Maja's MomChapter 3 free porn video

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September 19-20 - The weekend

I woke up at the crack of dawn. No alarm clock. No loud noises. No Bonkers in my face. No hangover. I just woke up, feeling pretty good. Showered and shaved, I headed down 25th toward the beach. I picked up my paddle board and paddle at Franco's house. Franco and his wife, Margie, have an autistic child. High functioning Asperger's. He had been in special classes his whole life but they tried to mainstream him in 7th grade – my class. I worked at it and got the other kids involved and we had a lot of success. His kid is now an honors student at Georgia Tech. Margie and Marco think I had more to do with it than I did but it's all good. Anyway, we have a deal. I keep my paddle board and Hobie Cat at his house, he uses them when he wants and I get to use his boat to go fishing every now and then. I'm taller so Franco has his own paddle and he rarely goes out early. This was early.

After walking across the cool morning sand I pushed my board out to knee deep water and then hopped up to paddle out. The surf was terrible as usual but there were still some hopefuls out. The regulars. They would have been waiting for the big wave if the sea was glass. I greeted those I knew on the way out. "Morning, Josh." "Morning Danny. Couple of miles?" "Yup. You are ever the optimist." "Yup". And like that.

I made it past the set-up line and turned north toward Wild Dunes and Deewees. The water was September cool and so was the air temp but I knew I'd warm up quickly with the work. The sun was slowly easing its way from behind a string of clouds near the horizon. Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning – not always true. I could see dolphins ahead, heading south at a leisurely pace. I turned out a bit to get closer but they ducked under and stayed there until they were past. Fine. Got nothing for you anyway, I thought. I passed the Citadel Beach House. No one there yet. Too early. Probably packed later in the day. Days like this, late in the summer, were rare and I knew the beach would be busy by noon.

With a long, narrow board, the right paddle, a smooth surface and good technique you can really move. I was really moving. The long narrow board gives you good speed but it's too unstable for the novice and most paddle boarders never graduate from a beginner board. It takes some effort and practice to develop a rhythm. I had paid the price of countless practice miles. I had the rhythm down and was powering up the coast, nearing the decision to continue on up and around Deewees Island or head back. I made it to the channel and elected to go to the north end of Deewees and then head back. By the time I turned around there was a slight breeze pushing me south.

You have plenty of time to think when it's just you and the ocean. I started to think it would be nice if Elsa was one of those people who took early morning walks on the beach. There still weren't many people out and they were bundled up and walking, stopping to look at sand dollars and shells. Others were power-walking or taking their dogs for their morning run. No Elsa. It should have been warmer, the beach should be deserted and Elsa should come walking out onto the beach in a tiny black bikini, see me and start swimming out. I would help her up and together we'd paddle off. That's what should have happened. Instead, I was so distracted I fell off my board and practically hit my chin. Get a grip. I climbed back up and began paddling again. Slower. I knew Elsa lived at this end of the island and didn't want to leave it. Even with the wind behind me it took almost twice as long to get back. Preoccupation destroys the rhythm.

I paddled in, catching a little wave as I did so. Big boards don't care how small the wave is. I passed more hopeful surfers on the way in, the crowd beginning to build. I crossed Palm and headed back up 25th, nearly three hours after I had started. My shoulders felt the burn, a good thing. Franco was mowing his small yard when I got back to his house.

"And?" he asked?

"Flat as a pancake. Easy paddling."

"I might go out this evening. You go around Deewees?"

"To the north end of it. Not around. Ran out of motivation."

"You've got more than me. I do good to make it to the Dunes and back."

"You do alright. The Bonnie available next Saturday?" Bonnie was Franco's 25 foot Key West center console. Bonnie as in "My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean." Italian guy with an Irish boat. It seems wrong.

"Yup. Going to take some friends out to Bull Island on Sunday but Saturday is good. They've never been. Long time for me too."

"Make sure you take the gator repellant." Funny guy. Gator repellant.

"Somebody said they saw that 18 footer again last weekend. I don't believe it but I'm going looking."

"Moccasin Pond?"

"That's what they say."

"Every year someone sees a huge gator at Moccasin Pond but never any pictures. I'm pretty sure Sasquatch got him. Whatever's out there I hope you find him before he finds you. I'll probably go out Saturday if the weather holds."


"Yup. Probably over by Morris Island. I had great luck there last time and it's the season so I'll go again. Your freezer full?"

"Danny, it's always full but I have friends. Whatever you don't want, we'll use. In fact, if you catch anything worth eating, I'll feed my friends with it on Sunday if you don't need it. We'll be full up on the boat ride out or I'd invite you to join us. You can sure join us for dinner, either way."

"I don't like gators anyway. Have fun. I'll let you know about dinner. Say hey to Margie for me," and I continued up the street.

After a quick rinse and some breakfast, I set out on my bicycle for Hudson's to pick up my car. I took the IOP connector up to Rifle Range and across, a comfortable 20 minute ride. I arrived between noon and 2PM, as promised. Hudson's was closed on Saturdays but my mechanic, Jamie, told me he'd be working on his own car for a couple of hours and I could pick it up then. Sure enough, Jamie had his Alfa Romeo in pieces I know nothing of, hands greasy but a big smile on his face as he tossed some unknown part at a trash can 20 feet away, yelling at it as it sailed. Pleasantries exchanged, a check written and the promise of my bicycle getting dropped off on Monday afternoon, I set out for parts unknown.

The throaty rumble sounded much better as I accelerated out of the parking lot. I thought about heading up to Georgetown and beyond, just for the fun of it but decided to head back home where I had nothing to do, instead. Rather than take a straight shot home, I circled north around the golf course and past the Lundquist home. Just because. No car in the drive. No bike in the lawn. No sign of life. Humph. I headed back to the house with no plan to do anything. Or perhaps it was a plan to do nothing. Either way I had nothing on the agenda. The Braves were on TV and Santana was pitching. I grabbed a beer and flopped into my easy chair. I fell asleep in front the game before the Braves came up to bat. I woke up late in the afternoon. My beer was warm and flat and golf was on. Two wasted beers in less than 24 hours. Alcohol abuse. The morning paddle was the highlight of the day.

The rest of the weekend was pretty blasé. I read, slept and cooked for the following week, did a little shopping. I lifted and then went through a few katas just for grins. I thought about going to the range but realized that would just be killing time and wasting ammunition. I wanted to lend my shoulder to Ms. Lundquist again. Ridiculous. Pathetic. Smitten was actually more like it. I really liked her and wondered if there were more to it than her needing an ear to talk to and a shoulder to cry on. Was I just the safe, convenient shoulder? A brother she didn't have? Probably all there was to it.

Monday - Tuesday, September 21 – 22

Monday came and with it some even better weather. Warm with a high near 80. I caught a ride into work so I could take my bike home that evening. Normal day. But when third period came around I noticed Maja in a new light, as Elsa's daughter. She had darker hair and eyes than her mom but she would become pretty as she grew. She quite obviously saw me in a new light too. I had lunch duty and I sat outside at a picnic table to watch the kids play, make sure no one jumped off the roof or got into a fight, that sort of thing. With two minutes left before the bell, Maja came over and sat next to me but didn't look at me.

"You like my mom?" Very quiet and without looking at me.

"I like your mom." Straightforward.

"OK." And she was gone. That's it. Gotta love kids that age. I thought about it for a minute. A nine word conversation isn't much to go on but then, maybe it was enough. She hadn't asked about the conference. She hadn't asked about what I told her mom. None of that. She had asked if I liked her mom. I couldn't remember any kid ever asking that question. That meant the two of them had talked and that I was a topic of conversation. Right? That had to be it.

That night I considered calling Maja's mom. I weighed it eight different ways and for some unexplained reason, I decided not to. To this day I can't figure why I didn't. Wimp. That was the only explanation.

Tuesday, a normal day until lunch – the last two minutes of lunch. Once again Maja came over and sat next to me.

"You like her a lot?" Judging the degree now. A lot of people liked her mom. Was I different?

"I like your mom a lot."

"OK," Satisfied that I liked her at least a little more than average.

That night I decided I'd better call Maja's mom, who I liked a lot. I gave her a call after dinner. Wimp no more.

"Hello." She sounded preoccupied.

"Hi." Clever conversationalist.

"Danny. How are you?" Pleasant recognition, with a sense that her attention was now on the call. That's nice.

"I'm good. You know that, though."

"Yes. I get running reports."

"I don't. How are you doing?"

"No. I suppose not. Maja is pretty quiet. Except with me. Thank you so much for Friday night. My week was so long and that just, I don't know, happened."

"I'm glad it did. I'd kind of like it to just happen again."

"Maybe with less drama?"

"Maybe. That was enough drama for three people but it was your drama. I've discovered I'm not opposed to drama. Not opposed to your drama at any rate."

"Well I'm just about done with it. I am glad that you rolled with it though. I just dumped on you."

"No, really. I felt honored, I guess. Honored that you felt like you could confide in me."

"I didn't give you a lot of choice. Hi, I'm Elsa, here are all my problems."

"I didn't see it that way. I mean I guess I did but still. You're in a tough place."

"Not for long."

"No. How'd you like to escape it all?"

"Ooh. Yes, please. What do you have in mind?"

"How'd you like to go fishing with me Saturday?"

"Fishing? Like worms on hooks fishing?" A definite sound of "Ew" in that.

"Not exactly. More like shrimp and mullet on hooks fishing."

"I'm not sure if that's better or worse. What's a mullet?"

"Small fish you use for bait. I have the use of a friend's boat this Saturday and planned to go fishing, out in Charleston harbor. I thought you could use a day on the water. You know, beautiful scenery, fresh air, gentle waves."

"That sounds much better than worms on hooks."

"It is much better. Plus, I'll be there."

"Well, that clinches it. OK. What do I need to do? What time? You know, I haven't been fishing since I was about six or so and I don't know a thing about it." I was about to answer when she offered, "Perhaps I should cook you dinner and you can tell me what to expect."

"Mom! Really?" The eavesdropper in the background.

"Dinner sounds good."

"You heard that didn't you?" asking about Maja, then away from the phone, "Shush!"

"Heard what?"

"Nothing. You did. OK, before she sticks her nose in again, 7 good?"

"Perfect. Then I'll see you tomorrow night at 7 and I'll bring fish stories. I have lots."

"I'll bet." Then in a whisper, "You should see Maja. She is squirming like one of those worms."

"I'm not quite sure what to do with that. Tomorrow night."


And as easy as that. Hot diggity. I really thought that. Hot diggity.

Wednesday, September 23 – Dinner

School the next day was pretty normal. I wasn't scheduled for lunch duty but I took it anyway, just to see if I would get more than a two sentence conversation from Maja. The weather was amazing but it wouldn't last. Autumn is totally unpredictable in the Lowcountry. It can be 85 one day and 45 the next. Sun then rain. We've seen ice storms and Indian summers. I think the meteorologists here work harder than anywhere. But today, they could enjoy it as much as the rest of us. Wednesday through Sunday looked like it would be warm and sunny and that would be fine with me. Near the end of lunch I got my visitor in what was becoming routine. Maja sat next to me with nearly five minutes left, a new record.

"You're coming to dinner tonight." A statement rather than a question.

"I am."

"OK." But she didn't leave.

"What's she cooking?"

"Rib eye. Probably. Steak for sure. Probably rib eye."

"I like a good steak. How about you?" Definitely working on this introvert.

"I guess. Mom thinks you like steak."

"I think most guys like steak so it's a safe bet."

"I have to go."

"OK." And she was gone. Our longest conversation. She was definitely warming up to me. I wondered what her conversations with her mom were like.

That evening I realized it had been a long since I'd been on a date where I cared about the results. Lots of dates but with less interesting, and certainly less beautiful women. I'm pretty certain none of the other women in my life had been a professional model, raised a child on their own or, or, or killed a husband. I wore some new slacks and a fresh polo shirt, slipped on my newer Topsiders and drove the three miles down to her house on Twin Oaks, practically across the street from the tennis courts. As I pulled into the driveway, I could see Maja sneaking a peek out the window.

Their home was the southern end of a town-home, a modern Charleston two-story. The first floor was elevated as many are in hurricane territory. It provided a huge carport and storage area underneath. There were six cars including hers, several bicycles, beach carts were arranged neatly and I could see an outdoor shower and clothes line near the back. The front was beautifully landscaped with a small lawn surrounded by palmetto trees and saguaro palms. A single curved stairway wrapped around a huge palmetto tree to a large porch with a separate door to each unit. The porch ceiling was painted the traditional "haint" blue, to ward off the undead. I thought I would paint mine that color too. Some traditions are fun and this one was distinctive and colorful as well. I could hear the distinctive thud of tennis balls being batted back and forth in the distance. I walked up and was about to knock when Elsa called for me to come in.

"Come in. Maja saw you coming." She was putting together a salad and didn't look up. I admired her profile for a brief moment while she worked. She had her hair in pigtails and wore a white V-neck with broad black stripes. On Friday, her business attire and then sweater covered her too much to make a genuine assessment. But now I could tell she was very slim. She said she was flat. Her breasts seemed small but she definitely wasn't flat. She wore fairly tight, lightly faded Capri length jeans that showed off a very nice ass. I already knew that she had toned calves, the beginning of nice legs that I'd like to see more of. She was barefoot and as I entered, her toes started wiggling and stretching, something she had done Friday after her rain dance. I estimated her to be 5'7", maybe 115 and probably a 4 or 6 dress size. I decided that I would need further investigation on that.

"Hi." She looked up and smiled as I approached. "I bear gifts." I had her raincoat, neatly folded, a large never-been-wet golf umbrella to replace the one she had ruined, and a nice bottle of Cotes du Rhone that I thought would go well with the steak. She gave the raincoat a look of contempt, smiled at the umbrella and took the bottle for inspection.

"This will work just fine. Thank you." Having assessed my wine selecting abilities favorably she leaned forward and gave me a peck on the lips.

"You smell like heaven." And she did, too.

"Mmm. Hungry?"

"Very much so." I tried to say it like James Bond would. I was trying to be dangerous.

"You smell the steak," she offered.

"Not on the grill yet," I observed.

"No. And it probably wouldn't be good if you couldn't tell the difference."

"Bvlgari," I said, pronouncing it correctly, the 'v' sounding like a soft 'u'.

"You can tell the difference."

"I can and the Bvlgari suits you very well."

A tiny smile let me know I had scored big points with that. "Potatoes will be a few minutes and I need to finish this up. Have a seat and relax." I gave their living room a once over. It was very nicely furnished in modern Scandinavian. A tan leather couch was surrounded by two recliners. I've always liked the full, thick kind of chairs you can sink into but these looked stark and uncomfortable. Probably teak wood and what looked like thin, uncomfortable cushions. I've always wanted to try on. I gingerly sat on one, testing it.

"They recline. I've fallen asleep there many times," she said watching me as she worked. I slid back in the seat and pushed back. Very deceptive. Far more comfortable than I would have imagined. I could only sit in it a minute or two and then it would have me, suck me into its trap. I stood before I succumbed to its magic. There was a modest flat screen across from the couch and an upright piano near the stairs. Not a grand but much better than my little electronic keyboard. How much time did we say? I sat at the piano.

"Who plays?" I asked.

"Maja plays a little bit. She took lessons for a while but stopped when we moved and she hasn't really played since we moved in. It's probably out of tune. Do you play?"

"Some. Do you mind?"

"Not at all. As soon as you start, though, Maja will stick her head out."

"I think I can manage." I ran the scales to test. The humidity in the Lowcountry requires that you tune a piano frequently but this little Baldwin was still fine. After a short warmup I decided to enjoy the feel of a real keyboard. I eased into String of Pearls. It sounded pretty good. Elsa was right and it didn't take long before I saw Maja peeking out. She watched for a bit and then slowly started coming down the stairs. I only managed a couple of minutes before my memory went bad and I improvised a finish.

"What else do you know?" Maja asked. I was disappointed. No, 'Hey, that was pretty good.'

"Well, if Hoagy Carmichael recorded it, I can probably play it." Gershwin, Hoagy Carmichael and show tunes. My mom insisted.

"Who's Hokey Carmichael?"

"Hoagy. Hoagy Carmichael. He was before my time too. How about this? Tell me if this sounds familiar." And I started to play the theme song from Disney's Beauty and the Beast.

"I don't know what that is. Never heard it before."

"Yes you have. Keep listening." The song starts slowly and it takes a while to come around to familiar territory. About a minute in she started to smile.

"I know that song." She said, smiling but still not sure what it was.

"Thought so. What is it?"

"Keep playing. I know this." Now she was hooked. Deep in thought, brows furrowed in that it's on the tip of my tongue look.

"Give up?" I teased.

"No. I do know it. I know this." She looked over to her mom for help. She was behind me so I couldn't tell if she got any help or not but she suddenly blurted out, "Beauty and the Beast. It's Beauty and the Beast." I smiled and nodded and played it through to the end.

"Can you play Little Mermaid?"

"No. Sorry. How about this?" And I started to play Bare Necessities from Jungle Book and she smiled immediately.

"Everybody knows what that is."

I played it till the end and asked, "How about you? What songs do you know?" I asked as I slid out of the seat and motioned for her to slide in. But she was having nothing to do with that. Straight for the stairs and up. I turned to Elsa for some help and she shrugged.

"Want to help me grill?" I agreed and we headed out on the back deck. I could hear Maja noisily being quiet. She was like a cat that didn't want to be left out but didn't want to be noticed.

Her deck opened up to an expansive view of the marsh. The sunsets would be spectacular. I liked my little cottage but this was much nicer. I began to think about a career in financial consulting. From next to nothing to this in 12 years. Not bad. I, on the other hand, had fallen into my apparently much smaller fortune.

"Not bad. Maja really enjoyed that. I did too. How long have you been playing?"

"Since I was little. My mom started me."

"Good for her."

"I hated her for it. It destroyed my baseball career."

"You had a baseball career?"

"No. But when you're little you can dream. I was pretty upset with her for a long time. Making me miss playing baseball with friends so I could practice. When you're a kid, your priorities are different. I hated it. Right until my mom died. Then I got serious. I worked at it to prove she was right, I think."

"Well the practice paid off. That sounded wonderful."

"Thanks. I can't remember the last time I've played with anyone to listen but my cat. My cat who loves Hoagy Carmichael and hates Gershwin."

"That's funny. Well, everything else is ready and we're cooking these steaks sous vide so it will only take a minute on either side and we'll be done. The grill's getting hot but we don't need to put these on right away if you just want to enjoy the view."

"I do want to enjoy the view. It's spectacular." She rested her arms on the deck rail and was looking over the marsh. I was getting a much better look at her derriere. She didn't notice.

"It's half the reason we bought this home. It's nice that the tennis courts are so close. Sunsets on the marsh or closer to the beach? Easy choice I thought. You aren't even looking," she complained.

"But I am looking." She looked up and caught me but I really didn't care.

"Stop it. What's Maja going to think if she sees her history teacher ogling her mom's backside?" She looked back at the marsh and nodded for me to do the same. I didn't.

"She's going to think her history teacher is even smarter than she imagined." I joined her leaning on the rail my right shoulder gently touching hers. A flock of white ibis flew south on their way to their evening resting ground. A couple of cormorants or anhingas perched on poles in the distance; it was hard to tell which. We watched in silence. Ten minutes, maybe fifteen passed comfortably and then a formation of pelicans flew north toward Deewees for the night.

"They seem prehistoric, don't they?" she said breaking the silence.

"I've always thought that. That was maybe 20? I know I've seen 50 or 60 of them at a time."

"I know I've asked but honestly, how are you doing?"

"Work keeps me busy. It's easier if I don't think about it most of the time. But dinner Friday meant so much." She put her hand on my forearm, sort of reaffirming what we shared before. "I so needed that."

"That was very much my pleasure." We were quiet again while I put my thoughts into words. I liked her a lot and wanted to tell her that without screwing it up. I told her about the brief lunchtime conversations I'd had with Maja.

"She asked me if liked you."

"And you told her... ?"

"I told her I liked you. And then she asked me if I liked you a lot."

"And you told her... ?"

"And I told her I liked you a lot."

"That's nice. And that's it?"

"Almost. What did you tell her when she asked you?"

"What makes you think she asked me?"

"She didn't ask? Huh. Now I'm disappointed."

"She didn't have to ask."

"Ah. And... ?"

"Are you asking me to betray my daughter's confidence?"

"I don't think it works quite like that."

"Well, it should."

"You already knew about that conversation. The conversations I've had with Maja."

"Of course."

"This seems patently unfair." Silence. Silence. "And so how did the other side of the conversation go?"

"The jury is forming an opinion."

Perhaps she felt like she had put me off with her silence but I didn't mind. After all, she had accepted my invitation to go fishing and I was at her place for dinner. She liked me. I just wanted to hear her say it. We were shoulder to shoulder and she reached over and put her hand on my forearm, just resting it there. Sort of an affirming thing, I think. Her hand stayed on my forearm for a few moments and then she squeezed it, once and then again. She slid her hand up higher and then squeezed my bicep which I flexed a little bit and she squeezed again. I enjoyed being squeezed but I wasn't quite sure what she was doing. Then she turned a quarter turn toward me and her hand slid up to my shoulder, squeezing it too, sort of assessing.

"You are pretty solid, aren't you, mister?" She caught me quite completely off guard. I guess I am but don't think about it much. "You didn't get these arms teaching."

"SUP," I answered in one of my less brilliant conversational responses. She was sort of massaging my shoulder in true appreciation and it felt pretty good.

"Sup? What does that mean?"

"SUP. Stand up paddle boarding. I work out, and practice martial arts but it's probably mostly from standup paddle boarding. SUP."

"Ahhh. SUP. Well, it works, at least on your arms and shoulders, that's for sure." She had been friendly in her demeanor toward me, until then. Friendly in a non-sensual way. When she felt the tone of my arms and shoulders it was like something clicked in her. She moved past friendly and into a different zone. I liked it. She moved her left hand to my back and then turned half toward me and brought her right hand up to my chest, checking it out too. I watched. I was definitely not used to this type of appreciation. I flexed so she would get the full affect. Trips around Deewees were paying off.

Suddenly, she realized that she had her hands on me in a much more intimate manner than she probably planned. I think she was embarrassed and tried to turn back away, pretending this was a fleeting thing and she hadn't been examining the goods. I put my right hand on her lower back and held her where she was and I stepped back with my right so we were half facing. She resisted a little and then stopped, allowing me to hold her in place.

"I'm sorry. I'm not sure what I was thinking."

"I'm not sorry. Maybe you were thinking that I feel good. I like that. It's nice to be appreciated. I think you feel pretty good, too." I relaxed but held her in place. We were close enough to hear each other's breathing, heavier than normal and her face and neck were a bit flushed. She was embarrassed but pleasantly so, almost as though she wanted to be embarrassed.

I slid my hand farther up and around her back and spread my fingers so that I could wrap her into me, pull her forward. She resisted slightly so I just held her where she was, not forcing it but definitely letting her know I didn't want to let her get away. Then she stepped in a little with her right and suddenly we were slow dance close. She rested her right hand lightly on my hip. I had a quickly growing desire and I wondered if she could feel it through my slacks. Perhaps a slight recognition that "Yes, Danny wasn't just hard above the waist." Her hand on my hip pulled it very, very slightly. She subconsciously licked her lips and then, I think she decided to go with it and was leaning forward as though to kiss me when...

"Mom," Loudly from inside. "When's dinner? Maria wants me to come over."

Interrupted. We looked into each other's eyes from very close and we both knew we had been caught on the cusp of very new territory. More than just friendly territory. Why couldn't Maja have gone to Maria's for dinner, I thought. Could she just go now? We held each other's eyes, neither wanting to break.

She turned away from me briefly, "Ten minutes," she hollered back at Maja. She turned quickly back to reconnect our gaze. She seemed to realize that it was a good thing Maja wasn't in visual range. Perhaps she'd never seen her mom in a romantic embrace before. She relaxed her hands and started to pull away but I had my arm on her back and held her just an extra second.

"Wow," I half said and half mouthed.

"Yes. Wow," she said quietly with a somewhat confused look of lust, embarrassment and a healthy dose of where'd-that-come-from mixed in.

"Let me know when the jury reaches a verdict." I reluctantly let her pull away and she went into hostess mode.

Same as Maja's Mom
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Hello doston!  Mere pichli do experiences aap logon ke sath share kiya, bahut mails aye mere pass. Aap logon ke is pyar ke liye aap sabka dhanyawad. Jaisa ki aap sab jante hain ki main basically Lucknow se hun lekin business ke silsile mein travelling karta rahta hun. Ye kahani hai mere experience jo abhi kuch din pahele hua. Ek bhabhi ke saath, halaki shuruat 3-4 mahine pahele hui thi jab main ‘1920 Evil Return’ dekhne gaya tha. Woh mujhe paheli baar Phoenix mall mein mili thi. Bhabhi ki age...

2 years ago
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Mistis Adventures Part 114

Tod had stopped to drop the Kelly's off at their house, and Rick, as was expected, got out, too. What WASN'T expected was when Billy, Cathy, Robbi, and Bruce got out. Abe and Gail were visiting with Jerry and Mary for the night. It was a nice evening, and the men were going to, at least, keep Pete company while he milked, and Robbi and Cathy wanted to watch for a bit, and talk to Doris and Sue. It always seemed that they had something they wanted to talk about. They all went in and discovered...

2 years ago
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DONNA Overtime in the dungeon

We were doing some overtime at the store, down in the ‘dungeons’ the store rooms right at the bottom of the store where stuff was stockpiled but very rarely used. The managers wanted volunteers to sort through the crap and we would be paid a set fee for each day. I volunteered for a day and what a day it was.The day came and we’d been working for a couple of hours, it was very dusty and dirty, and there were six rooms all the same. 11:00am came and everyone trailed upstairs for a break, I came...

3 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 333

130,140 views all-time plus of course 83027 at sol By the time I set foot inside the Downtown house again, I had been gone two and a half days. It was right after 2PM on a Thursday when I entered my home which I converted from a finance company building. I intentionally left the smarter than smart phone unanswered while I had been gone. Whatever mundane shit awaited me, I decided to let it lay till I got back. I had to be Maxine the super spy for two days. I would just be damned, if I was...

4 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IIChapter 7 Attacked

The further east we traveled, the worse the weather seemed to get. It had been overcast and drizzly most of the day, and visibility had been limited. Now, as night time approached, there was no twilight, just a dreary darkness as the rain fell in sheets against the coach's window, only to be whisked away by the wind rushing past the speeding train. Catherine and John were in the lounge car as I came through the vestibule connecting it to the Dining Car. The door to Catherine's custom...

3 years ago
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Jodis Story Part 6

The Farm It was late August and still nice and warm in Eastern Oregon. It cooled down pretty good at night but got beastly hot during the day. We drove most of the day and arrived at dinner time. My older sister, her husband and son were glad to see us. We had a great dinner and chatted about everything. Jodi was having fun and enjoying some wine. We dressed real casual so she and my sister wore shorts and tank tops. My...

3 years ago
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Too hot to handle

Hello!! All ISS fans. As it seems that I have endless stories for u! Are u enjoying them or not??? There is another fucking and sucking story for u. as you all are aware of me that I am Abhishek , 18 male living in east Delhi. The story is not real. It does not match to any living being present on earth. it is made by me only for your enjoyment .if anybody having any questions, comments or anything to say about the story can freely mail me on or enjoy it dudes and babes. The story starts from...

3 years ago
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stepbrother caught wanking

gemma walks into the kitchen and sees her stepbrother john tipping the contents of a condom into her mothers coffee 'what the fuck are you doing you perv? mom mom get in here now' she shouts'please be quiet don't say anything please' john saysamber comes through into the kitchen as john is pushing the dripping condom into his pocket 'whats the matter whats going on ?''mom this dirty bastard was tipping the cum into your coffe from the condom he's just pushed into his pocket''what the fuck why...

2 years ago
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Walking the Dogs

It was mid-afternoon and a hot summer’s day, a man walking along a country road heard a noise sounding like an animal in pain. Calling his dogs to heel he went into the bushes with the intention of helping the poor creature. As he blundered around he came upon a bright sunlit clearing where the grass was quite short and in the middle of which lay a beautiful woman on a chequered car rug. Eyes popping he stopped short, lying supine with her top pushed up above her breasts she fondled the right...

4 years ago
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My Brothers Porn Addiction 3 A Weak But Sexy Moment

"Hey, Bonica," she said, walking by with him."Hey, Trica, hey, Joe," I added, peeking at them as they stopped. "So, I've noticed you two have been together a lot lately.""Yes, good call on giving me her number, thank you, sis," he added, coming to me and hugging me.I hugged him back as she kept her eyes on us. Luckily, she couldn't see my crotch or his for that matter. We both shook a bit, but it seemed she didn't pick up on anything weird.After that minute, he peeked back at her without...

3 years ago
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Football CampChapter 2

JD, a friends 18 yr old son, was staying with us for a week. The night before, his 18th birthday, I watched as he and my wife, Sarah, fucked several times. He is supposed to be staying with us until Friday morning, so we still have two more days of a possible play thing living in our house. JD is 18, black, muscular and lean, with what appears to be about a 9 inch dick. I woke up early on Wednesday morning to go to work and realized that Sarah had already gotten out of bed. I went into our...

4 years ago
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My huge thick dick replaced by two BBC

I was feeling very much stressed at work. I had too much pressure from my stupid Boss; but I could do nothing to solve this.The matter was that it was causing me a severe trouble to get an erection.My sensual wife noticed it; she was also worried, although she tried her best by giving me some wonderful blowjobs and she allowed me to watch her play with her favorite dildo; but everything was useless.Anita finally gave up and said she would invite an office mate to fuck her.The lucky one would be...

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Emma Hix Wet Summer Spinner

Tiny Emma Hix is a well put together teen blonde. This girl has what we would call a bikini body. She is one of those girls with a figure that makes her look too fuckable in a pink bikini. She’s laying out in the sun with an incredible petite bod and is bored. She calls her two guy friends to let them know she has the whole house to herself. Her two friends arrive and they started horsing around in the pool. You get some great looks at that dripping wet ass as they throw her in the pool and...

3 years ago
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Shy by Vickie Tern TG Femdom Don't read this if you shouldn't or you don't want to. If you do read it, I'd appreciate knowing what you think. ([email protected]). Shy by Vickie Tern i. I mean, a girl goes to college to get away from her parents and be with her girlfriends full time and scope boys and figure out what kinds she likes and what she likes about them and what she...

2 years ago
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ObsessionChapter 13

Lynn simply could not contain herself any longer. As soon as they were seated at the table, she looked into the eyes of her chosen. "I made up my mind last night. I want to spend my life with you. I've already told the others." "I'm thrilled... but surprised. Are you sure?" "Yes, last night my best friend gave me some very good advice. When I finally took that advice the answer was obvious." "What advice was that?" "To think through what was important to me, what I really...

3 years ago
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My Brother In Law Wife

Dear readers this is my first story in ISS. If there any mistake please pardons me. This is a true story of my life so please convey your comments at . This incident happened few months back.actually it started 4 years back. I am 32 year old married businessman from Delhi with average body and married for 6 years ago, my wife is very beautiful we have great sex life. My story started when my brother in law got married and returned from his honeymoon. They were showing pictures of their...

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Island Girl Chapter 1

Mark Reynolds needed a change. His divorce finally over, he wanted to put as much distance between him and his past as he possibly could. The divorce was an ugly one, neither party won in this war. And whatever "love" that remained on Mark's part was destroyed in the fighting and bitterness of the divorce. But that was over now and Mark just wanted to move on. His job had been very sympathetic to his marital situation, and had given him the time off he needed for the multitude of hearings,...

Love Stories
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Blaze Part 5

Blaze Part 5 By Maddie Valasek Jess had always felt that Nexus Technologies was a foreboding place. The efforts of the landscape and lighting designers' had fallen far short of giving the building a warm welcoming feeling even in the brightest of days. The hard square edges and solid granite walls left it feeling more like a modern day fortress. The situation only served to give the structure an even more oppressive sense of doom. Jess couldn't escape the feeling of...

5 years ago
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Revenge - By Lady in Waiting The headlights of Laura?s jeep peered out through the blackness of Night and the sleekness of rain. The only other light on the road was from the flashes of thunder. Laura was returning from a business trip, traveling along some unknown back road that was supposed to be a shortcut. At least that?s what the woman at the gas station had said. She tapped her Fingers on the wheel as the radio droned out another mindless tune, you know the ones that...

4 years ago
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Innocence Lost Ch 16

In Which Gryphon teaches Innocence and Chastity in a college of Further Education, and develops a particular affection for the attractions of Chastity. Gryphon had enjoyed her work as a school-teacher and it was a great disappointment for her when it became clear that she would have to seriously consider a move to another institution – and as there was such a shortage of suitable places in the district, it had to be to the local college. The job suited her as she was able to indulge in both...

2 years ago
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The Museum of Erotic WitchCraft

It was a day like any other, actually it was worse than any other day. Norton at the age of 26 has lost his job. Working at his dead end job for five years he finally made a mistake big enough for him to be fired. Technically it wasn't his fault, they brought in a new guy and to make a long story short the new guy damaged some company owned prroperty under his direct supervision. "Crap," he said to himself while walking back to his car, "How am I supposed to pay rent this month?" As he made it...

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Fridagirls humorous introduction to cock sex

We giggled, mixed with trepidation, as both our eyes remained fixed on the microwave, as the courgette turning on the plate as it warmed up.Amy turned and looked at me, as if for reassurance and then her eyes dropped to my hands, fiddling with the condom I took from her fathers packet, 'Take it out and let's look at it', she whispered as if not to be overheard.I opened the silvery foil and fished out the rubber, it was so soft to the touch as my fingers explored the latex rubbery thing that...

2 years ago
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Fucked A Gorgeous Indian Sex Stories Reader Priya In Chennai 8211 Part 1

Hai to Indian Sex Stories readers after getting a huge response for my previous six posts now I decided to write a new story..This my seventh story.. Send your feedback and suggestions to “”..….Now I am coming to the story… I am vijay my native is chennai now settled in Nagercoil,age24 height 5.10,weight 76,penis size 6inch. This story is about how I fucked iss reader priya…en last story Ku neraya comments vanthuthu from female readers and male readers too…athula priya nu oru girl chat pannanga...

5 years ago
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SandcastlesChapter 32

When Janey was seated, I went back to the edge of the box. I motioned for Sally to come up behind me, to use my body as a shield from being seen by anyone below us who happened to look up. She understood and stood just off my shoulder. Gary was not hard to pick out. He, too, had two beautiful women with him. They were as dark and tan as Sally and Janey were blonde and fair. Upon closer inspection, I realized that one was much younger than the other. Another mother-daughter pair, I bet...

2 years ago
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A Redirected Life Pt 3

A Redirected Life Pt 3 By Holly Day (please read parts 1 and 2 before reading this continuation) The next day Brad came back for my second photo shoot. This time I wasn't as pliable as the last time. He would more likely get a scowl from me than a smile. He sensed that as soon as he saw me. Little did I realize, I was playing into his hands. He didn't want me to look happy today. I was to get the whole effect of the cell. Mike acted as his assistant and was dressed in...

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Joels Story

Joel's Story By Robin Y. I am normally not one to pick up stray kittens from a nightclub and bring them home, but Julia was different and I felt as though I had known her forever. I broke my unwritten rule and asked her to come over for a late night drink and talk. The following is what happened. She was so close to me I felt like I couldn't breathe. Her eyes focused on my lips while her mouth opened slightly....reflecting light off of her scarlet lips. I could feel my heart...

4 years ago
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A Welcomed GuestChapter 2

Within the realm of the Egyptian gods, Ra looked down on his daughter, Bast. “Bastet how goes the campaign,” came the booming voice of Ra. Looking up Bast smiled at the use of the old form of her name, though she still was having a hard time with speech. “Good, father. Man ready, spreading seed, started, was good.” Isis Ra’s queen smiled at her daughter if this was going to work they would need all she could do. It was terrible they had to kill the human later but that was how things always...

4 years ago
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Dost Ki Behen K Sath Sona

Mera naam arfat hai or me goa ka rehane wala hu me mere story ek dam sach ki hai me or avi (mera dost) bohot acche dost tha or hum dono ne 12th pass ki or wo aage ki padai kerne k liye bangluru chala gaya or me mumbai ja raha tha per waha rahene k rent bohot jada tha avi ki bhen 3 saal se mumbai me thi humare family ek dusre ko bodot acche se jante thi ess liye humare ghar wallo ne kaha k avi ki sister aditi k flat per rehe sakta hu mera to dil kush ho gaya mene aditi ko phele v derkha tha vo...

2 years ago
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My First Filipina

As a disclaimer, let me say that this story is 100% true. I will include a photo of my X but remove the head and identifiers – and change her name to “SANDY” for the remainder of the story. I will also change the locations and some identifying nouns such as the names of the friends I mention. My time with Sandy began a few years ago online. I met her on Facebook. Apparently she was searching for another friend but noticed my photo and then searched my profile and decided to contact me and start...

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GirlsWay Whitney Wright Eliza Ibarra Working Late

Whitney Wright and Eliza Ibarra are quietly working at separate computers in a shared office. Their desks are only a few feet apart, though Whitney is being sneaky and playful behind Eliza’s back. She keeps her back turned to Eliza as she brings her cellphone down between her thighs and under her dress, taking a picture of her bare pussy. Satisfied with the picture, she hits ‘send’ and straightens back up. Eliza is curious, looking over once or twice while still working,...

2 years ago
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POW Prisoner Of The WidowsChapter 2

I looked at Jamilah trying to get a sense of her feelings. Her voice didn't convey any emotion that I could discern. That bothered me because Jamilah seemed less conservative than the other women and I was hoping to make her an ally. "What was decided?" I asked. "The war took Al Hassan from us and left us alone to eke out an existence from the land. Then just three days after our Iddah (period of time a widow must wait before she can remarry; four months and ten days unless she is...

4 years ago
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Pieces of Candy

The wireless network downloading the codes managing Candice's internal simulators began to sync, pleasantly warming the sim card in the small compartment tucked behind her ear. The routine was nothing new to her and was a significant step towards preparing for her next guest.'How very odd,' she thought as she assimilated the digital instructions. The idea of being changed by the mainframe commands unsettled her.  She could not recall consciously thinking about it before, but she was pleased...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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Jayti Singh Part 1

Jayti Singh By Aardvark This is a Sci Fi, historical, time travel, TG, romance, adventure story that takes place in the late 16th century. I tried hard to make it as historically accurate as possible within the scope of my research, including some rather harsh 16th century attitudes. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I had writing it! If someone wishes to upload this story to another web site, check with the author first. Warning: Some subject matter and explicit language...

3 years ago
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Emerald Princess Chapters 1620 v2

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after the first generation characters have graduated, but I was in the midst of writing this before the 2nd Generation Canon came out - my apologies that it doesn't directly tie in there! This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy, and may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the...

3 years ago
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A Fantastic RingChapter 15

My flight to Montgomery was made at night, more for my peace of mind than for anything else. The main reason that I did not want to be spotted was because I was afraid of looking foolish. I still made mistakes while flying and had to make adjustments on the fly, so to speak. I found these to be embarrassing, and I figured that flying at night would make them less visible. Oh, well, just chalk it up to the insecurities of a teen male. I arrived in Montgomery while it was still dark. The...

3 years ago
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Send In The The Clowns

Deceit, lies, low cunning, treachery, sexual betrayal and great steaming piles of dung — yes, folks, it’s the end of the Australian financial year again. ————————————————– ‘You’ll have no problems following the channel, it’s well marked with poles. Stay between them going into the estuary and coming out, and you’ll be right. Once you get into the Peel Inlet, you’ll have a lake ten kilometres wide to play around in, all sheltered water . . .’ Bob Creedy, the elderly proprietor of ‘WEST...

4 years ago
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Touring Under PressureChapter 7 Daddys Girl

Alex still felt unsure about the concert that night. He didn't know what it was, but he couldn't help feeling that something was off. About all he could figure was that with the increased number of people they'd have with a Saturday night concert, they'd likely have more things go wrong, so he clearly expected to be embarrassed or find himself in some uncomfortable situations tonight. But that was hardly unusual and he knew he had to get used to it, because it was now a constant part of...

2 years ago
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RocknRoll LifestyleChapter 22

Corey lay back panting, till long after his prostate had pumped it's last and he'd felt Amanda's warm little channel clench around him in it's final spasm of pleasure. When he opened his eyes, both girls were smiling down on him lovingly, Amanda with her chin rested on Cindy's shoulder. "Wanna call it a night, love?" Cindy asked quietly. "You didn't get any sleep last night, and you look pretty beat." "No. Amanda, on your tummy, pillows under your hips." He decided. "Yes,...

2 years ago
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My First Sex Party With Three Women

Hi to all ISS readers this is Varun back with another experience and I thank you all your response for my last story. For those who don’t know me I am Varun 23 years old guy from Chennai with average body 6 feet height with a 6 inch tool. Any ladies from can contact me through This is my first experience of sex party. Now coming to the story this is my first experience of going for a sex party and it was amazing. I usually comments from the readers regarding the story and fantasies. One day I...

2 years ago
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Older is Better

I was traveling on business and had been for several weeks. This was my fourth trip to Seattle in the past three months. It was the late ’70s and Seattle was alive with young singles. I was overwhelmed with the open lifestyle, being 26 and coming from a small southern town. But I enjoyed the lively clubs of Seattle and spent most nights on the road watching the action unfold in one club or another. Three weeks ago on my last visit I met June, a 37-year-old divorced mother of two, in a club and...

2 years ago
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The Naughty School Girl

She was one of the sexiest girls in her school, built with pink lips, and long black silky hair. She stood about 5’2, with round firm breasts, and a very smooth and tight ass. She was athletic, soft with brown skin and deep beautiful eyes. Suzie was 17 and all the men went crazy for her. She had slept with most of the male population in her class, even some of the teachers. As the school’s most famous cheerleader, everyone wanted to be her friend. She wore skimpy and slutty clothes to class.One...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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High Heeled Hell

High Heel Hell debra darling Janice had come home to find a shocking sight. Her husband Bob was standing in their bedroom masturbating. That was embarrassing enough but what Bob was wearing was even more shocking. He was done up in a pair of her best black pantyhose and her new Manolo Blahnik spike heel sandals. All of that was bad enough by itself. She might have gotten over it if her best friend had not been with her. She had brought Susan home to show...

4 years ago
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Landlord8217s daughter paid rent

Finally i dare to express a beautiful time of my life for you all. Njooy the story and let me know through email. With the computer safely placed in my bedroom in the upstairs, it was convenient for me to do my office work. As soon as i return from office, after freshening up and tea, i sit on the computer and start my work. My own statements, power points excel sheets regarding marketing etc. Keep me busy. Uncle when returns from his office comes straight to my room and sit watching my doing...

2 years ago
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Meri Sexy Friend

By : Bittu Patel Me aaj ek hakikat ki kahani likh raha hu meri age 19 saal ki he or mera name bittu he .meri friend jinke baare me aaj aap logo ko kahani bata raha hu wo he tina, Tina ek dam mast figar ki hot and sexy ladki he .me uska friend hone ki naate me use mazak mazak me hi bolta tha ki tu bahot sexy ho agar muje mouka diya to fad kar rakh dunga to wo bolti thi koy chance hi nahi mene uske sapne dekne saru kar diye the. Wo jab bhi mere ghar aati to wo saam ke time pe hi aati thi to meri...

3 years ago
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How dare you2

Mamta’s eyes were glowing with unprecedented lust as she inched towards Bunty. The youngster looked a lot exhausted after his very first sexual encounter with his mother although his eyes surely lit up seeing his close friend’s mother inside his bedroom.”Hey buddy,” She called out with a smile. “Had a nice time with your mom I suppose.”Bunty smiled rather funnily. It was odd to hear another woman referring about the sex he had with his own mother. However, he felt a thrill listening to the...

4 years ago
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Casino Lucky

No, I was so close! my mind screamed. Frantically, I turned and swung my right leg over Mike's face and positioned my wet, gaping pussy over his mouth. Jamaal had just been fucking me with everything he had, when he had abruptly stopped. “I was so close" I whispered. Then just as he was sliding his heavy cock out of me, I wiggled out from under him and mounted my husbands’ face. He had been kneeling on the bed next to us taking pictures and lazily jerking off. “Lick me, honey. Lick me, and make...

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Dyked Natasha Ianova Gia Gelato Showering Her In Lust

Whenever sweet ebony babe Gia Gelato finds herself in a bind at home, she can always turn to sizzling MILF Natasha Ianova for some tender, loving care. Today, she shows up at the nourishing woman’s house looking for a place to get away from her troubles, and she is welcomed with open arms. But Natasha wants to give Gia more than a shoulder to cry on. She goes down on her in the bedroom, flicking her tongue across the nubile’s sensitive clit and making her squirm in pleasure. Then, she whimpers...

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Sun bathing in the USA

It was a warm sunny day as we walked hand in hand from your Grand Parents farmhouse and across a meadow, which if we continued across and up hill would bring us to a shaded wooded area. We are both dressed for the weather, I in shorts T shirt and sandals, you my beautiful companion and holder of my heart wearing a bright summer dress with a flower pattern. There is no doubt about it in my mind, you are the most beautiful woman in the world. Your mind is sharp, your wit quick, and your body?...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Meri Chachi Ne Di Best Birthday Gift

Hello dosto! Main hu Ritvik aur main Gujrat se hu. Ye meri 1st story hai to thodi galti ho to maaf karna. Main filhaal engineering kar raha hu aur final year mein hu. Meri height 5’9 hai aur mere rod ki size 6 inch hai. To story par aate hue. Main ek joint family mein rehta hu jisme mere mummy papa aur chacha chachi rehte hai. Chacha chachi ko ek ladki bhi hai jo mujh se chhoti hai. Baat 1-2 saal purani hai jab se maine sex stories padhna chalu kiya aur incest section padha. Aur mano main...

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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 16

On Tuesday at school, I met up with Kathy at break time and asked if she’d like to go to the regular gang cinema outing with me on Friday. She said yes (of course) but reminded me that I’d have to ask her Dad but did say that she didn’t think it would be a problem. Which is why, at seven thirty that night I walked through the doors of the Roundhill Working Men’s club in Castleford, walked up to the bar, and stood next to the club chairman. “Evening young David,” he greeted me, “what are you...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Jessica Starling Titty Fuck BJ 3Way

Busty blonde Jessica Starling looks hot in skimpy lingerie, teasing and touching herself through a heated intro. The wild hottie whips out her big boobs and shakes them for the camera, ready to feel her sweet mouth filled with dick. Irrepressible Jessica models a shirt that reads, ‘CUM ON MY FACE.’ Pornographer Jonni Darkko and hung stud Jovan Jordan arrive to quench her cock lust. Jovan slaps his big Black cock over Jessica’s knockers, and the young babe reciprocates the...

3 years ago
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Jilnar Jardalys a Filthy Whore

Howdy, people!My name's Big Benny, I'm 21 and from New York but I'm working here at Television Dubai and there's no fucking way I'd work anywhere else! Why? Because I work directly under that sexy slutلنار جردلي Jilnar Jardaly and you guys would not believe how horny, depraved and perverted she is! She's a oversexed, kinky. nymphomaniac who loves her extreme, hard and rough sex.The day I started I was only there for the first hour when I already found out how much of a horny whore she is. I...

3 years ago
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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 50 An Offer

February 16, 1985, Greater Cincinnati, Ohio “Good morning, Subdeacon,” Father Stephen said when Elizaveta and I walked into the main lobby of The Christ Hospital in Cincinnati. The hospital was on Mt. Auburn, one of the highest points in the city, and offered a nice view of the city below. Father Stephen was clad in his ryasa. “Father, bless!” I said, holding my cupped hands for his blessing. “Bless you, Subdeacon,” he said, making the sign of the cross over my upturned palms. I kissed...

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