ComrieChapter 57 free porn video

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Dóchas' Badb Cruiser Macha-D01 was in position to intercept the interstellar probe when it dropped out of hyperspace. They had been monitoring this sector for the last 2 clock cycles.

Alana's and Cathan's Clans held their breath when they saw the signs of something emerging from hyperspace. Once they confirmed that it was the probe, they cheered. After verifying it was alone, they began accelerating to intersect its predicted path. As they moved toward their intercept point, they scanned the area behind the probe several times.

It was several minutes later when Sorcha of Cathan's Clan said, "Intercept in 312 minutes."

"Aye," replied Cathan.

Alana of Alana's Clan said, "Sensors are not detecting anything coming out of hyperspace at the same time as the probe."

"Drone1 and Drone2 confirm that," added Cathal of Alana's Clan.

During Macha-D01's pursuit of the probe some of the crew rechecked the spiders and ferrets that would be sent to meet it. Several were monitoring the sensors scanning the probe to determine if it had a hitch hiker or beacon attached.

"If this goes like it is supposed to," said Todd of Cathan's Clan, "we should buy the programmers a drink."

"Yes," replied Cathal, "being able to physically collect the data really shortens this section of our trip. Well, at least this part, as we still need to wait two clock cycles after we finish."

"Think anything is following it?"

"Well we haven't detected anything yet. I see it as a slim possibility but I think we are doing the prudent thing, considering how much we don't know."

When Macha-D01 was within 10 km of the probe, Cathan said, "Reduce speed to maintain distance."

"Initiating thruster," replied Blanche of Cathan's Clan. After a several minutes, she added, "Distance stabilized."

Cathan looked at Alana and Cathal and nodded as she said, "Initiate recovery sequence."

Alana said, "Launch 6 Spiders."

"Launching," replied Vera of Alana's Clan. Both Clans watched the Spiders leave the ship heading toward the probe. Several minutes later they settled on the probe and began surveying its exterior. The Spiders soon told them that all systems were intact and hadn't been tampered with.

"Launch Ferret1," said Alana.

"Launching Ferret1," replied Vera. They watched as the Ferret proceeded toward the probe. When it gently settled on the probe the Spiders shifted to counterbalance the change in the center of mass.

Sheelah of Alana's Clan then commanded the Spiders to shift their position again. By repositioning them the probe's course would be slightly altered so that in 4 weeks it would just intersect the edge of the solar system before heading off into space.

In the meantime, Ferret1 connected to the interstellar probe's control systems and began downloading data. Once the downloaded was complete the Ferret1 separated from the probe, giving it a small shove in its new direction. After connecting to the cruisers systems the it began transferring the data. As the data was downloaded, multiple validity checks were run to verify its integrity.

"The data is valid," said Macha-D01 AI. "Ferret1 is ready for next step."

"Affirmative," replied Alana. "Vera, launch Ferret1."

"Ferret1, launched."

The crew again watched the monitor as Ferret1 reattached itself to the probe. This time it connected to the probe's control systems. It initiated a routine to erase and then reformat the data storage system. While that routine was running, the control systems were reprogrammed. The new settings would send the probe on another trip through the universe to look at prospective solar systems further out. Like the last trip, it would loop around before arriving back at this relative position in a decade's time, with minimal consumption of resources.

Once the programming was complete and the data wipe confirmed, Ferret1 released its hold and gave the probe another shove in its new direction before drifting behind it. When Ferret1 was a hundred meters behind it the Spiders detached from the probe and drifted back to attach themselves to it. Once they were attached, Ferret1 slowed its momentum to let Macha-D01 catch up.

A short time later, Cathal said, "Ferret1 and Spiders secured."

"Invoke thrusters for starboard drift and reduce speed," said Cathan.

"Thrusters invoked," replied Enya of Cathan's Clan.

"Star Fighters, status?" inquired Claire of Cathan's Clan.

"Our systems are still not detecting anything," came four replies.

"How are supplies?"

"We will need to connect in one clock cycle," said a pilot. "It will be nice to stretch out."

"OK, two at a time to connect in one clock cycle."


"Elyse," said Alana, "let Dóchas know we have collected the data."

"It is being prepared for transmission now, although I suspect they already know."

Calvin walked into the Dóchas medical center with Kathy and Kathryn. "Calvin," said Kathy, "relax, everything will be just fine."

"Hi, Emma," said Calvin, seeing his sister, "I am surprised to see you here." She walked over to him and gave him a big hug.

"Are you here to see me start my conversion?" she asked.

"You're starting today?"

"Kathy told me yesterday that they were going to begin performing conversions again."

"Kathy told me the same thing last night."

"Calvin, you didn't answer my question," replied Emma.

"Yes and no."


"Well, I will only see you start if you begin before I do."

Emma threw her arms around her brother and said, "This is so neat. We're going to be doing it together. It seems like it has been forever since we did something together."

"Well, I don't think we will be 'doing it' today." Emma began to blush as she realized what Calvin was alluding to. "I will look forward to 'doing it' afterwards."

"You're twisting my words, Calvin," replied Emma. "I was referring to the conversion, not to physically sharing our love."

"Emma," said Keriann with a smile, "we have no objection to you physically sharing your love either with your brother or his spouses." Emma blushed some more. "It is not unusual for clans to share the physical side of love. It is also acceptable for siblings to share the physical side of love."

"Cool," replied Emma, "as long as Kathryn's Clan is agreeable."

"We won't mind," said Kathryn, as she stepped over and put her arms around Keriann and Emma. "We will just make it one big gathering." She turned Emma and kissed her. The three of them turned together and began kissing passionately.

"Later," said Kathy, after a few moments. "We need to get the two of you started. Emma, go with Johanna. She will help you prep. Calvin, Kathryn can assist you in prep area 2."

When Calvin and Emma came back, they said, "Hi, Clancy. Hi, Jasmine. Clancy, I take it you are here for the conversion too?"

"Yes. I have to admit that I still have some apprehension about all of this."

"Apprehension?" replied Emma.

"Yes. Oh not about being with Jasmine's Clan. Just about the process. It is just mind-boggling."

"Emma, are you ready?" asked Kathy.

"Yes, doctor," replied Emma, and stuck her tongue out. "Your next victim awaits your command." As soon as she finished speaking she began laughing.

"Ah ... so you want to be my masterpiece," replied Kathy with an evil smile while wiggling her eyebrows before joining in with the laughter.

When the laughter subsided, Emma turned and kissed Keriann and Kelly before walking over to the lift next to the tube. As soon as she gripped the handle, she began to rise until she was over the tube. She was slowly lowered into the tube, which was filled a third of the way up with the clear green gel. When her feet reached the bottom, she placed them on the foot pads, and then let go of the lift handle. Two dildos began to rise until they touched her crotch, and the tube was filled with more gel until it reached her waist. Emma pulled her labia open and moved her hips slightly to aid the dildos' entry. She sighed as they slid in and then shivered as she felt the green gel begin entering her body. Emma then placed her hands on the supports. When the green gel reached her chin she said, "Love you all. See you in a week or two."

When the green gel covered her mouth she began swallowing. The level stayed constant until she stopped swallowing, it then began rising in the tube again. She was soon fully immersed in the gel. Her eyes were open and there was a smile on her face.

"Her lungs will gradually pull the green gel into them," said Kathy. "While she is undergoing the conversion she will maintain her mind-link with Keriann's Clan. During this time it is preferable that you do not direct thoughts toward her. This is also true for Calvin and Clancy."

"So, you think we are a clan now?" asked Kathryn.

"From appearance and functional standpoint, yes, we have just not found all of our abilities yet. Ready, Calvin."

Calvin walked over to the lift and reached for the handle. He was soon being lowered into another tube which was also a third full of clear green gel. As he entered the gel, Kathy coached him so that he guided his feet toward the foot pads. By the time his feet were on them, the gel had risen above his waist. Once his feet were positioned on the foot pads, a dildo rose to enter his ass. He gasped when he felt it, but his attention was distracted as another support rose to hold his cock in its erect orientation. With those positioned, Kathy told him to place his hands on the support pads. As soon as he did the gel began rising again. Remembering his instructions, he began swallowing when it covered his mouth.

"I love you guys so much," said Calvin. "I look forward to holding all of you soon."

"We love you too," replied Kathryn's Clan, Emma and Keriann's Clan.

With Calvin completely immersed in the green gel, Kathy went to check the control panels on the two tubes. Johanna took Clancy over to the prep area. When he returned a few minutes later, he gave Jasmine a long passionate kiss before walking over to the waiting lift. Clancy's immersion went as smoothly as the other two, and he was soon fully immersed.

Kathy said to the three clans, "I know all of you are familiar with the conversion. But please remember to not actively contact your spouses while they are in the tubes. The reason is that we don't want them to move, or try to move. They will still be in your mind-link, so they will not miss out on your activities."

"That whole conversion process is so neat," said Jasmine.

"You know this isn't its original purpose," said Kathy.

"I think I saw something about that."

"Originally, it was developed as a method to cure chronic diseases and genetic defects," said Johanna. "It was also used as a means to repair a body after an accident or battle injury. The eight of Sarah's Clan were the first to be treated by this process who weren't Connemare. As you know, the results were the creation of Órarduine breed. We are fortunate it worked, or we probably wouldn't be here."

"Looking back on the experience," said Jasmine, "I am surprised I adapted so quickly to the changes in my body."

"There are some changes to your brain during the conversion," said Kathy. "Basically, it strengthens the neural network along with an increase in capacity. While it is doing this, you are provided with the control parameters needed to manage your new body." Jasmine looked puzzled. "These would be balance, walking, sensory feedback, vision control and so forth."

"So, that is why I just felt like I had gotten up from a long nap afterwards."

"Yes, pretty much. By the way, you can come by and check on them at any time. You will only be able to see them on the monitor since the conversion tubes will be moved to a quieter location in a few minutes. That area is much darker, so distractions are reduced."

"Well, we need to get back to work," said Keriann and Kelly. They gave their friends a hug and a kiss before leaving.

"Me too," said Jasmine, giving Kathy and Kathryn a hug and a kiss before she also turned to leave. "Let's sit together for dinner tonight. We like being around you guys. Oops, I should have said something to Keriann and Kelly before they left."

"So tell them now," said Kathy, smiling.

"I will. Sometimes, I forget about this communication mode, even though I use it all the time."

"I think it has to do with context of the thought or idea. After all, you relied on strictly verbal communication for 20+ years, so it is not surprising that you revert to the old way sometimes."

"You're right. See you tonight."

"See you at lunch," said Kathryn, as she kissed and hugged Kathy.

"Really nice people," said Johanna, as she came up and put her arm around Kathy. "You know, I couldn't do this at BCH, because of the PC police."

"Do what? Work nude, or give each other a hug?"

"Both, but I was referring to giving each other a hug. Working nude is something I would never have considered, then. Now I find it very comfortable, more so than I would have ever expected. I think that is true for all of us."

"Have you noticed how quickly new arrivals adopt our dress style?"

"Yes," replied Johanna. "At first I thought it was peer pressure, but I have come to the conclusion that it isn't. I do know that once you accept the idea of being naked all the time, your interest in fitness increases. Judy told me that several visitors became quite fanatical about exercise while they were here, and continued their routine after returning to Earth."

"I wonder if we could publish details of that in a medical journal," said Kathy, laughing.

"Maybe in a physical fitness or physical therapy publication, even then the religious nuts may go crazy."

"They probably wouldn't accept it, because I am a surgeon."

"Let's talk to Sam or Marge, because this is really more about lifestyle."

Kathy gave Johanna a thoughtful look, before replying with, "Okay. But before that we should talk to Judy and the other doctors about the idea of writing an article."

"Good idea. Although, considering the response to the TV special Melinda and Sam did about us, I think we should also talk to Sarah's Clan."

"What's this?"

"Melinda and Sam participated in a TV special that basically gave a broad overview of us. I think it was around a 3 hour program, with very few commercials. After the program, Amy, Erica, Melinda and Sam answered questions, both from a live audience and from phone calls. The Grand View TV station selected the audience from those who had authored stories about us, or had contacted the local paper for more information. The special was well received, based on the audience's response and most of the reviews. The questions from the audience were very good. All asked meaningful questions. It was clear that many of the audience had difficulty with the concept of telepathy, and its importance to us. The phone calls were much more varied. Many calls were from people with a genuine interest in us. There were only a few really nasty calls."

"It sounds like the special was successful. So, why the concern?"

"You're right. It was successful, but it is what's happened in the days that followed which have caused the concern. A number of conservative groups have begun a campaign that essentially claims we are the 'devil's agents'. Our nakedness is an issue. Our family composition is an issue. The fact that we control when we are fertile and always have multiple births is an issue. The fact that we use our milk in our diet is an issue. Our tail and leg structure has been used as the basis for claiming we are nothing more than freakish animals. Since God created 'them' in his image, we should bow down to them, as we are not in God's image. When we didn't respond, several other radical groups branded us as agents of the devil and called for our annihilation. Some extremely conservative Islamic and Christian radical groups have supposedly offered a bounty to anyone who kills one of us or anyone associating with us."

"What about GISS? We've been pretty open about them being able to contact us."

"One group in the US has made the claim that GISS is part of us, and that all agents should be killed in the most painful way possible."

"I agree, we need to talk this over with Sarah's Clan. I hope we can still do the paper, though."

"Oh, I think they will agree. However, since it could affect our friends on Earth, we need to consider the impact."

"Johanna," said Kathy, with a puzzled look, "I am surprised I missed the stuff about the special and the other issues."

"You see the news summary the Communications puts out, don't you?"


"Well it was in an issue of one of those, but if I remember right there were several other, more significant, events at the same time. The reason I am aware of the other stuff is from my spouses. Several of them work in the Communications. The last I heard Melinda is worried about the two hosts for the broadcast."


"Primarily their visibility. I suspect they've hired body guards and made other adjustments in their activities."

"It wouldn't surprise me to learn that GISS was doing that."

"I can't think of anyone better. However, if that is the case it adds substance to the claim that GISS is really us."

"Well since Rusty, Sarah, Sally and Terry started it, it makes it kind of hard to say it isn't."


–-- –-- –--

Once Dóchas, Eagle and Phoenix completed their operational exercises, they met outside Uranus' orbit. They spent two clock cycles evaluating the various formations they had found in the library, as well as some they had created. Initially their spacing in the formations was kept very loose to minimize the chance of collision. This also gave the ship's pilots a chance to hone their skills at holding position as the group maneuvered. Initially their movements while changing formations were a little ragged, but that quickly improved. As their skills grew, the formation spacing tightened up until they were at an optimum distance.

As they finished up on the last clock cycle Siobhan suggested that they return to Mars as a group. This would give them more experience with traveling in formation as Mars was now on the far side of the solar system. When the Navigation Departments began plotting the course Jasmine commented that, since they were going near Earth, why not do flyby. All three liked the idea, so they mapped out a course that would take them around Earth and on to Mars. The whole trip would be flown with the three of them in formation and cruisers deployed. They would operate and maneuver as if they were a single entity.

"Phoenix, Eagle," said Rusty, "are you ready?"

"Aye," said Siobhan.

"Aye," said Maureen.

"Cruisers, are you in position?"

"Aye," they all responded.

"Star, are we synchronized with Eagle's and Phoenix's AIs?"

"Yes. We are now operating in matrix form. The Macha cruiser AIs are linked to their parent ship."

"Okay, let's do it."

With that, the group of ships began their voyage toward Mars orbit. Eagle and Phoenix were on each side of Dóchas and slightly behind it. The cruisers had taken positions above and below their respective ships. The voyage would last 4 clock cycles as the loop around Earth added a day to the trip.

"Jasmine," said Sarah, "how close does our path take us to the International Space Station?"

"Right now, we are projecting a 10 km separation from the edge of our formation."

"Okay. We should alert them well before they can see us."

"I'll advise Communications."

As the group progressed along their path, Security departments on all three ships monitored the data from the SNB array and their picket line. This was another way for them to evaluate the detection limits of their systems. It also provided a way to understand the SNBs role in the WP.

The crews on the ships were in a festive mood, as they were on their way home. During the several clock cycles waiting for the cruisers from Eagle and Phoenix to return they had reviewed the results of their operational exercises. Besides reviewing their data they had conferred with their sister departments on the other ships to compare notes. As a result, they found a few more improvements to make, but all the changes were minor. These were scheduled to take place after returning to Mars orbit. The departments were collaborating on a summary of changes to be sent to An Clochán for inclusion in their new ships.

All unnecessary activity dramatically slowed early on the third day as they approached Earth. The observation systems on each ship transmitted images of the approaching scene to monitors throughout the ship.

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During the summer vacation between my junior and senior year my parents celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary. They had gone on a cruise for their honeymoon so they had decided to re-capture the experience. The biggest difference was the first cruise had been on a second rate ship and had lasted only a week. This time around, due to the fact that they were better off financially, they booked a master suite with a balcony and this cruise would last 15 days.Now normally when they went away I...

3 years ago
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A Rush to Judgment

A Rush to Judgment By Margaret Jeanette Mary Jennings was looking out the back window. She saw Darla Powers the neighbor girl swimming in their pool. She also saw her husband Paul swimming. She smiled at how good life had been to her. They had a great home with an in-ground pool and she had a great husband. She was making supper and soon she would be calling Paul in for supper. She checked the meal and saw it was right on schedule. She glanced out the window again and saw...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 41 The End of the Year

May 2 Becky and Katie picked me up just after nine this morning. While we were on the road back to the condo, Becky told me she needed us to help her pack up more stuff from the old house. She promised we would be done by lunch. “I’ll let you two have your time this afternoon,” she said, “but I want to get as much of our small personal stuff packed up as I can before lunch. We’re going to pack up all the bedding and linens from the bedrooms now that the house is under contract and it...

3 years ago
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Im Not From Around Here

I've been bushwhacked, mind-wiped, sabotaged, driven underground and damned near murdered. My race has been wiped out and my goddamned AI has been subverted. I'm pissed and about to chew steel and spit quarters. I'm a belligerent alien son-of-a-bitch and I'm looking for a fight. It all happened like this. There I was, cruising along at just a bit over light speed, staying closely linked with the local metric so nothing weird could zing me off to the center of nowhere. Scouting new super-C...

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Flesh Pitchers Of Prague

When Joe Miller threw the midget hooker over the table James Fowler thought it was a good time to leave. She was fucking ugly and she was fucking annoying and no, they didn't want to fuck her up the ass no matter how cheap the price was. Fowler just wished Miller hadn't resorted to such a physical means of registering his disapproval, or had at least waited until Fowler had had an opportunity to go upstairs with that well-stacked blonde he'd had his eyes on all night. She was up on stage....

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Nikki From Aur Meri Story

Hi all! This is my second writing experience for me but first 4 u as other one was rejected due to mistakes well I should go on with my problem which is currently haunting me. I am Nikki ( short name) age 26yrs, vital stats— 38/30/42. I live with my mother Archana 45 yrs and my brother Pintu 20 yrs. our father died in accident long ago when I was 18.since then we are living in terrible situation of extreme poverty that we live in tiny house of 2 rooms one of which had been transformed into...

2 years ago
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Girl Watching

Girl Watching By BigCarl I’ve heard it said that some women claim they don’t like to be lustfully leered at and sexually admired by men! But the clothes they wear make men stare and they know it! Let’s face it the only guys that don’t look are either queer or dead and I’m neither. My wife had just left for work and I was sitting on my front steps having a cup of coffee. It was a beautiful early fall morning. The leaves had already started to turn from green to the bright yellows oranges and...

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I was setting at home one night in late September when the phone rang; it was Doug, a friend that I had gone to school with who had moved south after he got out of school. Doug told me that he was going to come home the second weekend in October and that Mark and Les, two other old friends and party mates, were going to come back at the same time. They wanted to check into a hotel for the weekend and spend the weekend chasing hot college pussy like we use to. I said that it sounded good I...

3 years ago
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Chennai Boy Fucking His Neighbor Aunty

Hi folks this Suraj with another hot incident happened in my life. About me am a software engineer from chennai working in a reputed mnc. 5’10 tall good looking with athletic body. Thank you girls for your valuable comments for my previous story “how I became a chennai call boy” the link for my previous story is your comments keeps me encouraging. And also sorry for my blunder spelling mistakes I did on my previous story because am writing story in hurry burry so please ignore that. Without...

4 years ago
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A week later I was back mowing the lawn when Annette’s head poked over the fence and asked me if I could pop in for a little job she needed doing. I finished off what I was doing and went round to her place and she opened the door wearing a robe and it didn’t look like there was much under it. She led me to the kitchen and asked me to check the pipe under the sink as she thought it might be leaking. So I laid on my back and eased myself so my head was under the sink looking for the leaking...

1 year ago
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Meeting my Lovely Cumslut part three

As the door swings open in front of you, you can hear several muffled voices further in, and around the corner. You’re not exactly sure, but you think you can hear both men and women, speaking softly. I guide you to the large, tiled bathroom, with a large marble counter, then close the bathroom door behind us. I then tell you to get up, and you comply, eager to get of your knees for a little bit. I place a large hand on your chin, and look down into your eyes, feeling you tremble a little, so I...

3 years ago
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Bhai se raat main sote huwe chudwaya

My name is seema and i m from indore. Main iss ki regular redar ban gayi hoo. Aur apne relatives se sex karne ki inspiration bhi lagbhag mujhe iss ke through hi. Mili hain. Wese to hamara parmanante ghar indore se 75 km door hain lekin main aur mere dono bhai indore me ek kamre ka room rent par lekar rehte hain. I m 25 year old ham 2 bhai aur 1 sister haien mera 1 bhai mujh se 2 saal bada hai and 1 bhai mujh se chota hai 2 years.yeh baat jo mein app ko batlane ja rahiey hoon yeh aaj se 5 sall...

2 years ago
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Uncle Gave Me Chance To Fuck My Cousin Sister

Hello all Indian sex stories readers! Thanks for liking my previous stories and giving your comments. Now again I am with my new story. Friends I am very much sexy and always try to see boobs, ass of my relative ladies whenever I get change to see. After reading story please leave your comments/suggestion in my mail id Any ladies, unsatisfied girls and matured ladies want to having a good fucking session please write me. I insure for full privacy till my death. I am Sumit Kumar from Indore...

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Clubbing Part Deux

Clubbing 2 Magda and I leave the girl's room and head back out to our new guy friends who are waiting at the bar. It's getting late and the crowd is beginning to thin. I tell Frank that we would love to accompany them back to their place. Since we only had the two beers, and that was a while ago, I felt fine to drive. Frank takes me by the arm, while Jason takes Magda and they lead us out of the club. We hop in our car, and follow them to their place. Even though it's dark,...

1 year ago
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Girls Best FriendChapter 7

It was not that Lee had never watched his mother and father in the act of making love... he had, and on numerous occasions over the past six months, since he'd installed his secret peek-hole, but he'd never seen anything to match the vigorous performance his Dad was putting on this morning... and by the appearance of things, neither had his Mom! Right from the start, when his father had jumped up and torn off his clothes until he'd stood before her naked... almost boastingly naked, Lee...

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One bad turn deserves another

'Come out here' she said in a frosty voice, picking up her crook handled forty inch whippy cane from her desk where she had placed it having caned my friend Charlie twice across each hand some fifteen minutes previously. I remember staring at her in a state of shock. I had never been beaten at school or at home. I just froze at my desk as the world stopped around me and held it's breath. 'I'm waiting' she said, swishing the cane through the air, 'Get up here and get...

3 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 4 Beat It

Susan and Suzanne continued their usual morning workout tradition on Tuesday morning. However, Suzanne had added an exciting new component: before, after, or sometimes even during their exercise session, they would talk about their sexual dreams from the night before, as well as detail any arousing experiences during the previous day that the other might have missed. Susan was generally very honest in her accounts, although sometimes there were dreams or parts of dreams that she was just...

4 years ago
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06 HomeChapter 53

Present – Jens – Aftermath, firefight at the cabin I head toward the girls to take care of Zarika, look at my watch and notice this shit has wasted so much time the whole damn day is almost shot. Jack realizes what I'm thinking and agrees, "Yeah, you lose track of time when you're fighting a big battle." I'm worried as hell that Zarika will have bled out by now so when I get over there I see Yasmeen is doing a hell of a job putting pressure on her arm. The bandage is bloody as hell...

1 year ago
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Taking The Scenic Route Home Part 1

I’d been lecturing at Charlottesville University and was due to make my way home. As part of an exchange programme I lecture in history and its application in the context of modern politics, diplomacy, international relations etc a few times a year; put simply, answering the ‘what can we learn from history?’ question. The last lecture was the usual mix of final year undergrads and post-graduates reading similar subjects and those with a general interest. Normally, after finishing my lecture I...

2 years ago
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ADULT BOOKSTORE FACIAL AND CUM WALKI stopped in the adult bookstore on Rt. 322 near Duncannon on a Friday late afternoon on my way home. I usually keep some silky shorts and a button down shirt in the car to slip into when I go in so they are easy to slip off when I am in there. One I get in a booth I undress and hand my clits of a book and begin to slowly stroke my smooth shaved little penis (see my pics and you will know what I mean).So the place is pretty busy and I am watching some porn and...

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Good Friends

I looked at her studying on my bed, from my place at my desk. Every week she came over, sometimes more often. I thought it was a ruse to get to flirt but I wasn't going to bring it out into the open. It was more enjoyable to just enjoy her company and conversation as she gave it.We had been friends for over two years. This past year we had gotten much closer, each of us telling the other things we had never told friends before. Since a few months ago, the teasing we often used with each other...

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My sister and me1

I'm now 32 years old and I work as an air traffic controller. Not the life I'd expected, but I make a decent wage and I enjoy my free time. I'm also a private pilot and own a small two place airplane. My sister, Julie, is 2 years older than I and was married for several years. One day she came home and found Mr. Right snuggled in bed with a woman he worked with. Julie and I are now both single. From the time I met Julie's husband I knew he was a total putz. He used to call me Karate...

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My sister Kelly

Masturbation. I guess that is what changed our relationship. My sister, Kelly and I, are twins and we lived with our mother in an old farmhouse. Our father divorced Mom years before and Mom struggled to make ends meet ever since. Our house was set in between two large farms so we had allot of pasture around our property and few neighbors. We k**s each had a bedroom upstairs while Mom's was downstairs. As we got older, I got used to living with two females. After I entered my teens, I began...

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The CandidateChapter 2

Dr. Cosgrave was in his mobile lab, adjusting his equipment, when the phone rang. It was Wilson. The senator was dissatisfied with the progress of their scheme. "Patience, Senator, patience. Ms. Travers still needs one more treatment and already there are rumors circulating. Her staff seems to be keeping her under control so far but that really won't be possible after the third treatment. Not unless they want to keep her under sedation for the rest of the campaign, in which case you can...

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Teen Mitranchi Maja8230

Hi ghatana ghadli tevha mee ani majhe mitra sadharan 18 vayache hoto. College chya durya kiva tisrya varshala astana hee ghatana ghadli. Amhi tighe (Sandeep, Saurabh ani mee) khoop javalche mitra hoto. Lahan pana pasoon ekatra vadhlele. Ekach area madhye rahat hoto. Javalchi maître aslyamule ekmekakade yene jane nehmich hot ase. Ek divas Sandeep ne amha dogha mitrana duprai ghari bolavle. Mhanala ek gammat dakhvaychi ahe. Mee ani Saurabh duprai don chya sumaras Sandeep chya ghari pochlo. Tyane...

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Shellys Trip

My strongest fantasy has always been to see my wife with another man. One day as we were lying in bed recovering from a rather strenuous bout of sexual activity she asked me if I had any sexual turn ons that she didn't know about and I told her that I did and then I told her what it was. She laughed and said, "As long as you realize that a fantasy is all that it will ever be." I had resigned myself to the fact that it would never happen when something happened that gave me just a touch of...

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Just a SecChapter 27

Midway into the festivities at the Pittman’s ‘Fucking Palace’ Saturday night, Jennifer was worried. Jennifer and Matt had returned from Killington in what they had thought would be plenty of time for the gathering at the Pittman house. But, when they arrived, cars were already dispersed around the driveway. When they had reached the front porch, it was as if a sensor had opened the front door for them automatically. It opened before they could reach the doorbell, and they beheld the naked...

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Crystal the Hot Neighbour

Crystal always had me fascinated from a young age. The eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Clifton nextdoor, she was older than me by about 5-10 years. She was more mature than the rest of us kids growing up, but still cooler to hang out with than the grown ups when our parents would get together for one of the many neighbourly BBQs on their back deck. We had a close relationship with the Cliftons. I was about 4 or 5 when both our families had moved into the street about the same time. The summer...

4 years ago
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2010 Indian Son Burning Desire

We are, originally, from Ernakulum. Currently, I am living in Dubai, with my dad and mum, Suma, in a comfortable 3 bedroom apartment. My dad is 49, married to Suma, my mother, for twenty four years. My mother is 44. My 19 year old sister, Shilpa, is normally away, at an engineering college hostel in Madras. She is, currently, in Dubai for Christmas vacation. I had just finished varsity, and had started working at a software company. We are a typical mallu family. A traditional, yet westernized,...

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How I Seduced My Neighbor And Fucked Her 8211 Part I

Hai friends, this is Ratheesh from kerala. I am a big fan of ISS & a regular reader also. This is my first story to ISS. This is happened in my college days (3 years before). First about me, as i am average looking guy & fair too. My height is 5.8″. When i am studying my B-tech, i was staying with my friends in outside hostel. There r 5 rooms in the cottage as series, in that last one is ours. In the 4th one there is a family of four members ( husband, wife, 2 children). Husband having a...

2 years ago
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The Old Man

So I volunteered to do a check run to a non profit after a fundraiser we just had at work for health care workers. Their HQ was about 40 miles from the office so I left at around 1pm without planning to go back to work. I had been feeling horny all day thinking about my step daughters body but I was also interested in maybe finding some cock. I wasn’t interested in getting my cock sucked that afternoon but if the opportunity came around I would love to feel a hard cock explode in my mouth as it...

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Cassidy and I2

Hello my name is Nathaniel but everyone just calls me Nate, I'm 18, I'm about 6'1" I have light brown hair with grey eyes. My step sister is Cassidy everyone calls her Cassi or Cass, she is 17, she's about 5'5" she has dark blonde hair with bright blue eyes. My dad and my step mother Lauren are going on a cruise for a week for their tenth anniversary and during that time I'll be looking after Cassidy. Before they were set to leave I was given a list of what i could and couldn't...

3 years ago
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The Sexual Awakening Part Three

MondayI was so overwhelmed by the events of those last two days I stayed inside all of Sunday, hiding in seclusion in my room. But by Monday I knew it was time to go back to school. "Cameron are you alright?" My mother asked tapping my shoulder through my blanket. "I'm not feeling well." I said from underneath the feather down comforter. "You stayed inside all day yesterday now it's time to get up!" I poked my head out and sighed "Fine!" I got out of bed and quickly showered. As I got dressed I...

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A Return to the Porn Shop With Kelly

It was the end of July 1978. Kelly had been wanton in her desires for the past few months. She hadn’t been lying out working on her tan for the past few weeks. Ever since the day her brother’s friends had all jacked off on her, she knew it was too risky to be around them half-naked. Yvonne had offered the small patio on her third-floor apartment to her. She even gave her an apartment key. Yvonne was working full time during the week so Kelly would need to let herself in.Kelly was sticking to...

Group Sex
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brother And sister Visit A Nude Beach

Beautiful 17 year old sister bares it all for brother and others on a nude beachI never really remember looking at my sister differently until she was 17. She was 7 years younger than me, and quite frankly had always just been a nuisance and pain in the ass. I was 24 and had just broken up with my girlfriend of 4 years and decided to join my family for a vacation. I needed the break plus they were going to Hawaii for 10 days, so who could say no to that. I drove home to stay there a...

1 year ago
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An Introduction to Crossdressing Pt 3

As I was following Jackie to the hotel I couldn’t stop looking in the rear view mirror at what was a complete transformation in my mind. I kept doing that thing where you look away and then back hoping to catch your reflection not keeping up with you because you are sure it is not you. It is probably a good thing that there were not very many cars on the road since I wasn’t paying any attention to it while I was admiring myself. I did see Jackie’s turn signal and brake lights just in time to...


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