NollieChapter 7 free porn video

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Her knuckles were white on the steering wheel as she drove home. She never broke the speed limit or made any corners on two wheels; it was a remarkable display of control. I could tell she was mad though, by the set of her jaw and the grim look on her face.

I had her stop at my place to pick up some clothes, and she said to bring an armload; there wasn't any point in driving over for a blouse. It took about fifteen minutes to load the car, and by that time Mom had pulled into the driveway from work.

"Here," she said, throwing me a small package.

"What's this?" I asked.

"It's a sports bra for your gym class," she said. "Nice and snug so your boobies don't jiggle!"

"How did you know about that?" I asked.

"Your teacher called me this afternoon as I was about to leave work. Your teacher sounds like a real bitch," she said.

"She is," I replied.

"Well, I don't want to see you in trouble, so there you go," she said.

"Thanks Mom."

"You're welcome, honey."

We unloaded the clothes at Nollie's house and were told supper would be ready at six. Whatever Emily was cooking smelled good, and we went to change. Nollie made some space in her closet, and I put my clothes away.

Nollie got naked quickly and sat in her chair in front of the window. Her legs were stretched out, and she was slouched in the seat. I sat in her lap and gave her a kiss, and felt her arms go around me.

I smoothed her hair back behind her ears and said, "Don't worry. I can handle that jerk!"

"It's not that, Sarah," she replied. "I lost it today. I usually don't lose my temper that fast."

"It'll be ok, I promise," I said.

"Maybe so," she said, "but you were involved. I saw him standing next to you and I got frantic."

"He doesn't mean anything to me anymore," I said, "and he's going to have to accept the fact that I'm with you."

She pushed me away far enough to look straight in my eyes and said, "If he hurts you, I swear to God I'll kill him."

The look in her eyes was enough to convince me she meant what she said. I leaned down and kissed her once more, and felt her slowly relax. A short while later, it was time for supper.

We watched a little TV that evening with Emily, and around nine o'clock in the evening we headed for our room. Nollie re-arranged two drawers in her dresser for my panties and things, then started brushing her hair. I leafed through the book I'd gotten at the retreat, and found an interesting passage.

I said, "Nollie, listen to this: it says here that the woman on the bottom of a sixty-nine has more freedom of movement and access to her partner than the one on top. What do you think?"

She gave me a sexy smile and said, "I know a better way; let me finish up here and I'll show you."

I grinned and lay back on the bed. Ever since we'd started having regular sex, I'd discovered that it had a calming effect on me. I slept better afterwards, too.

While she used the bathroom, I turned off the ceiling light and lit a stick of incense, and made sure the pillows were out of the way.

After she came out of the bathroom, she said, "Lie on your left side." I wiggled around and stretched out, and she said, "Bring your knees up, half way to your chest, and lift your head."

She crawled onto the bed and fit her body next to mine, and pushed my head down on the inside of her left leg.

She spread my legs and used the inside of my leg for a pillow, and said, "There. How's that?"

I could smell and see her up close, and I said, "Wonderful!"

After a few minor adjustments of our legs and torsos, she said, "Let's see how long we can make this last."

I loved it when Nollie played with my ass. I don't mean putting her fingers inside or anything, just squeezing my cheeks or running her fingers through the crack. She did that, and I lifted my leg a bit to give her more room. Her mouth found my labia, and her arm wrapped around my right leg and pulled it under her arm.

She patted my butt and said, "Relax."

I could feel her breath on my clit as her lips worked my opening, and I buried my face in Frankie. I knew I was wet; just thinking about sex got me that way. After several minutes of slow relaxed tonguing, I got to taste the beginning of her milky essence, and we began in earnest.

I put her leg under my arm, and began playing with her butt as I licked her. I tried to mimic her motions, and she soon caught on that whatever she did to my button or my labia, I would repeat. She giggled a couple of times, but a few minutes later we got serious.

I liked the relaxed position we were using, as well as the heat of her leg on the side of my face. However, sucking a clitoris upside down is not very easy. Your upper lip is at the bottom and your tongue is at the top, making it very difficult to get the hood out of the way. Also, your nose tends to get trapped in the bottom folds of her pussy, and the hair from the outer lips gets in your eyes a lot. I let my chin take care of her clit, and concentrated on her labia.

The orgasm was very different as well; I felt like I was melting into the sheets. She had a couple of mini-orgasms and one great big one at the end, complete with whole-body shakes. I didn't dribble a lot that time, but I heard a noise like a soda-straw makes at the bottom of a glass as she sucked me dry. That broke the mood, and I started giggling.

We untangled our bodies and went to pee and brush our teeth. Sharing a bathroom with someone during a personal act had never been my favorite thing, but with her it was different. She wasn't invading my space, she was sharing it. I would never have done it with anyone else, but knowing she trusted me enough to have me there was... well, loving in a way.

When we made it back to bed I hugged her and asked, "Feel better?"

She smiled and closed her eyes and said, "You bet I do. I love you."

"Mmmmmm," I replied, "I love you too."

Emily cooked us breakfast the next morning and ate with us. We had ham steaks with home-fries, along with plenty of toast and coffee.

When I mentioned that there was a lot of food, Emily smiled and answered, "I can't have my girls fainting on the soccer field, now can I?"

As we drove to school, I wondered just how much she knew of the goings-on behind those brick walls.

We had to park on the street again and Nollie said, "Uh-oh," as she saw Shelly waiting for us outside.

Once she spotted us walking toward her, Shelly ran to us and said," I'm sorry about yesterday. I want to talk with you guys during lunch. Can we meet somewhere?"

We talked for a minute and decided the trees out front would be a good place, and Shelly called, "See you then!" and ran for class.

We went into the building, opened our lockers and got ready for another day.

I was just about to close my locker when a deep voice said, "Excuse me. I'm new here. Could you help me out?"

I turned and saw the most gorgeous man I'd ever seen in my life. He was very big; at least 6 feet 2 inches tall, and he must have weighed 220 pounds. Blue eyes and sandy blond hair topped a handsome face with a ruddy complexion. He wore a white shirt - with a tie, no less! - and black slacks, with a beautiful black leather coat. He wore brilliantly shined shoes, and was faintly smiling at me.

My nipples chose that moment to misbehave, and Kitty got into the act as well - she started purring.

I took a deep breath and said, "Sure. What do you need?"

"I have somebody named Mr. Wallace for homeroom. Can you tell me where he is?"

"Upstairs and to your left," I replied, "He's in room 250."

"Thanks, I appreciate it," he replied. "I'm Eddie Bayliss, by the way. 'Little Eddie' to my friends."

His smile was a thousand-watter, and I basked in its glow. "I'm Sarah Caldwell," I blushed.

"Nice to meet you. I'd better get where I belong before the bell rings," he said.

I nodded and watched him run up the staircase.

All through English and Government, I wondered about him and where he'd come from. He was certainly not a boy; I'd smelled aftershave this morning, and his clothes weren't Sears off-the-rack specials. Everything about him from his voice to his manners said money.

In Chemistry, I was telling Nollie about him when he entered the classroom.

He said, "Mrs. Baines? I'm Eddie Bayliss. I'm sorry I'm late. I couldn't find the right room."

She said it didn't matter and welcomed him to the class, and seated him at an under-populated lab table on the far side of the room. Everyone looked him over as he removed his coat and hung it on his chair. He smiled nervously, and the class resumed.

Under her breath, Nollie muttered, "I saw him in homeroom this morning. I'll bet you five dollars he works his way through the cheerleading squad like a hot knife through butter."

I giggled quietly at the comment, then said, "I don't think so."

We decided we weren't very hungry at lunch, so we grabbed an apple apiece and went outside to wait for Shelly. She ran up ten minutes later, out of breath as usual.

"Hi guys!" she chirped, "Let's find a place to sit."

One of the trees had a bench surrounding the trunk, and it was far enough away from the sidewalk that we wouldn't be overheard. We got comfortable on the bench with her between us. She opened a bag lunch and we munched apples for five minutes, then she spoke.

"I'm really sorry about yesterday in the locker room. Will you forgive me?"

"Forgive you for what?" Nollie asked. "I don't understand."

"My reaction to your... partnership, I guess," she said.

"We are partners, that's true," Nollie said. "But why did you run away? We don't bite," she laughed.

Shelly crumpled her lunch bag in her hand and fiddled with her purse for the longest time, then blurted, "I'm envious, and maybe a little jealous too!"

"But why?" I asked.

She got very red in the face and said, "Do you remember seventh grade?"

I remembered that seventh grade was when we had hung out a lot and done a sleepover or three, and I nodded.

"I had a crush on you that wouldn't quit," she said. "And when I figured out you and Nora were... were dating, I reacted badly."

The tears were starting, and she was slumped against the tree.

"Honest to God, Shelly! I didn't know!" I cried. "I'm really sorry!"

"It's all right," she said. "Doesn't make any difference now, anyway."

Nollie moved a little closer to her and asked, "Can I hug you?"

She started sobbing louder and raised her arms, and Nollie enveloped her. I could hear her muffled crying, and I felt very sad. For her as well as for me. She'd always been a pixie, moving rapidly in anything she did. She had the sweetest personality; always slow to show anger and quick to forgive. I vaguely remembered a few moments of intimacy during one of our sleepovers; a quick kiss during a "Truth or Dare" game, or some such nonsense. I couldn't believe I'd been that uncaring or blind. I tried rationalizing that by telling myself I'd been in seventh grade, but it didn't work.

By the time I'd quit thinking about my failures, she had stopped crying and was blowing her nose. Nollie took her hands and started talking to her quietly. I heard a few words, and the gist of it was reassurance and acceptance.

The first bell rang, and we stood up. Shelly stood on tiptoe and kissed my cheek, then Nollie's, and with a quick wave she ran toward the school.

Nollie jammed her hands into the pockets of her jeans and said, "Quite the girl."

"Yeah," I sighed. "I honestly didn't know she felt that way about me back then. I don't know what I would've done had I known, but still... I feel so sorry for her."

"I would say that her feelings still exist," Nollie said.

"I'm not going to do anything about them now," I said.

"I know; you can't and you won't, but that girl needs friends," Nollie replied. "She feels desolate and alone, and I think she's desperate. I'll talk to her during Gym; maybe we can work something out."

"I love you, Nollie," I said. "You're very compassionate and loving."

"Just part of the total package, Sarah. I love you too," she smiled.

Before class in Chemistry, Little Eddie walked over to us and said, "I missed you at lunch. Did I go to the wrong building?"

I laughed and replied, "No, I had something to do. Eddie, this is Nollie. Nollie, Eddie."

They shook hands and he said, "I know you. I saw you in homeroom this morning."

"I saw you too," she laughed, and I could tell she liked him.

We began the study of the "Table of Elements." I wondered what possible use knowing Au or Na would be to my future employment.

Same as Nollie
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Relationship Between Mom And Son 8211 Part 2

Airport se lautte hi hum log flat pe pahuche maine mom ko parking pe hi drop kiya aur phir mai apne office k liye chal pda aur mom se bolo ki mai 2 ghante mein aa jaunga…. Kaam khatm kar k jb mai aaya toh us tym 6 bje hua the shaam k main andar gaya to dekha mom sofe pe baithi thi unko dekh kr toh mai ekdam se mst ho gaya woh single piece pink colour ki dress phene the aur unhone skin colour ki stockings phen rakhi thi jise unke pair bahut hi sexy lag rahe the maine to aaj mom ko chodne ka pura...

4 years ago
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Tory DaughterChapter 27

Billy was right. Philip Wells was in love with Anne Conroy, with the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, the most pleasant person he had ever met, the most arousing woman he could imagine. He had not realized that fact, hadn't even thought about it much, but after he and Billy Fields sat in the smoky tavern drinking ale and sharing a platter of fried oysters, crab crisps and blood sausage, he knew he loved the bright and lovely young woman just as the one-armed soldier did. She was all...

3 years ago
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THE Harem Tales 1 The Times They Are A ChangingChapter 13 Hunters and Prey

We hadn't gotten far into our thoughts, when the scanner hit pay dirt on channel three. First Voice, "Hey, Pete. I'm down on Twenty. Looks like a couple more days before the snow melts enough that we'll see many travelers. I don't see any tracks, not even snowmobiles." Second Voice, "Well, move on east a few miles and keep an eye out for tracks or smoke. Some of these farms and houses are sitting back a ways in valleys. Remember, with the snow and ice, you might not recognize a drive...

4 years ago
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Haleys Au Pair Adventure

Introduction: Haleys parents leave her to go on a 3 month tour of Italy so she is forced to stay home and act as an Au Pair for three very horny pre-teen and teenage boys. Please dont make me stay with them! They are stuck up snobs! I dont want to waste my entire summer working with them. Please Mom! Haley stated begging her mother. Im sorry sweetheart. Your father and I have had this trip planned for almost 5 months now. We have been talking about this and you agreed. You need to start...

1 year ago
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The sexual power of a woman

It happened when I had just turned eighteen years old, and looking to get on the first rung of the property ladder. I had arranged an appointment with my bank manager to see if he would lend me the money so that I could take out a mortgage on a flat that I fancied in town. His name was Mr Brown, an ageing gentleman with old school values. I wore my tightest crop top that I could find in my wardrobe, along with red fishnet stockings and high heels, suspender belt, and a skimpy skirt, which only...

1 year ago
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it happened in Vegas

My wife and I have been married for 15 years as we are both in our late thirties. We are both professional as Amy is an office manager and I'm an engineer. You could say that we are a power couple and very routine in our every day life with one exception. I was not able to get an erection. This has put quite a strain on our marriage. We never fought about finances or anything about the house but we had fights all the time regarding this. I did n't know what she wanted from me as I saw ...

1 year ago
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The Complicated Life of a House Chicken Chapter 5

The Complicated Life of a House Chicken - Chapter 5 I couldn't sleep. All I could do was stare at the ceiling and listen to the soft, satisfied breathing of Madison and Brad beside me in the very crowded bed. My mind was racing to think of what Josie could have possibly done to have me on the verge of being blackballed. Had I pissed her off somehow? Had she followed through with her threats? Or, had she just gotten tired of taking orders and done something to tick off a brother? I...

2 years ago
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The Cheating Student

His name is John Preston and he happens to be a professor at at top of the line school where the students practically teach themselves. Professor Preston prides himself on having some of the best students on any campus. On a warm and sunny spring day there appeared to be no clouds on John Preston's horizon until he was approaced by a test proctor. "Excuse me Professor Preston," the proctor said with a gim faced look. "I am sorry to say that I caught one of your students cheating on a...

1 year ago
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JamesDeen Katrina Jade Katrina Jade Is James Deen8217s Pretty Girl

Katrina Jade hasn’t been fucked in weeks. She is not O.K. with this. She invites James Deen over to take care of her sexual needs, but he rather talk to her about her well being and personal interests. Eventually the tattooed slut queen becomes bored of James’ antics and makes it clear that she just wants some dick. James is happy to oblige. He throws the camera to the side then proceeds to run through Katrina Jade’s shaved pussy like a train. James leaving the gothic beauty...

3 years ago
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Suggestible Sleep Terror Surprise

--- Suggestible Sleep Terror Surprise (MF, caution, mc, oral, impreg) by Krosis of the Collective --- Author's notes: Yes, I know that hypnotism can't force someone to do something they really don't want to do. I'm taking artistic license here. Also, Guy's name rhymes with 'eye', not 'bee'. --- Guy woke up to pain shooting through his outer thigh. "Agh! What the FUCK?!" he yelled. He felt his wife Trish thrashing in the bed beside him. "Nnn! Mnuhh!" she...

3 years ago
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A Thanksgiving to remember

a slightly altletic build. It was thanksgiving morning and as usual we went to my aunts house around 12 to join the family for some fun before we ate dinner. every one was sitting around in my aunts home, it was a huge house with many rooms and pool outside. It was far to cold for the pool. I got bored so I deiced to go to the den and watch some football on the big screen. I got down into the large den that was in the basement of the house and it was quite dark and secluded with a...

3 years ago
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Mature women

I am Sabil 32 years. I have muscular build body and I look like of 25years. I am very found of old mature lady for sex. Lets me tell how I fuck Aunt. My aunty who is 38 years is very sexy having a figure of 36-25-34. When she moves her boobs and ass move in such a way that everyone looks at her. Her husband who works in gulf generally come to the India every six months. And e I was staying as paying guest in their house. On day saw her in a pink cotton nightee and in the light I could see her...

2 years ago
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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 3 A New Moon RisesChapter 32

Davik He used the whip again, demanding to know how I had gotten my abilities and what had been used. I tuned him out, thinking of other things, when a strange tickle occurred in the back of my head. Not on the skin, but deep inside, not unlike when I found the fire that triggered my abilities that first time. The tickle appeared just after a strike of the whip and after two more, it became much stronger. Instead of a tickle, I began to feel emotion, but it seemed off as if it were not my...

4 years ago
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A Vietnamese sexfight

Kim Thi Tran proudly inspected her breasts as she stood before the mirror. Despite her age of 35 and the pear size and shape of these 34C symbols of her woman hood, they were as firm as any teenager?s 32 inch tits. Gently stroking her nipples she watched in approval as they responded to her touch, stiffened and became firm. As she continued to look and touch she saw them expand to their full erect state of an inch in length and the thickness of a man?s little finger. An uncontrolled moan...

1 year ago
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Virtual Real Japan! If there was ever a great time to be alive, it’s 2022, right? It’s never been easier to catch a devastating respiratory virus, get laid off or stung by a murder hornet than it is right now. On the other hand, all this alone-time through social distancing gives us plenty of opportunity to appreciate the high-tech marvels of the modern age. VirtualRealJapan, for example, will let you experience Asian schoolgirl sex, lesbian encounters and kinky cosplay anal bangs from the...

VR Porn Sites
1 year ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS14E08 Marie Collin 45 from Ipswich with Andy

We open this week’s show with establishing shots of an industrial estate. Factory and warehouse units spaced out behind small carparks, behind high wire fences. A big caption appears, filling almost the whole screen, “IPSWICH, ENGLAND.” The caption fades as we come to rest on a sign outside on of the factories ... The sign reads, “FINE AQUATICS – The Wetter The Better”. Never a truer word has been written on a sign! We cut to inside the building – a factory/warehouse, staffed with...

2 years ago
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Female Lifestyle Dominant

I did not become a dominant by accident! It was party fate and it was a combination of three factors. The first factor is any hypothesis and only theory, but I'm sure it was a important part in my path towards the dominant side of B&D.A) PhysiologyWe all have male and female hormones; science has proven that the behavioural traits come from these hormones. Meaning male hormones produce an aggressive behaviour and female hormones produce a passive behaviour. Some females produce xxy factor...

3 years ago
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Anonymous sex at the club

Inside the cub we stand with some other people, watching through the window. We see a woman with huge breasts being kissed and fondled by a man. She is led over to a wall (where there are straps and buckles), which he attatches to her ankles and outstretched arms.He puts a blindfold over her eyes and then takes a length of soft rope and starts to tie it around her body. You watch as her large pink nipples harden as the rope digs into the soft flesh of her big breasts, making them turn pink and...

3 years ago
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Rants Tantrums and Hissy FitsChapter 3

Even More More Rants Hmmmm ... I don't know what's going on anymore. I thought I had more rants saved than this. Oh well. It's gonna be a loss for some Internet Lit. major fifty years from now when she's trying to put together a Ph.D. on the "Romantic Period" of the Erotic Renaissance. Bad enough we've all forgotten how to write a real letter and now rely on email shorthand, short-stroking the English language to get half-witted, ill-considered, stillborn thoughts onto our blogs so...

2 years ago
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Flambeaux Staug Ch 03

Nick gleefully approached the vehicle with a bit of a jump in his step. He bent forward toward the driver’s window as it rolled down and a male police officer turned his head to him. Nick excitedly addressed him. ‘Hello, officer,’ he beamed. The cop cut him off with his hand in a somewhat impatient manner. ‘What the hell is going on in this town?’ Nick’s smile flickered. ‘I…I haven’t the slightest clue. I thought that you-‘ ‘I’m up here because we lost contact with a car in this area about...

1 year ago
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Doggy Mommy in TexasChapter 4

Michelle, Kyle and Garry all entered the Amarillo airport terminal and were immediately approached by what could only be Big Mike. The man was 6'5, in his socks, and weighed 250 pounds. He was dressed in cowboy boots, Levis, a blue checked work shirt, and black cowboy hat. If you slapped a gun belt around his waist, he'd look at home in a John Wayne or Clint Eastwood western. "Michelle?" he asked. When she nodded her head, he wrapped his arms around her, scooped her off the floor and...

1 year ago
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Work Mates

Her long dark hair was fanned out over the pillow and looking very dishevelled - her eyes were closed, with her lips parted making small sounds of "Uhh ... uhh". Her skin was silky smooth and a uniform shade of brown courtesy of careful hours in the sun. Her full breasts with their rock-hard brown nipples jiggled about on her chest, in synch with my thrusts into her very hot tight and receptive pussy. I could feel the walls of her sheath rippling along my shaft as I slid back and forth in...

4 years ago
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So the day let on and there she was staling up the place with her bitterness.Across the way was the way near the window was the janitor Devontay a strong stud who cleaned up the mess in this crappy job.Under paid and pissed off about it,but he loved talking to the nerd girls that came by.Every now and then Sonia would see Devontay talking to the perky barley 18 teen year olds.She'd perk those glasses low and either spy through the books or peep around the corner.Her hand would quickly slip...

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My sexy teacher

I am a 19 year old boy living in Rajajinagar. I can say for sure that I haven’t seen a guy as sexy as me in my entire life, even in cinemas or anywhere. Even males stare at me at my sexy figure. Even today I can’t understand why many people like woman’s boobs rather than their butts. I believe they are more sexy than their boobs. After my primary school, I joined high school in Rajajinagar. On the first day of my school, after the first two periods, our history teacher entered the class. She...

4 years ago
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Virgin Girlfriend Ko Kiya Pregnant

Hello – all sex lover : mera name vipul singh hai, or mei chandigarh mei family ke sath rehta hu, mei 21 saal ka hu. Mei thoda slim hu or mera weight sirf 52kg hai. Meri persanol email id : . Mei net pe daily raat ko sex stroy padta hu. Or sochta tha kash meri bhi koi stroy hoti or mei mei submit krta. Mera bahut man tha ki kisi vrigin ladki ki seal todu. Per meri koi girfriend nhi thi. Aisa nhi ki mei dekhne mei handsome nhi hu. School or college mei bahut ladkiya mujper marti thi. Lekin mei...

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