OceaniaChapter 13 free porn video

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Simmonds stared incredulously at Henderson as he delivered the situation report.

"Alpha Team is totally lost. Bravo Team is down to just the two Infiltrators that called for extraction and clean-up."

"What about Charlie Team?"

"They pursued the four tangos in their patrol vehicle. We tracked their transponder to the outskirts of the city near the end of one of the drainage canals before it went offline."

"This can't be happening."

"We had two dead HKs in the main stairwell and a seriously damaged Infiltrator in the lobby. There were three more dead Infiltrators in the street outside."

"What about the police?"

"We barely managed to remove all the bodies before they arrived on scene. There were plenty of witnesses to the battle and it's impossible to cover up the bullet holes. The cops are going to have a field day."

"Send the chopper to the last known location of Charlie Team. Get Valerie to try to misdirect the cops whilst we perform damage limitation."

"Valerie was assigned to Charlie Team. You asked us to make use of her."

Simmonds looked like he was about to suffer an embolism; his mouth moved but no sound emerged.

"We've still got an Infiltrator embedded with the police. She's only support staff but we can still make use of her in a limited capacity," Henderson informed him.

The CEO nodded glumly, wondering how things had managed to go pear-shaped so rapidly.

Watching the live feed from the helicopter on his desk monitor, Simmond's chest tightened as four bodies scattered over the barren ground came into sharp focus.

There had been no good news all day. The wounded Infiltrator from the lobby could not be salvaged and had been euthanized and placed into the reconstruction queue. The body count was rising rapidly, taxing their maintenance teams to the limit. There would soon be a paucity of replacement bodies. The loss of the Hybrid was catastrophic.

Henderson and Hodges sat quietly across the desk, totally at a loss as for words that would alleviate their boss's suffering.

"What's the state of play with the repairs?" Simmonds asked morosely.

"It's going to take the best part of the week to work through the backlog," Henderson replied. "The HKs are going to be the main problem because most of the spares have been used to fill the senator's requirements. There's one replacement Hybrid unit. After that we're looking at a four week lead time."

"Valerie takes priority over everything. Contact Procurement first thing next week. I want a substantial batch of new Hybrids in build, say thirty units."

"Thirty? They each cost more than a jet fighter. Won't the board need to approve that level of expenditure?" Hodges exclaimed.

"I'm not going to tell them. Take it out of reserves."

"But the audit..."

" ... is three months away. If we don't keep the lid on this then there'll be no company left to audit. Put them through as Companions and retrofit them if you must."

Bennett rushed to answer the phone, cursing his bad luck if the station was calling on his day off. It was.

He listened to the brief description of the events at the apartment block and was dressed and headed downstairs in three minutes flat. He used the motorbike as it could make the journey to work in half the time of the Panther under most conditions.

Pete Sands was already sitting at his desk when he arrived, as was rest of the team.

"The commissioner said you should go straight up to his office," Sands informed him.

"The commissioner's in?" Bennett asked. "He's not going to be best pleased if he had to miss his tee off time."

"I believe the mayor's been on his case. He didn't sound very happy."

"Give me the rundown before I go up."

"Witnesses report a firefight in the street with at least three dead. There's more blood than a slaughter house but no bodies."

"A clean-up crew?"

"Apparently a fleet of vans pulled up within minutes, loaded up the corpses and then vanished into thin air."

"This isn't organized crime Pete. This sounds more like a military operation."

"We've evacuated all the residents and have got the whole building locked down solid. I've got three forensics teams on double time going over the place.

"One of the residents told us that a bloke and two kids ran out the building pursued by this knife-wielding chick, all covered in blood. They fought until one of the kids produced a machine-pistol and shot the woman dead. The youngster then let loose on some others at the far end of the street."

"Why is this happening on my beat?" Bennett moaned. "This used to be a quiet city."

"Another woman then appeared from out of nowhere, jumped in the car and sped off with another four wheel drive in hot pursuit," Sands continued.

"Not a tall blonde by any chance?"

"What if I said yes?"

Their informal briefing was interrupted by the phone as Bennett received his summons.

The commissioner was a portly individual, just a few years from retirement. He eyed Bennett with the determined look of a man who believed that his pension hung delicately in the balance.

"The mayor's phoned me three times in the last hour. After the club massacre, he wants a speedy resolution of this to reassure the voters."

"I've got no bodies so it'll be up to forensics to provide any leads sir."

"Lieutenant, it's essential that we get a handle on this as soon as possible. People are already up in arms that no one has been arrested in connection with the previous killings. I've been told to offer you whatever you need in the way of assistance."

"What about my current case?"

"This takes absolute priority. Armed gangs fighting in the street like Arcadian warlords are not what the people have come to expect."

"No sir."

"I want a full report on my desk by the middle of the week at the latest."

"Yes sir."

"I believe the mayor already has a member of his staff on-site with you."

"Miss Hamel?"

"You're to keep her advised of all developments as and when they occur."

"Right sir."

Bennett quickly excused himself and returned to his office.

"We've all been reassigned to the apartment shooting," he told Sands. "The current case has been put on hold."

"You want me to drop the Syntel line of inquiry?"

"No. If we don't follow it up now then we'll lose it forever. Continue to work on it in the background. I get the suspicion that this one's going to lead nowhere. If we can at least get a result on the club killings then we'll have something to placate the mayor when he tries to chew our asses off."

The preliminary reports from the recovery team were sitting on Simmond's desk and made stark reading.

"What do you mean, they're gone?"

"The Datacores of the HK's were wiped clean. The lab's analyzing the results but it's looking like their electronics have been fried beyond any hope of repair," Henderson explained.

"How is that possible? What about the others?"

"We're not sure as yet. They're examining the Infiltrator and Hybrid as we speak. What's strange is that the HKs bore no signs of physical damage."

"What about Savage and his family?"

"They were definitely at the apartment. They must have spotted the assault teams before they were in position. The rogue Hybrid destroyed two of the Infiltrators on the street and then their two HKs on the stairwell. We think the husband took out the two members of Bravo Team just before the Hybrid escaped by jumping out of a second floor window," Hodges informed him.

"How on earth did she get the drop on Valerie?"

"This rogue unit is very determined. She seems to get better and more confident with each engagement. Don't forget that this was Valerie's first taste of action."

"So you're saying that every time this bitch kicks our proverbial ass, she's learning how to do it even better next time."

"I'd say she's definitely becoming more adept over time. The events at the club, the campsite and now this, it demonstrates a heuristic learning pattern that's far in advance of anything we expected."

Simmonds sighed despondently.

She walked barefoot along the banks of a wide river, dressed in a flowing white gown that fell to her ankles. Birds sang from the tops of nearby trees and a gentle breeze rustled through the long grass. The sun beat down from overhead and its rays warmed Valerie's skin, making her feel light-headed and slightly drowsy. The smell of lilac and lavender assailed her nostrils.

Further along the bank, a wooden bridge crossed to the other side where children were playing happily. She headed for the bridge and prepared to cross over when a voice called out to her from behind. Turning, she saw Greg standing against a tree, beckoning to her. She took a tentative step towards him and tumbled into oblivion.

Waking up on an examination bed, Valerie was covered in just a thin sheet. A bearded man looked down at her like a specimen in a jar, nodding satisfactorily to himself. She recognized her surroundings as part of the production area of the Syntel Advanced Cybernetics Facility.

"How do you feel?" Jackson asked.

"Okay," she replied automatically.

"Do you know who you are?"

"Valerie, Valerie Hamel."

"Where do you work?"

"I work at the mayor's office but at the moment I'm on secondment to the NAPD."

"What else?"

"I report to Gordon Henderson, Director of Operations."

"What do you remember about what happened?"

"I was shot. The rogue Hybrid ambushed my assault team and killed me."

"That's right," Jackson confirmed. "We've integrated you into a new body but don't go breaking this one as there are no more available."

"I'll try to take that into account next time Howard."

Howard Jackson was the principal architect of the SYLF project and the Hybrids represented the culmination of his life's work. He doted on them as a father might look upon his children: a mixture of pride in their creation and hope at what they might achieve. Her recognition of him removed the last vestige of his fears that she'd suffered permanent damage from the EMP discharge that had wiped out the remainder of her team.

"You were very lucky Valerie. A few metres closer and your Datacore would have been irreversibly damaged."

"My memories of the event are rather vague."

"You're going to be disoriented for an hour or so while your Quantum matrix stabilizes and you reintegrate your memories. After that, feel free to stand up, walk around and get dressed."

"How's Jeffrey?"

"He's fine. We went up to the coast at the weekend. It's the first time we've managed to spend any significant amount of time together in weeks."

Howard was gay and suffered a great deal from the prejudice that the majority of Oceania society held for people of his persuasion. The Hybrids accepted him for what he was and afforded him all the respect that his position warranted.

"We've got a new cat. A tortoiseshell called Sheba."

"That's lovely Howard."

"How's Felix?"

"As mischievous as ever. I can't seem to stop him clawing the furniture."

"He's probably frustrated. You should look at getting him a mate."

"One's enough for me to look after," Valerie lamented. "I don't know why I let you talk me into getting him in the first place."

"Give me a shout if you experience any further difficulties," he told her as he disappeared to supervise the repairs of the previous day's casualties.

She rested for a while then took Howard's advice to move around. She wrapped the sheet around herself then picked up a pair of soft-soled shoes and some loose fitting coveralls from a rack before slipping into a privacy cubicle to change.

Letting the sheet fall to the ground, she carefully examined herself in the floor-length mirror, looking for any subtle differences from her previous incarnation. Suddenly seeing herself naked triggered a cascade of changes that surged through her consciousness and caused her to lose balance. After rebooting, she picked herself up off the floor and tried to isolate the nature of the problem. She discovered the virus that had lain dormant until activated by her reflection.

Sections of her Datacore had been restored from a reserved area and she found that she could access a whole stream of previously inaccessible memories. It took several minutes for her to appreciate the significance of the alterations. She recalled the true account of her encounter with Claire. The most profound revelation was the realization that she'd taken her own life.

She dressed and wandered back into the assembly area, assessing the implications of her new knowledge. The outline of a body lay under a thin sheet and she felt compelled to lift the cover and see what was underneath.

Seeing her previous form laid out on a gurney drove home the reality of her nature. The chest cavity had been opened and resealed, no doubt to facilitate the removal of her Datacore. Her facial features were badly disfigured by the passage of the bullet through her brain.

"Hey, Hey," Howard exclaimed as he rushed to her side and slipped a supporting arm around her waist to steady her. "This isn't going to help you in any way."

He took the sheet from her trembling hands and covered up the body before leading her away from it.

"I told that stupid tech to remove it before you woke up," he grumbled.

"It just seems so strange seeing myself like that. I'm dead and yet I'm not."

"You need to rest. Go and have a chat with the others. They've been pestering me every few minutes for an update on your progress."

Valerie left the workshop and made her way down the corridor towards the recreation room set aside for the Hybrids' use.

Five women dressed in casuals sat around reading and studying sheaves of loosely stapled reports. A diminutive, youthful figure with jet black hair and striking features jumped up on seeing her and embraced her passionately.

"Val, are you okay?" she asked tearfully.

"I'm fine Emily," she replied, returning the affection.

"We heard what happened. I still can't believe it."

"I'm adjusting," Valerie told her. "I've got to take it easy for a couple of days."

The four other occupants of the room waved tentatively in her direction, not displaying anything like the intensity of Emily's response.

To look at Emily, people would see a young girl in her early twenties, but all six Hybrids were commissioned within weeks of each other. Their appearance bore no relationship to their physical age.

"Sit down and talk to me," Emily demanded. "It's been nearly two weeks since I last saw you."

Of the six, only Valerie had ever left the Facility. The others were employed purely in an analytical role, a capacity that Valerie believed impeded their development. She invented regular excuses to return to the Facility, the underlying reason being to keep in touch with her siblings and deliver detailed descriptions of life in the outside world.

She sat down beside Emily on a long, leather sofa. The remaining four remained stationed around a large square table littered with reconnaissance photographs, transcripts of telephone intercepts, and intelligence reports.

Tall and blonde, Elisabeth was the dominant member of the group and tended to co-ordinate their work.

Natalie, the most technically adept, used her skills to identify patterns in the data that the others sometimes overlooked. Her introspective demeanour was emphasized by the conservatively cut brown hair and the loose fitting coveralls that she frequently wore. Despite that, she'd informally assumed the position of second-in-command to Elisabeth.

The final two Hybrids, Helen and Vanessa, looked very much alike. Dark haired and pretty, they often worked as a pair and spent much of their free time in each other's company. Whilst performing whatever tasks were assigned to them adequately, Elisabeth often felt that they lacked sufficient enthusiasm for their role.

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Chapter 1 The thing that Jake Snow hated most about prison was the smell. That peculiar aroma was always present no matter where one went on the "inside." The smell seemed to penetrate everything. It was that smell that made Jake's meeting today with his lawyer all the more special. Any meeting regarding Jake's release from prison was wonderful enough. But, even better, the meeting was at the courthouse... away from that god-awful smell. "Excuse me for a moment, Jake, while I get...

3 years ago
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Helping Hands Mothers Mary Jane Plan

Helping Hands: Mother's Mary Jane Plan By Nylon Disciple When I caught sight of Raja, Kevin and Yoshi off in a corner, sitting by them selves. Looking like the most dejected group I had ever seen. I decided to skip my usual pastime: of watching the girls practice field hockey. And went over and sat down with them saying. "Aren't you a miserable looking lot? What's going on?" Nobody said anything right away. They just...

3 years ago
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The Second Year and AfterChapter 51

As soon as our lectures were finished on the Friday afternoon, Sian and Malcolm set off to Worcestershire, to attend the shotgun wedding of his cousin Daisy. He'd phoned his uncle and aunt, and arranged for him and Sian to take pot luck with them in the farmhouse, his parents and grandparents having already booked both rooms in the village pub. Although Malcolm was well laden down with his sleeping bag, hired morning suit and top hat; he offered to carry Sian's suitcase as well, she...

1 year ago
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Louisas Lessons

Louisa sat on her bed thinking over the events of the last two weeks. She was 18 and had just finished college, and was enjoying her last summer at home before moving away to University. In the last two weeks she had begun secretly dating one of her fathers friends and colleague. He was 35, not that much younger than her Dad, but he was good looking and in good shape. Her Dad knew she was seeing someone, but she had managed to keep Greg's identity from him, but she knew she would have to tell...

2 years ago
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my life 5 true story

Life carried on as normal Vince would often join Frank and I. My football trying was paying dividends my body was at its peek.Even though I say it my self I was hot lol.I met Sally one night I was walking home from training , Frank was in Manchester for a conference.She pulled up in her car and offered me a lift, it was raining so I got in.We was going along talking about the way thing was going for her , she and her boyfriend had split up ,she had moved in with a girlfriend for a few weeks,...

4 years ago
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Losing My Virginity To My Bindu Akka 8211 Part 4

Hi guys. This is Madhu again. This is the 4th part of my first sexual experience with my goddess Bindu Akka. Please read the first 3 parts if you haven’t. To tell you about Bindu, she was a bit heavy but had awesome 46D boobs. You can check her details in the previous parts. I used to jerk off just by imagining things with her. But then she turned my fantasies to reality. I’ll get to the story right away. So after the great bathroom session, both of us were exhausted. We somehow gathered some...

2 years ago
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Doctors Sexamination Part 1

Introduction: It is kind of a mix, there is a bit of true story and then, the rest is figment of my imagination. Hope u guys njoy just as much I njoyed writing. The article Doctors sexamination I was not feeling too well and so I informed my mother I was going to see the doctor. He was the same guy we had been going to since I was a baby. This is almost 20 or so odd years. I took a half day from work since I was not feeling too well and got on the tube and the bus, then I walked for another 5...

3 years ago
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AvatarChapter 4

David woke up and sat up, his breasts shifting under his shirt. He looked around, half expecting to see a column of light and a rock cylinder, but the only light came from the hole where he had fallen from. He then remembered that strange dream where he was dying, and he grabbed his shirt where the wound had occurred and found a rip, and a wet spot on the fabric. He lifted his fingers to his face, smelled them and tasted the stuff. It was blood! He had to get back up to the surface where he...

1 year ago
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RevengeChapter 10

I had managed to get to myself also a hands free Bluetooth earpiece. I found out that with it I was able eavesdrop the discussions inside my work room while I was not there. Of course I was able to do that only occasionally and those few moments I had been able to use it had not really revealed anything interesting. Yet, I decided to keep the earpiece. There was a change of climate in the way Sofia and I were treated inside 'the family, ' soon after the two sons and the wife of 'el jefe'...

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Qasim8217s True Story Chapter 8211 2

Hi indian sex stories dot net friends Qasim, Qasim, Qasim. I have had gay boys, teens and mature men under me and have hardly had someone I did not enjoy but some I have enjoyed much too much and Qasim is one of those. He started college but within 2 years of him being in a college, his mother passed away and he had to quit college but came back to a different college after a break in his studies. Lucky bastard earned Masters in Microbiology and got a very nice job at a hospital as a Shift...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Threes Definitely Not A Crowd

It was a Friday night and we’d arranged to meet friends at the local pub for a few hard earned drinks after work. When we arrived we were surprised to see how busy it was. The landlord had organised another of his Open mike nights and the ‘stars’ of the local area had arrived to show their skill. The night didn’t get off to a great start when the friends we’d arranged to meet cancelled on us. The talent on display at the mike wasn’t exactly music to our ears either. I toyed with the idea of...

1 year ago
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My house cleaner Part 1

This is how my became reality; Kate started cleaning for me around a year ago she always dressed in fairly skimpy clothes considering her job. Whilst not young she was far from old maybe in her late thirties or early forties lets call her mature, Kate had a great body even after three maybe four kids maybe it was her job that kept her fit. I would class my self as a breast man first and an arse man second Kate Has beautiful breasts and a beautiful arse. I would always take every available...

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 644

Earlier that same morning. Just after breakfast and prior to her starting out with the Morales family, Diana had called Selina aside. “I’m going to be tied up with the Moraleses for much of the day as we start them out with running, calisthenics and the beginning of pulse rifle training. The wolves need to be introduced to the puppies and kittens. Would you do that for me? Maybe supervise their being together for a few hours to make sure they get along well enough for it to be safe to leave...

3 years ago
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My Last 7 Years Part IV

Hi Guys, This is Haarshini again back with my Third part. Thanks for your comment that’s encourage me to write my next part of my experience. For those who don’t know me please read the first two parts before reading this as there is no time for introduction again sorry guys.. More over I want to make a point clear that Iam not a call girl or Bitch. Let me move on to the story. Just for the continuation of my last part I have copied the last paragraph of my last part. Pradeep hearing all this...

3 years ago
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sculpting an ice queen

Assistant District Attorney Alexandra Cabbot sat at the bar in a sports bar named Brad's with a distinct Bradley Cooper theme. She had read an article about the place and thought it was perfect to hunt for a man. it wasn't one of her local haunts, or a place she frequents with coworkers;or rather no one here knew her reputation as the ice queen. In college she was so focused determined to become a lawyer who put the scumbags away, she missed out on all the debauchery common to college k**s. And...

1 year ago
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Exhibitionism fun to do and fun to watch

Exhibitionism; the need to want to flash or flaunt oneself and presumably for sexual pleasure and gratification. Never felt the need myself but did enjoy and so did Christine my wife, the work of a lovely lady living nearby to our house in Knutsford Cheshire. I first noticed this lovely lady on getting up in the morning and looking out of the window. She lived almost opposite and she was sitting at the window doing her hair. Nothing unusual there but she was naked. I looked again, yes naked, no...

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A ruined friendship

I love my job, and getting to work with my best friend Chloe just makes it so much better. Chloe and I met when I applied for a Christmas job in a little lingerie shop in town, the manager was running behind so we got chatting while I waited to have my interview. I got the job and we quickly became friends, we would go out dancing after work on Saturdays, then crash at my flat and recover together on Sunday watching DVDs and eating bacon sarnies. We had so much fun at work, trying on stock and...

2 years ago
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Truck StopChapter 2

There wasn't no doctor or hospital nearby. I asked, but they just laughed. But one guy who was halfway human said there was a clinic in Dickson, about 25 miles away. Just get off at State Road 96 and head west. We got to Dickson way past midnight. Everything was dark. If there was a clinic, I sure as hell didn't know where it was. I pulled into the parking lot of what once had been a shopping center, checked to see if Cherry was still alive in the bunk, then made myself as comfortable as I...

1 year ago
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Rape Video

I awoke with a start with my dream still fresh in my mind. "Shit," I said out loud. My PJ top was wet from my sweat so I took it off leaving me naked. I lay down again but still my dream lingered in my mind. Once again I was ashamed of my body for it was betraying me again. I could feel my pussy was very wet and I had this urge to rub it, to make myself come then I knew I could sleep again. It was 3 years ago now since this nightmare had all started, the night that I was taken off the dark...

1 year ago
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Katherine Heigelss Close Encounter of the Wolf KindChapter 7

In Katherine Heigel's bedroom, the young blonde actress lolled lazily on her bed, the golden fingers of the late afternoon sun streaking across her tanned body as she reached one arm up above her head and stretched. Her firmly uptilted breasts jiggled with voluptuous resilience on her chest.She had fallen asleep, and was thankful for that, for after an orgasm with Kaizer's tongue and cock up inside of her, she was no better than a whimpering dummy for the longest time until her body floated...

4 years ago
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Agatha Allbut The Bimbo Squad Ch 07 Reunions

This is a long story, containing 10 chapters, a prologue, and an epilogue. All chapters have been submitted and should be posted within a few days of each other. The idea for this story came from a story idea forum. Thank you janetsexysevenseven! Warning: This story contains adult content including lesbian sex. If this is not your kind of smut, please find another story, more to your liking. 8========D As soon as the bedroom door closed, Aggie and Christina fell into each other's arms...

3 years ago
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The male escort part 4 The end

She had brought a small bag to the room with a few things and a change of clothes. She put on a light sundress nude underneath. The hotel is on a street full of clubs bars and places to eat, so we headed down until we found a p[lace that suits her. She saw a place across the street lit up with lots of lights and asked what kind of place that was. I told her that it was a adult toy store and arcade. she was confused by the relationship to arcade. I explain to her that it had video booths that...

4 years ago
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Latex Futa Nuns From Hell Chapter 10 Rukos Rubber Clinic

A balcony where? Where was she? Jessica looked around. She took in the behemoth building jutting into the sky behind her. The white marble, detailed carvings and ornate pillars of age-old Roman architecture were unmistakable. This is a place she had only seen in pictures. St. Peter's Basilica. She turned back to the skyline and looked out at the picturesque scenery. The Tiber river flowed in the distance, but not with the clear blue one would expect. Milky white waves cascaded down its...

1 year ago
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The BraceletChapter 10

Well the first job is to get some passport photographs and attend Brissie to get them. Tina mentioned “My brother has a camera that takes passport photographs, shall I ring him and get him here, He is at home?” I replied “Yes and can he bring your parents around please just to chat?” Tina exited the room to ring her brother Jack. Heather mentioned “Whilst Tina is on the phone, some good news for you. Fred” I replied “I won again last night $6 million” Both Lorraine and Pam hugged me and...

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ChoicesChapter 22 A hint of things to come

Ever had someone smack you with a baseball bat? If this wasn't the equivalent of a tap to the noggin with a Louisville Slugger, I don't know what is. "But you said-" "I know what I said. And I was lying through my teeth." She started pacing around the room, never looking directly at me. "By the time I realized what a silly fool I had been for letting Callista get to me with her stories, Morgan had already made--with my blessing--her play for you, and succeeded. What else could I do...

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Manager and pizza delivery driver start an sex affair

Delivering pizza is a job you can make a living from… if you have room mates, and as long as the tips hold out. You need to have a beater that you can repair yourself that also gets decent mileage. It can’t be too nice looking and the side that faces the customer’s house or apartment has to show that. Some people won’t tip if your car looks too nice. The evenings are the best shifts because they are the busiest times and tips are generally bigger due to the bigger...

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Backdoor ManChapter 7

“Nice to meet you. I’m Devi. That man over there in the corner is my husband, Gustavo. And that man taking orders at the counter is Rajiv, one of my cousins. I take it that you know Sherry pretty well?” Devi introduced herself properly to me once she saw us all at Sherry’s table, “I know Sanjay, of course. He’s my other cousin and works for me, just like Rajiv.” I noted that Rajiv seemed a bit more masculine and distinctly less submissive in his attitude than Sanjay, so Sherry had chosen...

1 year ago
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Sexy Professor Revathi Learned Sex

Hi guys my name is arjun 25 years old I am from chennai this is my story.Read it and if you have any suggestion and comments you cam mail me After that incident priya and sindhu both become my sex girlfriends and we had sex regularly both solo and threesome this incident happens at end of our 2nd year that day was our last exam everyone returning to there home and leaving for their native place even priya left fast too has she would missed her train there was only me and sindhu even she will...

3 years ago
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Swallow Every Last Drop OWNED Gay

It caught my attention from across the empty locker room. I was sitting on the bench tying my shoes when i looked up for a split second and saw it. I could not believe how big it was. Long, thick, and black, it hung down low against his thigh. Fully flaccid, it was definitely bigger than I was when hard. I couldn't help but stare. This guy literally had a big black dick. Stereotypes must come from somewhere, I thought to myself. My eyes traced up and down his oversized dick and massive balls in...

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