EchoChapter 9 free porn video

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The doorman at the Tropicana called for a couple of porters to tote all the bags up to our room and, after a generous tip, even volunteered to bring up a pair of new suitcases and charge them to the room.

When we were safely in the room and all the bags were on the bed on her side of the suite, Liesl surprised and, yes, excited me when she pulled me in and gave me a toe-curling kiss.

“Thank you, Wayne. This was the best day ever, and you were the sweetest, kindest, most generous guy I have ever met.” she said, covering my face with little kisses.

“Liesl, I did this because you are my sister and I love you, not for, well, anything else.”

“I know, that is why I don’t mind doing this...” she said, sinking to her knees. She reached for my zipper but I caught her hand. I was rock hard and I would love nothing more than her lips on me, but this wasn’t the right way.

I pulled her back up to her feet. She was upset, thinking I was rejecting her, but I kissed her softly and hugged her.

“Someday, if you decided you want us to move our relationship that direction, I would be honored. You are gorgeous and smart and so very, very sexy. But I never want to think you would do things like that out of gratitude. I would never want you to regret it later.” I told her, stroking her back.

“Fine, but when I am laying in there, touching myself because shopping gets me horny, then you will be sorry.” she said with a giggle. Then she whispered in my ear and kissed my cheek. “Thanks, Wayne. I think I do want this, but I will wait. Don’t be surprised to find me in your room some night.”

We found Grandpa and Dad down playing poker and convinced them that they needed to feed us dinner. Grandpa actually said it was a good thing. He had been up twelve grand and didn’t feel right just walking, but we gave him an excuse. Dad had been about even, so he didn’t much care either way.

Dinner was all Liesl. She was still hopped up from our day and spent most of the meal telling Dad and Grandpa about the circus shows and especially about the shopping. Grandpa gave me a wink, letting me know he was happy that I had done like he asked.

We decided not to stay another day after I admitted there wasn’t much for kids in Vegas these days, so Grandpa and Dad went back to the tables and we got tickets to the floor show for Paul Revere and the Raiders opening for Chuck Berry.

When we got home Saturday morning, just before noon, I helped Liesl tote her bags up to her room. Dennis was going to drive her home Sunday afternoon but we had the rest of the day and most of Sunday to ourselves.

Linda showed up thirty minutes later, the look on her face telling me she missed me, and she was followed soon after by Alison and the twins, Brenda and Diane. Liesl pulled me aside.

“Since you wouldn’t let me thank you properly, I thought Linda might do it for me. I still have the same problem as last night though, so I hope you can share.” she stuck her tongue in my ear and left me standing there with a surprised look on my face and an erection.

The girls were all agog at the haul Liesl brought back from Vegas, and I got more than one fulminating look from them when Liesl described how I had forced her to shop, paying for it all out of my winnings.

They even gave me a little fashion show, trying on some of her new outfits. At first, they would go into her walk-in closet or bathroom to change, but soon they were stripping down to bra and panties and changing right in front of me.

Linda kept coming over and running her hand over my erection, much to the amusement of the other girls, and kept me hard and ready for almost two hours before I had enough.

The next time Linda slunk over, rubbing up against me, I whispered in her ear that she was a bad girl who deserved a spanking for teasing her master.

Linda turned red, her nipples poking little mounds in her blouse, and she grabbed my hand, pulling me towards the door.

“We’ll be back, Wayne has something he wants to show me.” she called with a giggle, pulling me out of the room and into my own.

I closed the door and turned to find Linda already naked and kneeling on the bed. She had her ass in the air, her face in the blankets and a hand between her legs, playing with her clit.

I walked over and buried my face between her legs, jamming my tongue as deep as I could in her sopping pussy. I stayed there for a moment, enjoying her taste and thrilling to her squirming moans, but pulled back and rubbed her ass. She tensed, but came quickly after only four spanks, cumming again on number ten.

“God, that is so fucking hot.”

I spun around and Liesl was standing with her back to the closed door, her clothes on the chair. She had one hand between her legs and one hand on her breast. She was flushed and her eyes half closed as she diddled herself.

I reached for her hand and pulled her to me, latching on to one of her nipples with my mouth and filling my hands with her ass cheeks.

I pulled her towards the bed and then moved to Linda. Linda was face down, her ass red with my hand prints. She was still lazily touching her clit, but the smile on her face told me she was just enjoying the aftermath.

“Get up, slut, Liesl needs your tongue.” I said, smacking her on the ass again.

Linda grinned and rolled over, moving so her head was hanging off the bed and her mouth just about the perfect height.

I maneuvered Liesl so she was facing the bed and pushed her forward until Linda’s face was between my sister’s legs, her tongue buried in Liesl’s pussy.

“Oh yes! Fuck, that feels so good. Lick me, slut, eat my pussy!” she chanted, her hands going to Linda’s breasts.

I grabbed a condom out of my bedside table and grabbed Liesl’s hips in one hand, pushing on her back with the other. She got the idea and laid her torso on Linda’s, burying her own face in Linda’s pussy in a very erotic sixty-nine.

I stepped forward, playing with Liesl’s ass, but slipped my cock into Linda’s mouth, pumping it a few times to get that wonderful feeling of her grasping throat, then pulled out and put on a rubber.

I placed it at Liesl’s opening and her head came up quickly. She looked back over her shoulder at me, lust in her eyes, but she asked me to go slowly, that she had only had small things in there, never a cock.

Shit, that excited me even more! Thank god for the condom.

I moved slowly, popping the head in and then pausing. I worked my way in slowly until I was fully seated, then groaned when I felt Linda’s tongue on my balls. When I pulled back, Linda returned to sucking on Liesl’s clit.

Together, we slowly worked Liesl, and she had at least three orgasms, shuddering and screaming into Linda’s pussy, before I couldn’t take it anymore and began to pound my sister. Three, four, five thrusts and I jammed my cock in as deep as it would go, filling the condom with my cum.

I caught my breath for a moment, pulling out and kissing Liesl’s pale cheeks several times before I pulled the condom off and fed my softening cock back to Linda again for cleaning.

Afterwards, laying there in the middle of the bed, with a beautiful girl on each arm, I was one happy guy.

“Dad is out on a date.” Liesl said suddenly, breaking the happy silence. “He said he would be back late.”

“Good, because him breaking in here right now would not be a happy time.” I said with a laugh.

“I am just saying, because Alison and Diane want to fuck you too.” Liesl said, snuggling closer.

“Oh? How do you two feel about that?” I asked, sensing a mine field.

“I thought I would be jealous but watching you with Linda was just a major turn on. I think you should fuck them good, let them know what they are missing.” Liesl said with a giggle.

“My master is the best, he would show those bitches. Make them slaves like me.” Linda said, playing her part.

“Hmm ... Wayne, when you are gone, can I play with your slave?” Liesl asked, reaching over and tweaking Linda’s nipple.

“Hmm ... can you keep her in line? Remember, part of being a master is caring for your slave.”

Linda was wiggling like a little puppy, obviously excited by the idea.

“I have a hairbrush with her name on it.” Liesl said with a laugh, then was surprised by an armful of wiggling, delightfully naked Linda.

“Oh, would you be my mistress when my master is gone? Sometimes I am bad...” she said, giggling and kissing Liesl.

I made a loud, dramatic sigh and put my wrist to my forehead. “How quickly I was replaced.” I moaned. I wasn’t prepared for a tickle attack from two sexy ladies, but I was even less prepared for the door to open and three more naked ladies, all looking flushed and freshly fucked, to come in and join the attack.

I didn’t know it was possible, but I was eventually fucked out. It would take a miracle to put lead back in my pencil. I had fucked Alison, Diane and, surprisingly, even Brenda, but only after the four of them had worked her up so much that she would have taken on the neighbor’s German Shepherd if it would get her off. I fucked Linda in the ass again while Liesl fucked Alison in her ass with the infamous hairbrush. Alison promised me that pleasure once she had practiced a bit.

The girls were in pairs, trios and, in that one case, a quartet as they worked to get each other off and my room smelled like a Tijuana whore house, but I was the most sexually satisfied man in California when they all finally left. Liesl was the only one left and she kissed me hard enough to make me tingle, even if my little soldier was dead.

“Wayne, this was a special thing, but a one-time thing.” she said softly, kissing me again when I agreed. As much fun as it would be, and as sexy as my half-sister was, it would spell disaster to let this become a ‘thing‘.

Sunday was spent with Grandpa, discussing the winnings and how they should be handled. He agreed with my accounting for the initial bets but disagreed that I should pay him back for the furniture and setup on my dorm and refused to accept the cash I had left from Vegas, or payment for the clothes I had bought Liesl.

“Look, son, you just got me a couple million dollars and I can spend it however I want. You keep annoying me and I will put it all in your name and wash my hands of the whole thing.”

I just laughed and hugged him while he huffed and puffed, but Grandma was smiling to beat the band.

In the end, he earmarked the full, $2,870,500 for me and we turned to how that should be handled.

Grandpa suggested setting up a trust that I could draw on but making it so that it protected me from being sued and, especially, protected it from anyone else in the family. His words would turn out to be prophetic in the coming month, but I didn’t know it then.

My objection at the time was that I wanted to make the money work for me. I had some ideas on short term investments, but mostly I had my eye on the Microsoft IPO that would happen in April of 86. I wanted in and I wanted it in a big way. I was going all in, getting as many shares as I could.

Grandpa, when I explained this to him, got that same look in his eye as he got when I told him about the bet I wanted to place. I could tell he was filing that away for later, but I would be sure to remind him when the time came.

We ended up setting up a trust with him and Dad as the trustees. I was limited to a $5K a month draw without approval from both trustees, and I would be able to dictate brokerage transactions on the trust account with Grandpa’s broker. It took a couple of weeks to set up, but by the end of November, I was ready to start trading.

December 8th, 1981, I found out how prophetic Grandpa’s concerns were.

Tuesday was the day with my heaviest class load, my last class not getting out until five in the evening. I had locked up my bike in the rack by the dorm and was trudging back to my room to drop off my books when I came face to face with my mother.

She was pacing back and forth outside of my room, an angry expression on her face.

“There you are. About damn time.” she snarled.

“Hello Mom. Long time no see.” I said, brushing past her and unlocking the door to my room. She followed me in, scowling and stood for a moment, looking around as I stowed my books on the shelf over the desk.

“I don’t know what made you think you could get away with this nonsense. Pack a bag, we’re leaving. I already missed one flight because of you and the next flight is in two hours. If you hadn’t been off pretending to be a college student, we could already be there.”

I stood there and stared at her in shock, my heart pounding in my chest. Then I got angry.

“Get out. Get back on the plane, or your broom, or however you got here, and go home.” I yelled, getting right in her face.

Her slap surprised me more that it hurt, but I got right back in her face again.

“If you ever raise a hand to me again, I will knock you on your ass. Now leave or I will call campus security and have you removed.”

“You ungrateful little bastard. You are fourteen years old and I am YOUR MOTHER. You will come home with me if I have to drag you by your ear, kicking and screaming. DO YOU HEAR ME?”

She was screaming at the top of her lungs, the door wide open, and we had an audience.

“You need to leave.” I was taking deep breaths, fighting the urge to just hit her. I was afraid that if I started, I wouldn’t be able to stop. I turned my back on her, hoping that not seeing her would help me calm down.

There was a blinding pain in my ear, my head rocking sideways and I knew she had hit me again, but that was secondary to the incredible amount of pain I was feeling. I crumbled to my knees, holding my head, and I felt her kick me.

There was some kind of struggle, I could faintly hear screaming, but the loud buzz that was like a drill through my brain drowned out most of it.

I got back to my feet and I could see mom being held by two guys, a bright red handprint on her cheek and her hair sticking up in a dozen places. Marjorie Anderson, Scott’s girlfriend, was being held up in the air, both arms and legs kicking out at my mother, but Scott had her arms pinned.

The noise in my head was not as loud, and I knew that she had somehow burst my eardrum, it was the only thing that made sense.

I pulled my hand away and there was blood covering my palm, I could feel it trickling down my neck. There was a tender place on my head too, on the outside though, so I couldn’t tell if the blood was from the eardrum or if maybe there was another injury.

I was as angry as I could ever remember being, and I stepped forward, only to find my way blocked by two guys who were a lot bigger than me.

Scott set Marjorie down and she came to me, looking at my ear.

“Wayne, you are bleeding out of your ear, we need to get you to a hospital.” she said, her tone business like.

“Did anyone call the cops? We are not leaving until they arrive. I need to call my Grandfather too, he’s a judge, and my father.”

The cops had been called and arrived when I was on the phone with Grandpa.

“Let me talk to them!” he demanded, and I handed the phone to the officer who had been trying to get my attention.

“It is Judge Jessen for you.”

The officer, obviously surprised, took the phone like it was a snake, and gently put it to his ear.

“Officer Ramirez speaking. Yes sir. Yes sir. No Sir. We will, sir. We have multiple witnesses to the assault, but she claims to be the boy’s mother. Yes sir, I understand. Sir, the boy was injured, he needs to go to the hospital. I don’t know sir, but he is bleeding from inside his ear and there is some other damage that will require stitches. Yes sir, right away sir.”

All I could hear was his side of the conversation but he handed me the phone handset.

“He wants to speak to you.” The officer’s face looked a little pale.

“Sir?” I answered, not knowing if Grandpa had told him about how we were related.

“Why the hell didn’t you tell me you were injured? Never mind. An ambulance is on the way, you go straight to the hospital and talk to no one, no one, until I get there, you understand?”

“Yes sir.”

“Wayne, son, I am sorry. I never thought she would do something like this. I was worried about what they might try, but I never suspected something like this. You go and get fixed up, let me worry about the rest, okay? I love you, grandson. I will see you soon.” The phone went dead in my ear and I pulled it away, looking at it in surprise before hanging it up.

“The Ambulance is outside, so if you would come with me?” The officer said, gesturing towards the door. There was still a crowd of students but I didn’t see my mother anywhere.

“I need to lock up my room.” I said, but he shook his head.

“It is technically a crime scene and we are waiting for a detective. We will keep it safe and lock it when we are done. Do you have your key?”

I nodded. “Where is she?”

He didn’t bother to pretend he didn’t know who I was asking about. “She is under arrest. We’ll take care of it, but you are still bleeding. You need come with me.”

He led me through the throng of students, all of them calling out, asking if I was okay, asking the cops if I was under arrest. Marjorie pushed through and got in front of us, causing us to halt.

“I am a nurse and he needs medical attention, you can’t arrest him now!” she said, her face set with fierce determination. She was shocked when I hugged her.

“It’s okay, they are taking me to the ambulance. You can come, if you can get them to let you ride along. I’ll tell them you are my private nurse.”

She smiled at me and kissed me on the cheek. “We’ll follow, I have a car.”

The ride was short and, since I was both a minor and the victim of both an assault and domestic violence, the officer rode in the ambulance and his presence got me into an examining room right away.

The doctor confirmed what I had feared. I had a burst ear drum. She had to have cupped her hand when she hit me on the side of the head, the air trapped by her palm creating a pressure wave that ruptured the membrane in my inner ear.

The majority of the blood had come from my outer ear though, a ring on her hand had caught in the skin and torn my earlobe, separating the skin where it was attached at the bottom. A couple of stitches would fix that right up, I was told. I was lucky that it hadn’t been the cartilage tearing, that was a whole other kettle of fish.

Before anything else could be done, even getting me cleaned up, my Grandfather was there and insisted that photographs be taken. The ear, the bruise that was appearing on my cheek, the bruises on my back where she had kicked me, were all photographed for posterity.

Three hours and four stitches later, I was released from the hospital with some antibiotics, pain killers and an appointment with a specialist to see how much damage had been done to my ear drum.

Marjorie, Scott and Danica, Marj’s roommate, had all come to the hospital and the two nursing students were even allowed to follow along during my exams, X-rays and treatment, as a sop to their education.

Scott was waiting in the lobby with Dad, Grandma and Aunt Lucy when we came out.

I thanked the girls, getting kisses from each of them and assurances that they would let the school know why I was absent the next day, and more thanks to Scott who intervened in the fight. He agreed to pass them along to the others who had restrained my mom.

We drove in a little caravan, Grandpa and Grandma, Dad and me, and followed by Aunt Lucy, to Dad’s house.

We all gathered in the kitchen over coffee to discuss the events of the day.

Grandpa looked grim and opened the conversation.

“Wayne, remember back in May when you had blood drawn? I had that done because, now that you had reunited with your father, I could see the possibility of a custody battle down the road. I didn’t trust your mother and her husband to leave well enough alone. Now, there is no way to prove that Dennis is your father, not 100% anyway, but between blood type tests and DNA tests, we can show that there is greater than a 90% chance that he is, or I am.”

I knew that DNA testing was really in its infancy, but I was glad to hear it had advanced enough to even get that level of confidence. I was amused that Grandpa had said he could be my father.

“Grandpa, you old dog. Did you date my mother too?” I teased, getting a sour look from Grandma and a grin from Dad and Aunt Lucy.

“Don’t be impertinent, damn it, this is serious.” Grandpa grumped, glaring at me before continuing. “I only said me because they can tell we are all related, but they can’t tell how, exactly, and your father and I have the same blood type. Your mother could argue that Dan wasn’t your father, but the only other option is me and, for our uses, that is just as good.”

I nodded. No matter what, one of the Jessen men would be able to claim to be my father and have the court support that claim.

“Anyway, I had a private investigator put together some information on your mother to go with the paternity tests, and I had a court order to get a copy of your medical records and your psychiatric records as well. I have all of this in a file but was hoping it was never needed. Now, it looks like it will be.”

“Thanks, Grandpa. You have no idea how much it means to me that you did all this.”

“Yes, well ... you are my grandson, damnit. I got Judge Gleason to issue a court order forbidding your mother from coming near you and forbidding your removal from the state pending a hearing over the paternity and custody issues. Your mother is currently in jail for assault and battery and attempted kidnapping, though the kidnapping won’t hold up for as long as it takes for a public defender to get there. They do have her for Battery of a Police Officer and resisting arrest with violence, however, since she fought the police and managed to scratch one’s face pretty good.”

“So, what do we do now, Dad?” Dennis asked, looking angry.

“We let her go. I don’t think pressing charges is the way to go and it will show that you have no ill will towards her, no matter what you really feel. It will give us the moral high ground.”

Aunt Lucy sobbed, wiping her eyes with a handkerchief and Grandma put her arm around her. I rose up and hugged her, apologizing for putting her through this.

“It’s not you, Wayne. You are innocent in all of this. Mary has been, well, a little unbalanced since her first marriage. She does these things I just don’t understand, and can’t forgive, but she is still my sister. My twin sister, and I hate to see her like this.”

“So why now? I mean, I have been here for almost nine months, so why did she suddenly decide to show up now?” I asked, slumping back down in my seat. The ringing in my ear was maddening, but I wanted to know, to find out what happens next.

Dennis sat up straight, a strange look on his face. He jumped up and ran to the garbage can, digging through the trash until he pulled out a soggy newspaper.

Returning to the table, he turned to his dad first. “I have another copy at the shop I saved, but I think this may be why. This is Monday’s paper and it must have been a slow news day. Look, it says AP Wire under the photo.”

The photograph showed a picture taken at the Tropicana, with Grandpa holding the huge eight-million-dollar check. There, standing behind him in the shadows, was Judge Farmer, a little of John Farmer’s head, Dad, me and Liesl.

“If it is an AP photo, then chances are this was seen all over the country, maybe even overseas. If they saw this in the paper, maybe...” he broke off, looking over at me and blushing.

“Maybe they wanted a piece of the pie? I wouldn’t have thought them capable, but there are many things I wouldn’t have thought they would do over the years and they proved me wrong again and again.” I said bitterly, shaking my head. I felt worse for Aunt Lucy than I did for me.

“We have an emergency hearing tomorrow morning at ten. The hospital promised to messenger copies of the photos taken to me by breakfast time. Son, can you get me another copy of that?” Grandpa asked Dennis, pointing to the paper.

“I have a couple copies.” Grandma said, looking a bit smug. “I put one in our scrapbook, dear.”

Grandpa looked sharply at his wife, then smiled and kissed her on the cheek.

I was dressed in slacks, a sports coat and tie when we stood before the judge the next morning. Mom was there, looking worse for wear, with a big bruise on her cheek that matched the one on mine, courtesy of Marjorie.

“Your honor, the minor child Wayne Moore was sent out for a short-term visit, the intention was to see if her sister could help. The boy was a delinquent and combative with his parents and they thought a change of scenery would help. She contacted her sister and was told that he was not coming back home. My client, distraught, flew out here to collect him, but he has been thoroughly brainwashed and refused to return with her. This highly irregular and possibly illegal enrollment in the University of California is another issue. The boy is fourteen!”

Mom’s attorney was painting Aunt Lucy and John as kidnappers or worse!

“Your honor, I would like draw your attention to the following depositions from the military medical doctor who treated Wayne for the abuse he underwent at the hands of his mother and step-father, the child psychologist who treated him, the Headmaster of the school he attended in the United Kingdom, his former school counselor, his middle school principal, his first high school principal in Texas, the high school Dean here in Santa Barbara, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees for the Santa Barbara Unified School District, the Dean of the University of California at Santa Barbara and the Chairman of the Board of Trustees for the University of California.” Grandpa said, laying one after the other blue covered document on his table as he called them out.

Once the bailiff had collected the documents and given them to the judge, grandpa continued.

“We can show that Wayne was the victim of systematic abuse at the hands of these people and still bears the scars of that abuse on his body, and on his psyche, to this day. Yet despite that abuse, this boy is a genius who graduated high school at fourteen and was even offered a scholarship to the University of California by the Board of Regents. His mother appeared without warning, assaulted the boy causing what could be permanent hearing loss. You have the police report and photographs in front of you already.”

“Wayne’s biological father is suing for custody and we insist that the restraining order be enforced against this woman and her husband.”

“Your honor, I object, this information was not made available...”

The judge held up his hand.

“Counselor, this is a hearing, not a trial, and there is no discovery. Now, Wayne, what do you want to do?” he asked me.

“Sir, I want to stay here and continue to attend college, living with my father and under the guidance of my grandfather, my Aunt Lucy and my Uncle John. They have treated me better. supported me more emotionally and intellectually, in the nine months I have been here than my mother and her husband ever did. I have no desire to ever live with her again.” I told him, making my desires perfectly clear.

The judge shuffled through the documents on his desk, shaking his head.

“The restraining order is upheld. Counselor for Mary Moore, you are to instruct your client that she is not allowed contact with the minor, Wayne Moore in any way, shape or form. She is not to be within one hundred feet of him, his primary residence or his school. Any defiance of this restraining order and your client will be jailed for contempt.”

“Mr. Jessen. Your son will not be allowed to leave the state until the issue of custody is concluded, but you are free to take him home with you. I am placing him in your custody until the case is settled.”

He banged his gavel and rose. “Karl, bring Wayne and his father to my chambers, please.” he said before sweeping out.

“He can’t do that! He is my son! You have no right!” Mom began ranting, screaming at the attorney who had been defending her, but he looked pissed.

“Mrs. Moore, you will have to find another lawyer. I can’t help you if you won’t tell me the truth.” he snarled, snapping his briefcase closed and stalking out of the room.

Mom started towards me, a snarl on her face but came up short when a Bailiff stepped between her and us.

“Ma’am, you have to leave now.” the bailiff said.

We were shown into the Judge’s chamber and when we were all seated, the Judge who had been in the courtroom had doffed his robes and was wearing a golf shirt.

“Karl, I would recuse myself from this case, since we are friends, but I can’t think of a single judge in the county, maybe the state, that you don’t know.” he said, shaking his head. “What is the bottom line here, Karl?”

“Jim, Wayne is my grandson. You have seen the police report? Did you also see those scars on his back?” when the judge nodded, Grandpa continue. “Those were from electrical cords and a dog chain. The boy’s medical records read like a horror novel and his psychiatric records are even worse. Now that he is here, safe from those people, I won’t see him sent back.”

Same as Echo
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I was 18 when i came to LOS ANGELES full of dreams of a better and glamorous life.In my hometown i was considered a beautyqueen ,guys were all over me,flattering and telling me that hollywood would fall to my feet the minute i would get there,little did i know .....Let me tell you a little about my background ,my family.My parents weren't rich ,mind you not poor either ,they were average.I think they loved eachother but sex was not something they kept inside the marriage,in fact they were...

3 years ago
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Stripjoint Handjob

I was in town for a work conference being held at an old historic hotel in a small northeastern city. Though old, the hotel recently underwent a complete refurbishment, making it into a rather nice venue. Like in most other old downtown areas, the city was trying to revitalize things and some newer buildings now mixed with the old. The only real downside was that the hotel sat immediately adjacent to some of the most deprived areas, which also included a couple of nearby strip-joints. Luckily...

2 years ago
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The CEOrsquos Wife

My boss liked to share his wife and she loved to be filmed having sex!I had been working for a Florida high-tech company for only five months when my boss, the CEO, invited me and two other new employees for a Sunday afternoon cruise on his sixty-foot yacht. I’d never been on such a luxurious and expensive boat before, so I was excited, not only for that reason but also for being invited by my boss since I was his newest employee.We pulled away from the slip around noon and headed through the...

3 years ago
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Sow and ReapChapter 32 My Life Goes On As It Should

Anzu and Honda moved out of the manor proper and into one of the guesthouses. They wed in a very quiet, very private service in June. Her parents, his father, the Mutou's and myself. Rather than a large reception after, Anzu wanted a simple family dinner. Pharaoh and I spoke, smiled and laughed as if we were simply friends. Before the wedding, I had a very brief teleconference with Noah and Mokuba and we voted unamiously to grant the newlyweds and their decendants use of the Kaiba kamon....

2 years ago
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He Promised Part 1

I met him when he approached me at a night club. I had noticed him watching me earlier as I walked about with my friends. I smiled to him once as our eyes met. His features were obviously Slavic and I was instantly enticed. To some French is a turn on. In my case, to hear a man speak Russian or Estonian, even three seats away in a subway train, sends shivers all over my skin. If one were to speak to me directly, the tremors would be inside me, originating from where I wanted him to be inside...

2 years ago
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The Awakening

The boat drifted down the coast just offshore and found what looked like the inlet of a major river. This seemed as good a place as any to complete the task they set out to do over a year ago. They left Scandinavia with 12 strong men, at this point there were 8 men of sorts, 3 women and whatever Bjorn has become. The men worked tirelessly to complete the task, digging the hole they would use to rid themselves of the ultimate evil. When the lust overtook them they eagerly used the women,...

1 year ago
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The Coffee ShopChapter 4

“Penny for your thoughts,” Glenn said as he headed toward the part of town where the Coffee Spot was located. “I’m feeling more and more positive,” she replied. “I’m wondering if we should let him start living as a girl full-time.” “Maybe we should wait for Dr Langley’s evaluation ... although I have no doubt of what he’ll find. With a little luck you can get an appointment in the next week or so. It should happen before school starts.” “You’re right about that.” She reached for his hand...

1 year ago
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Author and Subject

Author and Subject Belladonna Brett Hynde was by most standards a successful man. He had his first novel published when he was 24. The book received plaudits from the literature community and produced decent sales. It was his second book that made Brett known to a sizable public, however. The success of the book put Brett in a difficult position. He was a shy, retreating man. He wanted no part of the spotlight or the people who sought him out. Brett decided then that he would...

2 years ago
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Wildest Sex With My Boss 8211 Part I

Hello Guys & Girls (if there is any..lolz) I’m going to narrate a Real life Incident that happened with me in last October 2013. Since it is a real thing & not a Story, I have to fake* the names, company and even company’s nature of business ( It’s a big company..if i don’t hide things, maybe one or two from my company can relate to this) This Story has 3 People involved in it, that’s me (Riya), Arathi & our Boss Nikhil. I work for a Own Brand Mobile Phone Distribution Company Based in...

1 year ago
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MomsFamilySecrets Audrey Madison Penelope Kay Sharing With My Stepmom

Nick Strokes is taking a shower when his stepmom Audrey Madison walks into the shower to join him. Nick’s surprise is palpable as Audrey drops the towel to show off her bit boobs and hairy pussy. Audrey insists on washing Nick’s hair, which just makes Nick pop a boner. Audrey offers to help her stepson out with a handie and some dirty talk as the warm water pours down around them. Later, Nick is hanging out with his girlfriend Penelope Kay when Audrey comes to hand Nick the phone so...

3 years ago
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The Secret to Sucess

“Yes sir.” “Ellen can you please come in here, and lock the door when you enter?” “Be right there” Ellen looked around the office as she turned around in her chair. She shifted in her chair, and raised her skirt up. She reached under her skirt and slowly slid her lacy thong down her hips and her toned tanned legs. She opened her desk drawer and laid them inside and took out a band and pulled her long brown hair into a pony tail. She got up, adjusted her skirt and walked to the door...

3 years ago
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Thicker Than BloodChapter 12

2002 It was held in a big church, their marriage ceremony. I didn’t get an invitation, but I was there anyway. I was incognito, but I was there. I shouldn’t have been; it made me sick. Watching them be all happy and loving, but most of all it was Jenna who hurt me, though of course she didn’t know it. Watching her making all silly around him and her, hugging them, saying sweet things to them, smiling at them, joining in the general hoopla; yeah it was hurtful. I snuck away like the wimpy...

1 year ago
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A MYTHing witch a MYTH prequel

M.Y.T.H.-ing Witch (A M.Y.T.H. prequel) I can say it, I messed up. But it wasn't all my fault. I trusted the wrong person. But I'm getting ahead of myself. My name is Sabrina, and I'm a witch. Nope, don't have a broomstick. Although I guess I could, if I really wanted to make one. Witches are actually a subset of the race known as the Magi. There are three main subsets - Witches, Warlocks, and Wizards. Before you ask, no, not all witches are girls, and not all Warlocks...

3 years ago
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Rhythm and the Blue Line Ch 45

Ryan covered a yawn as she walked into the hotel lobby. The show had gone well and she was beat. Tired enough, she had decided, to head back to her room while the others hung out somewhere. Her fatigue must have shown, since none of them had made more than a token effort to convince her to go with them. She pondered that in the elevator. It was unlike Lara to leave her alone these days. Ever since the day Lara had forced Ryan into the restaurant, her friend had stuck close. It wasn’t like...

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Tumblr MILFChapter 3

When I got to Ronnie's house, I thought she wasn't there at first, because I knocked and nothing happened. I was about to leave when the curtains moved, so I waited. Finally she opened the door about a foot. She had on a thick robe, but it wasn't closed tightly, and there was a lot of cleavage. I knew it wouldn't be anywhere near acceptable to stare at that, as delicious as it looked, so I got my eyes off of that and put them on her face. She was just staringt at me and I thought she was...

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A Winter Phantom

  She stands near the window, watching the snowstorm come in.   Clouds darken the sky, and snow lightning, a rare phenomenon, splinters the inky blackness.   Sleep has eluded her once again, and she is restless.   Snow covers the ground and frost creeps into the corners of the window pane.   She stirs the embers in the fireplace and lays an armful of logs on the grate.   In her sheer, white nightdress she looks like a ghost in the light of the flames, but in reality, she is no ghost. She still...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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All Business Part 4

The rest stop was dark and practically deserted. He had parked toward the back, accessible to anyone and everyone, but slightly out of the way for the average motorist. As he opened the car door, the slight breeze of warm summer night air did nothing to cool my body, which was dripping from the sweat he had wrenched out of me. My legs were still shaking from cumming over and over in the car, the plug still securely vibrating in my ass, and I could barely walk as he helped me out of the car to a...

4 years ago
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A Horny Night in Stars Hollow Ch 05

‘Harder Chris, harder!’ Lorelai yelled as the father of her child pounded into her pussy with his huge cock. She was bent over on her bed, completely naked, with her ass in the air. Her former boyfriend was shoving his huge prick into her pussy doggy-style. ‘Mhmm, my little slut, you like that don’t you,’ responded Christopher as a he gave her a little slap on the ass. ‘Oh yes Chris, slap that ass,’ she moaned. Lorelai couldn’t be happier with the current arrangements. One day she had...

1 year ago
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The Tale of the Comfortable Panties 2

THE TALE OF THE COMFORTABLE PANTIES By Tammie Anne Freeman Chapter 2 Soon all my clothes had been stripped off. Then Marion picked me up and placed me on the table. Both of them started applying a sticky gel to my body. They also placed small strips of cloth over the sticky gel as they went along. Soon strips of cloth covered my whole body. I felt a sharp pain in my genitals. I saw that Karen had stuck a needle in my scrotum, and was injecting fluid. I tried resisting, but...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 418

This is compliments of the 'Shy One' This was written by a young student, who apparently has their own take on what it is like for "retired" grandparents. Enjoy looking at this through the eyes of a child. RETARDED GRANDPARENTS After Christmas vacation, a teacher asked her young pupils how they spent their holiday away from school. One child wrote the following: We always used to spend the holidays with Grandma and Grandpa. They used to live in a big brick house but Grandpa got...

3 years ago
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The Toe Job ChallengeJim Earns Respect Chapter 1

Jim earns respect As a prequel to the continuing series about Barbra’s Reawakening, I’ve decided to reach even further back to give a little bit of my background, my history, the events that made me who I am. Some of them are worthy of entertainment others are bit more tricky and only shed light when taken in context with the rest of the stories. But isn’t that life? Anyway this story, or the two of them anyway, reach back to my time in college and working full time mostly in a part...

1 year ago
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The fitting 1

This was the one day of the year Molly hated to go shopping!!! No, she hadn't lost her feminine drive to load up her credit card buying the latest fashions, it was just that this was the day she had to buy her new bathing suit for the up coming season!!! While she was a nineteen years old and a sophomore in college, she still had the body of a 18 year old, and she still lived in dread of having a sales lady ask if she shouldn't check with her mother on what suit to pick out!!! Sometimes when...

4 years ago
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fucked my aunt and made her pregnant

Hi to all. This is madhu from Banglore. I am here to tell you about my sex experience with my aunt named Lakshmi. We are living together in a joint family. Her figures are 36-30-36. The incident happened recently when I was 18 years old and she is 35. I was so crazy about her. So I decided to have her.Once we both went to the swimming pool. Nothing happened there. On our way we went to a nearby park. The park was almost empty. Only 10-15 people were there. But it is a big park. At the end of...

3 years ago
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My Girls III Truth Power and HopeChapter 25

Megan, Sammi, Eric, and I sat on the bed, staring at our visitor. Sometimes, you wonder why something surprises you, but it does nonetheless. The romantic mood was mostly gone; mostly, but that didn't keep Megan from slipping her hand between my legs and absent-mindedly stroking me slowly. I doubt she realized she was doing it. She had eyes only for the girl in the corner. Sammi was doing similar things with Eric, paying no more attention. It would be interesting when Julie returned with...

1 year ago
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Judgement Day

My first attempt at horror – it’s Halloween after all. ‘This was definitely one of Graham’s better ideas,’ Gemma said with a grin as they waited in line for their second ‘haunt’ of the night. Smiling back, Neil grabbed her hands, jumping up and down happily. ‘I know, I’m so excited,’ he almost shouted, causing the attendant to look over in disapproval. He was just like a little kid when he was enjoying himself and his enthusiasm was infectious. Unfortunately, the attendant seemed immune,...

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Kill or Be KilledChapter 13

General Linda Styles blew Fort Carson off the state and nearly off the planet. There was not a building let alone a foundation left when it blew. Nathan had managed to get eyes on the building where they were holding Tia. When CAR blew everyone in the building freaked and started running around like chickens with their heads cut off. He tried to sneak in but with everyone rushing around in chaos he was not successful. The good news is that the few goons he did kill were not missed. Three...

3 years ago
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The Snake Bite VictimChapter 1 The Pinnacle

"Help! Help!" Stephen heard a faint voice crying out; just before he reached a junction where he could see a small, narrow track leading off to the left from the main trail that he was jogging along. Not that his track was much wider than the one branching off to the side. In any event, the bush was quite thick on either side of both tracks. He stopped instantly and peered down the twisting path between the dense vegetation that led off down the slope to the left. He could just make out a...

2 years ago
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One Fateful Evening

It was a hot summer evening and I had gone to a local exotic dance club to watch the local talent. I was looked at rather oddly by the staff being as I'm a 5 foot tall petite Asian girl with waist length pink hair. I handed the doorman my ID with my ten dollar cover and went in and found a seat close to the stage. I had watched a rather dazzling array of lovely dancers doing their best to pleasure the audience and that chrome pole in the middle of the stage. Then she came out! the most...

3 years ago
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Fucking hot Shikha in hotel

I was in my car, and the car stopped at the red signal. I took my laptop and was looking for the recent rss feeds on my feed reader and came along one title saying famous bollywood actress landed, i was a fan of her and i sportily opened it among the several tabs. The car was now moving. I read the blog post while my driver was driving. My envy for meeting her was growing but i preferred to keep away as the stars usually keep on throwing their starry attitudes. I had a meeting with a client a...

2 years ago
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Playing To Win Playing The Game IIChapter 11 Luscious Girl Dilemma

I knew that there was no way that Kristina's parents would allow her to go to the block party with me, and I wouldn't ask her to sneak around against her father's wishes, so I decided to give Becky Steinman a call. After all, why should I be the only kid there without a girl to hang out with? "Hi, Becky," I said when she got on the phone. "It's Sean." "Sean? Sean who?" she asked teasingly. "Not Sean Porter, is it? I thought he dropped off the face of the earth." "Nope," I...

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got my wife into prostitution

This story relates to my wife rittu with whom I got married in 2004 and before my marriage I used to fuck lots of prostitutes of all age .I had a special prostitute named muskan and she use to give me a wild sex giving me all positions to fuck and eshe even used to allow me to fuck her ass and used to take all my cum in her mouth.After my marriage with rittu I stopped seeing muskan or any other prostitutes and was enjoying the sexy body of my younf wife.Rittu was however not accomplished in...

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Tara 6 CrossroadsChapter 21

Skyla had come back with a satisfied look on his face to tell them that Alberto was no more. He had been horrified as he watched the demise of his Queen. He stood transfixed until Ricky called for him to come and help him and Micky. Silver howled the whole time that Ricky tried to remove the shackle from her legs. Ricky had to get Skyla to hold her while he worked, so she stayed still long enough for him to get the spell to work. Even Micky had her arms wrapped around Silver’s neck. Ricky...

3 years ago
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A Marriage Worth Saving

In the beginning our sex life was great, at least once a day. As the first year came to an end, so did our sex life. It fell to once a month and then once every three months. Every time I would bring up the subject she would get angry and it would start a fight. I decided it was not worth bringing it up and just dealt with it as best I could. Six years later and it was not improving at all. This is the story of what I did to try to save our marriage. Lexis is 14 years younger and very pretty...

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Mom the shemale bitch

Hi I have always had this fantasy The fantasy starts out in high school a number of years ago, when I started having dreams of the kinkier kind, but not really understanding why. The dreams were about women that had big breasts and large hips as well as being tall and big boned.The dreams always started out the usual way with a date, dinner, kissing, and petting, but as soon as I got the breasts out and satisfied that part, the girls were pulling down their pants for me, but not complaining I...

1 year ago
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Kink Katie Kush Tainted Love Episode 5 The Brat

Quinton continues to share his steamy stories with his friend April. Up next: a bottom that identifies as a brat named Katie Kush. Katie doesn’t hide the fact that she’s a li’l brat. In fact she’s actually proud of who she is, and how she likes to play during BDSM encounters. Quinton learns how to navigate dealing with a brat, and how to play consensually within her comfort zone. Once he finds his own comfort zone, everything falls into place. He manhandles Katie quite a bit to subdue her...

1 year ago
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Fucking Friends My First Anal

And also my only anal. We were (and still are friends) and there had always been some sexual tension. MSNs started to get dirty, he told me that he liked to be in charge in bed and I told him that I was absolutely the opposite and for the first time since we'd known one another, we were both single. We lived in different parts of the country. One thing led to another and I had found myself on a train and we spent the weekend fucking. Bliss. Fucking and friendship. We knew nothing more should...

2 years ago
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Sex on the road side

Introduction: pt of my short stories We have been to your mothers fiftieth birthday [arty and Were on our way back home in your car, You have been looking at me all night like you want to eat me alive and decide to pull the car over to the side of the road and drag me out, walking us into a field you tell me to take my dress off. You tell me to stand there in the cold air in just my bra and French knickers, you stand in front of me looking at me before you decide what you want to do. I notice...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Jane Wilde First DVP And DAP

Spunky porn sensation Jane Wilde wears sheer lingerie and pantyhose, teasing and packing her bunghole with a massive dildo. The dirty-talking doll farts as she flaunts her budding rectum. Dominant studs Markus Dupree and John Strong over-stuff her holes in her very first double-vaginal and double-anal experiences! Hardcore sodomy includes cavernous rectal gaping and a throat-fucking, ass-to-mouth blowjob. Nasty Jane rims bunghole through a tumultuous threesome, and she proudly exhibits her...

3 years ago
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Tara 2 CuttailsChapter 18

Trae felt Kat join him in his silent reflections. ‘What happened, Trae?’ Kat asked him. ‘I know who I am and I don’t wish to be that person,’ he replied sadly. ‘Why? Are you a bad person? I don’t believe that you are. I have never felt that in you,’ she replied. Trae sighed and hugged her and the cuttails who seemed to have joined him in a field of flowers beside a stream that he had placed himself in. He knew the place was one of his favourites in his valley and he felt he had conjured...

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The Move pt2

The Move pt.2 I worked the four days that heather wasn’t there it seem to be going so long and boring. On the day she was suppose to come back I woke up early got ready to go to work when my phone rang the boss told me that the schedule was put up and I have the next two days off. I was pretty bummed but happy to got some free time to hang out and relax. Later that day I headed to the lake to go fishing was a nice and sunny day as I set up I felt very relaxed just listening to mother nature so...

3 years ago
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The Trainee

I am not the muscular gym type that spends their spare time working out the whole time. I am more of what you can call a computer nerd that likes to fiddle around on my computer in my spare time. Although these last few days I have spent my time writing stories such as these you are reading at the moment. Literature has always been more interesting that watching normal porn videos. I took a job at a local cell phone branch and was pretty excited to start work as soon as possible to keep my...

2 years ago
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JC gets lucky

He entered the office and was greeted by Carla the receptionist. Carla was in her early 30’s. She had brown hair with highlights cut in a bob. It was cute, but JC preferred longer hair styles. She had big brown eyes and a warm smile. She had nice sized tits and a cute ass which he rarely got to see since she was usually seated at the receptionist desk. “Hi JC, I see your back to fix our printer,” she said stating the obvious. “I’ll call and get someone to walk you back.” “Thanks,” he...

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Hells Housewife Book 1

HELL's HOUSEWIFE By XXXecil Book 1 She didn't want big tits. Her figure, just as she was, seemed perfect for the life she led. Sarah had no use for the great globes of jiggling mammary that those sluts in the magazine had possessed. The discovery of the hidden magazine stash while cleaning had come as a blow to her, as slap in the face! Yet... also a reminder... Sarah clicked her turn signal as she wove her usual route through the Meadow Heights district on the way to retrieve...

3 years ago
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Naughty Pretty Things 2

The girls talk. Sherry must know everything. How, when, where and how often now? She is rapt for each detail. 'How big is he Keri'? Sherry eyes are wide as Keri shows her how long and how big around Daddy is. Keri also promises Sherry he will fill her completely. Daddy is gentle at first. He will let Sherry take him slowly. Get used to him and stretch to take all of him balls deep. Keri rubs Sherry's pussy slowly while she tells her about Daddy and what he will likely do to...

2 years ago
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School SeriesIm a Virgin

School Series-I'm a Virgin! "I want to learn how to fuck my teacher." I heard the words come out of mouth, but I wasn't sure what was happening to me. All the sudden I wanted to do what he was doing to that other girl. Mr. Teman turned around, and saw that I was naked and slowly a smile formed on his lips. Realizing that I wanted to see how he tasted I walked toward him, and allowed him to kiss me. His lips were soft, and taste like cherry lip gloss,...

3 years ago
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Fucking the ass of an American MILF

I had just finished a run of night shifts and after a few hours kip, woke feeling incredibly horny.  It had been a few weeks since my last sexual encounter and although I regularly jerked off, I'm sure you will all agree, it's not the same.  I decided to have a walk into town, so after a quick shower, coffee and a smoke, headed out.It was a beautiful late summer/early autumn day with blue skies interspersed with fluffy clouds and a light breeze and the streets were fairly busy with students and...

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Finding BathshebaChapter 21

Abigail shoved the last thick file folder into the overstuffed drawer, then plopped down in her desk chair. She fantasized about working in a paperless office, and wondered if she should ask about that when she interviewed for jobs in Seattle. It was hard to believe that she and Jack—and hopefully, Allison—would be moving in less than a month. She hoped that something would pan out with one of the interviews she'd been able to line up. She checked her desk calendar. She would be flying out...

1 year ago
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Jackie Listens to Her brother

After getting wet in the rain, her brother shares a storyThe chance to finally seeing my big brother Tommy again was making me nervous. Or maybe, I don't know, really excited. What I missed most about Tommy was just talking with him, well, listening really. Anytime we talked -- his voice just seemed to calm me down and make me feel SO good. During our last phone call I said, "I really miss you.""Oh Jackie, Please, don't sound so sad, I miss you too."Talking on the phone is wonderful, but it's...

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Double Trouble

If you are not over the age of 18 or whatever the legal age is where you live -- don't read this! Go back to comics! Keywords Use of Sex Toys High Heels Chastity Humiliation Categories Bondage Femdom Forced Crossdressing Jason thought he had it made until two ladies he dumped ganged up on him. Double Trouble By Janet Baker "Julia", Janet wept copiously, mascara running down her cheeks, "the bastard dumped me!" "Oh Janet honey, I'm so sorry! What...

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Wife Touches Buddy 8

We all jumped in, swam around and enjoyed the refreshing water. After about 30 minutes of playing around, I decided to go and mix more drinks for us. When I returned, Anthony and my wife were sitting close to each other on the steps of the pool submerged about waist deep. I passed the drinks around and joined them. It was an incredible night. The stars were out and the moon was full. The moonlight shined down on us and created a sparkle over the top of the pool water. We were all so relaxed...

1 year ago
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Lonely in London

Internet.By day I am a working professional but by night you will come to realise I am quite the sexual deviant. This is my story of a recent experience I had. My name is Suzie and I live and work in central London and have done for about 3 years now. Moving here on my own was a challenge in itself but also very difficult to make any decent friends. This is when I came to realise the wonders of the internet. Passing countless hours either chatting to strangers or browsing through the copious...

3 years ago
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Long Life and TelepathyChapter 10

Monday. Ten o'clock in the morning in Houston, Texas. A parking structure next to a bank. Greg and his team waited on the second floor. Except Al. Al was the spotter on the first floor. He wore civilian clothes. The seven-man team was in place. Ready. Soon, Carson's driver would pull a vehicle into the garage and park. He'd select the open parking place closest to the stairwell. All the ground floor spaces were occupied. The men on the second floor wore desert camouflage gear over body...

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