The Angry Whore Book 1Chapter 27 Taking a Ship
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24 August, 1686 Evening
It was evening by the time Isabel and Teresa had made there way back to the Maidens Revenge. After they had climbed aboard Claire greeted them, "Isabel, and this is Teresa I presume."
Isabel smiled, "Hi Claire, yes this is my sister."
"Welcome Teresa, I'm Claire," Claire greeted the girl extending her hand.
"Hi," Teresa responded softly very nervous about meeting all these new people, and also nervous about being in a place that was completely foreign to her.
Constance smiled and offered her hand to Teresa while saying, "Hello Teresa, welcome, I'm Constance."
"Hello Constance," Teresa smiled timidly taking Constance's hand.
"Ah yes, so at last, Teresa. Why, shame on you Isabel, she's even prettier than you led us to believe, Jack Scarlet at your service M'lady," Scarlet said as he took Teresa's hand and kissed the back of it lightly while noting that the newcomer was indeed a handsom-looking young woman with a brilliant smile and masses of soft, curly hair.
Teresa blushed red.
"Pay him no mind Teresa. Jack does that to all of us," Isabel told her sister humorously.
"Nice to meet you Teresa, Aba, gunners mate," Aba stepped forward greeting Teresa with his deep resonate voice while offering an unrestrained bow.
"Hello Aba," Teresa returned his greeting shyly.
Dancort came forward then extended his hand to Teresa and said, "Welcome, Ihon Dancort, ships carpenter."
"Nice to meet you Mr. Dancort," Teresa returned his greeting.
"Ihon," he offered smiling.
"Ihon," she smiled back.
"Captain," Isabel addressed Carmen calling her over, "I'd like to introduce my sister Teresa," her hand rested on the young girl's shoulder. Then to Teresa she said, "Teresa, this is Carmen O' Daire, Captain of the Maidens Revenge."
"Welcome aboard the Maidens Revenge Teresa," Carmen greeted the girl with extend hand.
"Oh... thank you for having me Captain," Teresa returned bashfully yet obviously very impressed by Carmen's title.
"You are more than welcome Teresa," Carmen responded smiling, "Isabel is like a sister to us, and in time I hope you come to feel likewise. As a matter of fact was it not for the daring and strength of your sister none of us would even be here right now. Your sister is a very courageous young woman."
Teresa turned her gaze toward Isabel and looked at her sister with open admiration and new found respect, "Really?"
"Indeed," Claire confirmed.
"To be sure, we owe that sister of yours a lot," Constance validated.
It was then Isabel's turn to blush.
Isabel quickly changed the subject seeking to conceal her discomfiture at being praised, "And where is Cog?" She asked, even though she had already speculated why Cog was not onboard.
"He went for supplies," Carmen answered rather weakly.
Isabel laughed, "Oh Carmen, how dim-witted do you judge me? I'm persuaded to believe you asked Cog to keep watch over me and Teresa did you not?"
"Guilty as charged," Carmen confessed openly laughing just as Cog came up over the rail.
Isabel ushered him over, "Cog, my sister Teresa, Teresa, Cog, ships master boatswain," she introduced the two.
Cog gave an enlightened and courteous smile and overtly patted his left breast.
"Cog is mute but talks to us in many other ways," Isabel explained.
Cog gave a low bow and Teresa curtsied politely.
"Thank you Cog," Isabel whispered with a voice only loud enough that Cog might hear, "it's comforting to know you were looking out for us."
Cog scratched his head looking dumbfounded wondering how she could have spotted him.
"No," Isabel alleged softly, "I did not spot you, I just surmised as much when I discovered you were not onboard."
Cog smiled, then swirling his arm outward he offered another low bow.
"So, Ihon why don't you show Isabel and Teresa their new sleeping quarters," Carmen suggested.
"Right this way Isabel, Teresa," Dancort invited the girls to follow him as he led them toward the forecastle.
What Ihon showed them was that the large double forecastle entrance doors had been replaced by three smaller ones each one leading into its own private cabin area. The door furthermost to port still held several three high crew bunks as before, but the center door opened into a dinning area with a long table and two equally long benches on either side. The table looked large enough to accommodate twenty or more people. The third door, closest to starboard opened up into a cabin fitted out with the same white and gold paint, decor and furnishing as the Captains cabin minus the chart table and only three rather than four bunks.
"This is for you and your sisters," Dancort told Isabel, "couldn't be hav'n nay young lady's bunking with the men crew now could we."
"Oh, Ihon, thank you so much, it's absolutely beautiful. Thank you," Isabel told him as she kissed him on the cheek.
"Mind, I couldn't a finished it without everyone else's help," Dancort responded blushing.
"Thank you everyone," she said looking at each of her shipmates. "But why three bunks? Which of you will be bunking with us?" Isabel asked looking from one to the other women.
"None of us," Claire told her shaking her head, "that bunk is for Maria if she cares to make use of it."
"Oh..." Isabel began to cry with Teresa not far behind her.
"While you were away," Carmen told Isabel, "the entire crew determined that the Maidens Revenge's next port of call shall be La Nouvelle Orleans... if that is agreeable with you of course."
Isabel could only nod, so taken aback was she by their generosity.
For Teresa it had been a whirlwind of meeting new people. All these people seemed to know about her or had heard about her, and she was just trying to remember names, but never in her life had she ever felt as welcome as she had by this crew of pirates. And then they offered to help find Maria... that was beyond anything she could even imagine anyone doing. She concluded that the Captain had not been exaggerating; they did indeed consider Isabel their sister.
That evening and the following day Teresa was shown around the Maidens Revenge, the various duties required for keeping the ship sea worthy and throughout the day she became more comfortable with each of the other crew members. She was surprised to discover that the male crew members were all kind, helpful, soft spoken... especially Cog, ha, ha, and not difficult to look upon... especially Jack Scarlet, ha, ha. She couldn't believe she was actually on a pirate ship, every other pirate she had seen during the yearly fairs were mostly ugly, unkempt, scary, mean and crude, and all had been men. Never before had she even imagined that women too could be pirates.
Isabel supplied Teresa with breeches, shirt, sword and pistol to wear and several minutes later Teresa was transformed from farm girl to pirate. Now correctly suited in her new clothing Teresa looked at herself in the cabin mirror and couldn't contain a smile that became so broad it seemed her face might split. Carmen issued her the duties of assisting Ihon in the galley and seeing to the armory under Aba's supervision and when time permitted to have Isabel, Constance or Claire offer instruction on swordsmanship and pistol training, all of which succeeded in making Teresa feel more like a true crew member and pirate of the Maidens Revenge.
The night before they were scheduled to depart for La Nouvelle Orleans Scarlet who had been on watch called out to the rest of the crew that a small rowboat was approaching. Readying their weapons Carmen, Constance and Claire joined Scarlet at the port rail.
28 July, 1686 Evening As the women allowed themselves to be lead away Constance whispered to Carmen, "He does cut quite the handsome figure, does he not?" "Looks can be deceiving," Carmen whispered back, "keep a 'weather eye open'." "Allow me to introduce myself," the young man said to the women over his shoulder, removing his hat and bowing gracefully without missing a step, "Jack Scarlet, at your service, currently unwaged, but in the past having crewed on the...
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2 November, 1686 Morning When the shore party finally tied their long-boat along side the Maidens Revenge Isabel who had been anxiously awaiting them relaxed a little. She had not taken a step away from the railing where Carmen had led her, fearfully watchful for their safe return. And it was with relief that the entire shore party, unharmed, came within her welcomed sight, and her heart was pounding so hard she thought surely the entire crew must hear it. Isabel threw down the ladder then...
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2 September, 1686 Dusk Perhaps because Cog had taken the Jollyboat and gone into town for supplies Aba, who was on dog-watch was possessed by a strange, uneasy feeling. He walked restlessly up and down the deck for a time, and then, still full of anxieties for he knew not what he stood without breathing listening for any sounds out of the ordinary. Then out of the corner of his eye Aba saw the shine of a long, keen knife a split second before it cut along his throat, but because of the...
8 August, 1686 Morning Isabel had just returned from Tortuga after purchasing some fresh fruit. While putting the fruit away her mind once again turned to the issue which had been deeply troubling her for some time now, which was telling her friends she must leave them in order to help her younger sister Teresa. She had not said anything to anyone yet, dreading the moment and only nursed it in her own mind, where it lay so great it had gotten so she could think of little else. Each time she...
15 December, 1686 Morning Ihon stood on deck inspecting the repair work to the Maidens Revenge. For nearly four weeks the sound of the hammer and the saw had mingled with the song of the birds to get the Schooner into a state of repair that met with his satisfaction. It would have taken him much longer other than the fact that he hired five additional carpenters and three craftsmen to help him with the work. As part of the repairs he had completely restored the Captain's, Isabel and...
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Supernatural21 January, 1687 Afternoon Several of the crew went ashore and they were immediately beset by questioning buccaneers, it was from their very questions that they gathered exactly how matters stood, and they perceived that Port Royal was taking a turn at becoming a more lawful English port. Apparently a good number of upstanding citizens disliked the reputation the city had acquired, and so Henry Morgan, having obtained from the crown several new city defenses, declared that pirates no...
29 February, 1687 Afternoon On January 30th Christopher Monke, duke of Albermarle, and friend to Sir Henry Morgan and having just recently replaced the Earl of Carlisle as Governor of His Majesty's Island of Jamaica, Commander-in-Chief of all His Majesties Forces within the said Island and in the Islands adjacent, Vice-Admiral to New England Royal Governor, Sir Edmund Andros in the American Seas, awarded a limited English letters of Marque to Captain Carmen O' Daire of the Maidens...
The cement trucks arrived two days later, just as promised. Each of the piers would take half of the nine full yards, so it took six truckloads to pour the twelve piers. As the cement was cascading in, we pipe crew boys were given shaker rods to run up and down in the wet cement to get the load to settle into the cracks and around the rebar reinforcements. Mr. Schultz put the finish edges on the top himself. The foundation forms took another four truckloads. Witham Hill Aggregate...
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Tatyana ran over and put a hand on my shoulder as the crew filed out. “You were commanding,” she whispered in my ear. “I’m all wet right now.” “Quiet you,” I said quietly as I looked at the ten people who had remained. I was trying to put names to face when Warren spoke up. “Captain, some of those men aren’t going to be happy serving under you,” he said seriously. I nodded. “I had already come to that conclusion. I get a feeling we’ll have to transfer a few more out before we get an...
27 December, 1686 Night As Denkton sat down at the now much more luxurious dinning table, with overhead skylight which Ihon had installed as part of the ships retrofit, he told the others, "Edentown is seated just a stones throw away past this creek on the north side of the Roanoke River. It is the largest town in the area and is and has been the seat of the governors for many years." "The only seat I have any interest in is the broad one making up my uncle's ass and only then...
19 November, 1686 Afternoon It was mid-day and the Maidens Revenge was sailing north just off the east coast of southern Florida. Felipe Santos stood at the helm and let his eyes wander toward the De Droom sailing some half mile ahead of them, her armament was pathetic in comparison to that of the Maidens Revenge, but that was why Carmen, ah... Captain O' Daire had her sailing in front of them, so the Maiden could protect the Barque's flank if the need arose. Then suddenly Felipe noticed...
27 August, 1686 Morning It was early morning and the Maidens Revenge was six days out of Portobello just off the coast of western Cuba with Claire at the helm when two ships appeared sailing out of the Cabo San Antonio harbor. The first ship was some 3000 yards from the second, and it wasn't clear to Claire if the ships were sailing together or had coincidentally departed at the same time. Regardless, Claire signaled for Carmen by stamping her foot on the deck which also was the roof of...
28 October, 1686 Morning "Take us in tight Jack," Carmen told Scarlet who was at the helm, "We'll fire one or two balls across her bow and run up the Jolly Roger and let the rascals see what we are." The early morning was very foggy and they were almost on top of the Barque before Scarlet saw it. He quickly maneuvered the Maidens Revenge starboard while Cog and Diego lowered the mainsail, and their ship crawled up on the others weather quarter and arrived within ten or so cable's...
28 October, 1686 Afternoon The eleven pirates locked up on the Maidens Revenge were transferred to the state room with the other four on the De Droom. Adalberto Carapau was indeed one of those that had remained alive, but he had received such a substantial injury to his right arm that even after having re-set it, Ihon could not be confident if he would ever again regain its use. Carmen and a few of the others took Carapau aside for inquiry only to discover that he was not up for much,...
10 November, 1686 Afternoon Several days later the crew of the Maidens Revenge saw the sails of the De Droom heading toward the inlet of the bay. Even through the glass no other sails could be seen behind her. A number of days prior they had made the Maidens Revenge Sea worthy and had anchored her near the entrance to the harbor with her starboard guns readied and pointing out to sea in the event of any trouble, which afforded them the options of either fighting or running without any...
1 November, 1686 Night Isabel entered the tavern where she had spent a year of her life in misery, fear and humiliation with the utmost coolness and composure of demeanor with Aba walking silently in at her heels, and then Aba positioned himself off to one side well in the shadows where he wouldn't be easily seen. The space within was just as she remembered it, depressing, filthy, and very dark, being lighted only by the doorway, two large slatted windows in the front and a single lantern...
1 September, 1686 Afternoon Two day's out from La Nouvelle Orleans Scarlet's wound was all but healed. The metal piece had not been deep and his upper arm had required but a single stitch. Constance told Jack she felt ready for him. Then after informing the rest of the crew that the Captain's cabin would be unavailable for the next two hours she and Scarlet entered the cabin closing the door after them. Once inside Scarlet couldn't help looking intently at Constance completely absorbed...
2 September, 1686 Afternoon Straightening her shoulders and lifting her chin, Maria de Carnay descended the staircase leading down into the opulent entry. She told herself she was not going to be intimidated by the people crowding the room below. As far as they were concerned she was an equal. No one would ever guess she was only the daughter of a poor farmer and not the blue-blooded wife of a French nobleman she pretended to be. Why had Pierre insisted she entertain the committee until he...
1 November, 1686 Afternoon On the afternoon of the first day of November The Maidens Revenge sailed into the harbor of Havana Cuba. The town of San Cristóbal de La Habana, or simply Havana, was one of the first seven villages founded by the Spaniards on the island of Cuba. It was named after the Indian chief Habaguanex, head of the aboriginal settlements of that zone by the time the Spanish conquerors arrived. In 1553, Havana became the capital of the country once the Spanish...
28 December, 1686 Morning Felipe, Cog, Lomasi and Penrose remained at the plantation while all others including the two guardsmen returned to the Maidens Revenge, then after having secured the guardsmen below decks the rest established themselves about the mess table aboard the Maidens Revenge to consult matters of their common objective. Scarlet describe how it was that he had come to dispatch the two guardsmen, and the desperate circumstances and sentiment of the black slaves he had...
11 July, 1686 Evening She stood a moment on the steps of the house entry, looking back with fear at the path she had just crossed and allowed the pace of her anxious heart slow down. Moment's passed then she drew a long breath as she threw back the front door and stepped into the house. She groped moodily forward carefully crossing the room, millimeter by millimeter, over the wood floor. She knew where she was going. She had heard him tell her mistress of the room below the...
24 August, 1686 Morning The Maidens Revenge made Portobello just as the sun was rising the following morning. Within easy view by all onboard were Fort Santiago, located on the mainland on the road at the entrance to the town of Portobello, and Fort San Fernando, located across the Bay of Portobello on Drake Island. Both of the forts having been built to protect the entrance into the Bay from pirates and both forts were built in a beautiful green tropical setting. Both forts, especially San...
7 July, 1686 Afternoon A small platform had been set up in the port. The crowd was too big for the main square. Isabel had just been auctioned off. The sisters, having been placed behind an improvised curtain, had not been able to see anything, but they had heard the bid—ding and the roar of the crowd. Isabel had been sold to a Miss Bjorn, a land—owner of Scandinavian origin who possessed one of the largest plantations of sugar cane on the continental coast. She had fetched five thousand...
3 September, 1686 Dusk When Dancort had been thrown overboard and hurled into the bay he came up on the top of the small waves, struggling and panting for breath. With the encumbrance of his thick, heavy clothing, and one broken arm he exerted all his strength just trying to remain above water. Just when he felt he was unable to tread water any longer he felt himself being hauled through the sea toward a small boat, and then finally hoisted inside. Looking up Dancort saw Cog. The look on...
10 July, 1686 Afternoon Claire's auction was even more rowdy. Now everybody wanted a white slave. Like her sister she was also clothed in a dress principally designed to display her female figure and feminine assets to there fullest and thereby increase bidding, in dark blue with a sexy, tight fitting halter bodice, fully accentuating Claire's curves and then gently flowing into romantic wisps of sculptured uneven chiffon. She was made to walk up and down the plat—form several...
4 September, 1686 Dawn "Something's wrong. I just know it!" Claire said with concern, she knew only something truly grave would have sent Cog looking for them. Hastily getting up she made her way past Nuflo and then hurried toward the front door with anxiety for her sister foremost on her mind. Maria and Pierre looked puzzled. "Cog is the mute shipmate we told you about," Felipe explained then quickly followed after Claire. "Nothing other than something very serious could have taken...
27 October, 1686 Night When Carmen pulled open the cabin door Felipe's heart stopped momentarily. Even drawn directly from her bed she was more beautiful and even more like a princess than any noble dame that might frequent a grand castle. If there had been any doubt before he knew now that he loved her because it was absolutely impossible for him to do anything else. "Boarded you say Felipe!" Carmen shouted. After swallowing to clear his throat Felipe lost no time in telling all he had...
4 August, 1686 Morning After Carmen had given him the funds Aba and Cog took one of the longboats into Tortuga to purchase the swivels. They used a longboat knowing that the weight of the cannons would be far too heavy for the smaller jollyboat. It was afternoon by the time they returned then after first winching the guns up on deck they brought up the longboat. "They're a lot bigger than I had imagined," Carmen remarked looking down at the four cannons. "Aye, eight pounders, but...
3 August, 1686 Late Evening After completing his inspection Aba flexed his left arm trying to relieve some of the tightness in his bicep. He had strained a muscle while bellying-up the far aft port cannon and was working it out. His assessment of the Maidens Revenge's weaponry was that all eight cannons were in proper working order and that the ship was well supplied with both powder and ammunition. He had not found any small hand weapons such as pistols, rifles, knifes or sabers...
11 July, 1686 Afternoon Blanchart explained her obligations to his niece in great physical detail. She listened carefully. She had no choice... Claire was resting on a small chair, but the only point of contact was her thighs. The rest of her body was pulled tight by wrist chains tied from the ceiling and ankle chains tied to the chair legs kept her body stretch out thereby defenselessly presenting her to her uncle. He was sitting comfortably in front of her. He contemplated her with...
23 August, 1686 Morning "So, Portobello tomorrow then?" Constance raised her head looking up at Jack as she batted her beautiful blue eyes and laid her hand gently over his forearm. "Providing the winds stay favorable," Jack responded looking curiously down on her lovely face. He couldn't help feeling something was amiss. For the last two day's both Constance and her younger sister Claire had been acting very peculiar. It seemed to him that both women had been going out of their way...
8 August, 1686 Afternoon Carmen stood holding a loaded and cocked pistol pointed directly at Jack Scarlet's mid-section. Claire and Isabel, also holding loaded weapons but pointing downward, stood slightly behind and to the left and right of the Captain. Standing near Scarlet were Aba, Cog, and Dancort. Constance who had moments earlier gathered the men by telling them the Captain wished a meeting stood just outside the cabin several feet behind the group of men, with two drawn...
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It was another spectacular day for a sail on our boat. The wind was light, but that was fine as my wife and I had a couple of guests on board who didn't really have any sailing experience. The water was smooth with hardly a noticeable wave. I figured we could motor sail out a ways and then slowly sail around taking it easy. Onboard with us that day were two women friends of ours. Both were single; one divorced for a number of years now. While good friends, they were closer to each other than to...
ExhibitionismLike ALL of my stories, this isn’t just a jerk off story. This story has some reading to it and future chapters to come. So enjoy. She slide her hips back slowly, she then smiled and moved her hips forward. TJ would look up to the girl sitting on his lap. She had to be 30 years old. Her tight fitting outfit looked as if it was painted onto her toned and curvy figure. She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned in and was inches from kissing him as the door smashed in and the...
Sythmour High School is located in an upscale Texas suburb. Student enrollment is just under sixteen hundred and over ninety percent of their graduates go on to college. Troy Flynn was headed to Notre Dame on a football scholarship. He was Sythmour's star quarterback. Mrs. Moreau was his French teacher.Mrs. Moreau had finished her fourth year of teaching at Sythmour following graduation from Smith College in Massachusetts. Her students call her Mme. Moreau. She married her high school...
SeductionFriday, June 18, 1971 The guard at the security checkpoint called somebody to report that I was there, then listened as whoever it was, gave him his instructions. Then he bade me to come inside the small structure to wait. They were sending someone for me. He had a small coffee pot and offered me a cup, so I was happy to wait with him. I had barely started on it when the jeep pulled up. It was Sandy and Anna. They piled out and swarmed the small checkpoint, wrapping me in their hugs as they...