PurcellChapter 10: Carpentry free porn video

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When Massa Swithin fell sick, Young Massa Billy was away at school, the beginning of his last year. He was called home, and he got there two days before his daddy died.

Young Massa had the funeral in the big house. Later, Sally stood in the crowd of slaves in back of the guests while they lowered Massa into the ground. Later yet, she helped serve supper to the guests.

She was in the cookhouse washing dishes when Old Tom came for her.

“Massa wants you in the big house,” he said.

At first, she thought he had seen a ghost. “Oh, you mean Young Massa.”

“He the only massa we got, now.”

He might be the massa now, but he was still in his old room.

“Old Tom said you wanted me, Massa.”

“Oh. I do,” he said. “Help me off with my clothes.” That wasn’t her job, but if he was the massa, he decided what her job was. Besides, it was cooler than washing dishes on a hot day.

Massa had promised her to him when he graduated. “You’re going to belong to him someday, Sally,” Massa had said. “You all will. It’s only right that you belong to him that way sooner.”

Sometimes, young massa teased himself with her. Maybe that was what he was doing now

She had often cleaned his room, putting his washed clothes away. She had never hung up his coat, but she knew where it went in the wardrobe. She hung up his shirt, too. When she turned around, he was sitting down. She knew how boots were removed, though she had never done it.

He straightened one leg, and she straddled it, facing away from him. She pushed the boot off while he pushed against her ass with the other boot. When she repeated the process, his bare foot felt softer against her ass. but somehow it was disturbing.

With his boots and stockings off, he stood up. She had a little trouble with his belt, but he only smiled.

As she unbuttoned his trousers, she felt him hard against her fingers. When the trousers opened, his cock sprang out. She knew what that meant.

“Massa said when you finish school.”

“I’m massa now. I say tonight. I say shuck down.” He was Massa now. He said it; Old Tom said it; even Massa had said it, though he’d said “someday.”

She pulled the dress over her head; she was moving slowly but young massa didn’t object. His hands were all over her, her teats, her ass. He held her between her legs, and she had to move her foot to make enough room for his hand.

“Now get on the bed,” he said.

She lay down. He knelt on the bed beside her, pulled up her knees, and pushed them apart. He lay down on top of her, turning a little on his side so his hand could go between them. He fumbled with her down there and then parted those lips. She could feel him between them and then pressure there.

“It hurts, Massa,” she said.

“Always hurts the first time.” But he eased off.

Then he rammed into her, and she screamed in pain. He went deep inside her.

Before the pain eased much, he was moving in and out of her. The motions hurt less than the first one, but they still hurt. Soon, if not soon enough, he grunted, shoved into her, and then stopped moving. She felt him twitch down there. He fell on her, and he was heavy.

“Haven’t you forgotten something?” he asked when he finally moved to her side.

“Thank you, Massa.”

“You sleep on the floor. Tomorrow, they’ll move a pallet in here.”

The floor was no harder than where she usually slept, and it was probably cooler than the feather bed. The house staff moved the pallet into the master bedroom, instead. The next night, he had her there, and it only hurt a little.

When she bled, she returned to her cabin, but he had her come back when she dried out. That time, it didn’t hurt at all.

She kept returning to his bed.

Afterwards, and sometimes before, he began to talk to her. She didn’t have to answer.; she didn’t even have to understand.

At first, he had grudges against several people he called Mister, maybe former teachers. As time went on, he talked more about the plantation. The place grew tobacco, but it got more money from selling slaves. The tobacco grew in a year, but the slaves took time. A bad season of sickness could slash profits for years to come. Massa talked about his worries to her just like he would to a dog, but she understood more about the place than he thought she did.

During her later monthlies, Massa would break in a younger girl while she was gone. After he was done, the girls were put into the regular breeding program. He talked about them, too.

“That Tillie wench is not like you. Has almost no teats at all.” He grabbed her to show what he preferred.

“Tillie is awfully young, Massa.”

“You think she’ll grow out?” He went from grabbing her teat to grabbing her between the legs. Then he rolled over on her and used her.

She hadn’t meant that Tillie would grow out, although she probably would, she thought when she was back on the pallet. She had meant that Tillie was awfully young to be breeding. Old Massa had scheduled Sally to start a couple of months from now -- she was no longer certain when graduation was. Tillie must have been two years younger than she was.

The weather grew cold, and then they had Christmas. After a while, the weather grew warmer again.

The prices for slaves rose, and Massa told her. He sold many, and he told her of the prices.

She kept count of the weeks. After she had shared Massa’s room for three weeks, she was careful so she didn’t get any blood on his sheets, though she sometimes got blood on her pallet.

She expected blood one Tuesday, but it didn’t come. By the fifth week, she decided that it wouldn’t come this time. Massa didn’t say anything about her always being available to him, and she decided to keep counting the weeks until he did.

Anyway, she knew that Doris was the next girl to take her place in his bed, and Doris had only started bleeding after Massa had busted Sally.

With money at hand, Massa was talking about a trip down the Mississippi river. To get there from Virginia, we would have to go into the free state of Pennsylvania.

“You wouldn’t try to run away, would you?” he asked.

“No, Massa. I’m happy with you.” Actually, she couldn’t imagine running away. She was a house slave and, more recently, a bed slave. What would she do as a free woman?

She had never been out of the county, never even to the county seat. When a buck was stopped by the slave patrol, he had to show them a valid pass. They might take more from a pretty wench than that.

Now, Massa took her overland into another state, Maryland. They got to what he said was the Youghiogheny River, and got on a riverboat. She shared his cabin, and he treated her as he always had.

She had counted seventeen weeks when he asked, “Are you going to serve me all this trip? When is your monthly due?”

“I missed the last few, Massa. I think I might be carrying.”

“Why, that’s fine. Do you think it will be a girl?”

You told Massa what he wanted to hear. She couldn’t guess, but she would assure him it would be what he wanted. Did not men want sons, though? Old Massa had been proud of him, and there was little enough there to be proud about. “Do you want a girl, Massa?”

“Hell, yes. you’re right pretty, but you’re dark. A mulatto girl as pretty as you could fetch any price.”

“I think it will be a girl, Massa,” she said, but she had decided that it wouldn’t be a girl he could sell. He didn’t think of the child she would bear as his child; he thought of her as his property.

She couldn’t swim, and even if she could, a search for a dripping-wet girl would be likely to succeed. The next place the boat docked was Pittsburgh. Massa got a room, and he locked her in it while he went to ask about the next boat. A woman unlocked the door.

She said, “Saints preserve us. You gave me a fright. I’m here to clean.”

“Go right ahead.” Sally walked until she got out of the hotel. Everyone within sight was white, and they were all dressed differently from her. She turned left, walked to the end of the block, and turned left again. She walked until she saw a dark face.

“I am a slave, and I’m running away,” she said. “Where do I go?”

“Come here.” The man led her into what she would later learn to call an alley, and carefully set down the crate he was carrying. “The first thing to learn is that you never tell anyone that, no matter what his color. Now, you go down that street the way you were going. At the next corner, turn right until you get to ... can you read?”

“No.” She didn’t know any Negro who could, didn’t know that any Negro could. This man, however, seemed to think that some could.

“Shit! Well, turn right at that corner, and walk south. You do know your directions?”

“I do at home,” she said. All these paved streets were confusing.

“Same way you do at home. Keep the sun at your right shoulder. You’ll get to a river, the Monongahela. Before you get to the dock, turn left. Remember the name Ebenezer church. It’s safe to ask any colored man in that neighborhood how you get to Ebenezer Church. It has a sign on the building, but that doesn’t help you. When you get to the church, go to the back door and knock. I know what I told you, but tell the person who answers the door that you are an escaped slave. Do what he tells you.”

She followed his directions, except that it was a woman who answered the door. She led her inside and fed her some meat. It was Sally’s first meal without pone.

All the members of the church were Negroes, and they were all eager to help her. They gave her some clothes which would be less obvious in the city, also some shoes. All of it was used, but that would make hiding easier. She never saw the man who had given her directions again. He didn’t come to services at Ebenezer.

The preacher told her that it was too dangerous for her to go to work as a maid. Rose Wilson, a woman who belonged to the church worked washing clothes, and she hired Sally to help. She slept in a room in the basement which looked like a locked cabinet from outside.

She attended services and made friends with some of the others who did. One of these was Jeff Ralston, a journeyman carpenter and second-generation Pittsburgher. He didn’t work Sundays, and he sometimes took her walking in good weather. They sat in the back of the otherwise-empty church in bad weather. He told her about his life, and -- after a while -- she told him about hers.

Then one of the members brought a newspaper to service. It had an advertisement describing her. That wasn’t too bad, as “pretty” was a matter of opinion. So, for that matter, was “dark.”; there were women in the congregation darker than she was. But it also said, “May be pregnant.” By this time she was showing, and while there were many women with child in Pittsburgh, there were only a few dark, pretty negresses with a coming baby and no obvious husband.

“She must be Mrs. Somebody,” said Mrs. Wilson, “and away from here.”

“I live more than a mile east of here,” Jeff Ralston said. “She could be my wife.”

The preacher thought this was a good idea. Sally went along with it. The preacher would give them a marriage certificate dated 1851 instead of 1853.

“And what name should be on the certificate?” he asked. “Anything will do except Sally.”

“Do you want to be Victoria?” Jeff asked. “I have always liked that name.”

So Jeffery Ralston and Victoria Ross were married the next afternoon in Ebenezer Church. Very few attended because most of the congregation worked Mondays.

Jeff’s house surprised her. For one thing, it was on a hillside. You had to walk upstairs from the street to the front door. Then, it was a two-story house in front. There was a parlor built into the ground in back and above it in front. The second floor had a kitchen and a bedroom in the back which were on the level of the ground. It had two bedrooms over the parlor.

He cooked them supper after they got there. She washed the dishes and he dried. There didn’t seem to be anything to say or anything to do.

“Look,” Jeff said. “I sort of cheated you into this, I have been admiring you for some time, and then the advertisement came along, and what I had wanted looked like a solution. If all you want is my name, that is fair, and you will have it as long as you need it. What I would like is for us to be married in every sense of the word.”

“I would like that, too,” she said without really knowing what he meant. She had visited other plantations where the owner was married, and many people in the Ebenezer congregation were married, but she had no clear idea what that meant. On the plantation, bucks could fuck wenches unless Massa said that they couldn’t. Mostly, they should because that was how Massa got more slaves to sell.

He led her into the bedroom, and they undressed separately. He had said that they would sleep in the same bed, and there was only one bed there. She got into it. She saw his cock jutting out, and that confirmed her suspicion that their conversation had been about fucking. Well, he had already done more for her than Massa ever had; by drying the dishes, he had done more for her than Massa ever had.

“May I call you Vickie? We probably shouldn’t use the name ‘Sally’ even in private.” Jeff could see her indecision, but he couldn’t imagine the reason. He had asked her to let him make love to her, and she was hesitant. Well, he had at least one chance, and he would use it to overcome her uncertainty.

“That would be fine.” She didn’t want to be Sally if Sally might be found. She really wanted to leave all that had been Sally behind.

Jeff got into bed and covered them both to the waist. If Vickie / Sally was nervous, looking at his erection wouldn’t appease that nervousness. He leaned over and kissed her gently; then, he licked her lips. He kissed all over her face and then kissed down to her marvelous breasts. As he stroked down her body, he felt the rise of her belly. He left her breast for a minute to kiss hello to the child within the belly.

Sally, who had just received the first kisses since her mother had died, recognized the gesture for what it was. Massa wanted to sell her daughter; Jeff wanted to kiss her. The position prevented it, but she wanted to hug Jeff.

Jeff, unaware of the conquest he had made, kissed a line down the mound of the belly and up the underside of Vickie’s breast. He stroked down the other side of the mound until he reached the hair at her groin. She spread her legs, and he stroked those folds and parted them.

Jeff licked Vickie’s nipple at almost the same time that he lightly fingered the button at the top of her slit. Vickie moaned and stiffened.

At one end, he licked and sucked her nipple; at the other, he stroked her moisture -- quite copious moisture -- up to her button. Vickie seemed to take a long time coming to a climax, but she shook and moaned when she reached it.

“Darling,” he said. He desperately wanted to be in her; he had been suppressing his desire for what felt like hours. The baby seemed in the way. If they lay on their sides, his weight wouldn’t crush the baby. He tugged her to her side and lifted her leg.

Something had happened to Vickie which had never happened to Sally. She couldn’t name it. but she would be happy to feel it again. Now Jeff was moving her. She couldn’t understand what he wanted; so she merely stayed where he put her. Then, he entered her smoothly. Fucking had never been this easy, and she felt the excitement she had first experienced from his mouth and fingers begin again. Then, he throbbed inside her, and she felt him relax to her side. His weight was on her leg, but not on her.

“I love you,” Jeff said. Vickie Those words were something else she remembered from her mother and not since. It came with caring for her, and he certainly had.

Jeff expected someone to answer those words with the same ones, especially right after making love. He supposed that he should appreciate her honesty, but the emotion he felt was disappointment. Vickie had reached a climax, but she hadn’t reached one while he was inside her. Did she expect that?

They had had a long and stressful day, and each had reached an orgasm. They soon fell asleep.

Vickie, who had never before actually slept in a feather bed and who had a fetus pressing against her bladder, woke first. She dressed and found the outhouse. The kitchen was strange to her, but she investigated. She had the fire lit and the pone ready to cook when Jeff woke.

“Good morning, Vickie,” he said on his way out the back door, “I love you.”

Vicki expected him to crash to the ground. Then, she thought that he had to know what he was doing; this was his house. She opened the door and looked out. Although there were several steps up to the front porch downstairs, the kitchen door opened inward at ground level. She went back to cook the pone.

Jeff felt that having the wife cook breakfast the first morning of a new marriage was appropriate. He might be disappointed that it was simply pone, but he wasn’t going to express disappointment to this beautiful woman.

By the time he fixed the lunch he took to work, he was running late. He looked in dismay around the kitchen.

“I’m leaving a mess; Can you clean it up?”

“Of course,” Vickie said.

“I love you.”

“I know.”

That was a strange answer, but Jeff didn’t have time to deal with it. He couldn’t be late on the job after taking the previous half day off to get married.

He was, although only by a few minutes. The boss only made a point of taking his watch out of his pocket and looking at it, but the other carpenters had fun with suggesting what activities the night before had made him sleep late.

Vickie cleaned the dishes and the pan she had used to cook. Then, she gave the kitchen a thorough cleaning. She wasn’t sure whether Jeff had meant the kitchen or the house; so she started on the rest of the house. Two of the rooms upstairs were empty except for a wardrobe in each. One of those wardrobes was also empty, the other contained warm outer wear. She only swept and dusted those, and they certainly had needed the sweeping.

The bedroom wardrobe contained everything that Jeff had worn the previous day and some other clothes, too. She wondered whether she should wash these, but she hadn’t seen a wash tub in the kitchen.

As it grew dark, she thought about when she should start supper. Jeff surprised her by coming home before it was full dark.

“I didn’t know you would be home so soon,” she said. “I will start supper.”

That’s all right. I cooked for myself, after all.” Jeff came into the kitchen to watch his wife cook. She started mixing corn meal for pone. “What can you cook?”

She listed dishes of which he had barely heard. “But I only helped when there were guests in the big house. I cleaned rooms usually.”

“So you cooked for the big house, and you fixed pone for yourself. Is that what you had for lunch?” She looked puzzled. “What did you eat for dinner today?”

“I didn’t take anything?” she said.

Well, no. You couldn’t take anything. Do you remember yesterday afternoon?” She nodded. “Well, one of the things that we said was that this is your house and the food in it is yours. Now, we are in charge of different things, and I would be quite angry if you sold my tools. But the food and the kitchen are your domain -- you are especially in charge of those.”

“I am?” Sally had never been in charge of anything since she had been taken away from her younger brother.

“You are. Now, we have to talk about the meals I expect from you, but I certainly expect that you feed yourself. Even if you don’t care, you have to keep the baby fed.”

At that reminder that Jeff cared about her daughter, Vickie walked around the kitchen table and hugged him from in back. Jeff, liking the response even if he didn’t understand it, hugged the arms that hugged him.

“Now,” he said when they had broken the hugs. “Let’s see what you can cook by yourself. Let me get pencil and paper.”

He made a list of what she thought she could cook and what ingredients that took. They -- really, he -- decided on fried ham, pone, and spinach for supper. He went out to pick the spinach, and they had a late supper by lantern light.

After supper, they laid out menus for the next few days, suppers, a standard menu for breakfast, lunches for him to carry, and the same for her to eat at home. To prepare more, she would need more food. They would go grocery shopping the next evening.

After they went to bed, she asked, “Are you going to fuck me tonight?”

“We didn’t fuck last night. I made love to you.”

“Oh! Is that why it felt so different?”

Same as Purcell
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The Favor. When I was Master-at-arms at the W.A.V.E. barracks in Roosevelt Roads, Puerto Rico, the women got to know me pretty well. They became comfortable enough with me to change clothes in front of me when I was in their rooms for business or socializing. I didn’t realize how comfortable they had become until one day when Tammy and Penny asked me to come to their room. It was my day off and I was dressed for the beach, t-shirt and trunks. I stopped by their room intending to proceed to the...

4 years ago
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Amys Junior Year AbroadChapter 11 Fucked

Amy felt a prick in the back of her neck. She collapsed in the arms of the someone behind her. When she woke, she was naked lying on a wooden floor with metal cuffs restraining her hands and feet. Amy had no idea how long she had been lying there, only that she was stiff, hungry and thirsty. She screamed and screamed and screamed until her throat was so hoarse that all she could was whisper. No one came. Her mind finally cleared. She rolled over and began to study the room. It seemed like an...

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1st time in Germany True Story

I posted an earlier story about losing my virginity. Xhamster seems to be cutting off parts of titles and I meant to say only names have been changed and the story is true. This follow on story is also the same. Names have been changed but the events are true. As mentioned in my 1st story, I graduated from Basic Training and was assigned to Fort Stewart Georgia for my 1st assignment. I lost my virginity there to a Monica a white BBW that was 19 years older than me. Once I went over to...

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The Thrill of CheatingChapter 8

Jen had Mike in her mouth, but he wasn't getting hard. She played with him for another ten minutes, and finally he got hard enough to enter her. She quickly straddled him, and guided his cock into her pussy. They fucked for a few minutes, but then he got soft again, and fell out. "I'm sorry," he apologized, as she rolled off. "I don't know what's wrong with me. I guess it's stress from work. It's been so busy lately." Jen kissed him. "That's okay. Go to sleep, I know you're...

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A Dream comes True ch 11

A Dream comes True. Ch 11 By Julian Irwin. I was left in a bit of a dilemma; I wanted to help Mummy prepare dinner. Now Daniel is home, I want to help him change into Denise again. By the look I gave both, had Mummy ask, "What's that look for my girl." "Well I want to help you get dinner, yet I also want to help change Daniel into Denise." "You go and bring me back Denise, I'm sure you have things to tell her about your day. You'll have many, many more days to help get the...

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Mattress Mary

Mattress MaryI still remember the night I met Mary - which was back 40 years ago. It was Friday night after a shitty day at work. I wanted to break the memory of the day so I stopped off at a bar near there. I didn't drink much but decided to stop off for 1 or 2. I went to take a piss and as I left the men's room, I almost ran into her as she was coming out of the ladies room. I mumbled a clumsy "Hi" and she smiled and said, "Hi!" Then she said, "Are you here alone, with someone, or waiting for...

3 years ago
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Lesson learned I expect this fat man was my fina

This afternoon my ass still hurts. Ken calls and asks if I can prep a larger dinner as he is bringing a friend home.Sure. Veal Marsala for 3 versus 2 is no big deal.Thank god I do not know this guy. A c***dhood pal I'm told and I swear he was around 350 pounds. I clean up after dinner, come back and I don't see him. Bathrooms empty too and Ken is putting on his hat. "Ken, I didn't hear him leave. Are you guys going out?". Ken says "You still need to learn. This is the last lesson. He...

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Talking about my fav categories of porn with pics

So, i wanted to talk a bit about what kind of porn I really like and why. I'll start with the normie stuff and proceed with kinkier categories as I go on. Hope you're along for the ride.Big Natural TitsThis is the basis of my enjoyment of porn, the default level of what I really like. If I'm in the mood for a quick wank and lack the time to find or watch something more elaborate, just a beautiful busty babe with her chest bare will do the deed. Why do I like them? I dunno, some things are just...

1 year ago
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The Shiny LadiesChapter 19 The Y

It was around midnight, when the North San Antonio YMCA's janitor heard a tap on the glass front door. Standing there were two women. A Hispanic woman in her thirties wearing a green dress, and a pretty blond girl in her teens wearing a shiny silver tee shirt and skirt. He yelled, "We're closed." But they didn't understand through the thick glass doors. Though it was against the rules, he unlocked a door and opened it a crack. "We're..." was all he got out before he fell into a...

1 year ago
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Wife helps husband bi

"Scott, can I ask you a question?" Debbie, my wife of 27 years asked me. "Sure, what is it?""Are you gay?" she asked."What?" I asked, trying to quell the fear that I was certain was obvious in my voice. "Why would you ask that?""Scott, I'm not as naive as you think. I've seen the sites you visit on the Internet. I've watched some of the porn you've watched. They all show men having gay sex. I've even seen your responses to Craigslist postings."So there it was. I underestimated my wife's tech...

4 years ago
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She Took Him

After months of posting and replying to the “casual encounters” on Craig’s List, Eric was finally going to get laid!  Or at least that’s what he hoped as he drove up to her home.   Eric was a tall lanky college student whose strict parents had sent him to a military school.  No women were allowed, and he was never outgoing enough to meet anyone at a dance or bar.Eric was impressed and a little intimidated by the large homes he was driving through.  He got there a few minutes early, and waited...

2 years ago
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Humiliated husband pt2

Max was very busy hand washing all of Tonya's underwear and lingerie in the kitchen sink. He dipped a pair of her panties in the clean rinse water dunking them several times before twisting them and squeezing out the excess water. He then placed them in the clothes basket on the counter.Tonya insisted he wear 6" heels around the house especially when doing his chores. After all 6" heels are what sissies wore. Not just because they made his legs look sexy and feminine but also because they...

3 years ago
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Garbage Man

"My threesome is very competitive. Bill Johnson shoots to a three handicap. Ed Fitzgerald is a steady five, and I shoot to a six. I am Wilbur Ramsey. We play serious golf. A little money changes hands. We have been members at Pinehurst since we were all thirteen. We are thirty two now. Last Monday at five after seven AM, the golf pro, Henry Dugan, came up to us at the driving range. "You guys have a tee time today of seven thirty five. Do you mind if I send a fourth out with you?" "Please...

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Charlotte in a Shower of RainChapter 3

I slept the sleep of the sexually exhausted, with the delicious knowledge that I was in bed with two lovely young nymphomaniacs who were expecting to be fucked for the whole weekend - awesome and a little intimidating. Every so often during the night I would feel one of them stroking my cock, and occasionally Ellie would kiss me and whisper, “I love your magnificent cock so much!” Luckily my room had old fashioned shutters fitted which kept out nearly all the light, and so it must have been...

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I saw Jenna from across the park. She’d bolted from the school office and had hidden by the time the teachers emerged from the office. She was fast, I gotta give her that. I could understand how they couldn’t see her; she’d ducked into our old hiding place - Jenna used to be my best friend, but things change… she changed. It seemed like one day she was my best friend, the next she’d blossomed, moved on to the in-crowd and left me behind.I strayed over to where she was hiding, school was...

3 years ago
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A true telling of my life of sex

Ever since I was a young boy I always enjoyed the feeling of being completely, unabashedly, naked. There is something so erotic about being totally, deliciously naked. It even feels more naughty and exciting when I have a raging hard on and can walk around stroking it, or admiring it in the mirror. Of course there is the added excitement of the possibility of being caught not only naked, but with a hard on just about to burst forth a load of boy juice. This is one of the main reasons I worked...

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Weve Only Just Begun

Sharon Rock, movie star, is a candle lit at both ends. Stunningly beautiful, bright, tough, street-wise, dedicated, and highly sexed, are all accurate descriptions of her. She works hard and she plays hard. At present, she is not on location filming a picture. So, she is rigidly following her planned activities, as she has done every day for the last two months. After breakfast, which she finishes by 7:30 AM, she reads, memorizing the script of her next movie, and begins to form an idea of her...

4 years ago
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A week later I was back mowing the lawn when Annette’s head poked over the fence and asked me if I could pop in for a little job she needed doing. I finished off what I was doing and went round to her place and she opened the door wearing a robe and it didn’t look like there was much under it. She led me to the kitchen and asked me to check the pipe under the sink as she thought it might be leaking. So I laid on my back and eased myself so my head was under the sink looking for the leaking...

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Do Bhabhiyon Nai Faisaya

Hi! this is Pabby… Jab ke ya baat hi tab meri age 21 saal ka tha aur tab mein Delhi mein raheta tha apny rishte daaron key ghar mein. Mere doo bhai thee ek 4 saal bada aur ek 5 saal bada. Dono ki shadiyan ho chuki hain. Wo ek amir khandan sai heen. Meri bhabhiyon don pataka hain.meri badi bhabhi Sona 22 saal aur chotti bhabhi Fana 21 saal ki hain. Badi bhabhi kya kahon mai itni choti se umar pataka hain. Size hai 36-28-38 jiska matlab hai un ki gaand kafi moti hai. Woh kafi dhumak dhumak ke...

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Forbidden Lovers

Starlight and candlelight gave warmth to the night as nobles and royalty danced intricately choreographed dances to the soft sighs of strings and the rolling trills of woodwinds. In the flickering light, priceless jewels shone darkly against powdered white skin. Brightly colored dresses that billow from tightly laced waists swirl gracefully as those who wear them are twirled around by their partners in the elegant courtyard. The air is heady with the scents of many different perfumes mingling...

4 years ago
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Reeperbahn Pickup

Editor I'd like to thank Mulligan and Steve T for their assistance in turning this into a better story than my initial effort, any errors remaining are of course mine. Repost A special thank you to Benjin from the Swarm Authors list for improving the German used in this story. "Sarge, what's the plan?" Ollie Benteen looked around the small group of soldiers with him and grinned, "Get fed, get pissed and if you can manage it after that get laid," he announced. "That's the sort...

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Barbaria Act 4 Chapter 1

Chapter OneXena’s heart was so full of hate and bitterness. She thought it must surely burst. Her hate was directed at Princess Venetia who had humbled her and had her displayed naked to her former citizens in a cage. Xena’s bitterness was directed against her former citizens. They had once held her in awe. Worshipped her, almost. Now that she had fallen and was powerless, they had instantly turned against her. As she made two long circuits of the city, they mocked her, they derided her, they...

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Punished by Auntie Geraldine in Norfolk

Nick and I didn’t get much notice that we were going to stay with Mum’s schoolfriend ‘Auntie Geraldine’, in her pokey house in a grim little village in Norfolk. She lived there with her daughters Judy, seventeen, and Rebecca, eighteen. We hadn’t been there for ages but we both remembered how dull and old fashioned everything was, and the only time we ever went out was to church! Mum and Dad were going away with Dad’s work so there was no option or so Mum said. I argued and Nick argued but we...

2 years ago
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Sundara Part 2

“Hello. Namaste,” he said, his voice was accented with the clipped precise consonants that were so familiar from my parents and their friends. “Welcome to Sundara. My name is Rajit. How can I be of assistance?” I could feel the cotton of my summer school dress brushing across my bare pussy and felt completely exposed, like I was standing on a mirrored floor. Here goes. “Namaste,” I smiled back at him. “Sorry, but now you’ve exhausted my entire Hindi vocabulary.” Voe-cabb-you-lair-ree. Oh my...

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My Wife Her Brother And Myself

Hi, Friends, I am not a new member here, I have been reading these stories for long, this sex story is about the real incident happened with me. Since this is a real incident, I am not going to mention any names here, I work in a city, with my wife and 3 kids living in the city, my brother in law completed his studies and he got the job in the same city and he joined us to live with us. We usually sleep down, since there is not enough space on the bed to sleep altogether. One day, I told my...

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Drink Me

With my chin resting on the table, I stared at the little bottle. It was a rather unremarkable looking thing. It could almost be called a vial, but I think of vials as something smaller and thinner, like in a lab. This was more like one of those small energy drink containers, only bigger and made of glass. The liquid inside, however, was much more remarkable. Silvery, with tinges of blue, it appeared to shimmer. Almost as if it were alive and breathing, the shimmer was like a pulse....

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I tried some different kind of pussy pt2

When she was done I led her to the car. I put her in the back and started to get in the front seat. Linda said why dont you keep her company on the road. I sit in the back seat with the dog. Linda adjusted the miror so she could see me. She said lets name her Babe ok. I agreed it was a good name. Linda asked me how it felt and was it good. I said i dont know maybe, it was different. She said dont be embarressed baby it was the hottest thing I ever seen. She asked again...

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PureTaboo Blair Williams Mamma8217s Boy

SCENE opens on Rachel, a 20-year-old girl, as she walks down the stairs and struts into her family’s kitchen — barely dressed and hair tousled from a late night out partying. Her younger step-brother, Nathan, is eating cereal and dressed neatly in his school uniform. When he sees her, he lowers his eyes in disgust and exclaims that she shouldn’t be walking around the house like that. Laughing at him, Rachel grabs some food and sits down beside her brother. She teases him for...

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Baby Sister Gives Virginity To Brother

This is a fantasy story of which I hope it can become reality. Honestly, I believe it will in the near future. I am 25 and my younger sister is 20 and is a beauty to behold.She is 5 ft 3" and has beautiful legs, luscious breasts,and talk about a lovely ass.She is perfect in every sense, very pretty and from the looks of it I am almost certain she has a beautiful pussy of which I am dreaming to see Please remember that this is how I would want my adventure with my sister named...

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A van full of football hooligans

A Van Full of Hooligans Is Rob around? My young next door neighbour asked. No, hes working away for a few days. Why? I told him. Im waiting for some mates and weve got a spare ticket for the match at Burnley, I thought that he might want to come. Why not ask me? I smiled. Are you serious? he said, with a look of amazement on his face. Why not? I laughed. I used to go home and away, before I was married. Really? He still didnt believe me, Its a transit van, full of lads. Mmmmm, all the better!...

3 years ago
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Wild in the CountryChapter 33

Tanya had led Robyn room by room through the lovely, rambling home that she was watching for the Mitchells while they were away in Europe. While Uncle Jim Devereaux's house was just as big, she found the decorating more tasteful and opulent in Desirée's parent's house. She was impressed with the library, the high bookcases and Desirée's own collection of books on music and its history. For her young age, Desirée was quite an intellectual, Robyn surmised. But then, she...

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Pinwheel RemasteredChapter 7 Trial by Fire

We marched for a while longer, Vasiliev and the wounded Krell hanging near the back, with the armed humans at the front. We’d figured out how to use the shield projectors, they were handy little things, devices about the size of a wrist-mounted computer that could create a barrier of plasma roughly the size of a garbage can lid. If we came across more Bugs, we could use their own tactics against them. “You doing alright, Raz?” I asked as she walked beside me. “What, this?” she asked as she...

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My Wife Helped Me To Fuck My Cousin

Hi friends, First off all i should thank all the iss readers for giving a good response for my previous stories and it was so surprising to get lot of mails from both males and females. It was nice reading emails I am a regular reader of ISS stories. I am very fond of them.. Well before starting the real story I want to tell something about me. I am vikram. I am 27 years old with a good looking body of height 5’9”. What I am going to narrate is my real life, experience how I fucked my wife and...

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Twas the night after Thanksgiving

Twas the night after Thanksgiving, and Taylor and Skylar Hamilton had fallen asleep while watching a marathon of The Twilight Zone. Skylar awoke first because something was tickling her ear. She had fallen asleep with her head in her brother Taylor’s lap and quickly realized his cock had hardened in his sleep. At first she was aghast, but she stopped short of screaming when she noticed how big it was. Skylar was no stranger to dicks, she looked like Brooklyn Decker except with a bigger nose....

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Sex In Delhi From Club To Home 8211 Part 2

Hello friends. Hope you are enjoying the life and the stories on ISS. Thanks people belonging to ISS for a wonderful platform. This is the Part 2 of my story Sex in Delhi, From club to Home published on 12.09.2015 and I am thankful to readers for a good response. Those who may not be knowing me I am Samir from Delhi, Doctor by profession, good looking hot and horny in bed with a good sized tool. Now coming back to story, we had fucked twice and licked each other a lot and midnight passed. We...

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Replacement Therapy Ch 04

Chapter 4: The Haunted and the Hunted By the beginning of June, I was pronounced fit by my doctor. I wasn’t actually. I had been so careful not to overdo anything, that my real fitness was sadly lacking. But Yolanda had a plan, and when Yolanda wanted me to follow her plan, I had no intention of denying her. We started off with aggressive walks in the morning and after supper. They were an hour long and with the warm weather now bordering on hot some days, I was really feeling the stress of...

2 years ago
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The Solution

"How could this be happening?" she wondered as she sat in the sunroom drinking her morning coffee. After 24 years of relative bliss, her and Lou were now having problems. Serious problems. They had always been envied by all their friends for their ability to be best friends and still maintain a great sex life. They were still best friends, but their sex life had gone to hell! Her husband had lost all interest in her sexually. Nothing she did revived his interest. She had been battling this...

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ProeliatorChapter 3

It didn't' take too long to get back to camp. To keep myself safe and to hone my skills, I monitored the area to see if I would be attacked. When I came near the camp I called loudly, "Do I have permission to enter the camp?" In a few moments it was one of the Romans that told me to enter but he had his spear raised. He was one of the ones more antagonistic to me. I said, "Are you going to throw the spear at me when I have my knife sheathed?" "Where did you go?" "To make sure you...

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Picking Up A Pretty Hitchhiker

It was a foggy night, while I was driving on the interstate. I had been driving for a few hours and was kind of feeling a little tired. I was listening to the radio and trying to keep myself awake. I had stopped about forty miles back to have a coffee and a bagel, but wanted to get a little further along before stopping for the night. I was a little sleepy, but aware of the road. I wanted to drive a little while longer, before retiring for the night. All of a sudden, I saw a young woman waving...


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