BillyChapter 3: Visiting Pittsburgh free porn video

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My thoughts were put on hold when I pulled into the driveway of the two story frame house that would always be part of my memory of my dad. I had grown up here and I had nothing but fond memories of my childhood. Mom and dad were the center of my universe and they were always there for me. I learned early on growing up that it was always best to confide in them with anything that bothered me. They seemed to be full of good advice and could make the best of times better and the worst of times bearable. The only bad memory was mom getting sick. She fought to stay with us for three years after the doctors diagnosed her cancer but finally died. I was twenty three at the time and while I was devastated, dad was almost destroyed. It took him several years to recover and I believe that since then, he was just marking time till he could join her. But she would be furious at him if he had just given up. He knew it too so he stayed.

Now it seemed that his time had come fair and square. He had cancer and the doctors had tried everything but couldn't stop it from metastasizing. He was classed as terminal about fifteen months ago and fought the good fight since then. I had visited him on several occasions during my trips to Pittsburgh and we had made our peace with each other. Now he was ready to go and wanted to join my mother. I didn't blame him and gave him my blessing to let go when he felt it was time. I just asked him to let me be there. Mary called when he told her it was time.

I went into the house to find dad sitting at the kitchen table waiting for me. Mary was nowhere to be found and when I asked, he told me he sent her home to be with her husband. She knew I was on the way so she went willingly. But I was shocked at his appearance. He was pale, thin and his face showed shadows around the mouth and eyes. He was wasting away and I was taken by surprise. It had only been two months since I had seen him last. The change was remarkable.

"Hi son. How're you doing? I think Mary left something to eat in the fridge. Want me to heat something up?"

"I'm fine Dad. I ate on the plane and it will take a while to get that out of my system. You look... well, different. I'm glad Mary called. Do you really think it might be almost time?"

"I think so son. I'm ready to go find your momma. I know she'll be waiting for me and I know she'll forgive me if I go pretty soon."

An outsider might be surprised by our conversation to this point, but since we had had this conversation before, it was not surprising to me that he went right to the heart of the matter. Dad was not one for political correctness. He told it like it was and it was his time. He knew it and so did I. We just wanted to be sure we both were ready for it and comfortable with it. I was heartbroken at the possibility of losing my father, my best friend and my confidant. He had been with me during all of my tragedies including the death of my first wife. He had been there during my breakup with Billy and he was especially upset by that one. He was fond of my first wife but he really loved Billy and the feeling was mutual.

"Let's just wait till we have some time to talk. It's late and you should be getting to bed. I'm still on Denver time so I think I'll make a couple of calls and then hit the sack myself. Can you make it to bed or do you want some help?"

"When I can't get myself in and out of bed, I'll just stay there. I'm fine and welcome home son."

With that, he walked down the hall to his bedroom and I watched him go with a heavy heart. It was one thing not to be surprised or shocked by his weakness but quite another to accept it without sadness. I just promised him I wouldn't embarrass him by showing it.

The first person I called was Mary, to let her know I was here and that I would be for the next few days at least. We chatted for awhile and I hung up, thinking that she had been a good friend to all of us. I wanted to make a couple more calls but realized the time difference and finally put my phone away and went into the small living room to sit on the couch and just unwind. I was exhausted by everything and just wanted some quiet time. I was more exhausted than I realized when the next thing I noticed was the sun coming in the window and the sound of the tea kettle in the kitchen.

I found dad in the kitchen making coffee. He wasn't supposed to be drinking it but since Mary wasn't there to check on him, he took advantage of me and my jet lag sleeping to have himself a cup. He just grinned at me when I came in.

"Don't bother boy. I'm old enough to have myself a cup of coffee. After all it ain't gonna kill me. Cancer's gonna do that. Fix yourself a cup and sit down."

"I'm not going to yell at you pop. And you're right. It isn't going to make any difference now anyway."

So we sat there in the kitchen drinking coffee and talking. Talking about things we hadn't talked about in years. It was catch up time and we both knew it was going to be the last time for us. It was bittersweet but precious to me. As I watched him talk, I wondered how he could be so calm, knowing the pain he was in. The doctor had given him morphine but he wouldn't use it until the pain finally drove him to it. This morning was no exception.

"So, tell me about your life there in Denver. You met anyone yet? It's been almost five years for you now ain't it? Man can't go that long without wantin a good woman."

"It's been just over five years for me and no, I haven't found a good woman. Met a lot of women, and dated quite a few more but none were what I might call 'good women' if you know what I mean. I'm not looking for a permanent relationship right now so casual is good enough for me."

"Don't make no sense to me. You're a good looking man if I do say so and you need a good woman to help you in your work and in your bed. Don't know why you can't find one. Damn shame if you ask me."

"Don't worry about that now, pop. You just worry about taking care of yourself. You aren't going to die tomorrow so you just relax and enjoy the time we have together. Any thing you want to do while I'm here?"

"Nothing I want to do but die in peace. Something you and Mary won't let me do."

We just sat there for a few minutes, the only sound the ticking of the wall clock that I gave mom one year for Christmas. Still worked.

"She stops in to see me at least once a week you know."

"I thought Mary was in every day. Have you been making her life miserable so she'll stay away?"

"Don't mean Mary. I mean Billy. Billy stops in at least once a week to see me. Has for the last two, three years. Always brings me something sweet to eat like chocolate or sugar candies of some kind. Mary don't know she brings it."

It was like a jolt of electricity going through me. The mention of her name was all it took to make me react. After all these years, I never thought of her here with my dad. I never thought of her or her new life at all. I fought for years to drive any thought of her out of my life. Memories of our past, things we did and places we had been. Never!

"Why would you let her in here? Why would she come to see you? I don't understand that at all. You know what she did to me. Why would you do that?"

"Didn't do anything to me. I always liked that girl. And she liked me. So she comes to keep me company. That's more than you do. Just visit once in a while. Sometimes only a phone call when you're in town. Billy comes without fail, every week. Brings me sweets too."

I had no answer to that. Of course it was his business. She was coming to see him and I knew that she always had a fondness for dad. She loved him more that her own dad. I knew that. Why hadn't I considered that she would visit him? I guess it never crossed my mind that Billy had a life of her own after our divorce. I really never thought of her at all in those terms.

Mark had mentioned her only once to me after I moved to Denver. That was on a trip back for business. We had been working together in the conference room when we stopped for a while to get some drinks and sandwiches. We were not friends anymore but we did work well together and that was all I permitted. But we had been getting along better so he must have felt he could take the chance.

"Have you spoken to Billy since your divorce?"

The mention of her name from his mouth caused my stomach to burn and my blood to boil. I tried with success to keep my mouth shut but I couldn't stand to look at him just then. So, controlling my anger, I walked out of the room and went down the hall to the restroom. I leaned over the sink and splashed cold water on my face until I calmed. I let my breathing slow and my anger cool.

I walked back into the room and without any reference to his comment started back on the subject we had been discussing. Mark was smart enough to keep his mouth shut and we continued on as if the whole thing hadn't happened. He never mentioned her again in my presence.

I slowly sipped my coffee while I tried to get some control over my emotions. I looked over at dad and he was smiling. He knew what he had done to me and it gave him some pleasure. So fine, it was good for him and I could take it.

"I didn't know she was coming over. I'm glad then. She always did like you, a whole lot more than she liked me. It's good then and I'm glad."

"I didn't need your permission anyway but I'm glad to see you can be calm about it. Want to know anything about her life here?"

"Not really. It's none of my business. She must have her own life now. I wish her nothing but the best. But it's none of my business."

Dad laughed at that. He knew I was dying to know what she was doing and how she was getting along. I don't know what I wanted to hear. Was she happy? Was she miserable? After five years she had to have a whole new life. Was it better than mine?

"Well then. She's workin now you know. She teaches fifth graders at that school over in Bridgeville. Been there going on four years now. Got her credits after the divorce and went back to teaching. Says she loves it."

I knew she had a degree and a teaching certificate but all she wanted to do when we were married was stay at home and go to her stupid meetings. Anything for attention. In the divorce, I had left her well off. Well enough not to have to work. I left her the house and paid it off so she wouldn't have a mortgage. And I set up generous alimony payments even though my lawyer had a fit about it. But I did it anyway.

"She told me she had a place close to where you used to live. It's a townhouse, a one bedroom townhouse. She sold the big house you know. Since you left it to her, she sold it: moved out almost right after you left. She rented the townhouse for a while until the big house sold and then she bought it."

That was news to me. I left it to her in the divorce because she always loved that house, and I had no desire to ever see it again. My lawyer told me that there were no further obligations on the house so I assumed she would stay there. Live there with her new lover or even Mark for that matter. I just didn't want to know.

"I guess she got married? Mark maybe? After the divorce, she would have been free to date whoever she wanted and someone as beautiful as her had to hook someone right away. Anyone I know?"

Dad just grinned at me. He knew he had me hooked now and he was enjoying it immensely. Actually, I was happy to give him this perverse pleasure.

"No husband, no boyfriend, no lovers. After you left, she never dated anyone. At least that's what Mary tells me. Seems Mary knows her mom and dad pretty good and she tells me they worry about her. Won't date and won't see any men. Has a few women friends but no men friends at all."

I was becoming agitated and I wanted this conversation to end. It gave me too much information, information I didn't want or need, information that I soaked up like a sponge. I took my coffee, got up and went outside to get away without giving dad the satisfaction of seeing the turmoil roiling in my chest. Billy working, living simply, not dating and coming to visit like a typical daughter in law. Too much too fast and nothing like I expected. It was all wrong! This isn't how it was supposed to be!

It was almost lunch time when I finally went back in. I had walked around the neighborhood for hours, just wandering without purpose while my head simply refused to forget again: refused to go back to that blessed ignorance. Billy was back in my head and she wouldn't go away. She wouldn't go back into that corner of my mind that she had occupied for the past five years. The fact was that I never stopped loving her. In spite of what she did, the love didn't die: it just retreated in the face of the possibility of her hurting me again. That I couldn't take. That was enough to force the love into the background.

Dad was sleeping when I looked in on him. I didn't like the color of his skin or the way he was breathing. I checked his supply of morphine and found he hadn't used any since yesterday. He had to be in pain and I suffered for him. When he woke, we would have to talk. He couldn't go on this way. The pain was stressing his heart and he needed the relief.

I fixed a light lunch for us and had it ready when he woke. I took a tray in to him but he pushed it away.

"I'll eat at my own table like always. If I can't, I'll stop eating!"

So I helped him in and let him sit down in has usual place. I sat the sandwich in front of him and a glass of his favorite iced tea. He took some tea but hardly touched the sandwich. After watching him pick at the fool, I spoke.

"Dad you have to let me give you an injection. You're in pain and it's too much for your heart. Please, if you don't want to take it for yourself, do it for me. I need more time with you. I don't want to see you go and mom wouldn't like it either, and you know it."

"Your mother understands. She's waitin for me, but you're right. We need more time. There's something her and me still want from you. So, get the damn needle and let's do it. Just half the dosage, understand? Just 15 ccs and no more."

I rose and got the syringe and filled it to the mark he indicated, then added a little more. It was about half the amount recommended by his doctor, but at least it was something. I took it to the kitchen, wiped his arm with the alcohol pad and gave him the shot. I had been instructed on the procedure some time ago by Mary in case she was unable to come. I watched the pain ease slightly from his face as the drug took immediate effect. Some color came back into his face and he visibly relaxed. As did I. Soon after he asked me to help him to bed since the medicine made him so tired. He slept for the best part of the afternoon.

It had been three days since I arrived and dad was getting weaker by the day. As we talked, it was clear that he was loosing his will to live. After that one conversation, he didn't mention Billy again for which I was both glad and a little disappointed. But it was clear to me that he was waiting for something. I didn't know if I was supposed to do something for him or what. I asked him on several occasions what it was he wanted me to do but he just shook his head and refused to talk.

Mary had stopped several times but saw that I had things under control so she stayed only a short time. Once or twice she brought over something to eat but dad ate little and I found my appetite lacking. The strain was becoming heavy and I had to do something to get my mind off of him. I decided to drive into town and check with Mark on some things that I had implemented some time ago. While I was technically on vacation, it wouldn't hurt. I asked Mary to cover for me and she came over to let me go. That was the only time I left his side.

As I was preparing his lunch a day later, I heard a knock on the door and expecting Mary, I hollered for her to come in. I heard the door open and then nothing more. I spoke without turning.

"I'm just fixing lunch Mary. Want anything?"

"It's not Mary. I'm sorry; I didn't realize you were here. I'll leave."

The sound of that voice brought so much back so quickly that the shock was almost enough to give me a heart attack. It was Billy! I had never forgotten her voice and I would have recognized it anyplace. I remained with my back to her while I caught my breath. I finally felt enough in control to turn and face her.

"No, please. He'll want to see you. He's spoken of your visits often. Please, stay."

She was more beautiful than I remembered. She had cut her long blond hair to almost a cap on her head. It seemed to bring out her deep blue eyes and her firm lips. She had strong cheekbones and an oval face that gave her a pixie-like appearance. She had on a plain white blouse tucked into a pair of jeans that fit rather loosely on her frame. She appeared to have lost some weight and it looked good on her. The expression on her face was one of apology and embarrassment.

"Thank you. I'll not stay long. I just want to see him and give him something."

As she walked around me to go into the small family room, I followed her with my eyes. I couldn't take my eyes off her. This was the first time I had seen or spoken to her since the day I left for Denver. I wasn't sure of my reaction. I searched for the anger and the pain but found it gone. It had disappeared over the last five years and the past was just that: forgotten and put to rest. I didn't know how to take that. As I stood there confused and trying to understand my reaction, she came out of the room.

She walked over to the table and leaned on the back of one of the chairs. She looked shaken.

"He was asleep so I just left his gift. To see him this way almost breaks my heart. He's going fast isn't he? Has he been taking his morphine? He looks in pain."

"He won't take it. It makes him so tired and he just wants to stay awake for the time he has left. I have given him a couple close to bed time and he sleeps good. That's all he'll accept. He's ready to go and it's what he wants.

"It has to be hard on you to watch him this way. Isn't Mary coming over? She could give you some relief."

"I'm fine. This is what I want. What we both want. I knew what I would find when I came home. It's his time and he knows it. He wants to go to my mother. That's what he's looking toward."

For some reason I broke down at that point. I don't know why it happened with Billy there but for some reason, her presence let me pour it all out. I just sank down onto the chair, my head between my arms on the table and cried. Deep breath catching sobs. I felt like a baby, unable to stop and unable to catch my breath. My shoulders were heaving and the pain of his impending death was almost more than I thought I could bear. I didn't remember when she put her arms around me but as I calmed down and the sobs subsided, I felt her cheek pressed against my head and her arms around my shoulders.

I raised my head and she immediately let me go. I saw that she had been crying as well. Her eyes were red and unshed tears made her eyes glisten. The grief was real as was the compassion I saw in her eyes. For some reason it embarrassed me. She must have seen that on my face and mistaken it for anger or disgust.

"I'm sorry. I have to go. Please give Edward my love when he wakes."

Before I could say anything, she was gone.

For a long time after she left, I sat there trying to get some idea of what I was feeling. It had been a shock to see her after all this time and a greater shock for the feeling of security she gave me to let myself go that way. Whatever it was, I was taken completely by surprise. I needed time to think but these conditions were not conducive to objectivity.

As I sat there, dad came walking slowly into the kitchen. He looked around apparently searching for Billy because he had a small bag of candy in one hand.

"She left this for me. Is she gone already? Did you make her leave? Damn you! Did you do that?"

"I didn't make her leave. She just said to give you her love and she left. That's all. I didn't say anything to make her not want to stay. I just think it was a surprise to see me here and that was too much for her. That's all it was."

"Well? How do you feel about seein her again? Was it OK? Did she look the same? I've been waitin for you two to get back together you know. That's what I've been waitin for. Since you let her go, I guess you're too damn stubborn to do the right thing. Damn shame, if you ask me."

Without another word he sat down to eat his sandwich of cheese and a bowl of tomato soup to go with it. While he didn't eat much, it was something. I guess her visit was enough to get him to take some food. I was grateful. We didn't talk much that day but I did tell him that I spoke to her and that she looked wonderful. That seemed to cheer him up.

Two short days later, he was gone. I went in to check on him that morning and found him lying peacefully on his bed with his hands holding the small bag of candy she had left. He went easily and for that I was grateful. I sat there, holding his hand, saying my private goodbyes. I was sad, but at the same time happy he had gone on to see mom. I know it's what he wanted and what he had dreamed of the last year. I took the little bag, tucked it in his shirt pocket and made him presentable before calling the funeral home. I called Mary to let her know and together we took care of the arrangements.

The funeral was held on a Friday morning and included a simple service by the local minister. His predecessor had married my parents and he had baptized me. Now he was completing the cycle. Since dad wanted to be cremated, the ceremony was completed at the church. I stood outside on the steps with the minister, taking the condolences of his friends. There seemed to be a great many of them, most strangers to me. Friends of his and my mother made over a lifetime. I accepted their words and tried to say something to each. After what seemed to be hours, it was over.

I went back inside to speak to the minister and thank him for a fine service. We shared a word or two and then I went back outside, heading toward the parking lot. As I reached the bottom of the stairs, I looked over to see her waiting. I was surprised at the pleasure her presence caused. She was dressed in a dark blue suit with a single white carnation in her lapel. She wore no hat or scarf and her short blond hair seemed to shine in the morning sun. She looked as sad as I felt.

"Hello Stuart. I'm so very sorry."

"Hello Billy. I'm glad you could be here. There is something I wanted to tell you. He died holding the bag of candy you left for him, and he spoke of you before he died. Your visits meant a great deal to him and for that reason, to me as well."

I heard the catch in her throat at my words and I was not surprised to see the tears start to fall. The closeness of these two was still a surprise to me, but one I was willing to accept as having been of great importance to dad. The genuine love between them was real and apparent.

"Thank you for that. He meant a great deal to me as well. He has been my best friend for the past several years even though I could only come once a week. But I looked forward to it and I'll miss him terribly.

I didn't know what else to say so I just stood there, waiting to see if she was going to say more. After a few moments, I finally started to move toward my car when she spoke.

"Stuart? Would it be possible for you to give me some time before you leave? There are some things I would like to say if you could. Not something important to you, but very much so to me. It's something I promised your father."

"Of course. Maybe we could have dinner tonight or tomorrow night? I'm going back Sunday. My flight is booked for early Sunday morning."

Why I was so ready to see her when she suggested it I couldn't say. It just popped out. But now it was done so I had to make the best of it.

"Tomorrow is best for me. Can I meet you somewhere? Anywhere you suggest is fine with me."

"Actually I would like to go to Maxim's if it's still there. I always liked that place. Is that alright?"

"Maxim's is fine and yes it's still there and still popular. You should call for reservations. Things have changed since you left."

"7:00 then? At Maxim's."

I moved away to my car before I could say anything else. This was all happening so fast. First seeing her just five days ago after all those years, and now going out to dinner with her. But she said it was something she promised my dad so I really had no choice. At least that's what I told myself. As I pulled out to head back to dad's place, I saw her still standing there at the base of the stairs watching me.

I was sitting at a table near the window at 6:45. I had gotten there early because I wanted to compose myself and get the upper hand. If I was there, cool and collected when she came in, I would be more comfortable while she would be trying to settle down. Point to me. As I considered this, I wondered what kind of game I was playing. This was her meeting and she had full control. I was just along for the ride, or so I told myself.

As I was trying to fool myself with these platitudes, she came in. She had on a simple black dress that came just above her knees. She had on low heels and her legs were simply beautiful. As my eyes moved up her body, clearly more trim than when we were married, I saw that she had on a single strand gold chain with matching gold earrings. Her hair was brushed to a golden sheen and her face was beautiful, needing very little makeup to enhance her natural coloring. One of her gifts was the natural golden tone of her skin. She had many eyes, both men and women, following her as she was led to my table.

As I waited for the waiter to bring her to my table, I thought of the difference time had made in Billy. The old Billy would have worn the same black dress but it would have been much shorter and it would have been tailored to follow the curves of her body. The neckline would have been cut deeper, her jewelry would have been more pretentious and her hair would have been long and wavy, emphasizing her face and the long graceful neck. Her makeup would have been heavier around the eyes and lips. Her heels would have been much higher to accent her calves. The new Billy was far more impressive.

I rose as the waiter seated her. She slipped gracefully into the chair and smiled up at me. Her smile was still the same: devastating!

"Please Stuart, sit down. You'll make me nervous standing there."

I sat, forgetting my intended calm and fighting for control.

"You look very nice tonight. You've lost weight. It looks very good on you."

"Thanks. I do go to the gym twice a week when I have the time. There's one close to where I live. It's a woman's gym, only girls allowed."

"Well, it's working. I was surprised when pop told me you sold the house and moved into a townhouse. I thought you loved that house. You couldn't wait till we could buy it when you first saw it."

"I saw no reason to stay there after the divorce. It was too big and had too many memories. Most of them were good but the bad were enough to make it hard to keep. I didn't think you would mind since you left it to me."

"Of course not. I was just surprised. I didn't know, that's all."

"Can we have dinner first and just try to catch up a little before I get serious? I'd like to hear about your life in Denver. How are you doing there? Do you like it as much as you thought you would?"

We ordered dinner, a steak for me and fish for her and we did exactly that. We caught up. I told her about Denver, my apartment, my job and some things about my life. I told her that I had been so busy I hadn't had much time for meeting anyone but that things might change in the near future. I didn't mention the promotion I expected and the possible move back to the area. I did find myself talking a great deal and I was childishly pleased at the attention she was giving me. She had never been a good listener in the past and this was a big change for her. It made me talk a lot more than I intended.

We finished our dinner and were waiting for dessert when I remembered that I knew nothing about her. I had been doing all the talking and it was time for her.

"Enough about me. Tell me about you and what you've been doing."

She smiled and looked away. She was quiet for a minute before turning back to me.

"I've been growing up. I've been trying very hard to become an adult. A responsible adult."

That was all she said. Nothing about her life, her job, her new place, nothing but 'I've been growing up.' What the hell did that mean?

"I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to say. What do you mean, grow up? Surely you don't want me to believe you were a child before. Your behavior was certainly adult."

"No it wasn't. I behaved like a willful child. Even before I met you and married you, I behaved like a spoiled, selfish child. Everything I did was childish. With you it was the house, the car, the jewelry, the clothes. Nothing but selfish pride and the betrayal was a simple childish temper tantrum. Nothing more than that."

Same as Billy
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A sequel to Entertaining a Foreign Guest This is a sequel to 'Entertaining a Foreign Guest' and will make more sense if it is read after the initial story. It has been written at the request of a few fans, although the result might not necessarily be how some of them might have envisaged. "Guess what, Grant" an excited Jan asked me as I came through the front door at the end of a busy day at work. Kissing my wife first and then our two young children, I asked tiredly "can't, so why...

4 years ago
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274 Visiting a Yorkshire lady. Pt2 They sat talking most of the afternoon, filling in the inevitable gaps while they had the time together reinforced by sandwiches and her home-made cake. She pealed spuds, and prepared vegetables, for the main meal of the day, as they sat surrounded by the smell of a steak and k**ney pudding in the oven. He fetched a bottle of wine from the car, a present for Sharon, and some beer for Mark and himself, while he was away Mary slipped away and returned in a...

3 years ago
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The Witches come visiting on Halloween

Halloween Night The Witches Come Visiting on HalloweenAn erotic fable By Alfamann Part 1  It was the evening of Halloween and 33 year old Rachel sat alone in front of her television. As she glanced outside through the lounge window of her small, one bedroom Annapolis apartment she could see the sun beginning to set on yet another day. She felt thoroughly miserable. In fact, she didn?t think she had ever felt more alone and miserable in her whole life. Her 12 year marriage had broken up...

2 years ago
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The Visiting Professor

Wednesday afternoon. Sigh. She knew she would miss having the Thursday afternoon workout session. It had been a nonstop day, but she was finishing up and could go home soon. Alone in the building, she was startled to hear the back door open. Probably a student coming to use the computer lab. But a minute later, someone knocked on her door. “Sorry to drop by without calling. I saw your car here so decided to stop. Hope that’s okay.” “Of course.” She and he had talked about 6 times that day...

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I arrived in Newcastle, at about five o'clock in the evening, and had decided that I would look for a bed and breakfast accommodation for the two nights I intended to spend there. My appointment was for 9.30 following morning but I had not planned on going out that evening. I drove down the row of terraced houses. The houses were fairly large, probably three-bedroom, and then I saw the sign I was looking for. In a window was small card saying, B & B. I parked the car and walked to the...

3 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 1 Visiting Allan

Sparky kicked up a stink about being left at home. Lee told Sparky straight out she had too many responsibilities to go haring off to different continents to socialise. Sean and Lee had taken the faeries home from Clarksville to find a village full of babies. Muirin and Ide had both managed twins. Muirin had sons and Ide had daughters. Searc, Feme and Taillte all had sons. Faeries are a communal clan. If a baby cried and a woman had milk, it was fed. Sparky’s three daughters soon had lots...

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Visiting a prison

Some months ago I had started chatting online with a young man. His screen name was Big Joe. In the beginning our mails were purely sexual and then I was able to achieve satisfying orgasms fantasizing about my online lover. But later, as time passed by, Big Joe one day confessed that he had been keeping a secret: he was an inmate at the California State Prison, serving ten years sentence for armed robbery…Then I felt no sure about writing again… I took a whole week to respond him. Big Joe then...

1 year ago
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Visiting Holly

When I opened her front door, she was there waiting for me.  She was on her knees, legs spread wide open, their flesh dimpled with goose bumps from being pressed to the cold tiles of the foyer.Her hands were held behind her back in a submissive posture, elbows clasped.  There was a slight bulge to her cheeks, and a glimpse of something pink between her teeth: a pair of her own panties.The underwear in her mouth was the closest thing my slave had to clothing at the moment.  The rest of her was...

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Visiting with Aunt Rose

Growing up my favorite Aunt was my Auntie Rose Marie. She was my mom’s oldest sister who had no c***dren, and lived alone in Savannah . Her husband died from a work related incident, as a result she received a substantial check every month for the rest of her life. She was devastated by the loss of her husband and she swore off sex ,at the age of 35. My mom was her only sibling, and she spoiled my mother’s c***dren, and always gave us lavish gifts for any occasion. We often...

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The Problem With Visiting Brothels

THE PROBLEM WITH VISITING BROTHELS Arabian Nights World Story 3 I'm another unfortunate friend of Asam, being his friend is clearly quite a dangerous occupation. My name once was Paul, not anymore I'm afraid. Like John I also took up Asam's offer of a visit to the Arabian world and like him I went on a tour of the brothels and the slave markets of that fascinating place. My tastes however where cheaper than John's and I found I preferred to frequent the more seedy establishments...

2 years ago
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Visiting mom

It was my normal break from study. Every weekend while at University, during which I lived away from home. It was only on the weekends that i would make it back to my family's houses. My parents split years back and i visit dad every other week. I think they fell out of love early and stayed together to keep me happy. In all honesty I was happy when they split. They both seemed unhappy together and we always had great times when I stayed over. In general we had all grown up. My parents had me...

4 years ago
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Visiting the cats of my 22 year old niece Part 1

Visiting the cats of my 22 year old niece. (Part 1)In the spring of 2016 our cat had four kittens. Because we just lost two cats my wife and I decided to keep two, and give the other two away to the 22-year-old daughter of the sister of my wife, Jenny. She went to study in Amsterdam and had her own apartment there.I know Jenny and since her birth and watched her grow to the beautiful young woman she is today. She is tall, only slightly smaller than I am, beautiful long black hair, slim with...

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Visiting Elizabeth

As I watched my ex drive away, i knew what i need. A few weeks at Elizabeth's house.Elizabeth lived in a large house deep in the country side in Wales. There must be about 50 girls and her self living in the huge house. As well as the guests.The girls were all slaves. They were beautiful girls, yet so young. All from foreign countries, with rough past's behind them. Compared to their old ones their current lives couldnt be that bad.They did not work for Elizabeth. She owned them. Elizabeth was...

1 year ago
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"Come on in." I greeted my niece and nephew, "I've just put the kettle on, and you go and unpack while I make us all a cup of tea.""Coffee for me please." Martin grinned."And me." Tina added."Coffee it is then." I replied.Martin and Tina took their bags upstairs while I headed for the kitchen to make the coffee. As I waited for the coffee to percolate I wondered what the k**s and I could do for the next two weeks that they would be visiting me; I had the same problem every year, what to do....

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Visiting Family In Europe

Hello readers, my name is Xanthia and this story took place last year when I was visiting family in Europe. I was 24, I have a nice body with 32 d cup and a tiny waist and nice round ass when I arrived my uncle picked me up and I went to his house. I saw my cousin Haari who I haven’t seen in 3 years there is some history with us, when we were younger (15 at the time) we kissed but that was all. I thought it was wrong and I never did it again because he is my first cousin. He is tall 6 feet and...

3 years ago
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Visiting Hours

Visiting Hours By Robokun It was the first time she had smiled since the accident. The long months of medical prodding, the x-rays, the humiliating sponge baths, and the fearful, worried looks from her Husband were now seeing some hope of conclusion. The news was good. She had healed without complication, and nothing would remain of the accident except bad memories and soaring car insurance. It was good to smile.   Her life would be hers again. Soon. The Smile turned from...

First Time
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Visiting her Pet

Title- Visiting her pet Author- Jayden McZimmer Copyright 2008The time had come for Eve and Sophie to meet.  The two women had been friends for a year now. The online playing had come to its peak and both knew they needed more. Their hearts and bodies ached for more than chat. Sophie had gone back to school for the year and Eve was also leaving her city to head back home. She thought many times of making a stop at Sophie's house on her journey but never had enough courage to bring it up. Eve...

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Visiting My Mom

Note : This story is completely fictional! Recently I was visiting my Mom for a couple of weeks in Florida. I was just getting through with a nasty divorce. Mom was 68 and had been a widow for 16 years. She had an old rooming house that was becoming too much for her to handle. The tenants had all moved out and I was going to visit to try to help her sell it. I stayed on the second floor. Being a rooming house the 2nd and 3rd floors had a share bath in the hall. Later, after dinner, I went...

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Visiting my Buddys all female home

I was in Florida visiting a friend I've known since grade school. We are in our early forties and while I went into the Marines, he got married young and has three gorgeous daughters and a smokin hot wife. Melissa is 22 and almost done with college but still lives at home, the twins are 19 and are just starting college. With four women in his house, my buddy is used to seeing his daughter's and his wife walk around in bras, panties (never nude) and see-through stuff and doesn't think twice...

4 years ago
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Visiting My Girlfriends Family

"They’re going to love you. Trust me," she assured as they walked toward the front door. Chris knew that she was probably right. But the question of whether or not his girlfriend's parents would like him wasn't the issue that had made him uneasy. He just had never done the whole "meet her parents" thing. With any girlfriend. Back in the town in which he grew up everyone knew everyone, or at least knew of everyone, so he already felt comfortable enough around the parents of any...

2 years ago
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Visiting My Estranged Brother

My eldest brother Matthew (or Matt) was about 11 when I was born, by the time I was 7, he was off to college and the only time I saw him was on holidays. So I had just turned 15 and was starting to fill out nicely with my long red hair and curvy frame I had toned legs from all my years of sports. My parents had decided that we needed a closer bond, I was going to live with him for the summer and it was a long way from home, considering we lived in Alabama and he lived in New York. At first I...

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Visiting Hours

Visiting Hours By Robokun It was the first time she had smiled since the accident. The long months of medical prodding, the x-rays, the humiliating sponge baths, and the fearful, worried looks from her Husband were now seeing some hope of conclusion. The news was good. She had healed without complication, and nothing would remain of the accident except bad memories and soaring car insurance. It was good to smile.   Her life would be hers again. Soon. The Smile turned from joy to relief...

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Visiting uncle Mike

I was visiting my dads brother for a couple of days while he and mom went to her mother's. While Mike was watching TV and drinking a beer, I figured I'd explore. Looking around the house, I found my way into his study. Looking through his desk I found a couple of magazines in the bottom drawer. Flipping through the pages my little dick started getting hard. I figured I should get out before Mike caught me. Going to my room I laid on the bed and looked at the pictures again. I caught myself...

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visiting my uncle eddie part3

Before you guys read this story,you may wanna have a look at the part 1 and part 2 of visiting my uncle Eddie from my blog.So,the next morning I woke up,we both me and uncle Eddie were totally naked because of the bed rules and because we had sex four times yesterday night. There are still 5 days left for my parents to come back home,I was quite excited.I woke up uncle eddie,"Wake up old man,its 9:00 am on the clock"."Aaargghhh!!! is it morning already? Damn it was one hell of a night!!" ,He...

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173 Visiting aunt Fiona pt2

173 Visiting aunt Fiona. pt2We left Fiona bound of tits, and cuffed of wrist, laid on the carpet of the living room, Amy beside her had just returned from a multi climax induced faint and the two men were sat naked waiting Amy`s full return Phil just having had a BJ from the cuckolded Rob. The three were glad of the respite, Fiona though found the tender tits a trial, purple like balloons tied and bound, as they had been for near 30 long minutes now, they were causing her some discomforts, the...

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Visiting The Bookstore

So when I was married to my first wife I went through a period of serious curiosity of my sexuality. Now, I had "experimented" with men on more than one occasion. Once I had admit to my wife that I was sexually attracted to men as well as women, a flood gate opened in my mind. I had sexual urges and didn't have a man to act them out with. I had told my wife that I wanted to fuck my boss at the time but wasn't sure if he would be interested and wasn't about to just ask out of fear that he would...

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visiting grandma part 1

i was visiting my grandma in Scotland because she hadn't been well so my dad brought me up on the train as he had gotten banned from driving because of a DWI, while on the train my dad was trying to start a conversation while i had no interest in what he was saying .hours went by till we were in Scotland and once off the train i could tell my dad was drunk by how he was stumbling towards a MacDonald's' while in there he try'd to start a conversation again, he soon began to get mad at some man...

4 years ago
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Visiting Ms Payne

"VISITING MS. PAYNE"Chris was always excited and a little afraid when he went over to Ms. Payne's house. He was excited because she was beautiful, sophisticated, and alluring. But he was always afraid, too, because of what she did to him once he was there.Chris had met Ms. Payne at a museum, and she'd invited him to come over to her place and talk about art. When he came over, she told him to sit down, gave him a glossy portfolio to read and said she'd be ready in a moment. Then she left. ...

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Unexpected Meeting Visiting a Friend

Unexpected Meeting - Visiting a Friend by strangefun WARNING: This story contains graphic depiction of depraved sexual acts, sisification, sexual abuse, humiliation and torture. Read at your own discretion! Once again, I am in my car, driving into the scary and exciting unknown... Once again my lace-covered fingers grip the steering wheel, as I moan, biting down on a large white ball gag, strapped tightly around my head. Once again, I am not sure what to expect when I get...

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Fucked visiting Delhi MILF in Dallas

Hello Everyone. This is Vishal, back with another experience of in Dallas, Texas. I am Vishal (name changed), 38 years old and a very successful businessman. I run multiple businesses in Dallas. I own a second home in a Dallas suburb. I stay in town for business, which is pretty much every week. I also have an office in an office park where some of my clients drop by for meetings once in a while. Usually, I am just at the office taking client calls and meetings. 2021 and 2022 shaped up to be a...

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Visiting the Collective

Simon walks up the small staircase in front of the big, old house and rings the doorbell. Simon's older brother, Peter, lives in the house with several friends. Peter have told Simon about their open attitude towards clothing and sex and Simon is anxious, or actually quite nervous, but also curious, now that he is visiting the collective for the first time. He is glad that he already knows Peter and Peter's girlfriend Johanna. And then it happens to be Johanna who opens the doors. She is...

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The Visiting Hairdresser

And so, the story begins... Roy Clark, had been active for many years in his community and had been chairman of the residents Association, co-ordinator of the local neighbourhood watch, as well as a computer tutor in the local community hall. Through all these activities he encountered about 90% of the people living on this estate on which he lived; so, it was no fluke that he knew Lizzie, a girl he had seen grow up and develop. I must point out at this stage that during this time there was...

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Delta OriginalChapter 6 Visiting Jahnville

The question of whom to contact was put to the ship’s crew. As Lee had guessed, Essco was all for making contact with the people of the largest community that was on the large southern continent. The cohorts (the people who had met in Lee’s room), had already decided they probably could live on this planet comfortably from the information they had borrowed from Essco. They had decided not to let Essco get his way until they knew a hell of a lot more. While Essco’s main group of cronies was...

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Visiting day

100% fiction!  My Mother in law Debe. A 40 year old Milf. Pulled her Cadillac in to the police station parking lot. She got out and walked toward the front of the building. Sgt. Buck and Deputy Tyrone Jackson were out back. Having there cigarette brake. "Damn!...Look at that sexy white woman!" "Yea That's Misty Jones momma." "Wonder if momma got like her daughter?" They watch her until she enters the building. The chief sees her come in to the lobby. "Debe come in here for a minute." "Yes sir...

Erotic Fiction
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Amity 5 CataclysmChapter 32 Visiting

-- Storm - Earth time 2102-- Kim and Lindell had decided to come on the trip with Sarah and me. Sarah dropped her shuttle down onto an open paddock near the section of Torus in the old crater. As we disembarked, a man dressed in what I’d call cut down buckskins approached. He was taller than the average here, lean and fit with sable hair tied back off his face. He looked at most as if he was twenty years old. With him was a very shapely woman. She had paler, more honey coloured hair but...

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Chocolateen Part 2Chapter 4 Visiting New Zealand

Jim C, Sam, Frank, Kirk, and I discussed the trip to New Zealand on Monday. We defined the specific objectives of the trip and what information we expected to acquire during our stay. All five of us had valid passports and there was an agreement between the US and New Zealand governments that allowed us entry as short-term visitors without a visa. By Friday, we were ready to go. We would be island hopping and our total flight time would be close to 16 hours, so our pilot, Bob Simon, and...

1 year ago
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Spider Queen Book 8Chapter 6 Visiting the Bugs

“Andrea, this is an awesome dreadnaught. I can’t believe you and Linda are also with Jason. Thank you for the lift. I appreciate it. It was great the Emperor arranged this ship to transport us. It is much better than the ferry and better than the ship we traveled on to Mars. I thought we were going to be caught between universes. It shook frighteningly when we did the transition. “We Ordreg were so proud of our achievements. Then along comes the Emperor and all of a sudden, we get our bodies...

4 years ago
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The Business Part 2 Visiting the Rancher

Carla got up early on Sunday. She called for room service to bring coffee up to the room and she showered quickly. While she was dressing Bruce answered the door and got the coffee. He had a cup and then showered himself. They decided to head out early for the ranch, down in the Washoe Valley below Virginia City. The rancher had invited them to visit anytime and his daughter had invited Bruce as well. It was just after sunrise when they left and they arrived at the ranch house by 7am....

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visiting my wifes uncle in Ilinois

My wife's family is mostly in Illinois. We decided to go visit them and while we were jumping from home to home to see all her uncles and aunts. We stopped in to see her one uncle and since he had recently had a stroke he was not doing to good. His wife was divorced and her cousin Jim was the only one there to help out. Jim was 17 and she had never met him before. When we had finished dinner, Peggy was cleaning up in the kitchen and Jim was getting his uncle ready for bed. I helped place him...

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Visiting Cousin Sister Took Interesting Turn

Hi, this is Vaibhav narrating a story about my lovely elder sister. I am an engineering student with decent looks and good body, I am 21 years old and I have written a couple of stories earlier, I want to thank readers of ISS for their good support, appreciation, and encouragement. You can contact me on through either Gmail or hangouts on the following ID This is a story of how I made love to my elder sister, her name is Aanchal (name changed) who is 24 yrs. Old she has a pointed face with a...

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Visiting College

As I went through airport security, I began to question what I was doing. Sometimes I make wise decisions and sincerely hoped this would turn out to be one, but seeing how crazy security in the airports had become, I couldn't help but wonder if there wasn't something wiser I could be doing. Still, it had been far too long since I'd last seen Corrina and I was really starting to miss her something fierce. Neither of us lived where we'd met any more. She had divorced her husband and had...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 141 Visiting Katelin Eatons Family

Thursday, April 28, 2005 (Continued) Katelin was bouncing up and down outside her home when I pulled up. She bounced around to the driver's door and pulled me out of the car. "Come on! I can't wait to introduce you to my family." I was dragged inside. I immediately recognized the two youngest boys. One was a senior, which was pretty much all I knew about him. The youngest was a guy called Gunner, currently in the 9th grade. He'd been in some of my 8th grade classes last year and he was...

3 years ago
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Visiting QueenslandChapter 5

David visited after dinner. It was really good to see him without his entourage, though I was sure that mum had something planned for Sunday. I asked him about the vineyards' preparations for locust swarming. "We weren't badly hit these past few years, though 2000 saw some damage. The fact that we can't use DDT is a problem. With the good rain we've had, summer of '06 might be a killer." "Dad's worrying about that, too. I told him about the fungus they tried a few years...

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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 34 Visiting the Schools

I had been instrumental in rescuing many troubled and abused girls in modern times. Many of those girls, I took into my home to guide them into returning to a life of being just normal kids and to become self-sufficient members of society. After a while my home was bulging at the seams and I decided that something needed to be done. It was then that Grace and I came up with the idea of constructing a boarding school for troubled and abused girls, which I lovingly call my TAG School (Troubled...

1 year ago
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Visiting Jacquee Ch 1

It is Thursday night and Becky, my wife, was away on one of her business trips and wouldn’t be home until Monday late so I called my sister Jacquee and asked if she wanted some company over the weekend. Jacquee was thrilled I called and was excited I was coming for a visit which was working out well since Phil was away also and due back about the same time as Becky. I had been planning to visit for some time because it had been forever since I had visited Jacquee and the two-hour drive was...

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Visiting a special friend

“Ei, what are you doing here?” “I’m here to visit your sister…” I trailed off, knowing how unusual that was for me. He looked at me like he was trying to send me some message between the lines of “Really?” and “Don’t mess with me, I’m watching you”. After some brief moments he replied: “Aiite, come in.” The area inside was a bit stereotypical. Concrete floor in the front as a driveway (thankfully it was empty) A couple of trees, some bushes spread around the corners and...

4 years ago
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Visiting the Doctor

I hated going to the doctor. I never trusted those guys. They think they know everything but more often than not they don’t! I had avoided our family doctor’s surgery for years. However this chest infection was not going away by itself and I realised I was going to need some prescription medicine. “Miss Jones, I haven’t seen you in years” welcomes Dr. Adams as I enter his surgery. “How you’ve… grown” he adds gingerly, clearing his throat. Now 21, I hadn’t paid Dr. Adams a visit since my...

1 year ago
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My sexy granny visiting me and i want her pussy

The kids were almost hysterical with joy when they heard grandpa and grandma would be here this Friday and staying with us for a couple of weeks. My wife knows I love my mom very much, and probably more than most sons, (but not of the physical part of course;) so she insisted that they both stay with us at our home, and not at some cheap local hotel. I tried to keep cool and agreed with her logic. I didn’t want to seem overly anxious and excited. But I was so damn horny with just the...

3 years ago
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Visiting the Doctor

Introduction: A trip to the doctors doesnt quite turn out as planned… Authors note: Hey everyone, this is my first sex story so any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading! I hated going to the doctor. I never trusted those guys. They think they know everything but more often than not they dont! I had avoided our family doctors surgery for years. However this chest infection was not going away by itself and I realised I was going to need some prescription medicine. Miss...

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Visiting Her Son At University

Elizabeth had a week off work, and nothing to do. It was a case of unclaimed leave which had to be taken by a certain date or she would lose it. Being a single parent, she had nobody to spend the time with, but also, nobody else to consider, so she decided to visit her son, Mike, who was away at University.People had trouble believing her when she told them she had a nineteen-year-old son, telling her she looked too young to have a son that old. Always so flattering to a woman in her late...

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Visiting My Father In Law ndash Part 2

I’d gone to visit my wife’s dad, Ed at his cabin and had an amazing sex-charged weekend. I went home with a big smile on my face and I think I might have been walking a little funny to boot. The big assed smile on my face covered any discomfort I might have felt. Ed invited me back the following weekend for “fishing”. When I got home my wife was all too happy that I was spending time with her dad and encouraged me to go out on Friday night again.All week I was in a state of constant arousal. I...

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