Humper by Driver Part 2
- 2 years ago
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It was a little over a week after the battle with the Durale that the Command Staffs conferred with Leann's Engineering group. Sarah said, "Leann, how are the cruiser repairs coming along?"
"All the structural repairs are complete."
"That was quick," said Claudette of Sarah's Clan.
"The holes were easy to fix. They were first enlarged so they had nice even edges then a replacement panel was fused into them. Once the area is tempered, it is structurally identical to the rest of the panel. The fragments were a bit more difficult until we found we could pop them off. They caused significant damage to the skin but the weld wasn't solid. The bond was something like a cold solder joint, but with more adhesion, resulting in some surface damage. The weld was strong enough to create stress points, so after removing a fragment, the area was heated until the metal could be returned to its original shape. We opted to strengthen some stress points even though the repair had returned the area to original condition."
"So they are all operational now?"
"Six have been returned to operational status. The two from Dóchas and Phoenix are still being worked on."
"Why is that?"
"We are evaluating the power distribution system and the weapons systems to see if we can resolve the problems with overloading. At this point, the best choice is to rebuild the power distribution system with heavier components. This will improve power efficiency. With this in mind we have started a redesign project."
"Wasn't the plan to add a power unit?"
"Yes, but when we made that decision we weren't aware of the power distribution system's limitations. Based on our findings, it wouldn't come close to handling the additional power and may have had a spectacular failure. Our evaluation of the system with maximum power applied to a single unit, such as the shields, showed us that rebuilding the core distribution system was essential. The current system wasn't structured to allow all the available power to one system. It also makes sense to add a power unit, as that will provide additional thrust as well as power."
"This seems like a major flaw in the cruisers. Is it possible that we have similar flaws in our other ships?"
"We don't think so because the cruiser design is distinctly different to either the Dóchas class ships or the Star Fighters. We suspect the cruisers were designed and built by a different group. Your engagement highlighted several shortcomings in their design."
"Have you had time to look at weapons?"
"Yes. Our energy is currently focused on the power issues but two rail guns will be added to each cruiser before the conference. These are the four rail rapid fire units. The details are still being sorted out but it looks like these will be an addition. The idea that is currently being explored also has two lasers being placed on the hull exterior. The downside is that it makes them more vulnerable and reduces some cruiser operational flexibility in an atmosphere. All of these issues have us thinking about a new cruiser design."
"Anything else?"
"Not that I can think of," replied Leann. "Oh, wait. We are still evaluating the addition of rapid fire Gatling guns. There are several issues with this, ranging from building them to deciding how to mount them. Once we have a solution, we will do a test installation. Is there a firing range on Earth that we can use?"
"We could ask Russia or China. They will probably want to at least observe."
"Yea, from our cruiser." Several of the Command Staff laughed.
"We can do that."
"Leann, please tell your team that they have done a fantastic job," said Keriann. The same thought was echoed by all the Command Staff members.
"I will, but I think that they are all monitoring our discussion. With that, I will be off." Leann slipped out of the link with the Command Staffs.
Siobhan said, "Leann is a really good lead for the Engineering group."
"Any updates on conference planning?"
"Media representatives have all accepted," said Amy. "An Clochán Security Center will be running tests next week to make sure the sensors are working as expected. Some of them are new designs with extended capabilities."
"Has the Intelligence group determined how we missed the incoming Durale Spec Ops attackers?"
"The conclusion is that they drifted in separately, using minimal power and activity. This is similar to submarines when running silent. Their drift parameters were set so that their path would take them to a common region behind the Alliance of World ships. From there they increased their activity sufficiently to form up and attack the Iridien ships. Even with the increase, their activity was still at a very low level. Most of this has been confirmed by the Iridiens from the information they obtained from the prisoners. To address this, several modifications are being made to the Sentinel ring sensors and data analysis procedures. It will improve our odds of detecting similar entries but detection will never be perfect."
"We ought to randomize our reconnaissance flights," said Terry of Sarah's Clan.
"Flight operations have already done that. Actually, we were partially doing it before. Now it is being done a bit more seriously."
"Anything else?" said Sarah. When no one raised another topic, she continued with, "Well it looks like we are caught up. Let's do this again in five days, unless a need causes us to convene sooner."
"Suits us," replied everyone.
Sarah stood with Rusty, Aoife and Tara in the arrival area of An Clochán waiting for the first of guests to arrive for the conference. She could see the other Command Staff representatives waiting next to each of the arrival ports.
It had been a busy three Ó weeks. Repairs and modifications to the cruisers were now complete. The modifications had added additional power, improved power management and enhanced lasers. To make room for the conference, some of the manufacturing equipment had been moved to the freighters. That way An Clochán's common area was still available to the staff. Many of the site's residents had moved to their ships, which reduced the areas of An Clochán that had to be brought out of hibernation. An added benefit of their move was reduced travel time, as the focus of day to day activity was now on the cargo ships. Once the conference was over, they would resume placing An Clochán into hibernation. The rate controlling step for this was the relocation of equipment to the freighters and then setting it up.
Breacadh said over the PA, "Shuttles with the delegations from Ireland, the UK, Argentina and Brazil will arrive in 10 minutes."
It wasn't long before those waiting in the arrival area saw the four ships approach the site and then hover a short distance away. After hovering for a few moments, each shuttle moved to its assigned boarding tube. Once it was on the ground, the boarding tube extended to a shuttle door and latched onto it. As soon as the seal was complete, the pressure was equalized so that the doors could be opened.
Sarah smiled when she saw Prime Minister Thomas enter the arrival area. "It is good to see you again," she said as they shook hands and then hugged. "We hope you enjoyed your trip."
"It was a wonderful trip. Let me say hi to everyone then I will begin introductions." PM Thomas quickly greeted the others in Sarah's Clan and then introduced her delegation. Afterwards she said, "Where are the others?"
"They will be along a bit later. We've decided to have only a part of each Command Staff here at any one time."
"No not really. We are trying to keep our presence low key and let the Alliance of Worlds be the focus. Our alert level is higher than normal as we don't want to put on an unexpected show for our guests."
"Has everyone agreed to come?"
In the background there was a gentle hiss as the pressure in the boarding tubes was released so that they could decouple. Once the tubes had pulled back the shuttles moved over to the parking area. These shuttles would stay at An Clochán until the conference was over. The other shuttles would return to their ships after dropping off their passengers. The delegations would arrive in the same order that they received their invitations, with each group spaced at 15 minute intervals.
Seana of Caoilinn's Clan said, "Prime Minister Thomas, when you are ready I can show you and your delegation to your quarters, and then give your group a tour if you are interested."
Just as she finished speaking Breacadh announced the arrival of the next group.
"Sarah's Clan," said PM Thomas, "it looks like we are holding things up. We will talk later."
"We will look forward to it," replied Sarah's Clan. Everyone shook hands again as the English delegation left with Seana.
As they walked off PM Thomas said, "Seana, we will take you up on the offer of a tour. A few of our group haven't been here before, and I've always found the tours very interesting. Besides, it seems like there is often something new."
"Well, there are definitely some changes since your last visit, as we've started moving equipment up to the freighters."
When Sarah looked around the arrival area, she saw that the first groups of delegates were on their way to their quarters. The afternoon was for them to relax. This gave those who were experiencing a large time change a chance to recover. Everyone was being offered a tour of An Clochán which could be taken at any time.
It was a little over 2 hours later when the last delegation from Earth arrived; they were followed by delegations from the four Alliance of World members.
Commander Egulle said, "You all look quite relaxed."
"Well things have gone very well," replied Siobhan.
"We've only had three issues," added Tara. "The Israeli security detail was carrying firearms. We invited them to the Security Center to discuss it. They were surprised that we knew they were carrying. We explained the problem with their weapons inside the habitat, but acknowledged their concern. To resolve this, we offered to either loan them suitable weapons or exchange their ammunition for some suitable for use inside the habitat. Two chose to exchange ammunition and we loaned weapons to the others."
"So they saw the Security Center?"
"They only saw our surveillance monitors and several of the staff. By the way they were looking around, they were curious."
"I would be too. What about the others?"
"One had a large bag containing several drugs in his luggage. Another had a weapon hidden in his luggage. In both cases, the items were removed. They will be returned when they leave. Nothing has been said to either of them but they will be closely monitored. I wouldn't be surprised if we missed some items."
"What position do those two hold in their delegations?"
"Both are listed as advisers."
"Interesting," said Reyonte who had joined them during the exchange. Commander Timalta and Tuska nodded.
"Are you ready for tonight's reception?"
"Yes. After dinner when you introduce us, each of us will say a few words about our world while Breacadh projects images. We are limiting this to five minutes apiece. Once that is done, we intend to circulate among the delegations. With a couple of you joining us to make formal introductions there shouldn't be any awkwardness due to not having a receiving line. Everyone knows about this, correct?"
"Yes. After we've formally introduced you, we will move into the background. Once you've been introduced to each group, we will circulate among the groups on our own. That should keep the focus on all of you rather than us. We are more than willing to join you in discussions, but think it should only be when appropriate."
"Thank you. We think that will work just fine." The others from AW nodded their heads in agreement.
"What did you have in mind until dinner?"
"Really, nothing."
"In that case, why don't we go relax in the common area? There are refreshments in there and places to sit."
"Sounds good to me," said Tuska from the Monque World. "If tonight is like other receptions I've attended, we will have very little time to relax or sit once it starts. Are your musicians going to play tonight?"
"Yes, after dinner."
"Great. Our people like their music."
At the appointed time the delegates from Earth began entering the conference room and were greeted by Command Staff representatives. Each group was encouraged to help themselves to the food and refreshments.
Serving stations had been set up around the edges of the room and offered an exceptional variety of foods. This included selections from Earth as well as those from the Alliance. Also throughout the room were many small tables where delegates could eat, either standing up or sitting. It was organized in a way that would hopefully encourage attendees to try several offerings and mix.
After all the delegations were present, Command Staff representatives moved to the slightly elevated stage. On seeing them everyone became very quiet. Together they said in unison, "Good evening. We trust you had an enjoyable trip here. In a few minutes we will introduce our guests from the Alliance of Worlds. First we need to talk about safety. You should have had a briefing on this earlier from your escorts, however we feel it is important enough to repeat. Please listen closely as there could be a quiz later." Several of the delegates chuckled. "This habitat is pressurized, with an atmosphere that is very similar to Earth's. If the exterior is breached it has the potential for being a very deadly event for many, and perhaps all. Fire has the same potential. We say this not to scare you, but to get you to think about emergency procedures. These are not like any you've seen on Earth as our primary means of communication during an emergency is telepathy. Since none of you are active telepaths, there will always be at least one Órarduine very near you when you are away from your suite. When you are in your suite, they are in a suite directly across the hall from you. Follow their directions and you will likely survive. If at any time you need assistance ask them. We want you to return to Earth as healthy as you were when you arrived.
"Another aspect of ensuring a safe environment is that every compartment or room contains special sensors. They are tuned to respond to specific sounds, or changes in the suite's environment, that are associated with potential safety issues. Besides loss in pressure, they can be tripped by screaming, engaging in a fist fight, hitting something or making similar sounds. On sensing those sounds, two things will happen; recording begins and a Security team is dispatched. The Security team will enter without knocking. Now before paranoia gets out of hand, let's be clear about the purpose of these sensors. They are there simply to monitor the environment and to ensure it is within set parameters. They do not listen to your conversations until they are tripped. Why do we do this? Safety. The quicker an issue can be addressed the less likely it is that anyone dies. More so than any place you've ever been, the health and well-being of everyone here depends on everyone else. An incident in one compartment can quickly involve many adjacent ones. Any questions?"
"How do we know what you say is true?" asked a delegate.
"You only have our word, but think about the situation, what do we have to gain by not being truthful? If you are uncomfortable with these arrangements, then a shuttle is available to return you to Earth. All you need to do is go to the arrival area where there is a crew waiting. Again, our focus is solely on safety and we believe this is essential to ensure every ones well-being. This was disclosed in the documentation included with the invitation. Any more questions?"
Mr. Bartlet raised a hand. When recognized he said, "I would like to comment on the arrangements. I have been fortunate to visit here several times. On our first trip many of our group were concerned about the sensors and the need for an escort. However, we were able to go anyplace we wanted to, within reason. If our request was declined we were given a reason why, and it always made sense. We were provided with secure communication links to our office and they were never tampered with. On each visit we had the opportunity to chat with many of our hosts. Most were unstructured and all were very enjoyable. As to security, I've always felt at least as secure here as I do at home. A part of this could be that our relationship with the Órarduine is uncomplicated as there aren't any security, trade, political or similar issues. In my opinion their hospitality is the best that I have ever experienced. It is a pleasure to be back here again."
Former President Ryan of the US immediately stood and said, "I will second those comments."
"As will I," said Elaine Shonnesy former President of Ireland.
Not hearing any more comments, the Órarduine continued, "We have a few more details to cover then we will introduce our guests from Alliance of Worlds. Our meals are normally served buffet style, with a variety similar to what you see here this evening. When you arrive in the dining room, please go through the serving line and then select a place to sit. Breakfast is from 0600 to 0800. Lunch is 1100 to 1300. Dinner is 1730 to 1900. Eat as much as you want. Prior to each meal time there are two chimes. One is an hour before and another when it begins. However, food is available in the dining room around the clock.
"Now, we've spoken long enough so it gives us great pleasure to introduce the representatives from the Alliance of Worlds. Commander Egulle is an Iridien and is in Command of their Task Group." Commander Egulle stepped onto the stage with his delegation. When the applause quieted, he introduced the members of the Iridien delegation and gave a brief indication of their duties.
He was followed by Reyonte of the Atewa, Tuska of the Monque, and Timalta of the Dutsuz introducing each of their delegations. Each of them followed Egulle's lead and gave short descriptions of each representative's responsibilities.
When the introductions were complete, the Command Staff group said, "Commander Egulle will now tell us a little about the Iridiens. His presentation will be followed by a similar presentation about each world, in the order introduced. Please hold your questions until you meet them later, or even better, until tomorrow during the conference.
"After the presentations, you will have the opportunity to be introduced to each delegation. Commander."
As Egulle stepped to the front of the stage, four holograms formed at different places around the room. He began with, "This presentation presumes you are familiar with the information shown in the recent interviews with Earth's media. It adds a few more details which are also in the conference briefs. Before I begin, I would like to thank the Órarduine for suggesting and organizing this conference. Since we have been here they have been excellent hosts and we have learned a lot about them. Until we arrived here we did not know of them. The reason for our visit here is the increase in interplanetary travel seen in this system. We use this as an indication of when a world has advanced enough to achieve space travel. The Órarduine are a unique people and a people we are proud to have as special friends. Now, about us." With that Egulle gave an overview of the Iridien World with a brief description of each of its planets, its population, number of species and its economic structure.
He was followed by the Atewa and Monque who gave presentations that were very similar in organization and topics. Each began by thanking the Órarduine for their hospitality and for hosting the conference. They explicitly expressed their appreciation for having the opportunity to meet and learn about the Órarduine as well as the residents of Earth. While none indicated that they had an alliance with the Órarduine, all indicted that they were special friends.
Once the presentations were complete, the Command Staff representatives said, "That completes this evening's presentations. Over the next two days each Alliance World will make several more presentations. These will contain a lot more detail than is in the conference briefs. Over the next two days, you will have other opportunities to meet with them and discuss issues of mutual interest. We ask that you keep that in mind this evening as introductions are made, as there are others wanting to meet and talk to them. Tomorrow's session will begin at 0800 in this room."
The Órarduine were pleased to see the introductions completed in a fairly short time. Once those were done they mixed with the attendees just like everyone else. In doing so they heard a lot of conversational snippets and saw an interesting mix of reactions to the Alliance of World visitors.
Some delegates inquired about what life was like on their home planet. Others were interested in space travel and what other solar systems were like. A few were more interested in gaining assistance in advancing their own technology. Several delegates had obvious difficulty with the alien's appearance. This was apparent by both their actions and the tone of their comments.
As the end of the reception approached, delegations began returning to their suites accompanied by their Órarduine escort.
The Command Staff and Alliance of World representatives gathered together once all the delegates had left to compare notes as they walked to the arrival area. After a few comments Orgaine said, "Tomorrow will be interesting. I think we made the right decision to include examples of civilizations that self-destructed. Unfortunately, I think some delegates will see the information in a negative perspective.
"On another topic, do you have any objections to us continuing the global technology conferences you started on Earth, with the same conditions?"
"We don't," replied the Órarduine. "Actually that would be quite helpful as it would provide another perspective on paths to innovation. As far as we can tell, all of us rely on the same fundamental physical properties of the universe. While many of our solutions or implementations are quite similar, some have significant differences."
"We've noticed," said Marika of the Monque World with a smile.
"Do you think the examples that we are presenting are too much like Earth?" asked Tuska of the Monque World.
"No," replied many of the representatives. "We think you have a good balance between the successes and the failures that you've seen. The aspect we like is that the successes aren't perfect and some failures are horrible. One or two who sorted out their divisive issues had problems similar to those on Earth."
"You must be referring to the Iridiens," said Timalta, a Dutsuz, with a smile. "It's obvious that we still need to work on our issues. I will touch on our recent problems and how we are trying to resolve them."
Orgaine laughed and then responded with, "We still have significant issues in some areas between breeds. Small sores can easily become boils if ignored or picked at."
Egulle said, "Since those presentations aren't until the morning of the second day we still have time to make some adjustments. Remember, our purpose is to show how others solved their problems and what happened when they didn't. The tricky part will be doing it without being seen as lecturing them on their issues."
Everyone nodded indicating their agreement then Laonize added, "If we stick to the facts, we should be okay. Actually, if they ask for specific details, arrangements can be made for some to be provided. However, in some cases we don't have much more information than we are already sharing with them."
"That is a good idea," replied Timalta.
"Sleep well. Morning will be here before we know it," said the Órarduine as they went to the boarding door. "See you all tomorrow."
It was just before 0600 the following day when the day's Command Staff representatives began returning to An Clochán for the conference. As on the previous day when their visitors arrived, only half of each Command Staff came to the conference. Except for two from each clan, it was planned for everyone else to switch half way through the day, and then again during the evening, so that all command staff could personally participate. They thought that always having two from each clan there would give some continuity to their presence.
Even though it had been mentioned the visitors were surprised by the range of foods available at the buffet. No one bothered to tell them that it all came from synthesizers. The Israelis were a bit hesitant until they were given more information on the foods source. Others with dietary restrictions simply avoided items that they thought were on their exclusion list.
An Órarduine and an Alliance representative joined each Earth delegation for breakfast. In many cases it was the Órarduine who initiated the conversation. Once those at the tables realized that the aliens could speak their language, the conversations began in earnest. Sarah smiled as she looked over at Aoife. They were pleased by the sound of multiple conversations taking place around the room.
At 0730, Siobhan tapped a glass and waited for the noise to quiet down before saying, "In 30 minutes our conference will begin in the room where we had the reception last night. At this time I would like to introduce some special guests who are not part of any delegation. As I introduce you would you please stand. Elaine Shonnesy, former President of Ireland. Mr. Bartlet, former Prime Minister of England and his wife. Mr. Ryan, former President of the US and his wife. J. Thompson from England. Egan O'Reilly and his family from Ireland. Eilidh Carroll from Boston. Blaine Jackson and his wife Selena, also from Boston.
"They have all visited us several times. Blaine and Selena's son and daughter have joined us.
"This may not affect any of you, but our calendar is a little different to Earths. Our day, or clock cycle, is exactly 24 hours long. We generally reserve using the word 'day' to when we are referring to time on Earth. Our week consists of ten clock cycles. Our month is 4 weeks long with twelve months in a year. All of this adds up to give our calendar 480 clock cycles in a year. In your suite there are two clocks. One shows the current time and date in your country, and the other is the time and date here. There are similar timepieces in the conference room. With respect to phone calls, you will be immediately informed of any incoming calls. You will be offered a secure location where you can take the call, or you can take it in your suite.
"Please wear your name tags at all times. This helps those you meet know who you are. Unless there are any questions, have a great day."
Blaine stepped up to Maureen and put his arm around her saying, "How are you my beautiful Irish-Órarduine friend?" His touch caused her to jump, so he said, "I didn't mean to surprise you."
"You didn't. I was just focused somewhere else," replied Maureen as she turned to him to give him a tight hug. "It is good to see you. Hello, Selena. Hello, Eilidh." She then gave each of them a hug and a kiss.
"Hey, where is my kiss?" asked Blaine smiling.
"Right here." Maureen gave him a kiss. "Your children will be pleased that you came. They are doing real well."
"Great. Would it be a problem if we stayed a few days longer?"
"Not at all. Stay as long as you can. Besides, the three of you should know that you are welcome here any time. You really do have an open invitation to visit us any time, and to stay for as long as you can."
"Well, just relaxing while everyone is working gets kind of boring after a while," responded Eilidh.
"Ah, so you want a working vacation," replied Maureen with a big smile. "That can be easily arranged, although I should warn you that some people have found working with us addictive."
"We would be willing to take that chance," said Selena with Eilidh nodding in agreement.
"Several of your special guests indicated to us last night that they were thinking about extending their visit."
"All they need to do is let us know. If they want to work, we can find something interesting to keep them busy."
"I'll mention that we are staying if the opportunity arises."
"Fine. See you in the conference room." Maureen smiled as she watched the three visitors walking off holding hands.
Siobhan, Maureen and Sarah started the conference off by introducing Commander Egulle. Commander Egulle's presentation focused on the Alliance of Worlds organization, who the members were, where the member worlds were in relationship to Sol and each other and while noting how the Alliance of Worlds started, he deferred the detail to later presentations. He showed that a key gain from the Alliance was the increased security it provided, along with dependable trading partners. He pointed out that even the largest AW member on its own would be hard pressed to defend itself against some of the universe's marauders. "To summarize we have 11 worlds in the Alliance and only five consist of more than 1 planet. There are four worlds represented in our fleet, which are Atewa, Dutsuz, Iridien and Monque. The six single planet worlds are that way for two significant reasons. First, they are just becoming space travelers, and second, there aren't any stars near them with planets with a suitable biosphere. It will be interesting to see what their future holds.
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First I will give some background information. At the time of this occurance I was 19. My name is Jeff and both my parents died two years apart from each other. My mother was killed in a hit and run which inturn spirled my father to join the military and ended up dieing overseas. Being a minor at the time I was sent to live with my aunt and uncle. They are nice people and because I am unsure if they would want their names here They will be changed for their prefrence, nothing else will be...
Adorable girlfriend Liz is given the word from her boyfriend that his buddy Davon was on deck to have a taste of Liz’s sweet tight teen pussy. When Davon showed up ready to hit the bar Liz let him know her boyfriend Steve was out and wanted him to fuck her hot young pussy instead. Still unsure Liz slips her pink panties off for Davon to start enjoying her juicy pink pussy because she was ready to suck his hard big cock too. Davon slides his cock inside her tight hole and it is on for Liz...
xmoviesforyouAfter Her flatmate hooks up with Brake, Angel knows she just has to have a taste of him too and he’s only in town for one more day, so she has very little time to prove just how bigger fan she is. She has heard the whole story and knows that her friend struggled with his attributes, and after arriving at his house and enjoying a few drinks, she’s ready to show him what she can do. Angel is about to go above and beyond what most fans could only dream of, and she’s going to find out just how big...
xmoviesforyou"Is that fucking pussy I smell on your breath?" Sasha questioned. Mike was speechless for a minute. "Uuuuh duuuuh maybe." "No fucker! Is that pussy on your fucking breath and whose pussy is it?" Mike tried to plant another kiss on her lips and she turned her head. It was now 4am and Mike was just entering the bedroom. He had told Sasha earlier that evening that he had to work late and maybe have a few social drinks with his pals from work. But on the real Mike was out having some fun with the...
I had Creamy as a pre-dinner fuck. I took him in a stall of the bathroom nearest the hotel's main restaurant. The rest of the boys were waiting for our table so I held him against the wall and tried to take him fast. The so called experts seemed to be right - if I didn't hold back and just fucked him, it was very easy to just come. From start to finish wasn't five minutes. "Sorry." I moaned. "I owe you a better fuck. Tomorrow, ok?" Creamy turned around and grinned. "I forgot to...
I knew my Step-Sister Michele was having a hard time after our Pop-pop passed, but I didn’t know she was taking it this hard. I walk in her room and she was still crying, everyone was back at our house to have a little get together for like a celebration of life. I tell Michele to relax, Pop-pop is in a better place. I give her a little foot rub and tell her to get comfortable, I didn’t expect her to get up and strip naked. They say everyone handles people passing differently I...
xmoviesforyouI think it was...months ago?'t really know, can't keep track of days very well in the woods. Anyway I was camping alone. See I had this...secret. No one knew about it, but I secretly read stories and looked at pictures of women having sex with animals. The thought of that aroused me like no guy could ever do. Now I'm only 21, so I'm still young, body firm and attractive, so I never lacked for men but I just didn't date much. They never seemed to work for me....
Rebecca Volpetti and Honey Demon get down and dirty on Yannick Shaft’s big D in this Hands On Hardcore 4K premium porn eXXXclusive. Be a part of the hardcore FFM action and watch the Romanian bi-sexual babes share his big shaft and take turns shoving it everywhere they can cram it. It’s an Olympic style sex event between the threesome with these curvy bombshells riding cock like true athletes. Get ready to want to watch this one at least three times to catch all of the kinky pussy...
xmoviesforyouIntroduction: I discover my wife is a cheating slut, and I begin to work on a punishment for her. After 15 years of marriage, sex between my wife and I had become pretty stale. There were only a few positions we tried, and our sex sessions were few and far between. After three k**s, it was also hard to have any kind of spontaneity in our sex life either.We had recently moved to a new city, and we were both in new jobs. After about two months at our new jobs, my wife began having a sudden...
I was caught in morning traffic coming into Seattle. I’d sat in the café running searches through the night until I finally ran down the batteries of both the tablet and the laptop. I drove back to Seattle with less pressure on the gas pedal. I still didn’t have a great answer. In fact, I didn’t have an acceptable answer. Andi simply was not who she said she was. I’d even run a search designed to find a news story about a death with a smile, a martini, and a pregnant wife. I was amazed at how...
Phone sex is probably one of the more common 'alternative' types of sexual encounter. Both men and women of many different ages have tried it, but many of us get their first taste of it at a young age, often when at a distance from a partner, keeping in touch by phone. Phone sex is a fairly ‘safe’ style of alternative sexual contact, as there is no physical risk at all, except for what you do to yourself. Phone sex basically amounts to Masturbation while talking to someone on the phone. Of...
All too soon it was the end of February, and time for goodbyes, again. When we had our last night together, I had to admit to myself that that I loved the both of them. Even if it was not the same kind of love I'd had with Marie or the same kind of fully complementary love they felt for each other, it was love. Last summer I had been sure that I would never really feel love again. Now I was not so sure anymore. Unfortunately that also meant that there were a whole lot of tears connected with...
Part 1 After a cold and rainy winter in Taipei, Laurie, my wife, convinced me to take her on vacation to the Philippines where she could warm up a little. After getting ‘massaged’ to orgasm on the beach by a pretty little Filipino named Lupe, Laurie then fucked Lupe’s friend, Rey in our room. Me? Well, I had lost a bet and was now paying off… I got Rey hard for her and then licked her pussy clean after he left puddles of cum in her cunt. Laurie offered me to Lupe for the rest of our trip,...
Bob found a movie to watch, while Jennifer moved around the room, no longer talking to him. At one point she disappeared into the bathroom, but he didn't give it much thought. That changed when she came out. She was wearing her mother's black teddy. "This is just obscene!" she said, arching to look at her behind. She appeared to be trying to see what it looked like on her. Bob wasn't fooled. He knew immediately that if she'd put the thing on in the bathroom, she'd examined the...
I was still getting a tutorial on the setup when the guy I wanted to talk to came into view. He was walking with Jill so I had no trouble redirecting the crew leader to the road manager – and moving Sean out of earshot of everybody else. The first thing he did was point to my sling. “Ding that up again?” he asked. “Nah,” I replied. “Jill told me that the crew leader will put anybody to work so I wanted him to know I was on the DL.” Sean laughed but nodded. “I know I’ve put on 10 pounds...
Hello readers, please read the first part before reading this one. Janhvi left to her home after giving me a nice, long blowjob to me. We did sexting after she had gone home. After 11 pm, we did video chat after her parents slept. I was disappointed to see as she had completely covered her body with a blanket. I wanted to see her naked tender teenage hot body but she had covered it from head to toe. She was teasing me. I said, “Remove the blanket, baby.” She replied, “It’s very cold here.” “I...
Melanie first noticed the two men as she pushed her trolley down the dairy aisle of Morrison’s. She smiled at them, encouragingly. They were clearly out of their depth in what they regarded as an alien environment. With smooth efficiency, Melanie scooped up her butter, natural yoghurt and some basic cooking cheddar.She met them again in household. They appeared to be debating laundry liquid.“It’s no good Ben, we’ll just have to ask someone.”“Not one of the staff, this time, Hal. I’m still not...
NovelsPart IChanice dreaded coming to work on Thursday nights. Although she's been working as the night clerk at the Filler Gas Convienent Store and Filling Station for over a year, she'd been required to drive 40 miles away from her home to a completely different area. In fact, it was in another city. She'd been working at, as she often put it, "the store in the hood" eversince she began the job. But when a few of her coworkers quit their jobs two months ago, the manager/owner of the franchised...
Danny was sitting in his office cubicle thinking about the previous night. The more he thought, the more aroused he became, and it was hard to concentrate on work that day. Danny was born in China to socially conservative parents who wanted to climb up the socio-economic ladder. His father, though, became an alcoholic and a philanderer after he lost his job, pushing Danny’s mom to do all the work of raising a son and running the house.Now, Danny’s mom was as strict as it gets. She had already...
First TimeThe door was closed, all was quiet, so he knocked softly on the door, not wanting to startle them. He heard Sarah say "Come in." so he pushed the door open. Dave stopped. Pinned to the wall, the girl he had brought up for thirteen years was naked and wrapped around her tanned boyfriend as he thrust into her. Her eyes were screwed tight, lips forced into a thin pale line as his cheeks clenched and her thighs gripped his waist. Dave looked on, frozen, helpless, too embarrassed to say...
My name is James Francis and I am a 42 year old married man, with a wife (Jane) who is a flight attendant, two college age c***dren and all the trimmings of an upper middle class family. My troubles began when I did not pay the full amount of an invoice charged by my contractor, Peter, and his efforts to make me pay what was due.Last Thursday Peter and his construction crew had paid me a visit and had beaten me, tied me up and ****d me repeatedly. During the attack, Peter had taken pictures of...
Laughter, embarrassment and confusion in equal measures affected the guests and wedding party. Marta stood, restraining a giggle. "Anyone needing fresh champagne glasses and cake slices let Latisha and Tico know. "I imagine when you decided to attend our wedding you figured a pleasant evening would ensue. It seems my plan to make it memorable has been embellished a bit. If you knew Pussycat and Eddy before, and I haven't known them long but got the gist of their characters, I'd say we...
My wife, Cindi and I finally planned a couple of weeks in the sun. We've both been working hard since college and we needed a break. Cindi is 25, short blond hair, athletic and about 5'6". I'm tall; 6'4" and also athleticwe do get a little risque when we are out of town. Cindi and I went to a topless place once and she took of almost everything on amateur night. That was quite a thrill watching other couples get excited watching her shake her tits. Cindi's tits are medium sized and firmOnce at...
When I got home that night, I couldn’t sleep. I kept thinking “Wow!” A couple of times I must have drifted off little only to come awake with a jerk, immediately thinking that it was all a dream. Here I am aged 16 dreaming about the sex I have had with my fantasy who is in her mid twenties. My prick was rock hard and I had a firm grip on it inside my pyjamas. Then I’d grin to myself, wising I could boast about my conquests to my friends. That’s right I’d think, not one beautiful woman at the...
Incestmarried Michelle when I was 21 years old she was only 20. We have bought a little three-bedroom bungalow and we both work and have decided not to start a family too soon, we have been married six years now.Michelle and I both work locally, her at the supermarket and me at the power station. We have now been very happily married for five years.I have fitted in well with my in-laws. Michelle's Mother, Irene, is a jolly person, who really enjoys a good laugh and I can always induce stitches of...
NOTES: Please don’t give me a negative rating without at least telling me how to improve. Same goes for positive ratings. Thank you. ^^ Every feedback is treasured to me. Oh, and this story is dedicated to PervertBiYoungGuy, who's been a constant help and cheerful contributer to these stories. ^_^ Hope you enjoy, sweetie! ___________________________________________________________________ The room was beautiful. Sweeping velvet curtains hung majestically over the windows,...
Introduction: Losing my virginity and meeting the man I love was worth it. Waiting isnt an easy thing to do I think to myself as I sit across the table from my date. I look at him and inspect his features. Strong shoulders, newly shaven face, and a wonderful sexy smile, like a little boy just wanting to be spanked. My eyes slowly travel down his arm, to look at the table where our hands are joined together. I very lightly begin to trace my finger across the palm of his hand, and I write out...
***This is the first chapter in a short novel I’ve started, any feedback will help keep things moving along, thanks*** * His eyes slid slowly over the worm ridden corpse before him. He felt the bile rise up from his stomach and nudge at his throat. He held it down and closed his eyes and nose from the sight and smell. He backed slowly away from the dead horror at his feet. He told himself if he just got out, just ‘out’ he would be okay. Stumbling over something behind him he fell onto the...
I don't know when it happened, but at some point over time, my house became the hang out for teeange girls. My daughter Sierra was sixteen, and at some point and time, I realized it was almost every weekend that she had anywhere from one to four friends spend the night on Friday which would lead to Saturday, and even on occasion, they'd spend Sunday night there as well. They'd get up on Monday morning, monopolize the bathroom in the lower level of the house, and off they'd go to school in one...
TabooWhen I was 28, i was staying at my parents house this weekend, as I am back home for a birthday. Normally I don’t mind staying at the house, because our former family of six k**s is all moved out, except for my baby sister Jenny. She is ten years younger than me, 18 years old and just started college. She is very into sports, one for every season, volleyball, basketball, and softball, so between that and school and her first job, she is never around and the house is empty.I live three hours...
What the heck is it about people wanting to know if Celia or her sister were putting out. “I have no idea. Celia’s only twelve, and I don’t even think about having sex with middle school girls anymore. I’m pretty sure I probably did when I was in middle school,” I told the mother of Celia’s best friend, who so happened to be a boy. “As far as I know, the kids are treating her like a leper because she did some dumb human trick to impress some kids. She did say some boy came over to see if he...
Four days after winning the State Championship, our new bedroom was finished. I was stunned when I got home from school that day to find a custom-made bed gracing the huge room. The bed was half again as wide as a king-size bed, making it comfortable for five people and a cozy fit for six. The attached bathroom had two toilets in it, and a shower stall big enough to comfortably hold six people--seven if they were really good friends. The room included a small kitchenette, complete with a...
Wednesday Week 32 continued After two boring flights, transiting in Melbourne, it was just after 3pm when they got back to Adelaide airport. The only interesting thing about the flight for Peter and Jill was trying to see where they used to live as they came in to land at Melbourne airport. They retrieved their luggage and jumped in the 4WD for the long drive back to the RV, still parked in Port Pirie. Dave and Peter shared the driving so that they could go straight through. As he was...
My shemale boss had called me and said that since she was on a vacation then I was free to fuck her secretary.I went over to her place with my case filled with bondage equipment from my boss.As I knocked at her door my mind filled with fantasies about how I would tie her and fuck her. I made my choice.As she opened the door she imediately understood why I was there. So she took me to her bedroom and asked if I wanted her to wear something special:-Yes, in this case is a latexsuit that should...
The muscles in Cerebus’ bare chest rippled as he hefted the sack of grain into the wagon. It groaned a little under the weight, but had proven its solidity with numerous round trips.He wiped the sweat from his brow and walked toward the front of the wagon, where his employer was busy secreting a loaded crossbow beneath the seat. “That’s the last of ‘em.”“Excellent. Excellent. Just one moment, and I will fetch your coin,” the rotund merchant responded after a start.Cerebus’ voice had a quality...
Fantasy & Sci-FiSandy and I are twins and we grew up fairly close. We both had dark hair and long legs. I’m about 6’2” and she is about 5’8”. We spent summers at the country club playing tennis and swimming; we both have lean bodies.After graduation from high school our family took a vacation to the ruins (Tulum) in Mexico. The first night we got to Cancun late. Sandy and I headed to the beach in the late afternoon sun. I have never seen so many beautiful bodies in my life. I had trouble controlling my dick. ...
I was still having a hard time believing that Roger and I had actually had sex in the balcony of the Movie Theater. Most of those kids making out up there knew Roger from school. They knew that I was actually his mother but they had accepted us as one of them the first time we joined them up there in the balcony. At least they had as soon as they saw us kissing like we were a dating couple. Gossip, especially juicy gossip, spreads like wild fire in out little town but they kept our secret. As...
IncestAn insatiable Violet (Violet Starr) tells her boyfriend (Derrick Pierce) about the hours of fun she and her roommate (Mona Azar) had together the night before. Derrick loves the idea and tells Violet, “I want to see that”. Violet likes to share so she and Derrick engage in some 69 foreplay where she makes certain her roommate can hear her moans. Mona smiles as she immediately understands Violet’s “Call of the Wild”. She heads straight for the bedroom and joins the welcoming lovers for an...
xmoviesforyouI slept with many a sweet dream in my head that night after meeting Ty and the few nights after. You know, I’ve been a miserable, lonely old bugger in my old age, since Mavis left me, twelve long years ago. I miss her so much. We had a lot of fun throughout our 46 years together but towards the end I let her down. All the magic I had at my fingertips and couldn’t save her. Dying at 68 and in pain, is too soon nowadays. Sure, I could give her a day free of pain, even day after day free of...
The sour faced Soviet foreign exchange teller was a bully. ‘These dollars will only buy you one hundred rubles,’ he barked at the girl in front of me in a Central Moscow bank queue. ‘Don’t waste my time. Buy one hundred now or go away. Hurry,’ he ordered. Her shoulders shuddered as if she was about to cry. ‘But I can’t afford to lose that much on the exchange rate. It’s wrong. You’re meant to pay half that again,’ she pleaded. I’d recognized the girl’s accent. Her English came from New...
“And in closing, I find that the Plaintiff has failed to satisfy his burden of proof, to establish that the Defendant breached the agreement, and furthermore, the Plaintiff has failed to prove any of his damages. Even if a breach had been found by me, there was no proof presented for my consideration that the Plaintiff suffered any of the damages as claimed. The Plaintiff’s claim is dismissed. We will take a fifteen minute recess, and then I will hear submissions on costs.” I stood up, and my...
Quickie SexShe looked like she was about to answer, when the Jeep came to a near stop, then turned onto the paved road. I held her tight while we got tossed around for a second, before the Jeep started to straighten out and pick up speed. "Everyone doing Ok?" Dad asked. Mom announced that they were alright up front. "A little uncomfortable going there for a bit, but everything's fine now," Aunt Marie answered, giving a soft tug on my cock, before tucking it back between her fine legs. It was full dark...
Hello ISS readers, I’m Rudra 19 years old from Kerala. You can contact me at ”” Girls or aunties near Kerala or Bangalore who wants some fun can contact me at “” This story is about how I had sex with my neighbour Gayathri. She is my neighbour is 23 years old with beautiful face and assets of 30,26,32. She was a sex bomb, she lives with her parents near my house. She was not a typical mallu girl she used to wear modern dress tight t-shirts and all. I use to masturbate thinking about her almost...
Secretarial Revenge Ally is happily serving as Mr. Davidson's sexy little secretary, until she discovers the truth about her identity. Chapter 1: Performance Review Mr. Davidson summoned me into his office with a sharp, "Ally, get in here!". I shyly looked up from my computer monitor and tried to avoid the sneers of some of the other staff in the office. No one would say anything, but everyone could see that something was going on whenever I went into his office to 'help'...
CampingI’ve been lusting after Samantha since last New Year’s Eve party when I was given a drunken kiss and a grope. She’s married to Jim. At 37 she has firm 38D boobs, trim waist and a pair of leg that I fantasise being wrapped around my waist. We are part of a group who show dogs throughout the summer and therefore camp regularly. My wife and Sam’s husband show their dogs with another two couples, leaving me and Sam to help, support or mind the caravans. Today Sam’s plumped to stay at the...
I stay at the Astoria Holiday Inn every Monday and some Tuesdays while I'm working in town. I enjoy soothing my bones in the hot tub every night I'm there. Two weeks ago, I had the experience of a lifetime. A couple were sitting in my favorite spot in the tub while their three kids splashed in the pool. I eased in and sat far enough away from them so I wouldn't intrude in their relaxation. However, the wife, Cheryl, made it obvious that she was eager to play, even though her husband was...
"Hi Daddy, I'm home." she said as she walked in the door, setting her school bag on the floor and kicking off her shoes. "I have a note for you, Daddy." "Bring it here Baby, come sit on Daddy's lap while he reads it." She walks over, swaying her sweet hips just the way I like. She crawls up onto my lap, her school skirt climbing up her soft thighs, my lovely eighteen year old girl; I can't believe she'll be out of high school in a matter of months. She hands me an envelope with my name on it. I...