MisfitsChapter 13 free porn video

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"Ambassador Windham," I said, looking around the room and there wasn't much to see except her. "You're comfortable, I trust?"

"I would like my clothing back," she replied. "Please."

"We were looking all over for you, my Lady." I clucked my tongue. "It was quite the little goose chase."

"When my father hears about this..."

"Your father is a traitor to the Empire. He can't help you now, I'm afraid. Nobody can."

"What?" She looked genuinely surprised. "Who are you? What are you saying?"

I glanced at Helena and we both looked at the Chief Interrogator, a warlock named Vryss.

"I demand to speak with Lord Tristam!"

"I haven't touched her, my Lord," Vryss said quickly. "She's exactly as she arrived."

"This is an outrage. You've overstepped your bounds this time, Lady Helena! When the Duchess returns..."

"The ambassador's patience has limits," Helena observed, turning off the microphones with a wave of her hand.

We watched the woman continue to shout as she stared back at us through the security veil. The only daughter of Marquis de Windham had human features, ten fingers and toes, amber eyes and a pert, upturned nose above a generous mouth. Around her attractive face, a thick mane of black and white hair had been woven into a shaggy braid that she wore over the shoulder and between her six breasts. The pair on top were plump and her distended nipples dripped thin, white milk onto a slightly smaller pair directly beneath. The lowest pair, just above the gentle swell of her belly, were the smallest of all, the nipples long and red as if recently chewed.

All six of her mammeries were covered with fine, white fur forming an elongated V from her shoulders to her sex. Everywhere else the ambassador wore a coat of shimmering black hair, thick and long across the shoulders and down her back, shorter on her legs and arms. Only her face, the palms of her hands, and the soles of her feet were smooth, pink skin. Her long, shaggy tail had a sexy curlicue as it grew from the dimple just above her well rounded ass and I rather admired the woman as she stalked about her cell.

"The ambassador doesn't seem to know I'm dead," I said. "Where did you find her?"

"Nursing her brood in the Artisan District," Helena replied. "Evidently she's taken a paramour, a musician from Windham. We have him in the next cell."

"She had children with this man?"

"A litter of three," she said. "Less than a week old. They're being looked after."

"Her father won't be happy about that."

"Neither will her husband," Helena said with a smile. "She kept her pregnancy a secret, or so it would seem."

"Certainly secret from us. Did you know she was pregnant?"

"No. I didn't."

"I haven't seen her since Orion took his oath of office," I said, rubbing my chin.

"This is a strange business, my Lord. If she'd known about the assassination, she would have fled before Lady Preston arrived."

"Her belly ripe with another man's pups?" I took a deep breath. "A woman might be tempted to take her chances..."

"Lady Windham was never so clever," she disagreed. "I believe she's honestly confused. She's been isolated with her lover, birthing her litter and..."

"And there's only one way to be sure," I decided, looking at Vryss. "Find out what she knows."

"Her children?" Helena asked.

"The other as well. That musician of hers," I continued. "Interrogate them both and put her children in the crèche for now. They're innocent enough."

"As you say, my Lord." The warlock bowed his head.

"She's only nineteen." Helena pursed her lips and played her fingers along the veil as she examined the ambassador's file.

"Windham's renowned for its nepotism," I said. "The Marquis should have thought of that before trying to kill me."

Inside the cell, an interrogation chair had grown out of the floor. It looked something like a dentist's chair, being large and comfortable. A dozen metallic tentacles cornered the ambassador and pulled her into their cold embrace. The woman would not be hurt at all; the process was quite painless, or so I'd been assured in the past. Physically, Lady Windham would be unchanged, but for the inevitable damage to her neural pathways. Interrogation, unlike a scan, probed the victim's subconscious and left no thought, memory, or dream unturned. It also left the subject with an adolescent mind at best, one incapable of further development.

"What of her household?" I asked, knowing they'd all been detained within hours of the attempt on my life. Only the ambassador had eluded capture and now we knew why.

"There's nothing to report," Helena replied. "Thirty-two persons were arrested and interrogated."

"That many?" I looked at her and I hadn't enquired as to the details until now.

"Her staff of seventeen, twelve servants, and three slaves," she said. "Aside from the usual political maneuvering, we found nothing to suggest a direct attack by Windham."

"Political maneuvering?" I smiled, watching as Vryss entered the cell and began to work on the now docile ambassador.

"Some bribery, blackmail, a plot to overthrow the Viceroy of Pax Nethid..." Helena shrugged. "The usual."

"I'd like to overthrow the Viceroy myself," I snorted. "Is it a good plan?"

"Workable," she agreed. "I'm looking into it."

"But nothing about killing me?"

"No, my Lord."

A hologram appeared, flashing jumbled images and symbols representing alien thoughts that were incomprehensible to me. The ambassador's brain poured out its memories and the computers would have to churn the data into something meaningful. Vryss, being a warlock, was an empath and directed the interrogation along emotional pathways, searching for motive. Desire, jealousy, love and hatred were easily detected and he would follow those feelings like so many yellow brick roads. When one line of investigation would end, he'd move to another and the man was very good at his job.

"She's worried about her father," he said softly. "Afraid for him ... Her children? No ... Something else ... Just an idea, very deep ... Hmmm..."

"Could the Marquis be innocent?" I wondered, for that seemed the most obvious possibility.

"If it's a coup, we should have heard from the conspirators before now," Helena said. "They would be eager to blame the Marquis and enlist our aid to overthrow him."

"But we've heard nothing."

"And all of our attempts to communicate directly with the Windham Sector have been fruitless," she reminded me. "The major shipping lanes have been closed at their borders; your own commissioner has apparently been detained."

"We've lost all contact with the Exedra," I said with a frown, referring to the space control ship detailed to Windham. Such vessels were not insignificant.

"If the Marquis isn't behind this, the only possible explanation is that he's already been deposed."

"We would have heard something. Over six hundred systems..." I looked at her. "One of the nobles would have reported a coup."

"Unless they're all in on it," Helena said with a shrug, but we both knew that to be extremely unlikely.

"Someone always feels left out of the spoils."

"And you can't hide a civil war," she said with a nod of agreement. "It's a strange, strange business."

"As you've said."

We watched Vryss for a moment, still muttering to himself as his invisible scalpels sliced deeper into the ambassador's mind.

"My Lord," Helena cleared her throat. "We need to interrogate Lady Preston."

"She hasn't been erased?"


"Why not?" I frowned at her. "I thought my instructions were clear."

"Quite clear, my Lord, but we can't afford the missed opportunity."

"There may be nothing there."

"If you erase her, there will certainly be nothing there."

"She's my daughter, I can't..." I took a deep breath.

"Talis will do it, if you won't."

"Ah..." I stared into Helena's eyes. "That's why you delay."

"I delay to give my Lord the opportunity to do his duty," she replied. "The Council of Ministers doesn't understand this attachment of yours..."

"They don't have to."

" ... and neither do I, William." She stared back at me. "You've had many children. Lost many children. What makes Lady Preston so special?"

"Everything," I sighed. "Jericho?"

"My Lord?" the computer answered immediately.

"Have Lady Preston erased immediately."

"William..." Helena shook her head.

"As you command, my Lord," Jericho replied. "I have relayed your order."

"Thank you," I said, turning away from Helena. "Have her brought to my quarters once it's complete."

"The renascent protocol?" she asked stiffly.

"Level three," I decided, paused in the open doorway. "Standardized, nothing ... personal."

"Yes, my Lord."

I left her unhappy with me and I'd have to tolerate one of Helena's wintry moods for a day or two, but at least my daughter wouldn't be an imbecile.

Erasure emptied the mind, but didn't damage anything. She could be taught and her mental capabilities would evolve much like any child's, albeit more quickly. Lady Preston would be inquisitive, intelligent, and eager to refill her pretty little head with new ideas. Unlike the Lady Windham who would find her prepubescent mind trapped in a woman's body, my daughter would eventually be the equal of her previous self, although in no way a duplicate. She would never again know me as her father, but my love made no such demands on the girl. I only required her happiness.

The vessel has the traditional name Archduchy Cepheus in honor of her ruler. It may be easiest to imagine the capital ship a city floating in space and in truth, that's the only way to think of it. The size of Old Tokyo with all its skyscrapers inside, the city has over ten million inhabitants and all of them are busy. Government is the largest employer and provides the nucleus for all other goods and services. Schools, factories, parks and playgrounds, the vast engineering levels, the grandiose Duchess and her court, suburbs and offices, shops and restaurants, hospitals, barracks, and everything exceptional and mundane coexist within the smallest planet in the galaxy.

"The ship doesn't move unless it has someplace to go," I explained to Esya. "It'll remain in orbit around Earth for the next thirty years probably, until we find the next planet to assimilate."

"Is this what it's like, Master?" he asked and the boy couldn't stop looking upward.

"On Earth?" I shrugged. "In some places, I guess. Not where I came from though."

We were in one of the vast atriums, perhaps three miles long and five wide, arranged by streets and alleys into the sort of downtown any human would have felt comfortable with. The buildings were tall and beautiful, made of glass and aluminum mostly, and brightly colored with holographic advertisements. This was the Merchant District, or one of them anyway, and specialized in expensive rarities, exotic goods, and very personalized services.

"Do you like it?" I asked him.

"I've never been here before," he said with a grin. "It's wonderful, Master."


We followed a small phalanx of security guards and there were more behind us. The risk to my person was very small and most ordinary people had no idea who they were passing on the busy street. Being from Earth and wearing my uniform, the tunic and breeches with my sword at my side, I got some curious looks. On the whole, however, the citizens were as cosmopolitan as one might expect them to be. The unusual was usual and the ship – the city – served as a crossroads for a thousand different races.

Pretty Esya, with his fair blue skin, silver hair and eyes, attracted only the attention demanded by his delightful presence. That the boy seemed so completely unaware of his effect on others only made him that much more desirable, at least to me. I'd dressed him in a long, silk camisole, white with lace trim and falling to mid thigh. I hadn't bothered finding him something to wear beneath it, of course, but I'd given Esya a royal blue pelisse. A sleeveless cloak worn around his slender shoulders, it seemed to waft behind him like a shadow. With his pink rubber go-go boots, I thought he looked quite fashionable ... If only he'd stop looking up like a tourist.

"We'll have to cure you of that," I decided with a chuckle and he blushed sweetly, having no idea what I meant.

I liked that about him, how he could barely contain his curiosity, and I planned to put it to good use.

"In here," I said, leading him through a glass doorway and the gentechs were already waiting.

"My Lord," a very human looking woman said, smiling and bowing gracefully. "We've been looking forward to your visit. I'm Queyla. May I offer you refreshments?"

"Thank you, Queyla," I agreed and we soon found ourselves comfortably seated in a private, circular showroom.

A long sofa hugged the wall around a lighted stage in the center of the room. Esya had been undressed and placed upon it by several assistants, a human boy and girl by the looks of them, but of course they weren't human at all. Neither was Queyla, but being in orbit around Earth, I suppose it made good business sense to advertise the firm's skills. New planets, especially the ones populated with humanoids, were always popular. New food, fashion, art...

The Empire was not a realm of mindless automatons moving mechanically through their tedious lives. Expansion created, indeed necessitated, the vigor of youthful endeavor. The state survived not by force of arms or a rigorous system of control, but rather by giving its people what they most wanted: security, opportunity, and entertainment. So long as the Imperial citizen had those three things, we were a collective immune to decay. On Earth it had been called life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and for the moment humanity imagined itself deprived of those rights, but not for long.

"I want him taller," I said. "Say ... Sixty-seven inches, but slim like he is now. About 112 pounds I think, that's a good number."

"We'll worry about his weight last," Queyla wrinkled her nose. "Will this be permanent or temporary?"


"You won't be able to modify the species type permanently."

"That's fine," I said. "I like Eyasians."

"As do we, my Lord," she said with a smile, crossing one long, tanned leg over the other beneath her nylon miniskirt. "They have the most marvelous DNA, very friendly genes."

"I'll take your word for it." I sipped my tea and enjoyed the way her hazel eyes seemed to glitter beneath her thick, auburn hair.

"You can take anything of mine you want," Queyla replied and I widened my eyes. "Now, what do you really want to do with him?"

"Breasts," I told her. "I want him to look like a woman, but keep his penis and testicles."

"Hmmm ... Sounds like fun," she said. "Tell me when to stop."

Esya giggled nervously as his flat chest began to expand with budding breasts. They were small at first, but growing in size and shape the way a real girl's would develop over her adolescence. It was all an illusion of course, a hologram painted over the boy's body, just as our senses were fooled by his newfound height. So long as he remained on the stage, or the palette as it was called, we'd be able to see exactly what Esya would look like when they performed the actual modifications.

"There," I said. "Those look nice."

"Hmmm... 34C cups according to the computer," Queyla said with a smile. "Strange way to measure a person, isn't it. Are they firm enough? Do you like his nipples?"

"Larger," I decided. "Give him fat, puffy nipples ... Yeah. Like that ... Pointing upward just ... Perfect!"

"Nice," she agreed. "You have an artistic eye, my Lord."

"Nah," I said with a grin. "I just know a slut when I see one."

"Do you?" She grinned back at me, posing with her own rather spectacular tits straining against her blouse.

"Would I ever lie to you, Queyla?"

"I'm not sure yet," she sighed, tilting her head with a smile. "Would you?"

"I won't pull out," I told her. "And I'll definitely cum in your mouth."

"Ah! But will you still respect me in the morning, my Lord?"

"I don't respect you right now, slut."

"Am I blushing?" she asked. "I can't tell."

"Me neither," I sighed. "Let's assume you're not."


"Because I hate being wrong."

"Don't we all," Queyla said with a musical laugh. "What else would you like us to do to your ... Slave is he?"

"Give him legs from hell," I said and when she narrowed her eyes, "Legs like yours ... except blue."

"Ah! Legs from hell," she agreed, taking the opportunity to uncross and re-cross hers slowly. "I'll have to remember that. Colloquialisms are always difficult with a new language."

"And hips," I told her, watching as Esya's thighs and calves became those of a very well-toned young woman. "Narrow, but nice and round. Soft hips to go with his ass; I really want to see some wiggle out of the whore."

"Would you like to see him walk around?"

"Yeah. Put some shoes on his feet."

"High heels? Of course, my Lord."

A hologram of Esya appeared, naked but for a pair of 3" fuck me pumps, and the apparition walked around the stage for us. He stood nearly six feet tall in those shoes, his legs being somewhat longer than I'd originally had in mind, but that was okay. The boy had an amazing body, with those full tits jutting outward and topped by a pair of fat, pink nipples begging to be eaten. He had a flat tummy and non-existent waist...

"Eighteen inches," Queyla informed me. "With thirty-one inch hips."

... Long, smooth legs with shapely thighs and artichoke calves, small feet with cute little toes curling as Esya's ghost strutted about. His cock wagged in front of him and then grew erect before my eyes. Queyla smiled, watching my reaction as that blue penis grew thick and long. The foreskin stretched tightly around the pink glans as it was revealed and the boy's balls swing low between his thighs. He had the wiggle part down, his deliciously round ass rolling left and right with every deliberate step he took.

"Is this what you had in mind, my Lord?"

"Yeah," I breathed, reaching for my crotch and rubbing my own swollen erection. "That's exactly what I want."

"Eyes? Hair? His facial structure?"

"No, I like the way he looks now, but..." I tilted my head. "Give him a skin job and..."

"A level two dermal reconstruction?"

" ... I want to inhibit his aging as much as possible."

"Geriatrophy is expensive, my Lord," she reminded me. "And the results are not always predictable."

"I understand. Thank you."

"Very well." Queyla nodded and made the necessary notations. "If I may beg your indulgence, the final cost will be..."

"Unimportant." I looked at her. "Suck me off and we'll call it a deal."

We looked at each other for a long moment before a smile crept over her face and she nodded.

"Very well. If that's what I have to do to make a sale..." she sighed theatrically.

"On second thought..." I took a deep breath and looked down at her crotch, the taut V of her skirt. "I'll probably need a fuck too, just to be sure."

"I understand completely, my Lord." Queyla uncrossed her legs and stood up from the sofa. "Such decisions shouldn't be made lightly."

"Get on your knees, whore."

"You don't want me to undress?"

"No." I shook my head. "I like fucking a girl with her clothes on."

"I believe you," she said with a giggle, sinking to her knees on the plush carpeting.

"Sit over here and play with yourself, Esya." I pointed at the sofa behind Queyla. "You can watch us."

"Thank you, Master," the boy replied, stepping off the palette and looking like his normal self again.

That disappointed me, but only slightly as the hologram continued its endless rounds, prancing about the room for an audience of one. I wasn't very attentive, however, not with lovely Queyla opening my breeches and pulling my erection free with her nimble fingers. I had no idea what race she might have been before taking human form and it didn't really matter. She'd lifted her guise from a magazine, I thought, because she did look very familiar. One of those supermodel sluts selling lipstick or Victoria's Secret underwear, that's who she was, and now the bitch gave me her lustrous eyes as she opened her mouth.

"Are you really a slut?" I wondered, holding her hair out of her face as she washed me with her tongue. "Or just some royal groupie who wants bragging rights?"

"Ummph?" Queyla widened her eyes.

"Yeah. You know," I continued. "Telling all your friends how your cunt sucked my dick? That's what you're into, right?"

"Hmmmph..." She shrugged and I laughed, pushing her down until she gagged on the head of my penis.

"And I'm gonna forget about you ten minutes after I walk out the door," I told her, holding the slut's head down with both hands as she coughed around it.

"Nnmph umph mmph!"

Her hands slapped my thighs and I could feel her tongue and the soft entrance to her throat quivering. She had to swallow sometime and I felt it when she did. Queyla's throat opened and I pushed harder, ignoring her teeth as they scraped along the shaft, and her nose flattened in my pubic hair as I entered her esophagus with my prick.

"That's it, cocksucker," I breathed. "You don't have to be shy with me. Choke it down, bitch ... Ten seconds."

"Gnnmph!" She tried shaking her head, but that only felt good, just like her fingernails as they dug into my thighs.

"Five more, Queyla ... Three ... two ... one ... Ahhh!"

"Mwaammmph!" She pulled off my cock with a loud gasp and a flood of spit and precum spilling down her chin and neck.

"Do it again," I told her. "By yourself this time."

"You're an asshole..." she breathed, licking around her lips and staring at me with wet, injured eyes, " ... my Lord."

"Look!" I wiggled my fingers in the air. "No hands! Stop your whining and suck it, bitch."

She looked like she wanted to say something else, but I guess she changed her mind because Queyla went down like the fuckin' Titanic. Except for having no real idea how to deep throat a cock, she wasn't a bad little facefuck. Nowhere near Esya's league, of course, and don't even think about Marcia or Bambi! They had cunts for mouths, just like the fuckholes between their legs, and getting head from one of those two sluts left a guy feeling upside down and inside out.

But Queyla wasn't gonna be the sore loser in the cock eating contest, she managed to open up and take me deep all by herself. Of course, the bitch wanted to panic as soon as she couldn't breathe, so I had to give her a little help. I dug my fingers in her rich, auburn hair and made sure she had every last inch of my prick between her bruised lips. I'd count out loud for her too. Ten seconds, that's all I asked for, and I think she appreciated it.

I know Esya did. The blue minx sat there stroking his dick and playing with his balls, giggling happily while I fucked Queyla's face. He probably had a nice view of her pussy too, considering the way she had to bend over and how that short mini-skirt rode halfway up her ass. The slut didn't wear panties either and I could see the deep cleavage between her tanned butt cheeks. They looked like a couple of tits from my angle and I felt the temptation to let Esya fuck her, but he'd pump a pint of cum into the bitch for sure.

I didn't mind sloppy seconds as a general rule, but I'd long since learned never to jump into a cunt after one of those blue fuckers had nailed her. They all had huge cocks and it would probably be a lot like fucking a bathtub full of seawater by the time he was done with her.

"You can have her ass," I told him. "Go ahead and give the whore an enema."

"You mean..." The boy gave me a curious look and he could be so literal sometimes.

"I mean, fuck her in the ass," I told him with a grin. "Chop-chop! She wants it bad, faggot!"

"Umph nmmph!" Queyla tried to say something around my dick, but that's about the time I'd decided to get into her throat again.

"Shut-up and swallow, cunt. You don't have to beg," I promised. "We're gonna be fucking you all morning."

I lifted my hips and pulled her down, figuring I'd make sure she had something else to think about while Esya pushed his cock into her asshole. This chick had to be a virgin in the butt fucking department, I figured, but maybe not. I was still trying to decide if Queyla was a real slut, or just a poseur looking for some noble dick. Either way, it wasn't going to make any difference. She'd wanted to play games and flirt and be the slutty salesgirl, just like those silly bitches at the mall back home. They were always older though and went for the college guys mostly, leaving me with a hard dick as I tried to pick up a slut at the arcade,

When I got one, I liked to pretend she was somebody's little sister. Like Sophie, the blonde whore that worked in the music store. I'd always wanted to fuck her so badly and she'd lean over the counter with her blouse unbuttoned to her belly button for a hot college guy. What as slut! But me being just fifteen back then, she totally blew me off and I'd go looking for a blonde seventh grader I could sweet talk into the boy's bathroom at Sears. She'd be all giggly and scared and asking me what we were doing. As if she didn't know? Yeah right! Actually, I only fucked three girls in the Sears bathroom, and one was Marcia, so she didn't count, but the other two looked just like that cunt in the record store.

I really hoped one of them was Sophie's little sister, especially the one whose face I pushed into the toilet when I popped her cherry. Fuck! That whore wouldn't stop screaming! So I let her blow some bubbles and flushed a bunch of times just so she could catch her breath. I don't think she'd been a real virgin anyway though, since there hadn't been hardly any blood at all or anything. Sluts lie all the time too, everybody knows that.

"Unnmph!" Queyla jerked as Esya began stretching her anus with his erection, wagging her ass like the whore wanted to get away or something.

"Like that, baby?" I asked, holding her hair with both fists and working her slack mouth up and down my straining prick. "What's Queyla mean anyway? Is that alien for pocket pussy?"

Esya gave me a funny look and I grinned at him.

"What are you doing, faggot? Nail her ass!" I told him. "Don't worry, this bitch ain't going anywhere."

"Y-Yes Master," he said, nodding and holding her hips as he worked his cock deeper into Queyla's rectum.

"She likes it. Don't you, whore?" I pulled her all the way down, forcing her throat open as she choked on it.

"Ungmmph!" she replied with a shudder and I could feel those delicate throat muscles rippling as she tried to push my dick out of her esophagus.

"Fuck yeah!" I chuckled, yanking her head left and right with her face pressed against my stomach and my balls against her chin.

Stupid Sophie. It had been her fault anyway. All she'd had to do was show me her tits, maybe jerk me off behind the counter or something, and I'd have been happy. Selfish cunt. I had half a mind to track her down and make her a breeder just for fun. Like Queyla. She wasn't a real genetics technician, just the sales slut who sold the modifications. A minimum wage salesgirl flirting with the customers. How much could she be worth? I'd turn her into a fucking ... Fuck.

What was I doing? I frowned, relaxing my hands and letting Queyla jerk her head upward, wincing as she caught me with her teeth again. She had red, puffy eyes and wet cheeks, a bright pink face, and swollen lips dripping spit as she heaved for air. Esya knelt behind her, fucking her asshole nice and slow, being gentle because that's the sort of sweet faggot he had to be. It probably felt good for her, being ass fucked for the very first time by a homo who knew how to do it. He had a nice prick for it too, kind of long, but not too thick, and hard as steel when he pushed it deep. I could feel my own asshole pucker at the memories and I shook my head.

It was like this sometimes, struggling to remember exactly who I was with all my memories jumbled together. All my desires as well. Billy wanted to abuse this stupid whore. I wanted to fuck her throat until she puked on my dick and then make her lick it off. Faggot wanted me to get on my knees for Esya's beautiful dick, maybe suck Queyla's cunt just to apologize for me being such a jerk. Tristam was the worst though! He wanted me to act like a Lord Admiral and fuck the girl, but in a nice way. A polite way. He wanted to leave her happy and satisfied and praying that I'd call her the next morning, send her some flowers maybe just to say, "Thank you for all your help, Queyla. Fondly yours, William."

Fucking voices in my head!

"Are you okay?" I asked, stroking Queyla's cheeks with my thumbs.

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Ryo-Ohki was happy. Of course that was her usual state, being one of the most 'up beat' creatures in creation. Having left Sasami at last sleeping soundly, she was off on her nightly hunt, searching relentlessly for the perfect bed. She didn't sleep so much as 'catnapped' for want of a better term. With three solid hours being the longest interval Ryo-chan had ever slept in one go in her entire current existence, over seven hundred years of hibernation not withstanding. Carefully...

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My first bi and gay experience

This is a simple story and not too crazy or interesting, but it's the true story of my first time with a guy. This was back in 2001 and I was in high school. My girlfriend and I just made out all the time and I really wanted to know the feeling of someone other than myself playing with my cock. I started going into gay chat rooms. I initially just got a thrill out of chatting with other horny guys, but soon I started fantasizing about cock. I began chatting with another young guy who lived...

2 years ago
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Longing for Freedom

The air was thick with heavy smoke reeking from foul stench of burning bodies and blood. Everywhere women were being raped by more than one man at a time, their shrieks were deafening. Live stocks were either killed or being stolen. The people were so desperate that they were using any means of weaponry to fight. Most lost, but they didn't die in vain. They died trying to protect the vulnerable and young, but the strength of the blood-thirsty soldiers was of no match. Amongst the carnage and...

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Younger married man fucking 45 year old neighbour

I am now a 31 year old male, who had an experience with a woman 18 years older than me. Soon after my 14th birthday, we had new neighbours moving in next to us. They were a young couple both in their late 20's. They had one son only, who was only 3 years old. They had a second child a year later. But, the husband was a wild guy. Enjoyed partying with his buddies and going out every weekend. She on the other hand was a more homely type. She was'nt the most polite of people, but greeted when...

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Family Girl Part 8

Family Girl Copyright (c) 2011 by Cody Although many elements of this story are fiction, much of it is based on my real-life experiences coming of age in the mid- to late-70's. Disclaimer: this story contains subjects that are not suitable for all audiences, such as underage sex, homosexuality and references to incest. If such things are illegal in your area, stop reading now. If such things offend you, I can't help but to wonder: what were you were thinking when you accessed this...

1 year ago
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Clementine in HellChapter 13

The dreaded time of her fourth anniversary came around. It was a Friday and that meant her usual one hundred and a further five hundred from Rashumba. The guard gave her the hundred and wanted to go easy, in view of what she still had in store for her later in the day when Rashumba and James came visiting, but she knew Rashumba would spot it if she hadn't given Clemmy her due and so she was sore and softened up for Rashumba's marathon session. Rashumba prefaced her whipping with her usual...

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2 times a virgin part 2

Chapter 11 I was terrified. I thought I was going to be raped and there didn't appear to be anything I could do to prevent it. I tried to stay calm and I looked up at him. He was huge. I said, "Jamal, I'm sorry. Of course this is your house and I don't want any trouble. I'll do anything you want but I'm a mess. At least let me go comb my hair and freshen up a bit?" Jamal stopped what he was doing for a second and just looked at me like he wasn't sure what to do. I smiled at him and...

3 years ago
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My Eighteenth Fulfill Me

From the middle of my adolescence I was quite the ladies’ man. I’ve had many different lovers despite my young age. I lost my virginity early, at about the age of fourteen. Despite my youth I was known for being an attentive and caring lover. This surprised many ladies because most men of my looks and type were often selfish in bed. By the time of my eighteenth birthday I had probably bedded about fifty women. I know that’s hard to believe, but it’s the genuine truth. I’ve even had a few more...

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Sushils Wife Entertains Guests Chapter 4

Rajesh and Sanjay now had steady relationships. Roger, the tenant in the spare bedroom, had graduated and moved away. Sushil was working long hours. With so many of her favorite lunds unavailable, Nisha wasn’t getting laid enough. She conferred with Bunny who offered to loan her some of her many studs. Nisha said OK for now but that wasn’t a long term solution. So Bunny said, “I know you are getting to be like me. You want variety but don’t want any of them to get too attached. You also...

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The Merchant of ChaosChapter 2

As Amanda struggled to fall asleep, another young woman struggled to stay awake. Eyes of indigo fought to stay open behind wayward curls of brown. Her head was propped up, palm under her chin, fingers curled against her soft, cherubic face as she drowsed. Before her, deep amber liquid dripped patiently into a flask, a light fog of white drifting slowly above the surface of the rising fluid. She dozed. Her head slipped from her hand, jerking her awake. Evella experienced a moment of panic...

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The House Boy Part 2 continuation

The next day came and I had to go to school and get my schedule from my advisor and teaching assignment. He had the day off but would have to do the same on Tuesday. He noticed my schedule on the kitchen counter and took it to my room and put it on my night stand which I did not think much about other than he was doing what he thought was his job. Again, we went to bed early and made love a couple of times before we drifted off to sleep. The next day I went to the office and settled in for...

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Robert JenkinsChapter 18

New Year's Day I was wheels up from Macarthur at daybreak. I flew south past McGuire Air Force Base, where I closed out my flight plan and went to visual flight rules. I set the ADF for Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport. The flight path took me east of Philadelphia and west of D.C. I avoided restricted airspace. It was a clear winter day, perfect for flying. Over Charlottesville, I set the ADF to Birmingham. I flew west of Atlanta and was wheels down at Tuscaloosa at twelve, with more than...

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The Assistant A Romance

I survived my first five days working for Matt Steiner—start of the TV sitcom The Single Life. The job is as glamorous and as exciting as I thought it would be. It is filled with fun and exhilarating moments that only menial labor is able to provide. I met Matt on Monday after meeting with his agent. He coldly shook my hand and said, “hello” without looking at me. He looked upset and edgy. He wasn’t very nice to me. On my first day at my new job, I got careful instructions from Matt’s agent...

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Penny Gets Punished

I am standing alone in this damp dark and very cold cellar. It’s creepy. There are cobwebs and all sorts of things I can’t identify. I am frightened – yet at the same time I am so turned on my pussy juices are moistening the small cotton patch of my panties. I am in a bent-over position, my right wrist cuffed to my right ankle and my left wrist cuffed to my left ankle. I am wearing my tall heels, my leather collar and my new satin pink G-string with lace trim. My long brown hair is hanging over...

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Burying the PastChapter 13

Washington DC They spent the rest of the day working on Bennett without much success. Taylor had been more right than he knew, as her rumblings became more incoherent with each hour they pressed her. After six hours and five interrogators taking a shot at breaking her, Crawford held up his hands in disgust. “You’re right, she’s batshit crazy.” “I told you,” Taylor said. “Someone’s done a serious number on her. She might be telling us something we can use, but it’s impossible to tell with...

2 years ago
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Boss Ki Khubsoorat Biwi Ki Chudai

Hello dosto I m jay jani from Gujarat, meri age 25 year hai or mai ek business person hu, mere land ki size 6.5’’ lamba or 2’’ mota hai. meri height 5ft 7’’ hai. mari body athletic type hai. dikhne mai handsome hu. Agar koi ladki bhabhi or aunty sex karna chahti hai to mujhe mail kar shakti hai. mera mail id hai. Meri yeh kahani 2 saal pahle ki hai jab mai padhai khatam karke ek chhoti company mai job karta tha. ummid karta hu ki apko yeh story bahut achhi lagegi. Comment karna mat bhulna Yeh...

3 years ago
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Kakegurui Luck Runs Out

Hyakkaou Academy The most exclusive and prestigious Academy in all of Japan. Scions from the most noticeable families in the country and ambitious nobodies alike all clamor for spots on the schools roll. But this school is unlike any other in the world. Your grades don't matter. Neither do your clubs or how good you are at sports. All that matters is how good you are at gambling. Everything in the school is determined by gambling. The winners get to shape the destiny of Japan, and the world....

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PornWorld Sheila Ortega Stud Slams Busty Slut Neighbor Sheila Ortega on Her Day Off

It’s her day off of work, so Sheila Ortega uses the free time that she has to pleasure herself. After pleasuring herself in the shower, she begins moaning loudly while she’s fingering herself hard on her bed. As she’s jamming her fingers in and out of her box, she’s interrupted by a knock at the door. She quickly puts a towel on and opens the door to find her neighbor, who happens to be a stud, on the other side. He then politely asks her to keep the noise level down as he’s trying to get a bit...

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A walk in the park

I have been trying to get more exercise lately and rather than going to the gym I have taken up walking. Normally I go walking with a mate but one time he couldn't make it so I went on my own. It was quite a warm summer night and still light at 9pm. I took a detour off my normal beaten path and headed through a local park. The park has several thick wooded areas and I really needed to go for a piss. I headed into one of the larger woods and as a couple of people were walking dogs I ventured...

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my sissy pillow book

dear diary i woke up very turned on from the last several days of writing porn, my sissie clittie swelling in my panties, then deflating when i refuse to touch it. Over & over again this happens. It's like having a countless number of mini-orgasms, except I just keep getting hotter & hotter without boiling over. My imagination gets so over-heated. For instance, Im lying in bed this morning & a very weird fantasy takes shape in my mind--the country takes an expected right...

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Morning Walk To Car Sex

Hey readers, I am veer from Delhi. This is my first story if there are mistake pls forgive me .I’m 21 yrs old and 6 ft tall a bit athletic body guy who have a cock to satisfy a women, I’m going to tell my experience with a married woman with who I became friend or fuck buddy few days back her name is Deepika and she is 24 yrs old . She is married and I have met her in park while jogging. She is very cute by face and her assets are not so good but they make her more cute as her boobs are small...

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Aruni Part One Meeting Joelle

Aruni knew very little about the world. She knew what she learned up until the fourth grade, and to her, that felt like an awful lot. She knew how to spell all of the states, what a verb is, and multiplication tables. She knew how to work the DVD player, and how to jump rope to 137. But Aruni still knew very little about the world. Aruni had thick auburn hair that shined like copper in the sun. She didnt like the way ponytails felt, so her hair was always tussled wildly on top her head. It...

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The Education of Mrs Jones Part 2

“I told you!” he crowed, a huge grin threatening to split his face in two. She had looked at his boyishly handsome face and smiled in spite of herself. He had told her, and he had been right. But he couldn’t possibly know just how “relaxed” she had found herself. She wondered uneasily how he would feel if she admitted that another person, a woman, had given her an orgasm, albeit unintentionally. After struggling with her conscience, she had decided that telling him would only complicate...

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Caitlin and James Part three

Caitlin and James - Part three By Cherie Petersson Chapter nine James dozed off to sleep soon after we had sex. I lift up the covers and admire his naked body. It's not that muscular, but it is well toned, quite beautiful in a sort of androgynous way. The condom is hanging off his spent penis, threatening to fall off, I remove it and grab some tissues and wipe his penis. He stirs a little but stays asleep. Poor guy, he must have got up very early to get his hair done and...

3 years ago
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The Takedowns World League

There is a variety of games, ten in all that are played out in every clash, all the individuals represent one of three national teams that take part in each clash, in each event five men are to be felled by women from one of the other teams (2 on 1), depending on who the men had at the top of their list of preferences, the teams who score the most points win. Some of the games involve tackles, most face sitting, some involve groin kicks, others trampling, some are softly, others are merciless,...

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Lisa Pays Daddys Debt

Lisa leaned back in the car's worn leather seat and closed her eyes. The slim 14-year old girl adjusted the earphones that ran from her ears to the CD player on the seat next to her. This was just typical of her father, Lisa sighed. She might have known this would happen. It wasn't the first time. Lisa was the daughter of Karl and Cathy Adams, a couple whose marriage had dissolved because of Karl's problem with gambling. He got so bad he was losing his paycheck before he got home on...

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My ExBest Friends Sister

When I would hang out with my friend, she would be there, doing whatever we were doing. I wasn't sure, but it seemed like she liked me. She would always try to tackle me in football, and defended me in soccer. She laughed at all my jokes, and had too much fun when we played video games together. So after months of thinking about it, I decided not to ask her out. My friendship with the guy is worth more to me than a girl. Right about now, I'm sure your thinking "If he didn't ask the...

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Teasing by Vickie Tern TG femdom hum Preface: I wrote a draft of half this story about two years ago, then set it aside to write other stories, the most recent being "An Unfaithful Wife." And there's the problem. That story pleased many but annoyed others because it repeats some elements of my earlier stories -- scheming wives and compliant husbands and so on. I won't defend those recurrences -- I like them. I like finding new reasons and ways for a woman to feminize her...

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An Affair Chapter 3

The next few days passed in a blur, but Mary was magnificent, she made all the arrangements for the funeral as well as dealing with the driver who'd been dismissed for stealing.After checking with the shed company it turned out that he'd been selling three or four sheds per load over a period of five years, since he hadn't stolen from her company it was the shed manufacturer who had to press charges and they did, but at least that was one worry less for my lady.I dealt solely with the new...

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My son spiked my wine

He had d**gged her lightly with a mild sedative added to her cup of tea that night, so he had to be careful not to wake her. This was a bold plan for a boy so young, but his hormones were a raging torrent in his healthy powerful young body. They had overcome his will and conscience and he just had to have her. He had oiled the hinges on her bedroom door during the day, so it opened without a sound as he gently turned the handle and entered her room. The full moon shone strongly through the...

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Fucking and sucking my AirBnB hung renter

Hey Y’all, It’s been too long since I’ve shared any slutty adventures. I initially thought Covid would stop me for a while but it continues to put a serious damper on my naughty behavior and desires. To catch you up on my life; back in January we moved down to Fairfield, CA for my husband’s job in the Air Force and a new job he had at Travis AFB. The Air Force put us up in an apartment until we could find a house. About a month ago we bought a new construction home in Vacaville, CA but can’t...

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Schooled in Sex Day1

It was an audacious plan even for me, and I wasn't sure that he would go for it. It would mean quite a commitment on his part, and he`d only just left off fucking Mary-Ann. Let me explain. I`m Caro (short for Caroline) and a nineteen, almost twenty-year-old virgin. I didn't plan it that way, but my libido didn`t get going until last year, and I`ve been getting really horny lately. So much so that I now carry a spare pair of panties in my bag in case of spontaneous emissions (Yes, it...

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mother in law

well ive been picturing my mil in a new light after i visited her in midweek,we were chatting as normal,when i was about to leave she said well you know if ive lost the plot cause ill be wearing a miniskirt and stilletoes when you see me next and then she just laughed it off and i left,ive never thought of her sexually before,shes 67 but i suppose still haves a good figure,well ive been dreaming of her in a different way,i cant wait til my nxt visit,well a week went past and i went to my mils...

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New World In Sister8217s Hug

I am doing sex with my own elder sister now. She is gorgeous in jeans and t shirt. Her breast size is 32b. Height 5.4, and present age 24. And mine 21. Coming to the story.. My family consists of 4members, dad is a Sr.Soft. Engg. In us. My mom is a professor in a private college, my sis at last me. We are living in hyderabad. It happened at the age of 18. At that time she was in her engineering. One day evening I went to her college to pick. I went to admin office and told her name, the entire...

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Lisa Takes On 3 by loyalsock

My wife Lisa is one incredible woman. At 26, she' a slim 5'5" withawesome red hair - a true redhead, mind you. Her lips were made tosuck cock and her 39B's just beg to be sucked and pinched. Whileshe is tough, Lisa can be quite submissive when needed. Knowingthis and wanting to act out one of my fantasies, I put a deviantand perverted plan into action.That Friday, my friends, Bob & Dave invite us out for dinner.On a lark (and being the devil that I am), I had my wife wear a blackmini-skirt...

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Cheerleaders Fun and Games Chapter 1

This is not my story,found it online and thought to share it with everyone!Enjoy!Cheerleaders' **** and Torture Chapter One It was a crappy night out, raining, cold, all and all miserable. The funny thing is, I wasn't even supposed to be at the shop. It's my garage, but I have a guy that runs the place for me, and I usually sit at home "managing" from a far. It's a good life, I can't complain. I was sitting at the counter watching some of the Monday night football game. I was in the shop trying...

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Os Magic

Master had to go to Los Angeles on business so He decided to take me along and make a mini-vacation out of it ?? o?s Magic    Monday Master had to go to San Diego on business, so He decided to take me along and make a mini-vacation out of it. He laid out the clothes He wanted packed: two suits, three dress shirts, two ties, five undershirts, two pairs of briefs, a couple of pairs of casual pants, four casual shirts, a half dozen pairs of socks, a pair of dress shoes and a pair of sport...

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JapanHDV Maki Koizumi In the hot springs with Maki Koizumi and a lover of sexy nude

Hot springs in Japan are full of naked women! Sometimes they are older women and sometimes they are sexy hot young women with great tits like Miss Maki Koizumi. We have seen this angel before in her lesbian fuck shows with other hot Japanese women and even as a bathroom cleaner sucking men off in the toilet. But this is the first time we get to see her out in nature enjoying the hot springs. What a lovely body she has and it is so perfect. We could watch her relax in the hot springs all day and...

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Strapon story

The skintight black patent leather minidress should have been the first warning. Instead, it was the bait, and she reeled me right in. I'd stopped off at my favorite hangout after work. It was mostly older college students and young professionals not too far removed from the campus. I was chatting with a few buddies when I spotted her. She was just standing on the edge of the dance floor, surveying the room, her hips barely undulating in time to the music. She was the woman who had starred in...

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Another First Time Story

I was just into my middle teen years. My dad was big shot at this company and every year they have a huge holiday party at their office building. This was the first time I got to go as my parents decided I was too old for a baby sitter but should not be left alone. Every body was dressed up as santa elves, Santa Clause or Mrs. Clause. Most of the costumes were pretty racy. Everybody was drinking heavy, including me. I was able to sneak drinks as the night went and I became pretty buzzed. I...

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Full Metal ProphylacticChapter 3

“Dottie, I love you like an older sister, but now the time has come for us to have a very frank and candid discussion. You’re not home anymore. This is where Amelia and I were born and things here are different in hundreds or thousands of different. Let’s start with the big ‘S’ word, sex. Here is a part of nature ... a very big part, and there is nothing secretive, hidden or suppressed about it. It’s a part of the air that we breathe and the water that we drink. It’s in our very blood and...

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Six Cunts and Pne Ass In One Day True Story

Readers might know from my earlier story “Hashmat ki Shamat” that Hashmat was my first extra marital sexual encounter. On one such occasion when I had gone abroad and came back to Karachi for a week after a yearlong stay in USA, I started to trace all those bitches that I used to screw in Karachi. On top of the list was Hashmat (who had also helped me screw almost a dozen other pussies) and I somehow managed to get her new telephone number. She was thrilled upon my return and we fixed a meeting...

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The Weekend Part Three

The Weekend meeting – Part Three I kissed and licked the inside of her thighs and ran my fingers lightly over her belly, pussy, and then her ass. She arched her head back and moaned that it felt good. “Put your finger in my pussy,” she pleaded. I ignored her and slowly brushed my fingers over and along her inner thighs, around her slit and along the crack in her ass. I ran one finger along her pussy lips, eliciting a body jerk and a loud, guttural groan. I continued to lightly touch her...

Oral Sex
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Accidental Experiment The Experiment BeginsChapter 11

Deep in a room several levels belowground in one of the most secure buildings in the world was a very luxurious set of rooms. These rooms were only known to a few people and what went on in them was even less known. "What do you mean you lost him?" said a man with a voice like a knife. General Gerald Lachs blanched, "That's what I said, sir. We lost the subject. One moment he's giving me grief in his room. Next the place looses all power. Then when we go to collect the subject for...

1 year ago
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The Spanking Couples Weekend GetawayChapter 4

As they awaited their fate, both Debbie and Beth could see Jacki and Marion as they were humiliated in the pillories. They watched as Mistress after Mistress led their submissives to them, and then had them fuck one of their three holes. And, many of the Mistresses added to the humiliation by ramming their pussies in Jacki's or Marion's faces and forced them to eat their pussies until they would cum. And, a few even pissed on their faces while there. Both Beth and Debbie dreaded the pillory...

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Ganga Kama Kathaigal 8211 Part 2 Muthal Murai Kaamam

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil enathu siru vayathu kama anubavangalai ungaludan pagirugiren. Vaarungal ilamai kama kathaikul selalam, ramu sunniyai sappi vitu veetirku senrdra pozhuthu enaku avan sunni suvai naakile irupathu pola unarnthen. Andru iravu paduthu urangum pozhuthu ennai meeri en vaaikul oru viralai vitu sunniyai sappuvathu polave sapinen. Aduthu eppozhuthu ramu sunniyai sapuven enbathu pola irunthathu, nalai college sendren. Kalaiyil sikiramaaga sendren, aanal ramu appozhuthu vara...

2 years ago
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My Best Friends Brother 2

A knock on the door sounded as I slipped on my silk lingerie. I knew it was Tony since he had sent me a text message earlier about coming by. I knew he was thinking about the first time we had sex together, hell even I couldn’t stop. I even had dreams about it every night. Reliving every detail, the way his cock fit into my pussy and how he fucked me so hard, I woke up and my panties would be soaked with cum. Nothing could take my mind from it. Every time I see him I always get wet quickly.

3 years ago
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Chachi Blackmail Aur Chudai

Hi this is James back again with my new story. This time just for a change I am going to narrate my story in Hindi. Agar ap logon ko meri kahani pasand aye to kripya apni tippani mujhe email kare per. Ye kahani meri to nahi hai par mere ek bahut karibi dost ki hai. Wo mujhse apni sari baatein share karta hai. Usi ne mujhe ye ghatna batayi thi jo uske sath hui thi. Usne kaha tha ki kisi ko nahin batana par mai aap sab logon ko batane jar aha hun bina apne dost ko bataye. Aapki aur meri dono ki...

3 years ago
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Kick Off to Jealousy

I had created this problem in the first place. Ever since John had that bad season his first year in college, I rather promoted him to anyone and everyone. I wrote letters to all the newspapers, sport talks show on the radio and on our local TV. I wanted everyone to know just how good he was. I would send those letters every day telling them about him and what he had accomplished during High School and remind them to check his awards from just his first year in college. John had received,...

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My Mom8217s Ass In The Open

Hello everyone, this is Rajiv, 19 years old. I have a story of my mother Raji. My mother is a typical Indian housewife,39years old, light brown in color, nice pair of breasts covered by her 38inch bra and a massive breathtaking big ass. There is much of her panties at home as she rarely wears them and some of them are tagged 100cms while some are 105cms. Guess the later set of panties was brought in bigger size due to her ever growing ass globes. My father works for a private company and we...

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Lura falls in Love

My house is the last in the block, in fact, it is the last house of the street. Here the paving stops and the street turns into a dirt road. No wonder then that there is hardly any traffic. From here the dirt road runs along the wheat fields that start just east of my home. Standing in front of the mailbox one could see a mile toward the east, but only about five blocks toward the city. There the street disappeared down towards the river. Today the mailbox had yielded one piece of junk mail,...

1 year ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 33

THURSDAY — OCTOBER 3, A LITTLE EARLIER IN THE DAY Fred, wearing baggy trunks, and the three women wearing "modest" bikinis, stood on the beach. "Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh," Jessica said as she grabbed Fred's hand. "I knew I would love this. I mean I've seen pictures and videos, but looking at it for real, it's..." "So big," Fred offered as he put his arm around the teenager. "It's the Atlantic ocean," he laughed. "It's supposed to be big. But, you've seen it...

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