Race for Love
- 3 years ago
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Donnie thanked the solicitor for dropping him off at the apartment and promised that he would keep in touch with regard to the proceedings they were planning to take against Malloy.
"We have him on all sorts of grounds," the solicitor repeated. "What he did basically amounts to kidnapping and holding someone against their will, not to mention the physical assault which we have on tape. Believe me, Mr Malloy is in a lot of trouble."
"It couldn't happen to a nicer guy," smiled Donnie, before closing the car door. He waved as the solicitor pulled away and then made his way into the apartment. Katie had something ready for him to eat, anticipating his arrival as she had connected with him off and on all afternoon.
"Don't you think you should heal the bruising and the black eye now?" she laughed.
Donnie laughed too.
"I think I'll leave it for Vivien to heal, she'll enjoy that," he said.
"You are so sweet!" exclaimed Katie.
Donnie wolfed down the pork chop and mashed potatoes she had prepared. After eating, he made a few phone calls to let people know that he had been released without charge.
"Archie? It's Donnie. I'm out; the solicitor is filing against Malloy for kidnapping and assault."
"Assault? Were you badly hurt?"
"No nothing serious. Anyway, I'll be back at Ardbrecknish tomorrow."
His next call was to Anthony Brown.
"Anthony? It's Donnie. Listen, I just wanted to say thanks for getting my message to Katie earlier."
"Are you in some kind of trouble? The FM said that you were arrested. He's madder than a hatter after the Home Office ordered more arrests today – that wasn't what you were caught up in, was it?"
"No, it was a case of mistaken identity with me and I'm back at home now. How did things go in the Parliament? Did the independence legislation go through?"
"It sailed through without any problems. If Westminster tries what it did before then it will be breaking Scots law."
"Good. Look I'll be back in Edinburgh on Monday. I'll see you then."
Katie had been listening in.
"So your legislation went through?" she asked.
"Would you stop calling it my legislation!" pleaded Donnie.
"Well, it was your idea," Katie teased.
Driving back towards Ardbrecknish, Donnie listened to the news on the radio and brought himself up to date with what else had happened the day before. More than forty people had been picked up in the MI5 raids, eight of them in Scotland and the reaction of Muslim communities up and down the UK was one of outrage.
Community leaders, most of whom were normally extremely measured and moderate, were openly talking about institutional racism and of prejudice against those from a Pakistani background.
Young whites were taking the arrests as confirmation that the Muslim community was breeding and supporting terrorists. Unprovoked attacks against Muslims and their property began to rise again overnight and the police seemed powerless to stop them.
The escalating situation was further inflamed by injudicious comments made by several of the new British National Party politicians on national TV.
" ... if they hate us so much, why don't they just go home to Pakistan?"
asked one and:
" ... they will never fit in with our culture, never. We should be passing legislation that makes it a legal requirement for them to speak only English, convert to Christianity and to dispense with the customs which clearly come from other countries. We should stop them claiming benefits as well – everyone knows they're sponging off the state."
said another.
Donnie heard both clips and was appalled that these were actually elected representatives.
The winter weather caused chaos again, not just in Scotland this time, but across the entire UK and beyond. Rose and Jennifer kept in contact with the few friends they had back in Iowa and it seemed that the east coast of the US was suffering just as badly.
In contrast, at both the north and south pole, conditions continued to be milder than ever before and the ice caps continued to melt. Substantial chunks of ice broke away to form huge icebergs that drifted into the Arctic Ocean and began a journey that would see them reach the Atlantic before melting completely.
In the run up to one of the biggest Christian festivals, Christmas, tensions between the Muslim and white communities was also leading to more and more flashpoints.
Many Pakistanis found their small corner grocer shops attacked and completely emptied and several large 'cash and carry' wholesale companies were also targeted by gangs of white youths. The food shortages might have contributed to the targets that were selected, but there was no doubt that racism was also a key motive.
Full-scale riots were reported in Leeds after someone threw a petrol bomb into a Church while a service was taking place and seven people were killed. The police indicated that there was some evidence that right-wing activists could have been behind the attack – as a way of stoking up the tensions – but the public leapt to the conclusion that Muslim terrorists had been behind it.
Within hours a large crowd marched on Leeds Grand Mosque, hell bent on revenge. The faithful opted to defend their place of worship and a pitched battle ensued. With the police struggling to cope, troops were ordered in. To make matters worse, a power cut meant that there was no street lighting in Leeds City Centre, and under cover of darkness, various groups were able to loot and burn almost at will.
In Preston, another power cut and another night of full-blown urban warfare between Muslim and white youths. Again the troops were ordered in and afterwards there were hundreds of allegations of brutality against members of the Muslim community.
Douglas McGregor joined Donnie and the girls to watch the TV news now on a regular basis and all of them were concerned about the scale of the troubles across the UK.
"Does is bother you that people from your background seem to be the ones that are blamed for all this?" Douglas asked Amira.
The young Pakistani girl gave him a blank look in response and Donnie laughed out loud.
"What? What did I say?" asked Douglas, concerned that he had made a faux pas.
"Amira doesn't see herself as part of the Asian community, Dad," Donnie tried to explain. "She's as much a McGregor as the rest of us."
Now it was Douglas' turn to look confused.
"My great-grandfather on my mother's side was John McGregor," Amira picked up the explanation. "He was a Captain on the staff of General Gracey, Commander-in-Chief of the Pakistan Army back in the 1940s."
"Oh," said Douglas, at a loss for a reply to that revelation.
"That doesn't change the fact that it's wrong that the Muslims are the ones taking the blame for everything," Donnie returned to Douglas' original point. "They're being used as scapegoats to excuse the shameful behaviour of others."
"That's what I was saying," agreed Douglas.
"Let's face it," said Lizzie, "things are going downhill rapidly and the authorities are losing control. Food is running out, people can't afford to heat their homes – even if they could there are power cuts – the NHS is crumbling and people are dying because of a lack of medicines. We know we have struck bottom when the BNP actually have MPs in the government!"
"But have we struck bottom yet?" asked Katie. "Is this as bad as it gets, or is there actually worse to come?"
They all exchanged looks at that question.
"I suppose the problem is that we can't control the weather," offered Vivien.
"But that's where you're wrong," argued Douglas. "That's exactly what we are doing here with the silos and the pods. We've taken the weather out of the equation when it comes to growing food, and that's one of the biggest problems that the country is facing – food shortages."
"But things don't seem to be as bad in Scotland," Lizzie noted.
"That's relative," said Donnie. "Things are starting to get bad here too. The only thing that we are missing is the fighting between the communities. Everything else is just as bad – lack of food, power and the NHS in decline. Crime is at an all time high, with any business that might have a stock of food liable to be broken into."
"Well what are you and the First Minister doing about it?" asked Douglas.
"We've passed the independence legislation," said Donnie. "The First Minister has his audience with the Queen next week and if everything goes well, we plan to declare independence again early in the New Year."
"What difference will independence make though?" asked Amira.
"We can control the oil for a start – that should help with the costs of fuel," said Donnie. "We can also stop the flow of livestock south of the border to help with food availability, but the biggest thing is that we can have more control over raising revenue and deciding how to spend it. Hopefully we can boost the Scottish economy and lower unemployment. Having more people in work would surely be a good thing?"
"We could even see the Scottish Government investing in more facilities like this one," Douglas returned to one of his favourite lines.
"It would certainly be a better option than what the UK Government is doing," agreed Donnie. "Spending more on the armed forces, at the expense of other priorities, is utter madness."
The discussion carried on, but Donnie rose to his feet and bid everyone goodnight.
"I'm out with my squad early tomorrow," he explained. "Archie wants us to try out the new winter clothing he's managed to get hold of. I must say that I'm not looking forward to one of his hikes in this cold!"
Archie's training programme was actually going very well. Most of those old enough to take part were about three-quarters of the way through the various disciplines that had to be covered. The people at Ardbrecknish had probably never been as fit in their lives. Amira's gift from Fionne ensured that she excelled in every discipline – she was a true warrior.
Alex Salmond had his audience with the Queen on her Balmoral Estate in the week before Christmas. The First Minister rehearsed the history of the monarchy in Scotland and assured Her Majesty that his intention was to retain a constitutional monarchy after declaring independence.
Queen Elizabeth was well briefed on Scottish affairs and knew that independence was an inevitability. She remained concerned, however, about the breakup of her Kingdom and welcomed the First Minister's commitment for the future.
After explaining his plans in a little more detail, including a commitment to increase the amount of funding that Scotland would provide for the Royal Household, the First Minister secured the monarch's assent to proceed.
Planning for the first Christmas together as a family was surprisingly easy for Donnie and the girls – made so by having so many to share the load. Menus were discussed and agreed, arrangements for when parents would visit confirmed and unanimous accord reached that there would be no over the top exchange of presents. This last was an acceptance of the state of things for people generally in the world.
There was no extravagant New Year's party at Ardbrecknish either for the same reason – it just didn't feel right to be indulging in 'excess' when belts were being tightened everywhere.
One thing that wasn't rationed or curtailed though was the sentiment and the bond that was growing between Donnie and his four wives.
Perhaps because the austerity had made Christmas a pretty miserable time for so many across the country, January did not start well. Food riots were now becoming a common occurrence in every big city and town, as the shortages grew and people starved.
Produce was becoming so scarce that the big supermarkets couldn't find enough to maintain stocks. On top of that, losses from break-ins and the hold-up of their distribution lorries led to a disastrous run on their share value. Two of the largest chains went out of business virtually overnight.
That news brought widespread panic – if household names like these could go under, what did that mean in terms of the availability of food in the future?
It was against that backdrop that Donnie took up a position in the media centre in the basement of St Andrew's House to listen to Alex Salmond tell the assembled press that Scotland was once again declaring itself independent.
"I would warn the Prime Minister of England, Wales and Northern Ireland that, if he attempts to take actions similar to those taken last year, he will now be breaking the law and we will respond accordingly.
"I have authorised the deployment of armed police units to key installations and there are now check-points on all of the main cross-border routes. Units of the British Transport police have been sequestered and are now serving under the leadership of the Scottish Police Forces.
"Let me repeat that this is the settled will of the Scottish people, as expressed democratically through the ballot box. The referendum in September last year showed a clear majority in favour of independence. That position was underlined in the results of the UK election in November.
"We cannot continue with a government that has no single representative in Scotland, that is unsustainable. Neither can we stomach a government that shamelessly includes fascists in its ranks.
"Can I finish this morning by confirming that the new independent Scotland has agreed with Her Majesty that she shall remain our constitutional monarch. The only change will be that she will henceforth be known as Queen Elizabeth the First of Scotland, as it should have been from the date of her coronation."
The response from Westminster was immediate. A convoy of troops was stopped by armed Scots police at the border and there was a tense stand-off. Units based in barracks inside Scotland were also deployed to strategic locations where they too were faced down by small groups of armed police.
These dramas played out live on TV news feeds and the UK Prime Minister gave his response in an address deploring the provocative actions of the Scottish Government. He vowed to oppose independence with every available means.
Having witnessed what happened the previous year, the Scottish public seemed determined that the declaration of independence would stick this time. Social networks sites such as Facebook and twitter helped raise awareness and underpinned basic organisation. As a result, people mobilised, taking the day off work, and turned up to act as human shields for some of the most vital installations.
At Grangemouth, a crowd of over twenty thousand camped out in front of the main gates of the refinery. At the border with England, tens of thousands more arrived to back-up the small armed police unit and stop troops from entering Scotland. Masses of ordinary folk descended on the army bases in Scotland to prevent any further deployment of those troops from there and at the air force bases, protesters cut holes in the perimeter fences and occupied the runways.
In St Andrew's House, the First Minister had set up an Emergency Response Team and civil servants were constantly tracking what was going on around the country. A bank of TV screens allowed them to monitor all of the various 24-hour news channels and another screen allowed them to project key issues so that everyone could see them at a glance. Alex Salmond and Donnie were trying to take it all in.
Donnie saw a young civil servant fielding a telephone call and then immediately typing something onto her computer. A new bullet point appeared on the 'key issues' screen and she turned to her team leader to also give a verbal update.
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This is an adult story and should not be viewed if you are under the age of eighteen. Bracelet of Love by Stephanie Diane had spent much of her time hunting down antique shops since we had arrived in England. In the four years I've known my wife, she has always collected strange bits and pieces from all over the place. She wasn't about to stop simply because we were on vacation. "So what did you get this time?" I asked her. "Have a look," she said with...
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So, for those of you that didn't read part 1, i was in a hotel in Florida and the concierge was a sexy innocent-looking girl with braces, which i decided to cum all over while my girlfriend slept.So part 2. The next night, i snuck down to see Heather again. She immediately smiled, with her sexy braces, and said "No.""What?" I asked. "I didn't say anything""You want to spooge in my mouth again. I was late getting back from my break last time," she said. She was still smiling though. "And...
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IncestEVER WANTED TO BE A SLAVE! ENTER OUR FULLY REGISTERED SLAVE CAMP LIVE LIFE AS A SLAVE AMONGST REAL SLAVE GIRLS GET THE FULL EXPERIENCE ALL TIME PERIODS AVAILABLE FROM 1 DAY TO 1 MONTH. CALL 0800 2567788 FOR FULL DETAILS OR CHECK WWW.BEATEMPORARYSLAVE.CO.UKTracey had to admit, the ad had caught her eyes, more than once, the same ad had been in the papers seven days running, complete with a pic of a tastefully naked slave girl. A few of the girls at work had mentioned it a few times, mostly with...
The Beginning The Beginning ??????????? The sound of the planes wheels awoke Grace from her sleep.? She would arrive in Houston in just a few minutes.? Nerves began tingling in her belly.? This was so wrong, why was she here?? Her yearnings plagued her for years- to submit- to be under the control of another.? An affair with a college professor awakened her to her need and although it lie dormant through law school, marriage and two children, she always felt? the desire.? She met...
After dropping his passengers off at what he referred to as the ‘Paparazzi Entrance’ Eric drove the stretch limo around to the designated parking area to await the time to pick them back up. His passengers were not really famous but were rich and well known in the horse racing circuit. Parking the car, Eric settled down to wait, which he knew would be at least three hours, sometimes a bit longer. He would get a text when they were ready. Looking out the front windshield he saw a woman, or more...
OccupationsSo the conclusion of my adventure. I had just fucked Heather in her sweet ass and came all over her face. She barely made it back in time to clean up.Though I came a lot, seeing her cute, just-pounded ass scurry along, getting caught by maids, and nearly having customers see her cum-covered face, really got me hot. I stood in the lobby as a few more sets of customers checked in. I stared at her face, seeing the glossy sign of the cum too hastily removed. Some people noticed it, some...
Ye tab ki baat hai jab main 38 saal ki thi. Ye kissa mere bade bete ke sath ka hai jab vo apni 18th birthday mana raha tha. Mera figure 42-28-44 hi tha or height 5’7” hai. Main bahut zyada gori hu or basically Punjaban hu. Curvy body hai, MILF hu main or bahut se log mere naam ki mutth maarte hain. Main hamesha se hi sex addict rahi hu. Mere nipples light pink color ke hain and chut bhi. Meri poori body pe kahi bhi zara sa baal nahi hai or ekdum chikni and clean body hai jaisi porn me dikhaate...
Incest"Disgraced Fiancee" Written by Rikki: "OMG, Laura please, don't make me do this," Dave pleaded one last time as it was now time to stand before her entire family and beg their forgiveness for his sexual indiscretions. She straightened the dress he was wearing, then adjusted his earrings. "No Dave, the talk is now over. You will perform this embarrassing act for me, and ask my family to forgive you. Then and only then will I make the decision whether I...
"An old farmer was pulled over by a young state trooper for speeding. The trooper, fresh on the job, decided to throw his weight around and he started lecturing the farmer about his speed. He did his best to make the farmer uncomfortable but eventually got around to writing the ticket. As he wrote he had to swat at several flies that were buzzing around his head. "Having some problems with circle flies there are ya?" asked the farmer. The trooper stopped writing the ticket and looked up....
It all started after we watched the Story of O :Untold. In a nutshell the story was about a girl who when she received a bracelet was to submit to the bearer. After the movie I said my wife if she wanted a new pair of expensive shoes that she had been asking for a while then she would need to obey me three times. When I gave her a bracelet she must do exactly as I told her. She agreed. It did mean that whenever she had a bracelet she was to wear no panties as in the movie so that she could be...
FetishTeenage girls tend to travel in packs, and black teenage girls even more so. So this one was something of a loner, to be out shopping in a mostly-white neighborhood on a warm Saturday afternoon. Or window-shopping at least, since she did not seem to have bought anything. I was sitting in the 900 block of 36th, on the bench at the bus stop. Not that I was actually waiting for the bus; I just didn't feel like going home yet, a bus had just gone by, and I knew another wasn't due...
My pulse was pounding as I flew down the shaded gravel path. Did I lose him? Looking around, I saw only the peaceful forest. Ah! There it is! The lone oak tree on the hill stood proud in the distance. All fatigue seemed to flee my body as I rounded the curve to start up the hill. Just before I reached the halfway point on the grassy mound, I felt something slam into my back, forcing me to the ground. Panting hard, I flipped onto my back to see what had caused my fall. Lo and behold, there he...
The next morning, I got up before Michael and Jason was at the bar drinking some water and whispered “I waited for you last night.” I walked over to him and gave him a quick hug and kissed his cheek and said “You didn’t start without me did you?” He said that I told him to wait for me and he waited all night. I told him that I would have a pretty busy week and got right up to his face and said “Save it for me until this weekend and I promise, you won’t be sorry. And what if I told you that...
Aaron Anderson parked his Midnight blue 09 Anniversary Edition Mustang GT in the lot reserved for visiting professors and walked into the ballroom. He was, as usual, late. He'd been down at the docks again in one of those little dive bars throwing darts and hanging out with the locals. His wife, Stacy, who was vying to become a full professor here at Papalis University, had called to tell him that he was late. She'd sounded really pissed, as usual, that he had missed the opening remarks at...
After a first session using a bracelet and having control ,our sex life over the next months proved to be hot. It seemed as though there was a lingering excitement left over from our first encounter using submission. A few months after our first session we had the opportunity to go to the country and rent a cabin with spa, log fire ,entertainment system and plenty of privacy. The only problem was that I had to tell my wife that I would give her a bracelet and I wanted her to take certain...
FetishMany would have considered the Terrace Heights Apartments a dump. It was a square five-story building that stood atop a small ridge in southwestern Madison WI. The exterior was covered fake fieldstone, including the small balcony outside each apartment. That fieldstone was dirty and weathered from years of neglect. The first floor hallway was dimly lit. The dark green paint on the walls didn’t help any. The area off that hallway which held the vending machines was lit by the lights inside the...
After a first session using a bracelet and having control ,our sex life over the next months proved to be hot. It seemed as though there was a lingering excitement left over from our first encounter using submission. A few months after our first session we had the opportunity to go to the country and rent a cabin with spa, log fire ,entertainment system and plenty of privacy. The only problem was that I had to tell my wife that I would give her a bracelet and I wanted her to take certain...
It all started after we watched the Story of O :Untold. In a nutshell the story was about a girl who when she received a bracelet was to submit to the bearer. After the movie I said my wife if she wanted a new pair of expensive shoes that she had been asking for a while then she would need to obey me three times. When I gave her a bracelet she must do exactly as I told her. She agreed. It did mean that whenever she had a bracelet she was to wear no panties as in the movie so that she could be...
Her eyes were closed and her back was arched as she let out a scream of agony and delight as the first orgasm rolled through her. Well how did we get to this point. We were called away to business very quickly to the city and I hurriedly booked a room at the casino in the hope that I might just be able to present her with a third bracelet. We checked into the hotel and then went into the city to complete our business errands. It took quite some time and when we arrived back at the casino...
Her eyes were closed and her back was arched as she let out a scream of agony and delight as the first orgasm rolled through her. Well how did we get to this point. We were called away to business very quickly to the city and I hurriedly booked a room at the casino in the hope that I might just be able to present her with a third bracelet. We checked into the hotel and then went into the city to complete our business errands. It took quite some time and when we arrived back at the casino...