Trusting Ch. 01 free porn video

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This is a continuation of the ‘Treason’ series, at least, what happened after.

To avoid any confusion and disappointment for you, the reader, there sex between women and men, and women and women. There is also sex between consenting, adult males. If this type of sexual expression doesn’t turn you on as much as it does me, please, read no further. Thanks.

I was on my knees on the bed, crouched between his legs. Naked, like he was.

I licked all the way up the length of his cock, savoring the texture of hot skin stretched taught. It tasted of our combined juices, from our earlier lovemaking. It made me so horny. I held it and stroked it. I nibbled at the tube on the underside- the tube that would soon bring the cum from his balls to my mouth. I slowly pulled the foreskin all the way back, and he shuddered as I covered the sensitive, bulbous tip with my lips and sucked lightly. He groaned, stretched his legs wider and curled his toes. I gave him one last loving lick and looked at him through lidded eyes. I held his balls in the other hand. I bent lower and kissed one and then the other, briefly sucking each one into my warm, wet mouth.

‘And then what happened?’ he asked.

I rubbed my tits back and forth on his thighs, continuing to slowly stroke him. ‘Well… she leaned over me while I was sitting at my desk and she put her hand over mine on the mouse, and moved it around and showed me how she wanted the document laid out. I could just feel her left breast on my shoulder and her breath in my ear. When she was done she leaned a bit closer and she said that she liked my perfume- she said it was really nice.’

‘And what did you say?’

I took the tip of his cock in my mouth for a moment and sucked, then I looked at him again. ‘Well, it was so unlike her. She’s never seemed to notice things like that, like I said, she’s a bit of a… pain in the ass. But I said thank you. She said that she’d see me Monday, and she left.’

‘And you think she was flirting?’

‘I don’t know.’

‘What are you going to do?’

I threw it back at him. ‘What do you think I should do?’

He thought for a moment. ‘Do what she did,’ he said. ‘When you take something into her office nest time, ask for some clarification and lean over her desk. Brush her with your gorgeous tits and see what happens.’

Something happened to me, alright. My nipples became hard points and gooseflesh broke out all over, though the apartment was really warm. My pussy started to moisten. ‘You’d like that, wouldn’t you?’ He nodded and his eyes rolled back as I started stroking his cock more urgently. ‘You’d like to see my boss pull my jacket off and then undo my blouse… then kiss my nipples though the cups of my bra and then… and then–‘

I stopped dead and his eyes flew open. ‘What? What are you doing?’ he said, clearly distressed. I know he wanted to cum.

‘It’s your turn, stud,’ I said. ‘You have to tell me about what happened at your work.’

He laughed and called me a teasing bitch. Out in the kitchen, the buzzer on the oven went off so we took a break to pull the cinnamon buns out of the oven and refill our coffees.

Marc and I had been married now for about ten months. After my relationship with Steven, my ex-boyfriend, ended rather badly, for about a year I stayed away from men and sex and everything that went along with it. When I was ready to get back into the game, Marc was there.

Even though he was four years younger than me, (I’m now 27 and Marc’s 23) we had much in common. I had met him at an orgy. (Try explaining that to your parents- I just said we met through friends at a party). After that first night, we only dated. We both wanted to see if we had a friendship before we jumped in the sack. When we did jump, we found it was great! He was loving and considerate, and I must admit, impressively hung. Not ‘porn star hung’ but a generous eight and a half. (It sure looked bigger the first time I saw it!) It was easily the biggest that I had ever had, though not so thick as to make riding it uncomfortable. I was in love with his cock, as much as he was in love with my breasts- he really enjoyed me taking that lovely piece of flesh and letting it slide between my boobs, watching him cum, letting him get us both wet… I guess I am just a nasty little girl, but I can’t help it!

But besides the sex, we really liked and respected each other, too. Our relationship had started getting serious, when a job offer came through the law firm I worked with. I was a secretary. A real estate firm, a client of our company, was expanding their office into another state, and asked for staff to move with them, to get the operation going. It was a bigger city we’d be moving to, but it was a nice city. I had nothing to hold me where I was, and I wasn’t on great terms with my family, so I said I’d go. Marc, at that time, was working for a restaurant, having moved into management. I asked if he wanted to come along and he said sure. So we loaded up and headed out.

It took a while for Marc to find a job that he liked, with enough room to move up, but eventually he did. It was a nice upscale restaurant, and after weeks of filling in bussing, working on the line, prepping and even sweating as the dishwasher and proving his ability, he was moved to hosting. After a while he was fast-tracked to shift supervisor and then to full time (junior) management. But wouldn’t you know it- our schedules were completely screwed up because of it! I worked Monday to Friday, 9 to 5, and he worked from two in the afternoon to well past midnight, Tuesday to Saturday. I really loved my job- I was learning all kinds of new things, but it meant a lot of time away from each other. We made sure that Sunday was our day. Nothing interfered with our Sundays.

It was the time we could catch up on nice, slow, deliberate sex and the companionship that went along with it. We’d get up in the morning and fuck- then we’d make breakfast and talk and fuck some more. Then he’d sit and watch the football games or baseball games and I’d catch up on the work I brought home from the office. He’d have all day Monday to lay around, do laundry or golf. (Holiday Mondays always meant more sex.)

After a year of being together, we decided to get married. Don’t know why, we just did. We had gone back home for Thanksgiving with our families, and we did it on the spur of the moment. We came back to our nice little apartment as newlyweds. I guess it was an excuse to fuck like bunnies. We were in no position to take a real honeymoon. (We’re still making plans for that.)

We didn’t party too much, because for one thing we were still new to town and we were too busy trying to make our relationship work. But we did think of other people at times. After all, if the first time you meet your husband-to-be is at an orgy, and he sucks the cock of your roommate, well, it’s going to open up possibilities!

Like Marc, I had never thought about bisexuality before that night, but with my roommate Gary, and his girl Mel, our mutual friend Sydney and surprise guest Marc, well, things just happened. If my boyfriend Steve hadn’t been such a wet blanket it would have really been something. It could have been a full-on fuck-fest, but it was great just the same. I had wonderful bi-sex with both Sydney and little Mel. Marc and Gary got it on, too. It was something to watch, let me tell you.

Sometimes Marc and I talked about that night- usually just joking and somewhat embarrassed. Nothing like that had happened again, but I know both of us secretly wondered what it would be like if the opportunity arose again. What would we do? Marc said that he’d love to see me with another woman again and I cautiously admitted that I’d like it to happen again. He took a bit longer to admit that he’d like to be with another guy, and maybe, just maybe, suck on another cock. He was really reluctant to admit that he liked it. But
once he admitted it, we talked about it more. We were bi.

That’s why, when I told Marc that I thought my new boss, Ms Halliard, had been flirting with me, he wanted to hear all about it.

In return, he blushed and stammered that one of the busboys at his restaurant had been hanging around him a lot- a lot more than the job deemed necessary.

‘The kid said he wants to learn,’ said Marc.

‘So, what do you think he wants to learn?’

We had piled back into the bed with our coffee and cinnamon buns, and it was his turn to tell the story. ‘I don’t know, but he sure does stick close to me.’

‘You think he wants your body?’ I was grinning like I was teasing, but I really wasn’t.

‘I don’t know…’ Marc was blushing adorably. I had to lead him along.

‘What’s he like?’

‘Nice kid, polite. A bit on the small side, like me–‘

‘You’re not small,’ I said, giggling, wrapping my sticky fingers around his cock.

‘No, I mean he’s slender. He’s got long blonde hair, he’s a bit taller than me and- I don’t know, he’s… just a nice looking kid. He’s only nineteen so he can’t serve booze, but he said he’d like to be a bartender. Said he’d meet more chicks that way. But he said it kind of hopefully… I bet a week’s wages he’s still a virgin.’

‘Does he work the night shift?’ I asked.


‘Why don’t you give him a ride home.’

‘And do what?’

‘What would you like to do? Huh?’ I put down my cup and curled up beside him. My breasts were pressing into his arm. I waited for what came next. He took his time, and spoke hesitantly.

‘Well, I’d wait… until it was a rainy night. He usually rides his bike, so I’d tell him… that I’d give him a ride home. Then I’d get him a beer or something while I cashed out and locked up and then… maybe I’d ask if he had any grass and we’d go into the back alley and smoke up. Then… we’d have another beer and when we got into the car, we’d be laughing and maybe I’d put my hand on his thigh…’

I put my hand on Marc’s thigh and his cock jumped. My pussy was getting damp again, listening to his slow, measured fantasy.

‘… and if he’d put his hand on mine and squeeze, I’d know… that he was into it. I’d let my hand… creep up and then I’d cup his crotch. He’d have a hard-on. I’d have one too.’ I mirrored his words by sliding my hand to cup his rapidly hardening cock. He sighed, then continued. ‘I’d rub his cock through his pants, and he’d lean back and moan…’

I was waiting for him to go on. He shifted and looked at me, embarrassed. ‘You know, Kate, I’m not really comfortable… you know- doing anything. Alone. I mean, without you there.’

His cock was fully hard, so I swung a leg over and straddled him. I sat up and rubbed his thick prick’s head up and down my damp pussy slit, paying close attention to my clit, using him now, almost like a dildo. ‘Well, what do you propose as an alternative?’ I said, my voice breathy, almost rasping with lust.

‘I don’t know.’ he moaned. He started hunching his cock into me, but I arched up, I wouldn’t let him fuck me.

‘Think of something,’ I demanded. I was dripping all over his cock head by this time.

He looked at me, hesitant. ‘Well, I could… bring him here…’

‘That’s what I wanted to hear,’ and I dropped down and impaled myself fully on his length.

We closed our eyes and took a minute to get into the ancient rhythm. I got up on my knees and let him drive up into me. I shook my long dark hair back and forth as I played with my tits. He grabbed my hips. I was in heaven. I opened my eyes and looked at him. ‘Then what?’

‘I could bring him here, and you could fuck him,’ Marc moaned, as he got into the spirit of things. I grabbed the headboard and leaned over him and let my breasts dangle over his chest. He reached up and pinched my nipples as we fucked. ‘You could fuck him, maybe take his cherry if he’s a virgin…’

‘You’d like to watch him fuck me?’ I clenched my pussy muscles and he groaned, yes. ‘How would he fuck me?’ I demanded.

‘He’d fuck you… he’d be on top of you… then from behind. Then he’d get you… on your back and he’d put your… legs up over his shoulders and fuck you real deep…’

‘What… would you be doing?’

‘I’d be sitting… beside the two of you. I’d stroke my cock and keep it hard… waiting…’

‘For what?’

‘For him to pump his cum into you… and then–‘

‘What? Then what?’ I was on edge- close to cumming. He was getting close, too. I could feel it. His cock was swelling like a garden hose about to burst.

‘He’d cum… and so would you…’ Marc closed his eyes, imagining- maybe reliving what had happened the night we first met. ‘Then when he pulled out of you, I’d take hold of his cock, and then… I’d open my mouth and…’

I was seconds away. ‘Yes–‘

‘… I’d lick him- suck him in… taste you and him together…’

That was it. I was over the edge. I wailed aloud and my pussy went into spasms of its own accord. He came soon after I did, pushing and straining and sweating. He drove up into me and I felt his cum coat the walls of my vagina. This set me off again and I came a second time, and I bent down to kiss him- and share the moment.

I collapsed on him, crushing my breasts on him, our sweat mingling, our kisses mute indications of our deep love. We both groaned happily as our breath returned to normal. His cum seeped out from around his cock and pooled beneath us. (Sex wasn’t always this good, but it was always good. I didn’t often orgasm without clitoral stimulation, but I was so turned on by the story! After all, so much of sex is psychological!)

After a few minutes, he crawled out from under me and headed for the bathroom. He came back in a moment and sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed my back. ‘So, what about you and your boss?’ he asked hopefully. ‘What happens?’ But I was really tired and couldn’t summon anything but a moan as he caressed my back. I was soon asleep.

We didn’t talk about it for the rest of the day but I knew we had turned a corner. We had things to do around the apartment and we were busy. But I bet myself that he was thinking about it as much as I was. Him and that cute little busboy, and me with my sexy forty-something boss. Now and then he’d look at me and sort of grin his little boy grin. I’d smile back at him- but that’s as far as it went.

We made love once more before falling asleep that night. We didn’t talk about our mutual fantasies for a couple of days. My boss was sick, and out of the office all of the next week. I was super busy covering her absence, and therefore, I had no opportunity to move our flirting ahead. Marc was busy with his own work.

Wednesday night he came home and gently shook me awake. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and smiled at him. ‘Sorry, babe, but I had to ask you something.’

‘What?’ I mumbled sleepily, rubbing my eyes. Whenever he woke me up when he got home, usually meant he was horny, and was wondering if I was too.

I asked what was up, and he asked, ‘Do you trust me?’

‘What? What kind of question is that?’

‘Wanna go to a party?’

‘What, now?’ I said, thinking it was some kind of joke.

‘No. Saturday night. Kyle invited me. And you, too.’

‘What’s the occasion? And who the heck is Kyle?’

‘Kyle is the busboy. And the occasion is his parents anniversaries.’

‘Anniversaries? Plural?’

‘It’s a weird set up. He explained it to me but I’m not sure I can explain it properly to you. But I have to call his cell and let him know. For the caterers, you know?’

‘Sure,’ I said, ‘I have nothing going on. But what about you?’

‘I’ve switched a shift, I can cover the Sunday 10 to 6. We can go if you want.’

I smiled. ‘Do you wanna go? Spend some quality time with little Kyle?’ I was teasing but he
didn’t care.

He smirked. ‘Maybe spend some quality time with the both of you…’

I said fine, we’d go. I yawned and fell back asleep as he kissed me goodnight. Marc went to the living room to make the call and watch a bit of TV to unwind.

Saturday afternoon rolled around and I found myself eagerly anticipating finally seeing this Kyle dude up close. Not that there’d be a chance to do anything at his parent’s anniversary party but the possibility of him and my Marc getting naked together some time in the future, was enough to make me wet at the very thought.

We dressed casual since it was a barbecue. I wore a sleeveless middy blouse that left my flat-ish belly exposed, with just a hint of 38C cleavage. (I can’t help but show cleavage. I have big tits. It’s either show it off or wear a turtleneck, and it was too warm for that.) I’m only 5’5′, but wedge sandals made me look a bit taller than normal, and my capri pants showed my ass off to its best advantage. My butt is a bit bigger than I want it to be, but that’s life as a secretary! I had my long, dark brown hair up in a pony-tail. I took a look in the mirror before we left the house. I looked like an all-American girl, though decidedly slutty at the core. I felt good.

Marc wore tan Dockers and a nice cotton golf shirt that was snug enough to show off his physique.

We drove over to Kyle’s house. I looked over at Marc as he drove, and he was tense, like he was chomping at the bit. I asked him to explain this weird family situation of Kyle’s. He said that Kyle lived with his natural mom and dad in a big house, and, his parent’s friends, and their daughter, lived with them too. Essentially two families were living like one, with the mothers and fathers acting as unofficial parents to each other’s children.

I was kind of put off by that. I thought the 60’s were long gone, and here was what sounded like a commune, here in 2005. Suddenly I wasn’t as eager to go to the party, but couldn’t get up the nerve to ask Marc to take me home. I had visions of tofu burgers when all I wanted was meat. Oh, well. Whatever. It might make my husband happy.

We pulled up to the house. It was something. Probably over a hundred years old, but looking like something out of Better Homes and Gardens. It had a white clapboard exterior with plum trim. It was one of the nicest houses in town, and I often wondered who lived there whenever I drove past it. Now I was going to find out it was some burnt out hippies from another age.

It was just after Labor Day and it was still warm. We grabbed the wine and beer from the back seat and walked hand in hand up the driveway. We opened a gate and there was music and laughter. There was about twenty adults sitting around the covered flagstone patio. A slender, blonde haired boy sprang up from a deck chair and sprinted over. This was obviously Kyle. He wore board shorts, bare feet, and a muscle shirt. He was fairly tall, and didn’t have many muscles, but he had a nice shape. His longish, straight hair was so blonde, and he didn’t look like he even shaved yet. But Marc was right. He was a little cutie.

‘Hey, Marc! Thanks for coming!’ ha said, beaming. They shook hands.

‘No problem, Kyle-buddy. This is my wife, Kate.’ I shook Kyle’s hand and smiled at him. Yes, he was a cutie, alright. One of the people on the patio got up and came over to us. He was tall, about 6 feet, and a nice build. For an old guy. (He was over forty.) And he was as good looking as Kyle was cute. He introduced himself as Brian Summers, Kyle’s dad, and we in turn, introduced ourselves. He asked if he could take our beer and wine and put it in the fridge inside.

I followed him into the house to give him a hand. Marc was going to stay out on the patio with Kyle and everyone else. We were just inside the back door when a woman approached with a tray of veggies and dip. She was tall, slender and blonde. Brian threw his arm over her shoulder and kissed her cheek loudly. She squealed and told him to let go before he was wearing the dip. Brian introduced her as his wife, Roslyn. She gave me a peck on the cheek and thanked Marc and I for coming. She hoped we’d have a great time and said she’d catch up with us later, when she had finished taking care of the masses.

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"Doctor, I passed out and that's all. I don't understand this neuroplexia stuff. And, to be honest I think the cure is worse than the disease. I'll probably never pass out again." "Mark, believe me, the disease is serious. It's not that you pass out, it's where you may be when you do pass out that's the problem. I know the medicine is strong and has certain bad side effects, but it's only until you test free of these symptoms. Two, maybe three months tops unless you try to skip your...

2 years ago
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Well I had my first session yesterday. I had been thinking it over for quite a while and one day while out Christmas shopping, stopped at the laser center in the mall. They were having a sale so I inquired about the price and found it to be reasonable and joined on the spot, as having a membership would be less expensive in the long run. I had the area waxed three times previously and found that to be not too terribly bad. I was forever getting upset every time the hair would grow back in as I...

4 years ago
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Anna by Michelle Lurker Part 1 Alan and Janine were best friends. As long as they could remember they had been together. They went to the same university, and when they graduated they shared a house in the city. Though Alan was out of work, Janine made enough at her new job to support them both. They shared everything, and considered themselves lucky to have such a wonderful friendship. Everything seemed perfect... Except for one...

1 year ago
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Wife Fucks First Black Cock

It had been the very next day after my wife was fucked nine times by her first black cock within the span of two or two and a half hours. Here he was, calling the very next morning saying how her pussy was addicting and that he wanted to come over for some more of her delicious cunt. My wife looked over at me for approval, and of course, I didn't give her any indication of disapproval. Once again, the time was set for him so show up. This time, I wan't going to be at work. As the knock sounded...

3 years ago
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Peggy Sanford a Worldly Woman Ch 11

Author’s note: I had planned to take a break from writing and submitting stories to Literotica when I reached 300 submissions. I know I said that when I reached 100 and again when I reached 200 submissions but many of you loyal readers asked me to continue. Many of you also sent me story lines and topics to write about, some more detailed than others. Recently I received an e-mail from Peggy Sanford who has written several stories for Literotica and if you have a Literotica log-in and...

2 years ago
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Bla Book 1 Target GirlChapter 12

Earlier that afternoon... Frank helped Jake through the door of his apartment. "Ah! Home at last!" Jake sighed. "It feels great to be out of that hospital!" "You have to take it easy for awhile, you know," Frank told him. "I want to go get Béla," Jake replied. His vision of Béla in the night sky kept replaying in his mind. He desperately needed to see her to know she was all right. "Not now," Frank said, "I want to be sure you're ready to travel. Another day of rest will be...

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It was just a normal lunch hour; I was in the park looking for a place to eat my sack lunch. I was not searching for sun or shade or a view of the greenery, I was hoping to find a seat where I might get a glimpse up a young lady’s skirt. I know it sounds sick and I guess it is but nothing turns me on more than to peek where I'm not supposed to look. I ended up across from a rather frumpy woman sitting on a blanket while she fed most of her lunch to the birds. She was a middle-aged washed out...

3 years ago
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My Wife Surprised me with a Real Cock

One of the best days I ever had with my wife, sexually that is, is when she watched me suck a cock for the first time. At the time we were married about 15 years and from the beginning she had always said to me she would like to see me with another guy. Little did she know that I actually craved to have sex with a man. Earlier in my life, before being married, I had experimented with gay sex a few times as a teen.As it so happened, my wife and I were returning home from a movie, it was about...

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Trailing Home Ch 11

A light snow began to fall the following afternoon, as they wended their way through the mountains. Liam eyed the grey sky nervously. The snow wasn’t enough to impede them from traveling, but it was enough to raise worry in their minds. They plodded through it for the rest of the day, and by the time they made camp, there was six inches accumulated on the ground. Liam and the other men did their best to provide shelter for the animals. They cut large branches and erected a lean to of sorts...

3 years ago
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Poker Night with a Twist

“I’m bored,” Amy complained. “Wanna play poker?” Brandy suggested. I watched my two friends bicker over what to do. Being the only single, I was able to occupy myself while alone, whereas my two friends were married. Amy and Brandy’s husbands were both avid hunters, making both of them deer season widows. “I didn’t bring any money,” Amy pouted. “Ok…we don’t need any money. How about whoever wins the hand gets to dare another person to do anything they want them to?” I suggested. They both...

3 years ago
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Family SandwichChapter 3

Entry number 236, Log 3, Notes on Project X: June 6 - All systems go. Uncle Morgan not only perfect subject, I find I am in love with him. Oral love ecstatic. When will total experience happen? I feel it is imminent. All bodily changes within me seem to point to readiness. Must take care of mother. Fran sat in the breakfast nook scanning the morning paper impatiently. She turned to the employment section and glanced at a few of the offers. "Need good-looking gal to act as hostess...

4 years ago
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At the Fictionmania Convention II The Price of War

At the Fictionmania Convention II: The Price of War by shalimar Let me explain some things. I met Monica at a weekly meeting of my local transgender group which just outside Atlanta, GA. She is a thirty-year- old male to female transsexual that is what we also call a little girl. In her mind she is really four. Although we have our differences we became close and I eventually became her "mother." Being both Fictionmania fans and hearing about the convention we made arrangements...

1 year ago
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RockmanChapter 34

On Wednesday Cassie stood before the front door of Ged's house and felt excitement and a tingling of fear as if she were trespassing. It turned into puzzlement and distress when, as she opened the front door she heard a woman humming. Karin! She had no time to react, for as she entered the hall, it was not Karin but a middle-aged woman who emerged from a room to the rear of the property. The woman stopped in her tracks, stopped her humming, and regarded the intruder. She spoke. "You're...

2 years ago
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Frosh Fun Fridays

It was on a Wednesday in the first week of September 2003, at the start of term at Fairweather Private School in Montreal that the year’s crop of freshmen made their way into the auditorium of the 100 year old Academy. The school prided itself in being exclusive, traditional and somewhat above the law. But, as many alumni were lawyers, the school managed to adhere to the letter, if not spirit, of the law in carrying out old-school traditions. Frosh Fun Friday (aka FFF) was one such near by not...

1 year ago
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Vixen Lena Anderson I Want It All

Lena is a spoiled brat. She lives with her mom and has no plans to leave anytime soon. She loves her lifestyle. Recently, a hot guy moved into the guest house to help with her mom’s finances. She’s attracted to him but treats him badly (like a spoiled girl would do). One day when her mom is out while thinking of her neighbour she starts to masturbate in the bathtub. The guy staying at the guest house just happened to have entered the house for a drink. He hears something from the...

4 years ago
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Welcome To The Neighborhood

I wake one morning to the sound of rain through my open window. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I drag myself out of bed and pull the curtain aside to reveal the dreary day. The sky is thick with moisture and grey as far as I can see. The rain is coming down in a steady drizzle. I don't even bother pulling a robe on over my silky, light blue nighty as I head to the kitchen for my morning coffee. I run my fingers through my long blonde, sleep tousled hair and head for the porch with my coffee...

Straight Sex
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"Damn it, we're going to miss our connecting flight." I said looking over at Jim. "Wonder how many other people are in the same mess." They had just announced that do to weather delay it would be another 20 minutes before we could land. We had been late in leaving Seattle, the way it was, and now with this delay we would miss getting the flight out to Kansas City. We landed and no sooner had we hit the ground the pilot came on again and said that there would be another delay as one of the...

1 year ago
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SheWillCheat Jessica Ryan Fools around with a student to get even with her cheating husband

Jessica is at work grading papers when she gets a phone call from a woman looking for her husband. This isn’t the first time her husband is screwing around but this time she’s had enough. That’s when Jessica decides she has a new project for her TA Codey, Fucking his teacher! She strips Codey down and swallows his young throbbing cock then he bends her over the desk and pounds her nice and hard. Maybe staying after school will become a daily occurrence as long as her TA is up for the workload.

1 year ago
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Wife Gives Dildo Threesome to Husband

Her eyes fixed on the dildo as I show it to her for the first time. It is so perfectly made it looks and feels like a real cock. It's 9", full balls and covered in coconut oil, her favorite. Just a bit larger than mine. I have asked her to give me a birthday gift and use it to simulate a 3some, which I know will never happen in real life. She hesitantly agrees, and then does her best to fall into the role. One more thing, "you need to imagine this as someone you are actually attracted to, put a...

2 years ago
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Mo and the ThiefChapter 8

It was late afternoon. In the small rest room at the back of Mo's Deli. A couple was locked together on a desk chair. The man was seated, as per normal, with his trousers down around his ankles. The girl was perched facing him holding her dress up with one hand while the other was around the man's head for purchase. Her panties were on the floor. The girl was slowly rising up and down on the man's lap. Their faces were close together. He was whispering to her, "What are we doing...

2 years ago
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Just a Passing Comment

Edited by Barney R, Spelling and grammar further messed with by me. All mistakes are mine I found out from a friend’s passing comment at lunch. We were at lunch when my friend and business partner Ralph Jermain asked me; “What was Carol doing at the Metro Hotel two weeks ago Friday? I was coming out of a seminar when I saw her getting on the elevator.” I hoped my shock and hurt didn’t show, so I lied as I responded; “I don’t know, but with her job and having to meet clients all the time...

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Home for Horny Monsters Book ThreeChapter 14 The Magician

They came again in the early hours of the morning, moving silently behind the outer wall. They triggered the wards Yuki had set, causing the kitsune to watch their approach through the window with bated breath. She could see them now, ominous shadows that peered over the wall and then vanished, gathering near the entrance for their next attack. Yuki had spent hours building her defenses back up, her mind and body tired from the effort, hoping to catch some sleep. Now, she watched with eager...

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Sex With Hotel Owner

Hi. My name is Mickey nick name) an engineer, and working in a government firm. I am from Jhapa, Nepal and live in the boarder side of Nepal and India (Siliguri, West Bengal). I have been reading ISS for 6 years. I am 25 years, 6’11” with well built physic since childhood I was supposed to be a very gentle and shy boy but I had been attracted to sex and sexy figures since I was in class 3. I was very much fond of our senior girls and fantasized about them and even read sex articles from very...

3 years ago
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Allysons First Time Story

It was my last year of high school and I was still a virgin. My name is Allyson and I’m active on the swim team. I’m 5’8” and weigh one hundred and thirty pounds. I have blue eyes and light brown hair. I have large breasts around a 36 C cup size and my body is very fit and athletic. I love to swim. It makes me feel good all over. My best friend Rachel, who I've known my whole life, had a pool at her house and she often would let me swim there when I was not able to access the school pool....

First Time
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Loves ShepherdChapter 7 The Threesome

Note: At this point in my life, Jesus was very much a part of me despite all the sinning I had done. My faith will play a significant role in my attempts to balance my desires with my morals. Don’t take my discussions on the Bible and my faith as anything but my internal struggle to find my own way. I’m not trying to convert or persuade you from your own beliefs. Believe me, I couldn’t care less what you believe.) My life story isn’t about religion. Once I resolve my stance, you needn’t...

3 years ago
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Awakened PassionsCh3

She woke stretching slightly colder then she would have liked but stopped when she realized there was an arm over her waist. Robby didn’t sleep like that. Now that she thought about it, she didn’t recognize this room either. What’s going on, she thought. Panic beginning to set in. She rolled a little to see Aaron laying on her side and the last two days spilled back into her mind. Curling up next to his chest she let out a sigh of relief. She lay their a moment and...

4 years ago
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My Sex With My SisterInLaw

I am Vishnu. I had some time back reported my present status of sex relation with my sister-in-law, Laila. I will tell you how it all began with Laila years ago. She is the younger sister of my wife. She was 18 and a student of 12th when I married her sister. Because my native town is some 200km away and the college where I was teaching was near to my wife’s home, I stayed in their house for nearly 2 years after our marriage. Their family consisted of their father, 3 sisters and one brother. My...

2 years ago
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Lo Baphomet IV Sex Cult Armageddon

As the sun set around the world that day, no one could have known that it would be the last dusk the species Homo sapiens would ever see.Least of all me, who did not have the privilege of witnessing it, having been sucked into some unknown dimension after three nights in the underground temple complex of a demon-worshipping sex cult. I stood before the object of their devotion, in the shadow of the horns of a creature straight from a black metal album cover. Constellations streamed out in...

2 years ago
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My stepdaughter is driving me crazy Part 5

I have become sexually frustrated. And having a ridiculously hot stepdaughter living with me being frequently alone with her makes this worse. I know I shouldn’t participate in her games but I can’t resist. It is another Thursday night. Katia’s away. Nadine is alone at home with me. Again I’ve decided to wear my thinnest trackpants. No undies. I’m sitting on the sofa streaming a series on TV. Waiting. Anticipating Nadine’s appearance. What is she up to this time? I’m already getting semi-hard...

1 year ago
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Sam and Amy Vegas BabyChapter 12

Sean flew in the following weekend and every weekend after that. On each visit Mel allowed him to take a few more liberties with her but never allowed things to go beyond the touchy-feely stage and remained fully dressed. Mel had been living with Sam and Amy for many months. Her schooling was going well indeed thanks to Sam. She had become very proficient on the computer. Her hunger for learning was almost as great as her hunger for blood. Sam had released her to spend time on studies that...

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Nice Butt Crack

Nice Butt Crack I was walking along the second floor of the shopping mall on my way to meet my sister and niece for lunch and then to take them shopping for their own birthday gifts. I never know what to buy them. They are really fussy about what they wear. So there I was walking along when a girl stopped to fix a strap on her sandals. Her miniskirt stretched tight across her firm young ass, her top rose up considerably, and I was treated to the most magnificent butt crack known to...

3 years ago
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My HighProfile Client In Hyderabad

Hi ISS readers, I am Vamshirodeey from Hyderabad this is my first story in ISS. I work in a gigolo agency in Hyderabad. This story is about how I satisfied my client. Coming to the story. One day I got a call from a client in Banjara Hills. She asked me for the service details and I said to her. Later she said to me to come near the GVK mall Banjara Hills. By 11:30 am I reached there. I called her she said she will be there in 30 minutes. As I have time I went on for window shopping. I drank...

4 years ago
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Mary Had A Little Lamb

Mary had a little Lamb His ball gag kept him dumb And everywhere that Mary went Her Lamb was sure to come Mary's little Lamb wore a sheepskin coat -inevitably!- long and expensiveand coming down almost to his ankles, just allowing a few inches of denim trouserto protrude, and beneath that the heavy boots she required of him. She had to fight to contain a smile as her friends admired the coat shehad bought him, running their elegantly manicured fingers over the smooth tannap, stroking the...

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Bec Sarah Get Revenge CH1

Characters: Bec: 8 year old female, 140cm tall, 50kgs, mid back length blonde hair, blue eyes, perfect teeth, no breasts at the start of this story. Joe: Jane's 15 year old brother, 155cm tall, 65kgs, short brown hair, blue eyes, perfect teeth, 14cm cock. Rob: Jane and Joe's Father, 45 years old, 180cm tall, 85kgs, short blonde hair, blue eyes, 16cm cock. Jane: Rob's Wife, 42 years old, 160cm tall, 60kgs, mid back length blond hair, blue eyes, perfect teeth, 12DD breasts. Sarah: 8...

1 year ago
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BrownBunnies Kira Noir The Yoga Newbie Gets Fucked Well

Kira Noir never tried Yoga before. Charles Dera’s Yoga studio offered free classes for beginners. They started with some humming. Then some basic Yoga positions. When Kira’s ass was stretched and pointing up the Yoga instructor rubbed his dick against it. Kira wondered, what is that? Charles answered: This is my essence! Was this really how you do Yoga. He ripped down her pants, pulled up her shirt and stretched her nipples. We were born naked! Yes being naked is essential for Yoga. He pulled...

2 years ago
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Chasing the Dream

My name is Thomas. I've always been on the relatively big side until this last summer. I grew tired of being the fat guy, and went on a diet, and an aggressive workout regimen I lost 50 lbs over the summer because of this. I'm 5 ' 11 and 220lbs. I have black hair, and brown eyes. I've always been a bit of an outsider. I play Baseball, but I'm not a star. I get decent grades, but I'm no honor roll student. High school went by like a blur. Birthdays, Christmases, New Years Days. Nothing really...

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The Kidnapping spell

Being a being of unlimited power was so.. so boring. Thanks to the rules of the universe, there was unfortunately not much you do to keep yourself entertained. You had a fun time watching being's but they only could keep your attention for a short time. You would something times make a small little alternate universe but that could only be done for a limited time. Then when you were truly bored and out of ideas. You would take over the body of a being they would still be in control not knowing...

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Daily Routine

Ok This is my first masturbating story I have ever wrote so please be kind....I have found that my pussy is one of my best friends so every day I like to give her plenty of attention!!! I sit down in the morning and read some hot masturbating stories and look at cock pictures until I am so hot and juicy that I have to quit and go get an ice cube or 2 and rub it on my pussy until it is so numb that I can hardly feel a thing. Then I start sticking my fingers in my pussy and rubbing my nipples and...


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