A Well-Lived Life 2 - Book 8 - NIKAChapter 45: Interesting Developments free porn video

March 7, 1995, Chicago, Illinois
The phone rang on Tuesday evening, and I excused myself from watching a tape of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine with the girls and kids. Jennifer paused the tape while I went to my study to take the call.
“Seriously?” I asked about a minute into the call.
“Seriously!” Aimee said with a laugh. “What? You don’t think I’m a good catch?”
I laughed, “I think you’re a GREAT catch. I just had you figured for not marrying until you were settled in your shore billet.”
“I met someone during our sea trials, and no, this was not a case of ‘The Love Boat’! I take it you’ve followed that scandal?”
“Yes. Fifteen pregnancies on the Eisenhower while on deployment for Operation Southern Watch and Operation Deny Flight. Why anyone was surprised by this development, I’ll never understand.”
“What about the idiot who filmed himself having sex with a female sailor?”
“That does take things to a special level of stupid, doesn’t it? Who’s your lucky sailor?”
“Lieutenant Commander John Fitzmaurice. But I went through channels to ensure we didn’t have trouble. He accepted a shore billet to keep things totally kosher.”
“You aren’t ready for combat yet, right?” I asked.
“No. The Ike beat us to that. We probably won’t deploy until next summer. We’re available if there’s a crisis, but we just finished our sea trials and still have a lot of overhaul and training work to do.”
“I do have to say I’m a bit put off that you didn’t tell me AND that you got married on Saturday! What did your dad have to say?”
“You know my dad; he’s never said anything. Heck, he’s even come to the conclusion that you would have made a good son-in-law, even with your strange views on marriage and monogamy.”
I chuckled, “He told me. What are you going to do about kids?”
“That’s a tricky thing, but after talking it through, we’re going to try now so I have my baby before the Big E deploys. I won’t miss much time at sea and I should be able to keep my assignment.”
“Why not wait?”
“Because I’m not sure when the deployment will be or how long it will last. It’s kind of like Jessica’s timing, you know? I’m already 28, and I don’t want to have a teenager at home when I’m 50! John’s three years older than I am, and he has the same opinion.”
“Good luck and have fun!”
“You and I always did! Say ‘hi’ to everyone for me. I’ll keep you posted.”
“I’m happy for you, Aimee.”
We said ‘goodbye’ and hung up.
“I can’t believe Aimee got married!” Kara said when I returned to the great room and relayed the news.
“Stranger things have happened! Abbie got married!”
“Very true! Shall I restart the tape?”
March 8, 1995, Chicago, Illinois
“So what’s the bottom line?” I asked.
“I honestly don’t see how he can win against NIKA,” Jamie said. “We’ll move for summary judgment today. I think we have a decent chance, but remember how that works.”
“Yes, the court construes everything in Dante’s favor and will only dismiss if it believes he can’t win despite having the scales tipped in his direction.”
“Exactly. The problem will be overcoming his claim of collusion and conspiracy. Even if we turn over our records, they can’t prove a negative. He’ll claim he needs more records, and then he’ll claim we haven’t produced everything.”
“How do we deal with that?”
“I’ll demand he provide some evidence, any evidence, of a meeting or conversation between you, Mark, and Melissa. I don’t believe he can, because he didn’t even tell you their names or anything else before you showed up for the first meeting.”
“So he perjures himself,” I said.
“Let’s say he does, and I don’t doubt that he would, he still has nothing to show for it. In the end, he’ll have to convince the judge he can find it in discovery. We’ll argue he’s fishing, and it’ll be up to the judge to decide.”
“Give me your best guess, Jamie.”
“I’d say we have a 25% chance of summary judgment, and 80% of dismissal after discovery. You know I’ll never guarantee anything.”
“No, but your 80% figure tells me you’re very confident. Usually you give me the ‘things could go either way’ bit.”
“If he can find a shred of evidence, I’ll change my estimates, but Mark and Melissa retained Billie before they approached Dante and she did the initial correspondence. Even Dante didn’t know who the buyers were until he expressed interest in selling to them. And you never met either of them at any point before the dinner you had, nor had anyone on your management team, so I don’t see how he gets past discovery, if he can even get there.”
“What about the suits against M&M?”
“Billie already moved for summary judgment on the claims by Dario and Daniela. She should win that based on the briefs alone. Dario and Daniela cashed the checks and that, together with the contract terms, basically precludes any claims. And given that the contracts had one-year terms with each side having a right to refuse to renew for any reason, those claims will fail perforce.
“The claim from the engineer will survive a motion for summary judgment because there is a factual dispute. Remember, it doesn’t matter if the facts ultimately are on M&M’s side. So long as there is a live controversy, it survives summary judgment. And that means it’ll go to trial, and there’s a decent chance he’ll win. Billie is recommending a settlement offer which Melissa should probably make.”
“I suspect that he won’t accept,” I said. “Dante’s backing this and any amount Melissa would consider reasonable won’t be enough to stop it.”
“Knowing Dante, I think I have to agree with your assessment. But that’s between Billie and Melissa.”
“Is there a problem with M&M hiring Jennifer?”
“No. IF Dante could prove some sort of conspiracy, then maybe the engineer has some sort of tortuous interference claim against you, but Billie is confident they can prove the engineer quit.”
“She’ll subpoena his job application for the firm he works for. She’s betting he stated he quit, not that he was fired.”
I laughed, “Nice. So what about Dante’s claims against Mark and Melissa for fraud?”
“We don’t know his angle yet. Remember, he just had to state enough in his filing to survive a motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim. He can always amend it later, and use discovery to try to find other angles. But nobody knows what he’s going for.”
“I think Billie should ask him what it would take to settle the case, even before she files her response.”
“To see how he reacts? That’s not a bad idea.”
“Melissa thinks he’s trying to force a sale back to him, but for less than they paid him. I tend to agree, because I think Dante’s ego is in play here.”
“Knowing the man, it wouldn’t surprise me. You used to be pretty bad, but I could always rely on Elyse to eventually beat some sense into you. Dante doesn’t have anyone like that.”
I laughed, “True. She came up with a strategy to ensure Dante can’t succeed, and then Samantha pointed out some legal and tax advantages to the strategy. Basically, M&M would sell all the patents and the software to an LLC and license everything back to M&M. Per Elyse, that prevents Dante from running the company without paying the licensing fees. Samantha suggested that the licensing fees be structured to take all the profit from M&M into the LLC, which would then distribute it to the partners.”
“If it were structured properly, and all the tax implications worked out, that would be a slick way to thwart him. Even if he somehow won, it would be a pyrrhic victory because he’d have to pay the licensing fees.”
“Exactly. My only concern would be doing it now, after the lawsuits were filed.”
“Actually, things like that are fairly common. I’m sure you’ve heard of ‘poison pill’ defenses in hostile takeovers?”
“Sure,” I replied, nodding. “We have some in place because you and Bruce suggested them.”
“Exactly. And those are generally accepted by the courts as legitimate. That’s what this would be and how they’d defend it. Who would put up the capital? Samantha?”
Jamie laughed, “And she has enough money to keep even Dante at bay. Her lawyers would probably make OJ’s team look like amateurs.”
“Jamie, if those are amateurs, what would that make Marcia Clark and Chris Darden? And Judge Ito?”
“You know the clown cars at the circus? That.”
“So you’ve come around to my view?”
“OJ is going to walk, just as you predicted.”
“Yep. So, what do we do?”
“Sit tight and let me file the motions. Call Melissa and suggest she direct Billie to inquire about a settlement.”
“Will do. Thanks, Jamie.”
“You’re welcome. It’s much nicer to work with you these days.”
“Even with the situation with Michelle?”
“Don’t push it!” Jamie laughed. “Joyce and your dad approved, so it’s their problem, not mine!”
“I’m glad you didn’t quit.”
“She was already in the mix, so to speak. But for God’s sake, keep it in your pants!”
“I am, Jamie.”
Of course, there was still the issue of Claire and Jodie, but I’d cross those bridges later. I was absolutely sure Jamie didn’t know about either of them, and neither of them would ever say a word.
March 10, 1995, Apple Orchard Bed-and-Breakfast near Montpelier, Vermont
“KATY!” Birgit squealed when we got out of the rental car.
“BIRGIT!” Katy squealed just as loudly.
Birgit ran to hug Katy, who picked her up. Jessica, Kara, Michelle, and I walked over to where Katy and Amy stood. We all exchanged hugs, and then Amy helped me get the bags from the trunk and take them into the house. Kurt and Kathy and Tom and Bethany followed right behind us, having pulled up just a minute after we did. Once all the luggage had been deposited in the rooms, we all gathered in the great room by the roaring fire.
“How are things at the hospital?” I asked Amy.
“Do they ever change?” she asked with a laugh. “Nursing, outside of the ER and the ICU, is pretty routine stuff. I’m in medicine, so mostly we don’t have too much excitement, and that works for me. Doctor Jessica, how are things in the craziest ER in the country?”
“Crazy!” Jessica replied, laughing. “In just over three months I’ll start my Attending position at UofC, along with being an Associate Professor in the medical school.”
“That’s awesome. Trauma surgery, right?”
“Kara, did you get your PhD yet?” Katy asked.
“I’m close. I submitted my research findings on polymer chemistry and I’m waiting for the peer review. Once I’m published in a refereed journal, I’m done. I won’t get my hood in June, though, because I won’t be completely finished. I’ll get it in December, most likely.”
“You’re surrounded by Doctors, Mr. Adams!” Katy teased.
“Nah, Kurt ‘only’ has a Master’s. And Tom graduated from the Fire Academy plus Paramedic School. Kathy has her undergraduate degree, and Michelle is a college dropout!”
“Hey!” Michelle protested.
“It’s true, isn’t it?” I asked with a silly grin.
“You hired me!”
“I did. But that doesn’t change the story!”
“I’ll go back eventually.”
“I know. I was just messing with you.”
“None of the guys in your gang have doctorates, do they?” Katy asked.
I laughed, “No. We all married women smarter than we are!”
“As if there was any other possibility!” Amy teased.
“It’s worse for Steve,” Katy smirked. “He has a house full of women who are smarter than he is, not to mention two more in the coach house.”
“Me Grog,” I said in a ‘cave man’ accent. “Me hunt food. Make fire. Keep house warm and family fed. Make wives’ toes curl. Girls do all thinking.”
Everyone laughed.
“Daddy is silly!” Birgit declared.
“That’s not news, Birgit, Honey,” Katy said. “I knew your daddy before you were born!”
“He and Mommy had sex and made me!”
“Yes, but that was a long time after I met your daddy. He and your mommy were only dating then.”
“Did you kiss Daddy?” Birgit smirked.
“Yes, and you know I did, you little troublemaker!”
“How has business been?” Tom asked, clearly trying to change the subject.
“We’ve been 100% booked for three straight years, and we’re fully booked through this time next year. Our regular clientele covers over two-thirds of our bookings. And speaking of that, I have you down for around the same time next year. It’s March 15th instead of the 10th. Let me know if I need to change anything.”
“That should be fine,” Tom said. “Kurt? Steve?”
We both nodded our approval.
“Did you guys have any plans,” Katy asked, “or is this just a usual lazy three-day weekend?
“Just a long, relaxing weekend where we’re away from it all!” I said.
“Katy, can I sleep in your room?” Birgit asked.
“Yes, Sweetie, Amy and I thought you would want to. Steve, what do you plan to do for dinner?”
“We’re going to the restaurant where Blackie works,” I said. “We ate there last year and it was awesome. Can we reserve the sauna for tonight?”
“Already taken care of,” Katy laughed. “Amy will get her initiation!”
“Only if she’s comfortable,” I said. “It might be your sauna, but all of us will follow my rules.”
“He’s right, Katy,” Bethany said.
“I’m game,” Amy smirked. “I’ll trade letting the three men here see me naked in exchange for seeing Kara!”
We all laughed, and a few minutes later, the eight adults went to dinner, leaving Birgit with Katy and Amy who would feed her. After a very nice meal out, we returned to the bed-and-breakfast to find the outdoor, free-standing sauna pre-heated and waiting for us.
“Gorgeous,” Amy said with a smirk.
“Oh please,” I chuckled. “That hot Irish girl with freckles on her chest who has her arm around you is nothing to sneeze at!”
“Just because the store’s closed, doesn’t mean I can’t window shop!” Amy declared.
“She sounds like most of the firemen I work with,” Tom laughed.
“Which ones DON’T say that, Tommy?” Bethany teased. “The gay ones?”
“There are officially no gay firefighters. No offense, Katy and Amy.”
“That silly fiction?” Katy sighed. “Still?”
“Right up there with gay cops and gay soldiers,” Bethany said with an equal sigh. “The last of the Neanderthals.”
“Along with a bunch of churches,” Kara said.
“Try being a gay teenager,” Kathy said, shaking her head. “Granted, I have sixth graders, but I see and hear what’s said, and it can be downright nasty.”
“Someday, society is going to get its head out of its ass,” Amy said.
“Don’t count on it,” I sighed. “Oh, and by the way, Katy has VERY good taste!”
Amy laughed, “I guess I deserved that for joking about Kara earlier.”
Bethany shook her head, “Even before my accident I thought I looked like an old dishrag compared to Kara, who at thirty is STILL the most beautiful woman any of us know.”
“And my husband STILL prefers Kathy,” Kara laughed, “Though Kurt figured out how to resolve that issue early on!”
“Huh?” Amy asked.
Kathy smirked, “Mr. Adams was very much enamored with what he called my ‘shocking red pubic hair’. Kurt prefers me bare. Mr. Adams thought asking me to shave was a crime against humanity!”
“And I still do!” I protested.
“What am I missing?” Amy asked.
“Kathy and Steve had mutual, undeclared, and unrequited, crushes on each other in seventh and eighth grades,” Bethany said. “By the time either was ready to admit it, or do anything about it, it was basically too late. They dated a bit, but Steve met Kara and Kathy met Kurt and here were are.”
“If only it had been that simple,” I sighed.
“Katy’s told me some stories,” Amy said. “She seems to think things have calmed down.”
“They have, for the most part,” I said. “All the drama is external at the moment, mostly related to work.”
“And that’s a very good thing,” Jessica confirmed.
“Birgit, do you have a boyfriend?” Amy asked.
“Three!” she giggled.
“Which should surprise exactly nobody, given who her parents are!” Katy laughed.
“And Jesse?”
“He has five!” Birgit declared. “Marta, Lara, Amber, Kristin, and Francesca!”
“Sounds just like his dad, right?” Bethany laughed.
“Marta and Lara are the girls from Sweden and Russia, right?” Katy asked.
“Yes,” I replied. “Pia’s daughter and Tanya’s daughter. Pia and Marta visited last week, and we’re going to Russia as a family this summer.”
“You’re nuts!” Katy said. “That army? Do the Russians know war has been declared?”
Everyone laughed and after a few more minutes, donned robes and hurried to the house for showers. After our showers, we gathered for apple pie with maple ice cream, and then my wives and I headed to the ‘Ethan Allen’ room.
“Make love to me, Tiger,” Jessica said sexily as soon as the door was closed.
“Make love to me, Snuggle Bear,” Kara added.
I pulled both my wives into my arms, and kissed them both, then led them to the bed.
March 12, 1995, Apple Orchard Bed-and-Breakfast near Montpelier, Vermont
“I am NOT ready to go home this afternoon,” Kathy declared at breakfast on Sunday. “But I have to be back at school tomorrow.”
“We all have to get back to work,” Jessica said.
“It’s been fun having you guys here,” Amy said. “And I experienced something new.”
“What’s that?” Kathy asked.
“I was naked in mixed company and nobody ogled me.”
“A lesson we all learned from Steve,” Kurt said. “It’s possible to notice a beautiful female form without being a pig about it.”
“Steve has kicked a few people out of his sauna over the years for that kind of behavior,” Kathy said. “Mostly it was college kids who turned out not to be mature enough to handle it.”
“Katy missed the ‘naked Rap Session’,” Michelle said with an impish smile. “Thirty people, mostly college kids, got naked at Kara’s request!”
“Of COURSE they did,” Katy laughed. “She’s always been like that!”
“Amy, did Katy tell you about Kara and two of our friends greeting the pizza guy naked at the front door?”
Amy laughed, “Among other stories! But I get the drift things aren’t as crazy now.”
“They aren’t,” I confirmed. “We’re due for a dose of calm in the Adams’ household.”
“More like the calm before the storm of teenager hormones that’s going to hit in about five years!” Bethany laughed. “And these kids don’t have parents who are repressing them the way most of ours did with us.”
“I have to say it’s been an education, and the oldest is Jesse at nine,” Tom said, shaking his head. “But Bethany has insisted it’s healthy.”
“It’s society that’s sick, not Steve’s kids,” Bethany said. “And sadly, we’re fighting a losing battle.”

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