DanielleChapter 6
- 4 years ago
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The Command Staff were sitting down to breakfast at Abbeyglen Castle. Some of the choir had already eaten and were out exploring the country side. Sarah said, "I miss the others."
"I agree," replied Aoife, "and the babies."
"Yes," responded several others.
"After breakfast, let's walk around," said Maeve.
"We need to call Mr. Bartlet in the UK before very long."
"Command Staff," asked Muireann, "is now a good time for an update?"
"Sure. We are just eating breakfast."
"Okay. al-Sharghi met earlier today with the person in charge of the shows. Today there will be some demonstrations in the courtyard where we saw all the small platforms, there will be more tomorrow afternoon. During dinner they will have the usual sex shows. Those will be followed by the auction. After that they will offer a special sex show, followed by an auction of two dozen 'select' captives. We have confirmed what they meant by 'select' captives. They are all semi-public figures who will bring a unique prestige to the slave's owner, even though many can't be seen in public."
"What do you mean?"
"Our guesses last night were very close. The 'select' captives have appeared in movies, were sports figures or were in the news. All of them are, needless to say, quite beautiful."
"So they have movie stars?"
"Yes, several, both males and females. They have all played significant roles in movies, but are not widely known. In addition there are several daughters and wives of politicians who supposedly died in accidents."
"A short time ago we heard al-Sharghi tell the arms dealer that he was disappointed that the kidnapping did not go as planned because this had put them in an awkward situation as they had planned on the choir women being the centerpiece of the auction. He also told him that a special event will take place tomorrow evening, something that everyone would find exciting. He then invited the arms dealer to accompany him as he went to check on how the conditioning of several recent captives was progressing. It appeared that the arms dealer was a little shocked by the offer, but went with him."
"Eric received a response from his friend just a little while ago," said Danny. "His friend said he wished he had intelligence data this good all the time. He is expecting a call shortly, and asked for more information regarding the Fuda estate. He had an associate working on confirming the names and circumstances of those that have British passports."
"Good. We understand Mr. Ó Ceallacháin called Mr. Bartlet, the British Prime Minister, early this morning," said Sarah. "James or Clarence, do you have any thoughts concerning the best way to broach this topic with him, since we feel it's a little awkward."
"The situation is awkward," replied Clarence. "This is especially true since you have never met the PM, but Mr. Ó Ceallacháin's call has probably eased things a little. With that in mind, just lay out the facts and offer to send someone with the information."
"Thanks. Anything else?"
"We plan to have five Security teams in position late this afternoon local time. Pat said the optimum time for the operation to begin would be when the banquet begins. We believe the activities tomorrow evening will start at dusk and follow this schedule: Seminars on S&M, using the estate's slaves, in the large reception area. Dinner will be held in the main auditorium while sex shows are being performed. After dinner will be the auctions, which we expect to begin at around half past 8. By the time they are due to start the auction, we expect to have released all the captives and slaves that are not in the auditorium and reception hall."
"What are the instructions for the Security teams?"
"Cut off communication, secure the areas where the captives are held, then evacuate them and the estate's slaves, including the arms dealer's family, as quickly as we can release them. Once all the captives and slaves are safe our teams will pull out. We would like to retrieve their records, but if we can't they will be destroyed. Demolition charges, with timers and proximity fuses, will be placed in each area as soon as it is cleared. We are prepared for a fire fight, but are not planning to initiate one. The plan is that the staff in the areas with the captives will be overcome by a perception altering drug, ideally before they realize we are there. When we leave they will be immobilized, so they will be unable to move for a couple of hours."
"Everyone understands that acting independently is not our preference," said Sarah.
"Let us know if anything changes."
"You can count on it."
"Adam, how did your meeting with Shonnesy, Ó Ceallacháin and O'Reilly, last night, go?" asked Rusty.
"It went very well, considering, " replied Adam. "O'Reilly was very impressed with the level of detail on the Fuda operation. He agreed that the signatures on the court documents were not valid by world standards, but that proving it would be another matter. He thought it would be virtually impossible to find any of the captives if a diplomatic inquiry were made. The court documents would delay any diplomatic efforts long enough for the captive to suddenly vanish without a trace.
"Shonnesy was very upset. She and Ó Ceallacháin wanted to respond immediately. We told them that we had people in place to do that if necessary, but thought it would be better for Earth's governments to take the lead. They were assured that we would assist if asked."
"We need to send them an updated DVD, " said Briana.
"Shannon teleport an updated DVD to O'Reilly's, Shonnesy's and Ó Ceallacháin's offices, sealed with their personal encryption key."
"When you reach the British Prime Minister, Mr. Bartlet," said Briana, "don't be surprised if he is expecting your call. Once they saw the data, Ms. Shonnesy and Mr. Ó Ceallacháin did not seem to be concerned about diplomatic niceties. When we left, they hadn't decided whether to call him immediately or wait until about breakfast time. We believe they called right after we left."
"Aoife, Briana, you will probably need leave for England immediately, to carry the information on the situation in Fuda to Mr. Bartlet," said Sarah.
Sarah picked up their satellite phone, and entered the number for the British Prime Minister's office. It took several exchanges and a few moments before he picked up the phone.
"Good morning, Sarah," said Mr. Allen Bartlet. "I have been expecting your call."
"Good morning, Mr. Prime Minister," replied Sarah, "our apologies for calling so early. However, our Intelligence group has information that we think your government urgently needs to be made aware of."
"Yes, Ms. Shonnesy and Mr. Ó Ceallacháin called me very early this morning. The information they provide was quite distressing, they also indicated that you would be contacting me this morning. If I understand the situation correctly, your data proves that a group of bandits, in cooperation with the Fuda government, are holding British subjects, and intend to sell them into the sexual slave trade."
"Yes, that is the essence of it. They hired a gang here in Ireland to kidnap some of us for the same purpose. Our Intelligence department has penetrated their security, and established monitors in the complex where the captives are being held." She then summarized the data regarding the captives being held in Fuda.
"Mr. Ó Ceallacháin indicated that you provided them with an extensive amount of hard evidence. How soon can I see it?" responded Mr. Bartlet in an irritated voice.
"We did. It has been up dated since then. We can have it delivered to your office in about 20 minutes."
"Aoife, Briana," said Maeve, "take a scout ship and head to Prime Minister Bartlet's location. There is a ship waiting for you on the lawn."
"We are preparing to depart."
"Where do you want us to deliver the information?" asked Sarah.
"Deliver it here. Several people will be arriving within an hour to discuss the situation."
"Okay, Aoife and Briana have just left with it. How do they get admitted to Downing Street?"
"How are they arriving?"
"They are in a scout ship, which is about the size of a minivan, only taller. It operates much like a helicopter, but without any noise. So, our ship could set down directly in Downing Street, in front of Number 10."
"I don't know if that is wise as it would cause a lot of commotion."
"The scout ship will not be visible."
"In that case have them land in the courtyard, on the grass, then have them call my office. How much time do we have before this auction takes place?"
"The auction is to begin a little after 8 PM Fuda time tomorrow evening."
"So we have a little over 38 hours?"
"Not quite, they are two hours ahead of us, so we only have somewhere around 36 hours. The estate has an airstrip which many of the guests use when they arrive by private jet. The estate is about a 3 hour drive from the capital."
"How many people are they holding?"
"As best we can tell there are more than 300 captives, but we think the number will go up, perhaps double that. There are also about a hundred slaves who reside at the estate."
"To rescue that many people would make it a major operation, even without it being a hostile situation."
"We could provide support and transportation; however, we feel it is inappropriate for us to act on our own."
"Why is that?"
"Primarily because we are outsiders. We also have other constraints which guide our interaction with other cultures."
"That is a much different approach than some countries on Earth would take. Can those carrying the information here act as your representatives?"
"Definitely. Briana is one of our Security team members. Aoife is one of Dóchas' Command Staff. Both are proficient in Special Forces style operations. They each have immediate access to the rest of us."
"I presume you mean that they are telepathic?"
"Yes. I take it you have seen the report from the group of Americans that visited Dóchas."
"It is an overstatement to say I saw the report. Our intelligence staff is, however, aware of its contents."
"We understand that the Irish Defense Forces would like to participate in whatever is decided."
"I gathered that, although Mr. Ó Ceallacháin didn't say so directly. I will contact you as soon as I see the data and meet with my staff. Will this affect either your arrival or your trip?"
"No. We will be there as scheduled, however we could arrive earlier, if that would be desirable."
"At this point, I don't see a need to be earlier than scheduled, in fact, doing so could draw some unwanted attention. Either my secretary or I will get back to you if we want to change it."
"Again, our apologies for the lateness of this information, our group on Dóchas only updated us a little while ago concerning the plans for tomorrow night at the estate. The data Aoife and Briana are bringing includes that update."
"We would all like more time in cases like this. See you tomorrow afternoon."
"Yes. We are looking forward to it. Bye."
"Tara, we don't need to alter our plans," said Sarah.
"Okay. Sally, Claudette, Jill, and Janet will be on the shuttles, along with those members of the choir who are rotating in for the next performances."
"Good. We will have a chance to relax and enjoy the area."
"It's too bad we can't all visit here."
"Well those coming for Glasgow could stop here for a day or two on the way back, or even come another time."
"I'll talk to the hotel staff and see what arrangements we can make. If we can work something out, I guess we should ask O'Reilly what arrangements we need to make with them."
"Okay. But let's wait on that last part until we have more definite plans."
"Fine. Now we are going for a walk."
The morning went quickly, as the group from Dóchas explored the grounds around the castle. News of their being in the area had spread, and there were many more people out walking and driving near Abbeyglen than was normal.
"Choir," said Kaylin, "what about having an impromptu rehearsal on the terrace in front of the hotel?"
"Wait until after the shuttles arrive," said Cass. "They will be landing on the lawn, and we want to make sure we don't have crowd issues."
"Cass, initially I was thinking of starting about an hour before lunch. But with the shuttles arriving, why don't we make it shortly after lunch as that will let us include those on them. That will also give them time to get settled in."
"Okay then, we will gather out front around 2 to have our sing along."
"That will work. I'll let the Security teams know."
Briana and Aoife eased the cloaked scout ship down into the courtyard across from 10 Downing Street. After spending a few moments surveying their surroundings, they phoned the PM's secretary. "Sir, we aren't sure how you want to handle this," said Briana after greeting Mr. Thompson the secretary. "We are in our ship about 60 meters from the front door." She sensed him looking out the window. "It is cloaked so no one can see it. We think we have a couple of choices concerning how we enter your office. One option is to remain cloaked until we are there, alternatively, someone could walk out to meet us in the courtyard. The latter is likely to cause some commotion among the security detail."
There was a pause, then the secretary replied, "We think entering our office cloaked would be the best solution."
"Give us 5 minutes, then come outside, leave the door open, and step off to the side. We will enter while you look around the courtyard."
"That will work."
"This is neat," said Aoife, as they walked toward the entrance. Just as they arrived at the building, a man stepped outside and looked around, as if he was looking for someone. Aoife and Briana walked through the open doorway and waited just inside.
When Mr. Thompson reentered the office, he looked around with a puzzled expression. Once he closed the door, Briana and Aoife turned off their personal cloaking. His expression turned to one of shock as the two very tall women suddenly appeared in reception area.
"Hello," said Aoife, "this is Briana and my name is Aoife. I believe Mr. Bartlet is expecting us."
The man reached forward and carefully shook each of their hands. "My name is Jay Thompson, and I am a member of the PM's staff. Yes, Mr. Bartlet is expecting you. This way, please." With that, they followed him further into the building, until they entered a large, windowless, conference room.
As they entered, Mr. Bartlet rose saying, "Good morning, ladies. You are very prompt, and have caught me just finishing breakfast. Would you care to join me?"
"A cup of coffee and a croissant sounds good," replied Aoife after introducing Briana and herself.
"That sounds good to me, as well," said Briana. A maid quickly brought in coffee and croissants.
"Ladies, I find a couple of things puzzling about the situation in Fuda. Why did you take this information to the Irish Prime Minister first?"
"Fundamentally, because we were visiting their country, and it was their National Police who apprehended the group of bandits hired to kidnap some of us. The bandits were hired by the group in Fuda."
"I think you made a good choice. Why are you suggesting that we lead this rescue, if that is what is decided? I know you have at least a couple of former US spooks in your group now."
Aoife smiled. "We thought the captives would want their ordeal kept secret. If the US were approached to do this, we are reasonably certain that the facts would be in the newspapers and on TV within a couple of days, if not before the rescue started. Also, considering the limited response time, do you think they could be ready in time? We are fairly certain their President would want to act, but would he have the support?"
"Ladies," replied Mr. Bartlet dodging the question, "we will be joined by several people from SIS, the Minister of Defense, and one of our SAS commanders. He has already initiated some inquiries regarding missing British citizens. It seems that he very recently heard of some being held captive in Fuda. On learning this, he advised his command of what he had received and noted that the source was extremely reliable. He suggested that if the information was as good as he expected then they would likely be tasked with resolving the issue. When pressed, he indicated that the information came from a former American spook. It is my understanding that all of this, apparently, occurred about the time the Irish Prime Minister called me."
"It was, most likely, Eric that contacted a colleague in the SAS," said Aoife. "Eric is part of a group of five Americans that have joined us recently. We don't know the details of their background, but we suspect they worked for US Intelligence before retiring."
The PM chuckled, and then said, "Yes, based on their contact here, I suspect they did. Now, tell me about yourselves. Sarah said one of you was a security team member, and the other was part of your command staff."
Briana described her background, how she had joined the crew and made the transition to being a part of the Golden Amazons species. Aoife then related the story of how she first went to see about becoming a crew member of an alien space ship. She relived her experience of that first night, when she first met the core group of Command Staff. She recalled that, upon meeting them that first time, she instinctively felt that becoming a part of the ship's crew was the thing for her to do. In fact, she said, she remembered that the feeling was so strong that it had, initially scared her. She then spoke about their family, their children, and life on the space ship and at the Mars settlement.
Mr. Bartlet listened intently as they described themselves. He found that he had to concentrate on what they were saying in order to avoid being distracted, either by their beauty or by the melodic sound of their voices. When Aoife finished, he asked, "Why were you apprehensive over being drawn toward Sarah's Clan? Did you think they were manipulating you telepathically?"
"It was the strength of my feelings that concerned me. I had never experienced an instinctive sense of direction that strong before. As I learned later, the strength of my feelings was probably aided by my natural telepathic ability. The intensity came from being among others like me."
"Mr. Bartlet," said Briana, "we go to considerable lengths to make sure that everyone joining us makes their own decision. The key leadership clan makes it very clear that no one is to be pushed or enticed into joining us. Even those we have rescued have to initiate the idea of joining our crew themselves. Crew members on a space ship must be totally in sync with each other, as there isn't any place to go if you change your mind. In addition, our interpersonal relationships are much more open than anything I am aware of occurring on Earth. We believe this is strongly aided by our telepathic abilities, as everyone is telepathic. I think our degree of intimacy would make many on Earth uncomfortable. The DVD we sent to all the government leaders on Earth has several presentations covering our history, culture and some of our unique attributes."
"Yes, I have watched the DVD a couple of times. Our intelligence group, known as MI6, has also spent a considerable amount of time reviewing it. The diplomatic service was quite appalled that you did not contact them first."
"I could see their point," said Aoife, "if we were a government seeking diplomatic recognition. We don't, however, claim to be a government, as Earth defines it."
"It is obvious to me that both of you are very comfortable in your new life. Many of those who watched the DVD's have expressed concern that the people who joined the crew were manipulated into doing so. Since hearing your stories first hand, I believe that everyone who joined you made their decision freely."
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SpankingOf course, her brother was addicted to her and her pussy, and she knew he would be running back in no time at all. One Friday night, Maxynn was watching one of her favorite movies in the den and she heard Holden walk in. He sat across the room from her, because being so close to her made him go crazy. He had to keep his distance for awhile because of what happened. He missed his sister though, he masturbated about 5 times a day, at the thought of her pussy around his cock. He finally gave in...
An unfamiliar noise roused Noah. He realized it was Noelle, crying. Rachel was sound asleep beside him. He arose, pulled on his briefs, picked her up and wrapped her in a fresh towel. "I'll bet you're hungry," he said and carried her downstairs. His carrying her calmed her, but she began crying again as he reached the kitchen. "Hold on," he said and removed a nursing bottle filled with Rachel's milk. A brief time in the microwave oven took off the chill. He sat on the sofa and offered...
My fiftieth birthday party was great fun. I may have a large apartment, but it was packed with people. Almost my entire staff and their families were there plus numerous friends - naturally including Abe and Leah, Ramone and Debbie and even Mother Marianna. In such a sea of diversity, a blonde pregnant school girl didn't seem nearly as out of place as she would have in most other places. I noticed that either Jess or Elise stayed close to Laura almost the entire evening. Not in a...
I switched the alarm off and looked at the clock. It’s 5:30 AM and still dark out. I immediately got up and looked out the bedroom window, focusing on the house across the street. The house is dark, so they’re still asleep. I walked into the bathroom guided by the soft glow of a single nightlight. After relieving myself, I put on a robe to warm myself. I brushed my teeth while standing in the dark bedroom looking out the window. The moon gives off just enough light that I can make out the shape...
The year was 1985. I was walking on Third Avenue in New York City, probably going to the store for no good reason. It was a gorgeous day. On the corner, a cab stopped at the light. The car was free and the driver smiled at me as I passed in front of his vehicle. I couldn't help but notice how drop-dead gorgeous he was: exceptionally handsome face, long, raven-black hair. I was immediately attracted to him. I raised my hand to hail him down, and he pulled to the curb to let me in. I sat in the...
The two of them had just “finished” shopping on Black Friday and headed out to the car. Beth Ann, the slightly pudgy younger sister who was Tiffany Rae’s best friend located her SUV. She unlocked the doors and the two of the early 30 year olds climbed into the automobile and promptly buckled their seatbelts. Beth Ann started the SUV and pulled out and got drove on to the main road and located the expressway. Within minutes they were speeding along at somewhere around 70 to 75 mph. Beth Ann was...
MatureBad Halloween HabitsbyFflow©I had worked on my costume for weeks, carefully planning every part of it. I had shaved exactly three days before to insure that I had just the right amount of stubble on my face. I'd unearthed my old work boots, purchased a rosary and cross, and had constructed an almost perfect replica of a nun's habit. I had even borrowed one of my mother's D-Cup bra's to 'round out' the whole look. My philosophy has always been that, if you're going to dress in drag on Halloween,...
I went back to my apartment, and lazed about looking over the script doing some research, into the circumstances and wondering ... about Amy? About 9PM I got a call. "Hello, this is Michael Travis," I said. This is the only girl within 1000 miles of you," the nice voice on the other end of the line said. "Oh, hi Ruthie!" "Smart-ass," she said. "It's Amy, Michael. I was reading through this play, and we not only have a few make out scenes. We also seem to be mostly unclothed,...
> >Pete and his three buddies were shooting the shit as theydressed for the>high school senior prom. They had started drinking early,wanting to down a>few brews before they went to pick up their dates. Now, inJoey's basement,>they started to don their tuxedos. Pete, the self proclaimed leader and>joker of the group, pranced around wearing his tuxedopants, a bow tie and>no shirt or jacket. He loved to show off the tattoo he had gotten the>previous winter in Florida. The basement had a...
"I know you guys are keeping the pain receptors turned off during my questioning, but are there any problems with maintaining the status quo? I ask because I am starting to feel some of the pain," Tim whispered to himself while he held a pillow over his own face in a mock effort to fall asleep. "All efforts to minimize, and even counteract, the effects of the enhanced interrogation techniques are within their limits, and all nanites are performing at optimum levels. If you are, in fact,...
My hand hurt. There was no getting around it. But, under the circumstances it was to be expected, the way that Eddie was repeatedly hurling the baseball, and Luke was repeatedly swinging the bat and missing the baseball, leaving me to catch it with a glove that wasn't broken in because we'd bought everything we were using that very morning. Eddie had insisted that he didn't feel like wasting the day away looking for the equipment they already had in the basement, even though Luke swore he...
Introduction: Continuation – This is a story of how it all began for me at an early age. It starts slow and some chapters have more action then others but honestly, I feel that those are the more interesting ones. I suggest that you read them in order as to fully enjoy them. Please let me know how much you liked them and maybe even how it made you feel. I know it made me all wet writting it and had to stop multiple times for obvious reasons. Please feel free to check out my picture gallery....
...After the film ended, we all got to our rooms... We were lying in our bed and just talking about the whole night. "It was amazing." Ben said. "Ye. It felt really good. But I still feel that it's wrong what we did tonight." I replied. "Come on, bro. You don't be so -Oooh, we shouldn't have done it...-. Stop thinking always about incest. Ye, it's wrong, but, she wanted to do it. That's what matters." Ben said. "Yeah.. I suppose.." I said. We covered ourselves with...
Hi indian sex stories dot net friends, I am poker(name changed) and my size is satisfactory 6 inches. I am reading the stories since my 10th, which is about 8 years. Recently I had my share of experience with a woman of my dreams seemu.. If you like to share some experiences or have my service, ping me on I am residing in Chennai for a job since 2 years and I needed a medical certificate recently for some purpose. For that I found my seniors wife to be a doctor and approached him. He told to...
Driving down Albert Road was always the problem when trying to get into the city. Being the only road that leads straight into the centre of town from the highway, you quite often get a load of tourists making a "brief stop" on their journey to stock up on all sorts of snacks and drinks. But today was just ridiculous. Fancy that; it’s my eighteenth birthday and we’re stuck in traffic so long that we could have already been in and out of town if we’d left the car at home and walked it! But my...
Mind ControlHe walked into the "Red Room" and spied his required clothing d****d on a chair. With the exception of the black leather platform bed against the far left wall, all the furniture was upholstered in a rich dark red. Oddly enough, the color and muted lighting seemed to soothe his nerves a bit. He wasted no time in getting ready. He stripped and quickly donned the leather pants, boots and zippered hood provided to him. He hated the hood a little, because it was hot and uncomfortable, but it...
“Grandmas and Grandpa,” a bright voice called as the door slammed. “Papa said to call all the old folks out to lunch. The grills are cooking.” “Old folks!” John hmphed as he stood to embrace his youngest granddaughter, Patricia. “I’m finally going to take that boy up in an airplane and push him out. I should have done it years ago, the first time he dated your mother.” He growled but no one believed him in the least. “But grandpa, then you wouldn’t have me!” Patricia said. John hugged her...
Rainfall: Rise By Tom J. Hyde Synopsis: With the fate of Allaron in the balance, Ghanton is beset upon by the forces of the newly empowered Rainfall Cult even as an enemy within the town's walls is unleashed by Rainfall's new leader. (Part 4) * * * Author's Note: I highly recommend that you read the rest of the Rainfall Saga before reading this story. They are named "Rainfall: Arrival," "Rainfall: Assault" and "Rainfall: Resurrection." * * * I awoke with the dawn. I glanced...
I won't lie to you and say that I didn't have anything to do with the following events that transpired. I won't tell you that I was just an innocent victim, because that isn't true. I asked for this, played with fire, let the monster into my life, and naively thought that i could somehow control the outcome of what was to ultimately be ... and in retrospect, (hindsight 20/20,) i don't think i truly understood what the consequences of my desire would produce, nor comprehend the fiery need that...
Our plane lands on a small airstrip near the middle of the island. We both saw the beach as we crossed with violent waves crashing against the shore. We retrieve our luggage and head for the exit from the airport. Our limo driver is waiting at the door and collects all of our luggage and deposits it gently into the long Cadillac. As we head towards our ocean front cabin the driver begins telling us about the storms that have been hitting and that there may be rough weather approaching. We...
You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE. - Rod Serling A Home Is Made Of Love Alone - A TWILIGHT ZONE story By Anon Allsop Cade, in a desperate attempt to flee from his Mother's abuse, runs away. His only crime was trying to escape the wrath of a spiteful, drunken woman that hated everything about her son. On a...
Hi, I am a frequent reader of iss and this is the first time I am sharing my sexstory so please write your views on This story is all fantasy and has nothing to do with the reality. I don’t know why but since my childhood I’m more attracted towards ladies who are more than my age. One of such lady is my chachi abha(name changed) to whom I am attracted so much. I am not into incest and neither like it but when it comes to my chachi I can do just anything for her. She would be around 41 or 42 I...
IncestTeil 1 = https://de.xhamster.com/stories/beatrice-die-kleine-schwanznutte-teil-1-717716Beatrice wird eingerittenIhr Chef hatte zwischenzeitlich die Wohnung ganz betreten, ging von Tür zu Tür, zum Schluss auch in ihr Schlafzimmer. Ohne Hemmungen öffnete er Türen, Schränke, Schubläden. Beatrice wurde es ganz heiß, denn sie bewahrte im Schlafzimmer ihre ganze Ausstattung auf: Dessous, Kleidung, und vor allem auch Sextoys. Ihr Chef fing an, die Schubläden ihrer Kommode herauszuziehen, griff in die...
Joanna Angel runs a successful spa and she’s sick and tired of her employee Prince being late all the time, he only lives 5 minutes away! She’s going to give him one last chance, but she wants a massage from him to prove worth it. She gets a massage and so much more. At the Kinky Spa clients get “full service” massages and Prince doesn’t hold back once he can tell that’s what Joanna is after. He doesn’t hesitate to pull out his massive BBC for her when...
xmoviesforyouThe early morning light filled the hospital room, gently enveloping the three women standing guard over the man in the bed. He laid silently, his once muscular body now withered in pain, eaten from the inside out by cancer. A late-fortyish, petite brunette cradled the man’s hand next to her cheek. Her curly, shoulder length hair hid her pretty, tearstained face. Sitting beside her was a late-twenties version of the woman. On the other side of the bed was a thirtyish, tall attractive blonde,...
We’ve got two new great ? performers making their Hussie??️Pass debuts today, as we welcome busty natural 21-year-old Layla Belle and VERY well hung 18-year-old Damion Dayski to the site. After we get to know a little about the juicy blonde ??♀️ Layla gets herself warmed up by playing with her clit and fucking herself with a long double-dong. Damion sits next to Layla for a brief 2nd interview ????♀️ where we find out that this is his first time with a white girl! The action starts with...
xmoviesforyouThe Hem of His Garment Based on Math. 9:20-22, Mark 5:25-34, Luke 8:43-48 Twelve years. Twelve long, miserable years. And she was at the end of herself.... She could still vividly recall the first time she realized she was different. She also remembered praying about it every day, trying everything she could think of to hide her "sin". She had feared the difficulty it would cause, and her father, who was a member of the Pharisee sect fulfilled her fears, and then some. His...
HistoricalRegina was in the cockpit of the Spitfire called PG-9 checking the gauges, ticking them off one-by-one on the clipboard list when the scramble horn sounded. She only hesitated a moment, tossed the board and list out, yanked the little access door closed, slid forward the canopy and pulled back the throttle and adjusted the mix. She revved the engine, released the parking brake and spun out of the revetment and then taxied to the end of the runway, pulling on the helmet as she did, her heart...
The stunning Kristi debuts for www.private.com today in Private Specials, Two Girls, Double Pleasure, together with real life partner of Sam Frost, Mary Frost(Aka Hazel Dew), and in true Private style these beauties have come to enjoy the best sexual practice of them all… anal! There’s no better way to make your Private debut than with an anal threesome, and after sharing a nice blowjob to warm up, you can watch Mary’s sexy tattooed body and Kristi’s incredible figure in action as they get...