The First Realm Lee Ki Jung s storyChapter 12 Return to Dong Kyu
- 4 years ago
- 40
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It is after dark, and the stars are out when she finally reaches a gate in the outer wall of the city. There is a fee of 15 coppers to enter, but as she has no means of paying it, she is required to sign a magically binding contract. The contract will take the entrance fee from any money she earns, up to 50% at a time, until it is paid off. This does not make her happy, but she doesn’t want to stay outside the walls another night.
Without coin, she isn’t able to afford to stay in an Inn. Thus Ki Jung is relegated to the slums and once again sleeping under the stars. Luck remains on her side. The weather continues to be comfortable for sleeping outdoors.
In an open space next to the outer wall, Ki Jung makes herself comfortable. Pulling her parka over herself like a blanket, she is about to fall asleep when someone kicks her foot, hard.
“That’s my space your in! Get up! Either pay the fee for it or move on.”
Ki Jung is instantly alert. She expected something like this might happen. Bullies are everywhere. And, when you are new and unknown, one is likely to show up and do their best to make you miserable.
Yawning, Ki Jung stands up and looks this cretin up and down like he’s a worthless toad. He is slightly taller than her, but he has significantly more mass. He is carrying a basic cudgel that he is taping against his off-hand. Behind him are three others of similar status. From their appearance and body language, they are with him.
“This is your spot? Well, I don’t see a name on it, and no one else said it belongs to anyone. So, how about you just leave me alone and move on. I’m tired and want to sleep,” she tells the person attempting to menace her.
This causes the man to growl and in response, he says, “Don’t you know who I am? No one messes with me. Now get out of here or pay me for using my space!”
“I’m sorry, but I will have to decline,” is Ki Jung’s response. If you allow bullies to cow you, they’ll never stop.
“Why you damned bitch, I’m going to beat you until you beg me to stop, and then I’m going to use you like a cheap whore,” he bellows as he steps forward taking a swing at her with the cudgel.
Ki Jung isn’t impressed by his words, but they do ignite a fire in her belly. She watches the man intently and unconsciously exudes a menacing aura. Using her Qi is second nature now, so she follows the flow of his energy with it. When he swings at her, the world seems to slow down in her mind. Stepping into him, she grabs and throws him to the ground with a mighty thud. Without letting go, she takes hold of his wrist and twists it while applying pressure to it in a way that has him screaming in pain.
All three of his accomplices charge forward to help their leader. Ki Jung sensing their approach twists their leader’s arm up in a way that has him bellowing like a wounded bull. “Oh, do stop, boys. If you don’t I will have to break his arm and then I’ll break one on each of you. We don’t want that, do we?” Her voice is as sweet as honey and smooth as silk as she says this.
The gaggle of ruffians stops in its tacks. They narrowly avoid falling forward on their faces in their haste to do so. They have good reason to do as the woman bids. First of all, they have never seen anyone take down their boss. But, it more than just that. They’ve seen plenty of fights at various arenas and in the streets. Never have they seen someone move the way this demon in human form does. They have little doubt that she can do what she says she will. Finally, there is that menacing aura she has about her.
With the situation under control, and the three banditos backing off, Ki Jung lets up on the leader’s arm a little. Leaning in, Ki Jung gets close to his ear and whispers something to him. His response is a nod of the head while his free hand slowly moves to his belt and removes his coin purse. With some effort he opens it and withdraws the coins, counts out half of them in full view, puts them back in his pouch. The rest are given over to Ki Jung.
With a polite thank you, she relinquishes her hold on him and helps him up. What others do not see is the way she carefully controls him using pressure points as he stands up. With a deep bow and a very polite parting gesture, he beats a hasty retreat with his group in tow.
Ki Jung pockets the money and lays back down. Not once did she stop using her Qi skill, though she has minimized it to 5m. She sleeps soundly until the crowing rooster wakes her early the next day.
At no time does the town guard come to investigate. Something Ki Jung takes note of for future reference. For now, she figures they don’t bother with minor problems in the slums.
Over the next few days, Master Lee watches over them as she leads them through the process of cultivating their bodies. They have been practicing Body Cultivation for months now, but not to the extent they will be during this trip. The first day they work within the formation of power that Master Lee had set up without any kind of pill or other concoction to assist them. The second day, Master Lee adds to it by slowly heating the ground under them. It isn’t comfortable, but they place their...
The end of her final semester has arrived, and Ki Jung is just turning in her last finals test before graduation. She thinking about heading home to spend time with her younger brother before heading to the dojo. With absurd timing, her paper is just leaving her fingers and floating to the stack with all the others when she feels it. The Realms are pulling her back. This is witnessed by the TA and those who look up when they hear something at the front of the room. Those closest would swear...
Over time, the number of students taking part in Ki Jung’s Aikido training grows. For the first month, Min Joon is her only student. She believes this to be due to her doing nothing but throwing him to the mat over and over for the first week. Why would any student change Masters for that? This doesn’t bother her at all. She feels it was an excellent starting point. She has one student who she is able to focus on. This focus allows his training to be much better and more focused. At the end...
After seeing the Jonshons out, she locked her room and set up her own protection formations. Once she was sure that her suite was secure, she pulled out the piece of worm meat she’d shown them and offered it to Sharp Eyes. The bird took the flesh and consumed it while she went about her nightly practices. Two hours later, she put out the lights and went to sleep. The next morning, Ki Jung wakes up to find her friend Sharp Eyes has grown. Upon closer inspection, it becomes clear that while...
The day starts out much the same as the previous day had. Breakfast, cleaning up, seeing Auntie June off, and accompanying Min Joon to the Academy. Once they get there, they part ways. Min Joon is heading off to pay off his debt, while Ki Jung goes to the administration building to discuss what options they have available. She is still willing to instruct to reduce the cost of her lessons, but it is no longer such a big issue for her, since she has plenty of gold, for the moment. She is...
Reaching V. Pak June, Ki Jung greets her with a smile, which the woman returns. Ki Jung then inquires about rings. She already knows that hers is the least expensive and has the smallest capacity. The largest storage rings go for many gold, though Mrs. Pak does not carry those. Ki June settles on a ring with a capacity of two cubic meters for one Gold. That was the only gold piece she had and she received from the would-be bully during her first visit. When the deal is done, V June Pak...
The next morning, Ki Jung gathers her belongings, eats her breakfast, and leaves Marshall city. Though her goal is Silver Cove, she heads towards the area she noticed the day before where large amounts of Qi was being drawn in. With Sharpie flying high above, it isn’t long until she can see the cliff the Qi is being drawn to. In minutes, Ki Jung is covering the last couple of kilometers to her destination. As she gets closer, she can feel the energy in the air being pulled towards the...
“Sticky Digits” is not an inexpensive spell at 50 gold, but the utility of it is worth the price, Ki Jung decides. “Thank you for your business, Master Lee,” the merchant says with a bow as the sale is completed. “Thank you for your kind service, Mr. Han. It is a pleasure doing business with you. “I was wondering, would you have any suggestions for spells, concoctions, or such for me,” Ki Jung asks. “Hmm, that would depend on what your needs are, Honored Master. What are your needs, known...
16 May 2021Now, one of the things I've discovered about Pavlova Training is that you lose all sense of spacey-time. The last thing I remembered was running the tip of my tongue up the cum dripping meringue bite that Queeny Bitch was holding before my stingy-bee lips. So, I was a bit of a befuddled, teen-angel of compliant behaviourism when I awoke to find myself back in my own bed with the sun shining to announce a new day. Well, I'm a perky, pokie, wiggly, jiggly, sodden-cunted, teen-angel and...
InterracialKi Jung wakes up refreshed after two hours of actual sleep. She heads outside to the outhouse to take care of business, with the help of TP she brought with her. Then she returns and finds both mother and son up. Auntie is getting ready to go out and do business while Min Joon makes breakfast. He attends a school that teaches reading and writing, math, spellwork, and martial arts. This is his final year. Next, he will have to decide on whether he will continue to learn spellwork, martial...
Ki Jung feels something isn’t right as she is waking up the next morning. The bedding is different, there’s light coming in where there was no window, and there are familiar sounds that she hasn’t heard in about a week. It’s like being hit by an out of control truck when the realization hits her; she’s home! She is in her own bed, in her room back in the world she was born to. Dressing in only her panties and a tee, which need cleaning, Ki Jung flies out of her room calling for her mother,...
Following her return, Ki Jung settles back into her daily routine, but it isn’t the same. There is plenty for her to be upbeat about. She is earning money as a martial arts instructor. This alone make her happy. This income allows her to help her mother with the bills. Due to her excellent grades and SAT scores, she received a full-ride grant to attend the State University, which she intends to take advantage of. The university has accepted all her high school AP courses for credits. The...
Ki Jung enlists the assistance of Min Joon, Phong Ahn, and Chenming for the purpose of breaching her current bottleneck for body cultivation. This trip will also be about getting them through their first bottlenecks in Body Cultivation. They have all been working on Body Cultivation under her tutelage. They are her top students, and she wants them all to have the best opportunities when she leaves. All three of them have advanced to the Second Kyu in Aikido. She feels they are all nearly...
With the start of the first full day, Ki Jung has Phong Ahn and Chanming team up, while she teams up with Min Joon. They head out in different directions to gather food to help stretch what they brought along. They are to return to the cave before nightfall. Min Joon already described what to look for to his fellow students based on what the two of them found the previous day; thus, everyone is as ready as possible when they take off. Each team covers many acres of land during their outing....
Waking up refreshed, Ki Jung repacks her SHTF bag and heads out in search of food. She doesn’t know what to expect but is delightfully surprised at the various offerings she finds. There’s a vendor was selling burritos filled with the equivalent of a Western scramble, another vendor selling bowls of cooked oats (you had to eat there and return the bowl and spoon), and many more, all of them wonderful after rations and foraged foods for most of a week. She chooses the omelet and pays for it...
Once she has the strength to do so, Ki Jung sits up and begins to wipe herself off. She is covered in a mixture of dead cells, rancid smelling oils and blood. Without any shame, she slowly strips out of her soiled undergarments, takes them into her ring, and crawls to the shower. Sitting on the floor, Ki Jung takes a long hot shower where she washes her hair and body with care. Blood streams off of her and down the drain. She can feel some of the changes to her body. There is no doubt she has...
True to his word, a huge crowd attended the premier. "Live at the Hollywood Bowl, Dong, the Eighth Wonder of the World, XXX Adult Show" the signs promised. The people took their seats, speculating on what they were about to see. Many rumors had filtered out, some mostly accurate and some much less so. Anne and Jack waited backstage. Jack in a tuxedo, Anne wearing only a lacy matching set of bra and panties. "You nervous, Anne?" Jack asked. "Mmmm, ready to soak through my panties is more...
With the rising of the sun also came a dense morning fog, so visibility was not much better than before. The men arrived at a waterline of an inland shore. "You think these patterns in the sand might be the tracks Dong leaves behind?" Karl asked. "Shh. You hear that?" Jack interrupted. The sound of splashing came from off in the distance. "He's just ahead of us, crossing through here. And look, the beach curves around in that direction over there. Follow me, men!" He set off around the...
Lynn erupted into a loud, quavering scream as she came again. Her orgasm simply refused to let her go, spiking repeatedly as Lee's cock continued to slam into her at an ever-increasing pace. Her face was burning hot, and her whole body was alive with energy. Auburn hair covered her brown eyes, tossed there by the bucking of her body with each wave of ecstasy. Lee smiled and growled, nearly at the point of no return. He jerked his head to one side, getting his long, dark brown bangs out of his...
About twelve months from the time Ki Jung first began practicing Body Cultivation, she realizes that she is about to make her first breakthrough. With this in mind, she makes arrangements to be at the dojo where Master Jamison can watch over her during the event. He agrees, and they stay after closing up the dojo that Friday evening. In that same period, Ki Jung has also opened the first Qi-Locks of each of the three Blessed Qi arts. She can feel three Dantians in her body now. One at the...
Chapter 1 I had spent most of a month with Lee so far on our hike. We often split up during the day, with our varying paces, but met up again each evening. Lee moved faster than I most days, and would be eating his dinner while I set up my tent and unpacked my cooking gear. Tonight, though, he surprised me – when I (finally) arrived at the campsite, Lee had cooked dinner for two. It was nothing fancy, just solid camp food, but I appreciated the gesture. Lee waited for me to shrug out of...
For the next six days, Ki Jung leaves the safety of the city each day right after she breakfast to would return in time to enjoy the evening meal. Sometimes she immediately returns, following dinner, to her room to bathe, experiment with her Qi, meditate, and sleep. Other times, she enjoys a couple of glasses of wine while listening to music, stories, or news that traveling bards provide. Each time she leaves the city, she has her spatial backpack equipped, her sword at her waist, and spear...
Anne came to, already moaning, on account of Dong's tentacles slowly fucking her pussy and asshole, and gently squeezing her ample breasts. She opened her eyes, smiled, and said, "Mmmmm, baby, that feels so nice. Don't stop." They were in a large cave, with Dong mostly submerged in a subterranean lake that filled the area, though he was clearly being careful to keep Anne above water. Hearing her voice, Dong gurgled softly and started moving, climbing out of the water and into daylight....
Ki Jung keeps in touch with her three top students regularly, via the long-distance communications devices she provided each of them. In this way, she can keep up with how they are progressing and to find out about Auntie Pak, while telling them about her experiences. It isn’t the same as being there with them, but it is enough. After two years, she grew close to them. As she is traveling between Chang Li and Marshall cities, Ki Jung often thinks of them. She is considering asking one of...
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With Sharp Eye’s assistance, Ki Jung is able to find bigger and more dangerous beasts. This is thanks to Sharp Eye’s ability to fly off and search ahead of her. She still picks up specimens of smaller creatures, but her goal is beasts of a greater size with possible magical and alchemical uses. As the days pass, Ki Jung and Sharp Eyes range farther away than the last day. Then, one day, through Sharpies’ eyes, she notices something different. The bird doesn’t take note of it until Ki Jung...
Ki Jung thinks it is great being able to study and learn at Jade Academy. On her own time, she studies the written language and quickly gets the hang of it. She wouldn’t become a great poet or writer, but she could read and write acceptably in no time at all. The studies of Alchemy were coming along nicely. She could now identify and harvest a wide variety of plants, mosses, and fungi. Her magical studies were a little more complicated, as this was a subject that she had no background in at...
Once Ki Jung got back home, she informs Auntie and little brother that she was going to cultivate in seclusion for the next couple of days. She wants to attempt to breakthrough with both her Blessed Whole arts to further improve her inner body and the depth and breadth of her Dantians and meridians. Ki Jung hopes to achieve this through intense cultivation while in seclusion at the Pergola at the Academy. As an instructor, she has full-time access to the academy grounds and most of its...
Ki Jung uses her all her senses to avoid animals larger than a squirrel. She does not limit it to predators. Even large herbivores must be considered dangerous. A stampede of bison, water buffalo, or such would crush her without a thought. As night approaches, Ki Jung strings her hammock up between two sturdy trees, and then hangs her bag from a branch to make it inaccessible from the ground. The hammock will be better than sleeping on the ground, but she straps the Tanto to her forearm for...
Ki Jung heads to the slums where she intends to learn and practice her new spell: Elemental Fire. It is a few minute’s walk, but she arrives without any problem. Finding a place to sit to learn her spell is another matter. Eventually, she “rents” a spot from a squatter for 2 Copper after haggling him down from five. With a space procured, she gathers some rocks and makes a little fire pit. She then collects bits of trash and scraps of wood. Once this is all taken care of, Ki Jung makes...
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Unhurried, but with long sure strides, Ki Jung leads little brother in the direction of the disturbance. In a short time, they make their way to the scene where a mountain of a man is raging at one of the merchants who is lying on the ground curled up in the fetal position. It is easy to see that the merchant is suffering from broken bones and possible internal injuries. What Ki Jung notices right after assessing the merchant is that no one is even attempting to put a stop to this assault....
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Lee Doesn't Live Here Anymore - Part 1 (Rewrite) This is a rewrite of the original storyline, correcting the spelling and grammar errors and clarifying the storyline. Hopefully, the storyline will be easier to read and follow. Thanks for your comments and reviews. It is greatly appreciated. ************************************************************************ Lee Anderson is an award-winning college football player. Lee was every girl's dream, strong, handsome, extremely...
lee got to the wedding reception and noticed a huge bouncer with his back to him,lee noticed his huge mass and couldn't believe how tite and hott his ass looked,as lee got to the door the bouncer turned round and smiled and winked at lee,lee noticing how tite his clothes were and looked painted on but got a semi over the tite seethrough sheer shirt. lee went to the reception room said hi to his mates and went to the bar,the bouncer walked in and made the point over going over and started...
GayLee & Lyn's World Prelog: Doctor CixLeeNen told DanLee and I that we were going to have a child. The Doctor CixLeeNen had the next available name assignments from the central computer. 'Le' was the next available. And as tradition allowed as parents we got to pick the last letter, so we picked S. Our baby would be named Les for their first syllable name. Today was the first day of second year school. Les thought that everyone had on the same uniform again this year...
"Wow!" I exclaimed when Lee answered the door that evening. "You like it?" she said, doing a little twirl to make her short skirt flare out. "Yeah I like it. You look... Beautiful," I said, totally awestruck. Okay, so she was showing more skin than Jennifer ever did, but it wasn't so much that it was slutty. She'd really outdone herself. Jennifer was at one of her girlfriend's house so she wouldn't see us leave like that, but their dad was there and I must say he didn't like...
True to his word, a huge crowd attended the premier. “Live at the Hollywood Bowl, Dong, the Eighth Wonder of the World, XXX Adult Show” the signs promised. The people took their seats, speculating on what they were about to see. Many rumors had filtered out, some mostly accurate and some much less so. Anne and Jack waited backstage. Jack in a tuxedo, Anne wearing only a lacy matching set of bra and panties. “You nervous, Anne?” Jack asked. “Mmmm, ready to soak through my panties is more...
Some of you have read the stories of Ted (magichands) and his wife, Lee (magichandslee). I have the advantage, I knew both of them personally. Since the death of Lee’s husband, Ted, we became friends. Lee always encouraged me to write, but I did notice that some didn’t like my stories. Lee said it was because I tried to make them erotic, instead of just telling the truth of what happened. Lee was right on that point, I think. So here, I just tell you what happened. I am trying to copy...
DAD’S OLD ARMY BUDDY 2 Sometime ago I told you about my dad’ old army buddy Mr. Miller, and all the fun the three of us had the last time he was in town. Well I thank its time I tell you a little more about my dad’s old army buddy. Dennis and my dad met when they were in the army, they were station in Japan. Dad and I would lie in bed and he would tell me stories about how he and Dennis would spend months with just their army unit, back in those days women were not allowed to serve with the...
DAD’S OLD ARMY BUDDY 2Sometime ago I told you about my dad’ old army buddy Mr. Miller, and all the fun the three of us had the last time he was in town. Well I thank its time I tell you a little more about my dad’s old army buddy. Dennis and my dad met when they were in the army, they were station in Japan. Dad and I would lie in bed and he would tell me stories about how he and Dennis would spend months with just their army unit, back in those days women were not allowed to serve with the men,...
It all started the weekend before last. I bought a house – my first house. In the Navy I always lived in apartments, so I saved a lot of money. I usually ended up saving over a thousand dollars a month once I made First Class. Plus I received an inheritance from my grandmother. So, I bought a very nice three bedrooms, two bath, 2,100 square foot house, just for me. Thirty-eight years old, and finally my very own place. I hired a handful of sailors and their wives or girlfriends to help me move...
FetishTony began wondering again about Lee and Kyle’s relationship. He had seen Kyle sit and hold Lee’s hand while he talked to her on several occasions over previous weeks. He had been curious about their relationship when he realised, they were not lovers. He thought he now understood. Lee was like a security blanket or a surrogate mother. She had been the one person in Kyle’s life for some time who had loved Kyle without reservation. That someone, who had never expected or asked anything else...
100% fiction! After the morning coffee room service start of my day at Plantation House, late breakfast downstairs was a bit of a sombre/hung-over affair with lots of coffee being consumed. After breakfast, pushing back from the table Lee Anne said “It’s a glorious sunny day and Gary and I are planning to spend time at the waterhole in the river swimming and tanning. Charlie would you like to join us?” “Won’t three be a bit of a crowd for you and Gary?” I asked knowing full well that they would...
IncestNote : This story is completely fictional! Sometime ago I told you about my dad’ old army buddy Mr. Miller, and all the fun the three of us had the last time he was in town. Well I thank its time I tell you a little more about my dad’s old army buddy. Dennis and my dad met when they were in the army, they were station in Japan. Dad and I would lie in bed and he would tell me stories about how he and Dennis would spend months with just their army unit, back in those days women were not allowed...
IncestCupping and lifting up her breasts she teasingly asked “You boys like what you see?†Noticing our embarrassment she then asked. “Would you like to see more?†After the morning coffee room service start of my day at Plantation House, late breakfast downstairs was a bit of a sombre/hung-over affair with lots of coffee being consumed. After breakfast, pushing back from the table Lee Anne said “It’s a glorious sunny day and Gary and I are planning to spend time at the waterhole in the river...
Masturbation‘Knock…knock…knock’. Melanie put her book down and answered the front door. “Hi…Mrs. Barton,” the good looking teenager asked, “Is Warren in?” “Ehm no,” she smiled when she recognised her son’s best-friend Lee Clark or Clarkie as he was known to his friends, “he’s at work but shouldn’t be long; do you want to come in and wait?” “Yeh thanks.” He mumbled and wiped his trainers on the door mat as he followed the slim woman into the living room. Clarkie and Warren had grown up...