Warren's WomenChapter 2B free porn video

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From his position, Warren saw Karen enter the foyer and freeze at the sight in front of her. Warren used his free hand to wave and signal her to be quiet. She nodded, and remained frozen in place.

Gail, completely unaware of her roommate's arrival, was obliviously humping up and down and meshing her hips from side to side so eager was she for Warren's prick.

Warren gripped her hips and made a minor adjustment to her position, parting her legs a little, and Gail, her sweat sheened body glowing in the soft lighting, continued her frenetic fisting. Positioned on her one forearm and knees, Gail immediately thrust her buttocks up at him, her fine hair sweeping in a lovely curtain over her face, her head turned to one side.

"Ready?" Warren asked, lining up his fully erect prick and pressing it against her tight little ring. He found Gail breathing deeply, anxiously gasping, "Fuck me, fuck me..."

Inch by inch, Warren began slide into her ass.

Gail yelped, shuddered and groaned, "Time out... time out!

"What is it?" he asked.

"Wait... just... wait a second! I... I... gotta get my hand out!"

And with a loud sucking sound she tugged her hand free of her juicy, sopping cunt.

"Okay baby," she moaned, "fuck away!"

The carpet beneath them was soaked and stained with a mix of their combined sweat and Gail's juices. Warren managed to work three inches in and was covered with sweat. Gail was speaking in some private babble, half English, half God knows what.

Warren turned his head to confront Karen who had closed the door and was standing just inside the room. He mouthed the words. "Get naked," but she didn't notice so intent was staring at the tableau in front of her. But Warren grinned as Karen gradually raised her dress to her waist and wrenched her underwear to one side, squatted down and began to masturbate.

Warren, realizing it is to soon for Gail to become aware of Karen's presence, pulled her closer to him and murmured, "I'm gonna lift you and carry you to the chair where you'll be more comfortable, okay?"

"Uuugh," she croaked, "anything you say... lover man. I'm feelin' great."

This insures that Gail won't see Karen for some time, but Warren has both women in his field of vision.

Panting heavily, Gail cries out, "Come on, fuck my ass... I want your cock in my ass... all the way in, come on, come on, fuck it hard!"

Warren smiled at Karen, flexing his buttocks at the same time. Karen was slowly removing her clothes and now stood behind Gail wearing only a white garter-belt, thigh-high white hose and high heels.

Warren had already figured out what the girls only knew subconsciously -- they were bi -- and wanted him to bring them together.

"You're a vision from heaven," he breathed heavily to Gail, plowing his hardon deeper into her anus. He shook his head and showered her with his sweat. Karen moved stealthily behind him and sank to her knees, then began to lightly fondle his balls while drawing her fingernail from his scrotum to his rectum.

Gail was reveling in the feel of his cock rampaging through her ass. She realized he was thicker than she'd expected, and she winced as she felt what she thought were the walls of her anal canal tearing as it expanded with the force of his furious fucking.

He drove deeper and forced Gail to cry out, and as her head snapped up, her mouth jerked open. Warren saw her lips drawn back in a death-like rictus smile and knew she was in pain. But she grunted and urged him on, remaining as she was, facing the back of the chair.

Gail managed to worm her hand under her stomach to her clitoris and began to tease it. Warren gripped her hips and slammed his hips forward, forcing his cock still deeper into her ass. Gail gasped loudly.

"Arghhhhh! Ooooh it hurts!"

"Want me to stop baby?"

"Noooooooo! It hurts sooo good! Baby! Baby! I'm cuming, Oh, shit! What're you doooing to me? I can't stop cuming!

Gail rejoiced in the feel of his hard, hot, throbbing prick as it weaved its way in and out of her ass. Waves of pain and pleasure washed over her. She gathered her thoughts for a moment and reflected, "If this is what ass fucking is all about I'm all for it, a little pain but what a fucking intense orgasm!"

Warren was enjoying Karen's tongue as she rimmed his asshole and placed a hand on her head to signal her to continue. In response, Karen dragged her long nails along his ass cheeks to his hole, leaving a long red welt and, wetting a finger with her saliva, began to screw it into his rectum.

He spread his legs wider apart to open his hole to her questing finger and groaned as Karen pressed onward. Flinging his head back, Warren once again released a torrent of sweat around the room. Sucking his belly in, he drove his rigid prick even further into Gail's ass. Deeper and deeper it went, and Gail cried out in agonized lust as his hot prick seared her channel.

"Like it, eh, cunt?" he grunted, nuzzling her neck. "Like my prick in your ass, eh?"

"Yes," she whimpered. "Oh god yes!"

Warren began to concentrate on holding off his climax. He listened intently to Gail's babbling and her torrent of pleas and promises.

"Oh baby, you're so good," she gasped, "I'll do anything for you... I want to give you everything... please?"

He didn't answer, in part because of Karen's questing finger, in part because he wanted to see just what Gail would agree to under the circumstances. He knew from past experience that she might yield a treasure trove of goodies to him in her current state of excitement.

"Warren, please? I want to be a little pervert for you!"

"My pervert eh?"

"Yes! Your slut, I want... I want to be your complete slut."

"My slut huh?" He continued pumping his cock into her.

Gail moaned, and continued, "I want you to spank me, to whip me properly, whip me all over."

"You want me to whip you?"

"Yes, dear God! Will you do that? Whip me hard?"

"I have every intention of doing just that."

"Ohhh, wonderful! Wonderful!"

Warren realizing he can't hold off any longer begins to berate her, hoping it will drive her completely over the edge.

"Come on you cunt, that's what you are ya know, a fuckin' sniveling little ass sucking, cunt fisting, cocksucker who'll blow anyone I tell you to!"

"Ohhhh, shit!"

"Ain't that right baby?"

"Oh, yeah!"

"Warren. Oh, yeah!"

"Did you hear me bitch?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes! I'll suck anything you put in front of me!"

"Is that right baby?"

"Oh baby! Keep that prick movin' like that!"

"I'm... cumin' again, Warren!"

"Oh, Christ... it's sooooo fuckin' good!"

"I never want it to stop!"

"Oh, God... Oh, God!

Warren decided to finish Gail off with a flourish. Unflexing his buttocks, he slowly slid his brown, flaked prick out of Gail's ass, turning almost inside out. He paused for a fraction of a second, sighed and skewed her asshole again.

Gail shrieked and came hard! Her body swaying and undulating erotically under his. Warren's hands glided up to her breasts and grasped her compact nipples and squeezed unmercifully hard as he continued fucking her until she convulsed and spasmed with his throbbing prick embedded in her

"Did you mean what you were just saying baby?" He whispered into her ear.

"Huh?" she responded still delirious with pleasure.

"You know, about suckin' anything I put in front of you."

"Oh Warren, you bet your ass I will!" Gail answered with a lewd and obscene laugh. Grinning obscenely himself, Warren pulled his still rampant cock from her ass with a loud swooshing, sucking sound and presented it to her mouth.

"Can... can... I?"

"Can you what bitch? You fucking whore, are you gonna deny you just said you'd suck anything I put in front of you?" he screamed at her.

Both girls looked at him in awe. The veins in his neck bulged with anger. A frightened Karen hastily withdrew her finger from Warren's ass, and a cowering Gail took his slimey prick between two fingers and guided it into her mouth.

"Ummmph! She gulped as Warren pumped twice and began to ejaculate into Gail's mouth.

"Don't swallow it!" he told her, "hold it, I've got a surprise for you baby."

Reaching behind him, Warren grasped Karen by the arm and gently pulled her in front of Gail.

A shocked Gail almost spit his sperm out.

"Waaas disss? Waa... ren?

"Don't spill it and don't swallow it, Gail," he admonished.

"Aw, shit, I'm sorry, Gail baby, I really don't mean to yell at you and I'm not going to hurt you either. You're a sweetheart, really. But your girlfriend came in just when I was stickin' it up your ass."


And, Karen and I... well, you must know we've fucked each other a couple times now... and since Karen was watching us and is probably hotter than a two-dollar pistol by now... well I think..."

"Ah, why don't you just kiss her and swap my load with her. He gestured with his hands, "Come on, girls get it on."

Karen leaned in close to Gail and opened her mouth, waiting apprehensively. Gail still stunned by this turn of events, closed her eyes and moved her mouth closer to Karen's.

"That's right, baby. That's it. Now let it go into her mouth."

To Warren it seemed like a slow-motion film, as Gail cautiously allowed the sperm to leave her mouth. Forming a long, thin string of sperm and saliva it hung suspended in the air for a second before reaching Karen's out stretched tongue. As the last of it entered Karen's mouth, the girls kissed for the first time. Karen's tongue eagerly searched Gail's teeth and gums, just as Warren's had earlier.

Warren chuckled as he watched a trickle of sperm dribble from the lips of both women. Karen quickly swallowed. The kiss lasted a surprisingly long time. Finally, they broke it, but held one another tightly. Warren ran his hand along Karen's leg until he reached her wet pussy. A moment later Gail's hand touched his and recoiled as if shocked.

"Oh yeah, baby," Karen said, "go on, I'm dripping like a faucet!"

"Want both our fingers?" He asked.

"Yes!" Karen leered, licking her lips obscenely. "I am one fuckin' sick bitch."

Gail tittered nervously.

"Look Gail! Watch him as he slides his fingers into my asshole!"

"God Karen... I never knew."

Warren laughed. "Put some fingers in her cunt Gail," he suggested. "Karen will take all the fingers we have to give her, right Karen?"

"Right," Karen moaned softly. "Come on, Gail, touch me."

He guided Gail's hand into position and she inserted two fingers into Karen's labia and spread them, exposing her pink slit.

"Oooooh, that feels sooooo good baby!"

"You're sure?" Gail asked tentatively.

"Sure I'm sure... do me baby... do me!"

Warren's gleaming prick was semi-hard as he offered it to Karen who accepted it, and after kissing the head, started licking the underside in a slow languid fashion.

"Ahhh, that's good. I've got to lie down. Let's all move to the bedroom shall we?"

Everyone agreed that was a great idea and grunting and groaning they made their way to the boudoir.

Before they got settled in, Warren asked Gail to make some drinks for everyone and as she left the room Karen resumed fondling Warren's balls and tickling his ass with her fingernails while drawing his long cock deeper into her throat.

"You two ever get it on before?" he asked. She withdrew his shimmering cock from her mouth and held it with two fingers, pausing to watch a string of saliva hanging. It stretched longer and longer. Stubbornly it refused to snap.

"Not yet we haven't." Impishly, she reached out and broke the string.

"I want to," she continued, "but she's... kinda prudish. There have been moments when I think she wanted to, but..."

"Let's fix that, shall we?" He smiled, then laughed out loud.

"What's so funny?" Gail asked as she returned with the drinks. Everyone relaxed on the bed as they sipped their drinks.

"Gail," Warren asked, "did you enjoy our little session?"

"Except for the very last part, yes," she said softly.

"You came to the bar looking for me, didn't you?"

"Yes," she replied in an even softer tone.

"Do you remember making some promises out there?"

Gail nibbled at her fingernail before responding timidly. "At the bar?"

"No, not at the bar," he said, his voice heavy with sarcasm. "Out there in the living room when I had my dick up your little puckered asshole!"

Biting her lower lip, Gail paused before answering. Karen was licking her lips, attentively hanging on every word.

"Yes," she said, her voice hardly discernible.

"What? Speak up, I didn't hear you," he said severely.

She looked up for the first time and answered spitting out the words.

"Yes, goddamnit I do!"

Flushed with anger, Gail continued, "Do you mind if I ask where the hell you're going with this?"

"Not at all," he said kindly. "Do you remember saying, 'I'll do anything for you... I want to give you everything... Please? Please? I want to be a little pervert for you, a slut, a complete slut... I want you to spank me, to whip me properly, whip me all over... Will you do that? Whip me hard?' "

"Ohhh Jesus, what have I done?" Gail sobbed and tears began to stream down her face.

"Hey, hey," he crooned tenderly, lifting her chin with his hand.

"Remember you set out to pick me up. Haven't you enjoyed every fuckin' minute of it?"

She nodded her assent.

"Say so if you did. Please, I want to hear you say it."

"Yes, but it was..." Gail realized this was getting her nowhere and capitulated.

"Yes. I said all those things." She sniffed and wiped at her nose, looking at him defiantly; her nostril's flared, as though girding herself for combat.

He paused, and absentmindedly ran his hand along Karen's thigh to her glossy wet mound. Gail tossed her hair and her small breasts jiggled temptingly as she wiped at her eyes, now red from crying.

"Hey, listen. I'm not plannin' on selling you to a white-slaver or anything," Warren said, his voice murmuring quiet assurance.

"We've just had great sex," and he ran his fingers lightly across her neck, causing a tremor to ripple through Gail's body. "And we're gonna have more of the same, if you'll give us both a chance."

Gail's head jerked up and she stared at the two of them. "Both of us?" Gail felt a queasiness vibrating through her belly.

Warren sensed her reaction and strove to placate her.

"Yeah, us." And he gestured towards Karen. "You live with Karen... you err, just had a couple fingers in her cunt and you kissed each other for an eternity..." "But I don't wanna fuck Karen... I like guys... not girls."

Slowly her head drooped, and the tears resumed falling.

"Okay, baby, okay. Let's try something different here. I'm gonna do you again, Okay? Just close your eyes, lie back, spread your legs and relax. Forget about Karen. Forget all about Karen, just think about me and my cock."

"And your tongue and those soft hands," she added in a little girl's voice.

"Right, my soft hands."

This was stated so soothingly that the emotionally exhausted Gail lay back on the bed and spread her legs apart, waiting for him.

Warren carefully placed a pillow under her behind and lifted her legs onto his shoulders. Then he bent down to place a tender kiss on her labia.

"Oooooooooh," she moaned and placed a finger in her mouth. Her eyes were closed and her pelvic muscles were already twitching.

"You know, baby, you're the hottest bitch I've fucked in a long, long time. You just relax now. I'm gonna take my time, cause I'm gonna do Karen too. Just don't go to sleep on me," he teased.

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It took me five minutes to clean up her messy pussy. My erection had never left me and the taste and feel of the squirt and cum cocktail was intensely erotic. I stood up and rammed my cock in to the hilt. Chrissy screamed again with pure lust. Her climax was immediate and strong and was enough to have me spouting even more sperm into her hole. The three visitors watched my efforts, yelling expletives as they encouraged me and I noted Eddy was filming again. Good man. When I was spent, I...

3 years ago
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Surrendered Myself To Sarpanch In Exchange For An Urgent Favor

15yrs back, when I was 27yrs old, I was staying with my parents & younger brother in a distant, interior village on the Maharashtra-Karnataka border near Gulbarga. Our family’s financial condition was not so well-off. I was one of the prettiest unmarried women of my village. Fair, lustrous skin, jet-black waist-length hair and with a height of 5ft 7”, I was sour grapes to most of the men in my village. Physically too, I was very attractive, as I had been an active NCC Cadet during college...

3 years ago
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The Ladies Club How Much Cum Can You Cum

When I joined Maria's "Ladies Club" and joined in their games, I found myself in the regular company of up to a dozen naked, horny women. Woof! The fact that I was one of up to a dozen equally horny men took a little getting used to, but I coped, and soon found myself appreciating the sight of hard cock almost as much as the ladies did. But our games remained strictly heterosexual for the men and, usually, for the ladies as well, although the latter had little reluctance keeping each other...

4 years ago
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In His Hands Part Two

I got to the cafe at the same time as Alice. Alice turned purple and stared at the sight of me. "What the fuck happened to you?" "Andrew made me shower and stole my dress," I grumbled. "You look fabulous," she told me. "I don't want to look fucking fabulous," I hissed at her. "I don't need to increase expectations around me." "Andrew did this?" Alice asked, sounding very amused. "You fucked him, them?" "No. He found a loophole in my menu that made me come to his room. He still didn't touch...

1 year ago
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All American BoyChapter 37

“Ms. Maria asked me to run an errand for her then she wanted me to help her open a couple of packages and make sure that everything was OK inside them and I didn’t get a chance to see you before I left.” The first week of school was spent getting us into a routine and I must admit it was working, here is it Thursday and we’re playing our second scheduled conference game of the season today at four o’clock. Coach Miller told us to be at the athletic complex at 2:30 pm for a team meeting, so...

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FMA Winrys Lust

Winry was hunched over her workbench working hard to repair/upgrade the automail vibrator she had built herself. She's wearing her typical folded over pants, tubular sports bra, and bandanna that she usually wears while working. "DAMN IT!", she yells out loud, becoming especially frustrated by her efforts to get her vibrator working. She was hoping to take advantage of her grandmother being out of town to relieve a lot of pent up sexual energy. She puts the vibrator down and slumps onto the...

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The Business Dealpart 2

After my ordeal in her hotel room, I had left it a couple of weeks before I had plucked up the courage to call her. I had tried to put off our meeting, but money was becoming a bit tight, and the contract we had verbally agreed on was still not signed, and was waiting for me to collect. She had given me directions to her house and instructed me to be there at 10 o´clock SHARP OR ELSE!! Her tone had sounded stern, so I didn´t want to upset her, and dutily turned up as I had been told.

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Brandis Ex

It’s been about a year since my last boyfriend. I do sleep around with guys now, but only guys I know on a personal level. Well This sexual experience was with my Ex boyfriend possibly one of the craziest sexual fantasy ever! We went on vacation for to his Father’s Home in Atlanta Georgia. His father was rich off of buy and selling houses. We get there two days before The big day and his Father James and his two older brothers Scott and Kevin were already there. Neither of the brothers had a...

1 year ago
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Shes Married But Not To Me

She’s Married But Not To Me When the hotel clerk asked, “Are you married” Terri said, “Yes, for ten years now.” She was not lying but she wasn’t telling the whole truth either. You see she’s married, but not to me. Terri is married to my brother and she is my sister-in-law. We just happened to be at the same convention for the week. We each worked for an electronics company that was pushing the latest item and Terri and I were sent to do that pushing at this convention. As the hotel...

3 years ago
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Through a Glass Dimly Book 3Chapter 26

The prisoners were now clamoring to talk. Milt had let them see all the news reports including our information on the SUV that was killed by the helicopter. Apparently, killing off your own team is not acceptable. The police separated them and began taped interrogations. Stan and I took Joe Dexter. Stan said, "Joe, you're going to get your deal according to the D.A. He says you died in the SUV. Reid's wife was killed and Reid went after Ames for doing it. From the reports we have heard,...

1 year ago
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Suhagraat Katha

Sayan khand ma sakal chadavi,hatavi gunghat chumbane navadavi.Mane baath ma pranathe dabavi, upadi palange chatti suvadavi.Kari nagana, vastro utravi, sharam laaj badhi mari hatavi.Pati pote thaya naganath,suta saathe bhari mane baath.Lal lal gal par daat bharavi, jibha ne jibha didhi milavi.Stan ne mutthi ma lai khub dabaviya, bukhi bhos ma agni lagadi.Kari pag pohada pa6i chut ughadi, didho lund lambo pa6i ghusadi.Dharya hast banne kamar niche na bhage, pa6i chut ne chodwa lund lagyo.Gayo...

3 years ago
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Walker Between the WorldsChapter 14

Chris and I spent the day doing what we had planned. We walked a little in the morning while it was cold, spent the early afternoon on the lake and then the late afternoon and evening with his parents playing in their climate controlled back yard and grilling and eating a very nice dinner of large mouth bass and roast corn on the cob. We kept very close the entire day, with a lot of touching and snuggling and tender kisses. I swam in emotion the whole day. My own principally, but Chris' too...

1 year ago
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My holes will never be tight after tonight

My name is julie I went to a party shortly after my 18th b-day at a friends house. The house was packed drinkin and smokin weed was all around. I danced with a girl friend of mine when several black guys gathered around us. I seen them put thier hands up her skirt but she didn't stop them. Then there was a hand on my ass and inner thigh but i pulled away then another handed me a drink thinkin it was beer i drank it to relax a bit. I could see the guy in front of my friend had his pants open as...

First Time
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I started her training right off, having her take pictures and make videos, and making her go out and get herself a collar, which she was required to wear whenever we were online together or she made a new video on my orders. I put my fingerprints all over her in the form of comments on her page, and made plans to get a load to haul down to her town. It took some time, but finally the day came when I called her and told her to be waiting for me at the truck stop when I pulled in. As...

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Used like a BBC Whore

This is a story I wrote about one night being used at the sleazy hotel I lived at. If you've seen it before it was postedAbout a year ago while living in a hotel and living there as a Transexual I was used by a young black man as his whore for the night. He moved in about two weeks ago with a couple friends. They where maybe 5 rooms away from me on 1st floor. As the week wore on I would be coimg and going and would notice them watching me. When I would walk by they never said anything but one...

4 years ago
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Threesome With Sister In Law And Brother 8211 Part II

Hi to all ISS readers. Hope you enjoyed my first story. This is my second story of my continuing three some incest experience with my brother and my sweet sister in law Vani. After the very first threesome encounter, I started to look for the next opportunity with lot of anticipation and excitement. The second day I was thinking how I should act for today night and recalling all the scenes which I had seen in blue films. I was preparing myself for an enjoyable night. In the evening I took a...

1 year ago
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Phir Ek Bhabhi Chudi

Bhabhi se Pehla Ikrar My Bhabhi, Nisha came to our home during vacations. Waise maine unko bhaiya se chudte huwe to unki shaadi ke teen din baad hi dekh liya tha lekin unki jawani ka pura jaam nahi pee paya tha. Waise Nisha Bhabhi mujhe bahut pyaar karti hain,aur mein unke sunder, komal hathon ko apne hathon mein lekar ghanto baitha baatein karta rehta tha. But iske age kabhi kuch nahi hua. Is baar jab woh ai to surya-grahan tha aur panditji ne bataya ki mujhe aur meri Nisha Bhabhi ko yeh...

2 years ago
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Donjeta and the SeaAn Unusual Visitor

Penelope came to see me -- and she almost never came to see me. "Donjeta, you need to prepare. Put on your finest clothes and come to the house, to the main hall." "OK. Why? What's going on?" I sat on a terrace set against the family cottage on the hill above the house. I wore a light woolen tunic, my legs bare. I was watching the harbor, the ships pulling in, the distant waves churning against the shore. A breeze blew, carrying the smell of flowers and the songs of birds. "Mentes,...

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Earths CoreChapter 15 Three Friends

Zax sat with his mother and Liz for two hours, until his father came back home. At which point, his father's reaction was slightly less emotive than his mother, but still very much caring. With his father, Zax sat for an hour longer, discussing the teaching of his Master, the progress of his cultivation and expounding about the members of his Martial household, though not getting into deep details. Keeping it all in a human's simple perspective, yet still sounding bold and...

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An English House Party Ch 03

Note from the author: Thanks to those who caught my little mistake, I can now correct the age gap. Penelope is twenty years old and the Marquess is thirty-two. They grew up as children and were contracted to be married by their fathers when she was six, and he eighteen. So there is a twelve-year gap and it has been about 10 years since they’ve seen each other. Sorry for the confusion…and any others that might pop up during these chapters due to the age-mistake! (Like the comment Jason made...

1 year ago
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Carolines Crush Part 1

Chapter One“Come on, Caz,” Vanessa moaned. “It’ll be fun. You need to have a bit of fun; we both do!”I frowned. Although a music festival – even a minor one like this would be great fun, going camping wasn’t my idea of fun. Not even in August. The British weather is infamous for its unreliability and I didn’t see why this summer should be any more predictable than it had been during the previous eighteen years of my life. The thought of wading through all that mud in a short summer dress and...

2 years ago
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Say Yes to the Dress

I had yet to meet Peta when this happened, she was in her early 20’s, an attractive, and busty, blonde. She had decided that she would treat herself to a new dress, and went to a local shop to fulfil that simple desire. Once there, she walked around the shop and considered a short little piece that would show off her shapely legs & rounded buttocks. Then she considered a low-cut number that would barely contain her generous cleavage. Her indecision must have been apparent, because a sales...

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Trip to bookstore

Last weekend I came home from a week away for work and as I walked in the house my wife greeted me naked as she stays naked when home. She was very excited to see me and said she had a surprise for me. I said ok what is it. She said remember the waitress at the restaurant that we had at the steak house 2 weeks ago. I said yes why. Well what was the tip you gave her? I said yes I gave her a large tip and your thong and our number. Well she called me and wanted to talk to me so while you were...

2 years ago
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Mom And Son Incestuous Journey 8211 Part 1

Vihaan is a young highly studious chap in his adolescent age who is also eager to unearth the pleasure of love. The technology and the atmosphere around him dragged him into the world of porn. However, he never let down his academic achievements under any circumstances. On the other hand, Deepti, a single mom, worked hard day in and day out to keep his only son (Vihaan) always happy. She made sure he never felt that his father was not beside him. Deepti was highly educated and worked as a...

3 years ago
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Magic Is Gross 2 DevilChapter 2

“Davy ... Davy...” The dulcet singsong woke him up, almost. He couldn’t move. His whole body refused to respond as his eyes searched the dark. The LEDs from the computer in the corner and the dull 5:24 of the alarm clock were almost enough to see by. He saw shadows. He tried to move and didn’t. He felt pinned; like someone was sitting on his chest. Kristi? He hoped flicking his eyes to the opened window. No, his redhead witch friend hadn’t broken into his bedroom. There was someone, like a...

2 years ago
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Bang Bang With Bhabhi

Guys and girls, hi to all.. I’m Amit from Ahmedabad. Without wasting the time, I’m going to tell about my first sex encounter with my hot bhabhi. As u all know, abhi k zamane me incent relation ki koi kami nahi hoti..so me basically upper middle class se belong krta hu or enginner hoon. Me apne cousin ki biwi matlab bhabhi k sath chalu kese hua iski yeh story he. Indian ladki k pyar me padne bahut easy he..or jab uske chuche or gand mast ho..to to bat hi ban jaye. Meri bhabhi ekdm pari jesi...

1 year ago
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How My Crossdressing Began

Let me find where to start. That may sound like a simple parameter but for a few reasons, it's less clear. I recall as a c***d being magnetized to the colour sales junk mail delivered to the house weekly. Pictures of women in underwear fascinated me and I even collected a few of my favorite cut outs. I even recall making a paper bra to try on. That didn't go too well I don't think. My next step was peeking at my mums underwear drawers for things that looked like the ones in the pamphlets....

3 years ago
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The Spanking Couples Bisexual Spanking Party

The Spanking Couples:  Bisexual Spanking Party        Chapter One:  Bill Discovers his Dominant SideBill could not believe what he was experiencing.  He was pounding his big cock into the ass of his friend and fellow Femdom submissive, Ron.  And, he was enjoying it.  Almost 24 hours ago he and his Femdom wife, Debbie, had won a Cocksucking contest, and were now enjoying the victory.  The prize was that their Femdom friends, Marion and Ron, both had to submit to 24 hours of sexual slavery to he...

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The Party

I am a closet cd. It was Halloween. My wife called from work and said she wanted to go to a party at a friends house. It was a costume party. She said she had a costume and I was to wear one as well. What, I don’t have one. Yes you do, your going as a girl. But I’ve never done this. Well you’re going to tonight. No one will care because it’s a costume party so get dressed and make it good. This ran shivers down my spine thinking about it. So I shower and shave very close-everything. Since...

4 years ago
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Taken By Cousins Together On A Hot Sunny Day

This true event happened a few years back when I was just turned 18. I had a lot of curiosity about sex like virgin girls of this age and it was a favorite topic of discussion in free time. One of the girls (Kavita), would sometimes bring some pictures of semi and full naked guys either alone or in action with a girl. All this would make us all so very horny. We all had a fascination for cock. Studying in an all girls college there was a little opportunity. However, often there would be boys...

3 years ago
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Off The Deep EndChapter 31

It turns out that your body does strange things after a few weeks unconscious in bed. Orderlies had been heaving my body side to side a few times a day and jacking me up with pillows to avoid bedsores, but I had still ended up with swathes of light purple bruising on my back and thighs from where capillaries had burst under the weight of my blood pooling there during the first week. It also turns out that most people will lose ten percent of their muscle mass after two weeks in bed, which...

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