Transman free porn video

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Jamie had a happy early childhood despite the unusual circumstances surrounding his/her gender. As the title of this story implies, Jamie was a boy who was born with a vagina.

After a difficult pregnancy, Jamie’s mother happily welcomed her new-born baby girl into the world. Jamie’s mother, however, conclusively made up her mind that this would be her only child. After months of painful retching, she was determined never to put herself through an ordeal like this again.

By the time Jamie was four years old, the manifestations of her future as a boy began to make themselves known and Jamie would have a shit-fit if her mother even tried to dress her in girl’s clothing.

Over the following years, this trend only ever escalated and her parents simply accepted that their daughter was a tomboy. Jamie’s general behaviour was also boyish and ‘she’ did not display any girlish affectations. All the toys his parents bought for her were the toys that boys would play with, and Jamie only hung out with the boys at school and in the neighbourhood.

Although Jamie’s hair was always short the one thing her mother was pleased about, was that Jamie took to wearing gel in her hair. In Jamie’s mother’s mind, at least the spiky hair on top of Jamie’s head gave her a slightly more androgynous appearance.

By the time Jamie was nearing the end of primary school, and all the kids of his age were entering puberty, Jamie simply remained flat-chested. It was at this point that her mom decided to take Jamie to a psychologist.

The psychologist instantly realized the dilemma facing Jamie, because she had come into contact with a similar case study a few years earlier. As before, she was instantly captivated by Jamie’s predicament. After a few sessions, she also discerned that Jamie was not a lesbian and had no homosexual tendencies. Jamie was simply a boy who was anatomically different. As with her former patient, Jamie was attracted to men.

Playing it safe, the psychologist decided not to jump the gun with Jamie’s mother and advised that they should monitor the situation over the following few months. The psychologist also employed the services of a transgender doctor that she had formerly worked with.

When it became clear that the psychologists and doctors prognosis was accurate, Jamie and his parents were given their final result.

Option one was that Jamie could commence female hormone treatment and become a woman, which both practitioners did not advise. The second and the less likely option was that Jamie could wait a few years before undergoing a female to male transformation, an even less likely choice. Option three was that Jamie could simply accept his situation and live life as a man with a female’s genitals. Needless to say, this was the option that appealed to Jamie the most.

Fortuitously, shortly after Jamie commenced high school his dad was seconded to a branch of the firm he worked for that was in another state from where they lived. When this occurred, Jamie made up his mind that in his new environment, he would definitely live his life as a male.

The psychologist, aware of what lay ahead for Jamie, came up with a very clever solution prior to their relocation. She suggested that the doctor give Jamie a medical note to say that due to a medical condition, Jamie should be excluded from all physical activity at the school. The fictitious reason for this was that Jamie had been born with a heart defect and that any form of exercise could possibly be fatal. This naturally meant that being precluded from any kind of sports activities, he would not have to expose himself naked in any locker-room.

This ploy worked extremely well and for the duration of his high school stint, Jamie was even able to use the toilet facility for disabled students. An added benefit was he was also never bullied. Sadly, however, Jamie’s two new high school buddies who were regarded as total nerds often had to endure the attention of the high school ‘persecutors.’

In Jamie’s final year of high school, a new neighbour moved in next to his parent’s home. Gordon was a furniture maker and made bespoke pieces for well-off customers. His craftsmanship was extraordinary and he always had a waiting list for his creations. Cleverly, Gordon soundproofed the triple garage next door that was his workshop, so that he would not be an irritation to neighbours in the vicinity.

Gordon was a good-looking man and from the moment that Jamie met him, Jamie was totally captivated by Gordon. He was a stud and in the months that Jamie observed him, the ladies came and went on a frequent basis. Gordon simply wasn’t into any form of commitment and clearly liked to play the field.

Jamie’s dad instantly took a liking to Gordon and they would frequently chat. In fact, Jamie’s dad ordered two pieces of furniture from Gordon that he had been meaning to acquire for quite some time. Jamie had very little contact with Gordon but whenever he did, Jamie’s heart would palpitate to such an extent, that he almost believed that his fake heart condition may not be as imaginary as he had believed.

Things came to a head one weekend when Jamie’s parents decided to go on a romantic weekend to a country lodge.

Although Jamie was old enough to look after himself, his parents asked Gordon to keep an eye on Jamie during their absence in case anything ‘went wrong.’ In all honesty, this actually irked Jamie somewhat.

What would follow, however, proved to be heaven-sent.

On that Friday afternoon, after Jamie’s parents had departed, there was a knock on the door. When Jamie answered the door he was surprised to see Gordon before him.

“Listen, buddy, I’m all alone tonight, so I figured that I could do with some company. Would you like to join me for dinner? I’ve got salads and two great steaks,” Gordon concluded.

Shyly, Jamie answered, “I really don’t want to be any trouble.”

“Why would you be any trouble? This is not a marriage proposal bro… its simple dinner invitation,” Gordon stated with a snigger.

“Sure,” Jamie answered sheepishly, before asking, “What time should I arrive?”

“Six-thirty… whatever,” Gordon replied nonchalantly.

When Gordon departed Jamie stood looking at the closed door with trepidation. It almost felt like he had the non-existent heart condition that he didn’t have.

At six-thirty when Jamie arrived, Gordon was barefooted and only wearing a t-shirt and short pants. Jamie had always been mesmerized by Gordon’s large butch hands, but now Gordon’s magnificent feet almost had Jamie salivating. As much as he was looking forward to the evening, Jamie wasn’t sure how he would keep his emotions together.

“Would you like a beer?” Gordon asked.

Not wanting to appear a wuss, Jamie graciously accepted the offer.

The table was set and the salads looked delicious. “Wow, the salads look great,” Jamie stated.

“Don’t be impressed, buddy, I bought them from the local supermarket. The thing is, although I’m good with meat, salads are not really my thing. I’m a meat and carbohydrate kind of guy. I like pasta and potato salads generally. The only vegetable I ever consume is thanks to coleslaw. I hope you are okay with that,” Gordon concluded.

“No problem,” Jamie hastily replied.

In no time the steaks were under the grill and a short while later they were seated at the dining table enjoying their meal. “I hope you like your steak medium, like me,” Gordon inquired.

“It’s absolutely perfect,” Jamie assured him, honestly.

Their meal was great.

Afterwards, Jamie quickly assisted with the dishes before they were seated in the lounge to watch a movie Gordon had hired. It wasn’t the best movie Jamie had ever seen, but it was enjoyable, nonetheless.

After the movie ended I was issued with another beer. “So… are you enjoying school?” Gordon then asked.

“Yeah,” Jamie replied.

“I suppose the girls are all over you,” Gordon said, with a naughty grin on his face.

Before thinking, Jamie stupidly replied, “Actually, I'm not really into girls.”

“Oh,” Gordon answered, before continuing, “Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?”

Jamie really had no option and had to nod his head in agreement, given his earlier faux pas.

“Are you gay?” Before Jamie could answer Gordon continued, “I’m not homophobic, bro, in fact, my favourite cousin is gay.”

“No, I’m not gay,” Jamie answered, before asking, “But why do you ask?”

"Well...the thing is… I hope you are not offended by what I’m about to say… But I’ve always thought you are too pretty to be a guy. If that makes any sense,” Gordon concluded.

“No offense taken,” Jamie replied with a smile.

“So, if you’re not into girls or guys, are you, like, asexual?” Gordon stammered in a confused manner.

“No,” Jamie answered, before asking, “Do you know what a transman is?”

“No,” Gordon replied, looking even more confused.

Throughout his life, Jamie had always had to carry the burden of his condition and the only persons who knew about his situation were his parents. Something about Gordon put Jamie at ease and an overwhelming compulsion to vent his secret overcame him.

“Do you have a computer?” Jamie then asked.

“Sure, it’s over there,” Gordon answered pointing to the sideboard in his dining room.

“Please put it on and I will show you something that will explain my situation to,” Jamie suggested.

Gordon did as he was told and shortly, Jamie located the site that he wished to show Gordon. After vacating the chair he was sitting on, he told Gordon to take a seat and click on the play button. As Gordon started to watch the video, Jamie returned to the lounge and sat on the sofa facing away from Gordon.

In the video there was a good-looking naked guy sitting on a comfy chair that was placed at the foot of a large king-sized bed, facing away from the bed. The room was elegant but sparsely decorated. Shortly, the good-looking man commenced toying with his very impressive dick.

Next, a beautiful young guy, only wearing boxer shorts, came into view. The newcomer had a lithe body with a light dusting of chest hair. His face was also covered by facial hair that looked like it was four to five days old. The young guy then got to his knees and started giving the seated man a blowjob.

This was not really the kind of thing that Gordon was interested in, but having been asked to do so, he continued to watch.

After a minute or so of sucking the seated man’s dick, the young guy stood up before pushing his boxer shorts down. Gordon almost fell off his chair as he saw the vagina between the young guy’s legs.

Following that, the young man moved forward and placed his legs on either side of the seated man. After cupping the young man's arse, the seated guy commenced licking the pretty pussy before him. The look of ecstasy on the young man’s face was breath-taking. As Gordon watched he got the most incredible boner of his life. ‘Christ,’ he thought, ‘this is fuckin hot.’

After the reciprocal fellatio episode, the young man moved to the bed and opened his legs in a welcoming gesture. After another brief cunnilingus session, the stud with the impressive cock began fucking the young man. The video ended with the stud shooting his load over the young guy’s pussy.

As Gordon got off his chair to retrieve two beers from the refrigerator, he wondered if he hadn’t witnessed some kind of trickery in the video he had just watched. ‘Surely, such a thing is not possible,’ he reasoned to himself.

As he sat beside Jamie and handed him a beer, he asked, “Are you like the boy in the video?”

“Yes,” Jamie answered.

Jamie then went on to explain his life story, finally culminating in the finding of the two doctors, and their options. Throughout Jamie’s revelation, Gordon sat transfixed, with an incredulous look on his face.

When Jamie’s explanation finally ended, his eyes became moist. “I am so sorry to have troubled you with my shit. It just that… Well, the only other people who know about my condition are my parents. We are a very small family and I never see my other relatives. In their minds, my mom and dad simply have a daughter. You are the only other person I have ever told.” With that, the floodgates opened and Jamie began to sob.

Gordon instantly drew Jamie closer and embraced him. Although Jamie’s parents had always been very affectionate, the warmth from Gordon was far more exhilarating. It was unconditional and very amorous. The stroking caresses of Gordon’s hands felt heavenly.

Gordon had also never felt such a thrill before. He had bedded plenty of females and had always enjoyed sex. This, however, felt different. It was as if Jamie had entered a secret chamber that Gordon had never known about. Gordon felt like a treasure hunter who had just located a gem of immeasurable value.

Overcome with lust, Gordon was unable to restrain himself a moment longer. As Gordon’s hand grasp the back of Jamie’s head, his lips zoned in on its quarry and assailed Jamie’s mouth. With his body now pinning Jamie’s smaller frame, Gordon commenced an intensive kissing session.

Although the force of Gordon’s action caught Jamie off guard, Jamie was totally compliant. Jamie had fantasized about a scenario of this sort for so long, that he would willingly have allowed Gordon to brutalize him in any and every manner imaginable.

When their mouths finally separated, Jamie broke the tension by saying, “Well, I suppose I better be on my way. Thank you for a great evening.” Jamie wanted more but decided to play it safe.

“You’re not going anywhere,” Gordon replied, before continuing, “You showed me that video for a reason, didn’t you?” Jamie did not reply but Gordon could see that Jamie’s eyes were alive with excitement. “You’ve watched that video many times and dreamed of that happening you, haven’t you?”

Jamie shyly nodded his head in agreement.

“Well, now your fantasy is about to happen,” Gordon announced.

After Gordon stood up he grabbed hold of Jamie’s body and placed it over his shoulder, before marching through to his bedroom. Once there, Gordon lowered Jamie’s body to the floor and told him to strip down to his underpants. After doing so, Jamie observed Gordon moved a chair that he had in the corner of his bedroom to directly in front of the foot of the bed, just as they had seen in the video. Gordon then removed all his clothing. As Jamie continued to watching him, Gordon sat down on the chair and commenced toying with his cock.

Gordon’s engorged dick was just as impressive as the man in the video, and after a moment or two, he instructed Jamie to approach and kneel before him. Jamie felt like he was in a trance as he got to his knees and began to suck Gordon’s cock.

For the following few minutes, Jamie performed oral sex to the best of his ability. Having never done so before and given Gordon’s endowment, Jamie was very impressed by the boy he had seen in the video and realized that he had a lot to learn. Gordon, however, was enthralled by Jamie’s commitment.

As Gordon looked at Jamie the thought that crossed his mind was that in his entire sex life, nothing stranger than this had ever happened to him before. Inasmuch as he didn’t doubt that Jamie had a pussy, as the old saying goes; “Seeing is believing,” and when Gordon finally told Jamie to stand up and remove his underpants, Gordon was bristling with anticipation.

The sight of Jamie’s vagina almost took Gordon’s breath away. The combination of having a boy and girl merged into one person was mindboggling. Again, Gordon’s mind questioned how anything like this was possible.

“Are you sure you want to take things further, Jamie?” Gordon asked, with trepidation.

“Yes,” Jamie replied, before silently mouthing the word, “Please.”

“Are you sure, baby,” Gordon affirmed.

“Yes,” Jamie whispered.

Gordon was so worked up at this point that all he could think about was throwing Jamie onto the bed and fucking the life out of him, but resisted the urge.

“Straddle me, like in the video,” Gordon commanded.

After placing his hands securely on Jamie’s backside, Gordon told Jamie to tilt his body backwards. No sooner had Jamie done so, before Gordon’s tongue commenced lashing at Jamie’s portal. Nothing could have prepared Jamie for the pleasure he now felt. The intensity and warmth of the stimulation were completely mind-blowing. Jamie was so overcome with excitement that he began to feel that his non-existent heart condition may actually be real.

As his body shook, his hands gripped hold of Gordon’s head, like a falcon greedily taking hold of a pigeon. The elation for both was mesmerizing.

Shortly, Gordon wanted to explore Jamie’s pussy more vigorously. After placing Jamie’s body slightly backwards, Gordon rose up and after pushing the chair aside, told Jamie to lie on his back on the bed. Their visual contact now became intense and as Jamie had seen in the video, he pulled his legs upward and outward, inviting Gordon to ravish him. Gordon dove straight in and his tongue went into overdrive. He licked up and down and prodded in and out as his onslaught gathered momentum. When Gordon finally used his lips to nibble on Jamie’ clitoris, Jamie began hyperventilating with his hands frantically clasped the bedding as Gordon’s strong hands firmly pinned him down.

As Jamie’s began yelping in ecstasy Gordon feasted on his portal like a starving creature, and when orgasm struck, Jamie experienced the most mind-blowing rapture of his entire life.

Gordan had also never been more turned on in his life. He had always surmised that there was something different about Jamie and had even thought that if he was gay, Jamie would be at the top of his list of preferences. This, of course, was a silly notion up until now, because what was happening to Gordon was way beyond his comprehension. He momentary wondered if he was in the twilight zone but after glancing at Jamie’s pussy once more, assured himself that this was actually happening. An even more compelling thought, however, was that his dick simply had to nest in the portal that he saw before him.

For Jamie, although the entrée’s had been spectacular, the long-anticipated main course could not be served too quickly. As Gordon moved up onto the bed, Jamie’s legs moved up and backwards in an inviting gesture. With their eyes locked in unison, Gordon commenced rubbing his dickhead in the valley of pleasure awaiting him. Unable to hold back any longer, Gordon began to plunge his cock into Jamie’s pussy.

The infiltration by Gordon was not very comfortable but unbelievably rewarding. Jamie’s entire existence had built up to this point and he wasn’t about to devalue it in an inconsequential manner. Jamie loved being a man but he knew that in the bedroom he would always be a woman. Jamie was completely at peace with this trade-off and welcomed the ‘agony’ with open arms.

As Gordon’s hips went into overdrive, the escalation of pleasure became overwhelming. As Jamie started groaning and Gordon commenced grunting, their coitus soon reached fever pitch. The fulfilment that both of them felt when Gordon finally unloaded, was simply beyond description.

After Gordon collapsed onto Jamie, he asked, “Was that as good as you had imagined?”

“No, Gordon, that was even better. In fact, it was fuckin awesome,” Jamie replied.



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Lisa gives it to her daddy

Do not try this in real live! I’m 35 years old and I have a beautiful wife and daughter. Both of them are very beautiful especially my daughter, she’s just like her mother, even prettier. And having them make me proud. Having sex with my wife always satisfy my sex hunger. We always have sex every night and my wife, Suzy is addicted to my 10-inch dick. One early Saturday morning, when I woke up, Suzy was still sleeping, and looking at her beautiful face and body really turned me on. So I opened...

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ituous Glamour Photography Part 3Homecoming

IntroductionThis is the third and final part of my i****tuous trilogy. I strongly advise anyone who hasn't read the first two parts to do so before reading this.*My son Peter fucked me over both the phone and the net several more times whilst he was on his gap year travels in Chile, Peru and Argentina. It became an acceptable, though guilt inducing routine. It was only the lack of internet access in some of the remote areas and his ability to be alone that stopped us doing it more often.My sex...

2 years ago
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Sex Du JourChapter 11

Uh! Stian Elberd is going to fuck me in my anus today. As I bang and thump shut the door to our secretive for not-more-than-two exclusively bedroom, I turn and whirl around to see him completely and fully nude and uncovered and undressed. He is dressed in nothing but in his most sexy and seductive and alluring underwear. I love it! And I find it irresistible so, so, so very much. The way and manner that his thighs are exhibited and flashed about and vaunted and made a great show off of, it...

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The Audit

It was the day of the annual accounts audit, so everyone at the Eastbourne Development Company was slightly tense and trying to make a good impression. The team from the City accounts Barrow & Balls had turned up spot on time. There were consultants assigned to this audit. First the group leader, Edward Fawcett; a partner at the firm. He was a tall guy in his mid forties with impeccable grooming and an air of quiet self-assurance. His suit was sharp, it should well have been, it was bespoke...

2 years ago
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My Sexy Cousin Her Friend Banged By Three Students

Hi I am Himanshu. This is my first time so please ignore my mistakes. This story is about my sexy sister and her slut friend who always wanted to be banged but their dream came true three months ago Archana is my sister and shivani is her best friend . Un dono ko school mei ladko ke lund ki chaahat thi par unka sapna college mei aakar pura hua. College kaa pehla din tha toh ragging hona normal baat hoti hai aur inn sluts ko inke teen kaminey seniors bhi mil gaye unka naam tha raj,vicky aur...

3 years ago
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A Strange Light

Some days, the gods smile on you. Some days they don’t. Today, he wondered which it was. His knuckles were turning white from gripping the steering wheel, the unexpected storm a curse. He didn’t have time to look to his right, but he could feel the presence of his wife. He did not have to see her to feel the depth of the love they shared. The demands of their work schedules did not permit much time together, and any time they had was a gift from the gods. This trip home would be wonderful for...

1 year ago
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Unexpected events

She was locked in her room doing god knows what and I was chilling in my room in nothing but a pair of sweatpants watching a UFC card on some random streaming site like I always do. (Fuck paying for PPV) When all of a sudden, my sister walked in, wearing a pair of short sweat shorts and a t-shirt. "Hii, what are you doing," she said, glancing over at my computer screen. "Eh, just watching the fights as usual. What about you, What you up to?" I replied with my eyes still fixated on the...

2 years ago
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Chatroom Lovers

They had met in a chat room and kept in contact over an instant messenger. She was a young girl from Texas and he was only a year older and from the east coast. He liked to keep her in suspense when it came to his specific location. He was intrigued by her and she seemed to enjoy talking to him. They had been talking for about a month when they decided to experiment with each other. Cyber sex had always interested him and she was curious as to how it would feel and if it would ruin their...

4 years ago
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My Passion for Mustang GTs Ch 03

Not all just about writing erotica, this story is about car buff stuff for car buffs. Susan discusses her other passion the automobile. Never comfortable with the Camaro Z28, just my personal preference and opinion, I didn’t feel as in control of the car as I felt in the Mustang GT. A heavier car than the 3,500 pound Mustang GT at the time, comparable in weight then to the much heavier 3,900 pound Mustang Cobra GT 500 of today, the Z28 felt too heavy in the turns and too light with the...

3 years ago
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Out for a walk and some fun

One evening while having a drink and looking back on our holidays we were talking about a walk in the nude I had made. Not just sitting on the couch with John like now, the curtains closed and a drink at hand, but outdoors with nothing, John leading me for a walk. John suggested me to write it down as a report to be shared with others and eventually to go with some vids we made.At first, I was not sure, but in time the idea of sharing my experience and feelings looking back at our holiday fun...

1 year ago
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Lady in Red

Tina thanked Bob again as she closed the door behind him. He waved it off as usual because he knew she would return the favor ten-fold. He walked down the walkway to the sidewalk and strolled back to his own house two lots down. Tina was a single mom with a teenage daughter and a pre-teen son that moved into the neighborhood about 2 years ago. Her divorce had been messy, which involved a prolonged battle for custody of the kids. Bob knew there had to be another side to the story, but the one...

3 years ago
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Cant Pick Your FamilyChapter 1 Darling

Joey Di Rosa took a deep breath and looked at his sister Teresa. "Are you ready, Tess?" "Guess I have to," she replied grimly. "You'll do fine. Remember, if there's a problem, text me." He put the car in first gear and drove out of the short driveway onto the residential street. He sighed heavily. It would not be easy for Tess. She was still suffering from her head injury and with her jerky walk she was primed for the nickname Spazzy. It was a little over fifteen minutes before...

1 year ago
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Jezebel The Whore of Babylon

Leslie Church nervously walked through the ABS. She could feel the eyes of the men on her as she quickly moved around the DVDs, past the sex toys and into the dimly lit corridor behind the tacky red curtain. She had done her recon well, she knew where to go in simple steps, her gym bag over her shoulder, her eyes fixed forward towards her goal. The only sounds were her heart pounding, her nervous breathing and her heels clicking on the tile floor. At barely 5' tall and with a curvy 34D-28-36...

3 years ago
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The Earl Maid Chapter 3

The Earl Maid By Susannah Donim The Hadleighs start to host meetings of local societies to ease their financial difficulties. Rob gets drawn in to a rather unusual demonstration at a meeting of the Pink Ladies. Chapter 3 Charlie Todd was the secretary of the Lavenden Amateur Dramatic Society. We had met him briefly the year before when I was in Romeo and Juliet, but he hadn't been involved in that show. "I can't do Shakespeare, I'm afraid," he admitted. "I...

2 years ago
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The Bride

The Bride By Margaret Jeanette Thomas Wilson was cruising the bars. At the fourth bar a girl caught his eye. She with three other girls, but she was the only one who really stood out to him. He put some money in the jukebox to play some slow songs, and when they started he went and asked her to dance. During the first dance he introduced himself, and she told him her name was Charlene Weston but everyone called her Charlie. He told her he thought she was very pretty and she...

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Little Red Riding Slut

Introduction: This was posted in the forums a while ago. Little bit of humour which I hope you all enjoy. Its a bright sunny day in the forest as I idle slowly along the path through the sparse trees. Just so you know, my name is Rebecca, but everyone calls me Little Red on account of the red hooded cloak I always wear, at least I think thats why. They all warned me not to take the shortcut through the forest, but Ill be fucked if Im walking the long way round to Grannys house, not with this...

1 year ago
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Peter Is 18 My First Trip Away From Home BeijingChapter 3

The opening ceremony was a blur. I remember parading in the team uniform. A lot. I remember the amazing water cube thing we swam in. And press. I know I talked to the Richmond Times-Dispatch and the Washington Post and, oddly enough, a pair of Japanese papers. There were others but those were the ones I remember. If I wasn't in the water, I was at the pool rooting for someone. If I wasn't there, I was either eating or sleeping. In all that, there were a couple moments that time stopped and...

1 year ago
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Bad Boy

"I told you to leave me alone, you pathetic dickhead" Emma laughs coyly at groveling man clutching his groin in agony, "you broke up with me weeks ago and now you come crawling back. I don't think so," the broken ex slowly picks himself up of the ground, glaring at his aggressive exgirlfriend. Emma has long auburn hair that falls over her relatively large bust. Her green eyes shine feverishly at him as she keeps smiling at his pain. For being seven inches shorter than he, she was damn...

3 years ago
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OMG Im a Bimbo Slut Part 4

Thank you to all the lovely people reading and leaving feedback! I'm personally enjoying writing these while trying to take onboard the feedback and moving with suggestions. Do share an idea if you have one. Enjoy!! :) OMG! I'm a Bimbo slut - Part 4 Simon stood in horror at his situation, the large man had inched him out the hotel doors and was staring at him with an evil grin. His mind started racing again trying to conceive a way out of his predicament. His captor, without...

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Chaos Calls 02 The First RescueChapter 04

On the way to the farm where the two Damsels are being held we check out the other two sites, just because we have to pass them. We take care to move through the forest while well back from the road. At the trap farm nearest the valley we find three people are camped near to the farm while watching it. I smile on getting a good look at their leader, especially the ring on his left hand. We watch them for a full day. Just before dawn the next morning I sneak into their camp to sit by the...

2 years ago
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Gay Friend is best thing ever

I was having so much gay sex with my friend we pretty much fucked every week. We would always go to his place to fuck but that changed one evening when he decided to show up at my place out of the blue. He had been going on about how he would be able to come over to hang out even with my gf is around, as she had no idea who he was nor did she know that he loved cock. He was fine with acting straight until we were alone and then he'd turn into a hot gay slut. The idea turned me on but i told him...

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Cum Sluts AnonymousChapter 2

Hi, my name is Bob and I'm a cum slut. I haven't always been one, but I guess that everyone here can say that. The credo of this organization is that you have to admit that you have a problem and then identify the problem before you have any chance of licking it. Not to be facetious, but licking it is the problem that has brought me to this meeting, to this group, in the hope that you can help me in overcoming this addiction. Like most of the members of this group were at one time or...

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Natalie and Daves night out

Natalie finished getting ready for what she hoped was going to be an exciting night,they usually were when she decided Dave was going to be cuckolded.Whilst he was a good lover and actually was all man,sometimes she liked to show him who was the boss and keep him on his toes This was a regular thing for them-and they both got a kick out of it,although she suspected more her than him.She wore nothing except a long black coat,black holdup stockings and black high-heeled shoes,always a good look...

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My Nudist SisterChapter 3

I woke up in the middle of the night. Not because I needed to pee, not because of any noise - I was just instantly wide awake. And before I knew it, I was walking down the hallway, compelled, unable to stop. The door to my parents’ bedroom was closed. My sister’s bedroom door was open, but the light was off. The bathroom was empty, but the door to my father’s study was open. Light was spilling out into the hallway, and the movement of the shadows told me that it wasn’t empty. As quietly as...

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Well i dont know

Well right now im sat on feeling pretty horny and in the mood to have a wank but i feel like talking to somebody or telling a story so here i go.Last night i was a some festival out in the country somewhere , i was there on the look out for some pussy so there i was sat down watching this one chick who wasnt very pretty and a little bit chubby but i was feeling in the mood for some fat cunt. At around midnight i saw her walking back to her tent alone and paraletic i followed her...

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Satisfying The Cheating Wife Jyoti Bhabhi

Hey everyone. This is an introduction to Jyoti Bhabhi, and I’ve lined up 2 more sex stories with her. Fucking Jyoti as Madhavi Bhabhi from TMKOC and Jyoti’s Birthday Bang. This story will give you a brief introduction to Jyoti Bhabhi. Also, it will help you with upcoming stories with her. I have a big turn-on around bras and saree, and my stories build up around this. You will find all my stories revolving around bras and sarees, which is a big turn-on for any Indian. Talking about Jyoti...

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Just For LaughsChapter 12

Gabrielle was elected to her sixth term. She learned her big mistake she made during her second term. She sided on a bill sent to the Senate that was quite unpopular back home. As her staff resigned, retired, or found job in the another sector; she hired competent people she knew would be loyal to her. Chris sent a few people her way to fill in positions permanently or temporarily. Some liked working for the Government with its perks of secure employment, government health insurance and many...

4 years ago
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Fiona and the Hen Party

It was four years on from the momentous night when Fiona had been stripped and spanked by her daughter, Jenny and three of her eighteen year old school friends. ( see Mother and the Girls).All that time ago Fiona had asked Jenny to arrange her greatest fantasy. The fantasy was to be dominated by younger women who would seek to embarrass her. Photographs of Fiona being divested of her maid's clothing and being spanked had been taken by Mary, one of the school friends. After that evening...

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Sonus Chachi Part II

Later that same day after we had finished our dinner,I was watching news channel on tv, she finished washing her face in the bathroom and came out,her usual nightie (petticoat,blouse and her bra unhooked with the bra ends hanging out from her back) she came and stood in front of me watching the news, I would not care for the news when I could see her standing in front of me , her figure so sexy , her petticoat tied to her waist at the right place to expose her curves. I grabbed both the ends of...

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The twins

Note : This story is completely fictional! Marissa and Lisa were sisters. They were twins. They look the same, they talk the same, but there is one minor difference. Lisa was born with a penis. This difference might be a big deal to some people, but not to the Kamp family. This family was probably the perfect family. Well enough about the family lets get to the twins. The twins were both 20, both were in great shape, and had beautiful blond hair. Their tits were even the same, 34C. They both...

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Sword Saint a New StartChapter 7 My what big teeth you have

Off in the distance I could barely make out a group of three barns flanking a house. The barns were painted a faded red and the house was whitewashed. As we skirted around a plowed field that seemed to be growing wheat, I noticed that the main house was much larger than Kira's. This one also had a small shed that was just off to the east and one just off to the west of the main house with the main house facing us to the south. For reference directions I was using earth standard. I know that...

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The English Teachers Tongue

My name is Will; I’m 5 foot 8” and nicely toned with blonde hair and deep green eyes. I’m 18 and recently finished my A levels. This story is about an encounter I had with my English teacher, Mrs Richards. Mrs Richards was hot, and I mean ridiculously hot. She was petite, and no taller than 5 foot 4” and roughly 42. She had the most amazing red hair, it was bright orange and looked almost metallic in the light, and flowed just past her shoulders, but she usually kept it in a pony tail or bun....

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Papa Ke Dost Ne Choda Part 8211 2

Hi friends mera naam nikhil hai maine pehle aapko apni real story batayi thi ki kaise mere papa ke permission se unke dost ne mujhe choda. Us din ke baad meri puri zindagi hi badal gyi. Thoda late likhne ke liye maafi chahta hoon par meri majboori thi kafi busy tha. Ab main aapko apni aage ke story batata hoon. Us din jab main ghar aaya papa ke saath to us pure din papa ne mujhse nazrein nhi milayi. Agle din subah wo mere liye chai laye mujhe neend se jagaya aur mujhe ek dard ki goli diya aur...

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