disturb her. They all shared their feelings for each other, showing that they all felt the same way about each of their spouses, though the framing of each vision was a bit different. All agreed that the intensity they felt was the same. With that they kissed and caressed each other before beginning their morning ritual.

"To me we are more than a collection of "special friends"," said Judy. "I like the idea of referring to our group as Sarah's Clan. Actually, haven't we already done that?"

"Yes," responded Joyce. "I've heard some refer to us that way."

"We thought of you collectively in those terms," said Erin.

"I agree," said Janet. "We have referred to each other as spouses already. But I was thinking we should do something special to formalize this change."

"Let's think about it," said Rusty. "My preference tends toward a private ceremony for us. I love the idea of being a member of Sarah's Clan."

"After we exercise and let our milk down, let's go to the gym so we can spend some time practicing Aikido and yoga forms," said Sally.

"I think that would be a good idea," said Sarah. "Our Aikido training will be very important to everyone in the future."

The intensity of Sarah's comment caused her spouses to pause then respond, "We agree."

"Sally, could you start the martial arts classes today? Say, at around 16:00, that should be late enough in the afternoon not to interfere with anything but still give us enough time so we can freshen up before dinner."

"I will mention it at breakfast. We can schedule another daily class to take place before breakfast. We should limit participation to every other or even every third day."

After they finished expressing their milk and letting the exercise bench take them through their general conditioning exercises, they left for the gym. Judy cautioned, "Erin, Tara, Alison, Claudette, be careful not to over exert yourselves when we practice Aikido and yoga. Portions of your body are more fragile than usual because of the new growth and impending births."

"We will."

Arriving at the gym, Judy happened to look down and was surprised to see that only the 4 newest spouses were wearing shoes. She realized that her feet felt fine and the strain she felt before was no longer there. That train of thought reminded her that with Betsy and Connie incapacitated, she would need to function as the site's doctor. She thought, "I need to discuss some training sessions with Donna."

"We agree," responded her spouses.

"You know this sharing of thoughts is neat but it still takes some getting use too," said Judy.

"Yes. But, I have noticed we have started to use it a bit differently," added Joyce. "We each have our own thought process, just as we have always had, but we can see anothers at the same time. We seem to wait while they construct a thought then make a comment if we think one is needed."

"Yes. I've noticed that as well. But there are other times, like yesterday, when it seemed we were one mind with multiple bodies," said Janet.

During their Aikido and yoga sessions they used their mind link to follow Sarah and Rusty's guidance. For Aikido, Alison, Erin, Tara and Claudette just practiced the moves, while monitoring their spouses spar at half speed. That way they learned the techniques without overstressing their bodies. When they shifted to Yoga, they used their mind-link to follow Sally's lead. When the chime sounded Joyce glanced at the clock and said, "Boy that was quick."

As they left for the shower Alison said, "Are the exercises always like that?"

"For yoga yes," responded Sally, "but for Aikido we usually spar, which means we actually practice the moves against an opponent or two. Similar to today only at nearly full speed, and we don't use full force to avoid injuries. By doing what we did today you learn how to do the movements and why. We need to think about our protocol when we spar since we now have our mind-link and our opponents likely will not."

"I don't think the mind-link will be a problem," said Rusty. "Now our sparing will be a means to hone our timing and movement rather than as a competitive exercise."

As they left for breakfast they all slipped on their shoes. Once she saw that everyone was finished eating, Sarah stood. The room became quiet as everyone turned to look at her. "Last night we started a discussion on recruiting people to join us with the purpose of assisting with repairing the ship. As we ended the discussion, we had concluded that we really had two distinct needs. The first is that we need assistance in caring for the babies that will soon arrive. The other is that we want to find people capable and interested in helping us repair the ship. I think many of us see this as being more difficult."

"For our child care needs, why don't we run an ad for people with a degree in education and an interest in child care?" asked Nancy. "Initially we could do this at the colleges near our estate. If we need more people, then spread out from there. The estate has the advantage of providing us with a reasonably secure area from which to operate."

"Shouldn't we define what we see as an ideal candidate before we go too far?" asked Ann.

"Let's go to the conference room so we can use the white board," said Sarah. With that they all moved to the conference room. Dorothy and Maria brought coffee and cups for the group.

"Before we get too far into this," said Rusty, "remember the issue Bob mentioned last night. For now, those returning to Earth Society will need a cover story. It needs to be simple. The initial idea was to alter their memories in some way and we discarded it. The second was to alter their perception of the time here so it seemed like a dream. While this seems like a good choice, I think there may be some problems, both in implementing it and in the long term for the individual. I think that anyone we approach or who works here should be left with a way to contact us. This complicates the idea of changing perceptions. We need to think this through carefully before we decide how to handle it." Everyone nodded in agreement.

"You're thinking of the physical attributes some of us have," said Ann.

"That's only part of it. There is the ship, the technology and all the skills they would learn while working with us."

"Oops. I was only thinking of the nannies."

"I think it includes everyone who comes to work here."

"Okay," said Janet, "now that we have additional food for thought, back to defining attributes for nannies." Many laughed.

They decided to seek child care staff with the following attributes: Single, although couples were acceptable, no close family since visiting could be problematic and potentially telepathic. College course work in early child development or education was desirable but not a necessary requirement. A high IQ, intuitive, friendly and sociable. Compensation would be room and board plus full medical care and vacation time. For each year with them they would receive either $30,000 after taxes or a year's worth of expenses to attend a college of their choice. While working provisions would be made so they could participate in correspondence courses.

They decided to seek at least 8 and preferably 12 people. Jessica and Nancy, or Pat and Julia, would do the initial interviews. That way one of interviewers would be pregnant. During the interviews, they would seek to determine the candidate's feelings toward nudity and other aspects of their life style. Security would be provided by two cloaked bots and a drone. A second round of interviews would be conducted and might include some of Sarah's Clan. Before an invitation was extended to visit they would be scanned. The scan was to avoid any surprises, such as those found with Jennifer and Laura, and potentially to clarify their psionic capabilities. All candidates that met their needs would be asked to spend a week with them.

Once they had completed their plan Judy said, "We need to move quickly but carefully in securing the nannies. Erin is due in 2 weeks with Tara not long after. The babies of Alison, Ann, Jessica, Mary, Gina, Marsha, Cathy, and Wilma will begin arriving over the next six to seven months. We could handle everything without help but we would be diverted from taking care of other needs."

"We will try to have an ad in the college and town papers this coming weekend," responded Nancy. "If they are already registered for the semester, will we compensate them?"

"Yes," Sarah quickly replied.

The discussion on recruiting additional crew members was not nearly as straight forward. It eased a bit when Donna indicated that she could search the records of recent college graduates and those in their senior year. Based on that, they decided to screen for high IQ, common sense, class standing, above average height, single and no close family. A second pass would focus on personality, interpersonal activities and general skills.

Sam said, "How do we quantify 'common sense'?"

"Sam," said Rusty, "I think we mean practical skills or someone who seeks workable solutions."

"I agree with that. Should we change the wording then?"

"Sure. Let's just say practical or hands on skills."

They all agreed that once a candidate or candidates were identified, an attempt would be made to meet with them informally. This would give them an opportunity to assess their psionic abilities. If they didn't have psionic capabilities then the person would most likely be dropped from the candidate pool.

Jean said, "We've talked several times about the need for above average height. Why?"

"It's a psychological issue," said Jessica. "Generally short people are uncomfortable around very tall people. Although that doesn't seem to be an issue among us, as there is about a foot difference in our heights. It is not an absolute issue but one to consider."

"While that is one reason," said Sarah, "another is that the ship's work suits are designed for people of nearly the same height as Amy's group or taller. Altering the suits to accommodate shorter people is a possibility but diverts resources as there are aspects to doing that that will make it difficult."

"Okay that makes sense. Does this mean that the genetic treatments will increase our height?"

"Yes," replied Judy. "The mean height is about 6 feet 9 inches with a spread of about 4 inches. The distribution is skewed to the taller side."

"We think Nancy and Bob or Julia and Stan should be the primary people to approach the candidates with the offer," said Ann, "although, Zoe's group would be a good choice as well."

"We could also include Alice and Susan in the group," added Jill.

"We can do that," said Nancy. "Actually we may want to have two women teams. Our offer is going to be pretty unbelievable, so we will need some way to convince them it is valid. We also have to figure out a way to avoid unwanted attention or publicity."

"We will probably need to vary the approach to each candidate or group," said Bob. "Let's try, and think this through from the perspective of us being approached and what we would want to hear. This should give us a basis on which to plan."

"Good idea," responded Sam. "We now understand why we were approached the way we were. Amy's group didn't have any alternatives. Now there are some, even though the skills needed are much broader."

"While we are not certain," said Sarah, "we suspect everyone working in space will need to be fully telepathic."

No one said anything for a few moments then Rusty said, "I think it is time for a break so let's get back together on this tomorrow morning."

Everyone nodded their agreement.

As everyone was starting to get up Sally said, "Before you go, starting today at 16:00, I am going to lead martial arts / exercise classes in the exercise room. If there is enough interest there will be a morning class before breakfast. Initially the sessions will be 6 days in a row and then two days off. Participation is limited to no more than every other session, preferably just once a week. I prefer to keep the groups to 10 per instructor. Sign-up sheets will be on a table at lunch."

Sam and Ann then made announcements on what they needed help with. Jessica followed with a schedule for the nursing staff.

Judy said, "With Betsy and Connie unavailable, I will be utilizing Donna's learning system for most of the day in order to become better acquainted with the available medical resources. Fortunately those resources are much more extensive than currently available to humans. I just need to learn more about them."

Sarah said, "The treatments for Amy's Clan began yesterday. During their time in the incubators, they will be unavailable. Once out of the incubators, access will be limited until they have recovered their strength. Currently this is projected to be at about 4 months."

Jessica reported, "We've been informed that Cynthia, Margaret, Barbara, Diane and Carol are progressing as expected. They should be out of the incubators in 2 weeks, then up and about in two to four months. Their standing height will be about the same as Amy's Clan. Their other features are similar to the women in Sarah's Clan. We've offered to assist with their daily exercising."

It was a week later when Nancy said, "Sarah, we've received a lot of responses to the ad for live-in child care. There are 20 that meet our needs and can start immediately."

"When are you going to interview them?"

"We've made arrangements to interview them at a hotel near our place in two days' time."

"Are you going to be able to do all of them in one day?"

"Jessica, Pat and Julia are going with me, so yes. We plan on asking the ones we want to seriously consider coming here for a three day visit."

"It just occurred to me. How are we going to get them here?"

"Jessica told me they flew on a private jet when they went to the other place. So I asked Donna, and she told me that it could be arranged."

"Excuse me," said Donna, "but I heard my name."

"Nancy and I were talking about the upcoming interviews with the nannies. How will we bring them here for their visit?"

"In the past, we've used shuttles to make pickups after dark at private airports. This was because we didn't have the necessary resources to alter their appearance. Now that we have full access to our ship, we don't have that concern but we do want to avoid controlled airspace for now."

"So what will the shuttle look like?"

"Similar to a twin engine business jet. Due to a lack of familiarity with ground crews and air traffic control, we've used remote air fields with virtually no night support. This is something we will likely need to soon change."

"Agreed. It should work for this though. Was this the way we were brought here?"

"Basically, yes."

"What if you picked us up from the estate after dark?" asked Nancy.

"We can do that."

"Okay then I will arrange for our people to meet them and bring them to the estate. After a late dinner there, you can pick us up."

"There will eventually be questions."

"Yes. I think it best to deal with them as they come up."

"True," replied Sarah. "If they leave then this all becomes a dream or the remembrance of a fictional story."

"I heard that proposal earlier," responded Donna. "Will that work?"

"Yes. We can do it if we need to. It won't create issues for them because it just changes their perception of a memory. We won't be able to do that for those who stay here for a significant amount of time. We will likely just ask them not to talk about us after explaining how others would perceive their comments. This needs more thought though."

"Agreed. We are playing it pretty loose, but it is difficult to know how people will react to our unique environment."

Sarah laughed then said, "Yes. It is unique in many ways."

Sarah and her spouses had just finished exercising when they heard Nancy say, "Sarah, are you at a spot where we can talk?"

"Sure. We were just finishing exercising. What's up?"

"We just finished our interviews and have ten excellent candidates. The way we screened them gave us a higher percentage of successful candidates than we anticipated. There are six others that are essentially equal to those we are asking to visit. Actually, the only issue with them was availability due to other commitments."

"Are you saying you found 16 candidates out of a pool of 20?" Her spouses looked at her with a questioning look.

"Yes, we have 16 candidates but the pool was really much larger than the 20 we interviewed. It was pretty close to 100. I didn't realize it until we started the interviews, but semester break starts in a few days. Is it alright to bring all 16 for a visit?"

Sarah looked at her spouses who nodded their agreement then said, "Are they all telepathic?"

"None are what we call active but all have a high level of intuition."


"Are they all students?"

"Yes. They have between 1 and 3 semesters left."

"Okay. Between the four of you can collect them and bring them to a pickup point."

"Shouldn't be a problem. We could get two large vans. Why?"

"We've been talking with Bob and Stan. We think it would be best not to use the estate as the pickup point. See if Al will collect the vans and return them after you leave. This way we can pick you up at another location and not leave much of a trace. We are thinking of using a rest area or roadside park."

"Won't the shuttle look strange in that setting?"

"We are thinking of having it appear as a bus until there is an opportunity to vanish."

"Interesting. Okay. We will call the 16 right now and ask them to meet with us again tomorrow morning. We have internet and cell phone service at the island, correct?"

"Effectively, yes."

"Okay. Talk to you tomorrow."

"Yes. Take care."

While they were talking Sarah and her spouses had taken their showers. "Can we afford to hire all 16?" asked Tara with a worried expression.

"Yes," said Rusty, "by the time we have to expend the money, definitely yes." Tara gave him a puzzled look. "There are a number of asteroids we can mine for rare earths and sell here on Earth. We will need to make sure the trace contamination doesn't match any commercial source. The composition will also need to fit the buyer's perceptions."

"Why?" asked Claudette.

"Intellectual property issues. In a lot of cases you can trace the processing source by the contamination, and many processes are patented. Composition can also indicate where the material was mined."

"So you've dealt with this issue before?"

"Nope, read about it. Jim and Amy have been doing this since they began operating on Earth. They have a warehouse in a remote area and move the material through that. That was the source of funds for the research institute and this island. We will need considerably more of Earth's currency as we grow. So this seems like a good way to achieve that requirement without drawing attention."

It was late morning when Donna said, "Sarah, Nancy called a few minutes ago. She wanted email addresses."

"Have them set up an Internet email account. Gmail would be a good choice. They will need a physical address. For that they could use one of the extra addresses that N&R Security has. You have a connection to the cell phone network, correct?"

"Not an active one at the moment, although we could set one up."

"Perhaps we ought to have them set up a Skype account if they want to call out. It will be less expensive than cell phone."

"Okay. I'll pass that on."

It was right after lunch when Nancy said, "Sarah, we would like a pickup this evening. The ladies all said they could visit us for up to two weeks without any problems. All of them have Internet mail accounts and cell phones were not an issue. None of them have any immediate family. Five have relatives with whom they maintain casual contact."

"Well we have two choices for you. The rest area on I-70 W at mile marker 39 or the Premium Outlet Mall parking lot at exit 29."

"I like the outlet mall as it will give Al some flexibility in picking up the vans. By the way, I told him that all of you were well and having a great time. From his interest and expression, I know that he wanted to know more but he didn't push it. I indicated that we would share more when we felt it was wise."

"We don't have a problem telling him more but it could put him at risk. In what way, we don't know."

"How about 9 PM at the Outlet Mall?"

"We'll be there."

Sarah looked at Rusty and Sally then said, "I guess we should check out the shuttle now."

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Welcome to iWank.tv, a free aggregator website covering a wide array of porn niches. Whatever you feel like wanking off to today, I am pretty sure that iWank.tv will satisfy your needs. This website has it all, from gorgeous MILFs sucking hard younger pricks to slutty amateur chicks getting gangbanged, and everything in-between. It all depends on your personal preference, obviously.Considering in which section you found iWank.tv on TPD, you already know that I am here to talk about the beauty...

Creampie Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Unicorn at Large Part 1 The Unicorn Club

The Unicorn Club By Andy Hollis I kicked a stone along the dirt path and waited for the puffs of dust to clear before I chased it. The path wound its way through the city park and several acres of woods, and I hoped find a little relief from the heat. The air conditioning at school crashed and I had the afternoon off. After brushing trash off a park bench, I sat down and kicked at an old candy wrapper. I sighed and...

3 years ago
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Measuring my cum 4

I didn't feel like going upstairs to wash, so I grabbed a few 'wet & wipe' tissues from a tub we kept in the kitchen, and gave my now limp cock a good clean and wipe over, especially around the tip as I pulled back the foreskin a little.It felt exciting to be naked like this in our kitchen, mom having just wanked me off in here. Then, still in the nude, I walked out of the kitchen, along the hallway, and into our downstairs cloakroom, and flushed the wet tissues I had used to clean myself...

2 years ago
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A Satisfying Afternoon Part 1

    On a Saturday afternoon, Robin and her husband Terry, arrived at her sister Wendy's house for a visit and swim.  In a good mood that day, Wendy decided not to take the medication prescribed by her doctor for anxiety.  For months she had suffered and when truly honest with herself, it was due to her husband Rusty who six months ago, at age forty-eight had suffered a stroke.  There were still limits to his activity including that which went on in their bedroom.  The pills helped improve her...

2 years ago
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Kristen Gets Mary Lou Something Stiff

I came into the living room and Mary Lou had a magazine.“What are you reading?”“I am not reading but looking at pictures. It is a male magazine with a variety of men showing off their penises,” said Mary Lou.“Why on earth are you looking at pictures of dicks when I can get you the real thing?”“It has been so long since I saw one. The boy at home, it was dark in the back seat of his car. I did hold it but could not see it. I pulled on it for a few minutes and he started to scream and then this...

2 years ago
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The night has come to a quiet end. The hostess tastefully turned off the bright chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Only the city of Lights bathes the room now, brushing the thick Persian carpets in soft forgiving shadows.The little silver box in your jacket pocket feels heavy. Thoughtless, you grab a blonde, keep it hanging on your lips. In the dark, the tiny spark of the match is a blinding blaze. You fill your lungs with delightful death. The blueish volutes draw illusive shapes in the air....

3 years ago
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Romancing the Novices

I wrote this sat on a balcony in the Canary Islands sun. It's just a little fun fantasy and not to be taken seriously. The area of Playa where Helen and Tracy have a place does not exist and is based loosely on a lovely development I saw in Puerto Rico. Romancing the Novices. By Trish. The holiday complexes poolside caf?/bar was busy. "Hey love," Amanda whispered to her fianc?e over their breakfast. "Isn't that the woman I was speaking to last night?" Glancing towards whe...

4 years ago
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Corruption of InnocenceChapter 11

"Tomorrow's your birthday. Have you thought about what you want?" asked Andrea. She had bided her time since the night when she and Vickie had watched the tape together, giving the young niece time to think it over. In the meantime, she had made preparations, feeling sure she knew what the girl's decision would be. Andrea had showed Vickie her private collection of videos and encouraged the girl to browse and enjoy any which caught her fancy. While the young girl had tried to act...

2 years ago
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Here is another story I wrote a several years ago. Please excuse any spelling and grammatical errors. The Weekend By Melissa Lowrie It was a Saturday afternoon, nice, sunny, cool, and just after the first week of school. I was at my friend's house playing a video game cartridge he just got, and losing as usual. We were just sitting there playing the game talking about girls as usual. Since we were pretty young neither of us had been out on a real date yet, so we were always...

3 years ago
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The Contractors Full Story Plus a Revisit

Part 1 This story is about the time i got fucked for the first but not the last time. Dad decided it was time to make our house bigger so i could use the attic to play in with friends and they could use as storage, dad had made it big in the world of construction he was the head of the building team and he had some multimillion dollar contracts he had built several large office buildings and some mansions for the exceedingly rich and he was well payed for building them their dream homes. A...

3 years ago
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Velvets Sweet StallionChapter 10

"Oh mother, let me suck some of that thing, you're hogging it." There was only room for one person to fit comfortably in the bottom chamber of the horse-fucking instrument. Arabella had seized upon the moment before Velvet. She had to watch as her mother sucked her precious Vulcan. It had become a regular thing. At a small price Arabella had purchased the contraption from Madame Velda. The condition was that she was never to tell another living soul about it. Velda had lied just a...

2 years ago
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Renaissance at Greygarth House Part Six

Ron lifted the duvet cover very carefully so that he could feast his eyes on Alison’s still sleeping body. With some regret he reminded himself that they were going to try and abstain from sex for two days; then together unleash a sensual and sexual tsunami of lust on Jane when she returned. He slipped from the bed, as quietly as he could, and went to make a pot of tea. When he returned five minutes later he found that Alison was almost awake. “Good morning darling wife,” said Ron softly. “I...

4 years ago
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Pleasure With New Friend In Train

This story is about my sex experience with a girl whom I met first time in my life when I was going back to delhi last month. We were traveling from duronto express which goes from Bangalore directly to delhi. Well the girl about I’m about to share my experience is kavita she is 22 years old super sexy with great figure of 34 25 36 and very fair in color almost pinkish white colour of body skin. Well in other words you all can imagine a perfect dream girl after seeing whom anyone’s dick would...

4 years ago
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Lost Empire 200

Derrick pulled Hartwell aside a few hours later, "What did your command say about all the proof that we provided them?" "That's the thing," Hartwell answered, "after I relayed most of it, they told me to maintain radio blackout. I guess they are also afraid that command has been inundated with spies. I had always thought that command was the one place that wouldn't have spies," here Hartwell shrugged, "guess I was wrong." "I was afraid of that; these bastards have had quite...

1 year ago
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Family Whores Never ending affair chapter1

“Oh yes, fuck me like a whore,” I screamed when my perverted, dirty, little brother, Mike, pushed his cock deep in my pussy and pulled my hair. We had just arrived to our beach house this afternoon, and he was fucking me second time in a row. It had been two years of my marriage but it could never end between me and my brother. Sorry, let me start telling from where it began. It was Sunday afternoon. I was in my bedroom with my mother and we were just checking everything we bought that day. For...

1 year ago
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Everything Is Coming Up Milhouse

EVERYTHING IS COMING UP MILHOUSE Milhouse pushed back from the work desk, stretched his back, and twisted his neck from one side to the other. The clock above the lab room door read 7:37, Friday night. He imagined everyone else on campus out and about: drinking at bars, going to the movies, getting ready for dates or to go out to the clubs. Having fun. "Oh well," he sighed. It was a long path to get here. First a year spent in Juvie thanks to "his best friend" Bart. Then three years...

2 years ago
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Whoopsies Chapter 3

Whoopsies, Chapter 3 ? By: Beverly Taff By the end of that school year, my breasts had grown quite full. My child- sized 22-inch chest now sported a splendid pair of C cup breasts with exquisitely sensitive nipples. With such a small child?s chest, it was impossible to disguise my adult breasts for they stuck right out from my narrow chest. I always received some curious stares when Mummy Jones took Pauline and me out to the mall. The sight of such a splendid pair of breasts on...

3 years ago
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The Fabulous Secksewell Family

“Oh! Do that again Michael,” groaned Kay Secksewell, her head lolling sideways to peer down her sinuous body as she tapped on his shoulder. She lay on the silk sheets, manicured nails gripping them, long blonde hair layered over the pillow, sunlight catching the sparkling diamond studs in her ears. She felt the same exciting ripple as he stuck out his tongue that flicked at the cavity of her capacious vagina. Kay’s eyes flickered in ecstasy as the combined effect of Michael’s tongue and her...

4 years ago
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Disco NightsChapter 3

Pregnant? I just stared at her in disbelief! Could this get any worse? Wouldn't this ever end? Slowly I said, "What makes you think that?" "I'm almost three weeks late for my period. And I have been sick and throwing up almost every morning for the last week." I just kept looking at her. She waited, her eyes darting all around but not looking me in the face. Finally she blurted out, "Aren't you going to say anything?" I just shook my head, "Congratulations I guess, so who's the...

2 years ago
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Heavy Traffic Ch 04

Sean and Mickey continued to discuss their tactics for the rescue as Amanda checked Sean’s e-mail and noticed a new message from Bryce Pierre. ‘Bryce Pierre has sent out an e-mail,’ she told Sean. Do you want me to read it to you?’ ‘Yeah, let’s see what he had to say.’ Amanda started reading aloud, ‘To: All employees of Wallace Enterprises From: Bryce Pierre – Attorney at Law Subject: Insubordination As the legal representative for Wallace Enterprises and its owner Sean Wallace, I have...

1 year ago
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Daughters Pleasure Moms Punishment

Well I want us to he laid side by side on the edge of a bed. Both of us with our hands cuffed to our sides Our legs cuffed by the ankles to bars holding them wide open and in the air. As ropes are used to keep our hips from moving maybe a few inches to each side as we prep our minds and bodies for the train we are about to experience together. As the first two men walk in. A muscular toned white man and a huge body building black man with a very noticeable bulge in his shorts as the room is...

2 years ago
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Young WolvesChapter 10

Jenifer and Beth rushed to Cameron's fallen form, and fell to the ground beside him. He lay unmoving on the forest floor; face buried in the leaves and grass. Together, they rolled him over onto his back, and he immediately gagged spitting a gout of blood into the air. The blood splattered onto Jenifer and Beth. "Oh God, he's hurt bad," Beth cried, "Jen, what do we do?" Her voice echoed with panic and desperation. "He's bleeding inside and choking on his own blood. We've got to...

2 years ago
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Me With Beautiful Aunt

Hi friends, myself goutham from Hyderabad. Please give comments to my email i’d after reading story.Hmmm coming to story i want to explain in telugu language . Naa peru goutham nenu b.Tech mechanical engineering complete chaysanu hyderabad lo naku sex ante pichi maa heigh 5.8 and weight 75 kgs and looks like a mass boy.Hmmm now story begins nenu chepe story lo oka aunty peru anjali thanu naku train lo parichayam chudadaniki average ga vuntundi superb structure chudagane na cock lechi...

3 years ago
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The Role Exchanger 2

This story was written as a serial over the period of several months. The Role Exchanger 2 By Morpheus Part 1 It was a nice Saturday in the quiet suburban neighborhood, with the people who lived there going about their normal business. There was nothing to break the usual peace and calm... until now. There was a strange flickering in the very air as a glowing blue ball of light slowly moved across the sky above. Reality itself seemed to rippled around the alien entity... Then...

2 years ago
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She wanted something different I gave it to her

I carefully pull my car into the address she gave me, not wanting to wake her up. She gave me her address last weekend and I told her to leave her back door unlocked for the next three days and that I would surprise her one evening while she was asleep. She told me not on the third day because her husband would be back in town. So of course I chose that day. It's now 1:04 a.m. on the the third day, and I am slowly sneaking up the stairs trying to find her bedroom. I finally find it, across from...

2 years ago
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Dripping Oil

Tom made me do stuff again today. Tom's my brother-in-law. I live with him and my sister pam in their appartment now. I use to have my own house, but tom said I would move in with them now! It's just a sugestion really, not an order... I don't HAVE to do everything tom tells me to. You see, I'm much better off than pam is, financially speaking, not to be a snob or anything, and since I make more at the firm in one month than tom makes in a whole YEAR as a mechanic!!! I confess, i'm a...

2 years ago
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It Started With Frank Madeski

Frank Madeski shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He wasn't feeling very well. The truth was, he hadn't been feeling well for a few days. 'Damn! I hope I'm not coming down with something! If I am, sure hope it passes soon. I don't have time to be sick!' he thought. Frank looked around the near empty bar. He knew that it was early yet, and it wouldn't be long before the regulars began filling in. Happy hour was only a half an hour away. He didn't know why, but it suddenly bothered him...

3 years ago
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There and BackChapter 40 Dazed and Confused

I agreed to give Dariel some time to think about his options, and headed back to the fire. Alistair tried to hold me in his lap, but plate isn't very comfortable for sitting on, and my butt was soon numb. Despite that, I could feel myself drifting off to sleep with every lull in the conversation, and even Alistair looked a bit droopy. Zevran and Leliana had gone back to sleep in their respective tents, and I talked Alistair into joining me in ours for a nap. He reluctantly removed his armour...

3 years ago
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Sweet Revenge Chapter 7

Aren't you going to do my legs too?" She asked.Once again I poured a rather generous helping of lotion and began to rub it up and down and finally on the inside of her thighs. Obviously she'd been waiting for that, and as I moved up the inside of her leg, close, but certainly no where's near touching her sex, she closed her legs tightly together effectively capturing my hand.She began to move herself against me then, making sure I was well aware of her heat and the moisture that I suddenly...

1 year ago
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Nina aunty Part 3

100% fiction! hi friends this is sundhar again, i would like to share my new fucking with my aunt and her friend. while my studies were going well and my life was going superb fucking with my aunt. i was enjoying a lot with her. and one day i was taking bath alone and after that i went to see my aunt naked but at that time my aunt's friend was there chatting with my aunt and when i saw her i felt embarrassed and went inside. then my aunt came inside and told that" my friend needs your help she...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 8 StephieChapter 82 It Never Ceases to Amaze Me Part II

December, 1983, Milford, Ohio “No I do not have ANY explaining to do,” I replied firmly. “What, if anything, is happening between your sister and me is between us. You have NOTHING to say about it.” “Bullshit!” Joyce spat. “I know her games. You don’t. You’re being used. And she’s scheming against me to boot.” “Whatever your problem with Connie is, it’s between the two of you. Leave me out of it.” “You’re right in the middle of it. Once you went to bed with her, you put yourself right in...

3 years ago
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Sacking Kings Landing

{[email protected] test=1}This story works only in game mode. Please activate. It has also been recently reorganized, so I would appreciate it if you kept track of your decisions and let me know if any path leads to wrong outcomes. Thank you!{endif} The city walls appeared through the misty haze of the late afternoon. Robb Stark, King in the North and of the Trident, the Young Wolf, the King who saved the North, rode at the head of his host. 2,000 cavalry, not enough to fight any battles, but...

2 years ago
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From Jenny to Mei Ch 09

I hope you enjoy this chapter but you might wish to start from chapter 1. Please remember to vote, comment and send me some feedback. Thanks ‘John’ & ‘Jim’ for the editing! ***** Philip had a script running on his computer that identified a change in pixels from her camera and beeped if the image altered. So when Mei Chun entered her bedroom, he was alerted by his computer. He got a drink, opened a window to watch her and opened her TextEdit program. ‘Good evening, Mei. Have fun with...

4 years ago
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Target Achieved 8211 Deepthi

Hi friends,my name is SAM. This is my 3rd story in ISS, I got a lot of emails for my previous 2 stories, but after that I lost access to my ISS account and was not able to submit any stories. After a long time I’m back with my new story which happened in my New company where I fucked a lady named Deepthi. She was a little dusky and chubby. Her stats are 34-30-36. This is the story how I fucked her in her flat. Deepthi was my mentor when I joined newly in the company. At first, I had no sexual...

3 years ago
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Chocolate and Gold Ch 02

Savannah and I had dinner at the Hotel Azur, but when I thought she wanted to head out to a well-known local nightclub, she surprised me again. ‘Harry … would you be upset if we stayed here tonight? I would really like to get to know you better, and I can’t think of a better way than if we go up to my room and … talk.’ The implication was obvious. Mrs. Zheng didn’t raise any stupid kids, so naturally, I did the only responsible thing. ‘Should I get some condoms first?’ She laughed out...

1 year ago
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Roses Story

This is fiction based around the fact that in the real world guys like the Martin I describe do exist. Ladies beware, or make the most of it! One evening Sylvia was taken aside by her Aunt Rose. They were alone. Rose didn’t beat about the bush. “You are a very attractive 17 year old.” “Thank you,” Sylvia replied cautiously, for she had an inkling that a reproof was on its way. “Rather as I was, once upon a time. Now I’m sure you will do your own thing regardless of anything I say but at...

2 years ago
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Wifes First Threesome

One night, my wife asked me what my wildest sexual fantasy was. I often fantasized about what it would be like to share my wife with another guy or watch, while a well hung stud and another woman pleasure my wife. I wasn’t sure how she would react but I told her anyway. Initially, she seemed surprised and shocked, but she asked me to describe the details of my fantasy. As I elaborated, Linda grabbed my hand and put it between her legs. Her drenched pussy was clear evidence that she was as...

First Time

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