ComrieChapter 52 free porn video

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While Christina's group was with Kathy, Johanna and Conall, several members of Caoilinn's group gathered on the walkway to the ship's bridge. They could see that the Captain and two seamen were the only ones on the bridge. After a few moments, Caoilinn nodded to those with her and they entered.

As the doors opened, the Captain said, "This area is off limits to passengers."

"Captain, we are not passengers," said Caoilinn. "We are here to remind you that it is your duty to summon the US Coast Guard. You know that assistance is required in dealing with the injured staff member."

"What? I can't do that. The home office hasn't given me permission."

"Are you not Captain of this ship?"


"Well then, aren't you duty bound to contact the US Coast Guard about the injured passenger? Aren't you also required to notify them about the two women who were crushed against the railing by the lifeboat, before it pushed them overboard?"

The Captain was speechless. He thought, "How could these people know? They said they weren't passengers. All the passengers were in their cabins when the incident occurred. I can't go against the owners and put my sisters at risk. Wait, how can they be here if they aren't passengers? What a fucking mess."

"Captain," said Caoilinn, "your sisters and their families are safe." Her comment caused the Captain to jump and look at them with a strange expression. "Other members of our group are monitoring their safety at this moment. I can assure you that no harm will come to them."

"What the hell? It's like I can hear them speaking, but their lips aren't moving."

"That's right, you can hear me. I am talking to you telepathically, and reading your thoughts. You need to call the Coast Guard now. If you don't, you could be in a worse pickle than the incident BEN Cruises is blackmailing you about. Think about it. If we could arrive on your ship in the middle of the ocean, don't you think we can protect your sisters and their children? Your sisters' families are now safer than the President."

He stared at Caoilinn for a few moments, and then looked at the two with her. Doing as they suggested was what he was required to do, as Captain. It was also what he wanted to do. The risk was enormous, but instinct told him to do as Caoilinn suggested. It was then that the memories of the other incident came flooding back. Things would have turned out much better if he had followed his instincts then. He reached up and flipped the radio to the emergency band.

"Boston Coast Guard, this is BEN Cruises Exotic Night."

"Exotic Night, we copy."

"We have an injured passenger who needs medical treatment."

"What is the injury?"

"His upper right arm was nearly severed when a bulkhead door slammed on it during the storm. Our medical staff thought they could handle it, but he is losing ground."

"What is your position?"

Just as the Captain gave their position, a seaman pressed the emergency button. A few moments later, several other members of the crew entered the bridge, making it a little crowded.

"We also need to report that two women fell overboard in the storm last night," continued the Captain.

"Why didn't you summon us earlier?"

"We should have, but we have been cleaning up after the storm. The two women were crushed against the railing several times by a lifeboat as the ship rolled. By the time we rigged life lines, the lifeboat broke through the railing, carrying the women with it."

"Who were the women?"

The Captain gave the Coast Guard the names from the passenger list.

After a few moments, the Coast Guard operator said, "We are requesting that you head toward Boston."

"We are turning now."

"Enable your emergency beacon and keep someone by the radio. The OIC asks that you secure the womens' cabin, as they are wanted by the Boston Police."

The Captain gave the helmsman the heading to turn the ship toward Boston, and told him to make it a gradual turn. He then asked the helmsman, "Why did you push the emergency button?"

"It is on my duty list."

Turning to the other crew members, he then asked, "How come all of you are up here?"

"Well, we heard all the 'stewards' moving about. When we looked to see what was going on, we saw them going up to the theater," said a seaman. "We didn't see any of the BEN supervisors. So we thought you might know what is up. Who are these people?"

"Bluntly, here is the deal," said Aingeal firmly, before the Captain could reply. "BEN Cruises is operating this ship as a place to train people for the sex slave business. Every trainee that leaves this ship for a new assignment is destined to be sold as a sex slave. In addition, the two women who died arranged for three people to be kidnapped and brought on board. For nearly three weeks now, these three people have been conditioned so that they would be compulsive sex addicts. The two dead women were making arrangements to sell them to brothels. Working there would satisfy their addiction until it drove them crazy. Even then, there would be no escape." The crew members all looked at her in disbelief. "The only thing in your favor is that none of you were directly involved, otherwise you would be accessories to kidnapping and enslavement.

"In several hours, the US Coast Guard will be boarding this ship, along with the Boston Police. We suggest you tell them the truth about everything you have seen. If you do that, you will likely not have any legal problems."

"Who are you?" asked a seaman.

"We are Órarduine."


"We are the people from the space ship that has been in the news for the last six months. The reason we are here is to help some friends. It will likely be to your benefit to not tell anyone we were here."

The seaman looked at the three for a few moments, and then shrugged. "Captain, is it alright to hang around up here?"

"Where are the others?"

"Two are down in the engine room and the others are sleeping."

"Sure, stay here for a while. When the Coast Guard gets close, some of you need to tell the others then go to your duty stations."

Earlier, in the BEN Cruises' operations center, the alarm for Exotic Night sounded for a second time that day waking up the staff. One staff member initiated a command to link their monitors to Exotic Night's security cameras. Another turned up the radio monitoring the US Coast Guard frequencies. It only took them a few minutes to realize that Exotic Night had contacted the Coast Guard, and would be boarded in several hours' time. Following their instructions, they summoned the owners.

A few minutes later, the two owners came bursting into the room. Both were clearly irritated by being drawn away from their evening's activities. Their staff immediately began briefing them on the events regarding Exotic Night and the most recent alarm. As soon as the staff mentioned that the Coast Guard had sent two cutters toward Exotic Night, one of the owners began bitching about what this was going to cost their operation. Meanwhile, the other owner reached over and pressed the switch on the console labeled "Exotic Night". Before he could release it, a rumble shook the room as the explosives detonated. All four had only enough time to realize what the rumble was before the blast slammed them against the stone wall, along with the equipment.

Offshore, a passing sailboat saw a bright flash, followed by a loud boom. To those on deck, the spot where the flash occurred seemed to immediately turn into flames. The wind from the blast was strong enough to rock the boat. The boat's skipper immediately reported their observation on the Coast Guard emergency band.

On a highway not far from the BEN Cruises operations center, a passing truck driver saw the bright flash and heard the explosion. Using the emergency channel on his CB, he alerted the Maine State Patrol of the explosion. Both calls reached the Maine State Patrol dispatcher at almost the same time. Based on the descriptions of the explosion and the common location, he dispatched two patrol cars, along with an ambulance.

Meanwhile, Eryn and Sue Ann of Nicola's team waited until the dust had settled then moved their scout ship near the house. After initiating their personal cloaking, they entered. They found two people locked in cages which they quietly unlocked, leaving the doors ajar. In the bedrooms, they found several others restrained. Two were hanging limply by their wrists and barely conscious, their bodies covered with multiple lacerations from a recent whipping. Blood oozed from the lacerations, joining with their sweat to trickle down their bodies.

The scout ship AI alerted them of the approaching emergency vehicles. Sue Ann took the phone's receiver off the hook. After laying it on the table, she dialed 911. She had hardly finished dialing before several people who saw the phone move, apparently on its own, began screaming. The 911 dispatcher responded in textbook fashion to the shrill screams and lack of any response to her questions. She sent several additional patrol cars, and called for an additional medical unit since the screams chilled her to the bone.

Eryn and Sue Ann quickly slipped out of the house and back into their scout ship, they then moved away from the house. They watched the scene for a few moments. The fire in the BEN Cruises operations center was burning brightly, with an occasional belch as something else exploded. On seeing the house exterior steaming, the first patrolman summoned the fire department. Hearing the screams, both patrolmen drew weapons before heading for the house. They slowly entered through the still open door. Eryn and Sue Ann monitored them as they moved through the house. They could tell by the officers' reactions when they reached the room where the whippings had taken place. The next radio transmission summoned additional ambulances and evidence technicians.

"Dóchas Command Center," said Eryn, "it looks like the police have BEN Cruises operations center secured. Additional emergency medical services are on the way."

"Keep monitoring the situation," said Siobhan. "We want to make sure they look further than just the circumstances of the people they found in the house."


"Security teams on Exotic Night," said Siobhan, "the Coast Guard is about 10 minutes out. Are you ready for their arrival?"

"Yes," said Caoilinn. "There are about a dozen stewards who offered to stay and assist the Captain."

"On their own?"

"Yes. We were a bit surprised. I think our surprise was because of our perspective on how they were duped into being here. In spite of everything, they definitely like working on the ship. They viewed the BEN Cruise supervisors as people they had to deal with. Most of them have been on the ship longer than the others, and were functioning as the trainers for the newest arrivals. What might have happened to them doesn't appear to be a part of their decision."

"Are the passengers and BEN Cruise supervisors awake?"

"All are sleeping lightly. The noise of the Coast Guard and Police boarding should wake them."

"How is the Captain doing?"

"Fine. We told him about the stewards offering to stay. He is trying to work up some contingency plans to take care of the passengers."

"The Captain has just slowed the ship so that the Coast Guard could come alongside," said Muriel. "He told the crew to put out the boarding platforms."

"It is time for us to disappear," said Caoilinn. "Captain, we need to leave. We will be around to ensure the Coast Guard and Police find what they need. Once this is sorted, and things settle down, we would like to chat with you a bit." With that, the group left the ship's bridge and walked down the passageway. As soon as they were out of sight, they activated their cloaking; effectively disappearing from any human's view.

Selena and Siobhan watched the events unfold from shuttle Alpha2. A new Sentinel Class Coast Guard cutter pulled alongside Exotic Night on the starboard side, while a coastal patrol boat moved into position on the port side. A rescue helicopter arrived shortly after the two Coast Guard boats. The helicopter lowered medics on to the deck of Exotic Night, where they were met by one of the stewards. She led them to the injured man. While waiting for the victim, the helicopter began transferring Coast Guardsmen and Police from the cutters to the ship.

The Captain was on the rear deck when Blaine, the Coast Guard Commander and Eilidh stepped out of their ride and onto Exotic Night. The Captain introduced himself, and offered to provide any assistance they needed. They quickly agreed to let the stewards show the boarding party the prime areas of interest. As the detectives and Coast Guardsmen came on board, they paired off and were joined by a steward before disappearing inside the ship. Once the transfers were complete, the helicopter left and was shortly replaced by another.

The medics brought the injured man out on deck on a stretcher, and prepared to lift him into the helicopter. Once the medics and injured man were in the helicopter, it left for Boston. With the helicopter gone, Exotic Night continued its journey to Boston, with a Coast Guard vessel on either side. It was 2 AM and they would arrive at the Coast Guard Base at daybreak.

The view on Alpha2's monitor shifted to the show the ship's theater. The room was filled with many sleepy people in various stages of dress. At the front stood Eilidh, Blaine, the ship's Captain and a Coast Guard Commander. "Good morning," said Eilidh in a chipper voice, eliciting many groans. "My name is Ms. Carroll of the Boston DA's office. With me are Chief Detective Jackson, the ship's Captain and the Officer in charge of a Coast Guard detail. There are several Boston detectives and Coast Guardsmen with us.

"You are probably wondering why we brought all of you in here. In short, this ship is a crime scene. Three BCH staff members, who disappeared several weeks ago, were being held on this ship. We know that they have been here ever since they were kidnapped. In fact, they were here until quite recently. Also, there were two women washed overboard during the storm. From what we know about their part in the kidnapping, you could say that justice has been rendered. The two dead women were responsible for the kidnappings and related crimes. Also, we have confirmed since boarding that BEN Cruises staff have been running a slaving operation here. As far as we can tell, the seamen operating the ship were not involved. However, just like them, all of you are material witnesses concerning the activities on this cruise and any other cruises you have taken on it."

"What happens next?" asked a woman in a worried voice, from the back of the room.

"That is a good question. We will have a proposal for you to consider, shortly. First, let me tell you how this slaving operation worked, as it is obvious some of you don't believe me. A few of those in this room know it works, because they have acquired one of the trainees to be their 'slave'." With that, Eilidh described how the operation selected its victims, offered them jobs, arranged their disappearance, and then disposed of them, all with little risk. She closed by saying, "it worked well because the former CPS wards were easy prey. We think this was because they lacked an adult mentor, or a family who cared about them." When she quit speaking, the room was very still. It was so still, all you could hear were people breathing.

A woman stood and said, "Ms. Carroll, I am appalled by what you have said. I am inclined to deny it, and probably would if it was coming from someone other than you or your office. Since I can't deny it, I feel duped and used. Many of us on this cruise would prefer not to see our names associated with BEN Cruises, or this trip, in the news. At the same, time I don't want the possibility of this kind of deception occurring again. Knowing many in this group, I expect most, if not all, feel the same way I do. All of us thought these cruises were great, because we could let our hair down with other consenting adults without worrying about publicity or religious fanatics."

"Where are all the stewards?" asked a gentleman. "I know there were a lot more around last night."

"By their choice, they have been moved to a secure location. Those still here, have volunteered to stay and assist the Captain with your care until we dock."

"Ms. Carroll," said another woman, who stood with three others. "We have been talking and would like to offer a solution to the mentoring issue." She turned to look at the others in the room. "We think we can form a foundation, whose purpose would be to assist young people in entering adult life. We are not sure of the form this assistance should take. It could be mentors. It could be some kind of classes or counseling."

"I think that is an excellent idea," replied Eilidh.

"I agree," said a man.

"We would," said the woman, "need some assistance. Legal. Money. Help. Etc."

"Excuse me," said Blaine. "I don't want to be a wet blanket, but we have an investigation in progress to deal with at the moment. While we applaud your idea, we need to take care of a few details regarding the BEN Cruise slavery issue. A table is set up in the dining room. Each of you needs to go there and ensure that your contact information is correct. While we are not requiring it, we would like a statement from each of you, telling us what you know about BEN Cruises. All we need are facts, not a lot of prose. We know a few passengers acquired trainees for their personal use. At the moment, we don't know if any of them are currently on board. We do expect to find all of those trainees in excellent health. It would benefit both parties if they contacted Ms. Carroll, to sort out the legalities. As to your proposed foundation, it seems like an endeavor we could support, and you need to talk to CPS. Let Eilidh or I know if you have problems.

"We only have one other item to share, then you are free to roam around for the rest of the cruise. We will be docking between 5 and 5:30, at the Coast Guard base. By the way, we do have a passenger list, so seeing the stewards in the dining room is not absolutely necessary, but seeing them will ensure that we have the correct contact information. This could avoid an embarrassing situation later."

"How will we meet our rides?" asked a man, with a worried look.

"BEN Cruises," said the Captain, "will have motor coaches at the dock when we arrive. They will take you to a location where your limos will be waiting. We haven't decided where the buses and limos will meet, yet. If anyone has a suggestion, please let me know."

"Well," said Selena to Siobhan, "it looks like everything on the ship went as planned."

"Pretty much. If you're tired, you could take a nap, as we will be here for a little while yet."

"That's a good idea, although I think I have dozed off a few times."

"I won't tell. The seats in the back recline further than that one does." Siobhan watched as Selena slowly walked to the back of the shuttle and stretched out on a reclined seat. She was asleep almost as soon as she lay down.

One of the security team hung a curtain around Selena which blocked some of the noise in the cabin.

"Caoilinn, are all the BEN staff accounted for?"


"We should pull back just before they enter the harbor."


Before it turned for its approach to the hangar, Christina had Alpha7 show Dóchas on the monitor. This gave Larissa, Kathy, Conall, Johanna and Brighid their first view of the spaceship. The cabin was very quiet as everyone watched the monitor as they entered the hangar and gently settled into the docking cradle. As soon as the door opened, Gail and Connie entered with several EMTs. Louise made the introductions.

Gail said, "I suspect all of you are a bit tired, but I hope you can hold out a little longer."

"Gail," said Kathy, "we have been resting a great deal for the last several days, I think. Brighid may have a better idea of how long. I am hungry for something other than cum flavored mush."

"Well, in that case," said Connie, "let's do this. We will go to the clinic so the autodocs can give you a more thorough physical. Then, while they are analyzing the data, we can go get something to eat."

"I don't know that I can wait that long," replied Kathy.

"Oh sorry, I left out a small detail. A health scan by our autodocs lasts between 10 and 15 minutes."

"In that case, let's do it. Although I find 10 to 15 minutes hard to believe," replied Kathy, with Johanna and Conall nodding agreement.

Kathy, Johanna, Conall, and Brighid thanked the group with Christina, and gave each of them a hug. Before they left Alpha7, they got assurances from the group that they would see them again.

Larissa watched them leave with a sad look on her face. Christina and Louise saw it, and put their arms around her. Both knew why she was sad, but were waiting for her to mention it.

"Alpha7," said Casey, "we are ready to depart when everything is ready."

"It will be about 15 minutes," came the reply.

Siobhan's Clan had monitored Christina's efforts to locate Larissa's home, while Alpha2 followed Exotic Night and the Coast Guard back to Boston. Selena woke up just as Exotic Night was docking at the Coast Guard Station. The trip back to Boston had been uneventful.

The idea by the three passengers of setting up a foundation to assist former CPS wards in making the transition to adulthood continued to develop. Several passengers approached the women with suggestions, and offers of help. By the time they reached Boston, the women had an outline for the foundation, along with sufficient financial commitments to make it a possibility. As they neared Boston, they became more anxious about their proposed foundation. At Siobhan's suggestion, Eilidh and Blaine met with the three women. As Eilidh and Blaine chatted with the group, they learned that the women were uncertain about the steps needed to move forward. Eilidh gave them the names of several people to approach for assistance in getting the foundation started. Before the women left, Eilidh assured them that they were welcome to call her, and told them to not let small difficulties overwhelm them.

All the passengers were on deck when Exotic Night approached the Coast Guard dock. Once the ship's gangway was in place, they immediately disembarked and went to board the waiting buses. Blaine and Eilidh stood with the Captain as he said goodbye to the passengers. As soon as the buses departed, several police cars, along with two evidence vans, drove onto the dock.

Blaine's Administrative Assistant was the first from the group of police cars to come up the gangway. Seeing Eilidh and Blaine she said, "Here are the warrants. The Feds have agreed that this should be a local matter, but are willing to provide any assistance we need."

"Excellent," said Eilidh. She signaled to the officers and evidence technicians to board the ship. When the uniformed officers boarded the ship, one of the detectives led them to the restrained BEN Cruise staff members.

The evidence technicians were the last ones up the gangway. Eilidh said, "There are three areas for you to comb for evidence. One is the cabin where the three BCH kidnapping victims were held. We expect that most of what you find will be DNA and fingerprints, since the kidnap victims weren't on the ship when we arrived. There are drugs in the cabin which need to be documented, along with anything else you think may be important. Once you are done, seal the cabin.

"Second is the BEN Cruises administrative area used by cruise manager. We expect most of what you find there will be electronic records, but be sure to get fingerprints and DNA off of anything you can. There will probably be drugs in this area as well. Don't take this wrong, but be sure you document everything."

The technicians nodded to acknowledge her request.

"The third area is the living quarters of the BEN Cruise supervisors."

"We may need a different evidence group for some of that."

"Call them. We need them down here now! If you have any difficulty getting assistance, tell me, Blaine, or his assistant immediately. Again, we don't want any slip-ups." Eilidh started to say more, but decided she'd better not. "These stewards will show you where the cabins are. They will give you any assistance you need. Don't be afraid to ask questions."

"Isn't that a bit unusual?" asked one technician.

"Yes, it is. This is an unusual case. They were nearly victims of the organization behind this." Blaine and Eilidh watched as two stewards left with the evidence technicians, followed by one of Blaine's detectives.

"Let's go talk to the Captain," said Blaine to Eilidh, once they saw the police officers taking the staff members off the ship. They found him on the bow, and were surprised to see him talking to Caoilinn, Abbie and Sal. "I'm surprised to see you guys here," said Blaine to the three Órarduine.

"You know them?" asked the Captain.

"Yes. We've been together several times," replied Blaine.

"They just told me about the demise of the BEN Cruises office. With them no longer around, I think I have my ship back."

"We didn't know this was your ship."

"It's a long story, but I think a shortened version will cover most of it. The owners of BEN Cruises forced me to sign a perpetual lease. The leverage was threatening to publicize an incident that occurred while I was the captain of another ship. They said they could publicize in such a way that no one would hire me, or use my ship. When I didn't agree quickly enough, they made it clear that my sisters and their families could disappear, as well. Caoilinn tells me the owners are dead, so that frees me from the lease. She also told me my sisters' families are safe. So I it looks like I have full use of my ship again. Well, that is unless you seize it because of what happened."

"Captain," said Eilidh, "From our standpoint I don't think seizing your ship will be necessary. We do want to keep at least two areas sealed, for the time being anyway. You need to discuss the incidents at sea with the Coast Guard."

"Oh, I will. Caoilinn was just suggesting I restart the cruises, without the side business."

"If by side business you mean involuntary slave training, then I don't see a problem with that, although there are some groups who would object if they knew about the intimate activities on the cruises. You are going to need new staff."

"These are to be strictly pleasure cruises only, with an emphasis on pleasure. All social activity will be voluntary. As to staff, the stewards have asked me what would happen next. I told them I wasn't sure, but that I would like to continue the cruises with some changes. All of them said they would like to work for me, and that they might know some others who would be interested. I told them the pay would not be what they were initially promised but that any sexual activity was voluntary, and strictly their choice. I suspect most, if not all, the seamen will stay."

"Captain," said Caoilinn, "we need to be going as it looks like Blaine and Eilidh have everything under control. Good luck. You can contact us through GISS, or I am sure Blaine knows how to reach us. GISS's contact information is on the Internet, and they can quickly reach us." With that, they gave the Captain, Eilidh and Blaine a hug, before stepping onto their IPTPs and heading out over the bay. All three watched until they vanished.

"Good people," said Eilidh. Blaine nodded.

"I agree," replied the Captain. "I've only known them a few hours, and yet feel like I have friends for life. They told me they were from a space ship, but who are they?"

Blaine smiled, as he said, "That is quite typical. They are known as Órarduine." The Captain gave him a puzzled look. "Their current home is the space ships near Mars, they also have a settlement on Mars. Originally many stories referred to them as Golden Amazons, which I suspect was because of their stature and coloring. Their musical group, Beyond the Stars, sang at the Pavilion about a month ago."

"Oh. Now I remember, it just didn't register at first. I like their music, and have several CDs. They are very good."

"Yes," replied Eilidh, "they are very good. I don't know about you two, but I could use some rest."

"Eilidh, I can give you a ride to your car," said Blaine.

"You can drop me at a train station, I usually ride the train to and from work."

"Well then, I will give you a lift home."

"Thanks, but no. The trip would be over an hour each way, and we are both too tired."

"Well, in that case, come with me. You can use one of our children's rooms. They are visiting friends. Selena will like having company. Besides, it is only about 15 minutes from here."

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The room was dim when Tom awakened, with what light there was coming from the bathroom. He looked over and saw that he was alone in bed just before he heard the shower come on. So Mark hadn't left, he thought, and realized how pleased that made him.He got out of bed. Seeing his own image in the mirror, he stopped to appraise himself. Salt-and-pepper hair only slightly mussed from sleep. The beard could stand a trim. He'd worked hard over the last year to slim down and tone up, and he was...

3 years ago
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Bike Ride

Bike Ride Bike RideBy [email protected]  It is ten at night, my bike ride began and so did my adventure. The reason this bike ride was different than any other was because before leaving my apartment I had made use of some toys in order to make this bike ride far more interesting. Getting dressed began with me completely naked in my bathroom. The first thing to do was to lube up my modified butt plug. The butt plug was a medium sized butt plug that also inflates and vibrates....

2 years ago
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Pantyhose Bondage

One leg at a time, I eased out of the pantyhose and dropped them on the bed. He picked them up, stretched them a few times, and said "I'll bet these would make pretty decent ropes." There was a strange note in his voice that I'd never heard before. I continued to undress, dropping my bra to the floor, and answered carefully, "Probably. After all, don't stranglers use them?" He stretched one nylon leg over his hand and stood behind me. He didn't say anything, just nibbled on my neck and ran the...

1 year ago
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Sex From A Mall

Hi my dear ISS Readers, Thanks for your time. . . Fully enjoy true stories. . . Very HOT ones. . . This is Lover ( ) again from Bangalore… Thanks to ISS Team, as well. . . . This true incident happened in a Mall in Bangalore. Recently, I went for shopping around 8 PM and I was carrying a Mall-Basket with some items, wanted. A lady (should be in middle twenties), who came across me, slipped & fell on me (Her high heel shoe slipped)! Luckily, I could just manage her weight and balance, by...

4 years ago
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Tips and Experiences from an Amateur CD Pt2

Have you ever been surfing thru porn vids trying to find the one or many vids that will send u over the edge and then come across something familiar? If u have had sex of course its all familiar. I mean something specific. Something thats so close to a real experience u have actually had that it excited u to that next level? Had it happen the other day, came across a cute little gay couple ( and they get after it. Right from the start the top felt...

1 year ago
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The Pact A Master PC TaleChapter 24 Something Old Something New

Susan Castle had forgotten how good silk sheets felt. But her first purchase after getting her new lease on life weren’t clothes, shoes, makeup or sexual aids. She made straight for Bed, Bath and Beyond and snared the most expensive pink silk sheets she could afford. What felt even better, she decided, was the warm woman who was snuggled up against her under those sheets. A few days ago, her niece was barely into her teens, but was an old soul who’d lived a miserable life until, against all...

2 years ago
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The PropositionPart 10 Welcome to Slavery

There are no words to describe how unbearable Dominique's reading was. No words can adequately describe the torture. The sheer brutality of it. It's far worse than you can imagine. When she was finally finished, my scalp was left so raw and tender that I could only rest it on my chin without nauseating pain. Her thick black brillo pad of pubic hair transformed my face into stingy irritated mess. It was no walk in the park for her either. As soon as she stepped off my face, Dominique...

2 years ago
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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 65

“Ok, Slave Jess, Slave Aaron,” Emma said, saving Brent from having to respond, “I think this has been enough fun for one night. Brent and I should probably leave you two alone.” “As you wish, Mistress,” Jess said. I repeated the phrase a beat later. Jess knelt down in front of Brent. “Thank you, Master Brent, for playing with this slave’s ass, mouth, and pussy tonight. I hope you will do so again in the future,” she said to him. She wasn’t going to let him off the hook and she got Brent to...

3 years ago
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MousetrapChapter 2

They went back to Sonja's place for the afternoon, as Rajata was still somehow reluctant to return to her own home. With them went a completely mundane business card, bearing the name Cynthia Wallace – no rank or affiliation – a mobile number and an anonymous e-mail address. Despite herself, Rajata obsessively played with the thing throughout the journey and, by the time they were sitting in Sonja's kitchen, she'd memorised both contacts and could have described the type face, the ink...

1 year ago
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College Coeds Part II

I had just an hour, pleasuring a very young college coed I had met at the student union where my son goes to school. It was a serendipitous thing, but one that was unbelievably wild and true. She thought I was a professor, even though I assured her that I was not. Fifty-something-year-old guys have to be careful when hanging around the university student union. (I am not a pervert, and I really was waiting on my son to get out of classes.)We had no sooner finished things up in her two-bedroom...

College Sex
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The Accidental EscortChapter 3

The football season had just started. Ron in looking at his schedule knew he had some games with teams that are perennially ranked among the top twenty college football teams in the nation. It should make for an interesting season. Ron was in his office when his cell phone chimed. He saw it was Beth calling him. "I just got off the phone with Jordon. She wanted your phone number as she said one of her friends needs an escort and she wanted to recommend you. I don't believe what she said...

1 year ago
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The Barn

I was attending a meeting for our local FFA Booster Club. I live in a semi-rural area and there are many farms and ranches and the FFA is a big deal to the k**s in the area. I was wearing jeans and a polo shirt. These were my “normal size” jeans that I was finally able to get back into after having a baby 5 months ago. I was getting lots of compliments for looking great post baby. Unfortunately I was feeling great. My naturally large breasts were constantly swollen and full. They were at least...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 36 Ice Dancing

November 1980, Milford, Ohio On Monday, at lunch, I called Doctor Mercer’s office and found that the Monday after school slot was still open. I scheduled appointments for the remainder of the year. I left school as soon as the bell rang and headed to see Doctor Mercer. I explained to her what Bethany had said and how she felt it was negatively affecting our relationship. Doctor Mercer asked a lot of questions as she tried to draw out my concerns and issues. I felt somewhat better when I left...

2 years ago
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Little Bo Peep A Naughty Nursery Rhyme

Little Bo Peep was pissed off. It seems she had lost her sheep, and didn't know where to find them. She sighed heavily. She'd only taken a short nap, lying in the sun. They couldn't have gone that far, and she knew she'd locate the errant flock sometime in the next few hours. If she left them alone they'd probably just go home... But she was horny NOW! And once they got back home she couldn't play with Horatio, as she had named the big alpha ram who was responsible for all those...

3 years ago
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Portuguese Summer part2

I have been in Portugal now for 2 weeks Paul has phone to say he wont be coming out for the rest of the summer as his dad is in a bad way , His mum has asked if i will stay in the villa and look after it for them until the end of august, of course i said yes, but i was getting bored and needed to get some work as the little money i had was not going to last long.Since Paul went back home i have discovered that i love to dress up in his sisters clothing that she has left here , and boy has she...

2 years ago
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Stupid Boy Freshman Year Part IIChapter 9 Tracys Story

The last week had gone pretty much as expected. Everyone had seen the video. No one knew what to make of me, so they avoided me. I talked to Kendal and we put modeling on hold until I got my stitches out. The swelling had gone down, but I was still bruised. I had visited the plastic surgeon again and she was happy with how things were going. She told me that if there was scarring that she would use a laser to smooth things out. I had not played seven-on-seven football today. Mike had stepped...

4 years ago
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Fun During X8217mas In Mumbai Lost Virginity Finally

Hi friends! Saddy, here! I am a good looking guy and looking out for sex in Mumbai and Navi Mumbai. I was virgin but this Christmas my virginity was broken. I have a good weight and height with good dick size and also i am very romantic and ever ready for sex. Hope you will enjoy reading my story and it will help you masturbate too. This is a real life story and since i am a huge fan of ISS so i wanted to share my story and here we go. Hope you will enjoy reading it. Have a sexy feeling and...

2 years ago
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Fucked My Aunt Mohini

Hello indian sex stories dot net friends,I am Vaibhav from Pune back again with a new story.Thank you all for your support for my previous stories.Which encouraged me to write this story. Friends keep writing to me on before starting the story let me introduce myself and Mohini who is the heroine of the story. I am Vaibhav an average looking guy with 7-inch riffle working with one of the software companies in Pune always looking for new type of sex and having many fantasies. Mohini who is my...

3 years ago
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Bua Ka Parivar 8211 Part I

Mera nam Ravi(badla hua naam) hai.mai sexstories ka niyamit reader hu.maine dekha hai ki bahut si stories fake hoti hai aur kuch kam hi suchi lagti hai.lekin mai bata du ki yah meri jivan ka sacha anubhav hai.aur bahut se log apne lund ki size janvaro jaisi batate hai jaise ki 10”,11”,12”.mera lund 6.5” ka hai aur mai usase khush hu.mai pune ka rehne wala hu aur mai engineering kar raha hu. Meri ht 5.8 hai aur mai harroz gym jata hu. Any girl and aunty in the Pune or near Pune wanna fun or...

1 year ago
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My wifersquos maid of honor Part 2

While we lay there enjoying the feeling I said “Contessa, you have just made my dreams come true”. “I have ??” she said. I added “you do not know how long I have been dreaming of have sex with you”. Then she said “I’ve been thinking the same thing. I hope it was it worth the wait.” “No ... you were worth the wait” I said. “It has been a long time since I’ve been fuck like that. Di does not know what she is missing” she said.As daylight came through the window we were both laying in the bed....

2 years ago
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Essentially LisaChapter 7 She be the ONE

Not only did Lisa spend all of Saturday night with both Mr. and Mrs. Collins - locked in a continual stream of sexual encounters, but it was more of the same for her on Sunday as well. Jack, Lisa's boss, had to go to work so he could tend to the art gallery. The nymphomaniac was scheduled to work today as well, but Kim convinced her husband to allow Lisa to stay here the remainder of the afternoon. Jack gave into her wishes and even agreed to pay Lisa's salary today. So while the man took...

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Julia’s iPad pinged waking her from her sleep. The soporific effect of the motion of the train had lulled her to sleep. Normally she would have ignored it but she was expecting messages from the office so she picked it up and opened it. A thumb print sign in brought a picture to her screen. It was a flash of a half naked man with a huge erection. Aware of people around her she automatically slammed her cover shut.Sitting opposite her was her husband John, smiling, as he busily tapped away at...

2 years ago
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Uncle Toms Desire Part 2

There is a knock on the door shortly after Uncle Tom and Lilly finish their pizza. "I'll get it." Uncle Tom watches his niece get the door. He can't pry his eyes off of her and with the thought of the up coming activities, he feels his cock twitch in his pants. She opens the door and in walks his brother who pulls Lilly into a deep kiss before she shuts the door."Hey Jim." He finally greets his brother as he walks over and shakes his hand. Quite an informal greeting for what is about to take...

1 year ago
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Spicy Big Tits! What should you expect from a website such as this one? That's right! Are titties all you're going to see here? Are there any men on this website? Sure. There's a lot of straight sex up in here. However, you can also run into lesbians, but straight sex is what you get in here for the most part. You get lots of kinds of straight sex, too. For example, most of it is regular pornography. However, you'll find 2D porn, both eastern and western, 3D animations, Hentai, and so on and so...

Big Tits Porn Sites
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My Introduction to Man Sex1

By Dave Sucomes Having failed in my attempt to pick up one of the girl dancers (I found out later they all had husbands or boy friends) I decided to make a trip to the men’s room to piss and then move on perhaps to “greener” pastures. As I stood at the urinal having trouble trying to piss because I still had almost a ‘full’ hard-on from watching the dancers, I mumbled “fucking bitches” mostly to myself. I was startled when someone answered, “ Know what you mean! They get you all...

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Anatomy Lesson

© 1996 I could not concentrate on the lesson at first. I'd been put off by the subject: Anatomy. As a small child, I'd been forced by my father to memorize all of the bones in the body. And all of the veins and organs, the parts of the heart, the areas of the brain. I'd learned well, and at the age of seven could perform flawlessly for him at the dinner table. I learned everything he made me learn, but I hated it. I hadn't yet felt the stir of my own hormones, so that while I could...

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MrsTaylor Will Jason

Mrs. Taylor was by far the sexiest teacher to ever walk the halls. Jason and Will were the horniest 18 year old football studs to ever lust after such a sexy woman. Jason the taller and dark haired of the two was always talking about her. But today it was more than his imagination that has him excited. “Dude, today she told me she needed me to come over after school. She said it was really important that I bring you and not tell anyone!” Mrs. Taylor conveniently lived next door to Will, the...

3 years ago
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the man massager

The story is real and true.the story is 8 years back in my country, this was on saturday and i was bored, nobody home, so i thought of going fora walk, that walk took me to sea face,it was almost 730 pm, getting dark. sat on the sand for half hour and getting up to go walking, and this guy come up to me and said, do you like to have good massage, i said to him, in the open , ask him do i have to take my clothes off, he said if you want to, its already dark.i said no, and kept walking, he called...

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Masturbating and fucking

I woke up and rolled over and jon was not in bed. I stretched my legs and arms and rand my hands up my legs, stretching. My hand came to my crotch and I felt my pussy and found it to be very wet. I thought to myself if Jon and I had sex last night. I could not remember having sex so I figured that my sub conscious must have been active while I was sleeping and got my jucies flowing.I spread my cunt lips and drew my finger up from the bottom of my moist lips to my clit. Wow!! I sure must...

3 years ago
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A New Style of Education Part 33

A New Style of Education by Karen Page Part 33 There was still nothing on the schedule when we woke up. I had an idea that Mr Hobson was teasing us, but it wasn't like him to do such a thing. If it had been Brenda, I would have understood. "I'm sure things will become clearer after breakfast," said Helen. "Now put down your PDA and let's have a snuggle before we go and wear ourselves out with our morning exercise." Now who was I to refuse an offer like that? Our relationship...

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A Taboo Story

My name is Kevin, and for almost two weeks, I was in the hospital going in and out of delirium never knowing if I was awake or asleep or even if what I was going through was real. It was near the end of the second week when I heard a voice breaking through the fog in my tortured brain that finally brought me back to the world. "He's coming around at last," a voice said. "I know that it has been a long two weeks but the signs are looking very good," the same authoritative voice said sounding...

2 years ago
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My Twin to The Rescue Part 4

My Twin to the Rescue Part 4 Ken stood at the entrance to the dining area and looked around. He was waiting to be seated. As he stood there, he became aware of just how many women present had a name tag similar to his; each one bearing the woman's name. Finally the head waiter approached and said, "Miss Brown, if you will follow me." And with that, he led Ken to a table near the middle of the room. There were already three others sitting there as Ken sat down, smoothing his dress...

4 years ago
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The Accidental MasterChapter 14 The Ninth Night

When we finally managed to get out of the bed, Angela and I cleaned up and headed over to the hospital. We didn't eat since she was having the PET scan and I didn't want anything to interfere with the test. Even vigorous exercise prior to the scan is usually discouraged, as that can change tissue metabolism, but since we were going to be concentrating on her brain, I hoped that our extended sex session earlier wouldn't interfere too much. Jonathan met us at the entrance to the radiology...

2 years ago
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Slut Is Back 8211 Part III

Hi to all. I Bhavna is back with further sex incidents of my varun asked me to come to go to theatre with him. i was in a little doubt about how he knew that my husband is not home anymore but then i thought he must have asked it from watchman. i mean its not too tricky to get information about someone. he messaged me the dress in which he wanted to see me. he asked for a tight t-shirt and skirt showing my thighs. he even warned me not to wear any bra or panty or he will make me nude...

1 year ago
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My Experience With Strangers Whole Night

This is srikanth, I am a regular reader of iss. My previous story got a huge response which made me share this true story of my friend. After my experience with salmon, anji, and john. I usually go there at least once a month. We are enjoying regularly. Last month once salman called me and asked me to meet at a cafe in jublihills in hyderabad at 7 p.M. As simple party. Casually they will meet me outside also not only for fuck but for friendship, so I said ok. The time came for me to meet...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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My Busty 19YearOld Girlfriends First Sexual Act

Hey beautiful people! My name is Akshay (name changed). I’m a 22-year-old, six-foot-tall guy with a lean athletic body. I’m basically based in Mumbai. The following story happened in March 2020. I was going through a bad phase of life. My girlfriend had just broken up with me after a two and a half year relationship in January 2020. To make myself feel better, I used to party with my friends after the breakup. I used to dance at clubs. Approaching girls and flirting with them became my hobby...

2 years ago
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BiomancerChapter 6

Jessica was waiting for Veronica when she returned. “We need to talk.” “It can wait.” With her bag slung over the left shoulder, Veronica took the stairs two at a time. Shower was first, that bigoted bitch after. ... Feeling human again, the athletic blonde sought out her shorter forced roommate. “So, talk.” “Your interference and taking the subject out of observation is unacceptable.” “Aw. Did you want to watch us running through the woods?” “I don’t see the point of that anyway. You...

4 years ago
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The Family Cabin

It was over the Christmas break. Dad had suggested we all go to the cabin we used in Vermont for some family bonding, hunting and general outdoors activities. It was no surprise that my mother begged off. She would go to Indiana to visit her mother. The cabin was never her favorite place and frankily she and my father sort of "got along" those days. So it was going to be a bit of a guys weekend. Dad had always treated me as "one of the boys", even as I'd become less of a tom boy the past...

1 year ago
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Maami Gave Me Ultimate Pleasure

Hi, I am Ashwin from Bangalore. I am a 30 years old software engineer working in an IT company. I am 6 feet tall medium built fair guy. This story is about me and my maami, around 9 years ago. Maami was a very hot lady. She was around 45 years when this incident happened. She was damn hot for her age. She was 5.5 tall and nicely built. Even though she was a bit fat, because of her height she used to look very sexy. She was a teacher. Her husband died at the age of 40. During this incident, she...

2 years ago
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A Lucky Brother In Ottawa

The name is Clarence Pierre Romans, and I’m a gentleman with a story to share with you. A tale of self-exploration and sensuality, if you will. Presently, I’m studying business administration at Carleton University in the City of Ottawa, Province of Ontario. I have lived here since early 2010. I’m originally from the City of Brockton, Massachusetts. I was born there to a Haitian mother and Puerto Rican father. I consider myself African-American, though I’m obviously biracial. I stand six feet...

2 years ago
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Meri Anjali Didi 8211 Meri Sex Guru

Dosto! Mera nam Amit hai. Main 26 saal ka hun. Main ISS ki kahaniyan regularly padhta raha hun, aur in kahaniyon se prerit hokar aap sab ke sath ek sachhi ghatna share kar raha hun. Ummeed hai aap sab ko pasand aayega. Pehle main apni family ko introduce kar dun. Meri family me parents, meri didi Anjali (32 years) aur elder brother Ravi (30 yrs) hain. Meri didi ki marriage 21 saal ki age me ho gayi thi. Ab main kahani pe aata hun ki kaise maine apni didi ko seduce kar ke choda. Baat un dino ki...

2 years ago
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My SexPacked Holiday Chapter Six A Blowjob and Some Pussy Licking

Not surprisingly, Sally’s mum wanted to clean herself up before going to have some lunch and find her daughter, so I went back to my own room for another shower as well. While there, I pushed a couple of fingers up into my pussy, and wondered how on earth I’d managed to get my whole hand up inside Abi’s – not just five fingers, but right up to the wrist. I certainly couldn’t do it with mine, I was much too tight. Just thinking about it made me want to come again. I even made myself pee a...

1 year ago
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Naked on Summer Vacation Slut Summer SchoolChapter 19

I poured water into a bowl and had to bend over at the waist to place the bowls on the ground. Mom told us that proper sluts face away from their betters at the table with their legs apart. I knew the old man was looking at my ass and even though he had already seen me naked I was freshly humiliated by his stares, coughs and sputtering comments about “seeing what I had for breakfast” from this angle. He and my mother joked as if I couldn’t hear their crude comments about my body. “She is...

2 years ago
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The Wish

One day, there was a young Trans-woman named Sandra Lee. She had begun transitioning in high school with her parents consent and love and was ready for the final transition when tragedy struck. Both of her parents died while on vacation, leaving Sandra all alone with a farm to run. She called upon her best friend to come help her as she was not a farmer. Bobby Joe agreed to help her as he loved farming and was sweet upon her. He fell in love with her and she with him. In school,...

4 years ago
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Happy anniversary

I was awoken this morning by the feeling of my blankets being pulled off of me. I knew it wasn’t my wife cause she had gone to work today. I open my eyes to see my hot stepdaughter, Sabrina dressed in white lingerie and white high heels, grab a hold of my dick in her hand with long bright red nails. “Good morning and happy anniversary Eric. ” said Sabrina as she started rubbing her hand up and down my stiffening shaft.Today is Sabrina’s Mom, Penny, and my 16th anniversary. When I met Penny,...

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Horny Nisha Gets Screwed

Hi. I’m Nisha. I want to share how I lost my virginity. I have earlier written about how I was educated about the pleasures of sex in my story, “My father fucked the maid”. My father and mother have sex everyday and I get to see them through my window and enjoy their pleasure. I have a sexy figure of 36-24-36. My boobs are big and I love to see my father Mr.Brij satisfying two women at the same time. I’m fair and have attractive black eyes. My neck is long and I have seen boys staring down at...

1 year ago
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MyDirtyMaid Gabriela Lopez Gabriela Sucked and Fucked Him Clean

Gabriela Lopez was hired to clean up a house. She was quite a sexy thing. Derrick was wondering if she would clean just in underwear. Some dollar bills quickly convinced her. She looked really sexy cleaning that house. Would she be all naked for a few dollars more? These days money is hard to find, so why not? Was it turning her on, to clean all naked? Maybe. She looked up from the dishes and Derrick was laying there all naked with a giant hard on. Yes for a few bills more she would clean that...

1 year ago
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Gym Adventures

When Mike and Lynn arrive home from the Ritz, where her husband watched his wife fuck her businessman lover, they shower and immediately go to bed and fall fast asleep.The next morning Mike wakes up a little earlier than this usual time. Lynn is sleeping soundly on her side. He lowers the covers, baring her back to the swelling of her hips. There are slight bruises on her hips where Derek gripped her while taking her anally.He lightly strokes her back and kisses the nape of her neck.Lynn stirs,...

2 years ago
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I fucked my mil rekha

My family had been looking for a girl for me to get married to for the last few years. I did not really want to marry a rich highly educated girl with a big family. These type of girls tend to be unfaithful gold-diggers. So I asked my parents to find me a sweet girl who had not yet attended university and came from a relatively small family with a low income. I remember the first time I met my mother in-law rekha. She had been invited to my parents house for tea . She was 38 at the time, she...

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