Lydia's DreamChapter 7 free porn video

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I was the first to wake. After bathroom duties and starting the coffee pot, I returned to bed and crawled under the warm covers to lie next to her. She was sleeping soundly as I studied her face and wondered what the future held for us. In less than a week, I had gone from not even knowing her to being crazy about her. In that same week, I'd been able to set aside the consuming grief of losing Lydia and begin focusing on the future. Lydia had not appeared in my dreams since last Saturday night.

After several minutes of silence, I heard the coffee pot beep to signal it was ready. Taking the first cup with me to the fireplace, I struck a match to the papers and kindling.

As the fire blazed and crackled, I thought about my return to work on Monday. Unfortunately, during the last two years I shared my grief of losing Lydia by taking it out on some of my employees. I had not been an easy person to work with, and the events of this week convinced me I needed to make amends. How best to do that was the key question.

Pam walked from the bedroom and said, "Good morning sweetheart."

"Hey, young lady. The coffee's ready."

"I smelled it. Thanks." She walked to the kitchen and returned with her cup to sit beside me in front of the roaring fire. We kissed and she laid her hand on my leg.

Pam wore a new housecoat I hadn't seen. It was a deep burgundy with black trim that complemented her natural beauty and long blonde hair.

"That's a lovely housecoat. Is this another of the outlet purchases your mom talked you into buying?"

"It was actually Jerri. In fact, she bought it for me."

"That was nice."

"Sure was. She bought several things for me and I bought her a very nice dressy outfit. Did she tell you that David agreed to go to a resort all next week? They're doing what you suggested."

"Yeah, she mentioned it. I hope it works out for them."

"She also asked me what you did that caused me to scream so much in bed that morning."

I laughed. "What did you tell her?"

"I gave her an account but I'm not sure what you did toward the end when it blew my mind."

"It's my secret." Then I couldn't resist adding, "I'll be glad to show Jerri if you want me to."

Retribution was quick. She put her coffee down, jumped up and raised her fists into a defensive boxing position. "Come on, get up. I'm going to lick you."

I lunged at her legs and wrapped my arms around them as she pounded my back and screamed. I stood with her over my shoulder and carried her to the bed as she squealed and continued hitting my back. Flopping her onto the bed, I watched her bounce. We were both laughing at her feigned anger. I crawled onto the bed beside her. We hugged and kissed for several minutes while she played with my hair.

Once totally relaxed, she asked, "What were you thinking about when I walked in? You looked deep in thought."

"I was just thinking about returning to work and everything I need to do."

"Back to reality, huh?"

"Unfortunately. Maybe you can help me think of the best way to make amends to those employees I hurt during the last two years."

"Why did you hurt them?"

"I was taking my grief out on them and they just took it and never complained. I've come to realize just how ugly I was to some of them and I want to apologize in some way."

"Maybe you could take your own advice and just sit down face to face with each one and talk through what happened. A sincere apology from you personally will go a long way."

I gazed into her eyes and reflected on that. "You're right. I'll call Ron, my general manager, and get everyone's schedule. I'll go to the restaurants and the store and sit down with each of them. A few have resigned but I think Ron could get in touch with them."

"Maybe you could call those who left and take them to lunch."

"You're just full of great ideas. I'll take each of them to lunch and talk it through. Now I know how scared you were to go see your mom and apologize to her."

"It's never easy to admit you were wrong. Ego gets in the way."

We tenderly kissed and lay there quietly for several minutes before I said, "You were telling me about Niki Lee yesterday. What's the whole story on that?"

"Let's get your computer and I'll show you."
We Googled and found her on Twitter and learned she had her own website. also gave all her vital statistics and lots of photos. She had been in Playboy numerous times and about all other men's mags as well. Her website even gave an upcoming schedule of appearances, including one for Playboy in Atlanta in early December as part of some announcement.

"My goodness, Pam. You and she are identical."

"When I first saw her photos, it was like I was looking into a mirror. But notice on her stats that she's two inches shorter and four years older than me. She also has all those little freckles between her boobs and our legs are shaped differently. Otherwise, except for a few small moles and that tiny birthmark on my thigh, we look just alike."

"I see her hair is also different. She has darker roots while yours are much lighter."

"Yeah, she probably tints her hair. She's likely a darker shade of blonde."

"I also think your boobs are shaped differently."

"That may be a function of time. Gravity has had longer to work on hers. But she's gorgeous, isn't she?" Pam grinned.

"Since you're identical, I can agree without fear of you hitting me."

"That's right."

"When she's in Atlanta, we could go meet her and have a photo taken. The two of you side by side would be astonishing."

"I don't know about that."

"Why not?"

"I'd be a little scared of meeting someone exactly like me. Wouldn't you? But let me think about it."

"So guys hit on you thinking they might score with a famous actress?"

"Yeah, it's embarrassing and gets old in a hurry. They just don't believe me when I tell them I'm not her. I'm certainly not going to show them my boobs or anything else to prove it."

"The guys probably wouldn't mind."

"Right, but from now on, you're the only guy that's invited to that party."

"You mean that Rabbit toy you use can't even come?"

She giggled. "No, but I can come with it. I didn't know you knew about it."

"I saw it in the drawer. The woman I dated for a while after Lydia died had one. She got a big rush out of me using it on her."

"I've never let a man use one on me. Maybe I've been missing something."

"We'll see," I said with my own devious smile. Pam grinned and leaned in for another kiss.

"Back to Niki, if you had a photo of the two of you side by side, the guys would be convinced."

"That might work. We'll talk about it later. What are we doing for breakfast?"

"With your new diet, I was thinking about cereal with fresh fruit."

"Sounds good. Maybe we can go jogging after we eat."

"There's a walking path around this part of the lake we could use. I don't think there're any bulls patrolling it."

We ran about three miles before I was pooped. Pam was still going strong when I begged off.

"You wuss! What am I going to do with you?" she asked.

"I guess you'll just need patience while I get back in shape." We began walking back to the cabin.

"At least your stamina in bed is still good."

"You think so?"

"I do. One of the things I like about you is that when we're having sex, you focus all your attention on my pleasure and on getting me off. You are so unselfish. There isn't a young woman in the world that wouldn't want to share your bed.

"I know you're hard and ready to explode but you hold back and don't force the issue until I'm totally soaked and quivering with excitement. Many of the men I've had start shooting their load as soon as I'm naked and spread my legs. They just can't imagine that I want to climax too before they're finished and ready to go home."

"The guys were probably imagining being with Niki Lee."

"You think so?"

"Yep. A lot of guys, me included, imagine they're with someone else while we're having sex. It's just a fantasy world we create in our minds."

"Girls also fantasize. I would often think of another really handsome guy I'd met or a previous lover. Brad Pitt and I got together quite often in my mind while the Rabbit was doing its thing."

"You're a drop-dead gorgeous woman and any guy's heart and body are going to start throbbing when they see you. I know when I saw your bare breasts that first time, I could have shot my load with just that visual stimulus. Have you fantasized about someone else when we're having sex?"

"Of course not. You totally occupy my mind as well as my body."

"Good answer. Speaking of bodies, I notice you don't have any tattoos or piercings. I thought all young girls were into that."

"My ears are pierced."

"Yeah, but I'm talking about other piercings."

"I've never been interested in adding luster, art or glitter to my body with piercings and tattoos. I believe you must either take me or leave me the way I was born and I don't need to permanently change my body to make anyone more attracted to me. Can you imagine all the grannies running around in 25 years with wrinkled tattoos? And I don't think pierced nipples are going to look all that great when they're sagging down to your waist."

"That's a disgusting thought. Maybe I should invest in a tattoo removal business."

"Maybe so. A ton of women and probably many men are going to be looking for that. Do you have servers with ornamentation?"

"A few do but we have a rule that only pierced ears can be seen while they're working. If they have pierced lips or tongues or multiple ear piercings, they must remove the bling before work. Any tattoos must be covered. Some of the girls have tattoos on their ankles and they're required to wear long slacks. A person with a tattoo is not a protected class under employment laws so we don't have to put up with it."

We jogged back to the cabin and directly to the shower. It felt great after our run and we enjoyed washing each other under the flood of warm water. Pam and I dressed for the day in jeans. We planned to drive to Chattanooga the following morning but I needed to do some minor maintenance at the cabin before we left.

I called the firewood supplier and he promised to bring a cord over that afternoon. I also called Ron and asked him to email the employees work schedule for next week. He was curious about why I needed it and I explained my plan. He was very pleased and thought the employees would be. He asked about my vacation. I just said it was great, that I think I've a new outlook and I looked forward to seeing him. We agreed to meet Monday morning and lay out my schedule for the employee meetings. I decided not to mention Pam just yet.

She spent the morning cleaning the kitchen and arranging food items in the cabinets. I changed the pilot light nozzle in the water heater, vacuumed the entire cabin and resealed one of the windows that had been letting in cold air.

For lunch, we drove to Susan's Place as promised. When Pam and I walked in, we were met with a chorus of greetings from Susan, Carl, Tony and Jack, one of my dad's other friends.

All except Tony walked over and shook hands with me and hugged Pam.

Susan asked, "Tom, when are you headed home?"

"We're going tomorrow morning. Pam needs to get settled in and I need to get a lot done before Monday." Susan smiled and nodded. I suppose she had guessed Pam would be going with me but this was the first confirmation.

Pam added, "We visited my mom this week and also saw my sister. They are very excited for us."

Carl responded, "All of us are excited for you two. I can't wait to hear your parents' reaction."

"Did you, Gene and Bill make it to Greenville the other day?" I asked.

Carl glanced at Susan who replied, "They're just all talk and no action." I had a feeling that other words were said about that after we left on Sunday but it was between them. Carl pulled a chair out for Pam and seated her while I went to the kitchen to congratulate Tony on the purchase of the diner.

Returning, I heard Pam say, "Susan, I've decided I'm going back to college and finish the degree I started a few years ago."

"Good for you. What do you want to do longer term?"

"I want to be involved somehow with children. Maybe teach or work with challenged kids."

"That's wonderful, Pam. There's a big need for great teachers."

Susan then said to me, "After our talk this week, I sent your mom and dad an email to let them know we'd seen you and that you were doing fine. I didn't mention Pam or anything else we discussed so that'll be your story to tell."

"Thanks Susan. This is going to take a while to explain and we need to do it face to face. I'm not sure when they're arriving back in Miami but I think it's early next week. They do have Internet access on the ship so they'll get your message quickly. I also want to introduce Pam to Lydia's parents as soon as possible."

For lunch, Pam had a chef salad and I had a club sandwich. I stopped by Jack's table and filled him in on my parent's doings and he asked me to give them his best.

We bid farewell to everyone and wished all a happy Thanksgiving that was just a week away.

During the drive back to the cabin, Pam asked if she could take a few of Lydia's clothes with us. I assured her that anything she wanted, she could have. Lydia had always been somewhat of a clothing addict and many of her outfits were stunning. Pam was thrilled.

She again brought up a previous topic. "Tom, I want to find a job as soon as possible and start earning my way. I can't get into the university until next semester or maybe even the fall of next year. What would you think about me working at one of your restaurants? I'm a good server. But I don't want you to give me the job. I want to apply for it like everyone else and interview like anyone would have to do."

"You don't want anyone to know about our relationship?"

"Not until I have a job that I got on my own merits."

"Pam, I don't like the idea of you working at a restaurant. Remember what happened in Charlotte. You and your boyfriend never saw each other. I'll be working mostly days and you'll be working many nights. I don't like that."

She was silent for a moment before replying, "I'm glad you reminded me. If I could find a day job, you would be fine with that?"

"Of course. What about working in a bank? I know you have great interpersonal skills. Can you handle the detail work and the math involved?"

"Sure, I did it as a server."

"I've a friend Jason who manages one of the Bank of America branches. We use them for our business. Let me see if he has any openings. I won't tell him about our relationship so you can go in and apply on your own. I promise not to use my influence."

After a moment, I continued, "Pam, I have the money to support you if you want to do something other than work every day."

"I know, but I want to feel like I'm contributing at least a little."

"That's fine. I understand. On Monday, I'll give Jason a call and see if he's looking for anyone. If not at his branch, maybe he'll know of an opening elsewhere."

"You mentioned that your parents are going to be home soon. Can we have them for dinner? Maybe your dad will be gentle with me and my cooking."

"He's going to love your cooking and I think you'll blow them both away. Let me check their cruise schedule and I'll call them when the ship docks."

"What about meeting Lydia's parents?"

"Maybe we can take them to lunch Sunday. I'll give them a call when we get to the cabin."

Upon arrival, I started the fire again while Pam walked to the bedroom. When she returned, I dialed Rick and Donna, Lydia's parents, and turned on the speaker so Pam could hear.


"Hi Donna, this is Tom."

"Oh, hi Tom. Good to hear from you. How did the week at the cabin go?"

"It was very good. I had plenty of time to reflect on Lydia and my life. I think I've finally been able to let go of her and start looking ahead. She will always be a major part of me but my grief has been holding me hostage too long."

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Blood on the Risers (Author unknown. To the tune of Glory, Glory, Hallelujah.) "He was just a rookie trooper and he surely shook with fright. He checked off his equipment and made sure his pack was tight. He had to sit and listen to those awful engines roar. You ain't gonna jump no more. Chorus: Gory, gory, what a hell of way to die. Gory, gory, what a hell of way to die. Gory, gory, what a hell of way to die. He ain't gonna jump no more." This story reprises some of the characters...

2 years ago
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Susan becomes a whore

The first time was in my parents attic. I fucked her on the floor and saw the blood drip out of her pussy, so I knew she was telling me the truth when she said she was a virgin. She was the most submissive girl I have ever fucked. I can't tell you the number of times I would have her strip stark ass naked and ride that way in our car. I would drive down the interstate, slowing down when I was pulling beside a semi, just so they could get a good look at her pussy and her firm little tits. She...

3 years ago
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The Class Project Chapter 9

The Class Project By Janice Dreamer Chapter 9 "Brad?" Robyn asked, feeling a little thrill course through her heart. She fought to dispel her sleepiness. "Yep, it's me," he replied. "How're you doing, Sweets? I hope I didn't wake you." She shifted in bed slightly, moving the phone to her other ear. "No, you didn't wake me," she lied, "I was just lying here resting my tired feet. Cathy took me shopping and nearly walked me to death." "Are you too tired to come over," he...

2 years ago
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The Nymph That StayedChapter 3

When Ayl'fair ended up under the table in a boneless heap, unconscious, and unresponsive, we were stunned. Jumping up we bent down, crawled under the table, and pulled her out. Harold picked her up and carried her to Mom and Dad's room, which had its own bathroom, laid her on the bed, and retrieved a damp washcloth. Repeated applications of the washcloth finally, brought Ayl'fair out of her funk enough to understand that the thought of something happening to the Sacred Grove, had been too...

1 year ago
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An Itsy Bitsy Vacation

An Itsy Bitsy Vacation By Anon Allsop My stomach was in my throat, I had been building to this very moment for nearly three years. Standing before the mirror in the women's locker room, I trembled like a leaf. Draping a huge beach blanket over my shoulders, it surrounded me like a shroud. I hesitatingly looked toward the door, "It's now or never, Kris." I whispered to myself, regretting the bet I had made with myself so long ago - to lose the weight and complete the transition....

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The Homeless Films

It all started whe I noticed a young homeless couple. I saw them on the side of the road with a sign asking for food. I noticed they were both fairly young and in decent shape but were dirty looking. I thought about how a couple that young shouldn't be on the streets and I wished I could get them a room or something. That sparked an idea. I've always had a voyeurism kink and loved watching people have sex. I wondered if they would be willing to let me watxh them in exhange for a hotel room and...

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Planet Of The Slaves

This story has been inspired from John Norman's Gor novels as well as movies like Planet of the Apes. Planet of the slaves By Sheena Sands Part I My head felt like it had been crushed by Japanese sumo wrestler and when I opened my eyes, the sunlight made my eyes hurt. As I gained consciousness, I realised that I didn't know where I was. I was wearing a torn spacesuit, my feet were bare and I was lying in a lush green forest of some kind. I sat up and concentrated hard, and...

4 years ago
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My very first threesome

This was nearly 30 years ago when me and my wife were in our 20’s and happened out of the blue. Our neighbours daughter was staying with us as she’d argued with her parents and it was just another normal night for the three of us in front of the TV. Up until this point we had not done anything remotely sexual with her, not even talking. Me and the wife were on the sofa and Cherrie was on one of the chairs either side of the sofa. I went to do hot drinks and when I came back in the living room...

2 years ago
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Her true nature

It all started innocently enough. I met Sally about three months ago. Tom invited me over to his place for a party. I wasn't busy, so I said sure. I wasn't expecting anything to happen. I knew most of Tom's friends, and I thought we just hang out, kick back a few beers, and have a good time. On the way to the party, I stopped and picked up a case of Heineken's. I arrived late. I brought the beer into the kitchen, and said hi to Tom. He was putting some party food together so I went back into...

2 years ago
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Tales of Culverin HillChapter 24 Jack Lizzie Megan

Present Day As the silver-gray Lincoln Town Car pulled to the curb, Toby smiled and let his hands off the lawn mower handle. The ‘dead man’ switch kicked off and the mower shut down. He waited for the occupants of the car to climb out before yelling into the house. “Hey! Mom! Uncle Bullethead and the twins just showed up!” Inside the house Andrew laughed and Jessica yelled back a warning “Toby!” A thunder of feet in the foyer announced they were both coming to the front door. Toby’s mother...

2 years ago
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Nisis first time part 2 of 2

Part 1: Nisi sat on top of Brock, having just given him her virginity. She had a pussy full of his cum and she had a fun idea of what to do with it. Having finally had sex, she felt liberated and a bit crazy. When she dreamt of having sex for the first time, she'd pictured it being very emotional because she'd have given herself to someone she loved and who loved her. But that's not how it happened. She barely knew Brock ... not that she cared all that much. In fact, she was surprised how...

3 years ago
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Pandemic “Who is that?” her husband spoke loudly into the phone after hearing at least 10 hard pounding noises in the background disrupt their conversation. “There’s some Army guy at the door.” Jim heard his wife Jessa open the door and start to say something. “What do you mean? No I don’t want to do that!” “Jim he’s telling me the country is on lock down as of now for a least a month, and to expect company as they do not have enough separate dwellings to house everyone. The people that...

2 years ago
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The smoldering rays of sunshine seeped through the beige satin curtains of the bedroom, glistening like pure crystals against the sheets and two nestle-chocolate bodies, one in a deep slumber while the other watched in adoration at the steady beat of his rising chest. The aroma smelt of sweet caramel, fresh strawberries and other islandy fruits, sugary cane and mouth-watering brown cinnamon lingered in their bedroom; it portrayed a sweet scent fragrance shop in every way. The sun rays of...

Love Stories
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Infatuation with cousins

I am Karan, a Ph. D and involved in research and teaching. I come from upper middle class strata from South. My wife, Sahara, in her late thirties is really a beautiful woman with most expressive eyes and had the heart of Gold. She is so meticulous in everything she attempts and I feel that Gods have been really very kind in giving me such a wonderful spouse. She is 5.6 and can’t say he is slim, but highly proportionate. She has wheatish complexion and God has endowed her with ample bottom and...

2 years ago
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As time went by i thought i would spice up my sex life.Helen was always a good fuck but,getting her to have sex with other people was a no no.I bought her a see through blouse and she never knew that, when the light passed through it, you could see her tits and her very proud nipples as she didnt wear a bra.The young guy next door was a mechanic and often got me parts cheap but, one day i needed a part for my jeep and couldnt afford it and, he knew when he saw her in her blouse you could see...

1 year ago
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DeepLush Judy Jolie Giving In

This scene features Judy Jolie and I having sex for the first time with natural chemistry and a lot of kissing. We make out and get each other’s clothes off before I kiss and lick her pussy. The energy picks up and we have rough and passionate sex as I go deeper inside of her. I use a Hitachi on her while fucking and she has multiple orgasms. There’s POV shot while she gives me a sloppy blowjob and rides my cock while facing the camera and with her butt facing the camera. She licks my ass and...

3 years ago
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Sex With College Friend 8211 Part 1

Hi everyone this is a story about me and my friend from college. This is my very 1st story so bear with the usual problems a 1st timer might have. So here’s to introduction – this is Naman from Bhopal 22 yrs aged 5ft 8in height and a dick size of 6.25in I hope that may satisfy many of the girls and women out there. This happened a few months back the girl here is my college mate – Kritika (name changed) she had been my friend for more than a year now let me tell you guys her stats – she is...

3 years ago
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Alice 1st Date

The following few days were frustrating because I couldn't stop thinking about Alice, yet I couldn't speak to her. I didn't know where she lived, her phone was unlisted, and at work there was never an opportunity. Our workplace was casual, everyone wore casual, soft sole shoes except Alice. I could hear the sound of her high heels hitting the tile floor from across the building. She walked slowly with a confident roll of her glorious hips, and I almost always knew where she was by the sound...

1 year ago
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My Life as a Male Sex SlaveChapter 3 The Lonely princess

After Izzie had put me in Janes bed I waited for Zeeta. She was obviously tired, but I suspected that all she wanted was to be loved. When she arrived she called to Izzie and said "Bring me that lovely white silk nightgown that Mamma has bought me for my birthday" Izzie came in very quickly carrying a beautiful white silk nightgown She held the night gown up for me to see. It was long and milky white with spaghetti shoulder straps. White lace decorated the top. The night gown was so silky...

1 year ago
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i took the next door neighbour

I was suiting in my lounge watching my porn rubbing my nipples feeling my silky tits. My cunt is wet, I rub it up and down. A shadow approaches the large lounge room window which also opens up to the porch. It was my neighbour, the father of my young Asian gardener. He was dressed as if he was going out. Ironed trousers and business shirt, he was looking into the window, covering his eyes to block from the light to see in better. I could tell that he then noticed me, he looked down embarrassed...

4 years ago
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Awakening Her Desires III

They both liked fucking in his office. In the middle of the working day. Or in her office for that matter. But it was riskier there. Far riskier. Even though it was tucked away at the end of a long corridor. The walls of Charlotte’s office were far thinner. And its door lacked an internal locking mechanism. That risk added a lot to the thrill of it for both of them. Charlotte liked danger. And David was just not at all averse to having everyone know of his special proprietary interest in...

1 year ago
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The Making of a White Sissy Slut

The Making of a White Sissy SlutWhen he replied to my ad online, Steven said he was an attractive, 30-something, successful white man who was willing to explore the wild side.  When we met in person, I was more than a little bit disappointed.  Attractive was a stretch of the imagination and I told him so right off the bat.  He acted as if I’d said something to offend him and responded by saying, ?Well, no one’s ever told me that I was unattractive.?  When I suggested that was because no one had...

3 years ago
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Allies Birthday Present the Conclusion

Wednesday Evening (your birthday) The day passes achingly slowly. You work retail and your sex-addled brain considers the masturbation potential of every item. You’re very creative and your need makes you fantasize about being spanked, penetrated, clamped, bound, and made to suck on a surprising array of objects. In the quieter moments, you try to imagine what’s in the gold box. You know it’ll be sexy, and can picture a lot of things that you hope and fear are in there, ruling some out due to...

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Terry and Jo, a female friend he met three weeks before, sat in the Hogs Breath Saloon watching the tourists. He was more or less looking for his next pussy and she was making fun of the sluts and dumb cocks as she called the young and not so young drinking and trying to hook up. It was still late mid afternoon so no one was totally smashed as they would be later in the evening but several of them had a good load on. Jo snickered and said, “Wonder how many of these sluts get the shit fucked...

2 years ago
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Best Birthday Ever

Two months after high school graduation, I had my 18th birthday. Several of my friends, including some college students treated me to a night out of beer and burgers. Someone brought some porn tapes. We had started early, so by 9:00 PM, everyone was in a good mood. We had watched porn films consumed a lot of beer, and at least three full fifths of Hot Damn cinnamon schnapps. One of the college guys said he had a friend who was a part-time bouncer at one of the strip clubs across the river. If...

4 years ago
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Shes PregnantChapter 13

At that point, things were suddenly business as usual. We went home and I settled in to watch Monday Night Football and bounce little girls on my lap and my three available staff members hit the street going out to football parties. Carmen confined herself to watching the children. Manny called and wanted to come over, so I ordered submarine sandwiches for dinner for everybody and he picked them up. At some point or another, while Carmen was out of the room, he asked about her. "You're a...

1 year ago
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The night that was

The night that was View of the crumbling of a marriage. The pavement was wet and cold from the light mid-west October rain. Vibrant colors reflected up from the street as if it were a liquid mirror. He was on his hands and knees crawling around at my feet, splashing around in his own blood. I swore I could hear him crying as I quickly looked around to see if there were any witnesses to my crime, but I saw no one. I jumped in my car and took off for home a few minutes...

2 years ago
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For the Love of a Child Ch 02

Natalie walked out to the car. More like she waddled, but she was moving quickly. She was nine months pregnant and was attempting to make her way to the hospital to give birth. She had had an uneventful pregnancy, which was nice considering how eventful the time leading up to her pregnancy had been. Natalie and her husband Alex had been trying for three years and had finally conceived either right before or right after Natalie had gone away for two weeks. Natalie hated this. She hated to be...

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Diamond RoseChapter 23 Jason

Di shook against him as she cried. Helpless to do anything else, he held her close while she spent her pain against his chest. Her father wasn't the man Jason had assumed at first glance. Gerald had made mistakes and was paying for them, but one comment he'd made stuck in Jason's head. His father was supposed to have taken care of Di. While they continued to discuss the past, Jason wondered if Tammy had managed to do more than abuse foster kids and defraud social services. What if...

3 years ago
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Maa ko choda

Hi… This is Fazal Malik once again. As i have discussed in my previous story that how i managed to fuck my mom while she was under intoxicated tablets and sleep.once again i am narrating you a true story about my mom. I am Fazal Malik 20 years old. I have a smart body with good looks. Girls like me as they think i am cute. My mom she is 44 years old now. She has gotten 36dd-32-40 figure, anyone can go mad for her and would want to fuck her atleast a crore times. She has whitish red color. And...


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