A Well-Lived Life - Book 8 - StephieChapter 31: Summer Vacation, Part IV free porn video

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May, 1983, Milford, Ohio

On Friday morning I swam with Stephanie while Stephie sat on the edge of the pool and dangled her feet in the water, then the three of us ate breakfast, and my dad joined us as he often did. We hung out with my little sister until it was time for lunch. We met Marty and Tracey at Frisch’s and I introduced everyone. They had taken advantage of the school rules that said they didn’t have to stay on campus for lunch, so we had to be careful not to take too long. We ordered immediately so that there was no delay.

“How long have you guys known Steve?” Stephie asked.

“Since he was a Senior, so what, three years now, I guess,” Tracey said. “He was the teaching assistant in my biology class when I was a Sophomore. And I asked him to the Sadie Hawkins Day Dance.”

Stephie smiled, “I heard about that! Now I can put a name and a face with the story!”

“Did he tell you the WHOLE story?” Tracey smirked.

“No, I didn’t,” I said with a laugh. “And it’s not necessary, Tracey!”

Tracey smiled, “I suppose not. In any event, your boyfriend gave me the confidence to change myself. I met Marty not long after and we’re heading to Ohio State together in the fall.”

When we finished eating, I paid the check and Tracey pulled me aside to talk.

“How is Kara?” she asked.

“Not very good,” I said. “I’m having lunch with her tomorrow, but it’s going to take a lot of therapy to even get her back to a semblance of normal.”

“That’s just sad,” Tracey said. “I never got the chance to tell you how sorry I was at the way things worked out. I heard you had planned to get engaged that night.”

“That’s true. But at this point, that’s all ancient history. I’m glad things are going well for you and Marty!”

“They are. Do you and Stephie want to come to my graduation party? It’ll be like nothing you’ve ever been at before!” she smirked.

“I think I’m going to pass on that one!” I said, laughing hard. “Honestly, I’m changing my perspective on that kind of stuff.”

“Wow. You’re that serious with Stephie?”

“Yes, and no. It’s not just Stephie. I have a friend who I have really deep philosophical and spiritual conversations with and I’m discovering things about the world and myself that have changed the way I think.”

“Are you and Stephie exclusive?” Tracey asked.

“No. But I’m much more circumspect about sex now. It’s not that I don’t have plenty, and it’s not that I’m becoming a prude, it’s just that it’s taking on a different meaning.”

“You’re going to Sweden, aren’t you?” she asked with a smirk.

“Yes, Tracey,” I grinned. “And yes, to answer your next question, I’ll fool around with my old girlfriends plus Karin. I’m changing my attitudes; I’m not dead!”

“You really should come to the graduation party. Let’s just say it’ll be even better than all those old rumors!”

I laughed, “Liz, Kelly, Maggie, and Jessica? And you? Talk about tempting! I’ve only had five girls in one night once and that was my birthday last month!”

Tracey laughed, “So, the old Steve is still there! He’s not dead yet! You know that Maggie and Liz would kill to have you!”

“I’m sure, but I’m going to pass, Tracey.”

“I figured that would be the case, but I had to ask you!”

We rejoined Marty and Stephie, the four of us said goodbye and Stephie and I went back to Melanie’s house for a sauna. The house was empty when we arrived, but there was a note saying that Trudy would be back shortly. We turned on the sauna, got undressed and went in.

“You and Tracey seemed to be having a fun conversation,” Stephie said.

I chuckled, “Tracey is a wild-woman. She invited me to her graduation orgy.”

“What?! An orgy?” Stephie said, shocked. “But she’s in High School!”

“Yes, she is. She has monthly parties where they play very, very risqué versions of ‘Spin the Bottle’ and ‘Truth or Dare’. I went once, and it was a few steps beyond that game we played at the apartment. There were limits then, but it sounds like the graduation party isn’t going to have any.”

“Are we going?” Stephie asked nervously.

“I said no, but if you want to, I could call her and change my answer.”

“Hell no! I mean, if you want to, I suppose I could go, but you know I don’t want to do it with nobody but you at this point. Heck, I turned down Kurt!”

“Yes you did, Peaches. I told Tracey that we wouldn’t come for a couple of reasons - that’s not me anymore and because of you.”

“Not you? What about your birthday?” she teased.

“A special case, all girls I’d been with before and each one privately. That’s a VERY different thing than you and me going to what amounts to an orgy.”

“I’m relieved, Yankee. It’s one thing for me and Elyse or me and Jackie or even me and Emily to do you that way, it’s a whole different story just to do things with random people.”

“Well, all those kids know each other pretty well. They’ve been doing this for a couple of years. I guess they decided on a last, wild fling before college.”

“Crazy. But then again, all your friends are crazy!” she grinned.

“Including you!” I smirked, and after a short pause I added, “And me, as well.”

“True! ALL you Yankees is just plum crazy!”

We sat quietly for the rest of the time, then showered, dressed and went downstairs just as Trudy was coming in. We talked with her for a bit and then I called Bethany and Kathy to confirm our dinner plans. We picked them up and headed to David’s Buffet where we spent the next two hours eating and talking.

“How did you leave things with Bob?” I asked Bethany.

“Pretty much the way they were all semester - it’s a casual relationship. We have coffee, go to dinner, and go to the movies. We’ve made out a bit, but we’re taking it very, very slowly.”

“Cool. Kathy, are you and Kurt seeing each other this summer?” I asked.

“Yes! I’m going to Pittsburgh in June and he’ll be here in July. I think he’s going to propose!” she said excitedly.

“That would not come as a shock to me at all,” I said. “He’s got one more year?”

“Yes. He’s taking five years because he’s getting a double-major in biochemistry and math. He’s hoping to land a job in Chicago. A professor of his works at Abbott Labs and already told Kurt he wants to hire him. I hope that works out, because I’d hate to be apart from Kurt for a year.”

“Wow. That’s cool!” Stephie said. “Steve, it looks like the gang is going to stay together like you hoped!”

“It does. Now, if we just get my friends at Ohio State to find jobs in the Chicago area, we’ll be set. I’m not totally sure where Larry is planning to go to medical school, but most likely it’ll be UC, since that’s where his mom has her connections.”

“I heard that Pete and Melanie are coming to Chicago,” Bethany said.

“Melanie is stuck at OSU for one more year. She’s going to apply to a couple of law schools in Chicago. She’s got the grades, so all she needs is good LSAT scores and I suspect she’ll get into one, if not both of them. Of course, my question for you Bethany is where you intend to practice.”

“We’ll see. I guess a lot depends on who I’m with and where they are. I still have four more years just like Stephie and Elyse do. You and Kathy will be working by then.”

“I already have to start working, at least somewhat,” Kathy said. “Student teaching and classroom observation start this year. I have to set my schedule to have my mornings free. I’m assigned to a local High School for four hours each morning starting in the fall.”

“Do you want to teach High School?” Stephie asked.

“That’s the plan. My major is math, with an education minor, so I’ll be teaching Algebra, Trigonometry, and Calculus, I guess. But I might go for middle school, where I could teach anything. You’re in the engineering side of chemistry, right?”

“Yes. So I’ll end up working for some major company on research and development. There’s a ton of options, but I was hoping to live in Georgia. That means I have to convince the Yankee here to come to his senses and give up his Northern ways!” she teased. “Seriously, though, I’d say he looks like he’s in Chicago to stay, so I’ll have to reconsider where I want to live, I guess.”

“Peaches, we have four years to figure things out. If my history tells me anything, it’s that I can’t say for sure what’s going to happen next week, let alone four years from now! Let’s worry about that when it comes time for you to decide, which is over three years from now!”

“I guess I shouldn’t complain, should I?” Stephie said.

“No!” Bethany and Kathy said in unison.

“You both still love him to pieces, don’t you?” Stephie said.

“Well of course we do!” Bethany said. “We’ve known him a long time, we’ve both been his lovers, and he’s always been good to us. In both cases, though, we blew it, or rather, Steve and me and Steve and Kathy blew it at some point. We’re best friends, and he and I are occasional lovers, but that’s where it ends. I guess Kathy is going to be completely off limits soon.”

“She’s been off limits since she and Kurt got serious, her offer to make love when I had my fight with Joyce notwithstanding.”

“Your usual ‘talk better after sex’ situation?” Bethany smirked as Kathy giggled.

“It was tempting as hell, but I couldn’t do that to Kurt, and I hadn’t talked to Peaches about it, either. So as much as I would have liked to be with her, I turned her down.”

“You’ve changed a lot, Steve, and mostly for the better. Stay that way,” Bethany said.

“Can I ask what the issues were?” Stephie asked.

“Sure,” Bethany said. “I think we’ve mentioned it, at least in passing. You know what happened to me and how Steve helped me. Well, in there, we were so focused on my recovery, if you will, that we didn’t work on a relationship, and by the time we figured things out, we’d kind of fallen into a situation where we could be the closest of friends, wonderful lovers, but not husband and wife.

“Neither of us can really tell you what it is, but every time we got close to that, something just failed in our relationship. If we keep it like it is, everything is good. If we try to push it to a committed relationship, it goes wrong. Honestly, I wish it wasn’t that way, and every time he calls me ‘Sweetheart’ it makes me melt, but I think all we’ll ever be is best friends.

“As for Kathy, well, I thought he told you about that situation. If they hadn’t been scared of each other and had gotten together in seventh or eighth grade, it’d be Steve and Kathy getting engaged now, instead of Kurt and Kathy. They crushed hard on each other, and could have really had something special, but they were both too young, too scared, and ultimately, too stupid. And because of that, you’ve got him now, Stephie!”

“I do!” she grinned. “It’s funny; I never thought I’d be with a guy who had girls as his closest friends. But it seems to be good for Steve.”

“Peaches, who’s been your best friend your whole life?” I asked.

She laughed, “Red. Never mind. Forget what I just said!”

“Red?” Bethany asked.

“His name is Jason, but he’s got this crazy red hair - redder ‘n Kathy’s. We’ve been friends since we were two. He was the first guy I ever kissed. That was in fifth grade. We never dated or nothin’, and he’s going steady with a girl named Rose. But he was and is my best friend in the world. Steve’s met him. They get along great.”

“And I’ll see him when I go down to Georgia to the race this summer,” I said. “His girlfriend doesn’t like racing, so it’ll be the three of us and Stephie’s cousin Emily.”

We finished our meal and Stephie and I dropped Kathy and Bethany at their houses and then went back to the Spencers’. We hung out with Frank and Trudy for a bit, then went up to bed.

“Peaches, remember what I was saying about getting to know each other on a new level?”

“Yeah, I do.”

“Well, part of that is figuring out our core values and what we can compromise on and what we can’t, and making sure that the areas where we can’t compromise are compatible. I’m wondering about this whole ‘Yankee/Georgia Peach’ thing and your desire to live in Georgia and my desire to be with my friends. I guess maybe we have different ideas on what ‘home’ means.”

“What does it mean to you?” Stephie asked, propping herself on her elbow.

“I guess because of the situation with my mom, and with all the traveling I’ve done, including living overseas, it’s not so much a specific place as it is being where my friends are. Honestly, the only thing missing in Chicago is my little sister, and that’s going to fix itself in a couple of years. Yeah, I have a house there, but look what I did. It’s full of friends, including my girlfriend. And I do my best to have my friends over all the time. I guess for you it’s a place.”

“Yeah, I think so. And even though I live with you, I call Dawsonville home. When you come to Milford, you never, ever say that you’re going home. You’re going to visit friends, not go home. I go home when I go to my house.”

“But is it the place? Or the people? Is it that house and that town, or is it Red, Rose, Emily, Bill, Martha, and Old Man Jenkins?”

She laughed, “I think it’s the place - it’s the swimming hole, the barn, the town, my house. Everything is like it was when I was little. It’s comforting. It’s my place, I guess.”

“My parents moved so much I never had a place like that. The house there in Milford is the place they’ve stayed the longest since I was born, and even then I lived in Sweden for one of those years. When I graduate, I’ll have lived in Hyde Park for four years straight, which is the longest I’ve lived anywhere but Milford, and I lived there four years before I went to Sweden and one year after. So by the time you graduate, that will be the closest thing I have to ‘home’.”

“I guess we got different perspectives on that. But, Yankee, I could see living with you on the moon, if need be. That’s not going to get in the way.”

“I’m glad to hear that,” I said. “But could you live with all us Yankees?”

“I already do! You and our friends are pretty cool. None of them treat me badly and mostly they agree with me on important stuff like everybody mindin’ their own damned business and the government keepin’ its fingers out of my purse. Now, if they’d just accept that NASCAR is a real sport like you and me, they’d be perfect! Now, speaking of sport...”

We made love, and as we fell asleep in each other’s arms, I felt a major impediment had been overcome. If Peaches really was willing to stay in Chicago, then she might well be the one. But that was still a few years down the road.

On Saturday we continued the routine, but late in the morning I dropped Stephie at Bethany’s house, then went back to the Spencers’ to change for my lunch with Kara. I was a bit early, so I drank a cup of tea with Trudy and we talked about Stephie and Kara.

“I’ve seen you with quite a few girls now, Steve, and I guess you could be happy with any of them - Jennifer, Karin, Kara, and Stephie. I know you told me that Stephie might win by inertia. Do you still think so?”

“It’s possible. She and I got past a potential major hurdle last night talking about our ideas of home and where we would want to live in the future. For her home is a place, for me it’s people. So many of my friends are in Chicago, or will be soon, that it’s home. Not because I own a house there, but because my friends are there. Well, most of them. You and Frank are here, along with Larry and a few others, of course. For Stephie, home is a place, and I guess she’s getting used to the idea of Chicago versus Dawsonville, Georgia.”

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The Play In My Summer Vacation

Hello ISS readers, I’m regular reader of this site, this is my first sex story, please forgive my mistakes in the above story and thank-you. Usual I start with my introduction. About me, I’m John Anna als age of 18 with my tool of 6 inches, height of 5’6 feet, and reddish average body built. Anyone can link up with me mail me at ID: mail me you r feedback and don’t neglect to send. The incident I’m going to tell is happened to me in my summer vacation at my grandpa village. basically I live...

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Summer vacation

When I was 15, My parents, brother and I went on vacation to a lake in Kentucky. A coworker of my father had a cottage on the lake and he let us use it from time to time. We arrived in the evening on Friday and unpacked and spent the rest of the night gearing up for my brother's surprise birthday paryt on Saturday. Saturday morning, I woke to a bright, warm morning. I changed into my bathing suit and started for the boathouse and dock. When I started down the path, I noticed 2 boys walking...

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Summer Vacation Of 89

I am 40 years old now and am happily married with three kids. But the summer vacation of 1989 when I was just 19 years old still lingers in my memory, very fondly. As soon as I completed my 1st year of engineering in Delhi, I was happy to come back to my hometown of Chennai. It was more for the food and other comforts than anything. As the plane was landing (we were rich and hence my parents bought me plane tickets for my annual homecoming), I looked at the lush green fields of my beloved...

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The Great Shift Summer Vacation

The Great Shift: Summer Vacation By Limbo's Mistress "We're here." I pulled the big SUV into the empty spot between the beach house's legs. The other two parking spaces were taken by a black Mercedes convertible and a bright yellow Prius. Apparently my parents and sister had beat us here. The three-story structure that would be our home for the week sat overlooking the shoreline of Myrtle Beach. Identical houses, though painted a different color, stood on either side of...

2 years ago
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Summer Vacation

Summer Vacationby Zeferage           (Comments,suggestions and other emails are welcomed.) [email protected]          (Attachmentswill not be opened. So spammers, you can forget it!)       PART I       Kimstood up, drenched with sweat, stretching her tired and aching muscles asshe looked around her garden. Weeds had been springing up like crazy overthe past couple of weeks, thanks to all the rain. Up until now there hadbeen little that could be done, Kim had been working overtime so she...

1 year ago
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How I Spent my Summer Vacation

How I spent my summer vacation or Vamp.Txt (as in Vampire) by Waldo Chapter 1 - Finals Chapter 2 - The Journey Chapter 3 - Romaniarc Chapter 4 - Castle Atle Chapter 5 - A Vampire is.....??? Chapter 6 - The end of the first week Chapter 7 - My adventure Chapter 8 - The first vampire Chapter 9 - Who did what? Chapter 10 - Facing the team Chapter 11 - The second vampire Chapter 12 - Aunt Bea? Chapter 13 - Return to campus life If you are underaged,...

3 years ago
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Summer Vacation Diaries 8211 Part 1 8211 The Bath

Hi mates. I am Raja and have been around this place silently reading, admiring and enjoying all your experiences for quite a long period and must quote that I have always truly enjoyed being here. And I think this place has become an almost daily visit for me as I expect it to be the same for most others. And I am a person who likes to read true incidents rather than fictions and fantasies. This place has given me a lot of opportunities to quench my thirst. I have been around here so much that...

4 years ago
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Summer Vacation With Unmarried Hot Sneha Masi

Hello friends, My name is Ronak I am from Mumbai, I am 23 years old. The story I am going to describe today is 100% real (except names of characters) and dates back when I was 19 years old , before I start narrating this real, my first and the most cherished sexperience of my life I need to make few points clear 1.The story will be quite long since I will be describing each and every situation in detail but let me assure you that reading this story would provide you one of the best masterbition...

3 years ago
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Summer Vacation

Summer Vacation By: Lexie May It was your typical summer vacation. A couple of friends and I were at the place that every college age guy wants to be in Europe, Amsterdam. It was a sound enough plan. Me and two of my friends leave the country for the summer, hang out in hash bars, visit the whore houses, and maybe see a sight or two, but we weren't to interested in the sights. We could see those in a book or on TV. We wanted to do the things...

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A summer vacation with twins

While at college, my nieces met another very attractive set of twins - Tina and Gina.  During summer vacation, my nieces invited them to our parent's summer home for a week of partying. Tina and Gina were the same age as my nieces and also fashion model material with long blonde hair.  When they first arrived, I greeted them with a friendly handshake and a brief hug.  I noticed that Tina's eye contact and handshake lingered a little longer and her hug seemed a little friendlier.  I brushed...

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My plane just landed in Rio the Janero, Brazil which marked the start of my summer vacation with my dad. My dad and mom met when my dad came to Boston, from Brazil, on an exchange program for his final year of high school, they were both in the same class and the co-ed soccer team. I was the result of that brief reunion and since then I've been shuttled back and forth. I spent every summer, a week either at Christmas or the following week, it alternated, and usually two weeks during the...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 8 NIKAChapter 69 European Vacation

July 14, 1995, Chicago, Illinois “Do we have everything?” Elyse asked. I chuckled, “Seven kids, five adults, passports, tickets, credit cards, traveler’s checks, and luggage. What am I missing?” “Nothing!” Jessica and Kara both exclaimed. “Let’s go, Dad!” Jesse said impatiently. “The plane will leave the airport at the scheduled time even if we’re early!” “Whatever! Let’s GO!” he demanded. “Hold your horses, Little Duck! We’re just making sure we have everything!” “We’ll start getting...

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Summer Vacation Ch 01

‘Your father got the grant he applied for, the one to do the study of Kodiak bears this summer,’ Tommy Jackson’s mother announced at breakfast one morning late in May. ‘That’s neat, Mom,’ the young man said as he spooned sugar on his raisin bran. ‘It means we’re going to Alaska and will be living in the wilderness all summer while your father does his study,’ his mother said. She frowned when her son put a second spoonful of sugar on his cereal. ‘You know, Tommy, too much sugar isn’t good for...

4 years ago
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Summer Vacation

"Great, just freaking great!" Michael Kent said to himself as he finally gave up trying to get his old 88 Escort to turn over. "This is the perfect end to a perfect night!" A frown on his face, the eighteen year old locked up the car and set out on foot. It could be worse, he told himself. It could be raining and he could be much more than a half mile from his destination. "I guess everything this summer couldn't go right..." he reminded himself as he ran his hand across his short...

2 years ago
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SUMMER VACATIONA STORY OF SECRECY & DEPRAVITYFICTION BYAMANDA WRIGHTERWWW.CRAZYXXX3DWORLD.COM, COPYRIGHT (c) 2011CHAPTER 2"Go sit down. You look like you're gonna pass out," Cassie instructed as she pushed me towards the bed. I was trying very hard not to hyperventilate, without much success. I kept my eyes on the floor and stumbled backwards, finally hitting the bed. I sat down carefully on the edge, waiting for her to start in on me. I refused to look up at her, even though I could feel...

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Cindys Summer Vacation from College

Cindy’s Summer Vacation from CollegeI have two older brothers. My brother Bob is one year older than I am and Bill is two years older. I know my parents didn’t give them very original names but I suppose it is better than Phineas and Fauntleroy. My brothers and I always got along fine as I was growing up. We were close enough in age to be able to play together and share a lot of things. Including the bath tub and the bed when we were quite young. I was naturally sexually curious and they were...

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Summer Vacation at Aunties

Title: Summer Vacation at Auntie's By: Melissa Attimes Synopsis: A young cross-dresser is eager to spend the summer with his aunt and cousin because he thinks he will have more opportunities to pursue his favorite activity. Things turn out much better than he expected. Categories: Caught with Consequences, Crossdressing /TV, Real Life Situation, Sweet /Sentimental Teenager 13-18 Leslie was shocked when he awoke and saw that it was already eleven o'clock. He bolted out of bed,...

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Summer vacation college life 3

Riding with Kris to Colt's for our next big get together was an adventureall in itself with his crazy driving and not paying attention. Even thoughwe talked a lot and saw each other often, his stories kept me entertainedfor the two hour trip. He always was scheming something and as usualmeeting new people left and right. We arrived at Colt's about six orthereafter to see cars there. One I knew too well and got excited.After parking his new SUV, we headed to the door but didn't get an answer.We...

2 years ago
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Once In A Lifetime Vacation

Introduction: Husband and wife go on a Florida vacation leasing a beach house for the entire Month. Their twelve year old daughter is to join them for the last two weeks. This totally fictional story is written by a complete novice from his infertile mind! I make up stories for my own entertainment! If I were a professional writer, Id have a lot more money in the bank! Stan-Husband Debra-Wife Cassie-Daughter, Seventeen yrs. Todd-White stranger David-Black stranger This story is told from the...

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My Summer Vacation Part 11

Ok this started out true – and the beginnings are what lead to my vivid imagination and want/need for much more in my life. But I was too afraid to say yes to my aunt and uncle when I was young. The requests and touching started when I was around 13 or 14. I wanted to say yes, but was afraid I would get caught. In fact, both times I was so scared I went to other family members available at the time and said something was happening, but I was told to just let it go. But thru the years I...

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Teachers Summer Vacation

He was a new teacher at the high school, (he was young, hung and single) and all the girls thought he was dreamy. Because he was able to teach both chemistry and several math classes he had gotten the job of his choice. I was a very upscale suburban area and it was close to the small tract of woods he had with the cabin he was building. It was a very modest log cabin but he had some interesting additions. There was a solar outdoor shower and a wood fired sauna. Down the hill was a small...

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A fine summer vacation one morning

Bonnie was dressed for work and standing at the sink washing her coffee cup as Danny came padding into the kitchen, rubbing his eyes from sleep. It did not surprise her that he was stark naked and his dick was sticking out straight and stiff as it so often did when he awoke. As she placed her cup in the drainer she felt his hands at her waist from behind as he grabbed her pants and pulled them along with her panties down to her knees and slapped her thick exposed bottom twice."Honey, I can't. I...

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SUMMER VACATIONA STORY OF SECRECY & DEPRAVITYFICTION BYAMANDA WRIGHTERCHAPTER 5I was frozen. Cassie slowly walked closer to me, her eyes never quite meeting mine. Was I dreaming? I had to be...there was no other rational explanation for what was happening. I reached down and covered my dick up with my hand, secretly cursing myself for not putting the damn thing up while I was outside. I was just glad all the lights in the house were out. It might make it a little harder to see that I had...

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SUMMER VACATIONA STORY OF SECRECY & DEPRAVITYFICTION BYAMANDA WRIGHTERCHAPTER 5I was frozen. Cassie slowly walked closer to me, her eyes never quite meeting mine. Was I dreaming? I had to be...there was no other rational explanation for what was happening. I reached down and covered my dick up with my hand, secretly cursing myself for not putting the damn thing up while I was outside. I was just glad all the lights in the house were out. It might make it a little harder to see that I had...

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Denises Summer Vacation

The year was 1974 and as was her family's tradition, they all packed up each summer and spent the entire vacation on Cape Cod. As her father had a successful law practice he needed to attend to, she was usually alone during the week with her sister and mother, until Friday nights when her father would join them for the weekend. Denise was almost 16 that summer; her sister was 21 and her mother a very young, and lovely, 39 years old. Each of the females in the house was gorgeous in their own...

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Summer Vacation With My Friends Mom

Summer vacations were always a piss on the face here in Dubai, nothing much to do, most of my friends were off on vacation to their hometown. And here I am sitting at home watching porn and waking off day in and day out. My name is Ahmed, been living in Dubai for the past 18 years, never had much of traveling or getting to know my state (Kerala), hence stuck here with both parents working and a lonely house. Coming to the story, this story is dedicated to the “Sheila” of my life, my friends mom...

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Donna8217s Summer Golfing Vacation

Donna ran to the front door when she heard the bell ring. She opened the door. John, her boyfriend, stood there with a seductive smile, “What’s up babe?” Donna smiled back, “Mom and Dad went to the mall. Their night to shop and eat out.” “Way to go good old mom and dad.” John stepped inside and pushed the door closed. He wrapped his arms around Donna’s slim waist and kissed her hard. She kissed back until she had to pull away to catch...

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Naked on Summer Vacation Slut Summer SchoolChapter 36

Ann drove me back to meet up with the others at Captain Hiram’s. It was a local bar where they liked to hang out. The bar was bustling, and the bouncers didn’t question us when she walked up. In the 1980s, the drinking age hadn’t yet become 21, and pretty girls were rarely carded. I had snuck in there a few times, but my mom always caught me. You don’t need money when you are a pretty girl, either. You won’t pay a cover charge, and guys are always ready to buy you a drink. No one is going to...

1 year ago
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My Summer Vacation 2020 part 2of 3

Arriving on the island always makes me very happy because I simply love Martha’s Vineyard.If you read my 2019 July entry, you’ll know I have fun here but, as we set up camp this time, I thought it was only half as full as last year. We were supposed to be meeting a couple from a website we use but they couldn't make it for some unknown reason. I decided they were either fake, a single male, or victims of the Covid paranoia. Whatever, after three years of conversations, it wasn’t good.After...

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My Summer Vacation 2020 part 3 of 3

With four days remaining of my vacation — only three of them alone — I woke and immediately sent a text telling Cyril that last night had been amazing, adding, ‘Hope we can do it again’. An hour later he responded saying he was at the beach and wondering where I was.‘I’m relaxing today but I can still smell you and taste your semen,’ I sent.Back came: ‘You are amazing and your pussy is one of the most beautiful I’ve ever seen. It was truly an honor to share the evening with you’.Cyril said he'd...

2 years ago
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Once In A Lifetime Vacation

Stan-Husband Debra-Wife Cassie-Daughter, Seventeen yrs. Todd-White stranger David-Black stranger This story is told from the view of the wife, Debra. Once In A Lifetime Vacation My husband, Stan and I were on the Florida coast for a long rest and well deserved vacation. We both have been working hard and in a welcome turn of fate, we both had slack time at work and could get vacation at the same time so we could take off together for the first time in years. We took a month’s...

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THE SUMMER VACATIONA STORY OF SECRECY & DEPRAVITYFICTION BYAMANDA WRIGHTERCHAPTER 1“I think you’re going overboard, Carolyn.”“Shut your fucking mouth, William,” she retorted. God I hated when she called me William. It reminded me of my bitch-whore mother.“You know I hate that,” I grumbled.“I know. That’s why I do it. Now why don’t you mind your own fucking business and run along. I’ve got this under control,” she fussed. I stalked out of the kitchen, intent on giving her the silent...

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