The Captive 2 A Double Belt Neck Tie party
- 3 years ago
- 25
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I woke up early the next morning and let her sleep. I put on my fluffy robe and went to the kitchen to make breakfast. The weather was lousy; it was overcast and snowing, and the thermometer in the window said 12 degrees F above zero. I made coffee and enjoyed a leisurely cup. I fried a half-pound of bacon, got the eggs ready to scramble and brought coffee to our room.
She was on her side facing me, with her head on the pillow. Her arms were between her legs; she was curled into a loose ball. The covers were up to her shoulders and I could see the swell of her breasts but not her nipples. I put the two cups on the nightstand and stared at her for a minute, drinking in her beauty: the high cheekbones and firm jaw, the long eyelashes she loved to tickle my nipples with and all the rest.
My love for her was a solid lump in my chest, like a separate entity. I felt it, I knew it was there, and I couldn't deny it. She was ready to make a baby. Was I ready to do as she asked? I had to try.
I kissed her temple and caressed her shoulder. She stirred and stretched, then her big green eyes opened.
I sat on the edge of the bed and said, "Good Morning, sleepyhead."
She mumbled, "Mmmmmm," and stretched once more.
I handed her a cup of coffee and said, "Breakfast will be ready when you are. I'll meet you in the kitchen."
She sipped and grunted, and I left the room.
I got a hug as she joined me in the kitchen, and we sat down to eat.
We had stacked our plates in the sink and were enjoying another cup when she said, "I've been thinking."
"Oh Lord!" I giggled. "Not again!"
She smiled and said, "Yes, again, and it's important. I saw the look on your face last night, and I remember what you said when we first discussed having a baby. I could tell you weren't very enthusiastic."
"I'm trying to be," I said truthfully. It was a lot to ask of someone you loved, wasn't it?
"I can see your point," she said, "and I think I'd feel the same way if our situation was reversed; if you wanted to have the baby instead of me, I mean."
I said, "You would?"
"I think so, yes," she replied. "It's a very intimate thing, sex. You're allowing another person the freedom of your body, and it's especially intimate if there's going to be a baby involved. It's not recreation and sharing anymore. You're creating a life, and the responsibility is awesome."
"I agree, but what can we do?" I asked.
She gave me her shy smile and said, "How about a joint venture?"
I gaped open-mouthed at her and said, "I don't want to be pregnant!"
She laughed and said, "Come on! Level with me! I know Eddie makes your panties wet; you told me so. And even Sean got me a little worked up last summer. Don't tell me you've never thought of it - you had a boyfriend once, didn't you?"
"Yeah, Brian Hayes," I said. "But that was different! I was... um, experimenting, that's all!"
"Our first kiss was an experiment too," she said, "and look where we are now."
Damn! She had a point, and I couldn't argue with it.
"But we're in love and that would be just... sex!" I protested.
"I told you I wanted you beside me from the moment of conception and forever after," she said, "and I meant it. The creation of life is something to be shared between two people who love each other. This baby - whenever it happens - is not going to be his. It will be ours. That's why I want you beside me. I need you there, kissing and loving on me while he plants the seed."
"What if he feels... used - like a piece of meat?" I asked.
"That is why he has to be a special kind of person," she replied. "He has to understand us, and what we want."
"How in hell are you going to convince a guy to do it?" I asked, frustrated.
"When the time comes, we'll have some help," she said. "I've talked to Ann and Mom, and they've agreed to encourage him a little."
"Oooooh boy!" I laughed.
I was finishing the dishes when she came up behind me and lowered the top of my robe. She pressed against me so it wouldn't fall to the floor and began nuzzling my neck and kissing my ears. She reached around and cupped my breasts, lightly pinching my nipples, and I started to ooze.
"We can't go anywhere today," she said. "It's cold and snowing out, and it's been a long time since we made love all day."
"Mmmmmmm," I replied as I kissed her. I dropped the dishtowel and said, "Lead the way."
The first thing I noticed in our room was the sheets had been turned down and the dildo was on the nightstand. It was clean and shiny, on a clean washcloth, with the tube of lubricant nearby.
"What's that for?" I asked.
"In case you want to try it," she smiled. I looked at her dubiously and she said, "What if I can't get pregnant? Would you want to try? I don't think you're willing to give your cherry to a guy either."
"Definitely not!" I said.
"Since I don't have a cock, this will have to do," she said.
The baby was a given. There would be one, in time. And if she couldn't get pregnant, it would be up to me to provide what she - we - wanted. I relaxed and tried to understand her logic. She had begged me to take hers; could I do any less? The thought of her doing it warmed me, too. Just another experience to bring us closer.
Twenty minutes later, I was gasping for air and right on the verge of exploding. Her teasing and kissing had brought me so close to an orgasm so many times I was about to scream in frustration.
She released me from her grip and said, "Put your head on the pillow and sit up some."
I did, and hurriedly spread my legs. I was sopping wet and extremely horny. Orgasms are funny things. You start by kissing and touching, and in the first few minutes you feel nothing. Sometime after that you become aware of a tiny flame, somewhere in your lower belly. If you continue, the flame gets bigger and the heat expands, warming your stomach and breasts. You become extra-sensitive to touch, and are aware of her fingertips moving across your skin.
Having your nipples and ears and clit touched or licked causes the flame to burn brighter for a moment, then continue to slowly grow. At this point you can feel it getting bigger, and you mentally urge it onward with your emotions. You realize you are right on the edge - and WHAM! the explosion starts. Your hips buck and heave, you can't breathe, sometimes your nipples get hard, and your face and lips get numb.
Your pussy clenches her finger; release is there. Your hands grapple with her hair or her shoulders, anxious to feel her close. After a time, you slowly relax and the sensations fade to a warm glow, like the heat from a candle. You kiss gently and touch her, basking in her presence. After a half-hour or so, depending on its intensity, the flame flickers out and you are replete. Deep in your gut you know the candle is still there, just waiting to be re-lit.
I watched her spread lube on the tip of the thing and place it between my legs. It slid off the underside of my clit and seated itself at my entrance, poised to enter me.
I tipped my head up so I could see between my legs, pulled my labia apart and said, "Ok."
I felt a little pressure, then a mild sting, and the presence of something warm inside. It was very close to my G-spot and she was smiling. I put my head down on the pillow and eased my legs farther apart.
"It's in," she said.
"I know," I laughed.
"How's it feel?" she asked.
"Like I might have to pee soon," I replied.
"Did it hurt?" she asked.
"Not much; like a quick pinch."
"Do you want it deeper?"
"Sure, I might as well go for the whole thing," I chuckled.
I felt it go in, very slowly, parting the muscles and invading my space. It was mildly uncomfortable and I had her stop several times. When it was partway in, the top of it brushed past my spot and I jerked.
She stopped moving it and asked, "Hurt?"
"No," I replied. "You just bumped my button."
"I noticed that too," she said. "Feels good, doesn't it?"
"Yes, very," I sighed.
A short while later, I felt it press against my clit hood and knew it was in all the way. I got sensations mainly from the outer regions of my puss and my clit; there was nothing from deep inside except a fullness I was dimly aware of. Without any instructions from me to the contrary, Nollie started to slide it in and out, moving slowly. As it bumped my button each time, I felt my spot swell with excitement. It always got bigger when Nollie used her finger. Was an orgasm with this thing possible?
My pussy reacted the way Nature intended. The inner walls sweat their fluid and it became very slippery down there.
I realized I was breathing a little faster and she asked, "Do you want to cum?"
"I don't know if I can," I said. "Just keep doing what you're doing."
She continued stroking me and I picked my legs up and grabbed them behind my knees, opening my legs as wide as possible. She began pumping it in and out a little faster and I began panting with each thrust. I was getting so close!
I opened my mouth and gasped, "Nollie! I'm. gonna. cum. nah... nah... NOW!"
With the word "now", she pressed it deep and starting rapidly jiggling the handle, which made the flange of the thing vibrate against my clit. My pussy locked down on it and squeezed hard, and I felt the foreign presence inside for the first time. I felt it start to slide outward, then it was pushed back into its former position. Five or six giant convulsions wracked my body and I cried out, panting for air. My muscles ached and I had handfuls of the sheets clutched in my fingers.
Some time later - I couldn't tell how long - I realized my legs were down and Nollie was kissing me. There was a void between my legs and I turned my head. The dildo was on the nightstand, glistening with wetness. I didn't see any blood on it, and I slowly sat up. My butt was wet and I knew we'd have to change the sheets. I took a tissue from the box and slowly wiped myself, then looked at it. One corner had a spot of pink, but there was no evidence of significant bleeding.
Nollie was sitting next to me, and I swung my legs over the edge of the bed. We cuddled and kissed for a minute. I felt weak in the knees and my pussy and the surrounding area was a little tender.
"Was it ok?" she asked worriedly. "I didn't hurt you, did I?"
"No," I grimaced. "It's not that. I didn't expect to cum though."
"It was a pretty good one, wasn't it?" she giggled.
"Yeah," I sighed. "It was."
"That's good," she replied. "Mom says an orgasm will increase the chance of conception. It opens the womb, or something."
We changed the sheets, took a warm shower and got dressed in our robes. We decided to christen the dildo "Little Eddie", and laughed at our choice of names. If he only knew!
The rest of the day we puttered around the house, doing laundry and other mundane tasks. Nollie cooked supper and at four-thirty, Mom came home. We ate and told Mom of our new adventure. She smiled her knowing smile and congratulated us. About a quarter after eight, Ann picked Mom up for their date, and around ten o'clock we went to bed. It was going to be a long day tomorrow.
We completed the Pediatrics rotation in mid-March, and were assigned to Maternity. There were three permanent Doctors on staff, and Ann was one of them. Her office was right up the street, and it was convenient for her patients. The other two were less than civil for the first few days and we were worried.
Dr. Carly Sims was younger than Ann, much more brusque and direct. Her voice had a nasal quality to it that irritated my ears. She specialized in pregnancy for older women, and many of her patients were in their late thirties or forties. She was also the person to see for artificial insemination. When I told Nollie what I'd learned, she wrinkled her nose at me.
Dr. Hodges - John to his patients - was about Ann's age and once he got to know us, was very pleased with our work. His patients were discharged so rapidly it was hard to keep track of names.
We were allowed to watch a delivery in one of the birthing rooms, and it was amazing. The woman was in her twenties and had two boys already. Her husband and the kids stood by as her labor progressed, as did her mother. Dr. Hodges was in and out of the room, reassuring her things were doing fine.
At the last minute her mother shooed the two kids from the room and ten minutes later Dr. Hodges came into the hallway and said, "See? You have a new baby sister!" The two boys, about five and three years old, bashfully peeked at their sister and smiled.
The Caesarean section we watched wasn't quite as nice, but the operating theater on the sixth floor gave many of us an unobstructed view of the whole procedure. There were no complications.
Ann liked us working with her and requested our services for her patients when she could. She also had us take note of several things that none of the other Doctors mentioned.
Our sex lives were normal; about every other day, and a bit extra on our day off when the laundry was done. "Little Eddie" was added to the mix once in a while, and it was fun. My orgasms were stronger than Nollie's when we used the dildo, but she assured me it was very satisfying for her. We tried scissoring our legs together and rubbing our clits, which was interesting. The intimacy was increased and the ability to touch her while we made love was an extra bonus I especially liked. The feel of her warm nipples in my mouth was very erotic.
In April, Nollie's birthday fell on our day off, by some miracle of the calendar. We were planning to go out for a quiet meal someplace romantic, then return home to make love. Mom asked us to stay home instead; she wanted to talk. Ann arrived in the early evening and joined us for supper.
We were sipping the remains of a nice red wine when Mom said, "I have a small announcement to make, and I hope you two don't take it too badly."
Nollie shrugged and said, "Well?"
"Ann and I are moving in together," she said, "and I want to sell this place."
Authors Note: This story is for the Valentine’s day contest. I hope you enjoy. Thank you to MrsWolf for coming on board as a beta/proof reader for me. ~ellie * Kristy groaned, true to what the weatherman had predicted the last week of January had been hot enough to melt a person caught in the sun leaving them in a puddle on the sidewalk. She struggled to come to terms with the fact that, going by what had happened in recent years, the heat wave would last at least until Valentine’s Day. Two...
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MasturbationMy wife Sara had expressed her interests in watching me suck another man for the last couple years. I was never really sure about it, so it was just something she fantasized about when masturbating. Sometimes when eating her, she would tell me to lick her cunt clean from the mess the boys had made in there. Of course there wasn't any cum in there but it got her off thinking about it. To be honest, the thought kind of turned me on. I've never sucked a dick but forced bisexual porn always...
This story is completely true. I've decided to share it with you strangers because I can't really admit what happened to anyone in my real life. When I was 24 I was still working on my bachelor's degree at college and I was living at home with my parents and little sisters for the summer. It was a pretty boring summer for a while, but one day my mom told me that we would be hosting an exchange student from Japan for a week. I asked about the student and she told me that it was an 18 year old...
A Bummer Summer? It was the dream of every seventeen year old, during the summer before his senior year of high school to spend it miles away from all his friends and all his stuff. In case you couldn't tell, that was sarcasm, because for Taylor Hughes, that was the last thing that he wanted. Unfortunately, he had no control over the matter. His parents were going out of the country on business for the entire summer, and trying as he might, Taylor was unable to convince them to let him...
So I decided not to wait and post a follow-up to my previous story. I had described how I lost my virginity to Dipti, my hot sexy aunty before heading off to college. I’d definitely recommend reading that story before moving on to this as it would help you gain context. The college began, and I got extremely busy tackling and experiencing all the new things it threw at me. I still thought of Dipti aunty nearly every single day. I jerked off an uncountable number of times, thinking back to how I...
Chapter 8 – Revelations Eryn awoke with a start, gasping loudly. Judging by the lack of light coming through the windows, she could only guess that it was late in the evening. Looking to the chronometer near her beside, she saw that it was indeed late, or rather, early in the morning. ‘What just happened?’ she said to herself, looking around the room. The top sheet slipped away and Eryn looked down, realizing she was still naked. She instinctively crossed her arms across her chest, covering...
Katies business Katie was involved in her sex business and made good money. Her clients were so good to her And many of them had been going to Katie to fuck for more than five years now. The dilemma was how could she tell her husband what her business was, there was no doubt in her mind , he would leave her and take the kids. Her little boy and girl meant the World to her. But she wouldnt close her business either. She had no one to talk to, except she thought Chuck, her Cousin who she loved...
March 12, 1983, McKinley, Ohio “Cheating on me? Really?” “I know it sounds strange, but I know how much you and I love each other, and how close and intimate we are, even if we don’t kiss and touch and stuff. It’s really weird. I WANT to be with Glenda, you know, that way, but that doesn’t change the feeling.” “That way?” I grinned. “I know you aren’t clueless, Petrovich! You do the same things!” “I know. I’m teasing you, Lissa! Is this feeling going to be a problem?” “I don’t think so....
The Favor.When I was Master-at-arms at the W.A.V.E. barracks in Roosevelt Roads, Puerto Rico, the women got to know me pretty well. They became comfortable enough with me to change clothes in front of me when I was in their rooms for business or socializing. I didn't realize how comfortable they had become until one day when Tammy and Penny asked me to come to their room. It was my day off and I was dressed for the beach, t-shirt and trunks. I stopped by their room intending to proceed to the...
MasturbationTV FOR A WEEK Part #3 By Jerry Bart "Yes, Justine?" "Mistress, I -er- wonder if I could have a favor from you and - and Mistress Sylvia?" Both girls bent their exquisite forms down to me. "What is that, Justine?" Sylvia asked. "Well, Mistress, it's -er- been nearly a week since we-we made love and..." Clarisse interrupted with a smile. "Justine, do you mean to tell me that you're getting horny?" "Well, Mistress Clarisse, I mean what with all this...." Sylvia suddenly...
Chapter Ten: Four Hands Are Better Than Two?I had been downstairs for a while, after putting the stained bedsheets into the washer, and went about having something to eat and drink. Footsteps softly echoed from the hallway as Amanda entered into the living room to find me sat upon the sofa finishing off a hot cuppa."Hey hun!" she called to me as she stood and looked over. She stood there, dressed in her pink boxer shorts and tight hugging t-shirt."Hi!" I called back seeing her, before taking...
First TimeThe forest was silent except for the faint sounds the car's engine made as it cooled off. One of Gardhe's lesser moons crept hesitantly from behind ragged clouds, throwing the looping, furry branches of nearby trees into sharp relief against the sky. They could feel faint glows of energy from a few tiny minds in the woods nearby, coming from birds that slept high in the branches of the trees. No larger animals were anywhere around. And nowhere, strain as they might, could they find the...
This is continuation from my previous story… Thanks for reading my earlier parts, If not, feel free to click on my username and find my stories.. And, I hope it didn’t bore you with long narration…Please email me at with comments and suggestions, it motivates me for my next part. Might have some typos as I couldn’t find time to review it before i published here I bit her finger forcing her to open her left hand off my mouth… For which, she pulled off her hand but yelled at me… Hemant… u bit...
Gay MaleDerrick had gone numb from all that he'd seen when he was formulating this plan; NOTHING could survive that plasma blast. A voice was talking to him but he was numb, couldn't move, couldn't speak, nothing. As Derrick continued to stare, he felt a chair behind him bump the back of his legs, he don't know if he sat, or didn't know if he fell or was pushed. Several hours later he opened my eyes, finding him sitting in front of a view screen, at first he thought he was on E but as the...
I was still in that hazy time between being asleep and being awake. My eyes weren’t focused yet. I wasn’t yet sure where I was. One thing I was sure of was an amazing feeling in my dick. The sensation of being sucked. I tried to sit up a bit, leaning up on my elbows. It took my eyes a moment to adjust. Then I saw them… three amazingly beautiful blondes were lying on the end of my bed, their bums right at the edge and their legs over the edge… all three girls sucking me. The first girl I watched...
Group SexRoban entered the house and was greeted by Patessa and Nigulla. They led him to a room on the first floor and rushed away before he opened the door. Light was coming from candleholders on the walls to either side of the entrance and a stack of wood was burning in a fireplace on the one outer wall of the room. Although it was a small room, a large four poster bed was placed in its center. The figure of a small girl huddled in a corner of the bed. It was the corner farthest away from Denyssa at...
“I’m sick of being stuck on the ship. Let’s get out of here,” Jack said as they headed back to the Galley. “There’s still a lot of dishes left,” Will said. “Go tell Lace we’re leaving. I’ll be right back,” Jack said. She disappeared below deck leaving Will with an amused expression on his face. “Apparently we’re leaving,” he said as he walked into the galley. “If the dishes aren’t done by morning, North will get a lot more creative with his extra duties,” Lace shook her head. She didn’t...
Bikinis Only My wife saw an ad for a tropical island resort called ‘Bikinis Only’ and tried to talk me into going there and taking our three teenage daughters with us. We named our daughters after the girls on ‘The Brady Bunch.’ They are Marsha, Jan, and Cindy and they are fifteen, fourteen, and thirteen years old respectively. The girls take after their mother with their good looks and their beautiful brown hair but they get their blue eyes from me. My wife got our daughters all...
It was over. Or, it had to be over. Soon. Emily finally confessed as much to her sister after secretly thinking it at night, after turning out the lights and tossing and turning and listening to fairly angsty music, for months. It had begun as a whisper, an intrusive thought that Emily had flicked away as if it were a meddlesome gnat. And then it became a fucking Gregorian chant. Emily would watch Will doing all sorts of trivial things—playing video games, snoring, aggressively commenting...
The ass. The backdoor. Considered taboo, and yet enticing and exciting. The bundle of nerves a source of sheer pleasure. Or pain. Hello, friends. I'm Sanjana, 25, and after many years of reading stories here, I thought I might finally share my story. I am not used to writing, so there will be many mistakes hence at the beginning itself I would like to say sorry.I have been married to my husband Raj for a year, and it has been a happy marriage. We love each other and our sex life is good. My...
I peeked past Sheila's shoulder as she looked over the semicircle of women from the Science Team gathered around Jennifer as the dark lady of data studied the computer screen in front of her workstation. Her fingers flew across the keyboard while she scanned hundreds of files, crunching numbers and extracting the data she needed.The thirty-four-year-old Boston descendant of Zulu warriors became a legend within the Society as a math prodigy with an uncanny ability to ferret out hidden trends and...
Fantasy & Sci-FiVal Dodds’ new client Olivia Austin is pleasantly surprised by the sensuality of the Nuru Massage experience. It feels really good having Val’s taut body on top of her, massaging the Nuru Gel into her skin. Even though she’s not a lesbian, it’s turning her on. Val reassures her she’s also totally straight, but concedes something’s different about this massage. Maybe the proximity of Olivia’s naked pussy is affecting her. Suddenly, Val is overcome with...
xmoviesforyouOne day when my cousins were over for christmas, i was hanging out with Sarah. Sarah is my cousin and we were very close in age. It didn't take long for me to notice her very tight sweat-pants squeezing her amazing, perfect ass. It wasn't something she would wear going out, but it was only cousins around so im sure she didnt care. I didn't think much of it at the time, but then the same sort of thing happened again not too long after. We were at a restaurant celebrating our aunts...